Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 18, 1873, Image 2

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    . s.
o 4
03EG3X C1TV, 08EG0S, APRIL IS, 1S73.
IJrig. Ceii. C 15. Canby.
The sad news of the treacherous
murder of Brig. Gen. E.R. S. Canby
ami the Rev. Eleazer Thomas, two
of the MoJoc Peace Commissioners,
and the dangerous wounding of Mr.
A. B. Meaeham, was received here
last Saturday evening, and cast a
rTooli of sorrow over onr entire eom
munitv. The manner iu which thev
were killed will be found in detail
in our columns to-day, Gen. Canby
was in command of this military- de
partment, and was a man who stood.
high in both his "-private relations
and official position. He had gain
ed the"' high position which, he was
occupying at the time of his murder,
by notorious and honorable services
to his country. He bore a character
in the army which should bo the am
bition of every true soldier to emu
late, and in his private walks of life
Mse was a-. true christian and high
minded gentleman. No man was
more esteemed in Portland than the
subject of this sad article. . He serv
ed in the Mexican war, has been in
several Indian wars, and was through
the entire war of the South, in which
ha gained many compliments for
heroic bravery. Gen Can by leaves a
wife in Portland, towhich he had
been married for ovar 41 years, and
thread news of the murder of her
dearest companion for so long a time,
(5 as prostrated her so that it is feared
the shook Avill Ik? the cause of her
not surviving him long. The be
reavement to her is too great for
mortal to picture, and none can real
ize her affliction unless they have met
wKh a similar circumstance. She
has the sympathies of our entire
State, and all that can be done to
alleviator) the pangs of sorrow, warm
and trpe friends will be found ready
to thi. But the one dearer to her
than earth itself has been taken from
her by the misguided policy of the
Government Jie had so long and
faithfully served. The remains
passed through town on a special
train yesterday morning at -4 o'clock,
for Portland, where they were re
ceived by delegates from the City
CiHineii, Citizens' Committee, and a
committee from the various military
Companies of that city and the reg
ular army, who took charge of the
body, and conveyed it to his late res
idence, where the funeral services
are to be held this morning at 11
o'clock. I'rom thence the remains
are to be taken to Armory Hall,
they will lie in state until 1 o'clock
this afternoon, and then buried in a
vault in the Portland cemetery.
Peace be to his honored ashes.
Thus a faithful soldier, an honest
citizen amV, a loving husband has
been calle I suddenly away through
a misguided humanity of the Gov
ernment lie has long and faithfully
We take thej following sketch of
the Be v. Eleazer Thomas from the
If -.-rali I of last Sunday?
Mr. Thomas wasa clergyman of the
Methodist Episcopal Church; about
sixtv vears of age, of tall, command
ing form, clear-headed, and held a
commanding place in the denomina
te m of which he was a bright and
shining li-rht. Was the minister-in-c!iargo-of
the Niagara street Meth
odist TV)!-co2al Church, a Buffalo,
New York, in 1S'5; came to Califor
nia in 1S .", where he was agent of
tiie Methodist Book Concern; for a
number of years edited the California
f'ir! tiiui A'rnr-yfc, and at the time of
his death was Presiding Elder of the
IVtaluma District of the California
Methodist Episcopal Conference.
He reside ! in IVtaluma, California,
where a wife and three children
mourn his tragic death.
The 11,-raU further states that Mr.
Thomas was the Pastor w"ho solemn
ized the marriage of ex-Governor
r hud Mrs. Gibbs, 1S5:5. in Buffalo.
The lied Devi's Closely Tressed.
SK-clal IiiiutcU t tlie Ilnli-rprlif.
Lava-Bed, 0 r. m. April It?.
I)ariti the niltt our troop hoUl the
cairn" isiti" occupied at suns.-t last even-
A hotly ecut st-;l lljht took plac on Col.
tJr'i.-n's U.is moralivz. During tin'
ni.!it mnrtjirai-udHicr the command of Maj.
Tliomas, k"pt uj the fir? on the Modoc
cunp, which k-tli'Mn wry much annoy
ed. Tli-? Uidians could be lu.tru yelling
and shouting at an awful rate.
,4t a. M.-uur troops have gained' oonsld
t robl ground, and Tiring is becoming more
fre.m M:t. The g 'in-ral imjMvssiou is that
the Iava IVd is ours.
Aluul IZ o'clock, Cols.rnson and Urern's
inmiuamli felt -ctril a Junction, which en
tir -ly cutsolT the Mod;es irom the water.
Our 1 in the two day's fi.ht have
tw.-n five killed and two wounded. Kive
Indian iir only rerted kill -d. Noii of
i:r kii.eu or wounded have yet fallen Into
th hands of thv? enemy.
it is evvlMtf th:U if our men can hold,
th-ir poti.'.i on the lake shore Mr. Modoc
will have to 1 .- or surrender.
A Iimvv liuitk'-try is now going on nnr
the L-ak" 5iior. the Indians evident ly
lighting lor wat;T.
We notice a letter in the IJreyonian
of last Wednesday, signed by S. A.
Clarke, in a measure attempting, to
exhonerate theAdministration from
blame in the butcher v of some of
our bet-eitizen and soldiers. In
our ooinion the man who would in
any manner attempt to exhonorate
the fools at "Washington is only tit to
It put on a Pvaee Commission, and
have his scalp taken. Talk about
erring on the i,Lside of humanity"
with such devils as the Modocs is-
only lit (danguoge to come from a
The Satl and Legitimate Fruits.
The fruits of the infamous policy
of the Administration in regard to the
murderous Modocs has been reaped
at a fearful cost to our nation, and
has cast a gloom of sorrow over our
entire State, and were there any hon
or left in the Administration would
cause it to hide its dishonored
heads in humiliation and shame.
Full accounts will be found in this
issue of the most treacherous mur
der of two true and faithful servants
of the people, who were led into the
very jaws of death by order of the
Government in whose service one of
them had grown old and tlie history
of whose country has frequently ad
ded on its pages complimentary
mention of his heroic deeds; and of
another who had grown old in the
service of his Lord and Master. It
appears that the Administration, not
being satisfied with the cold-blooded
murder of several innocent and un
offending settlers, was determined to
force a peace upon the red devils at
every sacrifice of honor. To this
end its entire energies were exerted.
Had a poor white man in the south
knocked down a negro, or killed one,
the Federal Administration would
have hunted him down like a dog
until the fullest extremity of the law
was visited upon him. But in this
ease it was a set of savages who had
murdered in cold blood over forty
white settlers, and the Administra
tion, instead of visiting sudden and
condign punishment upon them,
sought to make a peace with the
murderers if they would only con
sent, and as that block-head Secretary
Delano telegraphed, "make peace if
it takes all summer. We have not
the langnage to express our condem
nation of an Administration which
will not protect the humblest of its
citizens. The blood of those settlers,
though they were "but poor frontier
farmers " called as loud for vengeance
as does now the blood of Gen. Canby
and the liev. Eleazer Thomas. There
was no reason why the Administra
tion should have exposed the lives of
these faithful public servants to the
mercy of the red devils, and the Ad
ministration is justly responsible for
their death. Secretary Delano
should go and hang himself as a par
tial acknowledgement of his repent
ance, and the Administration which
has sanctioned this policy, is unwor
thy of the respect of the people it
has so grossly and outrageously neg
lected and butchered. As for those
in our own State who counselled this
" peace policy," after the murder of
the settlers, we feel assured they will
get their just deserts at the hands of
a people tin y have not only insulted,
but have added two, and probably
three more innocent victims to their
already long list of victims. Our
people, with a united voice, condemn
the policy pursued ly the Adminis
tration in this matter, and had the
voice of Oregon been heeded, we
would not now be called uion to
mourn the death by treachery of
these worthy citizens and faithful
public officers. There is but one
sentiment, and that is: that the death
of Gen. E. 11. S, Canby and the Rev.
Eleazer Thomas, with man v others is
the result of the policy pursueYl by
tho Administration, and that the
heads of the departments at "Wash
ington have their blood upon their
hands. The visiting of punishment
upon the savages now will not in the
least take the odium from the Ad
ministration, nor will it bring back
the great and good men its course
has sacrificed. Gen. Canby and the
Rev. Dr. Thomas aro the victims of
the Administration.
IIjw the News ra received.
The following dispatch from Wash
ington shows how the news of the
treacherous butchery of Gen. Canby
and the Peac3 Commission was re
ceived in that city:
Washington-, April 1H. The ter
rible news of the treacherous assas
sination of lhigadier-General Canby
by tlse Modocs, and the intelligence
received at the same time of murdres
committed by the Apaches, causes a
profound feeling of grief and indig
nation, which rinds expression in all
quarters, particularly in the armv,
where Canby was held in great es
teem and affection, with utterances
of an earnest desire for the extermi
nation of these savages. The feeling
of indignation has taken the place
of all ideas whatever of peace, and
the slightest consideration cannot be
given to any other proposition than
that to move at once to the severest
punishment of the Modocs. Oilicial
reports of the massaere were sent to
the President at a late hour last
night by Adjutant-General Towns
end, and General Sherman was also
apprised at a late hour of the occur
rence. The feelings of the President
and C leneral at the sudden announce
ment were of the moct intense sor
row and indignation, and there was
not an instant's hesitancy in the de
claration that the Modocs should be
made to suffer to-the severest extent
for their crime. It i noT evident
that the aet was long premeditated
and this fact adds to the deen sens-
j m iiu i.wi i iie massacre has arous
j ed. The President has unreservedly
expiT-r.Red his-sanction of the severest
measures necessary to properly rmn-
ish the Modocs, and his views on
j this subject were fully stated to the
S authorities aeting under the War
j Department. General Sherman also
I telegraphed to General Soofield in-
structions- to move at once upon the
; Indians.
A petition, largely signed, has been
forwarded to the Governor, praying
him to pardon and release Mr. j. D
j..i , jcuk-i.ix'u i-o two years lor per-
jury from Linn countv
Latest From the Modocs,
YrtF.KA, April lGth. The Union has
the following :
IiAVA-BEus, April The day open
ed warm and still, but was ushered in
bv the roar of musketry and occasional
looming of howitzers from Colonel
Mason's camp on Hospital Rock, on the
north side ot Captain Jack's position,
and diiectlv under that famous strong
hold. tieiieral G-illeiu, who had awaited the
arrival of stores and of the Warm
Springs Indians, ordered yesterday
tents to be struck and drawn iu a com
pact place near the hospital: for the
troops to be supplied witli three day's
rations and one hundred rounds of am
munition; for the cavalry to move at
2 a. in. to day, and for Colonel Mason
on the opposite side of the lava-bed to
move at the same hour on the enemy.
Colonel Perry and Lieutenant Carson
of the cavalry 'were to move to a pint
beyond the main cave and conceal
themselves until joined iu the morning
by the infantry and artillery.
"These movements were fuithfullv ex
ecuted, but probably hurried a little
on account of the escape from the guard
house of Long Jim, u Modoc prisoner
of war.
Just daylight we heard an irregular
fusilade on the opposite side of the lava
bed, and knew that Colonel Mason's
skirmishers were engaged.
At six o'clock we heard the booming
of howitzers, and saw shells bursting
Captain Jack's camp. At this time the
rocks were swarming with Indians and
the tiring was rapid.
I attached myself to the stair of Col.
Green's field olikers, and with him and
the artillery left camp at 7 a. m. for the
field. We "united with Colonel Perry's
command, and soon the ball opened.
Captain Miller of Company Klst In
fantry, commanded the batallion, his
company being commanded by Lieu
tenant Learv. 'Miller had the extreme
right, next to Captain Throckmorton's
Battery M, Fourth Artillery; Lieuten
ant Harris, Battery K, Fourth Artillery
and Caphiin K.iga'n's Company J, Cap
tain Wright's Company L (both of tlie
Twelfth Infantry) in the centre, and
the cavalry on tile extreme left.
The plan of the battle was from the
east side. Colonel Mason was to ad
vance Ids command on tlie right : the
Warm .Springs Indians on his li ft curl
ing up along the ledge, to unite with
the right of the troops from this side,
leaving only the lake open for the Mo
docs to occupy.
Lieutenant" Green was in camp "in
charge of the arms and ammunition.
Captain Tremble, First Artillery,
with twenty men. was left in charge of
the camp oh this side.
While inarching along the lake shore
just at tlie head of the long cave, and
one and a half miles from Jacks camp,
we encountered the first opposition
straggling shots at long range. The
meh'ueployed in open skirmish order
and advanced slowly, under such cover
as the rocks atforded. To our rigid a
gorge opened in tiie bind from the light
irank, from which came straggling
shots, while a few fell around us from
the left point. Our skirmishers crept
up on them, supported by the reserves,
until we arrived within short range,
when a severe volley was fired from
the hi nfl's, there evidently beings or
;J0 Indians posted there. The lire was
heavy and galling, and after standing
it fifteen minutes tiie ordcj; to charge
was given, and the men sprang forward
amid the most deafening yells from tlie
A pack train of Warm Springs Indi
ans has just arrived. It contains 17
mules an 1 1"0 horses. At 5 :lt) the first
shot was fired from the mortars, plant
ing the shells fair in the hluils. A few
shells were thrown, going well into
the heart of the biva-bcd, and apparent
ly doing good work. Our line now ex
tends fVoni the bluff where Jack's
camo is, un the ledge to tlie south,
nearly a mile. The iluli's carried by
Miller's men are now held, and bi'u
two ledges intervene between his men
and the main plateau.
At 4 :.'! the line deployed down Un
like opposite Jack's camp and crossed
the intervening open space on tlie
double quick ithout receiving a shot.
They are now in readiness fur a charge
on tiie hhilfs after tiie mortars have
done their work. Mortars have arriv
ed on the ground and taken position.
All was quiet until 5 ::',) p. m. when
a sudden and heavy volley rattled
along Mason's line and continued sev
eral minutes. Just previous lie signal
ed, ".No one killed or WjiiucIcJ here
Such was the rapidity of the on
slaught and so unexpected, that the
troops were on them before they knew
it, and in a few minutes we were mas
ters of the situation, and tlie nu n tool;
the position behind the rocks and rest
ed at leisure.
Private F. O'Connor, Battery M,
Fourth Artillery, was shot in tlie leg,
flesh wound; Private O. Daly, Battery
K, Fourth Artillery shot in the fore
arm: Corporal K. iCilliek, Battery K.
Fourth Artillery, scalp wound : Pi ivate
M M inus, Company 11, Twelfth In
fantry, thigh crushed.
Ykkk'a, "April 1. M. J. Gage, who
left the lava-beds at dark last night
and arrived here this forenoon, having
rode one horse seventy and another
twenty miles, brought "full reports of
yesterday's fighting. We quote from
the Journal extra : ''Tiie soldiers mov
ed up night before last ami commenced
closing iu early next morning. Tne
Warm' Springs" Indians are working
around gradually and the Modocs thev
say "hen." Tlie battle was opened by
Colonel Bernard on the opposite, and
the Indians fought the troops on all
sides, which indicates that there area
great many more Indians than have
been reported heretofore. Some shells
were thrown into Jack's vicinity late in
the afternoon yesterday, and the tight
was to le resumed in closer quarters to
day, with a prosjx'ct of to-day's light
deciding the result, or probably con
tinue till to-morrow. It is asserted that
had it not been for the acquisition of thc
Warm-) Soring Indians the soldiers
would have got the worst of it yester
day, fiie losses not known when our
informant left, but were believed to be
light, as the fight had not reached verve-lose
quarters, except at one point
where the Modocs were driven oti l3'
the troops.
Whfii ni-rht closed yesterday's righting
our troops ir-M. the ground to within thre
luiiiur.'d vanis or tie? enemy's strong--st
position, and nziiting was to be resumed
at seven this morning. It is Impossibl ? to
omt; at tlit? Indian loss as yet. Smwaro
known to have been killed. Lieutenant
Kagan, Company (i, Kighteenth Intantry,
who was highly coMiniend'-tl lor his dar
ing gallantry, received a flesh wound ol
the tnigh ; Sergeant 11. ;id.vanie compa
ny, leg severely wounded : Corporal brew,
some conipnnv, killed : Corporal Kilbecii,
Battery K, Fourth Artilcry, scalp wound;
Corporal lielano, same company, "ouml in
log; Charl s Johnson, Company I j. First
Cavii I rv, killed; V. F. Soar! -s, Company
K. First Cavalry, (killed; E. O'Conor, Bat
t -rv M. Pnnrth Art ill: -rv. 11 -sh wound of
lg": O. IHk,I y. lliit: -ry K, fl sh wound in
arm; T. JlcN'amn, flattery K, s vere wouna
in thigh; Martin Connor, Company
Twohtii Infantry, llesh wound in log;
Thomas Bernard, Company K, First Cav
nlry, in Fit should. r. Uroat solicitude is
felt hr about Pat. McManus, one t h'?
tin lejuling merchants of this city, who,
while riding his mule too near th'1 r dskins'
ambiisti, was wounded, and at last reorts
yesterday had not been removed. His
inulo was killed.
Mr. Meaeham is improving, and com
fortable. His wife arrived ironi Salem,
Or'gon, iaj.t night, and departed this
morning to join him.
Mr. Meaeham will recover.
Camp Title Lake, April 15. A bat
e has been in progress from early
morning. Our troops aided ,y the
Warm Springs Indian allies,' have
driven the Modocs from every position
into their stronghold, tlie cave in the
Liva-bed. nnd at six p. m. the Modocs
were nearly surrounded aud the mor
tars in position and throwing shells
into the Indian camp. But six of our
men have U-cn wounded, so far as
heard irom, in the day's fi-ht
Howe &: Stephens are
a tug at u'pstivirt
will be an excellent and serviceable
essei. rne is built for going out i
J pver the bar to bring in ships, and !
for all other towing.. The hull will j
. be brought up to Portland in a short
' time to recei- e the machinery.
Jacksonville, April 13. The de
tails of the cruel murder of General
Canby and Mr. Thomas have increas
ed the public excitement. The flags
of the town are at half-mast to-day,
and there is much apprehension for
the safety of the Lake settlers. Gov
ernor G rover has been telegraphed
to raise a force of three hundred
volunteers immediately to protect
the frontier.
Ykeka, April 13. The excitement
here over the news from the front is
intense, every one condemning the
peace policy" of Secretary Delano.
So great was the excitement last night
that he was hung in efiigy from a
rope stretched across the street. The
elligy was placarded " C. Delano,
Secretary of the Interior. Thus with
the Quaker Indian policy;" at the
feet was a long card, with the words
" Make peace if it takes all summer
C. Delano." The flags are at half
mast all over the town. Every one
wears sorrowful countenances. At
'2:41 p.m. a courier arrived from the
front with oilicial dispatches, and
also information that the remains of
General Canby and Dr. Thomas
would arrive in a short time. The
streets are ei-owded with people. A
procession was organized and march
ed out two by two to escort the fu
neral cortege into town. At 3:10 p. m.
three four-horse" ambulances entered
town, followed by about 300 of our
citizens. The remains were encased
in rough boxes. General Canby's
was wrapped in National colors and
were taken into the Masonic Hall,
where they will be embalmed. They
have reached here' in a remarkable
good state of preservation. Dr.
Thomas was at once placed in a zinc
coilin and will be forwarded to San
Francisco as soon as possible. The
General's Avill remain here until u
casket arrives.
Captain H.'K. Anderson, General
Canby's Aid, came in charge of the
remains. Ha left Tule Camp at 12
o'clock, noon, yesterday. The night
before he left there was an alarm
along the picket line. Colonel Green
oame near being killed by the acci
dental discharge of a pistol; the ball
passed up through the front of his
forage rap. Captain Anderson was
at Colonel Mason's camp when the
attack was made upon the Peace
Commission party, and says D. U.
Sherwood and lioyle were allured
out from the cam) by a white Hag;
they went four or live hundred yards,
when they met what they supposed
were only two Indians, who said thev
wanted to talk to the little " tyee,'"
Colonel Mason. They were "told
that they did not want to taik, and
for the Indians to go Back to their
camp, and they would return to
theirs. As they turned around, the
Indians (four in number) tired upon
them, wounding Lieutenant Sher
wood in the arm and thigh, the latter
being a very serious wound, the bone
being shattered by the bullet, Cap
tain Anderson, who was on duty at
the signal station on Hospital rock,
saw plainly the attack upon Colonel
Mason's front, and telegraphed to
General Gillem to notify the Peace
Commission immediately. Colonel
Piddle, who was at the signal station
at General Gillem V headquarters
when this message was receive, at
once placed his liei.l glass upon Gen
eral Canby, as the party sat together
about one mile distant. Very soon
the whole party scattered, he follow
ed the General's course with his glass,
while lie ran about fifty yards, threw
up his arms and fell backwards
dead. Two of the Indians who were
following him jumped upon him.
One of them believed to be Captain
Jack, stabbed him in the neck, and
he was completely stripped. Dr.
Thomas was also entirely stripped;
his purse, containing sixty odd dol
lars, was found under his" body, the
Indians having dropped it! Mr.
Meaeham was shot in three places,
one ball entering at the inner corner
of his right eye, and another in the
side of his head. These are both be
lieved to have lodged within his cra
nium. The third ball passed through
his right fore-arm. He also received
a cut in his left arm and a scalp
wound five inches in length. He
was found about fifty yards from
the spot where tlie slaughter began,
in a direction opposite to that taken
by General Canby. Ho too was en
tirely stripped, "and bewildered in
mind. The Captain spent an hour
with him yesterday morning. He
was conscious and had no pain.
Meaeham says he thinks he shot
Seonchin in the abdomen, and blood
was found, indicating that one of the
Indians had been wounded. The
soldiers who were ready started on
the "double-quick" immediately up
on the firing of the shots. Thev
met Dyar and Kiddle and his wife be
fore they were half way to camp.
The Indians retired to their retreat,
about GOO yards in advance of the
soldiers, who followed them half a
mile beyond the murder cronnd
and there remained until dark, when
they were withdrawn,-owing to not
being provided with supplies. To
day would be spent in closing in up
on the red devils, and if a general
assault was not made to-day, it cer
tainly will be to-morrow.
Ykeka, April 11 The remains of
General Canby and.. Dr. Thomas
have been lying in state in the
Masonic Hall all day. They have
been visited by nearly the whole
population. It is estimated that over
one thousand persons Lave passed in
and out of the hall. At 12 o'clock
the children of the public schools
passed in procession by twos, num
bering about three hundred. The
Collins are wrapped in the National
colors, and strewn with wreathes of
llowers. An expression of great sor
row is visable upon every counte
nance. The horrible massacre seems
too terrible to think of.
General Canby's remains will be
forwarded to Portland by this after
noon's stage, in charge of the Gen
eral's Aid, Captain H. K. Anderson.
They will be at Koseburg Wednes
day evening, and will lie conveyed
from there bv a special train to Port
land. Dr. Thomas' remain's leave for
Kedding bv private conveyance at 2
o'clock' this afternoon. They can
not go by stage, owing to the epizoo
tic on the southern end of the road.
No courier has arrived from the
front up to this hour (2 p.m.),
though one is hourly expected, and
we have nothing later than last dis
natches.i " Ykeka, April 14, J. G. Halleck,
who went out as special messenger
to rairs -vesterday -with, dipatche1?
returned this evening, but brought
nothing definite from the seat of war.
Mr. Ball came in from Van Bremer's
just as Mr. Halleck was leaving.
There had been no lighting up to
the time he left, but ammunition
and supplies were being pushed for
ward with dispatch, Tlie surgeorrs
had extracted four balls from Mr.
Meacham's wounds, and he was doing
as well as could be expected, but
there was little hope of his recovery.
There were various rumors a3 to when
the attack would be made; some said
to-day and some to-morrow. They
were doubtless awaiting the arrival
of the Warm Springs Indian scouts,
who were to be used on the east, be
tween the forces of General Gilem
and Colonel Mason's command, they,
with the Cavalry, making a third
line, and all advancing together
from the north, south and east, the
Lake being on the west. It is be
lieved that when the battle is fought
it will be a hard one, and as. no
quarter will be shown the Indians
will tight with terrible desperation.
Charles Davis, Deputy Sheriff", ar
rived this afternoon in from the east
ern part of the county. He reports
the Pitt Kiver Indians quiet and
peaceable. There are no fears of an
outbreak or depredations, but should
the Modocs now escape, there will be
Every horse iu surprise, Hot
Spring and Big Valleys is down with
the epizootic, but there are only a
few fatal rases.
llEADijfAia'Ei'.s Ti'lk Lake, ,
April 11th, 1873.
Lieut, Sherwood, of the Twenty
first Infantry, died at 1 o'clock, to
day, of wounds received on the 11th
inst., while receiving a Hag of truce
from tiie Indians.
Seventv-twp Warm Spring Indians,
under Donald Me Kay, arrived in
camp east of the Modoc position
last night. The army will close on
the ludian's position to-morrow, and
endeavor to cut off all escape. No
effort will be spared to make the
punishment of
if possible, no
that he or his
the Indians severe.
Indian shall boast
ancestors murdered
Gen. Canby.
(Signed) Alvax C. Gillem.
Ykeka, Cal., April 15. The l'eg
ular courier arrived from headquart
ers at f o'clock this evening, having,
left there at 10 a. m. yesterday. Up
to that time there had been no light
ing, except a slight skermih on Col.
Mason's piclt line on the 12th, re
sulting in one dead Indian and the
rapture of ten ponies. The Warm
Spring scouts arrived on tlie 13th.
They would be armed yesteivlay, and
beyond a doubt the troops moved in
to the. lava bed last night or to day.
Yesterday morning, while the sig
nal oiiieers were engaged Between
Gen. Gillem' s headquarters and Col.
Mason's camp, a Modoc got upon a
ridge near Jack's cave with a white
rag on a pole, and imitated the move
ments of the signal 'officers, waving
it to and fro.
Lieut. W. L. Sherwood died at
one o'clock yesterday morning from
wounds received while ofiircr of the
day. receiving a Hag of truce.
Mr. Meacham's condition is more
hoi f 111.
Mr. Dvar, tlie eomm
isi.:ier who
was unhurt, telegraphs to Washing
ton for instructions, saying it is use
less to try longer for peace with
those Indians. There is no doubt
but the Modocs exported to get Gil
lem and Col. Mason. Gen. Gillem
expected tr; have boon present at the
council hut u the morning of the
massacre was too indisposed to leave
his tent. It is now stated that both
Generals Canby, Gillem and the
Commissioners talked about Kiddle's
warning, and came
to the conclusion
ruse of Kiddle's
it was otilv a
to delay negotiations.
is also stat
ed that thev
not the most confi
dence m J addles veracity. But on
this occasion it seems he was right
in his supposition
The surgeons report Mr. Meacham's
wounds to be a gunshot wound of
the right forearm, a gunshot wound
of the left index linger, also one of
the right ear, a lacerated wound of
the-forehead and nose, and the wound
of the scalp, six inches in length,
caused by an attempt to seal) him.
Fanaticism. Fanaticism seems to
have taken possession of the people
of certain States as is indicated by
the passage by the Senate of Michi
gan a bill making of it a crime for
any Catholic priest or bishop to pro
nounce or publish a sentence of ex
communication upon anybody in
that State; but we take it for granted
that the Assembly will reject it. The
adoption of such a statute would
have a pernicious effect through the
Union. The government should let
everybody choose his own church,
and every church choose its own
members. The expulsion of a Ma
son from his lodge, the dismissal of
a clerk from a kank, and the refusal
of children dressed in velvet to play
with children dressed in calico
might just as well be made occasions
for the interference of the State,
as the admission or expulsion of
church members. The State has
had too much to do with the church.
Does it Fit? We mentioned last
week that a certain member in the
last Legislature from this county,
had recieved a surveying contract and.
also stated that it was in considera
tion of his vote for Mitchell. There
were three Kadical members from this
county, but one of them, who resides
not a thousand miles from this city,
eagerly took it to mean him, and has
been very active during the past
week in denying the charge. We
have not heard that the other two
have made any denial of the matter.
All we have to say is, that the facts
as stated, came to us from what we
regard good authority. The conclu
sions in the premises are our own.
Now the matter is very plain. Had
there been no truth in the charge as
made by us, said member would not
have been so eager to deny it, and
certainly would have done as the
others did, let it alone, until he was
designated as the identical individual.
We have this to say, if the boot fits
the said member, he is at liberty
to wear it. From the fuss he lias
made since our last issue, it evidently
fits him pretty wtlL
Summary of State Xews Items
Koseburg is said to have a popula
tion of four hundred.
J. G. Wilson, M. C, will return
to Oregon about the first of July.
Umpqua farmers have lost man
cows this spring from poison herbs.
The Forest Grove Intlvpeuilenl now
publishes litigant notices for Wash
ington county.
Fares and freights have been re
duced on the railroad from, Kose
burg to Portland.
The Springfield mill Company, of
Lane county, will fatten eight hun
dred hogs for market next fall.
The Oregon Central Kail road Co.
paid taxes in Washington county last
week, amounting to 1,000.
Tlie last two steamships leaving
for California, took away nearly 30,
500 dozen eggs, valued at $7,000.
James Maxey, a former resident of
Umpqua valley, in this State, died
suddenly in San Francisco on the 3d
The Mount Hood jiostolTice has
been re-established at Tygh Valley,
with Mr. Hollingsworth as postmas
ter. Douglas county is estimated to
have 200,000 sheep from which will
le sheared this year 800,000 pounds
of wool.
Mr. Stergill will race his mare
against Flannagan's horse for SI 000
a side, over the Baker City track,
May 11th.
Salem returns $2,210,098 of assess
able property and debts amounting
to Sl,0."-i,80(j. " This is a prodigious
Surveyor General Odell has sent
to the Commissioner of the General
Land Oflice his report on the swamp
land question.
Owing to the severe illness of
Judge A7 J. Thaver of the 2nd Judi
cial' District, Judge P. P. Prim will
take his place.
W. W. Piper, architect, of Tort
land, is engaged in drawing a plan
for the State University to be erected
at Eugene City.
Sheriff Poindcxter of Lane county
conveyed an insane man named Kieh
ardson to the asylum at East Portland
on Wednesday.
We learn that the railroad rases at
Albanv were all decided against the
subscribers. They w ill take them to
the higher courts.
A sturgeon was caught in the Col-
umbia last
week, throe miles below
the Dalles.
which weighed two hun-
dred and fifty pounds.
On Friday last K-v. J. C. Allyn
of Yamhill county, was thrown from
a horse and severely injured, having
his collar bone broken.
T 1
ix s:
Mills at Salem
have received s
f tin
( La::
seed from Indiana which will bo dis
tributed among the farmers.
Twenty thousand eight hundred
and twenty two children attended
school in Oregon in 1870. aceordiii"
to the census report just out.
A reduction of from twenty-live
to fifty cents at each station has been
made on passenger tariffs by the Or
egon Central Kallroad Company.
Trof. Kobb of McMinnville college
has been appointed County Super
intendent f Schools in Yamhill
county, vice H. II. Hewitt, resigned.
Circuit Court for Linn county af
ter br-infr in session for two weeks
and a half, adjourned last Wednes
day. This is the longest term ever
known in Linn
On the night of the 0th, two horses
were stolen from tlie farms of J. H.
Ilichey and P. Howell, near Weston.
Adams brothers lost a saddle and
bridle tlie same night
Arrangements are being made by
which grain will be carried from
Kosebui'fr, Oakland, and other points
in the Umpqua valley to Portland,
for seven dollars a ton
Tlie horses of .the Northwestern
Stage Co.. at Baker City, and along
the entire lino to Boise City, took
the ''epizooty" a week ago, causing
some delay in running tlie stages.
The City Council rf Portland and
the various military companies held
meetings Monday to express their re
grets for the death of Gen. Canby,
and to prepare for receiving his re
mains. A Keform School Incorporation
was organized at Portland last Satur
day, with eighteen incorporators, and
fifteen trustees. Henry Failing is
Ghairman of the Board and J. K.
Gill, Secretary.
The Corvallis Gazette of last Satur-
.i ......... ttiA . . j i i t
i i -T 7 a- VV i ' a . i
President Arnold has had the stu- !
dents out in full force, sowing wheat
and oats received from the Depart
ment of Agriculture."
The State Journal says: We regret
to learn that Mr. Jno. Brat tain of
Baker City, formerly a resident of
this county, is still" confined to his
house from the breaking of his
leg !
some time last fall.
Mr. K. V. Howard of Long Tom,
Lane county, claims to be the first
man in the State to introduce steam
threshing in Oregon. His machine
is capable of threshing 1,000 bushels
a day on an average.
Two hiprh-toned Chinamen were
booked at the St. Charles, at Albany
last Tuesday, and one of them stated
that in about three weeks he would
bring up from Portland 150 Celestials
to work on the Santiam canal.
Mrs. A. B. Meaeham left for Jack
sonville last Sunday to see her bus-
nana, n nia wounds aro oi such a
nature that removal is impossible j
she will remain at headquarters with j
the wounded husband and father. j
People who live at the foot hills of j
the Cascade range complain that
since the game law went into force i
the deer and
elk tramp up their gar- j
r their elother from the !
dens and tear
fine in tlie banc yards. They can't
bother at this thing much longer.
It is stated that, in consequence
of the surveying meiaVr from this
county having "blowed" on himself,
the Surveyor General may be deter
ed from confirming the contract
which he was awarded. He had bet
ter taken .-?1,500 coin for his vote
than a $5,000 surveying contract and
bother with the chances of selling it
Telejrraphlc News Summary.
New Haven-, April 9. A terrible
accident occurred this afternoon at
Middletown, about four o'clock.
The nearly completed brick building o
known as Shepard block fell in, bury- o
ing fifteen men. Six bodies have
been recovered up to the present
time. New Yokk, April 10. The insur
ancc on Horace Greeley's life of
$10,000 has been collected. Tho
policy is the largest paid into tho
last decade.
A commotion has been created in
Wall street by the announcement
that the grand jury has summoned
leading bankers wlio are in
to tell all they know abott
formed and forming and h
give tne names oi usuit-i.
The Albany correspondent
gives tlie following as a list of Sen
ators who last year received $5,000
each for voting against the pro rata
freight bill, as brought out in tho
Erie investigation: George Bowen,
Laren L. Lewis, Wm. B. Woodin,
Norman M. Allen, Gabriel T. nar
rower, and Jas. Wood.
. . ....
Paris letters say tnat oi twenty
million francs subscribed in Franco
for the construction of the imagin
ary Memphis and El Paso Railroad,
eighteen and a half millions went
into the pockets of those engineering
the scheme. The remainder was
used to make extravagant contracts,,
that the sale of bonds might be fur
thcr stimulated.
PiTTsnuKG, April 0. At McKeys
port, Pennsylvania, this afternoon,
three bridge trestles, supporting
seventy feet of the national Tube
Works, gave way, breaking a gas
Conductor leading from the gas pro
ducer to the
nited and the
furnaces. The
fras ir-
entire mill buildiiif-.
one of tne largest kind, was imme
diately wrapped in flames. Two
hundred men were at w ork under the.
roof when the trestle gave way.
Fortunately part of the wall fell in
such a manner that the nen who
able to pass under it, protected from
the sea of flames. But one life was
Washington, April 0. The attor
neys f the Central Pacific Railroad
Co. served a motion to dismiss tho
appeal taken by that corporation to
the United States Supreme Court,
that said State has the right to tar
the road and other property of tho
company. The decision of the Cal
ifornia Courfc will therefore stand.
Aspixwal, via Havana, April 10.
The city of San Salvador, Central
America, has been destroyed by an
earthquake. Eight hundred persons
lerished and $12,000,000 worth f
proj erty was destroyed. The earth
quake was followed ly a conflagra
tion and many buildings wen1 burned.
For a few days previous slight shocks
of earthquake, luul occurred frequent
ly, but no serious apprehensions
were entertained. On tiie afternoon
f the 1th instant, almost without
warning, a great pari of the city was
reduced to little more than ruins.
Tito ground heaved like a ship in a
a term tie thunoering burst
fi't-m under, the foot walls tottered
and were rent in many places with
wide ere ices and roof sank to the
ground. Three violent shocks fol
lowed in succession. Servants com
menced to scream piteous y and
could hot be pacified; wild birds
llew to the houses; horses grew fran
tic in the stubles; do.ns howled and
slunk into houses for protection.
Every few minutes shakings of los
violence occurred. The scene beg
gars description. Kuined houses;
the panic-stricken people men,
women and children tied to the
fields with valuables hastily collect
ed; then the ringing of the alarm
bells and beating of drums railing
all soldiers under arms, for in San
Salvador murder and illage accom
pany the confusion of great eaith
quakes and the frightened citizens
leave the town and the Indians from
'tlu1 forests prowl into it for prey art
only checked by the bayonets of
Government troops, which are post
ed in squads at short distances all
over the city.
Thomas Jackson of Rhode Island
retained by the Attorney-General to
assist in the prosecution agatnst the
Credit Mobilier and Union Pacific.
It is proposed to prepare a bill in
equity in which the Government,
as creditor, will seek first to compel
the stockholders to pay into the
treasury of the corporation the par
value of full-paid stock, as requiietl
by the charter, but which was issued
for much less; secondly, to compel
the Credit Mobilier stock-holders to
restore to the company treasury their
illegal and inordinate profits, which
have endangered the credit of tho
Government loan to the road.
Ni:w Yokk, April 12. Three men
to-night attacked Charles Schell of
No. 151 West Forty-second street, in
the store at Sixtv-second street and
Tenth avenue, and cut his throat from
nA, i .,. .,i
Following are the Pacific coast
postal chances ordered during tho
past week: post-oltie.es established
Bel!".-- station, Santa Clara countv,
L. Bell, Postnve-ter; Mitchell, Ww
co county, Oregon, W. Johnson,
Postmaster: Indian vallev, Union
countv, Oregon, John W. White,
I i'osima
sier; xsianu , eiuun
i I . 11 T
Oregon, Marsh B. Malory,
Postmaster: Walla Walla, Unions
county, Oregon. John Snodgrass,
Postmaster; Wallos Prairie, Stevens,
rountv. Washington Territory, Guy
j Haines, Postmaster; Crab creek
Stevens county, Washington Terri-
tory, K. M. Bacon, Postmaster;
I Ellenshurgh, Yakima county, Wash
! ington Territory, John A. Shouldy
' Postmaster. Names changed Klam
ath, Jackson oounty, Oregon, to
Lakeport. Discontinued Tanenmr
Yakima county, Washington Terri
tory. Appointed Postmasters Vir
ginia City, Storey count v, Nevada,,
D. A. Disken; Buel, Elko county,
Nevada. Davis Bassett.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders in the Oregon and California
lhiilroad Company on the 8th inst.,
ie Board Directors were re-elect-
ed for the ensuintr Tear, as follows:.
Dr. J. C Hawthorne, H. C. Lewis,
Medorem Crawford. I. K. Moores,
Geo. W. Weidler, W. L. Halsey and
Ben. Holladay. The Directors meet
next month.
, o
The election on Monday for citv
officers, of Eugene City, resulted a
follows: President of the Council,
,loel Ware; Recorder, T. J. Holland;
Marshal, Richard Rush: Treasurer,
Mark Stevens; Councilmen, J. R.
j Ream, H. F. Stratton Win. Osborn.
O o
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