Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, January 17, 1873, Image 1

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VOL. 7.
NO. 12.
) iUcckhj UJntcrpvioc.
Businc3srlan, the Farmer
OFFICE la- Dr.Thessiiip'sEricWIuildiiig
Stable Copy one year, in advance, $2 0
T Ell M V o .1 'A' G :
Tramlf ot advertisement, including all
lt,ltt.ti-ei.iM'l. of 12 lineal ? oO
Far each ,uS,equeiit insertion 1
One OuU iiu, ouc yeir. ." (")
Salter" jo
Uaiinesi Card, 1 square one year 1-
tT Reinlilanttt I be made ot the risk vf
Subtcribert, and at the espenne cf Agents.
trS T"e Kuterprise ofUee is supplied with
bsa.tifal. aoproved style-, of type, and mod
ern 4 Criis i: i'Ui:ssi:, wi.idi wi.w-Abi.'
i rjriet.r to do Job Punting at all times
.Year, (juiffc Cheap '.
alTTorlt i!ieited.
iiem ifawiJc-.'ns upon, a .Sprcm b-uo.
7 1 1 . V AT KINS, M. I) ,
SURGEON. ror.n.ANii. Ohyam n.
0 FFIC E Odd Kotows' Temple, corner
First and' Vldr streets Residence corner of
Jd ia and Seventh streets.
V7. F. KIGIiriSLD,
EtiUihed iuecvts4'.l,ft the old stand,
Muin Slrtet, Ortn Ciit, Ortjou. C
A a As-rt:nent of Wrttrhes . Jew
!rv..aud Setli Th:nas? wetcbt
r .-V li of wlii -h arc wan anted
to !k: a reprfser.ti d.
SK-th, I'vrt'n in-s done on saovi noi.ir.
Ln, t!iukfnl for past favor.
Savier, LaHoque c Co.,
tKecp constantly on bsi fot Ff 'e :
M d.iiiis. Bran mid Chieken peed. l'sti,ic'S
puiittsiiK feed mu-t farnili the sa ks.
?o. yxiLUil J. .Ui.ii ouij
fS3 ibsiJTISTS.
Or FICK In Odd Fellows' Topple, corner
oT Fir .-t a:.d Alder s'.trerts. Poitland.
T ie oatro!ia-" ot" th-w d-.'sir'nir superior
o?ritt".!i in ?ec':al reqne-t. N.trousox
i J In' til- '.i il,ss .t r.u-li"ii i f tei th.
j gr i ti 'o.-iil teeth beitt r than the best,
uai tr.th.' in the cli ipr!.
Will U' iu Oregon I'ity on Saturdays.
Soi. ". f C ; .
r rr f? - r f A 'f-.l rr
t-C D E FJ T 2 G T,'J
1ool 2 HFKFM'S r.l'M.OINT.. CtKN'
L er First and W ns'iiniitoii Sfs., Portland.
itrni Oxide aJimnistered. ir.'iiit.
Importer au.l Dealer in
STATIONEliV. rEKI-T-hin'. or., c.'
Jt CHarmJ'tQ- IWirrrsi' old itbmtl, I at fly v
4-u.litJ bj S. Arkfrrti-m, Juin stif'i.
1 y t f
Attorneys at Law,
o r. e . : o n c I t Y , or i F. c o .
March o. is7-.':tf
rormrlv- Sureoa tobo lion. II. I'. c.
3 j Vrarii Eijif rlcncc-
rEAVnciNc; physician' and svroeon,
Min Stm t, l'rr;on C My.
Store to Rent.
1 pi-d l-y Ivafk ,on Uaeti Creek. DJ nobvs
"bfrotn Aurora, situated at a fine point for
"country trading pus' ; ran lie bad on verv
rc.is ina't'lc terms. This is a desirably j unit
for a man with small capital to go into busi-
uf .
Knq'iirB of JOHNSON A McC'OWN,
jalyj'ttf. 1 Oregon City, Oreirnn.
,Good Cable Screw Wire
Uill not Lrn.k ar.;l Last Twif? ns Ions
joHfJson &. r.i ceo vj rj
of the State.
; Tf.s-ieei-.il nttent'on given to cases in t lie
U.s. l and Oilieo at Oregon City.
April 5,lS7J:tf
" o t a ?v y p u n . i c . i ; x t e r r r i i i: o f r i c f
; Oreon C ty.Jai T3:tt -Q
f!R tn 0(1 P'Td-iv: AOT'MVfi'-.fC'i: ah
W.J lvJ UJtCiXJ rl:i-s of working x-opIe. cf
.rtjpr yun? or oi l. tr.;.kp ni'irc inonrr at
w,r us ,n th 'T spate mom nts, or all the
imH. thai nv!iin; ol-o. partirulars free.
'tn:br 2Tti, lTM;-. ' lale-
licmiiiisences of the Mountains.
Up in the mountains the hunter rec.mcs,
Watching the sun. a.s it slowly declines;
Tired is he, lor man j a mile.
Iluih he stealthily stepped, the time to
beguile. c
In search of that game, the beautiful deer.
Lver bounding along, all in sensible lear
Ol' the footsteps its own pursuing
Down the deep csttvun it fearlessly bounds. ,
sever that tear one moment snouning
While from l.ill to hill the rocks resounds.
As displaced from their beds, by the doeis
swill fee!.
They roil far away, till ilie waters they
r meet.
i, i
Now in eatno is the Lunter, and a s'ory
he'll te!l O
Of adventurous circmustuijces. that Lim
While securipg the game with his owu
And the company listen, et'joying the fun,
Kach one impaiieiit bis own to relate.
As his appetite lustily helps to s itiite
the lib of a deer, (already procured.)
Will) a relish made keen, b) iLt: hard-Lips
C. .-. endured.
, ho wouldn't a hunter's free life
enjoy O
For 'tis the freedom of heaven, whhout
n Hoy; O r;
Vc3, far in ihe lhountians he stand.-i on the
And with fervour and rupture, prases his
For there in that quiet retreat all's sublime.
And '.he irrandetir o'er powers. is he scans
IVr a lime O ;
The mountain ridges thats?reteh faraway, j
inai u on. as u;e en i ui n auivu iu iuo
h , '
ObV bea'uiiful mountains, what sylvan ! throws the mud is not regarded.
ieciiis.es, j The white object at which I lie foul
'Wild foii..-.. enciic'.ed" fit homes fur the ! aischttrges are aiitied is only 'im ;
masses, j - the'delight of the b v-st:u;ders
Are hni i:: itiv bosom, uiiere liei.tn g-'a- j -
lv b-iv'o.g J and lookers-on is measured by toe
.Mennder along, their music enslaving: ; success of the stain sought to be
Ail 11 a lire uioilt.d tbelil responds to their inllictcd r,
..,r , l"'l'I"i,v )i , i-i ,, ;,t,i i between the worldling and
1 ne b es. atol the Kiwei ets.Oii os'iu 1 eli . i i
- '; the man who professes to be gum-
Yet. !U:en : e'en start f t the insiikef's t-d ami controlled by Christian mo-t-hrid
cry Stives, all this is natural cnou'rh.
TIkU voie lull of horror is oundm-near Tho ,nnn 1(OUna Ul in his selfish
Yes, suit-on-ided by hi u.-Is. on some de- j ami sensual delights, who sees a
c-yed old log. i Christian fall, or hears the report
It av.ai:s. a.- a cat. Ui viei;u to dog. i ,,.,, j,,. lias J'allon. is naturallv com-
.s a lion. us, Loucn.iJi, I'o ;mi io
... ! .. i i . t i
)'.iv;i i;s J'rey. with a powerful leiji.
Yet.'Jisteu. again ! '.v bat's that breaking
.1 .he lit -1111 T
Wi'.b a ritlrf that's ready, you re prepared
" lor a ru.-h
From an elk or a deer peshaps 'tis a
o. ho ! ior a sl ot: what sport "twill be
rV n t!-ere.
Again I is ihat sou nd-i.gen-and again :
And "Vou p.-er through thr- Oees, lib ir
e es thov ih. i abi.
Yes notli i uu si -. : a!; ! i 1 n to that.
Why, "lis ;oi.-e: So:r,e!hi:: st; il..-s a put
t l...vi i t ' i . ii'i'is vi.iii- nt:el::i ill is
att r-.cted '
To a liule red sq' iriel. a:; 1 the same
" s enaei.M.
He is-pieli.ng :tie cones, the young cones
l. ot the fir:
Letting theia fall to the ground with a
That sounded rs though " i were m me ani-
n, l"s lr ad.
As they s i iok on the limbs of l:;e trees
"ll at ale dead. C
IIov.- emiiii;! be rvvs urn. mi.h sa.-pijloii
as ur-11:
llo'.V he chattels, aud cheeS and is tryii.g
to leil
Thai you are bitiudli g on hi- di-m lins.
And Lei'.-r letoiu back iiu ii r ) onr
o I'auis.
Oh! br-fit'tul mountains, your seclusion's.
To 'he ni.nd "ir. :e melancholy, and vonr
r H.lence di-tressir:
Were it n-u tor t! e sn:: rel. And l.islVihe
j ons way.
Arid tl ki.bleei s" note at 1 he ojiening
day .
As he si's ; near the camji with a wistful
t; lar.ee
From ihe lir tree tbove; his eyes looking
fr the moise!? of meat. thai are scattered
around ;
Invitingly tempting, as they lie on the
g ron nd. O
II, w o,.tle is he.lmw into! lij-ont t!;af eye;
What a pet he'd make, and 'twere easy to
try :
Now he whistles, ajo, talks; just listen. I
pray ! Q
Vi'lun :ire yon coinfr?" he feeo'st to siy.
To a hnYiter alone. what company at t tlnm.
As he lies in bis cur.p, and waichei the
b.mgh 'J
On wleeh yrm are perched, and p!oa-ar.;!y
sllll'es C
At your anxious di: play and amusirg
Half tempted to liy, with those fl ilterirg
To the ground for iLe rich morsel be
Oh', tevi'iibnl mountabis. I must bid yon
To return ti the valley, your enjoyments
to tell:
To the h-innts of the cities, where misery
and weal tli
Would riadis- embrace vonr sweet freedom
ni d benbb.
Of the du'ies of lire. I'll strive r.ot to
And at iesuiv. ivtnra to your pleasure
1.) Miles from PalTa? in the Cuasl Range.
Fast Mr.x. Tin? vicious die
early. GTheycfa41 like shadows, or
tumblevjike greeks and ruins ii.to
the grave often ouite voting
generaoy this side ot fort v.
wickcu 'vhail not live out half
tlT-iilays.,? The world at once
stiiies the truth, and simplv calls
them "fast men," that as they
live fast, getting through twelve
hours in Cix. "Their sun o-ors
down aimcn is vet dav.?' Thev '
1 s- 5 .. . .1 -? n''. I
might have helped it. Many a man.
humanly Cspcaking, dies long be'
fore his time. Burns, Bvron, Ed
gar Ie, and many obscure and
nameless "wandering stars'died in
tho morning of life. Such men
must die early. They put on
steam till they blow up the boiler.
They nn at such a rato that
the tire goes out for want of fuel.
The machinery is destroyed by
reckless speed and, rapid wear.
The Popular Capacily for Scandal.
One -if the most saddening ami
humiliating exhibitions which hu
man nature ever makes of itself, is
in its greedy credulity touching all
reports of the misdemeanors of good
men. If a man stand hbdi as a
moral foree in the community; rf he
stand asthe rehiiker and denouncer
of social and political sin; if he he
looked up to hy anv considerahle
ntimber of people as an example of
virtue; if t lie whole trend and pow
er of his hie be in a hiirh and "pure
direction;cif his personality and in
fluence render ativ allegation
against his character most improb
able, then most readily does any
such allegation lird eager believers.
It matters not from what source
the slander may come. Multitudes
will be iiilluenced by a report
against a good mairs character
from one who would not be believ
ed under oath in any matter involv
ing the pecuniary interest of liliy
cents. The slanderer may be noto
riously base may be a panderer to
the worst passions and the lowest
vices may be a shameless sinner
against social virtue may be a
thief, a notorious liar, a drunkard,
a libertine, or u harlot all this
matters nothing.
The engine that
i j.
lotted iu the belief that, after all,
men are alike that no one of them,
however much he may profess, is
better titan anothei. It is quite
essential to his comfort that he
cherish and fortify himself in this
conviction. So, when any great
scan ia! arises in quarters where I c
" vwu t'
! condemned, he listens with reauy
! t ai s. and is u u i it 1st tikab! v triad.
i i. . c i i. :......! .,...1 i.:.,
I We say this is nat ura!, however base
I and maii'rnant it mav be: but when
I 1'cople reputed good nay, people
j pro fesMng to be Ciiristian shrug
( , u.lr ylj ,
,!!.!,, .,,.,1 b-i .
I their feeble head.--, while a foul
' scandal touches vitally the charac-
terof otie of their own nutnber.atid
i menaces the extiuguishinent ol an
! itilluence, higher or hmnbler, by
j which the world is made better, we
j hang our heads with shame, or raise
! them with indignation. If such a
thing as this is natural, it proves
'just one thing, viz., that these men
a re hypocrites. There is no man.
j Christian or Pagan, who can rejoice
I in the faintest degree over the
j reputed fall of anv other man from
rectitude,-without, being at heart :i
scamp. .Ml this readiness to In-live
evil of others, especially of those
.who have been reputed to be emi
nently good, is an evidence of con
scious weakness under temptation,
or of conscious proclivity to vice
that finds comfort in eminent com
panionship. There is no better test Of purity
and true goodness than reluctance
to think evil of one's neighbor, and
absolute incapacity to believe an
evil report about good men except
upon the most trustworthy testi
mony. Alas, that this large and
lovely charity is so rare! Jh.it it is
only with those who possissthis
charity that men accused of sins
against society have an equal
chance with those accused, under
tlie forms of law, of crime. Kverv
man brought to trial lor crime k
pros urncd to be innocent until he is
proved to be guilty; but, with the
world at hug", every mr.n slandered
is presumed to be guilty until he
proves himself to be innocent, and
even then it takes the liberty of
doubting the testimony. livery"
jnati who rejoices in a scandal
thereby advertises the fact of his
own entrust woi thiness ; and cverv
maii who is pained by it, and refuses
to be impressed by it,uiiconscious
icveals his own purity. He cannot
believe a bad thing done by one he
regards :i a good man, simplv be
cause he knows he would not do it
hinisvo". He gives "credit to others
for the virtue that is consciously in
his own possession, while the base
men arouml him, whether Christian
in name or not, withhold that credit
because they cannot believe in the
existence of a virtue of which tho
are consciously empty. When the
Master uttered the words, ' Let
him that is without sin among you
first cast a stone at her," he knew
that none but conscious delinotlents
would have the disposition to do?
so; and when, under this rebuke,
every fierce accuser retired over
whelmed, He, t lie sink s, wrote the
woman's crime in the sand for
heavenly rains to efface'. If He
"could do this in a case of guilt not
disputed, it certainly becomes his
followers to stand together around
every cae ct their number whom
malice or revenge assails with slan
ders to which his or her whole lite
tiives the lie.
In a world full of influences and
tendences to evil,where every good
force is needed, and needs; to be
jealously cherished ami guarded,
there is no choicer treasure and no
more benelicieiit power ,lhan a
sound character. This is not only
the highest result of all the best
forces of our civilization, bub-it is
the builder of those forces in socie
ty and the State. Society cannot
afford to have it wasted or destroy
ed ; and its instinct of self-preservation
demands that it shall not be
sullered. r There is nothing so sen
sitive and nothing, so sacred as
character; and every tender charityt
and loyal fricndship,and chivalrous
aiil'ction,cand manly sentiment and
impulse, ought to entrench them
selves around every true character
in the community so thoroughly
that a breath of calumny shall be
as harmless as an idle wind. If
they cannot do this, then no man
is sale who refuses to mak terms
with the devil, and he is at liberty
to pick his victims where he will.
J (1. 1 Tolland tSci't biter's for
Q- O-
tVho Can Afford 1W
If we take a sordid view of the
matter, how many persons are there
i who can ailord to drink? Not
more than one in three score. Can
! the farmer, the merchant, the me
J chatiie, the laboring man? Most
ot t hem have a little more money
than will supply their indi-pensa-
hie physical, intellectual and moral
wants. It is plain then that they
cannot become eonsumer.s ol strong
drinks, without curtailing their nec
essary supplies of food, raimanl, in
tellectual refreshments and other
necessaries. Who then can aflord
to" drink? Say you "the rich?"'
So they can, so far as money is con
cerned. JJut is money the only
tiling expended by the drinker?
Ah, no. lie alone ought to drink
from the ruinous bowl who can
afford to incur its moral and phys
ical penalties can ailord to ruin
his own character and soul to im
poverish him celf, and make desolate
and cheerless his fireside to give
shame and sorrow to his father, his
mother, his brothers and his chil
dren and finally east himself into
an untimely and unhouored grave.
Who is rich enough, heaven 'earing
enough to do and give all these in
exchange for draughts at' the bar
lf anv, let them
drink- let them stand as the body
I guards of the runiseller before the
j c .immunity, and as hideous specta-
cles of that degradation which is
conceived, born and nurtured in the
grog shop's. Who can afford to
drink? should be sounded through
the land as with a trumpet! Can
you, young man ? Can you, hus
band and father? If' any are tempt
ed to enter the temples of .Bacchus
let, them '' inquire of the monitor
within their own bosom "Who
can a'iford to drink?"" -
JOidtrt AVant Any.
A few evenings ago, two young
men dropped into St. Uose church,
where the usual high mass of Christ
mas Eve was being celebrated.
One of them had never been in u
Catholic church before, and was
altogether unacquainted with the
usages. As there was a very large
attendance, they could scarcely get
inside the door, but as thev stood
on the t hrcshohl, the inexperienced
one sp ike to the othc r :
"Say, Ben, what do they all
crowd around that bowl over there
"Why," was tho answer, "that's
a bowl of champagne punch. All
that come are welcome to a drink,
it being Christinas Eve, and I'll
warrant it's mighty good, too!''
"is that so? " Well, Em going to
try some of it, if I do get squeezed
to death."
And off went verdancy toward
the designated spot.
Presently he ret timed, ""-'wit h a
look of intense diogust on his face.
His companion highly amused in
quired :
"Well, did vou try it?"
"Xo," was the reply, "Just as I
got there, and was looking for the
cup, an old woman came in, and
stuck her hand into c-it, and I
wouldn't have drank it after that, if
I knew it was made by an angel.!"
A New York gentleman, upon
being asked by a friend for the
loan of a dollar, briskly replied :
"With pleasure;" but added imme
diately to his impecunious friend's
disgust, "Dear me, how unfortun
ate! Eve only but one lending dol
lar, and it's out."
Cow Bowie writes an indignant
note to the Baltimore tii, charg
ing the Arm:rlin with bad fa nil
in publishing his message prema
turely from copy that was ser.t in
advance and intended tor all the
papers, to be used simultaneous! v.
cDo you wish to do something
towards making your home happy?
Do you desire that your brothers
and sisters should be "glad to have
you with them, and that you should
always be a welcome companion
to your parents or your children?
Do you want to have your society
coveted everywhere, and too feel,
the while, that vou ai e doing good
I as well as giving pleasure? Would
j you like to help people to think
I well, and :to' have them save their
best thoughts for you? Would
it please you to get all the good
you can out ot the people you know?
If so, learn to listen.
But first learn what listening is
for it is not merely the exercise
of tho sense of hearing. The stu-
! pidest of us all can keep ears open
and mouth shut. lo listen piop
erly means to make other people
talk properly. That is a social defi
nition, if it is not a Websterian
one. The good listener is n cause
of talking in others, -and by a
proper exercise of this valuable
and too scarce gift, makes the dif
fident say what they think, and
the verbose think what .they say.
For the greatest talkers are careful
when they iind they have a good
listener. They know that they
may not often be so fortunate, and
they talk their best. The adept
in listening may sometimes hear
more prosing than he likes, but if
he be skillful -this will not often
happen. When it is impossible
to get anything interesting or' use
ful out of a man, he. need be listen
ed to no longer. Every one of sense
will agree to that. . But it is aston
ishing how many good things some
very unpromising persons will say
if they bo properly ami conscien
tiously listened to.
To be sure it is very hard for
some persons to listen. They have
a gift for talking, and thov like to
exercise it. But these are the very
persons who should do a great deal
of listening. They know what a
luxury it is to talk, and they should
give their families and friends a
chance to learn the . art. "Besides,
like farmers, they will often find
much advantage in a rotation of
crops. A season of listening is
often a most excellent preparative,
for a season of talk.
It is olen supposed that ifa man
has a good thing to. say, he will
say it, but this is not necessarily
the case. Very often he never says
it, because no one will give him a
chance. He don't want to waste
his speech on fools, and the smart
folks want him to content himself
with ..hearing what they have to
say. This happens not in con
nection with very good things per
haps, but with things that might
lead to very good things every
dav and every hour, in thousands
of families all over the land to
say nothing of society.
There arc those who so seldom
have a chance to speak to interest
ed ears, that they gradually with
draw themselves into themselves,
where, not generally finding much,
they intellectually pine away.
Te be sure, we should not fail
to become good talkers, if we can;
but, do what we may, we can only
make one talker of ourselves, where
as, bv proper listening, we may
make a dozen talkers of either peo
ple. Frank 11. tocldon, in fccrib
itersj'or Jin t;rj.
A Sermon on " Push."
When cousin Will was home for
vacation, the boys always expected
plent y of fun. The last frolic be
fore he went back to his studies
was a long tramp after hazel nuts.
As they were hurrying along in
high glee thev came upon a dicour-age-d
'looking man and a discour
aged looking cart. y-'
The Cart was standing before an
orchard. The man was trying to
pull it up the hill to his own house.
The bovs did not wait to be invit
ed, but" ran to h'-lp with a good
will. "Push, pu-h," was the cry.
The man brightened up; the cart
trundled .along as fast as rheuma
tism would do it, and in live minutes
they all stood panting at tho top of
tiie"hilh r,
"Obliged to ye," said the man.
"vou just wait a minute;"' and he
hurried into the house, while t-wo
or three pink-aproned children
peeped eitit of the door.
"Now, boys," said cousin Will,
" this is a small thing; but I wish
we could all take a motto out of it
and keen it for life. "Push!" it is
just the word for a grand clear
morning like this.
" If anybody is in trouble, and
you set-it, don't stand back; push !
" Wherever there's a kind thing,
a happy thing, a p'.ea-ant thing, a
Christian thing, whether it is your
own or.not, whether it is home or
in town', at church or at school, just
help with ail your might; push!"
At that moment the farmer came
out with a dish of his wife's best
doughnuts, and a dish of his own
best apples; and that was tho last
of the little sermon.
From the English Medical Tress.
Considerable progress lias been
made in the production of a sub
stitute for paper that would be a
boon to hospitals as well as private
houses. The new wall decorations
to supercede paper hangings, and
paintjare thin sheets of metal
painteel over by a patented pro
cess. They are artistic in appear
ance, like most French product
and said to be durable, Tinfoil in
sheets, thickness of ordinary writ
ing paper, is the material on which
this new style of mural decoration,
including gilding,is executed. Tin
foil is pliable and supple,sullieiently
tough not to be easily torn, and
oilers a smooth and uniform sur
lace. It forms an excellent base
for the work executed upon it. It
also, possesses the advantage of
being water proof, a property well
known to architects and builders,
who frequently use it to cover
damp walls, on which, without,
that covering, any decorative work
would soon perish.
Tho process of executing the
painting on tin olfers no difficulty.
The sheets are manufactured of a
width and in lengths suitable to
their application on the surfaces to
be covered. At the manfactory in
Paris, the ordinary widths made
use of are from thirty to forty
inches, and the length five metres,
or rather meire.than five yards.
The application of the painted
metalie hangings to either wood,
stone, plaster or iron surfaces olfers
no dillicu'ty. The operation is
somewhat similar to putting up pa
per hangings, with this difference
that with the latter the paper is
pasted over at the back before
being hung, and with the former
the surface to be decorated is cov
ered with a thin coat of aeihesive
varnish, on which, after it has
been left to dry partially, the
painted tin is ailived with great
ease. So little is the difliculty
that any skilled paper-hanger can,
after a few hours' p radio-, elo the
work successfully.
From the extreme flexibility of
tinfoil, mouldings and cornices are
covered with the metalie hangings
in a most "perfect manner, and
witlf a smoothness of surface and
sharpness.-) of out line at the edge
and mitres, which the painter's
brush cannot rival. The varnish
used forCfixing the material is of
the nature of gold size, but more
adhesive. Being of itself "hyelro
fuge." it adds to the protection of
paint against damp.
o .
q I"ov Cio&sio Increases.
How gossip increases and grows
till it gets into general scandal,""
and is entirely different from the
original story, is told by a letter
writer. lie says that he was told
that if he ever took a house in a
terrace a little way out of town to
be careful that was the center
one1. For one must, be very well
aware that a story never loses by
telling, and consequently, if lie liv
ed in the middle of a row of houses
it was very clears that the tales
that might be circulateel to his
prejudice, would only have the elis
tance to travel on either side of
him. and therefore, could only be
half as bad'by the time they got
down to the bottom of the terrace
as the tales that inight be circulat
ed of the wretched indivielual who
had the misfortune to live at either
end of it. As an illustration of
this he was infornieel of a lamenta
ble case that actually occurreel a
short time since.
The-servant of Xo. 1 told the
servant of Xo. 2 that her master
expected his old friends, the Bay
lev's, to pay him a visit, shortly;
and Xo. 2 told Xo. 3 that Xo.'l
expected to have the Baylev's in
the house every dav, and Xo. 3
told Xo. 4 that it was all up with
1, for they couldn't keep the bai
lilfs out. Whsreupou Xo. 4 told
Xo. 5 that the oflicers were after
Xo. 1, and that it was as much as
he could do to prevent himself
being taken in execution, and that
he was nearly killing his poor clear
wife; and so it went on increasing
until fit got to Xo. 32 who confi
dentially assured the last house,
Xo. 33, that the How street officer,
had taken up the gentlemen who
lived at Xo. 1 for killing his poor
dear wife with arsenic, and -thai-it
was hoped and expected that he
would be executed.
, Theyliurry Georgia' murderers
into "kingdom come"in short order.
A short time since a scoundrel
murdered an old man, and in a
month from that time he was ar
rested indicted, tried, convicted,
sentenced and hanged.
A French woman who has TLeen
calling., herself Madame Brigham
Younghas been arrested inl'aris
for indulging in what she called
the "Utah Can-can" a performance-'
compared to which the Paris
article is but a humdrum affair.
Metal Wall Iapcr A New
Healthful Substitute.
Friendship is the medicine for
all misfortune; but ingratitude drie
up the fountain of all goodness.
Lucretia Mott is 79 years old;
Victoria C. Woodhull, 47; Olive
Logan, 45; and Anna Dickinson, 38.
Mayor Hall has hael a serious
time with his clubs. They hav
knocked him down and kicked Lira
Life is to be fortified hy many
friendships. To love and be loved
is the greatest happiness of exist
ence. Marie Roze is singing m St. Pe
tersburg at 15,000 frapjes a mouth.
Lisolini, the tenor, is also at tin
Russian capital.
0Miss. Braddon, the novelist, hat
achieved eminent distinction and
is yet put four years on tho shady
siele of thirty.
There is nothing that is rnerito
nous but virtue and friendship;
and, indeed, the latter i but A
part of virtue.
"The stamp of a gentleman can
not be bought,' says an exchange.
In many instances, however, it
proves to be a great sell.
The ladies of a Georgia town
raised money enough to buy a fir"
j engine. Can theyovant it to put
I out their own flames?
A young lady recently tried to
do up her back hair with a honey
comb to make it look sweetly. "We
believe she failcel.
Theodore Til ton is aid to b
making arrangements to bring out
Helen Mansfield as aclecturcr on
the woman's rights question.0
Minnie Ilauek, the American
prima donna, has been offered, by;
the Empress of Uussia, the position
i" t .-,..., . : 4.-L i ir:..
ji vuiii.uiiwu lv uti iUaji'Mv lur
A friendship that makes th
least noise is very ofteu the most
useful; for which reason I should
prefer a prudent friend to a zeal
ous one. w
Mrs. Partington tells of a millili
ter who had served? the Lord for
thirty years; first as a circus-rider,
then as a locust preacher and last
as an exhauster.
Mr. Dicke) of Tennessee-, made
himself re-Dickeylous, and furnish
ed the Coroner with a job byes
saying to cat four bottles of brandy
peaches at ono meal.
Chicago, within the next thre
years will want for building pur
noses alone, 800,000 tons of iron.
She will need, during the same
time, 30,DOO,000 worth oflabor.
A miniature steam-engine, built
of gold, set with diamonds, . and
standingn a three-cent piece1, was
one of the attractions at the Sche
nectady Masonic bazaar.
"We (rare not to number our
frienelsdjy the visits that are made
us, ami not to confound the decen
cies of ceremony and commerce
with the offices ol united affections.
A Widower, who had never quar
releel with his wife, said the last
lay of his marriage was as happy
as the first. Another widower
said the last day f his marriage
was the happiest.
It really requires more delicacy
of touch, a better acquaintance
with, the inner emotions of the
heart, and a grander pathos of
of sentiment to make a eleclaration
of love than to put up a stove.
Get not your friends by brave
compliments, but by giving thera
sensible tokens of your love. It
is well worth while to Earn how to
win the heart of a man the right
A writer in Jrrascr8 Jfagazina
has stated that there is a Tillage
in Bohemia the name of which is
only pronouncable by sneezing
three times, and adeling the sylla
bles sisctci. 5
The proceeds of Lotta's engage
ment at Wood's Theater, Cincin
nati, something less than 10,000
were forthwith invested in United
States securities. The young lady
is fast becoming a bloated bond
Cerebro spinal Meningitis is what
they call it now, instead of emo
tional insanity, which has had an
extensive run. This was the trou
ble with Ketchum, according to
the testimony of numerous learned
A new invention is an ear-rintj
made to fit over a diamond ear-ring
and completely conceal it, so that
a lady when traveling may wear
her diamonds in her ears and vet
Miave them completely hidden from
The celebrated horses of the turf
"Goldsmith Maid," "Lady Thorne"
"Lucy," "Western Girl," "Bis
marck," "Jay Gould," "St, Elmo,"
and other renown trotters are DOV
stabling at Burlington, N. Y.