o o o o o HTERPRI8E. U Jv'r-U 02Si3' CITV, OREGON, APRIL IS, 1571. CASA HY ANCHOR. T'i boy stood on thu burning deck. T 1 to isn't any doubt ; n 1 vt w'io saw him on the wreck? Vo really heard him shout? Wo il 1 he have stood and roasted there vVica j nv- - ats so near. n I uri;,':.l ;ib :it 'i lie reft despair, J jr vML-'d oil on hU ear? WIiv n it j;iv'e ono good roar for oars? Am iil hTs pa for sail, T w lit him toward the fishing shores? Way stay aboard and wail? What wonder standing there he seemed S beautiful and rijlit ? Who eulJu't while around him beam- 0 t.,t That lovelv Titian light? o His now-wow v.!th his father I U-'gard as tempting fate; rIt U'i'd'.Mined to early die, Why stay there and dilate? "Pi can't vou speak a little piece? Just trva sneeze or cough ; M ' nearest ki 1, kin you release, Q; are you, father off?" o An 1 while his father slept Iwdow T . bov. he u'jvit stirred ; On ' of a '"race" who never "go" Unless they "get the word." II - e ill 1 aloud, "Am T allowed Y.'u- 1-ave to leave? A our son Stands tin-, yu know, but dont you cr vd Tliejiiing : I am toasted done. "Of roursc I'll do what you desire. If vou're 1 iid on the shelf; 1 I. urn w ith ardor but, this fire! You know how 'lis yourself. "S vak, I would lio released 1 I lht vour living tones," II kn.Av not that bis pa, deceased, q Had gone to Davy Jones. Ujnn his brow he felt the heat. Yet stoo l s -rene and calm. Wir'i onlv now an 1 then a bleat, Like "M iry's little lamb." Tae v ir.i-i an ! spars did burn and snap All iti the wildest way; N it e'en a shrou 1 was left the chap, And lie the only stay. Taere came a bursting thunder peal ti od gracious! I'rettv soon ff - . i. : . i .1. ,1 1 Vent ii; in a balloon. An I when this sound burst o'er the tide, T.ie boy 1 oh, where is he? A-i i of ttie winds, tor none beside Stayed long enough to see. With mast and helm and pennon fair Ta.it acted well enough, T.i.' iel:c-st thing tliat perished there Was that young sailor mull. Now, boys, don't take a cent of stoek In C is-.t-oi-an-e i ; T.i-.- soots from such a son they knock, Our 'voung A-nn r-i-ca. Disasters at Sea. The recoiit appalling calamity at sl-.i, the Ion of the steamship Atlan tic oil" Cape Po-;poct, Nova Scotia, 'ft .id tlio drowning of between live and six hundred persons passengers, o.iiejrs, and crew, has sent a shock t ii-oag:iout the civilized globe as s.viit as the electric Hash could carry t!i ; ilroa.lful word so harrowing to tiie kin ait l kith of the dead, and so awful f jr all to contemplate. It is s.hhu relief to learn that the latest .ispatehe! Estimate the number of the victims to b below six hundred, an 1 not above seven hundred, as at list iv.jrt .1. But even at the low- CiL reported estimate, the terrible event takes rank above all other sim ilar disasters of the present century, wit'.i a single exception, and is ex ceeded by only one other in the an nals of the preceding hundred years. I'rom a recognized authority on ship wrecks and disasters at sea we extract ail give below brief reports of the m.)st conspicuous in regard to the loss of life alone, the lirst that is mentioned bv this authoritv is the Ijss of the ship UIanche"Nef, Novem ber 25, 112 ), oil' lirtrileur on the coast of Xorniady. There were on board Ik3 souls, all of whom perished. An ng them were the children of Henry I, King of England. From that date down to the middle of the last century the record is a blank. Since that period to 1S03 at which the record closes among the dis asters reported no these, viz: April 13, 1758 The British war ship Prince George, lost on the voy age to Gibralter; loss of liff, 400. October, 1780 41 ie British squad ron of fifteen ships, foundered in a hurricane in the Carribean sea, with an aggregate loss of 4.500 lives. August 2'), 1782 The British war ship ltoyal Geurge, of 100 guns, sud denly careened while at anchor off S pithea 1, rolled completely bottom Tip, and cause ! the loss of over six hundred lives. .Hear Admiral Kem penfeldt was among the victims. This is the greatest loss of life ever reported by disaster to any one ves el. e October 20, 170'.) British warship Spectre, wrecked in Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope; 2(.U lives lost. February 0, IS05 The East. India man Abergavenny, was wrecked of Portland Head, with loss of 300 lives October 27, ISOO The British war ship Athenien, foundered off Tunis, and 317 lives lost. February 14. 1807 The British war ship Ajax, lost off Tenedos, and went down with 250 souls on board. November 10, 1S07 The Prince of Wales, English packet went down oil Dublin, and over 300 terislied. 1) Tuber 2: 1810 The British line-of-battle ship Minotaur, with 300 on board and all lost, was wreck ed on the Haak Banks. December 24. 1811 Three British war ships, the St. George, Defence an 1 Hero, were lost on the coast of Jutlaitd, and about 2,000 perished. January 30, 1810 -The British transport Seahorse, with troops and others, 305 in all, lost in a gale off Tram ore Bar, Ireland. August Id, 1S H The Lady Sher-lo-eke, emigrant ship, from London derry to Quebec, lost at sea, with 273 on board. Aoril 23, 1315 The emigrant ship Ecm rath, from Londonderry to O xebec. fouudex-ed at sea: loss of ld 210. Mi-ch 30, 1850 The steamship l.-al Alelaide, lost off Margate, with over 40") so ils dh board. February 2t.l852. The troop ship B rk-nhnl w s wrecked in Simon s Biy South Afeiea, and out of 033 on o i oUl o54 perished. September 21. l?s."Vl Tl,o tv.?- Vin; s7 Annie Jane was lost on t ie S?oteh coast while on the vov- lT; ..!?m TvorPool to New York, and -US porishod. Si,V?1,e.r2;: liThe Collins - y-.s.uo Arctic came in collision . " 4 rea:hJhip Vesta, oT t-- liais of evfoundland, and i i .if' went down with over 300 on board. January 20, 1854. The emigrant ship Tayleixr, with &S0 souls on board, went to pieces on the Irish coast. May, 1S54. The British troop ship Lady Nugent, from Madras, on her way to England, foundered in a hur ricane when only a few days out. The loss of life was over 400. November, 1854. The steamship City of Glasgow was lost just when or where has never been revealed and 480 lives were lost. September 12, 1S57. The steam ship Central America, from Aspin wall with passengers from California for New York, foundered at the edge of the Gulf Stream, and out of 47(3 on board only 152 were saved, leav ing a loss of 322 lives. September 13, 1858. The steam ship Austria, bound to New York, with 5:58 souls on board, was burned in mid-ocean by culpable carelessness of the commander and oiticcrs, and all but 07 perished a total loss of 437 lives. October 26, 1850. The steamship Royal Charter was waecked oil' Ang lesea, and 410 lives perished. April 27, 1803. The Steamship Anglo Saxon was lost on the Banks of Newfoundland, and of 4-17 on per ished. The record from which we extract closes - with the wreck last given above. The list of disasters is con tinued for two or three years later, but in it are no cases where the loss of life was so high as 200 by any one wreck, and we have omited from the catalogue any disaster in which the loss fell much below 250. It is only the extraordinory losses we have essayed to present. But besides the disasters mentioned we can call to mind several that do not appear In the record, for instance: The burning of the steamer Lexington on Long Island Sonnd ; the loss of the steamer Atlantic in the same waters; the foundering at sea, a few days out of New York, bound for Aspinwall, with soldiers and passengers, of the new steamship San Francisco; and the burning at sea, only a few years back, of a Bremen steamship crowd ed with passengers; in each case the loss of life having lieen very large. Contrasted with other coasts and all things considered the loss of life has been very much smaller on this coast during the last twenty years than anywiiere else on the globe, and this remark is singularly appli cable to the coast and coasting ves sels of Oregon. And there is hardly a Bar in the world where fewer dis asters occur than at the Bar entrance of the Columbia liiver. Bulletin.. Camp Meeting Talk. A chan down South went to a camp meeting and gives the following amusing account of the disjointed conversation he heard there: Preaching had not begun, and promenading was in progress. We took a conveient stand, and endeavor ed to catch the remarks of the various couides, as they passed slowly by us .Yes, indeed, (two girls talking of course) 'and my brother Tom says that Ilenrv Seker brags about how many times he has kissed her right in the mouth, and she never slaps him at all wnen nobody is by, and I'm sure I should die if people was to talk of me as they do about her ! ' Coin is up again vou know, and I shall make at least six hundred bar rels if I make a peck, consequent IV ' W hat a spectacle this is, to be suah Chaw. Ah wondah it these people dem'd pooty gal, aint she? build thevah tents owa hiwah men to do it to wah them. Must be great bohh try ' ' Be married in six weeks from last Tuesday. I heard ma talking about it, but you musn't mention it for the world. Its a great secret. lceallv now, and she is so ugly as ' ' The iinest sow vou ever saw sir. Pure Berkshire, and nine splen did pigs. It was the best trade I eve' made, and I would not tak( thirty dollars for ' 'Scolloped petticoats! only look, Amy. Nine flounces and hoops in the bargain! Oh how I should love to ' do to picnic on Thursday? You don't know how I would love to be present sir, I am so fond of the exhilarating dance, but my father says 1 am r ratified mv ilear voung friend, that you are so deeply im pressed with the necessity of imme diate repentance, and I shall this verv day make ' 'Ten yards of gimp for the bosom. and maroon velvet binding for the neck and sleeves, oh, Emily lhe finest baby you ever saw black eyes and large limbs, six weeks old and weighs 'Sixty-one pounds and a quarter to a bushel. None better in the country. Free from garlic and cock erel, and larged grained. I hold it at' 'Stillopolist, next Saturday. Bob Bothadyes, the former Congressman, will speak as he savs Ah. Mr. Pepper, you flatter me so! Just see how horribly Kate W ll mott is dressed. She will wear yel low, though it makes her look like l ever and ague, I believe. They've all been up with it, and now the poor man's got ' 'The Sweetest Iwinnot T ovnr eon- Where did you get it? I must recom mend my sister to vour ' 4 W ater melon patch. Stole every darned one. Some of 'em "about half ripe. 1 swow, I'll shoot them if they don't' J uo to nite Sulphur. It is the Pest place m the whole world, ma'am I've seen some of the most wonder I ui eueets f the water. Tom Holo- cause was cured of ' u.c iiumis 0i ouiter a week. And always get a quarter of a pounu, ana sometimes ' 'Four eggs, two handfuls of flour a dap of yeast, half tin cup full of mo- lasses, anu it makes " The best manure I ever used, sir Vastly superior to cnann c'' phosphate. Two hundred and fifty pounas xo tne acre raised me 'The handsomest on the ground x iau ee none equal to iier. except --i.il ami sue (jot - 1 1 1 1 1 1- -I . - - jLsoxu uiua legs spavined n.l there's a speck in her right eve thats bound to ' 'That beautiful girl in black over tnere, x never saw ner but once be fore, and that was at ' Jir. muggins iannre, sir. And he has taken to drinking awf ully. and lasi een. uuu 'His head under my arm, and was plugging nim in ilie mouth when he profc mv finger ' ' Between the 10th and 15th 0f Sep- tember I will get wheat to market, ! and it will bring 'His gray hairs in sorrow to the grave. Oh, it is awful to think how Close she hung to his arm. She ought to be ashamed of herself ' 'William was born twenty-rive vears aero last April. I am an old - . , i . woman now, and tne gray nair makes ' Toot! toot! toot! "Preaching will commence, said presiding li,iaer, and we heard no more. AUCTIIOX AND COMMISSION. Auctioneer, Cornier of Front it Oak at s., Portland. Amotion fsalos Of Heal Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise ana Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday find Saturday. A. li. lilUIIAllDSU.N, Auctioneer. Enjrlish Refined rar and Bundle Iron, English !Siuaro and Octagon Cast Steel, Morse Shor-s, Hasps, Saws,Scr"ws,Kry-Ians, Sheet Iron, H. G. Iron. A LSO A large assortment of Groceries and Liq uors. A. li. KICIIAKDSON', Jan. 1, lS73-tf. Auctioneer. The standard rni'-dy for Coughs, Infl en.a, Sure Thrixit, M'ioojin; Cuwih, Croup, IArcr C(niij'tiiif, linmcliilU, Wtnilia-i of the Lunrjx, and every a If -ction of the Throat, Lains and Chest, including Consumption. Wisljtr's IJals'Mn of Wild C'lierry do"s not dry up a Coujih, but loos ns it, cl"ans"s the lun-s, and all'-ys, thus ranorint the eauiettt tli" complaint.. None jronuine un less Mimed. I. Butts, l'rr-par.-d by Sktii W. Fo.vi.k Sons, IWtston. Sold by ItiiniNfiTox, IInsTF.TTF.it t"t Co., San Francisco, and by dealers g.-nerally. VATGHES AD JEWELRY rfl II E U XDERSKiXEI) AX- t JL nouncetotheeitiz'nsof Oregon City and Clackamas county that they have just op-'?ied a JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT i x Oregon City, Main street, next, door north of Shades Sa loon, where they will kecpon hand and for sal' all oods pertaining to their line, at the lowest living hates. Especial attention given to the repairing of Fine IT mf Pi sues. All goods sold ami work done warranted. GEO. A. HAAS A: SO'. Oregon City, Feb. ti, lS7:-tf. HOME SHUTTLE IMPROVED LOCK-STITCH The Most Simple, Practical and ECONOMICAL MACHINE IN USE. Sales Exceed all Oth rs on the North Parifle Const. rfIIEY SEW MOHE RAPIDLY AND JL with less noise than any other ma chine. Tli" only pract ical low priced ma chine that, gives entire sat isfation. What other Agents don't tell about the Tlie Im proved Home Shuttle lacltine: Thri don't tell ' iou that they are the sim plest, having less number of pieces, and mor ' easily "understood than any other. Tht. they are the lightest, running: more easily l'-onvl and operated. That more HOME SHUTTLES are sent out from the General Agency at Port land.than all others com b'med. The; tin't, tell fou that they s.-w equally as well on heavy and light, goods. Then iton't tell i,u f hat they ustlie pat nets of the high priced machines. The lon't tell iou t hat it lias t he straight needle and self-adjusting tension. What people say who have usrdthem and compared them to other Machines will tell you : That they are more easily learned and operated ; Simpl'-st anil best for all kinds of work, and will use 'linen and all other kinds ot threads and silks. A few of the names ar given h"low who are using the Improved Home Siixtttllk : It K K E II E X C K S. General Hell, Portland. C. K. Silvers, Win. Masters, c. W. Prindle, bookkeeper for Leverage, Wad ham A Co. Miss L. Vaughn, Portland. Mrs. J. V.. I'pton, East Portland. Mrs. S. A. Mor-land, Portland. Mrs. J. 8. Church, Oregon City. Machines forwarded to any adiiress, with full directions for using, on receipt of price. NO. 1, 30 00; NO. 2, S45 00. G. W. THAVEK, Gray's Music Store, Odd Fellows' Temple, General Agnt, First St., Portland. deelJint;. BARHlffil RESTAURANT LE0X BcLOUEY, Proprietor, (Late of the'Ciiir House.) MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY, OGN. THE I'NDEIISIGED cs to his triends the T r veliiij; Public, - that he has re-opened the above named The Proprietor knows how to serve his customers with Oysters, Pis' Feet, A Good Cup of OoflVe, Or a fioo.l Square Ment. LEON" DeLOUEY. Oregon City, March '26. IST.Mf. A. C. VALLINC'S PiOfiEER BOOK BINDERY. Pittock's HuiltliHjf forner of Stark and Front Streets. PORTLAND, - - - - OREGON. BLANK BOOKS TUTLED AND BOUND to any desired pattrn. Music liooks, Magazines, Newspaiers, etc., bound in ev ery v-rief y ff style know n to the trrade. Orders from the country promptlj' at tended to. $JC tn CjOnfdv! Agnts wanted! iiJJ LH VDaKJ All classes of working po pl", of either s"x, young or old, make mon ey at. work for us In their spar? moments, or all the time, than at anyt hing else. Par ticulars tr-e. Address G. stinson fc Co., Portland, Maine. C7seplS72yl . UNIVSRSITT OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Biisinrss Directory of Portland, Oregon, PUBLISHED BY L. SAMUEL, General. A'Uerlisinc Agent, 93 Front Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, Xn. 90 First Street. Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery .Glass ware and Pla'tedware. Vstor House, First St., between Oak and I'ine. Everything neat. li. E. Longfel low, Proprietor. BOOKS, S T A T I O X E U Y A X D MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ci!l, Steel and Bancroft, Xos. T) and 77 First St., Portland. JPAItMAX, the only dir et Importer of C lot h i n g, cor. Front A Washington stt. CHAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLER .VXD STATIONER. LARGEST STOCK IN lORTLAND. Xo. "9 Front and No. 5 Washington sts. j ECK, WILLIAM & 8 X, lil Front street Importers and Dealers in Guns, Iti tie, mid ltevolvers of every description Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods, Beads, Bird Cages, Baskets, Croquet Games, and Baby Carriages. Agents for the California Powder Works ; also for the Wheeler fc Wilson Sewing Machines. eck, John A.. 129 Front street. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Work done for the Trade. iiooiv a x i .urn iiunti;ks. 1IIMES, 11 A CIIEL DER A CO. 113 Front St. EPueiianan, V. A., s. w. cor. First iV Taylor streets. Cheapest Furniture House in Portland. MtS WALTEKBBOS. k -9 y.t Front street. a larke, Henderson & Cook, SI a & y leaKrsin Drytiooiis, KmiovO tti First st. onii & Itoseiileld, ll.s front sion Merchants and Dealers in Oregon and Ca 1 if or n ia I 'rod ace. M 'ongle, J. B., Slanufaeturer ami Dealer in Saddles, Harness A Saddlery Hardware, 0 Front street. d 'urrii rTw. A f'oi0:? FrojitTstTTMerehaiit tailors t clot lijers.liats.t urn ishinggoiKis g Kol.ashinutt A: at man, !t2 Front st.. Ileal Estate Agents, Money Loaned, Houses Rented. Dental Goods, C. II . Woodward A Co., 101 Front street. TV,,, II. WOODWARD A CO UlUggUtS, 101 Front street. Orders from any port ion of t lie State or Territories careiully lilled by mail or express. amil.I-owenstein A Co,Furnitures carpet -J dealers stores lrom l-ii to l:. First st. y.-mployne'iit Agency .1. R. Wit herell, SO front St., Furnish all kinds of help. averding A Beebe.10 Front st .Com mission Mereliants and Dealers in Itoinestic Produce. giisliion I.ivery Stable, corner First, and " Salmon streets. E. Corbet t, Proprietr. Good turn-outs always on hand. g.ishel A Roberts, cor. l"irt A Washington streets. Dealers and Manufacturers in Clothing and Furnishing Goods. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The largest Music House on the Coast. STEINWAY PIANOS, BIRUETT ORGANS. C. I- OePKAXS, .Manager. SOLE AGENCY' FOR Till". "HOWE" SKWING MACHINE. Agents wanted. SHaekeney y sieine, iroeers A Deali-rsin all kiiuisof seeds, cor. First A Main sis. 2 (B am burger, Il.Tlf" First st., ImKirter and Dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Ooods, Mil linery. ajjend.e, 1 . 11., Phot ographie Art ist.sout h 3 v;-st. corner Fir.sf and .xlornson streets. Childrens Pictures a Sin-eiality. H J enrichsen, L. C. A Co, W First st.,Manu fact .urers A dealers in jewelry, watches, agibbard, Geo. Ii., OS Front st., wholesale H - Dealer in Groceries, Doors, Wagon Materials, etc. Uodge, CalefA"co., !T Front, st., wliolesale dealers in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass. TTlTVTT? S!1ving Machine, straight nee riULViljdle, under teed, "lock stitch." Competition challenged. G. W. Traver, 112 Front street. gfiurgr.-n A Shindb-r, Nos. HiOto 172 First St., Importers Furniture, I'.etlding etc a H utchinson, W.7 Watclimaker, cor. First "- and Main sts. All work done at San Francisco prices, and warranted. fnternational Hotel.eor. Front A Morrison sts. M. Rudolph, Proprietor. Free Buss attends steamers. lV"ohn,.T. A Co, (tl Front st., wholesale and retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing Goods. aison Dor -e Restaurant, private rooms for Families, corner First and Pine sts. Q. Voos, Proprietor. artin, E. A ( V,wholeS lie dealerin wines A liquors,()..N.Cos bbick.A San Fraji 3 eier A Sehmi-er, II J '-' t., wholesale ,a- and retail confectioners. ill-T, John B., JKi First St., watclimaker and J -weiry, otr -rs to the public a line assortment of w-atehes, clocks and jewelry. W B o"ller A Co., Front near C St ., deal-rs in ia native and foreign wines, and cigars. "Vorthrup A Thompson, dealers in Ilard war". Iron, Steei.Hubs.Spokes.Lumber, Hardwood, etc., I'ortland. A Accidental Hot"l,corn"r First A Morrison " streets. Smith A "!ook. Proprietors. BTarish, Watkins A Corn-ll, R.-al Estate Agents, Pittfck's Building, corner Front and stark streets. 391 1 0 Hit i RTSmTiC GOO DS, C. 1 1 . Wood a rd A Co.. 101 Front street. JOHN B. PlLXlNSTGri, M. D., OCCl'LIST uml AtTUJST, Office 73 First street, Holmes' Building, Third Door from Ladd's Bank. TREATS ALL DISEASKS OF TIIE. EVE, EAR, THROAT AND LUNGS. f p ichfer, Paul, 105 First st, iniMirter Berlin wKHl:-n carvings.parlor rnaments,etc. It os nbaum.T.S.ACo.tobacconists, import ers of Foreign and I wnnest ie l.inuor. 3 uss Hons", Front street. On First Class Principal. Thomas Ryan. Pronri"tor. Sih',riock,K.,tiI Front A2 First sts.tleaier in Harnes's.Saddlery A Saddlery Hardware. lmon,.I.,.')fi Front st.,lealer in Doors.Sasli ami Blinds, Window and Plato Glass. iinshemer.H.,157 First st,i nTorter Pianos, organs, sheet music, music instruments. kidmore, S. G., l'i'l F'irst St., Druggist and Apothecary, a Itrge Stock of IViumery and Toilet Art icles. ' Jmith vt Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale d-al -rs. in Drugs. Paints, Oils, Window (Jri. F rfnmrv. "to. iCiiiv ,v ikhs,7- f irt st.,l'icf ures. Frames, mouldings, at ist.s mat'ls, drawing ins'ts. mith. Put., Broker, !0 Front st. Ialer in Legal Tenders, Government Bonds and Gold Dust. jJTOK, II. I, Xo. 107 First street, - Watchmaker and Manufacturing Jewel er.is ag-nt for th Wajtbam, Elgin, E. How ard A Co., Chas. E. Jacot.and the California watches: also, for all the productions and imjiorts of the California Jewelry Co., San Francisco. Send for circulars. Watches repaired in the very b"st manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. rIVrry Bros., 17.S First st.. Manufacturers - dealer in Furnit ure,t;diing.(;arpets,etc f Mio Clothing store.HS Front stTT'b.t hing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes. Harris and Prager. 'Brittle, II. II., 142 and 111 Front St.. Dealer in wagons and a grieultural i m plem ent s ''vno,E. D.,n w cor.F'irst t Oakst.dealeTTn Brandies, wines, English ale and porter. YVin.iarns JI.YTrs 5 ( Antral Blocks. T , hlpnt Js,rT!t' Commission Merchants and dealers in PrrHluee. W11, Fphhoimer. Attornovs and THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette Valley, that ho is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A Ninble Six Ience ft Better than a Slow SJtilliiig. I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before off-red in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots and Shoes, Clothing,1)ry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinawarc, Queenswarc, Stoneware, Crockery, Plated ware. Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming tions of Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings. Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOKT CO J'.PLKT K ever offered in this market, and was seleted wit li eswcial care tor t h- tregon City trade. All of which I now otrer for sale at the Lowest Market Ra'.es. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to iuy goods tor I am Determined to Sell Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD IN TIIE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the re quirements oi the trade. Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand .i THOMAS CIIAUMAX cannot lie beaten in quality or price. t would be useless lor me to tell you all tie advantages I can offer you in I he ale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and prolmbly you have liei-n disap jKjinted. All I wisli to say is Come, anil Scr.and Examine for Yourselves fori do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old iri inis now that lam still alive, and desirous to s-11 goods cheap, tor cash, or upon such terms as agreed ukii. TJia n king all for the liber al patronage heretofore b. -slowed. Tiios. CHARMAN, Main Street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and Count v Serip taken at market rates. THUS. CHARMAN. UV.0,ihh lbs wool wanted bv THUS. CHARMAN. GREAT EKCITEMENT!! GOOD NEWS! PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD ISAKGAIXS t S. ACKER M AN & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE stock of SPRIXG AX1) SUMMER GOODS, which they offer CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! We would say como and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Indies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Groccr ies. Hard ware, and agreat many ot her art Icles too numer ous to mention ; also, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of IYoduco taken in exchange for Goods. ALSO "Wool "Wnntecl For which wc pay the Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAN fc CO. Oregon City, March 21, lS73-tf. WAGON AND CARRIAGE M A jY U FACTORY ! rTIIIE UNDERSIGNED, I having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corner of Main and Third Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of Informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort, of a vehicle from a com inon Cart to a Concord Coach. Try inc. RlurksmiUiiiijr, Horse or Ox Shoeing-, and General Jobbing neatlv, quickly, and cheaply done. DAVID SMITH. WILLI A 31 SINGER HAS ESTABLISHED A FACTORY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, AXD 3IOIXDIXCS OK ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! r7"All work warrant"d. Shop on the River, in Lewis' Shop Opposite Oregon City Mills. JOHN S C H 17 A !V3 , Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER AXD IMPORTER OF Saddles, Harness, p?:Jivr-- Sacldlery-Hirl- wure, etc., etc. TSTTnilCII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS f T can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. t7"I warrant my goods as represented. Oregon City, April 17, J.ST-tf. SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, - - Prop. Kain Street, Oregon City. IEST niLLIARD TAP.LES IN OREGON J J hive hi -en introduced, and the propri tor invites t he attent ion of t he lovers oi this popopular anuis-iuent to them. THE EAR IS SUPPLIED with all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Seofeh, Irish ami lii .urbon a!r inly lainous YVliishie.s and Punch ; also a No. 1 SIIOOTlXCt GALLKKY is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, lS72-tt. MASONIC HALL BUILDING, Oregon City, : : : Oregon. KEEKS CONSTANTLY tftvf. on hand and for sale, -rTC cheap for cash, Parlor, Bedroom, Oflico, Sittingroom, and Kitchen Furniture, Bureaus, Iounges, Rocking Chairs, Whatnots, I$edsteads, Washstands, Curled Hair, and Pulu Mattres ses, Pulu Pillows, Spring Beds, Picture Frames, Mouldings, etc., etc. Special attention given to Fpholsterv work in all its branches. Orders tilled with promptness. Repairing clone with neat ness and dispatch. Furniture made order. Call and examine for yourslvcs. I7may7:i ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OREGON. JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS. HILL-HEADS. PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LABELS, LRTTRR-HEADS, Office.1 a" kIndS f WOrk ,lone a ln Anting PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL BLANKS constantly on hand, and for sale at as low a price as can be had in the State. Work Soiiclel AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oroon City, March CI, lS73-tf. fy iiimii NEW YORK HOTEL. (Deutfches Gafthaus.) No. 17 Front Street, Opposite the Man Steamship Landing. PORTLAND, OREGON. H.R0THF0S, J. J. VILKEXS, Fro ri(crs. Board Week -)C0 Board Week with Lodging B"( Board s Day " , ,2 VERY BEST fop OF icrs i3 fc- W I Ps! G- JsfW fit .... ...... vvv -Ti "I" . . ?. 1 FRAf.'CiSCO. March 21, 1S7;1 :10m Read Pay 2 iciain CertiScatcs telcw : ! o 01 0 o 9 o y rt 0 -1 3 0 3 r-.t-k'. v,. . . Vy-rfcY Tf? b" f is iK Ci mjst Effijiast and Plecsrut Tcr.ic. Tli)'i Hi't. r -in pri" :r -il from the n-'l leiic ! and iielo-n.aj 1, t i t- aid !!!. !i iv-rt i.- si ui i.-!r-:il s.iti f;.cti.r. wlej.v i ;ri tl 1'iw i-'.iinN of uyi 'i : ir.- have ." m ii f t'ir i'zU tii-ir n . w. i liy i r n .11 Micl iti a fir lii c ir- i f a!i oi- ' f ' jltiul ail .'cor, a..d in-. fc-i.Iu; i.k- f '.ie-- ui-jo-tiv i orian. Il'ali'a', I'-i i- icns. n-il C :-:ir a''r"' i-ajril If.'btliiv ae.d Loss t.f ,-?-t et :te. tt ; i is -1 !.- ties d. ra;;,.- -iii. i.t if 1 1) i- .-tt ,ic t ai-1 -t 'it f iii-:i-i:a-ie f the sttrn. I'iM IX L bi'.scr-i !i:i.e i v n fucci s-f, ilv i -'i i ,l aro warr.int-'il t ad rviato t:i- t.;dert-r U UI t!i- ub.ivj e.i-:o-. The I XL B'ffert are r.1 xolil out ii ui (liiss; sell . i'h'-r tft.-t't the rt- nniue tirHele rf rut i-O'ttet .-. !, iifl lee ir.il, ieliti tUtnl"' ;v. e .-tile such nofie.v (o lhe nil ejltnl of iht "CERTIFICATES. M --!vrs If. Ki-sti'.in ,t Co. lii-ii'i.-iie-n: I lii!;- pleasure in pfs:tiiiR thM isr -i'.i'-ly m your is!i l ,.i r t arcl'iill . n-sii J , . I ex:i!iii:ieil t lie s tin p e of v,iir I X r. u-liieli you win me, :tal ll'.iti u not out v sin ii-irri-i: e I'.itters. biit a. so , tli;it .-.-i;n-. 'i f.ii! 7o L 'jell.-ti..-uit us a. toiiiv; uml i-nniml. r or I :s-st:iii ;. iifi:...A.M), ii.'n. City and Coe.v r lto:-i rr., a N.ia l-V.ia( is -o. jime Cft!", I7 I h ive ciref iHy ex imue-! I r. 1 1 -iI-.-v n I X F. Bitt.Ts, aii'l have f.iiU-l to l- t'v t hv liiii'ir wlii- li i-oiil-.t injure even tli-- nioi 1, li mi:iii t.tuti.-r. Fro. ii Hie eiiaipositioii of tie- r.i:;-r. a t.ir I ttin at)lt-to deiermiup it. 1 slni!ii j m - Ui ,t tl.-' 1X1. Ititters must he a verv i-!?i-fi-i'.l rrii:clv in HysiM'psia. I a lii-.-s: ion. I.o s (ifn. i.i !i i- ;,n I ;i :ni!ar eo -npl lints. Ix-mqr i-in;ii-:rf.. ,', ;; i.!;r,.,v f VI'H 't:lo!i' tl-ll Will.-ll i:l l I !,;il! V i s,, i ! i i1is.'i--s of t)i il ii ifir -, uai arc i f li.-: K'l-'.o; elliciii-y in tin-ir uun-. .f. ir knclix y. ri . A-ss't lies. I'liysiehiii A i"l!iL-e:ir .'. & c ;!o-; .::-"-:. Statu Asswiji's iikkii-i-u SJtJi l"r:.:;-,s o. .1 ,iiv J .t. tT'. Messrs. TI. E-si-::i fo - i :i: t-: i '.. a .nil.- :i iMP-ful i- i nil .tio-i oi" v.u IX!.:--I T i, l ll.ive f i l l ttlii-ei t-iifi ! v t.-r tl'i!' -'' teriou i mi n-ral s-i'isr ei -s. Y 'in-:, i I -. ui:is t . - t ! .- ..nkw. Ili'.vare of iUMt--r" ifx. X -'u- i : ii'.:"" out r. Henley's si-f;s;kline iv vur.-. i:n-- lv .. ol" J txittle. . O I-:v'rv Fritiillr rhonj.t 1t.te ill Iiuum. Soi ! eu-iv u:: i -. II. i:iST! ! cV M.l I m' r";. T..r. No. HI? I-'roht Street, Sua i-r.iii 1 Xareh 21, m3 'J.' XL JHi tT TO- h! tfi7Yr- "Will sew everytliing needed ia fr.rcr!y, frca the heaviest to tHe L'gttest fabric. XT DOES MORE AVOKIt, 3IORE lilXDS tJF M OnK, AND I5ETTEK WOfA TTlian any other machine. If there 13 a riorerfce Fcwins cLine within or.e thousand utiles cf San Francisco r.ot working will a J1" giving entire satisfaction, if I nm in formed of it, it will be attended to without expense- of any kind to the owner. S AHULL HILL, Agent, 19 Nc Kontjome.7 Street, Grand Hotel Buiidin,?, San Francisco. Send for Circulars and satrtp''3 of the tcorJt. Active Agent wanted crry place. . y P -: - t . I: I Sri t3 13 1 A XiS.