GO o O 0 o o o 0 o 0 O O O o O e O d G O Cgi) O o rr : r- . I ! OFFICIAL I'.U'Lll OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY. fillEGON (Hi, GI1EG0N, OCT. IS, 1:72. O o o HORACE -GRE rirrr r-" IJ fcu hum Km a y OF NEW YOliK. n IorVirc President, O 3 i a OF MISS or til. Presidential lllectcrs, fijECf. It. IIKl-37, of Lit. n Cout.t; IV. II. GATES, of V'$!?co County. I'VlVSHATTfjCK, of Mviltt.omah The October I"i;;b.t. i tp-t ! ilNleeS MiImi I ii at i The latest a 1 n 1 1 s y 1 v a n i ; i J i as gone Kept bl i can niajias LTone l.eptiblican UiL I",T,'"llu" l" l'1' ! v) . I cli-iso the 1 ocks at the Falls. This j 35,000 ; that Indiana has , 1 n1- - l"c J;ot":s ' ' . . i lloeratic bv over one,1-11 nut"v''llh a ijltUT 0llH)"lt:0" ! ., i from the friends and iariies elect- ! v- hue in t.i'.o, the l-.e-: Tr , " J laioritv four years ago of 1 'O' -iJ'- ol.nday, as they j , ' I J-i'OW that if the Locks ever jet f ' has been reotieed to , , - ,; fo - .... i ii,ii ! h."i!n; lit t ! ii Si n to. - 1 1 Is , lry about o o-one Do: thousand, lttiblican m;ii i ri a r . i i i..,,. i ..I,:,., ,.l , 1 111 ' -it'. VV.'. ll.lTy UtJf.ll I I'l Hi v jinout 3 0,8'iiO. 000. .vcrv l o 1 1 1 io i a tl ! , . . , ' , .. i ! conceded that if i Vnnsvh ania ai Xj:iana vent I Jeptiblican iti Octo b.er, the Pctnoerats would be in clined to give up the fight; whde ifhotli went Democratic, the Kad- icals would lose all hone and abau- ! don any farther contest. Jlnt they 1 iiave gone, the o l.n o ; ! , 1 nor Ma,' ! i'.J-'.'-ivv.ii. the' other Kepublican, an ,1 h,w,. ! " ,v,'v' 1 br tiirbr l'l lltll HAIV l!lfl! tllO tlfst ! OI LIU. I1NU uv II ....v.. .... w , Tuesday of Xoveniber v'ill be most ileree, as the contest is now so far j .mite evenly balanced, with strong ! chances in favor of Greeley. In -v -- 1 I ' 1 1 tana in .November lor vrreeiey rrifo !,'m. o no. mvlt v 0 1 10 i VI if I m V. iiu a un.,"i ii j ..v. , vote oiV.ilio Klectovai Ct.flege, and ; the hone inspired by victory of hist week. S!iil give the Indiana Democracy, fresh courage, will probably result in that State j giving him at least ten thousand ! O maiorifv. Kelow we give a table ; - . - . , . 1 States for each candidate 111 A o- I vember!;: o OitF :i.;:v. . h) t 1; . . -I . 1-' . a: an r. Alabama At kansas t ia'.ifo: nia . . o Connecticut . . l.'olewaro h'ioviua , ( Jeorgia I i'moij Indiana Iowa . . .q Kansas Kentucky I ionisiai.a Maine 21 1 1 12 '! en hi id . Massachu.-' Michigan . .Minne.-o'a . s. .O. -O Li 1 - m!-ippi .Missou! i Nebraska Nevada .O New 1 1 ,un p-'aii e . New Jersey NcV Y01 k North Carolina.. ( Ihio Oregon .' t l'eiMisvlTia . . . Khode" Ilai:.l.... South Carolina . . Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia . WisconsitiT la 3 1 1 . 1 1 L's 1 1 o lo'.! o Tola '1 ne whole electoral vote i.- oGG, o- of which IS I is a majority. The above showing: gives Greeley li votes more than enough to elect him. ediiic doubtful States are in both columns. In tlie Democratic chimin are Connecticut- ana ew I Hampshire, while in the Kepubli- , i t . i at;. i;in eoiuiuu ue j.oiiiMaiiu. iiio i .uis- hUsinpi. Oregon has been placed 11 - L U". ill tilt- iJt 'tliit'v.1 ill II. tvinilllll, V - and we beove it will oe retained ! thereQiv tiie votes of this t;de. O . . .... J-Wcinca r On 'on! TlieOc - 1 tober electior.s have been fought, . . l.,... l...,s,. .-. .1...,.,-,. 1, ,,.! , ituc i ii. iiij it en .i tit . w i uaiuc. Tiie hosts of the nation are mar- shalin" for the oriv.-it c.aifod, of Xovembci It. JSi .1 contest fie:ri!!-l the most corrupt Administration on the face oft tie earth. It is a con- tntt f.w llin 1 i 1 i. -VI f bTi f i )I,,i .i t-.ti.. , .. , 0 4, .. '!. - ' .'i . yni.li, lit; ill ci e it 11 ' .1 ti . inuii a: i oonu.'t'e. it i. 'i contest lor peaqti against hate. T'ae vote of Oregrui may decide the contest. Ihe oppressed people of! ti Shmtli nimii'il to von tn w-.rl.- Tt... i.,..1 iiwn interests; ri'incll to van to I' ' disolace lr&n iower thetheives . . .. ,! nOW latteniUg On the SpOltS Ol ! ,....,..! .I,,.,t;., III UU CI.IAI U .liiu ee in-.u ii.uiiui. 1 1 - - i-i ' i i 4 N iliii- I . l or I-, iir ni'lll'i'ian lUilie.' s til " . . 1 1 . , . 1 '.. . . 1 you to bury tne oiuei pat :'lul T 1 . ' . .' . "T 1 labor for a fraternal future. Dkm- eJ- 'ill'!' crs in.' Oi'T.-.-i.v- ' V,i!ir mill-int : , vi ,t.., . I'rethren of Indiana have set von a (!) - .uooiQ example, and call upon you by the highest motives of your .... J nwnirooiyo lullow it. Let every Democrat m Oregon but do his .(-jliityand his lull duty, ngd this ate will htand ranked in the ic- torious column of States, which on the first. "Tnesalni- f -v lif.VL .iWi,i ber will win the nation iVotn the ra iii i otis o Jia.te and njisrule, O CD '. , -si 1 . ":' : . . Letter from Salem. Sai.e.m, Oct. 10, 1S72. Tiie session of the Legislature is drav. ii: to a close, :vai there will be but little ood done for t lie in terests of the people before ad journment. The Senate passed a resolution yesterday to adjourn on Saturday next, 12 oY-locic p. ni. Tliis morning the A.ppropriation bill was introduced by Senator 'Ii-f iv rimin,..!.. , . (iw, , ti r-ti it- I , , , , ' tee on U avs -.iV.il .Hcans.and wuen ; - , ' . : that is llasetl, the sooner tins com- i , . - (. , . ; oination oi pests to to their res-j , 4 " i tt i n i pcctive Iionus, the better lor the ... . c.i . ,.i mm tt ! iiuoi'Msui uiu people. ,i tie iouse j - ii .1 .:, .. i. ... . ,i ,. . ) w hi viu us ut;i iu iiMiiii.ue ii:e m.- ( ! sion over Satui'dnv. but it is to be ! m,,,,-.,,,'! du, c. oi,.',. ;1! ,,V' -i i I hoped the senate nl nou lescnnl ; its., action, and adjourn at that! time. - - 'The most important matter be- tore the Lower House this week i:now ' . i iowcr for evil U our ngrieull Ural i iuteri'sls is at an end. 1 1 is useless , ... . . ; iiiattcr now, as the bill will either be a Ia . j before this, is read by our j itvonr, or defeated. A rich scene occurred in the House yesterday 1-1 . 1 . ! wiuie to is ouesi ion was in mrcon-i 4 I siileiation. between Hen Simnson ! 1 Ik'nton and J. F. Caides, of j A?.Ot,,,.-,i. ,vi,i, .,,,1 Lava h. f .11 UiLUUWiai). IU.U ll.l.l .-WIL ll"it I.L i . , , . , 1 i cause, stated, tnai ne sun- s - .ste. 1 on "lien Ilolladuv's brea.l tud butteiv' Tlie hitler charged 1. t 1- f . f I 1 o ' ' f 1 ( i . .!-.. I.- 1 - ( : ' t " ( i i c ir'f: i ' ..v. r, 1 when ue re- 1 OI Cel tttlll OU KU A v , taliated by charging him of having a eisonai Kuov ledge 01 "jay- 'olls,, and moreover that he had ue ('i.to.f in 1 ne "use 1,,r Ibe J.ock ioii, in writing 'l")V the sum of so,000, but that he :UV "'iiS I!U i, in t!:e meantime, 1 ( went 2,000 better, ' and he I "i.. . 1 . .. .l I. . C- ,-,r 1 v ai,ir' : atcepieu uie v,,ouo a..u suddenly became an enemy of the bill. Ye have no doubt, from what v. e have learned but what 'Mr. Simpson told the truth in the matter, and that it will be hard for Iieprescutative C'ap'.es to ex- ; plain his transaction in this mat- j ter, and the charge so publicly i mao iii.it i . e acee :ol t!:e .f'OO 1 to ot!;?ose Otis jurcn;tse a . f the o 1 ni.L- will h-ivi. i m i ! ! oi i -w th:. lita He ) ill Ii it I V. V litiVV II 44 ? truth until it is proven to the con trary. V'e have heaid about Democratic reat ten rascalities in ,.idi r ,.;.!. lttve 00. lies, Out When tUC ! ' i history ol the pre written, it will sho ient session is ,- a blue her ree- ord of corruption than any former uoov ever convenetl m tins Mate. , " i . r i it. was eieeied through corruption and its entire course has been in accordance wilh its commence ment. We shall endeavor to give l lie history of this Legislature sif ter its adjournment, and let the people judge whether they will trust a party which has proven it self so corrupt and dishonest, in the future. Last Monday evening, Mrs. Dun iwav, 3 Irs. W. Carey Johnson and Mrs. Dr. Sawteue had themselves tcd ;i oTan(l raliv at he Opera House." We were unable ! . i . . i i to he present at tne commencement ; ! . , 4 i i oi tne exercises, bat came m some- i .- ... - r T 1 I 1 1 t time after 3 Irs. Johnson had been i , peahi She ha. i.. ...i-. j -14 , ' i; . ., . . a i i i ii' "oiacu i piece t ry impel leeuv 1 , . .v. t - i and was dell verier tt m r; oe tor.o ! , " 1 r.'i'n .vi I l..i ii .. ..-.ii... linn ...i . f. ' i i -i . t neai oi cnuei sian.i m nai sue was J saying, and we do not know wheth- j er we anything or not. We aid advise her, and we know she always ac cq ts our counsel that before she appears again be- jioiethe public, that she commits' I - i . ,. .IT W 1" . ,1 I- I .-. i -. icv i.ii.o.-. , ti.'-.t w in .I,,!;.-,... .J. V . . a on. iiuthor of heati'.i'u .s i - - -vi v' ' - i w i i . . . ' ' il.itl.lli ItJtf IllllCli p 1 . li! pllilg. Jilit we would, suggest that she better keep herself from appealing in pub- iic at all, as she acquitcd herself I W1 rt credit I I i I I iw.vl c t ne next sneak"- i V e have heard i er was th ! se i) oct or. ! la.'lllV s I'Dlli tl.eni.l:,,.. !.., .. :. ! , J 1 :itt...v,, .u, in- Ulldocs and vulgar ltlinualieiis Uie ; T. , ' , , ; - ' - .oootv. mo ua- strong- , 1 er se.V We have ever l,r..i,-,l 1.,. i i - . . "i iiiiiiu, ..ie . . bred a good deal to say about, the ; c 3 . -"V Hit ! Legislature, and seemed to bo te!, 1 7 w -1 1 : l a .1 i j - . luiv liiMiii on ineiil lor not 1 !.!. - .... i IS,,, a 1:nv by whlch coul(1 hi i ,. , nni,; , creirf-e li;e population ol our State. j t ., ppears tliatthe'iaw of nature has refused to aid her .....1 rt-..-i Olil.ill' illltl Clit 1IU 11 Upptlll makers of our State. not succeed in this di ing from the member hend that the fault is i ut'- wc keep on in J we wi-U l;e r-ubieet .-to tlie --same i charge we make of vulgarity, and therefore leave the subject. Gen. E. L. Apple-rate M as the next sneaker. He made a rather anti suffrage speech, and knocked the props from under the fair sisters. Alter his remarks, the indications were vcrv favorable lor a hot con test between himself and the fair sisters, but his gallantry prevented h;m from opposing any of their nonsensical theories. Ifar.v sensi- b'e wQtnau had any tendency to- , , . " . , , wards embarking .witn these .listers , . . ' r i m tlicir campaign, we are saiisuea , r 1 ,v- . K that ast Monoay evening s er- ' - .. formauee 'iet them out. i vpcMitiim i J.a:-t e eninii n ;i am 1,a5i ;Uul H as given by tl ic citizens of this place in honor ot j non;. - i .IS. I. No. 4. to an:end the law passage Oi ine oui uppiopu.i- j tin' 100 0C0 lor the erection of the 1 Cajiitol. "ite st reets were brill iant- ly illuminated at an ea..'lv mi mt The reception took ;ilace lionr. Opera House, which was well filled. . , , . , T , . 1 At ten o'clock .Uavor Lord was in- irodticed to the audience, and de- ! .. -, , , hvcred a very appropriate address ,or t,fl occaion. Shortly after, ! , , " . ! supper was announced, and dancing j ... . Ci.nin,ei;ce(L which was kci.t tin ... , ... . ti! an tarJv our t! us lnoruin; The occasion was celebrated in a ' liiIilv civaibio rummer, ana viii be , , , , A, tV'li. 1 iiiLUlov.IV.Vi I'V IIIV. IMI Ul I " , r.M ... ., nanls. t ii;.s 1:5 1 i ni v 11 inniiei 101 t Ii 0 peopie Ot S-aiem to rejoice ov( r. Had the appropriation not been i i i e,;, c,i,, llltUIC MHO CV .IVil, I IIV V. IH1IIV.V. til V I that she would have lost the. C'ni.i- I -- --- - tal, but now toe matter is imt at vest, and we Mttiil have a tate ' ..1 ... House wlii-cli vvui not only J:e a , . 1 -, i . . . . .1 ...... . 1 10 . aieiii, out 10 ine oiaie ai I large. We ci.Mtgrat ulat e the pco ! ;!e of this place and of tlie Slate. I that this open question has been brought, to a close. ; Tiie bill for the location of the ; w t I . . 1 ; 1 . .. .. . I,UL V lii l 1 . 1 1 i . I in such a iix that it s 1 ecn ltiaceti 1 will not come i in in the House for action, this ? es i .'l 1)1 P'lH i.' t. .11 1 T 1 . I .-I'll. tow, Kmre: . -!..Tii (! I 1 1 1 : : I ; r 1 1 ! : i I V 1.1 1-111- ue, n:a:iatreo n.e ma lor 5 ie very siicce-'stu 1 1 y 1 the 1 1 Senate, but the Lower House inem- bers had not suilicient sense to hold the vantage ground, and the bid was this moiiiiotr referred to the Committee o tlie Viioie House, ! 1 -,1 , ! irom nence u v, ;n not, see uay- f. -til -It fur it t us session. If nvi tje wen ; lor our citv two years from this to ...... , ..1 ,.l.,in,.,l t 1.; ti.. i V. 1 '!' 1' 11111. t.l.l. I'l llll.-I Ml s t i t ti t i o n , and v e a re of the t i 1 1 i o i l tluit our claims will be such as to j receive i 'avertible consideration. '1' f a ; 1. j i, i i i . tr ! 1 v o c ; lttailtnu I hbuit Ci ml as i :i--.! Ihe f d'- 'V !C I Mi ti. Ii! , 1 . (i.liC Ol : iia-1 .: i i v. a in. i. as. ii.o rc oiui loii oi a.ii oiner -. . . . , . i j year again l.;t brought tiie ttme when u i is usnal to look look ujioii tiie pa-t and publicly thank the Ahul'i! v fur his iner ; ci s and blessings. j Y.'iiKitKAS. If any one people have more : occ 'i.-ioti tiian auo'.her for sin h lhariklul a i toe c;ii.eu oi ..ie ttiia-u .-..mes. ... i. . . . i'....... f ; . . i . : .. .., ,-..t. t i:;.-i- v j ! i t .1 iiiiiiii I.' I ut ii Lii't.ii.Ef .-.iw- ject to their behests: who have resei ved to j '.neuif-idves ample civil ridtgtotis itec otn j atoi equality b-fore ti e law: ho during ii.e last twelve months have en; ved e last twelve months ha ve c;;; icd -. empt'en I rein any grievances or getietal j calamity, an.l io wmuu prosper!! v ni cgn- ; cuiture. manufactures ut;d commerce has j il.t;'!1 vonch.saled: therefore, by the. cm- .ii'oii.i.i.-ui, i.uis..;,;. i; il uay ol eiii l.iei- ne.V i. I oe i:o ei ai. their respective house- of wor-1 U auo 1 cere ina.-.e aci now for his kindness ami bo l heici)! j have here'! n 'o i cement to o. ty. In wiuiess t mv hand and can-. : ! he hen ! of i ailiXed. I"o:a I is !' United Suites to bo city ol Washington . the in; our Lord.. 1S72. ami of the I udepestdeoce o! the Ciiiteil States )7. (S;g:ied) S. (Jn.'.NT. Piidelil.. Goon Xiavs. Vre met Hon. ! Geo. 11. Ilebn hist Vrednesday on j his return l':om Kastern Orcjon. ! lie informs us that, tlie nnisni cis in i 1 nit section are snlendid for Gree- ley and Ihrown, and that the Dem ocracy will o-ive Old Honesty a ncarty support, ami roll up an in- -. ; ereased majoi itv i majority. 3Ir. Helm will tt a few other places before i , ; speaic ; ' . ! the election, anion fx which will be i ! cur town TTi l,no nli-i.n,l.. .t .... ....... Hreauy clone ; eliective work for the cause, and j will not desist until we shall have enrolled Oregon on the side of honesty and the rights of ihe peo- ; n it Thk Urn as r, and Onit;i; I'o'-m,-;. pv :i:ow :.. ; ., .,.,. be published ia a few ' .lavs bv T. 15. r n i - 'ii ti iiii.il ;crs. i i- ! delpida. The i .'em whic!; 1 ends i's name Ue. il- ir Silb- ; to the booh. "The Outcast ject w lib originality am feeling atone. I delicate and intense. The despair of tin vueiched ii .retU. for his wife and children -is depicted wiih true rrtistic effect. A! j the otiier poems ia "The Outcast." posses: ! great ns!e,v-t. and di great iuouvm. and .Iisph.y lively and plens- ant lancy, as wed as :t genuine, hearty symoathy with ail the jos and sorrows ol li , namaiuty. lias VOOime ui ta he slrm'L' ai tn in heart and memory, and will live ami last. lie.Ml! ;till ."-ill! w ." be- I V. n.se lUl- MII-lilK IO ii .OUCil 111 HIV CilOnt ) ! ' ' i-n s ymp ithy. It win oe pnb:ished - , . . ib.' jioein.-i in u touch minv chord' in on. e.ge octavo vo.ie.ue uuilorai with -l.t-a ui it'll Snow b.-ing printed on the ! ... a.tesi taoed p l ite paper, and b.-.n nd ia mo rocco c'o-h. witli gilt top ca d side and bevt h-d boards, jo ice 1 w ,, h, ha s. and will be fur sale by ail Lo-ks-Ih-rs. or cd- will b out ill j your throat i a boars-. M:- ..-: i n Oi ! v ; . C: ci t! ilt'S ' ill this WOlk: to anv one. lreeof j.osia-e bv ihe p"..'. '. ,1 , ..". V l"Pnennta y.on- ; """ .oinaoitati's on petition ot 1UU vot-.; county sen or Lnion county. An altemt.t ! crs. on receipt of price. ' I " e , -V . t , ! .i , , I V "'V'1" l'-d unaiamoiisly. ; was m ole to refer it. bur failed. The s .t int.- iu w- ! ,. , no, ise as oruereil. amj i J!l ,:e e-en.tte otl 1 nes lav. Strati ui Otter- j VO'e was talietl. Willi the lol!OWin-' result- If tl'CV do - New Yoi;k. Oci. 14.-A decided ser i I 117? Wns ,iisPl!( to j ' K !' !te Legi.,tas'nre adjourn at aye :W. no-s ). l- '-'U I ,',. i a. . ,n-'1" -a let the absentees. 10 P. 111. on S:.t..r.l..t' i On motion ,,f Ttil..a II it x.. in .. reetion, j'.ul- j nigh) .y nu, speech'of Miss jn'nn'ieSw i' i V- ""Tt 'I"'1 U'as,'h'"''1 ''re reported D'dph nvsred to strike out -10 p. m.. ferring to pllo'age ;Uid tow.ge on the Co- Ave "TUire- 1 ot 'irenton. N. J.. before a iai" n,-,...i 'In-,' '"e..ee was gratded to i a"" "'s,,r: 1-' midnight, carried. ! Iuintui river bar and Willanieite river. 11 i n.in. He,- ... " -'.tiey j lowers and Cooper. ! S. B. No. .". - re'arm.T to ,!,.. . -..-..n r.ov. wa ,. Ia nod U.aVir., 1 1 t T ... C . r. .. . ' not tlK-irs. i with frt otimt ana .re..i i lu 1 . .' ' mem hern nppartng nt. this I -irtntnent of the State ino Senatorial n.l federation. Thi bill t...v!.t..a m,wi. .It I f,... c. i. - "ic1' , point, furtller Call was disnensed with i Representatiro distlie'.S. read :i lliinl lim i tor ihe hetfer eor.lrol of tho hiir Wi A a nir.ii. : . Legislative Proceeding. In Ihe Senate oirFridav, rristow inlro- Incfd S. Ib No. C , tci provide for the ; (illCfl publication of ihe laavs passed at Ihe. spe- cial session of LSf.." and the regular ses- j hods of lSr.O-GS. Head Av.il time, and or- j .tered printed, j iinvc i t ,1 c; T ".. .i rmtaor- ! izing the Governor to a-jint Mrs. Mary ! Sawtelle a Commissioner " ot Immiirraiiou. j She is to receive -lit:') for the first six ! neutlhs, and provided she ir,duees lilty i persons to immigrate to ItiTs. .State, she is 1 to r"(reiv SjiJoO more. real and or dered printed. S. ii No. i"., to amend the la-.v provid ing a cede id criminal procedure, und de vising the )itnnih!iient for injuving rail-i-uadsl Read sec'.;nd time and pas.-ed. II. n. No. 12. providing for ai 1 to con struct certain sections of the Dalles and Salt Luke Railroad, was taken -;.. :;uicnd- ments. adop'.ed atid the bill pa-sc; 'i noes none. fS. 15. .no. L. to ssnienu . ir:e. r;e ciii'iioraCiiL' re.ii-ions ana nem ! cieties. was taKen up and tne at nd life biii passe, a,:n religioe.s and benevolent societies. ! was taken up and tue amemimeMs pro- , i House II.- J. R. No. was lost by a j j .strict party vote. 11 to 11. ! ' In the House, a mes-age Itorn the Cov- ! ... t.'.it...l ii ( 1 1 ' ve.'lti.T'e v I : 1 1 sii'M- i ed II. 13. No. 27. providing lor the con- , strnciiiui !' a State Capitol building. ; IL I;. y0. 2s. lor the election of Su- P"'""' ''! 'iit Judges in distinct clas- i es. was read a third tune, a is provided by ,,u. ,,5!, ,i;at three JusUees of the Su- : pi ''' Cutt. shall be eUntod n the lir.-i .Mondav of June. li7-R who sha:! cmtinu.. : iri fn5 ont. tot- two years. ne lor Jour. ! . . . i i .... i d one ioi- six yeais. i. i. pioi..i, umi , the Supreme (ouri s.iad bold two regdar ; ivrnis atinn i.i v -one at t ae mm ! of : o v enunent. conm "ucao on he hi. st M011 at i'oril-ind. Jan ami commencing on the liist Monday of July. The salary provided by the bill is i'.'.tM.iii and 5' 1 .(idd unnn-uly tor expenses. 'Ihe election o!' Ciicuil Jm'ges is 10 take place ai the same time, arel the salary proviJed hr tln tii i- x tie. I -1 1 1 -td. ' ' ,;,. ,.r t- r .,n -r.., V'l ii 1. ' i 1 it . j . 1 . . 4v.;v-i- a no member be aiW wed to speak on any subject loi)2cr than iiitt-en minutes li. I!. No. (M'i. I riiie protection of home '.eails. W is reported back i'lom th jiuli ciarv Cotononi e wiMi aue'i'i isnetits. ttr dered ngros-'e.l. and tl. was (ixeil tor tn-ianruivr. U. 15. No. 71). to ptoio C nniio-i l.;bo: e; s, thiol reading t!:e wages n! pi-.i ie.l back ll'Oill 1 jiarv ..'omtriita a.-st o i ht 1 ! 1 1 ! e b II. Ii. No ' liens. In - ing i So- o:i tiie pa-sage A moti'ou .acl S !'. :; v te of ' ' to -. .' . p.rovid'ng lor inechauics" its third rcau'aig. .M r. I a r.-t tuec.iber w ho oted tiiainst 1 ti.e oio. rec t.sider the vote wl.ivh It. hi. ;d i (.ui ai; the d .10- of toe usee ,i l.ii -i S. lh log d the L.'gi.-il.iiure. '.sh.cii a:: ihe table. v " 1 .mi. - e uppr-'pri Oe o'J-l ! ) ! I u:i t;:e ea-urv I. r ii;' e l i e ' o I !'.!'' -a ''!! 1 I e! iai::;'graMo:i, wa. the ci u a, it tee. i: Ii tepura-d back h'o.n ih.. 11 coaiuiend alioi that i; p-s. 1 a . rt 1 -i .'. le 01 1 .',; o 11 a it. ... 1 .11.. II. -i te-r (to cm uuv lor a a S;a'i- 1 .).id to t he ! ices. I. '1.1 I. .f IH! 'Mill l'l T, . .-,.,,;,.. w;, lix;.,i II 1 at SoU o.i j. o. ...-. ...a, i-.i .,.s w : 1 1 1 -1 I :.l:it 1! as C'o : ; m ! .- 1 . 1 ti f 1 s -SI'S. r o! V ooii I n er. VeaVel of vid Mori :is:c? of' Multnonia'i I'alies. ard I county, 'lli" iiuteiidiiients v. ere adop.Oal. 1! II ',. 7:.. to amen. I an act rela h::- to inciosnre..; 11. .:. No. 7:s. u a:ue:.d she ien.er.il Laws l elating to h; ges on nu o i ;c roa.i.-: n ! 1! . t! :'olg Ine ta -t I a nee or o . No. a e of '..;e,ty J.ol eonceri'ing lee.-. ot wete l a ;::! wer .r.s'rnr'ia tlie tatOe. S. I. N . la for '.he C K astern (begun and Vi"u;r:cuoie..t road, v.-es i eported back v.".; h i.menduients. which were adopted. 'the bill a- iimeiid ed was ordeleii o l: i .---ed, tit el hied lol third i cading to nun tow . pi. 'VI is: ie-i I r. . !ot .na for i lie tioti ecc'a cot pora ton boating o church p; ue up from engioc.-ed. the t onim h tee. re el ii thir-.I tiun i i:e ! . 1 1 , 1 1 '.. i ; , g Ci.n.-ideie, and parsed. iihs were con-ide; c n -to-I of I gvos.-ed and fin-d j mor: ow: S. II. No a third read ioce i; g i ho : f "eiiio fo-iMt v I : fi;.,,., . t: No. mak:!'" ii ! t;a duty of C.aaey (dciks to piocure and j keep record the plats and field notes i f public hiivcvs vi the Maud Sacs: j . ;. 7d. amen.fing nti i.ct iia-orporating , utirry co-uuv; ii. i. A.. -jz. for ila' pio tecinnl of nanilil'V i!!ir f.oii e II !t (17. for tin" promotion of temperance: and H. I'. No. G7. ether ! ing an act iiscerpoi'e.t ing ihe city of lh-rthaid. -vu. J.-s, ;rs lo tne compensation oi Jnslici was reported back won the ninert.hiiciit that the amount allowed an- for expenses be five hundred in- stead ot h oral red ui.ltars. Altera 1 ; at Sl.hii'. 'i he bill was ordered engross- e.l as amenoea. ana put upon on .uau reading to morrow. l.'i ine itouseon .--ai u t oav . i ue t.o.ni m it to whom hail been le'ellei ! the bill to I.eCol pel ate unction Ciiy. te:ott'd s. in to tne a.;ii.:'. I'.liU l'l ca uitnetided io issage Mai tie. moved to put the bill on ils final passage iinmediateiy. which motion pre- laeeu. .oio no o ... . .e. . j iie ealiinuttee .io wnoni was retel l, il the bill to lease ami purtiia.se lite canal ami h e present d a i cooi t in w i;r i a til o ments wei e reeommeiw e, !v wine h ihe Suite shall lease the canal and ocliS for tt peiiml of Iwelve years, and tit Ihe expiration of that time the canal and lacks and all water privileges shall revert lo ihe Stae without tiny further expense on the part of the State. The S'aie i-i also made tiie raver of ail moneys to em plovers. Two hundred copies of tiie reporf were ordered priu'ed and Tuesday at two o'clock was fixed as the time for the adop tion or rejection of these auiend:ner.is. Simpson's bill to prevent quackery and crime, came back ilh amendim-irs. Ihe principal one of which exempted physi cians witli diplomas from medical insiiln t ions from examination before censors, as propose.! in Use lail. The bill was laid on the table, as was also a bill to protect the stud v of anatom v. ! II. 15 47 was offered as a. snbslhu'o fori, 11 " protect minority stock- II. 15. 42. raid extemled the lights of i ludders ia private corporations, was refer- women bv granting franehis,. on ll popu- j r',! u --".iuiiii tee o,i J adiciarv. lar votes' pertaining lo licensing the sale! b. 15. Co. providing a remedy for Ihe of i'itoxica;ing Ihptots. This bill w;is read twice under suspension of rules, j Oillgles moved to further S'l-pend the j rules and put Ihe bid upon its third i reading and final passage. j Andrews thought the House rather ha--t fur-ty on the subject. Tie-re h id been ! ilrea.lv two bills ben, re the II ,Use to ex- j i . . .1 . l . .. ! ..a . .i- i- . i.-iin me i mm. oi ir inciase to women I,.,.!. . 1. 1 i -.- . . men oi time!! nao oeen oi-poscii of n a ! very summary mariner. It was ;m 5,n r,n sttion open the women of Oreg.-n - alter ; rehiring their votes on political questions, j io .mow ii. eni on;v on tin lowest on a.... iii . . . on i oiai coniu ie- l.ro'igut Ueiore ihe public. ! 'v. whi-kv d ami tne vote was polled with the fo'.lou,. in.r res-uit: aves 21. n.,i.s 99 c:, .t... i.ei t. i , - ' ' .'. tiii mil j Jiinijn m pas. . lahbaaV-s TCr) ., , ; the San- COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, b . -. f citation of Urn Senate l,y ehanp nig tne ; times Tf the general election f the i hh- , day lollowing the first Monday in Novetn- j Per. and if the succeeding legislature rat- j ifies the resolution the same to be a part j of the Constitution. Adopted by a vote FOie 1(ltr of 32 to 4. ri he noose men proceeded to coiwm i , .hi. s.nnte a m en ;I n i e n Is tn the I . I). C o. L. K. R. bill. It is provided to grant only an nnappropriaU d per cent, of the sales 0r hinds, and requiting the Company to take swamp lands wPh all the liabilities fr drainage. Said, bill to take effect from its approval uy the Governor. , i i .. r..n..w:.. l.n ,.i t- op- . . . i .- -t i . 1 "7 -.".T. " : " '. , lands of certain sol tiers, which was refer red to tin1 Committee on Public Lands; t prevent the spreading of contagious O ISC yes among domestic anmiais. wtnen was relerreil to iae v. ooim.uee on v.on:i- tics; to nnpoint a nnanciai examiner ii posiiion f salt, maish ami title lands. which was reteired to the Oomiint.oo on (j,,,, 0f a wagon rod from r-iiinrr.eryille to Lir.kville, which was referred to' the Ccuntnittee on Cimntier.. t n .. Q.m.-f. S it 11 1 it 1 1 -i t f lireon fr,)ni ,1-,. Committee oa Corp;ration. re- .,i ted back II. R. No. 20. io provide for hi. construction of a brid-e across the i.-,,,,,,,,, river, with certain amendments nJth p.vorabU consideration. He also ,-epor'd In. k II. R. No. to aid the Ttask River Road Cojiany with favora- Ooniderati!rn. strahr.n presented a nod-o-iiy report 1 ' . .' 1 f,.,,n tiie Committee on Commerce on-ft. r. v,,, relative to the aojiointinent of Roljih. from the .ir:e coi!li!i"ee. pre- sent 'ii a minority tepoit wilh amendment.-; ate! rec'omoienda'ions. lioalt from the Special f'ommittee on th Insane AU'drs of t!i e. presen'ei a lengthv report speaking in commenda tory terms of ihe management of this in stitutinti. and estittiitit r t he cost of erect ing an Asylum a t$2Ui) OuO. On motion the icporl was lidopted and !)) cor.Ies 01 dered printed for tfe tise of I he tii' in'oers. Pvomi. ol r.;;ker presented a joint icso- ; lotion authorizing the Governor to a.p- ; 1 point thiee Ci n tui-sier. l s to ;:et as dole- ' t::it to the Wot Id's Imposition, to In- j he'd at " ei t:a doling the year ISTil. ' Said Ci.n i:i;.-iot: is to bear their own ex- j pcnse.n. ( )a o'otien the tesoludon was : S'v.i' -in inirodiu-od S. IP N'o-. fin. author- ! izintr Sell I'd C.unuiisii 'ne. s to recooi nil- 1 recorded deeds f sCinud liads which w as read a first . seeohd and I till 1 1 liiue : a ad past d t he Sena1 e. Tide:) iutrodoced a loll to amend an ; act o;g;ii,:ieg Josephine county, w hieh ; was lead the and sen ml time and lelel'ied to tie' I le i ''a ! i Oil tit-111 Jacksoil ui..! .)' oser.hir'.e counties. . V, No. ait. reiaiing to rea p port hm- m.-nt of represeittaUoti in the Legislative ArSemhlv lis l'ep.'l ted back by l-.e ("o;:i- mit'ee on Coue.ties. was taken from tin taiiie. a m end :oe !i ; s anoieed and the hi!! oi ie: i'..i e.ig.i ..-?;?.!. i ioi os inuo sea.ung on Mottdav. The amen Imet.ls prant ihe fo'.'ou :ng r... ducid 1 p'- e.-e;.!a i tun !n ihe couaiu j iiaui- id. ... u : : n f 'Utati . i o 1 1 . j . 1 1 . i . i y . Conii'V, thiee ''. Seto-i'or.-. I-e; ota;- Senator. K-pi i sei.tati . s; 'on iciii J ac kse-n Letitoa c may, three iiepreseiitati; cs and ( l's.q.. otic icjiti'M-iraii v e. S. IJ. No. nth detray ing the exper;-es of tiie ne;egCe to tin; tt lia iai to tl Cominis- i sion. passed 'as second readai; ' ed eugi o.-e.J for lis third le.n : oav. and on.er- ig oil Moil- r,.,. . 1 1 . - -. ; i:i ct ! -d a .. e". l'cgn ial itig t.'ie !ees 0 t I Ii -en- tain conaiies. ( )i dered hud reading Mondav. ii. lit), aothoi i.u;g tlie Secretary 0 employ ,i(l;ii.iwiiai clerical ahi. not exceeding S 1 Vr-1:) annually. 1 and r-cCotld lane atid passed. o! .-la' a", a C; ilea,! I S .). N i. hi. lelatiug to the appoint ment el I 'oil Vaidens. was taken Iron; ihe table. I'.dp'n no; it i . moved n oi I lie tin- poll. Sa ;:'ian nioveil i:s tnd.auiita p.oslpone mcnt. which motion prevailed. i he gi ater part ot Monday afternoon was f-t 111 tie. .Senate in disposing of a ess. t nder lhat head iber of bills came up ;e cases .5igij:!v auieinl- the uniinked Lo quite a large tit v. hieh ve. i e in si 1 and oi.'.ered lo a fhir.l teadin message tr. the Coventor anttounc- ed :is signature to tt.c Capitol appropni- lion bill, Ihe hill regulating e iclosii i es. and tne ton a u . noia.aig ; i.e eci etar v ) : state to fell old copies ol Ine c 1 'Pie. -ena'e coticurretl in ll. J. li .so. h, L'o.agtess io aid i:i the const ru C i.;ti ! ;-..-l;it:: ; i a military road (roia liti.se burg to Coos biiv. A so concurred m II. M. No. 7. ask ing Congress lo donate the branch mint ;lt t;jC I.iallcs to the a'.e for cUu.'ulional do ; pmposci?. j ilon.se amendment to ?. R No. IS, re- laiing to a.iduicnal compensation to Jus tices if the- Supremo Court, was couenr- ' red in. II. J. Ii. No. II?. r reposing an timcnd- ir.cn t to the State Constitution wheieby I elections shall be he!i! mi tti. n.i.i.ii.l j Tui.H,(iy ; NOVl.nib-was coticurted in. , (,e ni)ll. li,t' following b is were ,t,a, Jhiid l i ill! ii t . .: t:.. i .i i - '"' '-"" n.iu.s .i i . . i I e : " -.' . i ue oegisi.uur. passed by a Vote of -lo lo 1. II. 15. aS. providing that the; county ch-tk of each comity shall keep a u-eord of the phi s and Ihdd-notes of Crated Surveys, passed by a Vote of -jlf to 4. il. lh .").", providing lor the Agi icuitura! College lands and disposal ,,f the; pro ceeds, pas.-ed unanimously. il. II. No. (il'. exempoing eighty acres of land or value of $2 DO;), from execution, excepting in case of niortgago given at piiix-u ase. 10. ii. n. : The vote sutud a es oo, noes . fur the relief of Umatilla couiiiy. was ivaieti up vo'e of 4 ) io 7. ;:d passed py u i II. 15. s.-,. providing for the naymeut of I exis ing claims iigaiust the Slate for an- pfe. lending fugitives from justice, jia-sed I) v, :t v'-,u" nt' 3o a. 1). sine n IlitoXicalii!' t . . t' .' i . . l!t lots, pi.ssed over '" "o. o conn' up oi regular or.ler. ll-li. lie, to conlirin title to certain !...!-.- .... I i t . . e i ... . ..i.i. si., ,i i,v ra'.inoi Counnissiotie p;i-s- oil iy a vo e id '..) Io uothtng. 11. 15. 1.-, laoviutng for bounties cm u"';d auttn il s. paseil bv a vote ol 4i! to 2. j H. 15 a:5. appointing 'lU-v. Thes. Condon i S';.'e geologist, -and defining fas duties wiih s-u .rv at SI ).')!) ner annum. In j fir.;. .iisoosi ion tlie l.in n "a: tn a No. 1... provided for the pavment o! li-.s on wild animals. The vo'e on l's pa age stood: Ayes. 40;. noes, 2 II H V. , 1 .' : i .- i - - i ... priniiiing ioi .j.'rman ; choids in d isl jie si i in ; i i ii I a r tiiie.-.. ilmn i -.v. - ....... ili'.il nnd passed bv a unanimous vote. S. 15. No. JS. amending the bill regulat ing the fees of oClcers in certain c-ntruiea, ru'ad-a third time aud prused. : Ut'ST IO l lllilll it II J ( l I! V. i;l I lA.MIillH i . ... . r I. ...I li-wv .1 : ...........I... . 1, ayes l!u. ,lilfere,U counties of ihe State, which gross to gvant.ne TV- e - , . . , , . adopted. was referred to the Judiciary Committee; ; bridge uo. ' : ; - , " ' noting w law in- ,xUX the mea.n me,A of lumber j Adopted onan.mouslv. - ! 7'" U the aino,'" evolent'so- 1 VJ.blishu distrie's for the same. In t! H Tuesday. Io ey p.e- of .OM 0 for he fai.hJ.,1 performance- of nendment. U was relet reil to the Cotnmit.ee on sented a joint memo, .a! jn. o : i yu- , omu-s amendment adopted. esil, noes Comnterce for the relief of. George Ab- i gres.s to create .:. - - - - ..u.,,fu ine .,.,,:,te ..roothv. which was referred t- Ihe Com- .;on. cnlo-acmg an .ia pomoo c -, nu-.iis to u e on. to repeal the luig incorpor j miM.e" on Claims: providing for the dis- j gon l)i"g ' '"" ru''' 'so amendment to the Tfask rivef r h( rejef 0f Ltme ... i- - a lhtd time and passed - coning, a-v' ''.j providing' for paying the "'"..J V co'iimis-sinners lo the Onten- expeose.s i i ...t I'hUa.lInhia. read a hdnmeand passed -ayes 14. noes 7. S. R NoJiT, to amend an ac org.z- .1.1 I JMHI I I ,11 (Mil t " - - ,.,,: rotv. and annexin " ' .- t i tr. cv.iii finiotv. was nortion ot ,.ichu.i ........ - : . read a fnird time and passed unannnous.y. c; ij Xo. ;'.". to incorporating the town cf' McMintiville. was read a third time llt.(I passed unanimously. i . i . i i ; j i i f i i ( , consideration ii the lone . t i..n i.m !. .r l,siners before that conimutee The Conuiitee of the wl-ole announced concurrence in II. J. R. No. 17 and S. U. So 41 authot i.ing the conversion of cur renev into coin and the sale of lock bonds. i'T.t,.,.. iV, trod a cod J. M. a.-kitrg Con- 1,1 I - Adopted. House then proceeded to the considera lion of II. Jh No. h':. fixing fees foroRicial act of county officers and salaries of oth er ofiicer.. The bid was read a third time. A vote was polled with ll.e lo. lowing result: Aye. :Jl; no, lli. So the-Liil passed. A nn-s.-age from the Oovornnt stated that Hts Excellency had signed the bid contracting for the construction of 1'. 1) A S. L. U. II A bill regulating the duties of State Printer, by defining the manner in which various t. ui in Ls and documents shall be printed. Tlie bill sets forth as (?uiies of Siate 1'rin'er such rules as are generally observed in book work. On passage of the bill, the vote stood" Ay es. -IC; noes. 0. A biii amending the Cenerai Law?, by changing the bouudaiics ol Curry county, was placed on liua! passage; the vote standing: Ayes. -); noes. ft. II. I!. No. 1 Ol . jnoviding manner of commencing s::":l against corporations. The Pill j. assed by 1 o'e d tS to ti. Several messages 'rem the Senate were leiol and dispose.! ol. and the House then proceeded to the C'te-ide) a' i :i of Ihe amendments to the lock ar, I nd canal bill of S Hi'! psi ; 1 1 . simn.-on moved to adoot lh firs: ti mend men t al'.-r stiskie.g mil ten e.us and it.sei t if.g l ..1 v. iheiador. Th e in (n Ihe a."ieiii!!::eut was taKen win. tin' 1 low in. g iea!t: Aves Alien. Anlrew.. Liakely. ilmbanl;. Coliier. Crawford. Cor win. (ho per. ."rooks. Ciow. (.'.mgle. Cur ran. Donning. Oii!.''e-. I lodgkins LaDoW. Ma'hek. Ma-on. .Martin. Onstien. Powers. o ; 1 . y. Sli.-Pon. Ste;d iri-bnrv. Wrigh'. i'.Miii.S'u'l s-;n;j'So!i. 'es Wa'ker. 'al 1 (io!! . ' I ; 1 1 : n , Willoiiglitjy. .Mr. Speaker Ilnin. Ihi-hey. Cranor. ( I ran. I ! i rri-'n. II itc':i. I'v.'.-t. i J.i'in-i 11. L tl'.ige :! I'atton. Kiddie, Whi'e j 1 1. j In the j older of ; asking (' i elaiin:i nate o: ei 1 n -o l t tie sneCla i r r i.'et eg . .1 . U. .No. si. i .gre-.s io v.ica.e the Ii.dl ei res n :Loii. t in- i a sola: i .UI was- adopted ayes io. v.m- t). Mo'.tes iutroduced S. II No 7d. authori- j xing s.cc aid ill tl: ! n-g. llr :-t lauds grau'ed b- Congrc-s to er. cti.ui .f a Slate capi olb ii!d 1 ihe ti.;;d lime under SH-t-en -ion ot tPe i u.es tend pas: ed. ayes . to., s a S. 11 Nii P..;. rehoing to private jr. cor- po'-:tii ;, j,.) ?! e ;.p;t o;u i a! ion n!' p-; vaf e l ilies ami pas: ed. ayes !'. propei-iy th, .fei-.r. was it'a.l a liai'.j tine., ;ilo! pa.-; i i I. ave: I. noes JO. . Ij-tei- li veil that S. I. N. . lie ol civil preccdui to , be j ! amen. the c j taken fV'-m the fal-'e. ( ! b.il being ;o:t i t; i;s fhiai a ! li'H nd the j a.sed. I Ave IS. ices -t. S. V.. No. C-. Io prov;..- for th;- con s'in.oi ni .f a wagon ro id :io;n Va-hiiez ton county In A -Mori. i. was 1 eal a liiird time and pas-a d. axes ll'. noes l. S. I;. No (.:.". to aiiicn, an ;ici providing for a C' do el civil procedure, w i.- read a third tone re d pas-od. ayes '21. noes 1. S. P.. No. '1-J.auihorizing the Suite Treas urer to convert currency in'o coin and p iv oh" the Ioi k bonds, w us read il U.il'd lime ami pa-.-. d. Ayes 12. noes 7. II. J. It. No. 7. r.datiug to secure the right of settlers on tlie public h main, was concuried in by unanimous v.ae. S. I). No. Co. anil otix'rg ihe appclnt meat, of Mrs. 1'r. Sawa-!ie as (7om:ni.-sioner cd 'Immigration, wa. read a third time ;u:.I assed,. . Ayes -I. noes S. S. I!. No !(!. pro; atiiendnten'.s lo t'tate relating to the ''c: d t la I roads and highwa vs. as r-ad a thiol tin:, I ard passed bv a vote of 12 to i . i I! n v,i i o o i lepeal an act io protect litigants: read third lime, and passed by a vote oi 1 to 1 : party one, with T vote was a strict th exception of the President. II. 15. No. 112. p'.oviding for a board of County Commissioners in Tillamook coun ty, read a third time and passed unani mously. II. D. No. "7. to protect unincorporated town and villages passed o no nimonsly. II. P. No all providing for t he const ruc lion of a bridge across the I nip.pni pass ed the Senate by a vote of S io 11. II. 15. No. 2a, to amend an act granting bounties to Oregon volunteers, was read a tliit d time ami passed. II. 15 Xo. 3,1. to aid the Trak Kiver Iload Co. in the construction of a wagon road through Washington and tillamook counttes, passed the Senale bv a vote of !." to 0. II. 15. No. JS.". for the payment of agents appointed bv the Governor for the arrest ami return of f n go i ves frfuu justice, pass- I ed by a vote of 1. !o (1. ! II. i. an. 1 2. io incorporate tlie town of Junction City, passed unanimously. A r-ommnnieaihin was received from I5en Ilidladav inviting ihe Senate to an exclusion over the ). tt O. R. R. A- O. C. R. R.. at anv time best suited to its con-ven-'ence. Inviaoion accepted; the day to be named hereafter. Strahati, from the Co:nm;tfo on Printing, submi'ted a report of the Expert, showing Unit, ttie agirregite c.st of printing for tin I P'-esent session has a tread y cost S 1 :5.1 12 !)7. I bicluding the work of the session yet ,o be done the expert estimates th total cos! of the incidental ex oensos of I he nn;- I . ' r ' '" ' a so es-ttn . !es j cosl r,,,!in? binding lh jour I 'Vf !,'" ,:nvs present session at I -s-u0.' "if,i'-; nu.king it necessary to nn- a-so es't mates P.ropnate f-oru 2.'5 O'ld to S2." (til ) fur the plinting o. the present fen-ion. The Ex pert ad.ls tloit ti),. manner and sfvle of the work and quality of paper used is su tler! n to anv w.n k of ihe kind eve Iw.r, o!ore done for i; is :ate. and ereial if not sune- , !.' to an-v NVorK ('onJ r,,r AnJ State iu 1 he bnh.n. In the tlonso on H ednesdav. IIirch. on the p u t of the committee to wbem had been referred the apportionment, bol. re- j jior'ed Mck said bill as pr intruclion. The bill was jiuf b 'fore the House and ini'-id bv a vo'e of. aves 4 3 no:s !t Tl. . If I- . - - . . . -. " inniw ineo oroceeiieu lo Ihe Con s'd era ii ei of SJ tl V. 7 .'i;.. .i. . - - - -" ..... Tl. tieiillllllU III!" toria. ugainst which the report was made to day. The bill was then passed with but one dissenting vote. Tne Hoiiso-Uieatook up II.: li. NV." 77. 1 de.sif'tiating eoos uuy us ; ou.t ui umj. on roao ; aiso amend (canal and locks bill) again. fcimpson moved to adopt t! H,.Con, amendment. v;z : to amend eciion-T .striking out -ten" and inserting -twelv (years). 1 ne ayeS nr.d noes WPrft with the following result : ave- t ' The amendment striking cut the mv. vision that the Commissioners shall i paHby lState, was adopted by An amendment giving to the St.Atp tlm water power bein-somewhat unintHlh''! inf, ini- coiii:.'ilTre(; Were instructed tor amend iinnn iliitt-1 v. Minnson then moved to refer "gtiif.to the committee wit!, liberty w report any time. Carried. ' The Hons,, again proceeded to the con sideration of Simpson's bill, it huvin- re ceiveil the necessary correction? " the section referring to the water n,... er was made suffici'ntl v teftm!...! t. arnni- ant law wsg- ment to the L'jnn- I 'jua bridge bill, and adjourned. Itcport of the CY.romissioner on the In sane Asylum. The Semite Committee to vis? the In sane Asylum submitted the following re port L;st Saturday : O .Mi:. I'r.F-unKNTi-The Committee appoint ed in pursuance of House Joint Resolu tion. No 2. to take into consideration th niat!e,of the Insane of the Suite ; to in ouire iiito. and consider the best and most economical manner of faking crc of and providii g uiedic.il 1 rea'ment for tln-m, to con-i'Ier "he propriety of taking the In sa'.e into the hands of the. State direct I v and of Ihe propriety of luecting mi Iu' sane Asylum by tiie Stat ; to receive and consider all propositions lor this purpose, and to report, by bill or otherwise at an early day. do most respectfully report that in pursuance of said resolution and appointment, your Committee, on Mon day, the 7th day of Octvber. 1S72. visited and. made a thorough examination of the buthiii g.s and ground, and faithfully in quired into the condition of the patients at th- Insane Asylum at lint Portland, a nd find : i'-'.s 'I he buildings ore commodious and perfect, in till lhat is r. quired for the j prop.-r eaie and 'reaom-n ot ihe patients, i ,s.eo( The path-nts are well cared for. j vi liiily clothed, properly fed and medi- ! cated. 1 lord The si'oation of the Asylum af "ording -pel feet do.iuage io insnn' health. ! ai.-o an anunoant snno v o! water, ami inagni'i :ent groves for recreation. cost ui' ii-Kt'iNU Tin-: insank. V, 'e fnid ujion ex tuiination of the re-O jiorts ot ui.erinteu.leiits of other Insane Asybiii;-. licit thea' tual cost, per head. i'iI insane patients in JVnnsy! vani.i Hospi tal, for ihe Insane, with :'.:;! patients; I overt' men! Hospital for the In-;;wie.wi;li 271 7 a ienis ; Northern Ohio Asvluni. with ill pa Hons; iennesce insane llo;nial. j with 1-1 pa ietits; the Michigan Insane j As lum. with J.'.'!) nutents: the Ii!inoi-i j Insane Iioj.pi.al. with '.' :S' paUents : New I York State Asvlum. w'ch (ill patient5r Oong lew Asluin (Ohio), with 4 IS pa tients ; New Hampshire Asylion. idi l';'..i ;:a'i.'nts : Soiehei n Ohio A-vlnm wi:h 1 ; patients ; i e.-terii lrgmia Asylum, I with 4 pafien's : New Jersey State Asy- ; loni. w j i !i loti Stale patients ; Wi-eoioiii j Hospital, uidi IS') patients; Massachu- j setts- iiospral wan 4:', patn-nts ; l);x- mount (I a.) lns.-ir:. II,sp!!;l. with 2.V7 pa tients : Ivc-Iimii Kentucky Asvlum. 'uh -"' patients ; .State (I'a.fr.uiuiiic Asvluta jifn patb-n's ; Central Ohio Conatic "Asv lum. wi l; :;:',) patients: Western irgiuia Lutiatic Asvlum. with iPJS patients ; Mis Si'.ui Lunatic Aybua. with I-JiPJ patient ; Insane Asylum. North Curo'in i. witli 217 patients being 21 Asylums for the In sane, the annual est jr vij-Hn is $21. raid averiig..' weekiv cost, ry-r m'.i ! -1 in r.-iited Sta'es currency, j From the carefully compiled table, cm- I bracing 21 prominent State Institutiot s, ! Ilo-tiitals and Asylums for the Insane, in ihe t'uite. States. we find the average ce.ft I r,r c'ipil'i. for the m aiuteiiarce of ihe lu- j s ine, exclusive of cTnthing. ofiieer sahi- j lies, and interest on the investment, is ! :.-." 21 per week. ' There are I wo methods of conducting- j snc'i an institution as oar IlospiUl lor j the Insane. One method embrace no i .oilier consideration than Ihrt r.f ni:0til:i:n- ,..r O. e ur.foriutuite men and women con- signed to Us wads as public paupers at the lowest rate of expenditure. The oilier iukes ino coti-ideration th i gt'ea est possible good to be accomn lishcd i by such a ber.ev. deuce exercised toward ( unfortunate, but worth v ciiiziur-i of tlu State, embracing ideas or common com fort, and the ameiiora'ion of such sum-ring as is unknown to any other class of persons, and in their final restoration to society, in .he shorted pracncuhle period, together v.Ph all i:jrovement incident to the progress of science, and the appli ances of art. which, to thes-i ends, keeping the institution in the front rank of sanita riums of its dignity raid importance. We are glad lo "be able to report th.it Dr. Ila wi home, as a citizen of Oregon, bringing into his labor r.s Superintendent, the jtride of patriotism, sis well as that of a profession, to which, because or Lisiec ogn'Kied intelligence and humanity, is as signed by law. ihe immediate control of ihe Hospital for the Insane. believing 5iic'i is n.n only the desire o! I lie people of th State, but that they would not. knowing- ly. be si.'isfied witli anything short of this, he has adopted ilie lati-r method, and act ed upon it. even beyond the extent of means furnished. COST CI" IXSAVK ASYI.t M. From well estaJdished d Ua. by the A.f Snciaiioti of Superintendents of American In.stitiili.rns for ihe Insane, it is found that the aveiage cos-l hr a proper Asylum. per patient, is one thousand dollars ; conse quently to build ti proper Asylum for the Insane iti Oregon, to accommodate w'vx hundred path-nts. would cost over $200.-' 000. This is exclusive of IV.rniuire,;caai engines, ete.. etc. CONCLtSIONS. That the average cost of patients in th Oregon Hospia! for I lie Insane is less than in ti majority of similar instiiutions That their treatment ami care will favorably Compare wilh older ins'itutions of the kind. That our Stale finances at pres. nt forbbi. and there is no necessity to com mence buiidiig -i Stale iusiitntion. r.s un der the present regime the patients are looter kept, and at cheaper rates, ihm they can be by any otiier method tint has been suggested to your Committee. Enoch IIoii.t. Chairman. S. Hannah. lh N. Tot.KX. The Washington P.iirlcA says that the entire. Senate wing of the Capital of the United States is turned into headquarters of the (Irant Club. Some forty persons are employe;! in folding documents and mailing Ihem through out the country. These are franked, end the Government thus robbed cut of thousands of ddlarf. The stationery that the people pay for is nsed without stint by Ihe Club. Not only is ii building belonging to the people oc cupied bv this partisan club, but the pco tde are compelled to bear a great portion of the expense ofjending out Grant cam paign documents." Th peop'e will soon have a chance to mv whether the injure or repudiate th!? rascality. - o O G