Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, March 14, 1873, Image 3

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    -.-A- v'- jfc,: rvi
'"" "niMUNim,,!,,,,, i-j. , . - : i.n.m fii-mniM. vitii.irl.,- - .,4. r- - "-"". -:--"-i.:'-aV-5.-a.vij!aMaii WfTiHiffl
O 1
MARCH 14. is:;
Ai-AKMKI Foil Us. Tli Pot tland dailie-s !
are terribly alarmed lop bar Oree- m Citv i
Mill be washed away an
t i
ld coiiio dowu
demo!i-h I ort-
there in such force as to
iana. u.'hj nas it tnat tt;o Jocks are in
urager oi ucmg wasnmi away. whito Uie
. r- I , . ... ,
Aftntf ri C t in I. I ' .i .. oI.au !
'"" ,u' uepanure: ana aiso i.iai ouats
' iuubu. "-'. !
U1-J oo io i.u up wr.n, out we !
would most repec-u!ly inform the writ- j
ers for these respective joiirnal-i that they !
nppear to be moe ulitriaed t!:an the ?o.d j
people of otir town. i:i the first plac.
WI. In ttje nrst place
ttiere is no mor
"'"'-'f ,r 1,ck !
tli.m there w of ;..'ouni
washing awiv t!i
Hood. -re imt th-re to "; v. Tlie b:iin
on thi'side is not reanlfd a- safe, but
the town has ceased to become excited
about the matter. The owners of it have
been duly notified t'u vt they must pay all
fXpensea of dami's should the works
prive away, as th.-y were re.nde i insecure
last suiiitner IJoats are p i-sin-j; in and
out of the ba-in d tily and briii.-io down
full loilils of freight :-. n.l n n ! o;:tl i n Z them
at the war. house. This item is in a;cotd
noce with the facts as they appear here.
Our i'orihind contenmoi aries may see
thing different from their locality.
Ixiuaxs. We would like to ak the In
dian Superintendent why it is that a lot
of worthless Imlitns are permitted to
hang about our town ? They are a nui-a-iuue
and expense to our county and city.
One Iudiarralotio. Jim. lrs co-t tiiis conn
ty more Money thm nearly all other erim
inil cases put toe.!ier. Les'des the large
Mini- he h n cos' the cry Hi' is :-.s me in
a, Capt. Jack, and would do t lie same
thing if he h i I :ni opportunity. There
jare otheis who ar- c "o;--t i:ulv getting
dr.iuk and putting our eity to e;oen-e.
"We h )pe tie' S'l pei in'euieii ' will have
them remove. 1 from h-u-e. Th.-y are a
curse to 'he co ;im iai y. I. -t them be
put on the reservation a-m keep them
awiiy fr.un lu re. Duly last e-k three
bucks weie taken up for being drunk.
Thee three. .,f I : . -s l- ill", board and e-
j.ense of tfii.l. C'.-t '!.e city not les-t tn.ii
$!.". Ttiis i- not Tiii ola e.I c i-e. It is of
too frequent oceiii i :u e
v. W:;:i! t.i
into tie' Ma'-
proper uutlmriiies to 1 i
ter and rem v
every i;;-: one ol
th -m.
Nor So (ae
es .-ta'es th.it ;'
sir lr. t a a I exeh mg
('a:!' --' e.mld r-.ot go
through the look.-, 1 .: .. -.: -j :
of high water. This is r.ot .-. i I;.
are i:i goo i working ord -r and boa's e mi
tiutii pas or could lis: l'ri.i:. As l.ttig
as the wi'er Pes not run over the tip'o-r
or j.-uard g re. t !o- !..' can be ; 'd
lhro;iurii it. has n.-v -r b.-eu to the to- ,.('
tliis g i'e y-!. a'i i u ih we hive 'v.- or
!!ua-e l-e: i.'g'ier vi'.-:- i iivoer riv.-r
th ill there i-as !,e :i ihis wi:i:er. i- w . I i
not interfere wi t; the pas- .:ge of boa's.
Th- lock- ate a sueee.-s. a.d n. trou'o'.e to
work. C.ip;. u.a :. a -too l ids lius-
A !!:: .' :.vr. "v'e won id vi 1st respect
fully re pi".? a 1 of our a-l.-erti-ei's in t:ii.
citv that t!ev iu ike 110 new.- adve; d--
- e
ineats a:: I i:a:i I !i-uu iu b ;.-: e S it us d
We w.iui ad 1 er; : -eiij -j ' s t. !; ne v
us w li til ' type, and .. ,;. .g is f..! -it-
I ivd to -eid io !r m i.- t U ri a n-.vt j
ad vertis-uii at hi ::.- 1 ;;! p- :er. v.-;.;eli j
t--!ioald be lr . 1 1 1 1 " i y c'i.1.1; -d and ii"W ',
features M'i -i u ted I.i ''' le'.d- r. v'-iic!) j
v.ili a';ia:' l:,e :.i;'-, ",.-.a. We r-.ili -r ;
:"t II a i;.nv ad Vel". 'lit th.'.:: ti :e j
ull.i.ih li bl ones j
Tf. t. D.iv t'-jv. The 1 -"r.s of j
Urs. Lva.ls of Fortl-jul. si-vr to the;
lute Mrs. Striekh.-r. of this p.'.-je. w.-.e I
tik.-ii throng!: !;.-re to i -: ; -1 . :! I.en j
f lo-r dill ileiod. ar.d :e.'.v ;;, : -, j
til itie fi-i il ! ; rr e' l n. 1: is . e ! .- ;-.h e. 1 (
t liree !n mi' !:s .-1 ace l:i-r - 1 r w M i-u; ! 1 I
rtt the s.'.'iio p! u-e l--r -:g.-! l .odieri-i
ill liv ing. a- d came ih-v. tr.u 1 Y," 11a ;
V'.-lll t to :ale,
d 1;..
i.e ; ,
e.i. .'.s
JiM; ,a:.v C;;;i.:
k.'.-i :
M m,- n
the reports 0:1 h'e iu
ool .-"tpei'i.t-
tend ant's ol.i j th.ue are 2.7." I c!.i;.I.--r;
11 c. u-K.im is ! ! -i V re j -.,. l WO') are i
between -1 :: I . ' y.'ir of ;i z ' --""'V- !
"ral have no" i e:,e'-t.-,t . ,-. t'lo.ving tt;. j
to aver 1 je wi.il the lo .V.'S' ill it have been
rejior'ed. l!;ev -,v. il l H'l.ub T about .'!.!') !.
or a litile m re t! 01 h .11 i.e- nop ila io-i
of th co inty. Ti: i - i- a g 1 I c a. 1:1 y for
clii! Jreu. a these renor:--, s o, -v.
P ::;! :-vr;t:;;v I'ri.-r tothedei h of Ci
late John I'h nd:
I ... ,. .1.., i
volume of the Or.
was print.-1 by him iu this ci'v in !.'. j
.lor.itel t th" Soei-oy oi the Ore- j
gon Pioneers ol wh'eh 'i- was -iu '.ioiiora- ;
rv lU'unoei-. w:m-:i l-.Tja.--' w.ti ie c 0:1-
pli-d Midi atil tie vo'ume pl-.e-d ia eire
HI tlie JVI'Oe'V
'! - vaoi ;1) e gm ,
aud is placi d iu the proper hands
1;i::-!i:nk;i and Arroivrni. Captain F.
I. West. United States Assistant Kngiueer.
O lias resigned his pospion and accp'-ed a
Fitua ion as Geii'-ril S 1 pe: inten buif of
the locks aud canal at Oregon Citv.
Major Hubert has up'Miinf'-. 1 ll. I). II n 1 d!
the snece-or of Cio aln
W.-st. We learn
that Cat. W est will s ion
the work at this jdace.
i.i- ca irge ol
W.t:u. d h" I) i .;-: 'Same-
body, with capita", is wtu'ed to t -d-e h 11 I
of the mil! ufact u;-e of prot-le.a wire. 1
on the Clark im is river. A very rie'i :
lepo-it of tlie -ar.ie'e is W'ii op-- on
the f irm of X-d-on Andim?. j 'ut above
the y iper mill "
Vxtt:u V..Tm:.-- -e- : ; , ,
bare raised tlie river to a very , :
and 'he rai'ioad track between this p! re
and the Clackama-; is un 1-r v.-iter The
j. resent line we.i-;..-r will -o, brlu-g the ; "P ': 'he '..until J oh Ti e w if. of C'-ar!.-.-waters
down to their norm d c e. didon. j wh i.- one of the par.i .s to ih:s unf.u-.un-'
" , a-e f im..y tumble, i-. the motaer ..i' 1 h ree
Srr.iNO. The ruin cease la- t To. s 1 it
night ar.-l the wea'her is now clear an I
ppring like, and the trees are reidv o
fhoot forth their bn Is. If yon want to
pee a prettv country, come to Oregon any
time between this date and next Decem
ber, o
Xotvi:y Pir.mc. The Governor has ar-
pointed Capt. J. T. Apperson. of this city,
A Xotarr Public. The C .pt.iln ia a wor-
1 -,, .
thv and deserving ciM.en. nn.l will levv-r-
ot.u- '..- trmf eord'U-red on him.
. -
In Tows. We had lu pleasure of
meeting Mr. J. C. Mann, a farmer c;!!Z"n ,
of this place, in town this week. Jak j l, i;"T- .-'t-;'h. Captim J:iCk. the Mo
looks as young and handsome as Le did j vi m whl Xf
los ;"ari i -1 tov. T.ete is ,0 hnovovh;;-n:
rx.... 1: " : I ii.s'tlous ;;o-s view- w-m m's
1 nomas 1 enmmore w;.o uau u
Jeg boiribly crushed bv falling under a ,'
car at Canbv. a f-w d ,v"s sine., dh-.l Fri- !
Vw everdmr at the It u'lroad Company':
Hospital at F.st iVirthmd
Pkiiu ers x i-icK rV v '
wood, of Mnwa,;;; - ;r;;: j
1 a 11 s bpiseopal
Church on Friday evening- March lph.
CoCxtv Court Proceedings. Follow
ing are the County Court proceedings lor
I he March term :
In the matter of petition of Tualatin
Mannf.icuiriiig Co. to change road from
county line of Multnomah county to
i-.ra: viewer. ordered 13 report tL
,.r.'.no--.-d chaii.
A. ll. Shirdev. supervisor of di-trict
No. 20. rri-i.lo his report which w .is ap-
, , 1 ... '
proved and the same, r.' t-.ppo:n..ei.
n,TCrl 0f Ik-nrv lieaiici. sr.pervi.w
of district Nn. 20. was approved an;l
i v
j lWAev a-ipoiuicd for the ensui.
James Jia:iey a;r
' "
import of II. Purguson. deputy super
visor ei' district No. IS. was upproveu
j j-,. ,r- Vt..,s . ;rtr,l su;-iuvirur o
X i5; t.- Uobal aodgrai,
' ij;7 l-:,.rt.-s. Charles Iloorar!-: and Thoni-
a :,,- v.v:i. :m ,t..,1 vi.--.ver3 to !o
cale a read fear the premises of O. S
;::;Tuy; viewers t.- ma en the LSii inst
i:e;.. rt of Jon ph ; -ir.-.tow. supervu or
of oi-n i;t .. was approv..al i.nd oiiu
Kru-e appoiiued for the p.c; ':U year.
Tii - f.-rry license of J a:,.es M. Moore
was i educed from tfJ'J to c-7 o0 per an
num. T!;e vie-.vers ;:i the matter of re-Iocat
h'g a re:,d f : a .n the ferry landing to
the l;c-ad of the canal. rep;ried favorable
hr sa d change, and the read was ordei-
eu es.;i
follows: Section 1 and 2. and the v.st
half id M'ctt.ui 3 of ioV!i-!iip 4. seu'li
range. 2 east of ftetd distii u No. '.)'.). also
the hind claim of (J. K. iieade is annexe. I
to road district No. Ili.
In the matter of the petition to vacate
the road under the locks. Max we!? K-ur.s-by
J. Li!;'oy ard James L.il 'milto;! were
nupointed vi. r-ri,: .said viewers to meet
o:i the 1 i. st.
Vari-ms a.'i.otit.t5 to the amount of
c77j i;7 were allowed an?l uarr.irus or
dered drawn f. r the .seventi amoatits.
l'Kfiii.vrK lit six;:." ; In the matter of
'he e.-tate of Mary Ilau-er.; semiannual
report filed.
In the mi't. r of the es'ate of Isaac
Capi.-s. lece;i-t at ; pi ootoi Vld takeii and
ad i.i tr ed i. pyoba'e.
in the m itt.-r of the estate of Clmdes
Cu'tlng. Sr.. f ml i";i,.i:e:il account li'ed.
In the ii;aiiei- of i!:e r-':i!e of -'m.
D.ilam : se,!il-aui:-i re iort filed and
ac-.'pted. and admi'ii-'ti-a'or granted !i-cen--e
to .-1 1 i vi-o!e..! p:-oeriy at private
:i i.e.
N" CiiA.-;-:. Ti..-;e is i... ma'erial
charge i:: the i.: ;;-ket re;. ,u ts from San
l-'r.n c! -co. I'onhit.d or iL I.i i-Iuce from
Olir 1..S1. (.'I., i:n):-.
C.. v ..:.'. :. j.!r. He: try Wat ren iva-i
out oil th .'.reels viserdiv, look in. 7
i.ri.d; if.irroved hi
has ace :ii .i f:: t sic
,m woat ue
F;.:-: I.i
-Mr. tl -o. Fuchs gires
wi.i rive a lunch at
a'.!:id-:y evening.
rra-'j r.-.
A Wu-hi
t:.,n. ;;:.d. r
on correspon-l.-nt to the JY
te of J-n. S '.ys: In the
s"ie:ie r.t the White House.
me:1... n
1 1 ;
have !: .
(";'. i:t J
. eh.ir.ac
. s::ie,i I:
..r. ih -v
d eui'
a c::r
' f.
i:-.ite uud de
h:.ve no time
'-! the il :ecut:ve I."e
I th Wi.ke lie-!-.- m ,y looh
I..!'-. -ee at t!:e i.!a ::rh!cr
he o'b -r -. 1 of ike avenue.'
;.d . 1 ed. i-r the iuvc.-.tiga-c
f: u:: !er control."
O :...'
11 :'.
. . :."l V'
;-;(: ep '. i ;
1 1 1 i
: ie .di rs.
tin : i a; e die
id a:1, e.-tr.iug. --.t
a:..; vii.;.' M
I have
n -
- ::;:.i 11 -,."..'. t.'a'.ives ho
I'.e M i net iu a proper
a: I; i.:at ! e io t 1 ire
th- grea, .-"rviei s 1 end .-re.
: i h i a .- c i i.apaig : : 1 1 at he
s ;. s lu.vt ids own popuiaritv
ttiO .-lection. uf.-l h id to pud
p-.-.rty e'.:d -i s 1 1. ! on -I:. lio
I t
.-: a e o . ;u. .
! 1 rec.'aa I
:.!.: m i!ar:
I I: -.-.-V. - ai
C'.i . I-'
! C. l.-d
: 1 v 1' 1 -
1;. 1
w e, e v.: re eie-.ol weig,:'
; does i:-! owe an hod i
k;'e t- i.,;;. dg.!. b.l! ill.:
-1. c'.l r.i w -s ..eitre-l by
i. ere. . 1
u , .,,
il.:. v.
ie-.- s ; r tj t st a o .
It.ue'.'. N- V. . th
...s p..)
in. j
e ;.;;;.i . o.:;:,,;? a;.d II, '.-
rer- -ut t:v-- :o e (J -i-l 1 -dly 1; f a ii ieia nt
opti. a: -i l v. .:''; that his Kveeih'.ley
:i.h.hs ;l'.-v i: n ,i help L Im dui ina the
l.tecae:;: d .'l th - i:c.-d no' help hi.u 'now.
-if 1 n ; - a. ra-l-U! II!.! v t Ke cure 1 I
i s -If 'j his v. i.i r.--t dis-ij.-b Gen. (.re.t.t
i;,!-h .,.,..'. i .ter-.--: :a -n ddies" inst tu,w
, wen so ..r as i
irrr-ii.'.- ir- cor.ce.
new S .11 D mi : ago c.-
' 1. v. hich he hpes wilt
i snee. J .-; eei . i t e since his own Sin 1) 1
njjj,.-,, sea :n-. toe" ' her wiih the whole
, . . , !M-i,,.i iv.is soli-l-
um;.h-n ly via.I'.e ited by the American
peoide at the late eiecd u.v
Family Titot fi.t'.s.- '.dm and Charles
IP-yiioids ;.re brothers, says the Jinl't Hit
id i'u'-sd:;. . I. !; th-y m e ia .dire bosti.py
In-.v.r.ii .-..'.:! o
hn is aeons d '
wrongiag the sa :iad in wiial ru!
Chaiae.. and ll
1 ,
.-U aries ed to ; p;.e ir
belou; Ju -iee X well of IX-t. P.v. la;vl
ye.-terd -.y. to answer to the charge oi se
thu ti- n. F u l y iu the m rr.'mg ihey met
in ti -s c:'' uti i ei'i! -tre"!. In itie vi-
!':- Am. lie iXc.anpe 11 eel. nod when
t 'is 1: te.-, v. ..- in pur.- ii- d J-.l.n ho shot
hi.-.pi-.ul ..." Jo .u la'linto theCo-un-;
: ''! I bv (h. ::i s an I ;'.e
'er v. . I. . .. ,1 :i.:-t jil.ejed u..d-r
a. ;, .i (..;.- :: p.,.;e.-. Ii. ..;.. was l.e if 1
b. noee ...' i.'e-..y. and i.e p .id a !: !C
ol .:.. e.no e - .-. .!,, -a w as taken to ii i-t
I'ordmd by :.:: t;i,V:..u. and iadu-ii-ue
h.-.vl ids . x rn.-i b-f .re Justice
V-icdl. :.:; t was ,., un-.v.".' beiore
Iran 1 Jurv in tise s..:! ,. ). I 1
def.oP,; oi ti d, he v.i.i :,j :! ,v be locked
ch;t 1 .-o. and is - .id t(( be posse-s -d d
more than ord.u :i v i-.-..:i
s 11
'i:t -'r - . '. : .-'range that
hv ' il i 1 ;ve a:i -i.-retl.';e.
' !Vr:"-'-;y '' a r-tai; groe.-ry
"ther o.; i S reet in this
1 -
c i ; v .
i.M oy to . :.)i !.,-:...- ti ,
j m.iti cip will be -i-e.. Sa... .1.-...1 a
j d.e w..;uan".s tights f 11 ah iH gieatly
;:;'u',! "'a it: g the sn-cial (li.-.-datch
1 rom o ir co'-ren d-t i . i 'a .
. r, ,-N-o. .,, ,. ,' , . ! " ' JK ";,1S-
I . .. . 1 . "' 0 u -3"- A certain
j ;"- i ;l -T' w of ,l,e n!,:;;e:,
i ' . has. 1. seems. b,a n te-it ;ti' ,-,,r
J L vr ...rdm.u-y !;:!i -r i....ni".t, pnV;',:l.
let fry ttom t;;. p. l0t. (..,;,.;.,;,.,.,
r.g.;:- ia o.pi . :hecy m y !e. :. a 1 j. Vu:t;j
no: be .-ur; : i-ii.g it he cal;.ed her mid
P ' i:l j' hilf' J iv-' We tru,t
however, sue m :y ::cc.-ed 1:1 i:er mis
of peace: but. should she. r.nf. .rt una :c
'' !
fail, ue w ill have the c tisoi 1 i u id'kuo
,!,ilt 1!- An!L"-,v s,il! lives .-nd i
stlrtfs; c-r t:i
now. without waiiing to hear from Mrs. i People oi uregon a chance to "en-V,"hitt!e.-A".
r. llaiJ, F.b. 23. j orse ' the fellows.
State Items.
A fonr-foot vein of coal has lately been
found iii iiuseiaw Valley.
Mr. Vnnclpave offers the Albany Hojh
tcr establishment for sale.
ShuLrie is at Astoria, and will anchor
the outside buoy in h5 old place.
A money broker ccutd do a good busi
ness at I nioii. Eastern Oregon.
Ilon.Jas. II. Slater is expected at his
home m La Grande by the ISth inst.
Toat stealing is a little game just now
lemj played by thieves about Albany.
The farmers of KtsVrn Oregon are
prat a- fur spring and the miners for
A local paper says that Jack Aiphin is
about to open u hotel in Corvallis on the
Laropej.n p!n.
Mr. G. V.. Ilobart has received his ap
pointment as Postmaster at Dallas, vice
J. E). Lee resigned-
a.r. Mnijirun pubo.-hes a pointed let!
addicted to Il-.n. Y. McF. I'attou in t!
la-t issue ot tlie M rcinj.
Gold dust, iu considerable quanti'ies. is
no-ed am..no; ,1,,. r..c,.lU ani-,- at iolt
land from F intern Oregon.
II. II. tuid Tlmm )S X. (J t'e are fitting
up a pr'md.-g ollie,. hi Fugeue. ami will
soon publi.-h a semi-weekly paper.
A Farmers' Club w is orgmted at Cor
vi'.lis lat Saturday wi;.h ;'. II aril ess. I'rts
ident, and N. V. Newton, Secretary.
Congress on the 2G'.h of February re
jected a proposi ion to donate the Dalles
iiiiu', budding to the State of Oregon.
The C- ood Templars at Cove, Union
Count--, with James IIea leis!iot as their
W. C. T., are in a llaurisliing condition.
The ste;!m-r M iria Wilkins is to be
placed on the Willamette river as soon as
she undergoes some necessary repairs.
TI e late grand jury of Mult nam ih coun
ty, returned fourteen indictments to the
com t, out of twent y-two c iocs laid before
A joint stock wireiiou-e. to hold 101.
(Mii) bie he'- of when, and t be the fine t
grain wari hoase in Oregon, is goi.ig to be
put tip at Kngene.
Mr. D'tfur Ira; thus far succeeded mo-t
solen i;,', y .i a in v ;-lng for Oregon's por
tion to defray the expenses of the Centen
nial Celebration.
The new paper at Fmnire city will be
called the Coos Fiy X im and the lirst,
r.untb-.-r will 1 rohably be i.-.-:ued on Thurs
day of ll is '.Vvek.
II. C. Ft!:::ey. of Salem, will this stetson
erect large w :;vt:ru.-e.- at Tangeut. Hal
sey r.-.'.i ll.t-ri.-biiig. He has just cotn
p'.eted one at Junction.
Th.-' failure of tlie Peace Con:mTssion
to ;:. d. pe.ae. wi'ii Ce.pt. Jack, rejoiees
i!ie peoide of Jack-cm eonnj-. who'waut
to see the .0. uoc in u iden rs punislied.
A VeinhiSii m catch, s wi'd geese h?
so.h'i;georn in alcohol and e it'erins it
on tii' c round. T!: g.-ese came along
:i -i trotd.e up the corn uut.l they are
d J d .
J. I. May of Portland late of Linn
county has been be! 1 ta answer to a
charg- --.f perjury, said to have been Cem
iitMcd at the last term of the Circuit
Court in Linn coon 'v.
Tin- Albany Urf,
h .s fou nd her now.
She is (li; yea:" old. and has unaided,
woven in . !tu ;J:j-.e years. 3..T.C0 yards
ot c
!. b sides
;io::,g to i:cr other
L 1st
?. L
me, nceompnni-
ed Vy his s n and another person, killed
two b.'-ge c-.ugar.-t 11. ".r his firm on tlie
he id waters of Deer crceh, about twelve
miles from I sebt.'r.
On 'he rierairi? of tr;lt G'.h. a young
man ;. : u-- ! X. V. V til. employed in a
mining ch'dm -.n Ja-'-k-on Creek in J tck
s on en-nite. v,-n.s hilled almost instantly bv
tlie ban': c x l--g on him.
The G i-i n ! .fury of Multnomah county
h:sj:t r,- -oi-t that they consider the
manor of a ileform School of such importune-,
that, ir c ;nr:.it too sneedilv be in-
The lite city elect;. n in Jncksonvil'e
was a spiri' Joss con'e.;', exceot. for the o!-!ie-
of .! Mvhatl. For that 'the fight va
.'.-arm. arid tiie sucees-I'ul candidate won
by a m .joriij- ot cue vote 0:0;,'.
Mr. W. L. Adam?., a well 'mown pioneer
!' 1 ti e'l'i.'-r editor iu Ore" il).
is t rioting a b-:o!c on Oreg-m and Iter re
s.'-.ai-ees. v. e i: Ave r.o o ;'.)'. bat wuat it
will contiin much useful inf jimatio-a.
lefer ta'.f all who heir i!:e lectures of
Gen II. L. A -po- ;ufe :; r.n:-:ioi,s to leave
for O-a gon before the Geiteial gets 1 a'f
ihroti'.h. Here's what we call an efT. cl
ive ieet'irer
A. '. Arnold. Pap. Clerk of Albany
School Di.-'rict, lurui-in-s the fol'ewing
sta is ics: X'.unber of persons in the D,s'
triet b -tc.-een ih. a.r of four and Iweuty
-17; females. This
is a decrease ui
since last year.
Prom the S"r''.''.i(
Several fimllies
who d'-sigiied emigrating to the Wallowa
vii'ey. have ab induced their intentions
they do not pror. 1: iving their sc. tljis
taken by either the Indiuis.u Peace C, 0.1-mis-i
mei-s. A number already ihere will
g.-t out as .-..on as spring open?."
The ZI: ;'c to; informs 11s that 0:1 le, '.ru
ing the terras oil'ere.l !y the Commi-.-ioii
ers to the X'n'.o- murderers. Governor
G rover renew.. 1 his pro'esi bv telegr.trdi
to th; C m;ni--io:ier f Indian Afftirs at
v. a.-i;,i:; ion t:g:i::-t the cousiimuiattoa of
any trea'y c;-.-;-ni."g tLe murderer.;."'
The f .llov. ing are the of.lcers of the
Hum -burg i 'er.aer.; Co:!): Pree.d-'f.t. V.'ni.
?.P t '; h e. h iee I 'r.-.-Ider.t, Wiuonghoy
C.-.'.rehil:; :;ee! a-: ;ry, .- ilm II. Stai'h:
T.-eiiS .l-.'f. David Kuy. I'ewv II vile. Vru
! . u 1 . o c a
loan TI. Smii
a w.
e!i ct-
e 1 ie .. ga'es to a'teu l : '-e i arniers (Jmi
ventio.i at Al!ni:y Situiday. M trch Ctli.
. The 7....-.s'.n :a s-iys :!; it th e La:.d Cm
1 lis-; . iers hive ja-t hid a c.m.mudioii-;
oiTl te ii --l up. The; '.-h.:; t'e (h!;a:fi'er has
bee- lelltt-.l lerth.it o:rp..:;'. IleretO
i.ue -11 the La mi Ohl-e lii-misa h is been
ir .n-.ei. d in the Secretary's oHice which
is ; Itog the.- to osmdi f.rth- in 1 Itif.uious
busi-ie-s t'mt has grown up the last few
ve . i s.
Ti e A'bany Ih;.'jcrit says: Several of
o ir exchange- are making tip- itement
t 1 it --'.he .- udeuts of Ai'a my College had
a tight wiih a pnd'ewor and got into the
Coiir-." It isn't true. They didn't have
any trouble with a profes-or. There was
just a IP tie Lea i punching and rudder
ki 'king among the young Modocs. A!
quiet now.
An o!J man named Crowley was found
dead in a thicket id fir bre.-h. a few miles
sou h of Sc'm las! I'tilty evening. He
h :t iionie o-.ily i:t the morning to go to a
m-ighbm 's a short distance oil". As he did
not arrive at his destination in due season
search v.-a.i instituted wi a tlie above re
sult. S:i;e think Le died cf poison.
o'h.rs th .t the .-hold of walking killed
him. He was living with his son at the
time, and Lad considerable property.
There is not-ta paper in tlie State
wliie-li lias emlor?i''l the disgraceful
surretivler to Captain Jack bv the
" 5ommi"ion" Give thc
TtA'Ttrtroc ttv
ScRinxKit's roil Makc-u- The illustrated
article in Scribner's fcr March iucle.de an
interestinjr description of "Lil iu the New
Diamond Diggings'' cfSoatli Africa: "i'ro
'e.sor Morse and the Telegraph,'- with the
only correct account cf the sending of
the first telegram, cf wLich a fac-siuiilo
is given, as well as the f:c Kinile cf the
Mrst daguerreotype of the human face
ever made in America; "Xapolean II,
King of Home and Duke of Ueichstadt,-'
with several portraits of the sou of the
first Napoleon and curious particulars ut
his life; and '-Folk-Life in German Ily
nays'' wnu a iiumuci ui luierosiing pic
tares. In the present installment of Dr.
lloli.ia.t s .ruiur iounicasue. there is
a d.'.-eription of '-revival' in a New
England village, and "An tit I'iick,'' m;;l:es
her first ap;ea!-.mce. There re two good
short stories. -The woman Who Saved me,"
by Fannie F. Hudson, ami --A Ghc who
.Made Himself Fseful." also u remarkable
essay by Augustus Flan volt enti'led
Christ' -"Mirad -S S jtent.h.-a!!y Consi.ter
ed."' An anonymous paper on the late
George P. Putnam presents an admirable
analysis of the character of the 1 te cele
brated pubii. her. -Mr. Stedmau giver-, us
some beautiful "Stanzas lor Mibio." from
an unfinished drami; si : 1 lrom George
M cD'inald we have r.n th. r PX'piishe
traeslaii on from N'ovalis. Dr. Iloi! md.
the editor, di --cus-os in du" Topics of the
T,me" The lleadcig of i'erio lie lis. Pro-fe.-sional
and Literary Incomes, and The
Complicity of Jus: ice Widi Cid.r.e. The
Old Cabinet con'aiiis n no ice oi the re
cent Census, and some verses entitled
'The Fuel to His Po.-i;i.'r 111 llama ur.d
Society, Honsehol 1 Art. Co-operative
llotisekeepiag. I idles at Sei. llyp;u- gen
tility, and the (James tt Child iea and the
Gambling of .Men. are treated. Til- De
partments of -Culture and Progress" and
Xa nt e and S :i nee." are if usual both
insti'uciive aul eaiert .lining, while in
-F chin j:s"" the ard.-t has illustrated a
tra-ic Winter's T.dj
Sax- II din's many fiiends will be glad
to learn th it a new story by that wide r
will be commene.i in Scr. bum's for April.
IIoiiAct: G::t;;:i.KY ox t:i:: CmtmrMomi.
r;:u. The wrong- d me the people by the
Credit Mcbi!:,-r spoilers was tersely sta -ed
iu the speech of Horace Greeley at In--Jiaiiapolis.
dutiitg the late Pre.ddeati.;l
canvass. He sa'd:
These Gentlemen contracted with them
selves twice the fair cost ot entirely build
i.ig and equipping the load: and. build
ing th.! road wiih the proceed-, of the
money lent by the Govern.:; it. they pro
ceeded to divide a along them.-eivc tae
od:er bonds, fpaal to the amount for
which Congress had m tde on the entire
road, ily thee means 2i).0'J.).0;)J or :juJ
(iUJ,0v!t) were divided among th.e p.arties
and all that money so divided we are ca!i
ed upon to t-ey. So that to da' the peo
pie of t!;is country are paying some mil
lions per annum out of their haul earnings
for inter..--t or. thcie bends lent to the I'a
eilic i":.v! p. tying t his money a interest
to meet the vast sums divided by the.-.e
g-mieinen among them selves, as the divi
dends of the Credit Mobilicr of Aiueric:'..
Is Good Pi:rcTi:. Clackamas credit is
good iii this county, if we may judge by
the written opinion cf our County Com
missioners. Maivm county holds a!1 or.
der iio.u Clackamas county for contribu
tion to the expenses of bridge building on
Ihitte Creek and Ih-d iiag river. Some
p irties have been cn'eri;:g to buy the or
der at IP.) ecu s on the il oii.tr: but the Com
missioners didn't see it in ihat light, and
now the order bears tha indorsement,
".tout want to sei'." I'lattei infr to Clack
amas: and :'e;::blo in Mari :;.
Is Si:i:n;n.- e c'dp the foliowing from
the Victoria .'7o 1 i-.' of a late date: II.
M.S. Petrel left Iwiuimalt barber at 8
o'clock, yesterday mornieg. in r-.mrch of
the ill fa ed bteatner George S. Wright, as
alio to leader aid to c::y sLr.ivorc whom
she may be fjit:;naie et-augh to di.-tcover.
The U. 6. reveau-j ca'ter Lincola follow
ed in her wake, ut d-yiigiit. afler having
iiad her boiler. luachiueiy g-ihtly
leoai. ed lor the !. io.:?
Lx .::: ;!:::; i:dk iix:;;s. We nko enter
prise, and we kno w of no other class of
budiiess men displaying mare of it than
the newspaper publishers of America. The
Publishers of Our Fire.::..:.: F.-li.ul. Chicago,
announce this week in cur columns, their
second Annual IM-.'.ribution cf premiums
to s ios U shers. This excellent Siory and
Family Y.'eckly i.3 e-j-.v in its third volume.
I.s succc-o Las Lt-n preat. It is f. rally es
tablished a.3 o::e ol the leading weeklies
cfthe L'uio.n. v. ita the hit ' cst cl-.-cilation
:y paper
Weed. Its success
may it: no slight degree be attributed to
its tieihod of diiittibutir.-j juemi-ints which
Is permanent wiih this paper, being held
a ir.iially. It,- !! :; io;:' ;o :i 'l -! year gave
general sa'i. fiction. Their lis! ol premi
ums is line and secure.-, m every subscrib
er ior Id" U a j-reiidum 1 id:ei ia Ciie'a or
sum-; one of the w.'.uable .-.riicb'S i:;e-i-tioued
iu the 11. a. We ch .'.'i iV.'.ly recom
mend th- pajer. Tkek p ! -.;. of dtstiilmt
ing premiums i? a notable part cf their
wed conducted cuterpr: and our readers
need Lave r.o donu s us to their being fair
ly dealt with. Tim paper is a tmancial
success. Its iaimenrj circulation enable
its pubii hers io ..'1'.T this valuable list of
lrci::Ium '. ami ta icily carry oat their plan
of d:-:rihati::g i! em.
Spec'me;: cepii s of the pa; er and pre
mium list p;vh
had b y a lore.-. -
mr' i u 1 ;-..-s may be
the ihibli.-liei-s CLicairo.
A Disease with a Thjt:-u:id Symptom-.-.
lu-spep-';. is il: . ni ut perplrxia ; of all human
aibneut.-'. It; symptom are almost- iat'nite in
their vari'.ty, aul th - ! ;l-.;-:i uv.d tee ir ".eio:il
e;o io'ie.-.j i:f the diaso a f.ie.-.y th.aas -Ives
thc pr.-y, in titin, of cv.-ry hr.-ova mah; ly. adds.
1- dtf, iu p...!,!3 !Iu v spsapathy v.l.-.ii c-vi-t.s
lieliveeu the ;tom iv-li a:-. I t)ie i.al.:, a:..! i-i p e.rt
ul'O to the mat that any ,'.h'i:;-l:.:i:.f.. ..f the dlj.--t
ive faru-'.i'vi nee .--s il;- rds- : lers tli,.- 1'vvr, ;.e
bawels aul thj i:c;va -.- s.-'- aaa, 11:1 1 u.eet -, i-i
some ext.-n-, the ea. :.':- of t':e 1 leu 1. A meai-c-iae
fiat, h':e II...,t. t.v-'s I-'itters, mt 01. ly f...:u-s
tlie st'.maeb., b.it ;.t the same ti:ae ;-.)nt:o;.v tbe
llv. " . i-olnees e r .- :l ..- ! e' h f I e iy, bi.a:,:-:
tbe jK-ive--, j..;i :;.-. ilia Hails :..:d a-.- to
v. mm 1 r.i:;e. i.-:c !," i - thoivior.j ti.e (rue u.i.l only
speckle l-'i- chtvs.ie i;:ai;,--.-.-f k-a. tj-a-h ia the on
tr.oiaa cf this famous ve-:. table. thraiive. It
not omy enres dy--- T-:a, hu. a! ;.ll i .;:ec:ai
ti.ats and eon-e'iucrnecs. rdoreover, it i.; iav.tl".-
a'j.e as a rr.vcmi.e . 1 : - ..oi. .jae
v.dio choes.,s ta tahe hall a wine hi- ld cf il-i.s
n,-rc-.-ab!o apreth:.T and st .maehte ...bitu-dly
tliree times a day v. ill ear he timmhed villi ox-
l ivs,:o;i r.fU-r eatar...', la:
l !'l;e' a: lorjs,
or any other iadicatieiis t. a wan. m ih--,r m tae
dij-e-tive and a ; dmilath:- cleans. The debility
anl lan-uor s ureriudcee.! by hot weather are
immediately and i-ennam-atly :ehi .-t.i by the
Ititters, mil ravens v.ko are u:.: rltati aialty ia
i lined to loch up.aillfe "a- ihyyr.: !i a -de s --, dark
ly," will be upt t-j tabs a V.-hrh r s: :vl mm : b-.j-t-ful
vic-w or the situation uivhr the- gcuial inga-c-uce
of LUi wh-;leso:ue uieihinal statein-.-nt.
Tiik Profhssio.n" and th.e public acknowl
edge the wonderful cures .vhicii l.ave teen
ct'i-cted bv the u-e of V.'iST.v.a's Balsai. er
V.'iLD CiihKKV. It is the best remedy ex
ta t for ad laa-.t troubles, from the slightest
c dd to the settled Iisea.-e.
Oregon Lixlfje N'o. 3, I. O. of O. F.-
.. Jleets every Thursday even
,.."-cki.'i ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's
ijjiE Main s eet.
Members of the Order arc invited to attend i
ltv order
X. G.
ntr oat tpoowt a
Thdt Favorite Home Rt'inrdv,
PA S n-K 8 L L E R,
Km hom Uforo the publia over TUItiTY
Yl'Ar.S, and probably lias a. wiJVr au.l bettor
reputation thau any other r-roprktary raedioiue
of the jiresiit Jay. At this pciioI there civ fow
im;uiiiiiiiitOtl with tlie merits of the PAIX-itlLi-
1 LEU; but, while sojaC extol it aa a liuiiucnt
they know but little of its power iu easing- pain
when taken internally; while ethers use it iutcr
nully with jreat euocess, but are equally igno
r:int cf its healing virt.-3 when apiilied external
ly. V.'e thejefure wish to say to all, that is
equally sueeesful, whether lucl internally or ex-
temally. It is sultieient evidence as a stan hixil
medieiae ta knew that it is now used in all pans
of the v. -oil I, and th at its sale is constantly in-eiea-i-.-.g-.
c, n ative a-f:it has hud suc-li a wiJe
siix-;ul t-ttlo cr fjivca sucU universul satisfnetioa.
KAVIS' I'AIX-ICILLKP. is a purely ve.-tubl
eiimi-.ouuu, prepared from the best and pares
materia!., ami witli a cere that insures the most
perfect uiiif'.-n-iity in tbe inedkiae; and v.hilo it
i-i the moit eta -etive remedy for paiu, it h. a rn-r-l'.'Ctly
safe medicine, evea in the most unshillul
It is craimr.tly a FA?11ILY .IKDICIXE; and
by beb'i- kc-it ready for immediate resort, will
.save many an hour of stufeiautr, aud litany a dol
lar in time toi l do-j'e. i'.s talis.
After ever thirty years trial, it is still receiving
the m j;t im'pmlitied te-tim iuials to its virtues,
hira persons of the kh-kost character aud rc
spon dt.dlty. laain.rt t.hy-.ltiar.s ewmmciid it
11s a meat e'Teet uai i.rc-parat ion l'o'j th? ertinctica
of pain. It is not ouly tkc b'j: t remedy ever
Uiiowu for Itia.is- -., Cats, Hums, '...t.ut for Dys
eutai y,m- Ckolcra, or any sort of bavel coinx'k.int
it is a remc !y im-uipas-ed Ihr clileieacy, and
j-.i lity of action. Iu tl;-' !-;reat i-ities of ludia,
aul other licit climate?, it has become the stand
ard me Heine for all sueh complaints as well as
lor Dy.--pep.-ia, I.iver Comphiiuts, and nil other
kindred disorders. 1'or Coujrbs and Colds, Cank-
,r, A,:lana, and Khom.atie diiticulties, at has
ii-.en provea nv trie most, aouiiuaiib una c-anvme-
la; 10 ie aa ia iLiii.Le.u
A'v'e would caution the ptiblie against all imita
tians of our preparation, either in riam , or style
of putting up.
:.Iaivh 7.-;ul
The following persons are authorized to
act as agents for the Exti:rprise :
Ceo. P. Powell & Cc, do l'ark Rjw, Xe-v
Y01 lc.
foe. Wethcrill & Co., 007 Chestnut street,
Abbott Cu., Xo. S2 ec SI Xassaa street,
New York.
Portland, Oregon L Samuel
San Francisco, Thomas Uoyce
Sail Pi-anciseo, L. P. t'iher
St. H elens, Columbia county, ... .S. A. Miles
Astoria, Ch-.fsop county A. Van Dtuen.
Laf.r.etto. Yamhill county.. J. L. Furtrcson.
Dallas, l oll; county Dave Holmes.
Co. vuhia " J. S. Palmer.
Canvoa Citv V.r. L;. I.aswell.
Dalles, Yr.seo ocntv X. il.Catcs.
LaCrai.de, P. den cotmty A. C.Craig.
l'endlf-ton, rmatilhi comity... S. V. Knox
IIi'iul-uc City J.M. Thompson
1. C K A M A S C O L" t ' T V .
Heaver Creek CP. Pernio.
liable Creek Prank W. Feeder.
Ca-ead-'-s Henry McCu gin.
Lower Mchd'.a Xi. Mcreland.
Canhv J.W. Sirawser,
Upper Moklla Yv P. Ymtghau
lliti-.iir.g'j 'A. C. Norton.
Cutting'' P. Wrmht.
lici-teiii Hi'jjree Lru'.jc So. 'i, O. O. F.
2 C, wi-tt ua the tdeccr.u and Fourth
TL'F. 'DA Y r ','J-: XI XGS.
i.i' e.icii month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows
Hall. Membiu-3 of the Degree are invited to
F r the very best ptiotographs. go t Brad
ley Si Ititlcfsoi.'s Cailery without L'TAIIb-
IMontgomcrv Street, hhm Pranci co.
l-V.-to4 X:.CA3:P.til3.T a. O. -i, I . O.
P. Meets at Cdd Fellows' Hall cu the
of each month. Patriarchs in good stand
bier are invited to attend.
Feb. S. l-7::tf
The Atlantic ('aide is a Xational benefit
so are SILVER TIPPED Shoes for children.
Never wear through at the toe. Tiy them.
For sale by all dealers.
r-Iiil'iioiuali r.o.i;:t; Mo. 1, A. F". am!
p. A. ?!.- -Hohlc its regular coiamunica
xAytionr. on tho V.'-i awl Third eV.'u'
yr'Ii'l in cadi meat':, at 7 o'clock lrom
the L'otli of Sent: inker tu the -oth cf
March, and
i.'arch totl.e
o'clock friitn ti.e li'
.h ct tleptembcr. I
: . a; in g-t-d .-tanuiag are i:i ited to attend.
Pec. i-hl '-'o, i'y order of Y. d.
- -
f vo Li.:.icSi-
GEOliGE FUCHS will give a Ires lunch at
his place, corner cf Uliah street, north cf
the Hail rmid Depot 0:1 Saturday evening.
Ever;, body is invited ta be prevent.
A C? IZs f. r?) Tr FT rt
ii A B u m U u m tJ m w 1
31 tit rn T
1j A A'.' .
OFriCF.-TCo. 11, Dehum's building-, Portland
2d uch 7, ls;.j.ti
XoMic of fiinl Sittlfiipiit.
In the matter of the i state of J. S. alcAmmoa,
.1. . ;.. .
t j. i.ii' ";y!", AP.rii7isTr.ATon of
:-" ti e above ll--: ate, b .vi;:;. tiled Ids tmal ae
coe.r,' v. it!: rr :yer for ihi.-l settleincnt. io . as or
dered by ;t, f-. it:f to .t r'en.b.; , t'.e ;th day of
Aji.-il, b'.r.t, 1 e ret i'p.u-t tV.r the be.-.:-ii:rf object fona
to saia n port, at wl.i- h time idi per oas inten-t-ed
me beivi v uetiiielta uppcnr and make their
oeje.a ;o-e, u u:y 1 av. J7 (rue: o
Atte-t : I.. V.'AVf, Cout.tr Jud-ro
Jl. F. t'.VlTi -LI, t hah. ma7wi
riolie: cf Ftp -1 mhiJcjiinit.
In the matter of the Estate of Ciia.lra Catfir?
de--.:.. d : ia t be ( 'can f v Court Iter Claiba
I . -. : I '.; i t I 1 - .1.
r-VI C Ai:. i .'- is . I.'A'1'Oll i:-'SATI- EfsTATK
-t- i.e , :- e .1.-1 '.ie ;..voimc t';r land s, .-'l.u.ierit
of. i; i ia'..i'-u ( y tt: Vmt tint lion-Jay,
tbe 7 1 i. d.-y April, I .,73, ;it 1 o" hx-k p. iu. of
..;! .lev, b ; ". : :e:rt i.jr final k tt emiait
v itlu ''-..he., Jr., tiie aon iiii-irator
t!.. ' of. !.:' rot " J.K. WAIT,
ii. 1 '. ( ' '."i 1 i .11 i -.t 'terk. Co. J udgc.
1J I'la.aT e. M "AUbfllV,
A'-l'v- for Aumiai.-!ratir. maTwl
i. ccunt.,' oho have not paid tia ir taxes
for year b 72, th- iiine bar- arii.ed when
the t ixe.-. must be j aid. Those in arrears of
i ax, s it thev i. Ish t save coots mu.-t come
forward and pav ut j.rom:it!v.
Feb. -.lib, 1-73.
A. F. IIEDftES, SherifT of
Clackamas e. unite, Oresron.
liv C. F. UEATIE. Deputy.
City Proporty Fo
v P " Irt
W 1 . w
J Dweiiing, s ith seven rooms ; Good Or
chard ; and an unequalled well of water; all
in good repair, and situated in the most sitrht
ly a'l hea'.tliy portions of the cicj-; Title
perfect; which I otter for sale cheap, being
desirous of leaving tlie city.
For particulars enquire of
at Thos. Charman's store.
I Oregon City. Oct. '2'Ah 1872
ononcE A. PEASE,
THE Xi: rS7
1 rirSlt al.a most healthful Tonic
....... 5.,. , , . WT . ,
introduced in the United states.
fl These Ritteis have
H u .1... -L-
i yvuu ill uii'L-aii 1 liiu-
j cisco Maiket for over
1 1 n-i-nly Years, and
ti notwithstanding the
many new candidates
J for public favor, the
l sales have constantly
(; KEI'! Sole Agents,
tv4o'. and 411 Clay St..
ij San Francisco, iiij-lv
Grocer & Provision Dealer,
X'cxt door south of the Court House,
.Tain Street, Oregon Cily, Oregon,
1 LOFR AND M MA L of alt kinds,
Also, all kinds of
Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables.
All kinds of country Produce taken in ex
change for goods at the highest mai ket rates.
"'Coods delivered iu the city free of
c! nrge. A fair share of patronage solicited.
March 23, ls72:tf
The Puloisntnin Balm
ed a remedy, composed of the Extract
from Mountain Halm, which grows in Jack:
son county, and ether Vegetable Ingredients,
which has enabled him to furnish the alllict
e 1 with a purely Vegetable a perfectly
harmless, and yet the
The jlost Powerful Lung Remedy
ever discovered. It is yjood for
Covfjhs, Colds, Croup and Ercncliitis
And is r.n
T-lood Z?iirif;2r, Iuvirroratcr and Ap
potizc , -
And is noted lor ml Xetvous and Bilious
ails. Jlany letters might be adduced to show
what the medicine has done fif necessary)
but try a bottle, and it will recommend
itself wherever it is introduced.
For rale at the Oregon City Drug store,
and rdl dcaleis in medicine. S:is.itU Si
I7a-i-is, Agents, Portland, Ore-ron. Piapar
ed by W. II. PARKER,
deeCniS Independence, Oregon.
JL living iu Eap.le Creek reciuct, Clacka
mas county, cii3 la'-ge r.-d covr, some white
on the back end Ivi'.y, white ia fiicc from
eyes up ; a Jim brand en the left hip ; both
horns liave been bo.cd on the back' part of
tlie under-side of them ; no eer marks ; said
cow is about six years eld ; said cow came to
mv premises about the middle of November
Eagle Creek, Clackamas Co, Oregon, Jan.
Apprised on the 3oth day of Jan. 1s73, at
.f.'o, dv l-'KAMv V.. 1 OSTEIt,
feb7w3 J. P. for Eagle Creek Precinct.
i J- :..'--
, ta ,
i ri
The standard remedy for Coughs, I n flt-
rtizii, S-irc Thront, ll'hc.ij'inz. Coush Crfvp,
J.lvtr Van pi ' ; in I, jrr'tt!iitix,TUr:linz f tht
f-nngi:, and every affection cf the Throat,
Lunes and Chest, including f'o.vsrciPViox.
Av. b.iliara of V. iid Ciit-rry
does not dry ;-.p a t'ough, but loosens it,
cleanses the lurgs, nr.d allays irritation, thus
rar.ovlii;; (ht c-tu-.e of the complaint. None
genuine unless signed I. Fens. Prepared
by Sr.Tti V. Fou im S.i.vs, F.o-ton. Sold by
RrmiNUTo:.-, IIost;:tti:k ,k Co., San Francisco,
aud bv dealers cenera!!v.
A. bis property in Oregon City will sell
at a bargain, to a good pureha-er.
A'.sa d town lets iu Canemah, v,-ith good
fer.ee arcaud.
Also 'j. to n lots in lower end of Oregon
City; also Dto of land known as th.e d.n--tion
land claim of Win. Stone, 8 miles
southeast of Oretrou City, with seme im
provements, thinly limbered, no under
growth, good lasting water "
cjf"ii.ouire at County Clerks office.
J. ll. FI'.AZER.
Oregon City, May 1th, 1t72. v8h23
Will i"pond promptly to calls during either
dav or ri-'bt.
OFFICII At Ward's Drucr Store.
fan be found at tlie ClhT House at nisht.
Fch. it, 1S73. lu-lp
Sevlsa jSIacSaine.
The Most Simple, Practical wil
Sales Exceed all Others oa the forth
ratific Coast.
J with less noise than any ether Machine.
The only practical lo.v priced Machine that
gives entire satisfaction.
E1LY S45-
What other Agents lon?t tell von about
E : - -
They toiV idl you That theyare the simp
lest, having less number of pieces, and more
readily understood than any other.
That they arc the lightest running ; more
easily learned and operated. f
That more HOME SHUTTLES are sent
out from the General Agency at Portland,
man an me otners combined.
Ttuy don'l irU umi. They sew equally as
on heavy and light goods.
liny don t till you, lhat theft use the pat
ents of the high priced machines.
Ihty tion tied yov, 1 hat it has the straight
needle and self-adjusting tension-?-
cc? hat people who hare trsed them
and compared them to other Machines will
tell vou :
That they arc more easily learned and op
erated ; Simple.-t and best for all kinds ot
work, and will use Linen aud all other kinds
of threads and silks.
A f.-w of the names are iriven below who
Gen. Pell, Portland;
C S. Silvers, Portland;
Wm. Masters, Portland;
C. W. Prindle, Bookkeeper for Lcvcridge,
Wadham & Co.
Miss L. Vaughn, Portland.
Mrs. J. Ii. Upton, East Portland;
Mrs. S. A. Moreland, Portland; i
Mrs. J.S. Church, Oregon City.
Machines forwarded to any address, with
full directions for using, on receipt of price.
XO. 1, S0 ; NO. 2,4.5.
Gray's Music Store, Odd 'fellows'
Fein pie, General Agent, First street.O
dcclcmiG Portland.
friends, iatrous, aud the public ia general,
that he lias
With a Complete Stock of
School Uraoks,
Blank Books,
Which he will dispose of
Pubsr-iiiitions Received for nil the Popular
Ncwspapci-s and Maira7ines, wldcli will l de
livered to any part of the State. Tftsblni.
Li very Stock and liusineM i
of Messrs. Wilms Paoi-;uTo3f, .
nnd be Drays, Horses aud lsusinessot C. N
Greasm.ix, are now prepared to carry on 0
We wiy also deliver slab wood to all thos.
persons t-J whom Willis & Ltrousrhton havtr
engaged and as many more as will engage
j-kib wood 1'vom us, so far as we cn get a
supply. w
Orders left at the Lirerv Stable for Wood,
Drayinir or Hauling, will Le attended to with
dispatch. Patronage in oursereral branches
of business solicited. OurChargfhall
be IlacSernte. g
jflT-Tha Highest Cas.h-Price paid for Oats
delivered tt the Stable.0
C. X. GIJEENMAN, President,
J. Ll. PR A Z E !t, Secretary.
Of O. C. II. & D. Co.
Cregon City. Anr. 23, 1&72. tf.
dealer IN-
PRODUCE cf all kinds bought, for which I
pay tbe highest market price.
If rou desire good Goods, at LOW Prices.
call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his frech
stock of Spring Goods.
Arriin. is7i-.tr;