t - -f ,'-1 o 0 o o. o G o o o o o o o V VOL. 7. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 18 TO NO- 23. V O O O C ; a 5 rssina rra r i rri rrr rrs 7? , r: A LOCAL DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER v o n T II K Parmer, Elisions Man, & Family firclr. ISSl-KH KVEUY KItlDAV. oS OLiTISr 1j K, EDITOR AA'U P UBLIS II EH. I o OFFICIAL PAPEK FOR CLACKAMAS CO. OFFICE In Ir. Then.slnj;' Trick, next dour to John Myers stotv, u-vstairs. Terma f Subscription t Kin-Ma Cnuv Oik- Year, In Advaneo $2.5) " Six Mont ha l."l Term- of Atlvt-rlisini Trarnient ntl v . iiie-nts, iiielielinir all l--z.il not ic-s, V stiiar.' o! twelve lin on-? vi-f--k ? 2-") Kor rscli siibs.-ni'-nt insertion IJKt Cnlinaii, one y-ur l'.t.tHI Half !.'" y.iart-r 1-( Huiii.'i Card, I siniare, oin- year 1JJM) F. SARCLAY, Tel. R. C. S. form'-rly Siir;"n to the linn. II. J. Co. Thirty-live Vcam' IiM'rivmr, fRiciinxc nivsiriAN smigeox. Main St rc t, i r .-on City. J. V. M. D., (I.ATK OK ILLINOIS.) piivsirnx am) snuiEox, ' i: (; a (: i r r. J' i: A. r-'s'p'Mul proaiotly to ealis durinq; :t h-r day or ni'lit. Dill.- n't Wanl'. i irus storo. Can found at th i 'I i rr lion.- at niiit. fcl.l tin : V7. H. WATKBKS, D., OREODfi. i7."iFI"Ii 'K I I'M r.-Uow'sTeinplf.cnrnr FirV. and Ald'-r str-, ts. lt' sidi'iiC"- eorin-r Mui:i a:ul Scvfiith Mr. ts. Yi U h & Thompson, D E TJ T B STS. i2 lilii-r la dl K"-Uv.v.:' Ti'tnpl '.eorn' r nt Kirs', and Ai l-T str !. V tV. uid. 'i ll" ii.i:m:i i of t !io il".ritv4 mii- riT iP"r:(ti.ui is in b;.);i1 r.'tn-'st. Nitrous j :xi'!- .r l!i p-iini-ss 't r:ct ion ot t -t !i. j Artill.-ial f.-tli " !'tt-r than t!i- .," and Will i:i r 'oii t 'n v on Sa?;;rdsv. - C Nov. :!:tf t5.Hr KI.AT. iias. r.. wajiki:.;. H "J 2L AT &7 ARRETS e Attorneys-at-Law, onEGon CITY, - CRESON. I'll C.'iariflan's I ri.'k, Main f. o:iKirIs7i':tr. JOHrJSO?! & IVIcCOWJJ ATTOilXZV.; AM) nil -XSELOilS AT-LAW. o Oregon City, C re.cn. tfVWill j.ri.'ti"' in ail I h Court of t h ! Stal-. Sp--'ial attention Kiv"ii In ivis.'S 111 le I". H. iind :Ii '' at r ;oii t ity. ."iuprlST.-tf. J OATTORIJEY-A7-LAW, OllKdOX CITY, : : OiJKCOX. Oi'KH'F. Over atre?t. Tin Jlmar !'.r-", -t t. A. F. FORBES, ATTOll X !: V A T 1. A W nic No. n, Dokimi's Ilnildin, I'ort lnud, rou. Vinarl"7.j-ti. O J. T. AFPERSO! UFI H'n IN rosTOFFlCF IU-IT.DINtS. al Ti'tiilrr, C!ni knniiis -tnil y Or iIith, and OiV'mi ( ily t)rdci EOUGHT AND SOLD. NOTARY PUBLIC. livn nti:it vl. 'ull'ct ions atti-ndd in. ;i:uj :i i.'ii-ral Ilrok-a.i' luiii.'ss carried uu. ja:ni!I'. AV. II. HKiliriEIJ), Kitnnilsliril lnrr !'.. at tlo old t:ml. .Iln in Str.'i-t. Or.'ion I'ity, (lr.-pon. n An assrtmtit X Wat tics. J.'w.d ry.aml S.'th Thomas' Weight Cl.K-ks all of which ar warrantcil to b as r 'pr -s ti: '!. Itpji irinjj don.-' on short not ice, and I'luiiklul for past iatroiia.i-, JOHN 31. IttCO-V, IMt'oUTKIt ANI PF.AI.F.lt 1 rrfh,:ii- st .t ion. -rv, Jvrfum. -'. .. . toy Orrjjmi City, Orrim. O 0 ' '--en i,y S. Aek-.-man, Main st. NTAI!Y PUBLIC. E?iTE?.?RlSE OFFICE. ORI-fiOX CITY. For t ti- v, r- b-st photographs, ?o to Brad & Uulofson's (Jalvry without STAIIis Ancch l in the Elevator, 4J9 Moatiroinc ry ?"-r--t, S-in Fr.in.M.;oo. Cftltremia. His. 3 "KIs!S MF MOTIillli." "Kis me, mother, i re I leae you. Kiss our dai linir child (nur'nioio, Kre I leave this wi M so dreary. For that bright -and happy shore; " Fr the doctor says I'm goh g, S.iys my lift iseoHng last, .S.tvs T cannot live tin- night out. Ami my days on earth are past. rr ;t ,.-,.,-. f.ir vii ii , .i And the t ars I know vou'll shed. Wl..... . .1 ..I, I....- And is numb -red with the dead. "Then IM hail with joy the verdict t men tne iimvwmg uoetor gave, And, with outstretched arms, would (Sod's own liome l.x-vond the trrave. "What is 1 i I - that we sliould prize it? Iii'e at most is Kut n day, fne short day of j ire)aration. I-'av we're hurried hence away. "Therefore weep not, when departing l-'rom its tenement of clay. Tins poor soul is waited upwards, Angels ltcarini; it away. " Hut, dear mother, kiss your darlinir. Kiss your dai liii'j child once more, K'er I leave this world so dreary For the hritrht and happy shore." IN' A XI) Ol?T OS-' i.ovz:. How did I know she was a widow. Don't von idve ine credit for a:iv fominon sense of discrimination? How do you know that rose is red? How do you know lolister salad from sardines? I knew she was a widow from the very moment I took the corner seyt in the car, opposite to her little black bonnet with its llndti rintc wreath of erape veil, and the Astrakan muff that held her tiny, Llack-loved h inds. How I envied that muff ! 3ont tell me of your Yenuses, your Madonnas, and your Marys (:ieen of Scots they couldn't have held a candle to the delicious little willow. T never did believe in strand beau ties! A -woman has no business over awing and impressing you a.aimt your will. And she was one of your dimpled, daisy-faced creatines, with sort of brown eves, lontr-lashed and limpid, and a red mouth, which looked as if it was just made to be kissed. And then there was a tangle of pihli-n spirals of hair hanin over her foivhead, and. brails upon braids Tunned up under her bonnet, until a hair-dresser would have jrone frantic at the si.Liht. Just as I was iakinr an inventory of these thinirs. in that sort of unob- j servant way that I Hatter myself be- lonirs to a man t-i the world, slie dnni-jied her mi'.'.T. and course it rolled under the seat. "Wasn't I down on my knes sat onc e after it? I rather think so. "Thank yon, sir,"' said the deli cious little willow. "Not at all." T replied. "Caul do anything more for you V "No, thank you unless yon can tell me what time we ecttoGlen- "(Jlendale?" I cried. "Vri-y I am ' troimx toC'leudaV." Of course we were friends at once, and the daisy-faced enchant ressmade room for me beside her. "lest," as she said, "some horrid, disgraceful creature should crowd, in and bore her to death." and I stepped riirht out of tli" mustv. ill-ventilated world of railroad e irriatre into an atmos jdiere of llden. AVh ii a bachelor of forty falls in love at lirst siht oh. what a fall is there, my countrymen! No half measures, I tell you. I'efore we had been speeding through the wintry landscape an hour, I had already built uj several blocks of cutit'-i'.ti K.arjitc. in ray mind. T saw my bachelor rooms 1 Heighten ed by her presence. T fancied myself walking to church with her hand on my arm. I heard her dulcet voice saying, " My dear Thomas, what would you like for supper to-night?" I beheld, myself a respectable member of so cietythe head of a family. What would liob Carter say nor I meant "; kh, who was always rallying mo on my state of hopeless old-bachelorhood, who .supposed, forsooth, be cause he happened to be a trille younger and better-looking than my self, that I had no chances whatever. I'd show R.ob! What did we talk about? The weather, of course, the scene ry, the -prospects all the available topics, one at'ter another; and the more we talked, the deeper grew my admiration. She was sensible, and so original, and so everything else that she ought to be! I discovered, that she preferred a town life to the seclusion of a conn try residence so did I. "Who would stagnate when he could feel the world's pulses as they throbbed? She loved the opera so did T. She thought this woman's suffrage movement all ridiculous with a be witching little lisp on the last sylla ble I agreed with her. She thought a woman's true sphere was home; my feelings surged up too strongly for utterance, and mere ly bowed my assent. Here was a delicious unanimity of soul a mute concord of sympathy. "What would liob Carter say when he saw this beautiful little robin lured into my cage? How I would lord it over him! How I would in vite him to "happen round at any time." How I would iigtiratively of cours hold up Mrs. Thomas Smith over his envying head! I ut t -red an audible chuckle as I thought of these things, which I had some difficulty in changing into a cough. You've got a cold, said the widow svmpathetieallv. Do, please, have one of mv troches; they are so sooth- 1 fng to the throat. I took the troche, but I didn't swallow it. I would as soon have eaten a priceless pearl. I put it in my left hand breast pocket, as near to mv heart as practicable. Her first gift. . j A bachelor like me is accustomed i to such things, I replied in an off- I hand manner. A bachelor! exclaimed my travel ing companion. Dear me, then you are not married ? Unfortunately, no. It is never too late to mend, said the widow roguishly. : That is my sole consolation, I re plied gallantly. ! There is nothing like married life, I sighed the w idow, with a momentary ! eclipse of the limpid, brown orbs, i beneath the whitest of drooping lids, ; Rut what is the use f my talking about it to you? You can't under- ; stand. I can imagine, -was my modest re- 11.V; I lou must find a wife as soon as possible, said the widow, looking in- tently at the hem of her pocket hand- ! kereheif. j You're only living half a life, now, ! Ah! you cannot think how much ; happier you would be with some I gentle, clinging being at your side some-congenial soul to mirror your own. Instinctively I laid my hand upon my heart. Do not fancy that I shall lose an instant in the search, I said. 1 have already pictured to myself the pleas ure of a newer existence. Have you? and the brown eyes shot an arch, challenging sparkle toward me. Tell me about her. Do you really wish to know? Of coi.r ;e I do. I congratulated myself mentally on the line progress I was making, con sidering the small practice in love making that I had had. Rob Carter himself, with all his ready tongue and good-looking face, could not have carried on a 1'iirtation more neatly. Is she fair or dark? questioned tin widow, with the prettiest of in terest. ' Neither about your complexion. Oil! laughed my interlocuter, a charming pink suffusing over her dimples. Is she vming? Yes, about vour age. Pretty? More than pretty beau'i'ul. The Avitlow arched her perfectly penciled eyebrows. What a devoted husband you will make! And when are you going to be married? As soon as can mdr luce her to name the dav. That's right! said the widow, clasp ing her hands over the muff. Reeause you know no time to lose. I sighed ostentatiously. 1 am well aware of that. Astrakan vou have i on will let me call on you in Glendale? Oh, certainly if don't object. She will he willing, I am sure. "Win -re are you staying? I asked eagerly. I shall be Mrs. Alvern's guest. Do you know many people in Glendale? Only a few. 1 am going down on some legal business for one or two of my clients. Are vou? Yes.' And then there was a brief silence, Are you acquainted with Mr. Car tor. Mrs. Alvern's brother? asked the widow presently. Yes, I answered with a little grim ace. A self-conceited and disagree able puppy. Do you think so? asked the widow. Of course, as does everybody else. So will vou when vou mee t him. Shall!? A man who thinks because he's got a smooth tongue, that nobody else has any business in creation. Dear, dear! twittered my compan ion, that's very bad. indeed. Of course lie will pay a good deal of attention to you, if you are to be his sister's guest, I pursued, but it won't do to encourage him. No! Rv no means. He is a profession al tl'irt. Is it possible? lisped the widow. And I mentally shook hands with myself for having thus deftly put a spoke in Rob's wheel. First impressions are everything, and I certainly had been beforehand with the pretty w idow. Neither had I any compunctions of conscience, for hadn't Rob been playing prac tical jokes of all styles and complex ions on me ever since v.e entered the bar side ly side? " Stupid Tom," that had been his pet name for me always; but this wasn't such a " stupid game." after all. While I was thus metaphorically hngging myself, the conductor bawl ed out "Glendale," and I sprang up to assist my lovely companion out of the ear, cheerfully burdening myself with bags, baskets, parasols and bul ky wraps. As we stepped upon the platform, I nearlv tumbled into the arms of Rob Carter. " Hullo Tom?" Avas his inelegant greeting. "You don't grow any lighter as you grow older." I was about to retort bitterly when a sudden change came over his face as lie beheld the pretty widow. Gertie! he cried, clasping both her hands in his. Yes. Hobcrt, she replied, with sparkling eyes and flushed cheek. That gentleman has got my parcels; he has been very kind to me. Oh, has he though? Well, we won't trouble him anv further, I am much obliged to you, Tom, and we'll send you cards to the wedding. What wedding? I gasped, Didn't you tell him, Gertie? Win to ovr wedding, the tenth of next month, to be sure. Aurcvolr; Tom, be careful cf yo ur'-elf, for mv ako. and that was the last I ever saw of the daisy -faced widow, for if you think I was mean-spirited enough to go to that wedding, you arc mistaken in my character." o Itepentancc In Massachusetts. The petition which has been pre sented to the Massachusetts Regi.s 1 iture asking that the disgraceful ac tion of that body in presuming to censure Senator Sumner about his battle-llag resolution be expunged from the record, is giving the Boston newspapers an opportunity "to de nounce the miserable business. The Adcerlisvr says it was "hasty mid ill judged." The I'ost says that wl e l the Senator's accusers, " Colfax and l'omeroy, and Patterson and Harlan fell, and even Wilson was tainted, there did not arise even a hint of a suspicion of Mr. Sumner. In a Sen ate tilled with corruption he stands undetiled. " It thinks something is ilue as an "acknowledgment of in tegrity so rare as to be even above suspicion, " and with much force calls upon Massachusetts "to appreci ate the worth of one pure man; and, by annulling a hasty, foolish and un considered act, relieve itself of an imputation upon its good sense." The Worcester s''.', a staid cool-headed Republican journal, has this to say: "In regard to perpetuating the memory of battles betwson. fellow citizens, Mr. Sumner is known to have held and publicly advocated years ago the same views which the Legislature of liSTli thought deserv ing of censure, and the notion of re proving him for them would then have been scouted in Massachusetts. The harsh rebuke administered, Ave are constrained to believe, Avas prompted rather by general political hostility than by disapproval of the act at which it was professedly aim ed." My Mothi::. Let the boys and girls all read the following. Possibly some who are so heedless of a mother's adAiee and instruction, may be induced to retrace their steps and save a mother from a grave of sorrow and themselves from that self reproach, a hich is sure to follow a disol tedient life: " Despise not thy moth-.-r Avhen she is old. Age may wear and Avaste a mother's 1 eauty, st rength, limbs, and estate; but her relation as mother is as the sun Avhen it goes forth, in its might, for it is til way.", in the meridian and knoweth no evening. The per son may be grey-headed, but her motherly relation is ever in its ilour ish. It may be autumn, yes, Avinti r, Avith a woman, but with the mother it is always spring. Alas, how little do Ave appreciate a mother's tenderness, while living! How heedless are Ave in youth of all her anxictie and kindness? But when she is dead and gone when the cares and coldness of the Avorld come Avithering to our hearts Avhen Ave experience how hard it is to lind real sympathy Iioav few love us for ourselves how few Avill befriend us in misfortune then it is that Ave think of tin mother Ave have lost. Flii-tations of M.u:i:ii;i Women. The innocent flirtation of married women is one of the abominations of modern society. Even a desire for promiscuous admiration is Avrong in a wife. The love of one, and his ap proval should be all that she ought to desire. Ret her be ever so beau tiful, it is a disgusting and appalling sight to see her decorating that beau ty for public ga.e; to see her seeking the attention of senseless fops around, and rejoicing in the admiration of other eyes than those of her husband. Her beauty should be for him alone, and not for the gaze of those that ilutter around her. There is always among the sedate and Aviso a sensa tion of disgust Avhen a married lady attempts to ensnare or entrap young men by a profuse display of her charms, or an unlicensed outlay of her smiles. Such charms and such smiles are loathsome to the indifler ent beholder; and the trial of the .ser pent is over them. Lknutii of Days. The days of summer grow longer as Ave go north Avard, and the days of Avinter grow shorter. At Hamburg the longest day has seventeen hours, and the shortest seven. At Stockholm the longest has eighteen and a half hours the shortest live and a half hours. At St. Petersburgh the longest has fifteen and the shortest live hours. At Finland the longest has twenty-one hours and a half and the shortest two and a half. At Wan dersbns, in NorAvav the dav lasts from the 21st of May to the 2nd of July the sun not getting below the horizon for the Avhole of the time, hut skirmishing along Aery close to it in the north. ' At Spitzhergen the longest dav lasts three months and a half. "Wanted a young man to take charge of a pair of horses of a relig ions turn of mind." A school com mittee man, writes: " We haAe a school-house large enough to accom modate four hundred pupils four stories high." A newspaper says: " A child Avas run oA-er by a Avagon three years old and cross-eyed Avith pantalets which never spoke aftcr Avard." Another paper, describing a celebration, says: "The procession Avas very fine and nearly two miles in length, as Avas also the prayer of Dr. Perry, the chaplain." Makk Twain. Has this advice for young men with literary aspirations: Write without pav until somebody oilers pav; if nobodv offers pay with in three vears, the candidate may look upon this circumstance Avith the j most implicit confidence as t I that saAving Avood is what lie is m- ' tended for. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Alex, II. Stephens, of C'eorgia. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Com mrrt utl giA es the following sketch of this distinguished Georgian, late ly chosen to Congress from his Dis trict, as he appeared before an au dience of his own Stat: Alexander H. Stephens emerged from the Kimball House, wrapiK-d up in three overcoats and ahorse blank et. The bundle, Avith a white head sticking out, Avas put in a carriage right end up, and propped in po sition by tA o crutches. The bundle then coughed, and said it was all right, and away the carriage rolled to the Capitol. The bundle Avas then taken out, unrolled, till Steph ens was found. Leaning on two stout men, with two more carrying each a crutch, the procession entered the House of Representatives. The hall was packed us I never saw it packed before. Ladies, politicians, members of the Legislature, citizens, niggers and children had all turned out. When Stephens had appeared there Avent up a shout. It was long and loud, and was folloAved by an other louder and longer. Then, when that died out, another started and ran its course. Mr. Stephens hew ed acknoAvledgments as Avell as he could, considering the two stout men made a sort of moving straight jacket. When he arose in the speak er's stand, the bright light falling upon his pale, thin face and Avhite head, there Avas more cheering and applause. It Avas plain that Steph ens had the hearts of the people. He spoke in an erect position, sup ported by a crutch under his left arm. His A oiee is clear and shrill, and not a word was lost in any part of tin; hall, unless the sound Avas drowned by applause. I Avas in the extreme corner of the hall. Avedged in among a mass of humanity, and 'I know that each word came Avith mar velous distinctness, although the voice did not seem to be unduly ele vated. And week and Avasted skeleton of a man spoke thus for moie than two hours. Clocps. One of the saddest thoughts that come to us in life is the thought that in this bright, beau tiful, joy-giving world of ours, there are so many shadoAvod lives. If suffering came only Avith crime, even then we might drop a tear over him whose errors Avrought their oavu recompense. Rat it is not so, alas! Then Ave should not have it to record that the noblest and most gifted are often among those Avho may count their fate among shadoAved lives. With one it is the shadow of a grave long, deep, and narrow, Avhich falls over a life, shutting out the gladness of the sunshine, blighting the tender blossoms of hope. With another, it is the Avreck of a great ambition. He has builded his ship, and launched it on the sea of life, freighted Avith the richest jewels of his strength, his manhood. Re hold, it comes back to him beaten, battered, torn in some horrible tem pest. .With some others, disease throAvs its terrible shadoAis over the portals, and shuts out the brightness and jov of the outride Avorld from the sufferer within. Rut this is the light est shadow of all ; for it teaches the heart lessons of endurance and faith, and through its darkness the sufferer sees even the star of promise shining Avith rays that tell of the glories be yond. Of all shadowed lives. Ave find it in our hearts to feel most for those which are darkened by an unhappy marriage. Unhappy marriage is the quintes sence of unhappy bondage. It wounds daily our fondness ami sweet est impulses, it trifles Avith and bu ries our holiest and dearest affections, and Avrites over the tomb thereof: "No hope." It embitters the victim Avith the thought that lost forever to hi:-, or her life is a glory of a great love; closed forever to him or her, the portals of a happy home that fountain of freshness and delight, at Avhich the soul must needs drink to gather strength for the heat and bur den of the outside battle. liaising Salaries. The Radicals are attempting to "throw the responsibility of passing the salary act upon the Democrats, bv saving that they could have de feated it if none had voted for it. Are not the Radicals in the same plight , and a much worse one? Have they not had a large majority in Con gress for vears, and could they not have defeated any measure they felt disposed to? It "is evident the ma jority partv had no disposition to oe leat 'this infamous act, and the stup id, sordid and selfish President wid aid it in becoming a Lw. T.hat is, a President will give his sanction to a law that puts $100,000 in his pocket. This is the kind of a President Ave have now. Does any one suppose t'hat there ever before sat m the pres idential chair a man who would coun tenance an act that was to put direct ly in his pocket this amount of mon ey? It would be a scandal upon the office to suppose it. No honest Democrat would voic for a law s infamous as this has been made, by the clause making it take effect on the 1th of March, lhd, so far as the members of Congress are concerned. Any man Avho Avould thus vote, is only fit to become a ring thing, and the aider and abettor of the Credit Mobilier swindle. The people could expect no better things of this Congress than the white wash ing of the terrible corruptions of the last ten years. The people Avill have to make examples of these men as fast as they gut at them. Iliirlinyton Gazette. To some purpose is that man Avise Avho gains his wisdom at another's c xi H; n e . PI -- " . ii i urn r'Trrn nnit-iiWJ Itcpubiican Party Itcsponsible. The people should not forget that the republican party has a large ma jority in Roth House of Congress. The President is also the represen tative of that party; and the republic ans are thus responsible for what is done and for what is not done by both the legislature and executive branch es of the government. By the action of the House of Rep resentatives on Thursday, the re publican party assumed the full re sponsibility of the Credit Mobilier bribery, prevarication, and perjury. The oil'ences were proved; the guil ty parties Avore known; all but one of them were Republicans; and the Re publican majority in the House de cided that they should not be punish ed. The Republicans thus took up on their shoulders the burden of the whole mass of crime and corruption. In the same way the Republican party, through its President and its majority in Congress, is responsible for the unparalleled outrages upon law and liberty that have been com-, mitted in Louisiana. Corruption Avithout parallel, usur pation such as Avas never before im agined in this country these are the work of the republican party, and and these it protects and perpet uates. The great question is Avhether there is virtue enough in the people to put aAvay this corruption and defend and preserve their liberties against the power of the republican party. The ease is desperate and the result seems doubtful. A'. Y. Siot, King Solomon and the Masons. A Western orator, descanting on the life and character of old King Solo mon is reported thus: "Rut the biggest thing Sol did was establishing the order of Free Ma sons. When he was in the building business, he got all the roosters Avho worked for him to go into the Ma.ion ic institution heavy. Sol Avas the lirst man Avho made fellows ride gr ats and travel over rugged paths, and be roasted on hot gridirons. It was the festive Sol Avho stood by in the days of Old Lang Sine and bossed the tortures of initiation. He Avas the High Daddy of the Free Masons, and took the degrees all the Avay up to the nine hundred and ninty-ninth. Sol did business on the square. He ran the kingdom, and had bully luck until he got to be an old codger, and couldn't get about as lively as he did in his younger days. His Avives, Avho used to walk a bee line for him, got the upper hand and were sassy. They made it hot for the old man, and lie darsont say boo, for fear they'd pull his hair out. They made faces at him, and he got discouraged. And then to make matters mere mix ed, a lot of p:)lit'eians got to ki king up a mus., in the - kingdom. Sol didn't have sinecures enough to go around among the eroAvd, and so they Avent back on him Avith a ven geance. They Avorried him so that he got sick and died dead dead as Marley or a door nail. The fellows Avho Avent back on him the Avorst in his lifetime made the most fuss at the funeral. The obsequies were a big success, and the corpse was laid aAvay Avith the hugest kind of Ma sonic and regal honors." A Popci.ar Fallacy. One of the popular fallacies of the day is that the man who cannot look you in the eyes Avhen you are talking to him is at heart a scoundrel, or in truth, a scoundrel, and the man who meets you Avith a steady, straight forward glance, and Avatches every look and gesture Avhile you are talking, is a bra-e, open-hearted fellow. This is one of the notions of romancists that has passed into CA ery-day philosophy as fact. According to the novelist the thief is a man Avho avoids your eve; the consciously guilty man is one whoso eyes cannot look a man straight in the face; and the man Avho intends to do you Avrong is the one who becomes agitated AvhenoA-er you look straight at him. In fact all this is nonsense. The purest, bravest, kindest man in the Avorld may not be able to look another man in the eyes. In many cases it is the over sensitive man that aA oids your glance, and the brazen thief that looks at you Avith steady glance. The handling of the eyes in this particular is entirely a physical matter. A man may be good and bra Ae, and be physically able and naturally inclined to look at every man steadily in the face. Another man, just as pure, just as brave, and more sensitive, may be. physically speaking, incapable of looking a man in the eye, and from inherent inclination disinclined to do so. The First Newspapers. Late dis coveries have apparently establish ed the claim of the old German city of Nuremberg to luwe been the place of publication, of the first neAvspaper ever issued. A paper called the Gu-zi-tti', according to trustworthy author ities, Avas printed in that city as early as 117)7, five years after Peter Seho elTer cast the first metal type in mat rices. Nuremberg, with the first pa per in the fifteenth century, also claimed honor of being the first pa per in the sixteenth century. There is an anciently printed sheet in the Libri collection which antedates all other except the sheet of l-b"7 and the Chronicle of Cologne. It is call ed the A'vr Z-.itnty nns ITtspa.nien. vitrl llaliou, and bears the date of l obru ary, 1534. The British Museum, it is said, has a duplicate of this sheet. v. . It is stated that mild earthquakes are occasionally shaking up the Big Smoky region tf North Carolina, and that the farmers of that region have changed their leisure hours from the SAveets of apple elder to the sacred contemplation of Hades opening its gulfs beneath their feet. Federal Control of S atj i:icc;ions. The President in his inaugural ad dress, speaking from a complete knoAvledge of the condition of affair? in Louisiana saiel: The States lately at w ar with the General Government are now, happi ly rehabilitated, arid no Executivo control is exercised in any of them that would not be exercised in any other State under like circumstances. At the time this was uttered" by tho President, (ien. Em ry was in tT5 milifa-y o u ition of th-:0St.-;'o of Louisiana, u d r orders to conjiiel the peo 1j to sub nit ft) a State Gov ernment created b - fores and raid, and to prohibit : nd restra in ti e a v fully elected gOAe.-nment fivm exer cising any authority or poer Tho President - consider; s the military oc cupation of a State, the forcible over throw of the Government, and tho forcible erection of mi her. as an occurence of such an ordinary char act r that it ira,-as likely o cur in Indiana or Ohio as in Louisiana, and should the exigencies of a party fac tion repeat in any State the extraor dinary proceedings lie would resort to the same policy he has adopted in Louisiana. Tiiis eleclaration of the President is perhaps but an evidence of (iho progress the ceu.itry has made to Avard consolidation. The President of the United States has n ale him self final Judge of who ought to ho Governor and Avho ought to be the Legislature of a State. When tho returning eiflicers shall declare a j er son elected GoA ernor who is distaste ful to the relatives and personal friends of the President, the latter in his inaugural, declares that ha Avill interpose the military, take arm-' e?.l possession of the State, restrain the lawful authority, and install tho man he thinks ought to have been elected. When the Avitne:-s?s in the Louisiana case Avert before the Sen ate Committee, Mr, Morton asked tho chairman of the Board who had de clared the Kellogg Government elect ed Avhat returns they had before thcru upon which to declare the result, and the following is the statement: Witness We teok all the. evidence avc had before us, and our knoAvledgo of the parishes and theirpolitical complexion, and Ave then elecided. Mr. Carpenter You estimated it then, upon the basis of Avhat you thought the vote ought to have been? Witness Yes, sir. That was jrisi the fact. G' Judge Durell decided. thaP this man Lynch and tAo others should' alone declare the result of the elec tion; and they without a return of the vote from a single parish in tho Stats, estimate what they considertKl av is ner-essary to elect Kellogg and a legislature, and declareYl tho result. This GoA ernmeiit thus erected. Avhich has been pronounced by lh Sefltater committee the grossest fraud ever perpetrated in the hist ry ef the country, has been irstal'el by the military force of the UnitedStates and the President of the United Stales avoAvs his purpose to elothe sumo thing in any other State to accom plish the same results. Chicago Tri bune. Ilieni Life in Washington. Sen ator SteAvart, of NeA adn, says an U ist ern exchange, gaA O a grand b dl in Washington in honor of his daughter. Eight hundivd invitations were issu ed, and the entertainment- was given on the grandest possible scale. The supper alone cost fiA e thousand elol lars, and the decorations as much more. The Botanical Garden and the Congressional Conservatories Ave re levied on the former coi.triLut ing banana trees in fruit, orange and lemon trees, and an infinite variety of tropical plants. The exposure of the trees and plants in taking them from and to the gard ens, Avhorc they are under glass, re sulted in killing half of them so that a fair estimate of the loss to the gov ernment would be fully five thousand dollars. In other Avords, the people of this country, the tax-paA ers, con tributed five thousand dollars to add to the eclat of " Miss Stewart's ball," as the papers term the affair. ot many years ago Stenvart was a bull av hacker on the plains; uoa- he is a Senator, and Avorth two or three mil lions. One can see how men like Pomeroy can afford to pay 100,000 to secure an edection to the Senate. A Boy's Idea of Heals. Tho' Yimn') American , a spicy fouf-and-a half-by eight sheet, published at Rogersville, Te-nn., every week, by I rau k A. ft peek, brings up a ''boy's composition" on "heads," as foHoAv: Heads are of differe nt shas ami sizes. They are, full of notions. Large heads do not alwaA-s hold tho most. Some persons can tell justO Avhat a man is by the shape of his head. High heads are the best kind. Very knowing people are called long headed. A fe:l w that Avon't stop O for anything or any body is called hot-headed. If he isn't quite so bright they call him soft-headed ; if he can't be coaxed or turned he is pig-headed. Animals haA-e Aery . smallheads. The heads of fools slant back. Our heads are all covered with hair, except bald heads. There are other Kinds ot heads iesntes our heads. There are barrel heads, heads of Sermwns and some min islers used to haAe fifteen heads to ore sermon; pin heads; heads of cattle, as the farmer calls hisQCOAvs j and oxen; head-Avinds; drum-heads; eabl age-hoads ; at logger-heads ; come to ahead, like a boil; h?aSl of c uipj ters: head him off; head of the family. ; an I go ah sad but lirst be sure you are right. Reliable. A certain doctor nr.m-j ed Industry has got up a never f a F ing remedy for hard times. It con sists of ten hours' labor, well worW in. There i& no rjuackery about this. O o o C o o o o o o o o o o G o o O O O o O o o o o c 0 o 0 0 0 o o