Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, April 04, 1873, Image 4

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Jfc Ell I tKrHlbSi.
r n'trriiv rim i K-)
0KE!i;) fin, UiiLliUA. UK1L 1,
AT Tin: LAST.''
d I.irds most musical at close of day,
d saints divinest wJien they pass
M rnmg is lovely, out a holier charm
iav lui'tea ci .sv m evening s roue ol
Kj-i tin ,
And wearv nun
must ever love her
For morning calls to toil, but ni
brings rest.
oi ,i
rhc comes hemven. and on her winirs
doth bear
A holy fragrance like the breath' of
, . , 1t ,. I the wasp-waists all over our countrv! near to the stove, looking wishlully y. . xo.rocKvr,..,-.
,M .unM h,S ! Pri'le, foolish pride has manufactm- j at the taMe, expecting to he invited str , Kir s(:. ,,, ween ():lk :,, j
o.l thrive i.oiiiMi.inn umwn never : lint the old Firmer Kept Oil OatlUg. Pin-. Kvi-rvt li i rtr t I! I. Ijiu'Ii.. !
The stream is calmest when it nears Uie j ,ri . , ' i i ' lfi. J ' ih oews no vour wav nei'di ! lw. lTi-ri. t,r. " " i I V'. . .'Es Tu
U, i mum ujii lu'iiiru i.ii in miuvnt t i , A... - . i t . , . . . . . . .. . ii r in i , re iron I I
1 - , . , T -i .i i:n . 1 , .-,. .1 I - . 1 1 . . 7 . .
A-id 11 .wvrs are sweetest at tlie even-! long as tliev crowd their lungs ani nor.' (sun eatm-,. ...i, . .. . ( isuuhs, STATIOXKKV i .'"."l-l":u
tid.. ! heart into mie-half the comoass Clod " D. I believe not. ( I'resently an , UUMm,, on ' '
, l,raeV' 1 p 11 -i ' vitallv important organs are so ilis
T.Ktsteps ot angels follow in her trace, , A , , ....f,,,.,,! -i
To shut the weary eves of Dav in jwaw : arranged that tluy canno. ptilmm a
' ! healthv d iv s work even one day 111
prayer ;
All things are hushed before her.as she
O'er erth and sky her mantleoi" repose ;
erc;ruiHirisu "r r I'T .'
That mori.in- knows n.'.t, in the even- thin, and pale, and weak, and n.ner ; to subscribe. Ader lie lias subscrib
ing hour. ; well'? You sec one of ( Jod s laws ; ed about seven years, the editor
..... . . 1 I lias been tram'pled under foot, and writes to him asks, him to let him
I. 11I1I the evening we must weep and 1 't u e ! j ; 1 l, ... i 1 1- i n it-ri ,
tl-j 0 1 1 lie never suiiers us to violate Ills , Jia-. e .-'.od ( twodollarssmd mty cents)
1'lough life's stern furrows, dig the ; laws with impunity. J and the subscriber writes back to the
Weedy soil. . I distinguished physician has said editor and tells him not to send his
Tread wilii sad feet our rough and n' tx;,,.i.t i.. ,.;,, i,.IS (.;n,sed eonsunm- ! old nauer ::nv more for there i'; not h-
O And beartheh!at and burden of the
O Oa! when our sun js si llmz, may we
OV. when our sun is .selling, may we
Iike simm'ier eveiiing.down the golden
An 1 leave behind us, as we piss away,
S.v.-.;t, s'arry twilight round our slecp
v in-4 clay
Would th t thou wert here, sweet
to id n.
Wit ii thv 1 .lashes of delight :
W il '-iro tiul in gi-ivenil motion,
Xvmphs in waiting smile so bright,
ta-'t yMihyr.s: thv breath's mo
tion .S.vxnlv wliisjv.'is ; gently plays
T.iro' "tip' trees, w .iilsL mong the
1 r niehes
Warbling songsters sing thy praise.
I'.e.iuteous llow'rs from earth then
springing, C w
Itie!i with gems of jwarl v clew.
Whilst from blossoms sweet honey
Insect s hum would welcome you
A .-a. I lev d seek the elioieest morsels--
S.tmotuous tables would l!iev spread, :
F,.rvthem to feast whilst f.iirii s :
bay soft carpets for their tread. i
Insect's hum would welcome vou
And from brandies, garlands hanging.
Peeked by mabs blithe fairy train:
Whilst round the banquet hall of beauty
Floats sweet mus'u-'sstirrhig strain.
Haste! sweet iiuiden, do not linger,
(?boviiig hearts and voices true
Wait thy coining with caresses:
Oliie've! nature waits for you.
.Oak (irove, March i.h. 1
Miscellaneaas lteais.
A little girl ntclJubuque jimendiMl
tfte Ijord's prayer by asking for her
dailv gingerbread.
U nen I am :i man, is the poetry of prevent a multitude of disease:;. And , the coihn, which had lava surrep
childhood; when I was young, is ti.e non eon. Im'tin-.' pov.er of t'annel i titiously taken from his shoi, was
tJic poetry of ohla;
O If the best men's faults were writ
ten 0:1 his forehead, he would draw
his hat over his eyes. ';vy.
A bachelor tsli tor, who had a pret
ty sister wrote to another similarly
siiu.oeu j ican- cal .i.in.e.
X.the.s nod men a re onlv bestM" putting on proper outside wrap
when thev are gladded, and deserve j
... 7 .
Heaven when thev enjoy it. hi'libr.
While sunlight is the most favora- paramount to health, just so long
hie to haymaking, it is a well known j there will be delicat .-, broken-down
f;ut that wild oats are best sown by women.
moonlight. Want of plenty of good ilannel pet-
Ilichmon l woman has had three m-oats lias laid many a delicate wo
teeth drawn by a stomach pump. J il.n l,I-( I11'lti''('b" "way in her eofiin.
Slie swallowed 'them in a moment of i TI1111 (-otton. Lisle thread or s:lk
t'xeit 'hient ' -stockings, instead of heavy -woolen
i ones. hae alfordod manv a man ail
A negro recently eleeteii to ( on- ojiportunit v to get a second wife, or 1 Main strrt, next, door north of shades sa
gr'ss from Al ibama, has ipialiiie.l ; a n.w sweetheart. 3Iost women have '. w'i.t -they win keep,,,, hand and mr
himself by a nine years service in the j a ,,. ,)f this, if they have not of ! wtT;
penitentiary. S getting danireroul V chilled bv we ir- ; J-riven to t in-r -pairme; ot I- ixk 1 im y Pi kci.
" ' I .VII hikhIs sold and work done -;i rr.i nt !.
A f p, in t'nui'Kinv, wanting his j
servant, called out: " Wliere's tint! l':iper-soled lioots ot an exquisite
1,1. .i. h.. i.l ,,f !." vn.,1- ! l.v tight lit may make the foot look
s'loul.h rs, sir."
A woman on marrying needs to
prav for one of two things in her
liusband the love which binds, or
thogood nature which excuses.
CSeovernor Geary's brain weighed
fifty-six and one-half ounces, three
and a half more than that of AVeb
O ster, and two less than Fisko's.
"There, now," cried little TJessio,
the other day, ruinaging a drawer in
the bureau, "(traudpa has gone to
Heaven without his spectacles."
A man advertises for a competent
man to rudcrtake the sale of a new !
medicine, and adds that "it will 1
prove highly lucrative to the under- j
taker." ;
A "WesteripVaan at a ' praver met-
ir" s tiil. soniewliai (Miviousl v : !
O. I 1 , .-. - T r,o rT l..tf... !
. . ....... - - -' ' .-"... ... i
than I fan, lnt ly I'.e irrace of :
Heaven I can fiddle his shirt oiY.
n.. .1.1 r.-...n.i .i,m-i r.,
1 x- ... '., ., oow ,t ana luiltonea to tlio ton of the
lan.l, ir:Tmia, Aoith an.l Soutli Car- si1,.i.:T , - 1 ,
.. .. -mi t , s.tx iwinpr. in this way the eirenlu-
o ma. ( oori:ia, Alabama, lennesseo. 1 . - . , .
Ivansas. Nehraska, Aeva.la, Oregon vi,.. .... it
Cun.l California. .J; ,l'r "lf
- ; t.i'bi a..sts , pin.-lnn-'their feet ,4e
War. 1 )e!t"v:i re Tr.iliiiTis lii-o in fnmn i
l.onsos.Owear ent-awav coats and ! -nu-riean women is the want
stand up foliar, fail 'in business, i V 'y't 'IV t-V"X ai.r' 51,1,1 ox"
foniiuomise at lift v cents on the d.ol- ' 11 U'mi " nn :,I;irt
lar,ainl are -fttin quiP civilized. ' ' ;lunV- mt. Kn-lish
rr, ' e la-. lies, ilm heavy boots and other
On top ot Mount .lshmton, at I sim-alue elothinir. ami teke he,..- l-,,'-
rauini.uui on inwiui'i'i- in. oie iner- .-.iks, j..:iii uiat toi. v.ilhout liuiliii"
monieter was seven deurees below ! likf a locomotive at thev ionvim'-C
-, x .... T .. -I," a, i
ero, and a west- ind was blowinii ;at i
ho rate ,f ei?litv-f mr miles an hour. ;
Prettv tealior "ow Johnnv '
ii, i... iiiipr , -n .lonnnv ,
MK IVlTl Villi 1111 I IP I ! : I i IS 111 f-: I 1 ! i 1
.lll.ilH l Mm 11 UII lilM I 111.11 I , Hill
parsmi it will beji mira -le.
A J lost on man felt lallv cnonprh at i
i . -i ii ' .i el " a, ,m. nv, S-llil rn i;ri,.n i. oi.,u ji-opi" siv win nave ueu lll'l ,
los-.ue; m11V liftv dollars WOlth Ot inlo .,,.; , , 1 V - , an'1 P'U'reU t h -m to oth. r Machines will ; fTT? VV A"v",n , '
drv "ixhIh the other ,1-ir but v hen , , 1 ' u e.ristnias. t-llvi,: ro I-,. 15. I.., No. 1U7 First sir.-ot,
,'oo.ls himself he was mad to lUlt it T 1 : .i1 - ; 1 . ;-'l -delad ,,t work, and win . iin,i :lM (!ll,.r i rd& ... has. K..!ac,t,an,l tn ( ahiornia
miUlv i , h aU tlu- aavs m tlie vear wore kind, ot thr 'ad, an'l u"" ! watches: also, lor ail tie product ions and
" ' . , , x . , ! holhdays. ox.'eptinir four the fourth i A 1 "? 1,1 Vv nr.' hvx l.-low who ' l'.'J'or's of th'' rVU"r"5-1 T' ''"' eV
: e . : -' xears; ana i a e at
inp: widows marry fast. I hero is ; isMod to iev- t'i.-.. ,r i i v-,
nothing like wot weather for trans- i last two weks ea-h ""W
ri.., ...... ,..:n .. ...
plantinir. The widows will owe (). j
his absence, had rained oil" all the i
Tirniture and doparted, and the
She -ill" arrested him for allowir."; j
gambling ou his premises. '
. Holmes o'le, for tins slice of se- : - n i -,
t. i i- I A o.liP.lie r. leilo-.v ,-,l ,v, f,,,i
vfiv hterarv observation. , - i V , - ll
. mto n Sunaay school ar.d taken .
A man in Indiana, on roturmnirise.it anion"; t!ie prim'-r .j.,,.,
home from a business joumoy re- ! when tho toaelier a.-eoVed hiiu xith
f en tly, found that his v. ilfe. durinp; "AVhv. James ,1. p.,., i.'.l
n are Delicate.
, , ,.
of the delicacy
Ono !TO:it roason
1 of American women is the larnenta-
i fact that tluv allow t!ieirrri.le to
i Why American Women
clioke out their uowuright gool com- low. lie was seated ai uil uuui eu
mon sense and reason. Just look at -joying his meal. The visitor drew
j intended thev should occupv: thus
j 1)reventinf tj1(lil. hint,s from taking
one 'rood round, full bivath of His
I hf-o-ivin" utmosnhere during the
w10jp term ()f ,.rst.t life compression
! which mav extend over two-thirds
! of their whole lifetime, and bv this
compression, dangerously mteifer-
i ing with the 'hearts action".
Tlifi K-iin ti"ht corsets oc-casion
: a 1111, a.-,am, iin'ii lv , ,
i comju-ession of tlie stomach, ana
other abdominal viscera, until those
vit:1iiv innrntant organs are so dis
: the vcar
How it can be otherwise, than that
sneh wiakedlv iroud women must be
: tion, heart disease, impaired diges-
turn ana even insaun ; aoo aieuiiei,
that nothiie' is 1 iottor calculated to
1 . ,,.,,,1 ...... ti.,, ,,(,ri,:inent decav of beau
ty, and the early appearance of old
And is there beauty in the wasp-
wait? Cuuioissenrs say not. nat.
then is gained? The Venus do 31c. ci time of retirement had arrived. "I! U A 'Ali'KK i;i: s.
is ec n.'radv admiit-1 to possi si tiie think vou are correct mv dear sir," j -3-. . - - - 9 N;' '"" s,r?'t--m
t ex.piisite symmetry and grace answeJ-ed ninteenth centiirv modest- I ifeVf- r in I IPv'l" ;.VnM'm...'S:.J.
... - 1 t . e
of ligare ot any Known lemaio 101m.
Ba! t!;e:-o is n
compress 1 n here. Ine
siioulders are broad, and th" waist
full and large no possibility of span-
ning it with the two hands, yet, as we
have said, connoisseurs call it per-
feet in form. What model our
wasp-waisted v.'omeu i.dtern alter,
we are at a loss to divine.
Much of the delicacy of women is
owing to too little and improper
clothing being worn during cold
weather. I'lannel vests have a ten
dency to make the form bulky, so
1v ia:inv !llv discarded altogether;
, . ... - ii -..i,.' i . !
,Mlt 11 voni woul'1 UAi l":l 11
very inijiortant part 111 the prefer a-
tion of health, and that too, without
detracting from beauty ! iiguro tic- j
cording to the Venus : Medici stand- i
ir. 1 A! .ll.-fo i1-!'. le.ve (MIlsi'il e
, 1
multitude ol miseries:
Sir lieniamin Thompson, a vorv
ingenious philosopher, made expori-
ments on tins relative power of ab- '
, . . , - A., .
soriuiig liioisTUie l.om me a.imos- 1
phere in ditterent substances, s wool j
fur, hair, silk, cotton, and linen, and !
h" found that woolen cloth absorbed
1110 -.t of those sub-dances, mi l linen
the least, and this eminent gentlemen
concludes from personal experience
and s'C.-urnte analogy that a llannel 1
waist coat worn next tie skin would .
is highlv valuable, in the preservation !
of health, especially in variable c!i- !
eeib's Itv it the svste'o ; ; K :ed !
from a prodigious expenditure of ea- j
one or lir;if, at a tim v.lien its (?s-
cape might be tit tended with the mo. t i
1 "1
dangerous elleet s.
Again, man .- av( pos: r 1 ve " v aversi
VX v.d.eii lliey go out. They de- ;
tract from t heir e-i-nti'dv tliev In-;
11 ,L UM 4l.r. Il,,il.' mi in., .v.
s long as gentility ot hguro is ma.u
1111,1 stocmngs. . . !
more slender and Miidler; but there
is blood in the feet, or ought to be
and ought to circulate, and would,
but for this dangerous freezing and
squeezing process. Xature demands
room to do her -work in; and, feet
were given us for locomotion. Nev
er yet did a woman practice, tlie: e
enormities for comfort, or because
she thought them conducive, to her
well being. 31 iv be she is trying to
become poetically pale and delicate
but this mode of dealing with her
'fearfully and wonderfully made"
organism will, we fear, prove of more
truth than poetry to her.
light garters injuriously interfer
with the circulation. The stock intr
should be kept in place, both old and
young, by an elastic attach d to a
, band at the waist, and then brought
it looks as tlintijili thev thonulit (!i
Alm:"litv ,1 i.l not ne. le'rsi m,l 1,; ; P,,.
ll.ess :m,T if ,t-lJ.. 1 . ... .....
- " .-''.-ii,.s.- uie, u-il' .
in;,' t; re-i:;oe.eI what Ho had alrea-lv
i 1 leIared perfect.
Another -reat eanseof t he .h-ic-a;v
,,-..! 1,1.. .
f".d. The e onsjU'tv is tUv --. '
robt and healthv wldle omc V..,',-
4f.,., , ' oat ,inei-
' , 'inen are mere shadowy irhosts
rf ,v!,.lt ti,v ,A)),,la if iU-- ,
!! .. V . -
it . ' - . w t i ii i
,, , I, . "
condition vo-i 'n-e ;-,V . i '
in the -all'of bitters, ' 'n th- bonds'-f I
"ni(uity. Ask mo -; -ie,-, . . i i
,p;eshj;s," ' " !
"li. at t..- . - u-i..., ...... . .. . . ... 1
A - o,l story is t,M of
f armors who hvotl :i few imlos apait.
I , 11,1 nn the other
One hv one railed upon tuo omei
happening at dinner. The person
t-aiicJ upon was a penurious old fel-
; idea struck the visitor.) Well, yes.
j wv friend I did hear of one item of
: m'ws that was worth something
Tfo Tvl.-if i-4 tli ni
Neighbor Jones has a new cow that
j has live calves.
Is that so? What does the fifth
! calt do when the others are sucAing.
j Why, he stands and looks on, just
I as I do, like a fool.
1 '
1 do, like a tool.
Mary, put on another plate.
An editor is a man who lives on
what other people owe him until he
starves to death. A subscriber is
1 one who takes a paper and savs
; lie is well please I with it, and
! he tells evervbodv else 'he ourht
! ing in it, and then the poor editor
foessuni starves to oeata some more.
Stfntrvrt.'t Jb r.thl.
It is told of Ja young gentleman
whom a maiden liked but her father
didn't, that at a reasonable hour the
1 old gent mildlv intimated that the!
; jy; we have bee 11 waiting over an
, . . - . . 1
Jiour lor you to put yourself in your
little bed". The father retired
, thoughtfully,
i -.
j An Knglish jury brought the fol-
j lowing verdict iii a criminal case:
'(luiltv, with somelittle doubt as to
1 , . ., ,, .... -,, , 'l
whether lie is the man. '1 he Poland '
committee's verdict was: "Not (luil-: "na,,fr,' flnriJ C II." Woodward a
ty, though there is no doubt that -U'-'ilUlI U"Uudb, Co., Ml I ron: str-et.
these are the men." i Tl,n r,ai I . 1 1.' vi I iVA III A" :
Ul Ugl. tS; Ml Front, str-et. ur.l rs
A little four-veav old inst berin- i !5:i'i!.V.,i'.,..,,rt),:M.ol'55,r s,:,to "Terrimries
ning to learn the Catechism, and ho
i , 1 ii . 1
1,1 :l st!-k:n" resemblance to his
uncr, was e.sked ly his motlier,
Who made vou?" ' Dod made me."
, , . "
" In wnose image?" " Uncle dim':
answered the boy.
- b .
1 1 , . -1 .n i
A laboring man told the census,
taiver he nad better than a doen !
children; but, on further examina-
tion, tlie otli -ial could count onlv
1 , . . .. ..
'-inni, wueii i'ie lraie iainer ex-
chinned: "Well, isn't that better
than a dozen when one has to provide
for them?"
. -o . o
An und' rlakt-r in o;ie of the river
towns in Wt s ern Ma- s.i -iiu.-e'.ts re-
cently stopped a funeral proession
and threatened to tttach the coiiise.
immediately ail for.
x ue
mo icy was forthcoming.
$5 tQ $20 Alli S!
ji , of .it !er s -x. voting or old
m:iiv'' iiem-
;,t work lor us in their spar mom nts, j
or a 11 the t in-e, I han at a nyt iiia.i; es". I'.i c
t ieu 1 rs ire. AUircss H. Siinson Co.,
Pur; 1 -1 1 1 1 1 , Maine. "JTs 'plsT.'yl
fa S tJ5Si-Vif t-iiiLS U b. kt i. Ld k 8 a
rcni-; 1 ' x d f. n s 1 ; n 1: i a x- (; vii
JL nounc - to t he cit i.-'iis ot Oregon
City and Cl-iel:amas county t hat they ifavo
ju.it opened a
1 x
Oregon City,
ii:t. A.IIA.Vs isn.v.
or -e;on City, Feb. i, ls7'!-tf.
Henry HiimlicI, :ffyc&Z
erl the above i;r-w- - 1
cry wide-s to inft.rm the pulilic tU:t he is
now prepared to manufacture a Xo. 1 .pinl
ilv of
i. At; : a j: j; i: j;,
a: trf,d as ea Ti be obtained a nyv.-leT- in
th" state. Ord-rs solicited and prompt I v
Tli. 'lost Siii:jI:, rrsrtic-il ami
Sal's nxm! ;sii OJlirrs on lh? .orlh
P.i'ioP Coist.
r-jiiin' skw mopk uapippv and
11 wti)) I'-ss imis than any otieT ma-chin-.
I'll" only praetieal low pric -d ma-chin-'
1 li lt -rives cut ir s itisfation.
What oiler A-ents .loa't t II about tie- j
T!,-,,l:n;ttc' that thy ar. th- silt- j
1.1-.r, havHi-,' less nntnVr or pi-c-s and ,
nor ea-:!y tind rstood tuan any otte r. i
That th ar t h ' light est rimniui : more j
a-;il.v I araed and op rat -l. That mor !
' 5K"l'rri.i:. ar ; s m out in.n, tie- j
teral Air-ney at Portl.-md.than all others
combiii. - d. j
ri. .rt t,n ,, thr.x t h"y s -w e-.aapy
M i i t , -.
J'h'-ii ft:, n't ti ll !i',i that it hasthe straight
n.-' dl" and s .ii'-aiiju.it inir t -nsion.
ral P.,-11, Portland.
Wm. M-, .t.-rs.
- - - - w rr i r i.' in " v , ii i.;ic; inn.
V,'-'dh-i"-n '"'-'co' ' b"kk'-elM-r for Jvorar J oelei'Mlnil-sii sIb i ront st. Clothin
Missis Vauzhn. IVriHn,, ! tf Fnrnt.hinz 0.,ds, Poots and Shoes.
Mr,. .1. P. l-ntr,,, Kast P 'fland ! n'irr-a,,a 1 ra-"r-
Mrs. s. a. Mor iand. P,,r;la'i,i ! 'Snttl", H. II.. 112 and 111 Front St., I"al-r
Mrs. .J. s. Ci nirch, r 'iron fit v i in wagons a nd a zricu H iir.il im pigments
r "hin- s tor-.vard-d to anv a.idr"s. with
oPl dir'ctions for usimr on r-c.-ioi of i.riee.
10. 1. 30 00; NO. 2, 45 00.
. W. TK.WKli,
o'rays Music store, Odd Pillows'
T. r"i, i icn ral A-em . Fir.it -a., Portland
BushlfSS DiiTMorV Of Portland. 0lYrOil,
: . c
,.,- , , , , o, ,
Ackerman's Dollar Store,
A X !
; CM, Steel and Bancroft.
Aos. 75 iiinl 7 First St.. rorllnnd.
rjAHMAX, the onlv lir--t. Im porter of i
""Ciot lunr, y,jr. 1 r.nt it Washington sit. !
w no I. K S A I. K
Xo. 7:1 Front and Xo. 5 Washington sfs.
R ? Kl. 1 K , V iTd dAATTsoX, liT7o"iiTsTivvt
Iiiiirters and 1 "eah rs in
iillll, lii.'lf.;, n -1,1 lie vol ITS
ot" everv d-'script ion
I-ishiinr Tack I", l'uncy ;nl.s. Heads, ttird
t'a:4".s, I'.aslii'ts, ivne-t James,
aim i;ai;y i.armivre
Agents forth- California Powdr Works ;
ilso for the Wheeler Wilson Sowing
Rfeek, John A.. 12! Front, street. Praetieal
atehmak r and Jewel. -r. Work done
for the Trad '.
iso ok and ,ro;j entTojs'.
r.ACllKLDKli S: CO. ii.'J Front St.
tjgneiianaii, U". A., s. w. eor. lir-! ,v iavl.
si.-.-'ts. Ciieajfst i-'ur. lit are lions"' i
i or: i.inii.
I fiohn & Uos -.ueio i, ,.., ...
' S1,"'V .Merchants and li. ai rs in or.v
and California Produce
a 'ongle, J. P., Maimr.-teturT-r.-oi.l l' rsbr in
-"-atia is, Harness iV Saddlery liar. I war,
liti l-'ron; street.
j T 'urri r, w. A- i'o., in:! Front's;., M. reliant
j uul,A 'l"t Ui -rsh.:it .stiiniishinggoods
B v' 'l'!;':'' n-'v HV';- V 1''ro'u1si;- u ,al
l.siat.' Agents, ."Woney l.oaie-d, Hons -s
1 i.U'iuii. i.ll llie. liuili 111 . IT
! r-.,,,., 0 ... .' , .,,;., .1.PVr..
1 h JA '' 1 A ' ,l ' 111 '" 1,1 o-p.-l
-'u-al rs-.tor. s from 1:51 to i;;s. Vlrt ..
K,"ii!oyment. Agency .1. u. Witherell,
1 s;-. Furnisii'all Kinds of le lp.
verdin : A lVel',li Front st,( '0111 mission
" A .Mercliaats and D -a!. r.s in Domestic
Pro ice".
Fashion I.iv tv Sta'ol corner First aru!
u.' s;.imon s-r ts KCoro.it Pr.n.r.eior
""! turn-outs always on hand.
Enisled p..)) its, cor. I irt A Was!iiie:fon
,fr -. l.-alers and .Maiuilaciurer. in
let !t m a :ul I-nr;i 1 -lon.-r le.'.ls.
Th-.' I-arrest Music Hons" on th" Coast.
U. I.. IJcI'ItAXK, --I.-i:i:-;T.
SOI.F. AOr.XC'V I"; ic Tin:
jiowiy sicvriyo ma''ihxx.
Au'T.ts waat il.
& "iV m-o n ms!
a bur.: r. P.. l-SO Fir.it .it., 1 1:1 port -r and
J ' 'ai r in S:n;d i-';!;,- Dry Ooods, M:l-
li;v ry.
O 7, endee, I ). J I., Photo;:.-.: ;hie Ari ist ,ont h
" v.- -s! cora r Fir -t and .,l-.i'hs,j:i i t.'.
1'hii.lr 1:
i i id C. I
" enrichs-n, I C. A- ', l-r.i First t.,Ma mi
" - laetur r.i ilea! rs in j -vvelry, wafeln s.
nSibbard, O' o. I..,'.K 1'iont st., wholesale
" D al- r in ;r -c ri -s, Doors, Wa;;o2i
Materials, ctt-.
fi od';e, 'al.-f .t ( '., :i7 Front st., wiiol sale
d ... i . 1:1 ! iru:.i, P.iin: i. Oils, ( ilass.
TT IT rp s -win.; Machine, straight n
11U rj dl", lOlder Iced, ' lock stitch."
1 omp t ition challeng-d. .. W. Jrav-r, 112
1- ;:. t street.
R.qur.-r.'ii & siiiudl r. Xos. ItHito 172 First.
St., ImporPTs Furniti;r.', 11. ildine; etc
G utciiinson, W., Watchm.ik-T, cor. First
and Main s' s. .Ml wor.i done at San
Francisco pr.cs, and arrant--d.
Vi nteraat ional 1 lot-'l.eor. 1-r et .v Morrison
sts. M. Kudolpii, Propn -tor. l'r , Puss
at nds steamers.
ohTi, .1. t'c 'o, !d i r nit .st., wiiol -s.ii a u-l
tJ'-i r ! ;n 1 dea ler :t l-'i ; . . ( ' i. ,! Iii Kiii'Mic-l..
ing ioods.
3ai'i'a Dor -c K -st aurant , ri vat ' rooms
tor Faaiili"s, cora r 1- ir.ii and I'm s:s.
(J. Voos, Pro;.ri -tor.
'S iirt i n, V.. .t ( "o.whol .sal" ,l"al"r in wia"s
u A li.iuors.O.s.X.Co's blucU,- San I-ran
JSei'T.V SeJim .erl 111 ''-. st., whol' sai"
and retail con te,-t io:c-is.
5i!l- r.John P., it! Firit. st., watchmaker
and Jew dry, o.T rs to th public a line
assortment of watches, clocks and j"vvelry.
sro-ll -r.t Co., Front n-'.-irCst,, .l-nl-rsln
'st., d-al rsi
1, and cigars.
11a. i e ami lor i..ti wire s,
Vorihrup t Tho.apson, , al rs in Ilar.I
- war , Iron, st"ejHi)Sfv;p(,ii..s .n,,,, ,.
Ii ird-.voo.l, etc.. Port land.
f ccid -ntal Hot.-I.cora-r Firit .Morrison
sire, ts. Sin it h iV Cook, Proprietors.
parish. Watkins ,v Cornell," Ii al FstaT"
A-Z -nts, Pittoek's Puiidimr.eoraer Front
and st a rk s! r -. -t s.
f. 1 P ) I "Oi : ; K . P 1 1 1 ' ; ( . ) ! i s , ( . 1 1 . v7, , i a rll
J A Co., PI f ront s;r t.
JCHIJ F!L:v!?10TOrJt IV7. D.,
OCfUIJST n:i; AfliJST,
oilic 71 First street, Hohnes' r.uiMI:i!r,
Third Poorirom I .a Id's Pank.
Titr: ATs am. iusi:AiT: ok Tin:.
j:vj:, kah, tjihoat axd iawcs.
H5 I-hf r, Paul. 1 i" first st, iiap-.rt -r Perl in
wooden carvinvrs. parlor .raameiits,,-te.
"S.h -n '.a m.I.'S.A 'o.tobaccf.n ist s,i m port-u-
f rsol' I-'or.-i -;n and Pomes! ie I.i'pn,rs.
72 us-; Hons , Fr.'int sir -. f. O.-i Fi;st Class
"3 Priiieipnl. Thomas llviiii, Pr rri-t or.
fOh r'.ie',;.s..id l-'r.mt t i.J 1-ir.it st .,ea I t in
1 1 ra ss,-ia.uu ry .t s.-mui -ry naru ware.
an.! P.hnds. indow and Plate (.lass.
ish"ni. r.II.'.loT l-'ir-t st.importT Pianos.
or.-cans.sheet music, music instruments
. . . -
kldme.r '. ;., i j.'t 1- irst st., Pra rrist a nd
Aik.i lccary. a bar ; stock of IV f
nml foil t Art iel s.
tmifh.v Havls, 71 !-mt r"t vh
d- a I rs, i n l,ru, Paints, oil's, W
(;r.,ss. '.rii,..rv, etV.
7l s-d
mith. Put., Itroker, !i Front sf. li-ril-Tin
T.";ral Ten. Its. iovcrn mi nt Ponds and
;..!. 1 PiiiT.
rserrv Pros.. 17S First St.. Manufacturers a
! M ! -al rin Fern ii ur ,l ;ed,iimr,Carpet s,f c
rg y i",K. I-.n w cor. First ; A i ak st .dealer in
br.mdi s, wines, I-.n-hsh a le and porter.
V..'iPianis .t Myers, 5 ' titial P.locks,
v Front str -"t, Com mission Merchants
and d -ai rs in I'rouuc".
""halley A Fcchheimer, Attorneys and
47 S.'ieKor. jn Bankruetrv. Ofj in
Odd Fellows Temp!".
M. 1 irt Street. Imiiorters anil Job-
ty and of the Willuim-tt"
still on han.l and tloinn
motif), that
A XimUe Six lcr- U Ji, th r than 11 Soir
j I have just r 'turii"l from San Francisco,
i when? I i)iirchastMl one of the
eve r before ofT-red in this city ; and consists
in part, as follows :
Boots and Shoes,
Clothing, Dry !oods.
Hats and Caps,
Hosiery of Kv. ry Description,
Hard war., Ciroceries,
I 'a hits and Oils,
Sash :in.l Doors.
, ll,n'1" ,,r' Qu -enswar ,
Stoneware, Crock' ry,
I'iatedwar. Ulasswar,
Jewelry of Various Qualities
And Styles, Clocks and
Watches, Ladies and
dents Furnishing
Patent Medicines, Chiods, Fancy Xo-
ltope, I'aming t ions of Kvcry
Implements of Description
All Kinds, Carpets,
Mattings, Oil
Cloth, Wall Pap r, etc..
Of the above list, I can say my stock is the
M O T C a ?l I Zt I Z T K
ever olf'-red in this market, and wass -let 'd
with especial care Ionic Oregon City trade.
All of which 1 now oler for sale at the
Lowest Rlarkct Rates.
Xo us -for the ladi'-s, or any nn" cl.v, to
think : going to Portland to iuy goods lor
1 am t'-rmiiirtt to Sr!l ('Jutjt and not to
allow in y.s.'H to Lie
All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay
ments, believing as I do t hat
Twenty Years Ex'ierfoics
fit Or gon City enables ni" to know th- r - !
quiremeiits oi th" trade. Come one and all
and s lor yours Ives that t nc old stand oi
cannot be heat -n in qualify or prie. it
would b - us -less tor me to tell you all the
advantages! 0)r .r in t h al" of
goods, ai every store that advert is -s do s
I hat, and probably you have been disap
Ioint"d. .VII 1 wisn to say is
Vomc, suit! S,'f,!tinl Exainfu: for Vo;irs.-Iv;s
fori do not wish to make anv mistakes.
My object is tot -Hall my old "lri"iids nov
Ib.lt I am siitl alive en, I .1. ..;,.,, , ,,. ,. .n
floods cheap, tor cash, r upon sn.-h t.-rms '
as a.rr. ed upon. 'l'haiikm' a II lor t he lib, r- I
al patronng h- l- telor - b sbev. d
Main Str..t, Or.on City,
I'-jral Tend -rs and CoutU v Se.-ip fak-n at
inarK.-t rates. 'j liOS. CJIAIiMA.V.
(i .jn:'il e..s wool want -d lv
Jl )L stock of
si'Rixa a xi) kiwi Mien noons,
which t h'w offer
We won hi say come and convince your
self before purchasing dsewher . Hir stock
consists in part of
Fancy and Staple
Dry ioods, Cloihln'T, "
Hats, PM,ts and Sho s,
I-adi-'s and ilonts
Furnishing 'Joocls,
Not ions, Jrocrr-
i c s, Ilard-
wa rs,
and a jrr 'at many th"r articles too numor
ours to m'-iition ; also,
Ioors, Windows,
;ia-s and Putty,
'tc, etc.
All kinds of Produce taken in oXehan-o
for ( iomis.
A 1. S O
"Wool siiatel
For winch we pay tho Highest Prices.
S. AC K F.I I MAN i co.
Orer,R City, Merch CP 175 .f.
nniiF. uxi)KitsiGxi;i, wT?rr?
Jl having; Increased the(ii- rsJtJ --J6? y'
in.'iisioiis of his j-r.-mis 's, at t iXj
the old stand on the -iui
Corner tf 3Iain arid Tl. Inl Stvvvt,
Oregon City, Oregon,
Takes this method of informing his old pa
trons, ami as many new ones as mav he
pl.-ased to call, that h- is i,,)W prepared,
with ample room, rood materials, and the
very hest of mechanics, to laiild anew, re
construct, make, paint, iron and turn out
all complete, any sort of a vehicle troiu a
common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try m-.
I51a Usi-iil Jiiii-jf, Horse or Ox SIioiii-,
and (ieneral Jobbini; ncatlv, ipiicklv, and
cheat. Iy done. DA VI 1 SM 1 1 II.
and Doors,
axd 3it)niixt;js of all sizr:s.
They will also do Turning of every de
script ion to order,
R'?A1I work warraiit"I. Slam on th
Hiv.-r, in Lewis' Shoji Opposite Oregon
v ny ins.
J O H F3 S C H R A R3 ,
Main ,St., Oregon City.
Jr-- Satl.3Is, tr ris ess, s -fW
Ss4 iiir', i tr., .
V y can be had in th" Stat", at
t!s warrant my goods as r";.r-'. ;'nf ed.
Oregon City, April 17, 1S72-U.
G. A. HAAS, - - Prop.
Kaia Street, Cregsn City. ,
frsr nir.i.i.vPD tapi.:-:s ix ohkoox
h J have ;,.t ,j i!;sro,:ueed. ai d tie- ro; ri
tor invit-s t he at t -n t ion ot t lovi rsol t h:s
popopnlar amu-i -ment to tii -m.
Tin: ha a is sci'iT.ir.n
wl- 1 ;V.! ,a" chou-sf. qualiti-s if I.ieuois
a." , '-:lI"s- Seoteh, lrish and I oaVbon
alr. auy lamous Wlusni- s ami 1'aac!; ; also
il O. 1
is connected with th" Salooa.
or e-on C.ty,.lan. 1, ls72--:f.
Orrgon City, : : : ()rc?o:j.
fl -s. on band and lor sal",
eie-ap tor cash.
Parlor, IVdroom,
Oliice, sittine;rooni, and
Kitchen Furniture,
Fur.'aes, I.oun.tr's,
JNfekmjr Chairs,
What ruts, Hedst"ads,
Washstands.Curl -d
Hair, and Pulu.
M a 1 1 r c s se
Pulu Pillows,
Spring P,;-d.,
I'icturf Fram -.,
Mouldiiifrs etc.. efc
Sp-cial attention -rivi-n to FphoKferv
, ' V "-i 11. s. imiers idled witli
promptn.-ss. Ilepainn"; don.- with n-a-ness
and dispatch. Fiirnimr ado ord r.
, .... ..mi .-ijiiiuii.. i.ir.Miiirilves. 17mav7
ORK(;(XCITy, : OKE(;oX.
w;.,niiL;'!v,,'Am:" -:
such ai
S!!! Lehl!-.;,n,J,f,r s,t low
1 .in a, tan he liad m tin State.
Or-jon City, M?rch 11, 1S7C tf.
& MmM
V-M jK- pal 0jv- ,vAi
.Mi.r. ii 'si, ls7; dam
Hcifl Pliysiciiii's Certificates telo
I . ..- rs Fi."l Cv-5- 3f?-
niJii L-.;li..j and Flcasnnt Tcnic.
T!i'- Tii r' -ir pre; are.l fit-nitlic n-ef
a-'i : -I ni .,.,!.!-.:! lull: :u ii i i is. ;i i i
'!', -'i ' -a a i.- .-r-ai sie i feet i,n !,, r, v. t
i 1'a . ii-.icib f i i; "f : i- - lav,, f,a:i ti
! i " t.'l. e 1 ;' til i:- .. ; ,J j , - j, jitl, r, relll-
i -a i : a ri !".r : ii (- r ei" a. I ei -. :i.-es i f I ii
,i l a i 1 .-or. a:.,l ...lai i;ic- of iho iii-
ii-.ili i-. It i i en 'i--, anil C ;-a: io.
; -n ! lI p - . i i aed r. , iae. i.:-,- a::
il-d b-- l!i- ,1 e i:,--ai. i.t .flie- Memurh.
-i.-'i- a.! I . tier i" ee-iieiia. i. s , f i !e-f- t in.
Iii' i A t 'eit er- l.a.ehe.r .- :.-.(; !:. ...,.a
i ..1 : k .irr.i .t -d ie ad.-viaij i-ulii-ii-r i.i
dl t.i .ih o- c.t-i..--.
V V". T - 1 -V -r' JIVtrrs n n -v
r- ""'-I "iiti i,i i!ii.ss: t, a, SZr-i
'.'( I'i ni th- 'ii'iif o7,Y,V ,,; out
'.' , tnt-l nv ,il, ii !n ,i fl,'i, rtttt.
- i- sn-'t .urt.rx to ,' , , tjlt
M ' -, !I. I : s ri:iN .v i -o.
' ii i 'in n : I ( i ;e pii-auare i't r'rt:i; Ihr.f
ir i .!..- year . I h tv ear-lini i,-it.-J
! '.'X -ii;a.-l oies ,.; ,. , v..ur I i. ' !'. it. r,
-. ue i v, -ii se, t ia -. i:i I I, a,! i " i..,t i:!v:e. rzrv'
''" i; " en. P.i.d eaie-.'t f.il to U
en. 1; -i.u i,s l.ju.e an I jn. met. r f i liu.-ition.
O. JO H.i.A.N Ji, M.D,
Cl TV AN" a i 'lll'XTV I ! esel r.M .
,, . " .l i'V.l-lel jlt;o 2"t'), 7t
' .iivcr.-r,:!.- . eiiia.- I Or. llniirv slxr,
!!.:r-.-i. . I i ive feiei ; ,1 f, t :en liii.V w I.i
; 1. 1 i i.lisre i-i ea lem ,-i ,i, ii at.-. ..ie t.tuti,,n
r re ,i Hie ua , ;i-;,,,i ,,f tie- ii;;. is. j.N i.,,-j
eii a.',;.- 1. 1 ,.:er,ii;'ie i t. I slmai-l i'.nle tli.i th,
i I, cut Ti neist ' a r , l"i, m leinedv in
i'V-U 'lH1;!, ln .i- s i ,a. l.,,-s i ' Apnoti t- jn-f
in. a.- is..iii! iin ts. i aie; ,,.!.,, si-! dfa auniiMT
.fV!-;- .ii:...r.;;ei-:ii.-i, ar.- l iiii i, ,;l" v u-i jn
i-.-s y.T ta ,t n it a--. , aa.t u:e tl'n.L- ;:e..tl
1,1 a -V i.l l.n ir eiire.
. . ,., . . " P.No-I.PS M il.
Ais.J.-s. . Iiym-n-i A c. tv c Ilv.srit.il.
Sr. r:: ssve.i;'s iiKt-ici:.
S..-i l-V.-.-se:-. .Pay U'st. 171.
It. I. sr. iv A- e., :, lti: I ii.-.v.
11 i I -i .e i- v., - i., r o.i i, r , ,- i x , ue.
! i i. :i;i-l a
i : Ivli- ,,f cc:t.
s-i'.sr i-i ... y..nr. I
I i 1 i in. i
l.l"is i A :.ii:;:;.! ..sv.yrr.
I: '-.-ir.. '..a.iter.eits .N". e..,,,;-. .. w;t..
,,".t o i. ey .i si -.i.u .. a-a-.,.., t.,... t... , vCx ..c
t..,r ....
i:-.-v ri;,.jiv :,,, i.. t.--o .- ru(tt
ii l..e -i . , i . e . w
i: ;.; n;,- ,v -.-..
- "'' Prf ri' tf-rs.
' M n.i.t Mfi-,-t, s..a i r..ii. iv-,,. ia
Narch 21, m3
i, VW - -. V. .-?..ij.r-S, r .1 .."I,
TTillsew crerytLIag-aeeaodin?. f?-r.:, froat
tho heaviest to t,o 1:-htest f-lric.
rr uors ?3ons woes,
axs nmEr. v. :zm
Tlian any ether machine.
Ii llicro is r. Horfnco few:rr 3Ia
chino within or.o tLoaaiul miles of
f"an Francisco i ot worhinfj well and
pivir.rj entire Fati.sf.K .-tion, if I uin in,
iornn-a of if, it v.iU le n'.trr.thil ta
without expense cf cmy LinJ to tlia
13 l.z.v r.:o-;o.v.cry C.-cet,
Crand i-c'.c! Zz-. tr-v-cco.
Sriirl for Circulars and sezi7ip,rt rf
thc irorl;. Active Arnis wanted tit,
(IK:i;t fches ( .aft h -i us.)
No, 17 Front Srr t, Opp site the Mai
Mi'.-UllSillll Ullnil.,,;,
If. KOTNi 0:, J. J. AVILHEXS. rroprictorfs
Fonr-l .Veek no
Poard Week with i.,l-.riti?V.V."'.'.'.'.'.".'.V.'."rt!i'
Foartl 7 I'a"-. ' I i-d
D . A ,VH- e" 2JV-. J I