o o 0 - . THE ENTERPRISE 03EG0X CITV, OREGON', APRIL 1, 17. I,et 18 Know the Truth. O The Ifcrald bases the grounds of its recent treachery- to the people of Oregon, on the assertions that it refused to go into a combination to transfer the Democratic party to "Mr. Corbett and a clique of dissatisfied republicans, and charges that every other Democratic paper has been bought and gone into this combina tion. This charge comes with bad grace i:on a paper -whose owners and editor have been "known for their easy virtue in regard to strict party organization. The Herald was the first, and only Democratic paper in Oregon which upheld and indorsed the infamous Passive Policy," which led to the nomination of Horace Greeley at Baltimore, and the over whelming defeat of the Democratic party last fall, and to a great extent the disorganization of the party. It was the organ of the clique which 3, 'Dolly Vardenized' "Multnomah coun ty -last June, and as a result of such deception, ju-t with an amparallelod defeat, and Ins! us the .State. There has been no soft issue presented by . the ." sore-headed llcpubliVans " that the Herald lias not eagerly espoused and become a willing and energetic advocate of. It has never been in harmony with the Democracy of our State since it fell iato the hands of the present owners, and now when it has go:ie to the arch-enemy of the party, it attempts to create the im pression that it alone possesses the virtue of the great Democratic masses and proclaims that it cannot be bought. We have never charged the IL-rahl editor of being bought, or with any improper motives in going over to Mr. II. d hula v. AVe have rd ways believed that he naturally be longed there, and that the course of the Herald last spring, by its "Dolly Varden " policy, did as much to secure a victory for the Ilolladay party as any llepubliean organ in the State. We do not censure its former editor, "Mr. Taylor, forihis. He was comparatively a strange r in our State, nnd doubtless acted on the advice and counsel of others. But no man can deny that the influence of the Herald in that election tended to de moralize instead of strengthening the Democracy. These things aro e- now passed, and we had hoped that the lesson which was taught then would be remembered and not again repeated in the history of Oregon politics. As to the charge that the Demo cratic press of the State, with the exception of the virtuous ll-rald ed itor and publishers, having been 'bought to transfer the parly to Sore headed Ilepublicans' with "Mr.. Cor bet t as the leader, all we have to sav is that the information of such a pur chase comes first from that virtuous sheet, and if any such attempt has been made, these "sore-headed 1 re publicans" must have approached the Herald man first as they suppos ed that he would be thej least expense to purchase. It was news to us when we saw it announced in the Herald that such attempt was made or to be mule, and as all corrujd combina tions for the3 demoralization of par ties originate in Portland, we at first thought that thereemight be some truth in the assertion, and that the virtuous editor of the Herald had actually been tempted to go into such a combination and strenuously refus ed to be a party to the infamous act. But when he charged that all the other Democratic papers in the State had either "been or might be seen by Mr. Corbet t," we came to the con clusion that the easy virtue of the Herald Jiad le'i? ojferc:I for this very purpose and rejected by those "sore headed Republicans" the Herald men tions. We deny any knowledge of such attempt on the part of any one and would assure the Herald and all others concerned that we have "not been seen," and further there is no use for any one to come and "see us" on such a subject. We have had enough of party treachery within the past tvfilve years. Ihe National Con ventions have been a uniform cheat upon the Democracy and by keeping in th-3 minority the treacherous ele ment in our State, the party lias been true to the people. We are r.ot i'n 3 favor of any concessions to Republi cans who are opposed to the ruling faction in this State. They mav come into the party and act with us; but so far as relates to them neing the leaders and the Democrats being the tail, we most respectfully decline the proposition. Our course is now and always has been, that none bnt true and tried Democrats should be placed forwai'el as leaders and that defeat is better and more honorable with such, than a victory gained by means of a sacrifice f f party honor and principles. In order to train the confidence of dissatisfied Republi cans we must show by our own acts that onto principles are of more im portance than a temporary success for office, and by showing this, suc cess will sooner or later crown our efforts. If the Herald, therefore, is in possession of any plot by which any eomlunation to transfer the De mocracy to 'sore-headed Republicans" we hope it will make an open and b?!d cir;? of the- -Thole riiit'or. rui I ; O lit the people know what is going on. But even this, if there -were" any truth in the matter, does not justify the Herald in going over to Mr. Holla day. The Democracy can reject "Mr. Corbett's corruption as well as they can condemn and reject Mr. Holla day's cause and the rejection of the former does not necessitate the trans fer of the party to the latter. Either are dishonorable and deserve to be condemned, and the Herald could have rejected dishonorable propo sitions on the one side without be coming a traitor to the party on the other. But if we are to be sold to cither of these men, the people will generally say let Corbett take us. Corruption Applauded On the return home to Indiana of ex- Vice President Colfax, a recep- i tion was given him by his admirers. ; Oakes Ames also had a reception ! when he returned to his home in Massachusetts, at which his admirers declared their belief in his integrity and honesty. Now either Colfax is a liar and a speculator off the people of this country, or Oakes Ames is a rascal, a liar and a scoundrel. He stated in plain tennis that Colfax had : accepted Credit Mobilier stock and dividends arising therefrom. This Colfax denied. It was proven 071 ; him and the checks produced which had been drawn by Oakes Ames. ' Oakes Anus was found guilty of bribing Congressmem, and yet we find both these convicted public , plunderers received by their respee ; live constituencies with honor when ! they return home. We must con ; elude that the masses of the people i have become corrupt and that no ' matter what crime a man may com ; mit, so long as he is in possession ! of money, his fellow-citizens will ; give him honor. If the people will . not rebuke such sco ndrolisni as has been proved on both these public ', plunderers, there is little hope for a ; reformation in our government, and i it seems to us that it is simply giv ing a premium for corruption. We next expect to hear that the people i of Kansas have given Pomeroy and i Caldwell a public reception. The ! latter resigned to keep from being i expelled from the Senate. The form er was detected in an attempt to buy his re-election. Srsi'i:Nri;r. In the last issue of the Ac"" llorll- irr.-tf, Mrs. Duniway gives notice that the paper will not be published for a few months, and that she proposes to take recreation, and recuperate her exhausted facul ties. While we materially, diller with Mrs. Duniway on the question of Womans's rights, we must give her credit of beingaladyof fine abilities, and were she to employ them in the legitimate and proper manner, could not fail to be of benefit to the coun try and remunertive to herself. She has labored hard and nobly in a bad cause, and we hope she may devote her talents in a cause which shall not only prove more remunera tive to her in the future, but be of benefit to people generally. IYkt'-Tjiiki Co:;oi;::ss. The of ficial roll of the Forty-third Congress has been 2'repared by Mr. McPherson Clerk of the House, as far as possible, with the following result: The full House will have 2'J2 members. Of these, four from Connecticut are not yet elected, and thros in Western Virginia are in dispute. One district in Indiana is also in dispute, and two cases in Arkansas are without cer tificate s. Of the remaining 2S2 mem bers. 10!) aro Republicans and !2 Democrats ami Puberal Republicans. The roll will embrace 127 new mem bers, a greate r change than has oc cured in many years. iMrEorxrors. "We have frequent ly been in stringent circumstances and hard up for the necessary coin to liquidate lulls for white paper and pay our printers, vet never so impe cunious as a Kentucky editor who makes the following touching appeal to his delinquent subscribers. "Friends we are penniless, dob's turkey was a millionaire compared with our present depressed treasury. To-day if salt was worth two cents' r. barrel, we could not buy enough to pickle a jay -bird." Don't Thin-ic It. We see that some of our exchanges are uncharit able enough to state that Mr. Holla day has bought the Herald. We don't know the price he could have paid for it, as it was entirely value less, and consequently we believe it turned over to ldm from honest mo tives, its editor naturally belonging to him. If he paid anything for it" we must say he displayed very poor business jndgemnt. "Lieutenant Fred Grant has been made a Lieutenant-Colonel, although he graduated a year ago, and that at the foot of his class. In t!l(. tilU(; of peace many officers of good abilities wait a long time before they are ,u.(). moted, but the fact that this young man is a relative of the "Government may be the reason why he has suc ceeded so well. Fovimi Volvme. The Rosehnr" Plaimlealer has entered its fourth I volume. It is one of the best con- ducted papers in the State, a credit to the place where it is printed, and ! perfect in its typographical appear- ; ance. We wish the Pbib"L;ar abundant e:iccec5. ! Itailroael Influences It has been apparent to the people for a long time that the railroad in fluence throughout the Union was controlling the Government and dic tating who should administer the affairs of State. It appears that this element is most powerful and has become strong enough to defeat even justice being administered to those who willfully rob the people in Credit Mobilier stock. A Washing ton correspondent of a recent date, speaking of this influence says: " It was the railroad influence at last that came to the help of the erring brethren, and prevented the expulsion of Brooks and Ames. Their money paid for extenuating editorials in the ('hroniele, and other jiurchasal.de papers; their advocates made ihe hotel corridors vocal with justifications of the implicated; their agents swarmed in the corridors and cloak rooms of the House and Senate: their retainers crowded the galleries; their subtle, elastic, all pervading in liuen.ee could be felt in the very atmosphere-. Is this railroad power to end in a revolution or a consolidated corrupt power? The Legislature of Pennsyl vania, New York and New Jersey are nothing but adherents of Wall stree t, clerks of Tom Scott or Vanderbilt, Jay Gould or Horace Clark; and to day a majority of the United States Senate may be counted among the assets of the great railroad corpora tions. Fenton belongs to the Frie, and Conkling to the New York Cen tral. The Pennsylvania owns Cam eron and Cameron, owns Scott. Lo gan and Oglesby dare 11 0.111 ore elider with the Illinois Central than does Carpenter to disobey the Chicago and Northwestern. The Baltimore and Ohio lias a proprietary interest in Yickers; the Northern Pacific runs Ramsay and Windoni; Spencer and Osborne and (iilbert and Cooper bo long to the Alabama and Chattanooga and the Jacksonville ami Mobile; Robertson and Patterson of South Carolina are the creatures of the At lantic and (inlf road; the Union Pa cific claims Harlan and Allison. Tip ton and Hitchcock; Ben llolladay inade the Oregon man, and Cen tral Pacific directs Stewart and Nye and your new Senator, Sargent while the Senators from Kansas be long to the highest and best bidder for cash or first mortgage bonds." C. rant's Indian Policy. President Grant's Indian policy, indorsed by the Philadelphia plat form and claimed to have been rati fied by the popular voice at the Pres idential election, is jhotogi-aphcd to life by the Plot lie lie-ord. In a re cent issue that journal tells the story of " Indian Annuities, " which cost the jieople millions of dollars as fol lows: Responsible- parties from Pharan agat Valley, among whom wo may mention our old friend Char! oy I loath, inform us that a few hundred dollars would supply all the Indians in North America with annuities of the kind and quality they have receiv ed in that section. A few bandanna handkerchiefs, which cost about five cents apiece, and coarse combs that they have no more use for than an Indian Agent has for the decalogue, with a few other articles of equally trilling value, constitute the sum total of their annuities for this year. Is this the 'humane course' by which President Grant roposes to bring the Indians under the benign influences of education and civil iza-tionV-that ho proposes to make them " useful and productive members of society?" In Heaven's name, if the gove rnment wants to enrich certain citizens, lot it make appropriations for their benefit, directly, and not add to the enormity of jdundering the jmblic treasury by stealing at the same time from untutored sav ages, thus teaching them that swind ling and duplicity are among the art s 01 that civilization to which they are asked to asj.j're. The only way to insure measurable justice to all concerned in this In dian business is to have the entire tribes registered, and deliver to each individual his equitable share. reserv ing for their future benefit what miy be due absentees. And the name of the tribe should be distinctly woven into all the woolen goods de livered, all of which should be in spected and received by the ( war de partment before being shipped, and penalties jrovided for the punish ment of any white man found with such goods in his possession. This would be si little protection to the po or devils. It is safe to say the Indi ans of South-eastern Nevada can, and do. receive more in a we ek's begging and scavenge ring in the back allies and around the kitchens of Pioche, and other towns, than they get from the government, through its agents, in a vear. Bai Taste. Mrs. Duniway has shown bad taste in giving publicity to a scandal in regard tothoimpremor conduct of a married man and woman in the icinity of Lafayette, in her two last issues. Had she kept quiet about the matter the public would have scarcely heard of it, and the matter would have been hushed uj. The party who she brings forward as her informant is of too high charac ter for voracity for her to impeach, and the people generally think he tells the truth about the matter in question. Senator Mitchell is a member of the following committees: Privi leges and Flections, Commerce and Cla'ms. Senator Kelly has been as signed to the Committees on Military atl'.drs. Post Oilices and Post Roads, ami "Mines and Mining. The H;r,i!d last Tuesday jdayed an Ajril fool trie-k on its patrons by sending them the same reading mat ter which was jrint?d in the issue of Sunday. The j.ublisu-rs evidently intended it as a good joke "on it's rentiers, who did not see the point." Ex-Senator Corbett and wife left New York for Europe on the 2'Jih ut. tVliat our Exchanges Say. We take the liberty of republish ing the notices which have been giv en the Extekpeise on donning its "new dress" by the various papers in the State: The Cristlan Advocate says: The Oheoon City FxTEiir-Kisrdias donned an entirely new and handsome dress. It now adds nearly one-fourth to the reading matter, and for its enterprise deserves more extended patronage. From the Dalles Jfjitnttinecr: The Oregon City Hxtkkpkisk, Mr, A. Noltner, editor and jmblisher, comes to us this week in an entire new dress. This is an indication of pros- ; ju rity which Ave are gJad to see and I hone that our old fraternal friend will continue in the same good streak of luck henceforth and forever. From the linn ton Democrat : -'The Oregon City LxxEPPiasr comes to us this week in an entire new dress, and juvsents ;i very creditable appearance. It is now ene of the neatest papers in Oregon. We congratulate our friend Tony on these signs of jrosperity, and wish for him that success which his untiring energy and steadfast principles so richly merit.'' From the Albany Democrat : " That sterling Democratic japer, the Ore gon City EjCTEKPitisr:, was issued last week in a new dross ' from top to toe,' ju-esenting a neat and tasty appear ance. We jresent our congratula tions to Bro. Noltner on the new make-up of his Extekpi'ISE, and wish him abundant success in his future career." From the Men-art: "The Oregon City FxTEitrnisn comes to "us this week in holiday attire. It is now printed upon new and beautiful type, and jircsents a very neat appearance. We are pelased to note this indisput able evidence of j;rosperity on the art of our contemporary, and we wish it a continuance of its good for tune." From the Albany Hester: "The Oregon City Fxtkupuise, has don ned a new suit, and looks as gay as any body. Bully for the Mayor." From the Eugene (licird: "The Oregon City ExTKi:ri:i?JE has got a new head and a new dress, and is there by givatly improved in its per sonal appearance." From the Eugene Journal : "The Oregon City Ex tkupkise is out in a new petticoat. It is as neat as a new jin." From the Tacks mviile Tlin:: "The Oregon City Extkkpuisk made its appearance in a new dress last week, and jreso:its a very neat appearamv. It is a good paper ami we wish it success. From the Comwreial Ttejorf-r: "The t'hrl.-t'.an Adro-a.'e expresses our epinion of a contemporary : ' The Oregon City Entkui'Iusi: has donned an entirely new and handsome dress. It now adds nearly one-fourth to the le-ading matter, and for its e-nterpri .-;e eleserves more extended jatronage." From the Yamhill l!-jiorter : "The Oregon City Exteupiiise coiue-s out in a new dross and looks as neat and tidy as could be asked." From the Moi'iifeln (I,a Cirande) Sentliii'!'. The Or--'ion Ci!' T't-terj-rlr-e. ouo of the best interior newspapers of Oregon, e omes to us tiiis week in an entire new elress. We' e-emgratu-late our editorial brother upon his past success and the bright prospe-ct for the,' future'. The EI :dyef a C.'iih! Hupp:ised to I3ac IJccn f.ejsl on Stic lYrighl E-'oumi. The following is from the; Victoria Standard ef March 27th. We have not heretofore M en any mention made that a child was em board ef the V'right, and some of our exchanges doubt the truth of the story as told below: The steamer 3hta White arrived here last night at 7 :";), froniNanaimo, bringing word that the ste-amer Ot ter was lying there? when she left. The Otter picked up on the coast, between Nanaimo and Skeena, the body of a ediild, supjiosed to have met its untimely death at the wreck of the steamer George S. Wright. The fact that the body of the child found a boy apparently about six years eld having a life juvserver at tached to it, proves the supposition that the George S. Writfht blew up to be erroneous, and e-onfirms the statement that she- went to pieces up em the sunken rocks, and that ele-s-perate eilbvts were made to save the Jives of those em heiartl, the'ir death struggles being r.ujierhnman. The body found was much disfigured from being dashed against the; rocks or by being mutilated by the inhabi tants ed the eh-ep. There is alse a reis-ort publishcel that two men and a woman were washed ashore. The two men are reported to have been killed and ate by the savages, and that the woman is kept by them to be killed at some of their great feasts. This rejiort is also eloubted. DnsTiu-fTivi-: Fiue. Corvallis has again been visitetl with a destructive fire, which resulted in the burning of the City Hotel, ownesl by Dr. J. R. Bavlev and. valued at .""T,:o'.) which - . ' was covered by an insurance of J,-"So. John Murray, father-in-law ef Mr. A. R. 3IcConnell, who was kee -ping the; hoied, was burneil in the building, his lvmains being found the following el ay. Se'veral either lodgers narrenvlv ese aped a similar fate, being e-ompelled to jumj) emt of j the windows to save their lives. We j understand that Dr. Bayley will re buihl immediately. SeiME ef the Back Pay Grabbers j devote the proceeds of theirjdunelcr I to the improvement of the cemeteries j in their several localities. They all 1 want to appease the outraged feelings of their constituents, and are ready to lie down like lambs with the in elignant lions they have offended. "And the lion and the lamb sdiall lie dov.ua together;" but when the lion got up in the morning the Iamb " ain't there. Summary of State News Items. The Jtfercwy has a new head, looks very neat. It There are 1, State Library. 75S( volumes in the The city election at Eugene will take jdacc April 7th. i Geo. E. Cole assumed charge of the Peirtlanel postofliee yesterday. : Whisky business at Ceuwallis is on the wane. Two saloenis closeel last week. Lizzie Domes ef Najia Califernia wants to know where is J. J. Domes, her father. One little store in Benton county has benight ami shijqed this sjring iijOOO dozen eggs. E. T. Thompsem, of Portlanel, has been ajqointed Insjcctor e,f Customs for the District of Alaska. There were one huiulred and five passengers on the first boat of this season ahove the Dalles. The Vv illaniette Transportatiem Co. is building warehouses at In-ele-pemdene-e and Ilarrisburg. Mr. A. Ilinman, ex-Collector of Customs at Astoria, will take uj his residence at Forest Grove. The jieople of Cervallis are clam oring for an extensiem ef the west sale daily mail to that city. The W. T. Co. have advertised for preiposals to build anether boat simi lar to the Governor Groveu-. Wheat in Union county is worth 1 50 a bushel. As usual in such cases nobody has any to sell. The average t'-mperature at Baker City for the; wevtdc ending March 2'2d was 4i:'J elegrees above zero. The latest curiosity in the natural world is an entirely white grouse ftjuud in Lane e-ounty lust wen k. About ."?"20. !()() eif taxes in Marion county remains unpaid.. The sum jiaid exceeds $70,000 for 1S72. A Scandinavian Society was organ ized at East Portland last Satnrelay eveuiing, Mr. Oswahl, President. The mony order business at the Salem Post Ofii-re for three months, ending March -dst, was Sll ,0(b . Mr. Hugh Small is spemding some time1 in the Umpqua A.illey for the jmrjiose ef writting up the country. The loss by fire in Salem in the half year ending Dec. "U, 1ST:, amounted to the small sum of $o0i. Governor G rover has appointed M. Seller, Esq., Ceunniissiemor for Ore'gon to the Exposition at Vienna. The net jrofits of a sociable given f r the bom-lit of the gallant firemen at Salem, by the ladies, was 200 ceiin. There are forty school districts in Benton county. The public school money in the county this year is "2. 771 ci;. Ten thousand copies of the pamph let on Oregon, by Hon. Vv. L. Adams, are now in juvss at the Bulletin job office. It is said that W. C. Hall, of East ern Oregon, is in Iowa trying to raise an emigrant company for Oreg Kl. The temperance Billiard Hall at Albany has been opened, and Bros. brown and aiicieave are-boin jat rems. C. G. Curl, clerk of the Supreme Court of tli is State, is again confined toiiis room with rheumatism, and is sufiering intense dy. The Jacksonville T'ne.n reports the capture of Long Jim erne of the Modoc murderers, indicted in Jack seui county. A large number ef people from the East arrived on the; Ajax last Tuesday vho jroposes to make Oregon the'ir home. Thirty lezen pairs of hose are turn ed or.t elai: v at the jeaver liosie: are eunpioyod - 1 r Sixteen ope-ralives the manufactory. at A man by the name al C. Masher was arreste'd a few days since-, on a ediarge; ef incediarism. Ilewasheld to appear at court under i?o00 I ion. Is. It is reported that executive clem ency has been extened to Mclntire who, for seve-.ral years, has been in the penitentiary for killing Kceler at the Dalles. The railway city of Tangent, Linn county, is said to be growing in im jiostanee. It has a warehouse with a capaeity for holding 00, 000 bushels of grain. J. D. May, arrested in Portland and taken to Linn County for trial em ediarge rf perjury, has been found guilty and will be sentene-ed this week. Fill! more Fra.:er, who had served nine years in the penitentiary, was jardoned 011 Wednesday. He was sentenced from Douglas county lor a term ef ten years. The Governor's office at Salem, has he'on remitted and refurnished, and it is said to be the intention to fix it up in a cemifortablo and reason ably ch'gant style. The Farmers' State Convention will meet in the Legislative Hail. There will be more good lione'st sense em that ei.-cssion than theu'e has been for some time. Rev. B. Wistar Morris in a e ircu lar reminds his edinrch people of the eluty ef contributing on Easter Day to the endowmc-nt fund for the Bishop Scent Grammar School. The railroad e-ompany have given notice that they will issue lay-over tickets at any point of their reut". How accommodating a little eipjo sition makes som? peeiple. Miss Sarah Senders aged 10 years died at Albany on last Monday, of neuralgia. She was to have been married to an excellent young man e)f Junction City in three weeks. The following gentlemen have been elected delegates to the Farmers' Convention from Marion count v: John Minto, John Dowling. Jo;. Smith, R. C. Gear, F. X. Mathieu. Rev. C. A. Wooley informs the Corvallis G itte that up to last Wed nesday he had received about PI ;) subscription toward liouidaiiii"'tY-,o (leoD upon Farm. -1 1 the state Agricultural The exhibitions given at Philomath College, last Friday, was largely at tendeel ami passeel efi'most agreeably. The musical entertainment in the evening was n, superb atlair. We hear that S. A. Clarke, of Salem, thinks of going to San Fran cisco to em gage in business, ho hav ing an oiler eif a gooel thing in a news paper establishme nt there. J. L. Kline of Ceuvallis has be en appointed e-arpenter at the Siletz res ervation by the new agent, Mr. Fair child; Mr. Baglevof St. Joe. fanner; and E. W. Felto'u of Portland, clerk. The following gentlemen were eh'cte'd elelegates to at te nd the Farm er's State; Convention frenn Laim county: T. G. Edwards, Geo. W. lTinehart, Geo. Sovereigns and W. A. Porter. The people of Tillamook are to have a weekly mailsservie-e hereafter by way ef the. North Yamhill via the Mountain House and Trask River. This will jireivo a great convenience to the te ttleu-s. The; C rvai!is J), wocvf-'says: "Mrs. R. S. Strahan and children, Mr. J. Edwards and wife, an el Messrs. T. J. Connor and Caspar Riear.l, all leave for the Eastern States, em a visit, licxt Tuesday. N. Simons ef Ledanon, Linn e-oun-ty, finds it costly fun to assault sm other with a deadly weapon. He has just been fined -ioO, by Judge Bon ham for exercising his muscles upon a Mr. Ralston. The f! rarer was welcomed enthusi astically id every joint em the Wil lamette river last week, and so long as her envners pre-sorve their ace'oin m odating spirit and. low tariil every thing will be livedy. From the Mereaty: "The Sisters' new Academy will soon ho completer! ar.el ready for occupation. It is a large, fine bidding, a euedit to emr city, and a monument to the euiter priwc of that noble- sisterhooel." The Jackson Sentinel says: " It is reported that Moacham talks of open ing a recruting office for the purpose of filling up the Peace Commission, that-now goes begging for members at the rate often elollars per elay." On Tuesday, Miss llardmai ef Albany, stopped upon a gardeui rake' whiedi hajpene'd to he lying iu front of the eloor, teeth up, running erne of the iron teeth clear through leu right foot, making a painful if not dangerejiis wound. The Rosed turg Plalndealer says: "The farmers in the' northern part eif the valley are sowing mue-h ic.oiv than the; usual amount ot grain. And if the railroad conrpany will oiler reasonable inducements for shippin: harvevst. money v. ill be plenty after The B a 1 of Directors e.f the Union University Association at Eugene- City, advertise for reaped proposals for Ihe- delivery ef six hundered thousai.d brick for W o State Uuive r.sltv building. Al:;-o for the the stone for ihe foundation ami for e-on druct ion t in ;e -of. Tin Pant t'jrau says: Some law less character idaeod a rait over the tr.i'-k on the railroad just above. Wil bur last Friday evening, and as a pai ty who had been to the exhibition were re!.uimi:g home em a hand, e i: lie- car was thrown from the track and Mrs. Aiken seve-ivly injured. The following dedega'es were edio.-cn to re present Polk e-our.ty in the Farmers' State Convention at Sulem, April KHh, 17 :): John Allen. B. F. Smith, W. C'lnrchell, W. C. Brown. J. Holly, .Tos-o Stump, W. E. ( - lark. Ira Townscnd: I. Smith.. A. 2). Babeoek. Thos.RLiir, delegate . at arge. Win. Jl.ihlo. It is exp- -t n! th it the North Wcst-e-rn Stage C mipany will change their line by the first of July, so as to run from P moleton via pi Creek to !he lot Rock and Willow C reek to the Dalles daily with a branch to Umatilla l,ice'u week: the Walla Walla line to con nect at Pendleton. This will m ike Pendleton a central point. On I rnlay of last woe":. SherifT 1 arker of Idnn county brought to Albany Ellas Keemey, who has been indicted for murder in the second degree for the killing of Pel ton at Ilarridnirg la.-t winter. Kee-rey gave; himself up vol tint arily. He has pleaded not guilty, been ndmitOed to bail in the; sum oi 2,000, and i s i:ow at large. The ll'forf -r corresponde-nt says: "Eight new brick store.; have been built at Euger.e City eluring the past year, at a cost e,f S lo, ()!(!, that would do credit to any fit y of a population of 1.000 people. More stores ef a similar character will be erected this summer, and the building e.f a in;m-b--r ef private resiliences are in con templation." Deeds to State lands are ma le out at the oife e ef the Agent e,f the State School Land Commissioners' for the following parties: Heirs of Patrick Baliogh. Yamhill e-ounty; ("carles Roork. Clackamas; Edward Fail in" Multnomah; J. N. T. Miller, Jack son; John Swick, Washington; S. Howe, Douglas; J. H. Gauntlett. furry: n. Javjr.s. Clackamas; (I. J. Gray, Linn; Josiah Failing, Multno mah. The Corvallis D, .-no -rat tells the story of a man, over in the forks of the Santiam. who was looking for sto.de, when a fine deer aj.jiroa-hed and b.-ga-a biting him. He frt e;siyel to run; b ;t the vieioe 4 Jeer heldjum. n,i ,rvct turned to curs ing the la-t Je-gislatnre for pa-s'po-thc game law. But when the anim-d oegan to tear his best trowsers he 1-st his self-control, and shew 'the "varmint" in self-defense. Oi:-!.YXi::r.n, Several Gf the prom inent dentists of this State met at Portland la d Monday and organize d the Oregon State Dental Society. Dr. J. H. Hatch of Portland was jdMcted President; Dr. L. S. Skid' of Kalem, Vice-President; Dr. Wm. F. Thompson of Portland, Correspond ing and Recording Secredary; Dr. John Weldi, of this city, Treasurer. The next regular meeting of the So ciety will be held at Salem on the Li t W ednesdav in June. His Amount. It is stated that Mr. Holladav returned with 2,000,000 111s portion of the Credit Mobilier stealings. Telegraphic News Summary. Pouti.ax! (Me.), March '27. TV Marr heirs met here yesterday .,,' 2 formed an association calleel t!u-j ' Claim Association, t prose-ute tiu.jr e funis to tiie e-state ef ilarr, in Scoilan.j worth sixty millions, Wasjiixoton, March -7. Treaslirir Sj.iime r lias not re-ce iveO a rej-ly tV i., Ookes Allies, to whom he l"i v;u I J( ifio.ooo in honds of t'ri'tlit Ii1 ilr which were turiu'd ove r te him l y IU-jI re-sentalive' Kelley. The hoiuls vr sent to Ames e.n the l-"th 111st. wli!iH re-ouest that lie wendei e ndorse them. j order that tiie y might he converted iia., the TVe'astiry." The question which nat urally arises is: " l.e-s etuies inteii'l to cdmi'lv with v'eiKi:il S:4niie'r's re quest or h -lei en to the l-onefs which , repcate-dlv said 1 eloiige-'fto -Kelle-y?" Nkw Yokk, March -(. The York Shipping List to-Oay e-Oitej i.;v HiitiDiinci's :i rupture of the 11 e ;gc.:i!;r -e-oiuhiiiatioii between the Pacihe M d .... XI- .Nteauisl-.ip' e.mpany. v. e e e.ngiiit ul;;;,. our California fiiends e.11 the re. mi It ai.d J,iieve it has taught parties in im n-t a lesson-tliat New York mereh:uiis will not su! inil lo theoji. tatiem o:-ij.;. si.le ra lroail -orpo rations. lien Holiiday's friends treat wit', levity Ihe 'iViiuuie-'s aiine-uiie i,i taat "iroe-e'edlngs are to l e hiMituu a -aiut him as President of t he )- ,, nod California Kailroa.l, lor all 7. ,i frautiiilciu reoi esc.nj.noii.-s m i,j J.l.i.. Till. n It!!' company's bosuls. The 11 nn- savs His m:iu-h 111. 11 iiie reiroii California ltadroad caused 1 in x, Morgan A: Co. -.f New York ami l.i,zI l;ai li I 'ros. of Crank foi t, h rinanv. i r.ctretiate 10,'J .'jU.tsoti of its horn's at ".; j,. es wliich netted the company i..Vni.Hi I'reside nt Jhdladay. it is fui the r a.sMltl e l, took a contract from this eoni) :.I;V t huild th road at the late of ;,) , ;t .Vl.OiHl a mile, e,-n the pro-e e ds of ilf. s;de of these l.oiidsanel the 'iti i; built li:;;) miles left the most 1 1 Hi -i.lt and expensive portion )fthe line- ini'iii is.hed. It is fui the r asse rted that W'h, t r storms have elamage-e! the road ( n much, and that the' reyt-ipls liave 11. ".t epial"d the amount required for juu r est. The 1. cutis a; ee;ui:t(il :,t ;r, j t lleilin market and at a ree e i;t liuiCnv of the bondh' hh is a e lomitte e un r.ppoie.ted to begin n e ( ( elii us aaij.vt liedladay. The ce iupaiiv have a l;(ini n;ii,t of l.Cen.ceO acres. W'a-iuxotox, March A ren ruit te'e was appointeet to wait ,n the I'n si dentaiid inform him 1 hat if la- , further e-ommr.nieati- 11 to ma lie- to tl: , they we're re-aoy te ael ;eui n.Q Tiie Se nate' t lie 11 w e i'd into Eve inivi. se ssion, re 111 .lining t i ! 1 -" :LO p. m. w ) n the' ehiors we're oj e-H d and 111.- i 11m, ifc eppointi"! to v.'ait e n ti e- l're :., j.t re1 5 e.-rle-d thai he haeli.n fi:rl lie r e . i.j mimicati' 11 to make' te-the' Se-uati-. 'f!.(. U-ai: 1 vole "! thauks te the- Viee-Po s;. eh ut was aelojittd, ai el at foiiPj.. m. t!a- S ::a e- :.e:i- una d w itl-out elav. liosietx, March L7. T!ie- :!a-a-(husdls S. Hide- tei-ehiy re je't te it a.'l ame iidim aits aiul ace-e-pleel ,y a vutc;,; 7 !o 10 the- adverse 1 e-pea t 'e.f s ev in lnillev eaia 1 titiou of .!.;. !i;i;j,r aial otiie rs for annulling and re-.-i iiici ing tiie' Samm r re'se latie ns, passe .! :,t the last session e.f the Ihaise. Tic llenise' lias alreaely eh lii' the- .:u:n. thing, se the' maticr may be e-o!i-i.U;.;j as tiiially se'ttled. Ilaiii Kor.o, v 'e-mi) Marcli 1:7. II. n. Janu s lixon. I'nite'il States. Se-iiate-r Ire, 111 1."7 to 1 .-;'.. elie el at his re sioe m-i-in tins eity this j! ,fiei lie .en e.f he-ai t e;Lv e-;;se. age-d sixty-e-iht. . spi-cial f re .m W'as'iliigte.n says tl-at up to ruiiiy 'J.-th eivii :hi e e- hi.i:i"a. il e.f the' National i'.anks were I e low 1-. -;, lv-ser.vi-. N- '1 ie-es se rve 1 e-n. w ii messes ?u th,. iei Kbix e ases inthi' il iste 1 11 I istri t of N 01 1 h Care .Una e-xe-using t iam 1 n m a?te inlance 11 the- Soring : iiu e,j ih- Conrt have h'd te the i e lie f that t! e-c.iiiitry has li-'aily loaiei the- last eif S nihe-rn i-oii; iiae-y airaiu.-t ) e ae-e- aial go, d eirei-;r. Il is neaily tw ye':.is sin -c a case of i' h ne-e m Jhe-S i;:!i has been trace el t; l!ie- Ku Klni rgai: 17. it ion. and Southe-i 21 111: n I J:e ve' 1 1 ,:.t JJ. .1 h i 1 '.g e-a 11 ele 1 se much 1 1 1 re s: eire- ge ei fee linus hi e-e i ta;n pea tie lise.J the S.-i:tl.- 111 Si de's as !"xecut;e' h me ucy ! ward Ku Ki.lx ee.n-; ir:.teas lie.w'eei; 1 i t : 't I iii N-atliean prise -ns. 'ilw revciuii' fie 10 ci;Me ms :iuel cxci"" bids fair to show an ilicre s-.se in-t-e;.u i f a eiioiuiut i. 11. i y Ihe' le ui-lati". li e-i lat C nare ss reduc'ihg taxation. T he-jiel-a'edily is that the re' v. ill be tit t.(,n-,t im f. e m osiiit-is this ye-ar. :.i;ei p -ii lv K'Ii.eo'i.'HH. 1 -;; g much 'in e-Xe e s of li.'e ( s'iiiitl'.i s e-f the- il:ltin:d rev liu- H-e-;i; ts thus far abe.ut s-;.e(!o,( 1 o. Tl" tela! tor l!u- Near will pre bally :q- ;-o;reh ?ll;.M:t,r.t asagaiuVt 1 Ki.'ii n.-iej e stil;- ;t' el. Toe' Slate' I -vart men! is oyrrwlie 1 1 u- ed with applicatieais tor eitlie-c; I at C tlu-re' is ';tlo 11 to be' eii:ly e-n.- vae ::i:e'v the miss:.,n to I'ogota. which is r.ot opeai le e e.nipe t -ticn. and w il 1 be Ulli -1 by appoint m nt fre m the' Soutli. Tiie e b. ri'-:.l fea-ce- of the variea;:- Ie--partmmts is not large e nough to write replies to tl'.i' applie-atie ns lie. 111 iimu-ii:-!:ii'!c e liicc se t ie is. - Toe lhe sidt nt will appoint Ke-verenil lr. Nc woa-ii I isj 1 e te ,r Ci nstdate- in Japan China an-.i e the r Easte-m e-oi:ti- t lie'S. Ni:w Yeu-,;, M irch The elcath e.f M rs. Jar. it .s (i.-releui i'ciuiett is ai; n.iuii'vd by e-al lc. It en-e-nrre-el tbi- nioMiingal Koaiigxt I j : Saxe.nv. JlAi.u-AX. Aj i il 1. The stt'juijer-r At lantic, of lie hite Star Hue. from e rpo 1 Ma:vh loth f r Ne w- Ye rk. lim ning she-rt of coal, made for Jlalifa. W'.'.cn about twenty miles Ire m pe it eitfCap'e l'rospee-t, at half-past two this morning, ran ash.av en Meagher's he-ad- She hail e n boarel over e;ne thousand men, we.mcr. and children. Oiily twei hmnlre-el and liftv .sue-e-e-e-eh-l in bin-ling. The re iuaineU-r inelu.liiig :.!! t!ic weaiK 11 anil 1 hihirt 11. wtre 1M 1 iie captain and third lln-t-r wfrtQsav e d. The lirst eitiie e-r wa eirowne el.O ou rce ! ipt ef the- news e.f the eli-aster a Cu nai 'iand a 1 io e-rnuie lit ste ame r start eel to tiie assi!:ine e' of t he At hint ic, but thirel e-ilicer l'.rady, w ho ai 1 ive el he 1 e at half-pasL ti e- t h i's a fie-i no n sst-vs tiie vi 's- 1 and cargo are- a total le.ss. " i Iai a 1 a v . A j . r i 1 . - 1 , y 1 1 1 r ee r for. r cabin passe ngers we rt-saved from tiV wueek e.j' t!,e ste-amvr Atlantic ein' J h;glishma:i and Iwet e.r thre e Fie ncli 1111 11. Only e.oe laelv j;as nge r at tciiq.te el to save he-lse It. S'lu- was fre-ze 11 toeieatii in the ligging. anel fell ii:tei t!ic water. The1 jause-V is aim ng the lost. Tiie' Atlantic hael K",n steer:;:.!' and .'Ul saloon j-asse-ngeis. The' crew muube rid 11J. anel I 40 stewU a vs we re' eiis( ove : e el. Ti:n c huialu el in all we re save el out of a total of l.i.",s. CeMr::rn iex. The Willamette Trail--porlati-ui Ci-mpany are rese Iveel to Ie ready for the fre ighting of the iu xtjuu vest. .-ays the Orcgonian. They are' going 0:1 villi the- construetie:ii e.ftia se-e-e.nel iKial e.f their line' as sjH-eeiily a" practie-ahle. The se'e em.l lKat is tx is' similar te the e'reiver, which is found to be well adaptcil to the river trade1 The patreusage rece-iveel by the revc-r is such as te give great assurane.; that the pro'iue e-is anil shippers up the rive r are fully aroused to the ne'evSsity ,f liaving eppositie!ii em the river to ona a.ble them to gvt their proelueie.r.s t O market at living rate's of frefcht. H promises we ll te farmers that the new" lui - is te be ke pt in the liehl, fer all ex perience' 1 .reeves that 210 sooniT would it be withdrawn than freights we odd go up again to rates that wemhl cnane the e.hl e-empar.y to get back what they have lost -r rather have been prcve -lit e l from gaining by the opposition. 1' wiil celtainly be te the intere sts of the farmers lo kee-p fre ights down te tig iiivs th.it will leave a margin te the m sclve s; and tiiis e-amieit be-, eleiiie ift'" sani" company owns the lines both e-H land anel e,n the rive r. The- future luv'V"' blighter lor the' fai me is, anel tliiett1 tin ni, for the w hole count.iv. "Vk are noi disposed to enter int competition with the Herald as re garela to the redative vtdne of our re spective journals. "VYo arc willing t'3 snh-niit that opiestiou to our potre'i:- o V o O o o o O o O