o o O O 8 o ?! e o o G O 0 O O X 1 Cl)c iUccfcln Enterprise. FRIDAY, MARCH U. 1S73. FORTY YEARS AGO NOW AXD.THEN; or. the Old Man's Return to the Home of His Youth. From tlio Albany Democrat. We are requested to publish the follow ing poetical effusion which is the neatest thing in the way of real good, old fashion ed, sentimental poetry published in many a day. The writer went lrom hi.s Missouri reridence on a visit back to Lis old Ten nessee home, and writes to his friend and playmate of bis boyhood days what he saw and thought while wandering through the old familiar harfnts. The writer has a large number of relation i in this county, some oi whom have h-iVe handed it in for pub lication. It will touch a tender and responsive chonl in the heart of many a one whose home is not in "Old Tennes see. Editor Democrat. O MARTIN" RICE TO WM. SHARP. Fain would I write to you, dear friend, " A letter frank and true; I've lately been to our old home. Away in Tennessee. I've been to the old plice. dear Hill, Where we in childhood dwelt; Eat. oh I-I cannot tell yon all Of what 1 saw end lelt. I walked the valley up and down; I crossed the ridges o'er; And stood ?o oft where we have stood, Upon the river'3 shore. Oh! great have boon the changes there, Some spots I swreo coulu Know; While others seemed almost the s;:ne, As forty years ago. I came to where your father dwelt. When we were boys, dear Dill, To where the old leg house once stood, Upon the sloping hill. That old log hous- has gone long since, J know not where or how; E;itdovn below the spring there stands A large brick mansion now. They say your brother built it there. Rut he has moved away; And those you never saw, dear Bill, Are living there to-day. The trec which shaded that old buse, I saw had fallen. too;e And scarce an apple tree was left, Where once the orchard grew. A little farther down the stream, And ntiar the public road, The spofyou well remember yet. Where I in youth abode. ?Twa there my father's cabin stood, c In life'TLright early morn; "Twas there my infant years were passed. 'Twa3 there that I was born. I -org years have passed since I, a youth, Had wandered far away; When in my age, I came to view Scenes of a by-gone day. The old log house was standi; g where My father built it. stiil; Your sister now is living there Your sister. Mary Hill. I stood in that old house again, O As oft in youth I've done; Rut there were none to greet me there, Of kindred, no, not one. And those who knew me. when a boy I playetf barefoot there. All failed to recognize the man, So old. with silver hair. Time, in its flight, had changed the place, I. too, had changed, dear Rill; Eat many a spot to memory dear, I found remaining still. The spring was flawing from the hill, As in the days of yore; Eat trees were growing round it, which 1 never saw before. The old brick chimney stands there yet, a wo stories high, you know; Its every brick 1 moulded, Eill, Full forty years ego. Eat of the many men and boys. Those boys with ;inn3' brow. Who toiled with me in making them. Not one is living now. They are all dead and in their graves, (hie after one they died; Far. far apart, some of them sleep. And some lie side by side; Two thousand miles and more away, Some seep in graves unknown, "While I. with locks now thin and gray. Am left alone alone ! Across the streamlet, on the hill. Between our homes, you know, The Utile school-house stood, dear Eill, A good loig while ago. 'Twas therewkiio boys at school, We learned our A B C And -studied Webster's old blue book l ew other books hud we. Eeside the rough hewn wrifing bench, How often side by side. We sat and made nut pot-hooks there, And read John Gilpin's rVle. Eat after ''twice ten tedious," And duiib'.e that had tied; Far. fasU-r far, than Gilpin rode, Back to the spot I sped. And there I ftood alone, dear Eill, Upon the old play ground.; Not one of all our play mates dar. Upon that spot were found. -1 saw them not beside the brook, Nor on the cedar glade. But some of their grand children small, Were playing where we played. And thus it was. place after place, I visited, to find Tlint tine had charged each sacred spot, Peep in my memory shrined. 1 came to were my grand.-ire. Jvrelt In days r.hd years long g-ane Hard by the old mill stream, you know. Which still was tiowing on. The mill was standi?;:: where it stood. The sound of gri l ling low. Fell on my listening ear again, As forty years . And the old house vyj grar.d;:ire built, Liong years ere 1 w"is bora. Wits standing as it s'ood long since, But lookingjnore ferlorn. How oft I met my cntsir.s dear. At grandma's house to play; How often in the orchard there, We passed our holiday. E u now those orchard trees are gone; The old Catalpa. too; And gone are all the pleasant shades. Tke.r leafy branches threw. I trod the crave yard again. I iowed the landscape o'er: And many an object met my si-ht. Wk;-;u 1 had siea before. I pea the the weather-beaten wall, Tfcjngb. now somewhat decayed, I saw the many, ui.mv marks ' Our arrow spikes bad made. Oh! these were sad ranu-ovn Ri'l . if i i . , . i,ii n long ueparieu jovs; 'Twas sad to think how" lew are left Ot those lightheartej boys; To think that they, these Jew. Pike me, Are now grey-headed men; To thik of all the tips and "downs Which wo have seen since then. The old log meeting house, yon know. Built in the woodland wild; Where first I heard the Gospel preached. When I was but a child. I came to that old church ngnin. And worshippers were there Not those we used to meet there, Eill, Eut faces strange they were. ,T",ySE' Sit . I heard the voice of prayer and praise, To God the gread Triune; I heard them sing the same old song. And to the same old tune. Perhaps you've sung that tune, dear 3ill, The song you've heard, I kno v; I am a stranger,'' so it ran, "A stranger here below." And as they sang, I felt indeed, The force of that sad word; A stranger in my native place. Where first that hymn I heard. And as I listened to the song. (My eyes were dimmed. I know,) I thought I saw the friends of old, Who sang it long ago. Eat that was all illusion. Eill; I walked the graveyard through, And there they were, those friends of old. Eat hidden from my view. That graveyard, Eill, is larger now, Than when you saw it last; Al ii! those cities ot the dead Are populating fist. There, side by side, my kindred lie, Your kindred lie there too; I saw you father's grave, dear Bill, And well that grave I knew. The plain head-stone is standing yet, A limestone, large, you know I saw it placed above that grave O'er forty years ago. Another well remembered spot, I visited, dear Eill; 'Twas where my Aunt Tabatha dwelt. Hard by the rippling rill; Where I and her dear children oft, Have sported through the day; And with our g-'.tne of fox and goose, Passed hours of night away. Ah! well do I remember, Eill Those boys a id girls of yore; Perhaps you, too, remember them, Tho't:g!i some "are now no more. Oh ! yes, for now I think of it Full well, dear Eill. I know You married one of those dear girls Near forty years ago. Xo- fell my cousin Eetsey, Eill, (Your wife I should have said) That late I passed those play grounds o'er, Where we together played; Her father and her mother, too. I learned had long been dead; Ent one dear brother still resides Upon the old homestead. That mansion house is standing yef, The old log kitchen, too; The smoke hou-o stands just as it did; The o.ctuud where it grew; The stables, too. across the road, Lpon the level plat; No place 1 saw had undergone So little change as that. I slept in that old house agian, Within the little room Where you. if I remember well. Slept when a gay bridegroom. And as I lay relieving there, I heard the light footfall Of Time, as measured by the clock. When ticked against the wall. That same old Eli Terry clock. That wooden clock, you know. The one my Uncle George first bought, A long, long while ago. And as its ticking siep I heard, They spoke in measured rhyme, For filly years, or neai'y so. I've told the Might of time.7' How lightly fell the steps of Time, . And yet what changes great They're made since yon and I, dear Dill, First left our native State; And should you ever go back ther, To the old place again. You'll find, dear frieud. a contrast great, Between the now and then. Yacc i x ati on. TI ) e fol 1 o w i rig brief extract is from an article in tho last Uoston Medicine ind Sur-ji-:il -Toui'ttcd upon the subject of vaccination. The Journal is very lith medical authoriny in this country, ami we ald that the re cent prevalence of a malignant type of small pox in Uoston is ex citing an unwonted degree of pro fessional attention of the subject: The following propositions are offered as matters of belief, and some of tiism as matters of record: 1st. Without vaccination, one death in ten from .ill cases would be tho result of small-pox. 2nd. Without vaccination, nine teen out of twenty would have the small-pox. 3d. Without vaccination, sixt) seven per cent, of the cases of small pox would be fatal. 4th. With vaccination, not two per cent, of the persons will take the sma'.l-pox. 5th. With vaccination, the per centago of death from small-pox is only about eiht of the two per cent, vvho will take it. Gtlt. A larger per eentage of those who have had small-pox will have the secondary disease than those who have been vaccinated. That is to say, vaccinia is a bet tor prevention of varioloid than small-pox is. 7th. Humanized virus, whether it takes or not. docs not produce such constitutional symptoms as primary cow virus does. Stli. ft is not proved that either htima:::-0il virus or primary cow virus is the better in its protective e fleet. f'th. There are certain individu als who do not seem susceptible of vaccination. 10th. The taking of small-p x after vaccination is ro proof that a second vaccination would have succeeded. 12th. A successful re-vaccination is no proof that the individual re-vaccinated would have taken small-pox. Wour.ni.Y Grikf. It is said that, the following letter was writ to a lady by a bereaved and stricken widow in Cincinnati: l)earest Louisa Darling John died last night. Congestion of the lungs. Our loss is his gr.in. I will .loui him on the other shore I have ordered the loveliest mohair r u,v; iuuertu made with polon aise and tnmmed with real point :S;'?t . SS cov?roa 1'7 insurance on the ten year plan; will be paid nstxtydays. 1 know you son-ow J "ii me. W e had four doctors, at :2avw,t. Aimt Maria wm not o n mourmng, because she has hTst bought her fall and winter Jnn"s 1 ler bonnet is a straw. There is A llm in Giled; but rav heart is nearly broken. Send me a cut m pcr pattern of that sacque of yours. our devoted Sak.vii. NEW &OODS, JUST RECEIVED BY CMA11LES K. CAUF1ELS). J HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND WELL SELECTED TOCK:OF;GOODS, JL consisting in part of DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' AXD CIIILDEENS' SHOES, Groceries, rockery, &cC5,!&cB All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Give me a call before purchasing else where and convince yourselves that I CAN and WILL SELL as cheap as the cheapest. CIIAS. JI. CAU FIELD. CORNER MAUN AND SEVENTH STREETS, OREGON CITY. THOMAS CHAEMAN ESXAIILISIIED ------ 1S53 DESIRES TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette Valley, that he is still on baud, and doing business on the old motto, that "A Mmblii Six-Penec is letter tlia.it n. Slow Smiling." I hava just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased oi;e of the LARGEST and IICiST SE7,ECTEI) Stock of Goods ever before offered in this city; and consists in part, as folljws : Boots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sash & Doors. Queens ware, Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, J ewelry of various qualities & styles, Clocks & V atches-La-dies & Gentleraen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Hotions of every description,Patent Sled icines, Hope, Fanning Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sav my stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever offers.! in this mar ket, and wns siccteil with i-spccialrnrcfor titis mariitt. All of which I now oiler for sale at the Lowest rSarkct Rates. No nse for the ladies, or any one else, to hink ot sning to Portland to buv troods for I urn DETERMINED TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to be I WDEIISOLD IX THE STATE CF CSEGOXJ All I ask, is a fair chance and quick pay ments. Relieving, as I do, th;.t nineteen years experience in Oregon City enables me to Know the reqirements of the trade. Come one and all, and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARMAN cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell yon all the advan tages I can offer you in the sale of goods, as every store that advertises does that, and probably yon have been disappointed. All I wish to say is, come and see and examine for yoursel ves, for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old ti iends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell jroods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. TIIOS. CIIARMAX, Main street, Oregon City. ;'-'ir"aeLl Tenders and County Script ta en at market r;e.is. TIIOS. CIIARMAX. -T7jO,000 lbs wool wanted by TIIOS. CHARMAX. CHilNGS or PaCGRAISrSE! IX ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THAT branch of my business, I will sell Toys and Fancy Goods, At Less Uian "VHolos:ilc Cost Trices! 1 have the largest and best stock of CLOTHING. COOTS, SHOES, HATS, Kte. And other goods, in this city, which I will also sell CIIAEP FOR CASH: Call and examine my stock and prices. and save your money. A. LEVY. Oregon City, Nov. 20, 1S72. 0"V1XG TO THE COXTIXUED ILL ness of the Proprietor. Lens DeLouev, tho Ha rnu m Ilestnrant is ottered for sale. To any one wishing to euse ia this business, a bargain is offered. I.EOX DeLOUEY. Oregon City, Oct. IS, 1372. fJR fn i!On Per day! Arenf s -want o J ; All HJ tU KpoVJ daww of workinir pele, of either sx. youna- or ol.l. make mnrp -mi-im-v at. i work tor ius in their spar moments, or all the iittv in in nr; anytnins c-Uo. lartieulars free. A-Vlress . Vinson : Co., l'ortland, Maine. September 27th, la72:ly. UuOttTSSX OF bAJNUKOJ?T LIBRARY, DIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, MEW GOODS ATT1IK LINCOLN BAKERY. VILLIAftIS a HARDING, TTAE a JUST OPEXED A TL'LL ARIE- .1 1. ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AXD PROVISIONS. Tiie r.ukery will be constantly supplied with fresh RREAI), CRVCKERS, CAKES. PASTHY, CANDIES AXD XUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming trade we wonld say, CASH for you. produce, and CASH for our poods. Goods delivered to all parts of the citv. Feb, IT., ls7C:tf MASONIC HALL RUILD- IX (i. OREGON CITY, - - G KEEPS CONSTAXTLY OX I1AXD AX I) for sale, cheap koh casu, PAP.L0H, SEDS.00H, OFFICE, SITTUTGROCM, and KITCIIEIT FURIIITUF.E, Bureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What nots, Rec stead's, Va-h.-;tands, Cnrlcd Hair and Puln Mntresses. 1'nlu Pi! loivs. Spring beds, Window Shades, l'ictare Frames, Jdouldin.qrs, Ac, &c. 3"T7"Speci;d attention given to Upholstery work in all its hr.mchcs. Orders filled with promptness. Repairing dune with neatness and dispatch. Furniture made to order. ""('Oods delivered to .any part of town Tree of charge. Call a-ad examine for vour selvas. m.iyl7n2'. REAL ESTATE, HEAL ESTATE- JACOB ST1TZF.L, C.C.WAT. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL t UPTOX., REAL ESTATE. Cor. Front ami Washington Sts., PORTLAND, O R E G OX . Special attention given to the sale oi farm ivsc lands and city property. All corres pondence rel'.itinjr to the reconrces of Ore gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Rent free of charge to a:iv address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, 1872:tf COKFECTIOrJSEY SALOON ! Fresh Oysters 1 1 LOUISSAAb, - - - Proprietor. V ) n of Fourt'i an;l JIaii Siroi ls. THRESH OYSTERS SERVED IX ANY style desired. Confectionery of every kind constantly on hand. I manufacture all my own s'ock, which is suilicient guarantee that it is fresh and pure. Call if want of a Rood cup of co!!Ve, ten, or fliocol.-fte, or anything in tnv line. Oregon City, September C, 1 72:tf WITCHES & JEWELRY. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES TO JL the citizen-; of Oregon Citv and Clacka mas county that they have justopeiied a JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT In Oregon City, Main st. Next door north of Shades Saloon. Where they will k-'cp on hand am! for sale all goods pertaining to their line, at the LOWEST LIVING RATES. Especial attention given to the Itppairino; of lUnc Time Iicrcs. All ffonds sold and woik done WAR RANTED. GEO. A. HAAS & SOX Oregon City, Feb. 0, lS7.5.tf SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City. Rfxt Ti IT AAA 11 D TAUT, ESI in. OTiEGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention ,f the lovers of this pfquilaramu.scmciit to them THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors arj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Uourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, A NO. 1 SHOOTSKG GALLERY Sa cnected with the Saloon. Orego City, Jan. 1, lS72:tf . Jt rents no longer ohjcc.t to METALIC TIPPED SHOES SINCE THE SILnER TIP Has been Introduce!. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. 15. Hlelis'iiMlsosa, AUCTIONEER ! Corner of Front and Oakstreets.Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, Generalilerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. KicnARDsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Rarand Rundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse-shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also : A large assortmentof Groceries and Liquors A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer tt 9 HE" SIYESS, OREGOX CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN DSY GOODS, GJItOCEI&iES, BOOTS &S5SOES, I also keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS I M E R E S, FLA NX ELS, TWEEDS AXD BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. Also, Dealer in 000KSAH0 STATEGftERY lCT'l will also pay the highest prices for Butter. Eggs, and ail kinds of good country produce, i will sell us low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o1 its equivalent in good merchantable produce. 3" Give me a call and sat'wfv vonrselves JOIIXMYEKS. Jan. 13, 1571. tf JSJEW YOPJv HOTEL, (DcHtfehes Gafthans.) Xo. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail stcam sh'p landing, Portland, Oregon . H. XLOXJiw C, 0.3. i. i S, P It O I R I E T O R S . Bonrd per Week $.100 " " ' with Lodging no 44 " Day 1 i-O OLl'H? A ii? S:Ct27,' FOR HIE ?tl AX 'FACTORY OF SASH, BL1MD3&M3 CCOES AXD MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. tTB- They will also do TURXIXG, of ev ry description to order, With Neatness as.d Dispatcl 1 o ALL WORK WAKRAXTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop. opposite Oregon City Mills. . the It M ti W "Will sew evcrytlisg neodcu in a family, from the ieavie:t to the lightest fabric. IT iors ?:c:r." -svcitx, axi iiiriTER v. i;ii. Than any other machine. If thero in n, riorcneo Fcwing 51a cliino within or.o thousand iuiles of JSan Francisco not working -well nnj -Riving cntiro pntisfartion, if I r.m in formed of it, it v, ill bo nftemk'tl to without expenao of any kind to tho owner. SAKUEL HILL, Agent, 13 New Montgomery Street, Grand Hotel Biiildinr, Sn Francisco. Send for Circulars ami 8(ztnpsr3 of the trorf,-. Active Agents xrimtcil it every flce. JOHN SCKE3AM, MAW STREKT, - - OREGOSCITT. :.i nmCTlTiER AXD importer of SADDT-r.S, HAUXr.S, ai)I)m:hv-iiari)- j AVAIII2, Ac., Ac. V ttTniCII HE OFFERS aS CHEAP AS ' can be bad in the State, at VhoIecale or Retail. jfVrf-l warrant all tr.r woods as represented. Oregon Cit", April 17, 1S72. u'J'Jtf. OREGON CITY EEEWEEY ! (Op II VX 11 Y II U M II i: T., Havinpr purehned the above Brewer- wish es tninform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a Xo. 1 quality of LAG Ell BE Ell, Asgood as ran beobtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled HOME-MADE CARPET FOP. SALE AT I. SEL.L.1JVOS Business Directory of Portland, Oregon. PUBLISHED BY L. SAMUEL, General AdcertUinj Agent, t3 Front Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, Xo. W) first Street Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys. Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. ... . . i S .. I- a i A Astor House, first si-, ueiwceu va. Piue. Everything neat. B. L. Longtel low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIONERY AXD MUSICAX. INSTRUMENTS. GILL, ST5:JEI & BAXCBOFT, Xos. 75 and 7 7 Tirst Street, Portland. Tarman, the onlv direct Importer of Cloth JLing, fec, cor. Front & Washington sts. CIIAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE 15tOKSKI.I.KK A STATION Eli, LARGEST STOCK IX ruRTLAXI. So. 7i) Front and "."o. 5,V"usU iiistou Streets. 1-ECK, WILLIAM & SOX. Front st. 3 Importers and dealers in Guns, Ilifles and Kevolrers of every description. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods, Heads, Bird Cajjes, L'askets, Croquet Games, and Kabv Carriages. Agents for the "California Powder Works;" " also, for the "Wheeler V Wilson Sewing Machines." Beck, John A., 120 Front street, practical Watchmaker & Jeweler. Work done for th Trade. vc aysaer-s-sBaa !Si)..o rii iVtkk s. IliMES !fc DAC1IELDER 03 Front street. 1u. hanan, . A., s. w. cor. JrirstA iajior 3 sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port- laud CARPETS, TO WALTER H KOS Yont street. Clarke, Henderson & Cook, SI it S., First y street. Healers in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, iVc. f1ohn i no.-er.fcld, 14S Front st. Comtuis sion .Merchants &, Dealers in Oregon fc California Produce. 1ongh J. I J . Manufacturer & Dealer in y Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hard ware, 'Jb t ror:t s'.rt et. ( Mirrier, W A Co., lo:5 Front st. Merchant J Tailors and Clothiers, Hats J: uriiishiii ( ioods. DrLashinr.lt &. Oatnian, '.' t n-ht street. Real Estate Agents, luoi.cy loaned, houses rented. DENTAL GOODS r. n. v.'oo: ild ic Co. u: 1- lunt street. DRUGGISTS, ol'.: ARD AC. 101 Front street. Orders from any portion of the State or Territories care fully tilled by mad or express. ITVnil. I.owenstein !t Co. Fm iiiu.i e and 1 Carpet dealers Stc-i-us from l'i to l-'is 1- II t Sllftt. 7iiiployii!ent Asreney. .1. K. Withendl, SO j Front st. Fnrni.-h all ki:.d- of he!j. Iverdingic l'eebe, lo From street. Coni V mission Meichauts and ilea'eis in l:o !:iLtic Produce. I T'asliioii Liver- Stable, cor. First Si Salmon JL sts E. Coi l;eti, l'r p. Clood turn-outs ai'.vays on Iiaml. T7i-hel v R bevts, r. r. Fii.-t ,t WaI;incton L' sts., Dealei lers & Manutac. Cothir.g, Fin n- isliing Coods. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The largest Music House on the Coast. STE1SWAY riANOS, EIT.DETT ORGANS, G. l. DtFRAXS, Manager. SOI.K AGENCY FOlt T11K " IIcvc'' SfAvissg Ulaeliisie. ?J"A gents v.-anted.""TTa "1 facbenev 4t Stem. Grocers and ib ab i s JL JL in all kinds of Seeds, cor. Fiist and Main sts. T Taniburger, 1!., i:t: I- i;t stieet. imj.orter I X. aim uea akr in Muple Fancy Dry Goods, Millnierv. I .yen dee, D. II., Photographic Artist, s. w. JL cor. First and Moni.-oii tts. Child s J'ict. spec It. Heiirich.sen, L. C. A: Co., !o;i First street. Manufacturers and dealers in Jewelry, Y"atches, Ac. Hibbard, Geo. L.. V8 Front St., wholesale dealer iu Groceries, Ioors, Waou Ma terials, Ac. Hodge, Calef A Co., t'7 Front ?;t., whole sale dealers in drugs, Paints, Oils, (Jlass, ,Vc. T-Trt'A ri? Sewinr Machine, straight JLJL WJ 1 JLli needle, under fted, "1 ck siitcn. Competition challenged. G. V. T raver, !! Front st. Hurgren & Shindler, Xos. 1M to 172 First st. Importers Furniture, Led ding, Ac. I fJMitcbinson, W.. Watchninker. cr First i and Main streets. All work done at San Francisco prices, and warranted. International Hotel, cor. Front and Morri son sts. M. Kudolpb, Prop. Free IJuss attends steamers. Kohn.J. V Co., 01 Front st., wholsale and retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing Goods. Maison Doree Kestaurnnt, private rooms . for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets. Q. Voos, Pi op. Martin, E. A: Co., wholesale dealer in . Wines & Liquors. O. S. X. Co's Dlock, and San Fran . f'eier Sc Schmeer, 111 Front st., wholesale and retail Confectioners. f iKer, John R., !3 1st st. Watchmaker & J.V1. Jeweler, oilers to the public a line as sortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Mocller A Co , Front near C st.. Dealers in native and loreigu Wines, Liquors and Cigars. "VTorthrnp t Thompson.' dealers i" I'ard JS ware. Iron, Sb el. Hubs. Spokes, Hard wood Lumber, K, Portland. Occidental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison sts. Smith fc Cook, Proprietors. Turislj, Wats.ns t Corr.c'I, Ileal Estate JL A cents, 1 lltocK. 3 building, cor. Front arid Stark streets. PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. C. II. W'ood 1 aid it Co., 101 Front st. JOHN B. FILKINGTONj EI. B., OCULIST AND AUKIST, Okhck 7.1 Fin st Sthket. IToi-es Rcilp inc. 3d door fkom Laud's Rank. Treats all diseases of the F.yc, J'.ar, Throat and I.unirs. Tichter, Paul. 10." First st.. importer of j Berlia wooden Carvings, Parlor Orna ments, A-e. "3osenbaurri, l.S.ACo., Tobacconists, import ij crs ot roroign and Domestic LiT;uors. 1 uss House, Front st. On First ClasPrii. X) cipal. Thomas Ryan, Proprietorr ibeilock, S, HI Fiont and tt2 First sts dealer in Harness, Saddlery and Sad dler Hardware. Simon, J.,o Fj out street, dealer ia Doors sash fc Riinds, Window & Plate Glass. ' liisljeimer, H., 157 First St., importer of i5 l'iauos, Organs, Sheet Music, Music In struments. Skida'ore, S. G., Ii3 First t.t. Druggib, A Apothecary, a large stock of Pei tumery & Toilet Artic les. Qmith it Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale O dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perfumery, &c. Snow A- Roos, 73 First strtet, Pictures, Frames, Moldings, Artist's Mat'is.Draw ing Instruments. Smith, Put., JJroker, 5o jixont st. Dealer in Legal Tenders, GoT eminent Bonds and Gold Dust. PTONE. 15. L., IVo 107 Front Street. Watchmaker A Manufacturipg Jeweler is appointed Agent for the Waltbam, Elgin, E. Howard t Co., Chas. E. Jact, and ihe California Watches; also, for all the prodnc tions and imports of the California Jewelry Cor -puny, San Francisco. Send for circular Watches repaired in the very best nianneT and wakraxted to give satisfaction rr"Vrry Pros.. Xo. 178 First street, manufae JL tnrers and dealers in Furniture, Med' ding. Carpets, Ac. w a ""he Clothing store. 113 Front st. Clothing, Furnishing Coeds, Doots and Shoes. Harris A Prager. rpmt'p, H. H., 142 A 144 Front st. Deafer O i in Wagons t Agricultural Implements- rivne, E. D., n. w. cor. First .t Oak sts., t "dealer in Hrandies, Wfncs, Engli.-h Ale and Porter. "TTiPiams & Myers, ft Central Llock. y Front st., Commission Merchants t deal's in Produce. 7 bailey t Feehheimer, Attorneys A So- liciiors in Rai.kruptcy. Ollice iu 0ld Fellows Temple. GOOD k'EWS! o LOOK OUT FOE GOOD o o o k-. L kv 12 tJi ft Zx. CL C O HAVE JLT RL(FIVM) A I.ARCIEo Stoi k of o FALL AXD tVIXTER GC0ES, o WHICH THEY OFFER O We would say, come and convince vur self before pun basing el.-ew here. Our Vn ck Consists in part of FA X C Y A X D S T A P I . E D K Y GCOTS, O CI10THING, HATS, ROOTS AND SHOES? NOTIONS, GROCERIES, , IlAKnv.'AKF and a great many aiticies too numercus to mention." ALSO, Doors, Windows, GIjfs and Tutty-o ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEX IX EXCHANGE FOR GCCDS. ALSO. Vt COX. wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PR ICE. O S. ACEIIOIS i CO. Oregon City, Aj ril 21, 1 -7 1 :tf AXD Carriage Tblanufactcry r The undersigned, having increased the ii mensions of Lis premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, 0 Orcg-on City . Oregon. o O Takes this method to inform bis rM reus, j..!!d ns mr.nv . ...,. 1 i. pleased lo call, that l,n i mr.,.r.n,j -:.u ample room, good materials, SIld tlte'rery best of mechanic s, to bniM r,- . struct make, rai.,t, ironOand turn' out all complete any sort ot a rchicle5 from n mon cart to a coi,eord o ar1-. Trr mo genera! jobbing neat I v. om- k!v V-i .'...' ly done. DAVID smith. ' " Opprsite Excelsior AfarVct A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery ?o. 5 "Wasliingtoii Slret. PORTLAXD, OREGOX1 BLANK EOOKS RULED and EOL'Xn t-, anv desired pattern. o MUSIC ROOKS, MAG AZIXES, XF.WS. PAPERS, Etc., bound in evervQnriAfv nf style known to the trade. orders from the country nrnirmtlv i ended to. r J HEAL ESTATE EXCfiAKBE F0E.TLAKD, - - CBEG N- DEALER IX REAL ESTATE AXD OTHER IX VEST.MFMS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and 0tr-. flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers ofctaiBed for all kinds of landed propert Valuable securities transiei red i n exeba; for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and tit!i examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidelity and prompttieps. OFFICE Xo. 14 Carter's Bnilding, corner of Alder and Front 'streets. Fvb. 3. -70rtf o o O o O o o o O O O