Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, January 17, 1873, Image 2

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(EijclUcckln Enterprise.
ii:ti:!.UkPpki' of clackamas county.
OREGON llil. OEECUN, JAS. 17, l7i.
The Credit Mcbilicr Investigation.
" 0
Death of Napoleon.
Let Us Have Peace.'
"Wc are attain called upon to re-
Louis N'apoleon Uonanarto, cx
Emperor of France, died at Chisel-j cord another Indian outbreak ; this
hurst, England, on Wednesday, i time it is near home on the Ya
January 8th. It appears that he j quina Hay and Siletz reservation,
was afllicted with the gravel, a dis- : Hon. I). Carlile, of Elk City, arriv
fase of the bladder, ami the possi- ed at Corvallis late Tuesday night
The committee appointed ly j hility of his living was so doubtful ! on his way to the Governor with a
Congress to investigate the Credit j that Ids Gphysiv-ians resolved to j petition lor assistance, and bring
rrioMiicr muddle has dune some j perform a surgical operation upon j ing the news that the Indians had
good already. If wc remember j him an experiment always dan j burned ?dr. Ed. Sawte!le,& house on
aright every member of Congress, j gerous. Two of thce operations j Saturday night, and that the sct
v ho, before the. late elections was j were performed, from the last of j th is, had fortified themselves in
accused of receiving shares, in the j which he never recovered, but sunk j anticipation of an attack. The in
Oedit Mobilicr as a re.vard for ! rapidlvSutitil death relieved himof pauguralion of the "peace,"' policy
is the foundation of all this devil-
The Hoard of Equalization.
rendered- to the Pacific ! PuHVnug. lie was born in Paris,
Gen. Palmer, instead of
llailroad, while in Congress, denied I France, April 20th, 1808, and was j try
in the emphatic and pointed man- consequently in hisoC5th year at staying on the reservation and en
ner every allegation of their accus- the time of his,3death. His father j deavoiing to quiet the savages, is
trs; denied ever buying, owning or j was a younger brother of the first j running about telling the people
rpceiv'm-r for a Yahi-iLIe rrmiidT.- I Xanoleon. a:sd his mother was a j that there is no danger of an out-
r - , j
tion or otherwise, a share of such ! daughter of the Emp7ess"-Josephine
stock. This denial seemed broad j hY fit husband Ik-auharnais.
enough To-all purposes; and many j 11 vvas educated mainly by his
almost all believed them ; and j mother In his youth he spent a
thereby exposed to ridicule and ' considerable portion of his time at
contempt the persons and the press j thc military academy of Thun, but
who had urged thc charge against . lil evince any oT the military
them All-r this broad' .len'iai bv talents which was the distinguish
thc accused parties the matter was j in-characteristic of his uncle. In
1S0J he requested U oe anoweu 10
taxi:s the A?stssoi:s kavoi: CfmriinA-
li cl'iuocs state op AiT.ur.s.
' To ILit rtcdiotrt. L. F.G rover. Governor
of Orttjon Sin : Complying: wiht a provis
ion of an act entitled -an act to provide
fyr the State Dourd of Equalization." ap
proval October 23. lS72,the undersigned,
comprising the members of said Hoard,
have t!it' honor to submit the lollowing
report: O
Tlit; Hoard met nr.fl organized nccord
intr to law. A journal lias been kept of
each day's pi oceedings. so that a lull and
complete record of i lit Board exists for
reference or publication. O
C( iinuuniea'ion was had v i'tP the
Roauls of Equali.a'ion of the various
oonnties of the folate early in the session,
by u circular letter a copy- ef which is
horewiib appended, milked A. inviiitiE:
in formal ion and suggestions which elicited
several instructive n-p'.ii:.
The p.invrs c.iulei r.'-i hy the law are
not as distinct in smiie respect as would
sei'Tn to be desirable in ord'-r to secure
efiicieticv. It imperfectly provides inr :in
equal!. Kinn ef :i5-Ji'S-!il'iits fir the pres-.lt
Vt'ar. This the I.:.aid. alter mature delib-
i erau-m and an exaiiil:tatiiii t the r"lU.
State News.
break ; that it's a tale circulated for
the purpose of getting the! oor
Indians removed. This same man,
so tradition savs, kissed the mur- j deieniiirn-d could uut be accompli!ied lor
- ' i . i, r i . .. . . r ... ...,..t 1.-..S
derers oi Dr. hitman s lamily on ,.0,w,lt.,j, wj,h CldW-i!oii f taxes !
their let urn to the vallev, in order j 'his law b.-t.e.e the pasajre !!:e law.und
- 7 ' ... i .... tt i :
(Ml III. It iU"!-lNlFI II Vt'i:. PitVf i;ern Wt ur
I'd ui'SjHtli.-i)t iiritl imji'iiitic H n .1 iilttrnl.
to uruit'l'takt'Tl ( i SO llil (1 Hut I lit
f iii idi.f i) trial innunii'il tfki.il t: inti t ,
on the borders ct the reservation ;s.s-tii.uit n.i; ren.br.il the at-
to obtain their good will ; and
Whooping cotisb and measles ia DouZ'
las county.
Flour is a scarce article in Baker City
the present time.
L. F. Lano has been appointed a Nota
ry Public for Doni:lai coiiiity.
A plank road has been built fiom Oak
land to the railroad depot.
The Jefferson' flouring mills have sus
pended operations for the season.
The Salem flouring mill stands idle, on
account of bac's water Irom tluoiver.
Tents and overshoes have been forward
ed to the soldiers in the Modoc country.
The weather in Eastern Oregon is re
ported as being very pleasant.
Wni. II. Holmes and O. F. Mason, of
MulMien'ah county have been appointed
Notaries TabUc. O
On VvYdne-doy last Lieut. Kearnos cl
the Oregon Miii.ia left Jacksonville lor
headquarters with nine recruits.
Private Win. Rexford. of Co A.. I?t di
gs de Oregon M ilitia. lied at tfoda tqrhS
cui the od inst.
Cupid reigned in Polk count? during
1872. and lu:5 couples bowed their necks
to tke yoke ii niatrituon v.
The dwelling hou-e of Harry Hall at
Canyon City was destroyed by lire on the
Jth ui:.
A Denton co?iny farmer has .10.000 bush
els ol whe.it which he U Lolding until the
pi ice advances to 51.
would have the settle
allowed 10 slumber until the meet
ing of Ccngress. ? A committee
was then appointed to investigate
4fhe matter.-; Wl:at further myster
ies "m this -erv "Vivslerious affair
murdered before he'd raise a dis- i t .inment of such an (.bj.-ct poMtiveiy i:u-
eiter the French army but was re- j senting voice for fear the poor sav-t An inspection of the rolls revealed a
-r jr.. tl.,. .llv.v.t.wl J.I.fr.etc ' o,w. .'.....i.i t... ,-... i-, ,! ,wl l.ic I lack ol"i;!itS.rmi:y and great in.-q.iality in
lli( V. lllleS tli.lCt'd linoo HlMtievl. In
to win over the Trench people ttVi small salarv (about $3,000 besides j 1:inv ..i ihe co-unies a'disregHnl has been
his claim as the successor of the ! stealings,) as Indian Agent cut off. j 'own the requi.emen.s ot the s atutes re-
i la: ii.T to asse.-.;i:i-iils. The thtiereut r.e
tob unearthed ve know hrst Xaj'olcon. In ISoG he put j More than one man has made a'ciesof pec-o.ixt property are not given.
i'' 4t j ... . . . . ..t i, 1 1 , ... . ii : i
himself at the head ol a lew soldiers J fortune 1V being the oisburser ot V't " ,,,.,,! " "-'.'"'"' "
Directions to County Assessors.
nri.Es Axn nncri.ATioxs kf.i.atixo to the
County Assessors are reminded of the
importance of commencing their duties as
required by law on the first day of March
in each year, and of proceeding without
delay to complete them before the las:
Monday in August, which should be done
without fail, in order that the County
Iloatd may examine and pass the roll to
the State Hoard by the second Monday in
2. As uniformity in the assessment rolls
of the various counties (,f this State is
eesenti-.il. a blank roll is luniished to each
ass-ess. ir. which should be filled up sub
stantially in the torm shown by the sam
pie puge accompanying it.
a. Land should in ai! cases be describ-
rd by section, township, and range, and
when consisting of legal subdivisions
such -hould be described.
4. In order lo avoid the numerous omis
sions now made in the as-es.ment. of real
estate the ma;is required by law should
be kept posted up so as to show the as
sessor 'he actual present owner of each
:t nd every tract of which the title has
passed from he United States or front the
State uf Oregon. O
Telegraphic News.
- New York. Jan. 10. The Washington
dispatches say a subsidy of SI. 000.000
per annum for the PaciSc Mail Company's
China service is agreed to by the House
Appropriation Committee to take effect
July lt.
Dostov, Jan. 11. A slight shock of
earthquake was felt at Brunswick. Maine,
this evening. There were five tremors.
New Oiti.RANs. Jan. ll.-The city i
quiet. Politicians are active. A quorntn
in both Legislatures. Fusionists making
preparations on a grand scale for McEn
erv's inauguration on Monday in Lafay
ette Square, if clear.-and in Exposition
Hall, if rainy. Ladies are invited to bo
present. Phichbeckera will inaugurate
Kellogg on Motid ay in Mechanics' Insti
tute, s
New Ot:i.t:.v.s. Jan. 11. The Fusion
Legislature is fully organized. Six Sen
ator.s from the Pinchbeck Legislature ap
peared anil look seats, an event which
creates a lively stir in political circles. Fu
sionts's assert that other Senators will de
sert Pinchbeck to day. and probably break"
up the quorum. The seceding Senators
publish an address to the people niving-i
their reason fur ihe desertion of Pinch
beck: his illegal acts and assumption of
arbitrary powers in organizing a legisla
ture lv unseating members who wer
5. In nppra-.sing lands due regard fcnown to he lesally ?!ect.l and nut.
should be had to locality , nearness to j jn,r ,!,.!eated candidates in their places,
market and to a'l particulars n'dVctiug ; ' .ji,jnr t)u returning Board with fat
' I heir saleable cash value, which she u!d n I ..(Vices to make false returns of election
in order to secure the election of Kvi-
logg to theVni-ed States Senate.
all eases be the standard td valnalli-u
both ol real a:id per-onal property
t;. Jt is iie-iiai.le that the assessor' him
se!l a'tnl not the assesr-ed shoubl be the
judge of va'. nes by personal inspection
Several members of the SlaTe Agricnl
tu;al Society are soliciting subset iptiuns j w believer practica'.jle
m :?.i!em lor thebocietv.
not. but the fact is already establish
ed t Ii.tr sevcn.l Con-ivssnun did at Strashurg and jM-oclaimed a rev
Lave shares of stock to their credit ! olul
annuities to the Indians at that
ion. lie ignoimnionsiv iailed ' reservation.
si ription of I he I. tads
I he lab. ii s of the
ard have conse-
1 1 ijuen'ly. in a re-lt me isure.beeil dire,;'.ed
o-i the loo' s cif the Credit Mobiiier, 1 in his attempt to secure power, was j serious trouble from that quarter j to i!,e a Vqiiio-i et such means :-.s wi;l he
and that these share-wv ' jdo-rd to taken captive an.l wojthi have been j unless it be in immediate vicinity lJV;;'-;-'. Zu'T' '
Hon. C. (I. Cnrl.Cl. ik oftlie Supreme
Court was taken suddenly ill on Tuesday
iijoiiiing. and is now confined to his room.
Business at Empire City j.s pood. w";;!i
beiier prospects i:i lhepring. J-i ve ho'e s.
not large ol course, are doing cxci-beriily.
The warehouse at Baemt Yis'a'tel' in a
few dads . time y being tl'id.Ull.i:ied by
tile broad Wili.uneUe.
Mr. (Jeer delivered 22 young hog t a
Sai.in butctier til is week, w hicli weighed
4.ais poiiiitis.
Sixty persons have joined the f. I.
Church since the beyinninj ol ihe great
revival at i.-a!eiii.
trJr -rd'(t ,dv"f (!' tuna fhdr ,cr- executed but ier the intercession where they may attack lone settlers
7vVr.,- ) iir!&'d in reiiealit?"" the ! and entreaties . of his mother; his i before assistance can reach them,
- Pules li ive been ;ido;:ed. rel.t'it'g to I A schooner is e.Tpec'ed from S in i'ran
the duties of A--.-e.-e.rs. and the toi ta ol an ci.-co at an e iiiy iiuy w liich wili be run
:ni's!iii.i loi! r. ler a ! ! . (utiles liave a's.i i lie! i lm ("ie..s Ij.iV :::.;! 1 . r; ! 1 1: it
law whi-ri-bV the United States putitshment was conirouted to ban- ; as they number less than 30(Mneii, j been framed for tte oti-e van.e ol the: ., ' - , ,, .
w .i i c i-y ti.v. v. ini.v.v L.nt.. ,i v. J 'I . . .. i ihe (.overnof his a -i ; 10; ri ; ed At. M.
1 n i- i 1. 1 .. l ,i e ., .... t nun - i;oaros oi i.iju.i : H on. ci.ti e- o : , , , , .
halt ol whom are MoUly, hall-star- . , -. , i, i(, , , ' .,.,. , ! H u-tm-ss Commts-toi.er ..t Deeds tor the
. .. ... ' i St ,!.. ui Or,.,-,,.. ... I.. .,r Wi. . i r....
1. i - It I .. K -...4 . l . l . ' 'i :ei:i e ii iiii- nui inai llie I I
elsewhere we iu dt.-Ii a letter to - , ' ,- . ,. ,
1 i mo e ::i:.'.:ou ol a iniiib.-r o he counties
"ovcrnrnent held a first mortgage ; ishmcnt, to the United States. Af-
r!x, :i the l'.icitie llailroad. In ter a short stav in this countrv he ; cd and unlit for anv
other wor.ls the Uniu-d States, ' went to South America.
e made another unsuccessful at-
temot to Keure t tic throne of
7. t.iea'er eaie is required on tlmrrsrl
of tl.e -a-s'-ssors not to omit assessing the
lands or n'her property of corpora: ion,
s'icli as Wilson rout r.:i!ioarl ami tele
graph companies and all in her associa
tions holdtn.i land-, whether by gr;int
li"o;n Cong re. -s or otherwise. q
ft. A-sei-it-s. sv.oid tledaol the tax-i
pavers indebtedness v;;f:ir the StateoaU-.
ami iu all ca-es com ii v will the hf'.v re-q-:iti:ig
the amount ot indtd:edne-s to be
uiveri vuider !. and v. lieu a tax j.av. r
desires to eiaiiii inoeliti d::ess. the lol
lowimr ia:h s! ie:ld lie adminlslered :
'-"i.v'i:: r ('i.wcn,
(.'uiity of ) '
I do solemnly f'Mr
that I am bgtty iieieb'ed within tl.eritate
! i f ( 'reifon iu the sum e.f S arei
! thai said iudehtetlness ?!as tmE'been'ile-
liuc't d from the ami. not of my taxable
property iu any other county for thepies-
i-nt e.:r
oSubsciibed and sworn fcfure :ne tiiis...
dav of V. I)
thtOugh the votes of these men,
rchmr-used a urst mortira re noon i tempt to K-cr.re. the throne 01 Aloiloc war, and y i .ie
the ioad and accented a second ' rranee. lie was captured and be- disp:' .ci:e - we h'ain t...-r- - .-.;a
gage up on it, thus relinquishing a ing fried was sentenced to inipris- tlie Jod':-..is aie iu the w a -..ih.
a rust-class for ;i secotiil-class sccurltc. : onment for life in tiie fortress of In the frontier of Kansas, ?e', a.-ka
It now devolves upon these senile- ; Ilam.r; After rem:i:.:iiug in jirison and Texas they are continually
men to shtn1' that they gave a va!- !tx years he escaped in the lisguise commitli::g ut predations r.i ihe
-that is a monev consider- of a laborer. "When the : revolution j whitt s, and the government has
of stock. I f IBIS broke out, lie went back to to send our troops down South to
the Jacksonville Timf from the i icpme h-m l S e laehme which uouid
A hirge portion -l th' ?Joiocs of th '
sses-ur of
Coun: v.
ac- iii iii eom; !ii!:ce wmi tae 0
i.ird iu respect to 'h
i li;.-
. r c !:! o;
' ii.! !i of an assessment ro.l. i: was deiuued
j advisable to have th" rol's ; reia;ed l.n-
der careful supervision, ami when com
I ple-ed and boiii;il. a rii'.:iu emeois have
beyji m ull' to have three copies forward
ed to each Count V. which will be dotie i;i
I C.
:ia. l e.-erv r' ion I,
on no doabl will j ,'u
.t.ii: .. Jai-k.
!et. luanv
the hand o
r-rnvhlni. 'I I: i! when a tax paver owns
tit i taxi.lde roperiy in two or more cCMi:ies
i i trie taie he stiouol have U;e (.. -Ii t ot
a tion for
for I tie commencement !
lust of March next.
e sliarcs
thev do this in a complctelv
patisfaetorv manner thi-v will stati.l
l'aris and was chosen a member of ( break up State Legislatures, iu
tho Xut lo;i:;l .Vssemblv. i-'ft'ort s ! st o:id of scndiiv ihciiHto r.rolect
convicted lu lore the bar ot public ; . , . ,. ; , . , 1 ,. , ,.
: ' i-i.i were made to prevent Jitm lrom : sc-tllers on the borders ot Indian
opinion as Lrtoe-takers. o . . 1 i
C oj taking his scat, nut these laded, ! reservatioas. Such is the "peace '
A ..tcri'cd It?!
"We find lle following in the
().T-jni 'hi of the Dlh inst., i;i aU,i
liisioii to some strictures ma le bv j
us in last week's Km trttfinst:, in :
reference to the attempts of an bl
and Xapoleon proved the most
popular member of the' Assembly.
In December 18 13 lie was chosen
President of the Kepnblic. In the
Autumn of ISol 'lavincr all things
ive action, he de-
read v for
poliev of General Grant's adminis
tration. Is it a success?
Temperance in IoIilics.
Air. Lcland delivered a lecture
on U mp.etance a
Ail i get her such act i n 1 een taken f i
e i'ldn en! of ihe Hoard, us w i; ! male
' v t th- w o k of eij'ializ eio;i here
' ii i-s anticipate.! that should
- discharge their duties in a
. V ice wi Ir'tl.e Lev :uid theili-
vi ii them, tliat a! cr ihe County
ol lvpializ.itioti shall have elTi ient
I. lei; ineon-ider.ib'e service uiil
he leonired to be jicrl'm tn.-d bv the State
A recess was taken during the ses-ion
to ei:;,!i!e t'a1 S.'.ieiatv of Siat.' to
ni.-h th IhMid with taleil.ir s'a'emenrs of
ihe tisses-ineuls IjV C'-iinlies, i!hnil'.-iv-
Tl.e wink on .lessrs. IeCY;ia;ek i'c
Ilu.-h v. i.er's Hirectory is being rapidiy
pushed Icrrtard aliil the book v,-ii;oou be
I his indehf ediiess iti propor'ion t
i able proju rt.y in suc h counties.
O 1). W ie i e.js, li.eieb.i-e. si me
own on t!ie roll the deilue'iiei
have nut
ot 61!-.' ) ei uip i .n ii'.l.iwed ly law. while
o heishave. ii is desirable that here.iiler
Arrargetnen's have been nnnV bv HI-b- ! ,:n:!,:m l1''1-1' " I'--'p-op
Moti-lsof this di..cee. bv wlich Ihe ! ,,r,-v "'"J'.'o lax.ei.ei.edlerln- it on Ihe
Kpi-opa! denoininat.ou at Jcifeivoa ill ' r" Pr:.pria-e co.nmn.
have e'.-n'ir seivi-e : :" ' f" a:t I liol !..'.! deduction
- llie perseaal priqiefTV otJiuy
Iatcst L'roiii the Scat of War.
h.Misi-hoidt r is less th in the y.i )) ex- '.not
bv law. tiie exemjilion noied ji tl;e roil
.-hurtld on'y pn i! the au.oant of such
lersniial p: oper; y.
II. In no ease should the amount of the
Ni:ac j:-.v!:T;-:;:s 1-t bi:i.;. 0;:v. ,.'ir... )
Camc Willow Ckkkk. Jan. 7. Is7:i (
l.mroi: i imv:s: As it appears from ! indehtedne.-s and M.Mi1;iii.ln f a tax pav-
ot.r .iier that on have had very tiitlel.r t, ..V.......J ti.. .,,,..,,. r i.'i.
pro;ertVi. J'hus it' 'he amo'iiH of an in
Ces e-l which, iu t.i ii :i 'm r form are her
liivi.iuals taxable ju-.qe ;ty is live hun
dred do-Jt.rs an 1 he sweats to ari indebt
edness of ih'e tiiows.ui.. a suai only equal
to the a ;tv. -.tat ol 'lis properly sJv,!ud a p.
pear ie the columns cf indebiedness aud
exempli, ui. shiC" ibo excels of h: deles
T l l -l
en. J n January loiiou ing a le-, s,:u,(i hy llK.Sr printM,,ieA nt the
cree waissued commanding a re- i l);l!ot-box to suiM.ort'temnerance
tho alliance witii Iv.iglan.i ami j Convention, proclaimed themselves
"The On gtm C'ilv Kntkkpkisk f--,1 "r v;hir le!eated the i'- j temperanceorgani7.ations,ar.d set up
savs that t ver since the comnietice- j sians in the Crimean war ol ISoO; , a !OW "for temperance men to railv
the establishment of the Mexican : to their support. Let us see how
Pmpire, which ended in the terri- iwh. '.'te,, trance" dodire was
ble scene at Queretaro when his
i carried. Did thev not have seven-
have creative Maximillian, who was real- tct.:i ir,aority in the House when a
Li; :,! O' the locks :it luat place one
itnli idtial .has been 'coiiTiu;ia'ly ati
lio'viuir and harrassusing the com-
lanv with i 1 1 v claims and assum-
cd n-'-nts; that the company have i
been ready to pay iibei rally for his ly better than the average ot his ( t,,!1.l(,..,,1C0 was .. on ilt,
j.retended rights in order to buy j degree, desertwd by the ant hor of j t fI om whcre it was not re-
thcir peace, but still he is not satis-j i - , . i ...'.. ci,i .l.A,.,, i;i-n i L' i i .i J :. -
. , 1 , , . li'.s t'oubles, wa snoi. ilo. n uc a!moved durinr the session, owing
lied, and has -'managed m one way t , , T, T , i '
and another to cause much incon- j n'lemned icon; the I-raneo-ital- to two-lhirds voting not to tatce it
venience to the company. It seems j ian war against Austria, in winch :np? Certainly tht y did. lie said
abnos", incredible that such can be I he achieved the only success of his j ;l ,noro corrupt and dishonest body
thecal. The Company has always j 1X ;,,n na tlo icamo"us Franco-Ger- ot m..n llCVO, to llis kuowled-e,
leiol tor what it i"ot, has spent a ! ' ... i i i i 1 w . , , '
Verv!ar,Te amount of monev in and ' ':bwsir ot -0, which he begun SCInbl,(1 . onc tnembcr took
abo-.t ()ivgon City, and has ad Ud without cause or decent pretext, 000 lo a fcr :l l, and then took
very greatly to the taxt.ble proper- i calling up a whirlwind winch swept (Vjq better tego a,raiust it. Our
ty of the county, thus benefitting j awav at once his Empire and the f jlr.; doubtle aix- aware who
fc.t. "';lh'y; ! of Prance as a military that u.,,,,.,, r(,rrvil to is. He
IV.II.' V i l V . i I -V. 1L I i . r ,ist j
portant tacts. .s w ii! he percep, .
sggn-gate ta.vible properly of tie
is euLsid'Tably diminished by the
'I I... ! .1
1. lie
gre- j
oui! are in- j
till! th
I. ir-re
at the Court House I VV:". e1.1 ' "' . "' -"'!':'';
Jivi.li.ul iii this communit v lo lew ;l!5 etee.ion oi i rcst-.a-ni lor ; ast I ridav evening, in which he im-nt rolls, exhibit iuu-v.-suu-r and im
bjacktn.iil on the Canal and Lock len .Vl':irs :U1 1 u'as ot' ('"'!r?e cllos- urged the irt.end.s of the cause to
Companv. We can assure the Or
,-,7-, ihtu that cverv assertion madi
bv vis in reference to that matter is ; vlval ' t,ie "npenal dignity in toe ; luon for t heL-gislature, and not to
capable of the fullest proof, and ; V-'" of Louis Xapo'eoti under the n deceived by the false promises
that since the article referred to j n a m c ot Napoleon III. Thus end- j Jf 0fuce-seekers, as were a few-last
was written, other f:cts have come , 0,1 the Kepnblic. The principal j Spring. The Ketmb-icat. County
innwinr i,osseion fullv sttsttiinin- I l'v-'nts ot I,is lvi-!1 s Kmpcror were Conventions, and even their State
the 1'iitioii taken bv us. It sav
1 to Ihe
nit of i.uleb;.
into! m iiioa lrom ihe seat of war.
tho ii;!;! 1 wouM drop you a few dotiins
to slio'.v you and Jour tinme'ous readets
the i-itu i'ioti of ihe soldiers and ihe In
dians. Tiie headquarie's ot the liegtilar
irmv. w.lli (.,ener U o lie.it.,i in coai n iu 1.
.,,.1 ii... i i, .. ,... ii
...... , ., 'i i-ioi ,.xer:)!H !,i!l , si:;e
. ,....,,,.. i . i.w v,, ; over l.s asst-tts ;n a hiL-t id ;:o hi-aefit to
c-.d.itu oidieg.- ere t.:.i;i-.a.'d a! this ,.,-; ti. C,,.,!V c.r t-';vte. hat tend lo create
the MMiati li lii i;i ;;!oill eight Miles, on a ' contusion.
s iaiglit line i;o:th-west of Capt .lack's u. It'i advised that the capital sN.cV
cam.p. whu-li is tit the wet margin id' I and o h. r property o all banking :.m
i ute I. ike. m what s. re called ihe 1. i va j :,,., eompat.i. s. 'where i.ot oi:erv.i-e
Lens, oi I c iS ii. eu wi.ii c.-ep. sui.ketl j iui:-- fuiiveideut. slio-dd
1 o s or Ci-.tsms. Captain iSer.iar 1 with : ,.a
i i ....,, i .,i i. ....
ill.-, I..J1 I .uiil .1 ,i . L.iiidi i .., : ,f niiiL li I ' t.i i.....
I . ... ....-e.-i
s ie.es mo e.isi in , .jj,. ()- T,,je Lake. 1
!ll!!es uislant
Con vei;:ei:t. should he a.ss.'.-sed to
l company in its corporaie name.
Vii'io parties are l;o'?ds-
l oi' Mire'tes tor others, surh obitira-"
ihisrox. van. II. At ?kowbe?arr.
Maine, this moi n'ug. the thermometer
h-t'y helow 7.ero.
Salt Lakk. Jan. 13. An impression
prevails that Chas. A. Washburne. torrner
lv Minister to l'arairuay. and at present
ieideut he;e, is to be appointed Governor
vice Woods.
S anT'r nc:sc. Jan 13 The report of
fj. T. laiu. tiie 3 pert. a;tointed br
(loverno;- Ilootti lo examine the books of
thk lhiFbor Commissioners ha been pubi
lishetl. It shows ai 'tti'-Sciency ot over
twelve thousand dollars and thirteen dol
lars more drawn from the treasury
than was paid ino it ; also refers to.
the leases given lo obbge largu corporiv-li-
ds. -ind to vessels HvLich were never
req iired to p.Gkny dockage at all.
WASirrvi; row Jan. 13 The President
has nominated Francis C. Service a As
sociate Justice cf ri:ipr rue Court of Mon
Tana. Attorney fler-er il Wiiti.im' is rerxvrttxl
to htive ti-b graohed lo AHron F. IN-iry
and fsaniey .Mathews of Cincinna.i. to
r -rpiest them to act as counsel in behalf
.f the ( hvern nieii ir th proposed cae
lum againsi the Facific li itlwavs.
Nkw Oiil.KANS. Jan. 14 I'inchbeck ii
elected I'uited States Senator by the Kel
logg Letrisl.iMire.
b3)M"N. Jan. I'). K- I'.-npress Eugenii
will soon i e a proclamation 5 to tbe
French people aninuinciit that she as-
stinies the regency during Lor son's minor
ity. Q-
"lw:rs, Jan. 12 It is said that th
French Goven;m i: Tvil! perr.-.vt Me .iiial
interment of Xipob-cn's remains, m
Fra ice. if the funeral bema.ie strictly
private and deceased burrii d as ex-Km-poror
and not-, as Fmperor. The cere
monies must be ol simply a religious
clusn.cter. O w
Lonpon. Jan. 13. A dispatch Ironi
r.ombay says: A report reached there
that a terrible eanhquake occurred as
Soongnhtie. a town of India i: the V'i.s
Irict f Uarrada Io:sinion. tie lnuidreij
a-ul lourteen miles norih of Iombiy.
line thousand Jive hundred perms bail
been killed in the town alone. Nothing
is heard Jroru the surrounding roun'ry.
but it is feared there was much additional
loss of life. w O
I.irn.!: UorK.Qfan. lo. Doth Houses today-'
balloted for United States Senator
without, choice, with the following result:
S. W. Irsey, 33: T. W. liov.cn, i:.t; Stiv
ih r. 7: :.!.. :o;ial '.. l-a!l ilepuUiic.trK
A. II Garland t Democrat). 3A.
Ni.'-v Oi:ii.X.s. Jan. I.. The people's
or Warmoih Le-rislatnre yesterday elected
General Willii.ii Cullen United States.
S,;aior t i fiii Keh'i.gg's luiexjiire-il term.
vile suiti 1 urns iiini regiii.ithuis tela
tive to assessments, as. it ii tli-iuht. may
tend to produce unproved Sif.d n;ore grat
ifying restilts iri the future.
In some of Ihe ass s.-itif-t rolls there
are manifold instances where the iudebt-
is greater in amount than the ag- i catii'i duty
(d llie pronertv asse.-s-.d tonne ! I ive an
! I'. A. Donis s:
! l'l't'ty's coiitm ei
van'age to
are continually kept on the .-eoi't ami
escort ilu'y, except w hat aie needed lor
roc. i' M ihe ,el from i vroott s ltofsKiM'.n
atiog lliat he. wi u Caiit. ! S. S. Wood it he
t l.,.t i l. r : . i- .r.: . i
U.K IL.H Kliion.l il IS 11, I 11 lOUS. 1 1 i F ... V- 1. .vn.ir i li .51 ... . . . . . rt
,. . ,-, i . , .... i '" " -""i'. j .i.ti. n- , tjons l not .KistiOi'e an i:i !.-li:ei!':e--S to
. ". 1 1. 1 r i.e. I'" l J I e. 1 1 1 1 II i ( lit:' I ill t .tiii'Li.? I t'i. A i , i. ir , I ,.. i I,
part of ('i.mpitiiy IJ. ol the Volunteers, is
at tie Ya'm"xVem;y , and ihe rem ii:. der
are :il these he;:i;;!'iar:el S limbr the Ci t:i
maud of Lit ut. llZ'T. A!i these troo.is
be alimved as a set off .: aia -t ta.va'ion.
II. A-'sesors are r-mem! :h it liie law
recpiires them colleel the p.. It tax in it
is aisessed. N. H. ( 1 er:s.
q Chairman H-uird ot DpiuIL-raliorn
try Notice
i-iiwli a lecord is ot no ad
t!ur' i (itm'y or Stale, ami cer-
tiitily is not creditable to lm
,1 .
t),-.d made a rece;vis-
'-I AO
z:nk r.v.-.v
der and i
polar mo-i;ii!v. r.nw rs two
5e I i.i-A l" 'Z a
he New Ve.i
this I
v 1 1 . 1 1 . ..i j iiiice Ol e.tlit. a,ilS Camu Ite ,i;i- I ,ea i i.n.o .,, ,L..j ti
v. toieit ii-.iim l, iv i-M. -in ui). i'ie aim leiii- i , ,., ,.,i ... , ,, . i,.,, .,, v I)
vovatiie aspect to the pecuniary condition ! -mi-l t,
ol the country.
either very lor. tt
to mi-represe-.t t.t. lac's, nr
ihitiLr iubi:shed in the t'a
caes L is only ivce.-sirv to ener an L, r,. '.ml mitt.
inouut iu immb'ed less s Z ri-'nl to oil j
for nf
h vol
Tiie genera! iu miming, by all ihe dlfler
ent riiy.il families of Kuripe, occasioneil
by ihe death ol XapoIOon. has a deeper
sign:fiMnt we suspest. than s.pr&r3 on"
the surface. Il is not ttat tl.ey lament
the de.vfh of the man whose magnificent
uncle (he -'holy alliance" combined to
torture lo death: but they Ghink it good
policy, just now, to seem to have great,
reverence for any s -mblatce of idyalty
:lde of the dilferent Ke.ropean na-
tuuccnicm 'pionalities. ir. these i;nes. are i.utueil with
.lotions not tiit. .a iU favorab.e in Vsv
I !:
Lte directed tli.lt i.i such
il rule; an 1 if tie
who liv'i
hern don't dis-
t tl
list:e.-lieiit. I;
ike manner tht
i . i : . . i .
comjueien lsoneniai e;innot mjurv
any .-i ction ot" thc State, must bcue
tit tlce entire Willamette vallev.
count v,
o -
anl itur-t oe aa esjeci.u ao van t a ire
to 'hjit.Ugnias county. Itt'hetvtbiv
does not sip pear rc:ison:a'.ile that
utition Co t to1 1. mi w:is ambitious r .i;..;,.t,.
-- l.lillU HOiii lilt ttajlllllllig v.v.v...i.
he has fallen. " j ail !,ad it not been for a few such
friends ; members like him, '"-who were on
Not 11i:ai:ii Fko.m
of the Portland, Dalles andr5alt j the "take," our State would to-day
Lake Kailroad would like to know be tar better oil. in this county.
anv citiz.ti of that, conntv, however j what has become cd' Jos G Wilson ' while the Kepublicans made '"big
ern atly be mi-ht dislike the coin- Congressman elect, and'thJ plcd-es ! promises," they took care to nom
panv or anv person connected with i , - 1 i - r T i,.,,,.,, ,,.i
it.omld be base enough to take j U' U l'l Kaslern : Ue met! (or the Lcyisiatu. e u horn
Midi a mode of ri :xt i i i n r his pri- Oregon, pi ior to ilnL.Tuue election. they l.iiew wouhl not carry out
three hundred doll-n s I'Xem D'i.in of pi-r
sottal property to earh imust-hoid -appears
lutly in a lew of Ihe rolls, and Iretpien : I v.
where u ;oes aepear; the asses.-;:;. ml ol
persotsal property i- less than tl.e amount
of cxnnp'.ion. The rul'u.g of the lloanl
iu this regard is thai the fall amount of
the exemption should lie noied hi all
cases where the amount d" I he person il
i , .i
j" l ' . ! I .V. I. I -!-W i;J- tltilOilIli Ot
less, than iu
ri is t di his iHoa-v tor
tl. or Ul-i'osed At lin- e, : ie. mii-ii e Tiii-u t nr juir ui 1 rr - in !
1 lieari V IVelV- ' we let, I liu !.:..:. .! i-i 1 1 : !: -l : : i " ,vii.,.iv.. '.. ! :l!5; lUTpi'
li.'oitiia papeis ! the ue of orfztnal matter: we ii tally ! uiion thiVix-i ami live bv t
i s ta re are nns; cure i u- !.! hi tne m.Iv'h 1 i2t..i-:it-v Vi ....1 ,.i.. i r . .
... , , ... ,. . r- , - .......... .i.i. .juivv.i. a .o- oi ie-;eci jor sucn
-in :. 1 i r i s 1 ... 1 , f . ri. I !, , I t . .... I.'. .. .. .,1 ..... t v a . . . : . " '
coumtud arrived 21 Hours before Cafd. ul ShH pri,,- stoti-s uhich wereconnnu cy n T ns .n,,;,,, wh , , Tbf.
lVrtVs. ar.,1 tiie fi st reOiMiouice iluu ,,1 ,vgu'.ar!v f..r as r,;,:,v months. In ad !""! ''""""""S onarchy.-
was made to Capt. Jack's camp was made ' d.-i ei to poieg the lii.i-stD pries lor 1 ,, lV' T'r u"vr
i ... . i - , I ' " , 1 l.-m lias leen o . e- hi nvvn in r ranee- eret
by -l.t) men Inmi (.ea. !:. c-imitiam . t other cotitt il.titio. we c aih-d to our ed- -r '41
I .,.,.!.,. ( !,-..::.. I.. . , :. ... . . , ... ." v hi mu-m.i. ami wie peo-
...... v.. ......... .v ... ... v...,.4. .-. .. -oi on a:u some o. toe oesi joei. wy .a.etu h im?,i: j Alls-
ai 1 I u clock at llteht. uiiiier t he p-ul ar,ce i,. I ,.. i.,,,,..-rr n, v.u v... h .v.. out ' ., . . 411
....... -., ....... .... ... ..... .. . -. i m . i . ,ri,... ... -. . ...... i
lmiTiS was lurnistied beetiauh. In .,.t ihe "i.i l-'iaa!' tniteriil
the imu uiog of the I eeoutioi-aue,. with a ! mu es-.irv lo make the wrk sati.-ia-jtory
field g!a-s Ihat was iu Cajil. Kelly's c..:n- I H.-m-e w e li.iv remudele.l 'he iu tgaziile
lerty asses-ed exceeds '.
llie exeiiijiiion. :i:i l w-ieil
rcl iMve pro;-.. :r ion.
The Hud, i d tire of
n ih i' if
ail propel ty could be is-esed at i:
actual value, as Ihe law liapliics. ihe bnr
rii ot tax.t'iori v.-ouiil lie very- much re
lieVed. its in C n.eijuenee a lower late ot
t . would be the rah- boili for Si. Ue and
county purposes. At pies-m; ihe poorer
and mi. hlh? cl :s-e.s ore paying tte ex
penses el" the (Ihvi r;;tii"in. nwitig to tlm
im-:!:.iei!cy of As-essois and the iiietpial
i! y o! ti-e-.-mer. i s.
mnii l. to new the place uioiiad Capt. j
.l ick's camp. :'iid when he returned (J..:. !
Ko-s had his hor.-e cared for atid iuvi'ed ;
hiai to h:s tear, where they iioiuii d ia 1
several "smdes." h id o lie a !:m ' taik oa I
i;r aeceu dance w i. li tin;- r.i
. ! i I ;
. I,
a va
the si-u eioti ;;!id a heaiiv di:
lrom f .reign In. k-lii.-M-al
U.e ei'eatu
cotiret :i tig t he s it
; t
i;t periodical-.
Ois treated.
i" mi uriiu na.1.
been thought to be in opera; ion L-r yrxr
iu short, tt.e whole of J-hirope is Ihoiisrhti
to be on ihe verge of a popular eruption,
which shall seaKc-r thrones A:-.d crown
v. i h no sp uing hand. They affect e -
m 1 1 in
1'....... ,...,, ..i.t ...ii- i;i i;ji'M?
. . ... , . i
oe.-i i.iimoi; .1,.,. .. .. i .. '-
... .... j i.i i; uav ee-er cause lor
Much valuable property has entirely (
.Mr I)oiri-i returned h uue timi wa- dejoi-ti.-d
by llie c'ilizetis i, Vreka to vi-it
ti'iv. I-oo'il. we were wel I eat iJiett hat
fiuthiiig would be done iu thai ipi ir er to
relieve llos cou'ilry of t i:e-e ma tihuotis
I -ui i an I thought so then and publicly
cXp'.i-.-d mvsi it. as ilal o-hers. ta il he
was not the mm to -rend to get a.-.i-.i.'.nee
j to (i'hi India-
Wfteti j Jatiu-t: v n.UL'oer. which has been received
iu i an:
very interesting mitier.
ar a ear, simhI for soeci
esea jied tlSSejif-meii!
jieci il ins: am
tjit. Keily had a little brush wi h a
no given iti m inifticeut hw.d
several crvi t.o! it i ,:
auts id
ier n :t !
iisr-e.--ed :it ad or only in pari : and w her
as.-es-ed I lie
b ind ot about 2i) Indians n the o;h lust.
'I i.e Ciip'uttl had t veive of his men and
live Indian sc.m.s out ia i lie d ife j: i ui ut
: hen iiljau1. lour
eon al-.s sum
i'l ice One I o
turn copy wl lC.il Will lie III !U-d tree.
Addri'.-s .".,S. Wood &. (-'o.. Nevb;irgh.
N. V.
CSti'.iTA Kit's lMUilAV M'MUKi:.
Tl.e iuid i:i:.i'lnieui ol'Pr. Uollanrs
new novel, Aniiur l!onni.--,isi!e." appears
ia the J.o; lary uumb u- ot ri-uibtiers au
coiu, i itiie.i I) y a very b.-a a ? iiu 1 d -sign ! i mn
o. i.eti oi a::-s li i.i -civ. I Le sa;u
The nepub'.ij.in caucus of ihe Nevada
Legi;ture oa-tbe Sth instant iiu;uinated
J. 1 Jones lor I'nited ta'es Senator to
succeed J. W. Nye. whose term will ex
pire otLthe lih yf March.
valiiaiioti oeluw liie pliCt
sploi.n. It is suir-ested thai . lie has not made his aoncaranee in i .those promises; and men with j I'h.ee.l '"' oilu-r lands like dm. acu r.
i.liviibi-tlo,,,!;,.,, ;,f th;,,l-. 1. .- ' 1 , : Oii.y a smii.e msianre is there an excep-
. i...t.. i; .. ;.i,,.,i .i :. .t. . i ... ;
, ,,... iv... ..a. .-(..mu , i. ui.i.s ,,: : N as hmgton as yet. .-And before
11 1 IS I lie. I in K W1..111I ii.oiie II 11 Ui.-l- : . r. ,. , . , , . . , . 11,.
U- tV.un tl.o eomnunv l."n.i I, 1 lhc u take his seat patrons ot the rum-sellei.
probably one exception, who are j ,-, ll'is .i,,;,,;,,;,.
the case, we trust the scp.ul will ,
show that any persecutions of his ; may be forever sealed.
will be borne by the companv, i T ' r"
rather than yield" to his demand." i To l-o. The
; p.ou'tceS that. ("1ms 'i,a,i,,.
j;Uhe S h i i,t. t!a- IJepuhlicm C iUC'ls ! .,. , . "
ot the N'.-w Y.uk I.egisi.cre m msT-.e l t Wld be substituted m l'u u ot Geo.
U -oe t'otikimg f..r re-eb-et i. m to the Uui- I.. Woods as Governor of Utah
ted ams .-1r,.i..e. A ,.eserv,-4 recog:,:- ; T ... , , . , . ,
ttoa .: ins ao.i::y a:;u u ic.i y tJ.:c party. , - ui-t- inc..; nam to please
; master, but couldn't. I lis pray
er was ".Musuts- what wilt thou
I will
'-. i -I
i oo oad.
the fate of that preat enterprise ther hand thc Democrats made no
wagon road gri
si-s-t d ii! one 1.
per a ere
-otsie we
such oromises, but nominated hon- I !''' l-v:i a-se.-ed s- Sightly as :. cms i
! 1 ' j ti.ie a cinipara'i ve exemption Ir.i'.n tax i
lest practical temperance men lor t;,,M. v. i.ile other u-.cia
teh irrtiph an !,... ,,.!,. v;i,,t ......iditsiim tin. a-aiu. are not named on
l a;it. .larks camp. Wliea
mi.es Ironi ihe .Mo l-. o eamp. tisey ii.sc-v-eied
this bind ol filliiis co.'uii-.g out
lrom uhcir siromrhoid and iruo oh.tse
d that is the j iU.rn a;i open '.lit. The Indians rrtreat-
i County, as- ,.,i however, and cro' in heiiin l a point of
rochs. uml ..oened lire on the little .- iad
fori ora'Kn'.s :1 n one no. Noihimr diunted. ito-y
disne muted under a shower I
!i om tiie concealed I.rli iu-. imd IViii'il
o:is ot capii.d. j c iu! 1 -ret sigio oi aa l.i liiu.
the ii-M-sii!,.)-,! i ,t,M,, I... :.t him.
il ii! .1
.irate! 1 wel' i -live ceirs
OThe m ii.ou iu the case of Elliott vs.
Ilollad iy, to appoiut a receiver, to tak
charcr of the alfairs of llie )r..f.,.. ...n.
! . I 1 1 1,1 ! - I I .1 . I I... .,?.! F, .
niiuiber is rich ia :iort :..,!., and sketches. V.r,,1,',!'i.,u lUi!l''ld " de"J J;lJ
ill 'St s:r:i;h g ...J' ll.e ..riael" bei.'!
Hu!m"X)ue L.-gged Haaceis." Tne
ol n.'.me.s iu tin iab e ot contents is
i uOllii,i!U.
iwt.igui her tiie iii--sI lut.-i .-; ing aiid il'.-.i'l i
ijuished '! given. Willi oa Morris. (Jeot'-e
Mac Donald. Uret ilatt-.i. l'iii'ap G iibei-1
li-imeruui 'author of -Thoiighis o:i An."
-The Caklimva Uver." e o'V C I llles
Dudley Warner. Iliu ard Kggles'.ui. Cal ls
els', liu; l,.A-.eill. .liuutld C. .--eilham C S
Civerl-y (author ol -FU- Leaves-v. Tl
Thev were then
ihuird liave
iid a hall
A .1
S C l II .
behind Ihe lock. were
i . i -
lecttuer nas come to we aie not e.vere wed the ui:v corn
1. i b'- wiih'.u their power, by reipi-s'ior tin
' I '. ... ..I' it... I '.ii'ii! v i.n ii-.U ni' I-., iii.-.l- ; . . . i- ii.. . :-j I vv.ae e . i i iltr oil
-. - ........... ... i t.-i 'v.'iiv niiu ill,,, i... , - . . .
And that roper miir,ht add'l.i
knowed-e of additioti, divt-ton , l;.(lVe we do, command and'
aware, but prestime
men and parties bv what they do, !
a 1 - i
and not bv what thev sav
.wiilii.-i a rut e
and the Indians
e.i emu-iitv velliiur. An Ir.dia.u wi h
waid Ming, and Wil i.,w ilrvaat ciSii-
iif Southern Oregon Steam Navigation
Company have tiletl articles of iccirjiora
lion and stock books are now open. Th.y
propose lo buila a boat to. mu nj Hn
Couille river.
James Ij li nes haviag resigned his posi-i.
tio.u as Coinuiisiuner of the proposed
Soiiihern Oieg.ui Waon lload. (lov. Gro-.
Vi" lias : ) r 1 1 . i i -. 1 1 , 1 ll.ir. It It Mmnn .if
- ' -v. ,.Ti-iii.-.. t ii it's, t I : .
to ti.
and Mletice. Old Conklin-jr, rdor- 0
ton and Cameron aie three ot tiie '
biircst rascals hi America, and ;
neither of them wot: hi be trusted ;
olK'V. I i. Ot (teoi 'i-o '
The New
i.ie.cw : irieans i,;;,. .s- s:ua "if m-i-rr
shame wns stamt-ed in. 1. v- r.-. o... i..."
man cour.tcn -.!lCe. its hideous brar.U r- ,n
by the masses of their constituents co-.v be on on all th? vile conspir.uc.rs
in humblest ofllee in their power ' who have overthrown the government
to bestow: Like Senators Caldwell i ttf ioir.si irau They sueak along the
i.e.s. cn-cii -.'w-t -it c,.o-.s J.
A fite was discovered at five o'flock
; Monday morning in A. Turdy's wagon
i febe.p at Corvallis, wh.icli soon commuai-
caud with M.um-i Knight's blackmiih
i.-'ti'.f. lloth wei e cc n-it'ii-'ii. but iy the
: r.ob'.e exertions of the li reman the udjoin
' ing Imihlitus. were saved, and an exien-
sive coiitlagt titioii avoided. I'uidy's loss.
I $2 .cot), and Knilit"6I-l."j(J0; no insurance.
I '1 -' i": ac'ed hoblv.
Addiih.mil leisi
is rcrriired to
Jack lor
:c'i was ver.li.'U ov im
Indians at the camp cemmg un ai.u e.,
irn in return. Cai'1- Kelly's In. baa to r
. . . i- .... . ...1.;,,., I. ..It. it s he
oiii h i .l.lClv w us i-i.i.i-; '
p.erlect our revenue sy.-'em. whmli the ex
i eiienc- of the nex: ear m ty t.i ore d.-ti-
niteiv iieterneue. and io the next, atnimi! .,., .!... ro. ks ih.it. he was coming to iheir
- . . i , . : - , . i . t .. . . a
report oi the l,.arl may oe more appro- .tl wjltnl the hoys t-oiioiiioen i u; mi'i
priat.-lv and intel igibly recommended. hmoer get out of 'hat. wnich ley di 1 ami
Ail of wL'KLfi-i rt spectt'i. ily uh:iiit;ed. j ,t...irned to caiiip. without any cu-u .Sties
It. I.aXjS. I U) ,-,.;, rt. This i- tie; hist eiicmao-r an
I t:o. I ( Vuky. i.e ... . i,.... I, .v.. h il rit.ee their atlival
Sjlem. dr. gon. Jn. 0. 1S73. j . , ,u.. result of which is nnk.i-e.vn.
We are all anxiously aw ai' lag the ar-
Tho Washington C.roo'oV, Radical. U I r'n-.d of the howczms wh.c.i v d be
... , I ..,,.,., i-v two or tijree days, wee. i 11 w lil
evident v fast becornifff d.Wgusted with alo.ig i i
O .. . . .i he shorl Wol iv. . . n
tl.e outrages and rascalities o! its party in I -i-j . nif:i!ir troops stationed here arid
.-ke'ehes ;iid essays. I hi rTcn I a r a' ! e:i ; i.ui
should be calh- l to ':P.M..r: 'w"s preiii (we
--Leiieve the i.,-,g...-t he , ls eV.-r pjjh i.-!ied
i.i a: i .vi.i.-i icau m m tzme): .iacU m a! i s
excpii-it.' fei- U-i ing of ;v .Spiriiu.it S mi.'
tloiu he Cefili iu oi Novahs; ;.I -. ted uiaus
srhoi.iriy s-ay cri "Victorian l'oeis:"
Col. 1 1 ig 'i:is,.:i 's iioporr;!! siijes'iun iu
Goon- Lake, instead.
Some vill.iii) placed a log on the rjil
road track netir Harrisbrug last week, ev
idently wi'h i iU r;t to throw thu train off,
but the obstacle w;n discovered ia lime
to prevent an accident.
Postmaster at Canyon City. GrEt
sp'.ei.dhhlv i'lusiraieii article on Vir- coun'y. Lsned daring the year 1S72, or
igress at the oi.ih. It .ays of the Hou'li Carolina
men 'get at-'t.g liuely together. Vhich
be.-ll enUreiV Uiaerenl.
"itiia: and Ir. Ivitii.'s graolno account id
ii.e -r i-i-lmg ot Liv :igs one."' .Mr. VYar
ikt's -.Nii;i,i in the Ganleii of tlig) Tuib-r-tes."
and Ir. Kggie-iun's Christ m as Club
are b on rather m u -vellotis siories, but we
sf.pi'o-e wi.l no', lack b -lievers.
i i - Topics of the Time'5 Dr. Holland
di-eu-es the 1'opnl ir ip,ioi!y f,r Scand il;
Cr'nici-m; and ihe i-'ree Ch irch problem
T::e Ohl Cabi;i"C c uiiai-is . Visitor:
Uelt?-; a:id .-someih-r.g I found in th-Cars'
111 "Heine ;iu l s- ,t-.et v
ders to the amount of 521.303. being an
average of $i 211 for each money order.
gioiis revival are in un
H i I U' ill ni Ts".c nn, n ihk - f ; - - . , , . i .. t .. .. 1. : a. . i ; i. - i,..r..i uro
"-- ,......v-v --- , . . ,-. , r , - I.i.i fl'.tT II Ltlltlllt.i' 1.1 Vtl.l.il Illllll..,-ll l..t1 v . . - .
- rilt , ,r 7 j i , . o u oi au coiwibTAUon v..v..-.., v.. - - . Ti . ,,;ii. ers. Iroiii '-u v. ..ea ..-i now u. i; iiim-hf? w imiuw (i.irdetiin"; and I iiteu' O
e mi-ht mention, thev h,nj their , n.f.u.cl t.V(.r f,.u ,r hy H , v,,lhlluh Tbl, siai.n .ays -for lUUn; was bought by a ;,-.v carpet aWin,.n h i,, shown us every- -Naiure atid Science" tells ,d'a S.iXvo The Chinese in thisSrounTrT talk
feats in thc U.S. Senate. Fidel- ; z-ns. This is ever ihe f of triors ar d V r o,ts were at the anions seat at Gervais bagger named Patterson: - o e beg to . c.r,r;t.SJ eiu .Uyir power, hveryth.ug for Coal, ec ; a: d iu "Culture luid I'ro- '.Voolnra-V -, ' b, r r 1
itv to party," atid rasealitv l-lun- j l!u-v can never hone to iu-mire -irv'o.l er : n'u:hl "' ,wt,'!,v S.iiftn.? i wa.-h our hands of fill responstbility in goes on hirmomou-ly. Thejioys an- alt ' besides the Hook Keviews. there rp? 5 ossheptrj) Lome to China for.
der and submission to theirr. -t ; ;-t ; f , the VTOltlU,,Q We would -rather be . dog jj, tS. WLZl lX T ' . ' ,
1 1 -r k? Ul8' I -t in in Idaho ,aS: Noveiube,. r - A us Ward. Hto let tU-U ! The K:e thU '
the cla ot Lauieal. am K-ats j JIailey. the Pemocrutfe candidate, Cas a tbut are rendering iho good name of States j" '" VlTro rfon 1 pu , ' JT nre by Iloppin. and are, j 7 P. M. Sunday School at 12 v. Prarer
ill the U. Sp.Seuate. i bunks to Mr. C. r. Leat'e f..r favo-r?. ! w .jot'ey of 1:C !... Q ,-nch in the nostrils or the people' 1 Mtiri -non' - -l- o.'!U. tilkd, -A JUtrkionul ttock Oycratioa." weetiag Thursday evenings
The Carlyle Literary Society of Corval
lis has deciied. "that our public lands
should not be sold or given away for other
than agricultural purposes.'' 0
The motive power of the grist mill at
Prairie City. Grant county, is water from
a hot spring which prevents any stoppage
t V
J '
3 -