o 0 o o O J o !CY ?hctotchlij aitcrprisc. r-- . . ()VKM!:i:i: 8. 1872. A , l3t ToPlay cvrning in the "PP"' cr.rrf" circmnfiar.ccs of the 'ni10f about ns follow.. Mr. W. W. ff wCrr oi.n GrinVn. both hardworl -in believe. ?ocd citizens gener--a t n o a dispute abont a .log. Mr. iuW.?otl , cirifiVn of bovwp pronm- ! to , l,,,mi aim iatu 1 ...I... nil . . r,.;,r.. n,.;m went siltor u.e pu(. V,VnS"n' V ..in. have it. They met loin-'" when a rniarrei i-nsm-u . , ..i ti " i iicrO''' ' . .... ri.mt nf this, ami 1 ..r k-Vl' 1'U .... .. ffU ll't'lll Oil t.v---'' - - ,.,,"r,i word ZVcli Griffon. WLo,lrewanall ,iseu oeiween lanu. main . i put Oninn several umr hi uiv v..;fj nnu - -.- , , ... i11" , : ,ti;,-( ii" several wohiws s!nnf i ;hr cter. GnlTeiiha.1 a heann- rf IVcorder DWWr last Wednesday b,'for,e him over in the sum of $300 wh0SfSonof the next grand jury. (0 await the ac isomM. set Th0 bond a aU0I Uos,par.ltetll0 aC llbel -V,,. Citv 'Marshal. S. D. Ricliard """JJ mI a slight cut. "J." Tince il.e abov has been in type. h-ani that Mr. Quinn's condition U ry critical and that his wounds may V"' Lr.t-il John (irillen left yesterday. f" 3 . .;tii ihe intention of forfeit- rove we : r.nd a warrant was Issued for '" . . ' .',,1 r-'.irn. Up to the hour of I'llifl t-d. to pri CSS lil- una "J ' " " I' 1" ' That Basin" Ar.Aix.-ilon. J. l. Biles, Fi-cretary can:" up of the cleans uoai company, lal Wednesday and made an cvumiafitioii of the frame work around ..... 1,., in in company witli an another " " . , , . ... . u. ;..(....,. ,.;,,;,li.vee (it the V. Olll pail - mniiiii.-i , - itint he con: -idrs t!ie work jKrlectly Vc,ji(. and that the timbers are not rut 'tl,n OtluT parties, however, inform us ,, c-.ntrary. and declare that the tiii.hers aro ro'.t'!i auu insecmc. n-i. uns !,,. a it may. llic (.'(iinpany outfit to know o,..t if there is any damage sustained by , work waiiins away. they will tie I i ih.it -I lltfMMuMrh icii'iri:hie. a? tvin. " .xaiiiiiiatioii of the work has been made 1V disinterested parties, who have pro iiotiaced the 'Tork insecure and rotten. 1! the the n- iK.. .' 'nriitiail v is sau.-lieu atui ill i jiu' ilh-v will be the sulTerers tdiouhl II T, 1 - iuiv d mr.u lion. ,! ,nri"i s he. siisiai!!-,a uv ns aesnuc- o fli ii.tv. liobt. Jenkins, who ri. w-ii indicted for shooting at Mr. Wort man. i)'t'.td guilty to the charge of an assault with intent to kid. Sentence is to be pass ed w dav. A petition tor his paraon nas heett circulated and sign u by. we believe i.iMtly all Wormian. our citi.ens, lnciuUiriLr r. The c t;e is an extraordinary ..tie. -dvA. guil'V one is deserving o! Fxeoii'rve clemency. From the number mid character of the peti'ioncr for his pardon, wi- have every teasoii to expect Cov. Ciover will grant their praer. We a!: learn ' iiat a pet i ; ion has been eireu-hh-d mid signed by all the ladies ol this i iiy. He was sentenced this morning to u!ie vear in the penitent ary. Flf.ST ('.t'AHTrii. The first uMiier of l!i e chotrl vear of the ()rgoi ( r.y .einmary clo- to-day. The second l,fond;v. As far as it , MI 1 i 1 LlMlllU' V.e Ii.lVt been aide to learn, the school nader th.e ! resent m.iuagemeiu gives ;-eii- eral satif.iC!ioti and t!ie teachers ai e well (eiail; d for tlieir le.-peeuvc osit:ons. '; Iiere li.vve been enrolled on the boo Jfs during the. term VA? scholars. This, of ( nurse, hat not been the average attend-a-ie-. bat we learn that each department u mil. and th.it there is an actual neces-.-itv f-ir an a blitional teacher. 0 ('hand Ci'Ni'V'in''. A (Ir-vn-d Concert of v.ip.ii and instrumental music, under the b-ad -i-s'i;; of the Il-'V. Mr. Selhvood, will (J)., iyeti in the Court House on Tuesday evening m1. (Nov. 12th). A choice and v tt d tirogra miue o! acrel. Secular and Conic .o i n il been do will Sp.ired be to o;i-5 !h-red. N o UP. make tli the tirst Concert of tin season, a line success. Tickers m i v t)-- had at Mr. Myers" store, at ttK ("ill' H ue. and at the Post OlTice. Admission fifty cents; children half price. D tors open at" 7 o'clock Concert begins ai 7 t o'clock. A ID A ball i- to be given lor tne of a worthy citi.en if this place wao has beetl all voaie tine, next Mve-.'s II..1I. The d with sickness for Tuesday evening, at i beneficiary is one ot citizen', and deseives o n' in-isl worthy wen trolll out :vs ! i require n'O.iie. nis Lio.ii.n is .-iin i i : . i i . I. :.. him to leave our tute, ami we L.'jie our people will rcspoiu ! ! i-c.-okiihI liberal v o tliis ni-isj worthy appeal to i : v . I heir cUar- o O --- Fxtki MM' Fi.ot u. e are indebted to .Mr. Joel Dixon, proprietor of the Yiola Mii'.s, in Springwator precinct, for a 'I' ol ,-.f O...... ,i-l,t,.l. i.-ii nriinonm-i- eq'lll to trive the any brand in the t emlofsemetit ed tate, ana we our better it! this declaration. The 11 uir is white and in every respect suitab.e tor l itnily use. The quality of flour m ule by Mr. Dixon otiht to be a sv.ro guarantee tor his success. ;Wid his brand will soon t.ike a front rank in our market. Covn.tcr. Doth parties representing tha hall and concert, had completed their arrangements to have them come o'.f 0"l'Xt Tues.Ufc.v evening before they knew of each ohfer's intenti-is, and it was. im-po-9ible for either lo give way. All who desire, can attend the concert before the buo dancing is fairly commenced, and they can get the benefit, of both on the h attic niiriffi MNst.t uii ri:n. The jury in the case of John Gordon returned a verdict of guiliy of lnaiisiaughler last night," after being out about six hours. We learn that r.e udy all the jury were for a verdict as charged bi the indictment, murder ia second degree. A Goon Urru'Kit. The manner in which Prosecuting Attorney Durham has discharged his duties as such at this term of Court has met with general approval by our citizens, and though a young man. shows him to be an able argl thorough lawyer. 1AKK Notick. At the last meeting of V.ie Council the City Mcrshal was ii&tnict ! to clear the side-walks of obstruction?. li' is right and we hope the order will b strict Iv eiiforceil. ri:;;s-)xxi.. We had calls during the the past w,.,. frora 0llr friends IIon.D. W. Hare. Proseciuing Attorney Durham. II. Y. Thomp on, L,q , and "llou Geo. 11 Helm. Me. Helm's Si.EKvii. Hon. Geo. R. Helm delivered a very able speech in this place last Mond.iQ evening, to the largest audience ever assembled in this city. Lkge School. There have been in attendance, on average, for the past n.iar- aootu gcnolars at the o,- regOD Cit J fceminary. o Episcopal Ixtellkiexci:. Rev. Mr. Sell wood, Rector of St. rani's Episcopal Church in this place, has laid upon our table a very handsomely printed capy of the proceedings of the twentieth nnnnal Convocation of the Episcopal Church, which was held, at Portland last August. The various Parochial reports slimy "that the work of the Church is prospering. We copy Mr. Sel!wood"s repot ', in relation to his parish entire : -yii, of baptisms, adult, 1: infact. 23; total. 24 ; confirmations. 1; communicants added, 2; present number! 21; Sunday School terc'iers 9; pupils. 101; marriages. 3; burials, ;j; number of pub lie services on Sundays. 101; other days. 17; Number of families connected with the Congregation. 25; average attend ance. 50. Collections and contributions, to wit For salary. $50N 0i; Domestic Missions, fit) 10; Foreign Missions. 75; Diocesan purposes. S : Parochial ' Purposes. S3KS58; Episcopal Fund, S ; Indi gent Clergy Fund. $10 CO; Miscellaneous, S10 (JO; Grammar School Endowment Fund, 10 00 Tota', $r4 00. The past year lias been one of slow, but steady growth. There has been no very marked improvement in any one particular, but throughout the parish a feeling of heartfulne? s seems to prevail The congregations are somewhat better than fo-tmally. The number of baptisims indicates an increasing interest in the con secration o children to God, and the Sunday School, though not quite so large us the year previous, is still in a very prosperous condition. On account of removals we have not been able to com mand the services ot ouite as many com petent teachers as we could last year. We have also suffered somewhat from the want of a new Sunday School Library. These wants we have rrood hone of beiiiGr able to supply during the coming year. The funds have been raised already for a new Library, and it will be purchased lotthwith. As regards teachers tor the Sunday School, we have as far as possible employed only communicants of the Church, ami those heads of families, or persons somewhat advanced in years. We dei'tn it of the utmost importance that the teachsrs should be not only communi cants of the Church, but of such an age and character as to command the respect of. and to be wordiy examples for the children. In thus placing the standard for our teachers so high, we m iy not be able to have quite r.s large a school we might otherwise have, but we believe that it will be of fie titn.Oit value to the school in the. end The o lie rings of the Sunday School, for Domestic Missions, have teaehed the handsome sum of o.-;(;;; 75. The financial showing of the pan.-h, nl U;t ugh but a little better than that of last year, is in realiiy a great deal better as the amount contributed has been almost wholly the f:ee gilt of the people, without the usual resort to enter tainments, etc J:i proportion us a par LStl to give, just in that pro bejome .strong and stdt- jiorf.on di supporting it O rr.v.fi Ixs tali.::;). The following of Willamette Lodge No. lo. I. (). were installed !at Satunlav even- (1.7 to r the ensiling (pmrter: IH. J. Sw af 1 V. C. T ; Mary lioberts. W. II. It S.: nie Carmhers. V. L. II. S.; Mrs. A. C. 1 tl'KjUi W. V. T.; Thus. Mc! tutiev. T. 'J. W. T-; W. S.; ?drs. 11. Dradii. W. A.S !ooner, W. F. S.; J. D. Locev. .lotltl M ; (Jay In. W. M. Sarah Folds. W. I. irali llnnsaker Guard; E. E. Eas- than. Sentinel Cn y Corxcn.. -Vn adi-inrned meetinir of the Council will be held to-morrow evening. There being other attractions iii town 1 ist .Monday, there was no gener al business transacted, ami the Council adjourned to Saturday. An additional lent i It teacher will probably be elected, , .il ls tne sciiooi n is itecome two largo lor .i the present number of teachers. Vi-:t;v (jfit;r. Lis most (piiet day. tor have ever seen in Tuesday was the an election day, we Oregon. The city election generally excites asm than was manifested more entliusi last Tuesday. The e were on! bout two or three (Jranti es trim ic, u n r : . -tee of the L to take tin; l imps. I lev tri-ous yottn The Fire and Water Commit i.y Council want somebody contract to light the street e is a chance for some indus r tnaa to make a few honest u-.ii tar-j. K::r-).'s r.a cno.v. The old Oregon City stable, next door to the post office, is un dergoing re&msti uction -and being con structed into .stores bv Mr. Gjiire Mar- shall. Tin.' re is uotliin like a good U linition, as a teacher thought when he explained the menning. of "old maid " ns a woman that had been made a verv Iodlt time. A Joston lady has complained of a man "making faces at her." The humors of the female toilette are ?uch that it is impossible to lotrk at some ladies and keep one's countenance. In this county, October .'hi, 1s7l Louisa Jane, wife of ("diaries C. Bound!, aged :J3 years, 2 months and 10 days. She wns a kind and aflectionate wife and mother, and leaves six children and bereav ed hut-band to mourn her death. Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar cades are selling, in this market : It LA I -White. r bushel, 70(S0c. OATS K bushel. 37 cts. I'OTATtjKS bushel. 37.J c(s. ONIONS fi bushel. 00o $1 50. FLOUll-V bbl.t?4Sf .50. 15 LANS White, p lb.. iC?ti cts. DBILD FKU IT Apples. 1 &.,:" cfs. Beaches. lb., lfWUCc: Flums, 1 lb., 20 cfs.; Currants. f, lb.. 10f7?';20 cts. HUT 1' Kit "p lb.. 30f)40cts. KC.CrS "p dozen. 30 cts. CHICKENS dozen. $2 f0(3 00. SUGAR Crushed, "p lb.. 20 cts.; Island lb.. 10(5)12 i cts.; N. (.).. lb.. 15 cts.; San Francisco refined. Tb . 14 cis. TEA Young Hyson, rl lb., Si 00 ; Ja pan. V, 7."c0Sl 00: Black. COFFEE "p lb.. 23,2o cts. ;-1 C.. 75c. LVLT r' lb.. 14()2 cts. SVltUP Heavy Golden, tal!-- $l 00 5 Ex. Heavy Oolden. gall.. 75 BACON Hams, t 2 IS cts; Sides. 16 cts. lb.; Shoulder?. 11 cts. LAUD It)., 13 cts. OIL Devoe's. Kerosene, gall.. 75. Linseed oil. raw. gall.. SI 25 ; Linseed oil. boiled. gall, SI 25 1 50 WOOL "p lb.. 35 cts. BEEF On foot, oY.7 cts. fi, ft. PORK On foot. 7(-7,8ets. p lb. SHEEP Per Lead ."$2 50c $3 00. HIDES Croon, S2 50 I ; Dry. .. 15 cU ; Salted. 8c If you feel dull, despondent, drowsy, de bilitated, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue coat ed, vou are suffei iasr from torpid liver, or "Bitlionsness.'' Nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as Dr. Pierce's Gcldcu" Medical discovery. A CARD FROM dr. JIOLLOWAY 33 OxFonn Stukkt, W C t IOXI,ON'. Oct. l'-2th,'lST. Dkar hm: I beg re?p:ttful!v to annex copy ft a circular assent to the" Medcine "V endors and others in ths Statt- and o'se" whese by two or three individuals (of little or no means), under the stvle nf " Th Xcw Yo.k Chemical Cotnpa-.y' wlech company had no existence until October, 1ST I,1 ani with which I have no corme-ctiou To more ett'ectaaPy to deceive, they cau tum the public as follows:- "The immense demand for Hollow vt's 1 ii.LS AxeOixTM ent' has tempied unprinci pled parties to counteifoit these valuable MeoiciiH s. -In order to protect the Public and our selves, we have issued a new 'Trade Mark ' cons simg of on Egyptian Circle of a ser pent with the Utter H m the centre. Every box ot genuine 'IIoli.ovat's Pills and Ointml.xt will linvc this trade mark on it. Aoiie are genuine without it. TO DEALF.US AND JOlJKWlS IV DHUtiS AND .MEDICINF.S. "We call your particul ar attention to'tbe new styie id 'IIollowat's Pills and Ont mknt' none of ti:c old style are manufac tured by us now, nor have thev been for mouths. AVetherefoie caution afl purehas ess against receiving from any Jobbers or Dealers the old style of gcods." "1 ntoriTiatton ennccrning anr such goods being ollered will be received "with tlianks. "Vv e ask the favor of ail the information you can give in regard to those counterfeits." Now this Honorable Company, aware that your laws do not permit the u to copy the precise getting up of ,:,y Medicines, put "their counterfeits into another form and intimate that they adopted a AVr ';. the object of thee lieo' le in referring tc the immense demand for these medicines is, that it may be believed that I am connected with them. In the interest of the public, I therefore respectfully invite you to be pleased to give an insertion to tliis'letter in your paper, that your readers may not be deceived by this Xiwv York Chemical Company's'" spurious Medicines. Each Dot and Box of my Genuine Medi cines bear the British Government Stamp, with the words "Holloway's Di'.ls and Oiut iiietit, London," but they are not sold in the United States. (Signed) T J 1 U M AS II 0 LLOWAY. Cure it :it ciiitf. Do not treat it lightly. A cough may prove dangerous. A cold may lead you, by suie degrees, to hopeless con sumption. In YVistar's Dai.sam of "Wild Ciii-:uky a cute for coughs, colds, bronchitis and whooping cough is (dieted. It is well known and is easily tried. All druggists keen it- I el igiosss Sorvlfes. St. Pauls (Episcopal i Church, the Rev. John W. Se'lwoo-I, lector. Services on Sunday at i"i A. m. anl 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at r. m. 1st Congregational Church . . . Seats t i ce Sabbath School,. 12 o'clock M. M. E. Church, Seats Free. Morning Services, D'.-'lo, Evening Set vices, 7h o'clock. Sa'ibath School at '2 o'clock p. m. J. D. Lockv, Pastor. AGICVJ S FOJS. 'i'liC ESTKUiMUSE. The following persons are authorized to act as agents for the ENTKiienist: : Geo. P. Powell & Cc, -10 Park Row, New Yoi k. Coe. Wet's c rill & Co., (107 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott ,fc Co.. No. 82 & 31 Nassau street, New York. Poitland, Oregon L. Samuel San l-'raucisci), Thomas Boxce San Francisco L. P. Fiber St. Helens. Columbia county S. A. Miles- Astoria, Chitsnp county. . . itfa.etie. V am !i i t county Dallas. Polk county ". Corvallis C i n von City Dalf's, Whsco coi ntv. . . . . . A. an Dii.-en. .J. L. Fuig- son. .Dave Holmes. . ...J. S. Palmer. . Yr. h. Lascll. N. H. Gates. A. C. 'Jra"u. La Grande, Union county. Pendleton, I niatiila county. . . S. . Knox , J.M. Thompson Eeuireno Citv CUC K A M A : Reaver Creek Eagle Creek . . . Ca.NCadeS Lower Molalla tantiy Uppei Molalla Hat dinu's Cutting-.' . COtXTY. C. F. Deatie. . . . . Frank W. Foster. . . . .Heniy McGmiin. V. Mor. land. .."... J. W. Strawser, Y 11. Vinisdiiui Z. V. Norton. D. Wright. e "Wit : situ.; lias ijeen ZJ ie.Ul. l ice tne exposure th of the attemnts of certain unscrupulous local dealers, to palm off their c arse a-trintrents, made ftom cheap arid impure materials, in place of the gnat national tor.ic, llesteUet's Stomach Bitter, public opinion has i-ct strongly against the.-e cmpiries and their jmpara-'tior.-. Their occupation is gone, or so-m will be. When the li.glit is let into oecep tion it scon wilts down. Persons who tri- i!e with their own health, by using unknown preparations, with no guarantee to sustain them, when an established specific, proven lytwciy years expeiier.ee to be exactly what it is claimed to be, is within their reach, nie sure to repent their temeiity. Many have d-rc so in this instance, but it is hoped that the truth plainly spoken has arrested the evil. In the meantime the de mand for tbe leading protective and restora tive medicine of America was never so great as it has been this sea-on. From the fever and Ague di-tricts of the west, south west, and south, it is literally ove. whelming, and it may be said of the advices from all parts of the country of the eutes it is effecting dyspepsia, billioyi complaints, afld chrome constipation, that ' tlieir name fs legion." Every where ihe sick and feeble seem to have realized the importance of "hold'ng fast that which is g Mod." and of avoiding what is spurious and dangerous. The numerous '-Bitters," under various names, which mercenary dealers endeavor to substitute for llostetter's Stomach Bit ters, should be avoided, for their own sakes, by the sick and the public at large. llos tetter's Bi tiers arc procurable in buttle-; onlv, and never s Ui in bulk. );iti- your Dm tor's 155)1 When Dr. Wistar's Balsam e f Wild Cherry will ct'itK coughs, cohD, bleeding at the lungs, and arrest the feil destroyer. Consumption, it does more than most physicians can do. The use if a single bo Hie will Mitist'y the in credulous that they need look n further for the required aid. Jjjf Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy pro duces pei feet cures f the worst cases ot Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," Coyza and Cattarrhal Headache, as hundreds of testi monials from well-known citizens and emi nent physicians who have used it in their practice" abundantly testify. It is mild, pleasant and umrritating. The proprietor oilers $.-00 tor a ca-e of Catarrh that he can not cure. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. 5IltllOIllJ.H IurlC Xo. 1, A. K. stl:i r A. M. Holds its regular communica - vtions on the First and Third fritur in each month, at 7 o'clock from the ii.ith of September to the 20th of March, and 7V o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 20th ot September. Breth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec. 20.1 S70, By order of V. M. In this changcabllc climate nothing is more important than dry feet; health and life depend on it ; therefore buy CABLE SCREW WIRE Boots and shoes never leak or rip. Oregon Lotlj; So 3, I. O. or O. F". Meets every 'Ihursclay even JSC fg ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's :S--Jf --mi- ij alt. Mam s eei. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. Helccc. Degree Lodge Xo. 2, O. O. F". (O Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to atter.eL Ragge stockings and protruding toes are not seen on feet where SILVER TIPS are worn. Pareuts remember this, they last twice as long. For sate by all dealers. To protect the understanding of humanity nothing" fhere is hke leather fastened togeth er by CAULK SCREW W1KE. Roots and Shoes made in this way never rip, or leak or come apait. . For the very b?t photographs, go to Brad ley & RulofsoiFs Gallery without STAlR-i--IW ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 429 Montgomery Street. Lan Franci;co. PALLS EXCAMPMKXT 50.4,1 - O. P. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patrnrchs in good stand inc; are invited to attend. Feb. 8. 1872-tf New ToIa,y. List of Letters T)EMAINLG IN THE POST-OFFICE AT j Oregon City, November 1, IS 7 2 : Adair. Perg Bradford. J C Bowles, G II Brrwn, Ellis Burrows, Richard Cromp, Mrs Coil'ee, Iobi rt Cleyr, John Dt-otVnderfer, A G Edward, M rs S Fielding, Joseph Gi ecu, It Green, Harmon Maxan, Wm. If. Miller, C J Murnanc, Mrs Jane F Mail. B R Mc Palm, Miss Ellen Mc Donald, Andres Mc Donald, Tlies A Nesblt A- llalsted Gsborn, W G Pastron, John Richard. Conard eighard. Czuard Reed, John Hibbard, Mrs. Mary F Rice, Edward E Iliggms, Mrs Sarah A Roberts, It T Hanson. M rs S Reisrhard, C Hodges, Geo A HoKiiedge, E O f2) Kandle. Mrs Linda Kelly, J Kelly, Aaron Kineman, J H Miller, Mrs Maiian If called loi, say Smith, John A Sanders, Leroy Thomas, Henry Walker, John II V alden, X O Wisner, H advertised. J. M. BACON, P. M. Final Ssttlsrnent. In the matter of tlie estate of Robert deceased. Mixire, I2!. N TJIK COUNTY C( ll'I'.T OF CLACKAMAS imitv, State of Creiron, Xoveialier term 1S72; the administrator of said estate bavin-' filed his exhibit for final settlement thereof, it is or dered by the- Court that Monday tin; second day of lieeeml.tr, ls72, be net apart" for the hear ing of object ions to sai 1 liiv.il account and tor the settlement thereof with Geo. A. l'ease, Admin istrator thereot. By order of Hon. .T. IC. "WATT, County Ju-L-je. Attest: R. ! . I A I 1-1 ELI), County Clerk. Oregon City, Noveiuter 8th, 1872. " i2w4 notice ! Linn City, Oukgox, November S, 1S72. The Annual imeting of the Stockholders of the Willamette Falls Canal and Lock Com pany, for the election of ( flicers for the en suing year, will be held at the Company! olli ce at Linn Citv, at ten o clock a. m. on Monday, the second day of December, Is7: Bv older of the 1'r e.-ident. J NO. X. KING, Sccretar-. Take Notice! A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME ARE hereby notified that I have placed mv accounts in the hands of Mr. Hector t'limp- Ejt-il, at Milwaukie, who is instructed to make immediate collection of the same. Persons indebted to me will please i-ettle up. ISAAC C A II AN. Milwaukie, Oct. '.", l-7i. nlv3 Parents reduce your Shoe Bills two ihirils by buying SILVER TIPPED SHOES fc i our children. Good Cablo Screw Wire BOOTS A XI) SHOES. Arc Selling: from Fainoto California. Gity Property For Sale. THE GREATEST IUHTEjIENTS )i" SlOPi:!tTY EN OIUXJOX CITV, C lONSISTIXC OF FOUB LOTS GOOD ''.veiling, with seven rooms; (bio Or- cliard ; ami an unequalled well ot water; all in goo 1 repair, and situated in the most sight ly and hea'.thy portions of the city; Title pei feet; whi-h I oiler for sale cheap, being desirous of leaviag the city. For particulars enquire of FCGKNE LA FOREST. at Thos. Cliiirmitu's store. Oregon City, Oct. '2-Afi 1S72. f. X. POPI2, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, ?Xa.in Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN EE-ST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE, TEA ;, SUGAR, FLOCR AND MKALof nil kinds, PICKLES, SO 1 SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinjs ed" Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, (J LASS WAR Ej Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex chan cre for goon's at the highest market rates. vf Goods elelivered in the city free of c''iirgc. A fair share of patronage solicited. March 23, lS72:tt LITE AA'D LET LIVE! THE OREGCN CITV HACK AND DRAT CO. TTAVLNG PURCHASED The jLJ. Liverv Stuck and Business (3 nr Messrs. "Wim.ts & Urocoiitox, J and the Drays, Horses and Business eif O. N. Green man, are now prepared to carry on LIVERY ItrSIXES, FEED STABLE, AXi UR.VYIXU. We will also deliver slab wood to all those persons to whom Willis t Broughton have engaged and as many more as will engage slab wood from us, so far as we can get a supplw Ordct-3 left at the Livery Stable for Wood, Praying or Hauling, will be attended to with dispatch. Patronage in our several branches of business solicited. Our Cliarge-s s'lall be Mmlrratc ers-'Thfi Highest Cash Price paid for Oat-s elelivered at the Stable. C. N. GREEN.MAN, President, J. M. FRAZER, Secretary, Of O. C. II. Si D. Co. Cregoa City, Aug. 23, 1S72. tf. A VOID OUACKS. A victim of early in- J- discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay, &c, having tried in vain every advertised reuiedy,has a simple means of self-cure, which he wUl send fiee to his fellow suflerers. Address J. II. REEVES, 7 Nassau Ft.. New Yerlc i Sept. l;ly 6P COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TnTTirrTiCTrnv nr n t. T TT?r-DMT A EAY GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY CMAilLES II. CAUF1ELD. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, consisting in part of DRY-GGODS, LADIES' AND CIIILDRENS' SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, &c, s6c. All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Give mo a call before purchasing else where, and convince yourselves that 1 CAN CORNER MAE'S AND AT THE LI N 0 0L NB A K E R Y. VvBLLIAIVIS & HARDSNG, HA YE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PASTRY. CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes monev to do business. To the fanning trade we wonld say, CASH for you. produce, and CASH for our goods. Goods delivered to all parts ot e city. Feb, P3, lt?72:tf y OllEG- O TV BUSINESS DIRECTORY! r pil E UN DE USIG N ED WI LL COMMENCE JL soliciting for a Business Directory of the State OF OREGON in a few days; and, to make it successful, respectfully request the co op eration of persons interesed in the welfare of the country. The State has now reached that position when a yearly summary of her progress is necessary, hence the value of a work which will, in a condensed form, Combine all Mutters of Public Interest. The worK in contemplation will embrace a General Sketch oflhe State, TS PHYSICAL ASPECTS, G EOLOGY, CLIMATOLOGY, BOTANY. ZOOLOGY, COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, SOCIETIES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PRODUCTIONS, And all other subjects cn which in formation is reepiired. The work will be illustrated with sketches of some eif the leadi-rg- prominent scenery of the State, am! its compilation will be under the charge of .T. 5IORTI3IER ,Hl'KPHY, Esq., whose recent wolk on Washington Territory tias been highly commended by the press and public. The Business Directory o OF EACH TOWN AMD CITY Will be Complete; And that, with sketches of each place, should make it invaluable to the merchant, Farmer and Mechanic. AS AN A DYE RTIS I NO MEDIUM, it will be THE BEST yet introduced in the State, as it n il! be of such importance that it will always be retained ia a prominent position for refer ence. The Kate of Advertising w P.I be as follows : ONE PAGE , $20 HALF PAGE 10 CARD 5 Advertisers taking one page will receive a copy of the bo:k gratis. TRICE of the work Will be $2.50. The book will be distributed on every route of travel and public place in tbe country. s.J. Mccormick, Puiiiisiu-r, 105 Front Street, Portland, Or. October 1Q, 1S72. FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I. SELLITVG-'S DE.Vt.ER IN DRY GOODS, CIvOTHINCy BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, iC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay tbe highest market price. If you desire uood Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh slock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL i'KUr lib. I, SELLING. April 11, ISTFtf and WILL SELL as cheap a the cheapest, CIIAS. II. CAUFIEL1), SEVENTH STREETS, OREGON CITY. CONFECTIONERY SALOON ! Fresh Oysters!! tOIJIS SAAL, - - - Proprietor. Corner of Fourth nil Plain Streets. 17RESII OYSTERS SERYED IN ANY JO st style desired. Confectionery of every kind constantly on hand. I manufacture all my own s'ock, which is sufficient guarantee that it is fresh and pure. Call if want of a good cup of coJSee, tea, or tliocolaie, or anything in my line. Oregon City, September C, 1 S72:tf SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- o Bext BILLIARD TABLES in OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of tbe lovers of this popular amusement to them T JI E B A 11 1 S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors an 3 Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Courbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, A NO. 1 SKOOTEflG GALLERY Is connected "with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, lb72:tf REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JA0OB STITZEL, C. C. WAY. JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL & UPTON., A x I) Cor. Front a ntl AVasliington Sts., P O R T L A N D , O R E G ON . Special attention given to the saTeot farm ing lands and city' property. All corres pondence relating to the reconrces of Ore gon will be jironiptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Senfree" of charges to any address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, lS72:tf FOR ! OWING ncss ot TO THE CONTINUED ILL- of the Proprietor. Leon DeLocev, the Barnnm Returant is ottered for sale. To any- one wishing to engage in this business, a bargain is offered. LEON DeLOUEV. Oregon Citv, Oct. IS, 1S72. THIS OLDEST AND, rJ? iLI 3E & T DR. HUFELAN D'S ;C E L E B R A T E D S "W I s s STOMACH BITTERS Tlie First and most healthful Tonic ever introducoel in tlie Lfnited States. These Bitters have been in the San Fran- cisco rarket for over Twenty-Years, and I notwithstanding the many new candidates for public favor, the sales have constantly -.ncrenseil. TAYLOR & BEX" EKL, Sole Agents, 409 and 411 Clay St., San Francisco. 2G-ly 8. HUKI.AT. CIIAS. E. WAKKEN. HUELAT & WARREN Attorneys at Law, OFFICE en.VRMAN'3 BRICK, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY, OREGON, March 5, lS72:tf F. BARCLAY, IV. . R, C. S Formerly Surgeon to the Hon. H. B. Co. 3,1 Years Experience. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON Main Street, Oregon City, JOHNSON & McCOVN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT-L.UV, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS of the State. J39"Special attention given to cas-es in the U. S. Land Office at Oregon City. April 5, 1872:tf A NOLTNER. S SOT RY PUBLIC ENTERPRISE OFFICE r n. r.iv .T.r, t3:tt Vii.suu v..j i- - THOMAS 0HAEMAN ESTABLISHED DESIRES TO INFORM TI1E CITI2E5S of Oregon City, and the Willamette alley, that he is still en Land, and doioff business on the old mott,that "A Mmble Six-Pence Is fetr than Slow Shilling. " I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased oce of tbe LARGEST and BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before offered ia this city; and cooalita in part, as follows : Boots & Shoes, Clothing", DryGoodi, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sash & Doors.dueens ware, Crockery r Glassware, Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, Jewelry of various qualities .t styles, Clocks & Watches La dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Notion of every description,Patent Med-- icines, Rope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list. I can sar mv stor ia th MOST COMPLETE ever offered in this mar ket, and was sleeted with especial care for' this iiiailut. All of which I now tifir f sale? at the Lowest Market Rates. o No use for the ladies, or any one else, to think ot going to Portland to'buy coods for I am DETERMINED To SELL CHEAP and not a.low niyselfcto be UNDERSOLD IN THE STiTE OF OREGON All I ask, is a fair chance and quick pay ment?. Believ ng, as I do, that nineUenr years experience in Oregon City enabla ni to Know the reqiremeftts of the "trade. Come one and all, and see for yourslve a that the old stand of THOMAS OH ARM AIST cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advan tages I can od'er you in tbe sale of goods, as o every store' that advertises does that, and prooao.y you nave been disappointed. All I wish to say is, conic and see and examine lor yourselves, for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to tell all my old li lends-now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell oods cheap, for cash, or en such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all lor she liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. TilOS. CIIARMAN, 5iin street, Oregon City. SSFLegal Tenders and Connty Script taken at market Fates. TIIOS. CIIARMAN. 57;:0,C0O lbs wool Wanted br TIIOS. CIIARMAN. JI, WATKINS, AI. D., SURGEOX, Portlaxd, Okkgc n. OFFICE-Odd Fellows' Temple, come Hrstand AMer streets--Residence corner of Main and Seventh streets. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1849, at the old staid, Main Street, Orc City,- Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, JeW elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. itepairmprs done on shert notice. and thankful for pastfavcrs. JOHN FLEMING, DEALER IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY, 4 I-f MYERS' FIRE-PROOF BRICK, MAIN" STREET, OREGO.V CITT, 0REG05. JOHN M. BACON, Importer and Dealer in -n ai lit jaTk. j-g a STATIONERY'. PERFUMERY. Ar.. Ae., Oregon Cily, Oregon. At Chartnd'iQ- Werner's old stand, lately cc" cupiea oy sicaerman, Max?i street. 10 tf DR. J. WELCH, DENTIST OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, corner of First auet Alder Streets, Portland. The patronage of those desiring superior operationsisin special request. NitrousOi- lele lor the painless extraction of teeth. 5TArtilicial teeth "better than the best and a cheap as the cheapest. Will be in Oregon City on Saturdays.- Nov. S:lf A. G. AVALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery Corner of Front ami Alder Street, PORTLAND, OREGON BLANK BOOKS RULED aad BOUND to any desired partem, MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound ia every variety of style known to the trade Orders from th e&Hntry promptly a tended to. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND, - - OREGON- geo. emtio:, nr .TFR IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS. Commissioner Selecting Swamp and Ovei- flowed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained for al! kinds of landed property. Valuable securities transferred in ezcLasge for real estate. Loans negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with fidr-Hiv and promptness. QFr IC r. O. li Vanci sduwuiuj,iuiui 0f Alder and Front .streets 1 Feb. 3. JS70:tf .P r. 1