o o o o 3 G o 0 ) l)c lUcckhj (Enterprise. FRIDAY, : : FEBRUARY U, ls73. TOAV.V AVD IOUXTV. Ci.ru Okuamzkd. II. E. Chatnbcrlaine w rites lo the Jiullttin. under date ol the Sth inst.: On January loth. Mr. J. Camp bell. State Deputy, appointed by the Na tional Grange ol the Patrons of Hiisband ry, called a meeting of the farmers of Clackamas County and organized a Sub ordinate Grange. This is an Order which has been in suc cessful operation amon; the farmers o(' the oi ler .Slates during the last rive years; but this is the first effort to establish the Older on this Coast. The principal ad vantage to be derived from the oiganizi tion is th tt it utiles the farmers, thus en tabling them to" co operate with and pro Vect each other. The Institute is yet in its infancy here, but reliable men ate pre paring to canvass the State during the cuming seaduti. ami before Fall we hope lo sec the farmers of the entire U'iiinii et't Valley united in similar Societies for mutual protection and lor the udvuiice ineiiipof ugric.iltur.. Any inquiries respecting the Order will q be cheerfully answered by addressing the Secretary. W. G. Welch, or the State Dep uty Campbell, st Clackamas 1'. U , Clack amas county. Oregon. Coiwrv ColliT. But iittle bu.iness was before the Comity Court at its February O t,t s.-ion. with the exception of receiving and acting upon the reports of the road upervisors, and the appointments of new ones, a list of which will be found else where. In the matter of estahlishinir a road on the bluff at Linn City the viewers report ed favorable to the change, and there being a claim filed by. J as. M. Moore for $:j.(MO d nil aires. Messrs. V. A. Cresswell, Joseph Young, ami Asa Sanders were ap pointed to value Hie damages. In the miner of Lafayette May's road, the Court established tlie s ime. It com mences at May's mill and ends at John X. Smith's (dace. A. C. Riiley was apponted Justice of the 1'eace tor Oregon City pieouct in piaee ot Walter Fi"h. resigned. S.uidry bills lor extra labor on roa 1. w ere allowed, besides other liills. I'k.Honai.. We had the pleasure ol u call last Friday from our old friend S lVanoser, F-i . formerly editor of th- . II r iltl. Mr. I'. is now tin? owner of on of the largest siw m ils in Portland, and ,o) f--eiis to enj y ill it It :ie of business bi t er tu to he did feeding the minds of the pub 1 '. 'He m ido a good editor, and we d oibt not In- is mi expert in his present business. Miv success attend Lira. What is tiik Rk.vsox. We are iiiforiu ed that all the lumber lo he used in re- b ill. ling the factory is to be brought up Cfroin Portland. Why can't onr mills lui-lli-dl the I nillier as well ;.s 1 ' r 1 1 l id ? This loo'ws strange to a m i'i on the mi; sib. It is ui ire expensive to gel lugs to Portland th in here, atid llt-y can saw ;he lumber a id pay Iretght uj here, and un tie r sell o ir saw m il men. Pautskh. Mr. U. K. ILc'us. of newspa n per fame in this State and Washington Territory, and at one time our part n r, has purchased an interest in the job pri it i.ig establishment of Ceo. II. 1 limes : Co. Mr. 11. thoroughly understands his busi U' S-.ai d the lii ui he is connected wi h an il ong s.iiue tine W.uk. We Wisti mil llieti i illcks ihe best ol success and prosperity . 111.1.. Keineiiiber the V.ileu.iie ball lo be given this evening. The A mora Siting Uatid will furnish the music for the. occasion, which 'is sufficient guarantee that all who love to trip the light fantas tic toe" wi.I be on hand. Tickets, in cluding supper, are o'.'.v :? J ." Ox a Visir. Unite a number of the c iri'-mhers of Ci-becca Lode cf this city pai l a fr!ern il vi-it to their si-ter lo Ige at V.irieou Vt-r list Fii liy. on the occa-uri of the install iM ui of the now o;ti'i's. All exiiress th-ui-ievles as highly pleased with the.r trip. f.vsAVK. A man named Cox. residing C near l'.u'tev i!le in this county. was bronght belore Judge Wait last Sjtuiday. and ad judged to be in-.ine. lie was taken to the sy. 1 1 in on t he s i me d I V i'l ebarg." of !;- uty Sheriff Hedges and Cii' Maishai liiclial dsivri . r - o Kki.1i.Iois Nonet-;.- Lev. A. J. Nichol son, of Vancouver, will preach in St. j'-jui's Episcopal Church on Sundiy next both morning 'an I evening. At the even iu 4 -ei vice tie will preach a sermon espe cially a 1 I rested to yonug men. VisiTott. Mr. II. L. I. tcon. brother ol l'ostmaster H.icon. arrived here l-.u-t Tues day, from Michigan, on a visit, lie lei, Michigan two weei-s :ig buried to th depth of three feet in .n w drifts, with piercing cold weather e er v where. ruorKSsioAi..-E!sew!:ere will b. found th carl of Ir. J.-'W. Norris. Ttie Doctor proposes lo make this his borne. He" can be foun j at the drug store of our g ly and hiutlaome young n i. tid. 1'ark Ward. Hkaw Lo.vn. The steamer Alice came down into the basin last Sunday with 20:5 tons of vvbe.it on board. This is said to be the largest load ever brought into the baiu on utiy one boat. Ukti ttsKi). We notice on our streets the Smiling countenance of Al. White, fon of Councilman White, who returned home on last Wednesday. Al. likes this - Country best of all. j Paid tiik State Taxi-.,. County Treas urer McCarver, last Fi iday . paid to the Slate Tieasurer the fjdl amount of Stat,, taxes due from thii county. Thj amount was $11,704 05. o IJaitism. Mrs. L. Cross was baptised in the river at the lower end-of town last Sunday ly Kcv. Mr. Wirth. Theie was a larsre crowd of spectator present. Personal. The Washington cortes pondent of the Eugene Jou n tl notes the arrival at that place on the 21st tilt. Hon D. P. Thomixon of this citv. TjoMu Fii.ki. The contractors for the rebuilding of the factory have filed their bomls. and w0i k is lo commence proba k' v next week. Pk:ii.au. The Calliope is nuking three regular tr;,lA ,Le Yamhill per week. She U'K I' and down with good loads of o fc o iiei-ht. 1 Kt.snNM.-Wc LaJ a cal, ast F.h, front Mr. Stone. n,.ut rr G Jaulkuer A Co.. type fuuuders.an Fran- -Puicli Frank" a iu)r,;,1r , , Cf.,r,ner resident ,.f iWZtr Jd mat. xaiS leal LaUie w ,a Ftailk tiU. O o 0 O Foad Supervisors. The follow inz naaied persons were ap pointed Road year, at t'.e Court ; Districts. No. 1 ...... . 2 3 4 o ; 7 8 y p 11 12 Li 11 ir, i; 17 IS 19 jo Supervisors for the ensuing last term of the County L. M. Kenan. '. '. W." A. Starkweather. Clias. Wade. "" Price Fuller. li. J. Parke. Daniel Grim. Edirar Kickev . ........ James IJagle;. E. Wiltlotig. " T. Coi um. .Win. Uranhiu. (Jennie (Juheiis. Jot n Tuder. . W- VVade. George Klioatls. ,'. JacoO Wheeler. . .. . . . . A. ti llolcomb. !.. !niram A. Straight , . .G. W Ilicinhothaiii. (not r iiu ned ). James Met 'oi d. J. P. Ulancn ird. . .J. A. Fields. Samuel Miller. (uo report). (not acted on) John Libby. Dow Uobins. (not uced upon). V G. Hell. John Lewellen Newton Walkei. James Imel. W. W. May. (Jeoriie Knight. Isaac Miller. Mose Miiler. itiley Audrus. E. G. Noyer. Win. Suodiirass. W P.Scott. George Mavtield. ti. Savage. Ciiltotl Calahatl. J li. Smith. Cornelia Lear. llanisi.n Adams J. E. lioss Joseph Johnson Levi Robins. Win. Part P. J. Hidings. John Eag.ni O. A. Mo'Jollllell li. Siiodgra.-;s 21 22 2o 21 2.) 2G 27 2.s : 2!) '.it HI :u '.j't 37 4t) 41 42 4.i 4 t 45 4C 47 IS -lit 5; i 51 52 53 51 Pkteks" Mustcwi. Monthly. No. C. for February comes proniii!y to hand, and is. as usual, overflowing with melody. This m igaxi ie is furnished at the low price ol s;j per year, atnl cotit tins more music in i single mon idy nu;n!)i r than can be bo rhi in sheet l.om b,r ilouble that sum. ... I he uuinb-r be'.oie us contains: ( )ur Lit ie I'et," a beautilh! I) lil llld by the fam ous soiig'Wiiter. W ill S II.iv; also. Cioue :o the Heavenly (iir.l n,': "Ma: lie May.:' unl give inv lov- lo a. I at home;'' Tvvo- p.ui Songs, Fold we our M.nids in L 'rav er and 1- ;i r lnuu ui) lhougnts. In ether wi'h tiie loilo.vino; i :ist in mental niec-.-; (Jle.ir the Track' t"ur hands, by i.d. S ran-s ; Christinas (Jill March." .S.vi'iM i iiougli;.s."' and -Si. Ver Cioud d.iZiit k i." As a Tkial Ttttr. the publisher offers o send, posl-p-ii'l. three back numbers ol 172 for ti'l Cents or six back uuintiers 'or $1. Send on your orders, and out vv i d lor it. you will get ten tiun-s jmn .noiiey's worih ot cliuii-e new music. Ad- 'ressJ.L PL TEIIS. ij'j'J iJroadtvay, N. vv Yoiii. Ev G.ivernor Geary re:u 'ued !rom New Vork o:i Hie 7th insl. aopareoilv in jjood :r;;!;!i. Aboiii nine o'c.ock lha' morning v "in e bivaUl is' ing witti his l.iiui y. asm u the act of he pitiil his little son. his lead su l lenly tell b ick before his wi!.- onl 1 net lo his side, and before medical iid co ilf be summoned he was dead s'lppose I to ii ive been all attack ol hear! disease or :i ; . pleX V . Mo'ieiyy. Mr. A li I i vis a! tempt, to t. rce au entrance into the room ft II iiui. a milliner, ihe warned l.im to d -sis', but In- attoiupted to bleak ill the d or and she shot h.ni dead. 1 ne Colou- er'sjurv exonerated her. The Chi'ilren's Society have re solved th tt il Greelev's estate is in I he iine condition now as it was in 1 7 1 t'tev shall insist u;on their 1 en. icy of $H) lito. tint will not demand u if iLe estate is lubarrasset! is re,.- rted. T! e P. c-i dent pardoned Eli II -ss S ew art an 1 !i l o-t M ivs M i r-1 n-1 1 . both S.ju'h i an ii nv conv ijts oi ;u lv.nx crimes, ami sen en ed to iiuprisoiiiii.fiil at the Albany Pt-Liteuiiary. Prtsident (iruit decided to recrgriz the chrms of the Republican p u ty ol the South by the appointment of Some rej re sentative m in of ihe party to a Cibine position after the fourth of March next. It is esiim i ted th.tt a tot aI ol" 7 0 0 "i 0'. I biles of cotton, va'ued a $ It) ).:) )U.u;.) m Hold, is now con .iim -d every year i.i Europe and the United States. The San Fianci-co Ilnl'ilin reports the insanity ol Jeiome Harper, who cime to that State in 1-S5S. and since then has en n'ed in trading in cattle in Oregon and lived in P.ritish Columbia. Ntvig.nion to V.'ailnl i will prob tbly be resumed by the Oregon :e am N iv ig ilion Company about March 1st. Why I'.nduic What is Curable. "What can't be cu ed m ist be endured,'' says the proverb; but iudige-tion can be cured, and therefore it is the merest stupid ity to en.lure it. Dyspeptics have certainly a right to continue dyspeptics to the end of their days if they choose, b it as it is not supposed that any l atonal being pn-lcrs pnvstc.ii torment to e.ise and health, the probal.ilitv is that if all s . Hirers from in digestion were c. nvin-cd that au absolute :nl.d:il.!e rcme.ly for their complaint existed, they vv,mld with one accord resort to it' We must emphathaily declare that srch a renudy does exist, and thai its name is Hoi tetter's Stomach 15 tiers. The record of its suc-ccss rxtet.ds over a period of IIIure lh twenty years, an d lt Ks fCill ,,.sslv , that dnrmg the whole of that time H has never fai cd t, uflbrJ peunanent relief in any disorder or derangement ..f ,,e st.iicl, abIeWiTn,,,,?UiiC- ami iner. nhlt. Ihe testimonials that Ko to e-t.hlih this ininort.oo . i . 1 "' 11 1 v ' oe c niMteil bv the t u n agirara'.ed by a total ilire"ard of -ill let V.'"- "l"1- "'!i,'1 -id render: lh.. n.c by med cmal treatment w ara.,ic "r-,""",llw,i" hundreds of ins ncVs i been ered withu, thre- months bv t! e"v, tern -tie us, of this celebrated sr,.,,cht ami atte -native. It bol,l h ' J '"' weakness of the d.estiveosn v'c m un other ailai.Ms. j5ll;u UM,.S ache nervous debility, spa-ms. pat e.tati . of the hea.t. rush of blood to tiie liea'l nau-ea. veru.-o, and sleepU ssm-ss are a-nou- Its cone-mitauts mi1 results; and for al th.es- the great vejeta'.!.- tonic is a spceit'i It acts tirst up-n the stomach, an. I thr -u ''i the stomach upon the secretory and nevoTis svstrnis and the bowels, l's "treneral ttlot being always eeni.tl and ht niticeiit. How Many !1vf regretted tht Mhev riij not take it in time." ilow e.sily those lives miiiht have b.-en spared lor future usefilne-s, for vVistar's Ualsav of v'ili Cif-MtKr. a re medy oi hall a century's st "tiding, cures roughs, colds, wli0opiu0-cough, aui broa-chiiia. To the Public. THE PAIN'-KILLF.Ii manufa-tured ly PERKY DAVIS SON has won for itself a reputation unsurpassed in medicinal piepu ations. The universality of the demii d :or the"Pa:n-Kil!er is a novel, interesting, aid surprising feature in the history or this medicine. The Pain Killer is now regularly sold in large and steadily increasing quanti ties, not only to general agents in every State aud Territor." of the Union, and every Province in British Ametica, but to Buenos Ay res, Brazil, Uraguy, Peru, Chili, an 1 other South American States, to the Sand witch Islands, vo Cuba and other West In i!ia Islands; to England and Continental Europe to Mozambique, Madagascar, Zan zibar, and other African lands; to Australia, and Calcutta, Rangoon imd other places in India. It has also been sent to China, and we doubt if there is any foreign port or any inland city in Africa or Asia, winch is Ire nuented by Ameiican and European mis sionaries, travelers or traders, into which tLie ram Killer lias not been introduced. The extent of its usefulness is another irreat feature of this remarkable medicine. It is not onlv the best thinn ever known, as everybody will confess", tor bruises, cuts. burns, .Vc but lor dysentery or cholera, or aro suit of bowel complaint, it is a remedy unsurpassed lor emcieney and rapid. tv ot Act on. In the srrcat cities of British India and the West India Islands and other hot Climates, u nas oecome t:ie standard meui cine for all such c-tiidai;its. as well as lys- deiisia. liver complKi-it, and other kindred disoiders. For coughs and colds, canker, asthma and rheirna' :ie dillicutties, it has been oroved bv the most abundant and conviu- . . . 1 . . . l ; I . . eine trials and test moey.io oe au invalua ble niedieine. The proprietors are m p s sessioii of letters from persons of the high est characf r and I espoiisil.ihty, testi yinii m unequivocal terms to tl-e cures cue -led ami the satisfactory results produced, in an end less variety of eases by th use ot this ureal medieine. That the Pain-Killer is deserving of all its proprietors claim for it is amply proved by the uopara.lele-l popularity u na.s attained." lt is a sure and elf cttve remedy, lt is sold in almost every country in the world, and is becoming more and u ore pop ular every vear. Its healing iiropert es have been fudy "tested, all over the woi Id aud it need only to be known to be prized. Sold by ail diuggists. Feb. 7, l"o-3. The Atlantic (' able is a National benefit so are SI LYE II TU'l'hl) Mi ... s t r cmidiea Never wear through at the toe. Try them. For sale bv all dealers. For the'very b-;-t piiotouraphs. go to Brad lev & Kiilofs ui's Gal ery w ithout STAUlrv J(T ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 4J'J Montgomery Street. San Franei CO. i-MLM IiVCA.niKT .NO. 1,1 . O l- Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EYENING of each m nth. Patrurchs in good stand ing are invit.vi to attend. Feb. S. lS. J-tf Jllult iioiou li Itnlc .o. 1, A. F.anil A A. l. Holds its regular cointnunica . . tions on the Firxt ami Third Siiiur 7 in each month, at 7 o'clock from ihe "J"th of September to the "Joth ot March, and 7i o'clock from the 2otli of March to the 2ot!i ot eptemiier. IJretli ten i good standing are invited lo attend. Dec. o.l s7o, By order of S'. M. Oregon Lixlge ."o. 3, I. . f O. K. j.-"Xy?,, Meets every Thur-day even ,Krr-i ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's ii f, ii ... . . j, 4.1, .i;tm s eet. Memliersof the Order are invited to attend Bv order. V. ti 83,000 to Loan. K CAN N LOOT I ATE l.oooTO i5 "f 0, $".i.o to O.dno, coin, loaned on ap piovcd securit v. JOHNSON & McCOWN. Feb. 14, 173. wl (LITE OF ILLINOIS.) nivsin.w AND Sl'CCER, o n : ij o x c i r r, o n eg o x. AViil re-jvinl promptly to calls during either dav or niirlif. i iI KH i;-At AVarPs I'm: St r-. ( an h" tona l al the I 'iiil llou.sc at 1 igh.'. IV!, ; , is; ;. ,,, 5JT OF TS-2E FJRE! s. j. Mccormick n.vrrv to ixfbm jus numerous friends, liatnjns, and the Jiuhlic in general, that he has THE RANiCLm BOOK STOHE, AT - NEXT CliNTHAI, MAltlvKT, AVilh a Complete Stxk of Schoc! Books, Stationery, Blar.k Books, GOLD rESS.GlTLEUY, ETC., AVhich he will dispose of AT TIIE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Sulvserijitions Ileceived fnr all the I'opidar Xewspajiera ami Magazines, -hijh will lie de livered to any part of the State. Tfehlm. Y TC II S & .1 E E L SI Y. rpnE UNDFlI -.NEO ANNOUNCES TO 1 the citizens of Oregon City aud Cla-.ka-Ui is county that they have just opened a JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT !n Oregon City, i Main st. Xext door north of Shades S doon. j W'iiere they will k-e, on hand and for sale ; -'.I goods ierta;ni.ig to the.r line, at the LOWKST LIVING HATES. Esoccial attention given to the Kepairinjg; of l'i:ie Time Iicccs. A I eo id., mi!. I :iii.l e,.i L- lri.n W XI. j RANTED. OEO. A. I1AAS A SON ; Oregon City, Feb. i, 173M CHANGE OF PH0&RAIS2IE ! N ORDFU TO CLO-E OUT' THAT branch tf my business, 1 Wljj Sclj Toys and Fancy Goods, At Less I Han Wliolesule Cost fricta ! 1 have the largest aud best stock of CLOTIIIXG, ItdOTS, HATS. And other goods, in this city, which I will also bell CIIAEP FOIt CASH! Call and examine my stock and p:iees, and save your money. A. LEW. Oregon C ty, Nov. '2'J, 17. Administrator's !-aIc of Keal i:s,afc. sxrnisi'Asn: ofaxoiiuku or Tin: t 'omitv ( 'ii:irt (if till? Sl;i'i of I in-'on. for the county of Multnomah, sit tin in l'rol.ate, m i te at the Deeemher term, IS. ot said t oart, the mi lersi'.'ned Aduiiuisirators of the Cotale ot YV. L. Cooper, deceased; will, on Saturday, Ihe 1st day of Jlarcli, I-;3, .tt tin' 1 1:11- of 1 o'eloek 11. 1T1 nrl s i i. I (1 - -if lit.. I 'iiiii't lloo-Le .IimiV ill I ll-."o-i I 'i - iti t i.. ...... .o i- ol ( laekanias.in said State ot Iii-.,m:i, s.-II t,y uite"- tuni, to tu.' iiirae-t nut ler.ior -.isi,,L . f.yoM coin, the loliowiiej: deeribo l leal estate h -l.i;eri:i r 'o said estate of V. i'.. (opcr, iie.va-c.l, silu.itcd in said county of ( 'hn liani is. and State 'it (lie in iii, to-vvit : the X. K., 1-4, i'.nr:er ot see. 2s in 1. .5, S. of U. I t-:.. h.'in ilie mirth halt ol the ilonation l.mil ilami of I . i t ii jii-iner and .Vre iuirli ll.iliiruiier, eoutainin ifil aeres. Ten lier cent, of the piireli se luniiey to he paid at time of sale; the remaiuilei' lo te aid on ap proval of said sale by the County Court. Kxnciise of the deed to he tiorne hv th'j pur chaser. J. p. t). i.tnvx.siJALi:, AV. F. I.l)s-t'., Administriiors of the I '.s ate of V. E. Cooper, uecvaed. January 31st; lS7J.-wl Administratoic' G a I o . "rtTi h is n;;:ti:j;v ;ivi;x that hy virtue of an order m i U a-:.l en r.-l or reeord, in the matter of the esT i'e of .Joim (i. ampheil, at tiie .laumiry term. Is, .i, of I i e 1 Ion. ( 'oumy t oui t of laekain.is eimnt y, state of (ix iron, 1 will sell at public auction, on Saturday, the 1st slay ol" ."larch, It-stli, at the Court House door in livron City, Chu-!;a-inas county, (.Ireful, at the hourof 1 oMoek, p. in., the following described tract of hm ', to-wii : Lot numbered six in blork nuuili-'red .-evejiiu tin . 'on ( 'it V, Iaekamas eouilt v,(Jle'-ci, fo ivish in li md, iu t'old coin. VV. V l-.L'. iC, Admiiiistrato;- of the estate of 17janl2nlw John O. Campbell. City Property For Sato. THE GREATEST IXm'OEXTC EVER )i",iitojj-:iiTVix oitr.cox citv. CONSISTING OF Fori. LOTS mOD Dwelling, with seven rooms; doo l i)v c .ard ; and an uneipi d'ed well of water; all in good repair, and situated in the uiti.-t si j ht ly aud hfa'.tl'V j'oitioes rif the city; Title peilcct; whi.-h I oll'er for sale cheap, being desirous of leaving the city. Eor particulars enquire of EL'OENE LA l-'OREST. at Tims. CbariiiJii's store. Oregon Cite. Oct. 2.'th lsyj. ?4. XJ. POPS, Grocer & Provisian Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Jtain Street, Orrgon Ci(y, Ongon, DEALER IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES COFFEE. TEA , SEOAU. Fl.oril AND Ml-.ALof all kinds, PICK I.F.S, SO l SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits aud Vegetables. DL'TTER. CHEESE and EOC.S. TO I! A ('CO and CICAES. (i LASS WARE, El:-., Etc. All kinds of country TVociuoo t ikon in ex change for guilds at tlie highest market rates. -V'-Oiiod.s dcliveted in the city tree ot C- are. A fair shr re of patronage solicited. March 2:5, 172 :tf v3 ri rotsnfesin Balm COUGH KIXTUR2. V7. H. PAHKER, OF.TACRSONVILLE. II AS DISCOVEi: ed a remedy, cofiposi d of t'.e Fxlia t from Mo iiitain Ha'.m. which crows in .lack: son county, and other Ve.-etabl - Inarn d e".t. which has eimt.led him t i furnish the s 111 i 1 -ed with a purely Vegetable a pcricctly harmles-, and yet tins Th j 3Iost rowrrfiil Luni Remedy ever discovered. It is good for CoujLs, Colds, Croup and Bronchitis And is a u AGUE IREVEZiTIVE ! Blood Furifisr, Invigorator aud Ap petizer, And is noted for all Ne'v us and Rilious ails. Man- letters niiht he adduced to show what the medic:ne has done Of necessary V but try a bottle, and it will recommend its If wherever it i- introduced. For sale at the Oregon '' v I)r" store, and all deale s in med cine. Smitfi -Iavist Agents, Portland, Oregon. Pinpar ed by W. IL l'ARKEU, de'elml Indepen-'cnce. Oreiron. r PA KEN IP P.Y THE SriJSCiUUE:! living in Kmle Cr. ik pneiuc, t'lacka mas countv, one la-ie ! d c w, so tie white on the back and belly, white in tace from eyes up ; a dim brand ti the left hip; both horns hive been bored on the back pai t ! the under-side of them ; no ear maiks; sai l cow N about six vears old ; said co.v came to my premises about the middle of November iast. ROUT. K I UK II AM. Earrle Creek, Clackamas Co, Oregon, Jan. 20th, is 7:t. Apnnscd on the 'th d iv of Jan. 1-73, at 42". bv FR VNK'W. FOSTER. feb7w3 J. P. for E tgle Creek P.ecinct. lii'ctits no longer olj-ct to MET ALIO TIPPED SHOES SINCE THE SILT'EB TIP Has licen Intnxluccl. CjC 4. tttnn per day: A-e:is wanted Ail K0 10 kpZU c-lasses of work:m? p.-ojile, ot either s.--x, youim- or oi l, make tu ire. 111 u v at work for us" m tlioir spare niom-uits, or all th ? tinii, than at anything el-e. 1'artie'ilars live. Atl.lrox 'f. Stinon .V o., l'ortlan l, 1 iu. teptemlier 27th, lS7J:ly. Itele ii Di-grc Ledge i, O. O. V. j C Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXr.XGS. ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in 0 Id Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree ate invited to attend. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, tn-TiTrriO -rrrrv rT7 n T TT?rtltT t PAOSFIO BOOT AND S11GE HOUSE. All IKMEITSE STOCK AS USUAL. GEORGE A. PEASE, Sl'CCKSSOIi TO PIIOTZM.VX, U1LI.1UAN JC CO., COIi. F1KST &.HOHKJSO.V St., P OKTL'ND. nov2:tf NEW GOODS. ON TSIiftD STREET, IJnwttn Alilrr untl Morrison Stretts. IloiiKstie Cottims, fine Iris'.i liosoiii It lie Ta !': mill I.notn Dfl lllltaks, Tow l niiill iN!i Ilia li Sllli Pop. lifis. I51at k M pa en s, "'"'iniii- Ciools, Ho in y. iJooleiiml Shors, l.laeU l)n si.s!i;.s, J t-'ti i islk in K Uoil EUSIIJESS EOIl CALE ! Iwiii. stock am ooon w ill of business (t! e oldest Het ii Hn-i-n. ss in the- citv), and Rent STOKE AND FIXTURES, fur a term of years at a low rent, Tllllln STIIICI T, SOUTH OF ALDER P () R T LAND, OREGON. noVj'Jiu2 HOME SHUTTLE ILIPr.OVED LOCKSTITCH Sewing- 3S:ac22l2c. Tils Most Simpl:, Practical and EC0II05JICAL HACHINS IN USE- S:iLs Lizi.'A it! OUlts 0:1 tin Xcrili Yd-. IS-: Co in!. 'piIEY SEU' MOKE RAPIDLY AND X. with le-s noise tiian any other Machine The onlv practical low priced Machine that gives entire satisfaction. GLYS45B What other A cents don't tell von about the IMPROVED IloME SHUTTLE MA CHINE: Th'i if:t't. fill vow That they are the si Tuple-1, hiviojr less n,m:berof piec s, and more readily ii ulei'stood than anyi tlier. That they are the lightest running; more easilv learned and oie,ateiI That more HOME SHUTTLES are sent ut troiii the (ienerd Asjeney at Poitlaud, than all t!ie others coinhiiied. 77.-y tlmi'l hll rni. They sew equally as on heavy and liirht g i Is. 7 If ) 10V ! ''. Th it they use the pat ents of tbe high priced machines. T'x'ij don't t- tl "", "I'hat it has the straight lie d e and s If adjust. nir teiisimi. m'.'" Wti it p- ople who have used them and compai ed thcni t- othei -Machines will tell von : That they ate more easily learned and op rated; Simph-t and best f ir al! kinds ot work, and will use Liiicn and all other kinds of thre-ids and silks. A few of Ihe irnn-'s a'e jriven below who arc usi::gthe IMPROVED HOME SHUTTLE tt:.KEit!:Nc::s. Ocn. 1! 11, Portland; ('. S. Silvers. Port1 md; Win. Ma-ters. Portland; C. W. Pi indle, Uuokkecper for Leveridge, Wa lh .it: it Co. Miss L. Vaughn, Portland. Mrs. .1. It. Upton. East Portland; Mrs. S. A. Morel and. Portland; Mrs. J. S. C i'reh, Oregon City. Machines forwarded to any address, with directions for using, on receipt of price. NO. 1, i30; NO. 2. Id. ;i O. VV. Tit VER.. (i ray's Music Stoje, )Id Tellows I en ple, Cict.crul Agcut, I iist street, declaims Portland. LIVE A XI) LET LIVE! THE 0P.EGQ CITV HACK AND DRAY CO. TTAVINO PURCHASED The I X Liverv Stock and Itusiress , o! Mess s. Willis A Piiin 'uiiTfix. and the Drays, Horses and Iu-mess t ( N. Okkenm an, are now prepared to cany on i.ivi:i:v i;t nim, a. ABI.K. AMI 1UV1.U. We will also deliver s'ab "o l to all those persons to whom Willis ,t Lrouhtoti have ei ga.ired and a many more as will engage slab wood from us, "so far as we can get a siimdv. Ordeis left nt the Liverv Sbible for Wood. Dr iving or Ilaidin, wdl be attended to with disp .tch. Pat'onase in o ir several branches of busiii' ss soiic ted. Our Cliuigf he ?IiI'rale CtiT The Highest Ca-h Price paid for Oats delivered at the Stable. C. N. ;i;EENMAV. Pesident, J. M. F R A 7, E U, Secretary, Of O. C. II. it D. Co. Crcgoa City. Aug. ::), Is72. tf. FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DHALEIt IS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING," BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE. GROCERIES. CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. MAIN STREET, O'lEGON CITY. HlOIUrE of all kin Is bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If yon drsire cro id (ioods, at LOW Friers, citi at I SELLLN'tPS. and examine his fresh s:nk of pr.ng Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. ,vw,rL-V;'Vois' QUICK SALES AXD SMALL Pi.Or ITm. . I. SELLING. April 11. It7I:tr JUST RECEIVED BY II A II I, IS jg3 11. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND cousitiug iu pari of DRY-GOODS, LADIES' AXD CUILDIiEXS' Groceries, Crockery, &c-,r&c. o All of which I will sell at the LOWEST KATES. Give me a call before purchasing li where, aud convince youivlves that 1 CAN and WILL SELL hs clieap as tbe cheapest. CIIAS. II. CAUF1ELD, CORNER MALN AND SEVENTH bTRELTS, OREGON CIXT. THOMAS GHARMAN ES7 AI2L.ISIIED DESIRES TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette Valbv . that Ie is sill on baud, and doiug business on the old motto, that 'A Vim Me i-l. in is lietter tlian u Slow Milliii." O I. have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased ute of the LAKGEST and I5KST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before cdlered ia this city; aud consists in part, us follaws : o Boots d Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Eescription, Kardvrare, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sasli & Doors. Queens ware, Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, Jewelry of various qualities .t styles, Clocks & Watches La dies & Gcntlcraen's Furn ishing Goods, Taney Tactions of every dcEcription.Patcnt llcd icines, Eope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Yall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sav niv stock is the MOST COMPLETE ever oil',-red in this mar ket, and Wits sleeted with sp c ial cnrrfur 1 His i:ii-Uet. All of which 1 now oiler for sale at the Lowest Elarfcet Hates. s- No use for the lading, or any one else, to bink of iroinir to Por'land t.i huv troods for am DIM KUMINEI TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to be IWBEKSOLD IX TIIE STATE GF ORECOX All I ask. is a fair chance ard quh k pav meuts. IJdiev ti, as I do, that nineteen years' experience 111 Oregon City en.il.les me to Know the retirements of the'trade. Come one and all, and see for vonrselvcs that the old stand of THOMAS CHARMAN cannot be beat in quality or price. It wnu'd be use'ess for me t 1 tell you nil the advan tages I can otl' ryou in the sale of good-, as every stoie that advertises dus that, and probably you have l.een disappointed. All I wish to say is. come and see -and exaudne lor yourselves, fnr I do not wish to make anv mistakes. Sly nhjvct is to till all niy Id fi lends now that I am s'ill alive, and desir ous to sell ools cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all- tor the liberal patronage heietufore bestowed. THOS. CHARM AX. Main street, Oregon City. J57"Lfgal Tenders and County Script taken at nuikct rates. a THOS. CHARMAN. ;7-5O,CO0 lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. HEW GOODS A r 1 11 K LINCGLN BAKERY. WILLI rs a. HARDirv-c. H E .1 1ST 0 PEN EI) A FULL V A R I E ty ol choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PP.OYISIOXS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. PARTLY, CANIHEs AND NUTS. All of which wt'l be sold at livis g rates. Keiutuiber that we do in t sell goods at Cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes mon-y to io business. To the fa-niinir trde vvc wonld sav, CAH for you. produce, an.) CASH tor our goods. Hoods delivered to ull patts ot the citv. Feb. Pi. Is72;tf .T-dV. MILTVI -W---C-r MASONIC H ALL DU1LD OREGON CITY, - - OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND tor sale, ciikap for casu, PARLOR, EEDRC02J, OFFICE, SITTINGROOM, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Buvrrms, Lonncres. Pocking Chairs, What nots. Per i-teads, AY a hstands. Curled Hair and Pulu Matresses. Pu'u Pil lovvs. Spr-ns Beds, Window Shades. Picture Flames, MouMinsrs, &c, ic. J5TSpecial attei tion given to Upho'stTv work in all its h ranches. Orders tilled with promptness. Repairing d n with neatness and dispatch. Furniture made to order. f-? (Joods delivei ed to anv unit i,l lAtvn free of charge. Call aaid fciuriiioc for your- , sclvae. roaylTcSO GOODS, O CAITIELD. o o CWELL SELECTED STOCK'OF COOPS , O o o o o o 3Jilliiioi 7 SHOES, o COPfTECTIOKERY SALOON! Fresh Oysters ! I o LOUIS SA.L, -G- - Proprietor. Corner of Kouilh uud Main Street IRESH OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY snle desired. Confectionery of eTery Kind constancy on hand. I manufacture all luy own s'ock. which i sutlicklil guarantee Hurt it is fresh ar.d pure. Call if want of a good cup of eofiee, tea. or I'lini-alair, ir anything in my line. Oregon City. September G. lfc7'J:tf o . SHADES SALOON. C. A. HAAS, Proprietor, o Hain Street, Oregon City. G O Dc t n II. I.I A Ii I) TA III. KS in OI2EG ON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of thin popular amusement to them the n a 1: .s r FPU ZD With all the choicest qualities of Liquors ana Cijrars. Scotch, Irish and Bouibou alnadj famous Whiskies and Punch. also, kyo. 1 SKOOTBKG GALLERY Is connected with the Sidocn. Orewn City, Jan. 1, lS72:lf 0 EEAL ESTATE, HEAL ESTATE- JACOB ST1TZKL, C. C. 'VT AT, JACOB STITZEL&CO., o SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL & UTTOX., KEAL ESTATE AND Cor. Kjcut anil AVukliingtt.n Sts., P 0 R T L A XI), ORE G OX . Pjircial attention given to the sale of farm ing lands and city property. All corics pondence relating to t he lecouices cf Ore gon will be promptly answered- EEAL ESTATE JCTJEJML Published monthly. Sent free of-trharge to atiy address? r JACOB STITZEL L CO. March 1.5, 1fl7ti:tf RESTAU R!A N T FOR AJL"E! OV'ISG TO THE COXTIXUEP ILL liss of the Proprietor. Leon DeLoukt, the Ibiinum Resturant is tl'crrd tor sale. T any one w shing to engage in this but.ir.css, a bargain is otlered. LEON DeLOUEY. Oregon City, t)ct. IS, lh72. TMI3 OI1IIEST0 AXD T HE BEST o DR. HUFELA N D'S .CELEBRATED S "W I S S c STOMACH BITTERS o O Tl ITrst and most healthful Tonle ever introdnced in the United States. These Bitters bar H been in the San Fran H cisco Mai kct for over 1 wnily Yiorn, and3 not withstanding the ft many new candidatea for public favor, lb s:,lt. Iiiitp mncijnllT :tcreased. TAJ LlUt & IIE5- O HKKI.. Sole Acenti. 4(!t and 411 Clay St. , San Fiancifco. i-6-y The standard remrdy for Coughn, I r C n- 111a, Son- Th root, I f 7,cf j,v p lapji frt t p, I.rr C ntpluitit, Trtrrchitir.Blftdivfr of tht "I'd Tvery aflection of the Thtoat, Lungs and Cliest. including CoNsrwrTioN. WHtiir'a Italsunt or AVilri (limy does no t ery up a Congh. but looser it, leanses ihe lurgs, sfid allays irrdation. thna rtmnring the enure of the complaint. None genuine ui less signed I. Titts. Tri-pared bv Skth W Fowle So.v,s, Bostcvn Sold by RrniMirnx. Hoptittek i'o., Sanfranciaco', aed l.-y dealers genially. q FOTl SALE. rpHE UNDEPS1GNEI) DESIRES TO FELL 1 elds property in Oregon City will eell at a ' argain, to a rood purchaser. A'.so 4 town lots In Canemah, with good fei ce atound. Also '2 town lo' in lower end of Orpgon City; also 10 of land known as the dona tion biT d e-la ni of Wm. Stone. 8 miles & southeast of Orrpon City, with fome im provements, thinly timbered, nc nnderj growth . po A lusting wntrr -f 1 ciiiri' r;t Cc.uiitvT'erk- rff re. - " 1)1. FRAZER. Oregon City, ilay stb, 175. vo2S vs. 0