o 0 o o o G o o o O O O o Q O O e a-, O o o o o O o o G )--" 1 i ibl.. o o l,c tOcckln tiJntcqmsf. ' C'3'. OCTOBER ! I" 2- FLIP AY j'jiat Imoerlal Cyi.ii-Tiice. . . In re,.lv to unfriendly criticisms ' his r0c.;a5ons :Ui iVIeiielsliips art pveruna-.ii, us y - -eoneernin- the late conference of - with lhe rldK Likc uu, who "t or Kuelerors at Berlin, a German j iUVe w,aUh lhmst siuhk.nly upon ; i H i journal ays that too unammn.y lIieI)) he attndlCS to it a false i,n- 1 7 oarselv,s ,0 mlint:nu the hown uy the emperors and eabi-, pOrl.ulC0 ailfi t!jy unaccustomed lux- .hnJUin of these .rate, emaneipation nets of the three countries as to the general character of the policy j a vu,rar delimit. lut tnoro than to" be pnrsned by the resjeetivo I t,i,s 0 j,as cn initiated into the governments, im.lieates that the ( value of monev as a political lovei-; O conference will be the nn:sL conelu- )C SC(M1 'ie j Sie-t lionors in sive andlVuilfnl irl beneiieial results j t10 jt-t 0j-110 jjeoiHc purchased as Avhich has ever been leld inKtirone. ! dclilTeratel v as men purchase cattle; It is hardly probable that this ! ;.e i;is wit,iessed the sale of State statement will have a soothing j Legislatures, and Congress itself ellect upon those who exhibit no bought wholesale by the bribes of little restlessness about thp confer- ti!C Cix-dit Mobilier." The lesson so enee, r.otwithstanding the );icitic j easilv learned is boldy practised, language employed. The move- j rp!0 lIVsident depenls' for his con G nieflts of the three great powers j tintiance in otlice upon money alone Avilf.bo closely scrutinized lor some j OVt,,.y dcction district "in the time to come. The histoi' of all : nitU( States. It was the unlirnit these lowers, under ambitions j expenditure of money in North riders who have sought the aggran-; (;.irolm;i, distributed umler the pre diement of their governments at tence that it was for the use of the Qthco exjhse of others, will not Judieiarv, that produced the mon fale from view. In 1772 Catha- serous frauds and bogus counting rine I,of littsia, Joseph II ol ijiert.. It was money corruptly (iermany, and Fivdericlc the Great i Spt.nt jn 3faino that saved his ma ofClIussia, dismembered Poland, ! jur:ty in that ouartcr i'rom being dividing the tenitory between ! '(.ut down to alarmingly low iigures. them. 0'Alth6'iigli Austria was not j t was money ' lh:it" he suander :i j.artv to that Wattage, and con-; vt ;;i j Vimsyl vauia upon winch he demncd it bitterly, a little later a rdje(i fur knoekiuir the Greelev chanoro came over the dream of her ruler, and in K05 she entered : dt.t:Liou of Getober. Never before into a scheme with her proiligate , Midl :in expensive campaign neighbors to blot poor Poland j as j, 1!OWI1 Jn the Tinted States, from the map of nations. The j Whence comes the shower of royal rnlhans who perpetrated that j vvc-a!tb ? From taxation of everv glauming deed of spoliation and j ,)crs0u employed bv the Govern o l-obbery, sleep in splendid mauo- lUvilty m matter how humble his leums, but their I reams of greater ! position and how small his saiarv. power fell with their mantels upon ; .'ro:il trr 'jhv:lsUrv of the United their sucessors. hh-om Cnthanu? s1:lt(.s, wine!, makes the loan upon J, to Alexander II," Hussia li- tlie- se-ciuitv of (irnnt's ro-ck'c-t ion ; coveted the eastern provinces ot f 1Vo:n vast speculative 4a.n1 Xurhey. Is it not apparent that ; pi;,. r,.((.s of the rieli mcnwho greed of territory is as much the i iiiVL j,, ;ranL stock in the expee malady ot Kaiser illiam ot ,er- j 1:ltiti:i h:it ,;UC(.C,SS ,v;n return them many as it was that ot Frederick j dividends nrooortionate to the risk. me oiL',11. ,'-iiiu uiat ine iiouse 01 Ilapsburg has hungerel long i O rien j'rovtnces on tne uanuoe, is :is well known as that ilussia longs I for territory now tinder the sway 1 ot the Ottoman Forte. The programme of the three im- I so arua'.es a writer in Xatmv (an erial heads which lately nodded ; Insirii-ii periodica!), who believes to each other in Ferlin, may not j the sea will soon cease to exist, contemplate the acquisition of: Land is said to be rising evcrv inore teiritory, and the aggran- j where between the pole 'aud the dizement of further power, but it tify-scventh parallel, and tl:e will be d'Tilieult to make every ; j-etitest movement is at the pole bodv believe it. O A Xm el Dev it v. a Sftts'iiTUTK t'oi; i.ivi-: ri(;i:o;.- . j the group of islands. Ptolemy 1 igeon shooting from the traps ! COilnnaed the statement. Gelesius has of late years become one 0! the I i;) lho seventeenth eenturv, standard sports with lovers ot the j 1...t Xorwav vas rising at t lie rale trigger, ami the announcement indl(,; :i V(,ir 'sir (;1::U.k.s tnat a shoot is to take place is sure j Lvdl .indorses the theory. The to call together a crowd. hde . vat..r level in the Gulf of Pothina o many attend to witness the trials j r.lHs OI!0 fool VVvvy hiteen vears. ot speed, many others equally en- j Xear Gefle there are lose pastures tlinsiasjjo over hne shoot. ng remain : v,1k.,.0 oia men remember seein away on tne ground ot cruelty,-: 1)(als aiioat, Near Stockton, sev deemmg such shoots a wanton de- I onlv fvvt al,oVC tjl0 level of the struction ot poor harmless birds. ; oa tse rc.!nains of shell fish iden 3Iany devices have irom time to , tical w;th lIie prCsent coast sj.eeies time been originated looking to j arc i;);uid. At Sodulei.-e, ninety the furnishing ot somethmg t ; ,Vct ,p)OVC water,there is "a takehe place o live birds. hk-.; bo)l ur sand which contains some some have tailed entirely ana otners ; Vi.,.cdccd lK;ats and an old anchor being unreliably m their workings, ; In llic intrrior ,,f Spitzbcrg-n onr sportsmen have generally given ; ;c(.l;1 uf whales have bee. ."110 :dt the go-In-, and had ree(mr,e to ; L:Xylhl:d al)uV(, lcvd Th.. flsh. the live buds. hougn x ankee ; t.nuan ,av lh..t I:Uid has risen so mgenutty is equal to almost any- ; ;;n,dl that ;(J shallowness of the thing, it has been tne lot. oj i-a.g-Uval.,, pas (irivcn a,Vay the ri-ht land to pro.luee a device wmc. 111 wj.;l!(1 v,,.;d o:ut. .,f)Un(lanr; Us wordings, seems to be the de-' now r:l,dv s,,:1. Cn l!stl iadH(.. sideratum desired, a specimen of the s.lore.s' around Pehrin- Strait Avmcn we were shown on Saturday ' .,, e knv antl ilat lmt ;i nQ (). t.,.() cby a gentleman ot this city who j 1);u.k there are ranges of bluffs par o recently sent . to Fngland and ob- ' a!!d wilh tj,e (.oat and contain- 4....,..! . - M ! . - tained it. The invention consists of a neat brass locomotive whistle shaped trap, H:ed by :i ground iork to the earth which, by spring )aet.on, gives .light to a :deel-wu,g- ,,,,,,, ,.,11 . . . . e..e. .1 u w,. u w .e . . : v ra UuUand. and New Emr- , through t lie air is wonileriullv uat- i 1 .1 i .i , 0 -, , . , ,.. rt'i t . - ! hind, awav m the north, the conti ural and bird-like. ihe ''Gyro ' i . , ' , ,. . ;. ueists :u-e encroachmir on the sea. lurel Hies instances van.;innr Ironi 1 mi . 1 - . ' . i .1 , , , - " 1 ue only tiling to regret is that the thirty to one hundred yards. 'I he i , ,. " 0 1 i -1 4.. -1 ' m . 1 , . - , . inocess cannot lie reversed, and , I I I 1 111 1 W 1 ' I I V I I T lit' ahi(. li.,,., " ' -v - , v. ... i.e. aiiu.il lilli! I- , - iiainci.iuic o;.ities, going Oil W til : ,.p .! .1 i . p,,,,,,, i d th.e lrozen north, and to the tne slaady Uiglit ol :t ntgeou, rest- . , i,.a :, , i ,,' v 4S ' - n - , ', , oiuie nun t an e South, ing on the wmg like a hawk, or ' . larting swiftly torward in a straight ' Our fcget Sound exchanges rol.ilo that O line lik :i snil,(N ll:ns illlbrding the ! one .1 v last week while a "hard work, li very be-n practice for the education Ce.;ial wis wmidimr his way nloioMlm ot the hand and eye ot the shooter. ! railroad track toward Pumohrey 's "!, It can be despatched by means ofi hi-oason's eaj-iungs sb,wed'awav i ih, :i i.aUjami socket .joint to tne trap, in any desned direction and it is asserted it is ar more diil.ct.lt to hit the 4yvo tnau a nve bird.- J V v ... Civil Skkvici: Ki.imp-m r;,.,, eral (Irani has taken a chivah-ou revenge upon (b-nerul lhuik AIr Milesjhmks, brother of the C.cn eral, who has been iVr th,. t 1 . ' eleven years an inspector o ens- . ' x- - ' 11 toius in .Nov lone, and has oop- formed his duties in t! le mo.-t sp.l ishictory manner, has been dismiss- i ;"; J!,;i'in-upon tus postrate fun put is " 1 l -.1 , ' ' 1 ' npon m in. a scientific to ion, o- ed irom Ins place without cause as- IL- then arose, and as a matte,- of uui signcd. e otiee mcu-e lcg some n'n- ok along the gtui. That vat'unt Ayord of comment on these thorns '"'!,.'v.'' ;i Cnfiu-ins is now in p0rth!id Twin our Civil Service Peibrmeu-s Z-vZn Which h who beliv,ve iu the security of. " : --. (leiicral Craut. Nothing is too big : An Illinois editor, in an aiticle Oortoo little tor his malicious inter- . ujiou the aurora loreali s-lvs. fere nee. He turneil lr. Alotley ! "Here we lean over the vcr-n" of out of ollice for a speech of Sum- ; the infinite, longing to "rasp its iter's, and now discovers and strikes : mysteries lost in the profundities .a brother of General Panks iu the j of immensity.'" Previous to this puet place in the custom-house J his friends intended to run him for where Lincoln placed him, and! Congress upon the temperance tiek w here Ids own merits have sustain- j et ; but now the proieet has been ed him ever since. We should abandoned because thev sav that a A .know what-Mr. GeorgeAV man who would 'dean over the Curtis thinkyof this. Put we nev- verge of the infinite" in order to er shun. A r YvrJc Tribune. j try to grasp the aurora borealis in 0 a Q 77V,T" i the middle of the night, must get live Srevr.I)etcc- into cotiditions which until him for 1 the duUo? of Good Teuiplariship. o v - f-e The Ca.-ulidate Ibr Rich M ?u. j As t lie cnnuidate of t lie net) men, ' Ulysses Grant is a success, lie has j ucv-t entered n poor man's house ; nor allowed Lis children to, since .lie became rich himself. All his i . f- i ( r , :M!( (n(rS ill! Idni i ,,,-oress in the head in the dreaded The Open Polar The nen I'olar sea must be dis- I covered soon, if at all. At least ' ; itself. Some interesting facts are j quoted in support i the theory, j Pliny said that Scandinavia was an ! archipelago, and spoke of bold i seamen who had eircumnavirated : ing innumerable shells of the lit- ; toral species, jf the theory is . tn, h i:.rs us a curimis c;i;o o' . (.OI1H.llSation. While the ocean is ; syvJlnJ. away (;rcat ljrhail. '..,.!,,.,.. T .1 . .. 1 i . t. .. . ',l 'iiuic eiiiiCiieii ue toe exiiense rccesr-e, of hi- clothes, ho ac-.wed b- ; an n-natur.-d Siwaeh, who cocked his , a,d poauieg it at John commanded til ..sfa!i, a:i, tliI,nv !;p !:,s ,1:lM(N - do l it SO a'll 'in 1, a oh. so. an. I the sova-li apnroaehed ! and with Lis gun in l.ap.d. u.,.d tiut. i !,,!U'r ,n searc!l!i!" f,,r nvyy which lie ! i;!uuv J,,hn ,,!,,st havo :ib ,!lt hh- I'ir.d- tIu? f,,U''s ,,! ,!u' j'c't Httb, to., n:ncd' "xphre. 1,0 iemo- l'l1!. ly lil'.U (ioWii I,;s "nil end rei ,,..., ! e -e rch L,1,-, ' -o.-e t ; . '""V ." , 'i"lc'1' a 1 1 e a his.-trongih and -moon a moments wav-ihor he ,0. - - fiAas.j a uiow wte.cb laid him low. am. jumping upon p ; The Ualiiciore 11 at ibrni. Following is the platform adopted by the Democratic Convention at Baltimore on .the this of July. 187'J: 1. We rec ''size the equality of men be fore the he.v and hoi 1 that it is the ilaty of !-, r-e Ve-":pc;t. Ill H3 Uw'u! IU.US UU lop l :....,:.. . ' ; ..-.ice , ad en franchlsement, ar.d to ov-po-e any re j opening of the questions smled by tho Thirteenth fourteenth and I- ilteenOi amend- j inents to the constitution. :;. We demand tha iuinr-diatc- and abso lute removal- of a!! disabilities imposed on a:.'C".nnt of the rebellion, wlech v,is linally subdued seven 3-ears ao, believing tlo-it univeisai amnesty will result in eouiplete tiaoHk-ati-ni in all sections of the cjuntry. 4. L-.cal s-elf-govormuont with impartial -utVra w.ll -uard the rights of ail citizens j more securely than any cent. at z;-d power. ; The public welfare demand the supremacy j 1 1 . j of the civil over the im'.ltary authority, and i of do--ion under the nrutection of I , , ' . ... , i ., ,. .1... ... ! t he ht'it ci 'i '.-. We tleu.aiKl la tne in- , i , tii . . , (l t dividaal the large-t l.ber.y consi-to.it with public order, for the state self-government,; and tor the u.itlon t return to the metlmds j of pcai: and the constitutional limitations of power. j ."i. The civil service of the govern tr.ent ; has become a mere i ast rai men t of p i it s t n tv runny and personal ambition and an .eject ot sedish greed. It is a scandal and re- proach upon tree uistituiions, and breeds a demoralization dangerous to the perpetuity of a l eonblican g ivei nioent. (I. We t hei efore regard a t boron j;Ii ret'oi m of the civil service as one ot t lie most pros-- iua necessiti s of the hour; that hone-tv, cipacitv and ii.lel.tv coa-t tu:o the onlv valid , '. ,. ' , .i . . , claims t i p u one em ploy men t; that the others of tioveroaieut cease to be a taalt.-r od' ar bdi-,iry l.ivontism and patronage, and that litiblio station will become ai;.un ihe po.-t of honor. To tiiis end it i- imper'itivi ly re quired that no president shall be a candnhite tor re-. lection. 7. We dernaud a system of federal taxa- , : . . i . .i ii ..... 7 i : . ii. oi .ino n.iail nut io"'"""J in.... .v.. Wif.i l.ie nutnstry t ine pe ip.e. ami wmcn ; j. ndersic-i..-d ha- i.. .'innnoin ed AdmlnUiM-.-bait ro ide the meaas neCi-.-ary to p iv the tor of lb'- (, i,-,vo nai'i'' 1 es'.-; an 1 all .as ( xpenses of tiie governtnent, t con .mically I ha ine- . -hi :ei- ikhh -i th:- sai 1 e-'.e.e are hceehy tiie interest on the p ibtc deie , mid a model-- I ro.-p.nr.'.l to pivsent. tli.a.i wo.h th ! p.Mp-r ate am: ml redec: ion ef the nnncipal thereof; : v..:. .-hers. it!.;-, six m.r.ith ra th.- date o7 thi ami tcco-irz g that there' are i i our m'dst t 1;"l:V' ' ! '" ViVi ,b" a! i'isl'" I . o nest ..a t 1 1 ice mci i aoie . t ; ii .'reiiees o i opm : (i,, ., .MOiN N o ' t' 1 ' v i -r "o- ioii With reiran! ti tee resjteeiive s steins of ; Uei7I..AT V AiiKi A, protect ion and free t: tide, we reii.it the iis 1 Att.r y f-r .V ..i!i:!'.i -tretoe. cuss i o:i id' the siibjeet t t he people in their ' Ihited ( tcto'a r Ittii, 1J. n-Viw I ( o.i.ei-es-ioiia'i districts, an 1 the deei-i ai of - " congie-s thereon, wholly free of executive F.I oiv" s-r - f J ml n 'f ov i-s-rc; nt crier; lie.- or dict.it ion. .lit mu-t b e sacredly : ioiteH!,d,:uid we denounce repudiation i:i e.y on maiid gu.se. . A spe.eov return to spe.-io payment is oo.ua:. t.c.i . ai,:-.e io ine !i -ecs; cou-iieni- i i . i i .... . i tions of commercial moral.! v and h mcst o(C L-ri.n.Viit. " jo We rcnemt'cr with gratitude the hcroisin and sacnii-es ot the sold ers ami , ... s:il iois o t t no i e nolle, and r, , ;v t oi on is 1 eve- detract irom our justlv cari.cd faiie: c-r the fuli li'.v.inli ;f their patri'-l e in. 11. Weaicov. ed to all further errant s f lands to rails o-uls or other tMi-n,.ilitn. The laibbe dom.iiti sbor.Ll be held .viiool to actual settlers. l:a We hold that it f-e duty of lhe goveriimen', in its i ntereou -se with foreign nations, to eu'.iivato the !iie,;(i.-!i:ps f pc-ace by treating with all n fair and q-ud t:ms; regarding it alike dishoioi able either to de mand what is t:ot light, or to ?ubu:it to what is wrong. 1 For the promotion an 1 succe-f, ol the several principles and -upooid d" the e iioli- d,.,.. ,..,,i,,.,,...i i... f.tc ..,. t -..;,. vtte uiu.' eordbilty welcome the co-operation of all patriotic ciiieus, vi;ho:t regard t prei ious politl-a! adiiiat io:i . Ui-li;'ions sic i - v ices. S't. Iboils K.dsfopuFi Church, the ib-v. J.-hn ; W. Sell woo 1, rector. Servicer, on Sunday 1 Ot i'b a.m. and 7 i. m . Sunday School and iJibie class at - e. m. Is: Cirerogat;. oi.il Co irch Heat.- Fu c Morning Services, Jo. Sa'o'o. 1 1 Si So In oi, 12 oh dot k M. Lvc.iiiig Sei -vices 7 o'eio-'-.. Li:v. (iKiiuY, Actii-g faster I'iUYtlt .Hltl'triNUr. ; S-mday evening, o'clock : Tu-j.-day evening, 7 o'clock, ; M. 11. Church, M iniitsg Sei vices.. . . ..Seats Free. I...',' Sabbath School iit 2 o'clock p. m. I. !. Lo:::;v, f :-,. or. . ly. J. Sliim. 2,i 1 -1 X"-v !(.r. chants' Exchange, is one am ho; i zed A -u t in San r rancisc.i. 'riiii'i.,' 1 .. .ili,ij.'li.l, The folio -.v big per-ons a re authoriye d t-i ., , . , .." ,, it i. .i agents for the ie.r,;i: r 1: lm: : C 'O. f . Lowe!! A Cc, t' l'ark It w, Xew Vo k Co ". Wet.'.erill A C .,: Chestnut street, 1 hiou.e.pl.ia. . Abbott A Co., xo. S2 A si Nassau street, New York. Portland, Oregon L Samut 1 San Fr.Uicise.)!...."." Thomas lh.ee San Francisco, L f Fi-lo-r , ,, , ., ,' P. . 7 . , 1 St. Helens, Cdu-Ubta County, ... ,S. A. Miles, Astoria. Chits p county A. an Dusen. Eabivctte. Vamhill ceuu tv . .J . L. Furg--son. Dallas, folk county. . Ihive llobnes. Corvallis " ..IS. f.ilmer Cuivon Citv - r u i ,K.,,,n )'!! . v-, :,. ' - ,, ,, , ' , ''T 'V"tr X. II. Cat, s. La tiramle, Uni.ui com lty A. C. 7'ia'g. fetidb'Pni, Cmatillu cemntv. . . S. V. Knox ! or ofsui.l land de.-Jrib. .t iu said" 'deeiv.-and con Eeugene Citv ' ,1.M. Thomnson 1 veyaiie. s, as follow s : Xot ilicie :,--n Xo. 7.1 IS. oaris C t. (7 iv A M A S C (.1 1' X T V . ih aver CiC. k !e Creek. Cascades I.o -.ver Mohilbi Can! iv . . . Uppci Molaila.'.'.' 1 1 a i .I ing's Cutting-' C. F. Peatie. ! .Frank W. Foster. ! . .Hem v McCugin. ' iii T W SiVrt'!a"d" . . J. . Stra wser, I . . W. II. Vaughan i Z. C. Norton, j I). WriJit. : . m n r: i : x I ) k 1 1 s ! n x' f m ir t p r -r.-r-r T a luei.i.u -b uis properly l u Oregon t ily will sell j at a i.argaai, to u good purchu.-cr. j Also d town lots in "Caiicmab, wit'i good i fei.ee around. ' ' Also 2 town lo's in lower end of Ore con I Citv - t e . ,,f ioi., l. , ..,. , .1,..' ,i . . - , a. ... ....... .ii': oooa- ion land em. tn ot in. Mmii, S miles southeast of Oreeon Citv. u it h -ome ; ,n . J i-oveoients, thinly limbered, i.c under3 ! giowtli. gooel lasting water Z-:L. quire at County Civile oliieo. J. M. IT; A ZEIi. (Legon City, May r.lh. L-72. v;n2s jr' MASONIC II ALL IUILI- IN(L UIIEGON CITY, - - . 0HEC02J". KEEPS COXSTAXTLV ON HAND AX D tor sale, cuup rou cash, lND PAPwLOn, EEDSCOM, OFFICE, SITTIKGP.OOH, and IvITCHEU EUIirjITURE Bureaus, Lounges, Pocking Chairs, What lmts, Bee" steals, Wa h.,t'.md.s. Curled" Hair ar.d I'lihi Matresscs, f n'u4'p. lows7 Spring Beds. Window'' Shades, fictare Frames, Mouldings, ic, tt;c , ..-peeia. atienu-m given to l7pho'sfFV woi k in ail its branches. Orders 1 lied wi, promptness. Bepamr.r cbm- with ,, , ,,1' and onspaich. Furniture made to order"2' V Special attenti trKn.X "i COURTESY OF $5 to gOOull wthGrSS, 'vTVorolU make more .a mey at work fr us in their spare mmnears, or ad i.tlw :;:.;:;v;.7idEi .Vcptember 27th, ls72:iy. r.Ki:x rv u V JOSIA1I rilAXLLIX, OX i iJ'Jf ('r..,.'; M.lt'ltl l!U S ere 'llid , .a'!va- lit is 1-imr.f (l....-..-! o'lC 10 li-ll I-I ill1 le." CO .1 . u Ol "',''-::-:.,! ,..v is 1 vour .,1 i xvlet.-hi'l murks or '.r.tts.H. Aj.i.ruise'l :C..?Ji!.ly uour. 'l'l-,'f!'J- e. : . l:.vovao.l Jan. 21, U-;-'- J vi.VA' n'.'r- . IiJ'nv! i UAeCU0, oxitT. l Hi:':!:i;Y OIVE.N TJIAT AVi: a. is;-1. At! iei-"s- li.iviicf ct.c.iiK ii,':mit li t ii arc ln-rel'V Tio"ili"d to V nt them tot1.v voritie.l to u-i stt tn;- .!,. Me'. :.,w7,. iu i -on -ay. v-it.ix m.M.tM frouv me ilate (j1 tlr.s iiDtiee. .v. .u. , I J 0 V l.O'iv Exernn.isof the .-atc oHV. T. M.tti.'ek. JOJlxsox x- Mecowx, Oregon City, Oetol-v 11, lTJ. r..V:i-.v 1 A d BT5 1 H i St fCltO T 3 KOtiCG. TTICK IS llEttUnV OIVHX THAT I h. '.v:.' l)e"n du!v a'nv unte t A liuiui-tr.e.or ot u,o ostafo ..f l.oi::-;X,o si-FAVAirr, de.H-i.-c-l, by the Hon Co n.ty Co.trt -,J l la-'kaTaas V.mity, at the t i.-tohev t'-rni ther.-.t. 1 li.-vt.ire nil .-i-- j,s,ns h;tvin;r elahns ii-raint sai.l ;!ate are her., hy notiiied to ires.-;ii- th.-m to i.ej in-riy vert tied ar the i.-ii.v ..f .J.,..:i-o:i A: Me'.'.nv-i, ia Dr.-.'.jii ... . - . , . . itv, vvu an six i:i.ii!ls i,-.,;a the d Ce ui tins no- t5l.(- c)l P Ll'.S STtlW v!!T ' ' Adi':.'.t.:s:r.itor of s'ai.i e'ituto. JOIIXSOX v'c Me oWX, Attorneys for Administrator, Oregon City, Oc'.ohvr 1 1, 1S7-. n";.vi ti"MllS Q Fr' r'"3 "1 1 j i-, the matter of the estate of John. K. Dlckev, j versed. H x th i: corxTY ft i; r v cr.ACKA:.i.s " comity. State of hviroa. October term 1 7 2 : tic ;idmitiistva!or of 1 estate hivimr tile 1 ! their exhibit i'.ir i::ial .--eoieineat t Ivr.-of, ii is or- j ! o.-red t.y ttie Conn ih.a Monil.iy th.- i iari'i, eh, ; !y oi Aoveiub. - 1 s 7 J . he apart for tUa he:tr- j 1 ,!,f.,':t "V,j'v;P:" !t:ii.u ,';';,u:li "r '"V f 1 oeine::. tji.-. it V. ! tl I, :ivm. lad l'.v,.::V aa . ; ja,1IlM . j.j,,.,;;, ' Jty o.lec o ito'a. .1. K. W.V . 'o'mty .ludre. ! Atte-t: it. V. C.VV Kl . e,,;i,i:y Ci.-ric. j S Orvifoa Cay, Oe :.!; r liiii, 1S7'. n",')v, I In .la- matter ,t the , c.e,, oi JedLX : AY, de- -ts,'( J'i'I' 'K IS ! I V.W '.' (iiVf'.X THA :r! 1;! ' or ;l oi'i'V.'V illiij''v r,n, : ; f Ciaekam-i.- v.m'y. m t.'e i(: ,; . ooV, term, ; is;:, ; i;l , u... ( . . ;..;-.;..- oTi'd: is i;id;:;nv ( ; men, I v. I !. d:l c o ' l-'h at !'. i: no- o:' ci '.' n -e ,e to i. ; it'a-- i!"or :.i Co-. -..i ( o. ( d ce; i.e.- .-..ii - 'i , int.i 1 1 ' e r : i : i ' i : i . . i .ii lie ; o . e 1 '. - ' i i e ' -' . ' i e . , i ii. j . : v. 1 ' i ' ; ...... - i i k i . . ., X. );. l-e W. !-! n. i X. W. 1-1 oi s ... i -'i , :.". .J, i . e, a i. d-t-i i. i ! !"-" i:e !.t(M :ilio .i . .'d . hi.. 7 1 eo ' ' S . red .i.e. 7d.-.i 1 ' '.di d o i : ! i . ! ii7il, I '"' - ? ' I yTj. o V X K.'m it d a t li . il In Ma Circii; lot of ih - Sd.ite of (:';'..: lhe ... :.i-y of (d .i k i:n . ;. I'lni.A.Nl 'V ' 'i'iS and i 7" ! .7 1. ' oi, in K O'i'LS, her ba. he.n !, n..::uiif. tv ;o :-.:.- 1 . .'too i .. A i.I'i '! ; ) , i i X. i ' f' :. . !.' ? !.,: .: .; To L. A!: i.;b I Vf. i.derd : ; i-- m:o .n.i.,ii, in i ui. m.u i. ii: .;:.- : .M..v. v' ; ".','. :':. e '.-!' , "i i' . : itn, c:e ,. .. : or 'i e.Oo ' "e::' of i -:"! -i- ic k' . t h e ! ; e ; I ;-. - e r-; d . ..; i " . ' ' to f.,. ( -1; ! '..-e ! - it I . .'. i . ; I . 1 - .',. r, i.e. v. ..ur ! : th-- Court id;- th. Ii'" p: on o. ' - ci an 1 i ' ' e. i ., G: In Co Cif-iit " iv; of ihe s-t tt. ' f l';v - -is. ( "t. c"!.e in a -. l o'n.y. hes::u;.: .7 a. , 1 'amtm. ; V. O. lIAUid.XO. a.!i-iin:-:r Pri? ' ' ..I ... . ..' . . l ! L . 'ecea-e i, V, . l. Ki!it.-.U. ( . ! taw- Ikd.-nda 1 . tt 7.,-t; it,, e-:.. I "4 I - : T.. VV. nice end ;h,h.:t It, b e.b, '7,:-.-e.b. Tl-TJlt; XA M i; Of TI! M sTAVU OibidUX, : ' a. e or. o iOC'i-,;:-all i :i'l-w.r ti.. c.iiiip'.t::,; idr i aeeiuisi y.a in :U: .i'iovo 1 n 1 id. d a.-: -,oa v, ilhio i, tia v-'fioia t he .be. - t'tf:e ; .n ,it t:,-. s xaami'KK e:-.ei vo-i i '..-,... 1 m. ; l. 1 j in t!nj nullity; or if ;.ei w.l iu it..y mh.-r emuity j 1' tine ;-;;,,-,., ;;.,.u v, t-,iee-y day.-Cont thb j date of tic sc;- ire of this -mioaons" upon v.ei ; I i:-,e-rv,;,; hs ;,ai... -.:;..... n .;, ( a :.d ! : "fur. d to eo i.ppt er and a:.-v.-( r e.ol cnipt auO ' mi O' ivt'ii t !i:i' !;li M.'i, hv n: I ),:', t, l'',d. i!i ,i I o'f', ' ! v.l.i-h tv.il!.. held a Cor the .pin.ti.-n of th- ..- j ; ra.d pre.-oi ibci by tin- c;d r .d said ( oni t for tiie ! j piii hcidoii of t!.:,-smaiuons ; arid if you fail so j . t!1 ;,asv . r. the plain' if; . will apple to" the Court I ' '-' 1 J ' 1' a a' .. ! ioi in t ho c: aiipiahi. whitdi j ' '' V ""''! s!'ui :l 1 "ih.ws, m-v, 11 : 1 lue a ."-rlain j i jmhtme'ir- -and lie -ree 01 a to'-. do cire situ de- j i , .!..n in eoiii-!;,::.:. al... tho stierill 's d-e.l to . ! ' -.1. Ji-u-dim-. ed tvm A. M. li iidiiur and wif ! i to W. J ). King and, It. i '. iiawi.-y, de. d t'.oin W. I I !)- Ivmiraiid wile h. Jiob-rt th .ath. deed from j i : Ipa-h an 1 wf.: to Jam-s M . 'l're.e.-y, J mm i m- i;,::i n-oi.i w u . i,-irper to v . j. m,, : iiiid J5. t . ilav-ley ; nil ,i,.w.-,l.e.l ii the e unplani t j becai,.'"ile!.r.,-t a'-ide and liehl lor mciuht, un.l that piano i: i.-.-e.l to b. e riiriit i'.l mvn- --e.i.iii.-.. oat.' ili.ti I Vvo 111 1. . ., ii. ,J l... in i ( bea.aiitas ,eio , . caiaiai'iieiii - af a o h; in chains o.ir.h, an t s.i.o.-a , from the S. V,'. corner ; 1:1 T- 3 It. ti ea-.t. nnmiu' thene j ; b ; ;-c ni.r; ii s. euani-, t heoiv s.,;e h ; 1 - ' ea-, , i e.iai us. I.., .!'. r-ou'li l.I.iiil i-lcioi- Claekamas river, thence up said river with its ' uieao.-i.-ring- to iii pi of he duine, c cit.dioi. , aiioat .".Ja ii.t,.; and foe lO'ocr ai;.! t'.irth.-r r'-lief. I as pvaye-d lor in i-ai I complaint, lo-.-.-lher with tin; I '" a:iddi.s!im-.--ei:n .,f this s : : imd vou ;ire : i nei'-i ii'i i a a it.-it tn,- ii.e?. v. nif.'i d iid-e ot .--ai.l ( 'ir, ait Court, on the Uth day of Septi inher. 1S7', made an order d : 1 ,c dr.t lie ' i ::: .f'"f: r,:l-v a , (.--o.i vit. i.mcrp: .so ior rax r-iie.-" ;ve wcol:.s. A.. )'. rt'KiW.S, mid lit LLAT .V WAfff.X, AUoi iie - for Jd iiu; o O-eegon Citv, Sept. lube 13. 1S72. nl'iwti n.- ! TIIK roi.T.tWIXO Ml'SlC.rax n-sj ti. ! n , 13 i.re r eeemieeu 1- ; as 1 cai.-ll.fi VA 7i t Oi.ir class; 1 -r-"i t, - I'riee. ? lit T-'.- s-.vr r. tia. for Schools m 7a Ma " inlo-Ps Xcw :.iel!i.vl for tP-i d ( a T C: , r.r.t-i wi'.l he i-idy Ai:g.2., - UA ;:"' -' F-tectiC Piano Senoot, , 3 . e j L v:::y... :, I 2 D . "rr aii - ( iiiiiuv S. iioi,! j .v, 9 I-.-.- iv.,! 1 luiu. s. siueim: it!as,.s 1 Ttn Xe Id'i-ldtra (,!,( Poole, with t fianoor Or-'an Ac'i-'nit ' 1 -pn feee! h-n's Se'uooi tor the V.,iee tl Mi L ' b Art . f sin-h.-.' ,m , , i x Ai iclitlds Vi'dm seidbr.e. r's od.., tl v, ,1 k4j I 1 KjimmeCs ! b.;e s.d.o . s o -p-, j latS::: iri i'erers' Violin School , ? I '.,ir. le, ... . 1 . . . , . - -. I 1 . a o- . . :i; 100 . , CI l'et"i-s' fu 1 hii- ( Vimo in ion. J or t i . ' flu:... Violin, and Piano. j 3 ' Any r.fn--.c will he sont postpaid "t : 7 -, -ev. 1 uric. el ' . . i Or. B. R. FREELAISJO C'-iir3s mmB- DENTIST, XxXl l.EKVM-8 null.DI.Vfi. COKV. BAKCROFT LIBRARY, P CT0,V,l,Vi C02I3IISS103. I . - ,- j i A. IS. ISiefcsardsoK, i A UCT1 O N E E R 1 vejrner o; i- rout and Oak streets .Portland, TTo'iu - n , t T,n k Li 0 HON S ALKS ill . . . . o o o 1 iUa 5,V l;lv5 Ot Ileal Estate. ;roc(oic-s,Jei;eralMerchaT dise and Ilorsos, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. IL Uiciiaiidsox, Auctioned AT PPIVATE SALE. Ihiutisb refined liar and Itundle Iron Ibmlisb Square and Octairon Cast steel Hoi se shoes, File, Uasos. sa Screws, Fry-puns, s!,t-.-t iron, li.Vi. Iron '-j: t -V large assort in;nt of (Srocerics and Liquors I A. li. KiciiAimsox, Auctioneer OltE'JOX CITY, OILIXOX, RETAIL DL'AI.EKS IX lItX GOODS, ! O OT SlOffi 9 j I also keep constantly on hand ! SALLM CASS1M i'llEs, FLA NX CI. 1 TWLED3AM) ILL A X IvKTS, Which ! will sell at the Factory f rices, and i will take woo! ia exchange. w also nav the hi-he.-t prices f.,r er. K-os, and ail kinds of good country bit I v. ill sell as low ;;s any house ;;; Oregon . for Cash o r ;s etpii v a! en t i u good ! merehaiita hie produce. 7T Cive ine a call and sati-fv ynursclves JOIIX MYLILS. ! Jan. i::, ISTl.tf JKV' YOPiv HOTEL, : t Dentf-hes (daft; cos. ) Xo. 17 Front Street, opposite the Midi steal . ship Ia-:di;ig, fort land. ) regon . it r.TfTF'1'. T T VvTTtrr? ' f ItO 1' K 1 1-1 T o US. l.' ! re. ; er o e So Oil (' I '1 1 1 .'0 " wiin Long! I hiv ... . : - r-n o p r.' m Q , i-iS i:.:t.-,n?hJ 7-. ft . -s r, fit if,i roji hit: max cfai'tol y of L .W. i'' aw .kLja fi- They wid al-o d TL'iiXINO, o! ey ry desc: dpth.'i: to oiiler, T T 4- O T T .S " -. - rf" Q Tl .1 "0 - r--t - -o ALL WOlit; WAlthAXTEI). Shop on the Tiiv.-r, in Lewis' shop. oppos.te Oregon City Mills. TTi!! sew erc-rythicg neoilc-i Jc a fnnl'v, L-ora tia heaviest to fb6 l"glite:t L.:.' rr Roc ;:or.n xvcuzz, Thr.a r.::7 cdher midline. If thoro c. F'errr.ro Powhiq Sla ckhio within o::o- thousand miles of bin Fr:;p( ;'.-.( o r.r-.t vovliiv.g vi 11 nr. el fiving cr-tii o f r.ti.sfnclion, if I tun in l'ornuol of it, it v. ill la fdtruecd to without expe-iiso ef any kind to th& cwncr. r:AI-.IUIL HILL, Aent, 10 flc-.v r.lord-o.-r.e-y Sheet, Crsnd Hotel Djlldl.-r-, Can Francisco. fit-ntl for Circulars fiytrZ'saTrijur.t rf the icorA-. Icrire Affftila xvaiiicil i fvrrt 2'litce. MAIX STUKIST, - OlirrtOXCITY elAXlTACTi KEIl AXf) I .MF OUTER OF SAI)!)I, L I III V-I I U'.I )- jSb 7v WAllik Ac, Ac. "7II!C1I HE OFFEPS aS CHEAP AS t can be bad in the State, at Vho!esaSe orMo'.ail. 'zr warrant all my goods as represc ntec. Oregon City, April 17, 72. ii2'etf. OREGON CITY r--TTrs. Vjy 7 I Having purchased the above Brewery wish j c. toinform the public that he is now prepar j ei t0 manufacture a No. 1 quality of L , i.agkji bjkr, ! As good as can be obtained anywhere in the 7J"J ""ea .Kjgi r-tm- -:t i - -j. f7-77- dp n-- t - b- ; 1 v ." f ' r" 1 ?; .e.Vbv-,'-T . ' -7,. ; 7 -7; -Tk ' ... ' ;' 7.. liiisiiuss Directory of Portland, Oron. pl-blisuei, uv l.sakkI, G.-rteral Advertiiwj Agent, M I runt Street. Ackerman's Dollar Store, ? ! .'o. '. 'J '"i:-t sii tc-t. Importers and Job ; tt 1 I . ... -..! 1. rn 1 . 1 !..-, utrs o. 1 -ai.. v.oous, loys. e rooue. , uiiiaa ware and IMatcd Ware. 1 .. 7- ; 1 . I stor House, First st., between Oak and V fine. i-Aei) thing neat, li . L. Longfel low, f ropi ietor. BOOKS, STATi!l.EIlV A.M) FEHIO DU ALS, IIAXCItOI. T .MOUSE, A,TC!;ts for Mabie, Todd iV. Co.'s celebrated Ivison, r.lakeman, Taylor ,t Cohs School liooks. .'.- 1' 'ublisln il, a Jail lint of I.tgul JJI'tiJ. f far t.'iis ytifte. J)arman, ii.e onlv direct Importer of ( loth 3inir, Ac, cor. Front A Wasliinton sts. G H i a C . B ii R BETTi V Ii (II. K S A . K i;oksi-:i.5.i:ii a station i:k, LA KG LIST XTOCK A I'OirfLAXD. No. '-'J l-ioiit ami Xc. "4"VasIi iii"t(iii Sti-ls. TLCK, WILLIAM A SOX. Vl'. fioot st. JL3 Importers and dealers in (inns, Ilii'es siml lie v)I vers f.f every dcsrriptbin. Fishing Tackle, Fancy (binds, lb-ads, IJird Cages, baskets, Cn quet (lames, and ltabv Carriaires. Agents for the "California fowi.er Wotks;" a!;0, for the 'Vv'heehi- V Wilson Sewiiur Machines.'' 7"ck, John A., 120 Front street, practical JL) Wa'chniakor A Jeweler. Work done tor the Trad . j I ( K SieA eV J I ) j i ) IS I I ClX T K ! IS . JIIMl-:s A nAfHIKLDLIt Front street. ri'j;ham A Leinhait, First st. bet Oak A y fine. iiniK. iters of Stoves, Kanges, vitchen Utensil. nchanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First A Taylor ) sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port land. K 1 l"7rPC! WALTKlt HbOS J 1 1 O, S'.- Front stieet. tlarke, llemh ison A Cook, SI A S.I First J street. Dialers in Dry Cioods, Fancv Goods, Ac. ("iohn A b'o.-ei.f. hi, 1 - F:cnt st. Commis ) sion .M. r.-Iia.-its A Dealers in Oregon A Cali for n i a V rod vice. en.'. J. f . Meiiufaetnrer A Deiler in Seddl. s, Ibirne--, arol Suddb-rv Hard ware, ;i 1 Front strict. j ""V' U' & V,'ix:i Merchant , XJ 'aao.s and taothiers, Ic.Us turm-hmg Mocds. J r-is, i,!,u!t A , ,m:l!' '-,.nt str-,t. ! ' J'";l1 1-,-lt'' Agents, money loaned. houses rente!. DENTAL GOODS, f iom i 1 J I te V v:r-s-o x o- wood. A K 1 ) ACi ). ! o 1 rr.n.t street. Ordeis t:-o:n an v portion ot tec State or Ten iior.es cut fully hi cd by m.i I oi- cxpri ss. Iiiid, Loweiisttiu vV t.'o. Fiiiiiiii i e- and .kJ Carpet deah I .- Stores from i.di to 1'Js t- ii st st ! e :t. iiiploy iiient Ajeney. Vv itl.en-ii .i Ibd SlJ man, .-v Front t. Fuvni-h all U i..ds of d'. 1 "veld ng A fee-be. i" Front -ticet. Com Xij unssion Merchants and ilcdets in Do- me.-! f io loec. I .ishiini Li r.-i v Stab'e. -or. Fiist A Salmon s.s. I- ' ua;oi, ii e. i... .....c i.Hvii y s o:i haiot. yi-l.e! A Ii- bii-, ecu-, fii.-t A Wa.-binton A" sts.. Dealers A Manufae. Coihing, Furn-i.-hiug Jooils. "lreeland. Lr. P. P., D.-i ti-t Otlice, No. 11 2. Dckua.'s PI. ck, cor. First A .Va.-h-inpton sts. ii! A Steel. 7- and 77 First street. Peal TT ers in fo .k-, Stati .:. cry, and Musical Instruments. GRAY'G MUSIC STORE- The large.-t Mode II i:s;e on the Coast. STIilXWAV ?iW liriUlETT OHGANa, Ci. I. Di-l'it.WS, Miiiuisi'i-, sot. n AdttNCY r; 1: the uSrvtv' Si?tins IiiCfs iiif. -f " A g e 1 1 1 s wanted." C a "T ? aekenev A S'.coie. ("rovers ai.d dealers AL.JL in nil kinds of Seeds, cor. Fi: st and Matu st- "J J an:f'tipc'i-. P., Li.". First s'reet. importer .1. IL and dealer in Staple Fancy Pry Coojls, M iiiinery. Hendee. 1 IL, Photographic Artist, s. w. cor.I iist ami Moiri-on sts. Child s Put. seec Itv. Hei i-ichsen, L. C. A . Manufacturers ai i-ichsen, L. C. A Co., 1"'.' F r.-t street. lid de tleis in Jewelry, aiches, .U', i'hbard, '"' o. L., 'es p'rout st.. uliobsih ..L dealer ia Croceiies, Doors, Wagon Ma tenuis, Ac. edge, Calef A Co.. 1)7 Front st., w hole sale dealcis iii diugJ, Paints, Oils, (i.'ass, Ac. l S"'-Vi"'- Machine, straight A!lAj nee.'.ie, under feed, "leek stitcli." Com)etit ioii chaiicnged. Al. 1-. Travel-, 112 Front st. J T dirgrcn A Si. boiler, Nos. 1. to 172 1. 1- ir.-t st. Impel ters Furniture, fed (ling, Ac. " iiti'iiiiil iemal llo'ei. eor. Front and M". ii A son sts. M. iiudolph. Prop. Fiee Ihi.-s attends steamers. Kohn.J. A Co., hi Front st.. wholsale ami retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish ing (I. o-Js. A 1 ai-ou Doice Hestiiuraiit, joivate rooms $L for Families, cor. l.-t and fine streets. . N'oos. Pi iq. "arin, 11. A Co., whole-ale dcider in 111. Wines A Liquors, O. S. N. Co's flock, and San Fran I eier A S'chmeer, 1 1 1 Front St., wholesale - 1 and retail Confectioners. " f iber, John P., '.:! 1st st. Watchmaker A d.t.1. Jeweler, oilers to tiie public a line as soitmei.t of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. "ATocIler A Co , Front near C st., Peiilers in native and ioreigu Wines, Liquors and Cigars. "VTorthriip. E. J., Han! ware. Iron, St. el, l. Hubs, Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, tbc, Portland. iCcidental Hotel, cor. First and Mooi.-on V sts. Smith A Cook, Proprietors. ari-h, Wat.ns A Cornell, Ileal Estate Auerds, t o Fiont street, bet. Alder and W ashi iitun. I HOTO(;riAPHIC COODS. C. II. Wood I ard A Co., lol Fiont s iice, J. M..P27 Front street, v.holsah V dealer in Tinware and Stoves. J ichter, Paul. 105 First st. . i -r porter of V Berlin wooden Carving-", Parlor Orna ments. Ac. ly ider. fi, C., Real Estate A Money I! .1 V' H2 Front street. Portland. roker, iy osenbaum, Ls.ACo.,Tobaeconists.iii)port -IV er& of Foreign ard Pcj;estic Li1,i?r. tLiU-- j q l,orloeks" 7f F .pS" S ,.'r..i. Yn" H .aVd ';'-' K11M;,: ! 2,-!:!J:'""y .M : imon. J.,50 Fiont tn.ct, de-ih-,,ii 5 Sfasli & Winds. W.- ' '. i!o,'r , ' '"SS. iiisheiiner, II., i;)7 TTyt : O I'i-.nos, Organs, Shi it ', tti lunt-nts. ' '1Ul'lC t'U r of In- Skidiroie. S. .. fa firstMl 7 & Toilet Arti-h s. 3 Ch ol lr!i;i,lv O niitli A Davis, 71 Fro,,, st,Tt vh T" O dealer in Ds ugs, iiuts i p . u 'M fc (jiass, ferrmiit-ry, aTc. U' M lrHlosv Snow A Ji.ios.7i; PT 7n ing In.-tt luiients. -s.i'ijw. Qmith. Put.. Br-d&r. 'YmrtT H -a Legal Tenders, (;, crnmort I ?7- and Cold Dnsf. t'nmei.t I(.,)di,, . T !liO ....t-r r. 1- . .... v . v io.iuaciiinri.r !., is atno.int. .1 A'efnt for the Walt', "n. T- -'" II. Howard A Co., (-,.-. K. lU?' Califoini . Vratr hes; id-o. for all ,1 (! , tions and impottsof the (bilif.,ri;, J,., ' Corr ,..Hiy, San 1- ranchsco. Send rr circl' iitcoes repaired in the verv hot nco',', r and v.-Ai-i.'ANTFn to give s-.tisfact ion ' ""Perrv Ilros.. Xo .17s c;,-f -, - ,l,r'-,s JIIIi halers in Furniture w ding. Carp ts. Ac. ' "phe Clot! ing store lit! Fr- nt st7etS i,, IL Furiusimi-Coeds, foots and Shoes 11 Harres A f lag- r. v-' "jntt. It. IL, 1 12 A 14"Fr.TtTtl7M,i;r in "A agons A Agricultural I m j .1 c-n, -r4,. "J"yne. L. D.. n. w. cor. First ,k s-s J. 'ealer in frandics, Wines, Knoli.-h Ale ami I'm tor. jyler..L A., 117 Front st.. wlot- saic (, - or in Datler, Eggs, Cheese, I.itrd, Pa ton, Ac. V'iduirus A Myers, f Central Idrrk.1 ? t Front st.. Commission Merchants i deal's in Produce. J hal'ev A Fecld einier, Attornt-ys i So V l.citors in Uanki uptcy. Ollice iu Odd Fellows Temple, O nnfitT pi&pi ViSsSi, ' .......C,Nr -- . f-;'i.-fr - 'e- v- :Xi..- 7-1 at - -.i -..v LOOK OUT FOR GOOD 12! i?4 L- M EEO I ! . , , Lsa. i & u j, t , A V L JUST LLCLIVLD A l.tUGK wmcn t::lv cfek Cheaper Iiau tiie Claa it"f. We w ould say, come imd conviin-e v nr self befoi e pnichasing e!.-e hei c. Our sleik ci i;si.-ls iii part of 1 O FANCY AND ST A f LE PLY COOPS, CIH 'i H IX(t. II ATS, BOOTS AND SHOE O N 0 T IONS, CP O ',' EK I ES, IlAhDW.MiK, and a great many articles too r.r.rm-rcus to 1: en t loti . ALsO, Doors. Windows. Class ju:d fatty. ALL KINDS OF PPOPFCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOP COOLS. ALSO. VOHlli wanted for whicl we py the HP-'HKST PKICE. G. LCKIYiTZLTI ii CO. Oregon City, April 21, P-71:t"0 Eye, Ear, Threat & Lungs JCKK S. PILKIKCTCT-J, ItT. P.. I ATE OF SAN Ff ANCLSCO. P.vV I j caed in f .-I lliii.d. On g( 11. Cihci In lt. li.ic-' Poibtiip, Fi 1 s t st 1 1 et ( t lire : t (iion Lad.! A: Tiltmi's Bank), win le l e resv be eonsutt.d daily, and will 1 1 i-nt tii-e "ff i f the above n a mi-(l orgai:. as speeinU o. All operation- u; ti ihe Fa g litul Van tr tormed iu the most t-cieutiii'c and fan lid m an 11 er. A IIT I F I C I A L E V ES. b a v i r: g a! 1 1 1. e be n ty ;m.l mobibuy ot the natural t ye, insc! t et. Betels b pel mis-ion, for b -'st pi eft s-ii'i ' do standing, in L. C. Lane, M. P.,'Fiof,-s r e! Surgery, ami Edwin Prr.fey, M. P.. Prctf sor of Anatomy, Fniveri-ily of the Parito-. San Fiiiiicisco; at.d Icr his lllcces in tic treatment of ca.-es, to over ,."on cases t'tnt- d bv l.ini, in San Fraiici.-co ; al-o, to I-ei Est.-s. E.-q.. fev.T. L. Eliot. Portl.iifd; 'n . 11. Dillon, Esq., Y a itce live i, W. T. ; rd many others Oi egtn ai.d Wa.-hii'gt n !' litot'y. aiicL7eir.i" To Stcck Drcvcrc. rfn r: Bo.y) ackoss the casc.mi- X Mountains, known as Ihe "Old Lm ZXJ.t Load," is m w in -pbrdid erdertir the accmnmeidatioii of l.ej.ul lie. Tl clrielpf on the road have aii been tin 1 cngley 1 efii r ed, and stock drovers w ill find it no tn ride to cro.-s the Mo mtains hv this Kuite. Tiate i-i j leiifv of good water" ami grass em ldli sides of the Motii.tairs. s nel ti e eh.-tiU.cc across is i.idv ail milt S lie ill'' the si"" ,fs' ' well iis ihe best road fiver the Cascade Me'a, tains. Stock droves mid migrants wn tii I it to their advantiicc to travel over this rente. Toles rease.rnb'e. JOsEf II YOFNG, Preodtid. Clackamas county, June "21st, 1 - "IHESTOPE IIOCSEFOKMI fM X pied bv K akk a, on Pork Creek. 12 mil rrom Aiirobi, situated at a line V"1'1" :ountr v trading post ; can be had on T- -reasonable terms. This is a de-iriddy I oia for a man with small capital to go into ta--- IK SS Enquire "f JOHNSON A McCOWN, jalv2;tf.,! Oregon City, Oregom JMTERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGOS (TV- trKeep constantly on hard foi Fft'e4 purchases Tet'd nutl forcL-L the ia'l f- o o 1 o o I C V o