o o o o o G O 0 TVBS&L m I . ... " . itl!! frfoMir;r (T)C iVCChi iaC vP1: OOTODEIl 11. 1ST 2. " .r0NS.Cl:itkainaH county carni'd ofi' U ' , ibc ribbons :it the State Fair i fcV ('1 ... . Trb Factory of tins city received 1 lit; 1 . . , r firpst wnodwnro. Caiit. FrtriJ the second premium on a 1 i,, ,.-. miiiin on a siiori noru i.mn J ii c.i;.tl "tM-n-ral Sherman, ?? calved )'r L7 If"""- b!(Ml b-v the owner, and l!;t.3 i pounds. Mr. Crawford has n'u'e "round a cow named Whitney." Yfieh is somewhat noted for her milking uu-dities. averaging forty pounds of mill; j er day. over live gallons. (V,.j:.si: Cami Dkstkoyed Last I ri i v ni"bt a Chinese camp was invaded j by" a lot of -young bloods" and literally ,it,eved. The Chinamen had erected 1-u'l- "hnig lllc' i'1'1'"'01"1- j"st "n(ler ti" , r th.. bluff, and the boys thought Id be a -,iod joke to roll roeLs it won down on them and tear in.- nuts uown. This ihev did very effectually. We have heard it intimimated that the railroad company talked of prosecuting the par- ,ies en-aged in tms innocent . We 'o not like Chin itnen any oeuer u.an ve tuicht. yet we think as they are per- j t.rfted to come here, they iesei e me (ro- j tec-ion of our law-, i hey aie umng more to injure our city than all the other ,-vils tiiat could be encompa -seu ia one biijaII village. Gone Rack: ox HiMSKi.r. The lion. L. T. Darin, Representative from this county, and whom we reported hist week as having introduced a bill in the House authorizing t'es citv to vote thirty thousand dollars i . o i .. ;,.. ci'oiidiKidii lirid re neros ' the U illainette river at this place, has had j .1 I... fi-ic 1 ,i,.rl i ;i iVI, m,l ii reacuon. iuai m n- "- .. i that according to agreement made prior to his election;'.') he must not do any thing that the -ring" does not approve; hence. we had him 1'uhiing his own bill. 1 Gr.r.ui.KV Dt-.KT. Mr. N. II. Trnlliuger has presented us with the finest and larg -.-V,heet of the season. It is of the Gree ley variety, and weiirhs fen pounds. M:. T. is not to he behind in the vegetable Lne. hence the Chuppa'pa vegetable. He alo thinks that as the beet is a suc cess he c an liel its namesake -raise" to i'ie I'resi.i.-uey. when vegetables instead of --bull pups" will be the production of the White House Brigade. Ciiurs. Last ?Ionday evening a cir cus, composed of all the remnants ol the last half dozen bioken-down circuses that have hiunbuired the people ol (ire- goii for the hist ten years, performed lo a fair crowd in ihisciw. Tlo- la-rl'ormance taken alltogetiier was a -sell.'' and we are s-n rv thai our people are to be con- T . ,. l.il. ! inually liutnbiige.l by such catch penny j StiijV.S. IxsrmrriX'J Com mi i tkk. - The Conuniltee appointed by the Legislature to inspect the work of constructing the Canal and i - . i ,i. . . I., .a M,i;i,!-ii- locks exauiuoo i m- .-.u.a- i.o-i ' :' ' an I we mi terstooij Lie lamimino:. a il I. I , 1 -i 1 ii i ii i n .1 : i - ivi'l'l' S:l. i 1 1 iii i ii ii i ! v were sat I t ii -ii u .1 iii'i'ii-i i -j" ' - . I i.stied the Locks are being coiis'.i ucteo i l,eio tooo.n4v4 according to contract M';-:K"iI l:iT. i ri 11),). L. a large l.arui o! this tity addressed a large auuience in i Foitland la.st Saturday right. 'it V, e have ; .. ,i .!, ... l,.,.,.l I,,.. l,.,rn tV.t t-e i II I'. 111! .11,1 , .1 'li It ..'. : '...- i- , r I l.l.o (.(iit. ! .st. a nci u ? - v . i.i nil. u o i i oi ii . . , . v - v ... Mi'chell. (Liitield,-. Capb an id several i - llhej- ;ot ill'. pei iuvmed at that ; liii'UV. Dully fo" Cia hamas Imy. Tin: Da.nci-:. Tuesday eve foum 1 one of ! the jollyist crowds of youngsters, at the j i.ince in Mvors" ISall that could be scared I ip in Oregon (City. G The music was excel- i lent: t! nt : en ; i v happy. i i... i. .a;..., i l, th.. ,r,.o! em.-Mi ntieniive; and ev'ei ybod v seemed to be I . ! -We do not wish our reader? Cm ;: rive to the thin?; that because two of our allot- . : .1 tliimhr thev in- lie S -Vt'lf i;t llllCt net: ...O.OK..-J . tend lo f.-ii: courtinc:: !k"V wi!! attend to ; i;;v coaitnig"' that may demand their ; aticntien- ; Our devi! has been si ruck wi'h light- iii : that is he has had the mtsiortun to los-e his -sweet-heart."' It was a I'.em tt-llrf ll.al oi'l u. "e mm-. on f.-pinior of anyone that would rob a devil of his -love."- DcNTisruv. Our young fiiend Langdoiv Caldwell has gone to Portland to b-.n-u the art t-t extracting teeth. with Dr. J We,ch one of the best Dentists on the Pacific Coast. X'o Watchman. At a meeting of the Common Council list Monday evening that body refused to employ a night, watchman. They think money can be expended in more profitable ways-. Fa!K. We acknowledge the receipt of complimentary ticket to the Ulaifce ..... i ; (County Fatr, Washington , e.ii.ory. which j took place on the Dili, 1 Oth and lllh of j October. i . Stiioor,. The school at the Seminary is i iii-n!'ti.c.-!!;(r Hn.dv: the oresent (itutrter l will close in four weeks. The school is under the control of Profs. Macrum, Morelar.d. Nicholson and Miss C;?ufield. Ri.vo A nice lit'le lady's gold finger ring was found in the hall adjoining this ofiice last Wednesday morning. The owner can have the same by calling. EinruNKP. Theodore Clark, late boss in t'au finLb'mg room of the O. C. Wookm Factory, returned last W dne-sday from a short sojourn in "Frisco. Fo;: Oi.YMi-iA. Mrs. V. C. Dement, long a resident of this city, left on Wednesday for Olympia, where she goes 0 ia quest of health. Pk(;iu-:e Mektinu. There w ill be a de gree meeting in the f. 0. G. T. hall this eveniug; all degree members are request ed to be oresent. pigiiSovAi.. II. II. Kiucaid, editor of he Fugoiic Journal, was in town last Mon day. He -was elcik of the 'smelling lock euiuniUte-a.'' Cai.i.kd. Mr. A-Xoluu-r editor of the ICn'tkrckisi-: called on hs the forepart of the week, but returned to Salem Tuesday murr.iiig. Kkuuiocs. Lev. H. Gerry will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday eveniug. F'vOsty. For the past few mornings our city Jus felt a sl'g'it tince of frost. ' o!l bull ot tl;e.i.ovons siock; '""n.vens an- eomddcred among the best i'iU a'e deep red. and, like the Ahler ,h..v -ire strongly marked with their "c-VS;-;Vi..s Mr. 1). B. Crawford took v.oixkctinc, J axks. The Sheriff of this coanf j piv.s noiice that he be. in ror- 1 con nr h v nnntr in t.r -, i for the purpose of collecting State and county tax. as fellows: Catieinah. Xov. 0 Ma rsh field Nov. 11 ; Milwaiikie. Nov P Oswego, Nov. 13; Ttmi.uin, Xv.' U: Pleasant Hill; Nov. 15; Union. Nor. 1(1 Canhv. Nov. 18: Lower Molalla. Nov. 1!); Marquam's. Nov. 20: Upper Molalla. Nov. 21: Cuttings. Nov. 22: leaver Creek. Nov. 23:' Harding's '"V,v V Spiing Water. Nov. 20; L;ig!e Creek', Nov. 30; Oregon City. Dec. 2." Co.vgkkcjatiox.u. Association-. From the printed minutes before us of the last meeting of this association , we find the Meowing statistics which may be of in l,'I''st .'i1 our n':,ders: Church member ship, 373; admissions during the past year. 30; dismissed. C; deaths, a: baptised, KJ; Sabbath School scholars. 703; amount raised for Home mi-sions, i'ldh So; Foreign Missions. So7 20: Pas tors support. .? -1.37 OS!; other obj.-ets. Oli'Jl: Churches. 9; No. ministers. 8: iveraget attendance at public worship'. Oi i . ii - . 1 1 0;$ preaching btaiions, 1. Lkttku. Wo desire to call the utten- tion of our readers, who have not had a chance to visit the Canal and Locks, to a l'x!"J-:nro-h'tter from the' Oreyrvnan i.ublW.ed on I ?U"" wl' .,1'JiIro ohm in ira-gei ut this issue: it is an lunar- I tial description of the works. j IT j i't.fxi). Mr. J. A. Mooie found a new j shawl llit. a,,,.,.,,,,,,, o . 1 j j Clackamas bridge last Mmday; the own- ei can nave the same Oy calbng on him and t roving property. The Chaaipions of the lied Cross meet on Wednesdav i-v,.niM,r, ir, n,, t rw: t : ,, " , . n I 1 ul npnili.il- v.i.. .1 .. ' I and ere long they will crowd the Good Templars out. Ki::x;.s. Fverybudy that lias noth ing else to do is now. getting married: fullr ,bi l'-'l all not yet reported. Go it while you're y ouu Councilman W. L. White, lairolling (.lerk m the Senate, paid a visit to this j city last Saturday afternoon. iT.i.o. ue tii' lyeo going to pres a , few hours in order to get the latest elec tion news. Mr. D. V. Thompson is again at work surveying at the Grand Itonde Keserva- lion . "s :.. . ,r ,, ... . i ,,. ! " J ' '1 'u""- i Heiiatoi' 1 v '. looking we'll and heart v Dr. F. W. Diddle, Dentist, of Forilaitd, is in town. it-'ii1: apbic CM civs dis atc.h sa-.s our Government v. i saor: 1 vj,,0,.,,s nn,j decisive action for nro- - ' tecting our Texan boutidai ic.-; from incur- ' si-ins of Mexican srueg'eis and iobbei Sax Fi:AX"ii'n. ;ct. 7. I I e ;.il'..ii-of t'ie ! evenint; is the Libera! Greeley deiuoustra- j ti.-n. iJ.ititii-- v. ere lighted upon the thoroi; 1 U 12" , ,1 r adiug to the place of ui"Ct n; an ca:eiie.-. rockets and ( ..n,. iU-vvn v vl .;eu tii p: oi a- - ' ' ' 1 . 1 S (el. 'I ! .1 1' : 1 V 'I s:i I ,S til l to tc ,-,., s In wi'pe Streets to wi'O.oss the process! S'tLk:-- ( ) S!.t Lakk. (let. S.- ! idcr IMchards. ia l ! lhe Mormon Con t'eree. Co to ii - v e-i i, , i j peiqile against the v. lies o! the enemy i of the Kingdom, and especial! v against .j,. ?eheo!s. and advised them not to sc;ol their oi-tsi n to Gent! It- schools. 1'Muhaui oU!l- tollowed. S-t.VOlg tie Lriuham You no: tol lowed, s-tviiig ho d'df- , . fl ou !.: the s ';.ke1 . ami sua. MI'I Vt'lU' chii ',n,!-. u to I! see's f.r establishin-r 1 Ilea vet i i I Vi-waro mi ni. ii.Ti M-mi-: ,' h.-t. S. Yeslei d iy afieruf n ,!!'" 1 t Tl. r was strnc-k bv t ti f 1 1 ' n ir ou-iii'r the reiiears-.il of 1'h- F-;;.IJc; - ',,' )f was torn itit iragment.v Tl ipiiimr parsed (town 'he g t- pipe into the building and idong t le tout- ::rii s. rseveta- a i rs vve -e sii-rtu- ly stunned, but none seriously injured. ! icrontA. Get !t S':s: atC received lode from New Westminister atr. ounce ; the smallpox as h.-v:nLr broken out, tie-ie j Cn:u;o, (.!( t J). t tie j i lOHiit: C0iiee!es Fen us v 1 ;.i; ia. and (ihio to the Ieubli- (..j fu!. I: claims Leli i:ra. which is doubt- Xk'-v Yo::k.Oc!. 9.- ir-ml-Vs Rich- mood dispatch has p. !eii(r from ('barb-- t O'Connor to James I. von, of that citv. d a'e-1 Sep'-uiber ::t)ih, in which O'Connor I Siivs hi' las not tmp.eated any alteration in Ins resolve not to i;e a canal ia;e as set, lofdi in his communication to the Tn.,wV-'le Ccoiveutiin Nkw Voi;k. Oct 1). The Trlb rib iin! savs: We have been ei e t -d out of Pennsylvan ia have itiade gains in ( iiiio. but not ei'iongii to carry lhe Slate, and have noth ing discouraging from Indiana. CowAKid.v Ass.,! i.T. We take follow ing in relation to an a'lray which took p. lace in Salem last Vi'edr.esday evening horn (l e Mi-renry of yesterday : "Last evening between six and seven o'clock, a most dastardly attack was made upon Mr. j-Ctigene Setnple. State Printer. The affair occailial as loliows. so far us we aio able to obtain the facts : James D. Fay had srmo words with a gentleman from Fort- land, of an unfr endly eha'.-ncter. but they were separated bv bystanders, and each J !l()r;,y :vr:,;,v:n,l ,onu. p(.i5on went into tl;" d'ming room of the Cliemeketa Hotel and informed some per- sous seated at. a tabic that a person ,ut- ;(j( T;!S )K.kiug use language derogatory n the character of Mr. Fa v. Janus II. Lapper.. Chief of Police of Pcriland im mediately announced his. dofermination to stop the mot th of the individual who was bold enough to say aught of Mr. Fay, and immediately started out of the hotel. On the opposite corner from the hotel, in front oi the Mairno'.ia Saloon he met Mr. Seiu pie who had taken no part in the pre vious controversy made some remaik to him. r?f which we are not informed, and struck him w ith his cane forcing Mr. Scru ple into the Saloon, Mr. S. had however, apparently got the better of the Chief.aud would probably have given him note -ban he anticipated, when Fay and Trevitt. a rcs'nieti; of Wasco countv. appeared and j comnM.nred an assault upo'n '.Mr. -emp: h -emple th-n fjuit Lappeus and went after Fay, but the odds were too much for him, ami nitrites interfering ended the a Hair. There can be no doubt that the attack was pre-arranged, as the two accomplices of Lappeus were inside, the Saloon almost immediately upon the attack, and used their weapons vigorously until prevented by bystanders. "The only comment we shall make at present is that when men are compelled to descend to the degrading alternative of resorting to a cowardly attack upon a per son and that too. with the odds of three to one who may be opposed to them up on certain measures, it is evident that their projects must be in a desperate con dition, and unworthy lhe support of hon orable men. Een. Puttier says he swjjre an oath that! bis right hand might forget its cunning; when he forgot the wrongs of the colored i men of the South. When Den's haDd forgets its cunning' it will he when spoons and silverware are placed beyond bis reach. licforra in the CYation. jne giiai question in the coming Ftps- idential election is. Shall there be reform ! in the National Administration? ! at. . a On the one side, Horace Greeley js ; the candidate who represents bos'Piiv to i p.:blic robbery and corruption. Jlissuc-I cess wm mean that the public business I shall hereafter be managed by honest men', j who will not tf...ii ouue, nor ai;ov sitaiing or bribery in others. On the other side. Ulysses S, Grant .ejoe.cu, puouc robbery (o a boundless extei't the ib f . -i ,' 1 x, m. inc . ab. ol ofiices by members of i his family, and the management of the j penning Lieswell. and the men whom ! George Francis Train and Oakes Ames ! bribed to put through the law ol l.o'L which at one b!ou- (, riu r..i.;i 1 . , , ; hi twenty-seven millions of public money, j ana wimtin 1N,1 passed the iniquitous amendment to the Army Appropriation w hich took a million and a half in cash from fhe treasury, and relieved them lU I'"rt'M'nt tlat,-'1' of investigation and reform and honesty " l!! '-r lree;ev Those who pieter" public robbery, cor- ruptioii nepoUMn present-taking". lh- ''ocry ol bougies.-, and the foul r-:gn of u')' (U-praViiy ami ir.nid wid vote lor ..rant. t Hut it is not m. ivlv tlu'se two catidid- tlU.f u,!fi ,H. causo wj;icl, t.ach 1Vpri.sel,ts that this eleciiou will pass upon. Abovt all. t 11, t!ie Aineiicnn peoph; aie on tii il, and le verdict will be rendered in November. I t ,. ,i , , - ii , i ave they virtue and m.ellige-ice enough ; ih H to J-'liW '''' treasury against ofhcia robbers, to keeii theii leK-is!atioa pure .. 1 1 Iroiii bribery, and to prevent the iaial consequences which must follow upon the sapping and roMing away of the verv foun- (ia!lo!ss of mora :tv and m'ei't l! v iiin.-.iur ,a themselves? This is the great iue now i to bo decided. It is an issue hose im- j portanee iufiuiiely transcends all personal j con.-ideiauoris regarding candidates, and i all predilections and piejudtees for or against i idier political party. On which j side will the maiorii v of Ami-rican cit;-ns be found w hen this great judgment comes i I ! l,j be recorded? A". 1. S ot. I C .i,i,i,'.i l I l U.i.i..,. V,,..!, C.,,.,i i v. -o.,., , una. w ho was one ol Uatuweii saovocates ; :n the fast canvass has taken l no stump for Jreelr-y and Frown. - - . , At the residence of t he hi ide's mother, in ! this citv. October 7, 17-', bv Rev. F, ( Jerry . j .;u CtiAKLKS E. Wai;;;i:s- and Mi.vi Fi.i.i:. ! Safk.u;.ns - a!! of this ci'y. The 'print'." were remembered by the i hanpv brtdecroom in the pre-ei.tatioa of a i box of choice havac.as; ar.d we all, from t . ..... levil i, own ta editor, "puhed to the hcaltu tue newiv ma husband arid wif unite in wishi -g them a j lea-ant journey through Hie. 'deuce of lhe bride's mother, in '-h'scify, Oct d)-,' s. 1S7. by Rev. Jk, D. j l.oeov, lion.!,. T. Maimn and Miss Jo.-i.i'iitNK ll.u:!i::a;-all of Oregon City. C;rns!iaien's of Mr. an 1 Mrs. Ihnin n-eciv- 1 i'. of delicious we-ldi u -jr cake. I a 1 i icuc CO of Charh s Stoker, Scjit. VS-th ls72. I isuei- M ! amcs C-iackamas co :ii y, Oregon. ln this cl-anai-iibLe climate not hi tin is more i -upo-tat; t llim orv f. et ; lnadth a-;d I if. depend oil it ; th. leVore l.uv CAoLE SCKEW WIRE le.ois and shoes never leak or rii. . It lius so lMt i-;-d ttiansands t- witness the benelicial eti'-cis wh'en result Ir-una use of Wist i:'s B m.sam or Wi rn Ciikukv. Con S'UUi" i;.n ) aches its diea'h-il strenutli throtiiih neglected c dels. These eo'ds may t be eouiph.-ieiy cured by the use of ibis j.rep- araii-.n, as al-i- the many i' l ias ol bronchitis, ' wiiooptng-cong'), :, ml other di-trcssing ac- eomp.u. iuients of cMisnmpf r-n. There was a man in oar town And he v;:- wonproe.s wise, lie had ;i pain from ear to ear, Another ! a twi ce, his eves; Au-1 when he saw la' had (Catarrh, Wi'h. all his might and main He purchased Safe's Remedy And had his health a .rain. i It i-i i Pc din". .isfs everywhere. Old 'J'fcitigs Hiivo Passt-l Away. This is at least true of the eld method of treat in.' the long abated and much abused human body. 1 is no longer consipered wise to put a patient t lhe torture in order to eure him of a disease in which pain is alr-ady umlermmhig the energies of his system. True science ranges itself on the fide of lia'ute, and endeavors to assist her ir. her fight against discr.se. This is the province of Hoste'iter's Stomach Bitters, the most ap proved toioc ever advertised ia tl is cou-iiry. It ma" be recommended -as a fail medicine, par excellence; for it is in the fall that bil iousness, dyspepsia and inaluLu-s fevers si re especiaTy prevalent. The frame, cx- fausted by lhe heat of summer, is relaxed urn! Je bleat its close, and requires, we mav mm- .(-iiiu iii---, art.lieial assdManee. A (lord it 'that assistar.ee in occasional doses of llos- ti tcr's Stomach B.ttois, and tee eviis reterr- ed t i iiiav l e escaped, Tlir ugh out the fat West, and ou the steaming alluvial of J Le Southern rivers, id! the vntieties of periodi ca! ft-vfr aie pn bd.lv ri ,"e to day. Had a coeiveo lliost..tei's Bitteis been commerced by the Milhjrers p. uioidli age, ., before the i-j-da allhv feasi'-n set. in, s--ven- ights of them word-.! in all piobability be in their i nniiil heatth at the present, time. So much j tor want. - i ioreeiiM mucb for not i. ... : :.. II.. 1.. iijiioi- il ilii- t i ; : . , 4 . . ;, . -, ; i .... ;0 ., ...1 .... 'uo ,e best saiegnara against epmeuiic and eiu.emi- 1. 1 c ii : a ' " - '' "s-. , - " - o. ............. Itvers, . As I'oeks of imposicrs and imitators are Irvine- to follow in lhe wake of the g-eit "eeri-.n leme-lv, therefore be sure that I on.n, at j.ul.iie uuefi-.n. to the iiig.i.-st 'i-l-i!ie'ertic:e you buv is eeimine and verified i der, all tie- li.ht, title and interest sail estato lilt ..in. . u - t....rt-e le has in the toilowuar d- s.-iil.ed tia.-t oi land, to by the proper tr.uio-m.ri,. e t; lie ,.it.ele ; .-l i.,,..t t!i0 N. w. t-t. V. 1-2 of the X. can old v be rlaiiuud m hottos. beware o. I v. . j.j,,t s. AV. 1-1 and X. VS. 1-4 of S. the spui'iou-5 bitters sol I by the gallon or in j i;. l-t'Jf See. -2. T. a S., K. 1 .!'.. Jior Terms of s tl.-: p-I.h-"i:i; oa.-half cash in hand. Symptoms f lilvcrComiihilnt ami of criie ol ic Iis--s st-s rrmltuni by it, A sabow or yellow color of .-kin, or yellow ish brown spots on the faeo and other parts of the bopv ; dit'C-ness and prowMiu ss wita n"eiuent headache ; dizziness, bitter or bad iaste ia moulh. dryness of throat and inter nal heat ; pdpitation, in many cases a ry, teasing -conglt, with sore throat; uns'ea-lv a-ioeti?e, a rais-e.g of food, and a choking sensation in throat : di.-tre-s, heaviness, or bloated or lull feeling about stomach and sides, pain in sides, back or brea-t, and ab-.uit .shoulders ; colic pain si rid soreness through bowels, with hear ; constipation, al tercating with frequent attacks of diarrhea; piles, fiatuler.ee, nervousness, cohlaess of extremities; rush of blood to bead, wito svitminms of ant'Oidcxy. numbness ot limbs, e'so'-eiullv at nisrbt; cold chilis alternating j vvYtii hot flashes. "kidney and urinary dtiiicul- j fes- female weakness and irregularities. with dullness, low spirits, nuhociaoui.y unu eloomv foiebo.iings. Only a few of the above'svmptoms are likely to be present m auv ca'se at one time. All who use Dr. J'ierce's Golden Medicrd Discovery f-r hvr comnhunt and its complications are loud in it's draises. So'd by all druggists every where. Not eve. v one can be President, but all can buy SILVER TIT FED Shoes for their eLildico and thereby les-eu ti.e.r ,a.oi una lWy0V!sale by all Dealers. Parents lessen vour Shoe bilD two thirds bv buying oaly CABLE SCREW WIhE fastened Hoots and Shoes. Never up or loux- AH cenuine goods bear the Patent Stamp. Public Speaking'. G?o. R. Helm, of the Democratic Electoral Ticket, will address the people cf Eastern Oregon on political questions at the follow- times and places: Fcndlcton. Wcdnc-day, Vcltlu, Thursday, Octc October 2d, at 1 j i- October CJ, at 1 o'clock I P-Jn- , Cll aturday, October th, ut 1 j The C re. Monday. Octol er 7th. at niht i I Fnirn Town, TuesdaT , October 6t!i. at 1 1 o'clock p. in. IJaker City, edncsUay. October tth, ut 1 I g n P' l"' - , ' , . w Li Dora.h), Thursday, Oct.. oer lc, at imrlit. Canvun City ar.d the Dulles, to be ana.- Fleotors, can join me in discussion if thev dcsil'e" To protect the understanding of hmmiuit v itliiiur there is I ke leather fastened toge'.h"- rmtl it uv c.ii'i., nr. i ii nvr,. Jioots and Shoes mace in this way never rip, or leak or coine a pa; t. For the very best photographs, go to P.rad i ley Rulofson's Gal'eiy wiih.-ut STA11L-- i lT ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 4-'i ! M'uit .roniei v Street. San Francisco. ! FA t.I,S F.AfAMPJJK.VT AO. 4,1 V. O. ! Meets at Odd Fellows' Had on the j FIPST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each ne.nth. Patrnrchs in good stand- u.r an. i,1Vited to attend. 1-el. t--, 1 72:t; 2l II O T i: M I'll A E! T 1 v , , YT- U T? W0'11 5n VCI' oe-t s.vie oi : he ai t, at reasonable prices, jWograph takJn at -0 per doJen aoi s oi ureyon i n v lor sale. Rooms On Main i-trcct, o;)jo-ite Thos. Clianium's btore. aug.'jotnl Oregon Lodge .No. 3, I. O. f O. I-". sSgipu ",octs eveI'' lhursday even hl at 7 '-','!'-,t-. Odd Fellow's ' '' Hall, M tin s eet. Members of the Order are iuvited to attend ! order. .V. - Ut-Iet-eu lirgree Jjcsgc .o. O. O. V. GJ$ 'lcct m lhe Second and Fourth TUESDAY J;VEX1X(JS. ' of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Ul.L Members of the De-rce ate invited to t( It I utl u!!! ii S l?d s- Xo, I. A. I:it A A. M. Holds its regular c-unmunica '-V'-tiuns on the ' tin'l 77, ir. Sttn-- j''''i! in each month, at 7 o'elot k from the t!i (.f SM. od-r to t he - U h v t March, and 71, o'clock fro-.i the -Joth of March to the 2.-th of September. Rietii ren in good standing are invited to attc-rol. Dec. -J.-..ls7o, ilv or.ler of W. .M. fw rl?I5a.y. Good Gablo Screw Yv7ire MWU AXD SHOES. Arc Selling from EVSaincto Estrav Kotleo. . , ' ,- 1 -t pA,Mvi.ix,o.x i'Ui- ' reek. Alitioil mi l'ie-n:et, (..lack.i- laaseoau'v. ).-.,, o- ci.-dish i.-.-.ndl.- cow, :t .,r ! 4 years old ; w!,:e ir-nd !..-: , juarltsorhratnR i grin-:N ft' i.v ,io d.-?t vuan kt.tn, o -M i ns-- i at lo- icuilT. I i U sM I';-i X. J. I' jtec.ji'j. i .ia-;. 2t. t-i;:. J . M. i-'iiA.Ki:, l!'l a i Coau- v i lesk. w e, il J k but.iO'Vi Totici; is it KKi.r.v ;ivr.x 'I'H.VT v'K, - I'a'.c Li-en duty apjaiiiiO-.i J'.e-a-..rs of the last wi!l a.i.t t. s-asa: t.t of . 'J". MA ll.O- 1C, ... . ,-- - I. ,H pei-...::-, ! ' o,:' ciaiers ;er,0u-t s.ii.l es'-ite ;;; la-i-et.;,- no; i!:e-l lo j.ieseu. theia i r.'i!. ilv v i di.-.l to us ai ihc odii-e oi .'o'oim-u iV ."!'' 'own, i!i ( i ri ,'. ii: ( 'it y, v i-hin six uionths Sroni ! Hie ilaie OL t ;,.-;.)' ice. .. a. .MAI U U, T. J. :.!ATl.ni'K, F. .-i-..:-- ef the s':le ot V. f. M,t:l.-!;. J Oil N t X iV M..-1 W X , Aitoi-eevs for Kve.-utors. tre-o:i City, .etcher 11, P72. liaOw I A d mini otraio r's iotsco- "C'G'li'K is Hi-.KKP.y (dVKX THAT I - h ve I.e. ti duly aiu oiiitcd A.'oniaislr.iior ot' th-.- estate of L m'WS'A S I'KWA it 1', deceased, 1-y t :;!.' J 1 on. o !t;ty I 'o;i i t of C'l ;;.'; -i tici s I 'o-oir y, n. t'-.o t ct.i!.T term tit 't'eo!. 'i'lier--tore all jt soiis having claims a-tain-a said estate are h.-t- ey no iiiid to present t hem to ia? proper! v v,--i-i:ii-d at t!:e olti.- o!' .!oim-):i Md 'own, in Origan ( h y, within .sj.i lae.iitlis fr-mi the d i'e uf t lit - no tice. rilAlii.ils Sl'iAVAKT, Adii.mis' Viilor of s.tid estate. jouxisox iv :i )vx, Attoiaeys for Administrator. Oi-.-poa City, (Ic'ol.i r 11, ls,72. naOwl In the matter of the estate of John iv. Dickey, cl-'ceased. "E N THi: Ct)"XTY COt'llT OT CLACKAMAS (-unity, StM-e of 4')retroa, Oetotier term IST'J; the ivlteiiJtsirators of s;iid estate h.aviti-t tiied their exhihit tor thud -t'lei-ient ' h- i e...f. it is or dered Ly the Court il-tit M-mday the fourth, -Ith, lav of X'ovcml.er, 1 S. 7 2 . he set aoait lor the lieai- ! iiea- '.f ol.iect ions t- said iin-il account aud tor the w.-tt'eiiient t her.' of with Jtaymond Dickey anu ) utiles . 1 iek- v, t he adm i nisi r i tors thereof. Jiv order ot lion. -C !. "V AIT, Count v .led;--e. Attct: t. V. ( A Cli tod i. Canty Clerk. Uregon City, t -tot.cr 1 1 tit, l:.'. " ii'iaw-l Ad rr-i nistrator's tilotico. In the matter of the estate ot" J'- 'US l.iliAY, le . erased. TV-otic!-: is iiki:t:i;v iavi:x that tiik -i-t uiidcisiLOH'-l has hi en app-.-in ed Administra tor ot" the aliove named e';i'..'; iual all persons havintr -'la mis a.r:iii:st the said, e-tat-- tire- lu-ret-y required to present them with the proper vouchers, within six months 1'iom the -.hite of this t;o! !--e, to t he m idei-same-d at his r--sideiiee in Hea ver Cr. e'.c i ; . m . 1 i. iiame f.mnlv. State of ) ....-.-on. JOHN Noyi.it, Administrator. iih i.LAT AV. it 1. ii.V, Attornevs for Administrator. 1 luted Octooer 11th, 1.S72. n.'xhvl Kotlco cf A c5 mini st rat o r' s 'o'lirt; is Jiidtiiliy acx IJIAI i- xNi vo ttie of an onler of tic xloti. oetnty I onri . ... i , i ... .1 ; oi I aj- oiliia. eiHiio v, ltiaoe at i ne M-,oo' i o . jn ,h(, la.,tKT ,',f t;. estate of .1. S. M-Ain- ,..oii. I uii! on Mou-iav, the 4-h dav of -Miveiiil-r. j is-.i'ar he bom- of ..vea o ctoi'lc at t IK- I ouri ) Jtou-e door in On- ioor ia 0;i-:oii iry. i lai-katnas c.iion. Terms of sale: gold cm: un.-haltceliin liau-t. the o'lic-r half i-avah;e ti m-mins after sale wuu .,. and mortage. J. M. MeAMMOX, X-lmisiistrafor of estate oi J. S. MeAmmon. l)at-"l Octol-cr 11th, IS7J. nAuwl S5 tO SAU 'i .-- o( working p.,.r-lo,of work tor us in tii.-.v Mar- m-.-oenis, or u.ii.r tim-', than at iinyii.ni-r else. J art leulars fret-,ei'.-, (,. S. tin son .V '".. l'orilaud, CViame. .Vei.n-lill-er 27th, is:-:ly. L-arrri fcr Sale. A FKM E - ACRE'S FOR SALE. J Xeaiiv all under itoo.l fence; about -SO arr.-s i c litivation. For particulars enquire of the m.dcrsigni.-d at the I'-ife .1. A. iA( O.N. Oregon City, Sept. l-:. n"7 w3 Taken Jp. rjiKE' UP UV SAMCEI. DIvOWN IN X'Cauemah Precmt, one three-year old heifer, liirht red, spot in the face, no marks or brands. , Arpra,cdat MarciM Up Recorded X) Reeordvr. sep'i'.'nGT To save One DoUar by an extra outlay of Five cents. Parent, should buy SILVEIl TIPPED SHOES for their children. EeP27uil JUST RECEIVED BY CH1KLES II. CAUFIELB. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, constating ia part of Viliioi- , LADIES' AND CIIILDlvEsS' SHOES, Groceries, Grockes'y, c-9 &c- All of which I will sell tit the LOWEST RATES. Give m- a call before purchasing else where, and convince vj.nrse.lves that 1 CAN and WILL SELL as cheap s the cheapest. CI1AS. II. CAUFIELI), CORNER MAI AND irEVENTH STREETS, OREGON CITY. i Grocer & Provision Dealer, ! Next door south of the Court House, Main Strict, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN EirV F h Rll V PCOftrRirf ILb t f ArlfiLl bKyOfcilSllbj COFFEE, TEA ', SUGAR, FLOUR AND M HAL of all kinds, nv -,-r.. . CANNED ERllTS and 0 SI ICRS, Also, an kinjsof tresn ruits ana vegetables. j BUTTER, CHEESE and EGfJS. TOLA CCO and CIGARS. GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex change f-r goods at the highest market rates. tdo.ls ft-! i rjo i'.l in lhe eilv- tree of ;! iare. A fair shrre of patromi-e solicited. I March 23 ls72:if ' j C! : LITE A SB LET LIVE! THE Olim'X niV HACK AaD DRAV CO. HAVING PURCHASED The Livery St ale and Business O '-Js-- of Mess-s. Wi i.i. is A: lJaoi-oiiTox, .-tX, iind the Drays, Dorses and Business of ('. N. Gui knman, are now jut-pared to carry ou mvi:uy nrsixKS?, AM WliAYIVO. We will also deliver slab wood to all those persons to whom Willis A: Rrouohfon have engaged a nd as many more as will engage slab wood from us, so far as we can get a supply. Orders lerf at the Livcrv Stable for oo-l. Iir.ivii.gor lla.dinz, will be attended to with i: " ? i, , i - l!.l,,ilU'1'- Fat.o.iaee m our several bran cues of bnsim so.ic.ted. Our Cla ge- su U t;- Moderate jtr;rT!ie Highest Cash Fiicc- paid for Oats' delivered at the Smlde. C. X. GREiCNM AN", F.esideti, J. M. FRAZER, Secretary, Of O. C. 11. k 1). Co. Creg.Ki Citv, Aii2. L72. tf. Tin-: i'or.i.ov'ix; mi ' sir-pax m 1 are reeeotnmended as I cing ti e r.HST of their ch-.ss : -i- "Ha TJe' The Song Eefio. for Schools Ja Kiukefs Xew Method for JU-ed TT ti 1 O-.x-an will he re;tdv Aug. 2- " MJ l'eter.s' Keleetic 1'ia.uo ScUih-I, I , 9fi 0 55" over .'iiia.ihlo eopies it liTi ivtcrs' itcorowes' Trin es m use. , I " - ' inier -;o Ar V, orr all's out ar s-choo! 1 jiO J Festi val Chimes, Singing- classes 1 ."id Xe Tins CItra (ile-; Hook, with j prrt i'iano or 0::m Ac'p'tat ) ' TiJ leu's School for the Voice.. 3 AH ; J'ete'.V Art of Sineina' 3 00 Tr i Wiehtl's Vi-.lm Seli'I. Peter's ed., .'5 CO J3 K nmiii'-r's i'lnte School 3 CO ytp V.'itti in-'r-ted ts Vi-ilia Sclu M il .. . 7a JJLi AViini.ierstedl s l'lute School. iV Ti-ters' Violin S.-hool i'ctcrs' l'lute School iJ ft i l'etei-s Parlor Coiujiimion. Tor I " $) l'lute. Violin, and I'iano. i "P jf Teters' i'arlor Campanion. For 0 ()J iiii. 1 lute and I'iano, y ' o Any Music will 1 scut postpaid, on reeeiot ot the marked price. Ad- ti cress, t4 a J IT TfTlo'S -i'1'l llffifulivHV -A J. L. I'I'.TKitS, j'J'J ih-oadivny, New Yolk. inarIGm; ---AND rjV XX 111 X3 rJT C EL Eli RATED S "W7" X s s STOMACH BITTERS Th? PI rst and most healthful Tonic ev v. inlroduccd in the United States. H These Dittets have ! been in the San Fran ti cisco Matket for over fl '1 vt-a4y Vi-iivs, and f-i not wiihst Hiding the M . i;.i.,t.. .... lll(llll 111-11 1 O. , 1 1 ... , O for public favor, the ..sales have const milv liinv ne i;iinuiuuii 11 s M hicrensed i i . ; lV, ." y l-.i-i. s-i.; Ajtents, ! fl Jo'.l and 411 Clav St., I 1 San Fiancisco. v FALL& WSRITER JUST RECEIVED UV l. LEVY. T II AVE JUST REDEl VED A COMPLETE ! JL and weU-assoi-tcd stccK ol CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING AXD GEMLOIENS" ITRMSIII.XG GOODS, Which I will sell at reduced prices. ! Call and examine my stock before purchas ! ing elsewhere. J jfl f(jr GOOtlS. , A. LKVV, ri.ia street. Orcgou City. GOODS, CONFECTIONERY SALOON ! Fresh Oysters!! - - - Proprietor. Coiner of Fourtli and lilain Streets. lRESII OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY JL st !e desired. Conlcctioncrv of every j kind contant!y on hand. 1 manufacture all my own s'ock, which is ! sutlieient gifai antee that it is fresh and pure. ! Call if want of a good cup of , tea, I ore noeolate, or anything in my line. j Oregon City, September (i. l72:tf ! " j ' SHADES SALOON, i jc . HAAS, Proprietor, j laain Street, Creg-cn City- j o Hot BILLl.t HI) TJlir.F.Sin OR KG OS ' Have been introduced . and the Proprietor in vites the attention the lovers ot this popular ainuserncnt to them the r, A i; IS SIP PLIED )Vit!l a11 ,ii0 choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Ins!) and Bourbon alrcudj famous Whiskies and Punch. ALSO, A NO. 1 SKCGTEftC GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Ore-on City, Jan. 1, ls;72:tf IEW GOODS at Tin: L 1 N G G L H B A K E R Y. WILLIAMS Cl E-iADIfjC, TfAVi: JUST OPENED A FULL YARIE- J.A. tv of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND FROYJSIONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh DREAD, CR ACKERS, CAKES, PASTRY, CAN D I E- AN D NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at ;eosf . Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the tanning trade we would say, CASH tor you. produce, ami ('ASH for our goods. Goods delivered to ail parts ot le citv. Feb, Hi, ls72:tf FALL AND WINTER GOODS JFST K1CCEIVED AT lUMLEIt IN DIIV GOODS, CLOTH LG, FOOTS AND SHOES, 11ALD WA LE, GUOC ICR 1 FS , CROCKERY, NOTIONS, &.C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PKOP-FCFof all kin lsr bought, for which I pay the highest market price. if ton desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, call at I. SELLING'S, anet examine his fresh stock of Spring Good. GIVE HE A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. M v Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I. SELLING. April 14. 1-Tl:tf T ""1 I 7 Q w,i would call IVJl- O the a uttention of Teachers and Amateurs to Kixkkl s Niav Mktiioo roil Tin-; R.Khn Os-iAXAXii Mkloheox, which we will issue about September First. This woik is pronounced superior to all oth ers of its cla-s by Teachers w ho have exam- NEW METHOD ii-ed it. It contains a clear and simple course of iastruc'.ioti w hereby unj oir. may easily acquire the mastery of this favorite Instru ment, with a few month's study. It will al- r r f ri? v,a be a o1 vor' JL J ii i A JL ili ite work with the Teach- r, on account of its clearness and sys tetnatic progression ; more ol an amusement than a xti"j;t for the Pupil, and will prove a mint of km (lt!t to the Amateur, ou account of the manv choice Melodies, Songs, etc., that HEED OliGAN. Mr. Kinkel has iclected and arranged ex oresslv tor this vvoik. ifiukei's New Meth od wid be mailed, post-j;iid, on receipt of i-2 .-,o. Address, J. L. PETERS, .V.ifi Di oadvvay, I .!11 j . V. ! Semi Go cents for the late-t number of FETEES' HUSICAL MOHTHLY anu yon will i'C-t at least tl worth ol our lat- est and best Voc;il and Instrumental Piano M usic. Scptemb:r Oth, ls72. in2 The htandurd re:n l v for C -s;ls. finit- iiiih, ,sv.,. Throat, liitorp'ng. Cotifsfi Croup, Lir-r Cwrn,!ah;t, BrnncUU, Wee-linr of the Lints, ram every affection of the Thioat, Lunas and Chest, including Consumption-. Liiar's Balsam of Wil.l Clu-rry j n remocipg ft cause of the coaiplaiut. None j genuine unless Mgrieu i. uciis. nrj-i. ! r - wr IV..,-. V.v-j i n.ton Sin 11 liV , it -I, - n..n.i.,J ; oUMTETiw i Co.aa frkncCci &ed bv dealera generally. mmm mm O THOMAS CHAEMAN ESTABLISHED - - 183 DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette Valley, that he is still ou baud, and doing business on the old motto, that -.Y Nimble SIx-l'nce Ubcttcr tban (V Slow Shilling." I have just returned from Saa Francisco,, where I purchased one of the UAIUJICST and 1JKST SPJLJCCTIMD Stock of Goods o ever before offered iu this city; and consists in part, us fe-Ilaws : q Scots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry GoOdsr Hat3 & Caps, Hosiery of every rescription, Hardware, Gro eerie s, Faints & Oils, Sash & Dccrs. Queens-; o ware, Crockery, o Go Glassware. o Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedvare, Jewelry of various) o qualities & styles, Clocks & Watches L$ O dies & Gentlemen s rum- iing Goods, Fancy Notions' of every description.Patent Med--icines, Rope, Fanning Implements' of all kinds, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c, Of the above list, I can sav mv stoct is th MOST COMPLETE ever offered" in this mar ket, and was sleeted with -siiciul ca re for tliis mai lo t. 0f which I now t-fl'er for sale at the O Lowest E&arket Rate No use for the Indies, or anv one else, toi think of troin-r to Portland to "buv pood forU I am DE'lERMIMCD TO SELL CHEAP and not allow myself to be IWDERSOLl) IX THE STATE OF OREGON All I ask, is a fair chance ar.d quick pav--ments. Reliev ng, as I do, that nineteen years' experience in Oregon City enables me to Know lhe reqtt ements of tlie trade. Come one and all,, and see for vourselTC s thai the old fcfand of o THOMAS CHARM AN o cannot be beat in quality or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all tbe advan tages I can ofler you in the sale of roods, agO every store that advertises dot-s that, and q probably you have been disappointed. All I w ish to say is, come and see and examine !or yourselves, for I do not wish to make any mistakes. My object is to telP all mv old fi iends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell g-oods. cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all foP3 the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. Til OR. CflARSf ACS', Main street, Oregon City. i3T"Lpgl Tenders and Couaty Script taken at matket rates. TIIOS. CHARM AN. ZT'ZO.CVO lbs wool wanted bv TIIOS. Cll ARM ANV EEL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. JACOlt STITEt, C. C. V. AT. JACOB STITZEL&CO., SUCCESSORS' TO STITZEL & UPTON.,. REAL ESTATE A B Cor. Front iiraf "IVashington Sis., PORTLAND, OREG OX . Special attention given to the sale of farm ing lands anil city property. All corres pondence relating to the reconrcea of Ore--gon will be promptly answered- EEAL ESTATE JOURNAL o Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. JACOB STITZEL & CO. March la, !S7'2:tf O T3VIaSTTJSL ESTAU RANT, o LEOraDeLOUEY Proo'r5 I EA TE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE) MAIN STREET, OKF.ROX CITV, OKEGOX. JL spceifully announces to his &v'l ft lends and the ti aveling imblic, that l.e has re-opened the above naincu Hestaiirant. The jiroprietor knows bow to serve fiiV csutoniers with Oysters, Pic's Feet, a good cup of Coffee or a SQUARE MEAL. EICON DeLOUEY Oregon City, Jtn. 27, lS71:tf A VOID QUACKS. A victim of early fn' ii. discretion, causing nervous debility, premature deuiv, Ac., having tried in Tain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of seif-eure, which lie will Fend free to his fellnvv siiflerers. Address J. II. REEVES, 75 Nassan st. , New York Sept. 1 :ly EY WAG OK Carriage Manufactory J The undersigned, having inrreasethe Ji mensions of bis premises, at the old stand O Corner of Maio and Third streets, Oregon City. Oregon. o 1 Takes thin method to inform his old pat rons, and as manv new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with nmple room, good materials, and the veryQ best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron0 and turn out il I complete any sort of a ehicfe from aeom mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing aeatlv, quicklr and cheap ly dene. DAVJD SMITH. Oppobite Eiceltiet 2Itkfe O o 0 Co o o o O o o (S, S O e 0 O G O o o O o 0 o o o O o StS',S" 'AIPjfm,.