o o o o o O !!aoU 'lUfclU UtI.e Administration party on ac- vv--1 ' j count ot the migrant corruption ' t . , . , r .f , IMcsr Josetdi Teal, Elijah C or o,'Kiji.u?vruiiofj.AUAMA!, cotMi. I ,. , , . . . . 1 Democrats, but who prefer the elee vu' "M.,m - -rTT;r 1,iaS nV" UltSI"r1 tion of Grant, have allowed them- 1J' Goldsmith, Joseph kel- MEGftt UlT, 0RFM0 ' 1 I J la,v,,lwl mc- lnc selves to be used by the G rami ten lSS al George -Marshal!, have O ----,-J IJ,I,I " " ! Democratic party, as an oriramza- i . filed ntielo-s f ineornoration in the . -. ; . 1 " arid have procured tickets printed Elicits or m oq V;- tion, placed country above party, . , p, f OYW,r --m 1 office tf the County Clerk oOmlt- a and rail led to the standard ot . , t. A . -nomnh mm.n- nvovidin" tor the i J:sY.M4. tt n i t . n Adams on them, not even carrying no""in toI,nt l--,u'1 i 'i-vC -V Horace Greele.v. Let every Dem- ' . , - ,-.,-r.,..;.,.1t;,. o t,.:imboat com- S-TZt'? L '-s'i ...... - 1 me lOKO SO ur :i to rtnt nr n eft r.f v """'" --" " c n . s -. .- .i 1 . ....... t , i . . i.... i i . . , . i i . - i - . - i I o (HOAE QiHEfciLiSi f7 j whelming rebuke. And why should o? nkw vohk-. iany Democrat falter? V,e liave rr Vice rret-hlcut, j condemned the slavery of the B. GRATE OROWJouthby this Grant Administm Missorjti. I tion. Grcelev stands with, us in Presidential I'lectcrs, ;E5). It. IIEMTGof Linn Coun'y. N. II. GATES, of Wasco County. : n. ii. gates, of Wasco County. K. D. SIIATTVC K, of Multnomah. ' THE LIST WORD TO DEM OCR AT-S ! 3cfore another number of the Kntkiumusi-: shall have been issued, the grand stnv"rle will havebcen fcuiglit and decided. The import ance of the struggle cannot be Overestim:L'd. Its impoitance is as plain to our readers as to our self. A corrupt ring lias surround ed the present Executive, and hopes to retain him in power by the most unscrupulous- ajipliauees for their own enrichment. "What ,thosc appliances are, let the recent elections in Xorth Carolina, IMaine, Pennsylvania and Indiana answer. The money of the Federal Treas- ui-y nas oeen use.i w 10 t sunt. onucs u;ue uueu oae.eo 10 eve; one venal enough to accept them. Ac'n-o noioes nave oeen mareneii from State to State, and voted like dumb driven cattle. Election and police officers have been purchased and open frauds have been resorted .to, in order to bolster up a sinking .cause. The campaign opened with a struggle on the part of the great Liberal and Democratic forces for national peace amVrcconci! Tuition. But as it has progressed, a higher incentive actuates the combined forces. The party of hate and dis- cord, seeing c masses rallying around the standard of Greeley, have resorted to thwart the voice f the. people by bribery ami fraud. Therefore, the new and paramount issue is presented to the American people "Shall the Federal Execu tive, with the money of the Fed eral Treasury, ami with a swarm of o'niceholders, be allowed to con trol the suiVragos by fraud and pur chase without rebuke Tn thio Presidential contest, the -pcop!eof tliis country behold a sight never before witnessed on American soil. A corrupt Admin istration, in order to perpetuate itself in power, seeks to annul the free voice of the people by the use of li-ans Priminal in themselves and" debasing to the people. To supply funds to bribe voters, it thrusts its hand in the public treas ury. "While proclaiming itself in favor of the abolition of tfie Frank jug 3Vivilege, it loads down the nu ails witn partian documents, reeking with falsehoods, while it ! it J1:!S bee( nm the ctistom for the ruthlessly excludes documents cab j publisher to recount his adverses dilated to place the Administration ; for the past, and make new prom in its true light before the people, j jscs for th0 bttwe. We do not pro It allows its ti easury othcers to con- ! pose to tlo e:lt.llfTj :1ml w;ji violate nive with the privilegged linkers lhis custom. We have been the of New York City, by which they vuhU.v of this paper for near are enabled to make millions out t wo years and :l half !ri?e, t hot of the Treasury stock iobbim' and rs. J " 0 then demaePl a part of the ill-got ten gains with which to thwart the will of the people at the ballot-box. ft winks at criminal oracth-es at , r. , , . " elections, and 111 New ork it has secured the influence of the natori - .ous Tweed, hoping thereby to con- trol the vote of that city. " - !!()w Democrats of Oregon," these are , . lmfea part o( the eotrupt practices of t most infamous Aministra- turn this country or the worhl has great stru--e to hand down to our clnhtren tlie uovcrnmeiit were-! fid .1 bi cr o of 1 ; i ti . f ! t t.-f i t nun! v -; i - U1 :i! " "'o1!1'' oi Mioir;- . er appeal made to the Democracy j of0the nation. And in its olheial j capacity, it has responded nobly j to tne appeal. 1 or the sake of na-; tionai peace and reconciliiation, for the sake af rebuking; an Adminis- tration that seeks to t-m- wblJ tlie freedom of t,, 1 In t.tc llt.tlO.U oi h., tabot-bo,-, K law adopted as its standard 1..' ... ' , , ' -- hcr - nuiii tio oas ncivK.-oveM.tt V " V ever seen. Miau it he relinked. . . . i . f SW1 tvA 1.- -,oo A. i . 1 - - 'M ''o,! " eeiy icason to believe , efibrt .how to the worhl that the : " T f will carry all the experiment of Free Government is i "V ? ff 1 exci tirt" not totally aohiiiure in America H l"1 -H--unty. I ot Mississippi and South Carolina. Can we not vindicate the ctiue ? r ' "" V1 l ,na5i0 thl' I lms W!l1 Slve ld votes. To ! enndidates for Electors, will of the people against this infamous ! p" i'"2. and this add Xew York, and we have speak on the political issues of the Grant cabal which by so base an- Y J- j - California, Imliana, Conner j H.o day, at the Court House, in plianees attempt, to Millie the pop-! n'l 7' UuUu .hvey, and we j this city, this (Friday) evenintr. ular voice, and then taantinHv i t " ns th -M'i-rt in ; nave a majorit y. Latest news from The Jmbro , -ill make it warm for asks, -What are vou troin to' do ! ' i ' 1 ! 1 ' i T"" Wiscoi,itl Z i opponent, ami will show up the about it ?" Shall we not make one ! i : .'.Vi ' I t"'1 recounts Ibr the idebirmities of Grant ami his fob j noble example, and this notorious j ly infamous Administration will re I ceive on next Tuesday an over- favor of the doctrine tlmt thn irliitu men of the Southern States have ngUff, that the negro ought to re spect. We have condemned the high-handed measure which the Grant party has taken to control elections in the States. Horace Greeley is as bitterly opposed to them and favors the one term prin ciple, which removes the incentive for such a criminal proceed ure. We have opposed tike policy of having the General Government become partners vith larire money cd corporations for the oppression of the people, So has Horace Greeley. Democrats of Oregon, you need not look beyond the lim its of our own State to witness the collusion between the Grant Ad ministration and a large corpora- tion. which seeks lo enslnvc us fm , . . , , - I its own enr :eiii!ui:!. .i me last i ,.,. ,n i ;,..t, i : (r i i election a high t. alunet aliicer ami a ,nonoir0lj,.t ,yitV( to.-eth- cr fj;. artv M!cccs, and money i.ru r,-.,., d,, rr,, , "-- VIU IIJU JL 1 VitTMil U tM M .11" tcred broadcast over the State. Do you want to cripple the t ncr gies ot this corporation which is seeking to enclave von ? Then cast a vote against the Administra to"m which stands as its backer and supporter. This is no time to rc- m:ii:i idle nml simiin' Vci TVo-.-i.-. . A ... . tain away iVom the polls. It will ,t do to say that because Grcelev m not has not been a Democrat, you are not bound to support him. This answer will satisfy the conscicaei of no Democrat of Ore Tj I party in its corporate capacity de- ! mauds you vote, but above" and j beyond the demand of parte, Js the demand of vour country 'amli the principles of a free government. Every Democrat in the State I should vote and labor to bring out j for Greeley every vote in his reach. ! lien tins luts been done, he will i.i 1 always he given to the rets of our have the approval ot a clear eonsci-I - . " 01 ('M 1 , 1 c . c . . ! v onventions. J'eeause a man casts ence, and the satisfaction ot pin-i . . . . . " . j ins vote for Greeley next Tuesda'- mg m congratulations tor a tn- , , - - ' ' 1 .1 -v Wf . 0 , loes not argue that he endorses his umph 1:1 this State and the nation ,- - . ; past political record. Xor because over tue present trant .(.-alsal now : f c, . 1 -,t - 1 j -' vtieeiev will receive DeiiK'cra- r . 7 . ... ' m powei, Jy , eee,y jcio,;nn ( ;),( do 7iiJ d;ty unl IttS trjinlc duty on i:H 7'j.sd.', mid the $tQ .S' OlfS. m enth Volume. With this issue the KxTuuemsi: enters its t-eveuth volume. At the j commencement of a new volume. 1 .;.n',i, 1. . , 1 , time tne paper has oeen run on its income and has been self-sustain- Ulo We li.ive not mio.l o dierl,-. !;.'...:,, : , i '-site iwuiiii utau time. e nave 1 ! ,f 11 i t ; at all tnnes takt. n our own course! .... u .. , . , , ! i -1 j , ' . , i -enieti tnemseives Kr eoni-Jera- ' i t;o5, ,,! fn.j til0 -(.r - 1 "., . j Uion of o-u' i ' ',,. "n,- VVil""S 'c',cVc j : 1" !' mis met their approval (. i 1 h:lvc cmkavorcd to make it a local ... .... j i -"... i'-' int. a na ve ore- i n . Wt. ns I)o!iti(,d onr aim l;,s q - - - aper. hde ' meo the i t i -itr.il -f.ie tlw. ..1.-..,,,,. .. ..! 1 't, I j thc business men of ( bv-on" City I t ....... v.. p.uu tis. i0 I Wn -!! tl'ld.if -.l.lt.vr. t IV.. 1-, ! .!""'-- u,J"s'lu' iJi a nn- : ! . .... ie . jetat pauoua-e. Ho Hope that it siiaii be our pnvili-o to announce I tl In:lny Micceeding new volumes, and t,:U we shall always be abb to COuut atnonir our patrons those j t! novr upon our loks. The busi si- i 15Css of our of.ice has been eontin- p.lMv OM t.. :n,rt.n. .inceVc l ave " i i" l U ",,ea Vnd we hope tnat h r,-- prove Worthy of a Vd 'U ' 1 ' ... .7 , tcr support. do this end we shall l' f,Vi,r;ri !'-C'M,n u't,'-.'- I, vl' M I'll WO v. 1 , . , . I A liidiciilous Farce. self-constituted Electors. Xow we do not question the right of these parties to vote and use their influ ence for O'Couor or Grant, but we do deny - their right to do so and claim to be Democrats. It is true that Mr. Grcelev has heretofore been a Kadieal, and we believe lie is still one on the questions which divided him and the Democracy in the past. Eat these questions are not at issue in the present canvass. They have been retired, as it were, for the purpose of settling greater and more important issues now up on the country. When the Balti more Convention met, it found a ticket and platform before the peo ple which was pledged to certain vital principles at issue. These the Convention adopted as its own and retired, for the time being, all others. This the Baltimore Con vention had a legitimate right to do. They were the legal represen tatives of the party. Xever before was there such unanimit v in the action ot. a National Convention. All acquiesced in its action, and j the Convention was composed of j . - J . 1 IV us nue ;uhi l.ure Jemoenits as we , . . , , ave in the land. We may tloubt their judgment in pursuing the course they did, but no one can impune their motives, question their patriotism, or honesty of pur pose. 1 hey were the representa tives of the Democracy. They did what they regarded as best lor our party and country. We question ed the wisdom of the Conventions which nominated (Jen. McClellan i and N'vmoure aim id air. We ,K. , ! (.iiSiiice tlie present nominee 'is v" luvslime our rc:1,lt' :iare, yet r' h:iV0 1U a11 cn:( s t1iV.'illll lililiii.iii 1... 1 . ejiuiieu iiliu Si.O.'MUied t() thv actions of our National Con ventions, and no Democrat has a ngut to set mmsclf up as higher :iUtiu,nt' t!iU!1 the Conventions l wIi,ch hc" delegated t he aut hor 1- J to lor -;',t'eley hav- U!-' "'tor a careful consideration .,,.,1 ,.. ., , ., 1 .,1 : ... i... .1 t "l mociais 11 '"tion, received the nomination, it es lnc iuty ol' j)t n- ocrats to give him their support. A harmonious acquiescence should tic votes will that make him a n v ss a epnboean. On the ques- ttous at issue, Mr. Grcelev, with hundreds of thousands of other iiepublieaus, agrees with the Dem ocracy. And these are the is-S!U.s which oui Xaiional Convention has presented for our support, and no Democrat should refuse his sup port to the cho:ce of the Conven tion. While we tlo nut question the Democraey of any man who may vote for O'Couor, we unhesi tatingly declare that as far as his vote goes, he is as great an enemy to the party as he who votes for Grant. The difference is simply this; lie who votes for Grant ives him a direct vole, while lie who votes for O'Couor, gives a vote against the Den loerat ie nominee i t)l,. . . , ,,1'T tluo s it away, to -t he beneiit f- . , , ot 1 1 1. Let every Demociat in o;;r 'wly and State rally next ". i . , . . i 1 ut's,1;,V and do his duty. Let no 1 pn jmlice swerve you ! from it We owe it to our conn- . , . I J " 'Y ot Ameri- xt ! c;ul liberty. Let us do our duty, ,, , i ...... ..ii nin I, is Vi Cll. .. laberni cause, and it w mA.!,..., ... ! j .... . ... v.,.'.. i.'tt.jji , xpeeled that -Mr. Greele , . y Will oet both d these States m,h, ; i re-arded as Mire by t: ee : f : P . r ,S " an VOte 1 1 ,X'SuU'J,tial etov in any ' : cuiinty or p'reeinct in tl- " ' Tt, j " uUc'- S;l rctptinn- persons to vote in tle ,-t,i,,,f na' , Ui . . , ' Al.l,C,.C VU'-V lX1 ' - . - - s .v. aoph m ih:s election. 1 ,,. onf . MVi.bvm,(V(',.utv .l,,,,!,.!,,!,, iC.M.t ...:,.,,... ;..o-., ,,. v.. i j no- pa. pose, oi ..omemg , :UJ1j Fort Stephens, distance. 1 lo uuIch. CT onei kit. - - ' i ..., . 4.11. .j.jji "". . j v... v.iiiuia u.iu ( 't ,(,,,ti,.t tor tut hi fionstruc ion Ol Fhe prosoccts appear very od i SMV l knOU' tI'-'ir oih- ! pj' Z,nv'l- AnufvZ iV'Vi Va) 01 isu ' a H,ury n,a? Vum VW Ua' in.l if tbo !).-.,.. i-., . 'ier States. In Indhimi u-bom I ,d the rarr.,-!. b I- .-vi.o,, r, u,, 1,l'.,k; d uoas.blc t.t.,.. L.u ; ,t.nt C,ty. Cantornia. by way of Fort , .- " 1 .it- i ni tiio Lnioii ; ' . . 1 " , , , , U'J w-vver woritiv urn oujecis ana However i ( ., ,,, p-!..pcjw,ii..r -their duty next Tuesday sp, I A'lliistratioil labored Very hard Vi.Ul '.r0??1' -r'1 T'1 well guarded ihe act. ihe appropriation i A!!;:, ,o', dmnttiim to Oregon of tbo S Will hi' ttti-ir v(.r,-..,..l i . - . . . .- i i ', " .. . .ua.o .i s. o, . io o . mi.5t be eoUsllOtUunai. U.tr Coii.Sli!ll!ioU 1 W,.t .t...,! t;,,t .U.lm at h Ihithx. 'boit Cc-raSy frtlie Wil- j "laraette'ilivcr. panv under the name ot the w n- i i- ni f'.,, lamette Uiver Transportation L oin- r - l ' - l pany. The object of thiscorpoia- j tion and the business it propose to j V!lM ainnr:ts of moiu-y for eh'ciin.uuinfr ii)"-i"C is the navi'-ation of the pi;i!..).-es. Tin taxation of official s!:nn Willamette river irom its mouth, to diario, tln coiitribinioiss or national bank Eugene Citv, and all the tributaries j n-,v.hhy oropoli.s d,Per..ent u, . , . - , ti n th. Administration f. r favor, a;.d ilt aid ot sa;d river. 1 he amount ot too capita! stock of the Company is j f.,nii,ht(1'lvi:s ,,-,,(1- wj,ich has been nsod 6100,000. The stock, we learn, has lo cumipt the peopk or by fi ;u.id to do all been subscribed, and the Com- j feat iloir will. panv will proceed immediately to A lar-e number of voters were brought , , r.,. .- 1 ' front kentui.Uy and inmoU into Indiana, building boats. rl he men engaged j . J .,, . . i and t!ie;r ballots iiuJauv oust therein in in this enterprise represent a great j favor of (hc Ila(lie.u U(.;.Jt ln (liio lh( deal of wealth, ami our shippers ) wolk 0f colonization was carried on from may rest assured that this Com- J Kentucky, but perhaps not so extensively panv Will prove a successful com- ! hi the adjoining States. In IVnnsyl . . ,i . . . .1.: i. .w ... i vania so .-tuoeiiUous vwm tin nauas that oeiiiui io iiie Jiioiu'oui u iiini hum controls the carrying trade of our valley. Messrs. Goldsmith and Teal are the principal owners of the Locks at this place, and in or der to make freight go through them, they will be compelled to maintain a line of l outs. 3Iessrs. Kellogg and Marshall are old and experienced steamboat men, having beeii long connected with the 1. T- -,inl;ly- With this Company in eompetifioni to the railroad and me ooats now on toe river, which l are owned and controlled by one ! if-antie monoi.ole the diim-ns of ! JT O 1 . 1 1 I ..!!.. . em iii.iv e.jieet M.'ine. lenei fiom the exorbitant charges now -7 demanded lor freight. We rejoice at tile prosp-ct of our shippers and producers being sot tree from the , ., , grasp oi one man, who lias ruhed them for the past two years. Th ;e new Company expect to have theii boats ready by the time the Lock:- are com pieti !. which will be o:i oi ! liofbre tlie iir-t of tnuarv next. SxiiANwi:. Bon ilolladav's or gans all over the State claimed last year that it was in consequence of the railroad that wheat, sold for vl '50 in this valley. We thought :il the time that these fellows had m:Vtle ;l mistake and that they had overestimated the hem lbs of the railroad. But if they were correct then, vull they tell' us now why wheat is only worth .VO cents V Is the railioad this vear t lie n L'ula.t or ot tiiep-i;ceoi vr,,i;it,i'i'eiiiV v. e 1 1 It l -r - a nu-'ii Wheat is as high inLiver.i last year at this Hi! now as it was tl.no, vet it is seili.iLr here for less than one-half i wlial it was wur :t ft. Ml. 1 e ,,, . i las ne t. i freights on the railroad and Hoi hu lav's steatnersfroni Ihutlaud . to evin i- ranciseo something to do with this mattery We apprehend that this the cause, i:'!i:s. The people of Oregon have reason to be thankful that they have at the head of the Suto a Governor who dares to protect them against ihe outrages attempt ed upon them by the late Radical Legislature. Klse where in this is sue we publish the veto message of Gov. Grover ot the litigant act and also oi' the act appropriating io.OOt) lo aid, immigration, better 1- nown as A m h-"'a te's bav"uo-e 11. . . C3 act, and the bill appropriating :s 1 ,- 000 f;r the benefit of Mrs. Dr. 31. 1 Sawtell. The (iovernor has done a wise and beneficial act by refusing to give these measures an existance. Ckasi;j PriibK.-.vs iox. The last ! issue of the k-mo'ritt- J-Jnt comes lsSMe ot t!l-' lnon-ntr- Vir.ivo . -,t u U5 uu!l ti,u announcement t its publication wouh.l cease v ih"A number. The editor says t .1 , paper .or the two years it that. 1 "" inai i i i las i xisted lias been a continual bill of expense. The JH,-i was the neatest p.uper in the State, ably edited and leserved ii'tceess. Set: akix:;. f Ion. V. I . Shat tueh and lloti. ). W. Hare, oppus- !u-,,c T i 1 f,,il l.,...,. t- tiiitv . v. . . i;iii .I'it.v Home of our friends who propose ; to throw awav their i i t -. n . .. r. ew . . , . . :.. . -i , i "j Tb's v-Vm 1 -1 -o 1 1 . V " 1,1 "e ,ol!t tl,e 1,! If'--tioi, m iX-15 ! The samo Ju,broSOf election ,vl-o ' . . i.,c .Jtul.sot tltcon who 0rVC,1 Jl""l net as SU.eh next i Tt - sl - iv ' ' " 'Ji'e""; voies, il reeeivea i;jo. ' o hi v i ii s Tne 1 - oi ii."" I sere iv. lieesi an an i- ... . .... r . 1 1 " x j- L':i-LU "V 1 Straig.lt-OUt UeKet, OUt ' ;' W,Iil tli M iU "tl i must be recognized as a living and eoer- i ,Z .v w l To i na! e a Ctdlec- COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Address of the Liberal Uep;:blican National Comiuiitcc. 1IKA1HJ( -AltTKRS XATIOX.U. CoMMITTKE Iu;f.rai. Ri:rLi.i.;cANS. -Glk.vham IIotku Nkw Yoisk, ( )ct. 1". ?72. ) To the Sudors r,f (he Uu'drd Sinks : . : li bfci.mes ;i duly to iippeal to you in view of the appal!it.g fr.euls rerpeu-uted on the ballot box iu rrc:t .St-tti-s of IVnns Ivania. Ohio, and Indian i. o;i tho S;'a of October infant. t . . j-. l .,. i- , - i . .,.(,.. i i.. I.- w , j..- inf'nt mar bo pronounced, 1 ' aut L..ve furli .j, v..;il) the election was a farce, (..dord nu-n w.;- !mm.ht horn Maryland. Wa.d.in-ton, ai;d even fn m Xorth Carolina by the thousand to vole in that rjtate. The rai! rnmls were crowded we.h Lioijreto from other States whose only duty was to ca.-l. a ballot fur !hc Iholical tiekt-t- Uepe alt:i by ibui.s.mds from Xi-w Voik e'ty liii'oiij ed the sua-eis o? I'l.ih.deljdda ou th.e H'Ai of tk-tob'-r, an 1 did the work a.s.-.Ir.ed ihem a the polls. These men were point ed on: by detectives, to the authoi hies, o! Pennsylvania, und their arri-sf repi'ste.l biit refused. Nolo: ions New York poliii- cian.s were openly cneereu in 1 auaue.puia .-.i !,. v,.,., -,.r- r,,i . tiudr way from p id to poll to do their eilminal woik. A'.l this and much more i i is silCt ' p-Itde of pro'.f. The unparalleled , t, ,.i:..., ;.. T!,il..,i. , :.. r.-v !!.. ifinxv,'. i 7. " ' . ' "' 1 ev'.iienee t ia.eiiil- .l wro: g. j p1(,:,.;i;(.... 1!!(.a n, ii. dominent party j openly boasted ' (,t' these contemplated ! ir-v.u1. in advutu-c and d.-fh-d proven: hm. ! Ki.eu;Vo: d iiv so cee.-s, ike crane that ; w;, hoiked hi s.-ereoy is now o;.,oe ; 1 1 ie r,;i''i! ami .(raided as a 1 u-i bv its i'.er;ie!r.itiii's. -e!he.v ciinn'ry m 'ii. you are in-eilii!'' y a-k'-d !y tho-ar who li-.ve so .-iicee.d'atiy vorkod'fhis edo-do,-. Whaf ere you proieg b, (hi nb-y.it. irv: T!:e nn-wer ietn lo wi'.!; ve-u. Ie r.t;t deluded nidi i!:e re spon.M' that both par'.ie. air alike siiPy. This is l!:e weak evasion of the ete-my. bet villainy studi as ire.iie i! d b- crus!:ed wh.ion.-never may S'd'er. bet no one lor a moment beli-ve'tha' the I.!!e:a! Keii-ibii-e;;:.- part iclpa i'd in iheSe :ies ;,!' vio'e!.C' aai;i-t a'! i-une-t d.-e'.to:i. Ii very so r '.'es fieri of tliis nature ';;. co-ideniio-d. a:ed so Jar a known wa-; in no cae a'-emoted Libera I K jiibiiee: p-n iy w;'.s orr m- J ' 1 !'"!', this verv abu.-e, n-t to eti taearae if. l-'t-lioW roe:: ' ! V !!!ea . the jelrpy if tt;c i t'tot !e o; most i.e d e a b d . d i 'rl e Pr- !ie ne'st in -'.eeeo 's iln ei-en tie- It.oin!) Sit;. Tii tiaihe is 'Aw vn v corner s:oo" ot oor iKi'ioii-d exis.t live. W hen that lads, rota envelops ail. rnb.mr.ded weald: :a' l- .n r. ,1 1 1 : .1 : t;v wtiieh ..:hr t d n a! 1 i-i io r i-v o! tile ! bow i;i so 1 en is- f-t'.'ea al'.-e Mirt--;h. u ? Or.r si -on to an !; de. 1 ,:e lhaf hole s! m-.;i! c.Uive (-.lo-en lie (I ! :v v.u ! d t!' p ipu i:t; we!, n 1 ; 1 r uomaied o o j 1 0 i ,t r o!n i (.' or: urn rows wi Ii i s own success. Ll'i Hi IV le ,h of ihe do- e . 1 1 e e ;-t I .e.-.- !l is l" ' X-vemb- r. ami who :!,el s ty 'h-u the 1 hrnr ilia v not be lust i.pi.ro.oae.r.g Ik'u j ,,,. onei-irei'c spirit : h-il thunder i:i the Mi:!!" ' ,,,ur !if f an ouuMge.l i.ecion tlm! to m;c!i jpihuiy i- o ! 1 ( 1 ,,, 1 ; ace to ; I ' f w 1 1 : u n t r v men . the remedy is in 1 i vi.'ta- own nan-is. u-. t-u'- iuo-c :e 10 1, open d iv so sh.tm-de-siy tirimr this AU ra. e upon us. ().:r u-eioioil secmi ity de m:n ds vt.r.i- action. Tin' vote is vet i;i your leir.ds. a--d the insn'.t to these three -retit foe.unon we ibh:5 mav Ih ;iveier'd. In ;! tie' frauds elt:el r.tted, W- ! ried Indian-!, reeu -ed the vote ai'eaMy in ( )!:io. r.nd lost Fei.e.-y i v:ini'i otdy by r'inr! ia cat r ip' ion. Tie' future is lull of nromi-e.' Georgi 1 jiroc! -ittns in her ;rteat maiority hai the sniiferinsr Soui'i era S'.xtes. in their desire for eiju tl i iglus before t';e hew. will eive elector;! votes to Uoniee (Ii'eeley An !;or,ee. Chris iau sympa'hv in ti'.e Aorth will add to tliis more ih;ui emni-h votes to make his elect ion sore. There is every cause fur etto.oir aireuieiit. and every reason to hope ir success. I. et i!,e:o be no lag;rard now. He is a trailer who ! d'ers us die combat opens. Fo! word along the entire line. :rd by an ovorwhetmiusr vietory in N'o emh'-r. me oniv dechire for Xati m.d lleconciiiatioii and Ii'efoim. but ut tiie same li.ne let ih" O'S-ou l:e . Ie'i:;iVi' end 1 istilitr. that HKitiev C-UMlot (Ml! c! use tie' oidee President. tior juditica! iufr.my go unrebukej. lil t! W Al.LK.V. Ch'i 'n ?.af. Cinn. l.tlieral Lepub'.ic .ns. I.ct us Conssdci-. l ao.-e i 'emocrats u no ie:use to sitpnor: ..... i ....... i , t oii-t it-v .iiei ri!'ii.-u to ii. row awa v t .eir votes o:i '' i'!ier. should a-k themselves Wlien la' feao a the hallow i:;e; I whether they are w;l ling to help rid ' he i neo'ile of ihe Smii'i i.f vue'i nth. .,j M , ' ' I prevail.i- Read ihe following : j "In Wileotc eon ni v. Aiabaairt, recent 5 v 1 i i ice. an ;irii ami resiieeit-t eiMea. was elected Jmbc of the Court of voi ti 'er Sessions over a carpel basher o iiue a ttHliiii. i in' caraet b igger ai auee tt uniped up a charg-d against 1'i ice nn ler the Ihilei eement ae', and the hitter was at r.'.st.e.I. when he waa told lhat he ttiust relinquish his office to Jnd.o Cd ton or sntfer the consequences. Refusing to acct d.' t.j litis impio ieut dem is. d, Col. Frice was di-ergi" nway to Mobile by a baited S'ates ala.sii.tl lo a wait the result ot . yi , eeed i t s in tlie F rai Court. No ; i one suppo.-es ih.it he win bo convieied. j u in.' case is ji-i interesting one s an i e-v mime o: tne w.i'-' .a w L:c!i . c hi-al aws are i.o.v,.davs nmd - the iastrumeuts . or political persecution.- j And the following hvm North C.uo'ina: i ui'iona a iei:ij.;s to snoot ine eaitor j mw I i .rTT U i , C,mei,n , triumpp however, j e ,: tt in': "f, "'v F 1 r . , e i -1 k f 9 j ee "' ' ' I' -';-"-)i,:iI.1iVNov'-'!:';r u"- uci...pa.t,,i oi pub, smog atii-brmn j ,;W'lT1' i.'- l" 'T " Cir,J,liKl ,,uS j tn I be un mvm.m one. tor i.etous ot Ueryo.u.s an,i in uit. - l M V !'!!' i ti.t-s, iii-x 1 i .... ..... . . - " Jl" " 1' I" ,v 0 V 1 .,,,,s 1 .oni:ii vvillevc fn AstoTIi ... ... - 1 it!;i.::i '. r n t-,i . ; t . t .. s ' , i, ,.i c t .1 Sir. Mitchell's Speech. Hon. J. II. Mitchell, Senator elect, addressed a large audience at the Court House last evening. rL no speaker opened by telling Ids hearers what lie would do wheu lie gets in the Senate. Denied that he belonged to a certain railroad . . r.r. ... . . k:ug. lime will answer this part his speech, lie next proceeded , - i, recount the virtues of the he- o i to 1 publican party, and such acts as 1 , were meritorious m its history, -vit that is necessary to say m reply to .. , . , this part Ot his speech is, that It the Kepublican party has anything in" its history of which it can boast, there is no man in the Union en titled to more credit than Horace Grcelev, as he is the father of the party, and adhered to it until it became too corrupt for him to re main with it any longer, made so by such renegade Democrats as Grant, Butler, Cameron, Morton, Williams and others who now con trol the party. He then proceed- -d to upiiold the infamous kll khlX acts, and attempted to justify its diabolical provisions by quoting from a lying electioneering report made by .Radical members of Con gress, lie next attempted to show that there fas more dishonest v un tier Johnson than Grant. He did not tell his hearers that they were Radical officials, kept in ofiice by Congress, which passed a tenure of ofiice law to prevent Johnson irom removing their pet thieves. He said that the settlement of the Al abama question was a grand sue ees. lie failed to state that if a Radical Congress had sustained Johnson, this question would have bt en settled six 30:1 rs ago and the United States would have received over 00,000,000 then while the award now is only 813,000,000. He made a good Kadieal sneeeh ,, . , , , 1 all the way through, winch means, avoiding to till tne truth. lie: real a number of extracts which he said were il reele3"s opinions c democrats m tiie jast. 'lite In hnuc has branded these extracts as forgeries, and even ii' lucy were true, it shotihi be remembered that these opinions were ex pressed at a time when the present leaders ol the i Judical party belonged to the Democratic party. Mr. .Mitchell said he did not care a ecu t whet her a Democrat voted for Cruut or (V (imiDi'. ()t ctmrse not. A vote for O'Couor a vote for Grant. ilill aiul i ia ;:i i.'rraiiv.i; liiii. The hd'iOw'n l o messages have b-.'en Hied in the office of the Secietarv of State: Tin: i.rriu ant i'.ii.l. 7o .'te Ilonora'.-le, ihe House of Ikprcsen- lal'Vi "f ihe ,s'a.'? of On-jov: i herewith return : ithoul signature House mil . o . 1. t'l .... i hi i ut u.i uet, t-uu- 0" i : to ;u.t o pioieci. i i . i u oi i lie aci . i - ?. ri l d' O-jiob'.r it-7 i. i.i-.'H iti.it the pi-oi!rie..r to ;i !!.. .-i : pe, aes:n ilea ,t- i he oHbdai iieAso oter j.; any eoutiiy. t-h-.A'. file with the County Ce-rk of said connn a writn-n s ipuhtliou aeeept ii, the coodi lioiis of the aci, hof'bfr with nil approved bond lor the i'.titni'-al prtoi m mc o! the : -gal and judicial advortisiog for said co.eoy. t;nd wlien sacii action on the part o! ,t prorptei.-r of ; d-'.-ign.i'ed i.e - pa per has t.iktni pi ace, "ihe Governor nhad. with out delay, by ps oc lam a; r m . apj-.oint and Conli.'in said nevv.- to. r as tlie ui. diam ihro'.ig'i whtch aii j idiei d and ie .i ad vert iseme. us lor s i;d c-ounty -hall be pub ii';ed for the term !r which he m..y have !;een ? U'cted.' " ii tins pr; .-ceedii: amounts to a fran ohs.-e. vested for the period named, as a- been held by bili e. i'.a a! aiuhority in other Stales, under l.Ue acts; or. if it is iu Am na ttreof a con : rue t, and rights have ves;ed utoha- iiiat contract a repeal ol ihe law could nut dive.-t those rights nor liiinil.i'iiie er impair the privi'igi s st; .tcpiired. Conceiving that in any event the repeal ot said act ol Oct. 2 I, ls7t. be !o;e the period oxpres-se 1 for its ter;ni;ia tion. wiil ihrow the iiiigation ol the SlaU into couPisiou and tend to create a multi plicity o! collateral suits and proceedings to doiermiue ihe right 'of publishers and iio.ijants, expensive and disastrous to aii parde- cotoiected therewith. I hive con cluded to uithiiold my signature from said bill. b. 1'. Gkovku. Tilt: IMMIUtUTto o Tn the 1 londrab'e. I he- UII.U. f ihe .S'ioV Ut ti-t -j.,.,: (Ul tliil CoUsUieiMtiOil Oi Sea j 1 "lr '" "e-o.s ........ it.- .t.e r-Al-cuuon Ol ate Ibii Nc. -ns. eutu'ed. -An act to m- conveyances ol iieal lvstal, certiiied It vonrage i.n ar M'al ion." I am unable to j ,jt' band granted to this State or to cor approve tiie .-.due. lor the following rea- i porations by tlio Congr of Ihe Pnitp. i-: . . .. i .- " i t-t 0.1. . i States a nil cmivcvanii'!) I'vccnlinl V n 'iii.-; 1 ut1 oaiiTi ii itauii i iti t .ti.vit 1 -V i ., rtt'Ct ion ; The Legislative A-:sembty sh ill ui.it lean i!:e credit of Uie aie. nor in !il t!i:it r ere;iie any th bl or iiab.iuie.s. a ii ctl siiaa singly, or ia uie aggreg.iie with previous d t:s or li.voiutles. exceed ihe .sum of liny tt.ousamj uolhas, except in easa of vrtr, or lo repel invasion, or 1 ! s-ipjre.-s tnsiirrecuoa, and every contiifjl o! indebtedness en ered into er as.su tned by. or on behall of the S.ate, wheu all its Habi.iiies aint dv'ots aiiio.int to sa'.d sum. sirt. 1 be void and of iio t imet."19 At ticic IX . Sec. 2. 'i lie Legislative i As.-etiiiily shad ruovide for r..isiog rev- j eiiue s.t iiici'.'Ut lo tietray the expense.- u! the Sia'e lot eacii ii-cal year, ami also a sufiiciviit sum to pay the interest on the Sdue delil, ii ihere Ot! any. Article IX... Sec. t. h.-m-ver ;heex- n-nse.s oi any li.-cal year shall exceed il.c income, me i.egistaLtva .sem!ity snail p.owaj.oi u-vtitg a, ia.v .oi urn fa.-uu.g ; u.-cai yaj , sumciein, wim ot.ier sources . ol income, to j. ay tne dciei-itey a weh ! 'die estimated expenses ul the c-ns.ung ,1' - , . ... , , , . ! getn- power ntMiSy coutrouiig aii political i SuUmlmy when n, dearly expressed pro Wo:lg al,. j Ue 'H-pnubma m id, ut th,. late beg- biatue -.u aggregue Ihe ,,tiu ol SG7J- u-,7 ior fh. ommg two years. o be met y tvs de.ive.l Inmitaxuiui., -xclu- s.ve .l ihe appropriations lor immigiation a i. .- V ve;; -o - q oai-jt reU'. '' p.0 ':':. ; But of the amount annrnr:,.t.. V Q stau-d. the s..,n of Slua.oo;). devo? Iii fiirixlruflif.il li... . , . ral U , . ... iiinioi win be chitfly paid out of tlH, Military ,,, j lion ot -said appropriations are to 1... ... lw .vtli4.r fivt.rl f.in.n I.,.. amount to balance' the ouMamlino- jr ry warrants nnpaid at the hmh (tie present hseal year. b The tate AssiMu'biy having tlk,,n np uon to eoi reci our lt-t. cuve inod of . sivsmeiiis. ...r to provide for previ.,,,, .i, j hVns, notwiihstamliu titf CIV...;f, , j ",u- I'(,'u,1 ,r lvpuuuion. the pilljl i a-v nues will not approximate the mum, j p,-iations within the CoLS!ittniu,i-,i u -t htio limit; ; i i'; appropriation therefure can ! suitaiiie.l. m view of tho present cor ; (Ji the '1 rctsav. I . . iOLIII inot bo ulni,, a uo,l,il coatewl for fLe narrowest r'l!t" o! constriicuon um:i the tia! fnmu I f the Cost itu tion. bat thmk tlut u averago 1) alanc.es should be near what '14 it 't'iiifU uy uiai msiroiiiOiii. I.. F. G;i O OVKK, Acts of the I..eirilaiure. ' Tie following id a complete lidt of Bill and Memorials passoU and signed by the. Governor : q HOUSE BILLS. 1. Portland Police Bill vetoed. 2. An Act to provide forpthc nstruo tioa of a State Capitol building. .1. To authorize the .Secretary of slab to sell remaining Codes at $3. -1. To incorporate the city of Uoftbiirg. o. To relieve Judge L. L- McAr Imr of da'.y oi holding regular term of Ciiciiit Court in Cratit county for 1H72. o. Contracting for th eons.lruetion of certain sections of V. t). and S. L. Ii Pi. C t. lo amend beciion o. ot litlc 3 ,,f Chanter If of the Giiieri, Usiu r-' g-'.r.t to aliens. q S. For tlie further organization of thu Agricultural t'oib-go and lo provide Qt i'ji t-ejiport of the same. o 9 i'o proviiJe tor the construction of ;i Weon lioad from stamiv to Dalles. ls. lo provide, for the payment of Agents appointed by ihe Governor lor the arrest at.d return of fugitives iru)ai ja-iiee. 11. To provide for Common Schools taught in the Get man language. q 12. S'"or the relief of (;(v. Ab;rneiy. lo. he r collecting, compiling and pi ins- in Laws of Oregon Ileiwly atid siiinpsou. l i. to provide for the purchase of oaj hum'treii copies of Peadv's Code. lo- To aid the County (hnnmissiouerM o( Douji'his cowtoy to build a brid-ovf; the North Umpqua river. 15. To aid Tr.isk Kiver iioad Company, to co::s!ruct a Wuiron li -oi from 'i'ii.l.i- ! m .....u to the WiUamette valley. 7-T Vu-ci uulncorporated Towiu i ;i!m i I ie.'jfe.s. j 18. To protect Mining Claims and t i pnni'.! unlawful tre.-pass thereon. I lxTofni,Ul1 Act entitled an Act ! sriiiUing bouiuus to oliinleers of this j -j. .). To incorporate t town of Forest I C rot- 21 To nniend an Act entitled an .Wi to incorporate the City of Kast I7?thtud. approved October 2thh. 1 87.). 22. Uelating to the tees, of olliC'-rs. '2'). To irovide for a Statu (rt-ologist. trv deiiae his duties and Ii X hi- salaiy. 2i. To Aid he Oregon cWidreti's Aid .Society. i'y. An Act to provide foi'. State Itoaiai of lhpialtz i' ion. 2ih To provide for the location of the County Seat of t'tiiou County. 27. To amend the Charter of the Cityef i'ol'.it d so as iti e.i'ittW tin; Mavor lo si; as i'.diee Judge in case ot sicknes. or absence ot that, officer. 2S. To ptovide for work in the Statrt .') paftilieiiT. 21. To provide for the construction of a W airoii Uoa 1 from WasJiing'.on ("ountv: ;!iivn;-!i Nehaieen' Valley to .stt.ri i. '.' ). To provide for ordinal; expeascs of Slate (iov-. ruoiet;! anil oihetk-'gener.l jinj specille appropi ia; ions. I. To authorize the County Court of La!- County to appi oi..-ria'.e fa:;ds ft,r tL erection of the Stale I niver.-iiy. '.M. !h ap-eroprir.ie money for the Edu cation of tiie ibind ol this .Suite. ui,d i-.j, i nrovi.le lar the :-ame. J. To provide lor the eomeruction of a Wagon lload through Jackson Gran I tJ IJ.tker Coti at a's. O 2. To siitumd Section s'. of Cbaptvr S of General .u,s .-f Oregon. O O O :. To am-.-ud an Act entitled an Act t- prevent Frud. in Ch ctioits -i. For the ie'iet.tf IJ-tker Countv. a. it- dist I ie log ihe S ate ;i!tt Sfi.aniritil and llepresen'auve I'is'ricts. aad lixiirg) the ni: m'e.r o! Senaoirs and llepreseniiie' tivey in the Ie i.-'ative Ass'-nitdy. 0. To ptovnie lor pa) it.g tla i-xiensijt of the e'omaiissiooer atul Commissioner's sibs'.itnte b.-r the S a e ol Oregon in at tending ihe shth'u- 1' the t'nited Stated Cea'e.aa! Con m -sion. 7. Ktda'ing to Kieciions; oallol fap. 8. To create, orgaoi.e and locale Vlbtf Universiiy of the Slate of Ortgon. D. For the leiii f of C.tos county. 10. To t.me.'.d an Act to dt.'iao thO boundaries of Grant county. 11. To provide hi the construction of a load in .Grant and finder counties, to bo known as Kasteru Oregon and Winno tn ucca road. 12. Ucdaung to the rights of nmrird women lo. To amend Sec 7 of an Act entithd "An Act lit giiludrtg Cngiosures."' ,ipproT ed Oct. 22, is70. If. For protection f f" Game ar.tl Fish. ij in relation to wi.f 1 1 a v e i I ! i i; anil in cidental experts a and Compensation of Justices of the Supreme and Circuit Courts therefor. f(i. To provide for Ihe Ueeordlnar of i..i.,.,, ?t ,1... . .. f : . .. .. oilieer ot this State, pursuant to law. 17. To provide lor the Appropriation of .Money lo pay the nrh.ge of membeis ol the Legislative Assembly. 18. To amend an Aut entitled ''An Act to create lheQotiice of Register ol Statt La ml 4 in La Grande district, and to pro vide fn- the disposition and Sale of Stato Lands." lib To authorize the Governor to ap point a Commission of Immigration, (Applegate.) IIOCSK JOINT MKMOKUI-S. 1. For improvement of Tualatin river. 2. Peutionir.g Congress to fo amend die Act admitting Oregon into Ihe Union as to conform the northern boundary of aid .Stale to I he boundary lice described in its Coi;s'i!uiion. I. For imtoo veiii-n"t of Yamhill river. 4. To bui:d a breakwater or Ihe pro- I(.c,p, r OCell, vtssols at Fort Orlord Ii.'i,,;i ( '.,:t (rri'a ti. :i n n r. if O'i .1 1 e SUI0.- uutJ uf U)(. C0liSln:tt0u t)f a Military ,.))a,j ;t,,( a !i:.t, of t,.,.,..,, fr01 PorfV land by way of St. Helens. Rainer, lUa- 0 y Oivivin tjo;i District out ot'U that portion of the t o u lhU,nAt9f f t!l, nn!,h b,.,7c of the Siuslaw river and j Ut m lU(. , Vn of Kutry at Coos Ray. ; ;U)il wi:, Ports of Delivery at Rogue ,.5rt.r, rurt Orftu-d and at Gardiner on ifco j L-(1, ;,,:, river. D.rr.MgOon2res5 to aid by liberal Urant, of Und in the cons.r.ictioa of the i'o-lanJ, Dalles and 6 All UU railryaJ. o o (