1. v- , -- j - 0 I li lit 1 I .f "" -' " ' i1 i O O 3 -s J OCTOBER 25. 1872 TOWX AND COUNTY. TTTT.Uinger, who resides l,ntt" .. i:irt fnim this CttV. WRS ' .!.. ,i;iant from this city h0Ut r..;,um of the fire fiend latt Sun- r'lich destroyed a large dwelling W' i , irn- the fire: is support-.. , .,r h0"Se tk an "ncmdiary. as the buildings ,he nncc.M.H'd.and were Mtuttted abet "" Sd vards apurt, leaving a pile ne h " Kt midway between them un uf8t'hr !- Rre.GsbowinR that each ",,C ' must have been fired separately ol a' ab0,,t $2'0a; n ,QSUr" uc- Q- J cVnuin. a number of well written bl;rt of great interest to the fanner and , ; ,.r Ululated with engravirp 8t ,C r, i -t-ible STior -Horn Cow. Cerk-uf-'n ill Vrcheron ll.nse. Feed Seam ,h:re "id AnTmaU. Fowls. Pigeon,. Birds. TS- vver - lamilv should send for a free c . ..V a 1.00 for 1873. and get i'Ctm . i it.U war (ree. AUUres 1 . Hoyer A' Cc., l'arkoburg, Cbestercoun.y. - Ci riosTiY.-Mr. Thos. Jones lelt at this office lust Friday, a curiosity of curiosities -a large pickled cucumber inside of a bottle, the neck of which was' not more than a inch in diameter; how this cu cumber was ,..t in the bottle is a mystery Lt remains to be solved ; Mr. Jones also l i tlTee specimen or fine beets, which are only equalled by the Greeley beats. I'ants Stoi.kv We learn from an ex charge that Senator Myers had his pants :olh a !'eW)days ago, and that the pock-B-s contained nome lor.se "change." Our fichaiig did not state whether the Sena tr bad"been provided with another pair or not; we hope hdias been, as it would lok bad to fee him in the Capital wiiLout tiii-tii on. o e Giuvei.in Ben Ilolladay and iPgang o! Cliin;itm-n have been engaged in baiil fj,gruvel from the edge of the bluff jn this city, for several days past, to use ,iig his railroad. If it was an) body else hauling this gravel out of the city we fliriiilil tdtj. "ct; but as it's Ben Ilolladay. we have nothing to say. Foit Sai.k. Mr. Eugene Laforest an- ii .iinces his residence on -piety hill.'' for j tile, in this issue; he is desirous of leav- i : i i i. . i . i. . . i. : . ! till' the cUv on account oi in neaim, nil limine is siuiatvd in the most beautiful purl (u tut; tit; ; lom iui3, jjuu'i uun-t-, oraiiard. well. etc. .. .i . . , c. .. i .... 1 Spkvxh We call the attention of our riM'ii-rs to the speech of lion. Sam'l Cor- j v,Q of Tillamook county, published on lirt page of t h i issue. It is a fair, impar tial anil candid statement ot fac'S. ai d (jn-sti tt is viewed in the proper light. Mm i. Leaslo. The Standard Mills, at Mil waiikie. have been leased by Mr. M. B. lleinlricks. of Wheatland. Mr. II. is an expri ienced miller, and we have no doubt hiit that this poj ular mill will keep i:s front rank in the markets. nTKfcET iMi'iiovKMKxr. btreet Comnus- G fiuiicr ljiulges is Having ttie futti 3.reeit !e.i.ling to the railroad depot, gravelled ; he is also having new sidewalks laid in various pail.- ol the city. Why At the last meeting of the Conn- eil, 'he Coiumiitee UJfi r ire and u titer i were insti ticted to lease the contriict for lighting the sin-el lamps, been cbjue ? Why has it no! j j Comi'i.ktu). Mr. J. I'aquet has com pleted h? cQn'.ract for constructing wing dams at Cuioii Bar. a few miles above the mouth of the Yamhill. Fish. We noliccd a Urge quan'Jty ot minion at the new fish market yesterday morning VI 11 J l. tl II 111 1 1 l 1 9 143 I 11.1 I ll I " iJ-U 1 t-e.isou is near at hand , , , , Thanks. Kev. J. I. Locey has our j thanks for a basket of fine apples of tl'e Mtii li cider variety Mr. Locey knows Low it is himself. OrrXTr (iiit i:t. The October term of j tie- Circuit Court foc-vthis conntv. convenes j " i next Monday II. a. W. W. Upton. Judge, i l-Ktutr L. Idller has his new ferry at fool of 7' h street in running order, and croj-es traveh-rs cheap. O W e have received from Senator Kelly, t ic repoit "f tliJCominis.sioiier of Ger.eial Land Office for 1872. 1'okk I'ackim;. Chas. Iegns has several hands employed in packing pork, making atis.igc, ec. C.u.i.r.D Messrs. Geo. and John Mar all. of I'ort'iand. favored us with a call lsi Tiu-Mlay. Long Tom Biirin bis returned from the bot-k and Panin Swindling Legislature. Chas. L. anen has gone to Yamhill county "a courtiti"-.'' Oregon JJity Prices (Siirrent. --The following are the prices paid for Foduce, aud the prices at which other ar cc ;c.s ;nv selrhtg. in this market : W HEAT White. bushel. 80c. OATS -j bushel. 37 i t-ts. l't)T.T( ES bushel. :J7i cts. ON"IosS- bushel. $100f$l 50. I ;:UL"U-f bbl. $4;? f .Vtt ''AXS White. "rJ !!.. Mis cis. UIEI) Flu;iT Apples. lb., V.R,7 cfs. t eiches. ib.. U(!t U)c: riums. B., " - :CutT4iits. "ji lb.. lto7V20cts. ;CTrKU ..J 303-Jcls. 'r-V-lnzen.oOcls. IK KKNS-'fJ dozen, $2 50(o.3 00. 3 ,v ,AU"Crusllt'(1- To-- 20 cts"; Island C-,. T'T'i cts.; X. ().. lb.. 15 cts.; j C -i- l'r HK-ise. refined. 1 fu . 14 cts. TKA-V onug nyson. ft ID.. ? 00 ; Ja- .'nf.o:- 'rl : black. D.,'75e. Yr ii lh'vy Uvdden, Kigali all..$l 00; B.-VCOV 1, i-i ci 1G L.ts --j " . ., f " li? Cis ; dtaes, j I w.,1 '-uuuiuers. l-t Cts bI,l) 1:icts; l.l:i....i.i -i H gall., id. li...'., .V1- r. 1 call.. 1 2o uniiet llIIlVs r. r lu:l,L s"- 5(i-$3 00. y' EH A"KNT AO. 4, I . O. ' M"ei at O.M v..n . , --v iUius ila 1 on t ASDTUIKI) TUESDAY EVENING each 'n-'iith. Pnr,i-i...i s a. ir.. o-. . ",tu. in eoou staaa- T, . . v : : Laws of the State of Oregon. AN' ACT RELATING TO ELECT TON.i. 27e enacM by the Lrtjislitive Assembly tf the Si'ite of Oreijnn, us follows: Sixtion 1. That at every election, here- - or any tncorpo- ... r !..,.. i. ,.i...n : r , . . fcn.f- ui ict , um.ii vin.ua atlrilt, 1 .1 lull view, deliver to one of the Judges of Elec tion a single ballot or piece of paper on wliicli fdiall be written or printed the names of the persons voted for. with a proper designation of the office which he or they; may be intended fo fill. Skc. 2. The. Judge to whom any ticket may be deli t-red shall, upon the'reeeipt thereof, pronounce in an audible voice, the name of the elector, and, if no object iSn shall be made to him and the Judge is satisfied that the elector is legal ly qualified, according to the Constitution and Laws of this Slate, to vote at the elec tion, he shall immediately put the ticket in the box. without inspecting the names written or printed thereon, and the clerks of elclion shall enter the name of the'elec tor and number in the poll books, agree ably to the printed form in the Seventeenth Section of this Act; and the ballots, after being counted, shall be sealed up in a package and be delivered to the County Clerk or in case of an election in any incorporated city or town, then to the officer or officers of such city or town au thorized by law to canvass "the votes by one ol the Judges or Clerks of Election; and said clerk, or city or town officer, as the case may be. shall deposit them in his office, where they shal I be safely kept for twelve moil lis. and the County Cletk. or city or town officer, as the case m ty be. shall not allow the same to be inspected, unless in case of contested elections, or ti:ile.-3 the same become necessary (o be used in evidence, and then only by order of the proper Court. Skc. 3. The Judges of Election, in de termining the re.-idence of persons off-ring to vo'e. shall be governed by the fol lowing titles, so far as the same may be applicable: First That place shall be con.-Mered and held to be the residence of a person in which his habitation is fixed, and' to which, whenever he is absent, he f has the inten ion of returuing Second A person li 1 1 not be considered or held to have lost his residence who shall leave his home and co into another Stale or I Teniiory. or cotfnty of this Slate, lor a temporary purpose only, with an inten tion of returning. Third A person shall not be considered orheld to have g lined a residence in any county of this State into which he ahall me for temporary pur poses merely, without the intention of making said county his home, but the in tention of leaving i he sanfe when he shall have accomplished the business that brought him into it. Fourth If a nerson remove to any otrier Mate, or to any ol the Territories, with indention of making il his permanent residence, he shall be considered and held to Inve lost his residence in this State. Fif'ih The place where a married nun's family res-ides shall be considered and held to be his residence. Sixih It a person shall go from this S:ate into any o;her State or Territory and ther.- exercise the right of suffrage, he shall be censidered and held to have lo t his resilience in this S ate. Si:c i If a petson offering to vo'e is challenge 1 as unqualified by ne of the Judges ui Election or by any other elector, one of t l.e J udges sha! 1 administer to him t e following oath or affinnsttion: You do solern ly .-wear (or affism) that you will fully and truly answer all such q ies:ions a shall be put to yon to-.tchitigByour place of residence and qualifications of an elec lor at t his elec ion ."' iir.t If the person be challenged as unqnalili-d ou the ground that he is not a ci' z -ti, ouefif the Judges stall propound to him.the follow ing questions: 1. Are you a citizen id' the United S at-sV 2. Are vot; a n.tlive or naturalized citizen, and if n-idier, have - ... ,. . . , . u Hie Untied S'.ies iuii-t: t i iti,'11, eon 10 r urio i v 10 tile into oil the uliect of naturalization? and if so. when? Sicoiul. If the person be challenged asunqu ilified on the ground thai he has not resided in this State for six months immediately preceding the election, one of the Ju lg'-s shall put the following questions; 1 Have you resided in this State for Fix mouths immediately preceding this elec- ! tlo4i. ! this !. Have von been ub-ent from ite within the six months immedi ately rev-edicg this election? '.. If so. t hen you left, was it for a temporary purpose, with design of returning or did von in'end to remain awas? i. Did you. while absent, look up hi aud regard this s,.ue as V(Mir him.v 5 ,,, yc- whi!e absent, vo'e in any other S'ate or Terri torv? Tltinl. If tne person is challenged on the ground that he is not a re.sid -nt of the county or precinct- where he otters t vote, one id the judges shall put the fol lowing q o s'ions: 1. When did yo i come into this county and precinct? . When you eatneiu'o this county and pr- cinct did you come for a lempoi ary purpose merely. r for I h . purpf s of making it your home.' 3. Hai e you been for the hist ninety days an actual resident of this county? FourHt. If the perso lie challenged on lhe ground that he is not twenty one years of age. one of the j ulges shall put to him the fol lowing question: 1. Are you twenty-one years of age to ti e best of your knowledge and belief' The judges of election, or one of them shall put all such other ques tions to ;he person challenged, under the respective heads aforesaid as may be nec-es-ary to test his qualifications as an elec tor at that election. Si:c. . If the person challenged aj aforesaid shall refuse to answer fully any question which shall be pit to him as aforesaid, the judges shall reject his vote. YX. b If the challenge be not with drawn af'er the person offering to vote shall have answered the questions put lo him as aforesaid, one of lhe Judges of Election shall administer t. him the fol lowing oath: Yen do solemnly swear that (or aflirm) that you area citizen of the United States (or have declared your in tention to becme such one year next preceding this election), that you are of lhe age of twenty-one years; that you have been a resident of t his State for six months next preceding this e'ecjiou; that you have been for the last ninety days an actual resident of this Jud ciil. Senatorial or Ueprcsen'a 'ue District (as the ca-e may be) and that yon now reside in this pre cinct and that you have not voted at this election' Skc. 7. Whenever any person's vote shall be received after h .ving taken the oath prescribed by Sec. 6 of this Act, it shall be the duty of the clerks of election to write on the poll book at the end of such person's name, the word "sworn' Sec. S. It shall be the duty of each Judge of Election to challenge any person offering to vote, whom he shall know or suspect not to be qualified as an elector. Skc. 9. It shall be the duty of th' Judges of Election or of one of them, im mediately before proclamation, is made oi" the opening of the polls to open trie Oallot- boxes lu the presence of the people then j uvuiuiru, iitiii im u li.oi iij-e-itv u.'.w ii. I so as to 1'inritv llu-m ot e ver vt hi nc lhat .......... 1. 1 ., .1 .,...! ,,.. lK.i.. ,1 I miv uc in ii.t ii,, tiuu men luun iuiii se mav be in them 1 l.,..l. .1 .... curely, and they shall not be reopened until for the purpose ol counting the bal lots therein at the close of the election. Skc. It). The Judges of Election shall, if requested, permit the respective candid ates or one or more, of their friends, not exceeding three, to be present in the room where the Judges ate. duiing the time of receiving and counting the votes. Sec 11. At the close nfihs polls the poll books shall be signed by ihe Judges and attested by the clerks, and the names therein shall be counted and lhe number set down at ihe foot of the poll books. In manner hereinafter provided iu the forta of toll bjoks. Sec. 12. After the poTl books are sio-n-ed in the manner hereinafter prescribed In the form of poll books, the ballot boxes shall be opened and the tickets taken out one at a time, by one of the Judges, who shall read distinctly while the ticke re mains in his hand, the name or names written or printed thereon; also the office that is intended to tie filled by such per son voted for. then deliver it to the second Judge. Who shall examine the same, who shall pass it to the third Judge, who shall string it m a strong thread and carefully preserve the same; and the same method rihal'i be observed in respect to-ach of he tickets in the ballot box. until the number of tickets taken out of the ballot box is equal to the number ot names upon the poll books. Skc. 13. The clerk shall enter in a column under the names ot the persons voted for. as hereinif er provided in the form oi ine poll books, all thj votes read by the Judges. Skc. I t. If two or more balk ts shall be found so folded together as to present the appearance of a single ballot, tliev (dial I be laid aside until the count of the votes is completed, and if. upon a com parison of the count and appearance of such ballot, a majority of t!i Judges shall be of the opinion ill it ballots thus folded together were voted bv nm elec tor, they shall be excluded foin the count. Skc. 15. If the ballot should be found to contain a greater number of names for any office than the number of persons re quired to (ill that office, it shall be consid ered fraudulent as to the whole of the names designaied to fill such office, but no further. Skc, l(j. After the examination of the ballots shall be completed, the number ol' Votes for each oersou shall be enumer ated under the inspection of the Judges and set down as hereinafter provided in the form of the poll books, and publicly proclaimed to the people preset)!. Skc. 17. The following shall be the form of he poll books to he kept by the Judges and Cierks of Elections under this Act: Toll hooks of the election held in Precinct No. . in the county of on the day of . in the year A. I). one thousand eiglit Inudred and . A. 15.. C. I)., and E. F.. Judges, and G. II.. and J. K.. Clerks of said Election, were respectively sworn (or affirmed) as the lawlirects, pievious to their entering on the duties of their respec'ive offices. XVMBKIl AM) NAMES OF KUKCTOUS. No. 1, A. 15 N . 2. C. I). No. 3. E. F. No. 4. G. II.-No. a. I. J. No. G. K. L. It is hereby certified that the number oi'electors at this election amounts to . (Attest) A. 15.. C. I).. E. F., - Judges. G. II., J. K.f Clerks. NAMK.S OK rKIt-'OXS VCTKD KoR, AND KOK WHAT OFFICK. CONTAINING TUB Nt MItKl: OF VOTES IJIVKX FOIl EACH I'.tNDltl TK. (iov- lt-'p. in Reps, in State legislature, ernor. Congress. Syatc. House ot Kerne's. We hereby cer.ify that at this election A. 15., received votej for Gov ernor; that C. I) , received vo'es lor Governor; that E F , received votes lor Representative in ootin s-. etc. G. II.. J. K.. Cierks. A. I . C. 1).. E F., Judges. Sr.C 18. After canvassing the votes in the manner a for said, the Judges, before they adjourn, shall enclose in a cover one of lhe pull books, seal the same securely, and direct to the County Clerlt of the county in which the election is held; or in case of an election in any incorporated city or town, then to the ofti.ier or efiicers id such ci'y or town authorized by law to receive and canvass the votes, and the poll books ti ii- ?e..l. d and d re- ted. to gether with the billots sealed as heieitibe foro required shail be convened by one of the Judges or Clerks, to ij ) agreed upon for that purpose, to the C einy Clerk of the county; or in c is-j of an elec tioti i;i any iucorpor ned city or town, then 1 v the o.ii.;er or :ers ot suoh city or town authorized by la.v to reeivethe same, within ten d lys from th : d ly of the election, an I the other poll books sha' I be deposited with one of lhe Judges of election, thereto rem tin for one year for ihe use of whoever may choose to in spect the same. Skc 1!). The Ju lges of Election shall care nlly envelope all ballots rej.-c:ed or ddeeiive as well as the oth t billots, and deliver the s am to the C u:ity Clerk; or in case of an el-'C.ion in anv iticorp ira'ed city or town, then to the of'fi.j.r or ollijers of such city or town authorize! by law to receive tiie same lo be ti'.ed in his olfi'ce Skc. 2U. All ballots used at any elec tion in this State shall be wr tten o" printed ot plain white pap r. without any mark or designation beii g piaced thereon wheie the s-au.e may Lo hnown or desig nated. Skc. 11. The several County Courts of this Sta'e. and the Common (Joiincil or Hoard ol Trus ses or other legally author ized officers of every incorporated city or town shall provide suitable ballot boxes for every election precinct or ward in ifeir respec'ive oonntii-s citis or towns, well secured with a good lock and key tie lid thereof shall be fastened with hinges, and shall contain an opening through the same three inches long and one fourth of an inch wi-k lor the recep tion of t he ballots . Skc. 22. Sections 1. 11. 12. 13. 14. lo. 17. 1. 22. 23. 24. and 2.". of an act atnitled An Act relating to elections, and lhe mode of filling vacancies in offiiee," ap provd Oct. 21). lt70, be and the same are are hereby repealed. Skc. 23 Inasmuch as there is an i n-por-ant election soon to be held with ti this State for electors for President and Vice President of the L'. died States tiiis Act shall be i:i force from and after its approval by the Governor. Approved October ID, 172. Attest : S. F. CIIAD'.VICK. Secretary of Stat'?. Tiie post-oft'iee depart incut of tiie Uniteil States now order tli:it the uiipnid postage on all matter on which prcpa yment is required shall be doubled and collected on deliv ery. 3f ntlnooiali r.nrlc So. 1, A. F.an l fi A. Holds its regular c -mmunica XV-rtions on the First ami Thir.l Sulur J(f'tl in each month, at 7 o'clock from ' the L'i'th of Septimber to the 2oth of Mar.:!?, and 7i o'clmk from the "Joth of March to the l'"th ot September. Itreth ren m g od standing are invited to attend. D.-c. 12-3.1 $70, Hy order of W . M. In this changtablle climate nothing is more impo-tint thin dry feet; health and lite depend on it ; therefore buy CAl'.LK M. R'iW' WIKE Di o.s and shoes never leak or rip. Oregon lolge o. 3, I. O. of O. h"- Meets every Thursday even 'V - ' . m .1 ...1- : 1.1A t'lt.r'j "!o al ' J '"CIV, HI Kt-lO A Cliun a Hall, Main s eet. .Members of the Order are invited to attend lty order . -v Ilcbecca Dfgifc IoTge o. 34, O. O. F. Meet on tbe Second and Fourth TUESDA Y KVEXIXGS. of each month, at 7 o'cl ck, in Odd Fellows lla.ll. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. To protect the understanding of humanity nothing there is I ke leather fastened toge.h er by CABLE SCKEV WIRE. Hoofs and Shoes made in this way never rip. or leak or come apai t. For the very bet photographs, go to Brad lev & Kulofson's Gal'ery without STAIRm--r" ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, i?9 i cv' met v Street. San FranrLco, Ragge stockings and protruding toes are not seen on feet where SILVER TIPS are worn. Parents remember this, they last twice as long. For sale by all dea'ers. Old Things Have Pussctl Away. This is at lciir-t true of the old method of treating the loug abused and much abused human body. I is no longer consipered wiss to put a patient to the torture in oider to cure him of a disease in which pain is already undermining the energies of his system. True sence ranges itself on the side of natuie, and endeavors to assist her in her fight against disease. This is the province of Hostel tor's Stomach Bitters, the most ap proved tonic ever advertised in tl is country. It may be recommended as a fall medicine, par excellence; for it is in the fall that bil -lousness, dyspepsia and mal.iiiHn fevers are especially prevalent. The frame, ex hausted by the beat of summer, is relaxed and teeble at its elose. stud requires, we rnav say iltmanrts, artificial assistance. Afford it that assistance in occasional doses of llos teter's Stomach Bitters, and the evns referr ed to may be escaped. Through out the far Vest, and on the steaming alluvial of the Southern river, all the varieties of perio li ca! lever are pn-bibly life to day. Had a course o lllnsteter's Bitters been commenced by the s-ufl'erers a month ago, i. ., before the unhealthy t-cafon set in, s-ven-i-ights of them wt add in all probability be in their usuid health at the present time. So much for want .f foncuste. So much for not keeping in tht bouse, and using daily, the best saleguard against epidemic and endemic fevers, As flocks of imposters and imitators are trying lo follow in the wake of the great A nemiui lemedy, therefore be sure that the articie you buy is genuine and verified by the proper trade-marks. Tiie true article can only be i-braiiied in bottles. Beware of the spurious bitters suld by the gallon or in keg City Property For Sale. TIIE GREATEST INDITE)IEXTS EVER OFFERED! ()!' llt01EUTV IX 0EOX CITV. COXSISTIKG OF FOUR LOTS GOOD Dweling, with seven rooms; Good Or chard ; ami an unequalled well of water; all in good repair, and situated iu the most sight ly and healthy portions of the city ; Title pet feet; which I offer for sale cheap, being desirous of leaving the city. For particulars enquire of EUGKXE LAFOREST. at Thos. Chat-man's store. Oregon City, Oct. '2.th 172. Parents reduce your Shoe Bills two thirds by buying SILVER TIPPED SHOES for t our children. Citation. In the matter of estate i In the County Court of of Clackamas Countv, J A( 'OB KN'U I,E, dee'd. ) .State of Oregon. To the heirs or any other pcrvoti, or persons, in terested in the estate of said JACOB KN'OJL-, deceased. TRTVHEKEAS, TIIF. DULY ATPOINTEI) Aduiiui itrator of taid estate lias tiled in suM Court a petition praying for an order to sell the real property of sai l estate; now, therefore In the name of the .State of Oregon, you and each of you, are hereby personally cited to be and appear in tne County ( 'ourt of 'lai-kamas county, btate of Oregon on the 1st Monday of Ueeemlier, 1S72, beui;; the 2nd day of December, 1S72, and t le lirst day ot the ri-jrular Det-ember term of said Court for the year I S7 J, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order of tale should not made, as in the said pet ion prayed for ; said laud heinjr dc-cribed as follows: the N. "W. 1-4 of S. V. 1-1 and lot 4 iu seetiou 25, S. li. 1-4 of S. K. 1-4, an 1 lors one. two and three in section 2G, and the N. 1-2 of X. K. 1-4 of section o', all in township 3 S., It. I west, containing 29' 7'.)-lt)0 acres, more or less; also the following described land : a part of claim Xo. 42, described ax follow-: t -'ltmiiijr ;it the southeast, corner ot claim Xo. 42, thence north 41 chains ; thence south 013-1'-'; west li ft y chains and forty links, to a stake marked A. 1!.; thence south 24 chains and ten links, to a stake similiarly mr.rkcd ; thence cast 41 chains and 2'J links, to the place of beginning ; containing about Kin acres ; township 3 S., K. 1 west of the Wiihimctteo meridian; also the fol lowing described land, being a part of Augustus Yergen's donation claim, notification Xo. li.l'H; beginning itt the X. AV. corner of said claim; thence south one-quarter of a mile; thence east one-half a mile; thence north one-quarter of a mile ; thence west one-half of a mile, to the place of beginning ; in sections 2t and ?', T. 3, It. 1 west, containing SO acres more or less, lty order of said 'ourt. "Witness the Hon. J. K. Wait, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas county, State of Or egon ; and the seal of said Court, this 23rd day of October, 1S72. Attest: K. 1. CAL FIKD, County i:lerk, of Clackamas Countv, State of Oregon. J.J t Oregon City, October 2j, 1872. u52:w-l. Good Cable Screw Wire BOOTS AXD SHOES. Are Selling from Maine to California. FOR SALE OWING TO TIIE CONTINUED ILL t:ess of the 1'roprietor. Lkon DkLocbv, the n.irnum Ke-turant is otl'-rcd for side. To any one wishing to engage in thii business, a Lmrgaiu is oQ'ercd. LEON DeLOCEY. Oregon City, Oct. 1R, 1S72. LIVE AM) LET LIVE! THE OREGC.N CITV HACK A AD DRAT CO. II A VING rUUCIlASED The erv rtock and l.usmcss t:-s?v Ot MeSS'S. 1LI.IS & IJROCOHTON, 40- and the Drays, Horses and I!uinessof (;. N. Grkexman, are now pu pare! to carry on UVEUV ursi.KS, FEED STABLE, ANO lItYI. We will also deliver s!;ib wood to all those persons to whom Willis fc Droushtou have engaged and as many more as will engage slab wood from us, "so far as we can get a suppl v. Orders left at the Livery Stable for Wood, Dravins; or Hauling", will be attended to with dispatch. Patronage in our several branches of busiuess solicted. Our Cliai gt s he Iott-rate jO"The Highest Cash Price paid for Oat delivered ut the Stable. C. N. G KEEN". MAN. President, J. M. E li A Z E It. Secretary. Of O. C. U. A. D. Co. Cregon City. Ausr. 23, 172. tf. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, premature decay. Ac , having tried in vain everv adveitistd remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he w'll t-end free to his fellow-sutlerers. Address J. II. KEEYES, 7S Nassau st., New York Sept. l:ly A. NOLTNER, NOTARY PUBLIC, EN TEKI K1SE0PTICE Crcgcn Cit;', Ja I3.tl COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, NEWOODS, JUST ItECFIVED BY CI5AKLES II. CAUF1ELD, I HAVE JL'ST RECEIVED A XEWASD WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS consiting iu part of ' DRY-GOODS, 3IillinoiA , LADIES' AND CIIILDKENS' SnOES, Groceries, Crockery, &c, &c. All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Give me a call before purchasing else where, aud convince voursclvcs that 1 ClN at d WILL SELL as cheap as the cheapest CHAS. II. CAUFIELD, CORNEK MAI.N AND SEVENTH bT KELTS, OKEGON CITY. S. I. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Mtt In Strtrt-t, Oregon City, Orrgnn, DEALER IX BEST FAMILY GROCERIES, COFFEE, TEA , SUGAR, FLOCK AND MEAL of alt kinds, PICKLES, SO 1, SALT, CANNED FKUITS and OYSIEKS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS. TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex chalice for goods at the highest market rates. 23vGoods delivered in the city free of c! arjre. A fair shtre of patrouage solicited. March 23, lS72:tf OREGJ-ON BUSINESS DIRECTORY! rrni n UN DE r s ig n ED W I LL com m e X CE JL fcolicitiug for a Business Directory of the State OF OREGON in a few days; and, to make it successful, respectfully req lest tbe co op eration of persons interesed in the welfare of the country. The State has now reached that posi ion when a yearly summary of her prores is necessary, hence the value of a work which will, i:i a condensed form, Combine all Matters of Public Interest. The wort in contemplation will embrace a General Sketch of the State, ITS PHYSICAL ASPECTS, GEOLOGY, CL1M ATOLOfl Y, BOTANY. ZOOLOGY, COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, SOCIETIES, PUBLIC BU1LDIVGS, PRODUCTIONS, Aud all other subjrets on which ii.formation is required. The work will be illustrated with sketches of some of the leading ptorc'nent scenery of the State, and its compilation will be under the charge of J. MORTIMER Ml'RPHY, Esq., whose recent work on Washington Territory lias been highly commended by the press and public. The Business Directory OF EACH TOWN AND CITY Will be Complete; And that, with sketches 'f each place, sho dd make it invaluable to the Mirch int, Farmer and Mechanic. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, it will be THE REST yet introduced in the State, as it will be of such importance that it will always be retained iu a prominent position for refer ence. The Rate of Advert islrtg v,i l be as follows : ONE PAGE HALF PAGE 10 CARD 5 Adveitisers taking one page will receive a copy of the book gsati-t. PRICE of the work will be . . . . $2.S0. The book will be distributed on every route of travel and public place in the country. S. .T. McCORMICK, Publisher. 105 Front Street, Portland, Or. October IS, 1S72, FALL & WINTER O OOX! JUST RECEIVED DY .A.. LEVY. I HAVE JUST REDE1VED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, AND GEXTTEMEXS" HRMSHIXG GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken in wban?e for Goodi. A . LEW, Mela trt, Oitgou City. r CONFECTIONERY SALOON ! Fresh Oysters 11 , LOUI.SAAL, - - - Proprietor. Corner of Fourth aud Main Street. KESII OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY stvie desired. Confectionery of every kind ronstant.y on hand. I manufacture all my own s ock. which is sullieient guatantee that it is fresh and pure. Call if want of a good cup of oir-c, leu, or chocolate-, or anything in my line. Oregon City. September , ls72:tf SHADES SALOOIM, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- o Utt BILLIARD TABLKS in OliFGOM Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to the-m THE 12 A U IS SUPPLIED With all tiie choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bouibou already famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, a no. 1 SHOOTING GALLERY Is c( inserted with the Saloon. Oregon City, .Ian. 1, lT'-'Mf AT TH K LIMGGLN BAKERY. lLLIAP HARDING, 11 AVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE- t3" of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be coitantly supplied with fre.-h UREA D, CR VCKERS, CAKES, PASTRY, CANDIE- AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at livirg rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. o Also, please bear in mind lhat it takes mom-y to tlo business. To the fanning tr.ie wr would say, CASH for you. produce, and ('ASH lor our goods. (ioods delivered to all parts ol t e citv. -'Feb. l', lb7i':tf FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you desire 'good Goods, at LOW Pricf s. call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh stock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April It. U71:tf If T "XT If I? T ' C would call IV 1 1 O the attention of Teachers and Amateurs to Kivkel's New Method fokthk Rkf.d Ohcax ami Mklodf.on, which we will isue about September First. This work is pronounced sriperiof to all oth ers of its cla-s by Teachers who have exam- NEW METHOD ired it. It contains a clear and simple course of ins;ruc.ion whereby auy one may easily acquire Ihe mastery of this favorite Instru ment, with a few month's sludy. It will al- X1 J IV X XX llv ite work with the Teacher, on account of its clearness End sys tematic progression 7 more of an amusement than a study for the Pupil, ar.d will prove a mine of trttilth to the Amateur, on account of the m.iny choice Melodies, Songs, etc., that HEED ORGAN. Mr. Kinket has selected and arranged ex pressly for this work. HinkeFs New Meth od will be mailed, post-paid, on receipt of $2 .in. Address. J. L. PETERS, 00 Urcadwav, N. Y. Send So cents for ti e late-t number of PETERS' MUSICAL MONTHLY and you wid pet at least ft worth of our lat est and best Vocdl and Instrumental Piauo M usic. Septernbrr Cth, lf-72. m2 The fdandatd remedy for Coughs, Tnflu riizu, Sere Throat, ll'hu: p ng, t ough Crovp, Lictr Conp'air,t, BrncUitix, Blading of the Lung, wild every affection of the Throat, Luns and Chest, including CoxscMrTios. Wfstur' Hulnani of Wild Chrrry doe not dry up a Consth, but loosen it. cleanses the Inrgs, and allays irritation, thu rtmocing the caunt of tte complaint. Non genuine 11 "lew f-ignd I. Birrs. Prepared by Seth W. Fowlb Sons, Bo-ton. Sold bj RtriyGToy. Hostettes Co , San Fraccifcco, acd by defileis gnsrs'il,". '.- ;"' 5 V: -"'" '" ' - " "" ' " ' ' - ' 2 . ; S' t - . ':' 7 ' THOMAS CHARMAN" ESTABLISHED ... DESIRES TO 1NF011M TIIE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the WillametU Valley, that tie is still on haud, aud doing business on tbe old motto, that "A Nimble Six-Prnre fa better than at Slow Shilling.' I Lave just returned from San Francises, where 1 purchased ote of the LARGEST aud BLIST SlLXTKW Stock of Goods ever before offered intbuAi'y- an3 onsUU in part, u foltaws : Boots & Shots, ClothiDg, Dry Gocd, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Sash & Doors. Queens ware Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platcdware, Jewelry of various qualities A styles, Clocks & Watches la dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, Fancy Notion of every descriptich,Patent Med r - t-. -- . .0 icuies, xtope, canning Implement of rvjl kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sav mv stork Is th MOST COMPLETE ever otleretQn this mar ket, and was sleeted with -ncll care for tl.ln i.Kirkft. An of Wbicu I how cfler for sale at the e Lowest Market Rates. No use for the Indies, or any one else, to think of iroinp to Port hind to buv eoods for I am I) E l ERM INET) TO SELL CHEAP and not ailofr myself to be I'XDERSOLD IX TIIE STATE OF OREGON All I ask, is a fair chance and quirk pay ments. Believ ng, as I it, that nineteen years experience in Oregon Citv enable iu to Know the reqirements of the'trade. Come one and all, uud see for voursolv that the eld stand of THOMAS CHARMAN 9 cannot be beat in qualitv or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advan tages I can offer you in the sale of good, as every store lhat adrertlses does that, and probably you have l.een disappointed. All I wish to say is. come and see and examiu for yourselves, for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My obj-ct Is to till all mv old ft lends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell floods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upoti Thanking all forothe liberal jatrong heretofore bestowed. THOS. CHARM AX, Main street, Oregon City, d nLegal Tenders and County Script taken atjmarket rates. THOS. CTIARMAK. Z'O,00O lbs wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. REAL ESTATEJELEAL ESTATE. JACOB STITZKL, C. C.WAT, JACOB STITZEL&C0., SUCCESSOR TO STIT2EL & UPTOjT., A K O G M O B 13 Y.I5K K I-1: S Cor. Front and Washington St., PORTLAXI), OREGON. Special attention giten to the sale ol farm ing lands and city property. All corres pondence relating to the recources of Ore gon will be promptly answered- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Seut free of charga to anv address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, 1872:tf Q THE OLDEST AND rJ IX XlS best DR. HUFELAN D'S C E L E B R A T E D S "W I S So O STOMACH BITTERS o Tli? First and most healthful Tonic evr introduced In the United States, These Bitters have been in the San Fran cisco Market for over 1 wriily Yrari, and notwithstanding the man3" new candidate fftr public favor, ths sales have constantly tncreased. TAVUlK & BEX " EI, Sole Agents, 4"! and 411 Clsy St., San Francisco. '2f-j. JEW WAGON AS Carriage Manufactory! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old tand Corner 8f Main and Third streets. Oregon City ..... Oregon. Takes this method to inform hin old pt rons, and as man v new ones as may be pleased fo call, tl at he is now prepared, witlp ample room, good materials, and the Terr bei-t of mechanic, to build anrw, recon strnct. make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithine, Horse or Ox shoeine'. and eeneral fobbintr neatlv. nnipklT' and rhun. lrdsce. DAnr)PMlTe. Cprnite EAeelsicr B'etaet ,0 o o o o o o o o o 0 O O 1 ! Il 1 1 f !; if o y m .o 4-4