Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, February 21, 1873, Image 3

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Z)t luctkln Enterprise.
I-RIdTy. : : FLT'RUAUV 21. 1873.
gy.t.ii.jji J n 1J i'J ... .milium i
Tick Wodi.kx Facto !.y. The Orcjoniin
of yesterday lias the following Item in re
gard lo "Jus factory: "The n-bu IKlIn of
this instuutiou so important ta tbe man
ufeuiring interests of the State, and to
tLe prosperity of Oregon City. has at
length commenced. Mr. Caldwell, who
lias otr:i?:tcd vith "e-srs. Thirkelsen and
0. 1erkirk to pot form the stone mi.-onry
vii k (r,has commenced excavating !r ihe
foundation tif th- extra stone wall ntc8
itry to he erected in aceord mee wi'-h ah
plans for the. new btiiidli'.g and ha- also
in ; at v.nik q lairvit.g out the onc to
1. e used. In CDiiM-ii'icilCi! oi' She n-n !c
livery of lumber, which was expected Id
arrive from Portland last week. T. and O,
the contraciots. have not been iiblo to ret
the C.li peiit. fa, at work this Week as I hey
r,- .!. 'on. nfQlii Oregon
;iiv Saw Mill, has contracted to supply !
ult 'the himh. r f..r the !l " -i:;g,whicti is j
t.. l... it....... i. ,mk. in th-i km ?-, ami ar- I r
A PioxKini Mr. J. E. Ilurford. a for
mer old and respected citizen of this
place, was in town yesterday.
Si-rii'i.u.. A fpccia.1 mee-ir.g of the
City Council wili bo Leid to-morrow
San I-'rancisco Market Ilcport.
There are "0 children in this city eu
tilled to draw school ni'-ney.
General Items.
Tbe epizootic lias stopped the mails in
The ex Queen of Spain is very i!!, con-fia-"d
to her Led.
Laura I). Fair is coming to Oregon, to
lecture on "WuIvm."
Sax Fkaxcisco, February 19.
Flour 31 25(2,1 75 superfine; $5 75
C ex'ra.
Wheat 2.00) sk choice. SI 90; 1.200
sks fnir coast. $1 77s; 2 ,00 J sks inferior.
$1 72i; further sales of 4,000 sis good
miilitig. Oakland. $1 87J, and 200" sks.
here at SI i5.
Dai ley Coast feed. $1 171 25: bav
Mee l. 1 2.'(al o0; brewing. 1 o0l Uj.
Uals LXii cme market rzztz. ' 2a.
Potatoes Humboldt, y-JctVfl 10.
Cap .i ill
Jack of Mod-.C fame liai
1 00
r.ingeiiie. :s
to have it all j
I' ( Wtl . !
SO t!:t-
i a .
; being ma
l.loli 'II, tl !V Season. -i;
;v bavin"- ll riLML.T V slack'-;! in a
?ile building bo be.it.-d by stoai: pi:--',
ii being essentially iiecesiry I"1"
l.roper working ot mtchiii.ry ns.'d i:i !l
l.nrl'.rv Ih 'I 'he I! or sh .nid he pert.'Ct'y
l.-Vel i'md !.' li i!'.e to warp. Th' M''--i"-J
ic.bs are almost c ii:tan:iy on the wo ks.
taking great interest in e vei y thing eon-nec-?ed
Un'i.-i h. unxi'.us. no d-otb;. ih H
li that the mill will n:rn
ttiell- lireche'l-
)reg'l ch.'h again
July .-'tall he literally
the ci'.e
1. -
Cor.::;. li in. In onr la.-l issne we stat
ed that most of the lumber to be used in
'rebuilding the iac'ory w is to ccme IV.e.n
rorll ui 1. This we leal n tin error. The
i miii a.Mor I'..r a ior i..n f the work o '
O his lumber in i'..r
iii.l. hi t
O,..,. 1,,. ., ,.. i, ! fie.- l-.ii ;ii.-hi;iLr over
Mr. F.rou-ii
1 a o thil ds ot Il.e lumber t be liss-ii. 1 I:-'
re.t.:i the yn'r I'-'nr ge's h:s at i 'or: 1 .uid.
mi ve .ae tn'' lined. : l'Ul in that i-ity had
to lake a h.l o! iumh.-r on a bid d-bl.
i,n I to g t : i I. . d ii . they sold it at redueed
I -;,e. Mr. !;. uj-liioi'i tells us that he i
leady to enii r in o f :ir c i:n ii.-ti' ion wi h
any . iie and i- Mti-lie 1 that he ciu far-ni-h
1 1 1 nib -r a c!ie;iji as can be h id in
1t:e.-":a;e. 1 1' on Heed ; n thing ir. llial
line, give him "l call and he wid v .nvince
joa ol the ia1;'. Hi- J o. vertiM mi n
.ea:s in ii'io1-.. !- i-o.uivn. and we a
i !. d lhas Ikt;iii do all he r-ays.
i.n U'-i'iJ.ill m lae ni'..-i oau.v.
The Democracy of Connecticut are or
! ginizing for the coming election.
I Atter all obiig Uions are paid. Horace
Greeley's uanghterti wili each have S10J.-
M. X.vilt. formerly a m l- rancisco
I- t .! ..'.. ... O ! 1.. rl.,r.
i JOtiriialisr, ilo-n naae.ii ;i. i u.nu0u.
.mi t!;,- 1 !;h wist.
Il.ivid Crockett. Jr.. wis sh t and killed
by C. lien-on at Lo- in City Fiidy even
ing without provocation.
The approxmritu value of the wool,
wheat and gold produced in California
la.-1 year was t?l)2 50 ).(. .
The divorces granted in San Francisco
last year wa- in the proportion often per
of ; cetii. to the number of fami.ies in tne city.
The President contemplates making a
j visit thronir'i 'tie .-mmii iie;n ria.es. lie
proposes to start about the 20di of next
j month.
I The stear.vr Japan, which arrived lale
j ly in San Franci-co. liad tin? sin di pox
I among her i -a-enger.-. Another blessing
o! (Chinese immigration.
Portland Market Iteport.
V"ki)nks:)ay. Evkxixo. Feb. 17. 1S73.
Gold in New Yok to day. 111.
l'.irtla'id Leg il Tender rales. i?7c buy
ing: S4ef'i. l"! Seliing.
"WilKAT" The market remains unchang
ed, and prices nominal at $ 1 (Jo per cental.
1- LuUfd A very considerable quantity
is being shipped to San Fr im.-i.-eo. and is
at present offering thete at $ 5(.5 25
OATS We quote clean, at 55 and GOc
- bn-!)el.
' FKKD Middling are in good supply
and job readily at ) c ton. Itrau con
tinues firm, wit I an active demand at
SI Of.? IS H ton.
IeiCS- l'he market is we'd stocked and
jobl.eis are selling at
mi's r.iii.
The Pe.;n- 1 v itii i Te-gl.-l iture will be
a -died to piv Sl.(''M.0t)-' toward- tin Cost
id die (.tetio-ii.ii.il Co.n-nis-ion in lsrc, -.uid
Philadelphia another .?."') J.00 ).
An eni'gt'a'i.iti agent fror.i iv m-as ha
j been M ol.iid'ed from lecturing in It if-irt.
Fratu.e. Wr.tider w!i it sncces I.fliAj)
tib gate will have in thai section.
The' City Con ici! id Philadelphia has
passed a a i r i :i n c in tkiag an appro-to-ialio'i
of 5 )' 0 0 ii i:-i !' I lie e-m'en-nial
celebration. A bill I' t 1 .'.'0 ) 0 ) ) is
no .v before the Pen:i.-j lv mia Leg si i'ure.
t'ne-.'s rem tin lirtn at lig-
ing lro::i o to 4.) cents per
bushel, according to the tpi.-iulity.
POULTilV Chickens are in good do
inaiid at So 75(o 1 per do..
UUTTEii 1-air country brands find
slow sale at 25f'Jc per pound, while
I'mcv dairy as, usual remains firm at -H)
(,. Pic.
P.ACO Continues firm at onr former
figures: Sides. ll(W,12c per lb; Hums. 12
! I.:; Shoulders, t0O aud joles at 0 CIS.
per lb
Oi-eo:i City .Mirket Report.
The following are the prices paid for
lro iace, and the prices at which other ar
cicles are sidling, ia ihis market :
W1IKAT Wnite.-j-! buhel. OiJ0$l 00.
OATS r bushel. 4(ifW. I.) fts.
l' )TATjIS 11 bu-he!.:5.)(o:. 37 J els.
ONIONS ' bushel. SI 50.
FLoFSi-"j- bbl. Slo i i 50.
l!i:.VNS While. V) ... i(,r.ll cts.
FRUIT Apples.".-' H)..C(5,7 els.
IVaclieS. r 1!)., 1 2(.-; 1 lie
20 cts.: Currants. lt
III, t I Ldi c ?.. ocs.
KiJfiS j- dozen. 2nf 25 c;s.
ciiic;;lxs : au-.Vn. s:; 50.
S L C A .
Plums, "jd lb.,
1 ;)'; 15 cts.
. T.ie po-itb-nl d'.s ibi i :' or K it.ei t ?,.
P:--;-.i- l:;:.o;:r ri'. -'The r-ua:ns j T . .,.,,.. ,;iVe been temoved by Co:i-
I'j di n) 'u l o.'g. F.-q . f..th r of C in'. I gr.-.-s. wsiliaut a dis-n'big v:.. Mr.
i:..n...-r !.. .It...! at r.o-iliKil - i 1 inter, it win i;e rem.-mo u. v. .1- .-ec-
.1 o-l'pll
l.it Frtdav. a-Othf a-lv uo-e.l ;ig- of
w ei e In hi 1 1: ii on
O iy :e
d' Imi-V1 irio lie
- on ih.O.iM. Ti,
',! t:i-.- ledge
: In- S. n i .ir U.-t Sun-
M.i-onto burial
were escorted
t. 1 to- pi
be-id,s a J.
' i.-:Cb. 0
TQ'g W a-., the
ll'll il'g Ti! 111!
IM7 'the '.
No. l.Qlie w
:t ti i h,-n i-s ;
ril ir :e.
l.ti :t:
' i '
M u '. '. m ih
r l t i.-'.e.o
nu.-d tint 1
Me-.! .'.ia-
t wiii
-r ..! :
- a tout!
!. arid
i-i-s aa-i
Ir. I'.ei
. fo.i-l.
I !
let t' V "t
iy. ' li
u -.!! !.-;
Mr. Si;
1 to
rt.r.e Wo- the S, mill in Confe-lei-v"
is Sjieakel -f IheXXXVIib
i;;d a-.:s S -iiutor from Yii 'i9ia
Crushed. 11..1 lii lit: Island
"j-) Hi.. U!)10i cts.; X. (.. 1 ib.. 15 ets.;
S in Francisco reli. led. "j 5b 1 etc
TKA -Young llvson. t Y. 00: Ja-
I.iterary J.'otices.
The Ai.nixn for February is in every
respect equal to the sanguine expecta
tions excited by the January number of
this remai k ible periodical, of which issue
appears to be the climax until its succes
sor appears. The opening illustration is
a magnificent lull page by J. D. Wood
ward, of Puncheon Run Falls, which h
certainly one of the most delightful pic
tures vhicli it is possible to coacuive.
Further on we have thiei; pmaller iilu
native of an article Virginia scenery, with
fpecial reference to the Heaulies ol the
Pine Ridge. Mr. Woodwird. as drauglo.s
uiaii. wili certainly rank widi Thos. Mo
ran, and we shall always regard the spe
cimens of his exquisite taste in landscape
as among Ihii foremost attractions which
the shrewdness and t ie! of the publishers
offer the patrons of The A'-liif. "An At
tack in the Rear."" by J. G. Brown, a
snoa balling sketch, is worthy of that em
inent nt-ir-fs reputation, and it is in the
exhibition of work I'roin 'he pencils of ti...
li'-st puinteis in the country, tuat j he Ai
dine is j i-'.i!-,i;ig (he highest expectations
of i-s I; ten is. "Bui','' by Win. M. dry.
is a powerful delineation of a eutasti-opbe
on the plains, and the correct detail shows
that thi-i iir'tst is no novice in the experi
ences u! Wes'eri? fiMiiiier bie. 'The o i;er
cms are all good and of interest sc ucely
inferior to those we have, especially nodc
ed. The literature of the present iiumber
leaves nothing to be dc.-dred in ibe way
of excelleuce and variety. It opens wi.h
"Fbetiez.-r l-illioit."' a gosiippy p.iper
about that manly old poet. b January
Searle: a se-iuni paper of the same boiu
is "Deliiiie G iy Gi rat din." a translation
Iroin the Spanish of Fmil Cas'elar. bv
Helen S. Lonunt. ilie stones are --u-.er
a Cabin Tab:e."; by Hiram Rich, and
The Garden ol God, by Charlotte Peters
Besides, (here are several miscellaneous
papers, as "The Old Dominion."" apropos
to Mr. Woodward's illustrations; "Linger
ing Superstitions," by Charles Dawson
Shanly; ".Moses end Lichens.'" by W. W.
Bailey; "A Custle in the Rhine;- -Snow"
and "Poetic Children."' Music. Art and
Literature receive their due aiienl'iop,
this department of The A'dlnn being very
ably lilted. The Poems are "i'erad ven
ture," by Julia C. R. Dorr; -A Tartar
Song.' by Henry Richards; "Up in the
Trees." by John Sydney, and "Linst,'' by
the editor, who evidently believes that
.somethings can be done as well as others.
It is written in dialect, which LaLd'.e wi.h
great skill and power, and will cause a
sensation S3 00 per year with premium
Oil Chromes "Village Pell' and Cros.-ing
tne Moor.' 1 1x20 inches. Jatiu-s Stilton
A Co.. Publishers, 5S Maiden L.uie. New
Bai.i.'ol's; Magazine For. Fi tuu aut. We
are glad to welcome the February num-
ber ol Ba!!ou"s Magazine, for it is one of
our favorites, always bringing ideas-are
and comfort through its well stocked
pages, which interest and amuse. It makes
the children happy, it makes the Indie?
of the household happy, and removes
scan) of the burdens of life, at least for a
lime There is always such a variety in
the Magazine, that all tastes must be suit
ed, ll.'ie is a se story, full of wild ad
veiiiuie, here a quiet domestic tale, and
the next a lover's yarn for ihe sentimental
(and at some time i:i our lives we are a
little inclined that way), eloquent poetry,
and many other lea'ure.-., too numerous 7o
mention. Ballou's Magazine is so cheap
that all cat: take it without feeling the
least impoverished. Why, it is only SI 50
per year, and a pretty lit lie Chromo
thrown in. or 15 cents single Copies; a
turn that a person often thiols away in a
thoughtless moment. Our advice is" take
it. and ei jov it as we do- Ail.t-i- T homes
& Talbot, 3f Broomfield St., Boston.
The appraisers of Greeley V estate esti
mav hi personal property will toot up
about S12.K0. It is sahl that Stmut-!
Sinclair is indebted to the estate at !ca-l
So.UOn ; there are about iSlOOiOO in bad
deles and worthless securities. Cornelius
Vaudeibiit. Jr., owe-; -,he isiutc f50U.no
borrowed money. Commodore Vanler
bih has given S5.000 to each of Greeley's
daughters, s.iitii- -.hat they caa have us
much money ..s ihey need at any lime.
The r.lun.ui of CorvaHis College met at
the College on the 8ih iust , and organized
by the elecioii uf the following ouict-rs :
President. H. M. Finlev: Vice President.
J. B. P.lgin: Rec. Sec. W. R. Privett, and
Cor. Sec.. Mrs. Alice K Morel-.xnd.
To the rublic.
THE PAlN-KILLEil manufactured by
PERKY DAViS ."c SOX has won for itself a
reputation unsurpassed in medicinal preparation--.
The universality of the demand for
the Pam-Killer is a novel, interesting, and
surprising feature in the history of this
ncdicine. The Paiu Killer is now rt-gularlj-.-old
in large and steadily increasing quanti
ties, not otdy to general agents in every
State and Territor. of the Union, and cvery
Proviuce in British Aiutiica. but to Buenos
Ay res, Brazil, Uraguy, IViu, Chili, aud
other South American States, to the SanJ
witch Islands, io Culia and other West In
din -Islands; to England and Continental
Europe ta Mozambique, Madagascar, Zan
zibar, and other Africau lands; to Australia,
and Calcutta, Rangoon t.nd other places in
India. It has also been sea.t to China, and
we doubt if there is any foreign port or any
inland city in Africa or Asia, which is fre
quent d by Ameiican nud European mis
sionaries, travelers or tralers, into which
the Pain KilK-r has not beeu introduced.
The extent of its usefulness is another
great featme ol" this remarkable medicine.
It is not only the best thing ever known, us
evervbodv will confess, lor braises, cuts.
burns, Ac., but for dysentery or cholera, or
:v.i sott of bowel complaint, it is a remedy
unsurpassed for efficiency and rapid. ty of
action. In the s;n-at cities of British India
and the West India Islands and other hot
climates, it has become the standard medi
cine far all such complaints, as will as :lys
depsia, liver compli-int, and other kindred
di.-oiders. For coughs and colds, canker,
asthma and rheumatic iliiliculties, it bus been
proved by the most abundant and convin-
i:.g trials and test.moey, to be an invalua
ble medicine. The proprietors are in pos
session of letters troni persons of the high
est character and les; onsilility, testifying m
unequivocal terms to ti c cures etlected and
the sa-isfactoiy results produced, in an end
less variety of cases by the use of this great
medicine. That the Pain-Killer is deserving
of all its proprietors claim for it is amply
proved by llie u.ipaia acted popularity it lias
U is a sure and c-u.-ctlve rt-uiedv.
rcEssoa to i-kotzmax, vii.vws cot.,
Ji a. Jilt
The Secretary of War has directed sur
veys to be m ide. wish a view of further
... t I.-1.,..,. I .... w- IV. ..I IT. 1 -O I"..
, ,. -, ,-, . ;. . , t is sjiiJ in iibni st eyery coiiutry in the
11 ..... .in'. , ' .1 1 1 ' M7, ill i.oi in": ll i I, (inn ill
T HE 33 31: 5 rJO
D R. H U F S L A U D'S
s woi s s
Cascade falls, on tho Columbia river, and
the Tualatin and Yamhill rivers, Oregon.
nan. "H
u - k
'fow: I.
's lo u:
li-u to ti ls c 'n v in
I.ibm-m.-h ;l.od.'.
blg'jtV re-peeled
l.iiiii! v ji:i ! a large
;;n his Jetih.
has iuti -niuoed in C--ig:-.
. t'ie i 'o'.uiitb'a and S
iii.-i it.e..- eru bouioi.iri.-o-li
-r wor ts, t biciu.P
11a Wall. i V.iilev ia this -
i of
Poi-t : !". v ol'
il. i io lo c-rd'
leii-i-.s i,f iiis ei
c- in;.-. '.'', d.
N... m-ite !,! tf-.'!
i: C; rv. We are in
lih-v for a lis: of th.
vv l.ich
; h
I liiVC. S l(...
; I b jo.: ; i l
; wt.ole ; W
i flic hilt provides that the Voters of that
' s.-ctio.i so ill have o: p i -i i:ii;y to express
: tiieir choice in tl:e ni itter.
';.. . iintiouuces ih. it C. M
i" of the Bailee, died l.i-il
-.lysis. u.) the PI ii o: J ii -in
the freighting bio-i-.i-'-s
with a si igle team about
t : ten e.u.-::go. i.v eueigv atvl business
i oefK l ui,' ; :.;i
:-1 lb.. 22 cts.
f lb., l.-r c!.
-Heavy Golden. "iPgaIl.,50cts :
J-.x. lie try (.olileii. i, gall.. '.:
BACON -11 at.is. 1' J. .Vl(i L'ets; Sides.
a. 11 i 12 cts. ,r ib.: Shoiiliiers. 8
C. i
The ." '!,.(-'
I.-. :k .V..-..1.
1;. ;:.;!. o
u :rv. I le i :
it the .i!l.-s
ten eat s ::go
L vi;: r " 5-i
)IL -P.-voe's Kerosene, "ji tall.. V5.
Lio..-1-d oil. raw. "j-1 gall.. Si 25:
Li isoed o!!. boiled. V trail., vl 25f7, 1 50
w-;;;!; ib . :i5 cts.
b:: lip '. in foot. c. cts j::
-On !'
p. ;
ot. v.o
'I i C!
r P..
SlliiliP Per ilea
11 li):l.l Green, e
15 ui- : S ibiv!. Sc
1. s,:-2 5llf. f 15 00.
2 5!!0:r; Dry.t lb.,
The promptness with which Minister
W iisiiburne was instructed fo recognize
the French Government has given rise to
the report that Minis'cr Sickles lias beeu
directed to recognize that of Spain.
Ton Sai.k. We have an account
against Dr. A. P. Ellis of Portland as
follows: Balance on advertising contracted
for the Nation il Life Insurance Company.
Sii; to subset iptioti from August I. IWJ
to date. s10; total i;50. This account
can be had cheap. We never intended
to advertise this account for sale, until
the fellow had the cheek to refu-e to take
papers out of the po:d otTice. This notice
is put in until account is settled.
SfttiiiNlt.l'S .Mor.Tttl.Y Toi'. Fi-.Iiiil'AI". Y,
A more readable number of Setibner's
than the February number has. perhaps
never beeu issued. There is a strange
story by Mbs. Phelps. ' Since I died." in
which the gates seem to have been set
ajar, indeed: a puzzling account bv Noah j oUhlv re?pectiTe district-, whether Ihey
Brooks of wht he c.lls "The San Rafael j are entitled lo school money or not. It is
School Ci.;:::ics. We desire all School
! Clerks in this ccuniy to make a report of
;tery;" a curious diricussion by
desirable to iret a contnb-te lit of nil t!:i
i scholars in the county. School Cieiks
Iinglish art I will be fun.i-iied with the necessary blanks
on wiiicn
in ties
M .1, s uud.-r
l'!ll itt-s
,.r vo'rs . .
of ( '!iiyiffl:i
"' In.li i":.s.
d iiiCi.i'i is .
To':. I p-ip-a'a'i
l!i p-.c.i A
-cture hist Send iy.
f.- .-s Lo ; :n e :it r
11 tv. i f"o ih-s n- -
i ttV' v i
e e. t a , . i
: i w i V f ' -.
' :i
"V in.
W i 1 e
i" SC.- t II l.'.s
rei-o xiii-- bis
to kn-.w
to--- si'fi-ig ti
ll I'll. Thev TO".
f his eioiiii-m: -es v'.ou l-.e i-
r I. ,- 'c.r w ot'ng re!
iv ir 1 we wo-i'd '::' ! 1 i n t'v t we
e -i i-i'i i li : ' i:-. g in :l f er 1 1 'e tlx
c.oi--."-'- is d'-s'i-i--.'. f-.r. f-ot-s,.
be in t.ie a great deal of nwai-y. Bur
he !a-: fe.v years lie was engaged in
s lorg.' e.i e; p: ,ses. lie leaves a
id (-.. u thil li en.
I . I
.. j .4k-.e
p.i'u! i --foi::: Kasl-.vi.itv. A Washin";--.Vy-
j ton lisj.ip.eh sltitL'Stiiut it lias bten
II ! discuvcrt-'.l tliat the re?u.il, :it the
lust wssion of Congress, ol the tax
oiiinTnuvc'l capita! was sccurc-l by
the cxpcMi-htttiv of sevtva! thotis
atiil lioliais bv one Clinton Colgate,
,l.o an ti-gatit of tl c New York Ex
change. One o'.' tbc i-pcci Heat ions
.ii .lciior:a;n ,
LTa:.l ol-' Mi i.TxoMAii Lom;'-, Xo 1.
Febru iry l o. 1 bT 15.
i'hilip Gilbert Ilamerton, P.
criiic. ot - cue 1 uase oi lie aiam-age. t tui apoijeation at tl;;s onu-i
Question; ' "an tutei esti:-: description by reports mast be m ule oun. All reports
Albert Rhodes uf A Court Bail at the j should be in on or before the M l of March.
Hague:'' a i;e .v story by ..Lss i ni ton, en
titled "Liitb Miss Fleie;"" suie pleas-mt
and )oi!ite:l t;i';k by Juuiiis lienri Browne,
on Borrowing as a Social Science;" a
trenchant and mo-l limely paper on "Art
world, and is becoming more and ti ore pop
ular every year. Its healing properties have
beeu fully t. -.ted, all over the wo: Id aud it
need otilv to be known lo be prized.
Sold by a'l .huggists.
Feb. 7, ls7:i.
F. r the very beat photographs, go t Brad
ley & Rulof sou' Gallery without STAIliM--ZZr
Montgomery Street. San Eranci.co.
raLLs KAC.v-H'.-.icx i' ro.-i, i .. .
"T. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the
of each m inth. Patriarchs in good stand
ing are invite. 1 to attend.
Feb. S. ls:2:tf
liultaoit-ii ii ;:j,t- .o. 1, A. l-'.mi;!
A. -Holds its regular communica
"-tions on tiie first awl Third sutur
(I i'i each month, at 7 o'clock from
the :ioth of September to tbe e,it 0(
March, ami 7A o'clock from the 2ot!i of
March to the 2oth ot September. Breth
rcn in gaod standing are invited to attend.
Dec. L' t.l S70, By order of V. M.
Th? First ai:cl most healthful Toulc
ever introdnccd in Hie irjiited States.
Fl These Bitters bav
fcj been in the San Fran
Pi cisco Mai ket for oyer
R 1 wt-iily Vi iiis.sud
notwithstanding the
k many new candidates
h for public favor, the
P sales have constwDtly
t :rcrer-sed.
c ''''. Sole Agents,
5 Jet) and 411 Clay St. ,
fc.San Francisco. g6-ly
To the W. M . Wardens and Mroth
- i
,1 '.
Mulin .n: ill Lodge. No 1 . F. A. M.: We.
your Com mil tee appointed upon the death
uf our aged and well beloved Uroiher
Orri-i Ke';l,..g. who departed this life on
Friday i.i r:;i:'.g. February 14. h. at the
rest I. -nee of l,.sj son and our brother,
Jose;;h Ke!!.rg. in the city of Portland,
v.'iiii'.l respectfully m ike this our report,
at d recommend that the following ore am
I ble and resolutions bead pfed a .d spread
! in lull u,)o;i the recordn of this Lodge.
I Wiii-::;:-:s, It has pleased ihe Supreme
Architect of the Universe to Si.r.itn'.n
I troui ,is labors upon earth. oi;r beloved
' brother. ()-, ii:i Mellogg. cailitig by his o;n
! nip-leu' v.i.l.f to that boh. incut which
Ht the Cupi'ot:"' ;i lively description by
Li.ly Pdii.ctie Murphy, of thai peculiar
lui;i.-h institution. "An Ai chiooloji ical
ijieaklas: ;"" ;i very Valuable :i:d eiitertain
i;ig ar.icie on The Tehttar:iej)--c Siiip-t.'a-nai;"
a s' .rikingl y illusirated paper on
Siam, -In and Aruiiud Il.uigkok;'7 siid an
i.iu-iiateii tuece o; i.i.umi ir sc.eitce ii.iw
Men Leal tied to Ati ih. i.' the Sun.'' Th
most striking poems of Euu-.ber are
Orrgoa L.otgt- So. 3, I. O. or O. 1.
,,-:g--,v. Meets every Thursday even
. c . .....
- ing at 7 o clock, in Odd Fellow's
Members of the Order arc invited to attend
1 v order . S.
ACtt'.xrs fosi Tils-: i:stkuiii:sk.
The folia wing persons tire authorized to
act us agents far the Estiii-.i-uise :
b-o. P. Howell & Co., -to Park Iwiv, New
Cue, Wct'.er'.n A Co., 007 Chestnut street,
Abbott .V Co., No. S2 i 6i Xas.-au street,
New Vork.
Portland, Oregon L Samuel
San Francisco, Thomas Hovce
! San Fiancisc.i, ....L. P. Fisher
St. Helens, Clmubia county, .... S. A. Miles.
. . A. an 1 -iiscu.
Grocer & Provision Dealer,
Next dcor south of the Court House,
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon,
rr v -s.
T. ITV ft flr, . .
I... ..ivnii.lil ! .-Sit") P.. If I itl
t " - "V ' aw i;ts all wii-, are toilin ' in this earth lv
luMie C!i:irk-s Shertnan of Ohio, ' ti-mple: and.
i- . 1 .... t .. J .. Wi: i. :! s TI... ' ?.,wt n-l-.tf. !
' 1 1- t l . ' ' . . l I ; ' : i I 1 1 : i 1 1 i I r : ( . -1 : : i . . ' ....
Peudb-t ea, I imtt'.lla county... J-. . Knox
lleiigene City J.M. Thompson
Pea ver Cn
uti v
re wan-.
d I.:'-
ii.) e
to got l.:e
il l v
1 le
.!!-::-. T!
gave l.er i- :
eVeii'ier. il'
--ant t ore
W. ( ') -s..
.e. i- -.:
e fl
w hi
tVi X
e's ,.f Mr--. C. W.
s,. iiivt v t Tl'.urs.
h :;!! h id a very
. r-.
V :l
j W ,s I ;
live -,i civ I'-.'-g y 1 us i-Ui
bi.-s-'ngs iind !. ipp'ne-s.
rhty i.le.io-1
of li.
ii i i a
rei-1 n r.
e r.-.-''.-i't of :i
r cb'r : !i d iv. w!
n-.l '! cri'ooiT.y !
;1 hooi' -ha' -! tuny j
fiiianc-. Coitsniilteo, anl for seetu-it'.o-
the iii.'ii'.eiice of his b-.'olltor
St n.v.or Sher.na-.i) an-1 Oeiteral
C.tiri'u-hl for the. bil!. Colati
i-htiiiis to htive Jtnio;i.' Slit-finan's
ltd t'.T 1 ! I c
oi b.-e
si ; c ties wiiica nay
'i years' cenn.-ction by him with
e. bound hi ni with us in mutual
n and enjoyment in the work
.ha.- tn a bill for the ainy.mt
V I In? richest
! k tan t
Ihitler, in :i
)f.tr. nr..
i:i the
Tiiiu. Ti: i. Wi Fee it anno-ineed in
the Po'-ilatiil p ipers tiuit the An i'e Stew
art will in ilo- br triil trip next Sa'u: d iy.
She wi'd stop ;t Oregon Ci'y. p is t'-,roo.;ti
the loes ami ;if?er -i short rim atiove the
f ills will return to Portlanl. A number
of invitations will be issued.
Iv Tow H.-.n. J. 1. Piles, m-naging
ngent nnd one of the proprietors of the
tub factory in this cily. was in town yes-
fer liy. "e h arn from him t Tint the
v, ir -s m -in fa ''nred liere Inve been the
e.iuse ot s-ojiping foreign importations
into our State.
IT i 1 .
liotise ol Jicjireseitlalives at llie
present session, e. jovsse-tl the hope
thiit tin
wotihi be
New Orleans ot 1 s, 1
- c v t t iL-an:
foroftc-!), an
; ot is-.;.'
1 imly tin?
and Jack-
Tin-: P.O.!.
Valentine's ball last Fri
was a grand affair. The
iay evening
room w..s well filled with the beiu'y and j
fashion of r.iir citv, and the music was !
most exeelb-ni . Mr. Julius Login or n
well claim that it was a complete sueee-.
Q . , ,
l'l'iis iMi..-'.V, had a call last Satur
day fr.-in Mr. Sniker. of the firm of Mon
roe A Striker, m utile dealers at Salem
'-'nnd ,Mi-wy. This fi:m il.i' most exeel-1-nt
ltvork. and is prepared to fami-h
a in .h'mg ilesired ir, their I'm-'.
1 i
sen .s rgMonous vielory, it mem lei'
etl. It Vi a.s in j S i 3 2 that IJutler
was in cotnitian 1 in New Orleans,
where he aehieveil the tille of
':pooit tliief," an. I his ibsire to
blot out the memory of that, year
iiiiiieates eillicr that he is a repent
ant thief, or that he" is overcome
with shame. The Mea of en
blu.-hii: for anythinix is absunl,
an.l tso we Pet him ilown as a re
pentant thief. ir. M". (((tctjttioi.
! V.'UKIt.
; for over
j this Lod
ot ..i i-.i;:.y . -.hat in the death o-ar aged
1 d -vo ed brolh.-r. the rot liers of Ibis
Lodge tiavc lust one of those wl.'om we
learned to levi-re and honor for his coti
i m-ctiou wi;li the orgairziii in of this, the
i ltr.-t Lodge ei this coa-t. To hiin we are
j inh bseii for Ihe safe conveyance ol Ihe
I charter rr.eu thy hands cf" Ihe M. W.
tii-.i.i l .iasier o! toe State ..f Missouri tj
this pi ice. Thus the link that bound us"
with the pjs; ins beeu broken and scor
ed, no more to be reunited until the day
when the grave shall jield up its dea l":
7.'-j.-.. 'i i7. That we sir.ci ri ly mourn this
ipsi iipiion of covenanted friendship, bear
ing in tei.d'-r I emein bruuee his fidelit y to
Masonry and his devotion to the principl s
it inculcates.
li'SuIri'l. That ve earnestly sympa
thi." wi.h the relatives and friends of our
Proiher. and tender them that consolation
which the world can neither give nor take
away, and that we wiil wear ihe usual
-i t u i n . i. i i. ii i i i 1 1 1 "it .-j at, . - r - . . .
,, .. . , . . , , Lntavette, l umlii.l county. .J. i. i urgesoii.
ona'.d.us ciuatiitly rjiirmial as a poem ol ,Jo);. ,ouulv '.....Dave II -Mines.
Herberts; "One Nigh:, a weird thing by cvallis " J. S. Palmer.
Amatnl i T. Jones; -Covert' by 11. II : c.,i,von City Yi l;. Laswell.
and "For Though's," i-.y Ceiia Th-ixier. j Dalles, W'as.-o enrnty N. 11. Cates.
T'r. Holland s "Ariour hiittmcMlo COIl- La Orau.ie, Liil'-n eostnty A. . . r:i'g.
tains the record of a lvt.iai'Uable voyage.
Li his Topics of the Time he has ThougtHs
af er Chris' mas. '"The Neglect of the Kicli"
'TIabi's ! Literary L .b .r.' -To the Mi ni
ory of Ceorge P. Pieu n;i.'' The Oid
Cabinet has "Ntiiiiber One hundred an-1
eleven." Ili.i-.ne ami Society contaia. "The
IL'ispitulity we should like lo Se,?.v ' At
the i'ront Doi.r." On Skates.' and Furn
iture for the Sick-room." Culture and
Frogrc.-s di-ens-os "Art hi our Home ami
School.-:,' "An Oracle of our Hay.'" etc.
Nature ami Science i; as iutercsiing and
practical its usual; and. by way of variety .
there is a pretty little child poem in ihe
dep irltuei.t of Etchings. The publishers
Fireman's Eicctjon.
X No. !4. Section 3, of lies city, an election
wiil be behl for the imrpo-e of electing one
Chief Engineer and one Assistant Engineer
lor llie Oregon i ity l ire Di-parlinei.t.. on
Monday, the 3d day of March, is?:!, at the
Engine House of Fountain Hose Company
No. 1. Geo. A. Harding, of Cataract No. tt;
A. C. Uailey, of Fountain No. 1. and L. T.
l!ai in, of Columbia Hook & Ladder, are
hereby appointed to act as judges of said
election. " A. NULTNEIi. Q
Oregon Citv, Feb. '20, 1S73. Mavor.
advertise ttie .von inner
numbers sent Leo to ail
Ill PeCeuiber
Lo w:-r Moialla. .
Ppp.-'i Molalla..
ll.u iio's
CF. P.eatie.
.Prank W. Post. r.
. .Ilenrv Met ' ugin.
W'. Moreland.
. . .J. V". Strawser,
. . "W 11. Vaughan
Z. C. Norton.
1). Wriaht.
lit-lig'ous Si-rvitfii.
St. Pauls (E..iscr.p-al ) Church, the Iter. John
W. Seliwoo.l, n-ctor. Services on Sunday
V, o;:: (,-- Pit a Atnong thetiev.s
:s rthicli otn- can read with pleasure
mourtiiuj: for the sj ace of thirty
I. That a copy of this preamble
ISlow nt t!'c Countrv J'rcss.
e copy the follow hrj passages
from an eilitorial in the I'hilailel
phiii IWfi. of the 1st instant:
The abolition of the franking privilege
takes with ii the tree exchange of newspa
pers with one another. 'nM. public may
not ttnderstan.l what i Ii is hut.-r provision
exactly means. As the law now stends
every publisher is allowed to send free,
fh.tough the mail. o:;e cony of his pubii-
ca ion. oe 1 1 oativ. weekiv
Pki KTi-'.-f. Will uuette Lodge. No. 15.
I. O. (. T. elected the following uelcgnti-s
tn t'.... T,.mrmr.ro AM'.r-s.. i.:.i, i ! ,jK 11 ' or moi.tnly
,. . , a. , t ,., r turn to receive i i exchange. fn
Salem yesiet lay: .loi.n U . P.'ackwe 1. . another nub n-a kiti 1. ..i. u....... i
... j , - : ' - - - . . v . . . J'tii.l M.l.ll 1
, -ootid anu ; iioi. i sci. ni. i;e in in one i-mv rt the
same address.
badge of
arid resolutions be forwarded to the fami
ly of our deceased lb-other, and inserted
in the daily papers of Portland and the
Lntk;:;-!:!.-:; ol this place.
J. T. A :';!: nsov,
J. M- Frazku.
J, M. Wki.ch.
15. JltNMMJS.
These resolutions were unanimously
ar.l .".(i':t. we h it e no hesitation in class
ing fho Xurlhcru 0h!o Journal published
at Paiiii-sv Ille. Ohio, by O C. Chambers &
Son. Striving always to deserve a posi
tion in the foremost rank of family papers,
it really merits all the success it. has at
tained, its original articles are always
l's sei tai i o!
the highest order; and.
liny earelully
d. with 1
As to Certain 3Io!u;jolies.
Kev. J. I). I.orey.
KoJucv Tom; kins.
same oenodicil to th.
... i " " " ."--u io c vi- toe i n -w-.
Ki:;-ai:;in-:. 1 lie tirn i- hauled o it ; pajier a h,r-e list 0r a, , .-.,
which il gleaned a',1 the mad ",u.;vs. Ur.
greater M.-t uf wacT, Wll.,, i
m-ife if. an .-i l,i,- .1
on the b
ac'i below town unilercoiiig re-
pa rs. Sue wi.i pa
into se vice.
wi-e u.iv.
lt0 56 1 Ir ."f ii-t wuuid be
A Cai.t..-We yesterday had a call from I o-ntr--", V m"'5',!i'V ,f ,!
, . " . ; ' Cu,'n,.r oes, and not a lew daiies.
ur young frtend and typo, (.e... I . Ac- aid tnerehue the repeal of the e.vistieo
Lane. George looks as young and hand- j Kuv ha been .rora time r., iin;e somewhat
6ouieasever. -'n? by great city
JJ , oi-iieve ttaey can atlbrd to
ir : . vmi itui7 n -ii
Ot-T Aoain. We ore phased to an- f It1? X
bounce that Uvr.ry Warren. lis ,., is able n.tteriaMy increase thr on'circu;;o!"
t be o-u again, and attendirg to his office j and. further that b.r th- lew excha:-.-es
business lli.m -U is w;lt. ! l!'-V "'' ''J rj'', ll lh'V .M e wil'.ilor irt ,Ta
. " r, ' ! V'-iage. m " I J
r. i:ikns Pi.trnov.
The llulhtui has this remarkable
(from such a source) item:
Just now a i;ooil ileal is bein
s.voi against monopolies. The rev
elations of of the Creilit 3Iobi!ier,
the efforts to cfrab (io.at Islaiul, aiol
other ineulents, have powerfully
awakenjJ the ptiltlic miml on the
subject. Tlie press of the United
States, with few exceptions, has
spoken out on these ami other
abuses. Another monopoly, the
most oppressive of all, the one
which makes the most money off
the people ami accumulates wealth
fatest,is the National Hank system.
An ell'oi t is beinr made in Congress
to correct some of the more glaring
abuses that arise under this system.
This is precisely the position the
Democracy have long held and en
deavored to convince the Kadtcals
of the fact. But up to this time
its general mlsce
and pleasantly arranged, hide
every number leeched one feels very
much as did the Akron VA-urou. which
said, ill spe.-.kitig of the , )-().') (.-"We
wonder, each week hr.W (bey manage to
prepare, much less print, such an immense
amount of inierri-.-tiiig rc-uling."' Put in
additioii to the paper itself, each yetrly
subscriber lo the- J. uni'd lifts sent gtatuit
ouslv fof one year, us u uremium. the
Northern Ohio Souvenir, a beantitnl liius-iraU-d
Monthly Magazine, also published
by the Messis. Chambers and Son. and
the legnlur subsci iplion price ' which is
OiiePoliiir per year Thus f..r two Dol
lars is furnished a most excellent weekly
paper i'.n l ;i liuely illustrated monthly
in i i.ie.e. The Publishers also announce
Ihe largest premium list, for clubs of any
oilier paper in the Slate. Indeed taken
altogether, we know of no publication,
next to the FNiiiitfit-s!: that we can m ore
cheerfully recommend than the A thmi
Ohio ..,.r.u-ii and its coimioanying pre
miuiu. the Noriheru Ohio S. aivenir. S.-nd
for specimen copies ami descriptive. I s s.
F,;;ainai::s MrstcAr, IVont.ti for Feb.
is on our table wish commendable prompt
m-ss. and is an umis-i ally spicy and at
tractive number.
The series of articles on Sheet Music
Publishinrr -ivin? the details of ihe vari-
at l o.-. a. m. an.! v.
nnd Hi'.de class at r.
l.,t Congregational Cliur
Sabbath School,
M E. Chureb
Mr:i:ng Services,
Evening Set vi
Sunday SlIiOuI
. . . cnts Fi r e
.12 o'clock A.
Fl.OPIi .AND .MEAL of all kinds,
Also, ail kino's of
Fresh Fruits rand Veg-etablcs.
PUTTER, CHEESE 911 !!(": OS.
All kinds of country Produce taken in ex
change for goods at the highest market rates.
i;"ttioiis delivered in the city free of
charge. A fair slif.ro of natfacage "solicited.
March 211, lS72:tf
:";- trys:
The GVSountain Balm
S. J. McOOEl
Scats Free.
Sa'.jhath School at 2 o'clock p. m.
J. I). Locky, Paster.
First llapiist Church. Rev. J. A. Wirth, pas
t ir. Services on Sunday at 10. J a. m. and
7 i. i. Sunday School at 12 ;. Prayer
meeting Thursday evenings
Have Y 'C a Coron. Cold, Pain in the
Client, or lir.uichitis V In fact, liny-von th-
11 1 1'luoiiitorv svinti-oins ot Hie in-atiate
:. relief." coiisuaiT
r lief is within
In:. 1ST A I
on 7 11 so, Know tint
yo'-.r rt-acti in me shape ot
s lin.s'.M or u ni) ciiKitnY.
i-..- ... 1 .1 1
whicti, I" nl'i'iv cases wueie 1 ope uau uj.i.
h.-s snatched the victim from the yawning
tVhy i:iidure tVIiat is Curable.
'What can't be cm cd m ist be endured,"
savs the jiroverb; but i:)uige.-tion can be
cured, and therefore it is the merest stupid
ity to endure it. Dyspeptics have certainly
a ri-ht to continue dyspeptics to the end cf
their davs if they choose, but as it is not
sup'-osed that any rational being prefers
physic.! 1 torment to ease and health, the
probal.ility i.s that il" all sa Hirers from in
digestion were convinced that an absolute
infallible remedy for their complaint existed,
thev would with one accoid reset t to it.
We must emphatically declare tint si cli a
remedy docs exist, aud that its name is IIos
tctter'ji Stomach P. tiers. The record of its
success f -xt.-t. ds over a period of more than
twenty years, and it is fear!. s!y a'.lcg-.d
that daring the whole of that tune it has
l ever failed to siiiord peimaeci.t relief in
anv disorder or derangement f the stomach
that wr.s not orguiie. mabgna-.t, and im-nr-
rs iiaitv to ixrop.M ti rs xr:.ri:i:ocs
- fr-ca.Is. patrons, and the juiblic iu renei'ul,
that he has -
ViLli a Cor.iT-leto Eth-k of
Schoo! Dcoks,
Diar.k Books,
"Which he will ili-rise of
ed a remedy, composed of tiie Kxtiact
from Mountain Italm, whicb grows in Jack:
son county, and other Vegetable Ingredients,
which has enabled him to furnish the afflict
ed with a purely Vegetable a perfectly
harmless, and yet the
The Most Fcv:rfi:l Lung Rrmcdj
ever discovered. It is good for 5
Coughs, Colds, Crcup and Bronchitis
q And is au
Blood Purier, Invigorator and Appetizer,
And is noted for all Xerveus and Biliou
ails. Many letters might be adduced to show
what tin medicine has clone ( if necessary )
but try a bottle, and it will recommend
itself wherever it is uitro luced.
For sale at ihe Oregon C-tv Druz store.
and all deale.-s in medicine. Sinltlti
IJuvin, Agents, Portland, Oregon. Prapar-'
ed by ". II. PAKKLli,
dccSuiS Independence, Oregon.
X living in Eagle Cn-ek preciuct, C'lackn
mas county, one la-ge r.-d cow, some white
outhe hack and belly, white irQIace from
eyes up ; a dim brand "on tbe left hip ; botli
horns have been bored on the back part of
the under-side of them ; no car marks ; said
cow is about six years old ; said cow came to
my pvvuiises about the middle of November
hist. UOIJT. K1KK1IAM.
Lagle Creek, Cla kamas Co, Oregon, Jan.
20th, ls.T:;. 0
Apprised cn the .loth dav ofan. 1S73, at
2''. ly Pit NKW. FOSTEUV
fcb7w3 J. p. fur E igle Creek lbecinct.
r- --.s 1 L 3 'a v. . : - r ' w
Pubscriptioas It'.-reive.l fjr all the Topular
Nevsj);ij.ers ai.d rIaursizine, whii-h -wiil be lc-
1 Lveied to any part of the State. 7fvl.ini.
-The election for V . . u. ca-'-t-.Tab;? doubt a to
Chief and As.istaut Engineer of the Ore- ! ' 1! ,J" , "- f-ankinS
gonCi-v Fbe fVpatient will take rlace ! )r st.-i corri .uut e u-?v;''V ! tllO editor of the JiidUbl has ai-
-uotu.ay. tl.t. odortlarch .next, ; telegraphs us that th;s is the fact. The i W.1VS sliOWeil a partialltV for tlllS
Postal Commute of the House has ! t4 ,, ,,
vE..ost.t-Mr. Jas. A. Smith, formerly agreed upon a bill which provides fr th.. ! most opnresMVe ot all. W e are
ft ct.iztn of this, pbice. l a3 resw L-g J repayment of Vos'aSs on all piinted ! -jla-l the Bulletin editor is ffratlual
T'Osition in the U. s p.." , matter, except upon newspapers eireu- i 1 1 , .
accent a ri-d,,, ;.,V , ' : '-'tins- ia the county where they are pub ! '" bcconi;il? eonvertcl a-ainst the
0 1 1 3 ' J Lusd 1 . lUhcd. 1 ubu:cS of the Kadicals.
!1-i-,i-t r,i,t;,rr ..!,. w r.cli was coKitnenced
in the January number, is continued
tern 1 tie ii-i'- of tiiis celebrated st'.m .chic an 1
j ii'tea. alive. It .-1. 'dd be rem. ml ered tuat
! weakness of the dige.-tive orca-.s involves
! in n other uil-upfits. l;lliiMisuc, bead-
1 ..i-h.. ii..ri-.ii'd dcl.ilitv. SOllIlls. T 1 i T.i t 1 1 i .n
In Oregon City,
the citiz.-ns of Oregon (,'ity a:id Ciujka
111. is county thr.t they have just opened &
able a le; te -t limni ia:.s toat go lo e-t : 01 1 li
. . .... -... ... .n ..... -o... I l i- 1 1... ! iwitrr"' nr i -" fs part"
ous processes of engraving, stereotyping. J ' i '"' - ' . "V , V" 1.1 JiWfcL U frXUSUiHtH I
be. ti a ' -l.iva'ed bv a ti.t.d ill-regard id" all
The i dietary iules, and ir.ti ns-ti" 1 and rend. -red
subject of th- present one 1 copper plate j clir t;ic Ur11.l-.10.u1. ir. r.w ie..i ur ura-nc
n.-iuti. and tho deiP.is of th.' process I pu-ga 1 .u oave 11. nunuieu, .1. uic s
' . .. . . . ... ..!..,...' 7 : bjcii cured witluii thre months br the svs-
ure uesci ioe 1 wn.i mni.-i-. - .
fiee.iout from the ue of tech;:-..';.! terms.
Karl Merz's "Ma-dcal Vorid L. l'ers" ;
are coniiinied in this nunio-r as. 11
they w ill be throughout the volum-.
Soicv and attiJCiive editorials, answer ' 0( t;;e heait, rush ef blood to the bead
1 - . , . 1 - -- ii 1
to cortesiiondents. an t a i;rg a n.oiri-. 01 1 nausea, yeritco, ami sieepii
f. .-..(.. 'ir- t-..!..f'..t riiiisi'il misceilany u;i its cone nuta-its
the reiUititiing press pages.
The standard remedy for Coughs, Infln-
-z:i, Sn-e Throat, 1iefjirg. i'vugh L'rxvp,
l-ic r (Suiiipliiii.t, li rttich i'm, ,.' ,it f,f tl
.ng, siid every ullcction of tbe Hi I oat,
Lungs and Chest, including f 'o.vsr m ption.
M it:u'i IJalMim or AMIcI Clierry
does net .try up a Cough, but loosens it,
cleanses the lures, and allays irritation, thns
remocitg the cuure cf the complaint.0 None
rtrenniiie unless signed I. Pitts. Prepared
by Sktii W. Fowle Sons, Po-tun. Sold by
Kkiuxotox. Hostktter .t Co., Sau Francisco,
aud by dealers gent-rally.
JL bis prop'-rty in Oregon'HL'itv will eetl
less a- e amoiig
and rr-.-ults ; and for ail
rhes- th' grcMt ve get aide t'inic is 11 specific.
Il ac's fir-t e;.-.n the stomach, and t!ir-:ug''i
the stomach i;p"n the secretory and nevous
sy.stiins and the bowels, l's general tll'd-l
being always genial and bcnificci.it.
T:,. ...iwii. in li-.is mi'lioer is-i ve lial-
lads gy and s.td to .11," a cavitiua fi om
the opera Crispino e la Cotnare;"' the
Wed ling Waltz" by P.. Landm .tun. on- of
the most sparkling'and beautiful waltzes
ever is ued. and the celebrated -Kedawa
.1 r..vij liir 1" I'.nrrrmuller.
Subscr'ipt'ioQl.Tid a year; single copies ! TUESDA Y EVEXIXG.
ten cents. -f each montn, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows
S. Ibiiinard's Sons, rubiisber.-, Cleve- j Hall, ii embers of the Dc-.te are invited to
land Ohio. ytttnd.
at a bargam, to a tood purchaser.
Main st. .xt door north of Shades S.loon. , 0 4 toT l0l? 111 -nemab, with good
1 ci ice in i)ii 11 u. v
Where they will k rep on hand and for sale j
;jotia perta.niiig to the.r line, at the
Especial st'ention given to the
Jtepairm of s-ii-.c Titac Pieces.
A I eo-d soil and work done WAlt
CEO. A. II A A -5 i SOX'
Oregon City. Feb. Is7:l.tt
Iltbctra Dtgrte Ledge Xo.a, O. O. V
Meet on the Second and Fourth
SK fn fi30n r-'Tity'. Awaits wanted ; All
J LJ rJtJKJ ci iss's of ii king j.-.-oplc, o:
1 tithc-r s -x, you-.iir or ol., make m-.-.f; m jr.ev at
I work for us in their spare moments, or aJl'thu
f nio, than at anything el.. l'articulars hoe,
A.l.h-ss if. Stinsoii & ',., l'ortland, ilu.iue,
H-7t:inlr 27th, ls72:ly.
! The Atbi-itic C ble is a N'a-b.nal benefit
i so are .SILVER TIPPED S'h i s. f t c' ihirea.
! Never vear through at ihe toe. Try them.
. sale bv all dealers.
Also -2. town lo's in lower end of Oregon
City; also PtO of land known as the dona
tion la:.d claim of Wm. Stone, 8 mile
southeast of Oregon City, witb some irn-.
provmc-nts. thn.lv timbered, nc under
growth, good lasting water
"37"lnquira at Couuty Clerks office.
Oreuon City. May fith, le72. TCn23
J. W- MORRIS, EV1- D.?
on eg ox city, on eg ox.
rpTvT-.d r-Tiiptfy to calls during cither
U;v er ni-.iiit.
Ol-'l-'lCK At Waiil'p T'jut ftore.
('an bo fonnd at Hue CiiU iJouse at ciit
Ttb. ii, 1373. ni3j
T? T-l TT- T T7V