Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, December 20, 1872, Image 2

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vEljclUccfcln Enterprise.
OulGO.V flTV, OStCO.V, DEC. JO, 1572.
President (.rant on Subsides.
The most noticeable leaturo in i
Ci runt's message, is his liberality in j
recommending apronriations from i
the public treasury. lie recom- J
mends various and numerous ship
canals, which arc? as practical as a
canal to the moon, and would cost
inore than the entire valuation of j
our national wealth. Hat one rec
ommendation to which we propose
to call special attention to at this
time, is that which favors an in
crease subsidy to steamships plying
between San Francisco, China and j
Japan. The message recommends .
to this line 'sueh liberal contracts,
for carrying the mails as will insure J
its continuance This line is what j
is commonly known as i,en i io.i.i- j
Jav's China steamers, and has Leon j
receiving fiorcioiniL- .i
-! . 1...... .. .l-, , I I. I - .I
:r j
"live hundred thorn
it)d (.'hilars per j
T.T. r G"itrM fi 1 .1
am.!iniiorani.J.u..u .,..u).l,uT,ie fami!y bf the deceased have
"fter the 4th of next .arch it is to ! ., .., r . ,. . ,
.wici inc -." v ( . the svinpatny of his many friends
receive one million per annum ior i . , . , .
1 ! Ill till' I' ll'I'l'H'MlK'llt IIl 1-11
1 o!iij-mo:ithlv service, more than
1 avi..mjij j- f 1'imniM'f t1i ;
' . 0
steamers and interest on tliem .
.aiioitiits to. lie basis this recom-
mendatinn on the ground that it
u'oiild aid us in regaining oug share
(A' the carrying trade on the high
seas. Iut in order to do this, he
proposes to eavate a moi-yipoly in
hand.-Qjf a favored lino of steamers,
which are to be supported out of
the National Treasury, and for
whose support all their competitors,
with the people at'laige are to be
taxed. Look overcihe country and
bee if we have not alreadv enough
Mibsiili.;! corporations. v)t;r rail
roads, our telegraphs, our bonds,
our steam-ships, and from theooer-
ufinn of i,r.,lr..-livf. fvK on.l . I
' ' I
monster corporations, ar?
all Pllb- ,
t?idized in various ways. Have we i
not ITionopolics enon;;h ? it IS to !
i i t 1 1 , . .1.. .. .. i
oe liotieu iiiuo ii cit" iiie r i r i
1 i
men in Conirress to r.rotect tlie I
people against this hiigh-handed
1 1 T .1 . .
eiptal justice, you nnvrt suositlize i
another, until r hole earryin.0:
trtisle on the hih seas and ctD.-ftt-
v.'ise and inland becomes a ;r::id '
, . , -. ... . , !
mouoju.Iy in l..e haibis ol tho v.eti- ;
eral (b.vern!)Hnt,controlled by the I
rVcretarv cf the Treast-.rv
better ri;:ht has an ocean steamer ;
to a subsidv tl-.an a
on the Vrilhtmt tte river
. i
-outrageous rectnmetblat t. ot the
l'resident, if carried out bv Con- !
. . , :
Lies-, vv iii ii'uxi u.e eoioiiiy vvnn ,
joos-orrniitioii ami en
.l...vrb.fM-.T.t 1
' i
which wiii swat.ij. tlte
rreasury 1
and brin"; nj.on the count r a inin
otts linanciti
co!!.'ijo, -uith all its
evils oi
brtnhritptcv and reimdia-
ticti. Tiiis is the abyss which lies
at the end of Vhe road to which
irant invites the )coji!i of this
coftnt ry, and seri-ns3y recoititnc-nds
it to the consideratioti of Congress
message is refaurhabie for
.7b ....... ...a: - . I ... :
IA.'"'"'l,v' Apv .i v .- uiuii'iit iee5
..r.,,,.,.!...! :.. . i:. .. . .. .. i
eiui.ii-iiiicii, in uveiv uirecLion ana ;
opens the wav for : l.aiicv of end- j
, . , " ' :
toris ami eorfttnttons. atnl 9:ih
v.s o l.o.b ...... .-...t.iO.,..,..! ,
v. .1...V.I1 Ul,, I I
v.'ttn a bankrupt -treasury.
The people of this cjui -t liave no
need i'v,r this C'liiiia stibsidized Ii(re
to biino- .-naoiio- thetii ;it a low rate
of litre, a set o" worth IP.-s heatliens
to stipjihint the w hite Ittbvirin- men
i'rotn other Ian. Is. Why not subsi
dise steamers to btiti to this coun
try industrious Iv.iropeans, and il
t!ie C.?ina line does not pay, kt it
st,.., "I"!
ue oai.iiiee on ini.tfj:
1 . . -
line is aLraitist us. Ve are annual- i l!
lv send in- more nnmev to these
, , , , " & .
luainen uitnis man we receive ;n
commerce, atel winie this is the
ease, pray tell us which nation is
the most direct lv-' i ltettsted in
keeping up tliis tax t pon the peo- .
1 he mess;V'v
on this subject !
is sini'ply a reward to the:
myuii; -
lor t.ie work 1 uT.ormed
; I
securing Cirattt" re-e.ecfgon
cry voter in OrcLron knows wliat
an interest th.e head of this steam
shin line took in securin-j: the elec-
. ' ... i . -cs:
oposes to pav him tor it wuii tin
ru-earmnsvvt me peopte, ana at
the expense of the laboring classes
ot this coast, x ue curse o these
..... ... .
lieauien Chinese has airea-1 y
been fell too severely by? them, ami
while thev have l.o 1 .:,U- ,..,?, K-
' - -
steamers heretoU.ro, w hnih were
ia:a iroeraiiv l.v tb,. ( l.-.i-r.,-. .,.,., t
. i ;vi i 1 i v .
... , .
v- a' ll ":ive them f,v-Jee
lier month, Which will vo ,..., f
five thenf
double, the opp.?v:n:i-1 y to t.o:ijC to
IT. o , 1.
titne sii
roooery ntuter me nauie oi tsiio.-i- y periodical su-.t.:.cs:ocs ti.t.-.i wit;. p;ra
t . . . " i i- phrases of the Hermon on the M.eint.. We
V 11 ' v,-1,t to subsidize one fu,. .;, !u,.(l ,,y i,,:1.1s,.rJ r,,n-
steatWhip line, on the ground of ; ci.-co that Mr. Coaua!s:oner Walker La
. . .. ...-, been lipoid ed b v the Mod.... Indians sm
taking the interest he lul in politics,
not for anything he desired, for his
railroad in Oregon, but for,thts in
creased subsMy for his steamers.
Our prediction has come true, and
we find tliat lie has not only the
aid in this matter of the two repre
sentatives who have l.ee:i elected
Irom Oregon Y jlson and .Iitcii-
ell but the endorsement of thy
Iresident. The people will see,
and, we hope, before it is too late,
that the present party in power is
nothing but a gigantic monopoly,
hnving'for its head the Chief jxec-
utive of the nation.
Dea-tli of a Cood .Man.
Hon. X. II. Cranor died at his
residence, in Albany, on Monday,
the Oth. lie was member of the
Lt.;s,atnre) anil lias sev.
Ilosjt;ona 0r'i,oU,r ail(1 tnjst
, . , , , - ,
Jh As n ,
au yer, lie Jiad
. : vs ; .j s, ir
lin;vt.rs!il v ...,,0,1 jn j,
in coun-
, , th'v tSl t , , f-
brightest mind-'and one of (iod'sJ
11 . l ll , , , "f
an nuneL man.
words were: ': Give me a lift jtelp
me over the puciptce, and I will
, , . .
1 ... 1.. "
Peace be to his'
honored ahes. He leaves a wife
aim two clnhlre!). Jle was a native
of Nofth Carolina, cattle to Oregon
1:1 IS.jo, and was repeatedly sent
to the Legislature. 31r. Cranor
was 4o y toirs of age.
The I'uJ-'eiij-oji-the-JJark i'o'irv
tnaiun ..luisacrc of SLltiers.
The i,-.v York ll-rnl ha no farh in
the Iralian peace policy of the A:ln.i:sistra
lion. It y.iys of the la'.e repui(Dof Com
lii'.'siiitier Wall er :
('oaHn'.-sioijtT Wa'ki't's renort on la-
i dian :;1I iiis was sui i-tact i r v to u certain
i ex'ent. it shvril a saving in ex p"!;d i: u i e
ii!ii a me.i-nre o!' progress wi'h liieM-mi-
i civiit.ec :0i-s locate. on tiie (-Kiris i;t I
frontier Sbt'e-. Imt that it de;iH,ns;r:
the wisdiiui ot.-.h.
nutin lin! toe"1 j.f tVi.i
Quaker evangelical junta, that from thf ; 1
K'." (':;l,!l!r ,! 1 u'r Vu,-,va-' !
v ;iat .'.ir. oeig'i does, an 1 de-:re to do, ,
for the lower a;:im t'ts--th -it, i:eerieres(c
to (;ve him from whit.i.itiirs when he de- i
. ,,i -, -, . , . ... . j
s.-rves thvm and -mi es while n kicss iii j
his traces few who know an ihiuj ..i 'Mr.
Co will c-.re toidiiitt.
i .. IT
ion is not Vet settled.
m l iiov.t i-i: t... I
i l ' . .....
c.;irlv oj,oortun;fv of c..rrec:tr., so,a-. of
his inoii conii lent assertion, coiie.-rnii.i:
the suoce-- ol the peace policy of lb" iel
n:t li-tr.ei.in. The M-. does hivin? tee;i
oidered by the a ehori i-s to remove
to the Kh.rni'h re.-.-i va'.ioi in Ore-
,,a lo a fi-ht look place ,.--
!lv,r!l ,! ,':" M-' b 'rst cw tlry in cu-
M'q'ie!:ce: ai.it a i: u in r ot soid ters utid
su utres were killed. Tu.it was the opeti-
s,v,u 1;i
tfttreitv. .Nnsv weave
lo;u ill IT li.e
Modoes have in is-acte.l
Ihe M'lileis isti L'uk l.iver and it. at e;;;iiiy
warriors are iti thojii-ld. and are oppo-ed
ov oniv Uiiity tiv" niiiitt-u Irom i oft
Khun -uh. The" la-t s;at.-mciit in the dis.
J ',!i'd- lh lt ---:v.i.'. are forming, h.
'ev.-r. C iln'i'i ii.ig. In t:.- lie .!:;! Hue.
, ho.icver
; t ll;e ill,
l.ie.v ever, and t.elu;
' 1
oi i ;;-.-g'.i
c (!ii.ii!tv
'' Hie settlement i
if.:., i',..;,. i, ,,,,i. ; .. .i
Mr. C'lnmiione,- Wulh.-iio t
iu v. hat
in; fj gciit'tn do about it.
V ilurjfa i' ft.itor. having received
aciicu'.if iioia the no'oi'
ius n; ur b rer
-.-t to give it a
tl p.eople
wi:ri a tei i
no! tec
of the
country lo j.,in in ti:e ee
Csjrenri:a! atiti: versarv ot
j Ametieaa In lepend-.-nce
ays :
ivveyef much we shild be di-po-eil
lo r,. jkH. at ,h
hundred-h ntiui vet ? try j
ot . m
tcaii succes-J. we simmd certainlv i
, 'rreiltrotn p.irtictpt(ji il.oc
the Kiiov. le.lge th it John McXei! w.
eiPtrotn l.irtict:t(i th(;rin bv I
is Ihe I
tor Mi:-.-oi:ri. Out of the two
till. .i':i 1
of (hi- ,-'u ite tl.e con
i i,i"or- ...
t!i j-ib
'i t::!''
r h
t ve
e u ;
iMis. en nice wossia not iiav.
i ' en ua iii-iiit in i;er ci-iz-o-.s. and w.
bope 'le- peopV -how ih.-ir appt eciu
lion i.t the ir.diui'y by refu-in- to '--n
ci.iti w: t; !h...-e who i nu 1 1 " n
til. tiiO-t, lloiill iiOiS tiiiir lel'l'l'
tiiiniii.g as ii.eir represent.. : ive
V' propose I
wlo goes
: ' i' r. T
C ilft'Spoii-leut of t!
Ai '.V 1 .,rk Ji-i:,d I
ii rnPr date of the Ifl jest., s ivs that in ihe !
us 9)
i- clea
'i.u: or tin .-.'ii t
or ii
.f .f '
ii icd t! at the Liberal I'eiuib-
h ill be treat,-,! as P
mocrats. TI',-
sian.li'-ir coriimitties ()f tu.
tiaie i l at(cj
.is: se.--;on.
vviih tint tew exc
:Qllt "n" JC,alil1
o'lier lu -intu i s wa re t
im-mb u-. All the
eg:ir-ieI as ornindux
, .
i.epii o.ic :n
1 lie LitieraN now buhl
sev i
s' ai
n i eu
us on th,' twenty-, i'h!
ec.-.w d.'cu nil! be tb i-bir.
d v.i:::ift in-niorro-.v. and. the Pen, , c
e l to I. :,!;:'
v ic uci
e, 'J'ip tci. i"
,-etit to t,:;i-'jU".-:":-i:i
ll. e :
i . rs u !,,) fi.l
liiier. Pepi.-
chut. t.:.r Trneiie.duQ
vv'rh ihe p.-iie. er.rs. and
s.-:.-s :: -,dt b.ub.-r ihev
I Cot
' tin
v.' l , ! ! : i w ;
(e.t li.e Sen.
-iat.di'i sh
Uiliiii' tees.
i ever uu any ;
.sbMl -t
depl'eCuteS t
which S n;:;j
0St. !otil!!o
titpel'.ilies adVn
h.delphia A,,;,
ca'.e. li t.Ve-J the p
I'ic in to task for d-siri:;-: i:.,t otU- O-...
.ctpiisi'ioii of St. i.n;;r.g-. fetwi ah, t!,,V
', - . - . .. . . rz
-'".". en u est iu h,s. iTl,. :
' Pt
ivi-.i-or s i-.aii :s in '.t.u I'.ire't t'. t.t.i, ; t,
, , , ,
W.'hi:vit.i. (o,ie P!ut..is i,ir Terrv.lel!
i r ... , , r -
r tteg" utt l 'V s,,-,. frra Mexico
Tii - .1 i-
: Vr:t;,r sng-est that if we were not too'
; proud, to take lesson, from Cr.-ut P..-itain j
' e m.g.it gun some-i,i.1? tm,n her
' perjynce.
: it .u-.-.
IS r :, Iv to let Canaila it.i I
A,lr,!;, i.- I . '
.v.. ,-, ,,, L'-iiiini; aceii-i.i.T.'
" '." "', m-t.-pen-
..... l,.e- f.. nifties- ,r,.n.r ,t! r. ...... l. t
: - ' - e u. :
den erne to her. The policy ,.f wh .leiole '
at-nexa'ton does not seetn to l., prpul.ir
I h .1 I Ll ' : . : 1
t-ii a uiv it. ki iiie - i
' The X-w York JArhli s y s that Mr.
IZi-. . '..v .1:..,l nT ... I.i-, . ti f-.
n j:-.'-'.!'!
Noble entiiiicnts.
Forney ?s JTrexs of I lie 7th inst Las the
following sensible remarks on the dealb
of Horace Greeley :
Optieii.-ts wilt take courage from (lie
manner of the reception of H' news of
Mr. (ii't't'li-v's !ciith. Those who beiieved
Unit (he politics of ilu country nd ihe
parits.ui pres., uerc wholly bud. wti! now
modify their views arid adopt a new fui'.L
in hiiuiiin nature. Of nil the men agains
whom the brutal polPical newspapei s of
this country have turned their bitter
ilhne, Horace Greeley was the Ct.iel
sufferer. The Columns ill which he h;s
been maligned sire i!;e oii t'oi on
Autei tC'iti journalism. Falsehood with
out measure, ri.licute without merer, wen
lite reward 06 his moral c.iinestne-s hi
Immunity, J:is gie-.t ul.ily during life
A peculiarly sensitive na'tiri. these cruel
I) s mus; hare wounded his very heart.
Xft.v Iti it he s (lead, the whole people
iis libellers included) spontaneously -x.
press ttM'll ilUU.il iC ioa 01 n. ii'-oi.i- --
their appreciation of his honesty and use
The praise of thoe who lately libelled
him means, if it ha? anv tteanitir at id I
beyond lJe mere mechanic .1 eulogy 1I1U
newspaper-: always pay the distingui-hed
dead, that what they --aid before was(a!e.
Horace Giveh-y Mead is no more ;i - later
FratiKlitr' tl.ati Horace Greeley li vit'JX
II is Iuii:d wafijus; us jri'-'iit. lii l:eafl j ' 1 '
as wid mx tii uiiiis aj;o a ii- um when he
puid h:s liual debt to nature, lie h.v.l his
!oib!.- niy. his fault.- but Lis whole
life Was liiii.jr and Uii-ielllh. fbnirijr 'he
! la-: ca'.npiii!. evu. vvlii'ii tlie ui.-.it mi
j joi ity ff ids (" !!(. w ci'i.fi!-diifei'i-d ui li
liilu- ';'. w ho.ue.-t as he wa in anv
sit .1! his l.i:ti- career. lie him-dr wrote
i o! tills v.-iy ca'iv to a bloiira rdier : I
1I1 tit' rejrret h-tvim; braved p-ilili;; ooin
ion N :ii 11 1 tlto.ilii it wrutij :i!)d knew ii
;li lo t.'ielcil'-.-S.
Tjere ii; iiuiny" lessons to lie learned
froiir IJoi iic i;ret-ley"s '.' and tSt-ath. m.-l
tfeaaien! duriiiif one atid after the
of iherii is ;n!dn
t i Ii. it
MVr. s-a . :i to whu-i ho (vo w. i--hu' io
liie tacubies. When i s inen-.b.-i s eV i;e
9hls i' in.lepe..de:.e,. hw fearless
1 i:e., l.-ey itiu'v it. 1 he ae di-iu a ods a
i.ew:,;rl bet 'el j itil Sialt.-ta and this i- the
eVell Irom whicil to d l'e it. It the pie
is e'er to iierdlu:-" the moral eilliie. the
e!e.i!it:j; i.iilact! ce. tiie ins: riu tor t'n it
w.u ti.' ideal of Greeley, lei us beiu
liiov. The licit is ripe ai d t'..e nctwsinl.
v.oliilV. Above ail '.hi'is. 1,-t liiere be
tin i :;d to t'ne b;ubil .-landers i f the n -1 r t -is
;tl newspaper. The people ..f iheoTa!'
tiy v.iil idwaifl d II er itt poli: ics ain! so
wdl the i'MirnaU. but why not like jenil"
tneii and Christ iiius instead oi u:i priz-.
fighter and stvu-res ?
'i'Ui; ladiaii Trouble-.
The fo'.'iHvitipt Is 'he la.-t from the sc.
4 the b-. I'.;;!) war. mideivcY' l VreU i.
I 'eo. 1 ! f i : Tvvo Tei.tUtiitn v i i v-l tl.i
evi i'.b.tr from I!o! -piit.o; Val'ey. in K'-1
1 I'fii :-i.;v"ii. via i-or; t roi-K. ;iat.i eoun-
i . . . . .
i v as it was eon-t-u I e.i it ingerou.-t in cro-s
l ne t ty 1 1 a fiy ttu inXner roil. !ii.:!i
H.-s ii;ro'i :i .w .vioiioe connti v. i f;er
was s.'i.ie I;;::,' i xcrem. i.l ! i l..-..-,eiii
.-'t,livoii on he.ijirtr oi the n; i ll t-
i teak, lest the Pitt -vivei ti ire it K is . r:i
and Central Si-ki . oiiOw iileii nnuiber I 'ear
ly -is wi iiiy as the M..il. s, m Vlii t.ike a
i ..
but It!" iiMi-ius tii
! I wo fit i
l .i ve 1 1:1 ea' i n.'.l
to Kill It'Cin it Ihev oon t
h i;. ai.d ihev
thaiil ot the vv hit e m' I;;-.. It lie i
j Mo-Joes had any show of miicci &. the Pin
I liver Indians would certainlv join theai.
! !oG) ihev -aV in le--.thau two hit, tin ihe
! Motl.ics' vvii'l be alt kilted o'.f. The ltd
a ile--. ri! Hon ot the liva-bed
CoU.iXy. by C. V. Pole.'l. wiio ha 4 been
there, ai d which is likeiv to bo !t)o s:-e;ie
of ther M-'d '.; mo,-; ':.' ioi;s: It is ioc.ee.i
o:i lilt- Son : lji.i ;; . 1 , . o e ot I n le lake, slid
is s.'ua ed xv :iol:y la Caaioreiu. j.i-' .-.u h
ol the Orego.'i boutidary line, enni-iini.i
an are i of ten mile- .-'pure ail cut n;.
vvi' ii ti-s'.ii t s d -ep tin 1 .. h'-s. an 1 ali-iu :;e"l;i r
v.iili late eaves, iiie l ug, -si !': ng 1-; ,o-.vn i
x V, ti Wright's cave, s to C"ii'.iii. t;F !
i'e;i ncres ot iil'rii so.fe under "iuiin.l
! iu which the!
opeiiigs whi.
i-;i -);..; s-'i-'o.-r an l m.riv i
a m I'Ucu I'l iwi .; r . ;ii f i .
ihe in tin en' ranee being about the size
oi a common window. The gulches .n il
crevices rue-re lro:n a te.v I: ,., to ;-. hun-
feet U-i
i h
I ...
IU travel
bv trails
all lhC3;u'!i thi- l.iv.v couatrv
k i i '. w ! i only
ami st in t on tht
1)1 nil's over
pei .-o,.s OT.V t; ll n't 1 I
iteatti. where it woulil r-Mjurr' a i
iiey to e,, n itnua. On the on
i is o!
i iv.i o-'u in ! v i on i:,::ai o to in
lafje il.Uiotllit ! s;.,i k. tie- cede ratrge
b'-iii un.-iil pa.ed. '1 ii", j le.i :.. '.: Can t-f
tn-'ii cnue--g at. a !;: iice oi li ; e mil--with
oil tie n- being seen. 'I hey c un iil-o
:e their p !U-S' u s car, ivitl.i-i a l'e .v ti-el
.ii li.
in! ii o .vi .
rimiiar b!::i
lice-.-- iry to other
A to t, .(,.!. !!,e In iiuns can tin,', all they
want n ci'iie iu and around ttie I iv.i bed.
and can ni;o gn out in tin like i: c inie-
li-tl or siJ ioi
the only thin the
I n.ii
i -is
ick tor a Iniig seie will, be am i-
ni'oiio." their gun-, but they il muUe
uiTi?ws instead. I i;o-e . ur:i;ng will have
to loih.w the liidi ms on loot uiid in Ixur-
nevin tM-.u-rli ll.e.-e L'ulches and crevices
to li-idt them mtKt expect to ti id the .Mo
.b e- mi the l.i ; i iibiil- a'tiove thi tu on
i-VFiy-J'oitit or m living their way brou'j
eon-.te.i :e, p .--ages in .-i-cu: e hid .itg-pl-.ccs.
It will l. ij-.iie liij jtea!e.-t cu n t: i.u a nd
stutegv to cipiire o;- exterminate the
Mnd-'C in i his lav sect! .-I. no! u i1 iis'and
i::' tin ir iii:i;o;':e.s,il ioiin'oer. 'i to- :.ow
never lulls il- eo in this -eeti ui. a oi uieits
..o- -, . .... i I ... i. . .. ! ;
.l l. I . e 1 1 - . I I l.'uil.-. ..ll.i -(JV.JI-J l-
lileloub e.bv rear ihe !.iv;i-!ni . lid il'll-il D
with l.'ipiaiii J i. k. so ci will :e. a it is
evident tivm.l ich's men but nifg M'U! oe's
'ioii-tviKut Ills ImioI tr.-e.l il-liiucli to UQvviili
-;mia ing depre.b.tioi.sioii the set
i - ;
I.. - I" ...... ....... I , M , . ......1....
I as P. .o k .tilii's band. All Hhe families
1 troiii the vicitii'y ot '.bit ci'-elx have alliv-
..s ii...-iv ..in..- i.iiiii. .n lie. ..i:ii...s j
d in toati or in Sir. st a v.i!hv.
b) -.1 ..f-Ksowti i v 1 1. ... rT I ., t i: n.t...
no:, I S, ,;...,,!..,. l...li., Av.;,,. .
dent Imtian Afi'ii.s: P-c
tn ml v.uir.n ten miles d ihe InOias.
- ... ...
( ... f. seen vvi, I t.ot permit attack nut!
ii i.u- oec-s canoe cogent nue.i. Jtt
'". piov.o... ..line t. :n-i.i
ituliMiis are cr trenched on the sou; h
-id" ,0Tllbs
Tilt; Pake, and a fijht wiii cer-
laiilly take p! :e
w uti iu a v e
urn that the
rtfyi'i! it.e
Cr.srii 1. 1 we
id of baud Cor,.:a;-.-.oneis oti the 1PU-J
, !
iit.-x. dec;
N. V. IP
en i,.e c:lrei ol Uci). iiiS VS. II
HP'S. Polk county, a ea-c tn de
t--r:a me ti e light of purchase of acres
"I' 1 :;::! (i;-ci-i,.:i in t.ivor ,.f l.o'uies.
Pie C .se ol A. X. V. II !.,,. Vs. ,',
V. M em. cout.-st Q, dooi-1- tie rtg'it of
i pui
I tile
i se-i
........... . ..
ii .-.-, p.. (lOTiei, one mnn'U lo "ive
pirties rn;i- fiiini-ti e
(iV'-i!'. Ca-iKof Je-se ApJ
idence" ,d
d' .te
- ! i';iv. ciM est to decide th.. i'i'ht
i-.ic. in swamii I. e. Us Ivin:.' m and
a - e o i s w a
1 , I L i. . , . r
vie--, l.i.,.,'. j icL-oti ccnlv
l; t - ! i ! ' ! t rrr. t,ionii
:..,Sl. , ... .y, ,,. r .,, , ' . : n
mon'ti. on iiccuum ,,f
.n l in. Inili.t-. c,..r-i'-
, ; , - i '; 1 .o.jo.uneu to January
ri . l'...,r.i a; . .
Gs.- v .
rruaan. la'e I letnocr it ic c ;ndi-
uiee tor hi.'.'t'i nor of Xord: Camli-a. has
b-'ea elected L. S Senatnr li'otn that Slate
b"V. V .IllCf Was It,., r
. . " rS' ' -
e. UUt j,ij,iiiiO!i teceived til. Votes of
e i : , . ,- . . .
.o'.iviii.' f-li.l II, lew bu illlfr I.ilini-ih
, -
wu were backed by the Admiui-tratida
.il W,
It is
ued that ttie purser of the .
j fi' e l steam.
r JPssourt. which t.,.t n...i ..
aa. was the Tuaco of Miss Ida Gree-
i l-y.
A Varied Industry.
One doeV not say .nng very
novel or original when he remarks
that the chief want t Oregon
diversified and productive indus-
riM .....tmetit is as. line as
j. ue
...r. , ? .i c mucn iorce in
line, a mi lih-i.- . .
it that St cannot grow stale by
ivn: tition. Oregon has no system
fci.r ,'n.lnstrv worthy ot
I'l pillllllCOO. w .
the name. We have agrietilture,
iu.Ieed, but that a&me will not
M.fiiee. Tl.e country is-fttd oPre
sotirees, Imt they lie nntouehed.
Lack of capital is complained oj,
but. the complaint is "- altogether
weil-tounded. A g-'t trouble is
that capital has a strong specula
tive teiidencj. r.len whoo possess
capital lhink they can do fetter
tlian to invest it in industries the
profits of which, though sure, .are
gradual and slow.
Ibitois not this a mistake? In
lines of business where great
and ssudden gains may be made
great losses are also possible.
Moreover, individual fortunes are
rarelv acquired unless there is a
b a-i-."f general prosperity to build
on, and there crtu be no general
prosperity except on a wide bas-s
.f productive industry. The de
velopment of this industry is there
lore the thitrg of prime importance.
The Cinan of ent erprise vy!h cotn
tttences inteliigeiiti y now to do this
will be the man of f:it ure fori iiiie.
C.tpital can hardly go amiss for
pi'olitable iiivesimi. r. t. Vo do lit
tle but plow the soil. cIIere are
our cattle; we ought to make hides
into leather, ami (hen 'Work it up
into boots and shoes. Heel" is
cheaper here cto-day than any
where else in the civilized world,
ami it i.". of superior quality. We
ought to pack beef for outside
markets, iron of fine otialst V lies
in inexhast ible qualities upon the
banks of navigahle rivers; with
Wx:il proill-tourc pront:; eof.bl It
have bten pro.', a. ell tluriiii; tin
There is :i moctit atu l
the titie.st ii.tiesto-.ie bear I btsebwro;,
within a t:ti!e of thrai.ro:n!; vet
i., dw.lv t.-'.-v lw.1.1 ,.t it.
cot.'tetit to Initio; iifrie at irreaC-ri-k
atul co. I i.ot:i .itant
wotihi see:ii titt'.t Orison hail ito
ktiowleijo;;. no'.y to.ilo anytbirt'.: bttt
follow arief.niite, tiie prirniiive
cVcitpatioti of iaai:Uii:iI. lv. tn the
in. lust ties that ;rtv ilireetlv ::t
i f r.o i ietilt tire are neh-etetl ; for
Oregon has been aeettst otnei 1 to
import ii larcre ::rt of her ilaii y
proilucts aa.l etsre.l Una's fro in
l'a!it:)'niia aial the more li.-L;it!L
at es.
.Ml are now crying "hard times."
et who can wonder that times
are hard V" The productive in-
ihwti'i' .f' I 1m. ..!..t t.- 1 .-.-....,. t;,.,,
lv littiiled ;sn;I is e:; lined lo.-i ...
tew .Ujt'tieles. i'it? .constniij'tion of
tilt count rv is ile;'.t titi.l e:::br;u-t s
i on i..iio;, 'i t..iiiii..ii u.ii'ii
eoiu.'f.odities. I'nder :-ueh eireutn-
sianees .'teal V'0-',ernv i- iti!'u:s-
, .r
1 1 . ' rt '.
.-1 'i.e. i ...
W iniwi l-.iv.. o i-i,l...- l.-i'i . .f
proiltu'tive lti'it'.strv. i
il'in ; ne-
ttoti ot
whi-uit is well inon-'li. i
Tii cotir.trv cannot lirotltice too
, ., - i ll
nnu-h. litt as ni in cannot live by J
ote:t l alone tu-it tier c.-.ti a country
that seeks the hilicst. j.rosj.erit v
lepend upon aoriciiitui e as its sole
ttidiistrv. Jhdktht.
'fliiATTKi. Mi;i:t;ai;i: I.)i-:ci.sioX.In
...... . ,
Ki-tfiCt L-onrt Sunt hern
. -
a bs-net id Outa. t'u; fo'.'.o'.v'.ttg ucc'i.-ion;
was leceiiil v pt Diio'iv.td :
Chanel n.or.'geze. giyetj vviih tbj
if! tilt. I'dlVIT i In r,i I
os- cs-e.n
i he mo; t ; i e, d (, .or-i
vv I ii power
se.i or di.-pn. t lu- f line, is tiMi-.du- !
uiOmd void is to t l-.t ci editors. SucliQ!
il": 'i' Vi':
the luorhiee
no line to Ih.
ue.rit'riv in
t ut th" property is subject
in I ! 1 1 i 1 . i ; ms o 1
h lukruptcy ef the
iiie us.-i t n (
. I t r
s. and in case of
m n 1
:;-i to
The re-iiouiinatiiti byo the 3're-ident.
says llic of lion. I,. . Witke-
field for Pos' tr-istf r of this eh
is received
vv i: : '-'great s it isla
'ion bv our ci iens.
Tiiis appears lo be (Tin utii vers il feeling
among the merchants and basf?ie.s men of
tin cry. Py h:s pro, up: ne :iui fiiihiui
lie., is an ..iii ter and I. is ua'tlo.-ia enurte.sv
toward p. -o: s v. !:-i ,u- bu-iGss to
transu!-: vviih t iei.nice. I.e b.K Won lb.
hi.:iie-t l eg i: d of the pub'i.-. Wakefield
-. ;.. ... ... .. . -
.--.......-i. ., 13 -.. Ilglll ill l'i l.i lilt
'M o
Fii OK A i ioe,;;;. caVLQ
i in,
Wine ii!
St re. ,n. -nls !, Itieo--,:. Cuv
ami pui.ni;er otQi.e ti C) o,
'11.. . ..
m... , .. . ..... .. O
'. .-: i i ; i e r
: lie , o..-:. iUC l.ri,; I,, .s..-e
oi Is!;.
I I ' C'U -.j ,,ei! i.t Ii,.t! pi vc,..
ie w is born
in i etin-y ov ui'.ii
I in- ikTii:iivisr:
..i . .
v.i- tt years ol l. ;
, . " ' '-
s it.,- in- U'l-'IV Ol
" o ut i.i in- .ii-ui n v. io I.e eiec eii i
r -. ii!i:e,-i i h ..lrvo'ei' f.-.i 1....' ...
ami hope the Irut, i niiy ol ( ,-. -otfvv ', d
t ib'ci som- Kind of ot -s mi, uion to seen ,e
.TNSliilV Ol ilCilotl. I J N 1
....... ...
It lltl'll'.ll'S
that Or ii. t !: rfA,t,-u,i ..
viiatinn tr. cfead a dfti.-r ,d the I'ni-
lnagiif iti .,rk oa the d
iy of Cr
ley s funeral. timjDibat !:i
ut i en.
lite lut:e-.il was n
Wnuhl not have gone had it Sl..t bee.) t:,r
the diner. It is said i, ,t V (,,','., it.j;tlor
openly deuoiireje 1 the Piv-iden. his
A3Y..u:. ii1. tin- ti::i'b-r at Wa.-hue-o-.,
J -Q
TbP.iJa:iy J.,,,,;..,' (:i.J:,;ii,'.s!rati.m) in
iC$,,!!,n,t,nt,n - "',un u V' "t statement
vs.-P'"'11 tllU h'U-aas of General Grant in that
e annoyed :tt the in.:.,,
-the ,'us .ifQhe adminis-ri,,,, ,m. (n u
third term say, if ii,is 1;J a ,,1(,n
!r";"a! Gr;:.!l1 l! !S' "' s-iUv friends in
V a..H"-"; ' a.l.li,. - V -;,., ,
iW ,e;o.n ,b:e for th-m t,. be an.ved at
.... i.i. i. iii llllil u
be intended to "lyake
hit:, self k.nr.
Tin: N;xr IIo-csk
e t-arrrtrnento
t inn sup; TI
.test return iniTt,.,,..
that i !u
next II,,,,, ,lk,',n.s,.n,.l!lV(.s
(to M'lV,.,, in December. ISTl'O wi'l rr.
:UH 2US P.ep,,b!l(,ins ;,, I -r '
g.ving a Republican la;,y.tt 'mtS'
TbeKlmira Gazette (democratic) doc3
not think tQi, General Grant will pursue
ancpidopen.lent course 5tl L5g new a!jm,n.
i-Tiiaois. and avers th:
j uie men who novr control him or else he '.
i must abandon his party."
A jury in Marion county gip.'K)a man
who was bereiived of a tfog tfiiO damages
therefor. A
Joseph McIIenry. a well lnown crock
ery denier in Portland, died iu that city
last Wednesday.
The Coi'valli D'morrnt say that Sol
King has bought out iho West Side stae.
line and trull contract.
Government land disposed of in Dong
las county dating the las! tvvo jears foots
tip 3liholl acres.
Grsm.d Easier J.J'. Anperson imSe an
oflicial viit to I he lypaud Lodges of the
I. O. O. 1'. l.-ist week.
Jo'c.nathan Heard, an old miner, basl,, was protected by Deputy Marshals.
peetiysent to the Insttue Asylum from
.Multnomah county.
' IJon. II. II. Gillry. Privatp Secretary to
the Governor, returned last Wedaesday
from Eastern Oregon.
The Dallas np'illi"iti has been com
missioned a li'iaril iir'an bv the Govern
or iu.'tead of the Cht ioiian 31?ss(?v-r.
Gen. E. L. Anph'zate left on the last
s learner on his ea-'ern mis&iou as Com
missioner of Emigration.
Wheat at II uiisburg is sellinj at 15
Cents per bushel, equal to about 67 at
Portland, delivered in sacks.
Flax seed is worth SI lit per tnshel I
at A bany. au l it i- recomnn tided that
f.irmei.s raie il.ix instead of wheat.
The Qriiirtei master ofihis .Mililary De
partment lias est.! Ii li-lied an agency, at'
K i'biu ; lor co-operaiion ia tho Modoc
The steamers Shoo K'y tu:d Puce-ess
touched at the S ttcfti wharf on Monday.
The rflioo Fly goes as fir as Ccrvallis this
Ibuin the quarter etidiiig N.ov. r1h.
theft- were admixed into the Iu.ne Asy
lum 1 2 p alien'. at; I I ) were discharged,
oi.e died, and on escaped.
V-r. J. II. JV.iu"i!u an. the man who had
the "2-ieet fill ri.i:i a fir tree, is nearly
recovei ed. and will be able te climb again
in a lew days.
Yaquina Iliv"s h" c '.bb acre weighs ."(
1 was rai-ed iiv ?dr. Hi' d vtti.
i). tOU-it be ;i S uti ;).-
luativ like it -at a litje.
1. he can raise
If P. 1 1. Sain i- in the land of the Jiving,
i. ....... i... t- i -. . .. t. .. . i i....-.;,. . ..
to T. W. S .ia at W ijiato PostoHice.
V. a-hingtou cruitity, (.';i-o:i.
t ;::i: .-s i. on . S sin HIT :; i ( r. .! i-m
! (.,,. u );;-. :!,, ;;i ,,.,.,. v. i h a
hatcliet n:i S.i'urd iy. It is feared he will
Uo:-e. the use SI it altogether.
Th; nnv di uble-cvliciler rnr.-'er pre:;s.
on wliii-!i ugl be ptia'ed the i-,-i!-l ar
rived on 'he la-t s' ea C, and w'.l t.e
put. up as son a as a suitable place l'i:. be
Posebu.!; r.r
if Mis
u; ot i Ton tk, n ,u secure 1.1 uiti or ..u . e
A'l.er vvotaft as plucky as I ti-elf. -t.e
vvQld be jifde to elnse iiie Klaai.tdi 1:1
war ii uoout a week, q
Ihsn. Ce'iway. who s'i.bbed 1! un fur
est ai a bill s.-iui n:-ie atro. vva. it c- n'lv
..... -i . ...
ut !.'.! ;it P. : liiid. ;i.nl t:.ken lu Le iv
eite by iep!i:y :-:,.-;i:l' lA-lcher, at. 1 is
in j iii a .v..i; iug trial
IT. -:i i rp v.'. o i i-.ugene. was c-un:..
to r.mput.iti' .lames La'ier's l- tT-
W::S ) I
a :i.oit fKr.e ago. .Vir. f.'i'.e
I l-?Iol.'ll' ii" We, I
co.ild be expected t.a
der th
ihe litt'e child of Yn Pri-Ioe t .J:!.i4v
! O'-i.nty. c .tiie ie .-r ho i i: g h
i;un a sprii-tC- When tmeid i: w
entirely u:;C 'ii-C'. ' i-. ii.u at ier ;i.ve.
hours lab ;r was ivs.-:-; ate.l.
? j, be i.e'd at V.. V-
j A !i.ei-:i- i. to ... i.eld at '
j on the I'.'! 1 in-!.. f,.r the pur;
iiiir on the sub;-ct ol petiti );,
of .
i ; : J
1 li,
! Hi'' on Lie sublet ol petit" -Uiu;'' (
! I ' r tl.e lmi.i. .IQ'e ajitivopfiatinn i
I ... - . .- . -
f.ir t :: I IV. :-. :-, vv. ! "f.l ' ... 1.', 1:1. .
The :lt.,nl s ivs: T
ine trill ot p..
.. I" l..iJ O :' e. l.'eii ii
i;l,si,s. ; ml s,.mf iiu
: i , e . . i ....... i . i
I act i n it von n r
m irri ! on- (
j ;h;.e in it ter of L
' !'; -;u Iv of
j 0iii'''
'gf lie.
a U!
devote m irh tide
i- Ot -baa i..r.-
Th" f-naer-i
iii p ro v irg 'i.c
' Say s t r,e .S'-:,.
t hroe. j 'eou (he V ide
: one open ae.ii.j. r in jno-.x.r,; ;u
. m..ki.:-
j piepu; .xti.tis tor i ne C'tu.tiQ) sowing sea
t i .. a . . .
it-..: w
'C ' i iii-i i. iu a, - w in ee
liar vested iii Ore-MM ::e-;t ve.n- thin ,,i..f
nil w iii to
I oc.nt e.
J. Pel.i.-hn-.Vt t ofVk county lost .?)'
I!,.,...,.. I. .- ' ... ..!..... f !
.i , i . . , i ... , . - .. i. - i i--i 1 1 ,i i t, .-eu.il lie ill
I gn:; vvtoie on i hunting ne.ir S on i i : n. oiif
li iv l is: weei. lie was walking a b.e !
ami Q.sp-.J and fell wfi Up- iruti ".d" !
e.l. lie le-e
thti ioiciillii.
ved .nso ;i piiuful .vju-i 1 in
Any one who will crive inform liinn of
the vv here., bolt's of William II. ( io-s. vv ho
it ft ilo.s'ou some s;x vAt a;;n -jJid I sup-po-ed
to be working la the mines, vv id
cnler are.vt ,f--.r o pon h,i- t.iotli.Q who
ill rived iu Port-aud on I lie steamer Aj ix.
:-he isVtu y at.xioiis In Ileal- fiom (din.
Mrs. Picd.ertoa. the feu-oine of I.nsj
Itiv, i
h,t-v&t rived iit
J .tcksot, ville. S
: The I nit.it.s seftound.-l Mrs. Hod
and Mis. .-chiia. and could hive killell
b..!h i. ihem hud they dt sued to. but hrr
.he tirst i;i:ii' tu poll. to Wiirbire in (!r. c-.n
they ,!id not k;ti the women. Thov Li;..-,i
j oon- ,, n,i.-.i.ii:ds ol ihe ladies, nml
I Urea it.-aeii ; . . r aiore
A duo
on vii.e iiapcr sivs adv
eS floni
I l aptivia keliy. tu it.e I',,.;
0 e ii .:', 1 1 pic
1 vv rie.iiii bv
j Atiii' ot the bloods (li'sooiti.
hif i ed liewiis n best rivu'i'-- Te ,,lun
I leer- have been ac 1 ve in The di Reh ire.' ..i
,..;r da les, and it is hopvd thai they will
eet ;i ti .hi out ,.t the
. vvnn
r of
I, :iVl. .,.;, , ..,1,i'.,i ce.l by ;. ,,;,,; ,
i'o.t.'Ti:.. 'ill .iv..,- !,.
. , i in liver i n .: ! ins . a .11
arc 1:1-
n .-io i e,! r,. I ':...- f 1
A mail named ri;n O'Cn-m t and
pvom in u imed W.lW. who hive !iei-i' liv
l.ig in h'Ui'M,' to2elher a m tn and wite
iu i:
vv.-ie arrested a few diy.s since and lod
ed in 1 iii. otlniom-ihiint o! Ihe hnsb uid o!
ttfdatter. .Vsmm as he haul nroeured
as he hfed procured
tlieir ar'est the hu-band lett. and th
grand j.ity wen ntiable m li ,d :i bill
i.iruin-i iln-m. atid. one charging Ihca; wiih
lewdness was ivtisrae.l.
Tl-e 7;J,,i,V ) ;;:,:-il of the IPbsivs:
"i.. .U Wilt. V Co.. oi Cr)iii (,"rv. luiv
sii iii k il a j;ain in the old Ccai ledge; this
(4ase south i.' 'the oid Ve;n ?"lti" 7,i fee.
TliQin te is 13 i iclies ia vvi hh and runs
east utld wer.1. which provis lo !) the
main or prncipul lode. They h ue aboip.
luit totis out ;u(3 the ck is of excellent
quality. AQull lore-- id men is em,', loved
d iv and id .iit on the mine. The mill is
ii iufM'going repairs, and wid commence
crushing too, v. The same company are
vorkitig ihe Cariboo, which prospects
well. There are irooilOeuorts h'oiii the
summi". lede,, ut Hogein
The Stulisman says: We learn bv a
getitleiaen who callie ro(Q Pugeiie (Jity.
yestenl .y lh.ll the ril of P. I). Miiler for
.he murder of G. T. Smith last sunitner
Wiis ;c quit!, ,. Fui liiree d ay.s it. occupi
e.l Hi, enure nMett'ion of Up. Circuit
Court, and nearvy all the bn-iness men of
lhat 1-o.y. cons, , j o'titty tinsiiies li ul cotiie
almost to a stand sMH. Dinint' (!., whnb'
lime the Court II-ius.. w-,,s cro.vded to it ,
u'mostcup-.icily. Th lawyers engftged
for the" Suite were Messrs. C!.e:!oivet!).
Captes. Str.u'on, Watson, and Stott. anl
for the defense. Messrs. Dorris. Thayer,
Fay and Purnett. After rereiyir-'"' ,-i
I.......1... 1. .- - . . . . T , . r. . " . .
" "ii"i in "!;!- iniiii jiiog. inayer tile
j!,ry r-tired Saturday everdngjind Sunday
t uiorr.in"' ret.ii-n..t a r..r.1t,., ,.r r..n ,.:i... '"
" v .
Telegraphic ?ievs.
Wastiixgton'. Dec. 12.-e.Th3 President
has sent to the Caiate appointment of J.
11. Ftiirchibl as agent of the Iiid'mn Agen-
ic-, Oregon.
Coi.r.Mia.v. Dec. 12. J. J. Patterson.
Pen.ttor-elect. who wuSQurrested by Jus
tice Kirk n the affidavit of Assembiymau
Tiliey, was immediately d:sch"arged on
bail, since which ti.ne Justice Kirk lias
been relieved by a unanimous vote of the
Legislature and Assembly mill Tiliey has
disappeared in eonsetpienee ot a warrant
being out against him for perjury
Ntw Okikans. Dec. 12. The Eighth
Di-irict Gourt hto i-sued an order for t lie
arrest of Pinchbeck for coutempt. Pinch
beck refused to recogaiz; ihe authority.
JSo attemt was mane 10 ic e iorce in ex
i cniing the order of the Court. 1 'inch
lxcli signed I he vote yesterday abolishing
ihe Eighth li-Hiei Court. 1 wtcn'eci
sued a procl?mauon to-day gtvinar th-
dispatch received by him Irom Axorney
(ieiieral . Williams at V.'ashintun. ii'orm
ing him ifial the'Pi e.-ideni recognized him
( pincl:beck) as the only legal Governor of
Louisiana, and counseling the people,
therefore, to recognize ban ao such Gov
ernor. CoiAMiao.. (S. C.) Dec. 13 Lrbnn
Purler, residing two miles east of here.
lied tn-ilav. I)i--eL-ii.,:is by tne phvsi-
i . i . i ...1, . ..,.-iJKi1r 1 i
Cl.VDS SititW Hit" Ufiiiin i i
b v ,.nenmo,,ia. The t ual cases u.e cor, j
Jtned :o.no-t entire! v to Old and severely
worked le.r.-es.0 " J
Nr.v Cta.K.vNS. D.-c. l'i. Tttil-usion"j
Li-trhditSiire bus adjourned to tin tirot 1
Monda v in J UMiarv. -
Tt.e Ju.iiciai v Comtnitte-t to day acrreeil
to report. a bin to increase me i ics.ui in
saiarv to .; ).. .0 per anniim.
Nkw YoitK. Iec. P. l'he all pub-li.-l.es
;v card from Samuel i-iuclair. He
t-avs there :s no truth in the report that a
w Ub to ob'tini (;reelvs sh ire in ihe
T,i!:-ne stock is at tie bottom t;f h:s,Q
to see
the j
n ut ;.-ton-
1 ST lcan icd out. Si la;
are workiitg in h-t irioi;y.
as lie knows, a!!
The ."-u ri'-srate
ol Wiuche-ler coon'y it us aM.tnte.I Jotin
P. Ch ve'.md ailaua Nr.;t ir of rh' ad litem
of (ireele
v. Mi ha- deeded (Jab-
property l dt. reserving
halt Hi
the r'.-ht m superintend her education
tn i property until
-,e I- ot a re
,-KW )K!.r..VXS. leC. 15- ihe .Judges
of i he Seven:!.
iitd K'eh i'i-tnet Coill
have i i deivd their (aunts to adjourn ova r
bom day today without t ran-.icii.'itr fur
ther bu-;:ie-S. llli il the present political
u.iufil.ties Cio-e.
he v ti:oti Legi.-i.iiure
udjourned ur.tjl i he re;
r-o -mer convened by
u :ar s.'S-tori u nless
Itie (inventor. A
.1 -;ni c.
conn: iti y
lae litt.eus eotnniftee in
j Mp.i.-i ie.tr! e.i. i lie mi' e :a relu-eig to obey
Lot:gs:ieet were oi der.-.I to u r.-.t !;
j II e.l- i:!'.i!-i. A hUlll'ed tit t f ivSS i t f. pn
1 iice att.-nii'ted to di-.Uiii he in 1 . i , ia . b.i i
ti.ialiv vv ii'uure.v. 'lie militia ;fer in .-ar-!
r.-ti. i.-r to any l'e lerai uoutary oi.iccr
V.. v- ) -e 11 V !.,.--.. ..1 t:..
' . .. i-,.-. W. ....... o I,.. !t t,t
-.-'.ate i'or:h' t.-ir; 1 of hu:..
iu-tois" h.iu:-' ia i'iill idelphia.
At I.e.i!.g'on N iiiil i.'ai-i.lio-ye.-'er-d
iy. Ttioiii.ts J..l;:-iUi. a't.'grn. v. !i u,g
ed tor the p.f.e-r i i ion of :9 h-.U 1 lb ie ...ul
lage uti ati ar -1 wl.t-e l:ly.
Nk-s- s- .e.s, Pec. i L Ceeer-ti Vi
ll. i h e! the Unite,'; Sta'.i'S A'ni- :in 1
Lieutenant II.iv-i hiuI King of (Jener.-tl
n-rv s
le-'! iv
vv e
.1 Ins;!:
iii.-t-nal h. l:i- by ihe tai i ". v
-urr, -nd -red !:. -o-i.-crv and v
pr.-mi-es. 'ii:e i'iccrs i eta !!
e ;-! x '.;
le ir ;ie
p : npe:-;y.
:i .- u-
ui I tiad
!-. The
al'iil-. h tell el e
v.",-, r-..". P-
itoi e e.-t irom :;-,u Cai o 1 : na. i t.
obj.-ctior.s t his ('pii-rnr the S.
mob' by II--pub '."-can Sen i',.r-.
'Ti :i i-'i u i lie. ,v er; res.-.,! t i i
protiiS.ie.it lik -u is oi ii-e A'ii'.i'ni-;;
ifiui lie- S.:i ee vv:.': ;lnt ;iu!.i. !::,-.t. ,
Aitot'!;e ilf nvial ( tgdea I."1'::
:l:Ae.irc 1 lie'oj e A'. !u :;'- -( Ie:,, j' .i
ti v
-i tfiu
i liSfas
ei-iiy iti 111) inter-, s: of
.e'i.ui. a-;.', a written a'-eu r,
the Pi i -i lent - t-;.o i.J f
Ihe 1
W.ir.itota I
I a-ked lha
j -lien in !
; Ver-(T): wi
I -'. -
; ti, .-i:!y i:,--
! I !'-"! :!i".l!
:! j
--. :i -i ;:f.:':t t ie i , .' . .t . y
il a, i t!,e e.-etim! -tice.-. .'
i,t:.l v i ' li . to- e ,m rteou -' V b-it
i: :,.! C.'.'.ea th it ali In ri :--r
v oi -d b I;-.,-'.--- : Hi i; the
ii il!
!i ol m tde tip
.! m tde Uti hi- u.i..d o sus-
tain the Cited r-t.ite- t'.-url:
was not ilkeiy be would ci...
a:i 1 that it
: kii o'd.l
IlosToV. Iee. 1 l.-'bere Were llTt V-ou-1
d.e uili- l...m sm ill p durit: :1c ir.-.-lc.
.N . .V i n::K. i'ec. l.v- lie It;'- in" I ins
tees bebl a taee.inu orK I lit'.av ufterao......
livery iQen.'uer was present, utld S i ; i tr
broiigh. lorvsird ihe Coil i pr.n ..-i ten
Itleo-ivel liii- support id only hin.sei:"
I 'd th" o'her. six ot eigin i-.f the Tru-rfivs
''uf.'o-ing it aja i.i:.ii;,i:: p.-id's co-idVict
ot til . - p-iper. atl 1 l?)r:ag 'hat lu be re
tained with no i i uci :oa save to co!i: i.i ut'
carry inir out the policy ol t - i i-ele v C ird .
It i-s.-itled (hat no change will be made
ii! the policy id ihe paper.
i. ie:t i :. lvc. I",. Iiie Verv Pev.
" ie-ir t lencr.ii (f ; j
' Caihofk' pi ) -ese ii! "t"-r; ::a.
died this
.'e.l rs.
Pi e-i;:eili
f.Ven:r.g in Peicbug. ned i':'.
V...s:iiN.5-..s. iee. Pi. Th
.-ent In 1 i i Seiui'e to d .v ihe
i nu!ii:i i
s ot lo-cn: ,.-o.-: il. iv. .
ile.n. S.os Angele: li. ,) Walilmn. P. dies.
O.'.-gnu: .1. .I. P -coa. ( bvg .ti City. Ore
gnu: P. II V. .i heii.-i 1. Portli:;,!. ();-. ".:!.
P;i:'i. .e:a.!'tii.v. P. c. Iii. Th;
of l oi'ie-i took piace Irom hi;
It t vv o ok-!... k this iiltei no m.
I he e.b-. u lies
1 1 -si !-!,:,.
i . K tj- id v
was l.i'il in ihe parlor of his kite home.
dre-fOl ia a fall suit o! black, vvi li a
lat.nl vviei.ih at the head and a cttoss of
itiittiiii-tfiirs on his l.re.!. A initii1ertvS
1 oge 11 u-.il
tie room.
ill'.'i'iugs were p.lu -ed
A number
1-9; I
visitors viewed
i t.e rem Otis.
Xi.w Vouk. iee. Pk ri;
, . : a i
'f tii0 7,;'.
nine .s-
s..ci ttiti (a tntjintyl Were sola to U il
i J''11 'ton to d iy.
oi::c. .-. .v. 1 ( . , hur.ow Weed
j !l-,s .l
1 bus a hunr cotr.mn ;,i. Ht ion in t he J! j 'J
o.viag tin imprac'ieabitity of carry i:
; " ''"(n Wiled civil s-ice ref.-ai.
! Hon. vVyT)rion wer.t tn 'i'.is!iington last
j evening, il is unde: stood, to Ma ike :.r-
i 'itteei.p'i'. s wi'ti i uii.t.v ior tne caiioish-.p
id' the 7 tit".
lta tiM ind (Va.l. Dec. 17 -P.dward A.
Pollard, editor and author, died .it I.vnch-bii'-
it stef i ty. aged forty live years.
X:.w Vokk". Pec. IS. -Mr. P.cglar.dVI
the Sim has ub itninned his put pose of
raising a fund for a Greeley statue, and
' if -rs y) return money lo subscribers,
l'i.e cliur. icier of thii uenilem in connect.
ed A ill; the p r. j"cr S' ai ted iu Postour
the elecdoti of a montimetit lo Greeley is
such I hat the press, generally regard iis
siiecess us-ured.
Stakes told a reporter ycs'etdiy that i;i
his ne.v trial he wdl jijrove (hat Fisk was
ii' tnetl on Ihe day i) his murder. IP
vviil also prove wii.it he did vviih Fi.sk'a
pis ol a iter shoot ing.
'i'tie second tri ll of S'oke? li'.gan this
iiioi-ni:;:r. .itptge hotrilmut). nt I.liie.inre
p... The jurv i- uo.v luuug im'ianelel.
I I 1
The wite ot General Jordan, formerly
of the l.'nited States Army. l;r?er of t he
Cou'ederate. .serv ice, and still later of the
Cuban insurrection, it hs stated. hu beitn
before the authorities at
Havana to answer a charge of treason.
How .Mrs. Jordan cctibl be charged with
treason to the Smmi-h govrnmenl it is
! . - I
J no' very ea-y 0 Sl.e, s)
murdered his two little eh'.ld.en. ;tg-d one ; ' - u.e p0st
L lh.ee vears- this morning, with&at n ftem; ..- wet tre,,,, ,b,. T.v
b wil! vtl.t, Nl., bad been" cracking .""".Tc"
bickorv nuts, lie K,, imn.eduitely after v? ?" tl-'8 waiver-
ea,'initiUiiiig the (Iced, but w;& captured at ,
Liberal Appimp,.,
o'.iiiu.vs. I'hp -
xork Sun has this to say abotth
appropriations recommended bv r ,
Grant Gift-Taker. 7 L' i'
"Liberal appropriations' fur
trictof Columbia are recc.n m ,D,S
the President in his late f' b'V
"liberal aiinrotuiatio.w'' '''fej
13 WUU.
over tlie niessag, and si-ands out t . 1
Ihe lines. It ,s the feiunr.. "r'.1
intuiii-ation. Put what are liher .l ?"m"
priations for the Dis ii - ' u- ,?'vlro'
Adnistra.ion organ gave'
own,, s of the reeoimcndation Vo A
t.uee weeks ago. w tb hints ,w t ,
miht be considered lit,S a. '';,t
biush-says .he organ, -hity mu"n "'"r
dollars seems a lare expendiu.re Wthl
ntr.ct; but a mon,ents consideration in
cotivmce ;-.ny one tha, it 5s
small when we recoiled whit h
rather the Governm,..,. has to -Low
it And Tbe organ cites pr.ceil.,, s
in a tew years in r.iMiuifii,.,'iu.-w.- ,
-New York spent .e Mui.:M ot .i,;br;
m building a Court liuM'' Whv',... .
not ashiTtgti.n, then, which aco..'r,ii,T t
this authority has -ihe fh.e.t Goveri.nT.nf
ouii i.ng in Hie world, haf
n bag a,-!;,.
of liny millions? Deserit.
uttl tt:. pul.ij.
bm.il.ligs the
ller ii :
... ..Uu. ii p fiueui contractors whu
L Vide ii?
. I... I
..The a erTh-Tas at h.i
J- a. last
Wen "ated. Tiiose wishing to find ,ha:
-spot" vv til find it at tie store that do
nofc) advertise.
: 5 - -
Ihe voting sea-un being over. 800 la-
, onrers nave ueen i;smiSM-d trotn the I'Lil-
aueii.nia .n.iv y j, ara, atia abutit as inaav
from Norfolk.
It is rumored tlMt IVrry Kiyinrnl his
been appointed Po.-tmisier at Aihmr
1 t X' -
- i
id I
Purtnis' Mfstcvi. Mo;
"2i!I.'.Cnmr. ..'le iS
Tenth Volume with the D-ceniher number,
and it is doing Mr. Peter- but simple
I '"0-t!e ll.at u:s ex-ellenl m tJI.,zlil,. is
j itsiproving vvith age. I, was yens
wign. vvuen it n;s, .a-.i us r.pp.-arancv.
i .. . , fi i . ii ...t.i n-F .i,. . : . ... o . i: ".j i'o
i .. . "... . . .
j On' ! e-ec. - i.:o-. j. e atl i.nty 1, ..,-.
'S I notltlCe.i y
ibu: . ii j 'e tv t Vti y
lover ot niu-:e.
Tin P. -ember number, pri.-e 3 u c.':,'.
c tut. , ins three itillals.a. Chri!ta is rt.r.if.
an AaM.em ;t Pour hand Piece, as pi n,.,j
ut The., . lore Tt.t-ti-is' t Irches' t vd Ci.i,i-ert-.
:.t'. 1 three sp'euU. 1 Pi i;,. I'l.-c.'.s unv
jiiece being woiili in shee'-.ti' i-ic tur:n
1:1 jte ih.ta Mr. Peters ask lor the i n.i e
(.tvitig so much (' ". . l.ii'sV-f
ma. it i-
won. ier
ii-icat .-;o!i-j;:v
has h'.s's ef
lev ir.ir peaple.
triends atuoag nor nia-ie
i-. i. . i
wnn nave seen u v. ;u ! conr-e I.
their subs;i ption !'.r tl;e ci.tn'' -g
-; oil., is. b--s ii.rtisuu e should sc ,j
; n I 1 ' .7 j . . i .i , i .
N v oik. ;1, sitrJ secure l!i l..st .r
t .
. . i ..... i - : i ......... ,.,i ....
n ituio-is :;s sinij-e- copies ci ;j a
year's sub-ci iiitimi.
Cl.-m -k ti L d.-e. X . 1. I. 0. 0. F.rof
til o.'a.e.l :ls t ll anniversary c-.i
1,-t l-ri-.ay .'V'
ii-.ee i!.e oi-j.ni;-ihe
!M:::'.. T uf
Zil':;i:i of : be Inu re
j. er oi- i;iii ia'ed ;:
o ni.-m'.-r
,i is ll'-..';
tiv c
I I hi f Pel.ows. I-".: mm,!
ib.-r wi
I "i.in ot'o-r lod-jes.
; su it. :.); licensed. .: p
I ti:e ii'.ers iu g o. 1 .-t.m ii.
; Pas: ( r.ir.d. '-'.
Ceil.-, d li.t'U.hi-r-
: i,;i:n'j-r i f
'. 7 ti: i.;:::ii.;ei- t-C
fl-'.-r T. ,
.3 i;
i produce-.
1 ctc'.es uj i
jit tct-s p it
cr ..
. i.
utg. Oi t
e. -
(tA'i'S-U bu-hel.
Pi !' A'i tiilS "-J b
. ! o
, S ! .".
! pi.nt-,i bbi
; p.;a.s v hi.,..
V i:: tici niriT -
j P-.-.u :tc;. "I Iiv.. I
' I' c s
-. . -s. 1 '
In-: i'l
o i.'
i "J c!s.: Oi;'i-;:!i'
. Ii-f-f- .0 cis.
j 1. lllS ,t o en. li, .j ,-.
! Cilli'K'KS d-..-n.
eis. ;
-CO r-. ' :.!
ii -:s.: i-i.e:d
lb.. PK-
l i t i. '.
iti I-fa to
TPA -VoutiLr I! v.-at.
.. S 1 ft : Ji-
7."cf-7. : it-):
ct i- i- :.:. ,-' ;.. i" : ; r . - cis.
SALT "j lr.. 1 (-t . ct.
SVPPP -Ileavy (b.pien. V-'tvii-f-'-c!-S
V.K. Heavy (loideit. V -i!l.. ..
IJACOX Hams. V T . Is' cts ; Si les.
10 cis. lb : S.ii.uld 'ts. li cts.
IlAUl)-"r II... l: cts. ?.
()1P -P. voeV Kerosene, f? gall.. Ti-Ene.,J-
oil. '--avv. j gall.. 1 25 ;
Ltiisee.foi!. b-eletl. r) galk. $1 -"(: 1 53
VO( L - cts.
j;i:;;p- (bi foot. rt'.; , cs. r
l'OPlv -On loot. ((, Tcts. n.
Slli:::P Per bead.'si-' -V, i.t 09.
Ill PKS Creen.
In c!.-
. :ti.t'u. C
5 Tiic folhoving pct-ons are auibur'ut-J tJ
.rt t as agents fjr the Pnt; ki-i.isb :
Geo. P. llovvc'tl & Cc, 4 i I'ar'.i U -w, cT
Vork. - 4
Co.. Wet'.crlll & Co., HOT Chostnit .-treft,
Pbiladelpl.ia. 5
Abbott .V Co.. ?2 A Si Niat: street,
New York. 3 ,
Pn: tl n-Ppivgon .1' ?:ctu.-l
S.i:i Fimi.cIsco, T!..nuts l.o-.ce
:-an K,anci-cn 1- ,J: ,f r
St. Helens. C .hi-nbia county ;- A. .il-s
Astoria, flats in . onntv v. v an i'.i-.
hat'av.-tie. Vauiliiil caiuitv
lbill ;s. Pelk couutv- ".
Co valiis '.
Cinvnit Citv
.J. b. I'llMT' S "II-
. . .l'iive lli.htii's.
.1 S. P.dllK-"'
"V.'b. biis-vi!!'
...'. H.
"...A- C.
I.:11 'S, Wasco covnty
I.u .riinde, Cninn county.. ..
I'elldlePm I'matilhl Colir.tV.
S. A . KnvX
Icnutty . J.M. ThonTI o:
I'.'ti ver Crerk. . . .
Fugle ('reek
I .ower Molalla. . . .
Upper M dalt t. . . .
I !:vi ding's ,
Culling- ,
.C. F. Ik-iill?-
Frank V. VoU-t.
Henry McC. n -r'
Y. MrtUl:U.
J. W. Stravvsor.
".".".".V." U- VnaiiiU'
Z. C. Nerton.
... P. ...P- V.'n.-le-
AVhy SulTvr vvfien f.e well-known Mid
long-tried cure, Wistar's Hal-am ok
iir:i:tiY, will bring von l.ac-K io i-u-Coughs,
Pouchitis and Pol Is cm not la'i '
si r .ly settle into consumption, it r-P1 rJ" '
cully and completely cured.
1'.00 Rtvv.vr.o is oT. rcd by th" proprietor
of 'l).-. Pinve's (5li!ea Medicvl ,',Vt'r
tor a medi itie that will equal iti'ith-'1"
of P.ron -Jiitis, scveie Coughs, aud ihe w .
Tlirongh the length nnd brpiflth rf''
laid the celebrated MLVKU Tll'i'tU l'''
and Shoes itr-; sold bv the iiiillien. I"r.r
ie itSknovv tti.v last twice s I n-us vvii i
out Tips. Try tliefft. For Sate by all IK"
A siue-ihiiig. CAPLE SOKEW' WIB;
', l?n ts aa l Su.Tos will not rip, leak ot come
! "rt- ,,,: a,v lhe lCit eVvr m '
j AH bear lift Piie-t Stmp.
'! h.. ".,. ,.vl ia , ..