o O 0 O .-hpeh&l- . rhC iUCCJ'Ulj CJlUirpnSC, J ' : - -- ' " ' ! --fjTTY" : ; 0"n GBfcR. 25. 1H4. . WUJi Jr... -.. -i" f TOWS A.VO tOU.VTl. r rTzrrr- j Public Speaking - i . ! i illm rim hi Lito tL,n. Geo i II lrcsulcntial Klcetor, Will i 1 . citizens of this OO'frify, j for .Iress 1 1 1 . TT .ncn rm M nil I V , .I,--, I 'oUl t M W1" J ouso. VrembLf 4th Mr. 1 1. i u, . , . i . of the best speakers in tins i IS Ol-' 1 we hope the house will si nie. am lie crott'leu!. T11C 3Iaiufactori j j of Oregon City : ' t!) lbllov.-miT avtu-lo 0 l,i Gwntlie Com- lative to our Cit, llO.U Uic ,erriil J''j-'rtcr, ptlt)ll?iea at , re tin Voi 1-iml Itsavs: j l'a" - . I ritv recentlv we were VK""S r:fi?1 i liecti Uuarious ! iSorlllu in u, rt ..i Imndreed others ! "r" ;n i-, 'due reason, be reduplicated j ' ,, 'r w i-.'s and nc-ssilies become ! lhCrn-Sried iii"o.tr Kruwinjr commercial j ,,,?,.:.-. ' ( ,vT(,n City has a water power i rci."- .l.ii..rl5 t ru is more than (iuuhl in extent nit- - i . .i . ... -t ..r tiin St. ite mh.1 nf :i ! ex-tent tue comouieii wat'-r ,,rt-ers oi Lie ........... imcessity lie will m a lew years become , . ..mi nen 1 1 V Uie III i:iili:ii;uinn iJ'incu .i . .!,.,. iTu- furt.t.anrt: it needs naught ftfit jiaueni. willing fm: ... ...?r..(r until Hill .t:it( !l:t aiivd a pop.uauou o. u.. uo . . , - ; l.v!,;tan s, w.n..,i . ' ..f. :fe III' u ' :I " 1 ' r..... it... . i I . ' I i liii.- w. v-i......"....-. i (, ... i.i: iic. . .I'll. . T. A lilt... . .f n-. i 1... i)fi.;i . . i.u.le m.uiilest to the mos. ,iouoiu,g i uoiu- , t.d u Jn a accayed and dangerous con-li-h, in i tit- land. I lion. L'pon their report the Steamboat We first went t iroutT'i i 'e wor cs or me ; ... . , . : ( ' rv ViooUeii are .naiiuiaci u - ; v 1 5 ... i ing Co..MHaUO I., me v-. gnu ........ p j t Oil! I" i . . a . . ..... .......... . U'. . ."II. V. nil i, I UU , d!v conducted us from s:1,,,1.;-iiitcti'le!)t. KUi v. '.'..re il.e in ttei ial was received iii tin f.rai r .i'it ia tii' (i coin v. ..- W ... il MI.V- . I : .. ' . : . ii. I r ... 1 ....... 1. past dozen ma- i , lil'isi inuicitie uiei iuue.si.-i i o o m j - confTuc-iou. t where in the final- i ... 1. ; . . 'i- . i - i i . . i i;y ciiiii' ill) micK'-is. inns. i.i:ui!is I j 1 1 1- ! Salmon Kits. etc.. i.-i endless j ... i . . . r .... ... vri-tv and ol itie niosi laumess emusiruc- j ti.i t'j which the Oregon and Califor.iia j lr k' ttJc'-s kindly, ami the Company tin 1 j liiilittiWy in keeping up wi ll their orders, i 'rj,,.-r Wood -ii ware is in oue sen: e. China j wre. a it.t nit i.ini. ii 1 1 ii in ... ii ic. m it t . . . . .1... I ........ l . -.- :I .Cl Ii-..:.- ii the inevitable Cinramau is here ! ; M'l'Ce. .1S I l . t" . ' .1. l.i llj . liii-l. lliril i :i-liiiti'Ui. lii'c obliged to compete wiui j ih.il kind of labor in the Cai iloruia man i ketones. 'taking leave ot this enter- rise, w hich is a great credit to its owners. who have proven beiicfao'ors lo the Suite. as well as. we trust, to tneiiiseives. we n r: visit the Imperial Mills, a few feet ipstant. but not finding any one in to es cort us over iteir extensive iii.l's. we con eluded to defer a descrip'.i":! tillsom. o'iier time; but we noticed that it is a line m il .-ami thev secured to be running in i'u 1 1 furct; We were next escorted ikrouifb o tlir in i'.;niiic'.i iit oob-n .jidd jca'.i U here. Gl'he Cmupaiiy is known as the Ore go:! Ci.v Wool.-ti Mauufa-o'uring Coiiijiany. un-Qheir goods have almost a orid wide i u J' ulaaoil. ii anions Stewart, i.ie n. Oi ilrv go., .is men. rmi lontt ago ga t belli mi order fur a large (uuuiti'y ot their i'.-avi.t b lat'.U el -3k. iV'h.cii Welched thlfty Ji'MiUili pel" pair. 'w' t'fie 'o.ui'.e.iug is coiistrnc'ed of in irk uf'.er the style of the best and late! East ern designs, and is iive stories ii. height, i.. eluding the basement. It has. we re c u.ect. till sets of. io!U. wi.li all t';e aec.uup a living icacduni'ry in propor lion, ;ll v.; tie. b'-sl in veil I ioii. and has j s' in !i;iri- Es-.Muhborhood of a ipiurter of ittniiuin id' di. liars. T'e.' (omjutny eni p ifv l"i) . pel a' i v t s i p. a U i he ot i '.riiui i's a:el consume a-.r.iu.iKy ! ' ) .O-i-J lbs. f wool. The'V have a. t'nil stork ot' raw ma ten il on hand, ami ih .'lr u-rv i;i m .-r in; '.he mti'ket and s'.i ic 1-. 1 it ; on .-:!.!. s Mm stamps '-I'.eni as .if true !,;". :i-s c biliiv. and h is been much lo the bem-lii ( regiui t'ii v as well us t ) their em gloves in th.-di s.edy working pi'.-gr.tmnn . i.s cbiel ..v nets are !he Jacob iiros.. Wm. S. La id and I.-a iirwn. all mare or le.-s l.nowii to the busiue.-s coiniiiitriilics of the Ma'e. CV.'e next visited the OiCgO'l Cpy Mills. M .l.er. .i.s: shall i.V ( o.. proju ndoiv I h . . 1 1 ,i 1 1 '.l i a ii. i ij ' I ...... .tl,- ... p. ..'-Hi in" city t and Westward of and wishin a te . i-e tff c' on the Fit sl. F.: We iiieet HO th jili.lli.':; lUriVA- o! tli Woobui 1'. i built- -the U.:t tA'ti !oi i 's )ty. It U tss; Ve '.dls of rv'.olie. Which iiii canied b, r li 'H: i !.e he i jo. Is uf t;l and ';;:.'' and from theiice three stories of hi It k. wi ir.ves it a substantial and tticarance. Hit ground plan IS . l',0 leet and it is tile neatest and we have vet seen in the CO ..ii S.a'.r. i: t;.is five run of stone, four ot wloch have been cu stantiy ru a ni n g n ig h t -n 1 day br the past (our weeks (excrpt in; Sun.l.i v a ti;e prop: ietors I ve large ruers and contracts for Flour to fill inch neccssi : n "T's this unusual activity. Iro-lr Flr.iH- ban achieved a repijtation fcind to li'i.ue. and siatids emj'ha : icai 1 y st t!. head ( f I li i list of the best brands in the Sta'.e. They have agencies and caMomera c?t every important landing town from Portland dow n the Columbia. Puget Sound and Victoria, and consign '"ite quantities to San Francisco, by tgii sieainer, on orders ahead ot deliv eries. Tliev have agencies also in New V rk and Boston. Their power is con ihicled from the (. S. Co.'s Bo-it Basiu in i i;n lorground b irrel ttibe.md strangers re generally mystified as to where die a'.t-r comes from. It is owned bv the ; firm in fee simple, js equiviilent to cighty tirrse imwer and is a motor which, for eay cuii:rul and unlaiiing volume, is not 'o he excelled in the State; and it would annear fVni.l Ih., I .nl iiiuj tl... r.i'ntirii.t.iiM (J . -IUIII l-v, l.H.1,111 .i .III III! ui. iwo hv- f.- - i . i .. . ...t. '"' iw iviiij; rttiti giiiiuiiig v ueai. i packing and shipping Flour, ic. that the ! Mill c.iii be run at less cost than any ! -li'T in the State, which, th. fore, gives j 'i'ern quite an advantage over liieir com- f utors. The miiicr. James M. Welsh, is Ut of the Sacramento Mills of S icrc:n-:i-oi f. and seems a goatlem ta thoroughly j tpialiiie,! tur the position. Mr. Thomas NfWflL ot the late Standard Mills, being ! b ? a--s:stant. The mill 1ms been turning j oat. lor each twenty four Louis' wotk : J,iing the last month, two hundred bar- : r''ist,t Lxtra Flour, and thirty barrels of ' uperi- Fine, that being its ' regular ca. j !,:u'l!y- ll has cost SPJ.0.1). and alto- 1 i-t..iii is a credit to its proprietors, the ti'v ami the State. v r iniiiiig oiir time and sace soinevhat i-u.ited . we will return again to the work !',' revifwing the many othecmauufactur ' tstablisninents 0f Oregon City on j''!nt- ,u,S?l" occasion, merely remarking 'at Uiere is room for the development of a.utj muiiiifacturies of the kind we have p."".. ' a,i Wt"H as many others ia this fain , 1 hUle city, wliicli was such when Port- was the h mat of wild animals. ATToi; aa.. e notice the following ; tl'So wi 4il- in ft t..n,!.AA 4 1,.. r:.xT Lou '"ft during the week- Jii.lo-,. Win ' ;.,n?- J. N. Dolph. .-. c. (Jibbs. Prose .'""g Attorn, v liniii,,,, n n.n !.!.. l. I'.IUeii all of Portland; Mr. Ford i our'. "'n: 'B")r-riic of Hiiisboro: from oi,'.! - ;,, M t aicssrs. ('has. E.V.irren. F. (). ; 1 i'il.es and W. 0. Johnson. ; tl:,' ( Ia-x; - ..Jx. Ix, t 111 4 " -- OUntv C,,,,... f, ,. v - i . Monday. ..i,., ; . -"i.-wn. -Q 'liar luQithly tu- Hi" ling of Ui y Council will be Lcil n-vt Mon- ! " - - 1 "j LV-!-cn.iii. O O fj V- 1 Dr. j. g. Holland's evv novel, "Arthur JJonnicastle,'7 begins in Seribner's for No- vt.invf ibe initial number of another vnlmiiH of the ina-razine. ft will h,. a V- England story, in autobiographical form. in nit opening enapter tue inro describes a notable event of his childhood, and iu- troduces the render lo some curious char- ucters. the exquisite lesrn by The exquisite desiirn bv Miss .11. nL- r. tr-h ,!.. .. I ,1... I.,,.,,,! f histallmeui, is itself a story ai.d a poem Holland's editorial contributions; U to tin t lt'Cj itt r, inn hm -i a nfn-u . v i 1 1- u 1 I k. iv . : . . i n - i niiwi U.-5UIVI. i;i iu liL's Oi u,e i lint ' lie discusses ' I ere Iiyacititbe's Marriage,' uitu lit- siioujjij' ueieuu-, - n oervice iMoruy' " Prayers and Pills," The Out- ; siuers, ana - llie rower of the Athima ! tive." The first article of the number is a profusely illus. ; rated paper by Mi us Edna Dean Procter, on - Northern Ilus.-i i and jjt. Pe;eibur-." E. W. sturdy, an officer of the L S. Navy, describes most vividly '' h: Lirao-nato at Atnea,'' and the il- l-,s,ra''-ns f ibe article are siipiub. An i,iu ,vsti,.- feature of this number is a group of five poi-ms by five celebrated vo;inin - poeisf (.linsuua Lr. Kos.se 1 1 1. II. 11.. Tl,.. ...... XI.... i 'l i --'"a inater. .Mrs. A. V. I. imney. and VMelh Akers Allen. Kale larkma s Eliza Wood, is far "ouvt - " aseia-e magazine siolies ot ttie IV i'1 contains passages of rematkable onginahry and power; and Hiram Kich's '"Tictoia DeScil" is a r,uiut and- witty . 'l m Basin. The bu.-in of the Steain- boa t Com nan v at this nl;ie. h:i hiiciunp - " ' vol ten ;CIUS :ue mtertaiucd by proper- tv owners that unless there are sine re- pairs made before the river raises that the enure work will be wash a why this winter. A C()lilllliUt.e compoStHl of mechanics, ap- pointed bv the City Council.exaiained the ... i i .... , - work uuiiuir ine .summer, an 1 reoort- ' ... , , . . Comnany were noutied of the lacts in the , , . . . .. , , ease, and also ihat unless thev in ike sub- slaillij , ,VouUr bi heUl re. ;. 1 , . I. , S1""olV V S winch may be nnsutiuv-u mm i ouuuuig properly lHiinen-. ! Should this basin wash awav wli.ui it U j - '"11 ... .., , , iiui oi w.ti.ei, i.ie .i.iioiiiiL oi uamage u will do cannot be e.-tiuiated. We call the attention of those interesied in this mat ter again and would urge upon ih-in so make the proptr repairs. It may be the cause of saving i great deal of property by attending to the matter immediately. I he Company will not be able :o dead iijTiiii'i'.nce ol its condition. They have been noiilied by property holders and i others who know the rotten condition of the work, and they should heed these warnings before it is too late. Chimin K IU'zisy.h. The foilowii g criiuiii il business was, returned by the Gran I Jurv tliis wek: b'.a'e vs. u urder iii ii Slate vs. John Gordon: indic'.ed lor " sec i.ivi degree. Robert Jenkins; indicted o:i '.wo ch-are., one for an assault wiih a (badly weapo i and the other with an ai- li l l it:i ime.r. in kui. ite vs. Jvh vve; indicted for lat een y. S ate v . .itidrew Wylanl; indicted for j.e i"ivoual property oi ainnh s. John li-e; indicted (or lar aking into the store of J. M. Mate C-env. b J'oeon. 'the Grand Jury was discharged yster d a v . Shooting Ai tuav. A shooting iiffr ty i ccui'ied in this place last Tuesday even- in: letween lloiu-tt Jenkins an 1 J. Wort- man, l'!, Ibniiei dohi the lioot!ng. There WHi' none li ti !i woi . Is. passed be tween the parties- iu relation U; a matter of a private character, when Jenkins shot, it '.oi itnan twice, standing within four or live ice- if l-i'H, neitiliT shot tttkillg eilect. if !' -i:e -A',-i :sed through the right i:i"i ri Mr. ', .'s coat, and struck the o icK wao ijei l- li.i b-j- i wo i:. e iorbe.r go ali'iiiy. Lot k The place ;; progre: pledau. 'i -i , ;i l him. As Mr. Jenkins c'ovn'.s for the olfence, i:; i:.to the tlctaili uf the ik on the Locks at this g very rapidly to com. i not the ? light est doubt by tht Coiiioi.'iy bii; coin pleied iiy ;lie 1 si. ol be a iiio-t in lguiilceiH U'l-.v e:i 'crtaincii what they vi!i t t Jai.iiiry. It will bt piece of work w h e-i eouinleleil. and u : oiv.iu ticcd 1'iina similar v.o,-: k i:a ' 1 if not superior, to any j f'iiiou. 1 tie I'.e resi de,, ee ot Joseph Eioiiay. re-i-llng in Harding's precinct, was destroy ed by tire last week, with all the household goods. .Mi'. Dionay was absent from home at the time. It is supposed lo have been the M(trl; of an incendiary. Thanks. .Messrs. Mu;k ILttton and Joseph jllonay have our thanks for a fine lot of fresh vegetables. These gentlemen have been engaged largely in the vegeta ble business, and have taken great- pains to procure new varieties, of wliic-h they prop(SJ to sell seeds next spring. The Tribwie sti'es that Dr. Muhlenberg, Fiiiied States Collector of InUrnal Rev- r i 1 . . 1 r ... . i eune ul uanctuster. i a., arrcsteu tor ;iu ai- ! tetnot to bribe a judge of election to cotn- 1 1 1 mit a fraud upon the hallo box against, j Duckalew is ii biothor-iu law oi Senator i Simon Cameron i I Cn ct'iT Cot'iit. There is considerable biiiiness before the Circuit Court this term, and it will probably not get through I before imetime next week. F a i : k w l, i , i . C t . t S e n a t o r Kelly gave lie leaves ,. ,. -. Mis a farewell cail vesterd-u ... for Washington on the steamer which sai's from Porlland to day. AiiMirrito to CIrtzt:sltti,. James Duffy. Frederick Set vers and Patrick Mellow were admittetl to citizenship by Judge Upton last Wednesday. Mkktix':. A meeting of the stockhold ers of the W. F. C. & L. Company, will be held at their ollice, ia Linn City, on the Hh inst. HoilSE EpiDKMIC. A disease amoii'j; horses has broke out in Xew York which has thus far bai'llcd the skill of horsemen, to either as ccrtuii.'t the natuie. of tiie tlisea?e j or to litid a cure. Uvertilty tliou- sand liorscs vveic taken down s.t one time. There have been, no deaths, but thev become useless as Sililill as thev take sick. At last, , l, ,i;.no w--i in tl.t ,1,. crease, and horses were airain used on the street cars, which, had been sustieiidcd. There is no provision in law that , , allows votes counted in the Presi dential election direct for the Can- j i:i.... l .1 l - (lltlULC'S LIlCMI'Ul US, IIL'IICC lMTOUS : j tilJ - S...1VJV . V. . t , L V. .1 VVlllIb 't I , must vote lor Electors. 1'lcketS 1 without Electoi'3 Oil should not be ! , . . ! countctl in. thy retura.i-. The Southern States Almost a Unit tor fireeley-Cheeriiijf News from Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Quite a number of .Southern Politician- cnys a Washington dispatch of Oc(. 11. j have been in this city during the past few j days anxious to learn something of the I political situation. They bring cheerino- j news from the South, which is corrobora- I tei from ether sources. There is no doubt that Greeley will carry cverg Southern State except S.-uih Carolini and Mississippi, and advices received from the la'ter State gives assurance of a Liberal triumph in November. This will give Greeley 120 electoral votes certain. Gen. Ciiiigman, who left North Carolina to night, says there is no doubt of that State; that about fifteen per cent, of the white vote which did not go to the polls in Augu: t will come out on masse for G reelev. Mr. Detrees is confident that Indiana will go for Greeley, and advices received from Senator Trumbull give both Illinois nnd Wisconsin to the Liberal column. The German vote, which is the balance of power in both these States, is said to 1 e solid for the Liberals. With New Yo;k and Connecticut certain, and New Jersey reasonably so, there iseertaiuly no reas n for any despondency on the "part of the Liberals. The disturbances in Pope county. Ar kansas, according to advices received to day, huve been peaceably settled. The carpet-bag scoundrels who provoked the people to retaliatory measures were so badly frightened by the storm they raised that diey begged prominent Democrats to mediate lor Ueia I hut tey might not be nothing there, is I.ke leather fastened togedi driven from the State. This is an admis- er by CABLE CUEW W1KK. Boots and sion on the part of the Clayton party that j Shoes made in this way never rip, or leak or they were in the wrong, and the people are saved the Urruis ol martial law. Organize and V.'ork. We would impress upon the minds of Democrat and Liberals, says the Em. the necessity f perfect org miz ition and ap peal to them to make ;io ir'Ht- effort to wrest the State from the hands of Radical ism. .The contest between Greeley and Grant is a close one. and one or two votes in the Electoral College will decide it. Oregon has three voits. and if they are cast for Greeley and elect him they w ill be as good and worth as much as a hundred votes under the snine circum stances. They arc certainly worth striv i:,g for if they are not needed. It should be a source of great satisfactio i to know that the vote of the Slate had leen count ed on the side of honesty and reform; in favor of correct administration of the Government. In the future; in favor of ousting the theive.s now plundering ti e people: and in favor ..' the. honest, up right statesman and sehula-. Horace Gree ley. This alone should be sufficient to nerve the j a t riot, who loves his country with tin unselfish devotion, wha desire h it torm-r pe-ace and prosperity may come again, and who hopes that the peo ple of all sections of the I'iiion shall be united in sentiment and thought, to do brave de.'ds in the interest and for the cause of the iighf. livery tine lover of ! liberty, be bo either foreign or native born be shoul third; of that which is at s'ake and do his voi ves u :ion every duty a duty that de voter. If this is done the result will be favorable o lefot m and til.S a:e- et'.ri -. i ! . d with U o; that will vote on i bo side- of justice an .1 right. Ii ii y lit i: Si-vii'tii. St Pauls ( Ri.iscopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Seiiwoo.l, lector. Services on Sr.n.lav at ii!-5 A.M. iind 7 P.M. Sunday Seheid ant 1 1J ii,i cL P. M. 1st Coneresattonai C'.i a roll Sab'iatl. Sch-;c-l, . . . Scats Fn e .12 o'clock M. M. E. Church Scats Free. M'trirt.2 Services lo.fi', 'vW i'lsr Set v'-cs, 7i o'clock. S. ialh School at 2 o'cbiek j. in. J. I. hoi ky, Pastor. IIS. Li this city, October ii i, 1s7j, to the wife of Mr. II. S." Stevens, a daughter. a:-:.tj von 'rut: K.TKtiitssK. Toe folio wing per. sons are authorized to act as agents for the Kntkh p h tsn : G'o. P. Boweil t Cc, 4o Park How, New Vork. Co.j. Vvet'ierill Jt Co., GOT Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Abbott .V Co., No. 82 v 31 Nassau street, New Vork. Portland. Oregon L Samuel S:in Francisco, Thomas Bo-.ce San p -ancisci., L. P. Fisher St. Helens, Columbia county,. . . . S. A. Miles. Astoria, Clatsop county A. Van Dincn. Lafivt-tte. Vaniliill county..,). L. Furpeson. Dallas. Polk county.. Pave Holmes. ("orvaliis J. S. Palmer. Can von flit v W. P. Laswell. D illes, Wascu cocnty N. II. (bites. La Orande, Union county A. C. Vraig. Pendleton. I'matilhi county S. V. Knox Ecugene Cit v . J.M. Thorn nson Cl.lCSAM AS COl'NTY Beiver Creek C.F. Beatie. . . .Frank W. Fost, r. . . . . He in y M c( i u ;in. V. Mori land. I. W. Strawser, . ..AV II. Van-ban Z. C. Norton. D. Wright. Lagle Creek Cascades Lower Moialla. . Canbv Upper Moialla.. Harding's Cuttings' 'i'ln- Vv'sii ni tiyj lijs Iccn IIcetlct. Since the exposure t'f th? alternnts of certain unscrupiiloiis local dealers, to palm olf their caarse a-tringents, made from cheap and impure material-, m place of the great national tonic, lb sictter's Stomach Bitter, public opinion has tot strongly against the-e empirics and their reparation-. Their occupation is gone, or soon wi I be. When the lLht is let into decep tion it soon wilts down. Persons who tri fle with their own h.-alth, by u sing unknown preparations, with no guarantee to sustain them, wdieu an established specific, proven by twenty years experience to be exactly what it is claimed to be, is within their reach, ie sure to repent their temerity. Many have dope so in this instance, but it is hoped that the truth plainly spoken has arrested the evil- In the meantime the de mand for t' e leading protective and restora tive medicine of America was never so great as it has been this sea-on. Troni the fever and fiie districts of the west, south west, and south, it is literally ove. whelming, and it may be said of the advices bom ad parts i4" the counti v of the cuies it is ellcctmg dvspepsia, billions ccurpla tits, and chronic constipation, that "t::eir name is lemon. Everywhere the sick and feeble set into ha.':e re diked the importance of "hold ng fast tiiat which is god." and of avoiding what is spurious and dangfroas. k The numerous ' dbtters," under various names, which mercenary dealers endeavor to .-ubstitute Lr LLostetter's Stomach Bit ters, should be avoiued, tor their own saKe.-, by the sick and the public at large. Hos tetter's Bitters e pioeurable in bottles only, and never s'd.i in bulk !?si.v-c Jdiir UiKtor's liill "When Dr. WistarsBa;sam,f Wild Cherry will cuke j coufb?. cold-, bleed! i2 at the luns, and arrest the felt destroyer. Consumption ! do 'S more tn ir, most nbysicians can u. The use f a siiurle bottle will atisfy t ie ia . i i ........ .. i- . l . - credulous that tLoy iceu jOvjii ru tui the." lor tue rt-". u ire J aij- J5f" Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy pro duces pei feet cures ef the worst cases of Catarrh. "Cold in the Head, Coyza and Cattarrhnl Headache, as hundreds of testi monials from well known citizens and euP, nent physicians who have used it in their practice a'umdantly testify. It is mild, pleasant and umrrltating. The proprietor offers SVJO lor a La-e of Catarrh that he can not cure. Sold by druggists at 50 cents. Ragge stockings and protruding toes are not seen on ieec where SlbVLHl TIPS are worn Parents remember this, they last twice as long. Fur sale by all dealers. Mult noma It I,oli;; JVo. 1, A. K.smtl a A. M. Holds its regular communica wv'V:,-tin n s on the First and 'I'hir, Xafur Sifiiy in each month, at 7 o'clock from the lioth of September to the 2"th ot March, and 7.V o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 2'Uh ot September. Ureth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Dec.L'o,l S70, hy order of W. M. In this chaiitablie climate nothing is more in po'taiit tlmi dry feet; hf-a'tli and life depend on it ; therefore buy CAULK SCREW WIRE Boots and shoes never leak or rip. Oregon Lodge So. 3, I. O. or O. F". --vv-Meets every Thursday even 4pS "g at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Wr" Han, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By' order . -". Ci. Ileix-t-ca. iSrjgrve- LofTjfc J o. X, O. O. F1. 5 Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y K 'EXIXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. To protect the understanding of humanity come apait. FT the very bet photographs, go to Liad ley & Ilnlofscn's (JuPerv without STAIRm Zr ASCEND IN Tin: ELEVATOR, -12a Montgomery Street. San Franobro. falls eca;ip:.ii;t ao.i, i . o. F Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the 1TCST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Patrnrchs in good stand ing are invited to attend. Feb. t. ls72-tf A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Wj t.t. oi ktt k E.m.i.s Lock Com-1-anv, will be h.-ld at the Company's office, in Linn City, Oregon, at ten o cloek, a. m., Xovi"it!cr Kill, IS-. Bv Older of the Pre-ident. ' JNO. N. KINO, Secretary. Linn City, Or., Oct. '2, ls7'2. it. iako F&ottce! VLL PERSONS INDIUM KD TO ME ARE hereby notified that I have placed my accounts ia the ha: ids of 'J '. licet ur Cji ii i-J:c'-1, ;it MPwiiukie, who is instructed to make immediate collection i,f the same. 1 r.-ous indebted to rue will i l -iise nettle up. L-sAAC 'CAD AN. . Milwaukie, Oct. i:.", 1S7. nlw:l i'iirent. reduce your Shoo Bills tiro thirds by buying Jj uU ilia .l.infij.J for ' our children. Good Cable Screw "17. 7ire rgi i y rno?'i;i Hit via A?ii Umn'sS. . u W i O; , i GaJiforjiia. City Property For Gaic. THE GREATEST LMU'l'E.ME.MS EVER Oi'Pi:OS2-:$lTY BN OUECJOX CITY. C CONSISTING OF FOPB LOTS GOOD J Dwediiig, with seven rooms ; (bind Or chard ; and ;;u npeiu;d led Wi ll uf water; all in good repair, a ml situated in the most sight ly and healtcy portions (:f the city; Title pei feet; which I offer for sale cheap, being desirous of leaving the city. For particulars enquire of KUOKNL LA FOUIIST. at Thus. Charmau's store. Oregon City. Oct. 2.".th fs72. iy. pope. Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, PEA LEI! IN BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE, TEA -, SUCrAK, FLOFR AND MEAL of all kinds, PICKLES, SO P. SALT, CANNED Flit: ITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinds of Frec-h Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTE P. CHEESE and F.GCS; TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken m ex clmnirc f"r tmiTs at the highest market rates. ?"Goods delivered iu the city free of C'airge. A fair shfue of patroaare solicited. March '2;i, lS72:tf LIVE A XI) LET LIVE! THE CEEGCX HTi HACK XI) BRAY CO. -W Tf- t t-T V - TT-riTl tn!-, Tl. . I .1 I l.lll 1 L litll.A.l.li XlltS k.j- fi fl l.iverv .StiiM.- fllill Kilslr. S.: 4. ol Mess.s. Willis ,t Bitot .; iiTON', -iKcV and the Drays, Horses and Business of C. N. GiiLKNMAS. ate now prepare! to carry ou L1VEI1Y IrsiKS, K IZ l S T A lilK. A.o nnvYixti. We will also deliver slab woo l to all those persons to whom Willis t Bruuuhton have eiiiiage.l and as many more as will engage slab wood from us, so far as we can get a supply. Ordcs left at the Livery Stable for Wood, Praving or ILo.lin. will be at tended to with ri'sii itch. PatMinaue in oar several blanches of 'biisiiKSs s.jlie tt:.;.. Our Cliaics siali lit- 31:tfr:itt ftiTThe Highest Ca-h Price paid for Oats delivered at- the Stable. C. N. GREKNM.VX. P.esident, J M. F U A Z E R, Secretary, Of O. C. II. & D. Co. Crcgon City. Aag. 2.", 1.2. f- VOID QUACKS. A victim f e.nlv m J. discrcti-n, causing ntrvous debility, r.remature decay, &c , h.,ving tried in yam !; ! cverv ail ve. Used remedy,! as a simple means 't : ". . i. . ..-ill fi op tft lim sc li-curr which he w'll sei I fellow-s-.dlerers. Ad lress J. 11. REEVES, ! 7 Nassau t., New York i p. I:ly XEV 3fOOT3S, . JUST RECEIVED BY CHAIiliES If. C AUF1 :i. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF COODS, consisting iu part of iu part of .FANCY OOOXS, LADIES' AND CIIILDREfi' SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, &c, &c. All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Give me a call before purchasing else where, auU convince yourselves that 1 CAi mud W ILL SELL as cheap as the cheapest. CIIAS. 11. OA U FIELD, CORNER MAL AND SEVENTH STREETS, OREGON CITY. AT TUB L i N 0 Q L NB A K E R Y, W8LLSAIV1S &. HARDSTJC, HAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. TL Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh UREA I), CR CK EPS, CAKES, PASTRY, CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the farming trade we wonld say, CASH for you. produce, and CAIl lor our goods. (Joods delivered to ail jiarts ot e city. Feb, lfj, lS72:tf O X, H2 G- O N BUSINESS DIRECTORY ! ri"MIE I'NDEUSIGNED WILL COM MENC E JL tolieitiug for a Business Directory of tlie State OF OREGON in a few days; and, to make it successful, respectfully request the co op eruti&u of peisons interesed in the wePare of the country. The State has now reached that posbion when a yearly summary of her progress is necessary, bence the value of a work which will, in a condensed form,. Coiiibiii: nil )I;ilti'rs of Public lutcnsU The work in contemplation will embrace a General Sketch oHke Slate, ! TS PHYSICAL ASPECTS, GEOLOGY, CLIMATOLOGY, BOTANY. ZOOLOGY, COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, SOCIETIES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, PRODUCTIONS, And all other subji cts on which it formation is required. The work will be illustrated with sketches of some of the leadh'g" prominent scenery i f the State, and its compilation will be dnder the charge of J. MOItTMEII MURPHY, Esq., w hose recent work on Washington Territory lias been highly commended by the press and public. The Business Directory OF EACH TOWN AKD CITY Will bo Complete And that, with sketches if each place, should make it invaluable tQjihft merchant, Farmer and Mechanic. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, it will be THE BES'iryet introduced in the State, as it will lie of such importance that it will always be retained in a prominent position for refer ence. The iturc of Advci'listng w i.l be as follows: ONE PAGE. . . HALF PAGE. CARD $20 .. 10 . 5 Advertisers taking one page will receive a copy of the book grati . TRICE of the work will be . . .$2.50. The book will be ditributed on every route of travel and public place in the country. S. .T. McCOnMK'K, Fi?15sler, I5 Front Street, Portland, Or. October l-5,. 1572. FALL AHO WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I:ALEF; IN' rynr GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES. 1 1 A R I) WARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is bought, for which I pay the hiubest market price. If rou desire srood Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stfiek of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mr Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL P ROE ITS. Ardi li. U7' .t CONFECTIOrJERY SALOGN ! Fresh Oysters!! LOUIS SAAL, - - - Proprietor. Corner of Fcuitli utl Ulnlu Slrccls. I?RESII OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY style desired. Confectionery of every kind constant' on hand. I manufacture all my own s'ock, which is sutlicient guarantee tfiat it is fresh and pure. Call if want of a good cup of -oiI"t e, lea, or -lio-olne, or anythin in my line. Oregon City, September (J, lS7'2:tf SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- o Best BILLIARD TABLES in OR EG OX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them T II K B A Ii 1 S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbou aireadj famous Whiskies and Punch. also, a xo. 1 SHOOTIMQ GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, lfe72:tf REAL ESTATE, EEAL ESTATE- JACC11 ST1TZEL, C C. W AY. JACOB "STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL A UPTON., S A K 1 Cor. Front and Washlngtun Sts., P 0 R T L A N 1) t 0. R E G ON Special attention given to the sale of farm iiiLT lauds and city property. Ail corres pondence rc!a'inr to th-e recources of Ore gon w ill be promptly auswered- REAL ESTATE JOURI-TAL Pul.lished monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. JACOR STITZEL A CO. March 15, 1872: tf vi 11NTT.7A r RESTAUR-ANT spoil sab: TO THE CONTINUED ILL- ness ol of the Proprietor. Leon DkLockv, the IJarnum Re-tnruut is offered for sale. To any one wishing to engage iu this business, a bargain is offered. LEON DeLOUEY. Oregon City, Oct. 1, 1S72. AND rJ? XX K j3 e rr DR.HUFELAN D'S ;C E L E R R A T E D SWISS STOMACH BITTERS Th? First and most healthful Tonic ev or introduced in the United States. These Hitters have been in thean Fran cisco Market for over Twnity Ycnm, and notwithst mdincr the many new candidates H for public favor, the ti sale liave const ;ntly fi :ncre.ised. HTAVIAUt & UFA fi r:iL., Sole Agents, 8 4"0 and 411 Clay St., g San Francisco, i't'-lj S. DCELAT. CII AS. E. WARI.EK. HO EL AT & WARREN Attorneys at Lav, office eriARMAx's uarr k, main stkeet, OREHON CITY, OREGON. March 5, ls72:tf F. BARCLAY, Tfi. R, C. S. Formerl- Sur-jeon to the Hon. IT. Ii. Co. 3."5 Vcars Eijitrlcnfe. rfcACTICTXGiaiYSICIAX AND SUKGEON, Main Stre t, Orrf-on t il-, JOHfiSOfJ & McCOVN ATTORNEYS .XD COQ'SELORS AT-LAW, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS of the State. J3yPpccial attention grven to cases in the U. S. I and Ofncp at Oregon City. April 5, 137L':tf A. fJOLTFR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ENTERPRISE OFFICE Ofejon C.ty, Jaa 13:11.-- THOMAS CHABMAN- O ESI At LI&liED - - - i ' 1853 DESIRES TO IN FORM .THE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette ValLy, that I.e. is still on band, and doiujf business on the old motto, that "A SImlile 'Ix-Iin-e is letter titan Slow Siiiliing-." I have just returned from San F raccisco," where I pui chased cue of the LAIH; SIST and BUST SErKCTEI O btock of Cccds ever before offered in this city; and consist in part, us full jws : Scots & ShccE, CfotSlEg-pEiy Gocds, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Eash & Docrs.Qtieeiis ware, Crockery, Classware, Chinaware, S?oneware, Plated ware Jewelry cf various qualities & styles, -Clocks & Watches La dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Hotions of every dcsenpticn,Patent Med icines, Ecpe, Farming Implementr of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, O Gil Cloth, Wall Paper, &cj m? "I-ie?.,TT.,ist' 1 can Fav y stof k MOM COMPLETE ever Mil-red in this mar Ket, and w as sleeted witfe (njarialrurefor I U, n..!at, 11 of wLich j now fcffsr for- sa;e at the Lowest Market Rates No use for the ladies, or anv one else, t' think . f going to Portland to'buv pocds for I am L L 1 LR.MlNEJj TO SELL CHEAP and l ot a low itq telf tu be lAIiEIiSGLU IX THE STATE GF OEEGO Ad I ask, is a fair chance aid quick pay ments. Believnjr, as I do, that niuetfeV years experience in Oregon Citv ennblw iu' to Know the reqtrenients of tbe'trude. Come one and oil, and see for vourselTcs"" that the old stand of THOMAS CHARM AH cannot be beat iu quality cr price. It wou'd' oe useiess tor me to tell vou all the advan tages I can ofler you iu the sale of "ocd- a every stoie ihat advertises does Tbit, and probably you have been disappointed.. All I w ish to say is. come Hud see 4lnd examina !or ydiiistlvcs, for I do not wib to niakfjiti-r mistakes. .My object ,s to t II all mj old ii lends now that I am still alive, and teir ous to ssil frauds cheap, for cash, or ou such' terras as aureed uron. That,kiiir all for the liberal patro j. beretoiore bestowed.' nag a TIIHS. CIIARMAZS-,", Mam street, Oiegoa City.' r"Eegar Tenders and County drritit lake ii at maiket rates. THOS. CHARM AN.' :r,tieo lbs wool war, ted br THOS. CHARMAN. V CATKINS, AI. D., o SURGEON, Portland, Okkgc n. OFriCE-Odd Fellows' Temple, com t irstand lder streets Residence corner o Main and Seventh streets. - VI. F. EIGHFIELD, Established since lS49,at the old stand. Main Street, Oregon, City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, J -elry, and Seth Thomas' weigftt Clocks, all of which are warramed to be as represented. n , Repairing done on sliwrt notice', ' and thankful for past favors. JOHN FLEMING,' BOOKS AND STATIONERY, IN MYERS" FIRE PROOF BRICK, MAIN STUKET, OREGON CIT1. Olf EG OX. JOIIX M. BACOX, Importer aDd Dealer in e2y ST 3255 dZS CTX g&g& STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, ic, Crpgon Ciiy, Oregon At Chartnao-4- JVa?-nfr'it old etandilntefy oc cupied by S. Ackermnn, Main strtel. lo tf DR. J. WELCH, DENTIST.' o OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, ' cornerr of First and Alder Streets, Portland". The patronage of those desiring snp rir operations is i-n special request. S'itioiisoa ide for the painless extraction of tefth. ;?'"Artilicial teeth "better than the bcM aDd ax cheap a the cheoy.ext. Will be in Oregon City on Saturdays.' Nov. rj :! f A. G. WALLIXG'S o Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner of Front anil Alder Srf-' PORTLAND, OREGON O O G BLANK ROOKS RULED andBOtNi) to: anv desired pattern. 0 MUSIC P.OOKS, MAGAZINE, $EV,S- PAPERS, Etc., bound in every Tariety of ' style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE-- lOEflAND, - - GEEGCN: DEAI'R IN REAL ESTATE' AN li OTHER INVEST MEMS, q Crn-imissior.er Selecting Swamp and Ovei fl r.wed Lands. Farm Lands sold and purchasers obtained, fnr nil kinds of landed property' Valuable securities transferred in exchaage for real (state. Leans negotiated on property, and tjtiM cxandned and deteindr.f d. q Cotninis-ionH solicited and execirtcd with PHHtv and promptnei-J'. OFFK'E No. 14 Carter's Building, coraaa of Alder smd Front streets. u Feb. S, 7C;tf 0 ' COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TTKTVERSTTY OT HALTFOPUIA.