o o 'ffi ) ( I ' T CP o O 0 o o 1) O O r 0 O o o o o J o it fl O O O ej o O O r ? v r -i O FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1872. The Roanoke Times publishes the fol lowing bit of rhyme, evidently from the pen of some fellow-mortal who justly ap preciate the great Fin of cheating the ;printer : The man who cheats the printer 'Out of a single cent, 9V ill never reach the heavenly land Where old Elijah went. 0 He will not gairtadmittance there, By devils he'll be tfrjven, -And made to loaf his time away Outside the walls of heaven. "Without a man fty)greet him, O Without a pleasant grin, QThe happiness that he will reap Will be almighty thin. He'll have lo eat the thistle Of sorrow and regret. He'll have to buck around right smart With cussednes.s, You bet!'J o f 6- -O- . !Oh, who shaft lightly say that Fame Is nothing but an empty name. Whilst in that sound there is a charm The nerves to brace, the heart to warm. As. thinking of the -mighty -dead. The young from slothful couch will start, And vow, with lifted hands outspread, Like them to act a noble parti In the days of dust, and heat, I low glad the thirsty arojo meet The fountain in the square or street. And drink the clear, cool draught ! -The draught that brings no pain r w oe, The draught that free to all doth flow, The drink tint Adam long ago Jn Eden's garden quaffed. "Bad DiffiTs. Probably tailors sufFer in the way of bad debts as amieh as any class of business men, but it isn'tQuften that yon can ecet, ;ahead of thc-m in joking, for though it may take, nine of them to make a man, yet they nre sharps, as a general thing, liut like all others, they do get done, once in a while, as the following true story . . tD t . proves; in uoscon, many years .ago, there lived (as there do now vve venture to say), two young fel lows, rather waggish in their ways, and who were in the habit of pa .tronizing rather extensively a tailor l)y the name of Smith. Well, one day, into his shop these two young bloods strolled. Says one of them : "Sniifri we've been making a bet. Xow, we want you to make each of us a suit of clothes. Wait till the bet is decided, and the one that loses will pay the whole." "Certainly, gentlemen ; I shall be most happy to serve you," says Smith, and" forthwith their measures M ere taken, and in due time the clothes -were sent home. A month or two passed by, and yet our friend, the tailotf paw nothing of his customers. One day, however, he met them, and thinking itQdmost time the bet was decide!, he made up to them :and asked how their clothing fit ted. "OIv excellent! v," snvs one. "By the by, Smith, our bet isn't j decided vet"" "Ah !" savs Smith, i "What is it ?" "Why, 1 bet that j when Bunker Hill Monument falls, j it will fall toward the south! Bill, I here, took me up, and when the bet ; is deeided, we'iPeall and pay you ! that little bill" Smith's face j stretched to double its usual length, j but he soon Recovered his wonted ; good humor. o CJ O A modest young lady at the table, desiring the legtf a chicken said : " I take the part that ought to be dressed in pants." A young man opposite replied: "I take the part that ought 'to wear the bustle." fhe young lady fainted and was carried out on a salver. Kemcmber, that if you marry for beauty, yorDbind yourself all your life for that which, perchance, will neither la&t nor please you one ; year; and when you have it, it will j be to you of no price at all ; for the j desire dieth when it is attained, and I the affection perisheth when it is satisfied. j In New Hampshire the following notice is posted on a fence: "Xot tis Know kow is allowed in thesp medders, eny men or women letten thare kows run the rode, wet gits into my medders aforesaid, shall have its tail cut orf by me, Obadiah lingers." Gentility is neither in birth, wealth, manner, nor fashion but in the mind. A high sense of hon or, derinination never to take a mean advantage ot" another, and politeness toward those with whom we have dealings, are the essential characteristic of a gentleman. A" paper recently alluded to a man as a "battle-scared" veteran. The compositor was so agitated when the editor made him correct it, that he changed it to a "bottle scarred " veteran. And still the veteran in question was not sati tied. Bo clioortnl ahvavs. Thoi-P is nn ! . , , i path but will be easier traveled, no load but what will be lighter, no i shadow on heart and brain but will lift sooner, in presence ot a deter mined c h e e r f u 1 n e s An honest country parson, 'who, in the time of great drought was asked to pray for rain, "Til will ingly do it to oblige you, but it is to no purpose while the wind is in this quarter." Five musquitoes were seen sit ting around the candle last evening, warming their feet, before starting out on a foraging expedition. They wcre arrested. . i What is the difference hotu-opn 1 a 'spendthrift and a leather hoA 1 Opo i hard un v,l . i Mr ,tJr ? tnC tner 1!? Butt do n. . Iavvs of the State of Oregon. AX ACT RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State f Oregon, as ful'oics: Section 1. That at every election, here after held in this Slate, or any incorpo rated town or city of this State, in pursu ance ot law, each elector shall, in full view, deliver to one of the Judges of Klec- J lion a single ballot or niece of paper on ! which shall be written or printed the names cf the persons voted for. w ith a proper designation of tht office which lie or they may be intended fo fill. Sec. 2. The Judge to w hom any ticket may be deih ered shall, upon the receipt thereof, pronounce in an audible voice, the name of the elector, and, if no objection shall be made to him and the Judge is satisfied that the elector is legal ly qualified, according to ttie Constitution and Laws of this State, to vote at the elec tion, he shall immediately put the ticket in the box. without inspecting the names wri'ten or printed then on. and the clerks of fiction shall enter the name of the elec tor and number in the poll books, agree ably to the printed form in the Seventeenth Section of this Act; and the ballots, after being counted, shall be sealed v: j in a package and be delivered to the County Clerk or m case ot an election in any t . incorporated city or bfwri. then to the officer or officers of such city or town au thorised by-law to canvass ihe votes by one ol the Judges or Clerks of Election; arid said clerk, or city or town officer.-as the case may be. shall depofit them in his efrk-e, where thy shall be .-afely kept for twelve mon'hs. and the County C'.e'.k. or i citv or town oflieer, as the case may be, shall not allow t lie same to be inspected, unless in case of contested elections, or unless the same become necessary to be used in evidence, and then only by order of the proper Court. Si c. 3. The Judges of Election, in de termining the residence ot persons offer ing to vote, shall be governed by the fol lowing i Hies, so far as the same may be applicable: First That place shall be considered and held to be the residence of u person in which his habitation is fixed, and to which, w henever ho is absent, he has the intention of returning. Second A person shall not be considered or he'd to have lost his residence who shall leave his hom and co into another Staio or Territory, or -county of this State, fur a temporary purpose only, with an inten tion of returning. Third A person shall not be considered orhehl to have gained a residence in any county of this State into which he shall come for temporary pur poses merely, without the intention of making said county his home, but the in tension of leaving the same when he shail have accomplished brought him into it. renjvve to any other the business that Fourth If a person State, or to anv o! the Territories, w ith internum of ma king it his permanent residence, he shall be considered ana heh.l to have lost his resilience in :t;is .-ia; v u ill lue place .1 where a married man's family resides shall be considered and he'd to be his residence. Sixth It a person sdva.ll go from this State into any olher State or Territory and iher.- xevci.-e the right of suffrage, lie shall be cciisideted and held to have lo:;t his residence in this State. Si:c. i If a person offering to vote is challenged as unqualified by one of the Judge? of Election or by any other elector, one of the Judges shail administer to him the following oath or s-.ffirniation: "You do solemnly swear (or atlirm) that you will fully and truly answer ail such qricsn.ms as shall be put toyou touching your place of residence and qualifications of an elec tor at this election." lirst. If the person be challenged as unqualified on the ground that he is. not a citiz -n, one of" the Judges si all propound to him the follow ing questions: 1. Are joti a citizen of the United S ates? 2. Are rot; a native or naturalized citizen, and if neither, hav you declared come a citizen, of the United naturalization? 1 f ! he person bt your intention to bo eonfoi niabiy to the laws S-a'os. on ihe subject of and it so. when? Vtok7. challenged asunqu ililied on the. ground thai lie has not resided in lh; s ate for S:X months immediately ion. oue of the Judires preceding the elect shall put the following questions: 1. Have you resided in this State fur six months immediately preceding this elec tion. 2. Have you been absent from this State within the six months immedi ately preceding this election? 3. If so. when you leD,. was it fur a temporary purpose, wiih design of reiurnivg. or did yon intend to remain away? 1. 1'id yon. w hile absent, look up ui and regard this State as vonr home? 5. Did vcu. while absent, vote in any oilier State or Terri tory? 'J hint. If tne person is challenged on the ground that he is not a resident, ol the county or precinct where lie oilers to vote, one of the judges shall put Ihe fol lowing qies'ions: 1. When did you come into this county and precinct? 2. When you cameitco this coun'y and precinct 4"td you come for a tempos -jry put pose merely, or for the purpose of making it your home? 3. II iveyou been for ihe last ninety days an actual resident of this county? i'onrih. If the persot. be challenged on the ground that he is not twenty one years of age. one of the judges shall put to him the tol- ; lowing question: j. -re you twenty-one years of ago to the best of your knowledge d b. he ndges of elect ion. or one of them shall put all such other ques tions to the person challenged, under the respective heads aforesaid as may be nec essary to test his qualifications as an elec tor at that election. Skc. 5. If the person challenged as aforesaid s!vll refu.-e to answer fully any question which shall be pit to him as aforesaid, the judges shall reject his vote. SKC (i. If the challenge be not with--,i r. . .i . . uiauu ai-er mi person ottering to vote shall have answered the questions put. to liim as aforesaid, one of the Judges ol Election shall administer to him the fol lowing oath: "You do solemnly swear that (or atlirm) that you area citizen of the United States (or have declared your in tention to become such one year next preceding this election), that you are of tht- age of twenty-n!U' years; that you have been a resident of this State fur six m uvhs next preceding this election; that you h ivi' been for the last ninety days a a actual resident of this Judicial, Senatorial or llepresen'a'ive District (as the case miv oe) an I that on nax i-...;,! ' m tuts nre- i cm t and that vo l hare not voted at this i election. skc. 7 shall be Whenever received uft any person's vote r h . ving taken the ! oain prescribed by Pee. G of this Acf. it j shall be the duty of the clerk of elee:i,,n U , Vliie 'Vhc -,o!1 hx'k :lt md l I'ersou s name, the word sec. 8. it shall be the duty- sworn, of each "yge oi hiecuou to eUal! cage any person ottering suspect w . "'Mini ne snail Know or not to be qualified as :m -I in t-. . i. . . Sr;c. 0 It shall be the .1-nv j uoges oi l-.ieciion T . 1 f -r i . U'i'v ol the or of case fit tin. 1,-1 media'efy before procla at i,;:l 5s ma,j. , f the opening of the polls to open the ballot boxes in the m-e-;..-i,i,. (,f ii,.. , assembled, and turn ttiem nnside down so as to empty them of erervthirir ,;..a' may be in them, and then lock '.loan se curely, and they shall not be reopened until for the purpose of counting the bal lots therein at the close of ihe tdeetiuni ' Skc. U). The Judges of KlcMon shill. if requested, permit the respective candid ates, or one or more, of their friend., not exceeding three, to be resent in the roinr where tin Judges are. during the time of receiving and counting the votes. Sk.c 11. At t lit close of ths polls the poll books .shall be signed by ihe Judge? and attested by the clerks, and the names tben-in shall be counted and ih? number set down at the foot of the pod books. in j nvaaner hereinafter prorlded la the form ! of n3ll booki. ' x Sec. 12. After the poll books are sign ed in the manner hereinafter prescribed in the form of poll books, the ballot boxes shall be opened and the tickets taken out, one at a time, by one of the Judges, who shall read distinctly while the ticket re mains in his hand, the name or names written or printed thereon: also the otlice that is intended to be filled by such per son voted for. then deliver it to the second J "dire, U no snail examine tne same, who f-bali pass it to the third Judge, who shall string it on a strong thread and carefully preserve the same; and the same method -hali be observed in respect to each -of the tickets in the ballot box, until the number of tickets taken out of the ballot-box is equal to the number ol names upon the poll books. Skc. 13. The clerks shall enter in a column under the names of the persons voted for. as hereinafter provided in the form of the poll books, all the votes read by the Judges. " Sue. 14. If two or more balk ts shall be found so folded together as to present the appearance of a single ballot, they 5hall be laid aside until the count -of the votes is completed, and if, upon a com parison of the count and appearance of such ballot, a majority of the Judges s.!iall be of the opinion that ballots thus folded together were voted by one elec tor, they shall be excluded loin the count. Skc.1j. If the "ballot should be found to contain a greater number of names for any office than the number of persons re quired to fill that office, it shall be consid eivd fraudulent as to the whole of the names designated to fill such office, but no farther. Skc. lti. After the examination of the ballots shall le completed, the number of votes for each person sh ill be enumer ated under the inspection of Ihe Judges and set down as hereinafter provided in the form of the poll books, and publicly proclaimed to the people present. Skc. 17. The following shall be the form of the poll books to be kept, by the Judges and Cleiks of Elections under this Act: I'oll books of the election held in Precinct. No. . in the county of on the day of . in the year A. 1). one thousand eight huudred and . A. 15.. U. I)., and E. F.. Judges, and G. II.. and J. K.. Cleiks of said Election, were respectively .sworn (or affirmed) as the law directs, previous to their entering on the duties of their respective offices. M MI'.Klt AM) NAMKS OF EI.KCTOK.S. Xo. I, A. 15. No. 2. C. D. No. .. E. F. No. 4. G. II. No. o. 1. J. No. K. L. It is hereby certified that Ihe number of electors at this election amounts to . (Attest)- A. if. C. I).. E. F., Judges. G. If., J. K., Clerks. N.VMKS OF I'KP.-OXS VCTK.0 FOR, ANI FOtt WHAT OFFiC'K, CONTAINING TIIK Nl.MUKi; OF VOTF.S (ilVF.N FOR EACH CANDIDATE. Gov ernor. Rep. in Cun'-cress. It ops. iii State I, islature. llepic's. House oi We hereby cer.ify that at this eloc'ian A. 15.. received vote.j for Gov ernor; that C. D , receivd votes for Governor; that E. F , received votes for Kepreseutaii. e in Coarcss. etc. G. 11. J. K.. Clerks. A. P., U. P.. 11 1., Jibl-cs. Skc. IS. After canvassing the voles in the iisaioier ufor said, the Judges, before they adjourn, shall enclose in a cover one id the poll booi-'S. seal tho same secure v, and direct lo the County Clerk of the county in which the election is held; ol io case of un edectioa in any incorporated city or town, (hen to the o III etc r or cllicers of such city or town authorized by law to receive and canvass the votes, arid the poll books ti ns so:. led and directed. t -iretber with the hailols sealed as hereinbe fore required sliail be conveyed by one of the Judges or Clerks, to 1 ' aijre.'d upon for that purpose, to the C-ciu'v Clerk of the county; or in o-tse of an elec tion in any incorporated city or town, then to the ollicer or ofVieers of such city or town authorize. 1 by law to reeelve the same, within ten 1 tys f'rotn the day (.1 the eleeiioii. mi l th-.- oilier p .ill books shall be deposited with one of ihe Jtid.c ol fleciion, there to remain for one yenr lor I he itse of whoever may choose to in spect the same. si c. ID. 'i he Jo. lprs of Election shall carefully envelope all ballots rejee'ed or deleciive as well as I lit oilier ballots, and deliver the same to the County Clerk; or in case. if an flection in any incorporated city or town, then to the oilior or oliieors of such city or town authorize 1 by law to recoil t the same lobe tiled in his oiliice. Skc. 20. All ballets used at any elec tion in this State shall be written or printed o i plain white p iper, w ithout any mark or designation bein placed thereon w liere the san. e may be know a or desig nated. Skc. 21. The several County Coiitts of this Sta'e, and the Common Council or Hoard of Trns ces or oilier legally ffulhor i.ed officers of every incorporated city or town shall provide suitable ballot boxes for every election precinct or ward ia it oir respective oounties oi ; it 3 or towns. Well secured w ith a good lock and key. tit; lid thereof shail be fastened wiih hinges, and shall contain un openicg through, the same three inches long at;d one fourth o! an inch wide, lor the recp tio:i of the ballots. Sec 22. Sections 1.11. 12. 13, If. 15. 17. IS. 22. 23. 2 1. and 2,. ol an act .mtiiled .u Act relating to 'dections. and the mode nf fining vacancies in otfiice," ap proved Oct. 'J. s,7v), be and the same are are hereby repealed. i.e. .. iuasmucti r i as ere is an iin ld within ! lent and ta'es this portant election soon to be heh this State for electors for Fres;. Vice-President of the United St. Act shall be in force from aud approval by the Governor. Approved October If), 1S72. Attest : S. F. CIIADWICK. Secretary of after its tate. foe svlh:. ri r: u x i ) i: h s 1 1 ; x i d D k s i u i s t o s e l f . T his propcrtv in Oregon City will soil at a larga n, to a good purclia-er. Also 4 town lots in Caneiiiah, witli good fei.ee around. Also -j. town lots; in lower end of Oregon C:ty; also lito of laiai known ;is the dona tion laad claim of Win. Stone, S miles o:;theat of Oreeon City, with some iin provements, thinly ti-nbtred, no under growth, good lasting water 4 i"li. quire at County Clerks office. J- M. FitAZER. Oregon City, May 0th, 1S72. V0n2S MASONIC HALL BUILD ING. OREGON CITY, OREGON. TJ-EEPS CONSTANTLY ON IIAXD AND tor sale, cheap foh cash, RLOR, BEI'RCOM, OFFICE, SITTI1JGR00M, and KITCHEN FURNITURE Lureaus, Lounges, Pocking Chairs, What nots, Pec" steals, Wa-hstands, Curled Hair and Pulu Matresses, Pu'.u Pil lows, Spring Beds, Window Shades. Pictare Frames, Mouldings, Ac, &c tfSpectal aitention given to Upho'storv work in all its branchos. Order ti!t.-i promptness. Kepairinz dn. with r.eanfs arei Vesoateh. Furniture mid- to or.Vr " , fGoods delivered to anvpa.trif Ln a:g. Call aui eziJce for rear" iclas. , . ni:Vj7n?3 1 &itZ j (tinnrerdav! Au-ents wanted ! -u BO tO $20 K5of working people, ot j Tl - i mors livjuey at i -.iti.. .-,-.. m-iTjp more livjuey work for us in their spare moments, or alltno time, than at anything else. IMrtieuluM free. Address O. Stinsoa A: Co., Portland, iiaiue. September 27th, lS72.lv. Estray Hotice. KEN UP BY JOS1AII I-KA.Mv i.i- , mas coanfv, Ore-on, one re I'.sti onaoic-- 4 years old ; white !iind lees; no marks or bratia. Appraised at .:u,l.v KOWT. T IIJM1 '.-ON . J. 1 . Kceorded Jan. 24, h72. J. M. HtAUt u.jOwl County Clerk. j mvuii, .uni'iu..." - . ., , ExecutorG fJotico. OTICE Is HEUKRY (ilVEN THAT WE have l.ct-n dulv apix.iutfd IlxecutoM of the last will and testament of W. I. -MAIl.vn iv, deceased. All Trersons liavin- elamis ajumst said estate are lurchv notified to present them proptilv verified to us" at the oltice ot Johnson Mti 'ow'n, in ( irciroTi Citv, witliin six months irum the date of thi, notice. " N. ' A ' Executors of the estate of W. T. Matlock. JOIIXbON & McCOWN, Attornev-i for Executors. Ore-on Citv, October 11, 172. n50vl Administrator's Motico. T OTICE IS IIEKEI5Y GIVEN THAT I -L' have been dulv aTipt.iuted Administrator cf the estate of EOHEN.O STKWAUT, deceased, by the Hon. Count v Court of Clackamas Co-.xuty, at the October term thereof. Therefore all per sons having claims asainst said estate are hereby notified to' present them to me property veri tie. 1 at the oliiue of Joimson Jc MeCown, in Oreg-on Citv. within six months from the d Oe ef this no tieJ.' CJIAKEES STEW.VltT, ydrnini-'iratov of said estate. JOHNSON & JlrCOW.V, Attornevs for Administrator. Oregon Citv, October 11. 1S72. n50wl Final Scttiarnent. In the matter of the estate of John K. Dickey, deceased. tN THE COUNTY GOV KT OF CLACKAMAS county. State of Or-.'on, October term 1872; fhe administrators of s.od estate bavin..? tiled their exhibit for final settlement thereof, it is or dered by the Court that Monday the fourth, 4th, day of November, 1S72, be sot apart for the hear ing i.f objections to said Jinal aii-ount and lor the settlement thereof with itaymon I Dickey and James . Dic.kev, the administrators thereof, i'.v order ot Hon. .1. K. WAIT, Count v Ju.l-e. Attest: It. F. C AC FIELD, County Clerk. Oregon City, October 11th, 1372. n.VJwt Administrator's Flotice. In the matter of the estate of JOHN OKAY, le cca sed. NOTICE IS llLRKlfY GIVEN THAT THE -F undersigned has been appoin .l Ailruiuistra tor of the aloe ntiuied estate; ae.d ail pt ro!is liavnc-T c!.ii:ns au.iinst the said estate are hereby ro'inirt-l to ptu-ent tJcia with the ya-oper vouchers, within six months from the date of this liotn-e. to the und.a'-.i'-rne,l at hfi residence hi Hea ver Creek irecinct, ( lack tia is county, s-tate of Ore-on. JOHN NOV Fit, Administrator. HC FLAT & AV A Kit FX, Attornevs for Administrator. Dated October 11th, 1S7.. n'jOwl F-Jotico of Aclrsiinistrator's Sale of ScaJ Estate. VOTICK IS HEKEliV GIVEN THAT liY ! virtue of an order of the lion. County Court I of Clackamas county, made at the October term, j 1572, in the matter of the estate of J. S. Me.m- i iiion, I will on Monday, the -l;h day of November, ! 1M7J, at the liour of eiven o'clock; at th .- Court House door in Ore-.,ii ('itj-, Clackamas county, i Oregon, ssdl at public auction, to the highest bid- ! der, all the ri-rlit, title and interest, said estate ! has in the follow in- described tract of land, to- j wit : the E. 1-2 ot the N. W. 1-1, V". 1--J of the N. ! E. 1-1, N. E. 1-1 of S. AV. 1-4 ar.d N. W. 1-1 ot S. E. 1-1 of Sec. S-2, T. a S., K. 1 K. Terms of sale : pild coin; one-half cash in baud, the other half pavable (i mentiis alter s.de with I note and JuorCraji... J. M. ileAM.MON, Administrator of t-st:oe of J. y. MeA mmoa. j I 'a ted October 11th, Ls7i. iwOwl Citation. In the matter of estate ". In the County Court of )t , Clac'caiH is Co in', v, JACOB EN OLE, decM. ) St ite of Ore-o.u " lo the heirs or any other per tere-ted in the estate of said deceased. son, or persons, m JACOU F.N ti EE, 'rilEREAS, THE IU'LY A I TO I NT ED A'tiaiiii-trator of said estate ha-, tiled iu said Court a petition pravmu- tor an order to seil the real properly of said c-Ua'e: now, theretore In t he nime el the Slate of 0:aei. yea and each of you, are hereby personally cit ed to be and appear in t he ' 'ottuty i 'ourt of lackamas ctninty, rotate oi to.-jon ,,n it.., r ; i v .,1 i vr to r. 1S7-J, feint; the tii-st . --e-'i 'oart siluW C.IUM the -Jnd div ol De-t inin-r, IS," a:: i ay of ft e regular for t he year 1 -r'. '. if anv exKt, w ! I eeemt er term ot th, a and ti:-n- to an ord, T of tie i shaaid not 111 l ie as in the said pet ion praved for ; I said land beimf described as loi'o.v-: the N.V'. ; 1-1 of S. V. l-'l and l..t 4 iu- ction . S. K. 1-1 ' ofS. E. 1-1. and lots osie, two and three ia r-.-cti.ci j 2, and the x. ot N. F. 1-! ot section :!, all in I tovnship i S., K. 1 west, containing i 7 1 .' j acres, more or less; abo the tollie.vintr de-eribed ; 1 oid : a part of claim No. -tJ, de nte.i a.-, lollows: I ..ri tilling- a t t lie sou' hea t, corner ol claifi No. 42, tlieic" north -IS i-ii;cMS ; tliet-c'e south I'd j wi.-.-t. nay chains and forty Utiles, to a stake j marked A. lb: thence south 11 .-haiis and ten ' htiSis, to a stake siruiliai ly marked ; t hence east -11 chains aud 2'J links, to the place of beinnimf ; i otit ain iic-j abou t lt0 acres; township ,i S., l;. 1 west of the Willamette. meridian; also thefol : 1 v. iii-- described land, hem j a part of Augustus l Vervteii's donation claim, notification No. , tut; l.-e-rnniie.'-r a ihe N. "V. coiner of" sail claim; j thence south one-quarter of a mile; t hence cat ' e.ue-halt a mile: thence north one-quarti r of a mile; thctiee west one-halt of a itiiie, tothe placft j of be-tinnin; in sections -ii and T. 3, It. 1 j west, containing SO acres more or Ie.-s. l.v order oi said ( 'ourt. Witness the lion. .1. K. V.'a it. Jud-e of t be County Court of ( 'lackamas count v. State- of Or ero'i ; and the seal of said Court, this 2-Jr.l dav ef Oetolx-r, 1S7.'. Attest: It. F. CACITED. Cour ty ch.-ik, of l lackamai Count v, .state of l irccon. Oregon City, October 2., ls7J. ii.)2:w-'l. JUsT RECEIVED BV A. I : -t - - HAVE JUST REDE IV ED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE GLOTISIHQ A.D GEMLE31E.S' ITKMSHI.G fiGf))S, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call tir.d cianiir.e ni-stock before ptirel.as- tl e where. Preilucc Takrn in Exchange for Goods. Am LKYV, "Iain .-.(nel, Oregon C'Ky. Tbe standard remedy for t'oij;ns, I nflu- nzn, S.,re Tht-oat, il'Ito: i . t.'.tngh Crovp, T.ic r Comi'fot'it, Jh-'nictiilh, B!ii.l 7r of the J'iir'K, and every affection "f the Throat, Lniijrs ;tnd Chest, including Con'si m ptdx. WisTju's Ualsism of Wild (lurry does net dry up a Co u sit, but lonsevis it, cleanses the lnr.g, arid allavs irrrt itioii, tltns rtm,, ;, the can.-; of tbe e'onijoaint. None ycniiine titdess sincl I. IUtts. Prepired ''' Sr Tii AV. Fowls Son-s, Ito-t-m. Sold by Redjxutox, IIostettek it Co., Kan Fiancisca, r.ed by itealets generally. r. B. R. FREELAD, DENTIST, "TOOM 2 DEKCM'S r.UII.DiyCr. CORX--11. er First and Washington Sts., Portland. Nitrous Uxidt: administered. n-2Stf. 1m. I. KIi!lR. 20 and -21 New- MPr. Clauds Exchange, ts our authorized Agent j m fan Fr3a?io. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, DIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, I . r y, m r y -r i xr i II Ulf fCC T f. x U U J. J. U V j:L 1 V JJ uiiU.uiwui . AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front aud Oak streets , Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, (iroceries,GeneralMerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. L. IlicifAKDsox, Auetioneei AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined IJar and Handle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-paus, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. 15. Richardson, Auctioneer OREGON CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IN lil? ASf Si! IIOOT &z SHOES, I also keep constantly on baud SALEM C A S S I M E R E S, FLA N N E LS, TWEEDS AND RLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. Ifl will also pay the highest prices for I'ntter, Eggs, and ail kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or lU equivalent in good men htmtable produce. iJS" Give me a call and sati-fv votirselves JOHN "MYERS. Jan. 13, ISTl.tf JEW YORK HOTEL, ( Dentfehes Gafthans,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing. Fort land. Ore gen . II. E0THF0S, J. J. WILKEKS, r nop ii i et o rs. Roard f.er Week $.ro0 " ' w ith Lodging G 00 ' ' p.iv . 1 o0 WILLEAm SINGER Jits -J xti.bHi-r.nl A it fl t I I S'KOUief EAi!.i-.".-i--i.'- FOR IHE MA. L'FACTOIA' OF SASH, BUNDS AND C0CF5S AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. CS Tliev will also do TURNING, of ev ry description to order, With Neatness and Dispatcl o t ALL WORE YV A It RANTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop. oppos te Oregon City Mills. rj: ii itj 7ill sew everything" reeded in a family, frezi tha heaviest to r'e Fghtest fr.br:c. it rons mop.s av.hjic, MORE IklXDS of uoirit, AM) iiettei: v. oi:k, Thau sxnj other machine. If lhero is t riorcnoo Few irt.c; JTa cliino vvi'.hin o;:e thoiisar.tl inile3 of i'p.n Francisco r.ot vorldng veil mul ftivinentiro tatisfnction, if I nm iu l'ormcil of it, it vill Le nltended to vitlrout expense of uny kiutl to tlio owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, ID re-.st r.'ontorr.ery Street, Grand Hotel Bulldtarr, San Francisco. Semi for Circulars ami samjnrit rf the tvorl;. Active Agents wanted in every ilacc. JOHN SCHRAK1, MAI.V STKEET, - OKEGO.VCITY MAM FACTl IiER XSd IMPORTER OF ADDLES, II A KX ESS, S A DDLEIt V-1 1 A It D WAHE, Ac, Ac. "TT7IIIC1I HE OFFERS aS CHEAP AS V can be had in the State, at Wholesale orRe'ail. P.ij warrant all mv roods as represented. Oregon City, April" 17, 1S7'-'. n'J'.tt'. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! II KX 11 V f 1 U M B E L(, Having purrhaed the above Brewer- wish es toinform the pnldi'- thnt he is now prejar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of I. AG Kit BEER, Apioo.I aacan be obtained any where in the Sr.a!(. Orders solicited and promptly filled H OME-MADE CARPET FOR SALE AT Phi I Business Directory of Portland, Oregon. PUBLISHED BY L. SAMUEL, General Advertising Agent, 93 Front Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, Xo. J9 First Strict. Importers and Job bers of Fancy floods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. Astor House. First st , between Oak and Pine. Everything ueat. Ii. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND MUSIC A I, I X ST II U 31 EX TS . rGII.r., STEEb & KAXCROFT, Xos. 75 and 5 7 First Street, Portluinl, narman, the onlr direct Importer of Cloth- Jjinir, Slc, eor. Front it Washington sts. f CHAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE IJOOKSEI.I.ER & ST A T I O X E I? , LARGEST STUCK JS roiiTLASD. Xo. 7 9 Front ami Xo. 5J"Vnsli lnslon Srcls. BECK, WILLIAM & SOX. 129 Front st. In, porters and dealers in Ctuiig, liiHcs and Iitvolver of every description. Fishing TaeVl-e, Farcy Ootids. Bends', Bird Cages, Baskets, Crcquet tlatnes, and Uaby Carriages. Agents for the 'California Powder Work?;" also, for the "Wheeler t Wilson Sewing Machine." 1ck, John A., 120 Front street, practical Watchmaker t Jeweler. Work done for th Trad'. IJOOIi AM).TOIJ PK1MEKS. HIMFS ,c BACIIELDER 03 Front street. f '.w i-t--mmu-hh" .'M.tijHi: : g-n.ja.m.ajn?r-g3 3" in hantin, W. A., s. w. cor. First k Taylor 3 sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port land. K PDT7TC WA LTEIl I5ROS 111 AJ O, Cy Front street. COarke, Henderson & Cook, SI ,t J-3 First street. Dealers in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods. Ac. C1ohn t Po.-citfi Id, 14S Front st. Conuuis- sion Merchar.ts & Dealers, in Oregon & California Produce. Conglc, J. 15.. Manufacturer t Dealer in Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hard ware, t't'. Front street. ( Mitrier, W A, Co., 10.'. Front st. Merchant J Tailors and Clothierr-. Hats Furnishing jouds. DeLasbmutt & Oatiuan, i'2 Fn nt street, lieal Estate Agents, money loane.l. houses rented. DENTAL GOODS, SA&'Si l- lout street. DRUGGISTS,'.!: AKI it'll, lo 1 Fn nt street. Orders from any portion of the State or Teriitorie cate i itl I v til ed by mail or express,. 7m I, Lowensttin &, Co. Furniture and J Carpet deak rs Stores from lot to 1SS t list St I ft t. mploy merit Acncv. J. H. Witherell, J l-'ront st. Furnish all kinds of helj. Eve rding A lleebe, lM Front street. Com mission Merchants and dealers in Do mestic- Pi od nee I.tsbion Lively Stable, cor. First &. Salmon sts K. Coi bet t, I'r.ip. Good tui n-onts always on hand. Jishel k It' belts, cor. Fiist k Washinston JL st-.. Dealers .'c Manutac. Coding, Furn- is'dns' G ods. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE- The largest Music House on the Coast. STEIMY AY El RDETT 0R(JAS, ti. I.. DtPItAXS.Maiiagtr. SOLE ACENCY Fl'K IDE "Howe'5 Solving 3IacIine. ' A g e n t s wanted. S 11 iicl.enev V Sterne. Grocers and dealers in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Main sts. T Famburger, 15., l'ir-t street, importer JL. X. ami dealer m Staple fancy Dry Goods, Millinerv. ntndee. D. II., Photogra jdiic Artist, s. w. cor. First and Moirison sts. Child s Pict. spec 1 ty. nei.richsen, L. C. A Co., lot' First street. Manufacturers and dealers in Jewelrv, Warehes, Ac. Hibbard, Geo. L., OH Fr dealer in Groceiies, D tenuis. Arc. ibbard, Geo. L., OH Front st.. wholesale oors, Wagon Ma- Hodge, Calef A Co., 07 Front St., whole sale dealers in drug-", Paints, Oils, Glass, Arc. 7 T I 1 Sewinc Machine, straiu JLJL V 1J J needle", under feed, "1 1 :ht ck stitch." Competition? challenged. G. W. Travel', llL' Front st. nurrrren A Shitnller, N's. Hit; to 172 First st. Impoiters Furniture, Bed ding, Arc. Hutchinson, Y.. Watch maker cm- hiist and Mttin streets. All work done :.t S.ui Francisco prices, and warranted. International Hotel, cor. Front and Morri son s's. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends steamers. T7"ohn,J. A: Co., 01 Front st., wholsale and j J-V. retail dealer in line Clothing, b 'uriiish- in Goods. " f tiison Doree Resttiurant, juivate rooms J.V1. for Fainilics, cor. 1st and Pine streets. Q. Voos. Pi op. Mariin, K. A Co., wholesale dealer iu Wines A Liquors, O. S. X. Co's Block, and San Fran . f eier A Schmeer, 111 Front st., wholesale Vl and retail Confectioners. Miller, John P., J3 1st st. Watchmaker A: Jeweler, oilers to the public a tine as sortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. I oeller it Co , Ft out near C st.. Dealers I. in native and loreign Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. "VTortl.rnp it Thompson, dealets in Hard lS ware. Iron, Steel. Huh, spokes, Hard wood Lumber, tf-c. Portland. Occidental Hotel, cor. First and Moirison sts. Smith A Cook, Proprietor. 1 parish, WatK.ns Con e!l, Real Estate Agents, Pitti ck's building, cor. Front and Stark streets. OIIOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. C. II. Wood 1 ard .t Co., 101 Fiont sf. JOHN B. PILKINGTCjTbI. D., OCULIST AND AUKIST, Office 73 First Stkeet, IIoi.ves' Bcild in;,3d door, ritoM Lahu's Rank. Treats all diseases of the ne, liar, Throat and Lungs. I)icbter, Paul. 105 First st.. in porter of V Berlin wooden Carving-", Parlor Orna ments. A-c "Oosenbaum, I.S.ArCo.. Tobacconists. import 1 V ers of Foreign and Pojseftic Liquors. T ass House, Front st. Or iFhrltTO lLctpal. Thomas Ryan, PropHe8 Vil Sherlock, S.f 61 iToTSTTvr-U dealer in Harness St 1 dler Hardware. ' baddly aLd s,d Si 111 o n, J.,5t3 Front street nvTi s" !.. Window' itefoor., QinsheimeTTllTTirFnltTt O Pianos, Organs, sheet Music" T"tr bf t-truments. "it, jIumc jq Sk idrrore, S. 123 FiTsTTP" TV Apothecary, a lar.-e stoet " 4 & Toilet Articles k of 1 uinf r Smith & Davis, 71 FroiTT dealer in I)rue, ra 't, TT-V ho Glass, Perfumery, IC "tS' 0lU' Wi a .-... f. t rr: v ivoii.s, ,;i first strtTt H ing Instruments. b' ' "USl 8 Mat'-.Dra Smith, Put.. B rok er7rFonTv7 in Ugal Tenders Gofrnmolft n"1" and Gobi Dust. eminent Eond O TOK, II. Ti., X lOTPronl zt A-n-eti::- 'iri Watches renaire.1 in 4i" "".,wrculr. 3;.,.! 1. - j and WAimANTi r, to give satisfaction r perry Uros.. No. 17s FirTelTIr!" L tnrers aud aealers in Fra Vtu t diner. ( arpels, Ac. ' ,,tlJ" rphe Clothing store. 1 1 3 FrTnC w r "" JL Furnishing Gotds. lteot, . i fJCtkli iir,..-;-. t. ' Cll ..Mil a uu j. 1 aire r. ueg.-." rpuftV II. 1L. i AU4 From st. Dr nicultural ImpIPmf.rU rpyne E. D. n. w. cor. First k 0fc 1 dealer in Urandies, W ines, F.ni&sh At', and I'oi ter. " Williams A Myers, 5 Cc nl7aTpWlr deal'.s in Produce. i iiane iv reenretmer, Attorneys A ?n. T t lienors in uanKiuntcy. ( iptcj. Otlice in Odd Fellows Temple. O GOOD H G O o S.&fS&fr -K. - x o LOOK OUT FOR GOOD BARGAINS! O S. ACKERfWIAN & CO. TTAVE JUST RKCKIVED A IATICE JLi sto. k of o. SPiaXd & ;OIMR CGCES, WHICH THEY t FFF.lt Clirapcr Iin tlie Clscaiifft. We would say, come and cenvirre nrr self before put ehiisicg elsewhere. Our sttik consists in part of FANCY AND .STAPLE DKT COOPS, CIIOTHING, HATS, Q U: H.'TS AND SHOES. Q NOTIONS, GKOCEIiirs, 0I1. KDWAHF, and a great many articles too nunu n us to llietlllnll. AL0, Doors, Windows, Ghus and Putty. ALL KINDS, OF FRODirCE TAK1N IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO. WOOL wanted, for which we pj the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERHMN Si CO. Oregon City, April 21, 171. tf Jfitfvp WAGON AND Carriage IVIanufactoiy ! o The undersigned, having incrfp.J'ed tho c1! mensrons of his premises, t the old stacd Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City . . Oregon. Takes this method to infoi ni his old rt- rons, and as many new rues as n'HT pleased to call, tl at he is now prepnrrd, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build am w, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out nil complete any sort ol a vehicle from com mon cart to a concord Cf nch. Try me. Rlaeksmithing, Horse or Oxsl ofirg. rd general jobbing nratlv, qnfklr and cheap ly done.' DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Vart To Stock Drovers. TIIR ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known as the ''Old tmi irrant Road," is now in sphrdid order fcr the accommodation oft he public. Tl ebriffs on the road have all been thoroughly ' 'T r ed, and stock drovers will find it ro trrtdde to cross tl.e Mountains by this toute. TIfre i- plenty of gr-od water and gruss on I ctn sides of the Motintnirs, fnd the di.'tnnre across is f nlv .r0 miles being the fhortrst rs well as the best road over the Cascade Vonr tains. Stoek droves and f migrants wiI na it to their advantage to travel over this route. Toles reasonable. JOSEPH YOCNO, PreMdent Clackamas county, June 21st, 172. Store to Rent. T RESTORE HOUSE FORM J'RT.YOCff ' pied bv Kafka, on Rock Creek .1 2 irurB from Aurora. ituated at a fine point tcr countrv trading post ; can be hd en reir reasonable terms. This is n desirsbly MJi"1 for a man with small capital to go m'o 11 Ennnire of JOHNSON A McCf,"'. JiiljECtf.J Oregon CiJ, Orrgn JMPEUIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoqtte & Co., ORE COS CITY. trft,Kcep cnnstardlv on hsrd frt't; MJdlings, Bran and Chicken Feed."'" pnrchasing feed must farn'.tb tbe ca' K.Howard. I- Co., Chi r i T,Elfipi California Watches; rbi rL ll. T?''ts of he California I'li1; Q O