ii i.hii i iiit r-" - . c m i ) . ....,.. x"':" . ' ' " " 0 o o o QEljc lUcckin (Enterprise. FRIDAY NOVEMPER 1...1S72. Tjie Appropriation Hill. AN ACT TO PKOVjIDE FOli TIIK OI.PIN- akv kxi'exsks of tiik state govexkxmkxt axd other gkx- . FKAL AXD SPECIFIC APPIIOPIHA TIOXS. Je it enacted by the Zegidatice As 1 senilly of the State of Oregon: . .Sectiox 1. -.Tli.it the following Finns find the fame are hereby ap propriated and set aside for the several objects hereinafter men tioned for two years, commencing from the first Monday of Septem ber, 1872, to foot paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise- appropriated. Sec. 2. That the act of Septem ber, 1872, appropriating $-10,000 for the mileage of members of the Seventh Jbennial Wesson of the T , . , , , , , .Legislative Assembly be amended so as to read a follows: j Section 1. That the sum of $24,-J 000, or as rrinch thereof as mav be necessarv.be and the same is hereby appropriated Out of anv money in the Treasury not Otherwise appro- - .- i . J .i -i l , , pnated.to pav the mileage ami jei J 'I - " ! liem or members ana compeiisauoii of officers, and other necess.arv ex penses for the Seventh Jiegular Session. Sec. Executive Fund : For salary of executive officers and interest Judicial Fund ..$14,000 For salary of Justices of Supreme Court, District Attorneys and in terest " 38,000 For salary of I'ilot Commissioner, Health Officers, Tug Subsidy, Clerk of the Supreme Court, per .centajfc of Treasurer. advertising, printing at' bonds and Mamps.ad ditioual salary of other ofliceis. interest, etc ilo.OOO Convict Fund For conveying- convicts to Peniten tiary, interest, etc 15,000 Insane Fund o For conveying insane to tbo Asy lum and interest 15.000 Printing Fund For public printing and binding. . 25.000 . Incidental Expenses For rents, stationery, lights, fuel. postage t'.nd incidental expenses . of the Legislative Assembly. Ex ecutive an administrative depart ments. Supreme Court. State Li brary, etc., 9ind interest 21000 Agricultural College Fund, For expenses 10,000 (Jeneral Fund Keeping and tuition of dei f mutes 8,500 Penitentiary Fund Keeping prisoners, salary of In spector, officers, guai ds.etc, with ; Interest '. 75,000 Insane and Idiotic Fund Tbe expenses of keeping the insane at t,m Asylum ; and interest 120,000 I ugitive i- und a-, . . r ... r. r or arresting, etc.. fugitives from jc&stico Indigent Fund For the support of indigent poor. . Common School Fund For clerical aid, maps and other expenses incidental to Common School Lands University Fund For like purposes as school lands. . State Land Tund.-: For like purposes i,UJJ " ono : 1U-Uo 0 ! ' J,)'000 S EC. 4. That the Secretary of j months immediately pu-ccdbig this elec State be required to draw his war-! ,i,,u- 2- ll;,Vl' .vo" ," n nt from .1 Vri i- .1 1 this State wnhtn the si;; nionihs immedi rant on the J reasurer for thx sums ; , , ,. , ;. ., , . .. , i atelv pieeeU'ing tms eiecUot!.' .. 11 s.i. severally due to the ottiecrs aim 1 when sou bd. was it t.u- ; temporan members of the Legislative Assem- purj'os'. with design of remrnmg. or did Id y for mileage per diem, eoini'en- I -v,iU hiU',!l to jnV;,J- !- i J""- i i l.i i while absent, look ui.H) :nel regard this sation, and other expenses and the : .iS Vour ,..,,.-,. ();,, st Treasurer shall pay the same as absent, vote in any other State or Terri herein directed. tory? 'JhlxJ. it tni person is chtdb-tiged . Sec. o. All salaries herein pro-; un s!; P;""'fl1 l'e is nor rt lesid-ui: ot vided for shall be paid quarterly at f 'h'; V:' lT'Vuc V'T !": Vl' . ,,. ,. , ' . t r, - i oTe. one ol the j iOjes sltail put the ful the o.liee ot the State J reasurer, living q.iesiions: 1. When did you cone unless (Otherwise specilid by law. into this county and j-recitict? 2. When Xo money ap-projiritited by tin's: J'"11 came into tiiis county and prerunct did Act m any specific i.urposein any : c-otne fora temporary purpose merely. . i ' i .. " or br ti.e purp se ot niaK'.ng it our Home? Other department, or objects ot ap- , ;. jp.veyou l.-en t.r the last ninety days propriation herein provided. ; an actual resident of this counu? K u-Ui. And be it further enacted That ! lt ,Le Y-'o. be challenged on the ground the following sums are hereby an-! ,i,ilt IV -'V ''"ii "" ;v";,rS w'f afV' , -7 .l ' one of I hi-judges shall put to him the bd- propnated lor the purpose herein- : p.uing question: i. Are yon twenty-one alter designated. j years of age to the best of your knowledge Section- 1. That the following ' am belief? The judges oi election, oi sums anl the same are hereby sP"- I .m! ,!lVm- !"'h tM s"ch 'iu'r rl':,'s .ii . i . ,i 1 i tious to the person challenged under the e iieally appropriated to the several ; respective heads afore., id a, ,,v be n-c-claims already rescnted, and for j essary to test his qiialiiicatiobs as an el.-e-xvhich no warrants have been ! tor at ,!''lt eb-ction. drawn : - I ?k'. 5. it the person challenged as For the support of the poor for J abresaid refuse to answer fully any which no appropriations j question which si; ii! be p,;t to him as have been made $ 2 00 00 ! "iores.iid. the judges shtili leiect his vote. J or the apprehension of fugi tives for which no appropria tions have been made Fur conveying convicts to the penitenti uy For incidental expenses Expenses of the pettiteutiary in excess ot past apruprutiom and interest Expettses of cotiveyinj insane to the Asylum and interest to date of issue 22.000 00 8.500 00 For keeping insane at Asylum. 11,500 UO Kx penses of printing in excess ol appropriation Cost of new penitentiary build in gO'Ver appropriations. . . . -Interest to date ol issue For the payment of warrant Xo. 1.151. services selecting Ag ricultural College lands..". Warrant No. 4t't. for the pay ment of the Adjutant (ieneY- al from the time he entered upon his duties until '.he office was discontinued For tbe payment of outstanding 1,000 Oa 51.078 03 5.000 ou 1)7 00 CO 00 warrau's and interest. . . . Q . For the payment of outstanding Agricultural College Fund warraniS ami interest For the p ajunent of outstanding penitential y fund warran!s and interest For the payment oi ou.!standing convict land warrants and interest.. For th payment of outstand ing incidental fund warrants and interest For the payment of outstand EUdo Uu ing insane fund warrants 31.797 04 For the payment of gutstand- ing printing fr.nd warrants and ineret.. 3.312 31 For the payment of paintin penUenUary 0 6.000 00 l or the prosecution of those . cases in which the State was plaintiff and the late Secre- - tary defendant. i.500 m The next section provi les fur the pav- m ml of tbe warrants. 1 - ... i&tx&&tftt1f,ll Til" , JLaws of the .iate of Oregon. AX ACT RELATING TO ELECTIONS. Be, it enr;clel by fLe Lqihdn-n Asscrrilhi of the Shite of Ore-jim, asfoVoics: Section- I. That a t wry flection, fcere after held i u ibis State, or anv ii.cori'O ..it. . . . - laieu town or city of ibis State ec. 2. The Jadsre to whom anv ticket inay be de!i ereil shall, upon tbe receipt thereof, pronounce in an audible on e. the name of the elector, and, it no objectiuii shall be im:de to i.im and the JioiiTe is iiti.-!i d that the elector is b ral !v (j'lali'ied. acconlin to the Cons:itn;ion and Iaws of this r-Male. U vote at tlie elec tion, he shall immediately put the ticket in the box. withi. ill inspecting: mm'S written or printed thereon, and the clerks ofelction shall enter the name of the elec tor and number in the p"U bonks, nrree ably tu the printed form in theeventeen'h Section of this Act; and the ballots, after beinir counted, shall tie sealed up in a ! package and be delivered to tbe County A-(trf 7 , ' t," incorporated eitv or town, tlien to toe i viVlCi.r ,,r 0Hieers.f such city or town hu thorize.l (y law to -janvass ihe votes by i.ne ol the Judges or C'l' iksot E!ectin; and said clerk, or city or lo.vn ollicer. as '.he case may be. s!;a!l (h jiostt thetn in his olTice, where they shali be safely kept, for j twelve months, and the County Cieik, or city or town ohieer, as the ease may be, ' shall not allow tbe same to be inspected, i , ". .f tl ,, . . . nnles.s in case ot Cociesit'd ejection, o! unless the same become necessary to be used in evidence, and then only by order of the proper Court. Sic. 3. The Judges of Election, in de termining the reM.lence ot persons offer ing to vote, shall be governed by the lol lowintr inles. so far as the same mav be j applicable: First That place shall be j considered and held to be the residence' of a person in which li is habitation is fixed, arid to which, whenever he is absent, he has the intention of returning. Second A person shall not be considered or held to have lost his residence who shall leave his home and co into another State or Territory, or county of this State, (or a temporary purpose only, with an inten tion of returning. Third A person shall not be considered orhe'd to have gained a residence in any county of this State into which he shall come for temporary pur poses merely, without the intention of making said county his Lome, but the in tcniion of leaving the same when he shail have accomplished the bu.-iness that brought him into it. Fourth If a person remove to any other State, or to any o! the Territories, with intention of making it his permanent residence, he shall be considered ami held to have lost, his residence in tlii S;ate. Fifth The place where a married man's family re.-ide shall lie considered and held to be his residence. Sixth It a person shall go Irom this State into any o;her State Vn Territory and there exercise the riht ot suffrage, he shall be considered and held to have lo3t his residence in this State. Sec 4 if a pet son offering to vote j challenged as unqualified by ( ne of the Judges of Election or by any oilier elector, one of the Judges shall administer to him the following oath or affirmation: - Von ib solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will billy and truly answer all such j ties: ions as shall be put to you touching your lace of residence and quaiificaMnns of an elec for at this election." J'lrM If the person be challenged ;s unqu iliti.-d on the . 1 . I . . I ' . . i . . : , Jm, ,,all U1(1 t l(. . t'?. i , .... T erounu mat ne is not a cntzi-n, one ot we mi. h.ii.. .i.'ii.-. . .in: v'it .i i:i.i.t-ii in lue I T -..;:, i . ...v ., ..." . . . ! natnrali.ed citizen, ami "if neidier. have ' "u et''ire,l your intention to be j come a citizen, conformably to the laws ! of the United States, on the subject of naturalization? and il so, when? Srroi.cl. If the person be challenged as unquahUed i on ihe ground that, he has not resided in I this St ite for six months immediate! 1 preceding the election, one ol the Judges 1 shall put the following questions: 1. ! Have yo resided it) this State tor six kc. 0. It the challenge be not with drawn after the person offering to vote shall have answered the questions put to apce ot aw, each elector .hall, ia ful. I voieu . o. . t?H. .;ime. who rsehf I vihin. levV; no ne.rksl.r brandT. AUCTION SALKS view, deliver to one of the Juries of Elec- j 1 'r'" i,, c third Jnde. who shall j pi-rajse-lat by ItoiJT. TIM Ai p-ox j. r. I Of Real Estate. Grocenes.aoneralKvrcba, Hon asmcle ballot or pi-ce of paper on " I "w H ' ' .;, d cu-lnliv --M. J.M 1-.I VUt dise and 11,,,S, Which shall be writteS, or pri'nted the mS tie metbed S unly Ll,tk. j r names r:f the t. -.. vm.-.l fur with a h.-oh - ". ? . . ; i ... .. J . . J proper designation of Ihoffice which be f '''imv'T'ii' ' l tbe v i tu bt'r KXCCUtOrS fiOtfCG. 1j" KlC1!AE, Auc or thev mav be intended totiii. uekers m the b a!!., ; h o.v . 0 . . I , t f r0T1(., Js u;;K..J:Y UjVEX THAT WE ! ; ii. in as ami is in!, one ot the Judges oi 2.100 00 : blection shall administer to him the foi 2.250 00 . low'mgoath: "Vou do solemnly swear sh t: : 'vor iiftinn) that you area cnizeri of the 1 11 'y-1 States (or have .bclar. d vour i:i 19.G77 75 u'"i5,, !l b.'cme such one vear ne.: ; preceding this election), that vou are o! , ,.uo-..i ien',v-one vears; tliat you have b-'en a resident of this State forsi'x m-.tobs j nrxt preceding this elee'ioti: that you j been fir the list ninety days an actual ; 'J'see-nt oi Jnis Judicial. Senatorial or I R'-presetra ive District (as the cae may i nd that you now reside in this pro- j cinctand that you ha e not voted at this j eieciion."' j Skc.7. Whenever any person's vote shall be received after li vm taken the ! oa; l prescribed by Sec. ti of ibis Act. it j shad l,e tho duty of the clerks of election i to write on (he poll bo,,k at Ihe end of ; sueh person s mum-, ihe word "sworn" .. Skc. S. n shall be ,hc. duty of each t .1 1 1 1 1 e. . r 1 ' i 1. 1 1 : ' "V '" '-"-"on eaai.etigeaity j.erson ...eij oy . 00. tt,,e o vote, wiiotii he shall know or j suspect not to be q.ndili.-d as an elector f,lnJ t 7:'' :' ,.U the ,1,11V Oi th:- 6s2 00 judges o! Erection or of one of ihe.n. i:n ; meusaudy belove proclamation is made 01 ! 01Vin"u' !ie polls to open the bailot 2.. 2D 40 : boxes in the presence of the people then j assembled, and turn them up, id,, jown ! so as to empry them of everything tha' 2.319 00 i may be in them, and then lock lioan e' I cureiy. and they shall not be reopened ! until lor the purpose of counting the bal- j vis lueiein a; ;ne ciose o the election j Skc. 10. The Judges of Idectior h tit " requested, permit, the respective o ,.i;.i j ates cr one or more, of their friends, net exceeding three, to be present in the ro m where the Judges are. during the time of i receiving and cj!in:ing the vetes. ' ec 11. At Ihu close nf ths polls the j poll books shall Le stoned bv the Jnd-',. i and attested bv the clerks, and the names I therein shall be connfc' and the nn-b'-r set down at the foot of the poll books. a ; manner hereinafter provided in the form , p0ij book. Sec. 12. After the poll books are sign ed in the manner hereinafter prescribed in (he form of poll books, the ballot boxes shall be opened an J the tickets latum out one at a time, bv one of tbe Jueges. w ho -1U read distinctly hile the tioK.'. re mains in his bund, i be name or names .vritlen or printed the! .-on; also the ou.co 1 . i . . i. . to . ..1 Iiv sjt i c Ii net It! TtllT1, I ,"' .. ..,.1 I hat is intenueu 10 wrun.u , . .11 .11 . t ;. "' " ,,' ,..,, ,h.. . . tt t t r;i i it : tM i t ij t i v j ii 'vii tiiv i ' ' r yn i-i rI h clt'iks sljuil i'U!(M' hi a .niiiiiii i!;hT. ! ie names ot the iier.-o!i . voted for. as hei'einat'er provided in the funn of the pull books, nil the votts lead by I he J unites. Sec. 1 4. ii two or more ballf ts shall be found so fobbd together as io present the appearance of a single ballot, they ball be laid a-ide until the count of the votes is completed, and it. upon a com- id II. 11,11111 a coin- arid a ! oeara f!Ce ot oanson ol trie count ana am SUCh ballot, a IllAIorttV ol ttie J lid geS , ,, , ,. ,, -' - .. , , , shall be of the opinion that ballots thus loided together Were voted by olc elec- tor. they shall be excluded Join the count, Skc. 15. If the ballot should be found to cnn'nin a greater number of names for any elliee than the number ot 'persons ie quired to fill that o!;ii;e. it shall be con-id eivd fraudulettt as to lise whole of the names designated to fill such office, but no further. St-C. Hi. Afu r the ex uniu' tion of the ballots shall be cnmnlevd. the nutnher of votes for each oetson .-lull be en timer- i. ted under the inspection of the Judges and set down as hereinafter jirovide.i i-i the tot in of the poll books, and pub.iciy proclaimed to the people present. Si-.c. 17. The billowing shall tie the form of the poll books to be kept by t'n Judges and Clerks ol Elections under this Act: Poll books of the election held in Precinct No. .in the county of on the day of- . in the vear A. D. one ihoii'at.d eight hundred ami P.. C. P., and E. P.. Judge liK.i li. 11.. and J. K.. Cl.u ks of said Elec'ion. were respectively sworn (or id'armed) as the avv tiirects, previous to their ell'ering on tiie duties of their respective otlL'es. M AtltCi: AM) NAMES OK i't I .bCToK.S. No. LA. lb No. 2. C. D No. 3, E V. No. 4. U. II. No. 5. I. J. No. (i. Iv. L. It is hereby certifi"d that the number of electors at this election amounts to . (Attest)' A. P.. 0. P.. E. F., Judges. G. II., J. K., ' Clerks. NAM its OK I'Kitso VS VOTED KOIt. AMI l ot: WHAT OrlUK. CONTAINING TtUt NIMi::.i: of votes given foil each candid. cj e. Oov-eviioi-. Itep. in C'OilU'l ea.s. Ke'S. in State Legislature. Senate. I liou-e of Kerne's. We hereby cer.ify that at this elee'ion A. P.. received votes for (biv- ernor; that C. D , received votes for (iovern or; that E F . received votes for Representative in Cougn etc. C. IL. J. K.. Cieiks. A. P . C. D-. E. F., Judges. St:c. IS. .Vfter canvassing the vo:-s in (lie manner iilor said, the Judges, belore they adjourn, shall enclose in a -.over one of the poll books, seal the same seenrei v. and direct to the County Clerk of the county in which the election is held; or in case ol a;; election in any incorpor ited city of town, then to the officer or eiiicers of such c'ny or town autlioriz'd by law to receive and canvass the votes. ;i n, 1 the poll books thus seeled ard direi ted. to geiher wit!) the b.i Hots settled as heieiube tote required shall be conveyed by one ot the Judges or Clerks, to be agreed upon for that purpose, to the Coun'v ! Clerk of the county; or in c is-' of an elec tion in any incorporated city or io.vn, then ta the officer or otlicers of such ci'y or town authoriZ'.'d by law to reeeive the sain', within ten d ivs from the d.i v d Ihe electioti. and the other poll books hall be deposited with one oi the J a !.; ed elecli ni, i here to remain for one year ....!. . .... ...1 . ior ine use oi wnoexi'i may ciaa to in- s'pect the s.i.mw Sit;'. I'.). The Judges ,,f Ebictiou s!i ail e.irettillv enye'iooe ali ballots rej.-e'ed oi d.dectiye as well as ttie other b il'.ots. a; deliver the situ to Ihe Coiut v Cook: . 1 t . -. i ,1,..,, , .. ll-M-it (I f ffUim I m.;,,...,.iv II-. .,!... -.-.! t-.il ir, iii. i mm- rs ,,r in ease of an election in ati v iiicoriuiriCed j v . city or town, then to ihe oh; ',,:- or ..hi .,; 1 ; ' ' of such city ir town an ' h- u i .e I b ; law in ' ' receive ihe saui" Id he li.ed in his i,.:i"ce ; do' Site. 2d. All ball .ts use,! ai any :... ;.- tioil in tiilS Si.lto sha'l be Wltt'eU !' ! ''p.-' priiired 01 phiin hi'e p ip.-r. w ith.ur aas j u," :n;ii k or le.-ig!iali..n be.ng placed I hereon 1 j;.. woeie the si'.n.e r.i.ty Lekiiown or de.-i. ntt'ed. Si-.o. I'l. The several t.'onnfy Coints of lii ;s bs'e. au-l the t'ommou '.ouitcii or Po.ird oi Tttis ees or other iee, ids' author eetl . .ei,...,. -';., :.i . , , , j i i . i. ' . i i . 1 , i ! i o 1 1 1.. I . , ' 1 1 j '.own shail pn.-vtde suitaliie b.iilo! boxe- I tor rvcrv eteeiii.n orecitutt or ward ia I t' eir re-pec'ive counties cdi. s or (owns, well s cured with a good Jock and key. the lid thereof shall be fastened with binges, and i-haii contain an or.enit.g through the same three inches long and one fourth o! an inch wide, lor the lejep iioti of the ballots. Sl.e. 21. Sections 1. 11. i-. in. 1 !. 15, 17. l".'-l.Z'.. 21. a.i:d 25, of an act outiiied "An Act relating to q1.cn,.,!,s, ami the mode of liilipg vacancies in ( dhice." ap proved ( et. id) 1 7t. be ami the same are a I e herefi y 1 1 j ira i ed . Sec. 21b Inasmuch as there is an itn-pot-.aiit election soon to be held within ihis State for electors for Presid-!,'. -v.v Vice President, of the United .States this Act shall be in force from and after its n proval by Hie Governor. Approved October EE 1 -72. Attest : S. F. CIIADWIClv, Secretary of state. IOll SAKE. r y ; 1 e 1: x D 1: i ; s 1 1 ; x ed d i;si it i:s t ) sell .! bis property in Oreg.-n City will sell at a bargaui, to a yomi parcha-er. A.so 4 towu lots in Caiicmah, with good fence around. A so -i town b's in lower end of Orecron City; also Pel of iana known as the dona tion head c am of Wm. Stone, s iniit s southeast of E're'on City, with some im provements, thinly timbered, nc under' glowth. uo id lasting water ' 2 -i;"I.iuire at County Clerks ofiice. J. M. FRAZFR. Oregon City, May Cth. 1 s7'2. V.n2s IT x sMh MASONIC II ALL RUILD- W s 1 . t l . OREGON CITY, - - - OREGON. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AXD for sale, cuK.vr i on cash, PARLOR, BEDROOM, OFFICE, SITTINGR003I, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Rureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs What nots. Re steals, Wa-bstatids, Curled Hair and l'ulu Matresses, Pu)n Pil lows. Spring Beds, Window Shades, Pictare Frnma lit., vC. I 'T- special attention given tn p,,i,Ato ; ps tointorm the p'ltdie that he-is now orenar work in ail its branches " (),de Vp " 7 1 ROOM 2 PEKFM'S RIJlLDfNG, CORN- : ed to manufaettire a No. 1 quality of ' promptness. Repairin-d-re' with ee f"'"'1 : x er First and Wasliingtnri Sts., Portland. ; LAG EH BEER, and disnatch. Furniture nude to ordt-r - trwi,s "X!,le administered. tii.'Stf. As eood as can be obtained nnvwbercin the Z ?OoiHU delivered to an v oa. t r.f , i - '' .Z Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled free of charge. Call and e4 n V . n S . ' " F,,i"ER' 20 and 21 New Mer- 1 v. " m?yZ,lnr' aj?' .lcbange, is cur nutho:iZed Ag'n j TJTOME-MADE CARPET FOR PALE 4T $5 tO $20 y eitiier youa; or oui, maive in iru inone at , work lor us m tneir spare mom-ius, or au uie time, than at anvthiir el -so. Particulars free. Address ti. btiuson V . 'o., Portland, -name. September 7Ui, lo:hIy. rjpAKFX VI 15V .iOSIAlI 1- H AXKI.IX, OX -- iV.it '.e i'n:t'.i, Miu.i'iam's Pjvjiuot, e'iaeka- - U i. I lU.I.J.iJl J1... 1J1A1 H t I I b.ye be, m.ty l"; i i:x.vn:,.is of u, i iir no oi.; tf. a- e't u i . i l i t ii ii i ; i " . n ....... i ; ' i ijwuy iHnt-a io r'ont tnt:m i . ; i,;.. ..,.... Mi'i own. ia )i vmti '. lty, v i .!:in s; x liiui,- ;s from th tlute oi thisaolioo. " X. X. i AT LOCK, T. J. MATE K, Exe; i;to3 s of ti.e r-? a'e oi V.'. T. ilailoili. JOIIXSOX x; Me'. 'OWN, A'Oiineys f.,r Ex'i".iters. Orefoh City, October 11, ls;j. u.")ow4 Administrator's Notice. j vilfiii, i s JIEEEbY tiiVEX THAT I ' have been dn'.y ajipi.-iiilrd A-imiuis'rator of i e.au: 0i l A. i Ai. i , oceeaseu, i bv tne Hon. Coutitv o:jrt ot i laek-tiaas t oautv, , ;i: U;C 0l.i(1,.r l(.rl:l ti..lvof. 'i hereiore all peV- sons having elaiuis a:rai:i.-T said e':t!,; are liertdiy i uotitW to pre-x-nt. them to ma pi-fiperly verified it ti.e il .i. i .j..u".--.."i jii'1. own, in Oirpm ! 'it v. within six mute n ffoia tae 'lite uf 1 his no tice". UA ui.KS STEWAltT, Aihie-i'.-. ra'.or or said estate. JO;iXi?OX & M..-COWX, A'torii.y- for Administrator. Oregon City, October li, 1-71. n.',.Kv-I In the in .t'tr of the estate- ef .Juhii K. Dickey, ('ieee.iseil. j 5 i !I J ; '( IT'X'I V "( iI'ItT OF CLA( 'K AM AS j S. coauty, State ot ;ie!.;..ii, October term 1S72: t.:e a :i;i i a;s.. i .t ;,,s ; ,-ai-l e -t s e iia iti-j; liiuil their exhibit' tur ;i:'i,d -e' i b-lnent thereof, ii is order.-.! by the Ceart that Met!. lay Ihe fourth, -tfh, day of Xoveiaher, 1S7J, be set apart for the hear ing f object wnis to sai t riuaL iu-eouii'. and ior the ser'tbwiif t:i. i.if v. it h Eaymoiel lerkey and Jaia.-s. O. Dieb.-v, the a :u:iii:.:ra:;j'3 thereof. j:v o.-.b-rot ib.ii. ,i. K. WAIT, '.'(vutev .1 uduro. .iito': It. !'. I'At'l'tKt.i'. Oo.uity 'U-rk. OiXv'on t.'ity, OclolxT lltn, ls;2. n.Vuvl Adrr inistrator's notice. In the matter uf iiio e-.;aSe of JOiiX UK.VV, de-ce-i-ed. TUJ'ii'E TS MKIib.p.V CIVKX THAT THE -i liiLa r-iiii i; i.a-li- - ri ajipoia ed AU lainist ra tui'of tne alwve j i . ; a i .... i e; ite; tiuii iil pi.-rsous j liaviae; i:m iiuaia-t tie- said e-!.!"e a re- h.Tetiy iv.jtiu.-ii oi .te-,-iit, Ui-ui viii! i ue ij'.i;i.-r .:teliei's, wiliiin . ix mou' 'tis t'r. an '.ta' date of i ids nut iee, to t he l.n.li i'.- ii;'ne.i at his v-'sideii- e in lea ver Cre.-k jnei ie.r!. fi. 'u.ou i- e.einty, St.Oe of Oreiron. J Mi X NO V l.li, Atliaioistrator. JICELAT & WAEKKN, Atiornevs for Ailiui'iislrutor. Dated October 11th, 1S7J. n.'ifov-l riot 5 ce of A 1 m i m strator's of iieai Estate. Y,OTHE IS Ji LI: El'.V OIVKX THAT 1?Y si Vila ec or a!', ere if the If .tt. i 'oanty c.urt of Clack-Unas eonni y. laad.e at 1 !. etober term, 1 noil. 1 v, ill on M-iti-he.-. 1 he i : li ,!-i v ,it' '(i er-iii.-r- i 1 s y , at the hii.o' f eh-v, u o", ! .e ut ,),,. ( ,.. Jbuise (bier in Oreir.Hi 'ity, t. l.ieliaiii.is eu'inty. Uvee-oti, s. 11 at pubhe aueiioa, to the hiubest but- .ier, ail the ii;rb.t. title and ia!e..,-t s.fi estate has m the b.iUm ii1.;- described tract ot i and, to- wit : ti,., E. 1-J ot tie- x. w. i-t, w. i-j of the X. K l-i X li l-foi's W i-i -n-d N" W 1-4 ot ft E. 1-l'of Set". ;2, T. .Vs., It. 1 I'. ' Terms of side: -old coin; one-half cah m luityl, tl;e o:ii.- r httii j a a : !e ( i!iciit!i ato-r s.tle will note and i.eai ,:..ue. J. M. M.-AMMOX, Adminis ra! or of esfati of J . S. M eA lemon. - Iluted Oetoi'el- 1 itli. IS72. lia'lwt e" 5 M. Tu th--; matter of e-;' ate In the Count v Court of of i 'i O'l-i s ( 'oiinty, -! J A( H5 EX'.iLK.i'.ei-'d. Statu .f (hv-on. ' j To the heirs or any otie-r jwr-on. or t ''l'.-uii", in- j Oa e.e I in i be e-i ate ot aid .lAi'Oil EXOj.K, , Uecea-ed. ! 'Jltd'teXS. THE Id'I.V AlT'oIXTED : Aiiiiiinis'riitor of said e-taie has filed in i .-ai I oai''. a petition prayine- tor uu order to sell j the r.'.d j roj.v: t y of .-.o i -r;tie ; now. t he:. ; .re j Jil the li.llil,' ol t::e Si.ee oi ..- n, Vo!l and j eacii oi you . a t e Ik r- t y .-s.-eniil'.y c; ie.i to and : a j e i i' o ; tie' Ooi . r e. y I '. i u ' o . t l.i.'kn';! ii'iii.;'', t i Si.iiiMil'Oi.e.m on ttie -. .'.biml tv ! I -ee- iitix-r, is, - i V . i i ).' ..)., ,', es;. a:,d t the li.-si dav e: ttie r led iv 1 1 111 -aid i aari tor ilic yen- is,;, !h-a loid ill-.-;.' to si..iv e-tiise, it any e.xi.-.. v. t y an order of s.,ie !. Hii 1 eoi :n i !... i - in 1 la- e.e ioii i uy.M fur; i-te! s. v.'. i-; ai a t.c j in - c'i.ei :, s. r.. t-i ef S. it. - h :t i : i -. nil... : Ao .. :r L I hi - I it. i ion i -a, ii ad the N. 1-.' ..; X. i .. 1 - t of see ,o:i te, il 11 in I towu.-iu!. 3 II. 1 v.-.-:. ..ett-otnii-r i V.i-.i , n.-.'H' or . i: a pari of ointi.y a t .I.- ei'lh -d a f diow-,: oat Xo. iJ. .! a (1 '- i': to it !.!,:. j j- i 1 v, I p No. (J. .!-, .. . t i . V I; . i . t - l Si: 1 I . l.O M - til; n I it . 1, Ore e.l-e. b -I . : o.v: ii i) s.. i;. i laei i.i;. i ;i ; also t h" ! ! . ! - x it ; i 1 1 t i if A a ii -t ;e . :i ,:.: .e ion ;.o. e.iei; . c. ; i.t ; . .r. i e'.t, in ; i ; i i i 1: c ' i ..'in - ; v. 1' i if a li, . ie ; 1 . i ' ice i-.i -t i ; a i.;. i ; i.; e ,,e a. ." ;i o: ;.- ; i " - a ta' a t t.i ii" ; -.v. a oa -U ill or a mi;.-. ;.v olaee vou. in.: : - :i eis -i an '. T. :;.'i;. 1 , l-e, 1 a I ai a r S I .!. lltoi'e or iess. ot 1, a ;,i . id . eic -s the ti .a. .!. Iv. Vv'ai4-, .Tiitltre r'ttie I 'oioii v i : a a - con: i v, s : a ' e ot t i - t. , : i ana i he ,;i . :' - , . 1 ( ,..a; t :;i, J ,: ; ,v ,,1 v, is; 2. : 1?. E. (ObidKil ' 'iiimfy i let k, of ' 'btek :m is i : ... ' o-mty, Sicte ol ' .,e;ou. ( e- . ( n e - ft 111 1' '.' 1 1 ; ,y i. fit trtg?. '- "vi baa Usa eU V Jj1 6 'it'ti y Lsa efc JC.sT RI-X.'EI VS'.D IIV T PAVF JEST ItKDElVKD A COMPLETE X and wilbu-sorted stock of AoD GC.NTI.i::,IE.S' 1-rP.MSUIXG GOODS. V iiieh I will sell at reduced prices. Cali and cxnmir.e my stock before urcbas mg . isew here. Frovlnce Taken in EiTliniicx- fa? Goods. Tltilti slreH, On ou City. st" ; '5rt - e - - i' ' "" , .- : t;-v .--;-' 7 -- r - -. -st ii -"x s ? r-- The j-fa-idard reuiedv for C'auirUs, In fin- y'e'V rt lo.y.hlf; y.nxh Crovp, ' '1:l,ir,"f th? '''A', stud evety aSe'ction cd the 1 In out, ! laings nnd Chest, including Consoiptjon. j Wistar'j i:,ilsii of Willi C.'ln-ri-v 1 i oeis not ory up a i ongn, out ior. sens it, I vie at 1 sp, t he Pir crs, a nd allays irrit 1 1 ion, thus i miir,ri, f hi c-turt of the eomidaint. Nei ! n;iine unless sigro-d I. Pit is. Frep ircd j o vETri V . rOWI.E r-ON's, ,olon. i)id by Rkihngton, Hostkttkr A Co., San Francisco. ami bv doalcts generallv. Or, B. Rm FR5ELAND, D E t" J T S G 1 7 1? f 111 j.in x uitJi.lrA,.l. ' JLJL COURTESY OF AiSOitUrr iaiuua, IKIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, mrairpT ity n &T.TI7T iRTJTfi I AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. II. IteIaa.rlsoi, AU CTIOXEER! Corner oi Front and Oak street ,Portland ! tionee J at pwvatp: sale. ' f'n r! i rfi ,1 ('.-. l t -it T rwiuu square and Uctaijcoii Uaststoel .. ,, . fias-pj., .s, Screws, Jbiy-pans, sheet iron, li. G. Iron a i. so : A largeassortment of Groceries and Liquors A. 1J. J iiciiAKusox, Auctioneer "H' f Ft -sT T "7iT B',1f"! r OHE'JOX CITV, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IX GOODS, -. & 1 r? "i 6( BOOTS & SHOES. I also keep constantly on band SALEM C A S S I M F R E S, FLA XX ELS, TWEEDS AXD PLAXKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. -o- I Z'f" f will also pay the highest prices for Hotter. Egs, and till kinds of good country j produee. 1 will sell as low as anv bouse j j 0rPiron, for Cash o'- l ts en ui Valentin good , . , , , 1 merchantable produce. Live me a call ana sati-t v voursel ves JOHN MYERS. j Jan. 13, 1871. tf jKW YOiilv HOTEL, fDeutbthes Gartiinus,') So. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship I and. in ii , Port lan d , Oreiron . II. K.0TIIF05, J. J". WILIIEIJS, 1" RO P R 1 l-i T O RS. -o P.o ird per Week ?r,00 " ' with Lodging ti oo " " Dav 1 of) 125 B S 3 A r??5 f5 E T FT V 11 if F.stuhlhtitd p-t-i i. ,-.-"v.3 VE'i- un: MA.X i ' r.lCTOLY OF M. $L) 11 aWi. ' iiti uldj AXD MOULDIXGS OT ALL SlZFS. R'ir Tin y will also do TURNING, of cvry dcseuiptioti to order, V7itk Kentncss and Dispatel o ALL WOilK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, iti Lewis' shop, oopos Oregon City Mills. MJ'" t T . ! i .- ' - - V Vi. tt.-y- U JlJwm Will sew everything, needed in a family, frcia the heaviest to tEe lightest f-bric. a x 25 i'.r:ni"z xiazi: Than r.r.r ether machine. If thcro is a riorcr.ro Rowing "a cliine wiih.'n 01.0 tliotisand jniies of an Francisco i-ot workiitg well and. nivin.g entire fali.-fnction, if I nni in fo:ir;ed of it, it v, i'.l l o jif fended to ri tho-at expense c-t any kind to tlio owner. f"sAT'rTTTT TTTTT 1 , evut.hLn jll-vE-L, Afent, 19 ficv.' Porttjomery Street, Grand Hotel Bul'dr, Gan Francisco. Sniff for Circit!G.r. ami sainpir.s of the te jtttive Arjents wanted in every 2l"ce. JOHH SCHRA1, 31 VIX STREET, - . OUEGO.V CITY. )l.MTACTrRER AM) DirORTER OF si)i)i.i:s, iiAnxnss, SADDLPKV.IIAIil). Vi .UtL, Cc, c. T7IIICH PE OFFERS aS CHEAP AS V cm he hud iu the State, at ' Vho!rri I o nrRf'nil I warrant all mv troods as renresmfor? Oregon City, April" 17, 1S72. n'2'.Uf. 0SEG0N CITY JLJ XX All VV j I 1 I e -" !nrv?' r ti rTisoriT Paving purchased the above Rrewcrv wish 1. sExc;s gEgggSBSgBS' Business Dirtttory of Portland, Orrgoii. rt nidSIl EI)' BY L.SAMI EL, General Advertising Agent, 1G Front Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, Xo. DO Klrst StA-et. Inijiorters and Job bers of Fancy- Goods, Toys. Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. stor House, First st., between Ouk and J: V. Pine. Ever) thing neat. P. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND MUSICAL I StsTP.UJ! I1MS. E2,GII-I, STEEL .S; KAXCUOFT, Kos. 3 und 17 J'irst Street, Porlluncl J arman, ti e only direct Importer of Cloth 3ing, Ac, cor. Front A; Washington sts. TV 11 O L K S A L K q I5()OIwSi;i.I.KI A STATIOXKK, LAJ:ai:sr stock iy 10 1: tla yi. Xo. 7'.) front inivl Xo. 5T4"asIi ina;fon Streets 1ECK, WILLTAM & SOX, F2ft Front st. y Importers and dealers in Guns, Kilie nji'.l It-volvers fif every description. Fishing Tackle, Farcy Goods. Reads, Tfird Cages, baskets, Croquet Games, and Paby Oarriuges. Agciits for the "California Powder Woiks;'' also, for the "Wheeler it Wilson Sewing Machines." 1eck, John A., Front street, practical y Watchmaker it Jeweler. Work done for the Trade. HOOK ANDJOH PR J ATEItS. JUMPS ,1- BACHELDKR )?, Front street. Ij)iu banan, W. A., s. w. cor. First it Taylor j sts. Chet'.pest Furniture House in Port land. P A I P WALTER PROS -''--E--- -i- 0 Front, street. Clarke, Henderson & Cook, SI it S3 First street. Dealers in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac. C tadm & Rosciifi ld, 14s Front st. Commis J sion Mercbatits & Dealers in Oregon &. California Produce. Congle, J. If, Manufacturer it Dealer : Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery liar ware, '.Hi Front street. (tinier, W it Co., ID:! Front st. Merchant J Tailors and Clothiers, Hats Furnishing Goods. Lashnuitt k. Oatioan, 'J'2 Front street. Real Estate Agents, money loaned. houses rented. DENTAL GOODS, Ik'iK 1' loot street. DRUGGISTS, woo": ARD AGO. 101 Front street. Orders troni any portion of the Stab- or Territories care fully lilted by mail or express. "lmil, Lowenstein A Co. Furniture and A -J Carpet dealers Stores from 131 to lUS l- ii st st reet. T'mployment Aueiicy. J. R. Witherell, SO JL.J Front st. Ftirnish all kinds of help. jverd'iig A I'eebe, id Front street. Com- M j mission Me-i chants and ilcalcrs in I'o- tliestie I'Kidliee. Iiishii n Livery Stable, eor. First A Salmon 1. sts Ji. Corbet t, Pr.q. Good turu-outs ar.Vitys on baud. T?i-hel A Ra betfs, cor. Fitst A Washington jl sts.. Dealers A Manulac. Cothing, Furn- is' ing ' b'Oils. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE- The large.-1 Music House on the Coast. STlilNW.W PIANOS. B! ilI-ETT (IIIGANS, ii. I.. DcPKAXS, .ilanas;er. SOLE AGENCY EOIt THE JZowt" Solving 3Iacljine. ?T"A trents want ed.-r7rtji achetif v A Stenie. Grocers and b abus in all kinds of Seeds cor. First and Ma n sts. dj Jan, longer, P., 1":.; Fir.-t street. iniiorter .1 . and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, .MHimerv. "I Ttiidee. D II. , Photographic Artist, s. w. J X cor. Fiist and Mouisou sts. Child s Piet. s- ec It v. eerichsen, L. f.'. A Co., 1 o'.i Ftrst street. Manufacturers and dealers in Jewelry, i ate bes, iVc. Hibbiitd, (ieo. L., t'.s Front st., wholesale dealer in Gioceiies, Doors, Wagon Ma terials, Ac. Hodge, Calef A Co., 07 Front st., sale dealeis in drugs, Faints, whole- Oils, (Pass, Ac. I J A I 1 Sewing Machine, strai-ht J-.X V 7aVI j needle, mider feed, "1-ek stitch." Competition challenged. G. W. Traver, 112 Front st. j.jurgren A Sliindler, Nos. let, to 172 I i First st. Impellers Furniture, Bed eit ng, Ac. YJ utchiiison, V.. V ati bmaker. cor First .JL and Main streets. All work done at an Francisco prices, and warranted. nternational Hotel, cer. Front and Morri son sts. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Puss attends steamers. ohn ,.. A Co., !'l Front St., wholsale and retail dealer iu 1 ine Clothing, Furnish ing Goods. "f aison Puree Restaurant, private room; 111. for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets (. 00s. Pi op. 1 f'aoin, E. A Co., wholesale dealer Wines A Liquors, O. S. N. Co's Rio 111 lock uid San Fran . Meier A Schmeer, 111 Front st., wholesale and retail Confectioners. I iljer, John R., !.1 1st st. Watchmaker A J.T1 Jeweler, ofl'ets to the juiblie a line as- soruneni 01 u atciies, Clocks and Jewelry. J oelier A Co , Front near C st., Dealers L m native and foreign Wines. Liouurs and Cigars. ! l - - Vr ortbrup A Thompson, dealers in Hard- ware. Iron, Steel, Hubs. Spokes, 11a " ("1 Lumber, bc., Ibu tland. Occidental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison - 'niitli A Cook, Proprietors. 1 parish, Waftuig A Cornell, Real Estat Agents, Pittock's build ng, cor. Fron and S ar str ets. f POTOGRAPIIiC GOODS. C. II. Wood--I aid A Co., 101 Fiont st. JOHN B. PILKINGT0N, M. D., OCULIST AM) AUKIST, Oi ice -73 First St p. bet. Hoivks' Din n- ix :Ji noon Fito.M Laud's Rank, Treats rd! diseases of the I"yc, Car, Throat and Taiiiirs. iebter, Paul, lor, First st. . i mjiorter j Berlin wooden Carving-", Parlor On er of Orna- ments, Ac. 17 osenbiuitTi, LS.ACo.,Tobncconists, import V ers of Foreign and Domestic Liouors. n I jnss House. Frot cipal. Thomas R -" ,f 1,st Clas, Pr!. ,0I'rietf,r ""' Oetor. 1ir; ueaier in dler Hardware .harness, Saddwl ' artd Cimon. J.,?c tVontsbTT-, Qinsheamc7TirFH O Pianos, Organs Le' 'fs!,st- ""PrtTT:, struments. ' tet -Musie, Mu jf O kidmore, S G l'0ViT O . O Apotheiy, aJa'rge tock 'ofK AJTooet Articles. hofl eriura, A "7 Snoth A J?vis7GFi ri dealer f I)V' U v'.'? ?U hul f-ass, IVrfnmery, 1 iUtJ,s- Si'"w a ii7YTVi7t t Frame. SIoldiD-V?rtu.r,e' '',C! ing Disttunumts. ' Art,st 8 Maf.sj Dr.i: Itllth. Flit Trol r,,.. O tn Legal Tenders n'n: Ilfr an l GoM Dn?t. ' -"mem !ot)( otom:, h. Im.Xo icrTFxrr O. Watchmaker & Mnm,fi,rtrin i 'U is nonointed Atrent for the j! 7JT,,f E. Howard A Co., C'ha V il ,ro 'f'", California Watches; I0' for n t ' "d ,b th.ns and imports of the ' Calif Hr' P'.rrpany.San Francisco Zo- Watches repaired in the lr and warranted to give stisfactioC Dfr f 1 T . c.i ., iinis,, ao. ITS Eirst. street n, r is ana dealers in Fun.it.V , din?. Carriets, Ac v ia. ' I "p Clothmir store lit p..,..,, .... ji L IfGoooU' Harris A I'raver. G -oes JL in V agons A Ag, ic.dtundjnij, en,", T "Iyrie. E. D., p. w. cor. First A Oak . J. dealer in Rraildics.rWineu KiiMLl, ,:' and Porter. Kjy- ----- t O ri!J,iam & Myers, 5 Central PhTck front st.. Commission Merchant i de-tl s in Produce. AYThalleyA- Fechbeimer, Atlornfrs & So bcitors in Ranki uptcv. Ofbce iOdi ifiTldd l eliows ietnple. O . 1 u T5EWS! ':-'.: "': i'i::5-feSes O LOOK OUT FOE GOOD S. ACKERRfiAN & CO. o HAVE JUST RECEIVED A IARGF. Stock of SPRIXG & Si:3D!Efl UI0B8, WHICH THEY OFFER O Cheaper tliais tlie ditfajif!. We would say, come and convirce Your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stuk consists in part of FAXCY A XI) STAPLE IRY-COOI'S, CJIOTIIIXG, HATS, ROOTS AXD SIKHN. NOTIONS, G ROPERIES, O HAbDWAKK, and a great many articles too nr.nu runs to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows. Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKKN I' ENf IJANGE FOR CJ0DS. ALSO. WOOI.. wanted, for which pj tbe HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACEERKAK & CO. Oregon City, April 21, ls7Ptf JEY WAG OX AXPO Carriage Twlanufactcry I The undersigned, ltaving inereRsed the h mensions of bis'premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third street, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as nmnv new ones as n'v b pleased to call, that be is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the rery best of mechanics, to build atifff. recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out !1 complete any sort of a vehicle from com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Riacksmitbing, Horse or Oxsfofirip. tio general jobbing neat I v. qmrklr Wid cbep Ivdone. DA VID SMI TIL Opposite Excelsior MrVet To Stock V revere . THE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE Mountains, known as the ' Old brm grantRoad," is now in splendid order for the accommodation oft he public. Tbe bruT' on tbe road have all been th r ugbhr irj acr ed, and stock drovers will find it 10 trri.tde to cross the Mountains bv this route. Tlr is plentv of g-ood wafer and gross on fo'H sides of the Mountairs, rod tie rii.'turcf across is erdv io miles beinir the sboiffst sf well as tbe best road over tbe Casci-de Wom -tains. Stock droves and migrants will nra it to their advantage to travel over tins rout Toles reasonable. ., t JOSEPH YOUNG, President. Clack am as county, June 21st, l-72. Store to Rent. rr RESTORE HOUSE FORMKKLYOCfr 1 pied bv Kafka, on Rock Creek. 12 mi-'J from AuroVa, situated at a tine point inr country trading post ; can be bad on reasonable terms. This is a desirably rt . for a man with small capita! to go into boei " Enquire of JOHNSON A McCOWX july'jOtf.J Oregon Cit.vrrg TMPERTAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., ore nos CITY. t - ,nr. o4o nil i- fin bfl nd fot Fle ri,itc'o)iisiiii'": "Vi " . xt.r'r Midlings, Bran ami ChiBen Feed.f"' purchasing feed must farnishjue f P'f- ... s' :,V5T5'.v $-TbLP '