r ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE h o o i to t 1 "'i. V i iA . aHiu i. rjubiCit 4 IT f.. t T o,-p,:c. umu -v.., m.i.j.cvson conn- , . !lf, 1.?s,i;,..,i O.-riJIAL P ll't IT JUCK t HAS CCl'MT. ; IV. IliKll 1" ChltO Ol the 1-t lust., jriwd till What They Should Do. at papers am ! Slate Scvs. Scarlet fever i-s prevailing at Tort land. 03EG0X CUT, 0?.EGB., LET . . i . ,, . , , r v 1 now discussing the question what 1 A Literary couety win bo organized, in i following parieidaiH I rt rogml to Indian j 1 no.. nai , j.,. . P. In?. ! trouble. ii the son-he. u ,. onion .r ! the Democrats shouhl do with their , " " , . -.. ' , . ,., .,, . ,. r ! A number d buddings are in coiiw of . ... .-, . jS;a.o: i :.e (.iiii:iuwu-r-1 lnl :.r. nilaiia ; Licet oral votes, as Mr. Greeley is ! er..ctj..ti In Pallas. Teleria'diic Mews. few oxcepiion.-. m.k occann yos.eiusy . . ' r mi the sab t iohlre-s im-.r ci'-i;."'""-- . " ! I x- , . i ,i, ;,.ptol' (Jm-li-y s death. Uespito no- v, ashing-tox. Dec. 0 "Nos o i;.-Nf'Vf N 2:,--Gr7,,ITli;P "ill ,vnlV. wither. ,h churches wore a.l .he House co:,un, f ?"e n nTk, m mmntnrdy bmh by j ' , Hn1 ov,.!-vvviH.re hi-h Inbntes with an ,,.,,..s,,.,.ly i 'i, ,L" i came ami pi.ystc.aus 1 esie, .,...-j t() m virtues auJ liiih qualities weather is bihght aud mild -vi "- I reports w,-re current ,n many 'r.'-i vyi. 4 o um.id. 1 ,,,!' ' '"i?,rl .U T e Si a,...unct..sthat Mr. Greeley V The n,.-e wa, culltal t- and I.Ktt.y perx-UH beieiI.-ll !le . . , . ,.j ,. , ..,.,. l.,:,T!! td'UJ tj CrCt-r t,. PreshlentN Message. !.i- M;:.:,;t." h' ii ' he Kuin: i l':1(l they very generottslv , I)!U;IR -h, lust month 'ill) arrest were ; ! vH-'v v'' '"'V'"' -nU-i' rel ... trnr.v pall heare.s uiUbe j The Senate m,t at v,., ' .... , . f a'h rervati-n. pe-ce..bly .t p.,s..:bi,.. but a.lvise the De.noeraev to east the ! ' l'"U"id :"!ictv f th'.V. .'. " ' " " f"i? w ! 'die.b.lu'rif'h- I .-leetod. To .lay .he I,uly nl be oe- , Vd.uX in the Cha.r rj a;!'. v luh!lll the PiVM.lenL S Mcs- ; :,iil ;:,:y it l. ,tl..st. he pr.ee,-.l. .! it. .,t- ! ,- ... ..... I n-, . ,lis. ! ,,,-,? live ,..,... , . ' : lr. L. ! li'U" '- VaU't ; bena:eiv present. to-tlay in supplement form.!"- " ' - Ali ert, to I - - it ...ese ; ; " j A. H,.,..,.,.!. I ,n -i.l: j C.-metery. , j T e :,aj, au, i I . ; p-rM.t!e th. i.i .. lo-tir.-i s.i i!.o i.-.cv iJu-lieals are always me.Illi.r w i i II j , . , I .h,..bi if l.e Pve f.. -h( hours I '1 attaches of Ute jes . td U , aM..lel t.. .he . ....:!, . , , ., l,.n!v eft(-e,i i!,,n,a- ol ! s,",Kt"" tliey have no harness, 1 at U:;r. i-bnra. i.em the i:T.t. I TiJ 1, m .' !' ' i h ot .heir ehh-f. pubiic tt:ouj:ht. atfd w was reeet veil preeln.es any com- u ,,,, ,, , .a,. ;., i :i,J(, we apprehe.,1 the De.noeraev j J,t;il n.r,;. an reM.le,t of Ore.o.t. t'nuvl-:-.). N .e. V:'!"- a pviva-e aispa.c. ; The ,,b; announced tU Ch?Paqua en j ucur ma.-Khtd. ,v , r , fl , (.anv 15. J-. i;i,val.A-.i:h "l.ir v !:ve me:i 1 Will not he Very reatly to lake their j ..o-ui Lit .i.utdty. N w y.,, ' ' ' " V.. , iru.e U- sa, ! .ons hu ner,;r itttpl. u.eiHs. hi.iI had ! ate ef i:s readin A e sha.l refer to the .luciuac-nt m , (,. K;:;il;i;h. t:1 ,.,,-, v,!!lil,l. rOUIiSe! sl3 tju.:,. :l)hit.e has l)(.tn t Af Tun;re. sutl.,. wh-at buyer, are , ' u.. Y . u- aT: ' ! " ' 1 !, A number ot , : !,. ,t .. .. i .... . !. t . ,. ' " " i ...... l... v- ' ... .r -i;. .'.eh Tin. :ile was e.o-J eelleu i hv Snain.-r. t.. Death of Uorace Grce! ., .i i . i. i ..... liotirlv the riintat ;oti t .!:' nmtr 3 '""V"; t ' ' , , ; 1 'i The Ha.UeaU ole. led a m-.i-.r-tv of l heir 7 I ,,:'.'."",.,!f L,,M .,,v-r:fi" M'v'"' oc-"LK ! hut will lo as they ou-hl to, vote ; cI,v ,-lkt.t. ft. Albany Ust Mon.lay. ley. i !:i. l.-ix m.i:i:u.. lie at once mi i nut ad i , , - i ed the cm-) ai d naies ed :. i.au-i vi.MV j '"' tliU Ice I I t SI . 1 CI! t , WtiO WOlliil j T,1(, nxt .nn ,,f ,lf. y j 1 ., u, t ,e tJlli Horace Greelev die.l on the 20th i !'"' .,;' ;". ,,',' u;il' one of when, ! ),e lie Kal M,eeessor ha.l Mr. , rar-biecf L har ev. amieaie 1. A na'.i I nit. This Fail news has been re- h V e.iivnii.m .'tued in which the j Greeley been elected. It docs not ceive.1 throughout the whole len-th : W,MV i";:-r,n!':1 ' s",,f:i5,,'r: j matter whether those fl-w votes D oi.l not coriie ... !:;i!it. lint li ih tiveid l!::U j and breadth of our country with ; they npon the reservation and they i elect or not, the men who are en deej. sorrow. Even hU lal'e most ! r''1'1 "h!,:5''':1 . ';'. pr.vhi..n t,-tc-cl with them are in bono,. ' ... i brfii .'. clt Ji.r ;!(ii' b -i-ienee and .iei. . ' bitter and vindictive opponents j li.y t-boahi i.c I'n'.iy p;..;etud i.i a!S i!:eir ! bound to east them for the man are now -ivin- him his jtist merit 1 "-h- "l ' rvl":V'1 it! ,'"li"," ,,,t'- " who was on the tiehct with ; an i w ere then cn'tnansied b I y I of praise. The lo's of ?dr. Greolev's j, dov. n ti,. ;r i;s. Wiiih- ttiey we.-e par- ,Iv. Gn eley. They can lo no man verity win i.egin wec.-nin-r Jt. M ..j.ir Ti!-'irn in died a I'-m. !',.fl -rd on Monday. He was a major i: tin; Mexican w a r. Fonr fann"!:':.-stded in Wallowa Valley I'nion r.eani v. Ijial week. Thid placet -i--5 t'i-rT" f. IT - a hLl U d Lrr.-. -.h.r h;,,i -t"-ia:,.,,;,,,.., nsUe r..,.:, .,. 0 died vetv (.,ie"iy and w i Zhou t" p ii t ten , on a. Conn! ol hlsdea-h. Neates t! and T;y K.v.ui,.r'!"M !,'" mao.t.s-l 'l.e-s,ven .his ,v,' nu- He j Sen .'or Scl.ttrz. b .h.onpr. ,,.,.(,r,ls of L;iUll.3 ,y - wi coom-o'is -..,d i-ti .., : the ei'v on h:s way n anUig.o.i o.si , cr.l.eiis. ' J'-i0. '.r.v"v.'li:s. Nov. i:i.lh., ,ce Greeley's ew:,i.,-. r. -letted his inabi hy u attend , C,i.klir- and Thwrmm, W).rt. . . lite Wi-s insured tor M.) ti . ) lor tie. ben- i the latieral. . ,. " Coniiuit't'e !v wait iijii;:i .j,.. :.''-':f-"l .fit ot the A.soeiat.oa. 1- Han Ni.w VoKic. I)ee. 2.- Th-re is jn uch .;s- A un-.se w :,s tve-iv,.,: f:,.Pl . l- no.eieed that tbe Chat ,.,. ia hotn-stead ; C-io,, among the papers a t- .he proper ( Rou:tetn- the death ei (jivvVv"'' of Greelev is to 1... !.b t-'.loae.l bv .he j course ol t t.e . r. e ey and i: o w.i ,-i.-cu.rs j .,t.o rent t .;,! . ;..,,. .v'-a ta.nilv. ,;,..l ih.t the i mj.ei V U "to bo ; . v..-xv .1 (ire.-ley s d-a:h. ( .lte ;i j 1-eu.or! m..ved he;r itr.:,,..,!:,,.- ., am-huod ot;' to o,mmw. ; r.e. .nber ol Demoer.i. io pu.-rs m--. erSKei, wtiL'b was naaaitMiA ;I Wa.s--N'iTON". No i iore was Ire- ; i:e e oi.... . .. v.... - . . . wife, and the strain upon his nor- ! ',!:c,,,.n ''"0 ."-h ..u.....-y , , , lnt jf alJo,v tn..u.j,. A fl - wav p-,.se ' ' ; r..-e.i I. is and h.'ed ? i.len.enat.i - . o! .o j Vat ! is on V'e.h vous system v. nne attending at her i i'.ont.-i:.- wim was j i tmnt r Ins men. ten ; or- wlieu it does not cotitit, it may j ;l v- . , .,.,-:.(, sick be.lsi.le, had eause.1 his health , . . , ' l ' . 't " ' be practiced some time when it ' ! l-: I. ; i:el t lie li ! e ;i no kli.eil 'ia r; j . I III- ! I to fail, and when the excitement of j caused a .-n.-i a! siinnitaiu i as ,n b.,:!i does. 3Ir. llrmvn is notour choice , , ' sides. The battle was a !o.-!;crate one. ,. . , t, i . i ' the recent cimj-ai-ii was over, lie j ... ,.V(, ,.,., o,.,. s dier wa- I either I resident or lee I ivsi- vas so p rostrate as to be compelled j hilled ai d b.str v..n..ied. Two oiii.ens. J ent, yet we believe every Demo- . i 4 . .1 ,. i . V. in. Nli-s and "i h'tlbj;- t;U;is h.uk ol : . , r .. , " , to surrender to tun decrees ot his i i;..," we.e kii!.-d. Fit '.-en ...dues w.-re t'"at! and Jberai Llectoral vote hs! SMin- up! .;,:! in.piriVs Iroin ail'd ... -1 V i i ,;-"' ,ie : 1,!''r l U '"''"l U. from the cot,:,,. t. ,A . ... ,1 , ,-. i ,i . i .vi... if S ee.e rcniv-fii: aUve Democrat, tl'id ; ,,. '. , ' ei 10 wf,:t TMjr.v,,,,..,,, nVlv.:;;- V;v rot'i.:: .b-; n--..i.ick. i iv.u i.c,:,,,;.1 'l-';,'1 .'1,(.J-'-o!:i .!:e(,e!Hrai..i:s.-to. n ( ;,,.,,;,,,. ,.r5v v, . v.nS-v of .he pap.-.-s in his cmiu-cl,,.. j Th- annul! .n,,.,. U 1 "1";'":!'-- reaet-.-d lT,..iil,.1.(ir...,t. he Umiiy. 'hers. h,-!n Im- s-.m- .ee-,..n papers ; r.,u.lU hab.;o,-k and bv tv V ' A fl-rr wav p-,.seu el lo the (tretnen in t : . k -n of re-; .- ; . d : d n- av end "l i.e re- an-1 : t.e ( , u:-l a na' I ( n u--u 1 1 lavor rat- , T..,.,.,. .!.uUra,d exira copV.V,-',. oft.'oi vatiis on v',.,la.-d.iv o! l.t-t week ' :- i'ti ol i!..- 1 ii,.!,n e-e t'.o . s -iv.-n bv in-' the vo e lor l.v.ru as a eracei.t . ae i j. ..d. ' "'"-J Maker. Ifo died without a Strucr- , Killed ; nearly ail tin. women and children S'-me to tt'e w ;n :ots and a nnmber o! boiouoT, to him, ami they should be to th.- Link river ".:in iy by specie! train !.al Tuexlsiv evet.tn '. IVy Six" was honied at t' i -i . . - .., . .1 !!. to ife warra.'is anil a iinmtier . lletrin as a stieient at the .S-.f A-M h-nl Kle, at;d was consuls, to the very ; h(It.S- w.(.u. e,iIllliri.,,. Thl. lni!l)S ' so cast. Good faith on the part of j ir,i CdUe at C.a-val.Ls iv,,:a jlck,. n last. 3Ir. Greelev'. name has become j .t'tr.ute.l o ihe hi-is. lu.r in M.- ale , noun j Lo:nocr;K.v rt.0uiivs this action : tvti.rne 1 to .he eurn' and .;:ie:ie.d ti:-. I - 1 v.y aam. Three ne-n' Indtntis ve.e kill nv other coarse would t readier lamitiar to every citizen ol the ; ; .;. w an l so-,o. c..pt.u-ed. ; ous. As for voiintx for Grant, we I- - tt , . t , laa' tttf-oi! !i ! s hi!:;r' at tnterv.i's ar ! nion. He was tru.y a sed-matte cn The Indi n.-T o.wd a.v .-:i wo;i!d rather every Democratic- man. i.oni ot -ne.mo.o parents, ' "','-' 'y. There wore some thi. ty ; IHc.ctor would stay at h.nne. woo were unable to give him that j ,t is su,po:W .h.u these would arrive .he education to fit him for the hh-h 1 ''.'dowit.e; tnj'a and :!..;' ano-:!,. r !i-ht ' .....Ol. I . . i "-i : position which he attained, he left ; ..., ,, ...... ,.. , i home at an early acre and sought (,! Maj-a- Jaekson. should an on.er- . . t . employment m a print in- ofllCC, j eanaued Uy :h .t ;!lliI12 .he number ! eldents ol his ! tst si.-l.n-s were necr.harly "5S where he devoted all hi f.v!.n ! v. ere :! h-ur d.-snorute ehieis. Tapt. i dUir.-s.hor -.n.i t ..!' w. I..v i J The XeW York Ti.il 4 ot tin' o i l'. d::i) arva'Ms a- Tlinrsd.iy with d-.ie c -remo-.y . She has bec-ii In. used h jrrt-at tn my limes before. Hon James D. Fay has ap-i hced YV. V lor rill as a stieient at the S'.fe Arrien eeuiit v . A tn.'n nant.-d brown w.n In-'d !o an swer on tt eh t cr: f a.'on.trin to r,d, a iale.oii k-n-p.-r's till i.i Ma'. t.-j City n tlie ..it. Mr Ilee' i s. o f t ii e ll"ni ,,f rs ; H-! !er. ol Jfeboro. nn h-i ,.-n! ihe oo.m- i-i-.i. oi i: ivu.jr hii toe. ata.itated on h.: U'ed-tie:-d .v. ! A n i ll'iri wi'l a'in be made to r.-.t the io wnsv ti !e Woole: :i alios .j oni-.iti-.ia !r. L !1 IVatt has roj: thv-re i. .; to s. V. () Ih uen wa-elec'ed (J'.h-f V. :-M."l( rr .-.-,-,. . ! .fa'.k.i'daek Jim !: Doet-.r a;d Sear laced ; , . 1 of the l,;t!a:,.i !-;ie I -p :i m- r, ; ! 1 vi.n time to give himself an education. ; ;!l ll 1(.v. u h , i:;iV, i!(.,.tl .:!!(. ,., !ti, j " w''-! :'" ,!,! m--" cant.,,. , (l(y i-'. (i-.ha.'her l-i,- J:-,t. After he had learned his trade he ' he-nbordinaii.... ot their t-.liov.-or-. hni j ai t-, n. tor .!,. ... it id t.e been sue- and A. J. ;.-.. v s..r,. A-,;: u,t. went to X?,v Yo,lc,whcre he start- ti1'"1' U" ''f th' r" ,'- k" Od,:!,d WU'. ci,M.m it,. Pre den, eda paper in the i..tc.e-t of t! i ' rSu. who arrived fr.en i ","t "' 7 j "he iWdan,.. I al!es and S.df !.:!; II iii i i i..t iiinii.t in : , .. ; i . ,., ;srr,!:-.h. sn tt:e:l- bjok.-n down s-o:n. I ro-ol T-.znp-inv. is i,e, uin-j: h.r a vi, t: to Whig party. lie continued it bat ; d-y i t.d i;dh--x a'l n ;-!... reports three j : hue been id. cons: t-n.i..n. The lab..r j ' ai,u;toit Cry and i'hi; ,.j.-ipi;.t. a short time, bu, soon al'erw.-rds ' nwti k'''".'! " in. d jhuhly. on ToV bake, j at.. I exaisetnent ;h.. t-i:iv.;ss were in n- Sent b i lv h-w mil no a fir.-, a! n-n Ji.-J! commenced the publication of the ! u V"! are i . " stnild It 'l" Ac?o Yor!: r. This naper after '" Auv'x !' " m',M l'r'-iJ1 '"!-'-h i y-".' -'',- I ii to a i.i.er ;,, yw. .n .l -..-u. an-l .h-.n , 1 ' j ....-.( hear, b-.-.es i.n-ers !r-.':i pio-;;..,..,., ; ja-uee ,.. tiret-.ey a a j..r.:a::-t a.':.-', as a j bay a cow-indl to pat on ihe ci-hei about tu o years, and while, he was ; ei!tX. ps skh.- h.r h.-ip. and A J. Ihun-u j onbi.e ... m. IV ii;e is a ,,u a oi the j,;,. tower. ' J s' r" l l ' sen. s a ii-.e-sa-'e ,o ( ivenior oiiivcr. i!K- i ... v' ,aj 1 1 ; . .... ., ..... tUi, ;,,,. a I) ' ' . nne v., y ....i.t.t- u.e bl Ihtity The CV-;m s.vpi "M it.-rhtl fl-r a dated with the TrUunj, and alter ' At. i.i. -ate wri-e-." H-e.m'. hoid ont ionj.; j x ears, raid the t.me l as not v c.m:- j j '! ut:d noa-paja-r oiri--e arrited on .! ';. lie was to s-a.-t ;.a- ! u hen i- i a . lie iiie.ar i illv ooni U r.-d. , --earner ir-on .-.t:i i-, A n-w J u: ti- 1 is oo:i to ; i.t-M.'-l at Waiia v'i'.el i bv Mr. J. W. ui-l.'e. v.i.oal-o ultiVid i'roiii iel.o.v la.-- cvi'tili;'. 'I in State I';;.': yard h.-tintiot h-ir tv--!i y o; e ti-ii::;- nad ,,:a- hnadi-.-d and I 'en y ihrie t.-i -n earn! iv,-d ii e. oat th'.y i.i' n -xt s-m-o ,'js bi i.-k ::..kia-r , e;in..;i-. ii ,s a- .) in i tea I his term expired, hv took the chief U,T ,!l 1 iK , u" '" 'irt '" v i '' t:il 1 iil,:, ir 1 oo!,,i u r.-.l. I. , , r ' r ,. Ar ! !ear b.Ke h.e ii - :t v.eh a ;,.-.!! party ; is Ci.rl;,;:! ih(, GreehnV .,.. will alwax. control ol it. In jor.rnaiism, Mr. to i-.e .ho soitVrs p.otiee ar.d i r.e,-,.;ioa. ., , Gy ,,,, ;a . j Tiv.!.:M;7i ... ! :',:rJ 'r. country atyl J.robably no epulis. ; v. pi be held r.'.-ht ... i4rike arrati-e- (tint ia':.jar.-.s wiiitli he lon-htlnr uih lie was a forcible writer, fl-arle i !!"'s V'.i"1"1 j v.ok .l, e v;,', , sanply he b- ' j i ae iolloy. w-r. is int., her :;-;. ;..ea rreni ; i!-.-v;-d i;:vy w or.- ia,:hi. Into ti..-.-es ,l, and nnlcjiondent. Vhatevci cause Vrek-i. i,:t i- i ! iv t,r the -J. I : Tit- J'-.dlan : j ets we wd: n-o n.uv i-nvr. I .i t:.e c-nri he professed to advocate he did so ! o- '". -flUr 1 '? !S ""Tr' V ''". ' l !iUi,'VU i u'r :--.r a.il.h.n i.tuk, ' 1 , .'.'.';t:-!:'.-;i. m a'. A !'.! ol e,v aitli- ; ij! a ti.e.n ;-.,b.,- and n.lh ipjiv pa- . tii. with all the p--Wt r of his great 1 ed tt.eri s-arJed this tnoriiiair to ;.i-t set jt.oi.i.s v. .h do j,t..t;..-e lo '.',-.!(.'. ..ad I mthe ri.'i -.V..Vi; -S -v a ;. ' o.' il , l ir j- r , . . ! lliT A no-her p .f.v is o-.-an''z'p s. . v. hiie ti.s eon a n tneu w I i 1 s r , n ! .!.'! '.-!'. i 's lit tidf.-l oni parts ol : he ;-, .:;a-v min.h . He v. as free irom h-mph;, : s,,,t ,, ,;.iU,, A ! 1V .,,.,;.,,, ,,,, u t, (!llr. ,. a, l all oi the k-ep.-rs. i". tion and cerrujtion of clio-ies. He : A. 1-Y.iia. hi-d- d it.-. I yes-erd y. 'mm Ihr.e ! !. id., tea aery. He h is b,-n b. ta.-m ; :;i-"'o a. d.e !ae t.-i ni ! the Cia-;i' T .11- ,. j Cr.-ek. eoffj- n: the ren. r' '-i A-h'at-... ' .,r a.m...-. a ire;i.-ra ion. and ho ha- h .d i 1 ''". '' r v . vv y. , : -j. o i ! . - i -1 r j n ; on !'.. advocated his cau-e from conv.e- s,.,d .ays a m,- , n-er ' h , roat-hed it:- vo.ai ioi.a.- m m w,y ;n - : I ' - ! y of .n- w,el.-. a.ta edj e.a.o.i tiolis ot l!" ,( .and when bo i.--c, ; p!-.ee Iron. k r.v.rr. r.-...i :ae L Ih.v.-' A :!'. e.y in S i-.o,, e'; ,n,..;,r..: ' ".. the l VaV.it: Z r '.'.at a I j oar iit-t.ev. us imw" I viin ai h .-won i i .... 10. i ; ' - : . . : i 1 . . , . i ...e i .,a . . . . .:.- ,.:i.. ... i ' i i. ..- i . i . .u-- a i. , - a . a -. . iifo was. collect, noiliili'. Coll . - . -a .. ..... i . I . y.bo.w,.. I.I.,, 't. , ;,re t.l !'.. : . !ol t'd.-.V if.. ,.,... 4. ..,..!,:...!.. I 1 .... . .. ... '' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " "-"'"r i.e iin.-.ience oi , -. , ' , , t '"''; 1 ."ti i ern or-; ,.. iiii..! -ki I I ,. th his paper many ot the results of the ; Tie tnendly Italians are oomi: - ... ,h, ; des i, las ,,, ,.:o-c-,d bv it- h.tatlv ! ...V . ',Vt.', 1 r . . ' i-T V' t .i" V - '' , late war are directly attributable, "'.l.,.-:.: tr.-m the Mod-.es. wi .. a,-.- on ; . i:,-i .v.-e n a,. , u;. !S, :, ; : .y.' ' f ;;' .. J;!.,.''. " l.'1 ti, I i nr.. ..... .-, . r .1 : . ' . . . '. - . . ' i s:.,-y a .ys. K.v.x. ....v. iiwiiL- o in i .t . t ..(. tt i'i e e,,;i, to t to- seen" ot I .. i i l-'S - ;,;,. l reaehed a bt-Mi i,.t ;:-e. l.-tii tin' a ir renter influence in the Ib-oubli- : ,!,,-'.v-v-'""1 1 h.- hah'y ivtur:, to tl.i- ; had no ... .v I lo i ", n if ton.. :, on h.a; e to , i : v or to inoi i i w. o i 1 : i-sp i nd.d ens it u em eas.l.' lee. e it- At thi- cit v eh-c 'on. '.I in S ;'e n on aV IrtUls"' .-t:..--.-.l tl..:" ....I 1 l-l ir i -i .' . . .. ' ' . . - . .. . , ... . ..... tan p.wi) man i;e oui. lie nan : Jacsvonvii.t.:-:. D.-c Z i-urthor. news . -:r..ia ..! .-no: a:.. as h.bor; his ,;i.:,d w,..s as j ce;-i; i-.te tor .daj.oi, !;... rd'-r atel .s theiudcpuidence to condemn what- ! f,,-!-i -'"niii-y in iiv ite h u the iv.-.-fi. r..f: and sa.o..s iVe as i-. n,.. j ut - r. The Cr v Co im- l is a tie. To; .1 . . ; s-ttie.'s are ta:i.i; a(--i.-e ii.easiites !..r pro j ir m t !' 1 i : lbs a 'eneroas i in ; . ; ase.-t u e : i v . i -e o!th.. fi.-v oti May:..- .-, a .! Over Wrongs lie Saw 111 hiS pal-!', trahm S. vet:', ,-n uen.n'id voaia'.-.r-. u,n.,;! ...j ,iV u:.-ae :ira-n;o ftp, -rienee ! M-'f ..e's in-ij. it i' v over C i rpct: ,. Hi- and having been free to exprc.-S "l''"'' ' ''y- ! '' b... ,v.a-.o tio-,.... -t, ox,.,;; .-.onpisa v. nea. has ! ."tt. cambu.,-,. .,r iy.,r. was 1. , , , 1 wtli posh throu-h m I i-t as !! -i-: e.es. d. His p :. . s.a t . v . j: r. u . s t ; . 1 ,. r .... . r , those wrongs, he became the stand-, ble to a-,;-! do. f,.1!,:s More n will hi, i;,-,;;,,-:,,,! t.e.ivtty s.i nrl-d eve., ! ""''I ''O of the ard-bcarer of the opposition to the u . ,Th" ?T" '! ' - V ' a":: Ti . . . 1 ( -. J'-et.-m Ah -or-. (..-,, nr.. , Iris ivittrned to jo-.-ti.i-e teaay y o.us ot i:.-i-:n 1: ,s ; 5 , ... . :., , , .... the S. er. '! V ot Sf but ....,! a .o.le X : on.-s.-of-e ... trie m i.n.re v. wane, o.,-,-., , u... 'r.-:de;it ,,r,V(nvtl. ph.mit. -;hi-'.-i:-e , .hi ah-en-e. ' in'-'-oihe: ' he Cinema a; t A ,....' ov . bell, v.- j .,., re;,r!s ol :ha various iv--r',"' 3'" Tt.e ii.Wi a! oi:ie; r. i ios annual 'hat th- oloe'-Ws InV.' no ibsir.. i ill in the tabt.-tt ,U,--; report t..r the tnt o-nt v.-.-.r. ur;r-.s the ; in "o r. that h tv i-:- been elected s deiy to j Sena e n.i ned. lro,5etv of an -t..td,.dtV.l ani .lio'i ; perf-.rni ti sp.-e ii..-dntv m-l perform tha j Mr. Jlank a-,tn ofe-ivd ! U r.. ; for oil: !:, a ,.! m -n of the m.-.i -A s-.-rviee i t! -.v by casta- ihe vote lor Greea-y and j .,s t. man of the C.m.n,!-.:,.,. U'ri',-, T wii t i.he rapid! v inere.fin ex ton, . Hocvtrf . ! Ilela'ica. r.-matkin tli-tt it w ,-1' "4 and i'.n .ortanee ..: di dr da b s. Tfe- T, ;'(' f H'b ch i -nes t !i -.r . in - , h t t lie i : a.se be i ,-a, e-.-nt, d -h v , '!'' ' A 1 lie- m-iiibers oi the -.,b::e.: wer- ! aeeor heu-e -vrh i! e sj,!.i; ..! t:,e o-nui- j U:J.. .4;-;,.,:- coma.iu.'-d t .?v pro-en t !o-d.V The pre:e:j.:l b-.stue.-.S : ? i--- electors -hotihl i- h.r Drown. ho. ; ,,. ,it. ni ii..r;; as he (-.a. d , -Vc- was n.din ih- Pr. std-nt's ... : it. e k-e ot Gre.-teCs .-!(:;.. n and dead. h Tie ! h "e t, v a v,,-e j . u Xl-.w Voi;;c. Iv v I'I! A bi: i.-d tafeh ; b.-b-re in fi! a re em . ua.uid be ConsUUl ...s.-j i.i a-reni Ihe" resiraei-.n" '"I'" between C rilie Dion and .John Deer; b-r ; U re-.o-ni. I he Indi in A pp. on; i.ei ,; ,v, :dli.t) ami a I i aaond cue was won to- j NeV YoaX. D"C. Ik A coy.ail!!ee ot ; ,v. .... , , i.ihi by D'.oti he i-tle v-aheh h.-aa i the si.-ietv oti).-. Cu ni..i"s C-eircu. hi j Vnes.i.ty. Uf Pith insa-.'. : v;r :: . . b.ro. tooaoo- s w .. . . ! .,! i,.. :.p...-..-,n . e.;i j, s o. ,! iv: j.v; i- : a- ;; die Inner d of Mr. Greeley, have aj-s.rj 7 .:( ,, 1 " '"' " ' il ' deeided io is-..e tial-o- s o! a I at i -s' - u lo j Alter S.a:. t 1 i-e.-ss t !) i'.'i.-'i h-. 5 I the eiei -eh. Tie- rd.-r ! s-i Vices com- j Vl-d at p ".".'"'S" .1 prs's addr.-ses by K-v. Henry V, ard ..-.H-rod ... d.ie.i. ' ' ! hv a -o-al of 1 .0 I .l An a '"I'-it a'.o'.i to 1 lo- I'nt'ed S' tt,. an- : 'lloli ies 10 redr.ee the b id ot Woo Iii ! and ( haii a w is r-fse 1 t. d ty. l.'Al.t-'.'.oH. Nov. 'Z'.i. ' he Sen-i'orl. .;! is nn no-d as y-o. wi-t. iu. ih-o.-h .- a.,.s 11.-v. Dv Cnatatt. laeeiti 5 V." amux'.. ;-.-.: P-c. ,s; pro-pe.-t o, a set!ie,,i -ni. ):i the b.nrth Znsoi Pro .klvn h-.ve already stArn-d a J Senate. A-: ,-r read a, t a- j. .' n ! "' -b.db.t to d-v. Vance, had 71. i'tio'e. 7 . sab -era, ion to r. .!.-. :i7.. U . lo .-r.-c- a :.:;;v,.d 1 hat 1 h- .-h-n ,: a : .'.i.'.' ""l'n" ..; tire.-lev. It and .'. el I 1 .'li 1:1 an. to tae ta.-mor; CittCAIi I NoV. This raurr.itaf . i- - 'i.a 1 o.l th ti the lato-ial proves aou , ,.. te.fitio. aiip l'entoa .i-ked hi. a ;u wi L h aw ; tea o '.-;'. Dfi v'-r. a Oafee.f.-r San (it ted t ,1 .!') lis d:vo- c d v i!-. who t .v.S. lie oyer l.voi miles p :. be i.e..--. i: !- tta.hasto-, I. 1 he list ' "' j C.,:n.-,.,a .--..id he ta 1st ia tree ion. lus.-d lo ejv.. ).,., in ; t, ..a, nti.n;:-.' j u o! n e ; '1 e-:den I . . . ."-eerr: ;.ry : j., ,,,. F:e;,:d,'ie : n Sen .ad ' yo-;e;-d . V .hunk. II .he:. 11 -i. i'-.-r well Willi e.n LI-..;.. I t ho rir-oa Cait-t j ji,;s ,0-. a c.,;;i:i::..,.e ... : YY' .N'kw Yota;. .'..v. -h . -Almo-r the en- ' J is Ch.i-e. Cd..rleS S-.m-e-r. diiu,., ,..,;,,.,., ,(, ,y , ,.v-; ... ('V 'V' ti--r e"y ni.'i.n - the dea l, o! G 1 o,-!,-y. i Ca 1 i-oi JJ.-y.tnt an I one r '. 'Ir,!.-t-n- j mi.'te-.s to an u.lj ed :;'' A' pt.fc'ie imihll-i-s. l.oteU. ne -v s;. :p.-r : a-; aeaes. Ii i- a'..-o stoe-1 Oil! Gen. ; eaaens t ,noi,-,-.v. X-.ne ei j r;',..1" t:i es aiel many priv-t e ivs'4 -ti-es and D-it.k at.d General ih.rlow w i.i btf anno.: t?...l;) -;c -,.r,. pr,.se-,r. '1 'u'- -hit-pit!.. 11 e-.s are a! --:p :, 1-'. i.ar oi ;:ti T is m.t C(i;:.i o-d to 'lie pet: a-i ii..' Ii ..1 11- p.ibiiea.i ihiiria-a of c-'ina,';-!. . 1 .no.i. e s.s lie Ie-. I a.ll re- 1 ; Ce H ..I I'.i.k ii .s be.-n ciow Sod yvi.h fi'C.ls de deo-ased A : tt.i '.en r t la t - m -is of peopde site.- n-.U; eon, i-es o!' Fi !.,; in. vs.-n .'..o.-.e, ' , Kepiddicati !' !'i'i R-i-.v w.is .i.e ib-.st to e.ide..v.ri, lo vi.-w the ivm U "!- ! ;y-ti,.,. Fhiia-'ev. S -ev ir:" atid L.-a'.s 'oi out a ii a:, a p -. . : to a 1 ' e iy dr. .p. a! (ire. -lev !y ;:j in is'ate in the (l-'Vt'i t.or s j j, 1 1 : ; r"i j .J tht S-:':;:-V T u!Ui !!;e :n-e:ao laa II. once liree.'.-Y ii i- d'.tief t ;,e 11 1' i a m nn us "' 1 S-e,as ta t(). settled 'hit the fiiner: W:'tl.a-'.e datre T.ie.-d :y from Dr ll'im; Chnrvh but ihe arrant-nil -nls are noi a. n . --.!. .- : . 1 ....... .! ir . 'I..4 - J .. .. . S II. .1' 4 ' o-.i. -i. : 11 ......... ; p,ep:.rt ' ta S'. I. oat S .;-;. Vj; : a W . !,.!. 'f.t! r I'e nt. -re -' ill- oe I,.,- j , ...!-, ,,t a, . i r 1 ' 1 ' ; . . . ; - . . a .. 1 1 1. . if ii . t'i:--.v.i;a ( .- vvttti::, 1 'it.s h.i .ai lor s.j ia: . V. :, ! , ;-;t.'. 1 '-'". . -le-: y- I o iej. it 0:1 : to- e:;-; he PreTd o"vi'.cl' tr ihi Do h br .aides of 1" e C-en :i flonae,! bo- M Vol: to a teet. M..1..1 iv I o t a!e a-' n r e it'eac ion i Gieea-v. : -1 'r, 1 d h - bo era! ..! . -.-at C-.d 4.X 1-1. at i ii-. s'ofk an o, .i ! ace i-.vll o't 'S a id li----il t..f s; ni- t'-i: .,e.'. Vae t.. i. ol W..., .hall at. i oil h -. - he, .1 re-iae-d t I c'-.." ! O U-lt . Vh.ell ol' lilted, and thev we.e ihvreit j-i'.i l.-ei- -1 1 h oi.h. r or' ..;. tn.-ree will a i 00 aao jri re-ota j. a,s. Sr. L Its. Ih.v. Il I All the p-p: inorni.e' i.ave ! i ' .1: ia on the !,. idi nf (ire. !. Ail tieeord I. :'. h'.;h trn;-. as : a in it) ?.n edi'orat.d a e't"-ti. 'i'i-e Conn- ' ' e.l 1 i-t ntjiit p i-sed res. .hi i elS r,t !-,-,eiei;l . t ;o ! i.e 1:,. 'a,,! ' V of lie- d't'e 1 -ed - ' 1 at Itl 1 m: j'.nrn iii--t. a.a r :-'' 1 M nur 1 !!t'o..vr. to i-onvev to ids ;,;tn:iv l'-e ',eeri 1 I s itit at'l.V of the (: -Zees o! St i. '.;:. .! To--:.::t JI N-.v :!.--!n th- U;;i- ; led S i:;a .'n e i t C ,-:rr res-Pnti-.-.s an- 1 ; ' aa-.-i.T. a a , i!-.o. 1 a,' r-.;.ai.r- 1 . IT r- , . a 1 t .. : ii-., .-. u... 1.1 t'l ! ..'lis:. e1 '4i 'file bd! .wiea; hii'-; '.?t-re hprf..-:--.-,: y ; reh-.iah: Py II .'e t .1 a.in.i' -i.d, !, t ; ;. ; mi'oii.i j j-,... ,f oil.; ! .- : l . .; ( ot.nefdciP, to rceeal the t.-X i. : C.'ie.'ii i.e 1 's a ed 1 :.a! iVliKia tee lyt.- i--iled . he b . 1 , r;,-.. .;iS v,. ,s ,1 1 . i rai.el odered a resoh;:' e e ! TI:" Sec-:'--i-;ry id ihe Tn- i-n i . , r j arioa as i ,'1 law an in:,,:' ; i ll.er. sea ,-sOe' ( a a ! I Oe.T a 1 i e I e. ' t 1 it, i .1- '.vi . h 1 1 .-c , I ;! : . d-ele .t-'l 'o 1 a-nti ! a,.', i-e .ailer uoie-? heroieior e ' T a (! is':' e. i r l.ir. a' the iatti or e : were ,d a 1 r f :.... if.s oi tie- .-fV.'IMl .I-.'. OS v .,0 1 .i'.oed il e e'ee'i-,.1 oi the (: ,1 i id i! s j oiiioia-oil O it.e ea.'an-ae 1 n. -. en. 1.1::. : ........ (. 'I.-.-..J ;o:.,;e- ,.,.(. , :;i . . . - Oi tin- e.-a.-e which lii-V Sti 1,1 pil.-.-Ue j p.,"; , .V.. s ,, ' VI' W of ti -' death o! Horaee 'i'--h'-J- I the ivs.da i.e. w .- ad.oae.i; ' s - :a an ev.-.,; w..s not provided b.r i.y A (,;,:;;,;;;,,,, r:; ;;:. ..; - o. -..e ve.M.i.eo.. ' - i ,',,;-. l-.p She Co a -1 r s e : ;;. . , ; ; -., ,. . 1 i r -. is n n tor Pt ' -,'e. a :. 't : .N"v. 1' ) i .to le-vis r lev '.- di ad. v t.s reeo.ved wi h 1..-: eor.-a! I -.: C-.a v e.n : ions wdi. widont c.ioibi. 1'. ;. . re' . . 1 : 1 e p 1 j o pa .; .is.. r,l - rap a ; 1:1 n.e p! V i I of s,,;, i .,1 e - 01 o L,e,.. ; . . " ,,a-e. V -n; : V; ; r. e; !l,.i ft sS ; ' i.-.-d atel mi'.';''-::.: atticle. !A- no o .liite 1! i.-.-mit tan i'-'U'.v., it is j if , 1 v;v..,, ; ' .i, " , ", , .!., N' -i -ii V, !.!..".. N ' v. :',). .' ol t;;iie;."i; d- .-d i.i.oU i-ab'.e ilia? It.e ' i. V I 1 :i j : ... ,j . .... 1 , . . , 1 V, - - '- . ppr.o,: i.iti:.-; ihree iniiiioa d :.:s ! .he pe.n.-se. j D liiks" bol to c-it'i-v th- f.shrrr c. ' of t'j-' Tt'er.tT o! V i-hin2::i;:i wast.;, t ; . . . CI e ret e.ey eei:;s 11 ... vers.lj re- , si all-. i...ihi! liny ; .'cu.::ui.u.i..iw.-a ". 1 j.. (i, ,. ;cll.-).i (, ten st to :,: iiiii,.; u.il Si',: i.:eet-.r-. 1 !'i Admini.-t ration which he did so th- seat d v. a .1 v 1 "io ... .i i ,. , , 4.1 ..... 1 a .in , . . ...... 1 , i- - t , , . ..... Cut rot I and iou o. oar t. ep.-a n tpe c-tn ever b.-Okv. it , 1 .... I. ... I ... ... ; .1 t . ! f. n s j , -.. 11 1 , 1 1 a ,. . ' 1 -ei 1- a a ,. li.iu-a 10 i.tuei 11 ., ni Mlieias- CdiU- ' ' ,"' '"' ' . ' ,7 " ' . ed a. appoint laostnd-tii- w! o reee-ve r ,r .. ' , - 0 , , ! a..,,li i.di; hvovr hims- i'i r i:.".vi Ii,,;,, , H' tend 1! he G:'ir:,'i !,r i , p.!,,,,,:,,, .... ' V"' hu'u paig-Yl. Ml'. GlVeleV IS also the 1 Kb:. .crh coo -..re Thev ' M-er 1 a con-pie. e.n.- liiTere. IPs o:.U ami,, iaa I . He. .oa atlthor of Several books. Ill lact ! Sund-,v tr-rnin Fifty Kl-u.teh ItnPans i as to ai.evitb. nnniyn ui..-eiy and l: uve j ihe ae Hoard of T.MU ifzilin-i In . , .. " ' - t ' ' ', fton. Ihe Aeeiiev. v. , ii n t I, i e. 1 a i ! d e , i i p - j I ' ' w o i i .1 a 1 1 i I e belter I hau ii'- lonni it J ol-sr i;i!.--d b.r business. M,'. Job i Wal'o-', t.lC last thirty years of .lib Gree- ! p.-b 'trol.-r (.....vtti.'i of Cao,in Fei-r.-e. j That he Ii d .lore I Lis was a eon-'. ....dun ; -'...s ehos.-n eie.k. and Wi-ii. S,v,;-. ' le s evt nt ful life are a part of our I i-'-1 u::'l .''ported t..r dtt'v ... ; ' ?,:.!, l,r.xL:..-.u -i his hist dv s and -. . 1 , p.r o'ee! t'ne ti i.ens. 'I'i'.e pe.ePe in Ij-in- j oil ItU'l lint iie ii..d Hot ilVcl tn Vaj.a national history. He was a Plan I .-.,! v.-.!!.v. twou'v i::i!e frmn Linkvi'de. i i-s not l-.r us in the iit-st hour ot t.iiT 1 his hi.-! in. s iiiid i-asar t '.ea'i-r. I ; e Hoard tie. edmi or,!-;-di ii... p iveii-i theilt-rk to iiottlr t'i- Gov ern .r h-ss! o! the orr.i::i. tlii.ti. .-adinesi of tie- to saial h ,s i-.ear a,:' er of fa'.a'o . .le his V i r- I I, aii'd I.i le.-eveanv ,.. . tn :.i a a ii-a : i o a he Ot wailll airVelions ..,,.,, to r, ! "''"'!: huded up. and .P-so Aii.'i'aiV.! i.sa.ai c.a. .i,:-ei o, i ' -- ' : U ....j ( '!...-.; iak" w - ! he: e a ' s, , No news.; "I". aUle. eil b.r seV.-ral Uen'lhs we h-.ve ' net.' a I n iVe to in se. i . i .1. i - r i " . . . . - . ... i..uii iiout-si aim li tie io ii'.s li it ipis. i ,,t any ur'her !n.iii.ors had been r.-oetvet!. in..--ei ;i:e n-.-pn-e ion ol tits iiitwi.tr ami 1 never tor 1 --I il,. , ,,. 1 btit --eat hars were e.i'i-rt'.ined for sh-'v -uaidanee. has wl-e conns,!, h.s spilit.' , ?' . :. i''- '"m1' iic litvei nu ne.t aa tie i.oor . . . , : o:...,-,-. -....ivei m i mt e.l : .-n h va 1 i oliii.ee h todies .sat tiv.d s... nn ol tne j ' io.i never o'.i-.d lo a. ion ee o.ose ( . :.. , - fi(?ni his presence without givi.i" I'Poddv i in.ty. v. ho were ki 'el ,et i-.- ! vifsen n, con in.:o hi wotk. and die chi.-p !",'. , "! .r.nn i,,e Go.a-not- them aid His nnese ww " 1lv-. 'ia via- been heard f,-,,,, th-m. F.o.r'-eii i In. inks of synipaitiy beiween tne ehiel ami ! . ''J ,'''' T,' al '''V., A ' ' "'M ti:ti .mi. I. is pin-e .Is aiH ii s ' , , j- ... .,i a. e , , " . ..i ,.i , . a...s -J. Jn itisoii. I' lenti.'i ' was har ' 1 - : Lien, lltited WUll Jlen.'V r: lies'. h'! !:ore i " as-i.-i at. ts have never b.it. bionen. , . . D. V,'. Cl-.nre'i. -m open and he gave liberally to all j horn he regar-kd worthy. We " ' U:vrv' u' niit' i v'.-.v i-I I ...' a an o , '.ea'lr P. ol t.a- roe- , S-i . ,'n ii ) .i.Lo,...i . ( .: a.,.. .-nt ir'iv'-'i' ,1 t.-olie.-re. by i';. d"-i;h t-f j Chairta nt. I J or see Gi-eh'V. we pr. ' -! that the ! N;:vv YohS. PeC. Ii. The bo I v o ih r .--:r hem .-'ates riac'i ;r t (!;:: ... etorS ! ace bl ley at IJVO.l ill ll ev,: v il I., a. ; J.,. .; ori'.-r '' J oei irv '1 1 vo e- for lite ti.vi'tei tl. e is' Ihetr vo'os in , era o-'oi.-k. It v.' -is b r.t ' litere la a ..: ,- . ;r , ,. , i lis i i sn ee.-.- - ; . l i Py a te!eU-ra:i! r.-e. ,: .1 I. ma il .: : roi.l :: n . :.i".. s ..; r e-.i s ...... I'i to 1 ti ;o 1 .te a .-is en ate ,s frj a: ae.I us a ih-e'.i....: ., 1 - . I , . . i - i . .. : , . , It.e l.tt.'oii: i.o,e'ip' lor litaai. It is .-in-i l'' l.e.ti -e. a ...e.e.i i-.y ane-eoi, .1, 1 v-.ek -s Oj . o-e ; 1 ; ; a :i 1 n ; 1 1 .- I'uc till - a n-ees 1:1 i. o. : : n 1 i.i" ! -t.ia- o (.-... . , . . . j be sent .0 the Si t.Vc a. ti i b-- in Ih Let ih-Ver' ear s to.. It V is tarried io tie .1 and .. 1.V1I np :; a ten i .- tie.-. ' '- i.'i. c-'i.ia v .is o .ic. vi 1 . a . ,.1........ -i h a t or 1 a . '. its Lie 1 1 il-.... .vie , !: ,.! I propri.it ;er l opu'ar Verdi.;, of :.e ol;'t the n'i ;' - M' h ive an oppor i - i y 1 nial.e iv.:, p,r ( p ...it nna-.it:i m- i'i ; h s el : i ' o t V: t e : 't - o t r.-i-. ' a i ' ; : ! , ri v. h ' c 11 ; a : . p ea 't 1 in ! , r. i , 1 e. e , . a . , . . - 1 ; 1 ; a ; n 01 1 . . , 1 a o -1 ' .- es . . ! e .... ia e .i.e.:,-. 1 1.; ! o - a j o r' l.e-t tno-ie-ti's 1 1 h;s us.!'.;"! l.fe. j.. ie. r,:!.; of IPa-.-ioe (iteeiev. bor.i 1 uarv hi 1 c ... ., ,., . . t . .. ,, ' ' ..... ,,.-.,! I...I e. Atl.eOtt. VV .ib ti- t a a ai-d eh-ipiont rVe.o:u-t.f. P-il; di d November hh h. h ,.. 1 ! , ( 1 ;: 1 a v-t.i it.; Nov :;a. --The Get tv sre.-e; .vas sni i an h -1 woh lestootni ot ...cur.il j -d -ouri.e'I ..iem-'lial . s-ofl-t tlo'l li i ve o - ' el m I a i-a to ;e. n le-.viS. .! !t;o he.ul vv 1- 1 le Sim 1 reel a . . . e s . ; .-. e.o. e ...... 4. . . he lid b..:e ;:.. if.-eri pien ' 1 -, r. - e : li.e to General M eaf'.e. tin d a i hi.-oripdoti: --1 ktl-'W that 1 11 V lii-dei-m r i a v, ' ., ,-, : ii..n.o'lal eoiiirnn. 1 avei.'i At tiie loot was w r.e t ,:j v, 1- : c. ',, ,o,'. ...... ...-. f v .vsa p:r p.-- pTh. 'I'l'-'t It"; ot 'i'v i:i'.:;,:i- i.ir.' 10--.'. Gree bill t" report ' he ere-. VP lie I s.-i sc-. p. :h,. oo-es- o! tia- .t : h" Il enst; y he.s a l!h .r'y.e.l I lie A P.':, n I I lev !av V. lib his irfi arm Ivlliii t li:.S;lde. I ..... j l ..... .... ... 1 ,'. '..'": ,- ,-. !- y ; - : . ; t , - I a iv '- v .a t t.tn: 1 1 s-l 1 ; ' e 1- 5 i rei.s'.rer it. i to pnrcrsase one ; , lt ms 11,4.1. wrm tt-n.-s r.is br'st. il s ; Cu.-;vi- i.n tt--.t :hi- w-.rk .- ! -- ia ia' nit ii in l.o-ds e-ieh ''. ! a---da v . and s . iac- was letaabv em ici tte.l. an.. I wo. t. c . .... ., , r; .... 1 ... ?. : ., ,-- . . .. : -ne mhih).. of e-it I one. I ihnrsdiy in the ! ! in- aopeara-e.-e ol a man who had. alser ! ,.. e,,,..,l..-.i ... . .... ., ... r nr.n'a oi i 'e,-i-:n iei". ; !eri :o e sn ., eri r.-s. s:n.n."i:nbed m a pr.) ; ., p: ,, .1 .f.,,.. 1 tie n-iti-o i..":i!iirw on :iptironfS.:;.-,n ; 5. nr-J l;-p.T weu tf.e (Miiiul toil i .! . which has been ia s--s-i m two we. ks. ac- ' men'ed and bod.i v aieitiss'i. Fu .ly o'h'.t 1 ' 1 the i.i'.'i-i e ive. FveeT I an- pe, e: e v e ,V'e I ! . b d . . and 1.1 m v I linn 'rn iz C'SiiiiyriAX 32i:si:..tn, v ; t .... : . I ...... ..... I . ... . . - I . .1 , . '"lill tV.i' 1 '( .1" I I ll .11. 1 VII'. I v ester. lav at i;,o:i Pjr Lhitil.'.lu. atid wi.l o e leave nn p.r.;i-es 10 tne poor, vvtioni ne 1 ... , , . . . . . ... ; .-uceured; 10 .he low Iv. whom lie tibial np: ., , .' " ' ' M, ."' '' " .- .1 , 1 1 , to mis S' I'.te. ,(!!! il" ..-,t w lad 0: to the s.aves. whose O U'K he saved llom; ., , ... ' r .. . . u.e a n-.ai 01 die onlj: r afui ile.l. j Tile bo. at ot ihe s,'..,v.i, t: has tJNeaver- d ihe.: n.f Winter id I 1 7 was (i iite.-i.ti j ie.r I i lids. P. ih it ye-.r ihe 10' i and : -'.n'.v b-e .tri on the Pith n::d Con te.j ; 'a: It,-.' 1,'. w ia-tl il lnrn -d . :I ' wa: a. have never had anv Fympathv with ' . r.-., ... i 'he la-h; n ihe oppre-ed. whose waon-; ,T , . . ! Good. I no city election at a- ilt. ,.,.0 id ,.wn.-' Ii. I. ret lev s political views; m j , , . ,T . " . ,0 . , 1 . , ' ! lem last, 3londav resulteu 111 1 he ! lact, we regar.ied tliem as a gener-i , ... T-.r at ! C'l'mi m- Tlie t at.' V -vr.l o ... , : 'lection 01 A. J. 3lo:iroe as .Iavar, -u--LAJ- 1 "L iai'- i--b.... o al thing as wrong; yet they Were! . T.. i ...f , Eoiiahzation h:is issued the follow . . . . . . oiei .1 lll.l Oiliv Ol tin til. Ol "til ii.ll I j 1 - n;s noncsi convictions p.ud he iia, , N ,-. v . . . . , , ' tieket. iho I radicals a just Hgnt to them. In the field I , . , I t I M , f made a 1 ''v- straight nontin:ilion.and this is ti . ! IJotii'vls : ..: t . ... . . t... : .. I a d i-o-as .. i iii. uiai iu cue in ions v.-utin. , ,. .. . , . ... I . - a , m i-.i a l 1 1 a ; 1 e -4 . t a . . . O. J..liriia..isni, bis pl-live Ctmiiot be , 't -.1 - Uerewid. encb..-e-l nh.tise find ., c:.:-v ! t- i ii ... , . : nrst time thev nave been complete- ; ,. . . , ,-, 1 1 ,,. . , . ' -, 1 Supplied, aild he Will be missed', , .- , ".- , j o; an act .,1 0.0 ie. p.s! ,..v e .v -a.!, -3 ,,! j ., , , j ly oeicatcd. U e cono-iatulate our 1 ;h. S ate. -To provi-;- lor a .-tate jioard . more than probably anvothtr man : ,f; , -T . . , ,.p v. nion. ;,pp.ov,-d ( lend,. ! - . .. . Inend .lonrtje in havni" been sue-I , - I , . 1 ' - , I in the nation. The nation mourns 1 .. , , , " , . P-... I , he pr.o.-tons ,. n,:s ill lie. e Wa- li .1 111 ire -e i- . o n;s. al i r ad. thai in vve.i h -r as vv'j is ia ali thin-'S eis' . Iti.-re is ab-'.dii.ep. "U hiiejr t.i'W nailer ihe s in." .i..tii 011.1 I.e. 1 . o ,..4 .- . I t . ....... i 1 ., 1 .. VV... ill I l.'.. IIO .11,1 I ILl II .1 .'i. tne n.sa ti a statt'saian, ii.uruati-t l . , , . , . , , ' J - sv.itab.e tombstone ttiiil i.iii-i. i.i-iM.t H-..11 T ... 1 1 . . ! mams ot Ins defeated persecutors, ..t 1 II 1 l.-el , .0 i I V - V .1. J.4...V-' . . .. ... . ! ill ' ' ' 't 'i ' .-4 ...v ... 1: crr.n;n,jnijj4...n. r - i Xitcrtioti P.etusits. The l.illow ittg is the ef:! i ii vote t-f iho Sia'.e : Col'NTiKS. GTtKKI !:V j tiiUNT Dent, m . S ." IT Pak.r CGikui-as f'J (77 Ciitsop 70 pis Cohitnbl.i ; . ,-l 117 Co.s is; Carry ."S p s po'teda5 771 I'm 1 aha '. '.',- .) p. -) t'ldon o-a 4 li ( ir in! 1 ' n.;.; Jack-on v.71 .'.-.I Josephine 11) 1J- Lion hbl S J Pane ' 'J f-1". M i. ion '. 'ai I bit Maltiio-n ih I'll 1 di lh.lk ht s; -"S.lh.R.ooU -22 I'liiaddi "-' . a.'-1 Citiou ;;;; 1 t."i "Wasco . .0 ' " - J ; ;;. Whishti'ston !;;: f.;p, Vatnhiil '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.All I'M T- til i :.L2 P2.7y-i Grant m t; ire v. U .7 Ink Perth nd j ti i, s clfar ih. Snndar 'aw Tte!;i;...r 3 1 Seed tie Sr.-fiting racers to id i.o.u d met and or led iof 'i ;-e P., aid beititr a! X- I .oils av.tliM.e " In-lie e.v ,,; anv and a I I iu.orin..:i-n wi.ie'i mi-h: a-.d-t . 'wm m j in ia..-,e ei u,.-c:j.ii -e 01 i:,-eir o n ,-s n -I j 3Ir. Mtuiroe has been t i object ol assayit by toe ltadicafs of i a ten ion to rs j.-rovi.-ion-. i.n I would ia ! hist June. lie ' . has b'een cubrsed S.a y s the D.d'as ,.;,:?.' tv: "O-i Ves-er . v nn e'lie :C .dier loll o i-'oek ', iiut-e .; al r. .1 .o-i ,ii 1 Tra.i . vv !io re - i i.-s ni- : r il , : a. ii'.h.'iyl by a I.i eji.i;', v.',., li ;-;, e ,'.'.! d in p.-i-o ii' die wa'cll d ..: on "he o emi-'-s. ' ;.;r. i';r..'l b a :X a '.vak.-ne I by he noise, and sappi.-iae; In" n a ten . ,v a HO especial .. ... -.; , .,' i V.-eor to be one ,m his so.,s. "nip. tr.-.i ii i.e I 'o i i io.- ,a .-. . v. in : ii 1 1'. jn rait . iv c a . i Min.'i ... ' e , I . i. . Yes.' .ir i' l'in thetl lose and - l'te- , when t':e m: hi!e:'i: i:pin lei- nn- tt .!. '.n mi-. a-iy lo .-k lo his he-is. 'fne !ri:-.a;ii' sa-.-eeded in in ikiue; !'.:s e-eaja. vv atcti and about o io i la com. ti' I - r r 1 i... n.nl'ni I m'I :l!l. i: ' l.. , ..,...-.. . : .T.i.em ever since ni;t June, lie ! .. . ; ,. - ' i v.-,td 'aim i .. - ., ..........I is ... i i -i ii.. ,.. i i ' t . 1 1 i a : a, - j i a I hereof, or as Ci ' .-'il -, Wi.ite lem lia::-i!ii!:. a i- in'en !,! ha-vo o 1 i ..... ... ....... ..... e.t.. - .i : . . : . '..LIU Pi. io.it! :i.;ii'( pi . ut bill, the " 'otiso! ;r j an-t- di 1 not t vea re ici die .s'eivs id bie ' a p,rj.. c';lss Pattdly J mrn d vv I! !. -e t b' i.d 1 ilploitia tit bid. the pen-'...-, bi 1 and j C'Pv ii.iii ihe line eX'.er.dlstg blocks j ih- Po-l 1..!!. vvhi.-h wi. he reporte.l 1 away. S!r?'!rcs un::! Jaanary 1. 1-74. UtI". in the lions. . ,rlv '!;is w.-.-k. I Wa itUMProv p;:c ... A tdna t Cabin e The Pre-idi nt has writt. n a letter in j s- s-Ioa w as held to-day. ootaplii.sen'ary terms neeept i t he re.-i,r j Secretary ih-.kuap. Posm tster Genera! nati in ,.f G.-n.-r ,! II n ice potter. . Cresvve'.l :tnd pn b..b:v otla-r nn-inbeis ol 'i iie fo'dowtl.tr is :i e py ! the 1 -s' let- . ihe Cabitiet. ni'd h'';i'l'ul Pab-'o-Iv V. iii er faun Horace Greeley to Charl-.s L-.n ' aee.mtp my .he i're.slden. to New V rk :. p.i in. of i his citv. I atii-tnl ;h- nsnoi'-il of Hp e.ey. S. t re arv Xt w i d:;; Jnne '27. !s72. -iioatwei! i- pu-vett ed t.y p-.ih'.iy bn-sne.---"Tn fri-'id Pintntn: i;.-ee:ve,i yours of tn m a-teti iiae. The lhei-bleat retains on lite ."!". iti-' ant I lav- all mv li e b -n j i.i it ; .-d a V. d.'S'-tr w' '' people C il'ed Vs ! v fi.oli-!) i . en! it'ipo'i to n-ts am! I it,d not di-no e j The fole. win is bom the S:'i.'e.vin7? o! tin- rj nen-. I ah sol vv h el ,b I j . i,,. vjij,. .Joel Pad;!"!', llidi.n 'em e. 1 io t,e iltO I tit to!;! I i i s noa Ad ircas, Pidi'i-l.or. Men-raiiith. OriV-'f- A :'?"lt It I lie Sile'7. Il.'-I I V l .llll. ll..s-e i ; . l a 1 ..... l l . , I " ..... o.e oe...,.- -ee ee. a, a. ..! oe ,.e .e a i : ' , Slleiil Ve-eidiy e.l V ,:, ::.':,. v tor ni- t n l ; , n. b.r D.t Voa. ' i ii'nl! eon a v. He hoi e.o,,,. fee;,.! h-.vi-e. b-(ve, P'd.liC opi.d-... win n I , ,o -('.,; v d is to a-tee. 1 .h- s ,,i 1 :ho..:;lp it wrot.--' end km w it to be mer- j riumii Ciuri. le in-".,' ttj , id:n a . i onniber ol Indi m. Wl'.e.-,es in the ease -(S-tneo) I.o't.ic:: G:.Kr;t.j:v.' ,.! ioyr. ri,:,:-.-.; wi h iho ..lunl.TuI Too N;:vv VnrK. Pee. 1 Th- off. (,f Sar ; to n-ii J-tck las. snnitn--r. The (ien-ra! in i- : t iiuil'ii is i. ',. !., cat ei ' i to man. Ibit it is p.'t to us to k i'p it te y ' cu tv.d a s-e: i -.s . rror v, -i. :a v. r 'i Ce-ve ' iir.-dvM bv n-d taking in .'.ae,:' O'os tiny Vis-as.- which may . o. cni-' s r.. -.' Ooi.l.s.' Ci.!,ls am' Pro:, '. ti- .-to- ' 'i ' ei -..-s. WisT.va's Dal -am or Wan l':a;:;V w il ear.- shea,. Ir' V II feel did', VV-V. i'fh it a! h. ve r.-'pih a he.i.i.i h", m-mtli'ta-tos I..; !. V '"r appet'.b; :iui1 hin;! f .tied, vol s.a, '. i y font Terp.d Liver .-r "li i ire-' j and eothio-jf will o '-e voa s a ' :.,!- l, I ere ::n--tiy as Pr. Pea' a-'- ( -hb ' "-.-.te'-. Pi cava ty. s.,:d hv ah or- tri-ts. Orviil 1 t l .o-sti .t.i.. ai Ho.s'ot tor's t'nit -.1 States Altrmaa.- for i'!'-' I IT- its ii tt tin- o-oiitde eonn-cted we!) i: T , , . . ,. rOI'Mi ,... Ill o 1-m Uiiic: 1 tl.i.S !;'.! ' I.;:aI)YTO 1 IdtT.-Oi! receipt ol v,,,ri.t(,.'k, i- .-p. cmby cied toNe,- ion- o aa 1 id n,e a: .!. r re.; p-s! on:' a' d isal. General Liw O -r-.-i.,.. ';; a,.-: . e are itl reetutit tion-oaa!!?; of n,e s .n;e. We w. at d j u! ,, .; ,,-s a i.,,e,i die nmnni o, tarde-r p-st voar a-bntd..!! to ;!.- a,-, :..,.. ..... i ...... ii ...... , . iiltil.-o.lloa'I.ie-.i.e '- "i On- .... ; , . ......a , .. v , ,, n mi d L i-.v-. the rnt and Lie a.;i- i C--d .-. and io it.e Ac. ol P-70 1' ' aid! e rr r be' ': A - ji'iniplhe, ed. i m oi deV,an- Lias "i J ,;; ... J I -oo "h el b 'ea hav I :- io-, -o HO. -II ie. I v-,:i no! (.,1 SI I e , 1 1 1 : v-. ptdMtls. Ill II... I-..I.I .'IIS 1,1 '1 . ; .-, , I rioas ait it e l nton I .-a :' a e a ive a ti-p- ; 1 '-s !;ev h.;e boo J coi.iaij.ud b; d.an serv.ce. t tbVi.i.t j board conli ,e;niy hope .... w di be ab:e a-n ii !- n. i -e i m i i. - -ia it i,. v.i'i. vi tut . i-.:. . , , , . , i i . s v i u,.s stale, la ,. a- io .1-,.,.: . h,-ie-.-., s .t ,, . v- I . j..i-;t T I.' - so.. '. ,, S:.' .. i i .e : I. . - 1 tie W a-i.it:...n I.n a.ds aie at vonr I - h a'.' u in voar power to inn art. .hi : . , , t ..... ...a-,. . ......... , in tii 'jon'r ie!. ami vv is ae ra va'e 1 bv lh f id lha' b oil !hm-; b a u a m . rie i v. i-in-i Io i iy d.. ir a idi es-es oi die s.i-n. laiv. (.. I'i idav. u hen L .v, s v,;s ie it To which C aversto. Grovta sent ihe hd- ! .aoa.s. Captain. J to give tne.-nhji c: l;:a o-r-. he.-eai ,.: m lo V oar ear. :i,u, ion. Ye; ir can u i u low iror rep.Iy : U.KM. D.'.'riid er -d. hi ' cat- ins n; iv Ii- rid dress -d to li:e .S,.,!, i Do. e d ot ld-ri i !;.'. iti.r.i. Salem. ( liv o.n ihe ( , in U-i a-e. on l is w ay to til n-r Ha.'se h- itt-o dnh at .1 tea. b-r of a eo;r UFlX'IXb ni'a. v t; publifh ; Inter .if the hi I v. em. r. -air d - wa th road, s.-whi-n. tl -hid ..e .i f :.-'.d iiiiaicii .teW c.n.tm-nc.-d iv::i"'.:i- vevor .1 -lis p.:.. now v i.-ant vvsHboi b .no- us that die Grind Jury ot P-nteii I I ST.?, f.r ('is'r'.ba.i ui t'.-ra i Hie. 1 under the Civit S-rvie.. ni'.-s. cainy t.'t.ore.I ihe bill, and" P y !e 'wa- (!,- 'nxt -d St i, -. an I a'l civiliz-?! CO a'.t t Tiie rein -.ins of (Jreeh-v were tak-'t 'o I 1 1-'.' ha i ' : so. as tar as th- nro-era: ion I i-... ... . . . s i, :h is'i- . - , - ---I,.,:;-. s-,.-, i.e., 1 a ,s i i y i : o a. i .e i- i . i . . e ie. rs f a r.; i j o: i.ie e i-e 1- eon.-me. 1 i !;-: e Is a:: end .venii-tr .'.tl I are no-.v al the -' d -nee o! i of t,. Pa' Gen. Pa'ne r i'p:es-rs erive too.e! M:t,-!a;r. i i- two i oi-j- Gree'ev -m-l .M'. (I.'.bo ' .a : c . i: o: i. i i,ei e i- n o so- nee it me mi ... .... -a:--ae i.-.ve a h-p- . 1 -s !a-y have tie- b o,, ! i ; in ardeler d. it p.',.-hept G i fit w'nl ink- pi'.: iti the ! or some cpiiv ,!e.,i. j have be.-;, obse , :;es ,.;' 1;.. ips' :n rn i-!f ! riv al j ohnnorous b.r r-veii-e. atnl it vv is v. i t, ie O.e po'i ie-:' !i-'M The trns'.-es .,.( i,,. j timer, dtlientty tt.ey were res-ruined from 7'.-,''eo...-. ;i f a m bpr on Scud. v. an- ; pr-.e ed ...i their own nocm a '. las i- some .;;:;e.d- i t-oin.eo a e aaaifee. oe-s Pi-40. Mess;-: -aattii -r. :,-r .st Ilovle. Thev were fi 1 th" no r So :i:"i,i!' 1 1 1 1 a n 1 e 1 ; ,,-.,. 1,, ta s en- . ! V . 1 ! ie -0 io wait p I ienil v for ' lie ! 1 i 1 a :. ;a- m raaje:n-ii's !-,r (,r -e . I.y in., w t.'.'e n Now lint thetPand h-v'. bin. !:.!. w!-ie'i his be,.., Vd b.r j ) 1 v h 1 s d -.ni-sed I lie e .se vv i t hon t .1 i I'i.li. Wedl'sliv !-ven o do.-k Ir a.) the . ml by ite-i s o! wni-h ihe Indt.ns are Chu-eh of Ihe P. via. I i"i ni' v v P - V. Dr. J i-t .:, th,. n'e;. are hi is suu-x. and i. L'h-.t. -.'-.,. No speii-d invi a i..-is ni;; .,. ! i. ;,.,:,..,! .h-re miv lo tur ner tr-mb'e. s. ,t bar it is ab , i 1 . known that or- J ( ie i- Palmer Hill r. torn from D.v'.mto a-aniz.tiors of various k'ti-'s are f", k day and li.setib.ek to ihe I le-er va !- a . b.ran! s-eps for uti.'ii'fntr the fe.n-ra! in j ti- ....,-c io f:.,d li.e Indians in a ler h- S-! : m is on ' .' e a i m -n in Pake P 5 !.". td lor yy'.ir p I a TO. ifea'dv Ul: I l:Xl this Week. Tile Vote cast is ! As tae l.v. appr.ao-'t-l bill -1 HM '.'t'V I i a !; a ! ai y W.vs:ila;r in. Dee L- The e--'.n ,i,.s p.,,. O e isf.,1 voir of 1-7:; and Ps7J .. ,,p '-: !.- tX - l ive e-' ',.;- iai-n I i m.-.i:. Ld foryuar pa ,.o.;e....er. 5,:J7J le.sS that. was pollt-d p.. , . '"'-' ' " -V ': 'K"','r ,V'' ' 1 '"'"" -1 ' -:--'' 1 v - , o-ftr instruct ve and imiits us o -;: L.!-.(,ta.v--':.Gov,.r::,r. I j !'. mat; ii in u. Uto "".li;1- .'s-ibi,-:,,,,...,.. ::t..s7.o.V.: F,.r 1 , t is! m nd , 1) r. Sa Ultn! Ash ill an, W ho , , ,. rmiiimd and selected. Aotoe, tu; . --pii.., ioi v-i.U.K.'-sTlleil. , however, was not - -u eel bl'lh.uhe ,.;.T ., ,,,,, s 1 ;; 7", '. ' ; . , ' , , . , . ' . i ......... v.i-h oo-n a T "! th")e '' Af r.rbitt - if, 1 T i . Uasalde -o , i .... vv hieh h- did. andn.eV , , m . tMlU Nivd"',, l'" Wmgl.an- An... U r. -.r-... X;. 31essrs.CoiiH.tt ti. Aiaeltay re- The ,,..v ,hl! w ,.ar R rt. ! reneadii"- a sh-.,-, .tp-anee ,j-,.w Vs pis.,.1 n..,,.- s- a. i -, i -j;p p,.p,-. I taneons, and lheMctttheriic-.rto.it. ,, i- t':- .-.'.-,;. ihe ..rer''0' ' -entiv loe.ht the Hrhi.-h ship Spar- K": V",i.'" 'Y' '' ' S'"M is " ch -me j and li.-ed a' h,, a-s.i'..n, .! .im-. one c , T,m r,ru: P.-nd .-s. v; , - . . p,,,,.' j j Mc-r- L'o-.totter & ritlsbtirtr--. , ,o,A-n rP, - ... ...e 1 ordanl L.:s,;; it, a lew , o s. I or m-.re of he sh.os o.kio-r .-ih'c! and pr.,v- j ,. Works, fry.i rsT'lH.: Post.,. v;,... ' .Tr f ,.,.,. fh,,,,,,,,,, nf ,!S on rccci t of a t ,v, cc .t stamp, wa n rowbark tor ---0,0'JO. I. icy pro- , as L-l, or-.-, Chte, ; e.mt It..,. Mr. t , M-1,,, ! in- f c.il. Tae ir.e.re-s.i..., b. pre- ! c- ,.;,. e -,' V-. ! i .,- l -,il' j a copy bv mail to anv pe s ... !. t.. poe to load her with Oregon pro-;"!i' u' Ve I voi nmon i ', ocode i.. ;har r;-:, !, c ; ,.,, ..ppr-.p-i .'.ions.' jnT.'-i'-i ;.pV ! Cunningham of Ibirdell murder . 0:0?... Kansas fuiuis'.ics a new horror iii the murder tf a wife by her ed and r.Mdy I r .t-ivtrv. m .a. German. French, N .f.vci m, WePa. S-v ;-i-!i, II .I n !. it .'. : ni i l a:, 1 ' na 1 tra t-s, -:n.l all vvb wis', to uu 1 'i -t i:i 1 '.-J ,rti" piid .s v.'.y of hoit'i sto.i'1 r: . 1 p n let th.' v- tin iVe a i 1 1 -s i -to ;t c i ' 1 n a 1 ! t o i t a , ; I n r i P r i 'i d 1 r,:i the ceisos. p ;-ve.to, ani car: o ereat variety ot d'snises. it e ahr-i--';-- !.irj:e amo .nt of inf ir nati-m int-.v-U i ' i he tm-r. imnt. th rnceha'tic, the taaer.'- -pl inter, a-i.l pro IP- si :i il n. e,; .v,l M.'1'.'. c:l.itins have b.-C , in v.! : f-r sad' :a'''":- and Iatitn l 's as aie ir.o-t sa'tahle far c rt'Ctaad c imnn-hensive Natiov il C w en: a 'I he natire. use-, t.tr.w;r-.ii ." -'iA' ii.rv eireets lb) tett -l's St m.ic'l R:!!' r'' j the -t io! t-.nic an, I a t- rr.abve ef in r-J 1. df th".' fhri-taia wot! 1. are hidv s"! . I in its .oo'es, are ids inters. .er-o t "'' 'J.: ,, I 1,,-ril illust .-.Pons, va-hnble red pi s !,m:.-e! o.o a a ia in, i i.u.i . . . . .,. 1 ..... .,s tl r :: :l'i P'lt-s Cif ji It.,. s,;i!;lr mw 0 !na ,,,. ,vttl, OrO'-O-l pro- : ' U' veiter We 1 vat! anion- I 'e oeoole ia -ha: s.-e i-.a -hit ' pennamoe a pnroo.-i , ion s. s n7 p-j h , -." : Gti 11!) ingh am ot 1,1 l K-uU i srrfi-.mg r,U;Cc,. to ; 1 ' r " ,, , , 1 . c-i;i'-; s ,v "'!W i-u-.b... i.s b.e r. p,, , hut , Pieh irdn w.s c-bhviy j.,stithle ia ;he . Xkw Yo1:K. Dec. 2. -The leadm-" di- ; not oriet v ;s a r( duet- for i-aigh.itd. ' -v know.o.w u,ys. . kihi ,j. vim's cf New York apd Di-ooh-v, v'-,! "'v' O ' Vi ' 'i : drunkard m J ortlam .ninil t?.r.a i 1 .,.-.fl...:r.-. i- ,i.:t r.n-'t ''.''I ...i-.i ' i . il. 'J ..I C lie. I',' ' . ' tee co tl zc l n ..-.nd. V::: COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,