o O o O O o o o o O o O O o O o O O o o O -K- f Tim ENTERPRISE. OREGON I'lTV, ORCGOX, APRIL 11, 1S75. UK XI'VER SMILED AGAIN. The train which brought his wife came d wu Ami then went sweeping on. Tint wiic to him ; his wife hail brought His in other-in-l.iw along. II" lived, for life may long I hi borne Kre sorrow breaks its chain, But this last stroke just settled him, lie never smiled again. (There were bright eyes around his -, ho ne. -1 CThe children laughed in glee Be "ore this last ;irr v d came, She settled that vou s 'e. lie "ore him passecf his former chums In il(!3iiri;'.s reekb-ss train, Bn' blaclc alp ieea held him fast, II3 never smiled again. (-lie sat where Howl m bowls went round, "And songs and jokes wt ro passed; He thought he'd raise a laugh once more That lTrt was his last, A hllw murmur of desrair as oient w.tu every s'rain; Th- oM irlrl's image held him back, lie ne er smiled ag tin. In ot'ier homes where sorrow came It o issed uud left no ttae, At d tln-r brows were cleared of gloom, An 1 joy resumed her daee. I'nt n 't for him ; his goose was cooked, He curs 'd his fate in vain, 1 1 is hopes were le:id for c oming years, He 11 ever smiled again. Fattening Animals. The Pop 'i hir SrU- ft fir Mm th ! gives those itoirfs relating to the manner of prodiieingexeessive fatness. It says: Numerous experiments have been made on geese, ducks, pigs, bees, etc., which go to prove that these an imals accumulate much more fat than can be ae:a!iiited for by the quantity present in the feed. M. Flourins had the bears in the Jardin des Plantes fed exclusively on bread, and they became excessively fat. 15ees confin ed to a diet of purir'nnt sugar continue to produce wax, which strictly be (dongs to the group of fats. Kut what ever its source, the excessive use of non-nitrogenous food, conjoined with inactivity, frequently leads to the de posit of an inordinate amount of ole aginous matter. his fact is illus trated by numerous instances both among; the lower animals and among men. At Strasburg the geese are fattened by shutting thorn up in darkened coops within a heated room and stufling them constantly with food. The high temperature lessens Qthe Escape of the heat, obscurity, in activity, and the cramming of animals with fattening food. A still greater refinement for pauilering to the appe tite is resorted to by the Italians, who relish the fat of the ortolan. To procure this in perfection, the natu ral habits of the bird is watched, and it having been found that it only takes food at the rising of the sun, they cheat the birds by producing an artificial sunrise. To effect this the ortolans are placed in a dark warm chamber, which has but one aperture in the wall. Pood being scattered over the floor, a lantern is placed at a certain hour in 'the? open ing, when the birds misled by the dim light at once commence feeding. The meal finished, the lantern is withdrawn and more food scattered about when the ortolans sleep. Two or three hours having elapsed, and digestion being completed, the lan tern is again made to throw its light into the apartment. The rising sun recalls the birds again to the habit of feeding, and they again sleep with re turning darkness. This process is repeated several times in tUe twenty four hours, and in a very short time the ortolan becomes a ball of fat, which, strung on a wick, is said to make an excellent lamp." So Sahath. In a prize essav on the Sabbath, written by a journeyman printer in Scotland, which for singular power of language and beauty of expres sion has never been surpassed, there oceurs the following passage. Head it and then retlect for a while what a dieay and desolate page would this life present if blotted out from our circulation: " Yokefellow! think how the ab straetion of the Sabbath would hope lessly enslave the working classes, with whom we are identitied. Think of the labor thus going on in one montonous and central cycle, limbs forever on the rack, lingers forever straining, the brow forever sweating the feet forever plodding, the brain throbbing, the shoulders forever grooping, the loins forever aching, restless mind forever scheming. Think of the beantv it would ef face, the merry hearted ness it would extinguish, of the giant strength it would tame, of the resources of nature it would crush, of the sick ness it would cause, of the projects it would wreck, of the groans it would extort of the lives it would immolate, and of the cheerless graves it would prematurely dig. See them toiling and moiling, sweating and fretting, grinding and hewing, weav ing anilpiiining, sweeping and gath ering, mowing and reaping, raising and building, digging and planting, striving and struggling in the gar den, and in the field, in the granerv O and in the barn, in the factory anil O in the mill, in the warehouse and in the shop, on the mountain and in the ditch, on the roadside and in the w od. in the city and in the country, out at sea and on the shore, in the days of brightness anil of gloom. - What a picture would the world pre sent if we had no rahiath. O . Puet Not. " The horse that frets is the nne that sweats," is an old say ing of horse-men; it is just as true of men as of horses. '"'The man that al lows himself to get irritated at every little thing that goes amiss in his business, or in the ordinary affairs of life, is a man that, as a rule, will n-complish little and wear out early. He is a man whom bile and dys- ! pepsia have a particular fondness, j and for whom children have a par- j ticular aversion. He is a man with j a perpetual thorn in his flesh, which i pricks and wounds at the slightest j movement; a man for whom life has J little pleasure and the future small 1 hope. An invalid wife in Chicao was cured of ten years illness. Her 1 neighbor informed her that the hus- i band of her losom had run away with a healthier woman, and the out-J raged wif 3 got out of bed and vow ing to take his scalp, camped on his trail. 7 n Miscellaneous Items. "Why is your shadow like false friends? Because it follows you in sunshine. A Kansas dentist takes farm pro duce in exchange for teeth, and offers to dig out the " roots" for nothing. A French physiologist has sue-1 cee led in making an artificial pair of Siamese twins, by joining together a pair of young rats. In the London Lancet we find the following advertisement: "Wanted A respectable and responsible fe male attendant for a young lady ffd tlicte 1 to intemperance." The majesty of law in Lawrence, Kansas, is illustrated in this classic and forcible manner in which a judge reproved a witness: "Young man if you speak that way again, this Court will forget its dignity and punch you in the snoot." An old farmer said to his sons: " Iiovs, don't vou ever spekerlate or wait for something to turn up. You might just as well co and sit down on a stone in the middle of a medder, with a pail 'twixt your legs, an wait for a cow to back to vou to be milk ed," A Pottsville man, who says he hasn't attended church for many years, boasts that lie can remember perfectly the preacher's text on the last occasion of a visit to the sanct uarv. And this is the- wav he rem embered it when asked what it was It is easier lor a camel to enter a circus. than for a man to eat a pack age of needles." They have "right smart" little boys in Milwaukee. A teacher in one ot the runlay oclioois there, re cently narrated the account of the crucifixion and thought she was mak ing a fine impression which she was but became a trifle confused by her pet scholar suddenly saving: I" Bet you they wouldn't a done it if Buffalo Bill l been there!" Some graceless scamn played a practical joke on the Mayor of an eastern city. A perfumed note was left on his table requesting him to call at a certain house, at a given hour, to perform a marriage ceremo ny. The thing was a sell, three phy sicians being similarly summoned to the same place at the same time. None of their services were desired by the surprised family. The following conversation be tween two clever lawyers was over heard: " How docs your client like it?" " Not very much: ioms to com plain of the expense." " Mine is all right; bound to fight it out. Can Ave manage to get the jury to disagree again?" " Don't know; we must work for it." You'll get beat of course, in the end, but you'll appeal, I sup pose?" " Of course." The complacent landlord of a cer tain hash-foundry at breakfast recent ly, planted his thumbs in his vest arm-holes, leaned significantly back in his chair, and said: " Gentlemen, where do you think that beaf steak comes from?" "Prom near the horns," was the quiet reply of one of the boarders. It is singular that the landlord has'nt put any more conundrums to his boarders since. The census of 1S70 reports 72,4."0 church organizations in the United States, and v5,02 editiees, capable of seating 21.tKo,002 persons, and val ued at S:i01,4S:-i..srl. This includes all religions Christian and Hea then Jew, Gentile and Mormon, Protestant and Papal, orthodox and heterodox. The Methodists are the wealthiest denomination in church property, owning $'.),8o4,121; the Presbyterians comes next, with 00 0'.9,7;; and the Iloman Catholics third, with SoO.USoGIJ. In Connecticut, a certain justice was called to jail to lilerate a worth less debtor by receving his oath that he was not worth twenty dollars. "Well, Johnny," said the justice on entering, can you swear tliat you are not worth twenty dollars, and that you never will be?" " AYliv, answered the other, rather chagrined at the question, ."I can swear that I ra not worth that amount at pres ent." "Well, well," returned the justice, "I can swear to the rest, so o aloncr Johnny." And the man was discharged. Desf.kves Pltkixo. On the 0th of March, A. 13. Meacham telegraph cd to the Secretary of the Interior that he had made a peace with the Mo.loes, and added " we believe now that peace will be ixrmanent. " Af ter ttie Modoc sympathizer, Steele, tied from the lava beds in fear of his life, Meacham still telegraphed to the Secretary of the Interior that there " was no change of affairs.' And thus this conceited ass is stay ing orders to the army to proceed against the Indians in the hope that some-how a treaty may be made, and he proceed to Washington with Captain Jack t Co., glorifying him self and get Odeneal's, or some other oiliee. It is not necessary to photo- -ma- - grapn JUoacham hero. We have all enjoyed and laughed at his weakness - . - T " -t , . . iu fee nun cock ins hat upon one side, at an angle of 4o degress ami strut bke a turkey gobbler this while entertaining was harmeless Tinf 1.;., w... miuuinir ami swelling as x eace commissioner, and fishing for an oiliee the while, at the expense of the security and welfare of our South ern ooruer is base and criminal, and lie deserves nothing so much as to be ia.ven to the nearest pond and uncer emoniously ducked. J&rewry. Why do people read advertise xi.- xo see who is enterprising uuo io icarn what is going on. To see if there is anything new, or any 1-.;. ii . ,.,1 lUey want. To see if the JnTi!!&liay,e 'omein an.l to iwismem. Io know if any one is selling off at red need rates - . vuauceoi an auction tor amusements, ty. Because thev stories, marriages To satisfy curiosi have read all the births, deaths. 1 o- cals and accidents. Beeause they they can't help want too it. iM?canse Comity Treasures Xotipp. TREASCRER's OFFICF Ct ipl-,., r. v OKKOON ClJS&& lA ) X,rCE s HEREBY OIVEV TII VT n ( on h-d tpaj Intvrest w.ll c-as from this date. T. J. JlcCAHVEU, Treasurer A UCTIIOy A ND COMMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, Cornier of Front Oak 8 1 8., Portland. Auction Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Mer chandise and Horses. SALE DAYS Wednesday and Saturday. A. Ii. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer. At Private Sale. English Refined Dar and Bundl Iron, English Souare and Octagon Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, Rasps, Saws.Screws, Fry-Pans, Sheet Iron, R. Cf. Iron. ALSO assortment of Groceries A larjre nnd I.tq- uors. Jan. 1, lS73-tf. A. B. RICHARDSON, Auctioneer. The standard remedy fur ConjiUt Infl eitz.il, Kire Throttt, Wliooftinsi f'uwih. Croup, J.trrr fjompirnnt, jsroncrttim, jsieerfinrj of the Lungs, anil every ate'etiuti of the Throat, Line's and t host, lnenminfr consumption Wistur's Italsitiit of Vil:l t lierry does not dry up a Ooujrh, but losens if , el-anses the lun-rs, and alleys, thus removing the cause of the complaint. None genuine un less Slimed I. P.utts. iTepan by Sktii v. Fowi.e Sons, Boston. Sold by Reoinoton, HosTETTEit & Co., San Francisco, nnd by dealers generally. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. rri HE UNDERSIGNED AX- ff V M nounc? to the citizens of Oregon 'v- City and Clackamas county that they have just openeu a JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT I N Oregon City, Main street, next door north of Shades Sa loon, where t hey will keep on hand and for sale all floods nert aininsr to their lino, nt the i.owkst I.I vino katks. Kspecial attention Kiven to t he repairing ot use 1 imp 1'ikcks. All jxoous sola and work clone warranted. il'.i. A. HAAS fc SON. Oregon City, Feb. 6, lST;-tf. 03E3QN CITY BREWERY! Henry Htimbcl, IMTROIIAS- Jl e.l the above l'.r"v- ery wishes to inform the public that lie is now prepared to niaiiulacture a jso. 1 qual ity ol I, AO 1! II Jl RE R, as (rood as can be obtained anywhere in the State. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. HOME SHUTTLE IMPROVED LOCK-STITCH Ths 3Iost Simple, Practical and ECONOMICAL MACHINE IN USE. Sales Exceed all Othvrs on the North Paeific Const. riHIEY SEW MORE RAPIDTA' AND X with less noise than any other ma chine. The only practical low priced ma chine that gives entire satisfation. What other Agents don't tell about, the The Improved Home Shuttle Machine : Thru flon't tell .ioh that they are t he sim plest, having less number of pieces, and more easily understood than any other. That. th"y ar;? the lightest running; more easily l"arn"d and operated. That, more HOME SHUTTLES are s -nt out Irom the ( ien-'ral Agency at Rortland.than all others combined. The; tlon't tell oit that they sw equally as we'll on havy and light gofxls. Thru don't trli. that they use the pat nets ofthe hfrh priced machines. Theg lon't tell, iou that it has the straight needie and self-adjusting tension. Vh-t people say who hav us"d them and compared them t other -Machines will tell you : That they are more easily learned and operated ; Simplest and best for all kinds of work, and will use linen and all other kinds of threads and silks. A few of th names are given below who are using the I iikovki IIomk Shuttlle : It K P K K K X C K S. General R11, Port land. C. S. Silv rs, Wm. M ;ters, " C. W. Priadl bookkeeper for leverage, Wad ham A Co. Miss U Vaughn, Portland. Mrs. J. H. Upton, East Portland. Mrs. S. A. Mor -land. Portland. Mrs. J. S. Church, Oregon City. Machines forwarded to any address, with full directions for using, on receipt of price. NO. 1, S30 00; NO. 2. S45 00. i. W. T R A V E R, Gray's Music Store, Odd Fellows Temple, General Agent, First st., Portland. decUImfi. OAHNUM RESTAURANT LEON DcLOUEY, Proprietor, (I-ate of the Cliff House.) MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY, OON. THE ITNDERSIGEIi res oect full v announ- c-sto his friends 4 the Trn velimr .Public, that he has re-opened the above named XOSitSllll'SXllt. The Proprietor knows how to serve his customers with Oysters, Pijrs' Feet, A Good Cup of Coffee, Or a Good Square Meal. LEON DeLOUEY. Oregon City, March 2. lS73-tf. A. C- WALLINC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. Pit toe W a IIiiillinr Corner of and Front Streets. Stark PORTLAND, - OREGON. BUNK BOOKS RULED AND ROUND to any desired pattern. Music books. Magazines. Newspapers, etc., bound in ev ery variety of style known to the trrade. Orders irom the country promptly at tended to. CbjZ tJOn Pr'r day! Agents wanted! iDvJ LU iVAKJ All classes of working peo ple, of cither sex, young or old, make mon ey at. work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Par ticulars free. Address G. Stinson 4 Co., Portland, Maine. 27seplS72yl mm cuuKili Bancroft Li?j: UlilVEESITr OF CALIFORNIA, EERKET.F.Y. C. AT.TSY1RTJTA Business Directory of Portland, Oregon, PTT8I.ISHED BY I. SAMUEL, General Advertising Agent, 93 Front Streets Ackerman's Dollar Store, Xo. 91 First Street. Importers nnd Job bers of Fancy Qoods, Toys, Crockery .O lass ware a n d PI at ed wa re.. stor Hons. First St., between Oak and '-line. Everyth ins neat. B.Lta.Longfel- low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GUI, Steel and Bancroft, os. 75 and 77 First St., Portland. ARM AN, the only direct Importer of "-Clothing, cor. hront Was ashington stt. CHAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. LARGEST STOCK IN PORTLAND. No. "9 Front and No. 5 Washington sts. gECK, WILLIAM & S N, 1) Front street - Importers and I tenters in Guns, Rifles, Mitd Revolvers of every description Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods, Reads, Rird Cages, Ilaskets, Crcxpiet (James, a id Raby Carriages. Agents for the California Powder Works ; also for the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. eck, John A., 129 Front street. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Work done for the Trade. HOOK AM) JOII PRINTERS. II I MRS, RACIIELDER A CO. 93 front St. BVucl'ianaii W. A., s. w. cor. h irst l ay lor Ml9 st reels. Cheapest 'Furniture House in Portland. Ci UP K ar"IT; WALTER P.ROS. 'VUl i'il !l Front street. larker J lenderson & Cook, 81 A X: First st, Ly Jiealers in 1 ry Goods. Fancy Goods, etc. g ohn & Rosenfeld, US Front st Com Hus sion Merchants and De tlers in Oregon and California Produce. S 'ongle, J. Ii Manufaet ur r and Dealer in Saddles.Harne irness & Saddlery Hardware r 90 rront street. S lurrler, W.&l'o., KKf Froritst., Merchant y tailors A clot hiers.hats, furnishing goods g keUashmutt & Oat man, 9.! Front St., Real H " Estate Agents, Money Ixjaned, Houses Rented. Dental Goods, C. H. Woodward t Co., 101 Front street. Druggii ts, C. IL WOODWARD & CO iujl rrom Mma. fro n any portion ofthe State or Territories carefully tilled by mail or express. rmiljowcristein & Co, Furniture .t carpet A dealers stores from L'51 to lis, First st. I Employment Agency J. R. Witherell,80 t rout St., Furnish all kinds of help. 5?" verding & Heebe.10 Front st.Commission Merchants and Deale rs in Domestic Produce. Sash ion Livery Stable, corner First and Salmon streets. K. Corbett, Proprietor. Good turn-outs always on hand. Eishel tt Roberts, cor. I- irst, V asnington streets. Deab'rs and Manutacturers in Clothing and Furnishing Goois. GRAY'S MVS'iZ STORE. The Largest Music House on the Coast. STEINWAY PIANOS, BUEDETT ORGANS. G. DePUAXS, Manager. SOIJ5 AGENCY FOIt TIIK "HOWE" SEWING MACHINE. Agents wanted. a H ackeney & Steme, tjnx.-ers t Dealers in flB- all kinds of seeds, cor. First & .Main sts. Mam burger, I!., i:W First st.. Importer and Deal-r in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, Mil linery. K Sendee, D. II. , Photographic Artist .south west corner First ami Morrison streets. Childrens l'ictures a Siw cialily. 3 l enrichsen, IC.& Co, 109 First st.,ranu a lacturers fc dealers in j-wedry, vaic h s. B H ibliard, Geo. I, !i.S Front st., wholesale -Dealer in Groceries, Joors, Wagon Materials, etc. B odge, Calef & Co., 97 Front St., who BH- dealers in Drugs, Paints, Oils, ui; wholesale iss. TTrTn? Sewing Machine, straight nee- LX.KJ LVI die, under Iced, lock stitcli Competition challenged. G. W.Traver, 112 1- rout street. flffurgren fc Shindler, Nos. St., Importers Furniture, 166 to 172 First Ifc'dding etc u'chinson, W., Watchmaker, cor. First nnd Main sts. All work done at san Francisco prices, and warranted. International Hotel, cor. Front & Morrison sis. M. Rudolph, Proprietor. Free Russ attends steamers. j"otui,J. & Co, 91 Front st ., wholesale and retail dealer in Fine Clot hing. Furnish ing Goods. aln Ikree Restaurant, private rooms ior Families, corner First and Pine sts. i. Vks, Proprietor. Vartin, K.& C),wholesnle dealerin wines & liqucrs,XS.NJCcj's blcck,& Sjui Fran 1 eier A Schm-er, 111 et., wholesale -1--a- and retail eoaleetioiters. iller, John P... 93 First st., watchmaker and Jewelry, off rs to the public a fine assortment of watches, clocks and Jewelry. oeller & Co., Front neird st,., dealers In native and foreign wines, and cigars. Vorthrup A Thompson, dea'-rs In Hard- ware, Iron, Steel, I Iubs.spoks, Lumber, HardwtwHl, etc., Portland. rffceeid"iital lIot"l,cornr First A trrrison streets. Smith A f'Kk, Proprietors. Enrish, Watkitis A- Cornell, Real Estate Agents, Pittock's Uuilding.corner Fro.it and Stark streets. B1I OTOG RA PI I IO GOODS, C. I l7'ooda rd 11 A Co., 101 Front street. JOHN 8. PILKINGTON, M. D., OCCVIST and ACRIST, Office 73 First street. Holmes' P.uilding, Third Door from Ladd's Iiink. TREATS AI.lv DISKASES OF THE. EYE, EAR, THROAT AND LUNGS. B ichter, Paul, 105 First st, imxrter Berlin wooden car ings,parlcrornaments,etc. B os-n ba u m ,I.S. A Co.t obaccon i st s,l m iort- ersof Foreign and Domestic Liquors. n ss House, Front street. Principal. Thomas Ry On First t 'lass an, ITopnetor. SJbTlock s ,61 Front 2 First sts.dealer in Harness.Sad llery t Saddlery Hardware. lmon,.T..56 Front st.,d"aler in Doors.Sash . and r.liiKlsxyindow and Plate (Mass. fci i n s hemer, 11157 First st.im porter Pianos, organs.sheet music, music instruments. kidmore, S. G., 123 First st., Dnersrist and Apothecary, a Iarge Stock of Pe.umery and Toilet Articles. mith A Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale dealers, in I'rugs. Paints, Oils, Window r;rg, P'-rfumery. etc. nowtV Kms, 71 h irst st., Pictures. Frames, mouldings, atists mafls, drawing ins'ts. mith. Put., Proker, 90 Front st. Dealer In r r.rr i Tomlir! CJoveriimcnt Bonds nnd Fgal Tenders, oovernmein, ixhius ana Dust. Gold TOXE, I. No. lOT First street, Watchmakerand Manufacturing Jewel er.is ag-rit for the Wajtl.am, Elgin, E. How ard A Co., Chas. E. Jacot.and the California watches; also, for all the prtKluctions and imivrts of the California Jewelry Co., San Francisco. Send for circulars. Watches repaired in the very best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. rfferry Pros., 17S First St., Manufacturers a dealerin Furniturc.IScddlng.Carpcts.ctc 'B'he Clothing store, H-t Front st. Clothing, -- Furnishing Goods, Roots and Shoes. Harris and Prager. rfuttle, IL IL, H2 and lit Front St., Dealer -- in wagons and agricultural implements fvne,E.T.,n w cor. First t Oak st, dealer in 'Brandies, wines, English ale and porter. VViH'ms A Myers, 5 Central Blocks, Front street. Commission Merchants and dealers in Produce. halley A Fechheimer, Attorneys and Solicitors in Bankruptcy. Offiee in Odd Fellow Temple. THOMAS CHARMAN ESTABLISHES 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City and of the Willamette alley, that he Is still on hand and doing business on the old motto, that A ATfciWe Six rence it Better than a Slow Shilling. T have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this city -r and insists in part, as follows : Roots and Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Chinaware, Queensware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platedware, G lassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Indies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy No- Rope, Faming tionsof Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, etc.. Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST COMPLETK ever offered in this market, and was seleted j with especial care lor t lie Oregon City trade. ii oi which x now oner lor sale at tne Lovcst Market Ra cs. No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods lor I am Jteterminttt to Sell tjfifxi and not to aliow myself to be UNDERSOLD IX THE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask Is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables me to know the r -quiremetits ofthe trade. Come one and all and see lor yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAltMAX cannot be beaten in quality or price. It would be useless ior rue to ell you all the advantages I can olfer.you in "t he sale of goixls, as every store that advertises does that, and probably you have been disap jHinted. All I wish to say is Com?, ami Siv'id Examins for Yourselves fori do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my obi In -uus now that I am still alive, and d -irons to s -II goods cheap, for c isli, or epon such terms as agreed upon. Tiiatiking all for the liber al patronage heretofore b ..-t.oved. THOS. CHA1JMAN, Main street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and Count v Scrip taken at market rates. Ti I OS. Ci I ARM AN. ttjrai.OOO lbs wool wanted i,v THOS. CHARMAN. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! GOOD NEWS! PRICES Pi EDITED TO SUIT THE TIMES. LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! S. ACKER AN & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE stock of SPRIXG AND SUMMER GOODS, waieh they offer CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! We would say come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in iart of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer- ies, Hard- . ware, and a great many other articles too numer ours to mention ; also. Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. All kinds of Produce taken In exchange for Goods. ALSO For which wo pay the Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAN A CO. Oregon City, March 21. 1873-tf. WAGON AND CARRIAGE JI A ST TJ FACTOR Y ! THE UNDERSIGNED, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand on the Corner of Main and Third Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Takes this method of Informing his old pa trons, and as many new ones as maybe pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best, of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint. Iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle from a com nion Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me. Hlncksmitliinrr, Horse or Ox SIioe'nr, and General Jobbing neatlv, quicklv, a id cheaply done. DAVID SMITH. WILLIAM SINGER jjiio o jiiiivioii iiii r. wgrc- f rr 4 c e"7 4 t r mrr tt A r M U I U n Y ZMf FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, ANIJ MOIXDIXCS OF ALL SIZES. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH! itAll work warranted. Shop on the River, in Lewis Shop Opposite Or.-gon City Mills.. JOHN SCHRAM, Main St., Oregon City. MANUFACTURER. AND IMPORTER OF Saddle, Harness, Jk Knill'ii'v.!I:iril. " wart, e etc. XHICII HE OFFERS AS CHEAP AS Y can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE GR RETAIL. warrant my goods as represented, Oregon City, April 17, l.S-tf. SHADES SALOON, Q. A. HAAS, - - Prop. Main Street, Oregon City. BESP T.ILLTARD TAr.I,F.s; ix OREGON h ve been iritroilu ed. anil the propri tor invtt -s t he attent ion - he lovers ol t his popopular amusement to tn -ui. THE EAR IS SUPPLIED with all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, IrUh and Hour: ion already lam his Whishies and Punch ; also a No. 1 SII 0 TING GALLEIJV is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Ja i. 1, lS7i-tf. james riiLrjs, MASONIC HALL RUir.DING, Oregon City, : : : Oregon. KEEKS CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale, Zsi- clu-ap for cash, uki-;5 l'arlor, Redroom, Oiliee, Sittingroom, and Kitchen Furniture, P.ur.'aus, Loung Itocking Chairs, Whatnots, Red tomls, Washstands, Curled Hair, and Pulu Mattresses, Pulu Pillows, Spring Reds, Picture Frames, Mouldings, etc., etc. Special attention given to Fpholstery work in all its branches. Orders tilled with promptness. Repairing done with neat ness and dispatch. Furniture made order Call and examine for yourslves. 17may72 ENTERPRISE BOOK & JOB OFFICE OREGON CITY, : OKEGOX. WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE all kinds of JOB PRINTING, such as CARDS, ISILIs-HEA Dfit, PAMPHLETS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, LABELS, LETTER-HE A DS, in fact all kinds of work done a in Printing Olnee, at PORTLAND PRICES. ALL KINDS OF LEGAL D L&SNS EvS constantly on hand, and for sal" at as low a price as can be had in the State. Worlc SoliccI AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Oregon City. March 21, 1873-tf. NEW YORK HOTEL. (Deutfches Gafthaus.) No. 17 Front Street, Opposite the Mail Steamship Landing, PORTLAND, OREGON. n.ROTIIFOS, J. J.AVILKENS, rroprirtors. Poard J Week Roard f Week with Ixniging.... Poard ? Day - - JSit (Irc? : v ' ' ' CAL. J March 21, 1S71 :10m Head PiiiGian Ceriiiic3ies lcidw "3 i" 3 ! o . Si o o (i) JCiA" nit.'1 : J.'is v)t-v'ir.j-.i st I rrO? .1, r..i-fe:Ji o -1 o m33i Ei7ijl3.it ?.n'! r:cscnt Tcr.:c. Tji-1 I'.if r in pre I :ir- (l fi cm ;lie ir 1 'iiiio a:ivl . :m!e-' ::i I Lib ;u .1 n l. sn '.i iv.) i-a m i . ;r-al s.:; i-fi.ei i i- !. i. i i d I'lri i-an-N of d s- ! ic--' l::ivi- !'.:: f t'ir.t i';i tii . ir . a: d i i i:n; r i : .a -ill ii a f .r I ii? -r - .f a . i'i- a-e if-! .1 .l .ill .'i.-or. a.d irr. gi.lai of :Lt .i-r?-!i- oi-aii. ll-alir'i-, I'i iii in ar-d Cc a: i--. !jiird I) -iii'.i a-.d Lis i f .'ii ii:K. sh- ;.. til-il 1( ill? il ::i:e' -it-cl ( .f ll;e .--loll tu I). -iv T a l.l i.fh-T f ieri i- i.:i: i f t !; s- -I us I'm IX L bit it h:i. e le- i. s. c-e. -t llv ! id are n-.irr.i t rd l.. a.l.-vi.si ta jiilu-rr i i ill tn J abtiv j c.i- o--. TV7T T'i'' I X I. li-'lfrrs fv rr r- Ji' l'l ortlif Ml llns:: lit st II 'Z -. 1 i'.'i ' th'in I hi- ii'iiilin- ttrthir nut o'lle ; i i'.'ii'ii, ffii ii- n-ll, t.-.'it ,i ,;., citll,- xtti-t Mirtits to the full cj I; ! i.J .' f c.-e. CTI-.-J ITITTlr j-, H r-r- M 'r. IT. K-. stkix .t f. '.ii-l-nieii: 1 pleasure In sVit'r.jr l!:::! igr -a. !- yiiiir visa I li : vc ar l.i il . i. ' . i.l f X.i:ilT .-l tne s null c nl' VLllr I X l. l; It wvliii-'a y.m sent in-.1, aa.t liml i'i I...1 on'v :e i') e Hitlers. Imt ais nm. thai ran. ."t f.,ii l.i I .. :ciK'liiai its a toiii-.; an.i i-ri'iimt. r f I i:-.-i-t:n:-. a. IHli,i.,.Vi), .M.O.q City ami fnrxrv IIhsi'itai., S.i:i i. is ii. June t', ts7'. r h ive Carefully ex iiniae I lr. I b-ui. v s ! X T. Hat ts, a:el li.ive filled t i li-.tei t inv till, tr wlii i i- lid injure even til sn.i ! ill :i at-.--. li t.n::i-i:t. i'r.i ii Tile e.i-ii;i i.siti 1:1 if tie- i.itn-rs. as i:i: :is I mil a!i!e tn iteiiTmirie 1. I Mi.mi-! jmlui- til .1 ll f X I. Hitters m.ist in- a very t iiii ii-nl i nn-.: j'i I ysj).jsia. In ;i-.f s:i-m. I.n's n' . jsj -t: r ; vV. I ;s :ii!l;ir e ii,i li-its, t 1 1 1 sr e..ii:p..s.-- of ;. !:i:r.r-'r .f vi' -t-ible b ui; v!ii -ii :ne .riii :.aily use i ei ilis'i-es 'if tiitti it ire. sue! i . it' t.,i!- g:it- Ui -a.-y in tiieir i lire. p. ir i:n;t.!:s. ?.r.o. Ass'i Iti-s. riiys-eiaii Ani;i(r.,ri i'. V: C iiu-i ' Si.itk '.ssvi:::'s or-i I' r.. Jsa-i i 'r.Klc.s -ii. .1 :i! v J "st. 1-v 1. !t"rs. IT. K sr::-N- .v.- e. - i :' ts : I i..." .11 i I,, a can li! i-v i n-;i .tion -f ymi I '. !' - t 'i"s. aa.l ll.lVe f ! i 1 l.i. i ;.l; i"iy li . e ol i.t . l -ii.i'.ls i!i;-i"":ii s'i'ist ei ei. ,w.:. .-. LO"S i"A !.' ;-:.N'. l". t.i e ss:.yi -. IV-vvare of .u"it"r'"-i.." 'ii,,,.,. t.,.t.j. ,. : : nut s r. 1 leuliry'; -sia.ii ii e a -i-t.s.. t ... i..t.iit"... a l,oi le. v'tv F.hiiIIt fi?ifit!;J iiav :i in liio livu..'. Sii:.l "ic-' xii. .-.-.. i:. L!Sr! ! ! fl . "i.-te Pro' ri tors. Xo. r.H Frot.t -t, s-aa l-V-ni Lseo. v at Nqrcli 21, in-3 V ,t! "p. e-Si. -1-i-: "v : - ---rsi m - - u. ;: , "Will sew everytlilng needed In a fanny, frcm the heaviest to o lightest '-trie. IT IK)5 5IC WOItli, sio i;i:;ds r v. o;c, ax nzrrTm avcjiis. Than any other machine. If there in a Tlorence Fewirq 2 la- O cliine v.iihia ore tLonsaial miles of n rraiicisft l.-ot worliing wiil ard pi vinpf entire F.-iti.-f.-ictif .n, if I ton in iorr.icil of it, it viU l e attended t y.itbout exjiense cf any kind to tLe owner. -AIU IL HILL, ret, 13 tic- r.'ontjomery Street, Grand Hotet Buliding, Can Francisco. 'Send for Circulars find sample ef the work. Active Agents wanted every jdace. ?.xf0 ti. 0 o l.'O A SCO exveToSuHo' -sT?? 7 r c v ;f v-T, rt? z-Zc Is 1 i i:'V ii o o c 0 O