V 1 Lil. o o o M o c j c o G o o o o '... 13 I g-t.u,s'',ss' THE EMTE1PI1SE. I OREGON CUV," OREGON, )1AY 9, 17J. I)KTnnTiVE Finr.. At aVut 1 ::v last Friday evening the alarm of lire was sounded through our quiet city, and liefore the ieoi le""vvere fairly on the streets, the steamer Shoo-Kly was cnvelopi'il in in one Maze of tire. The 1 epartuieitt was promptly on the jrrountl, out l.-efore they reacht-ti the wvnc of action, the llaiiics had spread to the st"anir Alice, and that heautiful Imat was also a flame ot lire. Jth 1 - vi t -!.. K- i ill ! lie 1 i:i;ii on t !.i bi:n 1 i .... - --- - -- -- - f if M iiu street, and within twe nt v feet fthelarure lhn.ii ir.:; mills of Messrs. RarocUe it Co. Hut thl"U-:'. the ex Ttioii.sTf our liremen and on; t-iiixciis. the flam- were eounni d to tin two j Imkus. and so t tleetix civ did our tire-lu-Mi work, that they saved both of the hulls of the boats,' the lire tloiicr but little damage to the hull of the Shot -Fly, an t noti to th.e Alice. Tne mill was not even seorched, which was at on.-time thought to be utterly impos sible tose.ve from tlicilevotuiiiu Haines. The lire freqiieiil 1 V caught the blteU jsmitli shops and 'other old build m-.'s hne bv, but was put out prom;tly. Tiie report was freely cireiil lictl that thii lire w is the work'd' an ineendi uy, and persons now claim that they have :t clue to the perpetrators of the (Ma le, lieal act. Hut from what information we can obtain, and t he early hour ot lh lire, we believe it was accidental mi l not the work of inceii.liarisni. Tne boats were lyinic wliere any pcr- .s -diilil i-usilv jr mi board, and we 1,-arn th it the r-iom where the tire was trit discovered coll tai noi I lie.:illii-i ana that iM-rsoin were i in the habit ol sleeii- lie. oil toiiu. lien '.i:h. . .i i i . i -. per Si ill ail. L oiiicrs jiasseu n ii'-ie me Siioo-i lv w.'.s ivi:ij;ai ii" nit o . 'in ., their lj lines at t ,'aneinali, tie y re marked lit there wis something biuniur. but coul 1 see no liht. At a ii.iiL o'elock M r. S. 1j. Sievens pass- ed bv the s i:ue i 1 ice. and he says he siw'aliiit ii the Shoo-Fly. II" had ii.it ir it to I'lii -m il!. when he observed bv aivlleci i"ii on the rocks ont.'ieblud" ;i li dit. and turmti'-r round, saw tne I. i it on i in; tin- 1 laze ornm ' out Toe ? p. r iarl v w'l'-re he bad n.tie 'd the liirht ireneral opinion here is that son isou had done on board in the. i ' rt of tlie evening ;..nd cither thrown . t - .. .1 down a mao ii or siar. wnu-u 140:011 Avilh s.im 01 tiie t,a.-;!i on boaro, an ! tait the lire, had i ieen sml.!ei itt-t ir a 1 bl . ii time liet-ire it broke o'.lt :i ;i z.e? Wh n it did 1'i eak oui . it was 1; w .rii. as :c was pi-a m i:ic rear oi two l.ir;v 'i! tanks, one ot which V is e.i.tl o;i and the other lai d. The f.inii-r tn:; t,- i shortly after the al".rm w.is iveii. w!i;.-:i threw its ei-i-.t- nts ail uvr l.i.' boat, an t ai led mat, ri illy t i th j'l' .-.'ress of tii' II uu -s. In our tioi.iioii til lire was the work of eare- s. and not intention. ,1. 1 tiie aoi Id never have !eeii 1 dd up the" were without a w.ilehm ;u rits a.ac oil board o.j.t!iel!l. T ie story ot llie.-n- ii uiiu is a-.: credited and unless we have Ix-iter evidi nee than we are now ia ooss.vs -i. e.i of. Wv eanimt bdi. Ve I t i.e. ham iii nature has l'. t so low down i .:..!:. l ...... I a-t resori lo suc.l o i.ioow.-ai n. ois fir rev ii 1 -si r iv iu4 " i:ii i...uy, d.iM4 l ie, s, 1 :' ho a" V'T ri -i d hi'i: . T.ie lire was net only t!l- property of the boat but was to it-'ii ;!ly oiie-r valuable property. , ai soiik persons i!iv's:.'- that there are a r.v grounds f . th - Nuspiei..ii they are aiming to ere it ', w ' :i i;ie that tin matter will be lh,iro i.-!dy investigated. Where th re ii ao .irelil c.irdessness, (we do not eiiar'ie it in this case in partie.il.tr) t a -re are ai .. ays tliose who are ready to charge i!ie"wrk on ineendiai ism., :. as Hie .ase of the Factory which h i sin '.v' en satisfactorily establish. i ta tt it was lire accident. The lircmeii deserve the credit of our people for t i en Try .ii 1 skill tli y displ..yetl in e-.'i!i.::i; :itin t!ie :! am -s. an i we have hi I another e i ii. n -e ol" their ihci- Ci-.ll 1 -s V:, in -rU' : I iss v:'il pi". .Ii.tl.ly be l.ot e - . 1. 1 1 '.A s ; f.i.l, iA Of base 1 I..1 ii. tw- of Port I i:i 1. an 1 1 1:.-- V mate!i evime u tiie IV.eilie Clu'i. the Ra-il -i s of : - (;ly. t.e" J tiler C'llsWI s. .I'.mics M . Warren, v'. II I'a.-i. I..re ' irk. lii'nr' i ; o! . ' ::- 5i s r- ii. . il join 1 "i i tyer, nr.:1 orlm an. and A. F-l-iu this eiiy, last S iii:r e eomill ll -i-il ::' 1! " irllef. .b.f.ll lows, took ill (' .1 iv. 'I'.i ' :i;ii o'clock alii last ed Th Re.sll.i-s had tie S-1, i vVcd t ! 1' " "I.'l pet ! 11 i eiV ta!; before m'il about l:l'i first imiiiiT. an ...i s tl. -it tiiey iia. teet-i j 4 tii -v , i . sired to c m oil' j. -tori. i t air ! inn in..; I '.e K.i ; I t to an I maim.- ncl it un'.ii li., :ii a x i.i-' tr i ie by foil r runs. Kt iod, K :'-i -r.s :; : I'.u-i.ics, 1 u lb ; .k the l-.-ad, b se. u in- The "zauii.. :!. Three Iiimi ly ejie -i s were iiiVcii lor IX 'U il V boVS i.-.v ti.e- crowd I tors .i'o h. I a 1:1 1 l.-d to w t:4!ii-'. T.ie l.i-st of feelii!.'" the Ore f specta : ness t he ii oacter- l.ed til" wh d LC-Uil". At th t.'i-. e.iuie. l ie Lee;, .n ( 'it y t l ie ir ixa -sis to a dinner ! J b hi. si . of w ! i ich t iay pa 1 1 o.'! afirtaeir : -icise, " wiieii tin 1 .-r '.. 1-. cii.- Iif-iii- i-s-oll(d b ise of -"-. i ; i v i - :.e Clef heart il v I'acmcs to tiieir W !' .;i bv Hi'.- Rashers ami sent , ,u" . H::-... t h.-ii-tv eiieers which was l -'o'i ii -.i bv th -' th- i'aeihics. ),,,! 1. I; ; .::!-.- .,.-.,::. ,,f ihei- icl..rv I h.i'.ia-C l"'-e;i e- en . iel i 'd t o e;- j n t o t ! ic tr.i ; 1 1 .. im.hr m.oiy iliadvautai;-es. A number of its members had woi ked , i ai rev ions lu zlil at the lire Uld y h id to i;K,' in a l.ieir best el i.-rs .-W uu iu! r. one bi i:ig nnal ! to iuf Ill . i . : - put m "oiiseipieiice of tiie tire. te. -S-' e':rcu:il-:t:l'.lccs oilr boVS ii 1- r i 1 on: litil. 1 ; e of being sueer.'ssfid. had good reasons their success. The pl-tved in Ior!l.sn i a. n I t here fi ivi , I he-. V feel proud of 11 'XI game !s to be :i S curd. iV week, when We b. ive U-) d ui 1 it o;ir boys will sustain tliems -1 ,-s an t give their competitors another t.irn. Tiie It'istl-rs liimicr am -eg j:s ui in the il !', ""le.ti . :u-.' of tie; :v i vei 'i i:;i. 'f.e following are the olViDej-s (i-a-e.l tor t!;e ensuing quarter beginning May 1st, at the l.Lst iie-eting of Will iniette Iodge. No. l-i, I . o. i ; . T., wile wiil bo installed next Situr.h'V evening: .1. W. I'laekwcll W. C. p. : Mrs. C. M. Kcster, W. V.T. R. I.. Kisthaei. Nee.; 'i'. J . S ooner, H. J . S. : 11 x. J. 1. l.oeev. 'W. T. ; Mr. Watson. W. M.: Fred l'lnrst. W. o. ;.; .Miss I-:;- i l-hidy. W. I.J.: lh-v. .1. 1. I, erv. W . C. ; Itoduev Tliomp ki::s, P. W. C. T. Fi i.r.iNM t i. --We are infornied that within the past two weeks six cb.ims Jiie been taken up in the Ragle Creek porti n of this county, an 1 that two or three more families are -xected t!iis M-i'rk. They are heartily welcome by Jh.-ir neighbors, and will soon find t homsol v s h-i .'eetly at horn . T.iore s j.l -uty more room for industrious p-coole in I he sime locality. I1:.WY I'lti'.i'iii r. The Governor 4'r.vr passed down last Wcdnesday w ;t'i 7') t'-tf tif freight and 1 passcn o is on lo;;rd. Tiie people will patrii sV.e her-in spite of the temporary offers in ide bv t he monopolist w ho is doing his best to brc .k down competition in freight and rjvd. Ret the people sus t.iin eompetitiori at a living rale. I'l'l'.i'HAsKJ -A. C. Riiley has pur- i t ii,iCM in-.- ;ienv ttuet-ttv o hisup tiie iiuteher shop from the heirs of 1. Hubert, deceased. We hope lie will fftr down the old shanties which are ri the corner and a disgrace town, and soou erect a good ii'H.n it. lo the house Thank. AVo tender osir thanks to Pie members of the Rasv Rdl Club for an invitation tc their dinner list S it- riven hrrf Wen vnt- l.vni!!gU we tVila.tft-VSnW: i A C VT.T.. V. w . . . ei n .... ui . . i o . . vo .1 1,11 t 1 IS L JS:l Illlll IV 1 - .'iii .vir. too. - Rid. ronresonMiiT the i hivi.,. i.., o imi w t. . i n.i-.n. ss n.e,, ol II. .. Crocker A Co.. j Cl - ,11 1 r:,n: 4 '-" i -.-, ' . -.-5l- H A1'oli.Ji:iidkii.-Oii last Tuesday the news reached town that , . J. 1). llohins, a bachelor rvsiihiis ; inormn Mr alone on the Tualatin, about four miles t from this eitv. had been imiruci eu. The brother, Mr. N. N. Robins resides about two m.les beyond the house ot the Jinirdi red man, and on last S.itur dav he passed the house, l ilt n 't see ing anv one about, left his mail matter and went on heme. Mr. Saaw, who resides elose bv, had not m ui M r. Robins since Fridav i veinujr, Mondav, he e.neludel that all was not 1 i r 1 1 1 , so lie went to the house wit.i i his boy and findimr the door linked. raised the bov u; to a win-b-w to see if he was "i;ife. 1 le c .uld not see :uiy ,;.., : , t i .-.l !.. tl.es were iil:l .... l.,...-.-l. v. n 1 1 i-l i. 1 v was li!Xcr Lll I'lU I l - - - " " " . 1 1 i I N"ll II ....... , t s. 1.1 mul In- saw i ;neis and tir.iiKS This created Robins was s -att(-rel aiioui me iiimh. (I... fl.-if Mr. dead and covered mi ue.'ie: me oio IIHT ...... .... elothes. Mr. .Shaw inme tiiately sliu t!ie I boy alter Mr. R d ins. ami wn n ne ! came thev t tf.-eted an eutraiK-e tiwouuh i one of the windows, which happenert ; ii, .t to if fastened down. When they I trot in they soon discovered that a totd 1 numb r had been committed. Hie : leeeased w.-'.s laving in the bed with a ' ball throuti-h his' f,.ieh.-ad. vhi--h had entered between the eves and lodired in the hack part of the 'head. 1 !i rille had been discharged and the bail e ; traefed from his head shows that it w:;s tlie same size as the oie-s used in his own irun. There is im due as to Hie jierpetrators of this terrible deed. Mr. R ibiiis was :i m ui tmivi:rsally t'sleem- -d bv all who knew him. and there is : no doubt but ho w-as murdered by some oik? who c.v pected to .-t mont y, wlddi we learn they prol ai ly p.t but very little of. if any. On Friday venini; as Mr. Shaw was ;r'in.u: to his home he met two men vri.iii in the direction of Mr. Rollins on foot, and a short dis tance this side he met another on horse ; back. The party on horseback was roinir in the- same direction of the foot men and kept the road, but never saw tiiem, and it is supposed they must have iroiie to the house of Mr. Rol ins and stayed there, lie was probably' murdered while asleep with his own frun, and the murdererstht n ransacked the premises for money m- other val uables, very little of whi.-h they -ould have obtained, as we are intoriued that Mr. Robins hardlv ever kept any ni 'iiey ly him. They then covered him up and l.-eked up th.e louse, and taking the keys of both doors with them. These two men have not been heard of in anv direction since they were s.'i n by M". Shaw, and there is si roecx s;ic si.-it .11 tint they jwrju-t rated tin teriiile deed. All iii'iuest was In lil on the bodv bv.lustice Hailev and a verdict n ud-.-n t that t h" deceased came to bis death by a irunshot wound from s. -me unknown hand. Mr. Rob ins was abo'it .V, vears of aj:c hiirVdv c!i d and l::is en- 1 rot: rr residing i within two mil. s of his late r s'.iuewiiere in resi.i'mee the State. a nd a;e.th I lis rrl itiv-'s live in 1 e.-at r.re county, Indiana. We hone that the jier:et ra tors of the !e- le deed lilri V b covered and brought to iu-tiee. S:i. the (' :.: r.i-: D in: -At i. lll't tin.ir of 'oiineil 1 i.-t Monday ev.-uiiiy:. tiirt t' were openetl for making a yro.id ds and substantial road on tl blutf from Niut'i stni t near the residen of t'apt. I At dl -r to tin' top ot the mud, on -v-i em i st n et. Tiie lowest Lid wa s s!.'J.) l. I This 1 id provides for a breas. wall and a twenty foot road way, er.veie.l or . m-ieada'mi.".l. and to be made in a eood and substantial m i iner. Tiie i survey as made shows that the jrrade j of t he" road would be one f, ot to ten, j which is very easy, and a loaded team j could Lm up or down with a ton weight j on the w.itidil without any trout le. ! besides the road could be traveled ! duvitie; the winter. The pret nt road is impassible many limes durin the j winter. Tiie read nieiiev which t oul-I I be c. -llceted in coin, would neatly pay j i he price of tiie proposed contract, and ! the balance could nx I : i I out of Hie i general faml. It is a u important inat- tor to have a j;. .tl loj.-i'! ba.iii. X to this j town oll'tiie blaii'. and se hope this i o!i'.-r will be rea-iily accepted by the I in coin: i j, 'oiuicil. The present t" ' eu, jcildi l not fi el justified in awarding , t.ie loutract ami li-;ic its sii'-rcssnr tn i the !:!!. I m we biUce uie- were uu i!ii:iiuusly in lavor o; aeee Imirtiie -ii'. r. The i alanee of the roa labor or hi livv, should 1' ii oted lo vtoiKon ro.su i o: 1 1 e-i i i,i ly udjoilii lie the It wn, and 1- t lh" sireit i .ii pro v i:e t d s be ; ion' by the properly owners. We n. -. d badly t;oo-i road.-, as we have not j .-!! -e,ooi; road b a. line; into b-wn from anv 1 1 irec' i. i ui lie writ -r. i ee i oun cil of 1-71-7 had ah ead . e. i it rat ted for lit" eultrt at the lower end of town, which took onc-ihir-1 f tiie street money c 1 beet ed, and :ea r!y t w- i-t birds of all tiie money pail in. which made it i:uio.ssii le for them to make the road. I.ut it is within the reach of the present new ('oim. il to make the road tiiis summer, and we hope the contract will be L-t without tl- lav. City Ri.i-u-mov. The dee! in in this city passed oli very ipil. lly Let .Mon day, and the R-.'pni liean ticket was su ei ssftil. Tiieve was no noliticil b-st ! at i sue, t lie I ei:i 1 ' -eir t lck t lliei! ai.s i:a mg I -in on of b -th pal ties. The I w.is i -. garded in tb.e f iin R.idroad. water Ke,. ti -Mean li"!. si.t- i.il lliteiasi I l''.t t or v (' - m pa nies hic,'i f in- n e n under their coiciol re--n,il- supported, an 1 i Iceted The following is the tickt-j a ( leeted : Mavair, 1. O. .McCown: Heeoid'T, W. I'. Ihirns; Coiini.-il-men, A. J. AppTsmi (no opposition) I. 1. Miller, 'm. iSromrhton. Hi ram Cochran, .). M. FYazer. It. Jacob, (1 'resident of the Factory) i J. . I'.oiinett: Assessor and Col- j lector, W. .1. Cddwi 11 : Treasurer. C. O. I Willimis; City Marshal. John I Kelly: City Atlorn.y. L. T. Iiu in. (no i op;., si; ion) . Mr. McCown is a gentle- j man in whom we belief tne 'people I will find a good officer, and the Conn- I ed is coin posed of some of our best eh- I i.oiis, sonic of whom have been tried, and we do not fear that the power Wiiieh elected them last Monday wiil ! oe ai le to use them for anv purposes j that will not be just and for the inter- j est of the people. We know that an ! effort will lie made in several directions i tor rights an! privileges for the bene !it of certain individuals, but we have faith that the Council will rc-eet everv mi' tmr pcr tow II. move gainst the interest of Ai.jot iiNKP. The dd Council met last Monday evening after the election, and closed up its business for their term. The people ot" Oregon Citv have never had a more faithful and tcoriom-i-ai Council and thev are w oi th v of the gratitude of the citizens of our citv. Titey have discharged their duties well, and left a record behind them which w ill be .r-.od enough for their successors to follow. Th.e Oregonian says: J. H. T.ambcrt, of M lwaukie, and. H. Hans n, of K ist Portland, two Id Oregonians einiiii 'r ! here ni or V.'i. w nt on th last steamer, Mr. Rambert to sec Ids friends nnd tlo Niiigara. New York. Ac. lie is accompanied bv his wife" alio took :. loner a b iit'dri-n .-.o.i.u. let i ? :,, "... , " i in- n;iis;:i-;i! on Irc'en. as ( n ill speak of O: go ii ! !-.astl.,ne well bv hni. Mr. Han son goes to 1H r.maiw t n a visit to his n lations. r"Pt:i..M'.. While the Democratic ticket was defeated last Monday, we have the eor.s. 1 ui-n ofh-ving elected Hon. R. T. P.arin Citv Attorney bv th. exertions of Ids hi-mv l).-"i v-iti.. friends. II? is p-vpular'. as the vote last Monday shows. C:iani;i:hTimi:. The steamer Dayton leaves here for the Yamhill en Tuesdays and Thursdays, making only two trips ner week. The Cooke leaves for Port s,; rts two days at P, a. m. land on M.mdays. Jiiesdavs. Tl R?v. Martin Judy, -who has recently . - i. i. . . , ... .-. .-t-.. i i ' i -1 . i -i.i- - .I . . . i . y " ......... enc from some pur.t in tne i.tst, nns ,. assi-ned to the Clear Crec k and Orcroi: City circuit. Viz v x- j-w CineuiT CotrnT. The following arc! the eases disposed of before the Circuit j totirt, Jinlre Lpton riresidinj: first. .National Rank of Portland, j lamtifi, vs. K. Ross -t al, defendants ; judjrt meiit tor plaintiff for "fid. A ncl Matoon plainiiff, vs Jo-l Dick soii. ueh ndant; judjiiiK-nt lor laintiif. Ja.s. Sirowbi idjre, adiuiiiisti ator of the estate ot .Joini Torn nee, vs t'co Abcrnethy and II. Clark; executor's sides con tinned. J. M. Rck her vs J. C. Forbes nnd 11. Tanner; demurer overruled, and time eiven to plead further. Ja.s. Taylor vs Mrs. Jesse V. Rocn ; continued. J. C. Whijrtidd vs (ico. W. Wimrfidd ct al : 1. T. Jktriu appointed ruaniian ad htum. R. Mason vs. T. I,. Hallet: sclllcd. vieo. . Moriran ct al vs Parson (ileasoii. aiiiiiinistrator : Case dismiss ed. State of O.e;;;on vs John W. (Jrillin; jud-ment auaiiist ilea ndant : bail for ft itcd, Slate of Oregon vs Indian Jim; in dict ed by irrand jury. - State of Oreiroh vs. Indian Jim: in dated lor an assault w ith intent to kill ; plead ;rml:y loan assault and lined bv the Court in the .sum of sevi nt v -ti ve dollars; Uuelat and Johnson for" deft. Mary Phillips plaintiM" vs. Lafavette Phillips dctendant; divorce rrahted : w arren tor lanitiH. ). C. R. R. Co.. plaintiil vs. Clack amas county defendant: case dismiss- ! ed and jlairu'll" taxed w ith c sts ; Johnson S: McCown and Jluelat for! th'ft ndant. . 1. Cliurch A J. D. Miller, plain tills vs. ('. W. Carver, defendant; Ver dict for plaintiffs, R. 1-'. Caufu Id. plainti'd", vs. Holmes. IJeiislev iV" Holmes defendant; judjr meiit cnteri-d for laiut ill'. Sarah Ann Saunders, plaintiil vs. Charles Ihury Saunders, defendant; divorce jrranted ; Uncial or Warren for plainl iif. John and Henry Nachard, plaint ill's vs. ( 'lack.-: mas County, deft ndant ; ver dict for jilaiutiil's for'sixty dollars and cost ; Warren and l'.urmester for p-laiu-tilfs. '. 11. Moriran. plaintiil' vs. Parson Cleascii. administrator of the estate of Mary Hanson, deceased lury trial, venii -t for i l.iintilVs f r th" sum of two hmiiired and fifty dollars and costs of suit : 1 1 uclant A Warren for 1 laintiif; Johsoii A' MeCov.n for de , feiidant. I T. W. Foster. t-laintilV. vs. J. M. Tra- 1 cv and Joliii ,f, Ca! b!n. del. I'd. Hits ; jury trial verdict for laint iff for one 'hundred dollars and costs: Huelat iv Warren for piaintilf: J.dinsoii tV. Mj-- ; Cown for defendants. Joseph Taylor, plaintiff vs. laizabcth '. l'.ooue. dt fe'inlaiit : juiy trial; verdict for itcfeiidanl. and costs taxed to plain- ' tiff. A. '. lii'obs for plaintitf; Jhr.son A M-Cu'.vii for defendant. ; J. M. Moore vs, I'laekamas county; juilenu itt f.r defendant, and costs as- - sessed to plain! iff. i Tne Court ad journed Wednesday u:; ' til to-morrow at l o'clock. ! Ran) Orrn i: Rcsinkss. The follow- iii'r, for w hich we are not indebted to an v of the officials in the Rand Odiee in this city, is the 1 u iness transacted durin.e; t!i' niontii of Aj-ril: 41 dona tion cerliiicates for 1 1 . "J 4 1 i acres; 14 homestead entries for A'- acres; 7 final homesteads lor l.fMiO s.crcs ; 7 pre emption lilinjrs for 7"J;. total, 11,IS acres. Pi-.r.soNAi.. We had a call last Wednesday nioriiine; freni Mr..IIii;;h Small, correspondent of th(- Commer cial Reporter, and one of the best de scriptive writers that has ever traveled th'-ou-jh Oregon. Mr. Small was on his way to C os Eay, f l a m whince we shall s( on licit of him. Tm-.MCKis. We learn thai it is th.e intention ofMon.J. D. J'.des. Secretary of the Steamboat Company, lo present each of our lire companies with a trum- t. as a token lor their valnal le ser- i vie.-s last Friday ev iting. The boys ('il the.t thev did I ill t heir i id y . ai id t' icy are ie:ei- to do the same tiling should it be needed. A J'.u.i.. T.ie members of the i . ase I'all Club propose ts give a social le ball at Myers 1 laM tins (Friday) evening, to which everybody is invited. The boys propose to make cv ry one w ho attends forget ail their trou' h-s and ft el happy. Let .here be a good at U iidaiice." From the ru'lctin we learn that the Improved Order of lied Men w ill hold their picnic at the Willamette Ralls. near Oregon City, ne.t Mrnday. A bj.nd of music v lil accompany the ex cursionists to furnish mu.-ie for the dancing. The l.'h'.i. s and genth men interested in Mount 1'lear-ant Sunday School ten der t!it ir most sii.ci re thanks to those who so generously co nt ribf.t d to their Id! rary Fund. " Jamis Iviiun. Superintendent. Sick. The many fi it aids if Ir. 1 Jar day will regret to learn that he has l-ci-ii r'( iili'inl to his bed for the past j three davs with a severe spell of sick- ness lie was a little. U Iter at last ae- counts. To in-: Rkui ii.t. The steamer Alice, l we learn, is to be rebuilt without delay, i She was the finest boat the Company had on the upper i ivcr. j A suital le teacher can get a selua 1 at i 1 ist ri-t No. ;V, bv applving to IT. C. j Sawtdl. ' Cataract Hose Tuesday cvenin;. Co. No. meets next V uuitain Hose Co. No. 1. meets next WllilllS.illV evening. Ice-Cie.-mi liwl.'iy. A good dish of Tc cr 'am ami a cold drink ol Artie Soda 'a t -rcan b- had al the Ice-cream Saloon to day and h'Tealler. I.. SAAb. t."--.-eTT'. -I I' H. 11. 'trf- f T. !. .T"Lf.f - -Jut JT.je; - .ii.iiiirdcn. At tiie St. Charles Hold, Portland, M ay 1st, Is?:;, by the Rev. 1 r. Rindsley, Mr. Roward .1. Moed and M iss Fannie W. lh his, both of Oregon City. At the residence of A. .1. Chant ers !: p, Thurston eountv, W. T., Mav l' lsT.l. bv Rev. C. II. Atkinson. Mr. Jacob Husaker. late of ( iV";oii City, to Miss Klizabeth Chambers, of Thurston count v. Jllettit al lil u ride i . j From the period when surgeons applied ! their salves to weapons instead of wounds ! loth'.: pr -s eit wi-.c- iwake ag", the nc-dieal ' prc.fession has otteii unwittingly taken j sale with l'is-as' in its conflicts wit h t he niiiii.ui .i. iii. i-.m ii j. ,, ui iiii' in in.. j teachings oi centuries oi cxpirinc", sotne j idiysicians heiifV" in tl.-pl-'t mg their pr i i i- iit.-, air -ady s rioc.!y cxiuoistcU py : ;,-iv-i n -s-, with p.ni-r-iil evacuaius, ci.utics, j s iiivants, cauthari-J i! plasters, or the JIM c -t. but, providentially, puc-lic iiitclli g iic is ahea-1 of lh -s-- medical ltssils, wi'.o beion. if right, to tli" era ol the i Crusatl-s! Til it r.vr:iil allj- of nature i;i ; its warh'.re with the cans-s of sickness, I il-ist tt r's S'uniiK'ii Hitters, has njeiinj ! t ii" eyes oi t ie" mass's to th paramount ! importance of Increasing the vita! str- ngl li i of lh" body Hii n ne nac 'il by ths.-as -. ' 1 h'-y understand that wli-'n tie' aliiMs ! picric comiitioiis are ad vers' to heal; h, it 1 is wise to r dntorce liie syst'-ni wMt h a ! whol -s one tonic and stiimtlant, and thus ' eua t.e' it to comf-at and r-'twl the tb-prKs. ! in: inlhiee.ee of an inclement t'-mpera-jtare. If lh" constitutional and animal i powers wer.' always tiius recruit --.d in the I presence of dang.-r, tie? mortality lrom consumption, I roiichitis,, chronic rheu ! matism, Ac, would le much l"ss than it I now is. 1'he causes which pr.-vliic croups, j colds, quinsey, d;pth-Tia, and catarrh sf-1-' domall-ct a strong and active vital sys : tm : and of all vitalizing preparations, i Il-vstett r's iatt rs has proved the most Ilici'T.t. It is not claimed that this stand ; nrd tonic is n speciric for lung and throat ; maladies, as it is lor dyspepsia, liver com- plaint and ir.t -rmittcnts, but it is unhes itatingly ass Tied that it is thr b"t known ; safeguard against all the at riiosnherie cle- i irp nts ot c as?. nOTTRTESY 32 Chapped hands arc? very common with 'i! aZV n-t nibbed oyer the bands two or three times a dav.will keep t ln-m solt ami u-hitc. Kishcrmeii, sailors, and others wilt do well to remember this. 4A AVoncSer off Mi'tiical Scipnee may Well be applied to 1 T. WlSTAR'S H.VI.SAM OF VlI.n CllKlutY, It is nearly halt a century since this rcinarkable remedy was inlro dueed to til' public, iwidyct I he imniediat" and enviable reputation which it yarned bv its woiid-.-rltil cures of cot; 'lis. colds whoopiiiji-eoujih, sore throat, inilu.-nza. coli.siuilpi 1011, iii.u .111 uivin -iiiai eoiiipiaims is lo this day UiUy sustained. REASONS WHY THF PAIfl-K MA.NF'J) 3!Y PERRY DAVIS &, SON IS TIIE Best Family 3hi!ifiii; of lh Aire ! Antl :rhij il shouhlbv f.'J't afway near tit lutnrl; 1st. Ialn-KiIIr is the ino.st, c rtain Cholera cur that medical science has produced, 2nd. Pain-K iller, as a Iliarrluea and ivsciit.cry n-ineily, s.d.toai if ever fit i Is. 3rd. Pain-Killer will cur1 Cramps or Pains in any part ol 'the system. A sin" J dos .' usually elC-cts" a car:'. 4th. Z'aia-Kilicr will cur l)ys;p.sia and Iiidi;; "stioa, n" us :d accurdiii.j to dir.-ctions. raii-Kiilr is an almost iifvr failin.c- cur lor iSuUd-ai ("olds, 'ouirhs, Ac. l'ai.-!i illi-Y has proved a Sover eign li' ini'iiy lor lo'vcr and Aii", and Chill Kevcr; it has cnrctl the most oi-sU:i:it' cas.'S. I;c i u-K i U-r ns a liniment is un ciiualcd lor I-'rst bites, CI. ilblains, bunis, r.rui.ses, Cuts, Sprains, ic. Pain-Zviller has cured ca.S"S of 5th. f.th. Tth. Sth. Khcu mat ism and Neuralgia alter years' standing. Sltlr. Pe.iu-K illcr will destroy I'.oils, Fel ons, Whitlows ( lid Sores, jiiviaf; rc-li-'i from l'ain a:t.-r the lirst ajpii cation. l'lth. I'm in-!C liter cures Headache, and Tool hach". 11th. Pain-Killer will save you days of and many a l'ollar in time'and lioetor's bills. VZlh. I'aiij-Ivlller is a purely Vegetable j.rj. ir.it ion, sal'-' to keep and lo us-' ui .wry lamdy. The simplicity atteiuiin its us , lii.'-tli-T with tic .r. at vari -ty of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by ii, and the -at. a mount ol pain a ml suit-riai that can be atl-viate-u llir,ii.j;h its us-', make it iin p--r.it ivc upon every p--r-s-m to supply t h-'in.s d vs Willi this vahia ll . r-'iueiiy, and to keep it always near at hand. The r::i:i-H iller is now known and apj.r.'ciatcd in every quarter of the dob", i'hysicians r -coin mend it inth -ir jir-ictice, while all class, s ot society have louud in it r. liel aad cemiort. (jive il a trial. r.e sar-' an I buy th" fr'nuhc. F.v cry I 'riie;.ui.st, and nearly every Country iroc r t h roil-About the laud k.-cp it for sale. May J.-ml TO DA Y SOTin- TO TAX-PAYERS ! IA. IEItMONS OW.:.(i I.AM) IX J V. Clackamas county, rsiate of Oregon, upon which t h" taxes hae ik Iven paid lor the year 1ST.', are h.-reby not ili.-tl l hat the l-iaiis will lie advertised on the 'J.'5d day of Ma v,ls;:;,ii:d ess the taxes sir" paid beiore said day, A. K, HElMJfcS, ,S)u iilY "( V hirnii nlf t'nitiitif, ( iriijun. 1'y C. I-rilEATlE, Ifrjmt,. - " ! m a y x w Coaiily Tr.'ii.siir.r's okc. Tnr.Asvny.n's ofkick. Clack amas Co. j OiCKUON i 'i rv, May Mh, is,:j. j "TTI(.'E IS IIEKEl'.V (ilVEX THAT JJ there are funds now on handtopay coiinty warrat ts endorsed tor int -res, j.rior Kept-iul r '.fit h, 1STJ. li.lcrcst will e -as-' from this tiate. X. J. McCAKVi'K, 'ireasurer CrJinanco No. Ml. An a e.eiHhuei.t l iri'.iiiancc No. ."1. lfe p ril on. -d arid esraolish.-d Uy t he City C-.unci 1 ol i r -oii Cty, that ordiua nee No. .d, pa ,s tl !-.- ( ' .uneil '.) idy let h, fsiki, he si ml tie-same is herd y aim i.di-d by striking out all n.ti'i' the words ma r- s i n s-'cmid line to the w rd wit !iin, in t.i:rd lui , print tl or 1'iibli .1. d copy. Pass--U i le- Council April T, 1T7-. A. .'vOi.'I.NKi;, Mayer. Attest : A. ('. --ii.i;v, li-corder. TO CGiiTfiACTOaS. K'odce is Imti-Ijj- eiv,.j, t lot t t lie : ti ll -r-igie-d, appoiiiied Sup ruiteiulent ! i.y i he County Conn ol Clackamas county, Oregon, will l"ci a contract lor the consi ruc tion oi a brnlge acr.iss l tie Clackamas river, on the road l -atimir iroai tir goii City l Portland. ;Such coiitratt will i- let to t he i lovvest r - sponsible bitUier, at public outcry, at t lie Court lba:s ttoor, mi .Moiitlay, I lie : s con.l day ol .June, A. I'., lsT-1, at the hour : of one t.vioek p. in., sul.j ct to the right of t lie on iii y l unit oi saiu coiit.iy to rej-'d such bat u t iie same should exceed t he sum sueh Court is willing to appropriate toward I t h" cons; ruct ion tin r -of. Such bridge wilt i be I'ln iee. Ioii:, if tntilt accor.iing to Smii li ' 1'atciit 'lruss, with aprons; or t wo spans of ! 1 1'J feet each, wit ii aprons, il built accord ing to I he plans of t lie old Cason L-ridg , at the sane point, bids will be received ac cording to each plan. Particular plans and specifications for each proposed style may ! seen u'-oii aje plicai ton lo me ait- r I his date, and t he suc ecssitil ladder may expect to give ixutd-S lor the tine exeeiitioti of h is coitt ract . Dated Oregon Citv, Oreiron, Mav S. is".. A. .7. PA SOX, MaoOwl Sup'Tinteiui-eitt. socjicrv A'C TICES. OKKC'ON' I.OiXdvNO. I. I. O. I., Meets every Thursdav SsT-'v evi ningat Ti o'clock, in the i2'?R:s Odd i-M lows' Hall, Main street. Members of the Or- der are invited to attend. Rv order iii:isi'CCA i5:i'E?i:s: uiur. i no. :.. I. O. O. V.. M"ects on the fr Second and l-'ourth Tues- t iJJJ.Zj day evenings each month, '"f..' at 7 U o'clock, in the Odd Fellows' Hall. Mend t rstif the Degree are invited to attend. 31UJ.TNOMAII E.OiHd: NO. l,A.l' A j mumcatioiis on the l ust and wov 1 iiird s duniavs m cacti month, at 7 o'clock from the -''lb of Sep. tenil er to the 'Jut h ot Mart h ; and "o o'clock from the "Jt'lh of March to the Juth of September. F.rcihreii in gootl standing are invited to attend. Py order of W. M. I'AI.I.S !'.XCA)!PMi:M ). J,I.). ). F., Meets at Odd Fellows' q rv Hall t-nthc First andThird Tues- eOy davoft-aeh month. Patriarchs r in good .standing are invited tn attend. "1 Just rullilicd ! GTBAOBS' WALTZE ARRANfil'D AS YIOUX NOLOH. Asls for PrTERS E2ITION. Pajvr copv s aif, iost-paid, for ?I .r0 ; boards, 5J. Addr- ss, i I- J-' l'i:iS, ii-i'J Jii-culiCfiy, JVt-u.' York, In I -FEfST : - (The Singing Ft stivrl.) A C'ollcctitoi of Glt i'S Part-.Sonrc, m Cliornst'S, 'Jc. you V 0 I C E S. 31 A L E Sample copies mail-d, jost-paid, for 51 50 ; ?li per tioicjj. Address, U. i. PETEHS 5911 Jlfoti'tiraj, A'ctc York. FA III Y VOICES: -V Vevr Tilusic-noolt for Ia y-Scliool.-. S-nd M cnts, and wo will mail a sample copy, April 1st. Address, J. I,- l'ETKKS, April ls.in3 OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, Special Notice. It is a well known fact that Dyspep sia and indigestion are the causes of nearly all the disease that the human body"is heir to; then why pay cnor moils doctors' bills? 15y usihir Dr. Henley's celebrated IXIi Ri tiers they can be tliorouirly eradicated from the system and new life imparted to the siiiferer. Reatl physicians ecrtiiicates in another column." dlir j. ClOi Por d'iy! Ajrcnts wanted! U)D LO JU All classes ol 'working; pco pl, of either sex, yountr or old, make mon ev at work lor us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Par ticulars free. Address Ci. stinson A Co., Portland, Maine. 27s'pls72yl AtlniiiiitRatoi-'ss Xotico T REItEHY (JIVENoTICKTIL-vTI have 1 been uppointed by. the lion. County Court of Clackamas county. Executor of the Iist Will and Testament of Elizabeth Met i'roavy. deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased, will present them to me, duly veriti -d, within six months lrom this date, at tlv oiiice of t he Port land Water Co., in Port land, Multnomah count v, Oregon. . I!. li. Wliri'EIlorsE, Johnson & McCowx, - Executor. Ally's. April 25, 1ST.1. w4 LIVE AND LET LIVE ! TIIE OREGCX CITY HACK AND DRAY CO. W'ISU lUTlirilASF.I) TIIK I.1VFKV Stock and Pusiness of Messrs. Willis & l'.roughton, and the Drays, Horses ami lUisi.-vss of (-. X.tir.'Ciiiiian, are now pre pared to carry on the LIVEUV ISrsi.XKKS, AXU IJUAYIIXG. We will also deliver slab wood to all those persons to whom Willis r.niughton have engaged and as many more as will cnjiajje slali wood lrom us, so far as we can g.-t"a supply. Orders leit at the I.ivtry stable' for Wood. Praying tr Hauling, will ! at tended to with dispatch. Patronage in tmr several branches tit business solicited. Our Clmi-ges SlinU lie Modern te. The highest, cash price paid for Oats deliver -d at the Stable. C. N. UKKEVMAX. J. M. KKAZF.lt, President. Secretary. Oregon City, August 'J-'?, l572-tf. Spet-ial i t f ci ion is railed tn tiie gr -at imirovemeiits mad" recently in t Ids cxceli-nt .Machine, and to the new and elegant styles of Cases add d to our list. FLORENCE. Tor tliose lt prefer xt 'la fliine feed- a ingiiie wont away lrom t he operator, we now have iiie of that description, quiet, easy riiiiiiiii-r and having all the other h culiar excellencies of the ot her st vie. F.LOTVJXCE Tksiivc tojileiiKe. If (Ikjc bmtc wi!h- 1 in a thousand miles of San 1-rancisco not working well, I will intend to it with out any expense to the owner. SAMl fiL iilLL, Arent. FLORENCE I the only Mat ltine that run sew In more than one tlirect itin having a re vcrsible teetl a great ail vantage in lasten ing ends of scams, in quilting, etc. FLORENCE. Jsiinlue tiie Florrnrr, or semi for J Circular or samples of Work before you purchase a Sewing Machine. i;LY II IF I'.KSI .' Machines sold on liberal terms. FLORENCE i:v.iN MAtinxf'.s. SAMUEL KILL, Apcnt, Xo, lO Xfw JIiinlKdiniT)- Htrcet, O'rinxl Jlotrl Huililinrj, Sun Francitco. 'JmaylST'lm.". 71 c, c - i r'. V. - n o w u rM : ; "-3 t- C L Z t ? 5 5 H co H rry g o it fit "c 'J- Z S-x-'t 3, e c c tol C2 X C f- c i- - - z j. 53 L5J -f c XX. " K , - - y s r v z xx U J f st.: u. C y, X " - -3 2 f. t 1- - gd r CO LA J o i, J. GUAaD fieAIST FIRE ! DELAYS AIU DANGEROUS. rpiIK NUMEROUS sr-zvKitr: I-IUKS JL which have ticcurred in our state the past year, ami t lie late disastrous confla grations in Toi-fland. Springville, Italics, On-put fit', !iiil Jacksonville, should ad monish property owners to s-rk indemnity a-rairist loss and damage by fire without delay. THE PHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, OF KARTFOae, COKK., lepr -'.s -tited on the Pacific const for over fi:t -eii years, (during which period it has paid soou, 000 lor j-ire Loss s in 1 lie Ta ctile Ilepartmenf ), is one of the leading American I-'ir-' Insurance Companies, ami the on',' Hartford Company represented in the State of Oregon. I u t lie pr.imj.t adjust ment and payment of its loss -s.t he I'hn'-nix has no sup-rior, th'j Company has ncv-'r nan a sun in tne rsate, and i;j the iirompt cash payment ol nearly 100,000 00 in tho Chicago and HostoB. proves that the oltl r.irciiix is equal to its evcrv en asre- The Agents of the riionix aw authorized by commission, from the com pan v to issiu and r.-new IV. tcies direct, and w ithout roll f r ncc tn Port la nil. San 1- rancisco, or elso- here, thus cnahliri- the applicant to se cure i,,nr,hat and binrlinrj protection wmidmit or? as so,voncy and W. P. BfKXS, .vmi i,tvS Asmt- 'c'"" c'"-- CHAS. II. CJUFTEXJD, DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE,0 CORNER OF SEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS, OREGON CITT. lias Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, Rrown and Rleached Sheetings, louse Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish I'.osom Linens, o Linen Towelling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, liuttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions, Kmbroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy Goods, fco. Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crocke-, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil I,nmps, Wicks and Chimneys, Which. liu- ! Kclerted with special care fur thU market and Puuuot BE Sl'BPASSED IX QI ALITY OR PRICE. O Till: IlICJIIIiST JIAliliUT l'KICE PAID I'OR COUNTRY PRODUCE, March 13, lb73:tf JOHN MYEKS, OREGON CITY. DIALER iN DllY GOODS, CniOCEIMES, EOOTS ami SHOES, UAKDWAIiE, CliOCKEIlY. A X D 6EHEBAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for .13 utt 01 IZls-.'S, and all kinds of GOOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell ns low as any house in Oregon for cash on its equivalent in Good Merchantable Irodne. I am soiling very low for CASH IX EHAT. Givo mo a call and satisfy yoursHres. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1S73. 2ssl A e: is 33 a 1 I I STR I II UTS O X. 75,730 Premiums HANGING IN VALUE FllO.H SIO to S5,000 A A "X TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. Every Subscrilxr is sure of one premium a n v wn v. :i 1st li;i c ; n .,i,..i i . . .... - vii. 1 iii. i rt. c.ivingal ash Premium, or a Piano, Organ. mui, 'Jvums .'lilVlllllC, CIC., CIC. First Grand Cash Premium ' 85,000 Jim iiKiSIDE FEIEND.-A'tVM Prt7, .i-, aihixi rnitfi, ur t itmxlu Wrrklu l-S III ltS 'l llird Vollimo nn.l ..t.'..l 1 .CX. 1 -areest (.'irctilal in " West. Its success t nables th- proori- i-r f 11s; t. fur.;.-!. . - . . . . 1." '. , , l"" i-'m, .vinsi liesirable and Most I Si'llllnri-nniil r...lin.r n i gr- at anet v that money can buv, and to make it a Home Weekly suited to the .i,u,oi every iamily. Subscription price -l ix r year ol n u m bcrs. The Elegant Chromo "CUTE," Size 16x20 inches, lrt colors. Acknowleged by all to be the IlandsonH-st and Most val uable premium picture in America. Every subscriber is presented with this Chromo at the time of subscribing, (no vnitinn), and also rec.'ives a numbered certificate enti tling the hold-r to a share in the distribu tion ot 'f2."i,iHi in cash and other premiums. The distribution takes place on the sec ond Tuesday in June next. The Chromo and certificate stent on receipt of price. Specimen copies, premium list, etc., giv ing full partictilars.sent free to any address. April TP Either local or canvassing MULI1 IO in every town. Ijirge cash tlM UTCn pavandthebestoutfit.Send ! VfHil I CU at once for terms. Address, OCR FTPESTDEriilESD. Mcrch tf. Chicrc, o Wm. BKOUGHTOX W70ITI.I) liESIF:CTI L'Ll.V INFORM ? y tht' citizens of Ur.-pm Citv and vicin ity that he is i.r. parcd to lurnitih Iir, Spruce anil (rilnr X. TJ 31 JE It of every description. Dry Flooring, Cciling,Sirucc(for Shewing), I -it t ice. Pickets, Fence Tokts (Cedar). Constantly on Hand. o Street and Side-walk Lumber furniihcd on tht; shortest- notice, at as low rat;s a) can be purchased elsewhere in the Mtat. Uivc mo a call, at the OREGON' C ITV, SAW MILJUO . March 21. l73-tf.. o BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. OPPOSITE OCCIIJEXTAL IIOTEU5 AH IMMENSE STOCK AS USUAL GEORGE A. PEASE, 8CCCMSOR TO - PB0TZM.1X, CILLIIIAX L CO. O o Q Coiner First and Morrison streets. JVRTL.AXn,01lEG0X. November 22, lST2-tf. i ? iiiau aai n 1.- .11.11 uuuiii JUST RECEIVED AT x. xsixxivGrs DEALER IN Dry Oood5, Clothing, 0 Roots antl Shoes, Hardware, Oroccrics, o Crocker-, Notions, Ladies and Ocnts I'urnishing Good, etc., etc., c-tc, et. Main Street, Oregon itj-. Produce of all kinds bought, for which I Iay fhe liighcKt market price. If you d sire good i'ikxIs at Ixiw prices, call at I. S EEEIXG'S and examine his new stock of Spring goods. O ("ive me a call and convince voursclrcs. My motto is, " QUICK SALES AND SMALL ritOFITS." Thc highest market price paid for wool. 6 I. SELLING. Oregon City, March 21, lST3-tf. SONGS the PIANO. Muilecl, I'ost-iiuiil, on Receipt ofPrkc. liarling, I am lonely now. Song and chorus tt--art ."0 Sweetest. Song and chorus Danks 'M MattieMay. Song and chorus Lanks 30 Ijust and Saved. llallad lionikt r Farewell. I larlinsr.till wc met t Kosewi" 5W Think ot me, l.arlinjr. Somr and ch- ras - Miers 30 Asking a blessing lrom motli.-r. Song and clitirus Stewart 30 H'Collcitions of childhood, laritoiie sonir .Intik ."sa Thou art 110 longer mine. liallad...lunks 34 near me say my little prayer. Song and i-norus l'rtitt an Close t lie shutters. M illie's iloml. and chorus st urt "ft Ethel Iireeme. Son and chiriis...l'ersl, v ..; Quit dat ticklin me. Song jt daiicc.llav's 35 1011 11 always nnd me 'lruc. Somr and chtiriw: iinvc .n Iead but ntit lorirolten. Sonp- ami t-ttrL. rilS I lav 4.1 Mc t m- icggi-.Stng and chorus, llnvs 40 Ijiy me win-re my Mother's Sleeinifir. Song and chorus Stewart 40 rather ot All. Sacred Song Paiiscron 50 INSTRUMENTAL ft us i c Pcnsee Melo- C. T. Krcv 35 KinkJl ." Kinkcl .V Skaats '.'A - Kinkel 3- Kinkel 35 Kinkle Autumn leaves. Second din ut' I'elisario. lantasie Hustic lu-aufy March .., SunlK-am March .lohiiiiic's March Ierties Schottische Minim Schottische Hattie's Waltz sweet Sixteen Waltz Evening Zephyrs Waltz... Mini of llejuity Waltz switch-otr ialop. Kittie's Polka Kinkcl 'ti Kinkel 3.1 Pacher 30 Young 20 Young 2 ....Kink'-l :. Hay of Sunshine polka "listening stars Polka d- Salon Eddie's Polka Harry's Polka.. Smile .t l'.i-:iiilv l..li.-a ..I'acher tt ....l-'cilie Ml .Kinkcl ai .Kinkel 35 ... . . . - . (- . .......... A Wl. II ' Pieces marked thus have i.icture tit les ."l on rig M Any piece muiletl jTost-paid, on receipt of markt d pricce. Address, J. L. PETEItS, 5IIO Rrnathray, New-York. March 2S, Is73-m2. TULL n THE FIELD! WILLIAMS & HARDING. AT TIIE LINCOLN BAKERY, EEP THE MOST COMPLETE STorK of Family 'roceries to bt? found in th- city. All goods warranted. ( "tioils dehver-d in the city free of charge. The highest cash price paid lor country produce. iregon City, March as, lST:i. A G II EAT DISCOVER!'! VO MOUE ( JIIAY" HAIR OU WIIIS kers if vou will use J. LiPMaN'S I IAIK KEs'KiKElt. This is not a vile comiountl. made 'f Sugar of Icad, I.ac Sulphur, and other ioisonous minerals, which will produce he.-idache, paralvsis or insanity, but a harmless pre parat'ion. Iree from sediment, easily a plicd, and in a brief "space of time restoring flic hair tr whiskers to their Hat ur:il color. No preparation is necessary to use with it. but simply to apply according to direction aeeomjianyhig 1 ach bottle. This is th cheapest, safest and best Hair Itcstorcr ever oirered to tiie public. J. L1PMAN. Proprietor. General Asents, CHAHLES LANGLKY A CO., Wholesale Druggists, corner Ivr.Iierv and 'la v streets, San Era n Cisco, to whom all ortlers must be adtlress"d. Testimonial of prominent citizens who have usd It ac company each bottle. apnSis.lnt I "VrPTTl WEWILLGIVK V Ail IJjL" merge t i c men and women Dusincss 1hat "will Pay . from tl to $3 per day, can be pursued In your own neighborhood, and Is strictly hon ora bl e. Pa rt icu 1 a rs t rce, or sa m pic th al, . will enable you to go to work at once, will tc sent, on receipt 01 iwomrw-rm a'mi). Address. J. I.ATIIAM CO. t't aprl 22 ""i'a;hington st., Foaton, Mass, 1 1 o O C O o o o o o o o 7 I o O G O o CO O c o o o o O ! ( O 5; i,