r ri ii'i i i-Trrffii - o o O o O 0 o O o tl G 4' O o c i)clD:ckln (Sutcrptisc. oxfijial r.vr::i: o?:i.vcs.i'.s covxtt. RPGC CITr, CHESOX. FEB. 21, ' 1 An Mra of I'hraud ind Corruption. The Piatt (Mo.) Llnduia.-h says that r.cvci" before in the history of this or any other country have fraud and corruption held such high carnival, or more vmbhtshing- j lv y flaunted their colors in the light j f dav. The ve ry air is rank with ! , . " - n . heir po:son which permeates every , of department ot public and private business. Honesty rind virtue sccm to be the exceptions, and comfy- i i el t ' th.n the general rule Every paper ! 4t we pick up is filled with the de- j, a tails of fraud and the impudent j bare faced nes3 of public officials, j r00aou,rs: (u.j,0 ,aj for some tjm0 j Alter reading the above resolu Thc specifications would fill vol- j jecn cienjc.,i m:;rJtal privileges bv ! lions, the sick old cock who read v.mes hat causc-s tins license i and profligacy we will not stop now to inijuire; but ceitnin it is i tliat t'.iev are undermining the so- ctal as well as the political fabric, aiivl bringing with them a train of moral disasters that will ailvjct pos terit v for generations to come. It is a pitiful spectacle we now i witness of the Congress of the" United.) States investigating the Credit Mobilier business, and con victing nearly all the leading men of that body of participation in the profits of that unblushing scheme, in which for lucre, they barter their votes and their patronage. Jlven the Vice President and Vice President elect, both, together with the Speaker, and members and Sen ators high in authority, are involv- d. In Georgia weatelv saw the miserable spectacle of the carpet j bag Coventor speculating oil' the I misfortunes and helplessness of the people, issuing millions of dollars j worm olirau'luieat rauroaa oon.i, uid when mdicted for menmes, fleeing "the State, and his escape connived at bv the Ceueral Gov 7) crnmeut In SoufltCarolina a no less' hu- o miliiiLin speetiiele iresent.s itself. .V rich earpct laer, i'reh from Pennsylvania, v.ircre he v.as the o easiness arlncr ot" C.vniereuif y;oes before the ho'ly Sf negroes, vo tes'iuelv ili!'nifiel with the title of lotslattrre, an.l bohlLy cjj'.tys I''-n them a seat in the Senate of the United States once liiled hy C:i! hou:i ! V.en indicted and arrest ed for bribery, he buys the Judge, who, not contend with acquitting , him, goes further and. denounces ; his accusers as blackmailers. Then," too, in the same Slatepwe Iiave the ! cases of IJoweif and DeLarge. The j hitter wr.s a'ttegro member of Con-; gross whose seat, vcas contested by j Dowenwho was expelled from the last Congress, for ba.'ering cadet- j ships. IJoth ev.'ere candidates for i Congress and Hhe negro received i .,. , , . , I tne certificate and was admitted. I ! Howen contested, and the contest j develooed this state of facts: by ! agreement DeT-nrge Was to occupy the seat until jhst prior to the close , . . . ot the session, when he was to j make no defense hi the content and I ' permit himself to be voted out and roweii votel iii, soth.at both wo'.ihl receive the emoluments o: the of stice. o Lir Kansas we have a case equal ly destitute of deceney. vC;i!dvell goes to Topeka and buys :t seat in the Senate, paying members at the ot vlOOi) a hea l, lit colleague, j longer submit to be at the bottom Uv) Vl.;,isnn .JU1K.. Jj:It the law- l'omcroy, haa sit the example, and j every time. (Enthusiastic applause.) I ful voters have heretofore been that ma-chilli; able legislative holy j We are just as good as the roosters, j notoriously indiia-ient and apathet ic always for sale. and there is no -sense hi allowing i 5i" l'11''! to these Selmol District T,. i. '"" v-Mn.-t.tty w e na e a some- Avhat similar case. O It has however, not developed that the Se-iator elect used money iinle.ences, or that members wereCbribed by others, but it Isokno-O, that at least one candidate for that exalted position ..11. I A I. - ess.iNeu onoery io attain Ins ends. Wchavecited only a few notable iitauees. The record of delimit- iig government, state, comity and municipal officials would bean end- less task. Mnhons of dollars ave Lorcd, Mrs. Cochin China moved ! 5:: t.om:uU00 lms r,po;ted in fu-or yearly wrested from the hard earn- j a commiuee on resolutions be j of" Uin'' Oakes Ames for buy mgs of the people, the culprits are : appointed. Tills motion prevailed, in. Congressmen, but not unmasked, but punishment rarely ; aim tne chair appointed a commit- cfcn iX wol,l f censure a-air.st tlie O follows, . is suaieieiit to startle I. ie most ..... y . indiilereut, and to awaken t:.e bar . , tuat, as all. Mrs are now managed: , . oar governmental experiment is a disastrous failure, broken to pieces ; tcr reported the following ixsolu- i The O,;on i.m of yesterday ha" upon the rocks of profligacy, licen- j tions to the Convention: i the following : tiousnesj and corruption, that1 , i The successor of Senator I'oino- , , -l . G . ' . : s J. -.-!i. L Hons. , . ... . ,. ,. q wreeiie l ana ruined Kome. It ls j: j roy announces himself m favor of lime for reflection, and for the lit- ! l- I;i the coarse of hen I woman suffrage. This hints at a ''-.,.,.,:,.:,,.:,..,., ji - i l t!i's,1" ''ecomes iieeessarv, i-i or- : Credit 3,Iobdier ia the womnn t-e remaitiSng irtue and honesty in ; d-" to -fen v ivob .l : . . i - , - . u" lo t-I) : itn other feminine ; movemenf, v, -herein there is liable tne laud to assert themselves and j I-eeics on this gl.,he, to discard to be a dividend at any time-. IVr breast the storm that threatens so- ' ,ucs and establish new ones haps Kansas hasn't irofited by the cial, moral and jjolitical rui um. o Un.vn Ir.-Do'ft fail to ren.1 tt. aocount of the Hen Convention , , T. . I --.t.a::h II :i Worth rea he- A Hen Convention. On Friday, February 14th St. Valentine's Day the liens on the rn.u.li .C "!.,.. T - -T- ..... , t ' J"' mik - s north ot Portland, held a 7 Convention. M hey had learned j that Mrs. Dairiway of the Jfctc j 37rtoKst,hto called a Convention ! i i , i i ot the strong-minded of the w-eaker j sex and t,ie weak-minded of the stronger sex of the human species, I to lnC(,t i01.llail(1 on tjin tlav i for the o (lecarin- for I wo.n, . 1 tb, tbnv."'-o I wo.n.msiigrit.vxnd the,tneieoie, - Jeomea it an 01portlIllc time for them to hold a Convention fur the j purpose of declaring for l1Cn : hts ' puU wjo ' uaaerstan,1s 7 j)en . ta1. U) l)t.rft.cl;01) noticing lot of olJ he,.s to rL..3iC1. with two or tl f fa. oM eIIiascuI;ltc.(l ,.,.!.- .ifl.w nltrv vti.-,l 1 making tracks for an old shed i alon" side of his hay-stack, ibllow- ; ed them up, and when lie ascertain ed the object of the Convention, he proceeded to take notes, and has furnished the same to us, our enter- i, us to i:iv morei j.0,,M(iv t,r the same than any of! tj.c x0j-t!,U!d dailies were enabled ! to do, which we lay before our j readers: After they had assem-j bled to the number of some fifteen j or twenty, old Mrs. Shanghi moved j that 3Irs. Dorking take the chair. This motion was seconded by an old speckled lien, whereupon old Aunty Shanghi put the motion, and after a unanimous cluck from the hens, declared, the motion carried. Mrs. Dorking was then escorted to the'ehair. which was a little nileof! rotten straw, an. I Oeeiareil lliecon- -i i.i - vt.nljon 0j,CI, Jbr bu.siness. A little ! brown hen arose and said that sh tjlollo-ht it would be proper -iJV soino onu to state the object of Convention and she there'ore i Ullonold Mrs. Shanghi to do ' this, as slie was a sort of leader ni i the movement. Here followed loud j arose on all sides the cry ol "ijues eluching for 3 Irs. Shanghi, during j tiou," "question," whereupon the which, she mounted the straw ii!e, ! chair hen put the resolutions, r.nd tr.nl s')ke :is lollows i;s. i:.vni';:si o .i-di:ir Jit. nr.: We are assent- l i hle.l at this time tor the uqo.-e of i.-ni-i Mi, ;i j viirhts " uv si v l.r1,t " ..-..-. . - 'c v - i tliousnnd years, in fact, ever since j "old Adam was born," as the poet hath it, hens have been compelled . . in i :i t u r. invioiis work MlMiiit, ! furnishing eggs and propagating our species, while the roosters, w ho nrrogate to themselves the proud title of "cocks of the wall;." do; : nothing in the world but dress up m their r: unlay best ami trat around us. ((.I rent ft nsaf.on, Willi ciies of "too true.") We do all the drudgery cf the hen world, ibr which the roosters thin!-: us am- y recompensed if tliey but walk around with ns, and Hatter us i , , .1 i ... by bestowing their pro. oand aden- r- . t-'n on us, and the hetis ever since our great natural ancestor laid tlie firsl egg in the Cardan ed' Eden, : elpliue and all else; and the- in have for these idle attentions slav- fe-sity or importance of enlarging -ill .i i i 1 i-ly dor.e all the druogery wotk. It the world is getting wiser. j Women are st riking for their rights, ; "'-id r.ow is the time for hens to str!!:r Vitv llwoe-' I'll rent. ;i i o ihlllscA 1 ' ileus must claim a little ot lio st rut ting privileges now all nrro- ated bv the loosters, and shirk oifunon them some of the drudger - ;cs of our sjiecies. Vi'e wiil i: ,1 i .. . . .. j L"ciu to ruie over us as inev iiave I always done, liens, will yon any longer le slaves ? (Creat clucking and confusion.) Will you do all ; the diudgerv and be silent? (In- ! created clucking.) If not, then let j us strike for the rights of hens, to 11 .. . ! "e on an couahtv with roosters. j I It-re old Mrs. Shan-hi all out o" j breath, wa-hlled olfol'the old straw lJle, amidst renewed applause, j After comparative silence vas re Too ,,f t iv ..! 1 ! . . i t., . 1 ... ..... i:eu anil one ililatu- 1 11 4 '-viate-.l o., I rooster who l',.i-linl.i.- i , ' ' h,u ,!!-- gene around to the other mJo. of'! i , , te.Ki iul oi i "-Ue nay stack and sli'id for (i;-e , . ' ! time, came back, an.l the old roos - suitable lo the times -it e t That we, the ' 1 ranch, assembled t t i . . nei .'US on at vau"10ll oeeiare our purpose to never cease scratching and clacking 1 -,-f t .v:r rits -s iin.n nu.,iau- teed under the fourteenth and lif- j teenth amendment.. Jicsolccl, That we declare it to he only just and right for the roos- ters to" share with us the burden of liens existence, and to that end, we ."hi ofTivm Aiir unalterable lilirnose to require of the roosters, in as much as we have to lay the eggs, tlint they shall henceforth, as their share of life's duties, sit noon ' -, , , , ' t 1 them and hatch them out. Jolccd, That we demand of the roosters that hereafter they shall do half the serathing for our J'nS pro-env, while Ithev shall ;l"ov'" us to ll h:lH lh cl'ouin-- That the sympathy oftIlIS Co:i vcn. o:i be now tendered to the women in Portland, who 1:1 - . 4 ..:i-:. ... r,M. ti.r.ii- ' lilvC u' minis. 'ju-.tolrcJ, That the thanks of of this Convention be tendered to old Mrs. Shanghi for her great ef forts in behalf of hen's lights. them, moved that thev be adopted by acclamation. Ucfure this mo- Hon was put, a young pullet sug rested that the resolutions ought to be amended so as to require the roosters to lay half the eggs; hut seveial old hens rose and told her that, although that would be no more than faiithey regretted to say th:it tlioy believed the thing to be impossible. Another young hvn thought that that portion of the resolutions which demanded the right to do half the crowing, was inoperative, as she did not believe that Lens could crow." This remark eauseel great excitement and wrath j among the old hens, and brought to her feet old .Mrs. Shanghi, who said she was surprised to hear such a re-mark from any hen of any sense. She said that hen? could !.. ...... 1 ..... ..... fi ... I ... crow as ueo a toosie: s, auci got used to it. It was all a habit that had heretofore been arrogated excluMvelv bv the roosters. Slie iierself had been practicing to crow for two or three ve::rs, an: i, .. ... .,.,.1 .1.,, vHI'l riL, .v. - lieved that she could crow as well as anv rooster in the land. Here declared them unanimously adopt ed. Here one old hen, whose time had come to lay her egg, and who had been for sometime moving about uneasily, moved that the - . . : i: ...i . i t ... vonvenuon .;tjeta n, v. uicn nioiiou p.waiied, and the first hen's Con- VenUon in Oregon was declared o,li nirne.I .- -?L J School Mct-tJjSirv. The Horlland JSt'lbil.t has tlie following su ';eslio;is in re-rard to , , '. ., . i ,: the e.eet'.on oi clo.,i odicers on j. v, noxt m.::;h. ; ,vhkIl W1, i:,:il!;y t.ndme7 and ; . ,.,.. ...:ii i. ,.,,. , , j ".j'na vrt.t.ks t,,. ,,,.,,,,1,. cf. j Oregon will be again called upon ; to take action respecting th.elr pub- '"' scooo.s m every oistrict in tin 1 Slate Tiie election of School IJnvctors, l tie e. ;n.-!oer;it nn o! suo- ; 1;,...s C.0.HU,(.(.(1 Vl-i,', school i heir educational capacity and dis- i ill'-- sooeie ii, u.-e i u .iiv.-.s- in un-'. s,,,i00is;lllt. ollt.r vital ! 0,K!.i!uir.s nre to be determined bv the s more ot usetu.ness m tut j IV vesalt of the election in the ' various districts. They are each : l ind all questions of far "greater un- I 1 . V 1 . , f ..Ml MOii-n 1t Oll- 1 hl We :lsJrt it as a s!:s- j tainable proportion that the School district elections m April are ol ! actually greater moment to toe community at large than are ta it. .lit i,-ll in nwil-l 1 id.-etiuMS rVCl'V ! elections n elections in -April. u neie iiun dreils of votes ought to have been polled not a tenth of the full num ber on average has been cast." We trust the voters of this county, wiil remember that on the first Monday in April they i v Vo seiece op the men to manage their school a Hairs whom they regard as mo. t eaub-le, and we hope that tnev ! M h'J ou to l'c;'lbr!n ll'al The Credit 3fobilier investigat- i t,,b - t J .iwrnm- t.llli,lVl.-t,,wv.i.'.V.lH,.e,.'.v.. 1 ,r -i. i -i -i n Hereafter it will be regarded all i . n . i . .i i . V ( t() st.j vott.s iJtlt tilc buyer " , - , i must be punished, : : . , i exchange, after a!!. ini t, ..e mi.i pioo.ioiy ae ; f.... .-..t- :n . ....v..' i.. , l4Xe I i.ineisco on the steamer dae at Portland rct ! . weeK. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERirLELEY, CALIFORlIA Telegraphic News. Ni:w YOKK. F b. 5. John M. Hodges, a V:4il s(r'ft bu,k-r. ht niglil l'oll tlown a stair-case at his rt.siJeuce, Fifih aveuue, an 1 broke his neck. jtepreeiitaiived of the pre?s were yes terday denied access to Siokes; his father and brother were the only jmrsons who saw hitn. The only renialninp; cha.'ic' f"f the jivisoner now is in delay in execution of the sentence, which may possibly be obtained to the end th;it R renewal of ttit? c;ise limy be L;i 1 by a full bench of the JMipr't:e Court un the ground of thenti-cr:-ui:itir)!i,i!tij of t..? jury Uw of 172. A later liypat.cn s iys.Juiie Davis grunted it May of proceedings in .Suk'" case. Ci.iC.voo, Feb. 1.). The trial of Johu T. f. it .t tit:. .: . r. ... ,1 last, under circuiiistancs of peculiar a'rocity was coi:c!ude.l this morning. The j.irv re:! l.aed a verdict of -roiity. fixing the per.a'.iy ,f d, a h. Ttie -videiKe against O.-bonie was wholly, ciroisins'au Sl.iui.ial and ul' the strongs' ciiaracter. C;n-At.;o. i-Yb. I t. A Vah;ngt:.ft spe cial s ivs .Mis. Wood, daughter ot (lencral 'i'iiyior, wlm was rec-uily vti t-ti by the lltiuse a Ii,-i..-i..n u!' o.'i) per nioutit. i. tiie uiulher of J oh tl Tavlor Wiiod. wh"i com manded the rebel ci ni-er Ta!l;i:t.tsee, and who i ;:ov a well U; do comrnis-ii'ii mer chant at Halifax. It is also said that .Mrs. Vi'i.oil was a hitter secessionist liurinir the war. Moreover. sh has been living in I'.llis souse tilUe hi jii.ignili.H'tit style. W.s:!i;i... Feb. 11- Dawes, from th- Joiiii Commit !ee to notify the i'iei dent and Vice 1 '!. ideal elect of lh.-ir lection, ! oM',;ted that I he CoiSim'iMi e !i id performed that duty and had been charg ed by llioe getuhuavu to rep.ut to li'e Iwt) Houses their accpi auce ot ihe tru-'s reposed in them, and their obiigai i..i to Ihe people lor tis.tt m u k of conll.lelice; al.-o. 1 ill? a-su;;ii;ee Ili.it ib -y v.o .'.d 4-u-ih'.o'.ii' to di.-chuige tai.-'iduUy the duties of their ie.sp o:tve (.iiiues. Jn ihe Smate. shi'i ni. iu. ti'oiii the coiiiaiittee to nn.ify tlie l'i eiieut and Vice rr-.'sideiil e'.'-ct of I heir eh-ciioii, made a rejiort similar to th.it in the House on lhi- s r.ne subj ct. Sr. Lot is. Feb. 1. Anio-ne H'.'m has been retur-ed a new n i.d a;:d m liti iiced to be han-red Ami! :id. Fv.iAi.). F.-bi u-u-y li.-J.;hn (lalV-ev. mur h-rer of I'isiriek Fahey. was 5i.i!ig"d r.t 11. ,011 to-day. Ie!'o:e his exeeuliori he sai i a tew words, birging the paMioii r.t tti'Se he hatl vvroiigal a 'ail said he vs crazy urunlv when l.e cornmii led tiieoi fe;ice. at.d that had he been alh'Wed to nianag" his own defense he would have told t:;e liuih and t!irovn hansel; on the lileiev of the law. Nw ( ):.:.i:ans.1 bruavy It? At a meet ing f the uii-mbets of !;.).h L-isia;u!.-.-. il was sigiced to org in i' an A-sem!) 'y from the memViii s reunited by b..;h hatis. proii-iing i' .-Lould f.-rovi ac.el able t., 'he Na-i.ia.il Ad mipii -' r e i'n. li is .lowbonl V ion which the rtrsi dep.! as;;s tor re a'lve to l iah can be had this sessiv n. Morui ei i monev bom ih-igham Youngs titling ; fni.d Van r. r..ba ".i v leueh.s,. i:iih,!l(,. enough to pieveul a-'i ,n. ;.nd the lun - i- ; . ... i... .... -. :.. i J ' - ! it'U run i t t in iir I.,. i t Ni" Vomk. Feb. ir,.-lhete;of .Judg.. j l).tvi lecl.-io:i. granting a wn i e.toi : 11 1 --VV til 1 1 l-( ll't.; "f , I : 1 -S l'l ! f I f .t ll t S.i.kes. savs ihe exc n i vus being of such grave importance, and ll.eiv being a doubt us to 'he tMrreciuess of a por.jou o! the Jud.-re's ( iri: ;e In the j o y. ii lie i Cam- his duiv lo irive 'he pr;-i-.i.--r an op j "Us'iUSili V to present ih. '111. Tile ea-e now go I., a lull be-eh br h.-tring. .i-v..-papets cil'U'M Judre l4v.s'de e;.-toil 'laom.g a slavol t'. ' ceeetes ir, 1 ,;es C-.S... !l is stun I l.l.U tt.e . if I .l it tlie i) if : 1 1 1 ej -s:i; 1 v re ifd l!:e dci -ion in eae j waicli under O.e i eiia.-.' tnees no J .i.I iioul i ii ive i.o;isc'.e:i'.i'. as.y or judicially bav- avoi. '.,.!. U ai.;m,'Hi. b. If.. Tbe r:esid -n! I -i-rne.i ;l,e I ens:,;: a iind le.lian A orepriii un oeis. i r.e i..-r.ci'r.cr Ar.rua.- 'i v pri iriu l bill wiil s-. ui be reM'ted. af; oilier j'T v-u i tii.ri i,il!s iir" so f -.r ad , -i... . ... i ... .i t.i,;i.t-u ii it i.t.iev i.:.;, im- o -.s-e-i in.s i ve.-i ... ii.ei e u: e i. ,-,- s ' -.Ii!,-' scvcl-.lv live ISeuvCe ii-iu ib.iise bill... wi'h ' i .!:ne:..,:;.en!s. :;v li:;:- a-:ii .-a. :oid h,e j .-.-.a!. is sun:! nlv cro-s-b i.iel 1; ai.i.'. iu :el..i ion to (- her ol i a, ; .. -.r' e U-'.i:a:e l ; i." O . . I 1 ' l :- . ' " . i'i. tl,,. j lw-i ! I ,e;:e il ;iw aru. . -i ia-ia: ii o.i vvei ks rct'i-ia; ! ihe ;ti .se;.-i Coil - less, llie ! :"..t Is colt.-. del ed ienl 1-ir iransac ii . :; l all n oui-'.ie p:.b ic business. ,.V.-..-:i:u:-.:x. f-b. in. The r, ;ha l.'u!i:;:; :-:a'.. -.1 in :l h-.ter t.. Pel-in 1 in si rue in;: 1 hn to 1. 11 ihe cuuiniUee i.v. in hi- !,-.-; iu.cu V he I., id ! -I'ol e,, I,: il, !S Ui Ihe j e."e;.;io,- by iiiin ef a d'lll ii 'i:- (ieo. Nisbiil. in J illy. 1 .sCS. t-ni'al material et rar. -d!aC ha no he.- ita "i ni in s.8 iii-jf thai he did receive le.nn N'e.-bii:. iu -a-l! id' tlie va iii'.b.s of Aj.i'.;. .lune. ..lu'.y and Ooi-ibtT ;f ;;,at tear, il u-i.ilii Ciee : .il.n.y.) loaUi; 01 ;V. i-, u:i !.. Apr'd iiiTd .iii'v rei.,ii..:.ci .s 1 .;vi"ir ie iii e "s. The 1 mi' iunei s v.eie i.i.e.h' p;i-.iy ,,;i soiiiil and i:i!iiy on j.:dh.:ai grounds. Tlie leitei s aecoiiip in;. ieLX two o!' lie ia ii;e in 'X;-le.ice, bat lle se cover'n- llie oil.ei IV. a f.limot he i's.ilnd. t'oli l.V III i;h r.o i a !i i euce Io any ii'iihi'.nrii-j ex 'ep l l'l. ll of .June. The s..'e re.is.n iva in i the l euiii liinees bad no i elVi einie io (; or ce.uiiec'.ion vi:h the s;i! j-c! ( 1 ! sves-.i eaiioil b.'lnre the coniuiii lee. and his conn sel r.di i.t'il h.l.l til tl he coal 1 lint piup.er !y opea the i- object o! i eaiii : ., nees wiiii Oiii b: i;-;j;iii' in e.vratieutis ni e.'ei b.-hu-e ihe co.uiu'it lee iill i (leii .u ii i lv:n ihe p .in- at -i.---.ue. Cii:CAi;-. i -b, lib A :i-iii:i ;-i i sj,... ciiil i. .is t:.e biiloa hi: "Waiii-i-rr..:! h ;s im: tiiriiid ' lit his s. io:. s ".-'.aid :-n 1 h.r. a li'i'.'.il as lilled everv inu.k a.'nl .I ln-r ef lin aen il jjailerie.s ol I lie House to (I IV anil i.nv.e 1 o.e ille) lie! s;ei cio!is C'U I'idais beyond. I'e.ede were pre.-en? r,i:n ail pans of ihe e.-.untry up-lilyin-- fov liiiiher lelnii-si ui. but ihe va.-; r.iiiiud l could no; iudd thein.S) !:;ieu.-,li ed became the ie.-ei.st iln ie was an ex; ec'.e '.ion f ;i le-rce lu ii i;,: d -balt wonlii be inaii 2"i rut e.I ; (h-.tihe m'-iiibe: s lo be ex;,e!!ed Woiihi I e.--i ;; in liii f.n.:e (,! ihe II ms or that some ili..r x raordin ary sensation would take place, oal-ile tlie n-cre re v! : of t he ci iiiiiil: tee's re port Th:it is what wrought up ex, be tner.t an 1 hi re rest to the liilo--. je.ich. The veiu-reble iiieinb .T from "e; nuuit. ' inhi' l'oli'.iu! . tit'-. am; i a bki-h.-d s; u-,.t.e. linn M..J.IHI-. es... i ne! p.-epese eien ii i-hauid be read "I.- il 1,;' li'.ni I let ll be reudi Cauo froui a.! parir,e! iheilai.s-. Tlie had el ihe ii-m.-e uas not lo le" lieproe.i in l ie m'ii-j.i in. and Ihe ( leik c I t I . '..i I- . , . '. ' : : . 1 1 .' . - i 'o f.'-.i 7 i . l ' i. ' re pert. IhelV ineilipa'eil Itell.ber Ki f j i eilv in Ills seal as the readinr went on. Hardly any one beir.iyei. any new anxiety . hriioks of New oric. lunv.-vr. wai the very picture ot uieiiiai u,ei puysical su: leiilis; in his lace of-rii.ts.lv pallor and his h.nds -f liloodless hue. All . b -y save (h.llieid t'-,'l u sullen laok tii.it d;-l t,u! pass aw a till tint wer.-ht w.;s am! ihe emm t'.ee hid dc:...red they ih i liot j-.rep i-e to censure lhe!:i. ,h -u ihev nssur.ie-1 an cas air. Oakes .m -s s.n betide Job -tc i-nsnl!. all I ihe nenrcs: seat to ihe Clerks de.-h'. Willi bis face us trie id j;S ever, till tiie (."lei!: read that p'U iioii whi re he is spoken ul as sellii:. and buying voles, lie then lurm-d u; his bushy head i;iid jrave a deci-ive jrrin. ten seen s, 1,.,-tvl l.W!i his face to an ii ilexi blewiiiiMe afriia uti'l received his s.-n-lenc .-eiihiiy cii'iug'.. He hardly winced as the Clel k l e el : 7.V s'-i'cui. 'i h it l ake .'Miies be ami he is belt-by expelled i,s u Member of ihlo Hull-''. A special di.-p fcli from Paris to the London Du'i.'j Tel'-'Jftph s Jy S l'l ance will :, ie,p. .o .c ?, , I ,, ; ,i"lt """ 4 uxu' A,ls:1 t-u-J Isaacs, i-ayubie ia two yeuis. Imt ' S-.aiu Lad refused to rar; with that island. State Xews. The Supremo Court, bus adjourned to July next. Dr. J. C. IlawtJioro. who has bi-en quite ill. is reported behor. Fif-y u.;im3 art; employed ia frwigLting from Ilosubunj to Liukvllie. McComnck's I'ortlaud Directory will be ready by the 1st of next mwuth. D:p:her:a is prevalent at Dallas and a number of fatal cases have occurred. The Catholics of Fovtland are raising futids to build a new SSJ OJ'J cathedral. The sale of the Dalles Mint property has been coHnaed Oy the IT. rf. Treasurer. I osl masters unpointed in Oregon Whi-atlaiid, Yamhill couuiy, I'eier Iar eudregt. The M. Il Church South oontemplate the buiidiiig of a church at Harrisburg next .Sunoaer. The fe.rmers of Folk count v are organ- j iging clubs. The 7 haw a "-ood one at 1 Independence. Covernor drover and his excellent wife ! were the recipients of a surprise party ! last I- riday evening. j John Frittain at P.aker Ciiv. fell from a : ladder at his home in that t,!-,... a-ol !,i-.,l;e ' i,i- i..,r ..n ii.e j i ' ; The State Ui,iversi;v fund in the hands 1 of the Hoard ol School Commissioners is ; stated at $5!.vsJ IV2. coia. j Oregon papers are requested to aofice ! ! the dea.h ,f Amos A.Soddard at Hist ; Cleveland, Ohio, January L'Hh. , ... . devige Kangesser of i amhm mdig- uau'tlv .I.mi.s'that ,mv suet, bugs as are ! called weevil, infect his whe.it. I ; I.-.st v.eek. a small boy of ?dr. A. 15 ' Kalkrier. of Sheri.laa. tell iiead foremost ; i.lio a tub of lte and was drowned. j Ori tlie first of last week the Virtue ! mil!, in i'aher con-ev. made ano-her clean ! up of about i?s;)JJ after a twenty dav a ! llilu ' ; The -people of Y;uj lina II ay an endea- j voihig to ir.-amf.e a militia company, for : muio.il prutecttoit. ui case oi an emer- i .r..e..- i .WUUOI1 :;" I -O e SIM, ill"- at 1 .::(',. per head at Ihe !;.!'es at this t'.m. .Sheep raU-rsare looking forward to high prices t.,,t.. ,.iit.. ... .s , . ; h.-r wool. ihe mans name who is rh irged with killing Mr. Ilashro..U. in Yamhii! M.mtr. is Cox on. in place of CoX. as heretuf r.i.t.t:- - . 1 iiiii.i.-wa. ,, c i, , ,1 , r-t n- . I rof. arapbell. ol ihe f lin-tian Cnurcn. s carrying on a pnvract.-d m-ting Slt . J .. ' i i . is Ialla Many acCe-iotiS have been made i to 'he (L'hurch. T. C. Owen h s g ne to San rrundseo to proline a pie-s and material, fef a - - . L 1. 1 - . ... .a-.y paper, wr,:, ll;i? at 1 an 1 ire ( i; v. a i.' ui'.i-nas puuu-u- 1 ----- K.,H.rl Il vir.;.of Albany, is ,,. C!d.-f Ma?h ii o! the ''reiiinis at the i-.ext Ore - .. - ! .. ... f r ! -It I r .r,.sj .....;.;:.,., .1,1 oe A. S Paiters ii h re.;ne,l the fh I.e. nil hav'llg b. eein' lv a r,c :t la v. iu It W iUl his po.-i!l,.n ;l- I'o: 5 p ; , ; ., v ,v:,j ;tl , aS t. ;.. v (;.;..,.. ii... ;;.;,,. . , . ,.r . 1 (: .,,..1. 1. . ... s. .....1 tvie bi !h .V:.u ,r...: v . has jet been beard of tlie mi -i l!i;.r :ea'iir. n- s. , !l'.:l. l.l-.T Se.'i; i" tl i.vs over d iri.rri -:,iKa. venue saiUer laticoln !..-.. ; g-;Cje ia seaic.i ol h-rr. Of the Peace C'ii:t,i----eit :c J.ckoa- vi'lt" '( s savs: We can see nr. mr'.icu- , i ; , , i the tabors r ;.u i ..e-.-e i.::,fi -i i, i t : i... , :Y . ... , .'. ' " ' ii it . eu ici-s r. . iiir:.i. r tti:!ed ' A i . cm r sj"or.o"-.t of l?;e Alb-i- ! nv if. -a- nv A ;. slalt-s II. L -.:... i i l . . i .; : eU.l.- I-) C . Ill : !i e U S n el b.iie.l,:. a :- e.aub'iut inU-rided Io t iv t.ii . . t : j . . t.u- aiers o ii i..ai.iei'.e. ;!-;e-n-lo i r.f ho-'i'.i!ie in Marin- !h ih- e c suri'i v. and ivhi'e tie I'e-ee ('eeiliii-siou ii e.- i;.: rea l,-, the -.;:t!c .Mt.tb.fs Hie alilu-in-r l ; : e ; i - i e .-. bv ;;, ik ir.- b..l::i- es vf dw.-liill- lam -es. j 'i i.e I"..re.e. G.,.V !- the JoilM t. r-i. -c e.j at i o:-.i i (l:-:ve. M V I IS V. ill ll l'l'i-1, ,1. I j i hey s.iy ia iheir pi usj.eel a - -il w ill be .lev.'c.-d i hi-lly i.. the o-i -i.-ii' mi :-A a u 1 ! eemuiefci il in i .v.-is o! ' 'i'ii-.lii.i r;oii atei I a.!j..i...in-c..uti.:"s. " The J n le-oii vi'.'.e S-i,(J,i,l closes an ar- I iw le on tie- I e ice oruai ui t: . e wiil ivaer our old boois: 1st. 'i'l: at Jack .loii'i eaiifer; Thai- if he dees there ". il! be u irea'y that viil i'.';ii::,-r.ti' biui and his icui d-ru b it! from the punh-li-:u. Ui Ih it liiev deserve."' Yamhill couiiiv f iiiners are fonrsin an ii.-oci.eior. u:,ic hev call the ih -z.m . . armers l.e ioae. .is oiuect is to rcn- del- us in-'Luber". lie, re eUe.ient culiiva lors oi' ihe soil and raisers of s'oek, and to secure fair and equitable piiccs for the nrotlac.ioa of tie! J or ll ielis.'r The Jae!i-o:iv;:h iii s ivs: '-If t! Peace t'ouilllissi idlers eltle ine .uoili.c j Uebeiaou on ine in. nans lei iiis. i nt lor- ; ,1 1,1,11, , ,ue p.opo e.l U.-.V co v easl ol in,- inntiu-aiiis will lorever be pos'pon- ea. ami '.ne pni.-pei ry uiai . uerw i.-e . , : . , . . : laaiis ihaiseciiou. and Jack.on county ! I ohij . . . ) c ' 1 1 ' - ' v. w :n x iji; ill, I t h From the ttessn-in: '-The Hoard 0r i --' tbougli ii. was replenished v.iili the School Coiniuissii.ners h.'.ve h id linger ! 3-ly (ariiiliire. Day succeeded lo d i i k considi -ration l-.r the l ist two or laiee j ''at day was as the iii.iiif. Only dav?. the mutter of the School f,,r the !!"-' vhi.ai.ey ,f the hou-a- a pealed above III. ml. to be e.i.ioll-hed llli.ier the law .! j . , i .. I ru-m-i'i-.il h;:S ! eaid bom Miss i liie last i.e'is;.i'u. e. .v i; i s:'.le.,ii ii-,l ti) the 1 Nellie Ne.-bitt. a blind -ii i ol Salem, lo j take ciiar-e of the seined at a c.rfaln I ree i.e.-' v.-ek f..r the board . care and I instrncion ol ear-h i.uj.il; and we umb r- j ,i',i5il -.-i-veeii Iheir. iii a J.it.e ch.ud ; Wheil WC are asleep Ilild Hot expect stand that the Hoard of Cmnmis m.m i j " '''';-' '" vapor. ...., lay u ,wu and da d i. 1 are di-m.se,l to ,tk favorably tipoii it. j '':;!1;5:. mailed i hi ou h j 1 !1 g It lt" thing. . v- v,..l.:-. ?J .. .,.,,,-...!i.e.t ...rsi,n ' (l m,(jl.-; " j j x j T5il. .v-p'.v.Vr. of A'.b-tny. says: -C.i?U. i ,,. a i,-..,. one hue ! is ei-.'li i"-s lliive ru, i o.ieiee.- h r lh - Albany i.u.l Sanlim Canal 'o t his ' ci-y. and nre no-.v r-s-'Sed iu ri:nn i; an- i oih. r. Can:. Su.iih liiiHiu'inci'S the one j I njn th(. n.emra! ckatui.-l he ever savv ' Ji(r ,;J(, ,ii..:a.,c,.. twelve miles, the I f iil be-i.''Lr L'f-.du-l!. lequili'lir 11 1 d -ep Cli' , . ... i .- i. .... .. .1 I lilies. I iie U.'epe.-e i.-ia i.--u. .... ' that ibr a -h. u ; !i-- '.nc" only. Th -r. v.-ill be no locks r.o ii;i-.t. it us ci.ea pr-iiimr nie ae HO ii -CitS repi i i ei, 1 1 us eiaa n . . ii.u i ie :-o-t of coiisti-.tciion. Ali in'eies.e.l are i.h'v 1 iea-i-d wih ihe showing f,r. c i U'ld Mi'.' l:i'-:e c-iili lel.i ihjn ev.-r ef the "Teat sued s- aw; iiin r thuse iuieresied in rhe-rrealeiiurpri.se." Accoi-.Tnc t, an ordr of Ihe So -iety. at tie i:, ;;' State l a.r special j reiuiunis . . , .. .... l - -, t- r ... 1 oi .vi.i tor im' ;.:i. wi :- i-ai o.e sec- i.iiil. are off-: .-d lo ihe lare-t mid fine: coiieciioii of not less than live head of cilile. Ibr b-eedinz p-irpc-ses. br..u :ht Iroin and I'xhibiied by a::y pei suii vesidii- easl uf the C.scad- ir.oun'ains ; and a fuilher special premium of ij for tlie liist un.1 S-t. 'or tue sec.ml. to tiie per- sanoxhiLi mjrth.i laipt ai!,i finest coli-c- lien of c e.lh- lor breediii ptirnoscs. not less ta in live lie. el. oa m-ii am brought iroiu .soudi ui ihe ;:i ip,.,,;,v la-.tintiiios; said cattle from both .-ecS.nus allowed to compete wi.b each other, and for all cat- tie premiums o-ered by the t'ociety.'5 " J)KIt'T.S OI'"" DliATIE. The Terrible Tempest in Minnesota A OUAI'UlC PE.-X'UirTlOX OK TIIE UOIU'.OI'.o OK THE IIIKIJIC.IXE Hiving in Oregon, it is hard for us to realize the extreme cold wealh"r that has prevailed in the Eastern Slates, and the amount of suffering and death caused. The lollowing terrible description of a snow storm in Minriessota we take from a correspondence to the Xew York Herald from Winona., under date of ihe ISih of January. It is but one of the many re ports of death by freezing and exposure of which we find our H tsiern exchanges full. -Tuesday, the 7th. was a lovely and mild d.v. Tl:e sun was bright ami llie air balmy. Every pulse of the country w is us.ir under the genial iuti'ier.ee and the wild swans that clanged overhead once or twice from their meres must h ive i seen th" prairie road alive with teams. '' he fanners were all out at the nearest settlement. They were getting short of biei ; th-re was but a hamlful of Hour at i!u. !i.-.'!,im of ihe barrel, not :isimm of uv. u W;l! !tlL j.;., t the snows had cea.-ed . lm.;r ft:x.ry little h..r.ses were well again, s. every ' IV rmer hi'clie.l his team for he town. In the little coUages of wood were women and children ; the school- houses were full of H:te or.es. Such was ! the coutrry. thus i's duellers, wht'ii the i,;,,.. ,.;. ,-;l ,ne would seem to have unae tte.t to lierseU ail t!ie the savage am ibu-.es which had marked her first ehil.lren there, their careful and patient WrtU- u,r il Vy ll"""J' h'udd.'il relentless onslaiight Tl!i: STKl'.M WAS Tl KXilp siot x. . .... , At v mueb .go City there were six.y -''"-'ted : scores Were at .,ew I, im. Ail along trom Albei t Le i au l Hlue E ir !i by Wr.tlon. M mk-ito. e'ear up jtt 15i-.cl;tnri(lge. ilelle frairie and i);,;!,". the people were paltered, deliv- ered into the hands of ihe s'orm. I;,'I''VV!I twelve and two o clock on T,",y !a-V lh" sk.v t!,rf,t"5 !lv:- h' c im merely a bull brazen ting, the south wind chopped loi.nd rapidly and became cold, an i in a very few minutes v as la .U-u vi:h fine Iro.-u sno.vdrill lint sun g ii;,e a shower f needles. So utterly ito- ! 1 .' . I .1 .. ..I : . i .. . . . . i ...,.!... i : i : . . "... i ct"lu' U"il 1 , ! h 'lt- 0il'" ," 1:1 Ul'K''" ' . ,?:t-,l''b-s ,t1iV,"u 1 ti u:e v.eaini r. uiri Mii:ueui mu .i ped his h.imn' so. ami the s.o.w came in i our faces" Knowing hat tl.i.. bun h.-.aie boded, men '.e.i-.e.i luto t he;,- sleighs. .l:ul uith voice ;eel I.l-Ii urgl their e..ve in- ilol--S out ih Tii -u O.ew.uk j u: u. atii t-eg in. r r m ,r. iti iu u (y : ho!i.. tiii hue ,.a Th-.rsdav. the 2i-ee.i:!g , , , .,. , ; trel and ..m.r.g snow ee-muue.. i . n;., il';t a S.eadv fa. I td -!.. iiut d.-ati. b A LOVr.t the win 1 S'--me 'i::n l.Kft'.'.NK. l.ies .rr.iiriirr; a speed of; tve;i' . clj !:1. !'. V or : y -1 o i., 1 ,es in n i ii 1 :.,- . L 1 1 r: s. u i :i a r . i,!ii. T!;e .v il i -.: ; ef -'., i 1 - s' .',':! . i -i : 1 1 1 1 . ' i- regi-te.vd ii.U Lar de.'r.-e.. .,e.'..w z-ro ; At .:i;.-.-r dates ihe met cur v er .-r.irt: I . , . ., ,. ,. , ,". . " ,.. fieiuW. S',;i.'. oi the l;ir.',it" . ;:( .se! i.e' i .-.n.m round ih-ir if ihey valu.l life tl ey iuu.-M turn liac;;. Jie-y Were envelop' I m 1..-. t- el s ...w. ih.t bli.i.ie.l 1 1,0.11 the wind c-iiii" ; I'ei'-.'.v ;:i' ti-er we l.liil liiNul) .:n'i t;!il !''M!';. t i I ' a 111 1 :u -0 arv em e.ti.i -. l i.e ii.au -,v ; lin- i. ve ..i -.: liTit W is ,t;l a I'll 1 Ileif. wii'.eUt .:! n ad; of wheel or runner to indicate ;'.e p-i'-tl "t s.ite'y. iit:ev r tl-.eiv v. as a i . --r :i i ; t.ie crji-ftg mi.hv like jea-uy- bi'.ls.vs over a wn-cU. a', i I .r iu.:. I'eiiii I-. :!!. IJ ..,: r 11 io b-'v. aid trrev." til ilk- t -'c- -i.:ric form. Tut-:' ire 'I ul press Vr b.-a-.i: v. r ; ,"j : h a ; ' tuii.!... ! ;' - ' t..-r.ir I : the diivei- r -:"t h.ras.-li !;- il-i!t -s. his c-tbl i:.i,'-.s w-ie . ! "ceui : v :ru:. a;;;!. War; l :.e s-.Tirr eo'. I !eir.. ed Oi - :v;s i;.'.:-;y I i he--. U ei'e I'.': iv 1 . i i 1 i II .IS 1 , ; iii v :t;ii i- iv I.-. . .;.) , 1 i ' i .'. i '! i Ii e ;..; e :)' i 1 1.- i I o i i-Ce. '!.. ;, i ed oil by a ifte.i.h I their , t :ie ! ieij. : ta.-ir ii .iii c'.v.-i-.s. i Cold 111 .1 b.-i i.'l.e ti'e !:; l i j .1. . : I e-l on : I 1 . :' :.' e'.'i. . v ' i,l lei: e e-.l 111-' - ; and .TV ;:i- ' I L . v l'l llil 1 1' el e I , : : -! ., : . ; " 1-, u' l ! j we.iiy ni i,e iraa.-!. arid, lyi'ei d::n in ' their robes '.Vee- in! led sv ile e lenji-!: 1 a i '- - s .im i i. ;,e. -a n.. uwa.i- ' OUies !!,. 1. S e ,Vf ell , ; uie u' ,p:y driver. b.u .:i:'....l :,.-..! i!.i:ied. his i:i .veiii-'iits imp d-d by h: ' . 'g' "f .IT. bad to ab.i..d Ids a-si 'i-l i .in i!., drif.s. i , : .. ., : . it!1 e r to of I' '''' I u.-i.l t.ie.u ! . . -elvis thus (!--se bv I h; ir n: i-le.-.- are I ; Sim l' seiuj :ev wn s ii viv-U s.ieh j scenes "e h .v.- tu-eu ; e i,;i i 1,1 bear, j ;i I at lie-.;- in.i.ie.s iLii!;;s v. e;v n.i bt iter, j ilie;e v, is !i-ei iji.. a sc iiev siii'piy (, Iu- 1 i-: t! e c.u in i' and bui it d,i 's to i l m :.e iiilibl.. .er'.:i in -I C;i-"!y ou i, i !,....- ,.i . , i .,-! .!... .....i i oi r. . ai:!:; ll : , ., ; -. ' ',. V.' , j t T' t ' ' J- b ''' ,"!,"b V ! i ten hi.b'.- aviav Hi one direction, her c , - , : .,. ... .p.. u.e- . ti . - I" j hapless paieii's i.rr reil count ie.-s deaths. ! Ine wooden balance's creaked and iioc.'C.-:;j ix 'rail :,v"s(i or ia:; s;-,;:;-,i. like s'nip.s at sea. Th, lliiiheis cracked Ui il I.ie :ro-i Iliie l'il-s. Lea Is o fi-nst i Sl; oil oil every piece ui' oed -a u: k lb . l j-aues of iass v. ei Jo. ::U til,.u. Wi.s ell(i.1(.f ,h,; j;u , ;,. ,i , , . . . -. .' ,J-"'-lv- .i.l.iIlv..j,,,i7I-:;II I W On 1,11 - ' - ' " ' '-i .,'1 1 1 t'l'U ie i ... ,i,.. .... i , .. . . ... . I ,-wns i I; . ;'V.ou.1' , ,r:i i ". I , , ' ' I , .......... T t. .. K .... '" ""'' i 'e poor to:.bt:i K.iev. nnu ; far eeii.'r, rs 1 .. i- ... ,.t I. .1 ... I. . ..I ... . r child! i n lay dead h u.d in hand, on , !'-' i raiiie. and li.at her hu. b: -.rW .rose ; oie-wh,-: . eimmiii.-i m a jr.aat drei. ; ""'. '::t'" b.oi s .,.::, , Were bud ; un-t her cmu-v bo-a-a ; the s.,ui had ; .OieiMucs. in Un- !,ioij a i le een i. ; 1 I d ill imon-l m w . ,..,- win in- sheet l ne an Vance o! !.irh Was ;ik.. i!.,i uf u l'ffir-r. v.-:. e.ee.es wn!i ali id borrhi ... . . e. n,i .ji.-:,,i. m ,;ic ;;i,: -i'n-s to Hi v Only they wei.- t,, be eiivi, .1 v. ho n-ri a .swoier I.e.- ;a the raeina; st.uin wiihoui. a,id wen spar.-! tin sir bt :' ih.ir e'dS- dren dyi :r bc-hue ihe'.r eyes of h lag. V us iteti us c.dd. ox ti;:: i:n.i; oi!is. j ; L"'1'" w absobm sutr-rin. ) ; . . . " " " ' iii I'll Ul V.s 1(1 i 'i"d stiiai ii.wered to ihe telegrapU wires, i :i;'-2 pa.-.-en -i:s h:l lo sh.ver and be tciu- ; , ,. mi,,w.h m bir uavs in "il 'his was oniy a tiiil. -hen 1-riday. the liiih. came, the sun ; ''.' ; ni-sou a land of snoiv and silence. ; Ih il.s many feet ileep a-;d mmv seuare I lailes in cx eut wt-tV tt,re Here" and I here tlie himrmv ,f a I ' , - ; . - ouse stood tip n.. lomo oat- m a vast eemelerv. J h. ; land lay !.k a corp- e trader a windiie' : sheet th.c h td mm. :.l.-,i ii-elf ia-o o-c.e i stoa.il urinkl.-s over trie dead limbs or I sei tea! ::t a s V..,v tt... ; i o. : ol clenrma- svw:,v r '..,. ';, H, ; t. ti;,- .,,-e ihe imniis.med I r.di.s. and liie j sadder task f ti aciii r thr ou-rli tl.t- prairies ; tiie ste,w uf the d -l Kvcrvwhei e li.ev !ie I we re leund lvi:i'r still and slaiue iike ni t::k icv iiv.im.ici-: Di-.trii. ' S.nie!i;aei the searchers would find man nd ho,.-es lo-eih.-i, ihe i.omer lyiujr ueud v.-iapj.ed iu Lis ivbes y. ia. the . h:; i i his hand, in the sleigh, one hor3e down the other standing in the spot where h titm.s I lit! sleifll WftS lonn.l nvu-(.. i W ........ ry - - tr -.--..mi m'n u with the traces cut. Then to right or left would Le discovered the driveri who had wandered round ia a despairing circle to die. Occasionally the beasts showed in iheir dilated nostrils. wjJely spread lips and starting eyes the signs of mortal ter ror. And the men. too. were sometimes Lacoons of ice-statues ol writhing des pair. Hut. ad a rule, death came quietly, as it generally does in such cases. fjrt robbing the Ticiini of consciousness ef approaching death, which begets n a?;u nized struggle for life, and sliiliog him with a stupor said to be as delicious a it j deadly. THE DEATH UOI.L, cannot yet be made up with any reason able degree of certainty. We are only now gettitiiT detaili reports from thj nearest settlemVnts. and it will be fully aO week ere these are. so complete as lo be trustworthy. .Many of tliJmissing W"nl not he found till Spring; but it is sate u, set down all the mis.-iug as dead" Alter cireluily colla'i.ig the various reports, received thus lar. and making all aUv ar.ee for the remaining parts of the StaH-f I am led to conclude that the loss ot lile in Minnesota will range from two hutif-. d.-cd a?id lifty to three hundred. Itisjust possible, tlough not probable, that the higher fur u re may be reached. Almost all of these ae men and very large pro portion of them fathers ( f families in strutted circumstances. The surviving wi.tows :md children will thusO.e leftQ wi hoiit nn-ais ot sujpor-t of any decrip ti.m. The charitable of Ihe Hast will here find an object for their sympathies." Ccttiiijj too lEot. o The Jrficfi)i, in order to get an undue advantage in the quarrel betwe en it and the O Orcjimtan, seeks to dama e the later's inliu cuce with its party by charhi" that the O'vjo.i Ian is preparing its way to come over to thtDemocrats. Now we may look for Mr. Scott to become somewhat Democratic and j f(,,, but V.'. Tair Hill couldn't be I 1 ' ... " j - a Democrat if lie desired. lie is o the very blackest sheep out ao j noble family ot Democrats, and O ; wiv. S,K., are Halicals, they are - '; the meanest Kind, and turne.l Kad- I :c;l. j,, , is in.aney w inie he was C G surromded cbv better juihiences, i o ' j j j,,,,.,..., ;c counsel. Xo, Mr. ! ' .:-' . ;, tiiitL uooire is neiiiier lair UC'I" : Cg i 1 1 111 11 1 (.'. We never pec. . t- ... ,.. '...-.,.. :.i. it. I e ,IV- Si '' iff V.llll .'11. ' ' Hiil as ed i or, hi bo rin u for auvthhiir ! .sv , . , . ! eXer!,L la',U'aiis:?1 t)l U' ('1' ; 1 ve. Its in liiru by mstuict. not "V 'm-tli. tie IS tnakJIIg it hot lot' 3the .'.'. ', tmd we M ailt to see . ; . 1. . m'i fair 1'hiy. Tii.1 fight js none of ours,. j bi4t don't throw t!: ( h' '',' I a, i . , it-.: ' over to lis hi; 11 lii.i. as tuner: t 1 ic .l.iM;. cV e can't stand him. ff yon cm r.-con-liuct him, lie j nogot ceurie over n:i a loj proba- liMi-r lirnl.l- I tin I;ot itiiO chili u-luw3:! ; ttntd he has served un apjirentice. j s'i:i ;a tti: t - r '.ii , k s .. i . i.....it.. 0 VOt'.Id by "ifiUH- vrars. i thing very .-t range fvr him. He is n .r.,. .,..,.- f-..l!..,i.. .:.,.. - - V I I. ,,,, .t , I, IU l.ll 1 I It,,. j except a man that is ever likely to ! d a -v service ibr anything, but ! t'H l;a.Iic.;l oartv. c I-'rora Ilwiili.'I . -;aii! I O ii :.. .1 t .- .. 1 - in tut . e .;. i.iee in i oe oroeee-. i ill rs ui ; iho t :-o;) jr.;,!:n,l.ii Convention held o .-Irs. : u )! v.';; v :il. i ! e-ml bis'.o vef k, thi-.t we came in for a sf ;:irc- i i i o ;i.ti ciii occasions e can only inler wliat she suid t ' '"e"' " v ; Were Hot present, .Mild should judge Q ! .t ;, P ' , 1 1 1 11 x' ;i ' ::i ' t " 'g fo m p.l!i:e 1 1 ury . e. . . i ilil tliiS we must Ulu'est n,r .m-t . v ... . , su Muoiu ouier ncriwiiii w e wi re made the sah-eet tbrdu-r speeches, O and everv time it was h. loe.l our -now --.lis. i). must certam- , , , . IV i-.now iliat. It IS Wl-oiio- I.-. f.,mi. - , . 1,1,111:1,1 11 I''or, when thev are . ... "i last us i'cii in t leu- l.,ittic nn.r 1 Ij. J - abiisetiieiil bff)fe Stlch ail aiTHV of female suilragists as woreccoi.o-re.- - CT o g.iteil at the Oro I nio. Hi-t- owit ex periene-e should be sufficient for her to know0the danger of these assaults from behind., as she had an t 1 .-.- . i . . eXamxie mice iio;u ine aileCtS Ot it c... i be w . . fearful that it will effect0 us in a similar manner, but only ask that. we shall be able to hear what sh o- J:!S to SUV. W (I O'l t C llCCt ail V - ., . , 1 tmng very nattering, and we know We shall not be dis:n iiioint ed. AH , . . , s 't to come up behind US LiAii:.i-: to ;:cr "i':-:A'i-:."--V uispucii Horn Jacksonville iimicr late of the l ith inst., -infoi ms us tiiat the (Irand Jurv for Jackson count v indicted IScarface CiiarleV- " Cj Hooker Jim, Long Jim, One-eyed Moz, Old Doctor Humphrey PLittle Jim, Doston Charley and Dave, belonging to Captain Jack s band of .Modoc Indians, lor murder in the tirst degree. -Mrs. Jlrothertoii and son, survivors of t lib Urother ton family, swore positively to these Indians as the ban el who massacred the settlers on Lost Kiver in December last. It is not 1- .... , ... . j yet understood what steps will b i t ak en . b V the Shel ill" to make the I .,.,-,,( lint i iir il ei 1 .b 1 1 o..;.... i.i. v.-.--, -' - - . ....... v.. v. Lii.ii. ai iiini will be ileferred until after tho meeting of the lVcce Commission. The report jmbiishel ihat a in -in naim-il Dii.ch l ianko had been murdered ia Yiiiihua City is wiihjut fjui.datija. o O G O O O o o o C3 O O