I J: UL. X o o o o o o 3 G o O o thr: B B OBEGOX .CITY, OREGON, jIARCH 2?, 1371. "Returxixo. L,ast week -we noticed the fact that Mr. It. Jacob, President of the woolen factory at this place was on Iris way home, and may be expected to arrive here on the next steamer. We have since learned.fhat he ha comph t d all the purchases of machinery for the new woolen mills. The machi'ncry indudes all the latest and most improv ed patents. When put up and ready for operation, there will lie no niofo com mote and perfect mill on the Pacific coast ; and the machinery .when worked ly skilled operators, will le cnpahle of turning out all kinds of woolen fabrics surpas.-cd liv no other factory, cither in O the lvist or West. Already a larjre por tion of the machinery is on tlie 1 oad, unl the remainder is to 1k shimx-il by rail in a few weeks. All tlie machinery ! expected to arrive by the time the buildin is ready for its Vf-eeplion. The eontrai-t calls for the completion of the building bv the 15th of .Time; but if good weather is vouchsafed, workmen can ljogin to ut up the machinery by the 1st of June, if not prior to that date. Work on both the ouihlinsr and putting ip of the machinery will lc crowded forward with great activity, as it is the intention of Mr. Jaeob to have the mill ready to turn out fabrics by the 1st of y August next. CJ'ort I'Ki'KNriKNr.-Oiir readers will remMiicr that sometime since an action wns commenced in the U. IS. District t'ourt against tlie L,oek Company, wherein several of our citizens were in teresteil. The rase was tried the fore part of tlie present week, and resulted in a verdiet for the Iiock Company. We l'virn that our young friend ("has. K. Warren, lvCi-. who was engageil H'iinst tlie Company, made a most able Hud thorouirU, argument in behalf f his clients. It was his first ease in the U. S. Court. Phi vat R .Siiiooi.. Miss Mattie K. Kellv lias opened a private school in the room formerly occupied by the En tkiumusi:. Miss Kelly Is an experienced teacher, and we have heard iier highly Hooken of wherever she has taught. We hope her school may be well un tamed. Gone to Sax Fr xcisco. Major Thos. Cliarnian left Portland for S.m Francisco last Wednesday for a new tock of Sprin'r and Summer goods. Tin' Major will probably make a visit to the Atlantic States before he returns. We wish him a pleasant trip and safe return. Goon Fi:E:oHTS.-s-The Governor CI ro ver passed up last Monday with about VZ tons of freight on her, and about 40 p-issnrers. She h id a full relurn load. Yest.-rd.iv she passed up with a heavy freight and 1 list of passengers. She wilf iro down to-morrow at about 0 oVh irk. 1 k ri'itN r.i). lion. 1). P. Thompson returned home last Monday from a protracted visit to Washington. Ib? looks hale and hearty. Ib not has ex plained that little error of the telegraph to US Wt. A'fTir.vi i.y Sikit, While Mr. Wilde wa- !ian Uing a iist"l last Wednesday, ti Klei lently went oil" an 1 shot a young mm named Peter Tline:rson throu-rh the arm, just above the wrist, passing through tiie arm, but touching no bon .'s. In:n. Am':rose Fields, an old pion eer an l thr; father of a large family of ehil lren, grown fia hi tihis city and comity, died at his residence near this pla"e last Wednesday, in Ids s-'J 1 year of age. ashes. Mr. 1- 1 ae; K l' is w::s be to his Kkstiva!.. Tlie ladies connect 1 with the Congreg dional (."hurch of this -ity, g we a festival a Myers' Hall last Tues- d iv evening, which was a very pleasant atfiir and well attended. Th-ughthe ree.-i;its were not"Verv larvT'. they were fullv as mil ih as could be expected. IjAXPLXO. G rover will -The steamer Governor hereafter make what is known as Can field's landing her land ing place. This is near the center of town, and will be convenient lor per and passengers. U'l- ANXiufs. Treasurer MeCarver is very anious to git rid of the school money on hand, and would be . leaded to have the clerks call for the money as soon as jMis dble. ConiiKcrioN. In on? list of ollicerson tlie Gov. Grover last week, we stated that Alonzo Vi'kers was pilot. It should have bocn Aaron instead. To isk Soi. p. The late residence of John G. Campbell, deceassd, is to lie sold at administrator's sale to-morrow Hfternoon, at 1 o'clock. This i.s a desir able piece of property. P.oakp or Dki.koatks. The P.oardof Delegates will hereafter meet at the rooms of Columbia Hook v Ladder Company No. 1, on Thursday evening of each month. Thanks. Senators Kelly 'orbett and Mitchell, and Representative Slater will please accept our thanks for public doc- uments. Rkm F.MiiKit. Our readers should re member that the game law for the pro tection of feathered game takes effect on the 1st of April. Fink IIou.sk. Andy Willis has pur chased from Mr. P. M. Kinearson his line stallion. He is one of the best horses in Oregon. AmuVAL. The last arrival, on tlie ;sth nit,, at the residence of Mr. A. Levy, yv'uu a boy. From The &tt!r.niin : The D iy'. Ihfny of March loth has an illus tration with the title, "A Seen? at Jefferson in Oregon a pale faced lndle and her aboriginal lover." It is a picture of a beautiful young ie "i;ale drtssed in the height of fash ion, leaning upon the arm of a migh ty Modoe rigged out in war paint feathers and beaded toga. Together, it Kb two are promenading the street, past marble front stores, stepping gingerly upon a flagstone pavement. Of course, the JeiTerson people will recognize the picture at once, and be able to tell n4 the nam and lineage of the pale-faced belle. The 1) r' .". says; "She is known as the village belle, and was recently seen lromcnadiiig the side walk, arm in unit with a young Digger brave, who accompanied her to church, and play ed, the gallant with all the native grace for which M"r. Lo is celebrat c h" rtouh on JelTerson, isn't it? - - Hon. .T IT Cit.,., I,r.c fronVad na lull Viound oojnes of the Cougre 'lon1 for the second session of tue lorty Second:' Congress. This is OHO- r.f -r.-..-r.,. c r , 1 ' .1. !;1T1V f:ivnrq are in.-u-bted to Mr. Slater --uihii Ulvll r, of that he -'llL iu say tun t; oeen one of the best represents- I r. ' Jfoasc. nas ever had in Coa o San I''rancIsco Market Report. Sax Fraxcisco, March 2G. Wheat In Liverpool lis CdSUs 5d -. club lis 10d.?12s 4d. Flour Superfine. $ I 501 75 ; extra, 5 50 5r5 V. Wheat Coast. SI S0rl S3; bay shipping and milling, ?1 iij.l 85. Tirli-v l.(!M sks coast. 15 23: coast. $1 15 (5,1 2-J ; bay, SI &3. Kale of SJO sks bay brewing at il '!'. Oats Oeneral rang.', $2 10(3.2 20. Portland Market Report. Wf.dxe.sdav Evexixg, March , 1S73. Gold in New York to-Jay, llo'. Portland I-egal T. nJ-r rates. S7 buying ; 8S selling. Wlfeat The market is very dull and transactions meagre The prices remain weak at $1 K, Outs Receipts liberal and quotations at GO cents per bushel, sacked and delivered. Flouf Prices steady. We quote $1 00 5 00 per barrel as the ruling rates. Hurley But little ottering. prlees continue firm nt ?1 4o.il 5) '.1 cental. Poultry Chickens scarce and in good de mand at Jl 00,'il 50 vl dozen. butter Inferior quality a drug. Country brands bring iX'VjOe. while fancy dairy is in Kood demad at 10'.;, He V 11. K:rcs Dull nt IS crrts irr dozr'n. Bacon the di'inand i.s nominal ami the supply on hand abundant. Sides' li-fcll.'ic v 11 ; 'should -rs, 7!ve; J lams, I l.'V I Tied Fruits Apples in sacks, :v7c v 3h; in kr'irs, 7'Sc ; Plums, (pith-ss) 18S'J'c bard In 10 lt cans, lh-vlJc; in kegs, 10 (llc. Oregon City .Market Kcport, Knteri'rise Office, March 27. Trade during the week has been very quiet, and we have no changes to report in the general produce market. Kg;s are the only article in which thcr.s is a change, t hey having come down to Pi cents. Sev eral of our merchants will shortly receive their spring stocks, when we hope to record mow activity in the market. California vegetables have madi t heir appearance at some of our grocery stor.-s. The following are the buying prices for produce, anil the selling price for others : Wheat Demand light, and selling at 75 r-iSJ cents. Flour Good supply in mark -t, and sell ing at f 1 5I;vj 5 ). .Middlings Are quoted at $25 prr ton; shbrls, i"J; and bran il.", with full supplies on hand. Oats Supply equal to demand; buyers are paying SO cents. Potatoes No demand, and the market overstocked, at from 3.i.i:i cents p,-r bush el. Onions None in market ; quotable, at 1 ct:s per pound. FutU r Good fresh is scarce, and finds r.ady sale at from ,.'1-5 cents p-.-r pound ; inferior article in but Uttl? demand. Kggs Market well supplied and sale dull ; we quote them at 10 cents per dozen. Chickens None in market ; worth 13 50 p-r dozen. Wool None selling and no price yet establish"! I. Dried Fruits Full stocks in market; Apples are bringing 0 7 cents per pound ; p 'aches P'-'vlO cents ; Currants l'':i!5 cents. Sugar Crushed, ll'-jd- cents; Island 1'J.V; ; Nlw (irlean.s, 15 cents ; San Francisco refined, lJeil t cents. Tea I Jest quality il p.r pound, and oth er brands raugiii' iroiu ;:).;, 7. cents. Coifee B.-st ariieie jj c.-nLs; interior, 2J Cuts. Salt Hanging from lk.'i'M. Syrup oO cents -r gallon; best article 75 cents. Bacon Hams 121:5 cents; Shoulders, Scents; sides, PJ cents per pound, bard l'er pound 11 cuts. Oil Pevo-'s KeroS-'iie per gallon, 75 find readv cents ; l.inseed ;1 lt"i. li.vi'on loot ( iood fat cattl sale at ti cents on foot. Fork We quote ;lt 0 cents. Stieeji Few offering ; quote at t-G," per he.i.l. I lid -s( Jrecn at from fJ:-V!, owing to t he size ; dry 1" cents p -r pound. Resolutions of Thanks. OATAKAcr l,i-K CoMl'AN V S Rooms. I OitKiiuN Cn v, Mar. 21, 17:. )" Ai a metiiug of the above company In 1-1 at tlieir rooms on Monday even ing, 21th inst., tlie following -reamblc and resolutions were submitted to the members and unanimously adopted, to-wit : Wiikuk ys, The 1 ulies of tliis city, as a token of their appreciation oi the faithful and enerureLie exertions, ano successful efforts of the num'.iers oi t'ataract J lose Conipanv. No. Oregon City Fire lepartnient,di l, on tlie even ing of the hlh inst., voluntarily hold a a festival at Myers' Hall, entire pro ceeds of which were appropriated t i the benefit of .said com nan v, therefore be it ... Kksolvkp, That the sincere thanks of tlie oilicers and members if this company, be and are hereby tendered to Miss Nora Moss, Miss.Jenhie Harlow and the oilier ladies who so generously and willingly co-operated with them i'n their kin-l t il'orts, and untiring zeal to increase our funds, and there I iy roinote our elliciency, as well as our comfort. Rksoi.vkp, That as memliers of the Fire Dcjiartnu nt, it atl'ords us much gratilieation to know that tlie ladies ol Oregon City have tints proven their kind interest in our welfare, and their good wishes for our volunteer organiz i tion.tiie remenii trance of which we fur ther pledge ourselves shall incite and encourage us in the future as in the past, to merit their confidence and es teem. GLOKGFJ A. HARDING, President. Attest: IIknky J. IIarpino, Secretary. A GEMS FCR THE ENTERPRISE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents lor the KxTiatl'ltisK : Geo. I'. Powell A Co., 40 Park Row, New ork. Co -, Wet h.-rill A Co., 67 Chestnut street, I'hilad-'lphia. Abbtitt .t Co., No. 82 and 84 Nassau street, New York. l'ort!and. tr.-gon L,. Samuel San Francisco J J 0'c ' ( L. F. I- isner St. II--len, Columbia county s. A. Miles Astoria, Clatsop count v ...A. Van iHisen sal-in f,. Williams Jlarrtst.urg 1. n. Smith FalayotteA amtiill county J.I,.Ferguson 1 ia Has, Polk county " f)ave Holmes I'.enton county ". A. Wells Corvailis ;. llon.j'ohn'burnctr Canyon City.Grant co V. P. I .as well Alliany . x. Arnold Dalles. asco county x. II. Ciates 1m iruid", Cnion county .. C. Craig I'cndlcton, Cmatilia county s. V. Knox Eugene City b M-'Hiompson J (b. LPrlstow los?burg Hon. I,. F. Lino be ba non i ' ' l'- Mont ague I J. H. Ralston Jactisonville Hon. F. D. Foudray bong l orn Ji. c. Huston CLACKAMAS COUNTY. I.".ivrr Creek l'-utteville Cascades ..C. F. noatio Jolin Zumwalt II"nry McGugin J. W. Straws r 1). Wright Frank V. Foster ....Capt. Z. C. Norton W. Morelaml ..J-mn Hng -nbi-rg-'r John Jioole W. 11. Vaughan I unhy t utt ing-.s. I . lP- rr.ek Harding's Iw. r -MolalVa 3Iilwaukie Iswego L'pper Moialia " ETTFdiS REMAINING IX THE POST- oflice at Oregon City. April 1st. 1S73:" Armstrong, Mrs V J Molton, S Herg.-r, Jas W Powell. Stovim Hre slower, I) Cooper, Jarrfs Cochran, M J Driver, Isaac Dixon. Mrs L S D-drma, Lucius f. I ia wlats, (i.-o , v Girl"v, Miss Luzotte Jl.tutchku"!, J II Jackson, Wra CJuirk, Petf-r Itanstold, W S Roberts, Gailord Mwart, Geo L. Smith, i Skinner, B Stotzcr, Carl Smith.JK (Enginoor) Taylor, Henrv K-n- Kandlo F M Maecins.Jaiacs, laiior, L.CV1 Williams, Sarah W Mackcodams.Patrick Wrlglcv, Joseph li called lor say auvcrtisa. J. ;i. BACON, Poet master. The March Amine with a very ellective coast .scene: "After the ragged clris are m powerful relief against the moonlight. bursting through the broken clouds and reflect ed trom every rippling wave. "P.reak, break, break On thy cold, gray crags, O Sea I" But there was one ship which can noy er go on that "'haven under tlu hill" Its battered hu k tells of a scene when old Ocean was in a far ditferent mood. Probably the most purelv m-f ; that has ever appeared iu Tin: Ai.pixk ,s the study of "White lurches of the 'e:V:,,'V: ,;lIior IIfnVs- wonderful fidelity of every det cta.ll convmees us that we ire tra.imr mum traits ot these venerable nionarehs of the forest, drawn by o,,e w ho knows and loves them well. Thacn-T i-i-' iiu o n uuuuiiv reiiuers every varviie' texture of bark and leaf, is'a v.-o'i thy specimen ot the talented pi ince of en graversthe elder Linton. A proof impression of this cut lias been on ex hibiti.m in Now York, where it has won tiie highest praise from connois seurs. Although many other pictures o4 ....v.. lutij popular, it will no hard to select a single one which will do more to win for tlie Alpine tlie respect of those whose cultivation en ables them to recognize :mti siri,.r0ciato the liigltest tonus of art. James D. Simile gives a spirited sketch of that tamous ride "From Ghent to Aix;" and there are also two smaller sketches by Ta vernier, which are verv beautiful. "The Fox and Grapes," after Do re, is a .specimen of that master's most happy style, and is a triumph of pietoral art. Altogether we congratulate the pub lishers upon their success in the art deoaitmeiit of this number, and we will also c nigratulate ourselves upon the .possession of such a mairniiieeiit "exponent of American taste." The literature is more excellent than usual. The most noticeable articles are " J n terludes,"a siiarkling story, by F.li.a beth Stoddard, and "T;c Tawnv Mus-ta'-lie," a bright social skttch, bv Sac ( 'he.stnul wood. Charles Da wsoii'Sha li ly contributes :i j.leasant paper about MJiants, Heal and Mythical;" W. V. llaily a little study in" natural liistorv about "Pussy Willows in Alders ;" and Ibuirv itichanls a bit of gossio about "Sliortan l I'itliv Letters." The editorial-!, which are in Mr. Stoddard's best vein, are "A Few Thoughts about Water," "The Horse and his Riders," " White llirehes of the S.iranae." and "Love's Last Service." Klizal.eth Aker Allen opens tlie number willi a oat hetic poem, cut i! lid" i neonstancy ;" lvl-'ar F.iwcelt follows wit!i ".o-ta-cy," a mclanclioly love poem; and Jon Sydney wit h tin amusing mirserv s;ig ."ii " fiaby's Toilet." Music. Art. and Literature are intelligently and critic. illy treated. Alto-id her the Marc'.i A I. pink is the best vet issued. S ibsvriptioTi price ?5 00 including Chromos "Village Ik-He" and Cross ing the Moor." James Sutton t Co,, publislu r i, 5s ?iaid ii Lane, N. V. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. The March number of " Pktkp.s' Musical Month ly "contains the IV. lh. wing scleeticn of New Music. You can buy tlie .Monthly for .".( cents, or the Music in sheet formfor Savior, thou art ever Near. Song ami Chorus 1 anks. Pretty Evaline Adair. Song and Cho rusr I rays. tier 1. line. Song and (.'.horns,. . .Fiske. lie ivis.s d me Good-! .ye at the Gate. Song Stewart. Hear me sav my Little IV-vor-. Song ' IValt. lust as f am. I'vm for Lent, .'Wagner. L-t the World Chant and Sing. Mister Carol .Smart. Put on vour Lest Array. Easter Carol, Kline's polka i iohi-mi in iirl. (Sclcc Dressier. Kinkol. i i: .lis,) . . Pacher. 'apriee,. K inkel. Tonel. '('lie Village Festival. ( TheT;ast. R; itidisj, . . . A Till A L Till P. The Publisher will send you six back numbers f ls72 for or the last three numbers for 1 cents. .Subscript i n price, : per year. Address, J. I,. i';;n:r.s, h'M Rroadway, New York. ur Pjdcmiid "i renins to Every .ahscriher. A r r.i n ge 1 1 1 n t s 1, a v ( which we can oiler a been made by year's subscrip- ti n to Thy New York CunisTrAX at or.K and Iv' i.Kcric Wnr.KLY, witii their (bur magniticent '!irotnos: " i lootl M orning," " Carlo in M ischief," "Sjirinr Flowers." together with ;ur own journal for .")'. As tlie ( '!.r- uni is all ne are vort h from $1(1 no to $F) no, and as the New York public ition is every way first-class, i presents an unusual opportunity to our sttiiserUters. l he Chromos are made by Prang and other celebrate. 1 artists and will be forwarded promptly bv mail prepaid. Should any subscriber desire onlv the two first, named 'hromos, t hcv wii I b" sent with the two publication.?: ibr ri -i-i. Remit to the publisher of thi paper. A Disease with a Thousand Symptom. Tys;eps5a is the most perplexing of all hum in ailments. Its symptoms are almost infinite in their variety, and the forlorn and their despondent vic tims of the disease often fancy them , i . i . - . scics uie juey, m turn, ot every known malady. This is due, in part to the lose sympathy which exists be tween the stomach and the brain, and in p u t also to toe tact that anv disturb- since of the digestive function neces sarily disorders the liver, tiie bowels and the nervous system, and elfeets to some extent, the quality of the blood A ni"dieine that, like Hoslestter's Hit ters, not only tones the stomach, but at the same time controls tlie liver, pre duces a regular habit of body, braces the nerves, purifies the thuds and in in i.-.iers io ;i iinnu Ujseaseil, is thereto the true and only specific for chronic Indigestion. Such is tlie operation of this famous vegetable re storative. It not onlv cures dyspepsia. one a iso an concomitants and conse quences. Moreover, it is invaluable as i Preventative of indigestion. No one who chooses to take half a wincgla'ss ful of this agreeable appetizer and stomachic habitually three times a day will ever be troubled with oppression after eating, nausea, sour eructations, or any other indications of a" want of vigor in the digestive and assimilating organs. Tiie debility and languor superinduced by hot weather are im mediately and permanently relieved by the Hitters, and persons who are 'constitutionally inclined to look noon life "as through a glass, darkly," will be apt to take a brighter and more hopeful view of the situation under th . . .. . i' . i i i renial intluen-.-e of this wholesome medicinal statement. Aliout 150 pounds of long prim er, of which this is an impression. Has been in use but a short time, ixood work. Price 25 cents lb, cither tied up or in cases cases extra. ALSO, A small fjnt of Kcnperiel of Tvhich this is an impressioa. Trice 35 conts V Hi. As good as new. There i-s c-noup-h to set about one column of this paper solid. Address this otHi-e. Special Xotice. It i.s a well known fact that Tvspcp sia and indigestion are tiie caiisos of nearly all tlie diseases that the human lxidy is heir to: then why jiay en -r-moiH doctors' bills? P.y using Dr lien ley a celebrated IXLt Ihttersthev can bethoroaglv eradicated from th'e ' system and new life, imparted to tho ! rr -1 'T" r r- T . . -i -A nl...r-1.... . . : . , iuf.-.ian ccnincaies in another column. COURTESY ,That Favorite Ilomc Remedy, PA! M-K ILLE lias been before the public over THIR TY YEARS, and probably has a wider and better reputation than any other proprietary meaicine of the present day. At this period there are few un acquainted with the merits of the PAIX-KILiLER ; but, while some ex tol it as a linament they know but lit tle of its power in easing pain when taken internally; while others use it internally with great success, but are equally ignorant of its healing virtues when applied externally. We therefore wish to say to all, that it is equally suc cessful, whether used internally or ex-ternalU-. It is sufficient evidence as a standard medicine to know that it is now used in all parts of the world, and that its sale is constantly increasing. No curative agent has had such a wide spread sale or given such universal sat- lslacl ion. DAVIS' PAIN-KIRI.FR is a purelv vegetal. le compound, prepared from tiie best and purest materials, and with (are that insures the most perfect uniformity in the medicine; and while- it is the most ellective remedy for pain, u is a perjcciiy s:;io nicoicinc, even 111 the most un-siviiitui nanus. It is emineiulv a FAMILY MEDI CINE ; and ly heing kept readv for immediate resort, will save mauv an hour of suilering, and many a dollar in time ami iloctots Pills. After over thirty vear.i' trial, it is still receiving the most unqualilic-d tes timonials to its virtues, from persons of t he highest character and responsi bility. Eminent physicians commend it as a most ellectual preparation for tlie extinction of pain. It is not only the best remedy ever known for Rruis es, Cuts, Rums", tvc, but for Dysentary, or Cholera, or any sort ot bowel com plaint it is a remedy unsurpassed lor eiHeiency, and rapidity of action. In the great cities ot India, and other hot climates it lias become the standard medicine for all such complaints as Well as for Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaints, and all cither Kindred disorders. For Coughs and Colds, Canker, Asth ma, and Rheumatic diliieuliies, it has been proved Ly the most al undantand convincing to" be an invaluable medi cine. We would caution the public against all imitations of our preparation, either in name, or style of putting up. March 7. -ml A True li.ilsasn I)n. ISTAIi'S I'ALSAM OF Wn.n Ciikkkv is truly a balsam. It contains the b;i lsainic principle of t he Wild t'tierry, tl.e balsamic properties of pa" and of pine. Its Inur -dients ar - all balsamic. I'oinrhs, Colds, Sore Throats, Pronchit is. and I on.-aunp' .ion speedily disappear unuer its balsamic ialUi'Mic. SOCIETY XCmCES. on!-:nox LODGE xo 3, 1. 1. o. r, iSfeets every Thursday eveniiigat 7'i o'cloclc, in th": ()dl Fellows' Hall, Main street. Members of the Or der are invited to attend. !v order a. LVJ.I,S MXCA51P.Mn:T XO. l.I.O. O. Meets at Odd Fellows' n ry Hall on the-First andThird Tues- day of each month. .Patriarchs in good standing are invited to attend itt.iiiicc.v D::t:it3:j'. i.oix;.1; rwo. :?. I. O. O. V., Meets on the w. recoil. i aim imiimii l lies- - ua v eyeliners each month, Z''X at 1 o'clock, in the Odd 'rfI Fellows' Hall. Member.sof the Degree are invited to attend. .uuj,tx.i:aii e.oix;i: xo. i,a. i'. A A. M.. Holds its regular com munications on the First- and Third Saturdays in each mouth, at 7 o'clock fn eo llin,lit!i r ... leiiioci lo lite -oiii oi ..jareii; sum 'i .....!..... . ... ..I. . ... , . -I o clock from the liiHh ot iM.irca to t.i '-Xh of S- i ttetol n r. Frethien in food standing are invited to attend. P.y order of V. M vy-:ir to-da v. CS2A r,1 SAL O O fT, LOIlS SAIL, : : PROPRIETOR. j w ) I I . I- KI-.S p i: c t v F I. I.Y A x O UI.D A no-ince lo tlc citiz'-ns of Orr-uon t 'it v and vicinity, that I have just opened an ICT.-CUKAJI ami tOM't-CTIOMOUY establishment in the bail. ling formerly OCCUple.l uy 1,. Diil; r, on tlic Co.-iirr Fijiirlh am! Jf.iiu SLra tx, ine .iijc l-oniilaiii will be In o.t r.tiion io Mipi,iy the d--mands of the unrs,. i manuiacnire nil my own stock r-tiis-i i c i v iMviirn '..-...... I.'.:. ..I. Khar.- of public patronag,- is rcspectlully so licited. Oregon City, S - iit'-mbrr Otii, lS7J-tf. BARHUB RESTAUnSNT iam IK'LOLEV, Proprietor, (I.;-.te f,f the Clitr House.) JfAI.X 8TIZHXT. OJiEtSOX CITY, oax. tai- iM,'i-,IWl(il-;i) rrsp- cttully :iiuiouu- -.fK Tllr' ,-x-t . ..... . ci so) ins irK-nds .t t in: i l-uvciuij; Public, that he has rc-opened the above named The Propritor knows how to servo his olsl'tilHTS Willi Oysters, Feet, A l.omi Cup of 'ITcc, Or ;i O.xxl r-.mnro Toal, Or-gon City, March SKEU)L'EY- Ord'ninoa Mo. I IO. j,r oriit,ini anrl rstnbli ficd by the City I fr'Ke. 1. That .no p rson shall soil ppiritu ! f)us."r "'"It liuic)rs within the corporal. ; imiLoi wre-ron City, v.it iiout first having obtained a license therr-lor lrom the t'ity I coii-c.or oi i )n--on City: rri.vttOxl t init t his , oiiimanc-snail not apply to apotlc-cari cnageu in sejling liquors for medicinal ! puriios'-K on:y, nor to persons who are s 11- nig spirituous or malt liquors by tiie quart or in less 'ii'ant if i(s than nnnninrt ti?wl.. license obtained.orwhich may li.-r attrr c ",J"1": iroiu tiie pritper an; noriti -s, under ..i.iti,r laws and ordiiia nc -s. Si:c. 2. Any person d-.-siring to s -11 liq uors in quanti!i--.s equal to or exceedi ng one quart, sha II make .ionli:ition in u-riiin.Of. , i.i- uij collector and upon tiling a receipt j ot the 'treasurer for the sum oi one bu.-i- err-d dollars in l . fs. gold coin, he shall b ent.it I--1 to have a lic-ns? issue to'expiro in one year .-liter the dat th r--of. Sec. a. Any n-i-son violating the provis ions of this ordiua nc-e upo:i conviction iic-reoi D ior.Mlie Mavor or It -cord--r, for erj oif.-nce, shall pay in addition to t he tax and costs, a line not exceeding (?.) tif ,II;lrs' !lnJ "ot less than twenty U-T) i.ollars, or imj risonment lor a te rm not exceeding twenty (g.l) davs or lot.h. Sec. 4. Itshail b - the dutv of th" Citv -Marshal to pr tsr-cut- nil p-rsons violating t ns ordinance, and in case of conviction he f-nall receive, in addition to his usual P-t s, th" sum of two (5J) dollars to bo taxed as costs of suit. This ordinance to take cXTect within twen ty days alter its passage. Passed the Council, 1 ebruarv JI, 1573. A n A. XOLTXEK, .Mayor. A. C. DAILY, Hoc-order. At a meeting of the City Council, held March 12, lsT-t, the following amendments to ordinance So. IV) w-f-r passed : Amond ordinance Xo. lb, by striking out tko word "apotheoari--s" in ninth line of section 1, and ins-rt in tlif words "any p er son" in liu thereof; and strike out the words " b'-siclos being liable in addition to th" tax and costs" wTiore the sam ; occurs in fourth and tilth lins of soction 3; and strike out the words "onu hundred" ffh-Trt it occurs in section 2, and insert " twenty Hvs ''"ars;" and strike out the words LC0.1: PttTfek A. XOLTNKK, layor. Attest : A. C. DAILY, Recorder. OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, STILL IX TIIE FIELD! ! WILLI AHSS & HARDING, AT THE LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to be lounii in the city. All goods warranted. Goods delivered in t he city tree of charge. The highest cash pric- paid lor country produce. Oregon City, March S. 1&73. SONGS the PIANO. THailetl, Post-TKiid, o Receipt of Price. Darling, I am lonelv now. Songand chorus titcwart 30 Sweetest. Song and chorus Panks 3'J Mattie May. Song and chorus banks 30 bont and Saved. liallad Donikcr :50 Farewell, Liarling.tiil wo meet ...liosc wig 30 Think ot ine, Darling. Song and cho rus Miers 30 Asking a blessing lrom mother. Song and chorus Stewart 30 Kccol lections ot childhood. Baritone son: Dunks 30 1 hou art no longer mini?. l;allad...Danks 30 near me saj- my little prayer. Song and chorus Pratt 30 Close tlie shutters. Willie's dead. Sonir md chorus stou-nn. .ill Ethel Dree me. Sonir and chorus... l'crslev .5.5 Wiut dat tickliu me. Song a dancc.lla vs 35 lou 11 always laid me 'irue. Song and chorus Iliivs 35 Dcad hut not lorgotten. Sonir and cho rus TP.vs 40 Mc-t me McgKie.Sonir and chorus, llavs 10 Lay me wIhtj my Mother's Sleeping. Son-r and ciiorus stewjirt. ao Father of All. Sacred Son-r Panseron 50 Autumn Leaves .Second IVnsc-c Melo- uiuue C. T. l- r.-y a" Kinkel 35 i-li.sario. P'aiilasie tustie Heautv March... Kinkel IJii sunbeam .March Skjiats a5 Kinkel Xi Johnnie's March , liertb-'s Schottische J ill! liiii-'s Sclinl t Ui-he Kinkel Mo Kinkie ;i Kinkel aft Kinkel a5 l'acher :10 Young LtJ Young g.J Kinkel .5 l'acher Salon Peine 50 Kinkel as Kinkel S5 IIattic's Waltz fitt'i-i-t Sixteen Waltz evening Z.-phyrs Waltz., iir.l of He.-mtv WaliT Switch-oir Ualop. :ivaii-.-s l-oli:a ay of Sunshine Polka.... list ning stars Polka de Mdie's Polka Harry's Polka.. Smile of P.eantv IlLr: ... .. .......................... i.juji j I'i-.-ccs marked thus have nicturc tit ir Young lit) Any jiiece mailed post-paid, on receipt of mariii-d pricce. Address, J. t.. PETEIIS, ."Oil Broadway, A'oiv-Vorl. March 2S, lS7o-m2. i SSTK I B UTI O 3X". 757730 PreirsSisms KAXCIXt! IX VALUE FROM SIO to S5,COO GIVEN TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF OUR F i R E S i 0 E FRIEND. Every P-i:h?criber is sure of one prr-miutn any way, also lias an equal chance t rc- c.-ivinn a Cash Premium, or a Piano, Or'an, utcn, rv.'wing Jiacninc, etc., etc. First Grand Cash Premium S 5 , 0 O O CUP. FTTLESTDE FRIEND. KinTit r,tys. .tr;r .Sitr-, llltistruU-d, the Family Weekly, is in its Third Volume and has atiain-d the Largest Circulation of any paper published in the w est. its success enalilcsthe propri etors to furnish the llest. Most, lesir;iL-le and Most r sol nl original reading matter in rcat v:i riety, that money can buy, and to tnaivO it. a Home Weekly suited to the wants of every family. Subscript ion price to p' r year oi oj numbers. Tho Elegant Chromo Size 1 fix 20 inches. It? colors. Acknowlrcrcd by all to be the Handsomest and Most val uable premium picture in America. Every stibscrilx-r is pros -nted with t his ( 'hrovno at tli" time of subscribing:, (no wuitinr), and also r.-ceivcs a numbered c.-ri iticat." enti t limr I he holder to a share in t ho distribu tion oi il.'KKi in cash and oth- r premiums. J he iiis' riiitst ion takes place on th" sec ond Tir-sday in June next. The Chromo and c-rt iticat" s'-nt fn receipt of price. Sp'-citnen copies, premium list, etc., - in'jt'.il! part iculars.sent lree to any address. A'fPM"S"P Either local or canvassing rl (J Lt i 3 IO in every town. Larare casii VI i ''IV' H 1:'-V an1 tll ,;"'st outfit. Send VJfiFJ 1 at once for terms. Address, OL'Ji FIliliSIDJi l'-ltlMXn, March 2S-tf. Vhicvjo, 111. Connty Trasun-r's Solice. TitEAsritKii'.s OFFrrE, Clackamas Co.) Urf.oox Citv, March 21st, 1ST3. ) TOTICP: IS HEREBY CJIVKX THAT l th--r are funds now on hand to pay county warrants end irscd for intercs, prior to July 1st, 1ST2. Interest will cease from this date. T. J. McCAKVEK, Treasurer wl ?'ot?c? to Tax-Fayrrs. riO THE TAX-PAYERS OK CLACKA- nias cot nty who have not paid their taxes for the ,,mr 1ST2, the time has arrived wh -n th" taxes must be paid. Those in nrr-'ars with tax- s, if they wisii to save costs, must com" forward and pay up promptly. Cou nt v Orders cannot be received in part pay til -"-nt. of taxes after the 1st of April next. February 2tth, 1S7:1. J A. V. HEDGES, S'irrijT Clackamas Co., Or. Dy C. F. EEAT1E, Deputy. 281c b-tf. Northern Pacific Eailroad. CLEARING AND GRUSDIKG CN 40 3Xilo; ! CtEVkED FROrOSAT-S WILT, BE IiE f1) c -ived at the Ueneral OlTic ofth'-Oim-panv'in Kahuna, Washington Territory, until noon of April 1st, for Clearing and lirubbin ' alxnit 41 mil' s of the line north ward beinnin at th" end of the track. Work to b, commenced forwith, and push cdtiirouh vigorously. Proposals may be made for on" division, or more, ol about TEH TSLSS. For blank forms of proposals, specifica tions, and otlier particulars, bidders can inVjuire of Engineer Thos. 15. Morris, Ka lama, Wasliinf-ton Territory. Addro&s prui-osals to i 'y. MILXER nOrtERTS, Chief Engineer. Kalama, W. T., March 1.3th, Ia73. mur2Uv2 A- G- VVALLIKC'S PIONEER BOOK BINDERY. I'ittocU's IJiii3Hn;r Corner of Stark and .Front Streets. QR7LAHD, OREGON. BIXK BOOKS RULED AND DOUXD to any desired pattern. Music looks, Macrazines. Xewsjapers, etc.. bound In cv- erv variety of style known to the trrad". Orders lrom the country promptly at tended to. ESTIJAT NOTICE: TAKEN' UP BY ALFRED MARQUAM, livin-in Mnrquam's I'r-cinet, Clacka mas county, Orsron, one Imn Mare Mul brand'-d on the Pft hip with No. 11; two upper bits or no'ehes out of risht cur ' AVas posted oa tho 1st day of Januarv, i7.- claefcaanas conntr, March 21, i-v CHAS. H. Ci DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, C0RXEH OF SEVESTU AXD MAIX STREETS, OREGOX CITT. lias J ust Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods. Brown and Rlenohori Shtio-o House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Bosom Linens, Linen Towelling. Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents 0 Hose, Thread, Cambrks, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Insertions Jianbroidery, White Goods. Millinery, Fancy Goods. Ac, Also, a full assortment of 0 LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Grocorles, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys,, Which have bee selected with special care for thia market nd c&una EE SURPASSED IX QUALITY OR PRICE. TIIE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID I'OR COUNTRY PRODUCE March 13, lS73:tf JOHN MYEESi OREGON CSTY- DZALER EN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. A N D GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pay the highest prices for Butter, and all kinds of GCOD COUNTRY PRODUCE. I will sell as low ns any houso la Oregon for CASH Oil ITS JZQ UJ VALEXT in Gocd Merchantable Troduce. I am Belling very low for CASH O" IIANB. Give nio a call and satisfy yourselv es. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City, March 21. 1S73. The standard remedy for Cntijjlis, Infl- enzii, ."sore iiriMti, i noornnf i.ohw, Crotin. I Aver Comp'aiut, JironchitU, Ji'eedinr of the Am or, and every iUf-ction of th-.? Throat. Lnnirs and Chest, including Consumption. Wistar's ISiiisnin f iil t'lierry does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, cl"nnses the lungs, and alleys, thus rrtnorinrj the ante of the complaint. None genuin un less signed I. Putts. iTepared by Setii W. Fowlk Sons, Poston. Sold by Hedinoton, Hostetter v ( o., ban Iranosco, and by dealers generally. LIVE AMD LET LIVE! TIIE CKEGC. CITT HACK AXD DRAY CO. HAVING PURCHASED THE LIVERY Stfck and Pusiness of Messrs. Willis $: P.rouchton. and the Uravs. Horses nnrt Uusiness of C. X. (ireenmnn nre nrw nm. pared to carry on the LIVEItY ni SLXESS, FEED STABLE, AND DRATIEVG. We Will also deliver 1.-V rwrA ir. oil V. .... - - - -- .. -. . i ii . i . kiiunc nersons to wlmm Willie r-n.,n.i.n v.- . - - ...... .... . i'ii.iiiiii i 1 u engaged and as many more as will engage finij ooa irom us, so iar as we can get a for Wood, lira y Ins or Hauling, will bo at- icuueu io wan dispatch. I'atmnage in our several branches of business solicited. Our Cliarg-es Shall Be Moderate. The. highest, ensll nrinA nn i .1 f ry ri.ii. delivered at the Stable. C. N. GREENMAN, J. JL FRAZER, President. Secretary. Oregon City, August 23, 1573-tf. A TTTeT"RTi"FJ O o Vm. BROUGHTOX W FLI. - RESPECTFULLY INFORM it.th. e c?tlzenso1 Oregon City antf vicin ity that he is prepared to lurnish Ir, Spruc-e and Cedar LUMBER of every description. Dry Flooring, Cciling.Spruce (for Shelving). xuitiiee, iick:ets, Fence Posts (Cedar). Constantly on Hand. Street and Sidewalk Lumber furnished on the shortest notice, at as low rates as can be purchased elsewhere in the State. uive me a call, at the OREGON CITY, SAW MILL. March 21, lST3-tf. q jOTICE! o A S TIIE ENTERPRISE HAS COilK out in a O j-STev Dress, from this day I will give everybody tho the same show and sell CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES and all other merchandise- AT REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH, to make room for SPRING GOODS. Call and see for vourselves, and save 25 per cent. cash. " A. LEVY. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. OPPOSITE OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. AH IMMENSE STOCK AS USUAL. GEORGE A. PEASE, SUCCE&SOU TO PROTZ-IIAX, GILLIHAX L CO. Corner Flrtit and ITIorrlvon streets. rOIZlLAXD, OJtEGOX. November 22, 1372-tf. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT i. K x i rv & G DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, Notions, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc., etc., etc., etc. Main Street, Oregon City. Produce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If vou de sire good Goods at Ixw prices, call at I. SELLIXG'S O and examine his nw stock of Spring goods. Give me a call and convince yourselves. My motto is, " QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." The highest market price paid for wool. I. SELLING. Oregon City. March 21, lST3-tf. THIS OLDEST o AND T XI DE BE ST. DR. HUFELAfJ D'S CELEBRATED SWISS STOIV1 ACH BITTER 5. o Tlie FirsJ: mid Xost Ilealtltfnl Tonic ever introduced in tlie United States. These F.itt'-rs have been inthetsan I ran cLscti Mark-t lor over Twenty iar, and notwithstanding the many new candidates lor public lavor, the sales have constantly increased. Taylor W Beneel, Sole Agents, -W9 and 411 Clay street, 8an I rancio. No. 2C-ly. o IMPERIAL m ILLS, Savier, LaRocque & Co. Ore son City. Keep constantly on hand for sale Flour, Middlings, Pjlan and Chicken Feed. Panics, purchasing feed must furnish the sack. Public Examination of Teachers. o "VTOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL. concerned that there will be a Public Examination of Teachers who dsir" cer tificates for Clackamas crunty, at the Ore gon City Seminary, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Saturday, April 5th, I?73.q It is desired that all who expect to tach or are teaching will avail tlms-Iv; of, these public examinations, as thcr-j will b no charge for certificates. PROFS. MACROI and JIOnj:i..1 have been appointed bv m- tn eonc!;:ef t.he examination. Cerlficatcs S2." at i r-vate examination. A. NOL'i Eli. Sapt. Public souooib lor ciacii3t-ii o e 9 o o O c 9 o O 0 o O s O o