Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 18, 1873, Image 1

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VOL. 7,
NO. 25.
3 jf
IE 1 II III It I Ik.
i c
J arracr, Business Man, Family Circlr.
OFFICE In Dr. Thessing's F.riek, next
Aoor to John Myers' store, up-stairs.
Term of Subscription t
fllnila Copy One Year. In Advance $2.r0
' Six Months " " 1.50
Term f Advertising
Transient ad vert is'-ments, including
all legal notices, square 01 inn
lin inn) week
For each subs'-qiient insertion.-
Own Column, one year
Half " " :;
Business Card, 1 square, one year
3 I.I HI
41 I.I N I
,F. BARCLAY, m. R. C. S.
w . .
Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. II. B. Co.
Thirty-five Years' Experience,
Main Street, Oregon City.
O Jt EU O AT C IT Y, O I! K O O A'.
J"VU1 r spoml promptly to calls during
eith-rdav or niirht.
Office at WurU's Drugstore. Can b- found
at the C'liif House at night. lebUm'.-
W. H- WATKIM8, M- D.,
S-OFFICE Odd Fellow's Tern pI 'nrn'T
First and Alder streets. K-siueiic- corner
of Main and Seventh streets.
Drs. Welch A: Thompson,
D E 11 T S ST5,
py- lilic in Odd Fellows' Templ,corner
of First: ml Aid r st reets, Portland.
Th" patrona-je of those d.-.sirmg superior
operations is in sicial ropiest. Nitrous
oid- lor tii" p:iinl'-.vs extraction ot t'-etli.
Artificial teeth " better than the b "st," and
ai cheap as the elvap-sf .
Will be in Oregon City on Saturday.
N..V. . :tf
Attorn eys-at-Law,
7-OFFICE Chnrman's brick, Main st.
oniarlsTJ :t t.
Orogon City, Oregon.
e"WiII practice in all the Courts of the
State, sp -cial attention given to eases in
the V. S. Land O trice at r 'gon City.
0aprlS7'-t I.
OFFICE Over Tope's Tin Store, Main
street. 21mar7-U.
A T T on x i: V A T I. A x .
7"t)ffliv-No. W, Dekum's r.uilding. Fort
land, Oregon. 7iuarlsru-ti.
lr-rx 1 Trmlrrn, C'lacknma County Or
ders, ii ml Oregon City Orders
IiOans negotiated. Collections attended
o, and a Ueiieral lirokeage business carried
on. Jaiitj!!".
Kstabllslieil since 40, at tl old stand.
Main Street, Oregon City, Orcson.
An assortment of Wat h-s. Jewel
7,y5 ry.and Seth Thomas' Weislit Clocks
J. -"S a" OI w'hicl are warranted t.) be a
v ' t represented.
q 8yKepairing done on short notice, and
thankful lor past patronage.
JOHN 31. 15AC0X,
Jn Hooks, stationery, lVrtum.
cry, etc., etc.
Oregon City, Oregon.
7At Charman A Warner's old stand,
ateiy occupied by S. Ackeman, Main si.
X 0 T A R Y P U 15 L I C.
For the very best photographs, go to Hrad
cy i T.ulofson's Galery vrithout STAIR-S
A.cend in th, Elevater, 12Q Montgomerv
Street, San Franci?,y, California.
Br' -PTviy
m i i -i m ,
': "V;i'i . :?'-r'. ;T?TfTv
Grant's Peace Policy Illustrated
The Ked Devils Treacherously Mur
der two Men and Mortally
wound the thi -d.
Rev. Tliomas Killed by lljston
Dispatch. Military Headquarters, Portland.
Cajii' .South of Tl lk Lake,
April 11, 1?7:J. )
To Adjutant-General., Depart
mrnt of Columbia: General Can by,
with the Peace Commission, went
out to meet the Indians about one
mile in front of the camp at eleven
o'clock this morning. At half-past
one this afternoon the signal ollicer
whom I had watching the conference
reported tiring.
lleaching the place of meeting, I
found that General Canby and the
Ilev. Dr. Thomas had been killed,
and Mr. Meacham seriously, if not
mortally, wounded.
Mr. l)yar, the other Commission
er escaped unhurt.
I shall at once commence active
operations against the Indians.
Alvin C. Gillem.
First Cavalry, Com. Expediton.
Second Dispatch.
In the Lava-beds, Cal., April 11,)
Via Yreka, April 12. )
Yesterday five Indians and four
squaws came into camp ami were
made presents of clothing and pro
visions by the Peace Commission,
smd a message was sent out by the
Commission asking for a talk this
morning at a point a mile from our
picket line. Later in the evening
Bogus Charley came in and told the
picket he could take his gun; that he
(Charley) did not intend to go back
any more. The picket brought him
in and took him to the tent of Gen
eral Canby, whore Charley left his
gun, and remained at the tent of
Frank Kiddle during the night. This
and told the Commission that Cap
tain Jack and five other Indians
would meet the Commission outside
our lines, lioston and Kogus then
mounted a horse and started for the
lava-bed. About one hour after
their departure, General Canby, Dr.
Tliomas, Mr. A. K. Meacham and
Mr. Dyar, wii.li Frank Kiddle and
li is squaw for interpreters, started
for the place appointed. The. party
arrived at the appointed place and
were closely
Lieutenant Adams, from the signal
station on the hill overlooking our
camp. About half an hour after the
party had arrived a cry from the signal-station
was heard, saving that
and that an engagement had com
menced between the Indians and
Colonel Mason. In a moment the
"troops were under arms and deployed
as skirmishers under command of
Colonel Green. and orders were given,
"forward, double-quick!" Very
shortly after Mr. Dyar returned and
told us that he thought that he was
Iut in a -few moments after Kiddle
and his squaw were seen within the
picket-line. From him we gather
the following account of
Meacham made a short speech to the
Indians, followed by General Canby,
and then Dr. Thomas. Then Cap
tain Jack made a speech, asking for
Hot Creek and Cottonwood, the places
now occupied by Fairehihl and Dor
ris, for a reservation. Mr. Meacham
told him it was not possible to give
him what he asked. Sconchin told
Meacham to say no more; that he
(Meacham) had said enough upon
this subject; and while Sconchin was
talking Capt. Jack got up and walked
behind the others and turned back
and exclaimed,
" all ready!"
Di ew his pistol and snapped a cap
tit (Seneral Canby, cocked his pistol
again and tired.
Shot under the right eye. Sconchin
then shot Meacham in the shoulder
and in the head, but he is still alive.
Koston Charley and another Indian
shot and killed Doctor Thomas.
Hookah Jim chassod Dyar for some
distance, but Dyar turned on him
with pistol in hand, and Hooka Jim
ran against an Indian knocked Kid
dle's squaw down and took her horse,
but Captain Jack made him return it;
and then another Indian chased Kid
dle and shot at him. This last mav
be taken with a grain of salt.
The troops are now about
Lying upon their arms, and will
probably advance under the cover of
There are about six hundred troops
here which can be brought into
active service, and I believe thev
will end the Modoe war. Meacham i's
not expected to svrvive.
Third Dispatch.
Yreka, April 12 p. m. The news
of the horrible massacre of General
Canby and Commissioner Thomas
has cast a gloom of sorrow over this
whole community, and the excite
ment is intense A feeling exists
that the Indians should now receive
the punishment they so richlv de
serve; that
to boast of this terrible massacre.
II. C. Tickner, who brought in the
official dispatches, left headquarters
at five o'clock last evening He savs
umt-ia jusi ocen issued for an
at one o'clock this morning. The
plan was to advance slowly,' taking
everything as they went along, having
water and provisions with them. In
this case it may be two davs before
the trouble is ended.
It is presumed that the remains of
Gen. Canby and Commissioner
Thomas will hG forwarded to this
ace, and should arrive some time
Another courier would leave head
quarters this evening, and would ar
rive to morrow.
Those are the only particulars
other than were telegraphed this af
ternoon. A courier left here at' nine o'clock
to-night for Colonel Gillem 's head
quarters, with dispatches from Gen
eral Schofield.
Ky many it is believed that the
Modocs are desperate and will tight
until the last man dies, and that they
will not leave their caves. Others
think they have already made their
escape from the lava-beds, and will
commence a relentless war upon all
weak parties they may meet.
Itissnpposad that Scar-faced Char
ley and Curly-headed Doctor were
with the indians who attacked Col.
Mason's position, and that it was a
blind to attract the attention of Gen
eral Gillem from the conference going
on between Jack and his fellows and
the Commissioners.
Reception to Oakcs Ames.
There is always a corner where a
thick skinned man can" retire from
the contempt and scorn of the world
to find some consolation, says the
New York Herald. That is located
in the depths of his sclf-concious-ness.
If a bad man, as is often the
case, is in any way happy in his do
mestic circle he may tly there secure
from the slings and arrows of out
rageous fortune. This circle of con
dolence may be indefinitely extended
if the man has dependents outside of
his family, or has had the tacfto
make others believe that they have
been pierced with the shaft that has
stricken him. Last and not least, if
he has money. Oakcs Ames, whose
Credit Mobilier actions in Congress
every man and journal ill the United
States worthy of the name of inde
pendence has condemned as dishon
orable, debasing and demoralizing, is
about to be welcomed home at North
E.iston, Mass. Not in the name of
that friendship dating from before
the crime, which induces respectable
people to shake hands with a mur
derer in his condemned cell, is- it
that Oakcs Ames is to he Avelcomed
home. Not in the light of virtues
which ofton exist in a man side by
side with his particular viciousness
is it tl.at North Easton will greet
Oakes Ames. Not as the returning
Prodigal fresh from his husks and
swine will the fatted calf of North
Easton le killed for him. Not even
as the liberated convict, repentant of
his evil ways, is the " absolutely cen
sured " Congressman to be fatted in
the land of pork and beans. It is
because of his disgrace, and not in
spite of it, that North Easton will
cheer and tiger for the professional
corrupter of the nation's representa
tives. The dispatches from the classic
spot are read with that curiosity
which observes with pain a number
of people studiously engaged in self
degredation. The settlements which,
after the Massachusetts fashion, play
every change upon one name before
choosing another and which have
Easton as their generic term will
have their inhabitants so engaged.
Shovels have been used in the found
ing of every tow n in the world, but
North Easton stands perhapsalone in
the fame of having been built of
shovels altogether. For palatial res
idences it has the homes of the boss
shovel-makers, with nice lawns in
front of them. For poorer resi
dences it has the homes of shovel
makers of high and low degree,
shovel forgers, shovel cutters, shovel
temperers, shovel filers, shovel fin
ishers and shovel handlers. For
business houses it has shovel fac
tories and the "stores" where lower
shoveldom obtains its food, its fuel
and its clothing on monthly credit
through the agency of the "business
ollice where shoveldom is paid oil"
twelve times a year. Its children
are shovel-makers' children and its
women are shovel-makers' wives.
What of this enumeration is not
owned body and bones by Oakes
Ames is owned bones and body by
his brother, Oliver Ames. It is all
in the family and all will be trooped
out to sing hosana to him who comes
in the name of Credit Mobilier and
Congressional corruption. The Rev.
Mr. Chaflin, of the Unitarian shovel
church will le there, and with the
soothing words of the religious mag
azine at his back will heartily greet
Oakes Ames. Three hundred of
"the lest citizens," says the divine,
will join in. The cards of invita
tion tell us that all this to Oakes
Ames " in recognition of ten years'
faithful service in the Congress of
the United States." Nothing could
be added to this to make it look more
ridiculous. Even the pledge of un
diminished confidence in your in
tegritv," which the citizens address
to the Mobilier man, is feebly stupid
beside it.
Saucily aud Shi In the Senate.
Political corruption, like murder,
is certain to discover itself sooner or
later. Last year tho whisperings of
shameless bribery among Senators
and Representatives in Congress
were only an intangible scandal; but
in the past few weeks exposure has
so quickly followed upon exposure
as to indicate an utter lack of public
virtue and private integrity. So lost
to all sense of honor and decency have
many of our politieirns become
that they think themselves wronged
because their crimes have lieen ex
posed. Governor Carney regards
his treatment as peculiarly hard
hard because things 'which should
have been concealed were ojienly
told lief ore all the world; his consent
to withdraw from the candidacy for
the United States Senatorship in con
sideration of money paid to him by
Caldwell or his friends appearing to
him a perfectlv legitimate trans
action. Caldwell, too, looks upon
his treatment as extremely cruel, and
Harlan is as indignant as his pious
soul will permit.
The Senate, we are told, partici
pates in Harlan's indignation regard
ing the conduct of the House Com
mittee in allowing a witness in the
Credit Mobilier investigation to tell
things damaging to the Senator as a
flagrant breach of privilige. Just
here we have a word to say. If Har
lan had been as good a man as he
always pretended to be, and as Par
son Newman, the chaplain of the
Senate, endorsed him as being, there
would have been no occassion for in
dignation, for then there would have
been no bribery and, consequently,
no exposure. Dr. Newman, in a cir
cular which was distributed all over
the State of Iowa, recommended Har
lan's election because of the Senator's
high moral character. It now turns
out the Senator, so far from being a
"great, qood man," was not only
among the sinners of the parson's
Senatorial Hock, but one of the vilest
of the lot. Ex-Senator Thayer, of
Nebraska, stands in the same rela
tion towards the country as Harlan,
not because his piety was ever con
sidered sufficient to speak of, but
owing to the fact that he made up
his lack of sanctimonious irreligion
bv blatant patriotism. Then comes
Powell Clayton, of Arkansas. We
do not know that Clavton ever claim
ed to be particularly patriotic or
singularly pious, but we know that
some damaging f.icts were proved
against him last year, and yet he
continues to hold his seat in the
Senate without the investigation be
ing pursued to its conclusion. Sen
ator Robertson, South Carolina, is
another man whose election it is
openly alleged was procured by a
lavish outlay of money. Other
Southern and Northern Senators
are as openly accused of having
procured their seats by bribery.
Both of the Senators from the largest
and the smallest Slates in the Union
are spoken of with disrespect by their
eonsiituents because of allegations
of a like character. If the revelations
of the past few weeks continue two
thirds of the Senate may be shown to
have been elected bv bribery and
The incoming Senators seem to be
no better than those who are already
in the Senate. Patterson, of South
Carolina, is accused of the o.Tences
of which Caldwell and Harlan and
Thayer arc? such conspicuous ex
amples. Bogy, who is to be the new
Senator from Missouri, is similarly
charged. Jones, who is to succeed
Nye, of Nevada, is also in a like ca
tegory. Political aililiation seem to
make no difference among Political
corruptionists, Republicans and
Democrats are both willing to buy or
to be bought. The Senate is a body
which shows every apperance of
sanctity on the surface, but an un
lucky investigation reveals the sin
which is beneath. There may be
honor among thieves, but there no
longer seems to lie honor among
Senators. How long are their crimes
to continue? When is the day of
punishment to come? Unless the
honest and honorable men who yet
remain in the Senate take hold of
the culprits in the body and expel
them from the Senate Chamber, few
of them will get even Parson New
man to endorse themh ereaf ter. Har
lan could scarcely get another circu
lar from him now. Not only the ig
nominy of expulsion, but the igno
miny of the Penitentiary, must fol
low "crimes like these. No station is
too high to make it but a step from
proud official position to the cell of
a prison. If a few of these "debased
and depraved Senators are taken
from their seats in the Senate to the
cobblers' stall of the Albany Peni
tentiary we shall hear less of political
corruption, and the purchase of
Assemblymen by Senatorial candi
dates wiil be discontinued.
Dr. Dio Lewis gives the following
as a positive cure for stammering.
Those afllicted will do well to read:
"The cure is simply this: The
stammerer is made to mark the time
in his speech, just as is ordinarily
done in singing. He is at first to
beat on every syllable. It is best at
the first lesson to read some simple
composition; like one of David's
Psalms, striking the fore-finger on
the knee at each word; then read in
a newspaper, beating each syllable.
" You can beat time by striking
the finger on the knee, by hitting
the thumb against the fore-finger, or
moving the large toe in the boot.
" We doubt if the worst case of
stuttering would continue long, pro
vided the sufferer would read an
hour or two each day with thorough
practice tf this art, observing the
same in his conversion.
" As thousands have paid fifty and
a hundred dollars for this secret, we
take great pleasure in imparting it
to the patrons of 'this journal."
Hon. James II. Slater.
From the Red-Iloek Democrat.
Hon. James H. Slater arrived in
our city on last Wednesday evening
on his way home from Washington.
Mr Slater has made a faithful repre
sentative . and did everything possi
ble to advance the interests of Ore
gon and his constituents. He comes
back to us without a taint or blemish
on his fair name; he has proved him
self to be both honest and capable,'
and entitled to great credit for what
he has procured in the way of legis
lation, etc., for the State of Oregon.
Mr. Slater introduced the follow
ing bills which were passed and have
become laws:
A Bill granting the right of way
to the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake
A Bill creating the Linkton Land
District in the south eastern portion
of the State.
A bill authorizing the State of
Oregon to locate its agricultural Col
lege lands upon nnoffered land and
confirming locations already made.
A Bill creating a customs collector
district in Southern Oregon. Col
lector to reside at Empire City, with
a deputv at Garden Citv. and one at
Port Orford.
A Bill supidemental to an act en
titled an act granting a right of way
to the Portland Dalles and Salt Lake
Railrord company. This aid gives
the company the additional right to
take from the public lands timber
and other material for the construc
tion of the road.
Mr. Slater also secured a provision
to be inserted in the River ami Har
bor bill for LS72-3, providing for a
survey of Port Orford with a view to
the construction of a breakwater at
that place, and the making of it a
port of refuge. This survey has
been made and is understood to be
favorable, but the report was not re
ceived at Washington in time to se
cure any appropriation the past ses
sion. In the River and Harbor bill for
lS7o-I, Mr. Slater secured provision
for the survey of the Yamhill and
Tualatin rivers, with a view to their
improvements in the future; also a
provision for the survey of the Cas
cades on the Columbia river with a
view to their removal.
. Mr. Slater also secured the estab
lishment of several mail routes of
importance in different sections of
the State.
The following appropriations for
Oregon were secured during the
i'-M Congress, toward the procuring
of which Mr. Slater contributed his
share of attention and labor.
10.000 for the improvement of
the Upper Columbia. 870.000 for
the improvement of the mouth of the
Willammette and lower Columbia.
:1,000 for the improvement of the
Upper Willamette, 870,000 for the
completion of the Court House and
Custom House at Portland. 820,000
for fortifications at the mouth of the
Columbia river, besides, the usual
Indian appropriations and the annu
al appropriations of 870.000 for sur
vey of publiie lands. Of the latter
appropriations, 820,000 for the next
j ear, which has heretofore been ap
plied to the survey of timbered land
west of the Cascade mountains, one
half is to be expended in the survey
of timbered land east of the Cascade
Mr. Slater also introduced and
passed through the House a bill pro
viding for the sale of timbered lands
in limited quantities to settlers upon
and owners of untimbered lands.
This bill went to the Senate some
weeks before the adjournment, but,
for some reason the Committee upon
Public lands failed to report it.
Mr. Slater also introduced a bill
to reform the boundaries of the State
so as to inclnde the County of Walla
Walla, W. T., he secured the unani
mous indorsement of the Committee
on Territories of the House, but un
der the rules the bill could not be
reported to the same except by the
unanimous consent of the House.
Mr. Slater failed to pass this bill by
the interposition of one single objec
tion, that of Mr. Hoar, of Mass.
Mr. Slater also introduced a bill
to extend the time for the selection
of Swamp Lands in the State, secur
ed the indorsement of the Committee
of Public Lands of the House, but
was unable to report under the rules
of the House asked the passage of
the bill by unanimous consent, but
was objected off the floor by Mr. Sar
geant of California. Mr. Slater then
moved to suspend the rules and pass
the bill, a majority was secured, but
it took a two-third vote to susjiend
the rules, and he was from this cause
unable to get the bill through.
Mr. Slater also introduced a bill
granting the right of wa3" for a rail
road from Walla Walla to Grand
Rnde Valley. This bill was author
ized to be reported by the Committee
on Public Lands of the House, but
at so late a day as to allow of no op
portunity to report and pass it.
He also introduced two bills grant
ing aid for the construction of the
Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Rail
Road out of the proceeds of the sale
of the alternate sections of the public
land within twenty miles of th line
of said roa I ; the lands to lie sold to
actual settlers, not more than 100
acres- to one person, and for two dol
lars and fifty cents per acre. These
bills were each defeated in the com
mittee of Public Lands, after a stren
uous effort in their favor, by a vote
in each case of four for, and five
against them.
While Mr. Slater sought in every
fair and honorable way to advance
the interests of his State, and secure
all possible legislation in behalf of
his constituents in every section of
; the same, he also took a very im
t portant part in national legislation.
He delivered speeches on the Ku
Klux legislation and the tariff; the
t latter of which attracted attention
both in and out of Congress. In re
ferring to his speech ujwn the tariff,
Mr. Maynard, of Tennessee, paved
our worthy member the following
compliment. Mr. Maynard said:
" The gentleman from Oregon,
(Mr. Slater,) made a speech the oth
er day replete with illustrations a
speech which, for a gentleman serv
ing his first term in the House, rep
resenting an interior and compara
tively uncommercial part of the
country, and not supposed to have
interested himself particularly in
these difficult and perplexing ques
tions, shows unusual ability and re
search." The people of Oregon have just
cause to be proud of the course their
late .Representative pursued, and in
one united voice, from all portions
of our State exclaim: " Well done,
thou faithful public servant.
The District of Columbia Rings.
Probably the most shameless and
unscrupulous Ring now existing in
this country is that formed of the
public plunderers who have acquired
control of affairs in the District of
Columbia. Nominally under a Ter
ritorial Goverment, the District is in
reality subject to the domination of
a Board of Public works appointed
by the President. Our Washington
correspondence has exposed the man
ner in which in the last days of the
Fortv-second Congress an appropri
ation of over 8200,000,000 for the
benefit of this Ring was rushed
through the House of Representa
tives without reading by the sharp
practice of certain members, who
were assisted in their designs by
Speaker Blaine; and the system of
fraudulent accounts used as a pre
tense for this lavish expenditure of
the public funds has been fully ex
plained in these columns. But as
will be seen bv a list of appropria
tions for the District of Columbia,
which may be found in another col
umn, Congress supplemented this
gift to the insatiate Ring by others
of the most extravagant nature, many
of the items ostensibly charged to
other purposes being in reality con
tributions to the inordinate demand
of the Washington Tammany.
From the first organization of the
Territorial Government the career of
the Washington Board of Public
Works has been marked by extrava
gance, lawlessness, incompetency,
and the rankest jobbery. All these
facts are notorious in Washington;
but the members of the King arc in
timate friends of the President hold
ing their offices at his hands and
able effectually to conciliate enough
members of Congress to insure them
impunity in their reckless course.
Several Democratic Congressmen
have made themselves conspicuous
as subservient tools of this Board of
Public Plunderers: while all the
most corrupt of the Republican mem
bers have given their earnest support
to every raid on the National Treas
ury coming from this quarter. The
consequence has been that the Ring
has had everything its own way, and
the Treasury lias been robbed for its
emolument of enormous sums of
money obtained under false pretens
es. The details of the appropriations
of money to be used in the District
of Columbia, notwithstanding that
figures are proverbially dry, furnish
some interesting reading, and will
doubtless be eagerly examined by
those of our Western fellow-citizens
who are in favor of moving the cap
ital. It does not require a very
shrewd guesser to see through the
whole plan of the District of Colum
bia Ring. The project as it appears
very plain to us is, first, to carry
into operation a system of alterations
and so called improvements of so ex
travagant a character that the small
property holders will be compelled
to sell out to the wealthy people in
the Ring; and secondly after acquir
ing possession of real estate formerly
belonging to small holders, to lobby
through Congress legislation by
which the United States Avill assume
the enormous and constantly increas
ing debt of the District.
As President Grant is with this
Ring, body and soul, and its mem
bers are remarkably successful in ac
quiring and managing Congressmen
there is no reason to look for any fall
ing off in their successful raids on
the Treasury so long as the present
Administration is in power. JY". V.
What Will You I.eac Hehind I
Talking with an old farmer once
he said; "When I die, I am going
to leave behind, as a heritage for my
children, the home where they were
born, made as beautiful as my means
and uneducated taste will allow,
pleasant memories of the home fire
side and of the sunny summer days,
and a true regard for the dignity and
worthiness of the calling which their
father followed." The old man was
so full of emotion when he talked in
this way that he had to use a hand
kerchief to prevent the tears telling
their tale of manly sensitiveness. His
boys were widely scattered, having a
varied experience in life; but there
was not one of them who did not hon
or the old farmer they called (and
reverently too,) "Father;" nor one
of them who was not glad to visit the
old homestead once a year.
Now, we repeat the question,
"What will you leave liehind?
Monev? It will do vour children
little good, comparatively. Money
is easily obtained but homes are
scarce. The associations which the
men of the world value most are the
associations with their early homes
No man, no matter what his Dosition.
circumstances, or relations in life.
who has had a happy and pleasant
home in his yonth, fails to remem
ber, love and long for it. It is the
haven he seeks, one toward which
his heart goes out whenever he is in
trouble ; it is the shrine to which he
makes pilgrimage whenever he lias
means and opportunity; iOs the one
spot on earth upon which he is will
ing to lavish the wealth he may have
acquired, and where he desires to die
and be buried. Xew 'Yorker.
Apothesis ol Scouudrcii&ui.
The following graphic picture cf
Congress as it appeared during tho
debate on the Credit Mobilier rascal
ities is from the NewCEY'ork Xation.
We commend it to the special atten
tion of our readers:
There were scenes and incidents
in the debate, too, which illustrated
most powerfully the dejith Of the
prevailing demoralization, and which
explained prettv clearly how it is
that the investigation has ended in
nothing. Every step in the proceed
ings revealed clearly that widespread
reluctance to punish anybody, or to
apply to the vices of anybody par
ticular the disapprobation which we
in our books and sermons inflict on
vice in tlie abstract, of which we
spoke a few weeks ago on comment
ing on the failure of the Bar Associa
tion in its pursuit of the Erie coun
sel. There was a world of meaning
in the spectacle presented by Oakes
Ames sitting bathed in tears, with a
big bouquet of flowers in front of
him, in the character of a national
hero persecuted eby an ungrateful
country like the well known Christo
pher Columbus, while Mr. Benjamin
F. Butler, who is rather proud of
being a rascal, and boast of his free
dom from sifch encumbrances as con
science or honor, stood manfully for
ward, not in defense only, but glori
fication of him Butler himself being
clearly the leading man in the assem
blage, defiant, courageous, imperious
the cynosure of all eyes, fresh from
having instructed the House in its
duty, as guardian of the national
honor, in the distribution of the Ala
bama fund. The attitude of the rest
of the body was not less instructive.
There were no signs whatever of
shame, or indignation, or "of any
other emotion with a noble side to it.
The whole debate reminded one of
the efforts of a herd of sheep to find
an opening in a fence through which
they might escape a barking uog
the same scurrying tfTand fro, and
the same frantic eagerness in front
of all attractive looking holes. One
little motion. amendment.Qmd point
of order followed the other, the
sharp, ingenious fellows carrying off
the honors of the day, until the de
sired aperture was discovered, after
which they seem to have wiped their
brows and breathed freely. The
House, in short, showed the very
prevalent dread of persons who
have committed crimes and offenses.
Moral courage seem to be rapidly
becoming the peculiar possesion of
people who have no morality. Hon
est men hang their heads in the pres
ence of a rascal. They try him with
great reluctance, pass sentence on
him with groans and sobs, and then
beg of him for God's sake to run
away ana leave them to their busi
ness; and when he refuses to run and
proceeds to slap their faces, they aro
profoundly impressed by his pluck
think he must have good inhinPafter
all, and, remembering his mother
and sisters, and his early attendance
at the Sunday school, weep on his
breast, and subscribe to set him up
in business. The result is that crim
inals begin to have a hearty contempt
for us, and, far from repenting them
of their crimes, are daily cursing
their moderation in not stripping us
more thoroughly. Their view of so
ciety begins to resemble that of the
pickpocket's who took a gentleman's
watch and purse in broad davhght,
two or three years ago, on the plat
form of a l ourth Avenue car, and
when he remonstrated, kicked him
oil and laughed at'him as he ran af
ter them pennileso on foot.
Clerical Intrigues atWashing-
ton. About a week ago, after Rev.
J. P. Newman had been elected chap-
Iain of the Senate, Senator Cameron
of Pennsylvania, entered a motion to
reconsider the election. There was
a good deal of curiosity as to Camer
on's object. It now appears thatjhe
movement was the result of a little
disagreement among some of the
lights of the Methodist Church. Dr.
Tiffany, who succeeds Dr. Newman
as pastor of the Metropolitan Church,
which the President attends was a
candidate for the position of chaplain
of the Senate, and was backed (jby
Bishop Simpson, who, it is stated,
has grown jealous of Newman's in
fluence at the White Honse. Simp
son, so the story goes, was anxious
to defeat Newman, and get him out
of Washington. Newman, however
was backed by Grant, who, it is stat
ed, has taken a dislike to Bishop
Simpson, because the latter is for
offices for his friends. Morton, act
ed as the President's friend, nomin
ated Newman and had him elected
one day when the friends of Dr. Tif
fany were not on guard. Aftej; Cam
eron made his motion, some 'iierson
friendly to Newman went to the
Pennsylvania Senator and told him
of the fight in progressitmong tho
lights of the church. The person
also informed Cameron that he was
being made the cat's-paw of the
Simpson Tiffany party, -whereupon
the veteran wire-puller withdrew his
motion to reconsider. To show his
confidence in Newman, the President
not only backed up hi claim for the
position of chaplain, but appointed
him to the position of Insjiector of
Consulates, with a roving commis
sion to go around the woria at a
salary of $6,000 a year in gold.
WasJtbtfjtjn Corr. Chicago CTrU