o o o o o US! o o o o o o o o o 9) o G 0 O o o G 1 O o G 0 V J OCTOBER 11. 1S72. TllliOLD FEKCE RAIL,. It litis, anil rota by the roadside, Anions tbe0wilhericg weeds; Tbf-blackberry vines inn over it, And the thistles drop their seeds. Lelow tbe Miami murmurs; He flows as he always flowed; And the people, eastward and westward. Travel the National Road. At times a maiden's glances Gild it with tents of dawn, But the schoolboy snorts with Lis nostrils, . Kicks it, and hastens on. Above it the pioneer's chimney, Lonely and rickety, leans; lleside it the pioneer's garden qIs a wildering growth of greeu.3. It was split by the stalwart settler, One of the ancient r;co, And the hands of his tow-haired children Lilted it into its place. Years after the gawky lover O Sat on it. dangling his heels, While his girl forgot her milking. And the pen, with its hungry squeals. Ah. the rail has its own romances. The scenes and changes of years: 1 pause whenever I see it. And drop on it several tears. (;ha.t am hawijns. Inciter jfioui W. (i. JliisKcIl XJeliiiivc to t lie ?Ils:llJrojJi-is ion c-f lfe Iliiwliisi Fund Some Curious liid- Sxjt.iavatj;k, An;'. i 1 ft, ' n lo the J-jlitors of the St. J'aul .Vloneer: For whatever it may be worth I wi.sli to say, concerning the assertion of Senator Conkling, that President Gf&nt did not ar rive at Washington until about four hours alter the death of Sec retary Pawlins. lie was tele graphed for in ample season to re turn. I was told in "Washington on the day of the funeral of Secre rtarv Kaw lins, bv a Cabinet officer, that the President's explanation of -bis delay was that the railway company Vanderbilt's, I believe, if I remember rightly refused to furnish liim a special train, and that the railway authorities denied that he had made application to them for a special train. Natural ly, I inquired the probable reason for his failure to reach Washington. "1 was told that it was we'll under stood that Rawlins was a strong friend of the Cuban movement for liberty, and that Grant feared the Secretary might exact from him a promise to recognize the Cubans as possessing belligerent rights. "With regard to the liawlins i'uiul, I can say a word more than you say. As to my statement it is per haps sufiicient for me to mention j that I was invested with power of j attorney by Airs. Kawbns Po look after her a Hairs, and I was conse quently well acquainted with the facts in the case. 1 do not know, except xipon Goulds testimony, who paid the & 1,000 which G-aut subscribed to the Pawlius fund; but 1 cb know that nearly the full j sum oi siaU,t)!Hj proposed to ie raised lor tbe benetit of the impov- 1 " i -1 f . 1 . erisnea iamuy oi uie Secretary was i subscribed before "JJiack Friday," I and that General Jbitterfield was i made receiver of the fund. 1 went j to New York several times alter j that infamous day,in tlie attempt ! to learn something of the whore- j ibouts of the fund, but accomplish ed nothing, for jbitterlield was iicvcvq y'here I couhl mid bun. From the subscribers, Rufus Hatch, Fisk, Hatch & Co., W. K. Venni lye, and others, I learned only that the subscriptions had been paid to the receiver. Returning to my home, and that of 31rs. Rawlins, at Danburv, Conn., at her request I wrote several letters i tO President Grant, who, as I was ! nformed at New York, was named ! ly the subscribers to the Rawlins ! fund as trustee thereof. These j letterjwere unnoticed by tlioPres- ! ident. And not until January 4, : following lift Secretary's death, j Qlid the trustee of the fund conde- I scend inform the widow that Unit- i ed States bonds to the amount of j about S:js,500 had been placed in j his hands, the f.rst instalment of i interest upon which would become j available in the following July, j How or by whom the fund was j hnifilled between "Jilnck Friday" and the 4th of January following! T never learned; but certainly the j lamny OI lite Secretary, lelt penm- le at his death, received no belie- lit irom it until'the tune above i- i rri mentioned. 11ns may seem to -, -, , i many readers, and jarticubrly to O e.u osau uiim-iiumi.'is iiuti vjiiuiL- orators, a very .small matter. It j vill not so appear to those who know how much General Grant was indebted to his former chief of stall', Kawlins. To illustrate this indebtedness: A party of mili tary men, anion- them several members of Grant's stall", were at a dinner at baratop-:i. One of the toasts iyn was 'The Stall" of the General Commanding the Armies." For a mimrte or so there was no re sponse. At length General W. S. Hillyer, of thatstatf, lirst modestly waiting for his ranking ofiiccrs to rt-'spond, rose and said: "Gentlemen, Twill respond to the toast, and in CCdineelion with it permit me to K- lO al .Joiin preseut the name of Gener taps also, the proverb was true, riiio I'a-t'tus' what can O be said of the man who could so soon forget his oblicationsto his FRIDAY, A. Kawlins, Chief of Staff, and to ; to a visitor indus'trv and harmony" say, without llawlins tltere would j !Tem V!en'leJ u,'lh- ' IVrhaps irom have been no GrantlIy authorit v ! vZuV lVr,n Tw r.. ,:. tiT.-,, - t . . gtoiiult ot the work and the 'vt V , , ayS inai liuiyer j vigor with which it is being prosecuted AVas Hushed with wine." Perhaps j If individuals whose minds are prei- "oble, patriotic chief ad visor is to 1 t!Hn a!r . y . opon u,e ",sPpcti..n permit his fmuK- t , a' V , I an.l'Captain Smith (or his gentle ' , ,S tan!V to sufler for the ! maly assistant) is ever ready to cSnduct aeut.a necessaries of life? Yours ' them' over the wot k and explain every truly, V ir.r.i.vM G. IIaskei.t. I ihing. Many have doubted the ability of Pastor Universalist Church Stil1- ' tlle Chief Engineer to have the Canal and Water, ' " l ' Locks completed according to contract. ' If tLey only knew the difficulties lit? has G - - o A The Locks at Oregon City, From the Oregonian. We publish the following letter as giving a good description of the work which has been done oa the Locks and Dam at Oregon City: Oukcox City. Sent. 24. 1872. ' To the Editor ok Thk Oi:k;omax: tilr: Having to-day made a visit to the Canal and Locks being constructed opposite this city, aud being both surpris ed and interested in a close inspection of the same irom end to end, we venture to place at your disposal the result. qt our observations. Mr. J. A'. Lesourd very kindly conducted us over the Works and lo him we are indebted for that informa tion we may be able to give the public through your valuable columns. Com mencing at the inlet to the Canal above the FaKs. we perceive a well defined en trance on the west tide of the river, about ICO feet in width. Entered; on one side the natural bank forms a lofty, solid stone wall; on the other, a crib is in course of construction, which, for strength and solid ity, one would think capable of standing the wear and tear of ages. It is con structed of solid timbers 12x12. Ihe Lents are 12x11. feet from center to center, and only 5 feet apart. Holes have been punched out of the solid rock be neath, so that every post rests on a solid, immovable foundation, and every bent is strengthened bv a i-inch iron rod, secure ly boUed and sealed. It is apparently, as strong as iron and wood can make it. The can tl then widens out into a basin of an irregular shape, with an area of six or seven acres, the upper side a natural stone wall as Indole, and the river side , a crib 20 feet wide resting on a stone wall 18 feel deep to give it solid Inundation and to resist the pressure of extreme high wa ter and an accumulation of logs and drift wood. In this crib also. evtry post is sunk into a stone loundation. The inside bottom planKing is laid in Cement and masonry. The crib extends from the in let to the guard lock: is i: feet above the grade o( the canal and 1.25D feet in length. We took occasion to notice in connection with this crib, that the timber appeared to be o! the best quality. While we were looking on, we were inadvertently over heard one of the foremen finding fault, and finally rejecting as too ''sappy." some heavy timbers from the raft just ar rived, which, to our inexperienced eye. appeared perfectly sound. We mention this that great care must have been exer cised, on selecting and using good material only. There are about lot) men working at the inlet and crib, and .Mr. L. asserts I that he could complete that portion of the ! work abuve the guard-lock and have the water in the canal in two weeks, it neces sary. Arriving at the guard lock, we find j lwi rmisidv timber gates, each weighing ! 4 0,000 pounds, fitted as they are with four j cat iron wickets, each, aud all the m i- chinery necessary for their perfect work ing, ir.ese gates are already swung on the posts fastened to the Imllow-quoisn o! the great walls of the guard lock. The upper side of this Lock is a natural stone wall from 100 to 120 feet perpendicular. The lower wall, built by the Company is I venture to say, as solid a specimen of stone masonry as there is on the Pacific coast. It is 2 SO feet in length, 10 feet thick at the base, 5 feet on top, and 1( feet high. The masonry work is all lirst class, the cement of the best quality; to prove which, Mr. Lesourd endeavored, with a hammer, to drive an SI nail between two stones, but failed. On arriving at the end of the guard lock we enter another basin which widens out to 75 or 80 feet in the center, and is cribbed on the lower side by a crib constructed as before de scribed, but having for foundation a stone wall from 0 to 12 feet deep, res'ing on the solid rock, thus I'lTectitiiHy preventing any possible escape of water. This crib is 1.200 feet long. U feet high and y feet at the base. This basin is a very neces sary adjunct to the Canal and Locks, as in it steamboats can p;ts.s each other, or in case of accident to any boat in tran-.it. ;t could be moored here without impeding or obstructing the 'passage of another. At, the end of this basin we come to the end of Ihe fih lock. This, in going down stream is the lirst of four locks, the last of which passes the boats out on a level with the river below the Falls. The gates to these locks are heavier than those of the guard lock. Each lock is -JO feet clear, in width, and 210 feet in length, with 10 feet lilt to each. The first 1 las a natural solid s'.o wall thirty six This has all been cot high on blasted out j fitch s irom top to uoi'.om. ami it is so noarly I completed that it will be ready for the ! gates in about two weeks, 'the second lock lias a similar wall of twenty-six feet also blasted out. Tim excavation is com plete, and the masons are laying the hol low quoins for the gates. The third rising, as all do. ten feet, has not required so much of Ihe giant powder. Three or four d ivs more will finish the excavation in this. This lock will be enclosed in solh stone walls, which are being rapidlv push ed to completion. The gc.tes to each lock are all framed, ready to be put together and swung as Suoa as the hollow quoins are laid. We have endeavored imperfectly we fear to give your readers an idea if the woik that h.is been done. To accomplish it has re raise lh stone for pured thirteen large derricks to ; rocks as blasted and blocks of the masons. About four miles of tramways have been laid, along which seven double teams are constantly haul ing car loads of rock. Four steam engines ate at work night and day raising from four to five hnnhred gallons ol water per minute forty-one feef out of the deep cut. Stone quarries have been opened on the ClackiUiuts liver, Irom which several scows are constantly engaged in lrinMi- blocks of st i many of them weihiiur sever, or ei i-r'.t. tons. Mr. Lesourd rays tl mt every hollow quoin- inu mere ;irt hundreds costs the Company twenyt fire dollars, besides the expense jf quarrying I a,;d !' i,nsl"" tin. Mr. 15. T. .Moon" ! who has had char'v', of the hi is!imr f ,v t,,,-H,,i ,,, ! , , A ' 1 S(tial mouths, asserts (hat in the first j and second locks alone over :;). (too yards i v - m ioe,v nave neen re- moved, to loos en which has ieiciirt.,t about live tons of giant nowder more rock could have been thro.vn out if black powd-r couhl have been used, but the rock being porous, the holes drilled held so nmeh wafer that only ghmt p.,w oer eould be used to advan'age, ( js much to the credit i.f fro t e'c-...:.. j Chief Engineer f llie wo, ks ' n, ' ' ! ! 1 C(' very careful supervision, in that with all this vast amount of roe k removed I l,v blasting, and that the explosions. nvr, eraily speaking, were dangerously confin : ed within a deep cut. not a single life has ; been lost from this cause, and but one ; "!':"! !. Vi;in;V!?,;3r inj,l!V,L Al" ""i ui.e mm out I many who hive been emoh.v..,! Of the works has lost his lite by accident, ami poor feuow. it was his own duty lo -i a,ir S'e tIllU ,he Sickling was safV (hi t i uiiuueunaieiy oroke and caused h: ilis, ?ta neons death. There are now ab hve hundred men employed on the wo-t-s tin? Canal and Lt.cks are being construct ed will only take the trouble to come up and see aud inspect for themselves, their ! doubts and prejudices would vanish into ! uiiicea m regard to the manner in whieh already contended witn ana bl"lu , 'V nf and had seen the immense "1 f work accomp . 1: .!,,.! t Inn me iaai. thev would doubt no longer. ' Yours truly. A Liei-o a.n. The Salem U' ! J. elec.ion of officers at Wil ame L mw itv last Friday evening ai which the loi ?! - , 1, 1, were elected for tne er.su :w'n nar , "ident 1 H. D'Arcy; Vice in" term: 1 H'siatm. n- n resident. J. L. Imbue: Secretary . H. Miesse; Treasurer, -L A. Bngman; L. bra rim. W. li. Hawley: Censor, U . L. A .en. The Society is reported as m a Mounting condition, and we trust its prospects wnl continue as flattering as they are ut pres ent. ruu.AOKi.i'iiiA, Oct. 1 Exprers train coming Fast this morning was thrown off ihe track twenty-five miles west of the citv. The engine and tender and two ex press cars were thrown down an embank ment, and the engineer and fireman in stantly killed. No others injured. A buggy in which were Mr. Henry Ankeny and another gentleman became uncoupled at Salem, on Sunday lat, throwing the occupants out upon the pavement. The buggy was slightly in jured. A Mrs William Hill, of lioseburg. while taking a hot iron from the stove, last week, struck her little daughter in the eye with the point, seiiously injuring, and perhaps destroying the sight. Portland has had the unusual privilege of witnessing a drunken row among Chi namen. To what depths will the Hea then Chinee" at length descend. Portland is much exercised over Ihe "Ilo'odlum"' cp.iestion. According to Ihe papers of that cily they are increasing hi numbers and audacity. A number of Chinese gamblers at Rose burg fell out the other day, aud all par ties had a free and easy fight. I. I KlSJIKIi, '20 and -21 New Mer chants' Exchange, is our authoi ized Agent m San Francisco. A. PjOLT???, NOT Alt V 1' CIiLIC,KN TERl'Ll SJ1 OFFICE Oregon City, Jan 1'.):t fc7 . rt rs FT ? AM f; tx m a i a t a W . ui tin 5 3 iW y kdf k i"i ii SO 4 j -seJ i i ' - i OM 'g DEKCM'S Pi;iIJ)IN(J. COKN V cr First and Washington Sts., l'orthiud Nitrous Oxide admudstered. n2 ;tt. Sheriff's SrJs. OTK-K JS JlKltKHV UtVKX THAT r.Y I -LX virtue of im ex. coh.hi i :ned out .f the j County Court of 'l.n-kaiii.is county, State of Ore- i oo.oa the day of Sepicudun-, l.s;2, :, I to me tui'i ct I, in la vor ot a aci o v oit jac'i a uu a -ja mst i N. Newell for the sum of seye-m v, s70." dollars, I and for the further sum of t hirty-f ar .'e-lon, s it 2U-iO(l, doihii-s eosts, aiel alo for the costs of ami upon this writ, I Uni oil the 11 ill day of Seji; em ber, IST'J, (or the want of jicrsomil jifperty, levy iijki the following de.-ej-il n I veal projerty of said eovdinv to the plat 1 hereof, to..i tier wit h ad'the improvcmenis thereon, h, the t.oMiof O.-weg.., m .N . AO.M'll, TO-W1T I l.OT .NO. .) Ill Oiorl; .NO. -i. ;l( ..i lii:iiii 1 . 1 in. 'I.,'. , ei ..i 1 l i i i'."' r. i' ; - i v.-;u ,o ,,.,i.ii ,.. ,;', . 1,;. 1., ... 1:1.1 .. f-.r monev in i.a nit'Via i, ! . ' ., sator.iev ti. i -,)', day of Oetober, 1S7J, a- the Courr jtou-e itoer, I iu Oregon City, ai M o'eloek. A. M., of said day, by treating with ail on lair and -pial terms; the above deseriled lot. to-.-i her with tin: imja-ov.- j regarding it, alike dishonorable either to de ments thevp..ii, the property oi llio said X. New- I oiaed what is not light, or to submit to en, to satisfy sai-t oxcriUou. lt ; ,,.,, ... i t i i . ; , , , N 11 a I 1 s i i i g. e-eiHCJubcr Ilia, Is,.'. ,, , ,- , ,. , , .. i I td ; ! is. Stie'-itF. L5- I-or the promotion an I snece-s of the Jby C. i!. 11 F.ATI V.. I iputr. ! several principles aud upport of the e tndi- MjUjufiwi " j dates i; .nilimi.ed bv tiiis con veil t ;on. we in ! vit and cordially wek-ome the cn-operat ion l IT? FBI O SI S a I ol' :i'l patriotic citizens, without regard to Iii the Circuit Cuint f ihe State of Oregon fi the l OUiily of laekainas. l'f!ir..VNCV OTIS r,d PAX! ML Soil in V,ii OTIS, l.er husband, i';ai;itiii. I tv to ti- i K. ALfOllT) fiIl'.M)X,I)eiVnd.-nt ! :iurta;. e. 'in 11. A 1 lord .ii'.-rai, 1 ,'i fi n.lai.t : JX Till'. XAMK OF TJfK sTATF OF OPK- U go,,, you are he.,.-.-.- reouoeo to appearand answer tie- .ompl.iint tiled' a::.-i inst von in the above entitled run, on or I e.ore the s;i duv of Oelober next, that being' the Hist day ot the next tei in of said i 'ourt te'!owi::g the exju'ra t ion ..fix weeks oublieat am . f 1 1. is , . mm; ..ns. as ord, re 1 i.y Judge l-v'.oa, the.liil.ro .t sail Co-irf. tiii; ImIi day ot September, is;-; und if yon fail m, to aa- swer, tor want tlieveof, the pl.iintiils will apolv ti the fourt f ,r the n bef tlieiein (U inanded, v hleh is for ii decree -to loreelose a moilraee i : 1, i .- plaintiffs ;tgaiiit d-.-feu hint, and iov uo.sU agd (:isbuicilieiits 111' ll.dssiof. E. li. siONi: ' Attoniev's for riaintills. September 2!h, liui. ' i,;i;w . StiTmons, In the Circuit Courr of the State of Oiegoii, for e laeiiamas ouni v. av. Jt. t;pj:t;,by z. c. v crtoii ) ins yuaroiati. vs. V. O. HAltUlXU, adiainisfratri--of the estate of A. M. J 1 ardim.' I'laiutiif. oeeeee,l, , . i.i. iMue-.l',. l 1 bev- '. tV.f,-..viii,-,l ley, Lobert lticii.ata and James J Id. Traci To "W. 1. Kin? and Lobett itedpaih, def, iidants above mimed. f N Till: NAMF OF THK STATE OltF.GON T" '"" are heieiiy reguir.-il to appear and answer 1 1 . e complaint tiled against voo m ho .. titled aei ion wii i.iri leii (.iays'froia 1 he date of t he service of this summon upon yon, if served with- in tins county ; or if s. we t any other couuiv i ot tius s-jate, tlien wiltnn twenty !ay.s iV,,ia tlie 1 u.ue oi me seiicc o: Tins Miinmoiis u: nyou: ami n M ,eo i.y pn , ,ea t ion, vuu an.. nolili..-. and " i"U' to so upj e.-r iind an.- wr said cote- fi i .,t I on or net. -e the 4-h -M.-uidav m i ictob.-r. is:-- o,..i i i .r I s-- t ' 1 beiiig tiie ihst (!ay oi i he n'.xr term oi t he Circuit i Court for Clackamas County, state of Ore-on, I winch wiill..- held altoi- ti:e expiration of the' pi- S'li?',-'.!' ,h "!,i"r t'l'":ul ronrl 1V,r ,hc i piielicmoiiot tiussunimoii-:; and if vou i.i il s to aur.thepiaiiititf, wilt apflv tothe Court lor tic- t- orayed for Pi the compiuiiif, viiich I is in subsonic,, as fellows, to-v-.it : Thai! a certain J ?"" "'o oecioe in a loreclosure suit de- sClli.eil 1!1 Colilt.huiit, al U the S,i,el jii "s deelt tl) 31. liar ling, need i'roj.i A. Al. ll.irdii!" ;nd el '. to V. 1). Kin:,' and lh c. llawlev, deed from " ,K'.-' ud wite to itoheii itcil'path. d..vd irom j-.olierl itegpath und vife to dames SI. 'J v.,r..-.v and the d.-i i fr1u W. W. liari er to V. 1). King and 11. ( .lla-.viey; ail desei died in t lie omplamt t.e cancelled, set aside ami held tor imugh,, and that jiliiiiitoi' in: u.-ljiahg.-d to bo the riehttul own er ot said la nd oese; i i u d iu sail decree aud conveyance.-, as T'oiiows: Xotit:t:atiuii2o. 7.1-1, parts i s,,,.;.,,lls ,in,i t.xi) ju .r :; s j. ;! jM lacKamas e.aint y, coiiimeueing at a point Pi.'ai chains north, and cast, Iroiuthe S. W. i-orn-r et seeuou one, T. :5 js., i.;. :; oast, running them o ' '. 'hence north :)H.ir, chains, thence south s.i ' - , east tl cliunis. theni'e s.n-.ih in. no chains to Ciaekam;is nver, 1 hence ui s od river woii ies meauderings to ihe- pi ice ot'Urgitiing. conbiinin" about ::2 acres; and lor ollier'and fir! her relief. ;is j, rayed lor in said complaint, ti.gel herwitii the co-s and disbursements of this sun ; and von are further not hied that the lion. V V.'. 'l.'ptoa. .iudge ot -aid Ciicuit Coiut, on the 1 1 th da v oi' Sej-tcinber, ts72, made un o, : r di reef ;ng "t he 1 I 1 , ,-!,. ,1 . 1 .....I .1 ... summ oiis to be s-evved by pui.iii'Htioii in t Ort- ii'oa tity ignerprise lor six s ei-e-ive u. eiis. A. FOl! 1". KS. und IIULI.AT tV- v'ai;j:kx, Attorneys for Plain! ill". Oregon City, Seideiifbcr 13. ls;. n lowlj Summcns. In tlie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Chtekuiuas uniniy. MA IIY PHILLIPS, Plainti:F, ) Suit VS. '. 1M LAFAYETTE ITULIdrS, Defendant. ) T.ioiity 3Siui:.VAMi: of Tin: stati; of oke- iron, you are hereby r.otihed and repain.d to appear hi the above en itled i-onrt and unswer the coiiijihiiat of the piaintii:, iiicd iu t)u. a've cnt it led suit, wilhiii ten days from the date of thi- service of this sumiaous upon vuu it served iu Clackamas county, and it -served m a'uv other eoutity of this State then within twentv days from such service, and if s.-rved by p.itdica tion. you are notiiied and rcpijied to iiiipf-ar und answer said coiiiydamt on or i; tore thc irii Mon day of October, 1672, that, being the fir.st dav of the next, term of th Ciicuit f ourt lor the State of Oregon for Clackamas county, which will ' . lull next aflcr the expiration of the period T,Vl. scrd-ed by the ord.r of said lourt fir The peblica" tion of this summons; and if von fail s,, to . . . ..v- rwiiiuu Will upi.lv f n tl,.. T..,.n .inii ,.t -..it , ;..;.. : .."" """" v ii , i . day ofAn.Vrm.irnnlS f gnomons to be s.avcd bv pbli,.;itio m the Tl, ' ijon t ity Lnterpn-e for six successive J'V u' Ausjust GOtb, 1S7. " w-e. , 1IUF.LAT fie AVATfT'FV W Attorney, for iidnlk emi t tor the react rrayc-d lor in tbe oonn.l-i-Tnf" which is in sntistance as follow.: that the l-" r ofniatrhaony now exist ina- ! 'iro -. a , det-ndent be,iisolvci and that . "c iU', suvl minor ehildien be decreed to id o r forpocral rclu f. id.o, costs it?,d dii',1rI",;.l'i and you are iurther notiticd tln.f t-., u.. l" vU' The Baltimore Platform. Following is the platform adopted by the Democratic Convention at Baltimore on the Dili of July. 1S72: 1. o recognize tuc equality ot men be- ( fore the law and hold that it is the duty of the government, in its dealings with the j people, to mete out equal and exact justice to all, of whatever nativity, race, color or persuasion, religious or political. 2. "We pledge ouraelvej to maintain the law, the union of these states, emancipation and enfranchisement, and to oppo-e any re opening of the questions set! led by the Thirteenth Fourteenth aud Fifteenth amend ments to the constitution. 3. We demand the immediate and abso lute removal of all disabilities imposed on account of the rebellion, which was finally subdued seven years ago, beliering that universal amnesty will result in complete pacification iu all sections of the ountry. 4. Ljcal self-government with impartial suffrage will guard the rights of ail citizens more securely than any central z.'d power. The public welfare demands the supremacy of the civil over the military authority, and freedom of person under the protection of the l:i'bt't cvrpH.-. We demand for the in dividual the large.-t liberty e.msi-tent with public order, for the state self-government, and for the nation t return to the methods of peace and the constitutional limitations of power. r. The civil service of the government has become a mere instrument of p-wtis m tyranny and n-rsona! ambition and uno'-ject of .seiiish greed. It is si scandal and re pro ich upon f ree institutions, and breeds a demoralization dangerous to the perpetuity of a republican government. ti. We thei efore regard a thorough ref'oi in of the civil service as one ot the most press ing necessities of 1 tie hour; that honesty, capacity and fidelity constitute the only valid claims to public employment; that the o Slices of g 'verniuent cease to be a matter ot ar bitrary favoritism and pa' ronage, a nd that public station will become again the po-t of honor. To this end it is i m per il i vely re quired that no president, shall be a candidate lor re-i b-etion. 7. Wo demand a system of federal taxa- I tiou which shall not uuiieee.-sai it y inlerlere I with the industry of the pe p!e, and which shall provide the means necessary to pay the j expenses of the government, economically ! the. int ei est on the puhl e dent , and a mnrler- j ate annual reduction of the principal thereof; j -oid recognizing, that, there are iu our ni.dst j honest tint ii iY c neilabie di'lerences of o;in ion with regard t the respective system of protection and tree t 'ade, we ren.dl the dis cossion of the subject to the pcplc iu their congressional districts, an I t he d "vision of congress thereon, wholly free of executive interfer. nee or dictation. 8. The public credit liiu-t be sa -rclly j luaiutaincd, and we denounce repudiation i.i j every form and gidse. i , !-' l"l':l7 ','rtur' ts',?,-ie ,a-v,ne!,t is ''!!n;u-,VM; " !".. r., . , ' I ! l'",,!' "l : Uov em ment. ! 1". 'eniember with grat . ude the ; heroism ami sacnnei-s ot the sold ers and : sailors ot the republic, and no ;r t at ours i , ,. , . " ' - ,, , snail eve- detract iro.n our justly earned j fame or the luii rewards of their patriot- i ism. 11. Vv'e are opposed to all further grants ! The jnbl:i' domain should be held sacivd to ! ; uctll;d settlers. i fit lamis lo rai ! roaus or oieer corooraiifuis. , . , 1 hold thr.t it is the out v of the ! government, in its intercourse with torch mitioiis, to cul:iva'e the ,rie:Kishspsof peaeo previous p-.i!iti:al ahiiiaiion. List cf Letters 1 FM A l.M.Nt; IN filE 1MKT-OFK1CE AT 1 Oiegon Cuy, Oc! ib.-r i, l-.g : A ndei sou am. K"oh:i Xury M ;t 1 1 1 n O wen M agi e iv i wa rd Mattvu I.i hi.-t l"'l!S ,,.iM" , ! ;Ur,IS ''U.-h "oen :n. I), 1 Po'.ve M iel aei Cl) ! limine!) Mr. Krv. ! ('igiiheiiO ; j ,. ;,,. y . . ' T' . ,- 1 !';a:(,' " ' ' a ' " -v l,,'s- i Fihter iiei ioau j (ISover.lehn Oood A. .. ,e,..e r , Hudson Mary Mrs. Henry John j .Unison (f. V. Keiiv .latins is. Mel) l aid P. N i. Well N . I'iitti i so:i M iiy It Iieii V Kohf. LeiL. :s 1 1. lh lh'ue.'i Miitiiriv CJ) t- Ii Mino'l ( )Vi !1 ( 'J ) Sl.ered I I OS. J. Man- U. F. Slaghsh An '. 'I riior W. v . rl ;ivi MiO-t T:io;ii:-ii:i A. A. Voss 'ilans ('2 i Wallcii !'.. V. Wod for; h C;i t h.i: iue Kelly Wm. ivilit Joiin if caiicd for, sav advertised. .). M. P.ACON, P. M. I ; ,;;-;.vts for tiih ii TiiuPiiJjc. The following 1 i'-- ' are aut hoi ou d to j at t as agents f r the EsTMiii'iiisii : Geo. P. lb. well & Cc, 1 1 Park Ii , New Yo.-k. ('o. Wetherill 0a., f.7 Ohestnut street, rhiladelnl i.i. -1 1 'v -N - j 1 Nassau street, ' ,:1V iork. Portland. Oregon Ii. Samuel San Francisco, Thomas o ce San F: aneisco, L. P. Fisher st. Helens, Columbia county S. A. Miles. Astoria, ( 'la'sop couut.v A. Van !)u en. I .. r, ,. - i:ii r t 1- ..... 1 r i e . i ,ini i 1 1 1 1 oou n i v . . . ' ' a u i g son . I'alh'.s. 1'olk county Pave Holmes. Corvaliis .i.S. Palme.-. t.mv"n Citv . V. P. laiswfll. I:'ll-s, Wasco eorntv N. ll.Oidts. . . . i ' I "f " " " V r ' j t,ul,,'t!. I matitla county... ?. . Enoj Eetigetie City J.M. Thompsot X ISOI1 CT.aCK.VM.VS COl'NTY. Leaver Cre h C.I". Ileatie. Ivigie Creek Frank Y. Foster. Cascades He toy .McCugm. Lower Moluila V.'. Moi eland. Oanbv J. W. Stra wsei-. Upper Molalhi W 11. Yaughan l!:irding's Z. Norton. Cutting,' I). Wright. kg:! i sXj:1 riiii-: i; n i e n s 1 1 ; n I ; I ) i i:s j r i-;s to s e l l X his property in Oreg .n City will sell at a bargain, to a cood join haer. Also 4 town lots in Caiiemali, wilii good feece around. A 'so ' novo lots in lower end of Oregon City; ids. ldo of hiiiO known as the dona tion land c at in of V m. Stone , S miles southeast of Oregon City, u I Lh some im provements, thiol y timbered, no under growth, go al lasting wat-r " Z'L.o on e at County Clerks oflice. J. .M. FPAZER. Oregon Cifv, )lav f.th. 1-S72. v''.ii''s '? i j;.'.-v -- - a envtn 11 a t r mm t OPvEGOIT CITY, JT-EKl'.S CONSTANTLY' ON HAND AND j JL for sale, cukap fou casu, ! PARLOR, BEDROOItl, OFFICE, SITTIKGZOOM, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Lureaus, Lounge?, Loeking Chairs, What nots. JJt-c steals, YVadistand.s, Curled Hair and I'uln Mutresses, Vuhi Vi. lows, S.-rin- Hods, Window Shades, Pietare Frames, -Mouldings, Ac., Ac. r-yfSpeciuI attention piven to Unho'sterv work ,n all its l.ranches." Orders I Led with promptness. Ixer.airimr ,!,, ,..:!. .. . " ,th All, I ll.so..tr.l, V. I" H"esS3 .. Goods delivered to anv i.artol town free of charge. Call and examine for 1 examine for your- sel va. CODRTBSr OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, t A UCTIOXAUD COMMISSION A U C T I O T F F P I Corner of Front aud Oakstreets Portland ' AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. G roceries, GeneralMerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. IticiiARDsox, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Hasps", saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, Il.'G.Iron also : A large assortmentof Groceries and Liquors A. ii. JiJCHAunsox, Auctioneer OREGON CITV, OREGON, LET AIL DEALERS IN DRY JOlS, BOOTS fcSJBI I also keep constantly on hand SALEM C A S S 1 M E It E S, FLANN ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. Z' ill also pay the highest prices for flutter. Eggs, and ad k mds ot good country i.roduce. ' I will sell as low as any house (n )rt.rn, for (.as,, lls c,iUiyalent"in good u" ' ,uu.,- , , , JUT Uive me a call aim sau-i iraimies JOHN MYERS T ,0 -,,-1 .f 7 li W YOilK HOTEL, , ,, w. . ,, , , i Deutfches C aft h ans, ) No. 17 Front Street, oppos:te the Mail steam ship I audio g, Port land, Oregon . II. SGTHF0S, J. J. W1LKEKS, P LOP U I ET 0 US. Board per Week " " " with Lodging. . " Dav W55 ! ham ci. e m r FOR 1UK ?.IA .Y I' FA C TORY OF SASH, BUWDS AMD EGGitS AND MOULDINGS OF Abb SIZKH. They wid also do TLMINING, of ev'ry der ci ; it ion to oi del', With Neatness and Dispatcl o ALL WOflK WA KK ANTED. Shop on the Liver, in L-ovis' shop, onpos te Oregon City Mills. x1 II IU --s ... te r- , . -5--,' A W i" a;'-ff:?-f' 1. - 'i- t m i ,T -.-V-4 ? - Sj..r- fJfj--l, A Will se-? everjrihicg needed ic a f?.m2j, from tie. heaviest to the lightest iVoric. Thtin any ether machine. If there i. a riorcneo Rpwin" "Ma chine v.-ithiii cn:o thotisaiul jnilcs of fhtn Fratifisco not workiiijjf vtll and pivin.?cnfiro satisfaction, if I nm in lovGiecl cf it, it v,il l,e nifeinh il to without expense ot ai.y Liud to tho owner. CAMUIL HILL, Agent, 13 N'evv Montgomery Street, Urand Hotel Duildir SrmZ for Circulars antl saittjues of thr tcorJc. Active Affents wanted in every jlncc. MAIX STKKET, - OREGO.VCITV. MAMTAL'TUKER AM) 1 31 PORTER OF . . . 5?ALir.i-:u vii Aiin "'7H1CII HE OFFERS aS CHEAP AS e.in be had in the State, at v uuiuiuio or rseiail. warrant all my goods as representee Oregon City, April 17, lb72. 2ldf OREGON CITY BREWERY ! nK.itv in jinni., Iliivinjr pin-phased the above Brewery wish es toinforin the public that he is now prepar edto manufacture a No. 1 quality of EAGER BEER, Aspodascan be obtained anywherein the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled HOUE-M ADE CARPET FOR SALE T I. SELLI.U5 S., Ill) . . . . (i OO 1 nu- ' i Ol,.- i ! in ; ticwsXrgg3 Business Directory of Portland, Orfgon. PUUL1SUED BY L.SAMUEL, General Advertising Agent, 93 Front Street. Ackerman-s Dollar Store, -Vi. First Street. Imjiorters and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys, Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. Astor House. First st., between Oak and Pine. Everything neat. L. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIONER!' AND PERIODICALS, BAXCROFT MOUSE, Agents tor Mabie, Todd t Co.'s celebrated 11 Pi-US. Ivison, Blakenian, Taylor & Co's School Looks. Jij.t I'tibtishtd, a full line of Eegul Uttnk$J'or this State. arman, the only direct fmporter of Cloth- iPins, Ac, cor. ! "rent & Washington sts. CHAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE BOOKS I? 1,1, Lilt STATIOMIR, LARGEST STOCK AY FOR TL A XI . So. 7J Frnnt unci Xn. 5VaIi iiijlton Streets. IECK, WILETAM A SON. 12; Front st. ) In.jiorters and dealers in tin us, Hilles sincl Revolvrrt of every desenpt'on. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Goods, Leads, LirJ Cayes, Baskets, Croquet Games, and Babv (1arriarres. Agents for the "California Powder Works;" also, for thp Wheeler A Wilsou Sewin; Machines.'' Tck. John A., 120 Front street, practical 1J nntflrnaker cV Jeweler. Work done tor th.- Trad '. guw.Agj,.tfii.':-lftjJ,wi.'-'?-,.--'ilA Jt- J-1- u BOO Bi A xX I) .T OK Vll I MEitS. HIMES A BACHELDEL MS Front street. T.rjgMjflfejgjijpijjBgraa -. 'Ji?1 lamassm I-ritrham A Beinliart, First t. bet Oak A ) Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges, Kitchen T'ten'ils. 1)nrhanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First A Tavlor ) tts. Chee.pest Furniture House iu Portland- CARPETS. WALTER BROS street. Clarke, Henderson A Cook, SI A K! First .treet. Di alers in Dry t'oods, t ancy (;.,ods, Ac. Clohn A Po.-enftld, 14S Front st. Coinmis J sion Mf-r.-hai-ts ct Dealers in Oregon A California Produce. CVmprle, J. B . Manufacturer A Deiler in J S.iddh-s, Harness, and Saddlery Hard, ware, lei Front sMvet. (Mirrier, W A Co., L')'? Front st. Merchant J Tailors and Clothiers, Hats Furnishiug (oi'id.- "T Aj ishmutt A Oattnan, t2 Fr uit street. I Leal Estate Agents, money loaned, houses rented. DENTAL GOODS. D HUG GISTS, wooSl: Alil ACO. 101 Front street. Orders from nny jiortion of the State or Territories caie lutiy i.hed by m.id or express. nd, I.oweiist in A Co. Furniture and Carpet dealers Stores Irom 131 to liit h u .-t sti et t. -niploynif-nt A-jency. Witherell A Hoi V man, bo Front st. Furnish all kinds of help. i,,-.l,,.r t V.. ,.!,. 1 11 !"ri.'t stl iM't Clini- L:J inission Merchants and dealers in l)o-nu-stii- Pi oduce. j fashion I.ivery Stable, c A sts. E. C.-i belt, i'Vi'i always mi band. or. Fir.st A Salmon Good tuiu-outs T7i.-hel A H' bcrts, cor. Fust A Washington I st-.. Dealers A Manutae. Cothing, Furu ishing Goods. 1- reel and. Dr. I!. P., Dentist Oflice, No. ', Dekum's Block, cor. First tt A'ash injiton sts. ("1 ill A Steel. 7-" aud 77 First street. Deal JC trs in Book-, Stati n, cry, ai.d Musical lust! uiiieiits. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The largc-t Music House on the Co.ist. STEINWAY PIANOS, ITRDETT ORGANS, CI. I,. Dcl'RAX'S.Mannger. SOl.K AGENCY roil THE U rZowt'' ScviEJg 31iicliiiic. S'T" Agents wanted. 5 nackeney A Sterne. Grocers and dealers in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Main sts. "T '"yam burger, B., 133 First street, importer JL.JL and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Goods, M iliinery. Htndee. D IL, Photographic Artist, s. w. cor. First aud Moirison sts. Child s 1'ict. spec ltv. Henrichsen, L. C. A Co., lo'.i First street. Manufacturers and dealers in Jewelry, Watches, Ac. ibbard, Geo. L., '.'S Front st., wholesale dealer in Groceiies, Doors, Wagon Ma terials, Ac. T Xodge, Calef A Co., t7 Front, St., wlode- X.l. sale dealers in drugs, Faints, Oils, (ii-. Ac. Sewing Machine, straight -J needle, under feed, "k ck stitch." Competition challenged. M. E. Traver, 112 Front st. TTm-gren A- Shindler, Xos. Di'i to 172 .1 JL First st. Importers Furniture, Bed ding, Ac. International llou-l, cor. Front aud Morri son sts. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss attends steamers. Kohn ..7. A Co., !H Front st., wholsale and retail dealer iu Fine Ciething, Furnish ing Goods. J aisoti Doree Restaurant, iiivate rooms J.T1. for Families, cor. 1st und Piue streets. Q. Dos. Prop. f"artin, E. A Co., whole-ale daler in 1 1. Wines A. Li.juors, (. S. X. Co's Block, and San Fran. eier ,v Schmeer, 111 Front st., wholesale anu retail Oi onf'eetioners. Miller, John B., 'X) 1st st. Watchmaker & Jeweler, oilers to the public a line as soitment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. I oeller A Co , Front near C st.. Dealers ill in native and loreign Wiues, Liquors and Cigars. TTorthrup. E. J., Hardware. Iron, Steel. J. i Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, -c, Portland. Occidental Hotel, cor. First and M sts. Smith A Cook, Proprietors. Morrison fjarish, WaU:n A Cornell, Real Estate JL Agents, J0 Frou 'rout street, bet. Alder und N ashington. I)IIOTOGRAPII!C GOODS. C. II. Wood I ard & Co., lol Fiont st. 1") ice, J. M..127 Front street, w holsale X dealer in Tinware and Stoves. T)ichter, Paul. 105 First st.. importer of jl j Berlin woo I'ooden Carvings, lVrlor Orna- merits. Ac. Rider. G. C, Real Estate & Money Broker, J2 Front street. Portland. Kosenbautti, I.S.ACo.,Tobacconists.import ers of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. Rusa House, Front st. On Firrt riaT. cipal. Thomas Ryan, ProSieto ' Sherlock, S., ol Jsront and fTTsTTT n dealer in Harness, Saddlery ami w dler Hardware. J anu od- Sinion, J.,oG Front street, dealer in Sash A Blinds, Window A Pi ate GuT Smshenner, II., L.f I nst st., importTTTf Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, MI ( t fctruments. in- SkiJa-ore. S. G.. 123 First ut. Druco" Aiiothecary, a large stock of PertH g'at A A Toilet Articles. cry O dealer in Drop, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perhiniery. Ac. uu" i "'-. ' ' " sirteT, 1'ic'urp- iO Frames, Moldings, Artist's Mat'ls T)r. ..' v. i ,. - l-, . , rr ing Instruments. Smith, Put.. Broker, Oft Frot)tTt7TVdr in Legal Tenders, Go'ernment Bond and Gfdd Dost. t.WlAlfcW-Liai'UUI.IWMlLII 1 "I III imuqtlBjB STOTK, li. I,.. No 107 Front SfrrM. Wntchmnkcr A Manufaoturmcr Jeiv.l,.r! ?s appointed Acrent for the Wnlthani. E!?;n" E. Howard A Co., Cbas. E. Jacot and the California Watches; nlso, for all the r.roHc. t;ons and inir-ords of the California .Tcwrlrv Corrpany. San Francisco. Send for circular. Watches repaired in the very best marker and wakrantko to give satisfaction. ryrTu iXnJ 7 S FitTtreet " mZm f'T L trrers and nealers in Furniture, I5ed- r diner. Carpets, Ac. ' rpiie Clothing store 11" Front st. Clnthnie 1 Fiirnisbing Got ds, Boots und Shoes-! Harris A Prairer. rpultV. II. TL, 142 A 144 Front st. Dealer JL in Wagons A Agricultural Implements. rpyne, E. D., n. w. cor. First A Oak st., Jl dealer in Brandies, Wines, English Ale and Porter. q rpvler. J. A., 147 Front st., wholesale deal J. er in Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba con, Ac. "7"ihiams A Mvers, Central P.lock, VV Front st.. Commission Merchants il deal's in Produce. Thalley A Feehheimer, Attorneys A S0 V licitoi sin Bankruptcy. Oihc'e in Odd Fellows Temple. NEWS. n F-JEWS! o LOOK OUT FOR GOOD Si ACiCEREVSAFa GO. nAVE JL'ST RECEIVED A LARGE Mock of O SPliHG & SIMIMER GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER CJiea1er tsiati tlae CIseapesl.C We would s-av, come and convince v ur- self before jovi basing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CHOTIIING. HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HA R I) WAKE, ard a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKERHAN & CO. Oregon City, April 21, lS71:tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. JOHN B. FILIOKGTON, BI. D., T ATE OF SAX FKANCLSCO, HAS 1.0 J catcd in Portland, Oregon. Ofhce : la lh'lmes' Building, First street (three deer from Ladd A Tilton's Bank), where he n aV be consulted dail.v, and will treat diseMM of the above named organs as speciBltles. All operations upon the Eve nnd Fa' I!,,r foriued in the most scientific uid careful manner. A RTI FICI A L EYES, having all the If duty and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. Refers bv permission, for Ins profest-iona! standing, to L. C. Lane, M. I)., 'Professor of Snigerv, and Edwin Hent.'ev, M. D., Profp sor of Anatomy, University of the Pncitic. San Francisco; and for his success in the treainftnt of cases, to over 1, .loo cast tifat; id bv him, in San Francisco; also, to I.fti Ests. Esq., Rev. T. L. Eliot, I'ortland ; Win. H. Dillon, Est,., Yanctuvtr, W. T. ; itvanv others Oiegon and V ii?linig''n ice ritory. anp2..no To Stock Drovers. rrm-: KOAD ACROSS THE CASCAPE J Mountains, known as the - Old in" grant Road," is now in sjdtndid order tor t he occom rnoda t i on o fi he pu bl ic. 1 1 e brinpf on the road have all been IhciongMr term ed, and stock drovers will find it no robie to cross tlie Mountains by this route. 1W" is plentv of good water and prM o n bot n sides of Ihe Mountains, f nd the dlpt" " across is onlv ;V miles beintr Ihe sh'"'"1" . , l !, PuiMrfe Moiili- wen as l ne oesi roau i i . . f , tains. Stork drove and f migrnnt? i will fir.o it to their advantage to travel over this route. Q Toles reasonable. , JOSEPH YOUNG, Pre-.deut. Clackamas county. June 21st, fs. Store to Rent. rrilESTOKE HOUSE F0ILMEIUT0CCL 1 pied bv Kafka, on Rock Creek.12 rmjrt from1 AuroVa, tuated at a fine P'nJ countrv trading post ; can be had on reas-mable terms. T! is is a des.rb b ro" f.,r a man with small capital to go g ' U v Wt r totivsOX A McCOWX, s. nqne of july2Gtf. j ''"'"r ' r,-, OrlKTun. TMPERIAL .MILLS. Savier, LaRoqtie & Ccf onEGoy city. b Keep constantly on hand foi sale Midhhr "Bran and Chicken Feed.Pg" vnrchasiDgfeed must furnish the tt'Ht- 3 G O i "