Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, October 25, 1872, Image 4

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51 IjlDcckln Enterprise, j
. :
OL'TOBLB 25. 1872.
Twas a vi-ion. a tin-am of the night.
When deep sleep falleth on in .in;
Out of shadowless darkness it glided,
To shacIouv!ys darkness again:
Afloat upon silenfest wa'ers. '
On the smooth, slow waves I lav.
And through ilnm 1 saw. but dimly,
The round white lilies swav.
0 ., T , , , . , -
lll!'n J ,1vac'10,'1 'lown ? Cl,re!ul ,:nS"rii-
And rew them one by one,
Out of the smoky water
L p iiiQne sujiie m me sun
While bosomed and golden hearted,
And sweet for I trhul. to see
1 drew them by slippery stemleta
One by one. up to me.
Then! turned on mv side ffnd broke Ihern.
Stem by stem, wkh tnv teeth;
F.nt the broad green lea'ves Iolefl floating
Tti tlm wnter o ii 1 eiTMvi I h
t blew open the pink-white petals
To the yellow-dnted core:
And I counted th in as I held them
One. and two. and three. a4t 1 lour
; relers to his Chaplain bill, with which he
Then they dropped their heads as weary, ' , ,, ,i i- . i o ,
., J .1.1, ,i , , graced the statutes of the Lnited tetates
III! the c(ld totals touched tnv hand t
IXd I drop th.-m in the water? ' j ;it the bieaKtng out of the war. In his
Did I ever ll jat to land .' j piety and patriotism the Senator then
,v- i o n i r i i ,,!.,,.,' proposed a bill, and pressed it through
Wlto knows? Out of shadowless uarknest ; ' ...
T.f?vhaduwles darkness ti.'ey -rew: ! (.ongress in a nurry. m woich H was en
Ihit t"hey haunt me, my four white lilies. ; acted tint the regiments should be given
0 Till 1 gather them anew. Christhiti chaplains and that all Jewish
asaii jiimjxji- .-i i m t,"'-1r'IJ'T?'? i clergymen should bo excluded from those
Jst 1K Sam's Money. The fill- ! appointments. .Many of our readers must
t(M States Sill-Tro:isurv iti XeV 1 rec-dlect the indignation which that bill
Yolk is thus le.-scrilel 1T a cor- i produced, and what trouble it gave to
respondent: ''The Treasury ofi.ee ! ,ht JrwiH; t,lf'v U) ,h lv; !c i'-
1 , , ill, i, ' and 'rive litem the b.-iieln id clergvrnau in
employs one hundred clerks,-an Iho li(.M ho.niial. Senator 'Wilson,
under charge of the Stib-Treasurer, ' then Most 'ikely iguorart o! the existence
who is the ' financial officer. Al- i f Jews' in this country, proposed the mi
most all the Government payments I f' i.u"1 ""foastitutional law: but now
, . . ', J , 1 knowing that tuere are some Jews some-
:.nd receipts are made thet'. j where, it is s'riinge th it he has not exphiin
Kvery day, the o!d receiv-efl at 1 ed how and why he cam-to nuke that
tin? Custom House for duties is ' Monder. to expose his intolerance and Ids
wheeled up to the Treasury in a ! ''iard of constitutional r!g!i!s in o
i 1 i . rsi, I blunt and disguised a manner. S:une
common hand-cart. 1 he distance j b,nly ini,ht hi. lt. ,li:4,s:JlMi: ,s a
is about 800 teet, and the amount gemiemau lit to be Vtee President of .he
averages $500,000. The way they ! Cnited States who does not. care for the
handle specie in this institution j c ':,-smi'!' 'Uh of citi, -us?"
cc-taifdy strikes a stran-er as free , Tn, n"".;"nv thud
and easy in the extreme. 1 he lliu,3 not )lsl.m,k. OIl tlll, .lt of March.
las, coiitaining -s.3,000 each, are ' v , , , VI ,
t P , i i ' as is ireuera.lv sanposed. the law
tossed to and fro as ihouih they I . ,.
, , , , . . , . . . i providing tn-it Eie hrsi ses.-iot. of each
held gravel or bnckbars, and the :
, , " . .... X ,, ! Congress shall begin on tne 1th of March
clerks count up a million dollars as , .7
1 i-n . -1 nisli-on reje-aied. and the tune of meet
easily and rapidly as a retailer u d-termmed !v .he cwutmb,,,
counts Up hislitnes and pennies. ; wlik-h says that -the Conirress shall asein-
The safe is a lange room, t . ;venty b'.e at b-.ist once in every vear. and such
iVet snifare, anl about iifteen fee't ! -'f sl-ll! ,h'' " 1 he firs- Monday of
, 1 ... -, ' l'eecm'.ier. unless thev bv law apnotnt
hi-h, with tiers of iron doors, ; :l dujVlvn, a - -
about three Teet in length, ranging j ..
one above the other. These are; The foilouing are the entries at the Li
lull of bags containing specie, and j fJrande La:; ! Oiiice for the quarter end-
at set times they nre counte1, t!ie 1 ing St-ptiunber aa. it-72. Homesteads. (;;.';
Surveyor of the Port being always ; number of acres. !U)27. Final homestead
present on sucn occasions. Ther
are about eighty millions of "old ! Am aunt of lam! sold f or cash, l.lliia acre--,
and gre?nbacks"in store here and ':' s:!,'::-3- A,i,"'!!,t V:'la:"
. .. . . '. , soid (or cr:;. acres. Numn-r d
to maice the sale burglar-proof, tne i pn-nnioii en 'res. ni; .mnber of acres
f-paco next to the street is filled L5 -iod. To'al number of actes sold and
Avith musket balls, several thou- cuiv.l to settlers, -zr, t;-,i.
sand in number. Now, if a. bur- i
glar sher.ld get through the out- ; new law concerning the use
side, he would meet this loose mass, ' of internal revenue stamps pro
which would roll out upon him ; vales that after Oct. 1 no stamps
and sulileienlly embarrass his pro- j on any business or legal documents,
g rests. The Treasury contains a r written paper of any kind, ex
number of experts "in detecting ; t'ept the tax of two cents on bank
base coin. You may place a eo::n- ' checks, drafts or orders. This is
terfeit gold peice in a heap of sim- ! tolerably ' plain ; but it appears
iiar coin, an. 1 the clerk will close that, the onieials of the Internal
his eyes and pick out the counter- , 'Avenue liureau, who have achiev
feit by the sense of touch. This ! ed ;i notable distinction by their
mint "cannot tell how he distill- j ingenuity in perverting the mean
guilies the cgood . from the bad. I i"2: ofaets of Congress, htive d.-ciil-Tlie
faculty s indescribable, and ! -'d that -the tax extends to inland
ea9i only be acquired by years of j bills and foreign bills if paid at
practice."' 9 ! i.U'oi or on demand, and to all or-
: : ..--- ; ' : ders at sight on private individu-
Prank with the (ire c ley Fun. iX f')r n!!" over ten dollar.
- . Such a construction of the Law is
M6ro fun has been made with ; nianifestly absunl, but it is entirely
tfie (ireeley fans than v.'ith any ' iu keepinix with tjie insolent disre
other thing-daring the campaign, j g."i''d of the spirit and the letter
except (Jreeley himself. -V short j ' the law which has repeatedly
time since, at :i watering place, n"'- ly cxhiUitcl m tne adminisirti
lay ligure was made. ' with 1 tion of intcrn;il revenue tiltairs. It
clythes and one of thuse f;ii:s, and ; lionld le l.'Ofiie in mind that tin
so well made that it was expected : lcr the mainiL;ement of the oliicials
every moment to arise and make ; who ;ire foreinu: tin wtirrant able
a lcasant speech. A jiartv of ; constructions of the law in order
Olatlies and jrentletncn dtinced an : t( levy unauthorized exactions on
agricultural iitgure tibuut the et'liiry ; business community, t!ie cost
a sort of political hop vine, vim col!ectii.e- the revenue is con
know but were called away in stantly increasing p.s the amount
tf.e middhu of the nni.y by to me i collected diminishes, and that at
music out side the hotel. A voim-jr . 1 he pi'csvnt time there is :i deli
i;entlem:iu inuuediatel y took the ; ciency of n 1 .oOO.OOO iu the stamp
l;iceofthe tiertive, mid arramged i ttccoants of the bureau lor which
the fdn iu front of his own lace. ; 110 explanation cm be given.
On the return of the party the; -
dance was renewed, ami then in- The French res-idents ofCalifor
trotluctions ensued. The frmht of : nia hav' contributed upwards of
tlie party when the lhure came to j 1'oidy thotisand dollars toward can
life and stalked up to a l.i.ly and ' celling tlie French idem nit v to
asked hlf-f hand for the next waltz, ; Uermany. From every part oV the
can hardly be described. The con- - world where the sons of (iaul dwell,
elusion was that their effigy cut have come sums ot monev to relieve
such a figure himself, it was better I ranee from her financial emh.ar
for them to ''cut ami run.' Screams rassmeuf. Such liberality .and pa
Were in order, if at any time. ; triotisin was never before known
j and fully attests the love Krench-
Aw, Austrian savant has diseov- j ,'u'n !iave l'n' He honor of dear old
0ered, hy means of a microscope, in ! ilanec.
ji stone taken from the pyramid of; y
Dtishour, many interesting- jiarticu- ! 1 !,e -cw Orleans Jiijaidiu'con
lars connected with tlaf life of the ' .--lv-"s :s lH- nummary of papers
ancient Egyptians. The brick it- p-lihed m Loaisiana : Newspti
se!f is made of mud of the Xi!e, V'1' 'ipj.orting Oiveley and
eltopped straw, ami sand, thus eon- : j '' '.vn, : t; Umnt and Wilson I S;
tirmiin-t what tho Iible ami Herod- I'i'-pcndeut rind doubtful, 5.' Of
otus have handed down to us as to incse, the ability and standing- are
tho JLirvpttan method ot briekmak-
m,r. ncsidcs u.ese imiieriats. im
icroseope has brought other'
,inr tt li'glit the 7-hrL- id' river
shells, of fish, and of insects, seeds
t , . .,.;.i....,,
ild and cnhivated tlowers, corn . r. "V uulsIraluni''' ir'-l- COXSTAXTLY ix
... -t , s.tvs t he I hie:ir i i.,f..- f i. ii... I ..t
am I Otuiey, ine neni pea, ano tiie . , , , . , " ' "
etymon il.ix, cultivated propablv j '1 one eo.u.nued round of FC0
both iar loud and text ile ptirUes f. " ""t 1-e tie- aL, ECO, .
-ami tho radish, with manv others V, i'." . . , ! nlV tra.ids OFFICE, SITTIITGSOOM,
V . 1 has snccivled admirably. Z,-
The other cvenin a younix man j
propounded tin usual juestion to : It is of no use any longi-r fur
tlie itol of hisj heart, ishe hiid her ladies to wear expensive jewelry
soil whitohand in his, put her head the imitation conuot ba tohl lVom
upon his manly shoulder, hove a the real article.
sweet sdii'li of resignation, and in
dulcet accents that sounded like In Peru tlie lorn-test ears are con
sweet music upon the water, whisp- sidered the handsomest, and a
.,.,1 .s-s I I t. 1 ... . 1 1 ; ..
s..t. s. , .no mm'' it neat,
Grants ;
s:-,!trsjfe -
n,i mn
. tati. -
Severe but Just.
Theodore Tilton, in the Golden Aje
. ."peaking of Harper's Wet-Id j a ad the Nasi
cartoons, says:
j Tin fact that N'ust's enrioaf nres are a-
the expense oi the Liberal party has not
hairs weighl in our mind. The finality r.
wC is not alb-cled by party lines, and ai
tistic merit is independent of i-oliiical ana
religious opinions. .Many of the recent
caricatures in I irpe.r' s Weekly have been
not on 1 7 a degre l ition oi ;irt to the v.oi
ends, hut ba.-e. witless, and even hideous
n and of themselves when judged by any
ot' tiie accepted canons of taste. A p-r-
i so rial itiend of George Willi un Curtis a
! g-ntleuna of culture and retine.n-nt, who
j ,vni,);Uhiz,.s uilh the Gva,n ,
nonneed the representation of Summr
j scat.et'ing lioweia ot! the grave of Ibooks
as liendisli. The caricature that ridicules
' lite great principles and divine charities
i of the (lo-pe's. a;id represents h'gh mind
j ed. purr; he;tr'ed. honorabh; men and de-
voted patriots however erronvons their
1 "P'.'""- "i ay b, as rnlliiin and beasts.
! nmply brutal, and the religion thai
l'tlons it is the religion of hell.
; ?KX.T01 Wir..SO AND Tin; Jkws. The
I vrot the leading Jewish paper in ti e
t'ni'ed States says: -It is strange that Sen-
ator Henry Wi!so:i in his s!eecbes, never
entries. 8; number ot'
1 '-,!.
n UH' Sl'u oi tho Ureeley na iters.
lake away th" Custom-house trom
';le Orant pnj.ers and two-thirds of
t5lcnl would die to morrow.
'C ' " l" i-",":- 'uinnisuatitin
trreat, tntti K oi ueaui in int.
. ;;nK1jc . . ' .'
s. i J .A J j.t
'T In i.i,,- Cf it, .. 1...: .
The lialtimore Piatlbnn.
Following is the plat form adopted by
the Democratic ConveiiHoti at Baltimore
on the Lbh of July. 1 f72:
1. We recognize the equality of men be
fore the law and hul l that it is the duty of
its ''
j t all,
j ; e suasiua.
luw, t
and enfr.tnchistinent, and to oppo-e any re-
oi.enit.s: of the questions settled by the
J, t- , - i ,. ..I. ,
i iif tecum iuiii imiiu Jiu-i r lui-cuai ciuicnu-
ments to tne constitution.
.1. We demand the immediate and abso
lute reniMva! of all ilisahiiittes imposed on
account of the rebellion, wlr'ch was finaltr
subdued .-even years ago, believing that
universal a:ntiety wdl result in compute
pacili.-at'nn in all sections of the ouutry.
4. L eal eelf-governnient with impartial
uliVage wJI guard the rights of all citizens
". ..
more securely Man any Cent, a! i d power.
The public welfare demands the suiiremacv
.,--, ... , ., ",
of the civil over the miutaiy authority, and
freedotii of pe.-son under the protection of
the h.tb.;i crpn.. We demand f..r the in-
.1 ; ,-; I , 1 ti , !..,,. 11 . . . -ii
dn .da.d he aige-t bbeitv eon.-.-tent with
puoltc order, ior tf.e stiite se.f-goverunient,
an I tor tne n.it 011 t return to the metiHuis
of peaee and the constitutioiiid limitations
of power.
". The civil service of the govern tnent
lias becu'Ue a mere mstriimeni of n irt s ui !
,-,.,...,.. .,.. ,........,,..1 ...,.1.0, 1 :...
-,. . .1 ,t 1 1
.m .-u.ii.-ii i;iivu. 11. ir i .-L.iuuai nkiM it-
pro.icn upon tree institutions, and breeds a
demoralization dangerous to tiie perpetuity
of a republican g ivei nment.
th We ti.ei efore regit rd a thorough rebum
id' the civil service as one ot the most press
ing neeessiti s of the hour; that honesty,
capacity and fi del ty co i-t tute the only valid
claims to public employment; that the o dices
of government cease to be a matter of ar
b'drurv favoritism and patronage, and that
public .-tat ion will become jiim.ii the po-t of !
nonor. io tins end it is i rnpertt 01 ly re
(uired that no president shall be ;i candidate
tor re-.deetion.
7. We do 'land a system of federal taxa
tion which shall not no neeessai i : y iatertere
witti tlie industry of the re 'pic, and wliieh
-nail jrov.:.e tiie means neccsMirj 10 pay it:e
expenses of the government, economically :
the interest on the j tbl.e tiebt . ami a m ider-
a-e an eu il i eduction of the principal thereof"; i
.:td recoe.,' .nii that there are ia our m dst !
h ...et but .. r. e u.cd tb.e daL-renees d Ui-m- ;
ion w.ta re g.. nl t t..e respeciive s stet.iT. ot :
prot.-eti'M. and 'roe tiai le, we .vadt the dis '
cuss ion of the subject to t lie peoid.; in tlieir 1
cotigres-iona. ai;r.e!s, ani tte decision of
confess thereon, wholly fr.e id' executive !
inte.:ei,nci oi d.ctat.i.... ,
s. The miblie ercd'a mu-t be saere.lly '
mnutalnI.and we .K-noonee renudiatmn ia i
.... 1 -
eVeMioi-mandgu.se. . I
' a speedy return to specie payment is I
ttOinatde 1. niace by the li gbcst coi.s.uera- i
tlous of commercial moral. tv and honest !
iCnver.iinent. 1
10 We --enieadier with gi.Uitutle the j
i : .a :o ..... ... ,1 .,...1 i
oil oismi ill 1 1 1 ftiiti in1 'a o t toe Mini ti s it o u
sailors of the ie;u'jlie, and no n.-I of our
sha 1 eve-- d.eii-act lio.n our justlv earned
lame or the tali rewaros of their patriot-
ishl. j
It. i e .; re onnesed to ail lurthcr f rants i
of lands to i .idro-uls or other coi-pie at ions. I
'Pi i.e. ... : . . i . . . ' i i .11 ... i . !
: .11 o.s. .
i ue iooiu tii-iu tin Miui.ai oe oeoi siiL i i. -I IO j
aetuiil settlers. j
We l.oid that it is the out v of tr.e
overunieuT, m i ts i nt ei course wi t h fori iun
nations, to enhiva'e the fr.eutlships of pea. e !
bv tre.itin with all on fair and t (pad terms; j
retMr.liug it alike dish-.i...; able either to de- '
ma t.l what is not light, or to subu it to
wuat is wrong.
p.. For the promotion an I sneee-s f the
severu! principles and support of the candi
dates nomi;i;ii.-d by this con ven t on, we iu
Vit an'1 cordial'y welcome tin; co-opi'i alios:
of a!! p itritnic citi.ens, wi.hoat regard t-t
previ. us political alii! ia; inn .
Lie I i" ". ii -s Sci vie
St Puds i I0 dseoi,:d , ri.tsrrh. ib.. Pev. Jc'tn 1
u . rst'ii.voo 1, rector. . services mi Min.iuv
at lnj a. M. and 7 f. m. Sunday School
and Ltote class at s v. m.
1st Coa-jreaafloii-d Ctrn-ch Sc ats Fi t e
a oru in ir e; vices
Sitntiali: Seh.-ol, 12 tt'ein k M.
Eve. ting Serv ; 7 o'cio 1-..
Litv. K. Criatuv, Acting Pastor
I'f. ivtt;; m nsus.
Sunday -eiii:i-:-. 5 o'clock
Tue.-day evenii.g
I O C.UCk. .
o !
M. IL Church, Seat Free.
.rn:n;r irv.ees, io..;-i
Eve.,ia t Sei vici
i .; o floe u. I
1- :
OttaUillii CC!.iH'l at i o c 101 I; p. 111.
.1. lb l.oi.t.v, Pastor
I.. I. riSiiKi!, ., un.l til New Mer- '
cbunts' Kschange, is our uutiio. i.ed A " n!
in San Franci.sc.. '
Tiie folln-.vai'-; persons are autborizf d to !
act asavrents ftr the hxrt-turtu.-iK: 1
b'o. F. Ilo'.vcli Cc, 40 Park Ii )w, Xeiv I
Vo- k. :
c-.e. vVct'ieriii x- c ;nr chestnut street, 1
in -l i . , '
Abbott Co., N i. S2 A St Nassau street. !
New York.
I'oitliHiil, Oregon L. Sanint 1 1
San ! iMne.soo, Thomas Bmee. i
San c i iieeisi.-t, J,. p. Fisbt
St. Helens, (t dnmbia count r S. A. Miles, i
s,. ih.uiis, e-.iun.om county,. . . .rs. a. Miles. ;
Vstorni. Cbttson , onntv . . A. Van I)u-en !
, ' - t
I..U.I. I'i't' l it-.nai il county . ..I . n. i- urgesoii i
i 'a.ias. i,)!,v count v Pave liobnes. i
...Lave liobnes. !
. .1. S. Calm -.-.
. y. h. Lasueii. j
X. H.Cabs. '
. ..
A. ; ..rag.
( o: V, litis
( ' 111 vnll ( b t V
I U ;s, W.isco'cor'nt'v.'.' '
La tirande, Lnion conntv
Pen. lief, to l'.,, .i.u .'.,..,,. ' i.'...:,. 1
- "."oi. t.u.tiit.. . . . uu"
Lengene (.'.ty LM. Thompson '
Ilea Ver , ei k .
Fa-le ('; cek. .
I .o-.ver Moiathi
Cauiiv . .
Fptau M-.'alla
I lari'in's. . . .
Cut titles'
t . ! . Ilea? le. i
. .. Frank W. Fostt r. !
He.:! v Mctbi-iii.
w1 ii
. .Morelaiid.
, ... .
tr,!' V01"' '
II. auyhan i
Z. C. Xorton. j
I). Wright. !
,im. !....., . "-'"r, j iiutte Crc-jk.'u'V ware and i'lated Ware. i,: ,nn. , ,rr., ' . ' """-f o
, to .ncte out fqaa. and exact juaice 1 V-V KZlt AUCTION SALKS ' T 77.t I T. '. 77", ', I Sun, '
f whah-ver nat.vity, race, color or A'jmruise' iitsjo.by Ituiil T11(M j'UN, J. i'. ; Of Ileal Estate, (;rocerios,(;,ller:lpi..I,.,.,n A p ' " I Z .; i. . n r" , .,, . " 7.
religious r political. lteco.-dc-d Jan. 24, 172. , 'i i dise and Hordes low Prom iet , b S t . , ' ""'t k
We pled .h oureiveS to maintain the i ' : j '"'! Ued,,esday and Saturday r;." A T-dUA , th'ies. Un"",Jr
heu!ii..n of these s'ates, emancipation I T SOrS KotlCO- ! ' ICHARDOX, Anc'tiuneei CKS, STATIO.NERY AaD PEHIOIlR'ALS, QmTTlTXivfs. 71 Front Ae-1. wholv.
, , . ; i.ijMtM- itonti.-.i tiiat the ilea. . v.. t ;oit. ;
r " " " gs, . --j --, j Jeil-'e i;t said 'iretii ( 'onrt, on t tie lltb day of 1
-le V JL' k.- "77CX. Jj lj. i S -ituiii'cr, is7-j, ma b-i-i ordt r bii.-ci be-"l ho i
X Ins property in Oreo m City vi!i muI i A. F. i-OIiLIOS, ami j
at a bar.i n, t t ;t -ood piii-ciin-cr I III' FLAT A: WAIMMON,
Also 4 town lots in Canemah, with "ood I - Ao.trneys tor l-laiutur. j
fence aroiimb i Oreron City, Se.riesubcr 1:1. l.72. lil'twil
Also town lo's in lower end .f (lr,.,fnn ! ' t
city: a.so bci ot lami Kn e.vn ns tic dona-
ion !a ;d c'a ni of Win. Stone, s tniit s
so.iueast of (Irt'coil Ci'y, with .-onie in,-
i-roveuienbs. thinly ti'nb.red, nc under, t
growth. oiM.tl lasting water j
b-ifL -pi. re at Conntv Cleiks oflice.
J M Fi.'AZFR !
be-on Citv. Mac ii!h. 1 s72. ' ' v'b I
' ' I
'riv-r. , !
J T'TTIHTTn-T T--1-sis.
T., . t . . rt: v
i.ocMng c n airs. What- !
nots. Bee steals V.'a-hstands. Curled I
Hair and l'nbi Matreses Fnlu Pi'- I
lows, pr.ng Leds, i utdoiv
Shades. Fictare Frames !
Mouldings, Ac, ,Va.
-t .fV" aUt-"it'"n P;vei '0 Upho'sierv
work in ali its branches. Orders Jilletl with
protnptness. lU-pairin d uie ;;i,
and .lis:. atch. Furniture tVi iCJ to order"1"""
f...,..-,l, V totv i
- '
... e,..i.!i u,rWi to any pai
i .'la T7"inT
S5 to $20: V:,:::;..
either sex, vo.in- or old, maste mare in.a.. .it ,
uZn'rS "
,i....t;. . ...:.t. t r S v 1 i! ' " 1 4 . S ; ' . I ' i ---...ti ,i i n.Uu, i ue. yoo. s, I oy., u I ocKery, f, lass j O insheimer. II.. 1;,7 Fnf t wTTTTT:
j vin'Tf'!.' ts tiKFCUV (ilVKN' THAT AVE
! L nvo been duly upi.ointl Kxe-MUui of the
! will and testament ,t . I - JAIL K,
i iiteeasi'1. n ,H.v...n- na res ei-i'tns u-fi;u.-.i
said estit-f ar.- hereby notilied to xresi.-nt. tkem
properh- wrifi-.l To us at riie o:tL of J.r.iuon fc ; Horse shoes, Files, Unsos saws-Me-own,
in Oregon City, watlnn ne.irths tw.n j Hcrews, Fry-pans, sheet iron, Il.'o. Iro
tlie date ol tia-iiKKe. -N - L K 1 " ' ' 1 ,. .,,
'J'. J. M.VTI.ocjC,
I'.xeentors of tbe esta'e.d' V. T. Milt lock
JOII-SS-O.V :v- ileCOV.'X,
Attorneys ibr Exotaifors. j
OreuroJi Citv, October II, 1372. iiMvvl
i Adm IniStTatOr'S rJotiC3.
i J- Ikiv,- tieiei ilnlv apooiuted Adnonrstratiir of I
i th,: ...state of ' J.oKl-.Xb S'l EWAltT, ueeea-ed, !
I by the Jlon. County Court of L 'laekaiuas t'ouaty,
! at tin: Ooiober term thereof. Therefore all per- 1
f oim Iiavin- ,-lai.i.s against sai.l est.-ite are herel.y
j uotirtod to pre.::it tlieiu to me in-o-rly vuritic-.l
I ;lt tho "fH-e of Jn!uiin & M.-'owm, in Ore- ) a j
' ' 'li V, wiilun si moie from t In- d 0 wf t his no- 1
. ti(J; ( il.vULi'.S ST iAVAbT.
j Administrator ofhaid cstatv. I
JoliXSOX ,5; M.-CoWX,
! Attorneys for Administrator,
1 Ore-oa ( 'ity, ( .e.,l.-r 1 1", is;.'. n.';!)-.vi
Fhial 5 ttisrsiont.
t -In too matter of ttie estate ei John Iv. 1 lieUey, ,
i deceased
5 x the ('orxTV('on:ro"cLAi'XAM. i
county, State of i-ion, Oe tuber ten a is; 2;
the a buinists-iitor-i of r. ud estate having liied
t heir elii!iit for tiaal setilemeuf thereof, if is or-
te;ed by tiie 'oiirt that .fouduy 1 he foa. ih. bh,
day of Xovcmhi r, 1S72, Im- et apstrt for the hear-
i!iLr of objrc! ions to said ti.a-.l ie iM-.m' and tor the
.Ol 'too
liient ttieix-of with ltavmond l.ickev aui I
! anies O. I 'i. ki-v, ! ia; :i-; n on isi rat i U's t iier;-ef. I
l!y order ot lion. J. K. WAIT, ( 'omity A ad-e. j
Attef : it. I . 'At FiF.I.I. Oountv Cl-.-k. t
Ore.-j-ou City, October lit!;, ls;i'
Ad )r in j st rater's fiotica, !
In tiie matter of tin. e.V.ale ot'.JeHlX OUAV, de-
ceased. i
ryoTici; is iir.uii!;v oivi:x 'ni.vr 1
nntlersia ni--.! has iMen :'.iin e 1 Admini.-t ra- ;
tor of tiie al.ve named ,.st.i;..; jmd all persons i
litivme eiitiiif a.:-ain-.t the saiil est I'.-.i iire h-r--bv i
i-eijau-ed to proent tii 'm m 'hii i :ier !
voiieiiers. wit lan ix months froia tiie da'.e of this ;
n"' 'VV' '", Uu' '.'derM':-;ie.l at las rsi.t.ii-i;i IK a- !
t)ira,.,.v .lOUX XoVi.K, Viiuhus-r-ov '
Jit'iiLAT & WAKULX '
Atioui-v f, ,v A Tmhii-'r tor. '
I.ited Oebiber 1 ! ;li, is;.1. i , i j I
- - -- - - ,
isM,- -s -o ? f r", r. i
, , r, i ,
U i "-" i-- da.
!!i: s H 'd:i:i! V :iVt:X '1 HAT I1V 1
virte.eot an ord-Tot the Jfon. iVntv Court
of Cliii-l.:inias nianty. made at f lie ( c'o':;.'t tern!, i
is; 2, ia the .na:...-ro;' th.- ea-e -f .i. s. Via- :
mon, I i,l on .M.nuhiy. t tie l:h day of X own i !.!,
i'''-, at tie ho ;! of t ; -ven o'clo at the ('oar:
liouse ooor iu t y.x-a ia ( ,ty. ( i.ic--:ain is coiii'y,
Vl''':-":V Vn "t Li'.' anet.on. to the hi-dr-st hi
tot me ii:..o, ini" an-1 iwuv. sue
wi: : th" it. 1-2 ..if -X. W.l-t, W. !-. of ,!..' X. .
10. l-l, X. 10. 1-1 of S. W. i-1 and X. W. 1-4 oi i-. i
F. l-l of See. T. 3 S.. it. 1 I',.
'1 en. is ot sale: lioflcoin; ini'-'i
ll'e l-.hin aeib
l'" ""''' "ll'L 1
the other half j.avabl.! ti tot tohs ui'-'er wi-.h
note and iuoi -b.ot.e. .1. ?.t . McA M M X,
, .: r ... M . .
" i .. .... - .... . .' i. ...
J i.ttc.f )t f.-'f"- iiib KIT"'
' .1 1 ".
ii.;.)rt I
1,1 ,fhe 'in uit Court of the Slate of 0:v.-):i 1.
the eoauty of Clackamas.
1'HIl.AXCY OTIS and l.VXIKL ui! in K-i-i
OTis-, h. r bii.-band, i'lalnuif. ty to t..r..-
v-. I -:.,.- :
OL:l Oli'S-OX, in-f: i. .ar.t ; Me...
To K. Alford '.id.ts. .a, lA-f...n.iant :
FJ X 'i'UM AMK ol' 'I II 10 s-TA'i il f' ii'.i"-
ltoii. ou ale hcrel y n -jiiiie-l ie a;.;e.v!
i:isv,t r th.- e-iiftpliiia: l'd i a'-is -t yon in the :
a 1' c. - e:i j ; a J - ii'. D!i in !;..-.'oo- the ":.v.h -y o.f :
i Ytoba- ne.it. that Udnyr lie - t'.:-t day ,; t he !.;- ;
t.-ri:-..-t'.s.-i t Coi-r; b-'d-.n in.r ti.t e.-.p-rat .n :'..- :
V.-.-'-i.-s ;Mi)-li.'.tl ioa i- lii - s-lIiO'io Is. ;.s d;- i,-.vi- i iiv i
ii. iee ( pioa. t .1 a c . t , ! s. . i j ours, ji.is ; s n ;
i day of s .-;.;.-! a ! s. ; i f ou fad .-. t-i ,ci- i
so.-r.ior want Itc-reof. itv "i.mi'i;!- will i
tv !
is ;,iv ,1 .Ifciotr to ;.,r-:, ;uo, - j,
i - 11 .a
1 . 1.
1 1 1
1 n.l.-.a'. a a 1
aCs an t
t is 1 ., ti's. r.ii-i :t s of th - ,-v.i'-,
T! LM ( i Ti lb
II. it. t-'i'1 X !l.
A"oi-i;cvs IMainti
Si n'ca.t., r go:";,. laTl'. " n'bwii
OU HtLvilo. i
' ( o of :'. s,:-().. -cei for
In th.- f
' 'laehai.t is Coaa v.
: , !;.,.. ' ' CilUUlf.
-I -. - A -. - 11. ....... 1
V. 1 1. HA !: MlX't. n-hii't.ist noiix
o- ia.- t-sia-e -t A. 31. 1 1 ir-ii a
!eee -- !, V. 1 1. Ki:,--.H. ( '. ti::- '. Ti.eV;, 1
1 y, lb,;.,;-, b- :.i:;1i I
Til W. 1 . Ki!. anii Ibda i t lu--.1i a'h, d'.-:'e:i hints
;i,"MO "'"""
S N iU1' XAMKoF FH K ST.vTK . mF.i it X,
,, y'i are l.ereny ret.iiuv.i 10 api-ea r an t .in.-nw ;
t llC e.tltipi.litlt Jit. si lei.i.O-t Villi 1,1 I tie ; 1 1 " ) i III- '
in tins etnraiy ; of if served in any o:ic-r e ...o.y !
mis state, t:,i.n v.iiinu e.veni v days i'ruia the I
l;"V:"":'i,";"i,"u.5"1't !
aaa ... i , . a ;e. n.i..t.-a' ton. on at v nm tv-t a'fl :
u'!l:uied to appear and ii.a.-..ver said eouiiilat.it
oa or ti: e.;i-,1 ,.,', ;,l.,a.l i in Octubcr. is; . that ,
1 ".!''';" : 'V:y '"V n'n!1 ": :!;" ( " -nt !
"-a. i-'l ' i.i: fciinno '.oiniiv, s. la'e ot tn-- on
h-h '.v.i! b- held af, ,-r t he cAni rat,; ,1, o t hop t I
n...i la-.'sf.-ib. ,i i..-.!.,. ,. ..I s , ., , ,,'.,' .'t... !
i.tibhcuiioa of ihts summon-.; iind if you tail so
lo answer, the iil.tintiil'a v. iii apply to" i in- Court
ae le,,,., pr.tye.i tor in Uie (-..i.tjii.tint , otn
is 1T1 .sU ! ,i ;is 1111 i, ots t.i. it - 'ii,
1. ,
in a f.irei'loMtri. .no it- tb i
s.-ni,..d j;, ..n..!Ui.;i.i. j.i..,,-,,,. i,i.ntl 's d -,! t,, !
M l i ., ,i . .; i 7 v b 1 '.: ' ," -7 '
- -' - y ' - ' ' - . 1 1 wi it . . , . . i t i i. , 1 1 iu ;t li,, i
'o u . J . Km' and !!.('. 1 lav, l--y, .!.,., to.m W.
Kbiiraiel wile to Kobi-ti. H.-ao i.'!., ,;,--d u.,m i
U'"." 15 i;'' -l''::l " i,- lo .biiiH-s M. Tr... . v.
5.!!,;:1,;;ii vv, v'- tid'er t. w. i). Km..' ;
I ;;,'';.'t a!lues,roiedi,,;lK.,,ia:a:.iiit
i . an. ..... a, s,., n...,.-i tor naui.sii, an.l I
thayei-.uitu: . ,, iju.i.a ,,, i,0 iht tbi ,c. U- I
.... i... .i ,i . . ' ; ' . "V 'a'"' .
t.tii'i hi in .-i m sit hi tit-eiff it t. i'im-
veymi.vs, a follows; NotiiictCion X.t. 7.US,j, tr s
, ... -.is .imt io t;i i. , r-., i;. r.., in
' l 'lackum-ia comity, eojnrtn-neinsr at a vnint la. tn
elt.tin nor-dt, uii.1 h.aiicnst, irotu Ute fb W. eorii".- .
-''-: '"'i oa..., T. ti s.. j;. a, ;-, ami:.- t ben,-o j
v'vr:. -. ''''' v;;urr !'!,r; !i r-- 'hai-is'ti",,!,''-s,"i,,
'. , east t t ciitiii.t, tnt.-nce mjuOi lo 'in i i.auis i
,,: .,., ,. ,i . , - - , ,
'" ' la. i-.aa.as n.-i, tb nee 1 i) s:t;,. over Wjtli lt.s i
,"'-''l',d"l'in:rs to the place, of b-rrinin-r. e nibiin i iic i
:ti-..ut -'t) acres; and for o'hor and far-her v-.p...-
as .prayed for in said e "iit'h' hit, inuvtlicr with the j
eo-ts aail.'li-l.nfsenteuts of Hit, suit ; a'ld you arc ;
I .
Till". Ft iLT.OV.'iXvi att'K ae;s
an. rr-aiMcndcd as 1 -In- tl..- Ll.'-'T il I
Ik" r,- j
of their class : i
Z p I
v '
s. a-, . c. , ' 5 1
T?r 1 he Somr Ei-lin, for Pehoo!- ) 7j ,
i Kink-d's Now Mctho-1 for Ite.-d ,
- 50 tli i
V, ' v... i-,.'.. ...i .7 i.i ,.,', v .5. ...I I . . !
i Ei o'.-.-r ia'i.on-l eo'ci s m e.-'e, I
. : ' .sj
! Mi iv..,..-,
ii-1-.nves' ih-itaer 30
Worr.iii's ti ait iv M bo'i! 1 an j
5 i-'esti vttl c 'amies. Sirtu-ia-' classes 1 :.tt
..-l,lusT-l;raO!ee!5..i.k. with , ... I
PTTfl I'i .iioot-or ran A-'--nit '"' T! '
i.niiucn s e!'K. tor tne oiee.. ,j .:' ta i
". abtl s v i.-.bn Scb '...let', r s c,i., im j
Kanii-i'-r's l'infe s,.),.,,,! (r -n - !
i5 a Wiaiaier-teb-sViotin M iiool... 7.-, Eft :
i mititei-s-.-o;. s i-jiire i-enooj...
... , . - , . r -
K I f 'is toim , li.K.l 7.1 s,0
j I'l n-s l-'blte S hoi
00! 75
! L' ri.c-. vi;in. ai.'-i riano. . eo
-4 I CI ... I'- 1. .1-t 11 1 .-. . - T.io'i li.r 1
i ES I'e.er.s' l'atb.ri a:-aj,:Lin;a!. for i rs, '
I 2i i'blte aad I'i mo, , - ,u K$
-t ll-.l.
Any ?fusit' will be sent jio-tpaid. f 1
'r l7..i. b Ve-Li, :-.i.li ,,C 'Iff !
H , dress' ' !
L, l'lOd'IOltS, ."iti'J bboalway, .' j
m.jrlOraJ i
! Dr. B R . F K E E L A Vj O I
' --5-s, !
KViesw i
"'" -' ti.ct,. i
: rflfil w, ,, , 1 '
; n .., xim ii:nuie iron
F.nglish Square and Octa-on
a i.so :
I A large assortment of J rocerits and Liquor.-
I A. 15. Kiciiakdsox, Auctioneer
m TS r'T r r -r sr-R
! 'SH f
g .-ty f-N ' fi:
vd4 a h 5L- JaLi iia a jii"9
jli.ii. Si? vV ..iE JS'j,
I iibo keep constant! v on hand
SALL.M C A rfS 1 M F R I! A, FI.AXX FI.S, !
......i. ...
1 A rL!).- a-l l.LAX r.LTs,
. . ... ...
uien I will sell ut tne I- actorv i'ntes
will Ukc woo! ia exchange.
es aj.d
-e-T"I will also uav the l.!-!:et r.riiesf.ri
Ibitier, hgsrs, ami ait Kmos ol goutt country
produce. I wii! sell a bin- as any ho'tsV
"-rehantab.e pro.Uu-e.
ive me a cad atiu sat. - ty yourselves
Jan. 1 .'!, 1-71. tf
( Ociitlches Caftbnus,'!
No. 17 Front Street, uppos-te th Mail steam
sliip laudiiiir, i 'or! land, Oregon .
i' RO I' R I FT ) Its.
Iio:i rd -ii'" 'Veek
. mi
. ti .'o
. 1 o()
vvith Lod 'in
s-5j 5 s p r r r p,1! pr
V'i SS Si J iUA ii'l O ti X U Ui "A
;.s A's.ViV;,..
j r. - '--'
- r - ,t r -v
1 ' -M
S ti , r T '
1 1 : :
. W H. -
r;n 12:1: m.i.x CFAcroLv of
"P sj- p j - rrri rr -- ry.
A rjjsr.. n : 5-. r- -s -s
V ti , f'A by.id fi O I s . 2 1 -1 r s
?r Tb- y v. i'I ilso ,
.-en ,'th ii to- oi i-i'.-i".
'ii .' liXING, oft- v ry
Vith ITcatncss and Bisnatcl
Shop or, th" Fiver, in L- wi' .shop.
o'.eios te Oreoon City Mills.
.-' V .'I-'
4 '. . . s V
tssT-A r'i ' -'.Xrl. IfV -si- ' U
'.'" ' ' '- ..v
:, . .... , y";. ;
" " "- - " . . . ' ' "
r-r-i-i ... - , . - .
v.'-Isew ererj-taicg nceuc-i m a terz.::j, frcn
ttrt:7, ircm
ii& L&avlt to "-c l:i.t;st fit::
. et nor.: 7zcr v;;;r,
2S20RS ZlITSTti i'.V VOSK,
Thau r::7 ctlicr xacli-nc.
Tf there i.i a Z'Iok vu-q fa .'-.g JI.i
rhhiovithiii o::o tl.i i. n;al n.ihs of
Fan It::::c;s(o J.f-t working; veil atal
ffivhig cittfiro tvd i? f:;efi ,n, if J mn jn,
iotbtt tl vf it, it vl'l l e attt-nF.cd lo
wiilKiut c:n,ent:o c: a:.v liil to th3
w-t'.U.t! i
-a Frar.cLcc
Sfur! for Cli -ufa r.i and oftr.)j'tr.t cf
the vi-::. Artii-c ul'jmia tvandcl iu
every lucr.
3 M m q e -5 .a psei
si a i. sTiirr.
- Ol'.r.O't'C'TY.
11 iM !. tl'Trfini ivn iit!'iitt.o
''i-ui.it iliun A.iii i.it' Wii i LJt bl
S A i ) I, C H V-1 i A I ! I-
c in be hud in tiie State, at
W 5-"s i,, t0 r p. . . ?
..vyiwa!b Ot a0,ls
JI w.irrant all mv ironds as renresf ntei
OlVL't,!. Citv. AT.til'ir tv! '
i U U) l ! T TT ?
i, J.. J. j 1
!ii"H' IFRV mimjiipi
slVi-ll lJ "a 15 1' L?
Having ,,5,hat1 the above Brewcrv wish
fs tninforiu the public that he is now mepar
eat,) m.mubietnre N. j nuttUty ol
r.AGKit iu-:r.n,
Astrnotl wcmi bp obtained a n vwh.ere i n t I f
- sonciiet. in.. nroTTtntty l.lietl
t l, i. sF.f.M.t:s -
Bosiw, mrorj of Tonhut,
ruKLtSUEW by L. saii l ei. ,
j Gt-rrnlAdvrKiwjASent,JZ front Strict.
! AnVArrnWQ Trails
iiwuijuiuiu u Jjuum Kjuui ijy;
So. V.) I'ira Micd. Importers and Job ,
Agents for Mabie, Todd & Co.'s celebrated
tJolti Puis.
Ivison, rdakeman, Talor (S: Co's Sehoo!
Eooks. Jft I'ublidnd, a full line vf I.tga!
'(. Tor (his i'tutr.
I i'nan, t! e onlv di;t ct Importer of Cloth-
Alif-f Il,!!A'lil'il,-,nn 't:5'
AV 11 O 1. KSAL K
liOOMKi:!.!.!!!? & STATiOM'dl.
X i. 7 0 Piiait iind No. 5"V":isU
liiiltnii Si--ts.
FCK, WILLIAM A SOX. 12'.. Fiontst.
) In. porters and deileis in
of evf ry description.
Fishing Tackle, Fancy Coeds. Iteads, Turd
Cages, Iviis'efs, Cn opo-t (lames, and
Ihiliv Ciirriaeps.
Agents for the ' California Powder Woiks;'"
ul.-o, for the ' Wheeler ,V Wilson
Sewing Mai -bines. "
Teek, John A., TJ'j Frmit street, practical
i ) Watchmaker & Jeweler. Work done
for the Trade.
HIMFS.V- P,Af lIFi.PI'K t'.5 Fron t street,
Iriehani .V Feinhiii t. First st. In t Oak &
) Fine, importers of Stoves, Ranges,
Kite!. en I'fehMK
ui hanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First k Taylor
) sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port
land. ( A 1)!)T?TQ WALTFRBKOS
l l l L XLr i 5-Ff. n st.eet.
Cllarke, ilem'erson .V. 'ook, si tV st', First
j street, ibalers in I)rv (ioo !s. Fancv
(ioods, ,Sre.
toliu A b'o.-ei.fi !d, t-!s F:ont st. Comniis
) ston Merchaids & D.iders in Orctron A
California Produce.
ti'itdo, J. I: , Maiinfaeturer k, De tier in
is I a n .,..,. ...a j.. iji ii i
wure, Kroi.t street.
i Mirrier, Y A Co., lot! F. ont. st. .J ei ebaut
I J Tadors an.l Cloth'.er.-, Hats Fur. .i.-diing
5 "Vef. ,hmiitt & Oatuiui, V'J Fr nt street.
1 Real Kst.ttc Agents, uioi.ey loaned,
houses re- ted.
Dtii X ilL bUUJjO, ard i Co. lot
i ;,,:,s s.n e;. 7
) i I. It It I O I woo p.
Alii) AC';, i u 1 Front slreet. Oni-rs Irian
nnv jsor'tion ot t' e t.i!" t r Yen ti.tr.es ca.e
iii'iv I'd ed bv ma 1 or ejire.ss.
T."Vn I, I .owe;. si i iu .V Co. rur t.it; re ain
j Ca'-pet. deal' r.s Stores from ! fll to :;
I list st i e: t.
Tm-p'oyniei.t .VliiH. Wiii citdi & llol
A-J mar, Front si. Furnish all Li..d- of
F.verd nir A jleebe, jo .":o"i s t r eft . Com-
i JL.J nossion Merchants and dealers in po
nies tic i'.oiine".
? "a.shiou Livei St,, tee, cor. F.ist k. Salmon
: I st- F. Cm Lett, i'r. p. tl u:J toi . -outs
j ida-.ivs on !:aud.
! T"idtel .V lb belt,-, cor. rn.-t V:is'.i!ie-ton
j st-., b.-.iivis ,- m an 1. 1 ..e. e. o 1 1 1.,. , i- t. ; .1 -!
: s i i; 1 1 . 1 ! s .
Trrelaiol, I)c lb R ., Rct.ttst (iihee, Xo.
I 1" -2, Lehum's id- eh, cor. First & .Vasl)-
I ieetl.'U Sts.
( "1 il! ,V Stei 1. T' aed 77 Ibis- sti. t-t. -.-
X ers in itui k-, Siafi u.t-iv, n:.! Musical
1 ostl till, CI. t-.
The h'.rge-t Music Ibuise on the Co:.t.
! i"rri-r v Pf 1 vi.-. ir"P ;ip?? finr ve
G. Ij. I0tf PliA V!?, 'la uager.
sot.:: a c-!:. y v. -tt the
;.:-;"A.sree.t- wiinfe.I.1
I T ackenev .'v St me. (Iroeers and.habus
.1.1. In ail kit. ds i f Si edis, tor. Fitst and
Ma. u sts.
7 . Faiiibic cer. ib, !:;;; I i t st s reet. importer
.1 JL mill ueale
i in Maple cu ncy I.) ry oluouls,
M iliiuer v.
I Tttilir.li IL, Fhotogr.ij.b-le Artist; s. w.
1 X. c-r. Fitst and Lioiri-on sts. Cl.ihl s
J'let. s: iv hv.
T I'ei:i icbsc'i, L. C. A b... loy F rst street,
i.i. M.mu'iict'.ircrs and uea'ers in Jewelry,
W'at.hts, A
JTibbiid, Ceo. L., 'as Front t .. w hi desa !e
1. dealer in 1 1 e-cei ies, Loois, Vi"a-un Ma
terials, A:c.
"j Todge. Calef'.v Co.. 'J7 Fre.lt st., wlede-
Sitle die. deis in dnnj--, Pi.inis, (bis,
(bliss, e.
I-T"" f 1" Sewintr Machine, straight
HV AtllJ lite, Le, under Led, "h ck
Competition chailcn j,e.L .U . IL
i raver, 112 Fioi.t. st.
rurren & Shindltr, X"S. to 1 T ti
i. First st. ln:'!i.'i ters Furniture. ' iicd
io it, ,Ve.
nieiiiiit.tiniii llond.eor. f ront and Mo.ri
A son s s. M. lliiuoij.h, lb-op. Flee Fuss
atlei. ds steamers.
T"ohn,.L A- Co., '.'1 Front st., whoisale i'.t.d
JL retail dealer m Fine Clothing. Fnrnlsh-
1 1 1 LT (b-ods.
iiison D'.uce Kestiiur.int, piivate rooms
. i a. t-'t i a 1 1. it. cs, cor.
l.-t and Fine s'rttts
,. Voos. Fiop.
It Jariin, F. & Co., wh.de-aie tbutb-r in
J I Wi'.es l.i,.mrs. o. S. X. Cobs Block,
and : -nt: Finn
It I s'ier A Sch nicer, HI Front st., wholesale
j-' l and retail Conlectioiict s.
yi , . . ., .twiiit i., i 1. 1 i. t, in t-1 , 1 1 1 ;i h t-1 ,v
.lev-oli. r, tdbeis to the ublic a line as
soi tnu-at t.f Watches, Clocks and Jewe'rv.
r U't... !..'... I .,- 1 . ... e ..... i l r.
" f oelier A Co , Front near (I st.. Dealers
Ja. in native and loreign Wints, Liiitiors
ami CiiTiiis.
"Voitl rnp. IL .1., ILitdw.u-e. Iron, St-el.
l Hubs. Spokes, liard'.vo id Lumber, it'c,
Fin tlai L
ccidenfal ilotel. cor. Fust anil .Monisou
sts. Smith A Cook, I bopt iet' us.
'larish, Wat a r,s A- Con el', Ue .1 Fsti.te
i A gen's, HO Fiont street, bet. Abler and
I ) liOTt (;BAI'HiC (iO(U)s. C. IL Wood
1 ard A Cio., lol Fiont sb
I'!'e, J. M.. 127 Front street, w ho'salc
ltL dea er in Tinware and Stoves.
1)iehfer, Ibni!. lb.", First s t. . i n porter "f
L Beiiin wooden Carvings, Ibiiloi Orna
ments. Ac.
1ider. (1, C , Ral FsbUe A M
j fj! Frotit street. I'oiibtnd.
Money Broker.
1" osenhiii-.m. 1 S.. Co .To'co-conists import
V crs of Ftircigi nnd forest LVsar,
! i 10I"ielor.
' C'-ock.S. jl Yima Tl-
I -
pinion. j.,eb r .one. street. dealer m Do
O Sash & Blinds, Window & Mate v,??
Snow A- Rr os. 73 First strtet. Pic'uris
Frames, Moldings, Artist's Mat'.s.lJrnW!
inn Insti omen's.
Q mith. Put., llroker. ?m Front st. P7lfr
i in legal Tenders, Go ernnumt Bine
nnd Crl-1 Thist.
QTOM't, H. L.. o 107 Front strf-n,
kj Wi'tctinn krr A Mainif;iptnrtng Jpwo!ei!
is am ointf d Aeent for the Walthani, E'ip"
F. I In wjii ti A- Co., Chas. Th .bicnt, ndH J
Cidifoi iiia Walches; tdsn, for nil i,? xr-dr'c.
tioa.s and imnorts of the California JrwtdrV
Corr jutny, San Franctsro. St nd 'or circular.
Watches repaired in the very best mating
and tvAiin AMitn to give satisfaction.
1 1 1 in i ii i i 1 1 1 i i i iff i
iw.-w ,UJ.'.UtHi.i
ri.'rrv Itrns.. N"o 17s First clrot . '
I---. - - - ............ iii.i:n,jac
tiirers and dealers m lurnituri' lb.a
a: . i. ' l,iU-
1 1 . ' . iii iti.., iv e.
rphe Clotl-ing store 11.1 Front st. CioU.irur
I Fnrnis! injr Coeds, Roots and Sheen
Harris & I'r.ijrrr.
rp.dt'o. IL IL , 142 .i Fit FreVrstTlTcdr
l. in Wairons .V Agricultural Jniplen'tTt.
rP.vne. F. lb. n. w. ccr. First A 0;lv
ii-iiici in ijianuies, Minos, l-.niilisl
.1 . I . : .. 1 - t : . . in - ... ' .
sh A l
and Forfcr.
rpy1cr. .1. A.. 147 F'ront St.. whobsaip d..
.1. er in Butt(f, Fggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba
con, Ate.
A7-.llianw A Myers, .Cmtral Ytdv
Fiont st.. Commission Merchants J
dea f s in Produce.
7 bailey V Fecit! eimer, Attorm ys A So.
' licitorsin Rankiuptcv. Oilicj? in Odd
Fellows. Temple.
Vs... tt-r-i1 Ssz, Ey t. Vi tj-i. vl t.: I
. -. . Iji"' . s
p-ei ia F f.j; M fc
st A F.f a Pis r, rr
J. i. Mm k of
sphi.Gh& xiMrtER mm,
V."e uoiibl say. corne :ind convince y- r-st-If
beibic jiiPcl.a.stn fbt-whtuf. Our stia?;
consists in pai fr,, f
BtXtTS AM) SllOL-t.
117, KliWAUK,
ft:d a i rent nianv itrticles tio jiiimt reiis to
mention. b'
ALO, rs, Windows. Glass and rutty.
Al.SO.UCOr. wnntetl, for whict we pfy
Oreeon City, A) .il ill, l-7Ltf
Eye, Ear, Threat & Lungs.
.1 catt ti in Forthii-.d. On i: ii. Cilice: In
ib lines' Buildtig, Fi i st st it ct 1 1 hi it (ha r
from I.iidd & Tilti.n's Batiki. whue l.e nat
he coiimiIii d daily, Jiml ill titi.t tiiM re
f the abi-ve tianic'd organs ;is sf-eciidt ..
All operiitic-ns upt n ihe Fvc und I-ni I,r'
ronned iu the most jcicntihe and caitli.1
A I i T I FI C I A L FYFS.l avi. pall tl.e bsuty
and mobility rd' the .latnrnl t ve, institf tl.
Belei s bv'pein.issitm, for his juofi ."MM-H
standing, to L. C. Lain-, L D.. Fteh'ser ta
Snisrerv, and Fdwin I ciit'cy, M. 1-, I if If
sor'of Amitoinv, Fniveisii v of tlie Facita.
San Frtincisco; and fcr bis t-nccess in He
tientn.t nt of cases, to over ,.',eo cast s ton ;
d bv him, in San Finncisco; stbo, to I -
Lst s. Fs.p, Lev. T. L. Flint. Forthu.d ; V ir.
11. Dilb.i, Km,., Yai c tivt r, W . T. :
manv otlurs Oiegon and Wa.-lum-it n lo-ri-o;y.
To Stock D rovers. Q
JL Mountains, known " 01,i J fi
Eimit K ad," ism w in sjd. . did ntrrr f r
theaccomn odi, t ion of l.e yv bbc. Tlebr..-P
oi, the loa.i have all l td tit. . rgl y i t j a r
ed, and st. ck drov. rs will find it ro trib.
to t ries ti e Mountains by this uutc. 11
isplertv.f treod wtiter m d C' sen I o.n
sh'es of the' Monnta'rs. md tie ri.'-ce o
across is t nlv ,in mihs bcimr the fhmt'
wed as he best road over the Cuscrde 5 oig -tarns.
Stoek drove sa.nUniier:.nt..HhMl
it to their advantiifte to travel o er th.s rcu.t
Tides 1-eaMTnb'e. . , ,
JOKFII YOFNO, rrc-rferA.
Clackamas county, June 2UL
Store to Rent.
1 pie,l bv Kafka, on Rvc.U Crcrk. 1 2 rr,
from Aurtira. situated at n tin c P"" ' T
count iv tradinjr post; can be Inul en
rcasoeable terms. Tl is is n rfeurblv . .
for a man with small capital to go in o tus
. ', ... ..4r j iiro. file. OrcC't-
till VJ'.'IIU WIVJ.".. v . ..
Savier, LaKoqne & Co..
-r, Keep constantly on hsrtf f"' 's'e .
MbBin-s. Bnni and Chio! en ct 6. i '
.rrchas.-ing feed must ntna.-ti st " u
i' dealer in llriiL'S. I'miits. (M s.
(ilass, IVrfi;n:erv, &c.