V o o o u o ll Th. a O 0 O 1 taJtckln C;nirprtsc. z'-Tf'omOmtt 18. 1S72. 'mV' an-Informed by Mr. Gr, rk tbattbeir .b factory at this C'U uff one of the two gold mo: C"Ttt t last State Fair for the RVwaPii'u- fac(liml jinnWnis. .fintOrg?' " ' b(l siz,, 0f a ,Wenty r- linr- - u, . ,iM : lit- rr-l : .r!:ll 1 ' I- ..M.v to .itlr!ll. lis " . , nn on' Mui- .lo'larffu'" r CiiO. Cntr .-yH-v,.,, i ... e p.I 'n il , :., .t... renter is the insignia ot :,na .. . c;.i.. me the words :C .v. '.St a'' . I ill. Oregon Stale Fair to Aw,,ru,' : ;c handsome premium, and ir.r!,'.-d very highly by the propn- 1' . f'ilc nne- efibis hictory. m-j - r .1,,. !,f.t water powcis mi -Vs :c 5n,i,.r..n.nt9 were extended . 1. . . IwiL'T H f I"" VI .J .... it would be one of th e noted niunufactMrmg w CO"' this jn-T List. The following is the list of idrVvn'foribo October term or the Circuit Court for Clackamas County .wtfch wi he holder, in .his. city next Monday l -Mh iilt.: Johnathan signer, ham ; l l Waidron, Mnrion 1'hiHips. O rXr o, J.L. Ho-- Vm WhiHoek. ' t r.,hn .-cii'.t. J. L Cock. 1 hos. W. Ki'den. 'Tr-i. linger i F. MarK. lr. wise. w. n. Win. Elliott. Israel Oraden, I. V. I.acey I!, l'.iickner. L. A. aiie. ,i,vi',l MolLJ.S.Ch.uch. H W. Moss Savage, J. I'. Kingo. and A. H. I.ee. Moss. U. For VKBMVT.-Uev. E.Gerry and fami ly l. ave this city to day for their old home h Vermont. Mr. Gerry has been the pas tr of tli" Congregational Chord, in this ,i(v for -he pust four years, and w.ll be. LWdbva lame ciicle of church-fxoiug t,;()I,!(. 'He will caiy widi hmi the best wmU of entire cemmunuy; he has ren-,t,.rt-.l u- valuable service in limes past as ...!, " and we unite wiih h:s many fn.-nd- in wishing him a pleasant journey Uck to the (Jreen Mountain Mate. Nakuow Kscu-t: Last Monday as Jas Fuller and wife were crossing the railroad hy the Congr-gational Church, the train .' throu-h the cut striking the 1,'uu'gv and nearly throwing tlu-m out .-.Tm 'm-k r-.iit of'Served until thej' . J tie were id. track, as the cut liid it from view, v- v nt-..ied some sii-'ht injuries and a terrihle scare. W hy cannot lo l:iil,- when naming such places ,Ul. i ' . t rain It is enurely hid trom view till it crosses the road. ll:. m km it ten x.!). We last Sunday received a dl photograph likeness trom our old trieiid and former partner. - Joaquin' ('. II. Millar. It is an excellent likeness .,f tlia poet, with the exception of the long h.iir. la fiis letter to us lie ?tated that he would soon leave for England, but would heuhseiit only a slnut lime. We are phased that our dd friend still bears us i- mind, and we shall always be glad to brill- of his success in this world. fiKAp CoM'KKT. Ilev. J. W. Seilwood i gefing up a grand conceit, consisting, uf vocal and instrumcn'al music, to be i-iven about the first, of November; we :.re not aware who the , e. Put know that Mr. Si art icip-mts art to llwooil atii.oa- rev Tompkins would made a lespoctiio.e concert u'd by themselves. We wii'i in O'Tui tlie public in due time as to the time and Chco o!' the efoer!ai:im-n. A U.-ki '.:-. TiitNo- ix tsi;-: llorsi-:. One ot the most useful books to have in the house is Uvi.i.oi 's Monthly M.Czixk, the November number of which is just mt. Send a tiuee c tit stamp tor specimens and premium lists, and you wont regret it. Fi.bli.-hed by Thomas A' Talbot. t!3 l 'ongress Si reel, IJostoii. $1,6' per year, or l3 cents .-ingle copies. Rkh i:xkp. Messrs. H. C. and Joseph Myers, ol Willow Creek, Wasco county. leUrned to their homo last Sunday after nno.i alter a short sojourn in this valley. report .-lock in line order in Hi it re t::d say that everybody. Democrat Utoil. and lieputticall. w ill vote for Gree ey aad iii own. e Ar Oi.YMfiv. By private Fdter d.itetl OiyQpii, October. UUi, we leain that O Mrs. Dement and family. v. ho left this city last Thursd iy. arrived safe in Oiympia. i'r.ttik s.tvs the road is the roughest he .vcr traveled over in his life ; he is al-ji-.tdy smitteu with the beau lies"' Oof O:uipia. The Fu:sc Boat. i ho 'ego, t-avs the Oi t-l'tthin citizens of Os have deteriL'in- .! to celebrate in a proper manner, the "l.en'mg of ihe canal between the lake and o 'iii.iiaiiu river. A very neat, handsome basCJieeu made and piv,-ented to the Oiiuardr which will be carried by that Kieaiaer u:i her 11 rat trip through the ca u. 1 1 CitAi'.iTAni.i? Hkt. We al e informed of O a bet i n ihe rresiilenli.il election wh ich 'Vtia entered into bv a Greeleyite and a 'K'.rniglif-outer." th it eclipses any bet that we have recently heard of. ihe parties aree lo givt?j the stakes to the poorest man thev can find o Ci kamm; Or r. For several weeks past tue E. N. Cooke has been lying at Oregon City. Her machinery, hull, cabin, etc.. hxi been thoroughly o vei tu uletl and citMtn-.i nut. She wsil go down to Asto-ri- by lew days to convey a hunting par 'to -llut place. Q No r too Old to i.kckivk Fiikmu ms At the Sute Fair. Hector Campbell, of -'libvuakie, in this county, aged eighty J ears, took the first premium for a new 'Hiing p,.iir. Evidently Mr. Campbell Li:,K. it is l ever too late lo do irood. C I'uRmi.k. Dy reference to our adver-'-nig co'iinms it will be seen that the 0.0-tiMin Restaurant is offered Tor sale. Oi-iug t.'he severe illness of the propri '''"' l:e has derei mined to retire to pri-T-'!e life. .Obargain is offered. " 0CJtiK Tuami1. Mr. L. Leland of this 3 ,"iji". Grand Temperaret- Lectnrer. is '"ive!ing in Southern Oregon trying to o induce the -natives in that region to ab 4; from the use of intoxicating liquors. Kixx CoxsmuAtv Hon Jas. II. ei" has placed us under obligations for i. and 5 of the Kn Kiux Conspir- ti P IT - r . .' "i the present Administration "'h Carolina. i'f'if. N. W. Randall ol Ibis city, who is e:1g'd In school teaching at Lafayette. in town Saturday and Sunday and "'arn ihat he i? meeting with very fcwa success in his r.ew habitation. e leamhat an at.omey from abroad sarrivedTo ibis city and will practice aw "vith A. r. Forbes, Esq. O H TH ii-, ii ii L - " -. . . . ... ,. . . ' . L . . ',. r . . SrEAKiXG. It is announced (hat lion. W. P. Hare will speak in this city, Nov. 1, in the interest of Grant and Wilson. We urge our citizens to tie up their hull pups" when the -hare" comes in town or I it may got skcered away, j . Ckmkxt. The steamer Senator brought upon Wednesday last several hundred barrels of cement to be used in the con struction uf the Locks at this place. Am. ics. Mr. B.Jennings, of this coun ty has the (banks of our wife for a couple of boxes of fine Rambean apples. Who wouldn't be a printer's wife? Lr.KVATiNU. Mr. Fnchs lias a fore of hands engaged in raising his dwelling house and building a second story be neath it. AusKNT. J. D. McGowan. picturist. re quests us (o inform the public that he will be absent from the city for a few days. IIomk. Capt. J. T. Apperson. Grand Master I. O. ( . F., returned home last Sunday, aHer an official vi.-it !o the upper counties. IIanhso.mk I'kksext. -Mr. A. F. Forbes presented a fine set of silver-ware to Mrs. Cha3. E. Warren last week. Stokks Ci.oskp. Last Saturday our Hebrew merchants closed their stores all day, that being one ol their holidays. Nkw .ps. We call irticular atten tion to issue. the r.ew advertisements in this Qiikt. Our city has been unusually quiet for the past few diva. Hon. L. T. Uarria returned yesieiday from Salem. State News. Albany is filling up fast. Wells failing in Corvallis. Salem is filling up with thieves. Gold in New Yoik to-day. 114. Baker city is to have a liteiary society. The Eugene saw mi'.l is i mining again. Wheat in Liverpool. 13s. 2d., aid 13s. fd. I The theatrical se.ison closed last night I in Salem. i Fort land legal tender rates. 88c buying acd el!ing. The Yorpitna nysters are reported to be very fat and large. A Directory of the Slate is to appear within a sl'.ort lime. Wheat is pouring into the warehouse at '.he Ilillsboro Landing. Farmers throughout the Stale have sown an unusual breadth of wheat. The new ins'ruments for the band at Roscqurg. have conn: to hand. The Gn'.irtl suj s several new brick build ings are about completed 1:1 Lagene city. A Wasco county farmer from two pota toes ha? rai.-,cd loo' pounds o! Iii.-h apples Rev. G . C. ChandU r. a long time resi dent ol McMiui.v'ule. has removed to 1'or et Q ro". e. The Marion couniy Cle;k has issued eight man iage licenses so lar daring the month. T!ie Etigene Joinl has closed its fifth volume under Brown. Ihe i'.-.g of (iieeley and There is a corn r in the at. the Dalles, ll sells at G 0 per ccrd. The assessed valuti-.n of Multnomah county is S S . i -ti .500. an li'cfease ot il, 178.70t) over that of ihe year 1 S7 1. The Oregon Steam Navigation company will hereafter run their boats three tunes a week between Dalles and Wallh.a. An Eastern company has recently pur chased the copper miiie and works of Messrs. Crane A Co., of Baker county. The snag puller is still at woik along the channel of ifio upper Willameiie, pull ing out snag! and removing obstructions. The Sprir gville. post office. Mulfnomah county, has been discontinued and mails for (hat place will be delivered at Port land. Fire miles of railroad remain to be com- nleted to leach Rosebni!r. When that is finished cons1 ruction will cease for the j season. S Our exchatiges say that counterfeit five ; and ten dollar greenbacks nave n.aile their appearance in Washington and Ida ho Territories. The Legislature took a recess from last Saturday until Tuesday. o enable the members to go home and see their wives, babies and s'veelhearts. The entire surplus wheat crop lot Ihe year of the t.vo States of California and Oregon i reckoned at Ilo.oOO.OOO bushels, or 20.1 Of) .000 centals. The citizens of Salem arc highly elated over the passage of the bill to appropri ate $100,000 io be expended in the erec tion of a State Capitol in their (own. A meeting in Union county, last, week to organize an Agricultural rociety. e'ected F. Shoemaker. 1'resident ; W. J Snodgrass. Secretary, and J. T. McComas, Treasurer. . GJosephJ. Henderson. Esq . of Portland. has ben appom'ed Regi-ter in tsanic ruptcy for ihe District id Oregon by Judnre Deaily. on the nomination of Chief Justice Chase. 9 Gen. Palmer. Indian A sent at the Siletz Reservation, his had his official head chopped off. and is superseded by J. 1L Fairehiid of Portland. Incompetency we believe was the cause of removal. A good degree of prosperity seem' (o attend the Bi.-hop Scott Grammar Schodl pi nee 'he commencement of the present school vt-ar. Then are now in regular attendance 75 pupils, 25 of whom are hoai bers. A Union county farmer tilled SO acres of land, and raised HO Ions of hay. 200 bushels of wheat. 200 bushels of po tatoes, and 50 worth of other stuff, all of the value $1,210. A poor Yamhill man raised 3. 000 bushels of wheat, worth $2 -250. on the same quantity of land. Rosebnrrr b i voted for incorporation, the question being carried bp twemy-five majority. The City Trustees elected are: C. Graddis. T. F Sheridan. Geo. Havnes S. Hamilton, and w. I. 1'riedlamb r. Mar shal. Li. C. Roscnber-r: Recorder, Andrew Jones: Treasurer. E. Livingston. The bill to lease the Cnnnl and T nol.-c incefiil tlio TTiMitn - rt ni'il n v . , , and will uoubtlcss pass tlie Senate to-day or to-morrow. Henry W. Longfellow, the poet, who has been claimed for Grant, was a dele gate to the Massachusetts liberal conven tion. The father of the Oregonian ed itor is a Greeley and Brown man. Telegraphic Sews. Washington. Oct. 12 All the Depart . mentn will be closed and draned in m,n 5n? Mnt1fJ;l?. in bor.or to the memory o. ;r. . ew aid. x governor Hoffman V?S clSHU1, a rc5?tion eulogist of ""v.i-w ie depart ments to be closed on Monday, and fht-s of the buildings placed at half mast. . i ojiK. i.ct-'i ho Xn.ional Dem ocratic Commntee have issue.l an ad.lress to the people ol the Lnited State They rehearse the results or the recent elections and urge energetic and courageous meas ures in the prosecution, of the camitaiffn Laxcastkk. Fa ..Oct. 14 -A complaint has been maoe before Alderman Arnwig bv Ke.nl.ar.lt Keller. Jmlge of Election Dr. II. L. Mullenburg. lnited tales Col lector of Internal Revenue, for offerhe said Judge of Election $200 if h- would rinu uie oanoi ooX a mjlice Fuckalew'f s ! majuny io a Hundred. A warrant issutd for ihe arrest of fiilU.,,) .,..1 was Mkmhiis. Oct.15.-The greatest state of excitement exists ,u Osceola. Ark., amo.t the citizens, who are fleeing with their families, in anticipation ot another attack n-oin the negroes. No further bloodshed is reported. The whites of ihe several villages are under aims, wi;h approaches guarded. Sr. I.orts, Oct. If. The St. Louis Stamping Company's works were damag ed by fire last night to the extent of Sol). CSi'J. The woiks were nearly new and cost $110 000. Insurance, $-,". OOP. in eluding $5,000 in the Union ot San Fran cisco. European Xtws, Loxnox. Oct. K) Mr. Bent wick. M. I'.. in a public speech last, night denounced the settlement of ihe Alnb'tmn question as a dishonor lo England. It was absurd that a rule should be made and held to bind England to responsibility for ac:s committed long be lore the ruie had any existence. England deserved the scorn of the whole world, and would cease to hold her position among nations. At a meeting of conscrva: i v-s at Castb-head. addressed t y Iler ry Jervis, M 1'.. and others; the Government was censured for its conduct in the negotiations with the United Stales. Lonpox. Get. 10. The C.irovicb Al exanderh as gone to Vienna at. the invita tion of Emperor Francis Joseph. Coxstax rixoi'i.i:. Oct. Id. The Sultan has conferred I lie order of Osmarii on the Gi-hiid Duke. Nicnolas of Rus.-ia. It is estimated that three millions of in habitants have died from (amine in J'ersia. The telegraphic dispatches iorsvarded and received at ihe expense ol the British Government on the snhject. of indiiect claims, amounted to S'li)0 000. Lonpox. Oc-i. 12 A Berlin special to tie.- Tt!ejra,U says that it is believed that the deci-ion i f the Emperor o:i the San Juan boundary question will b favorable lo the United States. The 'limes' obituary of Mr Seward says: He was a usi-fal statesman and an eminent American. Ilejrave proof bv his deeds ! of tiis uniform philanthropy and love of i justice. j Gkxkva.Oc!. l-f.-F.ince Napoleon aniv i ed here and was accompanied to the tron t tier by airenrs ot the French Government. L'k:"i.;.x. Oct. 15. I'rince Frederick llenrv Aibvrt. brother of the Fanoeror William, died to day. j Lox.'ox. Oct 15. ?ilnis'er Wasbburne ; sailed from Southampton today for New j Yoik oil ihe DeiitchbiniL I Nkw Yoi:;c. Oct. 15. A Paris special i says there was great excitement in Palis ' la-t r.i'rlit consentient on the receoiion by j President 'i'iii. ! an anon-, iiii.hs of a box of bombs, with letter, statiutr t fiat, a thou- I sard bombs were sent lo Paris. Troops i were placed in suspected quarters and ihe Imperialists c'os.-'y wr.tcheu. Thiers and Mar.-hul Mac Mahon had a conference last n: -hf. I Politic;;! Iy Uurope is in a critical condi wood market j (ion. The mea ling of ihe Emperors at" rem 5 50 to i Deri in is now considered a hypocritical j thing, gotten no for ellect and to quiet po.pioui ami si-i Kins fermeiitation going i on among the ma-s ANOTlIUIi Lik Xaii.ki. The liailical :i pcrs f.ave been very lotul in their charges against the State I'rinter in reiranl to the manner he executed his v. ork. The Legisla- j live Conunittec aptioii.Uil (Mr. Dolph of ihe Senate placed him in nomination and a majority of the Committee are Republicans) an K xpert, vlioei eporlecl to the Senate last Wednesday that the work was done better than any similar woik had been executed before in t lie State, and far better than elsewhere on the Coast. This Kadical Legis lature is making its party organs "eal crow" on all their charges. Oregon City Pi ices Current. The following are the prices paid for produce, and the juices at which other ar cicles are selling, in this market : WHEAT White ."j bushel. 80c. OATS ptt. bushel, lilh fts. POTATOES 1 bushel. 37 h cts. ONIONS jt bushel. SI OOf,, il 50. FLOUR- '-''i- S-!fr .-5 1 "" I'.EANS While. T lb.. U ( cts. DRIED FRUiT-Aples.r! lt.. C(g7 els. Peaclies. lb., P.:(o- lf.c: Plums, lb.. 20 cts.: Currants. !!.... U)CT ',20 cts. PUTTER -j: lb.. oiicis. EtilGS p' "b.zen.oO els. CHICK ENS f1 dozen. $2 ."0p7;:1 00. SUGAR Crushed. V !' 20 cts.: Island "j-J lb.. D012i ets. : N. ()' lb.. 15 ch San 1-re.ncisco reimeii. jJ it. . n cis. TEA Young 1 lyson. "r lb.. SI 00 ; Ja pan, f U.. 75cv-s'l 00: black, "r;! lb., 75c. COFFEE rrlb.. 2"K,25 cis. SALT r It... KB-i ctf- SYRUP Heavy Golden. Vgall.. 5100 : Ex. Heavy Golden. p galb.l "25 PACON Hams. lb.. IS cts; Sides. 1G cts. T) lb.: Sliouhlers. U cts. LARD-r- Ib- US ets. OIL Ivoe"s. Kerosene. "i call.. . Linseed oi raw. $1 25: Linseed oil. boiled. $ gall., SI 2o(V,l 00 WOOL f' lb- o5 cis. REEF On foot, Y"' 7 cts "p PORK On foot. 7f;:c!s. It.. SHEEP Per head. S2 our.j oo. HIDES Green. 52 oUt ; i.ry 15 : Salted .vc Plmi.lis, Kruptions, IiougH SUiu- The sTStcn being put under the in 11 ience of Or Pie.ce-s G.'.IJen Medical Di-cove-y f.,r a few weeks, the k"n become-, smooth clear, soft and velvety, and being illuminated Witl. the plow of perfect health trom wUhia, true l.eautv lairds forth m all it-. gor3. No.hifl- e'vcr-pnsentel to the public as a i.eant-.tier of the courdcxion ever jrave such satisf Taction tor tins y Discoveiy Ti.a ferts ot ali meoicines the .w, which operate upon roe -.-." ...."- . 1.- .),. i.n.ol necessarily s . ,. lKi.Mii.rll no matter Iv.w g od the re-r edy emp.oje While one to three bottles clear he kin of rumples, blotches, ernptions. yedow SeOts nirnrde ! comedones or "gi ubs. a dozen may posMuiy . ...v. tu,. be required to cure s..nn caes ,. M-sten. is rot tea with scrofulous or virulent blood poisons. The care ot all the d .senses however. Com the common pimple to the worst scrofula, is with the u '( tu mo-t j.otent agent, ou'y a matter of time. Sold by all drug'zi-ts. N. t ererv one can be i resident, but all can b,y SILVER TIPPED Sh is ! rih.jr cLildien and lheieby Its.-tn the r fcLoe bihs two-thirds. For Sale by all Dealers. ; . MfiniM raiTI llli I I HI Hi 1 Dr-IVistai-'s "Willi Cherry UaUain This Balsamic compound lias become home fixture. Let all who suffer .and hare in vain attempted to cure their coughs, colds, bron chiai or pulmonary complaints, make use of thi3 unequaled remedy. It can be relied upon, the mass of testimony that has been puhlislud sinee its introduction, being am ple proof of its erlicacy. Oltl -i iiiiigs Have Pa.sctl .tway. This i3 at least true of the old method of treating the lo;ig abused and much abused human body. I is no longer consipered wise to put a parent to the torture inoider to cure him of a disea.-ein which pain is already undermining- the energies of his system. True science ranges itself on the side of na'uie, and endeavors to assist her in her fight against disease. This is the province of Ilostcttcr's Stomach Bitters, the most ap proved tonic ever advertised in ll is couniry. It may be recommended as a fall medicine, par excellence; for it is irv the fall that bil iousness, dyspepsra and nialat i m fevers ate especially prevalent. The frame, ex hausted ly the heat of summer, is relaxed and let ble at its close, and requires, we inav say dtmatuJn, arl licial assistance. Afford it that assistance in occasional doses of Hos ti tei's Stoni;.ch Bitters, and the evils referr ed to may he escaped. Through out the lar West, and on the steaming alluvial of ihe Southern rivers, all the vaiieties of periodi ca! fever are probably life to day. Had a course o llb.sttter's Bitters been commenced by the i-uibjters a month ago, i. tit before the unhealthy season set iiC seven -t ijjhts of them would in all probability be in their usual health at the present time. So much for want id" foneaMe, So much for not keeping in tht house, and using daily, the best saicguard against epidemic and endemic levers, As flocks of imposters ni;d imitators ate trying lo follow in the wake of the great Aitniioa i remedy, therefore be sure that the article you buy is genuine and verified by ihe proper trade-marks. The ti ne article can only be obtained in bottles, beware of the spin ions bitters sold bv the gallon or in kg To protect the understanding of humanity nothing there is 1 ke leather fastened togeth er by CAULK SCBFAV WIRE. Boots and Shoes made in this way never rip, or leak or ccn;e opait. F'or the very beat photographs, go to I'rad ley A Rnlofson's Gal'ery wiih.iut STAIR.-.--ZW ASCEND IX .TH"E ELEVATOR, i'l'j .Motifgotner'y Street. San Franoi.c'o. t'ALLS EXCA51P3IEST R t). 1 , I . O. F". Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each month. Ratrurchs in goal staud iniX are invited to attend. Feb. S. 1 S72-tr O O- O TV BUSS MESS DiRECTGRY! rVUK UNDERSIGNED W I L L C O M MEN CE JL tobciting for a Eusiness Directory of tlio State OF OREGON in a few days; nr to make it sacccss ul, re pictfuliy icq est the co op erat o-i q! e!S'Ois intere-c in the tr.-l'r.ro of the country. The State ha; now reached that i osi ion when a yearly summary of her progress is necessary, hence the value of a work which will, i.i a condensed form, foir.liiii? .ill Mailers of riiblir. liiliTfst. The wort; in cr.nh mplatien will embrace a General Sketch of the Stale, ITS 1'IIYSICAL ASPECTS, GEOLOGY, CLIMATOLOGY, LOTA NY. ZOOLOGY, COMMERCE, MANUFACTURES, SOCIETIES, PURLIC RUILriNGS, IT.0DUCTIONS, And all other subjects on which ii formation is required. T'jc work will he illustrated with sketches of sorn of the hin.U! g- pi on; nent scer:ery of the State, i.nd ils compilation will be under the charge of ,T. KORi:MEU JIIT.PHV, Esq., who.-c recent work on Wa hing on Territory lias bccii highly comine iticd by the pi ess and public. The Business Dhcctory OF EACH 'TOWN AND CITY Will be Complete; And that, with sketches of each place, should make it invaluable to the JItrib .nt, Faimor and Mechanic. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, it will be THE BEST yet in rodnccd in the Sta.e, as it will be of such importance that it will always be retained in a pi eminent position for refer ence. Tlie Iialc of Advutlstng wi be as follows : ONE PACE '?20 HALF PAGE 10 CARD 5 Adv3'tis;'rs taking one page will receive a copy c-f the bo ;k gsatis. I'RICE of the work will be $2.50. The book will be distributed on every route of travel and public place in the country. S.J. XcCOrOIICK, Publisher. 1CD Front Street, Portland, Or. October 1?, 1S72. RESTAUR Al FOR SAMS ! OWING TO THE CONTINUEH I LI, , ess oc the Proprietor. Lkon" DeLockt, Ihe Barnum Re-turant is off-r(t tor sale. Io any om- w shing t ) m ,age m this bu.-mess, a b,rg.in is offered. LyrjEV. O.egoa City, Oct. 1, UU. 1 nOITRTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, E"W GOODS, JUST HECEIYED BY CI5A1ILES M. AlTFSELD. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND JL consisting in part of D a uA vy FANCY OOOX5, LADIES' AND CIIILDBENS SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, &cB, &cB All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Cive me a call before purchasing else where, and convince yourselves that 1 CAN ai d WILL SELL as cheap ns the cheapest. CIIAS. Ji. CAU FIELD, CORNER MAI.N AND JsEVENTIl STREETS, OREGON CITY. X. POPE, Grocer & Provisioii Dealer, Next doer south of the Court House, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN BEST FM1ILY GROCERIES 3 ! COFFEE, TEA -, SUGAR, FLOUR AND M K A L of alt kinds, PICKLES, Slid', SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, Also, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER. CHEESE and EGGS. TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change for goods at the highest market rates. 'S-Goods delivered in the city free ot c' urge. A fair .dure oT patronage solicited. March 23, 1 -72:tf LITE AXI) LET LIVE! THE CREGCS CITY HACK AND BIUY CO. - w -wr .-IX-. T)tM'(l t L'l.-n -TM. Li i nn.:i.s.'i.e a oe s JLJL laveiy Muck ana business it M-,.-.. Wit T X- l?t..l! i:ITTAV 'L-mr and the Drays, Horses and Ru.-iriess of C N. Gai ENiiAN, a:e now p.rt -paied to carry on LIVKilV urstMcs, S-:iZD Sl.lELE, A.si IIliAYIXO. We will lilsu deliver slab wood to all those perotis to w hom Vt'illis & brouahton have engaged and as many more as will engage slab wood from us, so far as we can get a sup pi v. Ordeis left at the Livery Stable for Woon", Driving or Hauling, will be attended to with disptiteli. Rationale in oar several branches of busin.-ss solic. ted. Our l liaigvs s'lall ! 5it!ei-i ftr JTThe Hiirhest Cash Price paid for Oat, delivered at the Stable. C. N. i ; KEEN MAN, P.rshlenr, J. M. F R A Z E R. Secretary. Of O. C. II. it b. Co. Oregon City, Air. 'Jit, 1-72. tf. AVOID QUACKS. A victim TvaiTy in discretion, causing nervous debility premature decay, Ac, having tried in vaui every a.Ivei used remedy, has a simple means j of self cure, w hich he wdl send ficc to I lellow-siitlerers. Ad.lress J. H. REEVES, 7S Nassau st., New Yoik Sep.t. l:ly FALL & WINTER 3- O O 3 ! JUST RECEIVED RY LEVY. HAVE JUST REDElVED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMENS' Fl'RXISIIING GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. Call nnd examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Tiikcn in Exchniig for Goods. A. LKVY, Ulain fctrrct, Or g:n ( iy. a o sav One Dollar 1 y an extra outlay of Five cents, fchould bov arcn's SILVER TIPPED SHOES for their childn n. f p27m"l Good Gable Screw Wire BOOTS A 3D shoe: no Are Selling from Plalneto California. A. raOLTflER, NOTARY PURER .ENTERl'RE OFFICE Orecron City. Ja;i 13:tt J. D. McOO WAN, -PHOTOUllAFII AUTIST. Is prepared to execute work in the veiy be-t style ol Ihe ait, at reasonable prices. I'hoioirraphs taken at !1 per dozen. Vuors'of Oretron City (or side. Rooms On Main street, opposite Thos. Charman's store. uugSvml Oregon Itxlge Xo. 3, I. O. or O. V. Meets every Thursday even 2fijr ing at 7 oV.Ioek.in Odd Fellow's fC Hall. Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend P.y order. -v- Iietjtcta. D Lei'S a (O q Meet on the Second and Fourth 5J TUESDAY EVL'XIXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in O ld Fellows Hall. Members of the D.-grtc aie invited to attend. lultnnmali LoIz-' No. 1, A. F. ami m A !M.-Hnli!s its recnhir c-mmuviica r.xN.tions on tlie First and Tl.hd Safur Tie standa d re edy ft r "ougU', In In &trt'f in each month, at 7 o'cloek from n .s, r Throat, W'hotp g, Omh Cn-ip, ' the 2'"'th of September to the Loth of Liw C wpaint. Branch i , BkLrir o" tin March and 7! o'clock from The "2 'th ofj Mureh to the 2 th ot September. Rreth ipn . ii irood standi:!? are invited to attend. Dec. '23.1 57o, by order of V. i. : In this clane'f.bl'e climate nothing is more in po'tai t thin drv feet; Ina'thu'd lif- depend n" it ; th rpfore 1 uv CAHLE SCESw WiBE Bt O S and ehoes cevr Itak or r WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, CONFECTIONERY SALOON ! Fresh Oysters ! I iLOUSS SAAL, - - - Proprietor. Corner of Fourth anl 5Iain Street. T7RESII OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY JL style desired. Confectionery of every kind con-tant'y on hand. I manufacture all my own s ock, which is sutlicient guarantee that it is fresh and pure. Call if want of a good cup of ioi!, tea, or elioeoiute, or anything in my line. Oregon City. September . 1 S72:tf SHADES SALOON, C. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Elain Street, Oregon City- Ettt BILLIARD TABLrS in OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them T JI E B A 11 1 S S VPPLIKD With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and bourbon already famous Whi-.kics and Punch. A I -SO, A NO. 1 GHOOTSG GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oregon City, Jan. 1, 187-:lf at Tin: L IE ' G C L f 1 BAKERY. WILLIAMS & HARDING, XyAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE 1 .JL. ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The R.ikery will be constantly snpplicd with fresh RREAD,CRCKi:P, CAKES. PATRY, C A N D I E - AND NUTS. All of which wi'l be sold at living rates. KetiH inber that we uo net sell goods at COsl. Also, please bear in n.ind Ihat it takes money to do business. To the fanning trade we would say, CASH f. r you. produce, and CASH for our poods. (oods ueliveietl lo all paits ot e ci;. Feb, HI, l-7:tl" : I FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALUIt IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES. CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kinds bouzht. for which I pay the highest maiket price. If rou desire irood Goods, at LOW Pric s. eaii at 1. sellin.ps. stock of Spring Good: and examine hisfiesh ods. j GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES Mr Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. Arril 14. U7!:tf -j T X "XT Tr V? T ?C1 would call 1V11 IV IjL- kJ the attention of T achers anil Amateurs to Kixkkl's New Metiiod rou tiik Rkkd Okkax and M ei.ookox, which we will i-sne about September First. This work is pronounced superior to all oth ers T its c!a-s by Teachers who have exam- NEW METHOD iced it. It ci-ntains a clear and simple course of iiistruc'.ion whereby an one may easily aequil c the mas'.ery of this favorite Instru ment, with a few month's study. It will al 1 TTTT? wavs be a foi vor- V J 1j X JlJlIIj ite'work with the Teaclu-r, on account ol its clearness and sys tem.ttie progression ; more of an amusement than a ,t "'i'fv the Pupil, and will prove a titiiif of we'ill'i to the Amateur, on account of (he uianv choice Melodies, Songs, etc., that REED ORGAN. Mr. Kinkel has selected and a rranj-ed ex pressly for this work. Hinkel's New Meth od will be mailed, post-paid, on receipt of $2 fin. Address, J. L. PETERS, Li0 R.raZwav, N. Y. S nd 30 cents for ti e lute-t number of PETERS' HUSICAL M NTIILY and you wi'l ret at least ?t w;rth of our lat est and best Vocal and Instrumental Piano il usi . September Oth, P,7"2. m2 ungt nd ever affect'on of the Th cat. ! Lunirs ; nd Chest inc i'.din2 i'o.vsi'vrn VI:' Iialstm of AIM Ch rrj . does net r.' u a ( ougr, mit m se i". j i lcar.se-the lurgs, nd jby5 -r t.iti n, ' t emacirg'tk ca t of tie con -'aii-t N n g. n one io less ign-d I. icr s !r f' by Slth W. Fowls Fon,j. 'o- ' So. h' ( R EDiKOToy. Ho5tet;ee.V Co , Sua F.&ac.aco, acd by detlts general! THOMAS CHAKMAN JCSTAHLISIItlD - - ... 1839 of Oregon City, and the Willamette VitlRy , that he in still on hand, and doing business ou the old luctto, that 'A imbl Sii-Ptnre bctlcr than Ck SIov Sfiilli ji. I have just returned from Sn Franueor where I purchased one of the . G LARGEST and BEST SELECTED Stock of Goods ever before offered in this citv ; and onsbU in part, as follows : Boots & Shcca, Clothing, Dry Gcfih, v Hats & Caps, Hosiery of eveiy Eescription, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils Sash & Doers. Queens-0 ware, Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, m Jewelry ef Various rjcalisies A styles, Clocks & Watches la dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Gccds, Fancy Notions of every description.Patent Med icines, Hope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, V.rall Paper, &c. Of the above list, I can sav my stock Is th MOST COMPLETE ever ottered in this mar ket, and was s'ected wiih -sceiaI care for tl.is inarU. t. All of which I now offer for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No nse for the ladies, or any one else, to think i t going to Portland to buv ponds for I am DE1EK.VJINE1) TO-SELL CHEAP acd not allow myself to be ISBERSIJLD I. THE STATE OF CREGOX All I ask, is a fair chance ard quick pay men ts. P.eliev ng, as I do, that uineieta years' expei ience in Oregon Citv enables me to Knew ihe reqirements of the'trade. Coa.e one !:nd all, ur.d ssce for vourstlra that the eld stand of THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It wcu'd be useless for me to tell you all the advan tages I fan oflVr you in the sale of goods, as eveiy sfwre that advertises does ihat, and probably you have been disappointed. All I w ish to sav is. come arid see and examine !or yoursei ves, for I do not wish to makennv mistakes. y,y object is to ti ll all my old friends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patrcnaet) h c : c t o f v r e b es t o v. e d . THOS. CHARM AN, Main street, Oregon City. t5-?Lcj;al Tenders and County Script taken at maiket rates. TIIOS. CHARMAN. ".":0,0G0 R.s wool wanted bv THOS. CHARMAN. EEAL ESTATE, EEAL ESTATE- JACOB STITZtL, C. C. W AT. o JACOB STITZEL & CO., SUCCESSORS TO STITZEL & UPTON., REAL ESTATE . AND Carori-cnt and Ynfcltingtoii S.t FORT L AND. OREGON. Special .-.ttention given to the sale ol farm irg lands and city property. All corres pondence relating to the recoiirces of Ore gon will Le promptly answer ed- REAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to anv address. JACOB STITZEL k CO. March 15, !R7.::tf THIS OJLDEST AND 3 JH T o DR. HUFELAN D'S C E L E R R A T E D S "W I s s STOMACH BITTERS o The Firt and most healthful Tonfe cov introduced in the United States.. These Bitters have been in the San Fran cisco Maiket for over Twenty Yeum.and notwithstand nsr the many new candidates for public favor, the sales have constantly increased. TAVUlll S HEX EEL, Sole Agenter 40'.) and 411 Clay St., San F'rancisco. Ii6-ly. N EW WAGON AND Carriage Manufactory! The unders'ened, havfnat increased the dt mensions of hrs premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inftWm his old pat rons, and manv new ones as mny be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with nmpleronqa. good material, end the very best of mechanics. f build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and tnrn out all complete any port cf a vehicle from a eom mn crt to n concord coach. Try me. EiacksmitI Ing, Hnr or Oa lfoiifr. and General jobbing aiMO", nirkly nd cheap ly dcae. ?AVipPMirn. OrpoiSte EiCf.'sior Maiktt i J .. ,, - 0 0 0 0 0 O O o 3 o o G o o o o 0 0 0 O 'i