Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 11, 1873, Image 1

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VOL. 7,
NO. 24.
Farmrr, Eusinrss Man, & Family Circle.
OFFICE In Ir. Thessing's Prick, next
door to John Myers store, tii-stnir.s.
Terms of SuTi pi ion :
Kindle Copy One Year, In Advance $2.50
" Six Months" " 1.50
Terms of Atl vertisii!;r
Trmcicnt ndvrrtisments, including
:ll l"g.d notic-s, v square of twelve
in'-s on1 week 5 2.50
l"ore:ich sii'j."nuent insertion l.'H
tin olimin, om." year 120.1m
j;.,lf " W.t.lH)
.,',:, iter 4I,-,H)
Qlinsiness Card, 1 square, one year
0f. sancLAY, rci. r. c. s.
Formerly Surgeon to tlie Hon. II. 15. Co.
Tliirt--five Y-siiV lix-iicitrp,
rncTimr. riiYsirnx .no sfrgecx.
q Main Street, Oregon City.
o n i: a o y c it r, o ji k a o .v.
r-7"Vill r-spond promptly to calls during
eit Ivr day or ni:rht.
o:7iee :it ':mi's 1 irair si orr. Can be found
nt CliiT House sit night. lebl Im -J
W- 13. VATKtKS, F.1. D.,
P- "T" f r.-t
.Ik. w tc
V7: WY'W'K ( dd IV How's Te!:ipVv,oirn"r
F.r-t ;md Ahl r str-et. K--iib no: corn r
oi Maiusmd Sevejilli strei ts.
I)is. Vt'cU-h & Tiiomi-s:-!!,
..... .-
N f-K T
Vt ;rn In (ldd Fellows' Tempi -.eoraf r
.l First and Aid: r str v ts, lN.rtl.Mid.
Tii" atrotiag of t hos il s.ring superior
r.it ions is in sp -eial r-ijip-sl. Nitrons
i'e! tor t !! p:i i ii I- ss ext r:' t ion of t t h.
Art ili eial t "t li " ! tlrrtlian t lie l t," and
li'seaap as ti" c'na ii'-.-t.
Will be in Oregon City on Saturday.
.Nov. 3 :tf
s. u u ki.at. ciias. r. waj:::kn.
C "OFFICE Clmrnian's brick, Main st.
rinarls7J :t f.
j o r j 3 o rj &. rai cc c vj u
Oregon Gity,Grc?5on.
l'Wi;i r.iet i"c in ail th' Court of the
St.ite. special att -ntion given to cases in
the I". S. l.;Uid Oib-' ;it Oregon l ity.
5aprlS7'-ti. :
1. ri .JSVXillV,
OFFICE Over Pope's Tin Store, Main
s'rect. 'Jlmar7:Vtt.
ATTOIl N i: V A T J. A Y .
85-OtTiee No. 1", Dekum's Fiiildimr, rort
l.uid, Oregi.ii. 7inarlN7:-tl.
Iej;al Tcndi-rs, t'lacUn mas County Or.
(Iris anil (Iri'im City Oiileis
FJOTARY public.
IiAiis ii' 4otiat"d, Collections attended
t , a n d a Oeiiera 1 brokeage bu-ne carried
on. jaiaitf.
i:t ullis1iil since ' at tlie oljl stand.
)l;iin StKct, Orion Fity, Orou.
rf An assortment of Wat hos. Jewel-
ATV rJ".and Set h Thomas' V-iht 'locks
A. .'B all oi which are warranted to be as
fci" represented.
K-7"K -pairing done on short notice, and
thankful for past patronage.
JOHN 31. 15AC0X,
n books, Stat ionery, IVrluni- -mT..T-.
cry, etc., etc. v . .-,y
r-;oii City, Orejrnn.
PAt Clmrman i Warner's old stand.
;u: ty occupied by S, Ackeman, Main St.
X 0 T A It Y P U 15 L I C.
O For the very best photographs, go to Prad
lvA Rulorson's Oalery without STAIRS
-Wen 1 in the Elevator, Montgomerv
Wrvet, San 1-tancisco. California.
There are rare leaved plants and graee
ful vines.
And it seems like a picture of summer
The window over the way.
15y the el i eery window over the way,
I see her sitting day by day,
Watching the passers bv.
And those of tiie household come and
And ass by her easy chair.
With a lovi'nir smile, or gentle word,
Or a touch on the silvery hair.
Close on the s'and leside her lies
A volume old and quaint ;
And as its pages her dim eyes scan,
I liken her to a saint.
Waiting for Heaven, patient and still,
Waiting the Master's call ;
And there seems a halo about her brow,
As the rays of the .sunset tall.
One day little I less with the golden
And wild ways free and sweet,
Tired of her merry romps and plays
Fell asleep at the grandma's feet ;"
The kitten eame and purred in her lap,
And the pieture was complete.
Darling old grandmother, honored and
Thy pilgrimage soon will le o'er,
They will miss the dear face, with its
sweet patient irrace.
And their hearts sadly echo "no more."
Her earthly journey is almost done,
Slowly the sands of life now run,
And there soon will come a dav
SVhen those she has teinlcily loved
will say,
('irandiuother sleeps!
The sleep which He gives His beloved.
And through wintry days and summer
They will miss the form they cherished
so long,
Itoiu the window over the way.
The Man iVho Cheats the P inter.
The man who heats the printer
Out of a single cent.
Will never re:uh the lieavenly land
here old Klijali went.
He will not gain admittance there;
ly devils he'll be driven.
Aim made to loaf his time away
Outside, the walls of heaven.
Without a man to greet him;
Without a pleasant grin:
The happiness that he will reap
Will be almighty thin.
He'll have to cat the thistle
)t' sorrow and rcjn-t ;
He'll have !o buck around right smart
With eussc dness, "you bet!"
A:i Iii ibi' io:i a::cl a Itc'n'y.
Pi'TAnrLl'IITA, Il). in. lS7o.
Hox. Cii.vK. A. Dana Ihutr tS',"
We l'.avc tlie honor to aprise ytiii
that a grand patriotic: demonstration
will be hold in the Academy of Music
and Horticultural Hall, in this citv.
on the '2'li inst. The object is to
secure the success of tlie lnterra'iona
Inhibition authorized by Congress
and intended to be: a prominent lea
litre in tlie eoh-bvntioii of the ()in
Hundredth Anniversary of American
Tliih-iioiiileneo. A t, n meetiii" of the
Citxen's Committer: of Pennsylvania,
in connection with the united htates
Centennial Coinniissicmers, it was
unanimously res(dved to invite you
to be oi;e of the speakers of the oc
casion. Your acceptance at an early
day is earnestly requested. We are,
respectfully, Danikl J. Moi:i:iLt,,
Asa Packai:i,
Commissioners of Pennsylvania.
The above was sent to the editor of
the New York and this is his
Xi:w Yonii, Teh. V. ls73.
OnxTi.K.Mo: I am gre atly obliged
to von for vonr invitation to attend
, your grand patriotic demonst ration
ana to oe one oi the occasion.
I like things grand and jiatriotic;
and they would possess a peculiar at
traction to me in the locality of Phil
adelphia. I saw one demonstration
there last ye ar, however, which did
not strike me as either grand or pa
triotic; but on the contrary quite the
reverse. I had printed a letter of one
"Win. If. Kemble reinvent to the
Evans fraud. Its genuiness he has
never disputed; but on the contrary
he has allirmed it under oath. This
letter was in the following words:
vania, IlAlcttl.-rHl Kc;. Mar. 111. lMi7. )
My Ju:ah Titian: Allow me to introduce
to you my particular lriend Mr. Ocorire o.
Evans. He has a claim of some magnitude
that he wishes you to help him it). Jle un
derstands addition, division and silence.
Yours, v. JI. Kk.mklk.
In Titian-j. Cokkf k, Washington, I). C.
lor publishing this letter with ap
propiate comments I was arrested as
x Aas passing tn rough Philadelphia,
ami iien i to nail in the sum of tf.j.OOO.
I was obliged to forfeit this sum, as
I was advised, the truth would not
justify the publication under your
Now. as VOII Combine in vmir in
vitation a request to speak with the
icq ues i 10 aiienn, i am sorry to sav
that I shall be obliged to put ofT its
acceptance until free speech in Phil
adelphia is safe.
You are patriotic men engaged in
a patriotic enterprise. Will vou not
see to it that the guarantee "of free
speech, and free printing for the pub
lie good, be not postponed until the
second Hundreth Anniversary of
American Independence; but that it
be accomplished at once-?
Is it not the? deepest shame of vonr
Commonwealth that honest and earn
est efforts for tho eradication of cor
rupt influences in her public affairs
are incompatible with personal safety
unless carried on outside of the State
I remain, gentlemen,
Very respectfully yours,
Charles A. Dan a.
The New York Radicals have in
troduced in the State Legislature
bills which abolish the police courts
of New York city, establish " mu
nicipal special sessions," and pro
vides for the appointment of session
magistrates. This is a scheme of the
lurphy ring to get complete posses
sion of the police and civil justices'
courts, those powerful aids to the
manipulations of local New York
Remarks of Mr. Farnsworth on the
Salary Swindle.
Some Gentlemen base
their advocacy of this scheme upon
the position that it is necessary to
increase the President's salary, and
mat luat cannot lie done unless this
ring is made, including ourselves.
Sir, right there I propose to take
this scheme by the throat, and I pro
test against doubling this liierli sal
ary which all other Presidents have
foum I sulhcient. Abraham Lincoln
served the country four years at
.VIOO per annum, during a part of
which time gold was worth two hun-
Ired and fifty per cent. ; yet Abra
ham Lincoln laid up 50,000 during
his term. Whv. sir, we appropriate
annually to the President of the Uni
ted States in emoluments and vari
ous other things what he could not
buy' for 50,000. We provide the
President everything, except his pro
visions; and we provide even a part
of those, for we furnish his garden
and gardeners ; we furnish all his
furniture; we furnish stables recent
ly rebuilt at a cost of over 30,000.
We furnish nearly all his servants,
all his clerks and secretaries, his gas
and fuel; and now it is proposed, in
violation of tlie spirit of the Con
stitution, which declares that the
President's salary "shall not be de
creased or diminished during the
period for which he is elected;" in
clear violation of the spirit of that
provision, you propose to technical
ly to get around it by passing the
bill on the Ord of March and make it
take eii'eet on the 4th of March, while
you admit that under the Constitu
tion you could not pass it to-morrow.
Sir, I have been a member of the
Republican party from its very ori
gin. True, I did not support its can
didates last Pall, because of its cor
ruptions; but I still have some feel
ing of sympathy for the old party,
and I do not wish to see it complete
ly wreck itself and cover its history
with dishonor; but this thing shames
the Credit Mobilier and everything
else that has taken place in this Con
gress, or in any other, since I have
been a member here.
Sir, I appeal, if not to manhood,
to the sense of justice of members of
this House not to adopt this report.
It is disgraceful, anil will greatly
help to render this Congress in
famous a Congress id ready without
the confidence of the people. Let
us have the manhood and decency to
stamp upon this scheme for raising
our salaries and purchasing favors of
a President by increasing his, in
clear violation of the spirit if not the
letter of the Constitution.
(i:en I'M res.
In every home there should he at
least one open grate or some other ar
rangement for burning wood or hard
or soft coal. A tire which can be:
seen as well as felt a cheerful,
bright blazing tire with shovel and
tongs and fender, too if you please
which will attract the family by its
social inlluenee, is a grand thing in a
grand thing in a home. Those black,
grim tartarean lines, filled with the
stale odors of cellar and hot-air cham
l er and seething water-tank, and
emitting clouds of pulverized ashes
to cover your furniture and stit'e
your lungs, are among the greatest
bancs oi lanniy enjoyment and com
fort. It is all well enough to have
one's dwelling warmed from top to
bottom and to have no coals to carry
beyond the furnace, but this heating
system has done immense mischief
to the family powers, scattering the
members of it all over the household,
furnishing not one attractive spot in
which the inmates will gather, as by
instinct they do, to enjoy the cheery
comfort of the fireside. There is no
fireside in most of our modern houses.
There are orAy holes in the lloor or
in the walls. And we are disposed
to think that the good- ventilation
of the open lire adds not a little to
the unconscious blessings of its hos
pitable anil domestic inlluenee. The
sight of the little folks as they sit
musing and amused while the wood
lire burns, and watching the fantas
tic flames and the glowing coals, is
worth many times1 the cost of that
cord of hickory or oak at city juices,
and a wise household would rather
part with the furnace which that
bright blaze supplements and atones
for than with the low-down grates
which makes the family circle a real
tiling Try it, ye who can, and see
if the moral, asthotic and domestic
power of this style of home comforts
is overestimated. The Stueuce of
The editor of the Eugene City
State Journal writes from Washington
as follows:
Senator Mitchell has written a letter
to the Secretary of the Interior, and
Tiled it in the Department, protesting
against any compromise on the part
of the Government of the United
States with the Modoc Indians who
have been engaged in murdering in
nocent white settlers in Southern
Oregon. He strongly opposes anv
settlemeut of the difficulties ly peace
commissioners or otherwise, which
will permit the savage murderers to
eseajH? the punishment due their
crimes, or which will enable the
tribes to continue their depredations
on the white settlers in the future.
Senator Mitchell has also filed a letter
with the Secretary of War urging
the establishment of two militarv
posts, each to be garrisoned with five
conqianies of soldiers one to be at
Camp Warner, and the other on Lost
A little boy asked Dr. Burgess,
the preacher, if he would have a
light. " No, my child," said the Doc
tor, "I am one of the lights of the
world." " I wish, then," replied the
boy'you "w ere hung at the end of the
alley, for it is a very dark one."
3Iysterious Disappearance of Thomas
Few men will le more missed from
literary and artistic circles than
the late Mr. Thomas Nast. He had
great talent. In the line of his
speciality he was unequalled. Har
per's WeeMy Journal of Civilization
will hardly be able to get along with
out him. Mr. Xast has been one of
its most brilliant contributors.
When he was alive' he was very han
dy with the pencil. The character
istic of his work was vigor. He pur
sued the enemies of his country and
of Harper & Prothers with a "great
deal of jMiwer. The Journal of Ciril
ization attained a large circulation
through his efforts. The Harper
lirothers were very fond of him. It
is strange and yet it illustrates the
cupidity of publishers and the selfish
ness that pervades mercantile circles
that they have offered no reward for
his body. Nast was something of a
sculptor withal. Not that he work
ed in clay precisely; hut he worked
in the next thing to clay mud. Xo
man has thrown more of it in the last
year than he.
The editor of Harper 's lice. will
miss Nast. For Nast has sent him in
some of the l?st stibjects for obitu
aries he ever had. Witness the clever
treatment of the late Horace Greeley
by the Weekly. The opportunity
would never have been afforded had
it not been for Nast.
Everybody misses Nast. We all
became so attached to him during
the late campaign. There was such
a nice sense of honor, such pure and
earnest patriotism, such honesty of
purpose and loyalty and all that sort
of tiling in all his pictures in the
Journal of Civilization. Those car
icatures of Mr. Greeley shall we
ever forget them.' so delicately put,
so free from coarseness and brutali
ty, so thoroughly in keeping with
the political essays in the editorial
columns. There was not an issue of
the WeeMij for several months but
contained two or three of those
powerful arguments from NasL's pen
cil, llie appeals to the nobler emo
tions and gentle qualities of the hu
man mind were irresistible. That,
for instance Horace Greeley was rep
resented as reaching over the bloody
chasm of Anderson vide to shake
hands with the rebels; or that where
Charles Sumner is represented as
laying flowers oa the grave of Pres
ton S. Brooks, will not soon be for
gotten. UrapprecialiYe people said that
the manner in which Nast pursued
Horace Greeley to his grave was bru
tal beyond anyihiug in the history of
our politics; they said that his car
icatures of Schurz were the offspring
of malignant hale for a successful
fellow countryman; and that his rep
resentations of Srmner and Trum
bull were only such as presented
themselves to a co.nse and vulgar
mind as a means of turning an hon
est penny by ju-ndeiing to the pas
sion and prejudice engendered ia po
litical strife.
Hut it was not so. Oh. no! He
was a sincere man. the late Mr. Nast
was. He meant well. It was neces
sary that he should do some things
that were just a little questionable,
or seemed so. in order to save the
Government from such corrupt men
as Greeley, Sumner, Schurz and
Trumbull, and keep the pure and
patriotic Grant and Wilson and Col
fa:; and Oakes .Ames and Pomerov
I and other Clnistinn Statesmen in
power. Yes, he had to do it.
Pnt he is gone. Poor fellow, we
miss h'm now. The Wlh Journal
f Cic'dizi'j'ion says nothing about
him. Mr. George William Curtis
dosn't write aiv obituaries of him;
j but Ave know he's gone. If he were
living now, how he world go for
Oakes Ames and Schuyler Colfax and
Henry Wilson mid Harlan and Pom
eroy and all that crowd! Of course
he would. Fol- everybody knows he
was an earnest man and a sincere
man, rod free from partisanship. He
could make these fellows who held
Credit Mobilier and didn't hold it,
who took dividends and didn't take
them, who borrowed money and forgot
it. and these fellows who have bought
and are buying seats in the Senate,
and these civil service reform profes
sors who pardon convicts imprisoned
for illegal voting he could make all
that kind of cattle step around lively.
He might not kill them as he did Mr.
Greeley, for they are not so sensitive;
but he could make them uncomforta
ble, and show them up to the public
pictorially with great power.
It doss senn such a pity that Nast
is dead. .For this would have leen
his opportunity. Nothing would have
prevented his seizing it except a
sneaking and dishonest desire to
cover the crimes of his friends, and
Nast never had that. No, no!
We are looking now for Nast's obit
uary in the Journal of Civilization,
X. Y. San.
-- - '
Alexander H. Stephens said in
his address to the people of the
Eighth Georgia Congressional Dis
trict: Suffice it to say that I am a
Democrat of the " straitest sect " of
the Jeffersonian school of politics.
In it I was reared and in it I expect
to die. In this school I imbibed a
fixed faith in the " capacity of man
for self-government" and a firm be
lief that upon the unswerving main
tenance of the principle of this great
apostle of liberty rest not only all fu
ture hopes for the preservation of our
matchless svstem of free institutions
on this continent, but all sure hopes
for the political redemption of the
down-trodden and oppressed people
in all climes and countries.
An exchange asks" what is a bus
tle?" We could not tell, and as a
young friend of ours has recently
got married, we propounded to him.
After blushing quietly, he thus ex
plained: "It is a thingumbob!" (Now
what in the world is a thingumbob?)
The President and Hoard of Directors
of the State Temperance Union, to
the Erieuda of Temperance through
out the State:
" Be sure you are right, and then
go ahead," is the safest and surest
rule to which men either individual
ly, or collectively, have ever given
their attention.
The observation of all passages
furnish us with a host of witnesses
both positive and negative unani
mously coi-roborating the truth of
the proposition.
If we heed the warning of the past
failures, and the instructions of those
movements which have been crown
ed with success, we will labor only
in the promotion of those undertak
ings which are right, and employ
only the right means for their ac
complishment. While this is the
rule by which all honest persons
square their actions, it is the one
especially to be used in a work so
great as is the temperance movement.
The organization which will be most
successful in the promotion of this
great work must be constituted so as
to bring together those, and those
only, who are true and tried temper
ance men and women, and whose
sole object is the liberation of our
fellows from the ravages of the mon
ster enemy, intemperance.
To effect such an organization, and
to eventually yet speedily realize its
desirable and unquestionably results,
was the prime motive of the founders
of the Oregon State Temperance
Union. Our Constitution provides
that only societies making the cause
of temperance one of the chief and
distinct objects of their organization,
and churches that enjoin temperance
as a rule of faith and practice, shall
be entitled to representation in the
Union. Every Delegate is required
to subscribe to the following pledge
in the 2,resence of the Union: "I
pledge myself to abstain forever
from the use of intoxicating liquors
as a beverage, and to use every hon
orable and legitimate means to dis
countenance their use and sale in the
community, and place the highest
and most stringent barriers against
the growing evils of intoxication and
the liquor tralic."
With these specifications and by
this obligation it may reasonably be
expected that the Union will In? a con
vention of untrainmeled persons, free
to putj forth every energy against
the Giant Evil. AVe therefore most
earnestly ask the hearty assistance
and co-operation of all those churches
and societies coming under the pur
view of Article 2 of our Constitution.
And especially do we request such
societies and churches to send a full
delegation to our meeting, to be
held in Albany, on Friday, the 13th
day of June next, according to the
follow ing basis of rules established
by the President and Board of
Directors :
All societies and churches shall be
entitled to one for each organization:
one for each 25 members, and one
for each fractional 12 members. It
has been further enacted that no per
son shall lie admitted as a delegate
who is not 18 years of age. It is also
recommended that all delegates be
chosen on or before the 15th day of
May, and their names and creden
tials, with those of their alternates,
be sent immediately to II. Iteid, Sa
lem, Oregon, Secretary of the Board
of Directors.
It is also recommended that in lo
calities where many members are
liable to be represented more than
once by being members of the differ
ent temperance organizations, and
also of one or other of the churches
that each church and society ascer
tain, as nearly as possible, the num
ber of members it has who will be
represented from some other organ
ization, and deduct one-half of that
number from its membership, send
ing delegates from the remainder ac
cording to the prescribed basis.
Each delegation must be furnished
with credentials from the proper
officers of the society sending it, of
substantially the following form:
To the llonora'te Hoard of Directors
of the Oreyou State Temperance Union,
(i reeling: This is to certify that
have been duly elected delegates to
the session of the Oregon State Tem
perance Union held at Albany, Ore
gon June 13th. 1873. from a
temperance society (or religious
body) located at which enjoins
the "duty of temperance as a rule of
faith and practice, and as one of the
chief and distinctive features of its
organization; that the said (name of
society) has an actual bona fide mem
bership of over and above those
entitled to representation in the
Union; that the said delegates are
women, and we cordially commend
them, as such, to the favor of the
In witness whereof we have, here
unto set our hands at this
dav of 1873.
It is regarded as important that
the credentials be forwarded prompt
ly as above directed, for the reason
that the Board of Directors are re
quired to act as a Committee on Cre
dentials, anl to have the list of del
egates complete before the meeting
of the Union.
Please have the foregoing publicly
read lefore the organization to whom
it is directed.
, By order of the President and
Board of Directors of the Oregon
State Temperance Union.
Syl,. C. Sympson,
Corresponding Secretary.
11. PiEID,
A. T. Yeaton, , Coir
Salem, March 2G, 1873.
"We find that he came to his death
from calling Bill Jackson a liar," was
the verdict of a coronor's jury is Mis
souri recently.
Iowa wolves are making mourning
in many pig-pens.
Good Platform Timber.
Under this head the Springfield
Republican says:
"Here are a few 'planks' which
gentlemen taking contracts for polit
ical platforms, this year, will do well
to examine carefully before looking
further for their material:
"II. No more subsidies, in any
shape on any pretext, or under any
circumstances whatever.
"I. No more perquisities, either
to President, Congressmen, Custom
House officer, or any other public
servant in national, State, or munici
pal employment. A clean sweej of
all allowances, fees, moieties, and
the like demoralizing methods of in
direct payment. Reasonable wages
for the work done, and there an end.
"III. No more great government
jobs for the further corrupting of
public and Congressional morals and
the enriching of the lobby, no San
Domingo annexation, no postal tele
graph, no government canal build
ing. A general shutting down, both
at the Federal and State Capitols, on
special legislation of all kinds.
"IV. A prompt return to and sub
sequent sedulous minding of its own
business, on the part of the general
government; leaving States, munici
palities and private citizens to mind
theirs. Fair play for natural laws in
trade, commercial and national devel
opment. A final end of the paternal
nonsense, and a revival of the old
fashioned American notions about
the relative spheres and duties of the
individual, the neighborhood, the
State, and the central representative
"V. No more quartering of use
ful politicians, under pretext of pub
lic employment, upon the tax -payers.
A civil service reform that means
business and accomjdishos it.
"VI. The rigid application to
every candidate for office of the Jef
fersonian test honesty, capacity, fi
delity to the Constitution. A tardy
perception of the fact that political
'soundness is perfectly compatible
with the most advanced stage of mor
al rottenness, and that to condone
the one for sake of the other, isn't
on the whole, a paying operation.
"VII. Universal amnesty."
Snurgcou's Advice C rat is
No body is more like an honest man
than a thorough rogue.
When you see a man with a great
deal of religion displayed in his shop
window, you may depend upon it he
keeps a very small stock of it within.
Do not choose your friend by his
looks. Handsome shoes often pinch
the feet.
Don't be fond of compliments; re
member, "thank you, pussy, and
thank you, pussy," killed the cat.
Don't believe" the man that talks
most; for mewing cats seldom are
good mousers.
By no means put yourself in an
other person's power; if youputyour
thurub between two grinders t.hey
are very apt to bite.
Drink nothing without seeing it;
sign nothing without reading it, and
make sure it means no more than it
Don't go to law unless you have
nothing to lose; lawyer's houses are
built on fool's heads.
In any business never wade into
water where you cannot see the bot
tom. Put no dependence in the label of
a bag: and count the money after
your own kin.
See the sack open before you buy
what is in it; for he who trades in
the dark asks to be cheated.
Keep clear of the man who does
not value his character.
Beware of any man who swears; he
who would blaspheme the Maker
would make no bones of lying or
Beware of no man more than your
self; we carry our worst enemies with
When a new opinion or doctrine
comes before you, do not bite till you
know whether it is bread or stone;
and do not be sure that the ginger
bread is good because of the gnilt on
Never shout halloo! till you are
quite out of the wood ; and never cry
fried fish till they are caught in the
There is always time to boast
wait a little longer.
Don't throw away dirty water till
you have got clean; keep on scraping
the roads till you can get work, for
the poorest pay is better than none,
and the humblest office is better than
being out of employment.
Always give up the road to bulls
and madmen; and never fight with a
coal heaver, nor contend with a base
chai-acter, for they will be sure to
blacken vou.
The EprrAni of the -42d Congress.
The XLIId Congress was content
to go down into history as a Con
gress that had so little "moral sense
as to refuse to punish the proved im
morality of many of its members; as
a Congress that dared to be wrong;
to condone and excuse wrong rather
than to punish it, though the whole
country demanded it should punish
the guilty and vindicate its own and
the nation's abused honor. The
XLIId Congress has ceased to exist
without a single regret from any one,
its epitaph composed by its master
spirit, Okes Ames, who, in its last
hours, wrote after his own name in
the autograph book of a congenial
Senator, " Put what you have where
it will do the most good."- The in
solence of this satire upon his col
leagues, upon the demoralization of
Congress, coming from Oakes Ames,
is almost sublime. Phila. Inouirer,
A poetic Hibernian explains that
love is commonly spoken of as a
"bane," because it is a tinder sentiment.
The Chicago Trilttne makes a sum
mary of the congressional appropri
ations showing an increase of about
25,000,000 in the public expenditure
of the present year over those of the
last year. The most remarkable items
are an increase of 1,500,000, owing
to the rise in congressional salaries
just before adjournment, extending
over two years past. This was plain
roblery-. The expense, of the war
department shows an increse of S3,-
000,000. Whether this was rendered
necessary in order to hunt up Cthe
Tenton Sioux, or to prosecute the
seventy-five Modocs, the public is
left to guess. The navy exienses
are increased nearly 4,000,000, pre
sumably for the purpose of mrintain
ing what competent authority pro
nounces to be one of the most" ineffi
cient navies now in existent. The
expenses of the postoflice department
are also 4,000,000 greater in spite
of the abolition of the franking priv
ilege. "Sundry Civil Expenses"
enlarged by about 12 0On,OJX, the
"Deneienoica ly about 3,500.000 ;
the "Miscellaneous" by about 2.000
000. Under these last three items
are included most of the pfivate jobs
and unwarranted expenses which con
gress did not dare to insert in the
regular appropriations. For the task
of appropriating, so much more
money than heretofore, the late in-3
dustrious and virtuous congress con
cluded that it was entitled to an in
crease of pav. -
Prince Fred's Promotion The
Chicago Tribune, of March 10th, thus
comments on the promotion of the
Government's oldest son to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy
at the expense of a
veteran soldier. It says:
The announcement that Lieutenant
Fred Grant was about to finish his
accademie course at onto bound, by
assuming certain duties incident to
his appointment on General Sheri
dan's staff, has already created a very O
strong feeling in this city. NoIk be
cause Fred Grant is coming to Cliica
go, for that is a matter entirely for
Fred Grant's benefit, aud the "people
of this city are generous enoiigh to
Avish tor improvement wiierever neea
ed. If society likes Mr. Grant when
he comes, Mr. Grant will be made
aware of it; but if he dees succeed in
making himself popular, it will not
be through the .circumstances whijh
have brought him here, for these
are much against him. It is nois;
known that the gallant officer whose
removal is to pave the way to Mr.
Grant's pi omotion is one from whom
Chicago is most unwilling to part,
one of her most cherished pons, a
gentleman in every way worthy of
the city's affection; who, though
quite young, has won by hero's rn the
exalted position he holds in amiv
and by his many social qualities the
esteem and regard of his felljw-citi-zens.
General George A. Forsyth e
is to be removed and reduced to :he
rank of Major, and sent to join his
lvginu-nt in the field to make room
for Mr. Fred Grant, a young man of
whom nothing is known except that
he enjoys the distinction of 1 eincr the
son of a living President of the Unit
ed States; has traveled to Europe in
a United States war steamer, the bill
being paid by the people of the Unit
ed Slates.
The Language of the Eyes. It
has often been said that a worn in
with a hazel eye never elopes from
her husband, never chats scandal,
never sacrifices her husband's com
fort for her own, never0 finds fault,
never talks too much or too little,
and is always an entertaining agree
able and lovely companion. "We
never knew," says s brother quill
driver, "but one uninteresting, and
unamiable woman with a hazel eve,
and she had a nose which look d,
as the Yankee savs. like the shrrp
end of nothing whittled down to a
point." The gray eye is a sigjt of
shrewdness and talent . Great think
ers and Captains have it. In woman
it indicates a better head than heart.
Tlie dark hazel is nobler in signifi
cance as in beauty. The black eye!
Look out for the wife with a black
eye! Such can be seen almost daily
at the police office, generally witha
complaint against the husband for
assault and batterv.
How we Fade. As the trials of
life thicken, and the dreams of other
days fade one by one, in the deep
vista of disappointed hope, the heart
grows weary of the struggle, and we
begin to realize our insignificance.
Those who have climbed to the pin
nacle of fame, or revel in luxury or
wealth go to the grave at last with O
the poor miscreant who liegs by the
way side, and like him are soon for
gotten. Generation after generation
says an eloquent writer, have felt as
Ave feel, and their felloAvs Avere as ac
tive in life as ours are noAV. They
passed away as vapor, while nature
wore the same aspect of !eauty as
when the creator commanded her to
be. The heavens will be as bright
over our graA'es as they are now
around our path: the world haAe the
same attraction for our offsprings
yet unborn that she once had for our
seles. Scrplcs Funds. The little State
of DelaAvare, as she is inflicted some-
what with ohl-f lshioned honesty, has
a considerable surplus in hertreasury.
It is said, too, that upon the present
basis of taxation the embarrassment
of riches promises to lie greater in
the future. It has been suggested
that the only Avay to remedy this
evil is to import a few politicians
from Pennsylvania or from Washing
ton. The New York Tribune thinks
surplus revenue would't trouble the
DelaAvares much after that.
A Kingston youth has frozen Qi is
nose seven times this aa inter, pacirg
in front of his swee'heart s house,
waiting for the "other fellow" to
h i