Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, October 11, 1872, Image 2

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v . 1
SljclUcckln (enterprise. j
OREGON fITV, ORECD.V,- OCT. 11, lS7i. j
FOR PR 1 1) 12 XT,
5 i
For Vice President,
Presidential Electors, -GEO.
II. of Linu County.
K. II. GATES, of "Wasco County.
K. t. SIIATTt't'Iv, of Multnomah.
The Contest i'mded.
The contest of Messrs. n1Sj
Martin and Shipley for their seats
in the Legislature to which they
were legally elected, was reported
to the House last Friday. Ihere j
were two reports present eu,
ted, a ma-
jority and-minority. Hie lormer lolu.sly triumph. "We should like
Owas made by the Kadieals on tlie to j,avc cai i iea I'ennsylvanifi, but
Committee, and the latter by the j wiU mvc a lnnjority jn tiC :iecto
two Demoenfts, whiclt report ral College of ho without- her. The
published in our last issue. i ne j
" . . . .., i,,t I t r - J 1 Ms;
luajoriiy icjiuii .i.- .j"- "-
jnioht have been anticipated from
a party which has no regard for
either the rights of the people or
jttstice, and took the ground that j
perjured Judges of Llection m j
Lum City precinct had tlie power
to throw out the votes cast in that
precinct. After this decision, the
people of t Clackamas can expect
Jim Moore and John Gordon to
dishanchise them at any future
election. "We expected nothing
better than this action on tlie part
of tlie Committee, but were not
prepared to notice the outrage per
petrated in the House. A resolu
tion was introduced by Mr. Clow,
-t , , .. -i . 1 : . . . - r
Ot J o K, setlilior x lKi.iy e eiiiiio JUI
' J ,
liie Jiearing oi tne ease, aim iu.a
both parties be allowed to apcar
bv counsel and argue the case,each
fcide occupying not to exceed one
ho'nr. This resolution was voted
down by a vote of 20 to 24, there
being four liadieals out of thirty
who appeared to be willing to give
the case at least a hearing. The
pica was made that the House had
too much business to consume this
much time in the case, and Den.
Simpson and Mr. Caples, of Port
land, argued that tneir minds were
made up and had been on the ones- :
lion, and wanted to vote on it then, j
The idoo ilmt lm-ssiiw business did i
l i
not allow them to give the ease a ,
K.tiv iKf tvtis n most, s .a ow me-
tence to meet, a most infamous to charge corruption to the IVni
iece of rascalit v. The very same j ter.tiary uilding Commissioners,
day the House adjourned in the ', and ah-o the Superiutemlent of the
morning until next da' and the ; Penitentiary, and appointed a joint
members could all be seen on the ! committee to investigate the ac-
fair grounds. The next morning
House again adjourned until T ties
Tuesday at 2 o'clock. It wiil be seen
by the amount of time thus squan
dered by them that their pretence
wits as false as their actions were
infamous. Thus the people ofisfbows:
. , . - I " V-.ur rtinitiiittce having securej the sor-
Chickamas county are misrepre- t vi of lu M i,0 France; President of the
Seilted thrOlKdl the rascality of
Cary Johnson, and the infamous i
,. , , . i-
timl jramlulcilt returns Ol tlie j
iudo-es of election. V'e appreliend i
J .1
that this act on the part of the
Legislature in endorsing the WOrk
of those who illegally obtained
their certificates and wliO HOW Sit
in the Legislature, claiming to rep
resent our county, will meet with
stum a condemnation at the polls
two years hence as to show these
.vise men of our iState that the peo
ple do not endorse their rascality.
The time for such action in Clacka
mas county as was perpetrated last
June, and sanctioned ly the Legis
lature, is passed m our ceUlty, and
tl,., ,.,ib.,i r d. ,..,,.1,. ,,-;n .,
v..cc wi n.v pewioc ,wu i,iv.- a
just and loud rebuke at the iaolls I
in 1874. Let these co-laborers in
1i, .e i , . r -1 x -i) i
the infamy ot James -uoore, IX 1 j
Thompson and -A . Cary Jolmson.
remember two years hence. Ket
ribution sometimes coie.es slowly,
but it is sine.
AVnit'ii"? The (hj,iiiit and
JiulkiltL are at war about whether
1 i -r 111 -i - , ... .
jeu. Jioiiaoay owns tne J ichll Oil- :
can party or whether he owns Ore-1
i -t
The .UidhAin claims that he !
owns both, and lrom the v.-ay ;e
handles his tools in the Legislature, i
Ave arc inclined to believe that if;
he iloes not own both he is m a
lair way to do so.
Sroe Tnim Tiie moral editor 1
of the Gazette isloMii)g up both
liands and protesting against the '
Kadical members of ihr; I erisla- !
lure robbing the State, II
e Kays t
their acts will .lame the party fur j
all time to come; just so, Carter,!
-o- ,v'i,. ,i: i- .. . n- ' i
jgi o j vieuit tor leuin'j lhe
truth once in your life a lare thint'
for a lladical editor to do4
si "s-vnt.
sUrauia, Ohio, Indiana and Da- j
Pennsylvania, tun
- kotaE
Ve have received the partial
returns from the elections held in i
the above named States last Tues-
j day. Pennsylvania is claimed by
the Grantites bv about 20,000 ma-
liority: this is as we expected as
I Grant, throu-h IJoutwt-ll and Sen-
ator Cameron flooded that State j
with money from the Treasury in j
"Washington. Ohio has reduced j
the Radical majority from 40,000
.) j '
to 10,000 and the Democrats claim
. -i i , 1 ,.c.,r-10.-i !
to have framed a Congressman in ,
Harrison count v; there can be no I
! .i ..I... ,i.. tl, n,J,.v
lOUUi, lU.ll. hWI, iiiwiii.i v.,..v.
will carry the State by 10,000 ma
jority. Indiana is redeemed !
Thos. A. Hendricks is elected Gov
ernor over the Grant candidate bv
a large majority. Dakota Territo
ry has elected Armstrong, Demo
crat, bv a small majority. Dakota
Ims usually given from 5,000 to
0,000 IU')ullican majority. Thus
ve scc tj,;U ;u tie c;ulll, VAU West
tJje ix-ci-ats; are gaining ground,
-pjiat where the voice of the people
is not stilled with money truth and
i;l,i;c.;ils made a desperate ilolit
in Indiana, but were met on every
hand bv defeat.
IJurrali for CJeoria !
j yyU:iy iQ c.kclion for Stale
omci.rs occurrca in Georgia. The
Grantites made a desperate strug.
gle to carry the State; they caused
"straio nt-outs to trot out a
ticket in opposition to the Liberal
Democratic ticket, thus endeavor
ing to divide the forces of their
opponents, but they have for the
fruits of their labors 50,000 majori
ty for the Democratic Slate ticket!
This is evidence enough to con
vince anyone that the South is in
earnest, about removing the i.res-
s-. i
cut occupant or tlie s Inle liouse,
and reforming the civil service.
Greeley and Drown wiil receive
tlie largest vote in the South ever
given to any Presidential candi
dates. She is tired of carpet-bag
and military rule, and will be a
unit for the civilian Horace Gree
ley." This majority in Georgia is
an increase ot over Ju,0)0 aoove
that of 1870, and ensures tlie State
to the sage of Chappaoua by a still
larger majority next November.
1 1 ai r;
,!. for
( ieoro-ia
'i lie
ladieal members
of the
present Legislature, upon
...it;. .. . i" . l .4. i .. l ..
I i i ( 1 as
tscmunn'' oi tii.ai ooo, maae iiasie
e h
counts of the same. Ve find in
the proceeding of tiiat body last
Wednesday the following:
I'atcrson, from the Joint Committee ap
pointed to examine the accounts of the l'eu
itcr.tiary lliuldirg cotiiir.ission.and r.lso those
of the Sunci iiiti ndent of the same, repotted
I Commercial to. lege in 1 ortland a compete:
College in Portland, a competent
hooti-keepcr, as c.ctk, proceeded to give tlie
books. t vpeuditiuc and accoiu.ts of the c-m-
mission and Superintendent a thorough and
,.,Iipt.u. examination. The report of Mr.
I'",S!11; !' tU' ,rr,tVHs 1 f lhe V",IC,':',';
issued and the receipts for money expended
agreeing with tke books kept, is lit-re with
'''..'vc Committee have personally exam
ined, lirst. ti.e u-.th.y ami expeml i t u: e or' the
sc;,o i it at ;o ii rooiiat ed bv the last Legishitive
j Assembly ibr the construction of permanent
l emtenti -try LuiK'nie-s. and nnd tnal tliev
have been char.ft ti r x.eO by carefulness ami j
axaetness. Secondly, that the Superintend- i
cut ot the pcnitci.tiary has furnished the
sion, as per pnnrcu re; oris, man v- ;
iais, c;i-h and c- nvict laoor to tlie amount
ot ..s,"L) ", 01 wr.icli lias la.'ca
i t
ro- !
pi lately an.l advantageously used. ihirilly .
vour Committee has particularly ex m u
nil the outstanding iiitlebtedaess of the
Ihiild.ng Commissi, hi, which we iiml to be
t he s mi ot .v; t.i'i. s o:h :is nt-r '.nil' I 'Jo of the t
orir.'etl rc'-oit. f'u- which the! e ' has been is- i
Saed vouchers, No. 1 to 4"
i he
tor each article of merchandise
or labor has been the subject or critical ex
animation, and we tind them to he the !
uudnit ra.es lor tne ipiaaty
o. gotms pur
d that the tair-
,ha ed of lab- r perm rmeJ,
chases lane b en
Ml V i 11 r to lh, Stilt
made with a vow t
.-.:lVOir to til,. Still.. li. ...a ,w itl.ln
That "a large voition of the saute articles
could not be pr.rcl'-asod to-dav without a ma
vri:l, advanc' pon the price's paid.
Tiu.sc outsbtinling vouchers we would
nre pet Kelly correct in
di ami
every item, ot the amount charged, ami
o .
wiuu.i n ci oame. ud their pr.yment, toge
'' I
wit li such P-g it lnti rest as would ue due
thereon had State v.'-arn-n's been issiea!
i:i.o f-,i ,.r ,-, i,.o-- ..,,u ,!,.,, .,,..1 !
n appru-
ju-iate legislation be nad as laay be
sail iu cocci liiis pu po-e.
" v have id-o examined, in the sauu
inniilii.r fl., 1 ,,,,L 1 . e I
- . , v j-iij.-. i o -ion K't'l'llllIS W I
the Snperuitendtut ot tiie IVtiitentiarv, ami I
H Vh0' tue" J,u:-V i
Intl., aiul ad tlie C.Mh HO tu e.s have been
oiUiCuitv and wit a due re ir aril to i
li.e liiie.tsis ti u,c s,iate. ihat tt;eoeti
ciencv in this i'ci..art mi t.t amouuts to Is-
t, i.i per page 41, piinttd report, which
tuhy submitted
amount we reccommeu A be tuid. Itespcci-
A. W. Pattkusok,
)'. S. Stuauax,
Coot, on part of Senate.
Wm. Darst,
KiU.T. Ikant,
A. Ik lb ruiANic,
Com. on pint oi ilouse.
lJt.-evt.-nox. Covcrnor drover
. rmv. :i recent ion last
Wednesday eve
f , 'pi v.
most spk'lHlKl Si
enine;, wliieh was a
iccess. Tiiere were
three lumUred visitors m at- ,
- . .t
- :
Report of the Canal and Lock Col
The following is the report of
the Joint Committee appointed by
the Legislature to visit and exam- j
me the Locks at. tins place. It,
will be seen that the charges of the
,. ,. , j., . -, j
Kadical press ot the State, made j
for political purposes, lias been
given tlie lie iy men own party
1 Representatives. The report is as
irfr ",, , . ,Vlm n' I n Ur
whom v. as referred the examination of
Canal -and Locks at Falls oi' Willamette
have visited the same, and report, that the !
, . , . .,,,..,,., ;
work is boiusr pushed forward with 'Teat i
energy toward completion. Your com- j
wii'w catinot soea.v in too great praist
cannot soeaii in too great praise '.
ct(, ,.,nvt. ,,f '!,.. a Jc ,.r
a very heavy and durable character ; being j
built of very large stones, mostly brought j
lrom a quarry on Clackamas river some
ten miles from the canal, though some
smalt portion of the stone work has been
made from a quarry at the hiwer end of
the canal. There are five locks in all.
each of which is 210 feet in length, bv -to '
feet in width. The lower one is 40 feet
in depth, the second one is 30 feet, tlie j
third one is 20 feet and the fourth one is i
10 feet in depth. The upper or guard
lock 120!) feet above the fourth one is j
also 1! feet deep. The third and fourth
locks i. re built partly, and the last named i
almost wholly ol'.-oiid masonry, the hu!
io! io w
quoins being supported by eounter-lort.s j
ol solid masonry 12xl." feet at the ton and 1
16x23 feet on the bed rock.
The breast walls are built of wry
heavy stones six feel long in the middle of
the arch and decrease at the hollow
quoins wnere they res! against the natural
wails (d tue canal, or counter torts to .
and -1 feet in thickness, and are of sufficient .
strength to re:.-i an
y pressure ol
wlieu Hie "rates are clo
sen. liowever irreat
it may be. The divis'uoi or section ol the
canal, between the fourth and guard locks
lias a solid lor.ndatiou built of stone on
the bed roi k, ar.tl rising to within one
loot of the bottom of the canal, on which
i to be built timber woik ami securely
fastened by iron r Is to the bed rock
the I'uu.-i to be inserted two leet deep.
the lower end beinir snlit am
1 an iron
wedge inserted secur.'iv faaening the
sa:::e w ten driven to the ho torn ot the hole
driUed in 'In rock for that purpose.
'i he timber woi k is to be faced on the
canal ri.i.' with four inch, and cm the
river side with three inch plan';, and the
inside or crib is to be filled with stone
from :ht wi.it k.
The upper .and last section, of 1.003
feci, in length above the guard lock is
-I.. ........! i ., ., i : . i. . , o . . . i ; i .....
ii. .ti i l l i i iii j . 1 1 n . . ii 1 1 1 1 is i . 1 1 1 . v , ) . i .ill.... i
as just described, ami is buiit id' various
sections wish diifereiit angles so as to be
on the Lest foil ndat iotis. and irive the
greatest resistence to the wieer. The
upper poition of which i.b'.ut -100 feet II.. 15. No. 1. to repeal the Litijant Law
tortus a kind of basin at the upper en- ! came up for final net ion and the bill pa-s
trance, being in width from 130 to 300 I ed with the fjllowiiur vote: ayes 115. no
feet. The excavation save the last 100 ; Andrews. Crooks. Wright, Waldon, am
feet at the lower cud of the canal is nearly i White li ve.
Ci 111 p leted.
the work" st
conipleii' al
lock bv the
i he rim
ems com
i lent
employt'd on
that- he wni
e w oi k
bove the
Oi '
November and Com-
plele the locks by ihe 1st of January next.
Important Opinio::.
The following Important opinion
in relation to the lee-aUtv
of th
bonds given by the Lock Com-
I tianv.wtis obtained by a Committee
'.,.,.! il...i 1... ,!...
. I '..i lit i v.1.1 iiioL nil iVM. n ii!:
islature. T
be ! e,unn is m ven
by m. .Lair
and will be read with inle
est :
Ublllii m V 0;i!!,
in aet.iiidance v. i'h ytmr r.-quesi. upon the
lee:tt (j lesti ,n presented bj oa u.i t 'r
. ' II. J. li.. No. 31.
o ie
i itii tii o; tne ii.m. i wi.ieii
; o ; ;ra :e.-
na Li-civ.-;
e i ; . i 1 1 .. . . i i t ;
ten per cent.
o pay the S
UiY?'.S, HIS
Ud o
i as i t: : : ,i i.i'
law aut hor-
iztng the construction of the
the validity ol the bom! ;
Act enli
an Act to a ppropriah
fut'.d- for tlie con-true! io:i o
cati.u at tne U tdatuetic
ills,"" approved
( ) ,,!, . t
i.mij. is ine act autnun.inir
e c .instruction of these, works, and is the
only At't. upon the .subject. That Act re
quires the Cam. I and Ljck Conn'.auy to
pay the State of Oregon "ten p-r centum
the net profits arising from the tolls
collected for passing freight."' A.c. There
is no provision of the Act taapi'iitig the
Company to give a bond or other obliga
tion for this payment. The only bond
rt'ouired by the Act is a bond in the sum
of three hundred thousand dollars, condi
tioned for the completion of the works in
accordance with ihe j.iovisious of the
Act. by the 1st of January, IS73. The
execuiion of the other bond, for lhe pay
ment oi' ten per centum of tlie gross oro
ceeds, was not rccoiired by the Act. 'but
iiii'iv is nothing in ihe
ct prohibiting it.
doei th,. want of
onet'i Miiuiiiii) au.noriiy to execute, litis
Ool'.'l it not lieirior 111 Vlo atlon o! :i .st.it-
i stat-
ute. aih-ct. its vaodin '.' The Canal and
Lov k ( 'ompany was a private corporation
did laid M,Wer. In ttie words ot the
' 1 1 1 t.i u ..r o. li,.. ,-... ,t.
O :
ute. "to c'di tract and be contracted with
within the scope of the objects far which
ice corporation w.u creinjl. laisp i'.v-
er to contract was general. The Company
iiid iireelsel V lhe Siine t.osver o .,, -
lr:10t Jhai an 'individu ll Hmilirlv si billed
won 1 1
. 1 j , . ,s - , s.-, . i . i i.n i.'.i.i.i'.i n .n
cieaity wit
I'll tt,.. o, .,,-,1 ..I.1....0.
n t
. , cm.. U'.0..1 i.i
tluit is. it. was a conven-
1 1
---" e
tie coriio
it ion
b-nt and u,pnpri.i'e trau.-actim
in ar-
ranging tuu fm-inci il basis o; its proposed
enterprise. This contract does not con
travene any pi incipte of the conuuon law.
liiere is but one class oJ cast's in which
i.ie tiOiigor ol a tou, d. w tio was capable !
of contrac.tng v.'!:en the bond was execut- j
eo. can po-au a ceviaiioii ifotn t lie s' at u I e ;
as a de.ens.e to an action upon the instiu-
met!, ami that is the case of
-It I - Id ........ .-i . ; v . . ..
U. Slll l 111 o I
uithoriiy fd
idiier i. nicer who. without
the statute, fakes
:t s i ;
against recovery itgiiu
him fur neglect !
io i-.M-voo- joocess p-iaceti iu u.s nam s, or .
, .iv.,r.ii.. ,.... i:.. i:.i ... i. ..
Io perfi Pin other duties enioinetl unoii hiin i
bv his
alee. i ti,' Ootid tur
s h.ud to be invalid.
n iu sucdi
beciinse ii
temls to i ncourage anil protect negligence
iu the discharge of official duties ; nnd
even these bonds were anciently held to
1 1 .. A (I,..-, ,o. I ,.,.i.l 1 .
UU til.lil. ."in "in iii ..'-t,'.i,.i "iu w j
at, et ot Parliament of the 23 Iienrv VI.
The rule adopted in this statute i.as be-
..O, ,,r nii- v '.'in ol eini'iin-
nil-., i"-' ..... - v .1 -
.t ,i 1 1 is s,. on. times ..-,.- vet i
d 'Hce, thoogil It IS
out into the form of a statutory prohiot i
: h i .. .. ti n I' ,,,.,! uu 1
,U.U I
I oil l oe iiiiii.i oi in i.-, ......
Comiuinv is w ithin neither tne b iter nor
the spirit of the rule which declares void j
t t. ir'i, n r,s; MOove rue u i lo ri til.
am clearly of the opinion that the Uis j
Cr.-t.at.CV between the terms ot the statute I
of October -1. lb'7:. nnd Ihe bund. .Iocs !
i ..!T,w.i iis v: ii, itv. b-nt that the bond !
for ten per centum ot the gro.-s proceeds
is valid and binding upon the Company, f
"A tonching sight. says the Pittsburg;
rosi "Moseby, lhe. guerillajend William I
Llovd Garrison, the Northern Abolitionist I
wbo pronounced the Constitution .a league j
vsiuj ueaui, auu covenant with hell
plaettinor linn.h tiwna tt... i.t.i ,
1' - -- 1 v.. in.- oiooor r. i,ojiM
Bn(1 !jowiin:r ;a un:0!1 r, f. " , ' '!
. .. " J' " ' -"wit lib'. if!'-
Ihetrisiaiive Procccdinj-s.
la the Senate on Wednesday. Tolen
presented a petition from the people of
! Josephine and Jackson cooties, asking
! that a part of Jackson county be annexed
l,) Josephine, Riferred to Committee on
Tolen frottI Committee on Flee- j
tbms, reported back S. B. N. 2'.). to pre
vent frauds in elections, and recommend-
V( ifs p.,.,
-'lr. isirahan. from (. omnuttee on elec
tions, reported back S. 15. No. 20. provid
ing for the special election ot a State
l'i inter, and i cconiiuedod that it do not
pass, submitted what he believed to
l constitutional objections to the pass
age Of the bill
S the j
.Mr. Io!ph and .Mr. Corneliu sub
a majority report, recommendin
passage of the bill
n ,,;. ,,, v.
On tuotiuii ot Mr. Fa v. the reooits and
"bill were referred to Committee o! the
' !'ie Senate.
II. V.. No. 10. autlurizing the Secretary
,l Mate to sell all copies of the Code at
"uee dollars per copy remaining on hand
y CDDer u rs
was read tiiUU tune ami ;
In the Ibv.s,. If 71 V,! nn..n.lin.r :
the Charier .f Ore-ron Citv. authorized a !
special tax for the imroose of eons: rue.-
" a wire suspension bridge actos
ute Uiair.ette river. Kelerred on second
reading to a select committee, consisting
of Messrs jhu in. Downing, and Cnrran.
H. ! No. o7. appropriated S30.OU0 fi,r
erection of an Insane Asyium. and
was referred to the Committee ,n W ays
:,1"l Means. The bill was introduced by
M r. Cranot .
quire p
;impson"s If. 15. No. 77. to ac
session of the Locks and Caua
; came up for second reading, a motion to
to read by title was carried by a vote
j ol 3t to 1 1.
1 Mr. Ttiornhtirv. moved to refer to a se
eci coftimutoe ol live.
; uin.U'r. nioveu to amend oy snisti-
! futir.ir Committee on IiUerua! lmprovo
Mr. I'altou. moved ton
mend b v sob! i-
' tutiug Cotiuoittee on Commerce. II
Ie did
j not wish Io leave the It is
! ' outside inlluence.
itiui'i moulded
The speaker here called Mr. FaUon to
Mr. Kngle, moved to refer to Committee
of the Whole.
A l'ier some little discission the bill was
referred to Select committee of live. Tio-
' pea.;
appointed Mes.-rs.
i tioruour
; 'n son, .uartin. Slieiton and u aiilon. as
j said coui.nittee. i
i 11. D. No. ;.. provided a remedy foi
i evds resuliing from l!o; s de of i.u t.o. ieat- ;
ir.g liquors, and was referred to a se'.ee i
; committee ol live. This was the bill
asked by the Temperance Alliance and j
j possesses the general features of the Ohio I
law. j
; mm... i.m t .. :.t. ..tt
The bi! 1 v, ith all pe
:(',.. w!..;i: u !: oi 1,,'e:
provum-l y soonitt-
1 tftl to the House was referred to a coni
1 noltee eonsisti't if Messrs. Harrison.
j Kiddie.
U es v ri'-lit and v. low.
.o r.
the (5,
.oat i
d a bill
ueral Law s relaliag
ing that whenever
o Io
r t s . b v
s are to
i bo built or repaired, sealed, prepo-ah
til ! received for soch work'.
Mr. Lai bank ollei e.l a Joint
M e i n i : i 1 1 j
pe'iiioning Con:ri-i ss io make ati appro
priation of J20 OOO f:.r the pnrp ol im
jii'ov;nr -he V.-.ni'ii'l 0 ivcr. by removiti
tih.st i "actions between ihe nnui'li of stid
river and the city of McMtunvil'o.
A -lojile-l bv a unanimous vo'e.
M r. Cajdes iuti'oil need a bill l . ro i. 1 in ir
for the p avn;. n- of th.- claims of l.-.bo.ei
:1'"1 sea..
pia idinsr lor
i. ami dv lined
. .,i
.u r.
1-t'eU a l.til
II ptliz-iti.
a S'ate Ih.ard t
Mr. Catiles iniredoc
for Ihe colieelioii. com;
ll.e 1 tW.s o;' ;he State.
Ml-. Caples ;il.-i) ii:t'.i
ing the powers of f.u
a uce or b r.iherage cor ;
iae- tj;,.. f.b-ueial Laws '
M ''. Ihornbury i,i;ro.
fig the ( ienei a! Law s i
le'f of lev hit' (oil! n I V
t i out pritvunng
i.ing ami priming
.1 a bill lim't-
. Hisur
amend eon.
V u :.;! ,
, ,t i t ,
g the hi a n
.Mr. I -own
i bii! to or -
led ttis' ow ners of
viiies a tax of ?12
The bill pro
gs, and furiher
i '
)!1 !
provides, tioiinties loj- hi,!
a a.
; 1 e
tniitee tipp.iiuied to eoiis.der
the repot! oi the Se-'retary of
refer! til lo ti,;' ap-r.ri'l:eit.-.ion of
i'ligitives, reportetl a htli to up;'." tjd ia'e
c'LOdt) to cover the moneys paid out for
such appreI'.e;isio!i.s. a d lor wliicli l '
WHiTanis had been drawn.
In the Semite, on Th irsbiy. S. 15. No. Li.
lo amend the law reieiag io chciioiis
was read third, li
ie. Tills 'oil! provides
for tlie to lh, t
system in the place ol ihe
present r,V j
manner of voting in this
State. It was introduced tie Sena'or
strahan. of L'euton county. The bill
passed ayes 21. noes 1.
S. ',. No. 20, to locale the .State Univer
sity at. Lugeno City, was read third time.
S. JJ No. Z'J. to repeal Sec. of Act to
Prevent Frauds in illeetions. This is th,.
section prohibiting persons working on
railroads a id public works from voting.
Hi!! passed. Aces, lo: noes. 7.
I A message from l he House announced
! the passage id IL fj. No. 1. to repeal en
j act to protect, litigm
Lend III si lime.
Li Mie House. Mr. Collier. Chu'rm.tn of
To i 1, 11..,,.., Al ,. i ..tt;
Committee on Il lueatiou. Jntrod-ieed a
bill for the better management of cumin m
schools. This bill is the result of the
la 'oar o
everal ot our best educators.
and to provide for its distribution. 1:0;)
Corics were ordered printed.
Mr. Peirbank presented a iL J. P. urg
ing our Senators) vii'l Representatives .y
use their inlluence ia the passage of U. S.
S. It. No. l.('2.. which protected huuso
hoids'from execuiion under certain pro
cesses of criminal law.
The house adopted Mr. Parbank Res
olution by a unanimous vote, an, fit was
submitted to the Senate 1'or furiher actum.
Mr. B. ri Chairman of .select eomu iv
lee to whom was oHoi-ed If I! V..
providing for the construction ot a wire
suspen-ioti bridge across tiie Willamette
r ivir at dn-'.in Cliv teo oi,.,l i!
I lie
;-k to the House with recommendation
that "it. do not pass.
u ii' Si'iiiiii'. mi i i id.iy. .ir. " vers t
from the Committee on Ways and Means
snbmiiled lhe following report :
... . . ii- T.r
v e tue l.uruiiitttee on iavs attd Aieans
in aeeoribimto with S R Nb. 1 I. Ibid on
exami'Mlioii the exidiug unpaid debt of
tate which rnjuiics legislative ap- i
propriution to be iis laoows:
r.xei.t'si vi: of i.m i:i:i..sr.
Outstanding (ieueral Fund war
rants Agricultural ' "...
Accounts on hand for suttju.u t
of poor
Outstanding convict
97 -cC, fir, !
'i.S- p i
1.1 12 st- I
wairauis ?:,jij v)
i Accounts filed forcon-
.C""V.1C'S u ,
r expenses of
i unetn i ., v .
Outstanding Penitentiary Fund
11), 077 75 ;
In 272 22 I
wan at. i.i
l.Uo") Jl) j
Accounts filed for incidental
Penitentiary" Ru lid big
Outstanding Penitentiary Builtf-
2.250 00
1 1 .5ti5 SG
S f ,inu v,arran5;?
Aonnffo; mZln
2.721) 1
o..D 01 j
insane to Asylum and keep-
23.000 00
public priutin
.... -i ..... r
t'.Vbi it i LnipriM
C'utstauding Printing
warrants (exclusive of inter
est) warrants disallowed by
investigating commission. ..
3,312 31
3.12S 00
Total amount of existing tin-
paid debt S? 173.039 03
Exclusive of interest due ou tue same auu
not et comou'ed.
The bonded debt of the Mate, as pti
Treastirer's report is all provided for and
recjuires no further legislation
;;., l,dr.lncj:d and iitf.tvproitiOns
Asked for. Under this head i; is at pies
ent ve'rv difiicult to -ret any correct re
sults. Most ot the bilks have not been
.. . .. 1 . ..r... .. liSUll Will
pa-ssocl us ji-i, u'.iii ii "iilu
have to come out of various funds, white
Home are mere loans and renjure no spc-
cial appropriation ; others are to be pal
from .he sales o! ce.tam lands, v, ;;,
likewise would require no further appro
nation. Kespcdtuilv submitted,
JOHN MYF.US. Chairman.
Mr. Myers introduced S. 15. No. -51. to
anUHKize the S;ate Treasury to eonvei t
curttcy into com and to redee Ut
Lock bonds. Ueau Urst lime and oide.ed
ptuoeu. i
Mr. Strahan introd.;ced S. 15. No. 'u ;
change the time of the meeting ol I a- i
Legislature to the lira Monday m i.ecem
! ber. b-.onuialiy.
j li. li. o. . to repeal an act to p.o.i
...... . . . . , w.
! r.ugauis. j-.eau seuomi nine cuu iw.wv
to i he Committee or. i rioting.
Jn the Senate on Saturday, 4Mr. Dolph
: 1. .. !.;.i i,,.., 'ii-e'Vat i;i!!.
This bill provides fur the appointment ot
C. II. Lew's, W. S. Land and i'hillip Was-
ennui o! Muluiomah. Henry kltppel ot
Jaeksou county, and Lev. 1 tins. Ciuuioii ,
of Wasco as a Lo.ifd ol linigraU.m. They
i sir,, allowed lio oav except necessary
traveling expense.. 1 1
loaru io meet
at I'ortbttid within 3D davs irjui the pas- j
. . -!.t..l
election of proper ol'Licei?. 'I hey are to
have an ohice in the above minted city to
collect statistics of the soil, climate, lands
:.!u! i'es,,e,!-ees. and desseitiinaie iaiotniA-
ii mi theieo! ly such method
...... t. .." i. . t ....
tney deem
OlOIH-l. it Ll.-ivS .oi n.i "fl
in appropro'.noa m
iv.i-niv thousand bllars in
mi annual
oavfnen's nrovided always laat
ii, this
will pay a lurther sum if r.oi exceeding
five thousand dollars per annum when
ever the same amount snail be raised and
p-.id over to she Treasurer by private individual-
I'roper securitie are requireu
from the; ollicers. i
The House bi 1 for the relief of Daiier
(ounty-remi-.si:i of trU' State taxes.
'ii,,. t'onse loil nrovidinn lor the fur
l'u-r ortrai.tz.itiuu
tndlege. J'as-e,.
n the House, a bill wa iutrod.teeo to
enati'e the city of Portland to open and
widen i'-s s" reels.
The li.ae sp.-nl some time in Commit
tee of the Whole on the bill to provide
;-oad ti'routl
Jackson. ( i rant aid
1 Senate bii! re-
ofomties: and i
to incorporaiiou
leiiUas .-ocie-
1 li
:.ill w as aiileooeo .- in -v
tend the pi i vileg"s ol the act to marine
ll.e committe.. rose ll
women .
and when
IL Ii. No. :3 was adopu d, requiting toe
(.ionimi'!.-e on lnvesug
and L' cks to procu i e
ion with relation to
a; ion ol me v.aoai
the best legal qi;-
the ui.K!
of the
bonds of ih at Compat-.y.
The Coiumit'ee or- Vn)s and Means ie
urti d
b i; 1 1. ih f:S to jiui -coase J oo
s of peatje's Code reported and ivc
etob d its ;" ,-:ige. The bill Was read
a third time and P'U upon its tinal pas.s--vre
- the ole siaSidlll I. aves 31. UaVs 'J :
so tie' bill pa
. .1 "
a i
ick p. m.
Senate on Tm
Weia- pa--''d;
silav. the foilow-
A bill authorizing
I L. L. Appiega'e
ration u as read,
e fix his salary at
I f was ! hen n'ov-;i;-'.i
was ,'.-! lost .
1 1 .
the t oVert'.tr b at.-poi!
1 commt-siouor oi i-iimi,
j and a motion made
j .-i3 w h ch was b.st.
i e l to Jtv it at ." 2.0 itl. w
ie bill passed with auiotu
I S..1U1V
A bii chang:
f : , . .
ug the time of mee'ing of
from Seutt mber to 1 ecem-
i.'u' i.i
.e ' s:a i i e
A !i,l to reoicaii
to I'm; county seat of 1
Cnlou county.
A josobi'ioii l eijuu ing tiie comtnbfee
on elections to report on the coiites'i u
ease of Vi;h:;i.-i vs. S'rahan was eliere 1.
ii-.otiti-i to ie.di I'miiel v post', on.; was
lost, a- was ihe re.-oiution.
in ihe House, a committee of five was
j'c.j io in vos : m a ; t: i;oo u-i i i
,f brih- iw relative to the pa.-sige
of IS
1 1 atiai and Lota; J;l!.
e Hill relative to women
it;. rage
I lie a mend men I al-
lewiiig th-
n to vo'e o
;l ie
1 ,
p', eti.
j amenaetl vu5 roferrea
! lee of three,
I 'J lie bill providing
.0 a s
a sell
foi the iuCUo-nial
Ci;tt l"t
exoenses oi the Ju-iices a! Supreme
was referred to a special commit too. "
The Lii! relating to Ihe Canal 'and j
ks was taken !
rem lhe table and again j
ect Committee j
referred to lhe set
i-',, ...... i :,l .. I . . . it ..-:, i.. ,.f
J tie .-euaie ion teiattte to no- lie ii. soi
muriod woinen in the possession
property pa.e.! Ihe House.
S. I. No. - reqiiiring the recoioing
patents, decrees conveyances t real
estate etc.. o jssetl lhe Douse- by a vote of
-Ll to Lb
S. IS. No. 21. relating lo the taxation ot
foreiep iiieort:erai i.uis ; S. P. No. bs. re
lating to the appointim
nt oi a i.o.irti o.
Commissioners of 'mm
inegratton : S. t. aft.
' IS. au!hors;:;i;g Ih
iavor ot rol llitlid to
I act as Police Judge d 'tl".:
the absence of
i said . Ulcer were ail read the third lime
1 ami missed the Senate.
r. i. .,'). oil. Cl'aUiilig loo lo .S.
Cultural Society, was lost.
IL lb No. lb ief ealitig the Portland Po
lice ioli . n;l
ssed to its third reat
a few amendments
A communication
fruni t.iO (jovernor
announced iliai the nun. ber ol a: plica; ions
for Swamp Lands were ,:S2. Aggregate
iiiimber ol acres se'ee ed 171,2i'J V.
Amount sohl 7'i.-! Sti.To. Amount received
for swamp hinds S 1 o.ShT.'Jo. Lxpeuses of
surveying and selected S lu.SoT.oS.
As several tracts of swamp lands are
covered by 3 or -i nppiieaiions. the amount
applied for greatly excet ds lhe actual
area ol swamp land in the State, and
will probably reduce the amount lull
three fouri lis : iu (act the act lal nmount
of swamp binds in the State not disposed
or bv the United States will probably not
I exceed ore indium acres
?n motion of
Mr. Dolpi
lv') coi'des were oidereu pinit-
. lb No. 21. providing for
)irialion of SlOO.titlt) for 11
ereco ion tu a
Sfate Capit,t building, was read ihe thir !
time and' put upon its final passage. Af
tor a brUk discussion, indulged in bv
Moores. Dolph and Fay. the Dill passed
., i;... r..M. .: i to. .. .
'I ., :IIK,i 1 , : .lU-'tin- I . ' : - .
i, iii- iioojooi o..i.s i, I'll.'
! A bill fo protect incorporated towns :
a bill io aid the Trask River Wagon Road
I Co. in the construclion of a wagon road
l iihimot k Co. ; and a bill to aid in
; bunding a bridge across tue
Ump.pta riv-
t er pas
'1 the Ilouse
Tha bill granting aid to the Jackson
Orant and Raker County Wagon Road
Co. p.issed the Ilouse by K vote of -Ll In M
II. p. Xo. 2ib providing for the ap.poinf-
ir.ent of a Srtate .eologist. was lost hv a
vote ol 23 to 2d.
e.M.o ! 11 X- t T T't'-nU TOtt
! ae-ain brought un.aml Mr. La lt.oi- r.,o.,.i
to indefinite! v itostnone the moiton n .
consider the vote by which the bill was
passed. Carried by a vote of 26 to 21
T'lO 1,1 i lid' It'll, r III tin. Crt'. ,.r.l... O. ,
A rt-iii ft a rt nlU,hn,i. ,,o
.' i, ... uu tiii- vi liie rMaie
' " ' V1' U J 1 t llll I III I il
j time and passed the lIou.sc by a
i mous voie.
S. 13. o. 1. relative lo the incorporation
Moores. Dolph ami Fay. the Dill passed!','"""1 el Judge I pton lo the contrary,
tbe Semite without an amendment, the ! "vf,'('s. wt'1'! b-olared illegal, llio
vote being 20 to 2. i V(J''Ce " justice stifful. and the iUirgal mis-
1 j
of churches and other religion- or chant
able societies was read third time and
passed by a unanimous vote.
II. 15. No. 71. to provide for the elect-
i-n of a Hoard of Commissioners to su-
porinienu me orecuoa oi au mau.ii.. -
lum was referred to a special commit
tee of three.
Htate Xcws.
Jas. S. Alien, late a Deputy U. S. Mar
shal, died at rorilainF Monday. (Jet. 7, ol
coiisum jition.
Tlie Waldtou dramatic troupe are ap
preciated by the Salem people, and good
Louses ate the rule.
, ,V!,V hl. ,rU.s nre Ii(. orer of tl
...'Salem. On Tuesday morning In
, q - y
"1 MA uliL fli'Uimi. i
Ivit.in. whose foot was badly crushed at '
Cornelius Saturd v bv a iocoino-ne. uau
j iog amputated .Monday, at 1 oriUud.
WampoD. a chief on the Uuia-
usorva,iou 5n Oregon, is said to own
house, and in greenoaciva.
Faker county dotes on a squash vine
which bore, this year sixteen squashes,
the smallest of which weighed seventy
pounds, and one of t'.e largest one hund
red and twelve pounds.
The tax collector of I'matiUa county.
CVeT'iii. is leviuir taxes upon cattle from
uaua x ... . ., ...... -y";v
over the line. 1 he U alia adatans
, tnreateu uj le.a.no.
We learn that the State AcTicnitural
j .xetv having fallen far behind in ie
i . ,.itt.s at the Fair, propose to borrow th
t run.',.s sufficient to oav on tiieir ueots and
to ,,av ,!.l.miumi ia full.
The Le!:,no;i Mouufain liotd is said fo
have been greatly d unatred and rendered
d ingei ous by iires and floods in the moun
tains. A heavy snow storm occurred
about two wetks ago.
The Jacksonville Times hears of a ru
mor to the eifect that a squ id of soldiers
were surprised by u band of Indians be
tween Ft!s Klamreh and Warner, two
soldiers beim.; killed and one wounded
No further particulars.
Charles Ib-neil!
was examined Mond
before I'ni'ed States Commissioner. IL
Wilcox on the charge of ietaii;dr liquor
i without a license. He was held to answer
in the sum of S200 fo appear before the
Uni'ed States Crand Jury.
The following business was done at th"
IJosebr.rg Land ifHce during: the month
of September : l'r-i eaitions, 1.2s-) : A.
C. S locations .320 : laud warrants. 320 ;
Homestead, l.f-00 : final Ifmi 'sJf.t'h.
;'!) ; Land- sold. 1.700. Total, .l.ll f
The hoodlums at Salem are becoming
e.nhoVbmed by past sue-ees. and are
now dis'utbiiig religious services without
tear of hiedranee. This speeies of va;ra
bor.dhm demands tlie irnmediat" attentiini
of i he people, who should make an exam
pie of the leaders.
At the annual recurrence of the Stat?-
! t
Coon: v Ch rk of
ion issues .!
r.ses lo th--
hi re number ot marrmire
enamoured swatn. wlu. if appears
to marrv !un
that eVel'-to be l'e-
memb.'fed leu i of tl
ear. i a ring t lie
late Lair trie number o
licenses issued
were larger than n.'tial.
The .;::!. t Stysf "W
; Co
u th
'el I V. be-
of Skoal -
leo's ofi
I irr.u niati-o) t!at ihe st.b
i lo.ging to Xtyif. li-t'V
i 7. . r
w.f er 1 .a y ,vas wi (" Ned
that jihtee on the -nd
to-iier. Her
m-e tend"!
be a !ot!
Oe-rs. L.
r-'W vv.is ave
S'o.b: i. h. b.;t
loss. She was
V i . 1 e ,
c.t i
w ; ;
t i h
was in)
j some S ! 0.;0. on v,
oi ii i ucre
t .
i o
I We hear that many persons were oisnp-
pointed at not s-.-ein jr Put Smith's i'atii-
i tinu'er. at the State Fair, and ati up couti-
i . .
: try imr-t-r sas the "premium- were too
' stn :''."' X't are aswire. s Lit the mom-v
! m:- of ihe premiums wa not a mat'er ot
ct.r.si iei-Uioii witlt M v. .-iuttn. i ;. ery
iastiv eo-);.lere.l ids iiU"se ihe fi.iest and
best ;n 1 h
11 : e
is valued
tt id
or t? id ). atpi when his lnei Ps an- set.
or ihose of a horse worth perhaps
Mr. S: ni ih wiseiv considers it use-
j "
i Ti
i 1 )
exhibit I.i
I! .
t"S:;i ;;i sa :
ne 1 Jgl I ile.gt
lilted sixty
j of our friend J. W. Kedwny. th Or-
i '!n's nmorter iti the house. 1 ist Satnrd ly.
while on lhe street
t .
o.-iiway has on
ly been a hort time connected with the
press or we shook! doubt if he had so much
money about his person. The pltkpoek-
j et certainly had unmitigated cheek, and !
i u . 1 1 5 1
also have been an iuii, d"a.it sort of
Mimirel otherwise he would neve
i have gone through a rep.,rf r. However
io tlfl happen to make
a g'lOi! haul tki
.wrciy; -tats tin: .-tare rair na15
i.i ' ,1 . .". I 1 . . t -: .1
, . . . i
yf'iai'ti ujnii auu ui '. o s i, o i. it t -.
, ... .
I uii i s etue ihe mere uiai nan setneo i:i
Oi ! ihe tills wi h wl.bdi to ?: v i'.j i,ri,:.;ni:o
i !.. i"-
.i ... ir.-,t i ii t ,i- vaiioos in Lines I'.viiu,.
ed. Iraagitu' their deep humiiiat i.;n w hen
.,-,,. , . ... . i .
various a r tides ex.uoi'.
the ftgui'es inlormed luem that tne bullion
tin i .'.ua, iuctceu jiisi tcii doiPirs
o !,-,..i t,.o u.
su, licietit lo ) iy tme had the premt'inr-.
Now came the rub. What must be doiVc.
( n 1 v one -a ! ierna
ve, t t:ai w as to pay ;)
; j.er e-.'nl. ou all ihe premiums. "i ms Is
j being done. fun. the sat L-faction given ex-
i hdiilors bv t!i:s :uov,
i lliiiii la the!" ti ! ! i.
ll this is ihe wry to keep up our State
Vgricu'turai l'alr, we are laboring under
mistaken idetis.'7
x lie.
k. li'j. iu as Contest.
o 1
On Li
iy iasi, the House to.,,; up the
matter of il
amus;. A :
e cente-gefl cases from Clack
..noi itv report was read, re
I citing the grossly illegal manner in which
t ne voU
uue fi ."tv citizens were thrown
I out. but it was rejected. A resolutioiPl
! was then ofiered. pi rmitting btffh parties
: lo ei-.f.'.e i-.to the lfou.-e. bv nttr-rpi'TS
House, bv
I " J
1 1,
the ca-e nitght be argued for two:
nous ii;.'mi uu: jo. in. a oi i.i iv on .iiiLii!
the valid if y of the rejected vo'es hinged. '
To this reasonable prooosiiion Mr. Simp-
son strongl v objected, stating t Is -it his ir.ind
had bo g been made up, and intimating
that li ihe lawyers or law in chrDieu'lom
c mid not. induce him to vote fetr givi;'
th.. contestants the seats to which they
were legally entitled. He said, the tu'i"-
p e t u r. y o ; t : i
.epuo.ican party tlepend-
I '' ''i",n U.is in.itier, and he wanted Re
j publicans to stand by their pa: ty fi -ends
! ilJ .aU lz-irds. Thus, in the face ot a ile-
-i'itn of Judge Upton lo the contrary,
t reri ri'scn tati ves from ( P-,.-'. - ,,i i-- i."..,;i,...t
. i' ,'ioi HuliiU1 ! , :l,'.k'i'ii:K t,,.i-.; !.
; i ..... u i .... ji i hi, ii, ,i
i to retain those seats whieh coi ..( r?.,,i;.
i A'' , ' J'O-tges had given them. 1 ho
' M U:xl ''1"li:'J"rf. 'l''m C.ackamas nre
;',""" ,.,,,u'n"- 'rrtor'1 ;'u'1 Matlock.
.'i'r-ir.. i,iiiiii ru ; nti ti.i .. or. t
ICJ'.' . 'i V . . ,a Um UUiUvv
! : . - '"Y ' ii UiV
1 . . 1 1 " '"o H grainy party
spin,. eer to ttie suenhce ol ri.-tice
i te "-''"'' mimi uanocrat.
One of the most prominent members of
t'.e Louisville Straight-out movement,
says the San Jotunin ll ii.LUy.iii. was
i hauncey Durr. the Patrick Henry of Ihe
t Convention. Since th.it f: aseo Ibn-r has
h,C'-i disgusted with his past folly and
! te-umer in which the Administration
I IIMl! I' OS.., I ,ll,l ..r.U l.nu nr.m,. r.jt CllOll.-
; I J .., iu o.n iuiui uiu
i lv for f:. ..v ,..r.A i'.-,,,.-o ,.,i made a
I II, MMlill
I - - v-J- v -V "O'A t J l I - .
very able tind cliarncterisUc speecu .:.
favor of the J.iberal Republican party at
' u lurS'-' meetiog iu Newark, 'ew- Jersey.
Apportionment Hill.
mi... r .11 .
j 1 '"8 "I'P'Jrtior ment bill 1
j been introduced ia the Senate by
j Dol.,h o Multnomah : ";!"U.Jr
--ction 1 Th-t
b;:cTios 1 . l hat on and after tho j
Monday in June, one thousand e:-i
dred and seventy four, the Seno'
consist of tntrly members. ;.m Uj,, i, ,l
of riepresen'a.ives of sixty fnen.ber
t moment o! trus Sta e mto Senatori J pt
tr-.eis. s!yl! be one Senator lor ever.- i
thoosaioT and twenty five whit,. ,?0. "
tion. or fraction thereof. exceedhU'V
half, in each Senatorial 0ist,; " ,0n
ratio for the apportionment ,.js i.(
into Itept esentative Districts, shall h a U
Ilepresentative for every 'one il;,,!''";
five hundred and fifteen w kite p0jii o;
or fraction thereof, exceeding on. half "'
each Uopiesotitative District, exf-eiu in
this Act provided. " 1 u J'
Si:c. 3. The county of Marion s!,au or
stitiite the first Senatorial Dis-rict
shall be ent'uh-d to three Senator- .1,
county of Linn shall consiitute the V-p.,1."'"
Senatorial District, and sU:ill he en -' .!
to three Senators; the counw t,t' "l'
shall constitute the third Seiudori.,". j':'"
triet, and shall be entitled to two Si.,,'
t.TS ; the county of Douglas shall c'otisi'f
lute the fourth Si-natoriul District, umf
shall be entitled to two Senators' ul
counties of Coos and Curry shall cuns'T
tute the tilth Senatorial District, are! sl'u'ti
be entitled to one Senator ; the count yi.f
.fosephiiie shall constitute the sixth Si-im-te.i
ia! DistriaJ. and shall be entitled ?,,,. (,
Senali r ; the county. f Jackson ?!,all i:i)n.
sti'ule the seventh Siatoii ii Dis.rict. and
I shall be eifi:ledto one Senator ; the chuu.
I 1 v i.' Itftifon s:ill f. .T-.it i-ii o... .',
j - v.... .,v 1M-
Senatorial District, and shall be tuitii'.,'
til ..-1 .,'10:0,1' tti. rinin!v i . f l'..M- t
... ... , in sua,.
cons'kute the i-.inth Senatorial llistvi,',
and shall be entitled to two Seiuih.,;;, ;
county of Yamhill shall constitute i),.
tenth Senatoriai District, and shall he -i
titled to two Senators; (lie count? ,,j
l"l tckam is shall constiine the elevVrub
Senatorial District, and shall be tMiti.ii.j
to two Senators ; the county of Mi;;;ti.
mah shall constitute the twelfth S.-nuti.ri..;
District, and shall be entitled to(frt!r s,.,,'.'
ators ; the county of Whir.gtya siA
coustiaite the ibirteenth Sen.iioii.il ),
trict. and shall be entitled to one S.-rvitor-
iv the counties of Clatsop, Columbia atidTii
i ....... i- . i. . 1 1 .:,,... it., i ... .
t-ifJloou s;i.iu cnustiai.c iw 1011! It'cnt
Sena'oriai District, and shall bet u';:;?
to one Senuter : the county of Wiefco ,x
constitute the fifteen I h I'-enatorial bis-.f.;
and shall be entitled to one Senator : :! ..
chanty ol Uma'iibi shall coris.t-iiitc ihsix
leenth Se:ia'orial District. and s!i:i!i !
titled io one Senator : the Coiiatv of IN
io l shall cousLitnte tue seveir.reuta S;i r
torial Districfj and shall b- emsrled to on..
Senator : the county of Ilaker iia!l ccti-
stit ite the eighteeie h
ami shall !;e en tided
-ena.onai ii-:i-iC:.
o one Senah r ; y
county of Cranl shall constitute the uhi
teenth Senatotial Dis.rict. and skull be n
titUe.l to one Senator.
Skc. -i The county of Marion sliull c-.r.-stitute
Ihe tirsi iiepivsenta'ive hitiict.
and shall be eniUMt to six- Representa
tives : the County of LiflU shall ee.;:.-.; j;;;'..
the second Represcniasive Distnct. a:H
shall be entitled to six Lepreseatativi-
the county .,( Lane shall constitute iL"
: o.
eilUie (J to foil!' io'IilV S 'I
county of Douglas shall
( u rih Kepresentauve Dis'rtct. afril
be fll'iiletl to four Representatives:
f Coos iU
tl Currv
i:t ci
t ie tit; i lierreselltaiive Ol-trtct. ;t:. 1
i; ( , i.
and shall be entnied
c one Kerr.'
tive : the er,i!
ty of Coo? shall eo-.
the sixth
presefnam e Distru-t .aial .i.a
be en'itied to n
roun'.v of .Irsi'phiio
benresentaii ve : tt.
.-oven th Representative District, ami slu.i
be entitied to one Representative:
county oi' Jackson tha'l eons'iti;e if..
e'eidh I ?e r i eseu fa i rS District, an I 5.1:0
ie' t-ntitieti to tw o Representatives . t:
........ . 1 .. ' 11... . .1.
r... lo.i, a,. .....1 I..
lo two Ivr'prcsontaiives : the coiui'v
" ot' Polk slufcli constitu'e the tt nth Ih'tn--
: t -.. .. . t .. o t -. 'i .
I sen ;n: I nei-'i i . unit sieto - r:in ."! :
i Uirei Li present, tl vu s-: ih" county t.! : atn-
hill h tit cot.s'.i'ii'e tne eleventh I i , j r--!
sentative Ibs'ricl, and shall be i-n : it led t
three iiopres.'o'.aiives ; the cotm'y in
j Ciaclcamas siiall constitute the twi'h.ti
j Uepresent ittve District. ;iml shall he
I titled lo four Ih'preseiitatives ;) c : r: ";-'
l ..i t. .1. . M .. : it.
. o; ; i : i ,'.,:.,i i"H7ii ;iu- '.u, , .1
' . . , 1 , . - ...... , .
leenili Kepreseniative iMstriCl. ami s;u.i
be entitle;? lo s-even Ib'presH'Uta' Ives : i t
j eonnty of Washing on .-h t.l coti.tiituu-:!.-
j fourteenth Hep! cSetl ta 1 1 Vt Dis'.licl. ie: f
1 shall be entitled tuTlhiee liepres.entiitivr-:
ihe coiintv of Cl:i's') shall constiPiii'
lit'teenth IJtpre.-er.
v'ive District, a;
en 1 1 i 1 ed
10 na
iieoresentaiii t
;1 ..
counties o
Clatsoo and
r. ; 1 1
1 1 1 la uiooii .-. -t i
I Cons-: jp; te Ike sixteenth
i'istrict. aiutshall be entitled to ore Ih f
reseiitative ; ! lie courity of Columbia si-ili
COP.stittp.e the seventeenth Hep resent trr-v
District, and shall be erdiiled lo t-ne Ih-J-re?enta!ive
: the. county f Wasco
i j cedl.-
ight een: h Kepre.-eit't-t
, iiitr:- mm! '..j tie toitiiler! to twtt i"i-
.. . . ,...': t. r j- .i,!'
res e J . a 1 1 ts ; t ii" coo o oi i ma t ;o.i
- ,.;,iistin:'i. the t,!i...t ah Iter.resoriSatiTe
. and shall be enlttled two Ih'i"
l t'senta'i ves : tlie cour.lv of I'nio.i snit-
sT 1 consiitute the twentieth llepreseiita'h'-
I District, and shall be eat '.tied to tvo Jhr
1 resejtt itives the count v of Paler fi'o
.ti.u'e the twenty first Represent five
1 1
trict. and shall be entitled to two le i"
rescutatives ; the
ctuit.tv of Crant
constitute the t wen ' v-st c.in.i :iepr
live District, and shall be ci.tiik'J to :
j Kenresentatives.
! Si'.e. 5. Senators holding ever, n-prf
I senting Districts compostal of i.tor-' tl.tci
due e'otiutv. shall, where the I'lsulef
t v
u. ch.tl
ed by this Act. he v-t-
j ;.b.red Senators, of
the L'istrict tie- f"
- j by this Act. m v, h
a llsev resii,e.
When, the other day after thtCfic
u . i
of United States Senator the coiuwiia'"'
elections Cl.i the Ilouse got rcaav
Iv t
I ,viu,t L'a
iamas county coidesa
seai we h.itl a siiecimeii of the lainn
. ... ,,.t, !,..,., 1 ..1, a -c TlOSS' S .
it oss. i ".
'n . ., ;,;.-ing
in,.- io. ij. o i oi ine comment.
iwo liecisions ot resjiecPJjie cotii's '"
State, reported iu favor of tiie stai-2
. (Repu!.
1 tv r.o 1 : . -1 ... 1 I , ...... ..C i,. in'itcs.-'i
; ty reported in
iO'fusing to hear the Minority repett rea.
refusing to listen to the reading m V '
tesiiiuony. refusing to hear the aig't';"'
of eovoishl ;,',v,l in t he Case, shlldiat-'
their eye:
alike. thelh;r;e'-
their ears
can mnioritv decidetl that tue
m.urdiers weio entiilcd lo their seais. --
j more shameful outrage of the law. a innr
I utter disregard of fads, am! a timie ua.
i irea e
I disable violation o
j fully expressed, ha.
red.- L t us hear
j disable violation of the popuhir wid. h "
d. has seldoiil ii n ' .
alter oo .
i nlo-.nt l.'.o.i.ldtean fairness.
II Iftllt I iM it. h , I: til ..111 less.
i ...,.v ,.,.v.... . .
I men will do :.s a criterion to jt'd-
their fairness in all such cases. c-
Grant's aitiViilatury Cabinet certainly
work hard for their places. Their chief
takes his long vacation, studying lessor.
in political economy, perhaps
firm t!!1
i st-i wl icli en-ulfs everything, but giv
! lknoihiii ihassivabo.ved. Rut the.;
j has been no holiday for the Cabinet, eaou
r ofwilCl IM1 11 llliou.ir
v.ewet the present arduous cwpW
( ,.,, ,-e'do iu lei l is nostri nou pteiiaii'
: -'..-. "...., ,.i.iilil vitrei v tm.zleU tC
iiPde'--farei how thev can do fo much n
su'ch suiai! salaries. Jmt for lhe occusier al
1 - l-l s IF, i.oo. ,. v.. . - i'
(bruises ot iiglit larown upoti m.osi-..-"-.
;-.i, lo.' ifh rerHtati.ms as tH0e
i liO'' v . r.
i of the Chorneiiuig case, the I- rencu ai n
- - . ' , . 1 I!u ill k -
( uunnyw. ...i. ...w. v . - -,
i Ames (.reuit Mobidei. iles t;..a..a
1 (riot