Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, December 27, 1872, Image 2

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    7 lw"-3--
vEl)c lUtdiin tfcvprisc
ilEG0. CITl', OREGON, DEC. 27, 1S7J-
Happy New Year.
IJefore another number of the
KxTEiii'KisE slin.ll reach our patrons
the. year 1S72 will bo numbered
with its predecessors. The joys
anil sorrows which have been cre
ated during its passage will be
things of the rast. The rapid
flight of these years should be a
warning to us that we are fast pass
ing ai;y, ajid that many who were
cwVh us a, year ago are like the old
year, numbered among those who
are no more. Many o.f us may not
be here to enjoy another Xew
Year. Tet us saimprnvc our time
as to leave pleasant and profitable
recollections of us to those who
ray come after us. To our patrons
an4 fiic.uds we wish a happy Xew
Year, and may they be blessed
the corning year- with the righest
C;f lieaven-. ftif'..
tftr-at I-irc at Portland.
Last Sunday morning at a littie
jyist 0 o'clock, the most destuctive
lire which has ever been in this
0 State, occured at Portland.
It broke out in a China washhouse.
c,n the corner of Morrison and
Vront streets,!0! before it could be
placed under con t vol, throe blocks
from Morrison to Washington
streets on the river front, and one
"block, with the exception of one
biick'building, on the opposite
side, which embraced the tine
bricks of C. 31. Carter, "and the
one occupied bygS. J. McCormick.
The total loss "sustained by this
calamity is estimated at over half
ft million of dollars, a list of which
;e j"viUxisU elsewhere. It was
Vhought at quo time that the entire
business portion of the city would
be destroyed. JThc Chief Engineer
of that city telegraphed to this
lace, Salenf, Albany and Van
vouver, f assistance. Xo sooner
was this app.eal madeThan prepar
ations wrc co.ru uu-need to go to
their relief. The Fire LVprvrt merit
from this city id the E. X. Cooke
Jvci at their service, and at one
o'clock about tifty members of tliC
lire companies, with their appara
tus, and many citizens, were on
their way to the scene of action.
The' arrived there at a little past
wo o'clock, and were immediately
placed on duty by the Chief En
gineer, and did good and effective
service. At 4 o'clock they returned,
there beng r,o. further use for them.
Ke S.)ev and Albany companies
arrived on. the 4 o vlcek tr&in, and
did goc-d. avvvU-a. u taking the
ylaees of. tU-'.V yornout comrades
u.ntil the fire fiend was cxtinguish
i?d. We are assured that the citi
zens of our neighboring city feel
grateful to the various lire depart
ments ior the prompt manner they
answcied their call for aidp A
card from Irtyor Washerman in
archer juivt of this issue, will tes
tify to this fact. The only wonder
is, that the destruction was not
greater than it is. To the great
exertions of the firemen is due this
result. They worked nobly, ami
vve can truthfully state that Port
land has a tire department second
to none in the United States. v-'
A Qiteek Lettek. The follow
ing letter is published in the C1
cityvUi Cv'c?cia!. Grant refu
fv to accept the resignation of the
tpecial agent, and insinuates, very
strongly that his sire is no longer
lit to occupy the position of post
master at Covington. A sensible
conclusion. Here is the letter:
Washington Cirv. Sept. 4. 1872.
Mt Dear Mr. Eastox: Your letter re
ceived inclosing your resignation as spe
cial agent in charge of the Covington
y.ost-oilice, wiih tho reasons therefor, i
v.g youtOj suspend action in the matter
for i.e present. I regret very much that
Uiy father lold atteiipt to interfere in
jour 'management, of the office. I shall
write him at once to tesisVind send me
is resignation, as I ar satisfied lie never
vill again be competent to discharge the
L 4 u ties of the office.
Very truly voi.r friend.
Grant's invocation "Let ns have Reace''
1 is been literally and niagiii:eenty ful
tilled under his first administration.
Neither "ars or rumors of vf -5;:st
gr tlireaten. and the Starry 15aavier of
he Great Republic is the honored etiibb ra
ql IYace on every land and sea. '.'ife$
1 editor of ths,t paper l.us net
road tlie iliqitches from LouisianA,
, i .
, . ,
lor tlie past montn. ;s ne
ppcaking ironically ? Sue-U s.cn.tctfi-.
ccs as tlie above look rather rilin
lons in the lace of the facts as they
exist in a portion of our own conn
trv. The recent fire at Portland de
stroyed the entire establishment of
Mr. A. G. Walling IJook and Job
Printer. Mr. W, will receive the
symrathies of tlie intr irnoro1.
lv in this a-i -
V J. - .
The .Senate IJacksliilins: on the i,ut-s-tioii
of Ilevcnuc Kcforin. q
The Washinton correspondent of
the Xew York Jlei'olit, under da to
of the 12th inst.,?ays "the Sen.it ea
after having devoted three days to
flic consideration of the billion its
calendar, laid it aside this after
noon to rescue the internal revenue
office-holders, who rendered such
good service in the recent 1 resi
dential campaign. In June last
beforejhe election, be it rt member-,
ed, Congress virtuously squelched
nearly al the items o.f internal
revenue except spirits, beer and to
bacco, ?,nd heroically vuted hat
the Commissioner must4 oh or be
fore the first day of January next,
reduce the whole number of collec
tion districts to SO and discharge
every assessor, .now tins was an
very well for electioneering pur
poses, but the legion of office-hold
ers of high anil oy degree who
carried torches and were attired as
tanners and paid printing bills dur-
i ig the campaign rvere naturally
anxious, after their victory, that
their j occupation should not be
gone. So they impressed upon
their representatives whose election
they had secured that another bill
must be crotten up, that would
eep several hundred more of them
in their places ftnd such W one
went through the House on Friday,
ast and through the Senate to-day.
It does not reduce the number of
collection district; it dues not dis
pense with the services of a single
collector; amraltl?ough it provides
for the discharge of the Assessors,
it authorizes the appointment of
twenty-tive new revenue agents,
which places will be criven to the
most active politicians among the
Th.; trial of L. D. .Miller Tor the filling
of Clieioke du:ilh at Eocene Litv, lasi
August, sayd ll;; Qilktiu, was receir.ly
concluded'' iu the County Circuit
Court, alter c.ne. ot the niust L'irdfo.ight
eoiitests thai ever tr.msp.red in the Com Is
,.f(l..... Mill.... ... 1 .!... f
another is added to the long li.-t of ver
diets whivb esiablish the principle thai
ttie libertine who has ruined a hutisehuld
by the seduc:ion of a witc-is in the iniured
husband a justitiable homici.de. It is as
lixed and certain a decree as ihuiigh "u
were written in the statues of I lie land.
Il seems thai Miller is a laboring man.
aud his wite the possessor of uomaniiojd
a fair fa.ee and dizzy head. It was
proven on the trial that .S.nilh hud ex
changed hankerchief signals with her as
various times, and that site had borrowed
of a neighbor s daughter a code of laws
relating to that mysterious telegraphy, in
order tj inlorui herself more fully of their
uses and import. Smith tiually obtained
an interview, and it is supposed jhal her
dishonor was cUccted. U
1 be defense set up the plea of emotion
al insanity." aud showed that Miller was
gloomy, morose and abstracted lor several
days previous tu the killing. That, we
think, is a legal subterfuge tiiineess.iry
iu a case of that kind. American juries
will not convict a man who seeks in tin
blood oT his wile's seducer to blot out the
stain of his dishonor. The counsel on
both sides were men of high standing at
the bar. Mr. Copies aided the prosecu
tion, and is said to have made a briiiiant
and masterJ argument. This is the urst
triul of the kind, we believe, that has oc
cured in Oregon, and its result will be a
terrible warninj to social beasts of prey
like Cheroke Smith.
Deserved Compliment.
The La Grande Sentinel of the 11th ins;..
r t
pays" the following deserved Compliment
to Hon II. II. Gilfry :
This Gentlenun. private Secretary to
Governor Grover. arrived about three
week,5 since as agett cf the I'.oard, of Land
Cotnii-sioneis. to iuvistigale the a'faiii
C.f the laml ollice fr tlie La Grande dis
trict. This was Mr. (iillry's first vi-it. to
Fistern Oegon in an official capacity, and
we have every reason lo ihinK that noth
ing ticjj;rred whie he was here to cause a
single regret that his business detained
him so long in our midst. Mr. G.. though
a young man. has achieved in this S'ate
an i-iivio-bie repu'-aton, i: de.-ervetlly
so: for hayifig in hU lumoraV-le and 1 c
sponsiUle puiiions core iu contact
vviih older and more experienced men
than biiysclt'. still h has succeeded in
rnaintciiiung his high-repuja.iou fir can
dor. aVsility aud judgment-., 'e speal;
not this In a spirit, ""of laudation, but th it
jusjice may be done. How we'd Mr. Gilfij
performed his duties while Here may not
generally be known, but that two weeks
was occupied is evidence that it was
thorough and complete. The results ar
rived at will be found in another CeU;mn
over his own signalnie.
Srcniocs- ArciDKNT. The train from tLe
SoiTh, last Tue.-day,1uet with a serious
incident about five miles sonil of
Eugene. The tra:n was passing around a
blulf. when the track sunk, and precipi
tated one of the passenger cars over,the
embankments, smashing it to fragrnnts.
and inuring si pa-svngvrs very badly.
bi;l it is iho ight not ganger. iu-ly. The
tra-tn, Uti, no, arrive Lv-Vii uutil the follow -
; i day. at about id:5o. a.
I T. 7" , ,
? It costs lb cents tier br.sliel ta
! crtt whottt lrom II
get whent lrom Ilarrisbur to
Portland, a distanv-e c-,f'10.0 miles.
When the locks are pen and com
petition on the river, it will be
carried for half that price, and
the farmers will get the difference.
What bTKASGE Tmxr.s IIap
l'KX. Horace Greeley left the Trl-
! hune to run for the Presidency,:!
now they say that Suhuyler Colfax
' ; o-rnnrr Q Irave tlie A'iep I, 0c;.
0 . ..O
I denev to run the Tribune,
I.os5Cshy the Portland i'ire.
The following is a list of the persons
who lo5t by ihf fire at Portland, lust Sun
day, with the amount each lost; which we
take from l he Ikraldot last Tuesday:
Tat rick; Coakley. lienors, $1,000; no in
surance. E- Calulin & Co.. boots and shoes. Sj,
000: no insurance.
Chinese wash house, SoOO;Cno insur
ICast ct Richards, boots and shoes, S3,-
000- no insurance.
g'. L. T raver, sewiug ra,achir,es, $1,203;
no insurance.
L. W. Uyunuitici uf tUt l'ace,Sl,Q00;
no insurance. w
Ch ines Lamar, Fountain saloon, $1,000;
no insurance. O
Leonatui So Fatte.sou, electro plates.
SCO; no insurance. 'u
1'arisU, Waiius & Corral, SiO; no io-suran(iv-
IU-nry Yeiiber, -liquors. $500; insured
in the Iiapeiial for $00.
A. A. Cohe;v hides etc.. $.1,500; insured
J. Claike. saddter. $1,000: no insurance.
American ExLape l;,otv'I, $2,000; no
insurance. O
Charles "Pftncan, fcarWr, &250,; e,o. la.sur
ance O
I D. S.ou:er, barber, $,0W:, r.o. tosur
ahce. O
W14. McAsilej, liquor, $1000; no insur
ance. O
Ihipss & Meserve. $350; no in-imance.
II. j. IMUock & Co., $250; no insurance.
J. P.. Co.ngle, saddlery. S25.000; insured
for $15.0
Tut'. smi'Uu, lV4'lcer. $00; no, insuvnce.
Inieiuaiional Hotel, $1,000; no insur
ance. ' O
Hawley, Dodd Si Co. .machinery, $1,000;
no- insurance.
Charles Jfotil-m, tailor, $3,00; no insur
ance, o o G
Corbett. Vailing ,l Oo., nails, $9.000; ; no
A G. Walling. jb prinlins oflioe. $7,
500; no insurance
rf. J. McCormick, City Directory aud
State Directory. $('.,000; no insurance.
C. lliq.k'ms.c hardware, slGOOO; in
mired tor 2.500 iu Liverpool. London A;
Glle Company.
Levin Ihos..'$ 1.000; no insurance.
It. F. IIeiiill. $500; no insurance.
Moscovitz. $100; not insured.
Mjrks. $l.Ut)t); no insurance.
O Chinese wash houses, $3 JO; no in
surance. .Marquam tt Heal. $300; no insurance.
Cul les & Mortand. $250; no insurance.
Mrs. lleid, $150; no insurance.
It. Il.ftiott $250; no insurance 1
Atkinson, Woodward Co-: $100; no
insurance. o
G. L. Ilibbard. teed,, $ '("-."OO; insured
for $3 000 in the Union. of S in Francisco.
G. W. Volhim. bock-binder, $2,500, no
1 1. Siitzel. shoes. JC.OOO; no insurance.
Kruniby it GiiVu, achi'.vcts $5,'.0; m
.1. ?ti!Z-ly Co,. $50ft; no insurance.
Hall it Hanley, wood-yard. $L0'J0; no
Xfic'3'orlhicr.st. $0,0; no insurance.
D'"L -islitnutt. Uatman iV to , 5juu; no
Catlw.e it L'iuiiaugh, Ci()a? n'
W. A. Hart. $150, no insurance,
lilsely it Arnold, wood, $3U0; not
sured. I
FcVvV, "oo.vrl it Co,, $50.0: no in
S. M. Lyons, broker,
iOO; not insured.
K. F. tviissell, $1.7(10; not insured
(). S. Savage, not insured.
Cabanas it Co., Chiruse cigar dealers
$1,000; not insured
St. Helens Mill Co, lumber, $20,000
probably; not insured.
N. WolL clothier. $1.50'): insured fal'y.
Woodward it Co., drugs, $25,000; in
sured for $s,5()0.
Isaic Dai man, clothier. $1 S00; not in
sured. W. Currier it Co., clothier, f.f.0.000; iu
sured for $21,000.
ll'iitid I'rinting establishment, $G00;
not insured.
Messrs Newell and West, Ikrtid office.
$100; oot insored.
11. L. Sione. jeweler. $7,500; insured for
$3,000 iu ihe l'liunix of HirLlord and,
I m ti-rinl til t.omlitii.
l'ra'ger it Harris, clothing, $5,00!); in- I
sured lor S5.000 in the Union', of San !
Mt-der it Schmeer, candy, 2,000; not in
1. G. Stewart, jeweler, 81, 5U0; not in
sured, o
Fmmet Guaid. $350; not itisv.retl.
0 O. I enuie, photographer, Se.U.Oti; Cot
liosa Martin. SI.OOO; not insured.
CLeck it Wald'ti.un. yloihin S:!,jG0;
fully insured.
Colored Mutual Relief Society, S.:;50;
not insured.
Good Templars, 850); not insured.
S. Levy, toys, 81,500; not insured.
11. Wolf, clothing. 62,000; insuied for
St. Charles hotel, show windows. Sl,
000; insuied fully. Q , r
i . G. 1'olis. $150; not insuied.
A. J. Moses. SlOU; not injured.
W. II. Cobui n. 8-50; not insured.
S. J. McCormick, Ciaiiuueiy, $25,000:
insured for 85,000.
Dr. Glenn. 81)50; not insured.
I;. Samtiels, 8750; not insured.
j. M. .McCoy, 8'J')C; not injured.
Frank Thompson, 8ti0); not insured.
J. Kohu it Co., clothing, 82.000; fully
WAsmxirroN st!:i:::t.
E. Wicks. 810. ); not insured.
It. Wiegand. 8750; not insured.
C. Holder, 8150; not insured. 0
A.- Vaugon, 8150; nol in.-it.reil.
Wagneer Dros.. 81.000; not insured.
A. Couart. 850; not insured.
Eikeles. 85tt0: not insured. '
riit.sr si i'.kkt.
Frank Gaten?i. litpmrs. $500. fully iu
sured in the pL,o.cnix'af Harlloid.
II. L. Gartleld. 8200: not insured,.
ll.Oelhieni, 8100; not insured.
Franco-American iicsiuraai, 8J00; not
Mrs. Fargally 8200; not insured.
J. 1 Cliue. $500; not insured.
i'o.si-otlice. 81500; net insured.
S. L- Stone, variety aud ctgar store.
8 I 000; insured Ior .1,000 iu the L "nioa of
aau Francisco.
J. Holder, 800,; not insured.
II. Norlht up. 8200; iut insured.
Ty roller H ille, 8100; not insured,
A lluppich, S200; not in.-i;reJ.
H. Andrus, 8200,; uot iusured.
Occidental hotel, Messrs. Smith it Cool,
83.0U0; not insured. r-, ;-
C. E lJwbois, 1.000; not Insured.
G. W. Lesson. SlOO; not insuied.
E. Gerson, 8;Vi'; nol insured, o
CUtk, Ueud.vtsou & Cuok, 81.000; in
sured. L. Ach, dry goods,
2,000; insured
John Q'Niel , Co., tdotbtug, $2.0n0; in
Ackerrnan's Dollar Store. 8500- ia-
sured.C " '
J. Suiherand, 8200; net insuied.
Franklin Dros., 85V,J; uot iuu-ii.
Stryder, 8100; nut insured,.
1. Limn, 8100; not insuiid.
AlUkey & llegele, $i'jijj insured in the
Irrperial, of Loudon. C'
W. FiiedUuder. 8300; insured in tDe
Home Muf.ialjo! San Francisco.
1'aul Uichter, 8400; insured.
Mitchell it Dolph, 8200; not insured
C. A. Uall and others, in the Kurn
ouiiumg. ariout c-DUO; not insurei
Wm. Church iSoti, 8250: fyjj
courtesy of bancroft library,
university: cf California,
berkeley, california
George L. Del'rana, S300; fully in
su red.
Varif-ns 9)ffics in Curler's buildi )g.
ftbont S'i 000; no insnratic0
C. J. Graham. S250: fully insured.
Emmet saloon. S250; not insured.
5ailey &, Wall. S3 COO; not insured.
Merciev. V' lxT- S100; not insured.
atioriAl business College $1,001); not
in?treA. "
In adition o tfrr-se there were losses sus
luined on MorrVn street by ivmoval. :nd
by fire in other' localities, aggregatjaj
I some $15,000, being principally in sums
r of from $i00 to SoOO. with no insurance.
j T1IE i.oiiKS ox it.vitnixus.
s far- aa can V-' ascertaitu'd, ave a fol-
lows: O
C. M. Carter, $00,000: insured for $25.
000 in the Home Mutual, of San Fran
cisco and Imperial, of London.
Geo. W. Vaughn, $3.0,0Uf,; no insnr-t
a nee.
J. M. Gillman. $1,500; fu'.Iy insured in
the Union, of San Francisco.
C- M. Wiberg. $15,000; insured in the
Pinenix for $5.0(K.
II. W. Corbett. $30 00,a: not insured.
Cook Sc Ilicliardson, $15,000. not in
. liisley & Unnsiker, $15,000; not in
sured. F. Harbnnali. $10,000.; no insured.
CLidd it Tilton, $300; not in.-Muvd..
In addition to these, there were several
buildings destroyed on the west sie ,f
Front street, valued at about $V" (1(1). ar.d
others on the .east sidt'. at about SJi.000.
with others damaged lo the amount of
about $2,000 making a total oT $20,.000.
!.: kC'a r 1 it i..t 1 xx.
rosseq nn stock
Lossts on buildings
.$330 210
Total '. $53(5.010
Ajrainst this we have an insurance of
$93 510 on stock and $31,500 on build
ins makingQ in ill $125,010. TLis
would leave a loss of about $110,070.
The losses aie divided about as fol
lows: Liverpool. London it Globe Co. .$ IS 000
Union, of Sail Fr inciseo. . 17.5 )0
Home Mutual, of San Francisco. 2.S OOK
Impeiial. of L Ion 30.000
I'hceuix. of Hartford 30.01)0
Total $123,500
Leaving a couple of thousands for other
companies. c
From the Indian Troubles.
The first fightwi:li the Modoc. Indians
occurred on the Oregon side, "a few miles
North li'otn the California boundary, and
ajlmost all t l u. settlers killed were Ore
gonians. but the future fight ins w'ill u
doubt be all in California, ui-.ilh of Tu,!e
Lake, unless tlie Ii.li.-.ns L-ave. the lava
bed ano .-ittke out ni-.i't Ueat into (Jrcgoa
again, towards the M:;!io b,omdary.
The relv isinl says: -The tre ieli
erous Mn.iuc lodi it;s air: squaws and chil
dren at Hot Cree. while' jnefending a
disposition to go on the reservation, wete
all the tir.it m iking arrows and bullets,
and it is reported tiny h-. hats full of
bullets prepared wlu.n they left to j on
('apt. Jack. It is btdieve.l 'there .tre up
wards of tsO warriors with Capt. Ja;k.
and that mini's b.an is. nst v,'uh Capt.
From tin; Vreka .Lmrnrl:. ''A company
of len men under ("apt. lliser. met Flock's
arty cunped at 1 5 ail's ranch, Lo-i river
crossing, one ni;,ht, nail came near hav
ing fiirht, both' ,r.ies taking each o:h-r
for Indians. Had not the Oreg-uii an
otie.ved Ihe wort! halt. Fi nek's party would
certainly have tired instantly and the
Oiigonians had their gnus cocked also,
and ready to shoot.
An exchange is led to believe that the
easiest, cheapest ami most ell'. e'ual way
t ) ex'erinin: le tie M. nh.es. if they hold
oat. is lor the Government to oiler a boun
ty of about tifly doll.', is a :ii',lp. This
n-wird would induce many oM i.'.ounlain-
ers. 1 1 follow an 1 hunt ihein. Indian fasli-
ion. oy .sieep.iug oenino rochs or in inning
piaces itno w;iinii;.j ior s'ray inriian.
T Wily IllO'iaUillelS scattered i; xpiads
of not lu-'re than three together, coiil.l ilo
more effective service than a couple of
regiments of so'diers in the country when
the Indian's now are, ovvint: to the diflicul
ty of obtaining ati opportunity to get a
shot at :in Indian.
Tl'" T,m,-t learns from Col. Alvin Cbb.
rui!1 . 1'i'ague 1 iver. sitna'e.l iu the h.cal-
lty of the late Inditn m ttre.ik. that the
settlers imn;c.diatel y ass mbletl af one of
the strongest natural positions in Ike neigh
borhood, and have collected ail I lie fam.i-
ties in that section. Thev ll.ive thein-t'lves
securely fortified and venture out only in t"en-M(i'e-Cre-k Her rennins were lu
bodies. H u! not these linielv prec.tuii.uis ! i,l,l at the. Dille.s, Wetlnexliy. She had
b-eu taken, the setilers u;i.ht liave met j been su.erinr ft.,-. aUtiu.t- two yeurs with a
ihe same fate vf those on f.ost. lirver. as cancer. wl:ic!i as iht cao-e uf he? death,
ihey are situated between the Snake ai)d ! She was about C2 years of age.
Madoc tli!)..'S. whom t!ii Colonel s.iVS are j ti.,..; .......:. .1 v t jt ,
n o ; ..j m'i, . . .nt ... ... -1 . . 1
ell armed pro-
t 11 1.1-11- 1 1 1 ill- 1 . 1 t-n ,'- 1 it 11 -
1 .. .i .e. 1 ,t :.. .. .
A..ir,.,re fv i .,.n.-..?
ed will rf Col. Cobb n direct them, will
doubtless .sustain Iheni-eP
dangers ihat threaten them.
The Yrek i ,lnri"il among nvinv other
details nl Ihe Inil;i:; war his ll:n ft
i": "l'lie settlers were robbed of about
S'SO.) in moii.--, together wilh blank
clothing. 11 nir ami horses, by the ludi-rns
and souit' suspect w.uie in-ui also, espe
cially at Miller's place, where nothing but
money was 'alien bovtu jjcld watch am! Ihe
Ufltling, c'c... b,eing und sin bed,. , I
riumo. r 01 gooo Henry rilvs were obiam
etl by ihe Imli.ins. and air the amuniiion
in the houses visited. It, is expected also
thai the. Indian have killed a' number of
CAMle for dried beef, while sheep they
never touch as they do nut like mutton.
The sheep m-n however, lost by other
savages such as cayotes; Jack Duiv.ett
lo.-iog 10 head, and a man named Naylor
some IoG lieatl r'
A correspondent t TilUmook writes.
Dec. lOtll. in relation to the wreck of th,
uchooner. Mila lionu. ns follows:
The nierniag of the 12th Capt Corno
of Hie Mil. J'on.i until' iti over Ihe bar at
5 o'clock. While m iking the passant a
heavy b.g aro.-e. Ihe svhi oner lost '"her
eonr.-e before slie was out yt the l:.reiik
CIS. and was drifted, upon Ihe s;imi spit.
The Captain v. as washed overboard, but
regained ihe vessel. Xo lives v.ere lost.
The schooner h id about titty tli ,,(
freight on board, the i;iost of it bv-.lunr.
'"J t' Mr Wi!lVir Miller, our m-rchatti.
IDs loss is heavy. His coffee, ri,.e. beans.
V'tc. were a total lo.-s. The liatcl.es were
tarried olt'.aud Ihe schooner shipped seas
ihat wel all the fhjur and dy good. 1'he
SGtiyu.nvr is only slightly damaged, ami
the Ciiptain has hopes ot gel iimr her olf.
though she now it.s blh 0. 0(, lUtf"
veacti at low liilt. ; o
fhe Nevif York Ti-ibuuc fur t,hc Misses
f 1 1 . - .
Oree.ey, kindly but lirmly di-coiinteuances
ihe subscription ot a na'.ional fund for 1
them as a mark ..1 et .i ' . . I
',.'.' " ii-pci ior
luU1 iai..el. J lie irif;i sira il.-jt l.:i..
it will reip.ire considerable ti,Ue to dtter
- - --' " m "nt:
mine the to.i.Iiii.m of Mr. Greelv.v's estate
ami that although it-may l.ave'been i,n'
paired by his loo great hberalitv. il is
piobab.e enough lemaitis to q iiet U ihe
generous aii.pivtiensious ot the con;man-
Hon. Ge.,. n Ib.lrn i. . 1 ; ....,!
immistrator ot the ettale of iLo lale
lion. N. JI. Cianor.O
. h iiMli J I'll .
Extensive revivals of a religious char-
i il,c:,r !U 111 progreas at Jeff-irsou and at
j Oervaii.
f?tate Items.
Snow fell to the depth of six inches'iit
the Dalles on last Friday.
' ' o
The whole number of pupils in the pub
lic school at Salem is -iGS.
Large numbers of settlers are securing
homesteads iu Coos county.
' o
Dr. J. 11. Hay ley l-as bought the Gean
House at Nvwport. i'aquina Day.
The Clerk of Douglas conn'' has issued
fifty six marriage licenses this year.
Jaco,U Stump. fJ K;igen Cily. has been
convictl uf creating a disturbance in
II. C. IVige. Las declined the appoinU
ment as Register of Ihe Slate Land Offico
at La Grande.
McCormick's Directories of Portland
and the State were burned at the recent
.-e at Portland,.
A ladies' Fair at Salern,. for the- benefit
of the Congregational Church, yielded
about $300.
Fail-child, recently appointed Indian
Agent, takes the place of Gen. I'almer on
Siletz Reservation.
The National College, burned out Sun
day, will reopen in Gilman's Rlock.
Their loss is about $1000 in furniture.
The. 3ferrnrij says the street crossings
of Salem would be a disgrace to the most
miserable country toU in the lowest fcinfc
hole in the State,
The Northwestern .Stage Company have
put on a daily line of coaches from Dalles
to Walla Waila. They make theCtrip in
two and a half days..
AO considerable nuw.ber of IV-rtl::nd
sufferers, opened business next morning
fttT the fire. I-'ntrf rise and I tck. No
Contributions needed.
A subscription basbt.en started at Jack
sonville for the relief of Mrs. Ihotherton,
whose htisb and ando!,le;t sons were re
cently murdered by the Modocs.
Ldi'Ii, daughter of Hon. W. W. Rristow.
of Lane county, died at the resilience of
her parents on last Sunday morning of.
consumption. She was 1(5 years of age.
I'hilip Iii'z, who is now out on the sur
vey of the proposed Walla Walla and
(rand Ronde railroad, reports the route
much more favorable than was. expected.
The town of Union, in Union county
claitc.s to have a sjaiority ol all ihe votes
cast fu.r county i;eut n ihe recent election.
La G;rarde re.-i:s. and ihe ca'- lo
lo tho Co.irts.
The. SUnd last SaMird.ij says: Ren
Ilolhifl.ty and his private Secretary. Dr.
!i. II. Tow I r. passed tliroiisrh town yesler
iay on the. siae on their way to. 'as!jing
ton and New York.
Monday. ty.e down train was delavel
neatly ti.re hours L.e.iween Milw.nikie
and Iva-t Portland, t.y acxiileut lo a 'reU-ht
car during the ap.ernfor. ' bv whk-h th
track was spread. Only a chinaman hurt.
Further reports contradict the sta'e
mnt of the convalescence of i-iev." G.
Dines. The S'7'ism in vs l.e is grairu
ally sinking, aud there is scarcely a hy.pe
that hi? vy ill ever bo b.eller.
The r.ian V,"ilir..n. in.ik-te.l y- a dead'y
assatilt on 11 tnlitirsl iii Tillamook couniv.
h nl his trial postpone.! till tie next term
of the Circuit Court J'o.r l Miiii.iil county.
Hauxhurst was not deatl at last accounts.
Tin 7).'.n w-i'.'.t fashion editor says:
'Il is as'ouishinL; to see yo'ing iriils pi
rading lt".e trei-ts of our modest ami un-rts-uniing
town with a tnckupbehindwig
pleda'ofoolativer.ess laryer than tluty are.
Rtil we s'pose its the fa-hioii.'
Albany seems !o ha ve bad b,"vas well a
Oregon C'ly. The 7-;; u-:tt s ivr: "Tk'o.nes
are ilirowu ut h'tuses and f)f-i.'-tri.ihs.
rtole language is IV eq l.'nily h.'ard at pl iv
lioir-. anl much jdiier boisterous conduct
is exhibited which would disgrace the
J is
uotoiloUa, liti..li..:u:i iaio cille.i
The new steamboat ,Jeing built nt the
Dalles f..r the O. S. X.Co it is said, hv
those who are well versed 1:1 these matters,
will, when completed. Iii ihe most"! and -some,
best built ami fastest sternw heel
boat ill tl.e I'niled States. She is expect
ed lo make 20 miles an hour with :!:') tons
ot freight, and even better time v.-hen
crowded. 'W
The Suilfsmnn says: Wt learn by pii
vate letter froi;V1he Dalles. Dec. iNih. liat
Mrs. Capt. .lohn Smith d the Warn:
Springs K.-servation. dietl fvcembev 17i!i
at Ihe reddence vf her son in-law on Kil
1 " 1 1 " " 1 ' l-' " 1 1 ' 'i' 11 ti i 1 ' 1 .ei aim
made to Douglas countv.
he ife.tivered
! W?' ifclures. :.n, r.ce.
. .
t by wav ivr
I expenii's 8i00. The following lodges
were re-organ t.e.l : Willtor. UnsebtirLT.
("anyonville ami Oalilaml L-tdgi's were
organized at Ilobert.'s Jiill. Myrtle Cek.
Cole's valley. Flkton. Sotisbun' and
' Ganit.er.
1 ne Lit-rim v.-oiurror lamtuii county
adjourned last Samrday r i ir h t . Some
half di .-n Ciises weie coniinuetl. Tin
others were tried and disposed ot. Con
way was sent lr, the Vrick ysird for three
yeai.s. Tiie Vt'l.'nlow case, idfecling Ihe
title to the town site of L ifavetle. wa- d.
cidetl adversely to claimant and in favor
of the town, whii-h settles the ouesMon
very tinuh to the satisfaction o! some
property-holders in tli.it town.
The Philadelphia Press of Don cC'h. has
the following: Mr Dut ir. o! Oregon, said
Oregon is the first State that has taken up
the milter properly. The Legislature has
taken it up. and it was '-going through.
He h id t.i!k"d to the fart-persennd c.thers.
and they were ripe lor tho matter. Ore
gon stock v,' ill be paid for in coin as
promptly ns Iowa's will be in Coin The
farmers will all lake ten dollars worth of
stock, fr-iuu Ihe bond, and Inner it op for
an ornament in their parlors. His people
were not la voru,',:ly tliipcvse, to l.iaicr.rab
addresses, speeches
S A sir but would do f "f tl.eOtegna Volunteers, We.re also pre
work promptly. They j ent, assisting him. Tlie cavalrv was
thejr - re in Ihe
did not desire any commission for their
servirsfes. but would ratte r take it as an
insult if any money vas offered theci for
their services.
Lcttek Fito.M Mavoii W'asskrmax. TUc
following letter from Mayor Wasserm.in was
received by ns la-t Weilr.esday It explains
itself. Our liicmen. who ure always ready
to aid their fellow firemen au.l jtrotect the
property of II, will justly ujipreciate tlaex-.
pressions of thanks cmb.raoed iti it
l'ouTLAxn, Oreiron, Dec. 2
Totiie Mavouof Oit:cnx C'n v:
: o
J, 1S72.
J STT.lt f .t, 1 V'v II I II fi 1 IU M I I II II U II lWilI
Fir.-meu, with their apparitus, to- thcr with
otner citi.ens, responded to ..111 call for assis-
V.',.. rH.,i .1, ...I .1.
Ur,ce.:a swui alter you HaU been visit -d b
anti war calamity, incuts, alio on their be-
half, ldeasn aeet-t.t imr heart If! t t n:r L-
11 . i - -
1 ours very trulv.
1 ' Ji 1 1 l i f Was-ekua x ,' JI ay o r.
Keeeectiid. Our fYieiiiT S. Pent
noyer, Ksq., has been le-clectcd
t: , o h'mi . t i
Secretary Ot V, lllamette LodgO
Xo. 2, A. F. & A. M., IIerhas
1.1 , . ..j
11C1U Lil.ilj IIUMI Kill I III 1-ISiF Til.
tccn or sixteen years. He mut
make .1 good and faithful officer.
In fact Penuoyer makes a, ?-ool.
' oirtcer in any lriacc.
Telegraphic News.
Cincinnati. Dec. 11). Thomas L. Bond,
a prisoner in the county jail, under con
viction for Mssult with intent to kill Rev.
J. J. Thompson, ent his thrcvit with a pen
knife this morning. It is. thought v can
net recover.
TOI.KOO. Dec. 20. l'Ul tLe ft cf a body
fromOa grave-yaid. by students of tte
Charity Hospital Meilical Cclirge f r dis
section, some weeks ago, has resulted
seriously. The corpse was that of a vic
tim of small pox. though this was not
learned until the b.ody bad been conveyed
to the dissecting-room, which is iiV a large
block iu the heart of the city, occupied in
the lower part for stores and offices, and
above for lodging-rooms and the Medical
College. The contagion was not only
disseminated through thj building anil
taken by the unvaccinated oecnpant: but
was carried by the students lo their
boarding-places, and has been widely
spread through the city. Though dis
Iributetl from a c Ipse, th. cases resulting
therefrom are of (lie worst cases of black
small po.. A. number ol deaths have oc
curred, and other p.iicivs are in a critical
Condition. The people, are highly i ldig
natit, and the Ci'y Council has iak.i cog
nizance of the affair with a view to pr-.
vent any similar oiiv'urrences iu the
0 CiNCtNNAU, Dec 20u James E. Thompo
son. a wealthy farmer of Il iroldsburg,
Kentucky. U saM to have left ihe country
with liabilities an.ounling to $17,000.
Washing row Ru-c. 2Vt In the matter of
the Supremo. Court ami the Louisiana.
Ql legal ions it was subsequently ascer
tained that the Jmlges came to a conclu
sion. It remains with Associate Justice
Rradley himself whether he will go to
New Orleans for the purpose staled. The
Louisiana committee, at a meeting this
aiternoon. agreed to issue an address lo
the people of the United Sta'es. setting
forth Ihe law ami facts fir the case now
disturbing that State, and petition Ctn
trress for relief when its session is re
sumed immediately after Ihe holidays.
The committee adjourned to meet in New
York on Monday next, having been in
vi.'ed by prominent' men of all parlies to
visit New York and lay the matter before
the people.
Orton sliced to day that Georjre Wil
liam Cortii had nut been approached on
the subject, ot the tditoiahip of the Tri
Liinc. n
Judge'Orr of South Carolina accepts
the Russian mission, and exr ects lo sail
for Kurope about lh' middle uf January,
though he prefers not to. encounter the
rigoru of St. iV.U't'sb.U! j climale until the
nit,ldt' of March.
George Fiancis Train was arrested this
yuL!is!i;ag obscene liiera-
Yii re.
Nr.w VoitK. Dec. 21 A. Washington ?
is thought that tin" 'po!g;;;xvy problem
will soon )e .setllt.-d by ihe administration
i lepa,t on,s in the in'ore.-u of IJrigham
Voiii.g iu that city. who. ie;;enily came
frtttn Utah. areworU'rig v,i !i less hope to
avert the cominir storm. I'le.-ideni (Jr;int
Ins recently expressed a iletermination t
put at'ij-nd lo Mornjon instinitioiis. After
the holidays tie; nt'i e-s,it y laws will be
presxted to. Cimjresi. Kiim'iis of iin
per..iiui changw-i utuoug high oilicials in
U;aIi are curre.it.
The Umial pu'cli-'ies" an ofSc'ul !i--t of
tl.e stockhi-It,'. V- as ;.!! a- i;;i.lends and
a!lotnieni.s. of the ('redit .Mobiler. ol-
)air.tr.l by Thomas C. ir-.Haut.ex President
ol I In L in on Pacific iiiiiroail. Concres
men. ex Congressinen and ex Sena'ois are
represented in the lists. The son in law
of a prominent member; of ihe present
HiiOe is credited ' with large dividends
;.tid or;e hundred an.l fifty shares.
" CtliCMtti. Dec. 2F A New Vol k special
avs liie last report with regard io tin
'Jrib'iin is tint Orion has lender, d the
eliief evliiorship to Htn' James (J. 111. line.
Speaikt-r of liie IIoii. of Keresenta
tives. It is tiiv,t .5r. lilaine was Mr
Qr tin's trst Choice, ami that neo'iiitinns
with f-ollax were due iiQ-'iucl iir. Iliaine
has the juoposii i..n under fcdvismcut.
The wea her is intensely cold in the
1101 th west.
Tlie ."ilitdoc Var.
1 !y or Mti.i.Kii i3i.f r.i:.. vi:i:uo.
Fiotn th" Soutin !, D.v. 21.
At fist accounts fi otn t he teat of) war
L. S. Dyar. tlie Indian Agent, was at
tvlamatn Afiiry. sorrou!nled by a hire
niiinlier ol ivlamath Indians., in whom he
and Ihe b.alance of the w!
in the
vicinity have b;:! linle confidence: hence
they hiive "uards as a protection to them
seiVes and l imi'ies. (Jliver
pplegate. a
eon of Hon. 1 indsy A po'ivjt e. i h his
l.uuiiy. was at Vain ix. ever ihirty miles
east to!" Iv tain a tii Ltike, siirrot;iol"el bv
Modoc, Klamath iind Sn ike Ir.tliaus.
whom he v.aiched constantly, l.st some
of tiiem break out and join the hostile
.Motlov's. . le;y of theto.' it sce;r.s. have
alretely tiued the !.,. tie parly! L. D.
A pplegate vas out. daily, with a party of
liiendiy Klarnatlrs"" from the Vainax
Agency, d fining tie sc-ttleme .1
George Fiock. who was repor.ed kl.led,
had. vi'!i a parly of ten hired n.en fn 111
Yieka, been engaged al great vjcpensHSii
gaiheiing tiji liis bund ol sheep. He has
driven them nearer the settlements, into,
a -place of comparative safely, and still,
the Vave tl.epLi rd of Southern Oregon.
Captain Kelly and ihe (Veffon W.luntet rs
were on Lo.t rirer. Ced-Green ! a I ar
1 ;ved at iht; camp of Maj. Jackson, near
where the first fight occurred. He ex
pected to uxove ngii.iti.-it tk hidianson
I L.ut.oi'.ay last, b.ut we h rve. ir.it vet beard
ol ihe result. The body o! Mr. Miller
had been found otv-ihe shore of the lake
above his lions. ItVas horribly mutila
ted by the Indians. Ti.is makes fifteen
bodies that have been found and buried.
It seems tlie whole of these murders
were committed by a few lawless Int'uns
who were controlled by Seat --face.'! ( L ir-I'-X-
A stuill Viand fireii into the camp of
the soldiers only a few diys ago.
Since writing the above, we learn that
Gen. Frank Whcaton has arrived At Lost
liver an.l taken Ihe comrn in.l. Col (reen.
of the 1. S. Army, and Gen. John E. Koss
scouting to l;eep the Indians, off the set
tleis ami to keep ihem ill the Crayon uu
til the c tvairy arrived.
I..VTKST vum Tin: fiki p.
Adjrutant General W. A. Owen hasTlet
ters from ('Jen. lioss diiletl Ihe 15 h and
)lth of Deceitiber. am! from them we
learn the following particulars:
Gen. Ross, with Capt. Kelly's Company,
had crossed the California line, and was
camped on Willow Creek, outside of his
jurisdiction, but Colonel Green of the C.
S. Army had recognized, and thus legaliz
ed (.Jen. Ross's actions, and had offered
him to pursue and capture the hostile
Indians., if psible, regardless of State
Willow Creek, is about fiHeen miles
from the Indian camp, which is on the
west side of Tule Lake, about twelve
inilcs-Qsoiith of tl.e Sta e line, in En im
mense, rooky canyon or subterranean cav
ity iu ihe mountain, well guarded on ail
si. les bv rofkv defiles. The volunteers
i (rycnn(iiercii this place bel ween, the 15th
j and ItSth instants. U is desci iied bv an
! eye-wit ne as being-a hell of a place."
The weather was very cold and. Gen.
tioss wrius for more blankets, coffee ami
yeast powders, and ays they have pleuty
of beef.
Died liev. A. f. Waller, one of tho
oldest Missionaries in our State, died at ;
! .. . .... . I
I Salem, yesterday. He was a good man. I
For the verv biTTiCTT
ASCEX, ,V Ki-.
-Joutgomery Street. Sun l'ranris,0 R
V. L.L.S CXp-
V- Meets at Odd Fellow.,' 11 ... . . 1 ' -
UIl .a
of each rrnnth. P:,tr, L'M-N'G
01 each minth. PatrnrM,
ins are invited tu a.;ter.d
feh. S. 1 672 If
Ia Soo4 stand.
M II noma Uhrt ,
?rt!) in each month m - '
.he aotl, of Septet, h,r to J"'1 'r!
March, and 7 A o'clock from e - ",!! of
March to the r.;ih ot J. t V'e of
a.l, .Mam a et u" s
Members of the Or'.., - - "
By order. to atteaa
OP Meet on the Second and Foo'rrt
ot each month at 7 f,.t, 1 -
Ha... MemtWa or thVi?
attend. " are lned
From the Atlantic to tM'wTTT
of the celebrated SILVEIi fim-W
and shoos n spreading. Thev 1 , , - r
lonac as Shoes without Thw ' v.viccM
Ask your Shoe Dealers for them.
men. Dr. Jus. Clark, PUrJT
ictona. nd Dr. Hughes li urnelt
c.usumptiu:ian becu;eo. hr U'i't', 1 lt
this when he di-ev,,.e.J I
known !als,- or W,,., Ci.KHuvLd
iieme has proved the coircctaVs 0f 1 1
opinion. 01
rr- , " " Hi-all1,
1 he liver is the great depurati ,.r m' ,
cleansing oren 01 the Svmii, S, T
Croat housekeeper of our i.hi, at
and he foul corruptiou. win-.h
the blood and rot out, as it w, t
chmery ,.f f.fe. are er.i'duat'.y iV
thesyste,,:. Vorthu f.iupoSe p' '-3
Golden Medical Hiseov.-rv is ,.ree-i .
the a, t;cte needed. U c;;re ele'V k d
humor, fr-iu jf.e worst st.ofula to 1
mon pimple, blotch or erupt ,,.
ing ulcers kindly hf;ll ui.der its m ..'(.Vv
ut.ve influence Yirule bly.i.l t, i",',."
lurk in the system, are by it .ohU.j i' , ''7
terrors, and by a p: ee. vm, .! MjU.eHl;',
protracted use ol it, ttie lu r Wxutl s ',
may be completely ri.-iiovut.-u and hiihr
anew, hiiarcetl .dands.tum'.rs unj MV(.'i
. wm.lle aav and d sappear under iCV
tluen. e of this grca.; fei-lveut. It is .j . r
all drugg 5:4.
THe Gicit Pit trinl Annual.
Ilostetter's Uult. d States Almanac fc:
f.,r .iistril!f,ti,.n. tl.rou .!..',- j
the riV-d Slates. Bi,ds!l!l ciyibzi-J co-iutr:
of the Western Hemi .t.i.ere. is n.nr ..-a.-:...
ed and ready f.r dthverv
lit.- F3j
Germau, Frei.ch, Xiii-.vv-. '.V,:.-.'i,
l-h. Holland, rcJiea1'wn al ;,m dU.
guag. s. iiiij a! u ho vih to mi-lci-uud il,
irue philosoi-hy f l.ca tl, s!..,.;j rcdi,:.'
peniJel the valuable ygestinji.- :t ci.aVs
In addit.on H aa yd.!;,!.!. au-dn-al tn;;e
on the caiits. pu-vvi.lion ai.d cv.r.- of i
great Variety et disiu't-s. it finb:ai-r t,
large ainoi.i.t .f in fen; ation ii.ti rtvti; 1,
the merchant, tie mechanic, ti L- n.'i...r.
planter, and pi ofe-si .ijal u.a ai.i! ti.p u!
ce.i.it;ons Lave beta ma.'.,.' for mh-, n.vridii: .
and latitudes as aie most suitaMc f.ir a e :
rect and comju . hensive .m,...u. t.'.ii.E.v;.,L
T!h; natare. uses, ana extra'.riliaarv i:.:.
tary etlerts of IlostetterV St .much Lit!.rv
the staple t .r.ie and a.t.-niat! v. of m..rv-1..
lialf the Clris;an vet!.J. arc h.- t'l. ;
in its paes, urea.tl.-s interspeij witb ;
toi ial iiuist: ati. us, vlu .l.ie rei ix - t--r
l.otl.-el old ai.d till in, tiiinircih a:.u-t !-.,
and other instuict.ve and uiiius;:;,' n-a j
mailer, original and select-d. t r
Annuals to appear -, iiii cpeninir uf ll.fU.r
hi will be one of the iiiot u.-c. ul. aud',, .
V h i I f r r.'.t d.-k'ir,z. The pri.pr;i-.i,
.Messrs. lio letter . .Va.'.th, Pittsbur.-: 'i's .
on l ccei;:t of a I wo cc.:t stale., n il! 1
a copy by mail to any pe s.'n r, lin (a:'.:. '.
procuie one in ins ii.-igh'bi.r. .J. Ti.i-h;:
leis ;ee soul in every c.lv. town a'j t iiii..-,
a..d ;.re ex'en-ivc! y "iietl tin oa::?a; tin i-::-In
e civii -'cd wi:d.
notice. e v
J en i.
rsed tor .nt-.resr so ior to ..i.iv . ' :
i, wi.l lye paia 0:1 pr en;.i'i..:i
Con Lty 1 l cavJ-' i's o'iUlV. lulclfil
Cfil-v lrom this date.
CrVgon t'iiv, Dec. 7tl., 1-72.
T. J.. .Vct'Al;U:U, Trcastr
I'.'-Vl. .
L'itldrt.n no h.nnji r vl-jn-t
arid when they Ifave oik-o h:il t!:o
tltev erv lur tlitit airain .
No. .o7 Saxsomk Stkket, San Frmeis-o.
n.v v i: T 1 1 -1 I . e a s r 1 : e u r a n n ) i n ' '-i-.ig
to. the public, that l.avi.-.g :.''"
sui h iiiiinense ouartities ef S-t-ds 'i's v. ;ir,
in th.vir Fonntio'n IJlea-t t.ard. n-. Alaint
th -y ars enahle'd t.i make a rcdu ti"" "' ;
per cent, on U-t years prices. '1 hey iu
hand a Ure assertiin iit t.f i?a!!ys. i
Canarv, Ile.np and all kiml f Vtft-.-f
aud flower S-eds. of every kn..n ilesfr:;1
tion. Also, Cabbag - plants nf.vi 'try ocv
ciiption. vc2'!ii-'-
Dissoliition Notice.
IMIE CtH'A KT.N I-II-sil 1 1' llKKKT"'!-
oxisiiotf under the thru name of "'"
V "Gerties, at Ea-le Crek, Cla--karnas y-
State of DiTgon", has bcci: tii.-st.lvc.l "
ua! eon-ent.'tiiis '.'th d.ig of I)ec:iih r,
All debts of tlie her. -.!.. re et;nJ i"m
be paid bv the said J). Gcidt s. "' il 1 a'
due the late ti.m will be cil.-fio;"
also. il. V;
i,7w4 K- Otitic-
Goods (or U-e Holidays
Reduced Prices?
Call and Examine for yourselves a
Oregon Citv, Dec. 6, 17-:w4
Kot'ce. ...
In the matter uf the Estate of John lie- --
L dersimed that he has been ni'l"-''"' . " i
(Viiitv r oisi t of ria. kama- iniint, ,r' - ' . .
mii9st'r;itur ot the estate of John ''' , ;'.,"-
c-;used; tliat all persons owiria ;
all persons having . laiia :i--ainst ,.r ;.r
are requirel to pre-M-nt the same, w Itn,"- . , .,;
vouchers, within six in-nHh- !iia t'11'14 1 : -IriJ-notiiw.
to th.. wn.lvrsi-.ne.l. at t'1" CouSl,
T. J. Mc AUVttt. A-lm r ef tL
i:-tate'of John Flermnt-'. il-
Ifn. lat AVain 11, Ati 'ys for .viai-
ltewu!r fi, is. 2. wl
A First Class Business ,
For relia'de men. with the a''"",.,,,.
making from -jo-o to ?j,"fr,.
can be secured in coiinecti n wit" a ,j Kv
cv for tlie exclusive -ale of works D ' ;T.
Vakd Hkecurr, Willi a v C,'LlF"vritet f"r
IIaku r.r Ckkciikk Stowc. vc- vor.
particulars to J. li. YOU I) & CO., N'
or 3S? Kearney Street, San Fian.s-