Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, November 22, 1872, Image 2

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' si
, jrv.
CljclUichln Enterprise.
Went 13 v lefaull.
The recent flection in our State
wont by ik' fault. We have not
yet received the ofiieial vote of
the State, hut what we have shows
a rem ark able decrease from the
vote cast last June. In this: coun
ty the vote polled for Burnett and
Wilson was 1,500 of which Mr.
Burnett received 753 and Mr.
Wilson GOT.
At the Presidential election, Mr.
Greeley received 4o9, O'Conor 03,
and Grant GT7, making a total
vote of 1,170, against 1,500, show
ing a falling of 321 votes, of
w hich the Democracy lose 2'iS on
Greeley and both O'Conor and
Greeley, 20!, ami the lladicals
losv; 20. The vote for Greeley and
O'Conor would have been 502
and the los.s added, would have
ma le 703, just the vote cast for
Burnett. This would have given
the county to the Democracy by
2C maioritv. There were but live
or six liepublieans in the county j
who voted fr Greeley, hence the j
Democracy gained no Material aid
iVoin that quarter.
Every county in ilie State, as
far as we have heard from, shows
the Mime proportionate Deinoeiatic
loss. In many counties it is great
er. The .1 Radicals can y the State
by C,l00 majority. In the coun
ties of Clackamas, Linn, Lane and
Douglas alone the Democracy
l-jse over one-half this maioritv,
and we are s.-iti-lied that the rest
of the counties will show a de
crease of over -,o0t, plainly indi
cating that the Democracy did
not vote, and that the result can
hi in nowisi taken as the relative
htrergth of the two parties. Those
who oted for O'Conor and those
who reluseel te vote, will readily
fall into lino at the next electieui
when the issue is between Demo
crats and Radicals, r.nd vote for
tlie Democratic cand'nlates.
Many of these men regarded the
supposed surrender to Greelev :ts
humiliating, but would have voted
for him had not the October elec
tions shown that his cause was
hopeless, and the'- did not fee it
their duty as Democrats to vote
for the man who had been a life
long opponent to the principles of
the party. Whether this view of
the matter was correct or not, we
shall not here stop to argue, but
the evidence thus presented in our
own State that enougli l etVised to J
.vote, to give the State to Greeley,
is pretty positive proof that in
cither close States the same state
C)l affairs existed.
But one thing is beyond tlcr.ial, j
and that is, Oregon is a Democrat-
ie State, and all that needs be done i
for us to achieve a .vra,l . n;id j i
-lonotis victory in June l;i7-i is, to
....tt . ..ii i i i
H t:l u'" sueil-lll, Close lip Oliri
ap;urentlv I rokeii ranks find 1. l ien !
m no.nintilion a true and r;ootl ) " '
. , , ,, r, I John r.:ul, one of v.r:nt s ineist
ticket, an.l snril! meet w.lh ri 'uWl.vk,llt xnhl-lon n.li(es in
success ot winch all tine Demo- North .Carolina. We presttri'
T:its will he jirotul. Let thfie bo j Zeluiion 15. -Vance, Liberai Demo
r.o mote isms or factions ;,ltro- crilN wiu ,JC ,va,,V "'J-t
- i . ! at the hour Nhen Grant is sworn
'mi in iiinj nil .i a i. ii n ii. our, -
let its pursue an honest, leiiant and
. . '
upright course. Let there be
adopted such a course as will in
duce dissatisfied Republicans to
come to us? but never aain let
any convention attempt lo force j Timolltv O. Howe's term expires
the Democratic parly to them, i in Wisconsin. He is an ont-and-We
have tried the experiment 1 )Ut lii-publican, and the Leijisla-
A .-.1 l- -mm
olten enor.-gh, and found that the '
, ,-n , , -, . , liovve unt cxtraor.iinarv scrvue
" ; lr (Tiant m tlie C ustom Jlouse? m
sacnliccs ot both party and it in- vesti-atiotL last winter, and we
ciplcs. lucre is no need of" any j
divisoins in tin inrtv lv nHlm, f 1
T . , - ? ..1
IK-tnocrats in rcfusni- to vote lor
Otr. (ti i elev or bccaits' tliev vote! ;
lor O'Conor. but ht ene!i ntid '
cacn an; '
tviry one close up the lino and j I;trtranCt in October and thus se
utiite as one man for future sue- j e-ured (.- rant's reelection which
.'css. woull otherwise' have been im-
Dcniocrats have notliinp to be i possible he will doubtless receive
"discouraireil at. The result docs i veward at llarrisburi: this win
not indicate that their strength I -'!. A Legislature which Canier
wsa. on trial. en created will not 'Lire te i-gnore
i 1 KKsteKxr s uki.i;:o.n .- A corres- t
poaient in iae -.a'ee. 3 ot u,e U.mIo.v- ;
i:ig in regatu u President Gran'.'s re- j
l l :is"
Cot losity h.i? been expresceil rs ti
1 re-tdent (.rani s religions vte.vs. though
Lti L is generally been eon 'idei-ed partial
toi the Wesley an faith- Such impiirv may i
now. iiowever. cease, and his Lxeelieuey j
It any cbaiigt' t ;:.. r,cr m tue Indtm ;
po.coy oi uie tiovernment wtule l !:i;id
my present offnte. ii will be uti the h iian
i! iri.m side ot' ihe u ne-iiou.
no wor.i "numauitarian ij thus de- j
fiiert by Worcester ; -Ona who brieves '
i nri'i i-i oe a. mere niiti
It ii lrne ihat OIlu. u,i.hi sw.,poil 1P,
I resident s.VigrKirunt of hAi)Wn lan-iia.
is to write" !ii5m..n5.r.;-- ... T
as IO write Inimnniinioo
when be
o.. nut. u oaaue: Lnr a supposition eo
du-respecUnl to the Pxecntive c.-mld not.
ot C eirse. bp rnirrt-iiM.. I l .
I C Tl -
jet down Ui a Socman in bis letter of) however, that the Hon. Kdwin 1) i i - lllu' 1 t,s- j vk uoati-it
lite libh ii'suat to .Mr. George IL iinn, j Alorau asiiires to Ir" Cm '-1" ' ""
f I'hiladelpLia.. bnOng any mten'ion u. j ; " t'j .. C ' !T ! Sine-- the sncces-.l completion of the
change lite present policy of lhe Admlu.s- ;-lV l . r ,J ' r, 1 Ui muwil : Padie rai'mad. the .Mount Cents Innm-l
tratioa toward the Indians, Gctu-ral Grant to tight this battle throu-h to the j and the Sue, canal, no engine,-, In.r pr,,.'
Clld, It- Will be uilliculL lor Air. U'-ct seems t,,0 audtcio-s or wlmiTv im-
i -.
- -, it ii, i. 'iff-ff
The 'ev Senators to be Chosen.
Important changes are to be
made in the United States Senate
by elections to be hold this coming
winter, says an exchange. Sixteen
new Senators are to be chosen in
the room of those whose term of
oflie'e expire on the 4th of March
George E. Spencer retires in Al
abama, Beniamin F. Bice in Ar
kansas, Thomas W. Osboin in
Florida, and Joshua Hill in Geor
gia. All are lie-publicans, and all
carpet-baggers except Hill. Spen
cer and Bice were from XewYork,
and Osborn from New Jersey.
The Le-'Ul-itures of these four
States will elect anti-Grant Sena
tors. This will make a change of
eight against the Administration.
In Illinois Mr. Irumbulrs terms
ex l tires
i . 1 :. :n !
ami a v. int. me tan, .
his place.
The Legislature of Indiana is to
elect the successor of Oliver 1.
Morton. It is Republican by a
small majority, and though Mor
ton is not entirely acceptable to
all its members he will probably
be reelected, for Grant will not
like to lose the aid of a man who,
take him all in all, can hardly iind
his peer on the Administration side
of the Senate Chambe r.
Kansas must till the seat of Sam
uel C. l'omeroy, Republican. lie
is an adroit, energetic, corrupt, un
scrupulous advocate of Giant and
all his works, and wc presume
J Pomerov will be reelected, thoimh
rlw.,v. o,v co,.;.,.,u V....t. I., itw. Sii 1 1 i
v ...v. ... j Uvf ,.x,.n,,(Ijjj r,-,,,,, t .xaMou fur two
for 1 im to Overcome. j vears ail eoitonand wuolcn miils that niav
William Pitt Kellog goes out in j bj buiu hi !l, lt tfiil!t"
Louisiana, lie was the Grant nom-! , AIpi,n of was murdered
j by I. --nira l -nr has swi rn to .-.hoot tlu
inee for (iovernor at the recent ! bomb zinc- l.uliv ami t wice since her re
election, and is probably defeated, j !oa-' m vW' iUU',!,:ii
Atoll ilw. T,,;.l.,f ! Tl;e .Mexican Con-r.inen. foilov.iiirr
pretty certatn to l)e anti-Grant.
This result will be mainly due to
Henry C. Warmoth, the present
Governor. He aspires to the Sen
ate, and though lie will meet with
a good deal of opposition, we arc
inclined to think he will be success
ful. The election of Henry Wilson
to tlie Yiec-Fresidency will vacate
his scat in the Senate on the 4th
of March ; and he may resign a
little earlier. Kx-Attornev-Gencr-a
I Hoar is understood to covet
Wilson's place, and Gen Butler is
believed to have his weather eye
upon it; while well aeredited ru
mor asserts that Mr. Secretary
Boutwcll is reaching out to clutch
the prize.
Francis F. Blah's term expires
in Missouri. The Legislature of
that Slate will eloubtless be able
to choose a successor of the same
politics. nether it will be l,!atr
hi;., self or Gov. B. Grai. Brown,
we shall soem know.
We fear the Senate is likely to
lose the services of Briir.-Geueral
James W, Nye, formerly of the
3Iadison count v Trainbands in the
State of New York, and
more, re-
cently the representative ot
..1 li.-V- !
rotten borough of Nevada in the
i ,i i rt 1 1 w iii( i if 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii I i .1 fi t ?i v.1 1 .
in:j,oll. fveu if the Legislature
tt- Nevada is J iepublicau, v. e are
.i.., v: ,i :ii i
UOl Stile n...t i'---e
the lu ivile-ge oi i-njoyino X ye's
I ....11! I".. . ! .. w-.l.,e . i v- -...,-.-
1 1 i i
in lr Ii
lis second term.
In. South' Carolina Fivel crick A.
Sawyer, J iejmhlican cariiet-b;!p;e;t.f?
jroes out, and if Gov. .Moses, who
owns the Legislature, gives his
i-onseiit, Sawver will iro in acrain.
: Il nut iii'il .
un ,s Ui0 ti;inu' fl,,:lilty- -1"-
1 1 - - i '
take it lor granted lie will be re-
cleclc.l '
1 ... .
?nnon , C arncron s tune is up ,
x ciinsvlvauia. lint as that, veteran
politician cairid tlu State (".,.!
!"'iiiiei:ui catiien mo r?tato lor
; the author ot its existence.
ilie Legislature e.i" New York is
o VCf W hel mill - UepttblU-au It
,m,st rQl a Senator iu the room
d' liojeoe Couklino-. He intends
to be returned it possible A s,,.
, .n : ,1 . - e.i - .
V ,K,ul Ic'v ,ot tl"- ttialton woul-i
tjt-Ovrr no oostacle in the way of
his triumph. It
p,,,,!.-!;,,,, t,-. L.nr Liin
JTo- J-'C i" T. Sister Pnninway claims
u'.l the credit of Grant's election, and in- '
tiuiates that it was becanse Mr. Giveley i
.... . ;
was opposed tOuV.ontan s tiilrage tliat he
got defe.ted. Wo don't know whether
Sister Darjinway U f muled to all the j
. . r. -! i , '
' - .
H la" ' " " . j- i
Ai'.i.iii v riir rir u i t rp hi v i . i -r
wlO-.triu, doubtful ou.jr 0 '
re '.ec.'.r.g ;S ' prr?"' PrffMcat.
' I
stB-Eggaajs-ar' 1 :J3 -"-- r" -
General Items.
The la'e V.'m. II- Seward loft an estate
valued at S4:)y.00t).
Window gets 521.000 prize money for
sinking ibe Alabama.
l . c- ;
stands Sj
Tli Assembly in New Yoi!
Radicals and -15 Democrats.
IIavcmyer, the newly elccu-d M;ijor
of New York, i a Democrat.
The fruit crop of Kansas this yiar is
c-siim-.'ed to be worth f2.fc(Kt,0!0.
Tlie ex-Queen 1-bella d Spain dree
in deep mourning cn a! I occasions.
Tie O'Connor ticket received but
twenty-three votes in San Francisco.
The -statue ot Sir Waller Scott was un
veiled in the Central Pat k on the 2G:h.
Governor I.e.-die. of Kentucky. i super
intendent of a li.i i ilsl school ut L ranli
furt. ! Tt nnw c'rnrinrU- nropoprd to niike
j Thiers Pic-idem ot tho l'reneh Republic
! for lift
There ar TOD Japanese students in
various schools and colleges in this
railroad engineers of this country
moving to iibolish running trains on
6llll..AYm AOCliid.u.
Since fungi-ess lias adjourned the pub
lb printing (lice has mr'-.ed out 75U,UJ0
volumes averaging -lot) pages each.
Jose h Goode and his wife, of Lincoln.
Ky., have one hundred and twenty four
grent grandchildren now livitig. Goode
i enough!
General Garfield think that there nre
many clerks
coiilil manage
:i tlie coun'ry stores who
.he national finances as well
as lioutweil.
Samuel I.uwels. editor of the Spring
field Jl'jmli'ic ui. it H said seriously con
templates the removal of his piper to
New York city.
.Mrs. Stephen P. IV-s. of S ra.Tord. last
year picked and dres-i -d elgty bmr lur-k'-ys
i:i one (I iv. to say nothing ot those
."he has until esed!
Th? Deni cr its h iv? five C-nrrs?:neri
from 1'eMiisvl vani i iti tiie 4:'. I Congress
against ten in tlie present. 'flu Radicals
have 111 against It.
lfr"-""re .! Oenrta li-as p:?se.l a
the e;'.!i!'i!e o! I'.uir more enlightened
neighbors of the Nor'h. lave t;iken to
receiving r ii!i.i l s ojk -Ami other gifts.
ILvj. Thorn ts A. Hendricks in ih? ilrst
Dem-'cra' ij (iovernor rtcc'ed in lntii.aa
since Ilf has thtee times beet; a
candidate in iSGtJ, In JSCS, and in lsT;.
An e;;z i )t;o prevails a':v'ij t lie deer
on the Michigin I-'r.j.-c ier similar to t!i it
all'e ting lb'" horses ia the K isi. and lai tre
numbers ate fourid dead and di;ig in the
Mrs. Criit.-nden. widow of Laura Fair's
victim, is misiie-s e I' a ne:-.t and tj'iiet
bi'tii i ll hoiie iu S 1:1 Framdseu as ;i
tne.iii.s t. Miuiiordng and etlnuati ig her
child, en.
In Michigan they utilize ajru --!? i ie!:'ti
people by se:i-I:n ihetji up apple Tree.-, to
s!i .ke down the mellow IVuir. T'lere is
but cue diilicahy ; tea shakers lo ati
apple tree.
Dr. G orje I. Lertng has be"n in'ro
tl.toeil to a I'eob i.lv audieta.-e in Mas-A-cheetts
! he mm uh wi likely to
sacred Henry Wilson in the L'nited
Stales Senate.'-
M. Hrnest Ouverier d'Huaranne. in
Paris. Iiis pub!i.-hed a cird contradicting
t!ie su'eui .-lit that Mi-s N'elle Grant, the
I'recident's d.nigioer. is about to give him
her hard in marriage.
Tile T.t''lur, fif the 0th. concedes t h it
Grint has carried Tennessee by ." oj;) ma
jority. I'S Count gives (1 cel.-y live
Sate.? wi'ii an agrer it. o! flty-lnur
e lee "of it votes, and Texas, with eight
voles, tu be heard from.
.'oliei'or General Jb i-totv gives up hi
ofiice in Wushineton to become attorney
t Hit
r.olr.ai 1. wioh
salary of .Vll.ti;)) ;nd ot her ad v a n t;.ges in
Piiiladelphi a. instead of 5.3 U.i J in Wash
ington ami thankless toil.
In (lie fuMe of experdettres of tlie
Government last year is !ie i e:n : Cap
lure of Jefferson Iiv;s. r?l (ill .".). ll'thts
thin- ot paying annually r the captuiv
of Jeif:-ou is to go on al wavs. tliere are
those of n-t who will ce; se to rejoice after
a wli.le th u Jellerion Pivn was ever
ea(ii tired at all.
Tin; A'abanu b'Hinosn c'f in $1.000 .-01-1
ill I'-'egra jih'ng nlone. The other ex
ieii, ' will be billy j: OUO.et);). When
the rcmiifning 1 l.U'.M U.K' gets through
iho cir'-iii)i'o!J."ion .Hii;e at Wa-h:ngio:).
vi!i trit tind "heir '
ttie poor claim r i .
pntse:j veiy b-irden-.,vie.
Twain's beef contract!
Vido .Mark
Mrs. Charles Wallace, the wit": of a
well known n'.t-rchant in Richmond. Li"
I llely taken hold of the " (J'd D -nuinu, l
Mi tz'up.'' with the intention, il is s.iid.
if properly sustained by the public, of
giving employment, to old gentlemen and
old ladies, who are now starving becanse
they have no employment (or their pens,
which could alutie yield them support.
The United States Government has un
der ex tminatioii four thousand three
hundred and eighty six cases of forgery,
tram!, over pa men's, siud unlawful le
tension ot money, and in some cases men !
wIi" Vi't'-- defnnlters to the Government !
have been appointed bv "he President to
m.w oawA vht.ut tr)t.y Vi,liId ,;ivt.
farther onoori.mi-ies for ..m..7-s'..Mi..nr
' j
: 1 i.e j-. trim ess l.i'.noiia stlil r'-ni : 1 as nf
I it... .1. ... I ...
sin- cua'cau n 1 ei vereren. ilie I '.iris
S'ec.'e Males that her madness I). is degen-
eian-U lllil a Klilil O! CilllitiBtUleSS. lltl.ic-
conip inied by vio'i-nce. The on'y person
wi,!i wi:o!n she w i! I coti vei se. and to wlmm
she appears attached is In-r physician.
She attends upon herself, and diues alw ijs
atone ami .s:a:ii;:ig. All Irjpe
has been given n .
Mr. Pin:
arm m expl -.tmng tl
muter to a blaeli-nnd la.-i audience in
Aiibimi. ii which ii was proved shit he
pocketed .fine) which did not I. .-long to
him. appealed to ihem tn know ii iliey
In d not kept money ion long tii.it
did not. belong to tli. -in. Some of Ih.-m
were wrought upon hy tiis ired look
and tried to help ii i'm out ot the scrape; so
i.tey Hn.-iV.-et ed, "
j cotrittiiiriication lietween the Atlantic ,lnii
o . ic u v a m:i cana :ic o-.s itie i ...n. .i
Vmetioa or thr Pll.ni'U of l)jii(.,i u
1 with mote ctier-'v. Aiioito.r r..- ..
canal across ihe I-thtii'is ol I',,, ;,., t,t
urr'nim.....! .... .1 . i. r.. -
"'1'- .e nan.- . i me i,a:t const
mi t
ment. ArUo
channel for the .Mississippi bv "cutiW
I il 1. ,n ,i T ..!..!.! tl .1. . - " ' "p
1 II n i I . 1 1 i ufl l --1 . . . I . i
.iv i: ii i i ; ;i iitn .. i
. . . "Il I
'liTZX. '
v,-:. : ... , - . UL tiic-i
r- lv ec;-;l,
o ,ici icaoie. in,. prio.'ct lor iipenini'
State News.
Grant coanty gives Grint u majority.
The weather in Eastern Oregon is mod
erating. A. It. McConnoIl now Las charge of the
'Corvallis City Hotel,
j . , , .
C has. Cartwrig'u uss moved bac... to
Salem from Albany.
John I5iirnett has been appointed City
Attorney ol Corvallis.
Jas. S. Howard his been appointed
Surveyor ol Jackson county.
About fi!ty buildings hive been erected
in llaker Ciiy during the past reason.
Oliver C. Applegate has been appoint
ed P.j-siui aster of lhe Yiancx Post Oilice
Judse l'.ini will hold a special term of
Court in Josephine county on lhe 2i& insi.
The mills at Mc.Miunvdle ate shipping
Uige tpiantilies ol ftuur by rrtl ls
A special term r.r the Circuit Court for
Linn county begins on ibe lOili of Decem
ber. Lewis D. Miller will be trid for the
murder of Ctterokee Smitb. at Ivagene.
tli is week.
Emmet William", a pi inter in the Holts
inon ofiice, bagged twenty five duck: on
Ilev. Or Geary is appointed a delegate
to the General J're.by lery to meet at IJalt
imore in May next.
Jno. II Hull has been nppo'.nte l Com
missioner ol Oeed for tlis Stakte lo reIde
iti t. Lours. Mi.-S'jtui.
Last Thursday, the 1 l!:i inst.. the teii
peraturti ranged an low as 11J at .ilia
Walla and IV at Wallula.
The ladies ol Cot valiis are preparing a
b'auii!ul il.ig to be presented to the lire
men ol that place.
A verdict of not g'lilty w h relc.rned
by ilie jury in M ul : t:e.nah county against
fit bauielio lor incest.
It. is reported that McFadden. lately
sentenced to ilie Penitentiary from Linn
County, i.s liLely to die.
A Ileform sch'iii! is soon to be establish
ed in I'ortlatid. We have tiid ad well as
young who need reformation.
The Webfoot. the steamer Vancouver
and a latge scow weie blown u.-ilore tin
S.:;ivie"s Island last Friday.
At Ildcer C'ry on the Fill inst. the
snow was .-i; inches ieep. anil ill the
mountains around u 'o ;i m :re.
The election of tnunlefpal ( flioers to
serve th cit :.ei:s o( A.bauy for ti.nyear
ltfTii. comes u!l' oil Decenibt r Jil.
Tin line of hafts heretofore rnntiin
between Jacksonville and Li i.k v lib, lias
i i ,.t.;,.r t,, .,
teen disc ontiuue.i hai.i tu u.ni touts.
"Miss Libb.e Wordward. a foi uier tu
ite'it and if teller la the li uueOe L.il
versity. died at Alb itij la.-t .S.'.tu tday .
Circuit Ca.ni t for Polk county. Judge
Jlohliam presiding, is ia session This week.
A pretty inil ilocket is it ue dUpo.ied of.
W'lls. F.ugo : (.'o.. have closed iheir
idli.-e in L.!'aet:c and opened an oliiee
i;i St. Joe, ap'join.ing Judgt; Walts ihe.r
Greeley's m 'j .rity in J.ieksiti eouuty
is 70. A deerea-e ia lie' voU- ol 1 i l from
I isi .lurif .-a-: e w:. The loss wa-i miialv
by lhe Detm-craey.
The new Meih-.di-t Church, four mlb-.i
os-t ol Aibmy. will be ! d.ea ed tiv le'V.
S e;d;en Lo.vers. ot ii.ilem. on Sabbilll,
November 1 1. 172.
The new term of School of the St. II: 1
etis' Hail niid Li-hop S-i o t , .i::e.u tr
School wi.l commence the 1-t ol iiext
Ft b: u i ry .
The re-ijn oion f Crn. Pal-n. r. le.di in
Agr-ni at Site!., lias I.
.ted by
Siiporiutein'.eiu Ode meal, and forwai ded
lo Vasliing:on.
The leuiton 7? -noer devo'es a eoltimn
in each isv.ie to e.-s iy ly tl'se sittdenis ot
(Joi vallis college, li io atl altl aoiive fea
I nre of lhe paper.
A gent leui. in from the P. ilie- informs
ih th il tle'snotv o:i the road iVmil thai
place lo Tt gh Valley i- ten inches deep,
and cattle are fating b idly.
Th bark Far'c-irJ bound for Hongkong
crossed tl.e liar last 1 I 1 1 1 t v . The I'n ic irli
c : 1 1 les a wa v
Ci) toil
it assoiit't
Ireighl and l'n) Cbiieest- pas-i'iigers.
The mail ftage Irnm the south by way
of McMtnnviile eonaects at i. Joe wi n
the tiain well d iy, the inatU being d.'ii.'
ered at Lilayetti: by a special carrier.
The preliiniri iry s'e;-s have iieen !. ken
for a ui weekly mail from P isebnrg to
Coos Pay. Tbi.-i is much neetb-d lor the
con .'eiiience ot a huge kioI g""rowing com
munity. Mr Tenbrook. who traveled from Goose
Like to Jiicksorirille last week, found tlif
! snow about ten inches deep on the Ca.s
j cade range, when he crossed it, but r;iid-
ly melling.
T!u' i: ,-"'r' J-nrntl ?avs it U currently
reported that the Otvg m Central Militurv
Road Cor ip.my have sold their land grant
for S l.OOi). The name of the purchaser
is not given.
Motid iy morning the Oregon S'eam
Navigation C:mp-iy reTii-t'd to ivceipl
tor f re." I't east of 1 lee Dalles, i.l eonse
.jnenc' of tl"- proipcct ol the river closing
with ice.
Poor members of T I. ? Irpocrajdiica!
profe-sioti joined lhe. Good TetT'UhirH at
Saiem list Situ Hay nigh. We expert
some or them m .rtaPy snrpri-st-d their
llov.lisli Watm.-io. a c'iit-1 on theCini-
ti'.la Iteservat mri. in Oregon, is con ten
to ow-.i two ihniiand hores, six bund
i-.id nf cattle, a g )ol ho i?e.
l greenbacks.
a::d $3,0 lJ
Tl: NoyemW term of lhe Girrnit
'""ii .0 1.1. 11. mi i'i'iii-v. .10 out iii-ij i.isi
Satnrd iy to the :j 1 M md iy in December
in order io li tish up the large amotttit of
b'isiness ilnit ha.i accniiKila'ed. j
Gov. Gr.ver h is reappointed Ji A. j
Smiili and P. P. ejoodivin ol Portland as I
Notaries Public, and issiu d a eommssion I
to P.. S. S;r;di;in of Corva'lis endowing
hint wi'h the same power.
T'.lr I'ilbean )f Yaq iln i biy. daring th"
season just closed, c eight between 15.0 n
and !.!)) I siltnei. IP. c i:'iii'd over
three tons in one nir!it. Tie season is
oidy ol three weeks dnrati n.
Mis. S'a-ie Vridier-ll. the tui'hor r.fa
serial ftory now iiiiniing through the
Northwest. ie:s writ'en a druni itim led
Faj " wliich w is prndnceil at. lhe Oro
Pino riit a cr I'ortlatid. Tuesday ever.ing.
There im now- in iitiendance at the Sr.
ll-len's 11. il'. PjT f-m ate pnoils. ;;) ,,;'
w hom are regular boarder. Tin Bishop
Scoti (iranitn ir School now have in at
tendance d pupils, ol whom 28 are board
ers. A daughter of William L uighead. of
alem met, wi'.i a severe accident, w hit..
playing aionnd "he h mt. oa M iti lav a!'-
siMtie way fell to ii...
d.iti'.iing lu-f right arm under l..p
breaking it.
The people h, th,. neisrhbnrhrod of V:,n
C eaver nr. 'Xerr ised about i!, nivsn..;.
U1N t i !t 11' '. 'If1! r i I . .. . ' i
i r
- y. who .pu,,.',1 , ,.r a' w, I
into the tu usb. ah. nit w 7 " " -"
wr;.ch i-m - h? enset be t :nn l.
- .i-.vT.wrf y.a-.- wjMV-jg.raS'frTi-M 1
At a mass meeting, held in Haieiu at
mdiy evenii.g. the following gentlemen
were plated in nomina tion lor lhe vari
ous city oflices; Major. A.J. Monroe; Mar
shal, Win. Crump: Treasurer. C. P. Sirat
ton; Kecorder. John C. Ibmih.
TU- aialesmm i informed that Uobert
Ma vs. of Tgh Vallf.v. Wasco county, has
...;.. i,.,.,! !,e.ui ot cattle seitttered
over a country ol twenty live miles in ex
tent, "and ...has nut food enoii-h to last ,
them through lw,) w k of bad weather.
Ttlrs. Aurelia Johnson, a colored wo
man living near tin stage road between
Jacksonville at. d Vn ka. blew down the
ch!mnev of a keroetie lamp last Saturday;
tlie laifip blew back again. lid Aurelia
Johnson is no more. So says the 'limes.
On Sunday liigl't hist, while all was
still at lhe Tualatin lintel at Htllsboro.
the proprietor. Mr. Lullock. having retir
ed, some thiei entered the house and 'car
ried away all the coin saved from the
proceeds cf the business for some months
The 1'iigeii Guard pay. lhe total vole
oust in Lane county lor Congressman wart
1 85'.). The total vote civ-t lor President
wits ,Yli. showing a falling oft in the
vote of 417. 1 be majority of the Radical
candidate for Congnss over his opponent
was 73. Grants majority over GreeleT
was '' Ki.
The committee appointed to examine
sites for the State University have been
tendered lhe free donation of ten acres of
land by Hon J. II. I. Henderson, being a
tract situated on die extension ot Lleventh
street, east ol the corpuratifn limits ol
Lunelle and will recommend to the stock
holders that that place be selected.
G.)"erti(:r G rover h-.:- appointed ex-Governor
John Wbiteaker. Hon. N. H.Gates
and ex Governor G-i. L. ('tirry. S'ate
Hoard ot laiiz i n . These gen;leiaen
met at S;!em Monday, the 17th inst., a;d
proceed to burdiifr-s. The (i .veruor has
also appoin;ed Col'Mie', H. C. Patg 'o tie
Kegi-tt r iti lhe Land 'fine at L i (.irande.
1 tt'otniatioii is wanted of Juno's and
Timothy 1 lanneiy. who went to Oregon
iitieet: raisayo with A.M. Ilitmah of
niooinli'-ld. Calloway couutv. Missouri
A if-reaved sifter anxiously waits intel li
S'fisce. Addres Mary 1 iiiint-ry, 1.322
North It; th siivet. Si. Louis. Mo.
A peuuon for the pardon of Mat. Bled
see. who w as Sei'ticed to the PrniteHiiaty
for li'e. is in circulation in Salem, and has
already re.'-eite.i ever two huiuiri.il sig
natures. Aeconi pa.ay iiig the pe;ition is
a cert ilk-ate of several physicians, to the
effect that longer 1 m ; I i-oji u;eut w ill e.i
d-U'.iier the pi isei.ei 's ilie.
Andrew L tl
er lint everyil
in that si c'ion .
u tlte lit
, n
f 1 V
gel!;;' abit'.g li:
raise! l.'t) lotr-hr
potatots lo'ia an ia-t e a I . 1 ;i fiuarltrtf
ground. Thfe range in w-iht from one
to tour pounds e.i.U. and lo iii ! . -i: r : en to
eij-hteen po'Oi.is lo the (.ill. n-li.-v Vi g"
l.ibles ot superior quality were raised M.
reason in ( ;i lioco.
- Woik on the Albiny nnd San;i:im I'i.ch
is still progi e.-si;:g wiih igor. nd will
be pu-heiL fotv.atil un;i! ii is . fotuplet .1
uide-s the heavy r.;:.r.s should C.ei-e the
Santiam tt ov-'illaw i b.o.ks. There is
now SU ) teet nt diic'a lini.-tied. and l.lJ.ii)
leet dilg lo the tlepill (' ! jt tj t teet. Tne
e it:ii:g iOtl igi - 11 leel iu dfpill. twel;-.
feet wide at tiie botti.m aiwlsl.ped otic by
A Chinaman eonvict in the penitentiary
has one eiizy on il.e si.l.jeet ol Voet'
mo-it:. He s: I g'. en:'.-": v. ' I and is ;.ble
to rue. the g.iteu: hieu ' uliave to - tv"
below, end l::... sili il g i ilrrtibrj ih
el o- lirlwi i n .In- cli bagpipe at.il th
gi a' ieg i.l a l a! tail li e sl:.il j t-nii g a ii.tiel
vi'iV. i he 1. -- coin, lets lite peil:i:g liir.J
ol -.!:e Ce:es. ia!"s t.oise, i'.t:d lade o! ft nil
I it.-g l he preiiii-es.
A ciTrespo::!e:i! of J.,f ksonville
Siiuin'l writing liotn Goo.-e Lake val'ev
! fays; -Til" vet l.er Lh.'I been very st..m
1 f; sevei a! we ks. bit wis iijore plet-en
! when he le.t. an 1 b;,l !.iir to be a mild,
j open winter. The cattle nre litter to an
! ever b.-'ore
known at this s vi-oii of the
h u i-
the milk coas b eiii i;i gno 1 fondi
'l hroiigh.en that country i he !m ;::er.
a good .-njiply d hay o:t up (or the
w in' i :
in case anv !:o:;l 1 lie rerouted.
From lhe Paker Ciiv .- m'tcrol: "Gov.
G:-.vi r has nj-pniated ("ol. il. G Pge o!
thi- city p..gi.-;er of the .-sa'e Ln 1 (n'ie
at La Gtan-b. This is a good appoin!
nieiit and onr wnr hy ti.ivernor i!e.-ei-vi s
credi: lot- nttiking it. O.l. Pai-e is a good
ba-;ae-s to in and isi'very way fj'ia i ilted
to ii.i the po.-i-;m vt i ii l i-liof to t.in.-eii
and to tin- s intact ioi of the pc.ple.oi'
! he Stute. The Jieojiie ofpistein O.egin
leel l..;i;otvd by the :-t;;'i:iiiinHnt of.-ach
a man -s .Mr. Paige' to ii:l this fio.-idon."'
lhe S'nh .-Hii'in of la-t Tuesday savs:
Ves erdav loie-io iti while -Jaeob P n.g i-
ni. i;i. t: that pret im-i was engaged in ;
e a. .i'-i oiu; .i; o ii nil .;ciiaio. i'e n-n
j . i. ......... i .
iroiii a in r hi ine lev.'-M groniMl. Slistiit'l- i
I mg ti j iiiis ot a very .e-iions nature, tsis
eg ws badly bi-in(n. atid h-e was h u t
internal! v. hi
niieiiiig being inten.-e.
They were unable Io move him lo his
. . i . ... i .. , . ..
notice H-iiii meiiseii atlen. lance nul Deen
The SI i! ism -in Fays: Ex Gov. John
Wiiiteaker of Lane county, and e:c (liiv.
Ge. L. Curry, of ?dtillnoni ih county,
membets of the 8 ale Hoard of Lqnal ii'.'l
tioil me; in -tab-ni las Mmd iv. aiid rs ide
a tempoi-ary organ:, il ion bv ihe election
ol ih-.' loriner as temporary
Owing to tiie absence of Col
I "hairtn in.
G it
remaining tietnber ol the P.oird. no bnsj. j
tiess wa- t;uns icte.l. y.v. (I.iteswi'.l prub
aoi. airive iioimt J. nnrstlav. when ihetr i
laliors will Cori.nience in earnest. The
Assessment rods are already in Ji-orn all
the coiiiit;...s with tin excp'.ion ot Linn.
Marion and Pairm, The P ar.i will prob
ii ij 1 v be in session nbmit one nion-h.
l is-.irs of tbc N.;t pjur Year..' Cam
paign. The Ne-.v York .Sua has li d ;.! tl,' fol
lowing ns its platform for ihe next four
years. It is good as fir as it goes, b'tt
there is initch th it cm l added to these
principles wbii profit and which the peo
ple will demand at the hands of the next
National Cor. yen : ion. The principles as
laid down by the .bo!.- are as follows :
I. No ei'iur iliz ;ion No extension of
th" functiotis d' ill - Peler.tl Governmetit
md tiie President to b-
deptivd of all c.eesive attd ifl in' )'!
i.id powi-rs asntned doling and since lie'
war. and to be lrnnrht back wbhin the
iinti's oi the Cotisii tnioti.
III. The S.tltcs tr Coi'.trol their own
a IT i
spel l i'iv tl.eir own tdeciions.
I . K''l"tm of t.'.e civil servi.-e
. Pe.-tora-ion of specie pavme;;?.
VI. Pev.'iin. t.-lortn ili imertul taxes
io be aboli-ht d; the t.it ilf lo be put on a
revenue li.t-i.
'VII. Only one term for the President.
VIII. No ree!ect;,in of Grint. in psTiJ.
Mccu AtD Art -cr Nonnx; " Th.
,J" - ,'!H "'" o1 week, says lhe
Jacksrm ville . imt.-t. tells it readers in a
long winded tu 'icle of nearly two col
umns that it will heteaf er bean inde
pendent, s-leei. and makes as much loss
over ii us if the Democratic p inv was
losing its best ' friend. The Ju ird was
mi uiistakrtb': y ihe poorest pirty paper, in
t ie .-'tie l n big t'n Jane caiv an 1 .li4
more injurv at ihe 1 i'e Pre.-id-u'ial elec
tion than i ever ltd good We don't see i
wheie the Gi'ud s s;i:Kn-p'ire Peiii'cracv 1
C'-nte' I a,
ca lei atid n ootd'e iu tntriistered. lis I v.. i Vt . .- -.-e-' ..' - o. -.a i .
da-igiuei, who was attending school at i " ,! r ' ' 1 """ W""'1'"" ,Q
the Cni:Tr,y. in thw ci.y w a, immedt- j VKsno,,. N", IC-A horrible r,,r- ! I,!: i""n JsT oV" W In
ih.'. I've ' . ' "i rVlZ "r:,,!! 1:1 Jl5' of,.,-sof Lection, who received ,t" LlloM
rov, V t if ' .liehvni.v.s may Dntnmeml. near .he head of Strong Iwke. ' .r S.-.sin P. Anthonv and ftiemN. Th-
I 1'T'Mt l-U.ll. j,., t, ,. 1. !....a 1 .: .'.-..
.... . . 'ivr ini.. i . Iill 1.--IIII-. i.L: 11:1 !!:: OI 1 t-..b ft 1. 1 . r l..rt k. .
Tclcjrraphic Newt
riAX(;oK(Me) Nov It. The stock hold
er: d the Pastern Insurance Ccmpany
to-day subscribed a snfiicient n mount to
pay all losses by the Lostrm fire, and to
enable the company to continue business
I iivfiii'ii nr 1 I nnts It-oni
the Slate give Grant a niaiouty dI j mg away, l ne disease is !(.w asi,,;
WAsatxorox. Nov. 14. The mixed ' a milder type. There are few rata! c-c"
Commission on American ' ami Eridslij Lot lsvit.!.i:. Ncv. lit. The !1,,nie.,,E,!s
claims to day awarded claims amounting j ease has disabled about all thL' htir-.-
n ?:-5.'K).00( " jrold. to be paid ly the Uni- the city, and is intci f e ring wid, busii J!1
lew .-s:a' io vni'iu ii o a oi . M i n t i j. a . .v mi
tin property of Iritih subjects destroyed
or seized by the Union loices during the
Tii Department of Statu received to
day an ofiietal cony of theuwatd made by
the Kmpet or in the San Juan at biiration.
The horse disease shows i o sins of
abatement. Several cases of dropsy have
Wasuinuto.v. Nov. l.". Ti. Com nt roll
er of the Currency. Knox, has returned
Irotn Poston and reports that in the banks
of the city there am SST.OOO.tKK), with a
surplus of S20.()tt'l.()00. and their losses
are only a million and a half. He says
thai financial prospect", in view of these
facts, are cheetful. and business is fa .-it lc
sinning it usual channel.
Washington. Nov. 13. A delegation of
t'niriv Pennsyl vanians. headed by the
Governor-elect. Senator Cameron and ex
Coitgressinau O Neil. h id an interview to
day wi:h lhe President in relation to the
appointment of a Postmaster at Philadel
phia. They nrtred George Truenian. a
merclmut of lliat city, for the p'.ice. The
Presiileul listened atien'.ivelv. lot' give no
defiuiie response. George Taviman. a
ch-rk in the i liice, is also a candidate.
The question of rpnointment nnib-r tin j snot, which strucK the prostrate tna?. i:i
civil service regulation enters into the j the side. A fiiT the shooting Oix gave
e.i!troversy . It is said that the Tn-.-ident jiul In one of the clerks oi' the hot-!
is inclined io :iipoint iheeleik. mid the j -.v as taken by lis fi ieiuls to the ofiice of
delegation is soiui-whal excited in couse j the Chief of Police. Weslliag wai only
qunce. slightly injur d.
Chicaco. Nov. I"). A dir-patch from, C:;ieA;i) Nov. Is. A Wasliing'on s;ic
tl.e Rev. IN bert I.'ovd Collier. Cbiirman j cial says positive dental i- given, by thus
o! the ildief Committee, who went lrom I who at e.t-t have right to the cm ii l-nce
this city Io Po's'on. ays no estimate b is of the Administration, to the rumors l but
vet been made of lhe number of families .he Pre.-5.-5.mt intends to recommend in his
'burnt out. Probably there sire not more annual message, now in preparation, tie
than three hundred. Ii i-1 supposed ilo-re revival of the project for the aniiexaiiou
are 'i..in)0 sewing women and clerks oat of Sa Domiogo. or that, he intend !,.
o: einpiovmeu.
The d.'.-trtiction of property, by
be-t filed to judge" is estimated at it),000
( iiiigra'ulatory r.iesage? hive b?en ex
changed between the Mayors of Adelaide
' Au-;r..lia) and New York upon the final
completion of telegraphic c unminticati H'..
P'-jtt:sri :t:. Nov. !". Warrants have
!j-et isai d by l'nited S'ates Conimi-sioti-
r S:owe for the arrest of Susan P. An-tl-.onv
and fourteen otlmr females who
vo-.ed at the la'C eleCUon. The parties
most probably will" be brought before the
I ( "our! neXI week
! Y",S'i I.; i'o . Nov. l-". Colonel Pi's-
! tow has ter.di-re 1 hi- resign:;' ioti as S.d c
I ior h'l'iii'rsl. which h i- h"en aee?fl.
I and a eomini-ion tor t.Se same to Ptd'.ins
ol N- rth Caroliria will be nt ide out lo
in or row
Le'. isviM.!-:. Nov. l.". Thf Presbytery
retMli-red a verdiet of guilty !:gin-! the
Ilev. tr. Gilbert Pobetsion char -sing him
i:h drnr.kenm. li!?eiyio;i-T.s and lalse
h o.l.;in.l sen'eneed him ! i b d:-con i i a
mi d I: , n the rniuistry ar-.'. to ' rK-pend-
d lrom the privi'.i g.s r l the e:-i ch nnti!
In- shows repenianue LeMtiing him r r t.ew
n;.ni herslnp.
(.'i I'M Hi's. N"v. 15. A c- ti-it't irion of
.r P
Lib-rd Mi.
eon !:: !c.-tn-
W; ,:elil Mere f."-.V. i fir la'.'f-r resolv
ed to favor the c e'.-oli l;i :i of th.- t ie i
u'.eiit- tavori-ig l!'e 1 ::; g print-itb-s o! f
tlie f"i:iei:-.ti- i ! t . ' . t . :io .1, lot I . ti !
r r-t I C.oi:;.i i.irrt-e hare i.-s i. d an n.!.!rc-
to the people.
M t t.v.- vt'K ;- K. (Wis.VXov. 13. The epi
..otic is rapidly spreading thiotighout
the S'afe.
I'orr.-vii.t.t: (P-t.). N'v.-. 1.3. The hirs-
li. rongilott
li e en iT r.nifies. j
Kv.'-sVi!.t.K. Nov. 13. The t:elebr-!'d ;
Pat'iies wdl cat't', i'lToiTVig a'l 'tl- .?7d-l.- i
C ') htts been dec';, led :tg.ti:,.si ttdtttitiirg ;
to pj-ob-vt". i
C'lNC.NN'ATt. Nov. 1.3 '
is mid serit iis and b:i
large! v
se.-. ended.
Lirrt.:: Rr-es. Nov. 13.--Retn
t. oni:::a!
and ntiftfitL-! i!. :r ::i evrr omtT m the
.-ia-e give Paster over 70J rr.ajoriiy b.r
Nt vv Vo:.:c. Nov. 1". A Was'.itPg'on
neeial s-vys lhe President re. l ie the iol-
lo.ving speech to Cameron :u.d hi- a-i
cta'es id ihe Philadelphia deleg lt;o;'!. it:i:
deired the -.ppoi.-i-ment of a Po:m i--.t
for Philadelphia: (.'en' lenten. 1 t. not
well see how it would be proper fr.r r.r-
f) s.-t u.U the mles and regulation-" of
lite CM tl S rv ;ee coin :n is-Io'l.
igo determined to -:i!orce I
ll:ir. on ..-ri- i ! i-i . -..!
1 some ii;n-
' reg'i'a-
1. lulii
l..,e. iv. I ...... ' Tl
i iieri
u-i I -.vo c oi li l itis
pre-er.red. both P. -pib'ie. One in
the Philadelphia Portola.-e for pom ttnie
past. 1 a. n sa isle d lie is ie.'.ly coR.p-.-,en t
t. d iacharge life dtliies of Pos'm i-:T." If
I was (lisfiesed tn set uide the civil ;-.r-
n an: i
vne. n.nr.iet ed
and child. The w otn in's !:e id was terri
bly criiidicd
and tin child's throat cit
ear lo ear. The murderer h is been
i "'i-.i .-IHIM..T. .i v, . j c-.;ii:i nation oi i iss. . nt lion V is
tat mn- liamed t
irresti d. and narrowly escaped lynching. spn-aditig slowly this ci'v. The stteet
S r. Lorts. Nov. k; Tli- In,r,r,-tl railroads wihlrew- t'.M'ir rars to-!iv. r
hi- m-Midng m1:,i rially s.ivs ii is advised ' as a ti..to.r. .r- .
there rill be two chang'-s in the Cabinet
;il'-r the 1th ol .March, r.e.xr. Thetewill
I e the retirement of .Ni-rrettirv l- isli and
The former il is .-xpec'.-d. W II
be olf. r. d the i:.:s-io:l to l'ng! and. and i nl distiicl.
the Infer w II neoniv a seat in the L'nited j .Mkm,-i;i-, -f,r. IS. The epizoctic has
.-j;ates senate. j appeared Let e in a mild form.
,iii.;iii. .Miv. li..--U.i!V.inl college pis f- 1 Cincinnati Nov Is. There have brrn
(:,! to the aiiionnt f i-ICj.ljii.i l.y lhe i ne.irly .tie loindr.Vi 'deall. Trom tin i-li.-e
here, including I h value of the S and. j x;ot ie. A large numhef n.f ex. n re in
It will cost bait million (b.ilar to re- ie hailing good, lior-es hae al::.0Si
bndd. Toward I hi it ha 51 HMKl). or ; e.Mije! v disa;p"r..r. d fr.im the s re. is.
g...;d ins. nance, out of i2 1 tl.UJ X 1 ho j Cot.rWs (() Nov is -Nearly all ih
l'''-'fl ' lh' redneed t ,, i;o,).(m;). j horst 3 ia the cit v r.t e Cown w ilh the cizjo -.
I hi (s tt s Piesident Llliot) v li;u, b -g. 1 tic.
.-.tt.t.-i At, tie.;, .tor. n I.eluiria :.re
..Xf Y -t.'. r- .
all in b it lw n:y t-mall tiwus. Grant
iti 'j Ji i'y. .'il 7o.l
Ni.w- Voi'.K. Nov 1'. A Washing ton
speei.tl f-njs tie' ci'y is (tiling rapidly with
politti iai s v. ho cotiitnent severely on the
ei.iil-se of the Plesidetit ia l-eti.io.ri o.
Civil Service ntles. n tti.itii.es'ed in hi, ' will be pushed through bv th
in n:'ltrl!r , V,,r! 1 v;ifiiil next Con-.ess and aielcd bv irant,
in n-g u. to ine appomuii-nt of the Post- I ,
itiaster .i" Phi'ad. lphi i. They allege that ! It' the party w hich has gained
the strict Cnhilceitlent. oT the Civil -lei-vice t e e , .
tu wdl exclude many !n htdd- ft tVh h f V0 PpvtratO
i' g oilice who have jnt claim on the i this outta-gc upon the American
iieiiubliean p irty. and whn can credi'ably I " . .1
fid Iheonieesfor whiid, they apply: but! V1' t"tir IS al an CluL
n. verihel.-ss catinot pass a Civil Service! , ,
x imiua'ion. j j he O Conor tickets were printr
James King, formerly a stock bn.k. r, : ed at a Ka.lical r.ewsjiaper ollicc
shot oti- (j'Nei! d.-nl ihis noon. A fain-! 4. , , -,.,,
ily dillL-nliy was the cause Mu Portland and paid for by toe
WuWtxisrox.'Nov. M. The (dTieial vo-e i Uudical .State Central Committee.
nrJ1"' S,,a'i,T -!hr, r,l'-",t; :ir hl,V,,ri,jr "f I Can anv man doubt whose can-
nr. I H-ip!and (;.ep.), for Congress. I , , r-f
t:l in..i niiiy I dulate O Ct.nor was.
i i
Kicir.ioN!). Nov. IG OlTi.ial retuir.sj "
Poni nil the counties of the .State but one j 1 JKstox;:n. A dipach from Paris, un
tiave been received. Grant's niaj .riiy i-J 1 ler date of he 2()th inst. says:
l.'.ITo. On.- conujy yet to hear lrom is j
reported io give Greeley leu mijoity. j
Ni;v (Jtii.KAA.s. . iv. lib- lbiaui I . j
K"!logg today made a ppiicut mn i n i he ;
L'nite.l Sta'. s Circuif Court tor an injune-
lion so restrain the S'a'o lOb'C'ion PtniKl.!
of Y.'iili;'i (Jove'-nor Warmoudi is a ui.'in- I
b. r. lrom pe. loimittg the dude, of ihetr j
oili-e.as nicli board; alio i.rohibidng :
John Mclviery from acting or pre'etid in:
4,1 net as Governor of Louisiana, und Iro n !
i making any claim to the ofco c' (.lov- '
(irnnr- fil.n the Vnv .
- ..... wi n ails J- cp) j fl j-,
publican, tlie official journal v tC'L ,
liom pub.i.-Iiing any notico or s U'e"
relating to tho canvass ol tie ote nr"','U
State L'oaid. - 10 01
Kv okk. Nov. lG.-Thc Crovv tv, .
s a flee led horses iip,.n th,. .ljV., . 11
ce of the epidemic. appt-His o W
! auee
On Sunday night a mob forced ,
U ol l.auid county and took ,
l-Alolon. a lie-, chatted w ilh cul .
wnite .Mil. and hanged l,;!n. 6
il nnilflll. ill. II i!ii:igel Ii;ni
AsitiNtrroN. Nov. 17. 'ILe Prc-iJ
has recently been arranging points l,.'r 'l
message, but has not Jet commenced w.i,
tng it. 1 he contents of the document c . ,
ne inferred only from his recent privan.
utter inces. It w safe to av. kever r
will be more liberal in io,l0, especiai'v
tov.ard the South lhan his f1,rin..r nu
i.ge. the recent Tote in that section Win
indicative or better Seeling thurr lier.t,
lore toward General Grunt, while t!.
press is more moderate in its utterance
not taking into account the popular ma
jority ot the entire country.
The pardon of Oakes Smith i regard
by Sou. hern gentlemen as a fowedhaduw
ing of further friendly policy.
S r. Lol is. Nov. 17. About eight o'clot iv
to-night, while a large number of gentl-.
ini-ii were eniritged in tu; v siibule of ihu
Soiitherti Hotel. Captain Iviward I)lx a
well known steamboat man. waUe,j ,i, Ui
a Mr. West ling of New Orleans, who
conversing with ?otne friends, and delib
erately shot Isi :n in the iel't jj-,v. Wvsilijir
fell, -in.1 whi'e down Pix fired anothi-r
I eeommeint a po.icy iookii. g tti ine aiaea-
smon ol t nba. 1 In message will be titi-
ltv.-el to Congress two weeks from to
tnorrow . ami any ili.uijis on tl.-.-e particu
lars will, of course, be removed; hut
aide from ti at. :i is leer.ned that il.r t,a.
liexati,.:, -ity in San Pomii.go. and t!,
0omp-rsi-s opeiiiiing the American rad
way and financial and tithcr intei s s. mn
now all t ppopeil to a revival ot the n
I'i'X itiiT pwje-l. A cor.c-rted effort ii
hfiiig i;t i.!- tt develop internal improve
ments there hy building a rail; 'nail. e'c.
Am'-rsci.-is who own property in t e
1-im 1. whi'e fa voting bum x.nion. b not
thinlv that tiiiv.- is ;.n opportune litre; to
ui g.- it.
Along the line r.f the II?iis-n rirer a
tertible disease has broken out among
iioiiltry. chickens d i;:g t hu-ujreil-.
i'i e-f. encks ;ind clnckens tn thf mark-:
show signs of the malady. The d.-east
ariiears to be a-si.tnli g the be.-m nf a
iie-:rnctive pesl:!encj ntnong ;;i.:e..s:";c
Prepay, the new horse disease. La- m ele
i's p;-eara:nv in all :!; c-'y car st..lj! -s.
i.Ttd UV-y per Ueiit. of U.e li :-es a'tatkid
a:n s:v;d to
il-. The !jo!.--s
- wot k- d hi'e s
!-C eu sue
: i;ig fi .-m
main ! v
the lj'i.lln
' : s
aoletueii are becoiniig
alarmed, as trey thte.i
the !n:r.-e di-ea-e
was il s ippearlug.
W AMtiM.lnN. Nov. IS. A tertihle
ti-i.-df v. -s i o ic-ted today at No. ;
Pine street, just u s"n!e the flic of
Jedge Suti.eriaiid ;i the third l! or.
The teiiim. ny in ;i .-uit of dlvorci'i-f Mr-.
Kb'ig lrom iser hu-bu-id. J. C. King
lawyi-r of No. 117 Last Sever.-een h
! sip-el. was betr.r tak.-tl before Jurigi;
Su;!) rland. A. )"N.-.:l (IX ?e relive n.i
j tiie I. it" rui'p and !.; v-ite v.t-re vr::tieess.
i I: is sid il: it the viI-nce ot" bo h sh e.r-
1 Vi ry briita.' cotobic on the pari t f
King toward his wife. After the rase hud
been :i()jo:;ri:ed. O'.Veil lelt lhe oifiee and
slatted ilivtn stairs, folhi-.veil fey King.
Viit-ti O'Neill hid refch d t e second
floor of the Ian-ling Kii s drew a nistol
j and lired three s'nit.s in qnick s;tcces-ion.
j The first struck his vidua in the small of
the ly.-.rU. and mast h ive caused him
j turn : round, facing the mnrderer. the
j fatal bnllet entefetl his light breast be'ow
j the eoUar-1-.or.e. O'N-il walked steadily
! into l!: ofiice of M r. Ltiiek . o.n I he M-cend
j fi :;-. sat o.-;i in a chat r. and in about
j half a:i hour h real feed hi last. As so', a
j , the thifd sh it was King ran b u-t
j m Jmlge Sirberiand". ofji.-e. l.atided
j his pis el to lhe Judge, lie ih. ti ran i;r.
the i.-.r.t r f,:.- nt:"d U tked h.ni-.lf i;..
An ollleer arrive. in a l-w loon.en s ao l
! bmke in lhe lo..r of Kings retreat, lie
i m i. e r.r attervt e-i,f r-iA -.t:n iv.
ni ide
moved ti Ni'iv -trirt sta;un. 'Ihediing
tti.tn wa- unable to give uvy afrmitti of
t!'e- s':, :-.: in 2. tlie wnun.i in his bang pre-
i;'terllC'-. It M .-ill.C'-d lti.1t
kiil-d a man in the Sand wive.
s.ati-.s s mi titnt- ago. and atteionted tTi
by iigreema-il iituil tht? '2? h. .She say
: prn.-rlv before the Creir's
t - V - ... 4J.1.1- II--I 1 it UI Ull II.
i Ntstit u i V...- i - t:...
Cessitv. i nc uisense treTai!s ;n n rn.i)-
; ber of counties. The di-easv is believe. 1
! to have b-.-ti bri.i:"ht. in hv llam-na's
1 .Mrnacrerie. whteh i-hm. in fnon sin iiifec:-
The San Dominoo Si'iikme.
It is stated upon xeol authority
that tlie San Domingo scheme,
which was arrested two years ago,
. Paris di-patch -tat'. lint President.
j.lrs a resigned. General McMah-'n
s appointed President, pending the action
ot , ,. j,,,,., j Ass.-mb! y. There in fereit
.xciu.mt.nl in consequence.
The late storm was pretty severe in.
Washington Territory, the snow falling
in. nv sections to the depth of ten
incites and the cold baing much jreer
th:.n i:5r. tl nt this season of the y?a: