Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, October 04, 1872, Image 4

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I t
1 .;
E!)c iUcckln enterprise.
: OCTOBER -Iht. 1872.
The Thousand Isles, the. Thousand UU-,
Where Hiram went a week to spend. .
Ii II?ramT"n,mR has To T'
.o cares or state perplex his mtml.
.Siich trifling things he leaves behind.
Ft. Lawrence' current peek' the sea.
And meets that stream horn Cuba's
Let not the river a-k. Is free
Thy Wand yet from Spanish ciino?"
(2 The chaioless current, mute with shame.
Would chill to speak the Spaniard's name!
"The haughty Spaniard now cm boast
That we are weak who once were strong:
Can lliunt his flag along our coast.
Impose on freemen chain or FfOng.
And find, where once our eagle lhw.
A ring dove's weak and puling coo!
"When Tr. grain m seized the Austrian's
. throat
And wreste Kosz'a, from his hrld
Wlien Ingeaham fought and W'h!or wrote.
They neither fought nor wrote for gold:
They asked no price; their country'? name
Was' richer then than gold or fame.
And what art thou, mv country, now.
So brave, so strong, in days of old ?
Though fewer stars then decked thy brow.
And fewer perns t hy sceptre hold;
Nor Spanish gold nor Bri'i-h hate.
Had bribed or forced thy sons to wait!
Must we but blush for d iys like the??
Musi we but weep for days now done?
O Stiil must the empire of the seas
Be wliere it was ere Washington?
No coward chieftain ruled us (hen !
Oh, once wore, mothers, bear us m-n !
The Thousand Isles, the Thousand isles.
Where (.rant has been his week to spend,
0 In amber let them fix their smth-s.
Nor smile afresh for foe or friend.
Our heroe.s once were not. so scant
Foigot, O Isles, ye smiled for tyrant !
president Thiers at ISavre -A Cum
pliment to the United States.
On Saturday Sept. I-i, President
Thiers arrived at Havre from Troti
ville, and had a most hearty recep
tion from the .Mayor and other
city 'fiicials. In reply to an ad
dress which was presented himtho
President spoke encouragingly of
the foreign relations ot r ranee,
a-nd also of the satisfactory condi
tion of things at home. As he
had ruled in thopast , he told the
good people of Havre, it was his
intention o rule in the future. In
the afternoon he paiipa complimen
tary visit to the American man-of-war
Shenandoah, now lyingein the
harbor at Havre. As h1 stepped
on deck the baud struck up the
".Marseillaise" .and the yards were
manned. As lie stood under the
Stars and Stripes President Thiers,
with ids historic mind, must have
reflected on the di ill-rent fate of
republican institutions in France
and in the United States. We
owe Frenchmen much for the as-
sisiance inev gave us m the ar
of Independence. We have never
been wholly forgetful of that kind
ness; nor had they occasion to com
plain of our want of gratitude when,
imitating our example, they at
tempted, in 1 ISO and subsequent
years, to found a republic. Our
jiepublic, in spite ot wars, foreign
and civil, has remained intact; and
under the lead of manifest destiny
it marches on in pride and power
to a glorious future. How differ
ent, has it been with France! How
checkered in comparison has been
her career! Two restorations, tw
empires, one kingdom, three repub
lics, with revolutions almost innu
merable such constitute the his
tory of Franco during the period
referred to. And the fate of the
1 republic that now is who fhali
say that it is not trembling in the
balance? We wi.-?i Fresi lent Theirs
success in his arduous work; and
it is our fond hope? that the Third
licpublio may have a better fate
and a more enduring existence than
its predecessors. T1 F. -w.V.
"As one leading Fepublican after
O another," says the Chi-.a-ro Tr'
hiini '-join.s 1 he liberal ranks, the
iaity of prejudice, ami plunder,
and hate devotes itself to proving
(.bat this particular man has been
every thing that was bad, Trum
bull, T'almer, Koorner, Sumner,
Kird, Greeley, Tipton, Julian, Clay,
Schurz, and many oihei-s It.-tve all
been bitterly denounced. It. is
painful to think what a consum
mate set of scoundrels have hitherto
leiPthe llopubiican party. That
organization is to be congratulated
on having freed itself from such
men, and having come under the
leadership of such pure patriots as
Cameron, and Futler, and Grant,
and Clayton, and Casey, and Feet,
and Fonveroy, ami the long line of
kindred souls."
A r.rook!yn. N. Y..
of n rec-
'-( lOvernor (Ru tin's poitier.:
Wo desire to announce a a sltn ole s'nb
merit ol exact fact that Andrew (I. Curm,
i in favor of Horace Greeley and R. toe
Brown for President and Vice President
ot the l.ntted States. The Governor will
dent (Jrant his resignation of the ll-,.si1;,
Minstry. That done he will sPe,k in no
uncertain terms, and at otst such iirn -s as
l.H Liberal friend desire. He will -dem-
!., e-. to" ;., l. ,,,,-!, ;,, ., ...
us. ji , ii i,i i niiiM n;n,i:i in ;v v ti,
Carry it beyond perad v. ntntv for Buck
a Jew 'and Greeley. Tho--e ruHioo.ncetnents
are made for the especial comfort of ti.
George S. Ihmtwel! is Gran:"? Secretary
of the Treasury. He is also a s!oei;!ioi.er
in the Credit Mobilier of America. As Sec
retary of the Treasury he can ball or bear
the stock of the Union Pacific Kail road
whenever lie pleases. It is charged by
street brokers that he has done this
IF Uus is true, it was at the dictation of
i i,n i... .ii. ill lor tos rake no a
-ocUhoM..r that conc,n.
jyook at Our Candidate?!
Five of the greatest States of
the Union now have their local
tickets in the iield. We refer to
Massachusetts, .New York, Penn
sylvania, Indiana, ami Illinois.
St,.-,.-,- ,w-,,-l,- ,w, ,l.t.l
I in M i 'iiin s I - I J e 1 1 1 yin-'.iiim
()f the electoral votes for President ,
an(1 Vice-President, the candidates
whom the Liberals and Democrats
therein have nominated for the ;
Governorship are especially note- !
worth v.
In Massachusetts the supporters
of Oreeley and Frown have nam- j
ed Mr. Sumner as their candidate j
for (Jovernor. We need not sav 1
for Governor. We need not say j to try the experiment on others
that he is one of the most eminent j and accordingly a few of the roots
men of the country. He was j were placed about .each of the other
among the foundei sf(oV the Hepub- j trees on tnc premises, some of which
lican party, and for years previous j gave signs -of decay. Xot only
thereto was foremost in the ranks ! has it preserved them for several
of the eloquent -advocates of the j years, but renovated those that
cardinal principles which that par- j were sound. The odor of this plant
tv wa organized to carry into he says, doubtless keeps off the in
eVfect. Indeed he has always been ! sect enemies of this kind of tree,
one of the most pronounced Abo- j
litionists in America. Known to j
almost everybody in this country, j
few of our citizens nave a wnier j
or hio-her reoutation in Euroite. I
X statesman, except possibly j
. . , ' 11.
Daniel V ebster, ever had so strong ;
a ho d uiion tlie heart, the brain,
. 1 . ,. -,, ,
the conscience ol ..Massachusetts
as Charles Suntner. AN t h a record ;
funilr as household words to tne
sons and datigllters of the I ngnm j
State, we now Witness the surpris- j
ing spectacle of his ( nt husiastjc J
nomination for tiie t.-overnorsmp
by its entire Democracy and inilu
ential section of its Republicans.
This fact alone shosvs that ancient
iarty issues. have disappeared, and
old partv lines are bn'oken.
In Xew A)ik the Democrats
and Liberals have brought forward
for ti'e Governor.-hip I'"rancis Ken
nan. For twenty ye.-.rs among
tie1 nbh-st lawyers in the interior ;
of the State a politician of broad j
' ''. i . . '
and liberal Views a citizen Ol
StaiillvSS character, a man of thof- i
, . - . i .. I
o'U'n ami-' uncompromising non
esty, a statesman profundity in
arnest in the cause ol relorm, he
is precisely the sort ot person j
Wliotli the )COple ot AinV Ot'k
need at the head of a flairs in this !
era of traud, corruption, and gen- I
eral demoralization in the admin- j
. , . , w-, , I
istrtition of the nation, tne otate, ;
am i 011 1 ciiiei c u .
ri-t t v ,, i 7 :i,,..,l0 f
ine Democrats :mu bioeiasoi
PeniiSy 1 vania have presented as j
their 'candidate for Governor j
. .. , , , mil 11 i
V har.es o. JUCK:i!e. JJ' 1 -l 1
ifenuine son of the Ivevstoue State, i
and a marked tVjie of its Staid, i
- , . 1 , rr, ' j
Sturdy, Storlmg people. 1 hey
know liim tlioroughly, and have
on en irusieu nun in j;osis 01 iw
tinction and inlluence. Intimately
1 1 : . . . . . . x- : .
ouain'cd with the interests and
1 . . , , f t ,.,
ie aiiairs ot tlult. ancient Coin-
, , . t : . 1.
mon wealtll. COns pi CU Us as a linUK- i tut in,orei on i ie im-.c iet,t . r.n.l a m eler
..v ,,rl debater in both I louses !'e auiin l re iuetion of the principal thereof;
ix- ao iccojjif Z lis: t.U at more a re 11 oar m d-t 1 .awmhw.
of its .Legislature, and tor SJX ; l:,,tl!-st h,U it ,vc uie'dable dlllVrenecs of ,.in. ' pV.i MASONIC II ALL JtUIED
vetirs on" ot' its Senators in 'n- ; ion wtih regard t-i the respective svstems of Sct::-;- LN(i.
AT I',-, "-.-i'-i-w 1ms nrovcil
,AH'S''1(: n' r i,,!,,,.;.,1,-,,,:,
Ilfmsell a man 01 moel.iie 1C A S,
of respectable talents, of unblem-
ished character, of stern integrity,
and highly popular With the mass-
.. ? - 1 T .,
es o the people. In the petiduvg
1 . 1
contest he will receive a large vote
OUtside of the ro'itlcal COmb'.na-
tion which has nominated him. and
s n .1 1 . 1 1
Will UlilKC a wort.il and upright
,;,.(' i.viifivtv'ri of t lie -vr-1 Stote
... ,. -I,-.. 1 . 1
Which httS SO Ol ten dellg.ltCd tO do
him honor.
'j nomas A. Hendricks is th
nominee of the Democrats and
T ;i,...,lo (nr bnvminr of In.lioni
-'r ' ' -i-i 1 1 , t '
3!r. I lend ricks has long Stood III
the front rank oi the distinguished
Statesman ot the Fnion, and as a
, . .
i democrat IBIS oeen l egtll oeu as tlie
foremost man of his party in all
. , -v- .1 . 4 1 , . ,
the Northwest, A leaner m the
lower iiotis
( oi v. oti'o 1 ess years
a-o,vith few peers in the Senate
' ii
:it a later period, with an unblem-
ished war record, early and frank
in his acceptance of t he new De -
purl ure, and now cordially support-
ed by the Democrats and Liberals,
the people of Indiana do not pro-
pose to .allow him to be beaten for
F " i . 1
Governor in GcloDor.
In utiming Gustavus A. Ivoerner
as their candidate for Governor the
I :i ,. .,1. i iy llln,,.,,,, nf I,:,,,.: .
LihCI.s mm DclllOCl .Its Ot lllinoi
have probably selected their
strongest mam 3Ir. Kf.erner is
, T .
now tne .i.u-utenant-iiovernor 01 . hitro ttc. Ya-n'iiii county. L. Furcr -son. i
the state, elected to that office bv Fdk county ". Dave llol-nes. j
li ii 4 . 1"' Co v.d'is . .1 S Palmer i
tne Fcpnbheans. A German by fcn.-.m rV
birth, he emigrated to Illinois in
his youth, fort y V'av ago -when
d ", ,';,t 1, '"' '1
tit.lt Stale " entitled to only two
members oi (...ongress, and he has
grown up with its ieoi!e till he
now sees ins adopted Rome repi
sen tod mi the floor of Congress by
twenty memlu rs. JNIr. Koerner.
like Sumner, was one of t he found-
,. , ' , ,.
crsoi the Lepubbean party. Able,
highly accomplished, honest, nn.1
popular, he leads a great moral
revolution, and will bring to the
I " ' .!.- ii.iii.- vea- .'I tlie I'OiUl -
c.d elements which have placed
S liuj lM neot.
I d hese five eminent statesmen
! mm m the lien I
! are a specimen of the kind of eon- !
j ecey and Frown present to the
j People posts of honor and in-
Ruence. ere It not for the
,le"encrate times Uiv.n whieli wo
. . .. ,' . 1 . .
j t , . , c.'t - ., i . t, , . ... -
u.i , v .......... ...... ,..v .
n-.n is now reioicinsr in a dwarf n-..1
- ' -i
seven years, weighing a trifle over twelvo
ounces, and standing m his stockings
j twenty-seven inches high. A lady at th i
(Irn.'id Hotel has diiooed lam "L-otnrnodorH
! jHvi - an,l has otTered n lnrge sum for
! na ;: ,rnii Ihrnntrh an anf tin
r Wt-I fr the miJget.
! nations whicil prostitute power 1 at venth Street on the summit at t'tehead i hW, 11 Ti X II V UV, 1J fj J
i i . 1 . . c I ol Stair-wav near the R..s:.t-v ; i .i ! iii
f i anl patronage 10 tne ouscm. or i R.. tl, ha ,.,.- , t ,,! -.- ' ""',r-"' i TT .
I i f t -i 4 ii !l "t nn! inn:t accor..l:tnce j Having nnrchaped the ihovc P,-
uses, these live candidates would ; wuh the survey as male hv .I,-sr,N Chkn-- ec toinform the n ,M?, 1, . u ? W!sh
.1.. ...tn. ,.,.., ,.,.!.- o c-h,,- ,a- , ou-t rn m An-nst 1-7:?. t!m r.c i -j ' . -tat n? , now prepar
i i c ci ca ii ii m .an o . i .,. i vi , , . . , . . ' ....-.., ,, i-j manu. ,icinr a No 1 nno to- f
A' Y" ' A j hemg now on hie in the Mavor and Re -ot d- ! T f n r r n r ' T.3 f '
Opposition. A. i . ! cr's oTc-e Ft , AG: , Bhf-.Tf,
J And it he further ordained an-1 csiahtisVd ! lV Or'lVl -''l, nn'h
CovwonouK NiTT EcursEP. San Fran- ! that the g-rade line f sa d mid -h-Ul n " ' ' "".icucr! nnd nmmpth fitlod
Tausey ami Peaches.
A writer in a Ncmv York paper
recommends sowing tansey about
the roots of peach trees as a means
ot preserving them, lie says that
he once li;id a hirge peach tree !
which was more than forty years
old, while several generations of r
similar trees in the same soil had :
passed away. This led to an exam-
ination, ami a bed oftansey was
discovered about the trunk. It!
was naturally inferred that the pres-;
ervation of this tree to sue! a irreeti i
old age was attributed to the pros- j
euee of this plant. It was decided j
to try the experiment on others j
and it would have the same effect
on others, as the plum, apple and
pear, as well as ornamental trees.
The lialtimore Platl'jrm.
. .
hollowing is Ibe platform adopted bv
. T, . ... . T, ' .
o:i the 9th of JuH
u.e jyemoci auc uiNiriiuun ul duuiiiioi i'
y. 1872:
(.jro t, o huy ;nd holJ t!ial it the (lutv of
lhe povt,,inlellt( ln lU dca!itl2S w.;tU 'the
people, to mete out equal and cx.u-t jUce
tu an of whatever nativity, race, color or
p0 slulsiorij religion s or political.
'J. We pledge ourselves to maintain the
law, the union of these states, emancipation
and enfranchisement, and to o;;po-eany re j
opening of the questions settled by the
Thirteenth Fourteenth in3 Fit'teen'h amend
ments to the constitution.
3. We demand tho immediate and abso
lute removal of all disabilities imposed on
a -count of the rebellion, which w is fin illv
subdued seven years ago, l;elieving that
unU'ersal atunet v will result in comrdete
pat- li -ati n in a'l section-; of tlie cr.mtrv.
'. b' -eal sel f-go vern u. em with iaipart iat
sulb-ag- w.b guard the rights of nil ciU.ens
more 'se.mrelv ttian anv centtal z-d power.
Tlie public welfare demand-, the snpromaey
oi the civil over th'- miutarv authoritv. and
frcedoin oi' pet: -sou under tne prote.-tion of j
the httU-n crj'U!?. We demand for tho in- !
dividunl the iarged. I.berty coni-teat with
Oilliiic (iT'il i f.ir Sl:lti (Jif.'rnvi'rntiifnt I
i;)r ,ht, nation t . return to The methods I
ot peaee and tue coustttutional limitaMons-i
0 rH'' B..v-..n f.f iha
. ' .
become a mere lastrumerii, d nirtsiu :
tyi-auny and persona! ambition and an ohject 1
of sem-d, creed. It is a scandal and re- 1
.0ich u,,,m rt.0 ;.ls;i,.utio.,s. and breeds u i
.... -.n ...i...-....... .....i-. ....... yVl u.i
ol a reiMiDiifiin urovernm-.-nt.
(. Wt, , ,e; el-,n-e ,v.4a,-d a th
ol- t;ie ,.ivi service as'o.-.e of the most presi-
' neccsMti s of the hour; that hom-sty.
canacitv an-1 ti le tv CO l-t tute th - o,i!v Valid
claims t 1 puhlic e;aoiovment; t hat. t he'oili -es
of ir ivei-mnoiit cease to he a iuatt--r of ar i
b',r..r-v l'r01'ltisl? patronage and that ;
pumic station will Oeeo-ne ajrun the po-.l. of i
honor. To this end it is iinpentiv, 1 y re- !
quired thatno preshlent .shall be a candidate ;
7. We demand a sysiem of f d ral taxa- j
tion which, shall not 11:1 neee sai 1 , y ititerfere
j with the industry of the pe -p!e, and which ;
! .-bad provide the means nec-ssarv to p.iv the i
PX,)(.11SS ot- t.. povemtnent. (-eou..niiVa!lv !
. . ' -
; protecoon ami Iree r ale, we remit the dis
: vision of the suhj.e.t,th:M,e,piei n.eir
cotigivs-iotial districts, an 1 the deeiM-m ot"
1 cong ess then-eon, wholly five of executive
! ''V'tuVU-' mu-t he 1Iv
' in nntain-.'d. and wo denounce repudiation i'.i
I everv lorm and T.is..
1 , - r1'1' ,V .'' , . .
i A spfe.lv rettirn to spe -i oavnent is
j demar.de!'. a Eke by the h.gheSt'co:idcra-
trons ot co.ninercial moral. tv and honest
! "i"!?t: -., '
':... , . .. 1 . . 1 . , ,
10 We re:rie:n'ier with rr n t i t m An 4I,
j heroism and sacr'.!i.-.-'S ot the sold ers afel
i sailors oi ine ie:oe.nc, am! no a -t oi ours
: .-iiiii e e leii.iui .1t1.11 oa, ls:V earneu i
; f.ini(. ,,r the full rewards of 'their n:.0-;.,r. i
.,...11 .-.. ,1 ..... . - . . 1
11. We are opposed to all further grants ;
rif" lands to railroads m iither ciin . r :- , t i , j I
j The public d..m iin should be held sacivd to"
; actual settlers.
i I-. We hold that it. is the duty of the
I .v,.rn?1!(.n;, j its intercourse with' fm-i-n
1 nations, t.- mduv-.-Co t!ie frietulshqwof peaee
i ly trea'in-with alio,, fair aa.l eq-.a! (,!,.,;
j legar.iing it alike disiionorable eiliier.t-, le-
ma-,d what is not li-ht. or to submit to
v-'h '1 is n'ron--
I Ph l'..r the prom t ion an 1 snec-s of the 1
svcni: lirincS,;!cs !Ul. ,UI)r)l,rt of ,he e.md.-
I uau's n lminntni i.v ttus convenfon. we in
! ' cu-oi-i iy welcome tim co-operatior
I of ail patriotic citizens, without regard t-
i ptwi ;l!s dm -al miiiiation.
vit- am' cordi-i'lv welcome the co-oricration
' AOI::v'i's 1011 r kxteupkisk.
j Tlie following persons are authorized to
j art as agents for the Entkhpiuse :
j g.-o. P. Roweii a Cc 40 Park R, w, New
I Vo-k.
i Coe. Wet'jcrill A Co c.07 Chestnut street,
t Phil id-toLia.
i Abbott A Co.. No. S2 A St Nassau street.
! 'evv York, ,
! bin, 1. Oregon L Ramnel j
; S-m I raneisco, Thomas Rovce !
i S;'n Francisco. L. P. Fisher j
i t.:'1; 0 'ln'nhi;l ''.v,. . .S. A . Mi'.-s. ;
i Astoria, ( la's .p county A . an Da-eo. i
; Dill's, v isei,' cov-'nty . .x! IL Gatt-i! i
La Grande. Utih.n county A. C. 'Vac. !
; Pendleto-i, fmatilla count v. . . S. V. Kimx !
- Eeugene City . j M. Thorn-, sot, i
i . CICK
Bver Creek
ci.CKt.vMA.s cocn-tv.
E i-U' C
j ,.,vJ'r Moialia."
I Canby
; V,?l'V '
' 1 1 a id i n -r s
1 Catt i n .
C iscad-s
i i i i . r osi'-r
Henry McUnii).
W. Moreland.
I . W . S tra wser.
W II. Van ;li;in
C Norton.
D. Wricht.
' Orttlnanco Ko. 5 OS.
I onms-AvcE tor.iT.Nn7 rrR!.n rnXT) ro.T
' --in mb:.m- at TlIK KoOV OF
inr. ii.. r i- i r.i;.,. I.VATING AT SEVKNTtt
if or.'i n-'(l nnd -t,tb?:hed by (, Cit-i
(. on ncd of Oregon Citn J
i 'V , ;tc07T. , ;'?,r,c,i!f itt'i?!' t at I
l';JV,t Xu"! Tll
barin Sonh thirty-, me and a h.-fT (M) '
degrees West, running th.-nce nr, the centre 1
one of loeaUo-i a t.,t:il . r " I
: ; . 1 ii. ii insiance or seven
j i uo'i : eu tinn. eigtuv-t wo feet a
! I .. V. . '"' l" vn :cer a"a Oie w.Jth
: inercor in erav reer
j Passed the Citr Co-ir.cil S
!r!V'-- I
! A.
Attest: L. Dti.i.ER,
.'Viii.M.ivi !
I '
vnr 4 nrnr-nr ..- "
: " " iV!' i " " 'C' ' ; 'V KKPR OFFICE j
Corner ot Front and Oak streets, Portland.
L O I ,M .
Every We(i't,esday and Saturday !
A. li. Riciiabhson, Auctioned
Fnriisi, rofiuA i!,ran.i Bundle Iron
);,'u,1'5,anJ ...TsaS1
'ew 'y -puns! Vhee 1 0:o:iVii.';. Ion
' ' ' .u.o:
A largeassortineiitof (Jivcerios and Licpaor3
A. li. Kichaudson, Auctioneer
I aNo keep constantly on hand
Which I will sell at the Factory Prices, and
will take wool in exchange.
..r-, w5n .a!s!, prtv tll(. Wlzh(.t pri-es f ,r
E?, and ail kinds of good country
produce. 1 will sell as low us any house
I I i J 1 - , , . f , l'7l , ,l"ll i l 3 L'i ..I 1 ll.l U L 111 1..71H
, ,,n,. o.,
. iii.'ii.iiii.:,iii-tiiiiii'T.
T .0 -, tf
id sati-fv voin-sclve
; 1
( Denth-hes faftnar.s, 1
No. 17 Front Street, oopos-te the Mail stcam-
slii p i a-id i ng, Purl la n d , O reon
P RO P R I 1-: T o us.
Board per Week tr.oo
" " " with Lodging ; "o
" " D.ir 1 00
; 0Il2rjQN CITY, - - - OHECON.
iV ,1Ji' Ci,';A1 ''"!; cu-
; r -t fx Pnrpiv
rxi.ivi.Uil-, liiiDlwL-Oi,
; Ru roans, Lonnjes. Roekiiiir Chairs, What-
nuts, " Moa Is, Wa hst.mds. Curled
Hair and Pain M-iti esses, Pit! u Pil
lows. Spring Beds, Window
Shades, Pietare Frames,
Mouldings, Ac, Ac.
-VrSneeial astenti n civen to I'idio'vf
j work in all it - l.raiic'.ies. Orde: s tilled with
I promptness. Kepair.ng d me with neatness
! and disoatch. Furniture mad- to order.
I :r0oo is delivered to any pa.t.d town
j fro- of coat ge. Call and examine tor vimr-
1 s. lvas.
111 1 v I 7 n -'.
T-7? n n s p a r-M $F,f, (r in
. j u tl L- tt i-i u ; o a l u 1 t-4
2.8..',- -'-'AJ A. ii. tLii5?i. ey
Wr J T T rwn tj-PT TT?
R H a j&. jA. vu is a xiLij
Kir Thy will also do TURNING, of oV"rv
description to order,
With Neatness and Bispatcl
Shop on the River, in Lewis" short.
onoos te )roprn City Mills.
S ! PI r rE trr, ra r
w a " ' 6 ' f '4 6a 1 m
3i.ixiTACTrp.ER .:.n fipgiiteh of
cm he had in the St.-.te, nt
Whoiesaio orRo'ail.
i n 1 iv.trrint all in v croods ns rep re?r nt er ,
Oregon City, A pi il" 1 7 , 172. t)'2ht. '
l' '.
-w- -
F Vl "T? T "XT I
-a -AJ ALA T m J t , i I
. . - V' ''"" m ' l;l.r,ainilm,tv Orr-inin
, . . ' 1 "- i-""" OT H irr TloT,...
'easo 1. All
Z??7nnT,l " r-or,.. having HaVs
Attnniori-f. nw r -.- . ' : 71 ,
- month, f . -UJ
linsiness Directory of Port hud, Oregon.
General Advertising Agent, t3 front Street.
Ackerman's Dollar Store
Xo. '.'. Kh t siini. Importers and Job 1
bers of Fancy (rood-!. Toys. Crockery, (ilass j
ware and I'latfd Ware. J
. i
Vstor Housti, First st , between Oak arid
Fine. Kver) thing neat. 15 . b. Longfel
low, Proprietor.
Agents for Mabio. Todd .t Co. 's celebrated
ill Pms.
Ivison, rdakeman. Tahu- k Co's School
V.ooks. J"St Pti'j-'iiht-l, a fit!' line of Is gal
j;ian?; fur this 7 at?.
r armnn, the onlvdi-eet Importer of Cloth
ing, Ac., ror. Front & Wsb'n;gton sts.
cIf asTcT YaTre t tT
W II O I. V. 9 A 1. 1:
No, It) IKroiit n ml Vr. 5VVnsl
i'?iton Slvtits.
T)ECK, WIEEIAM & SON. 129 Front st.
Iir.poi ters and dealers in
Ouiik, Iiifi's nnl IlcTolver
of nvpry descripCon.
Fishinc: Tackle, F.u:cy C.oods. Uead. Dird
Ca'tjes, baskets. Croquet ( lames, and
l'abv C;irringe-i.
Agent for the "California Powder Works;"
also, for the Wheel. -r .t Wilson
Sewinpr 'Machine-."
"Tnrk .Toh.n A ., 1 '29 Front st reet. praet i -al
.! Watchmaker it Jeweler. Work done
for the Trade.
DIMES A- P.ACIIE1.DER OC Front street
1 ritrham A Peiohart, First st. le t Oak A
) Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges,
Kitchen l.'tcnMl-.
u hanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First k Taylor
Cheapest Furniture House in Port-
LiAil! J-iJ is Fnmj.s,rr,:t'
(Clarke. Henderson A Cook, SI & S3 First
J stree t. Dealers in Dry Coo Is. Fancy
Cooiis, A '.
(fiohn A Ro.cnf. Id, MS Front st. Conmos-
j sion Mer, ha-,ts A Dealers in Oregon A
California Prceiuce.
Ciomrle. J. P . M:inufactuier A Deiler in
J Sriddh-s, Harness, and Saddlery Hard
ware, f"i Front s'rt et.
('mier, W A Co., pit! Front st. Merchant
J Tailors and Clothiers, Huts Furbishing
oL-,shmuU A Oatman, 02 Fruit street.
R"al J-lstate Acrents, money loaned.
houses rc".te h
i' loat -' 1 1 -t -
A Ki AC' ). P'l Fp.iit street. Oniers Iroin
n 11 - portnui of t! c Slate ur Ten itone.-t caie
iutly ft! e l hy ma ! or i-xpres-.
"md, Eoweusti in A Co. Furnituie and
i.J (..'arpet dealers Stores from in 4 to J;',s
I- U -t stir, t.
XT teje.oyiiient Agency. Vltherll! A Ho!
J. j man, i- u Front st. Furui-h all kiad- ot
"ve,d-n? A Be -he, lo rotit stn-et. t.om
mission Merchat.'is ai.d dealers in Do-
in -r-'.v Iro,! '.'
)f fashion Lively Stable, cor. Fiist A Salmon
.I1 sts E. '01 oett, i'r p. .J.jod turn -or.ts
a 1 wa s on hand.
-Widicl A It berts. cor. Fit t A Washttr.-Cn
I-1 st-.. Dealers A Mr-nut. i Coihing, Furn
ishi1'" (;,:,:ds.
'I reelatid. Dc B. R.. De;,ti.-t. 0!li.;e, No.
V Deku u's B! ck, cor. First A -Vash-i
r.gt on st
( 1 ill ,V Ste-1, :, ;eid 77 Fiisr strict. Dcab
ers in Book-", Statiot. ery, anl Musical
1 nstrn rnetits.
The largest Mn.dc House on the Const..
Ci. Js. OePRANS, aiauager.
g o i.e a nrtNiV Fii i; 1 1: E
" ilowc'' Sev.-in? 3Iac!sic.
t :&7 A C e n t s w a 1 1 f e d . " u 't
JI iickeuey A St
A. in all kinds
tcme. Oroeers ato; 0; ub-rs
Seeds, cor. 1- ir?t and
Ala, u sts.
nu n -1 oe rer, B.. i:t:J I i:t -,cet. iteporter
aud (h-ah-r in Staj.Ie Fancy Dry Go a.Is,
ii ilunery.
"I I tndee. D IL, 1 W-to.jtr ipbic Artist, s. w.
i .1. cor. Fiust and Moiri-on sts. Child s
I'H-r. Sl-CC It v.
ptir.chsen. L. C. A Co., lot. F.rst street.
JL Manutacturprs nnd dealers in Jewel rv.
ao.-hi.-s, Ac
'ihbard. Ceo. L., 9S Front st.. wholesale
leaier in Croctuies, Doors, Wagon Ma
terials, Ac.
odge. Calef A Co., '.C Front st., whole
sale dealers in drugs, paints, Oils,
Glass, Ac.
T f f"I Sewing Machine, straight
.1 V i I .J needle, under feed, "h ok
stitch." Cot..;... titi. n challen-ed. . E.
Traver, 1 pj Front st.
'nrcren A Shitei'er, X.ih. l.th to 17-t
First st. 1 tnp.-i ters Furniture, Bed
ding, A c.
International Hotel, cor. Front and Morri
son s s. M. Rudolph, Pi-op. Free Buss
attends steamers.
'ohn.J. A 0o.,.G Front st., wholsale and
retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish
ing Goods.
? aisijn Doree Restaurant, piivate rooms
ill for Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets.
a. Voos, Pi op.
" f"fti-tin, E. A C-o., wh le-a!e di ah-r in
Al. Wines A- Liquors, (. St. X. Co's Block,
and San Fran
eier A Schmeer, 1 1 1 Front st., whotcsale
1 and retail Confectioners.
iller, John P.. ftJ 1st s.. Wat.-l.ui-ker A
Jewe'er, ofl'ers to do puhiie a tine as
sortment of Vi'atelos. (hocks and Jcwelrv.
ocller A Co , Front near C st.. Dealers
in native and foreign Wines, Liquors
ii nd ( hars.
T orthrun . K. .J., Hardware, I rim. St.-el,
lliits. Spokes, Hardivond Lumber, tf-c,
Port land.
Occidental Hotel, cor. First and Moni
sts. Smith A Cook, Proprietors.
Parish, WaK.ns A Cor; ell. Real Estate
Agents, i0 Front street, bet. Aider and
I ard A Co., Ioi Fiont st.
"T ice, J. M.. P"i7 Front street, wholsale
X dealer in Tinware and Stoves.
r)ichfer, Paul. 107, First st. . i mporter of
1 Berlin wooden Carvings Parlor Orna
ments, Ac.
'! it5,r- C, Real Estate A Money Broker
IV f'-2 Front street. Poi'land.
Tosenbaum, I.S.ACo.,1 'ohaccouists.itnpoi t
-1 1 er- of Foreign snd Dc nestle IJiu?r.
c urt,i r,n,,t it on First Class run -
it .. i.-u., . .
cipiu. Thomas Ly,u,'l 1'!--
-riock, s"., (il Fiont and C,2 T-'iistsls,
Icaler in Harness, Saddlery and Sad-
Q her
O deal
dier Hardware.
imoii. J., .'o Front, street, dewier in Door
Sash V; Flinds, Window A l'iafe'iass.
O insheinier, JL, lo7 Fiistst., importer of
... ... u . t..
k.1 I'l.mos, Organs, Slicel .Music, -iumc in-
V , '
strnrnent. a .
O kidn-ore. S. (I.. VIZ Fnsi st Ii uggtst
r Ap-tlt.-c.irv. a large stock of Perfumery
,S: Toilet Arti
S" ni tli .V Iavis. 71 Froiit sue. t, wlo.bsi'e
dealer iji Dm its, Paints, Oils. Window
Class, Peifunferv. Ve.
O Fiames, Moldiegs, Artist's Mat',s,Draw-
iiu' Iastrumen's.
S-u!i.. Put.. Broker, t-o Vo-it s-t. Dealer
in I.etral Tenders, Go- cnimcnt P.onds
and tlohl Dost.
S Watchmaker A Mnnuf.ofurlnsr Jeweler- j coSnT Vf Z 'i . f
iVnn..ointPd A rent for the Walttm, K'-.o. a.ovo entitled smt, wit'niu ,, ,l &m th
v Howard A Co., Chas. F. Jacot. and the j date of th service of lh:s suim..es-'X',!'! u
ttims and im-orts of the ' California Jewelry
.,: ;.. Yr.,,,i,.. -o-ri tnv n t oe r vci r-
,(;,.,,,,, , ,a.... ..
Watches repaired tn the yerv hest manner
and WAlUMNTKit to give satisfaction.
San Francisco. Si-m! tor circular.
f ..rrf51 Pros,. No. 17 First street, mannfac
JL tef is nnd cienlers in Furniture, lled
diner, fat-ret. Ac.
rihe Clothing store. 11 :t Front st. Clot'-ing,
ft Furni' incr fJo ds, Root- and Shoes.
Han s A Pi a gr-r.
rfiift'e. II. IE, LP2 A 1 t-i Front st. Dealer
X i't Wagons A. Agricultural Implements.
rfytH',4'. D., n. w. cor. First. A Oak ss.,
J "dealer in Brandies. Wines, English Ale
and Porter.
rpvler, J. A., 147 Front st., wl oDsalo deal- j
.1 er in B'tttcr, Eggs, Chee-e, Lard, Da- j
con, Ac. j
""T7"i!lianis A Myers, r. Centra,' Block, !
V Front, st., Commis-ion Merciiant A !
deal's in Produce. j
71. alley A Fe-hheimer, Attorm-vs A So
V llcifoisi-i Bat.fci nptcy. Ottice in OdJ
Fellows Tcnipie.
?S9h. 1 t5 & ? (
fF r-
A T-'T TT" P H JT " F, F- (
V.- o 4i? a s li is L J li kSj s. J
H K Oi
S:'nIFVft X- FTBFf 'M?!'nf!
C?---r- v---r. C.--
t a pot t.iail tiiv V.ef?C.?.
e w oni
,ay, come ana convince v. nr-
yi'lt hct lit' i tiristi-i-i i, t . . V, 1 (li-i- ct,.,-!-
coiis.st.s ;n part oi
15 A R IV. V A F.F,
nnd o great many articles too num. rots to
I ! en! ion.
ALSO. Doors, Windows. Glass ar.d Putty.
s T ,n .
.-.EM), v, COT, wfintr (i f.,r which we pay
Oregon City, April LM, l71:tf
Eye, Ear, Tlircat & Lungs.
JOHN 3. FlLKiUGTCr-J. Til. D.,
A.J ea'eo , Poroa,..!. Oregon. Oioce : 1 -
,-H.ies Luimnig. I" irst street (three do.-rsj
.a,,,, Lao. Uv iiiton s L ,nk , wla re he may j
ho rnnui.tul daily and will treat diseases
""-."'"' -"-ns a- spe-ialtcs.
,. A'l oiu-.-ations upon lhe Le and L.u per-
lonneii in inc most scientific ana caiefnl
ma n net-,
A RT1 FIC1 A L I'VES, havirg all the hranfy j sh-viutrs. or other rorni.itstii l or ,.-
and mobility of the natural eye, inserted. I ten a.n in or iidjaci r,t to s .eh bnildinc. f.v-
Ueters bv permission, for bis professional j ,.0pf carpenter shops at-.d traimfartr.riia"
standing, to L. C. bane, M . D., 'rri',- so ,; j ostal lisl.n., l.ts. and" from such pirci s, s!a v-Sm-gery,
and Edwin Itcntley, M. D., Pr-des. t irps ,r )ike cnihrstihle nu.t.iia'-i
sor of Anatomy, PmverMtv ot the Pacittc. shall he i curved aoften its deemrd rccrsi.tv
San Francisco; and for bis s,:cce--s in ibe , iv the Marshal or Chef l-li.-'i,.r .-f V.'e
tiearnient ot ca-es to over l.o, oeisrs tieat- ; Fire Pfpartment : nr.d f'-r even vn htio-i . f
i i,y turn, in siiii r rai.cisco ; s:-n, to J.evi
JV1-'?- Ksr!-. '-''v- hl,ot-J n:,nd ; " rn-
H. Dtie n, E-o., at.c. ii v.-i , S . T. : nnd
many others Oregon ar.U abingten Ter-
rito'-y. rei2i.ri-.mfi
no Stock Ore vers.
rrnr: road across the cascade
JL Mountains, krown as the ' Old Fmi
grant I toad," is now in spb-rdid rrder for
the aecomrr.oda t ion oft he ol-lie. Thebtidtrcs
on the road have all hern the
:y t r pa r-
ed, and tork drovers will find it rn trouhlc
lo cross the Mountains by this route. There
i-- plenty of good wafer and grass on hoth
sides of the Mountains, f nd lhe distance
across is only -in miles bein-r the shot test as
well as the best road ever the Case ad Mon,.
tams. Stock droves and emigrants nil! fiu
it to theiradvanta-e to travel over this route.
Tides rea.-orj.lde.
JOSEPH YOBNG, President.
("hicknmns county, June 2 1st, ls72.
Store to Rent.
Plf,(i by Kafka, on Rock Creek,! 2 miles
trotn Aurora, situated at n fine point for
coi.inDv fradini' oo-t can -, 1,.-,I .
-I - ...iu
l-roia n, .i 1.1 . in-.,, Tit. .. .!.:.. ,i -.
o.v 1,, n, s. iiis i a c.jraniv point
for a man with small capital to go into br.si
n .s s .
Enqmre of JOHNSON A MrfOWN,
july-2otf. J Oregon City. Oregon.
Eavier, LaSoque Cc Co.,
t,Keep constantly on band fo, sale
Midhngs, Rran and Chicken T"eed. Pflror.n
purchasing feed mnt famish the .arks.
i tantice ot umtniR-i-'i,.
j - I. li r - ,
I Salcof Real Estate
; -OTICE IS UKl'.l-:j;Y GIVLX TIKt Vx.
virtue ot an oIor .f the Hon. Coum'v t-A
1S72, in t):e imiitcr olQi;e estate of ! r t '-'-'
liion, 1 wiJl,u Monday, the 7tii Uavofv.'v,,
1ST;, at the hour of eleven o'clock rt the 'J':f'
liouse door hi Oreeoa titv. ei;.i. ..
j Oregon, ?ell at i-ubiie uueiion, u, ihA'?
i .1.,,. ..U li?' it. tit!.. ni..,t .. S- 'i-
' ' ,i VV , i;,,V ,V V V'u V 1 s:,,(i CM;eK
bis in the t oilov nix .h rii.c ,i iiai toi ... B
v,it : ih K 1-2 ot u.e X v." i-, 1-2 Vf, ; uf
Kl-4olSV -t Ac X VV 1-i f s i; i-f,.f
j A 'XStYPr'' iu' Kol,i V(d-- m.
nfti - sale with note a ml min f. ......
Dated S.'pt.C, ls72. Q J..Sl".';.IeAMVO
Adinliutiatoi ( i evtiite o! ,1 s ip '
sei-ian.-v i ' I1:cn-
In the ( 'ircnit om-t ot tlie State of 0)c-i
C'hukaiiias eouuty. J':, n.r
IMARV litlLLJI'S, I'laii-iiif, - f-, .j,
LAFAYETTE rjilLT.f?S, Dofeiulant. j h'"o.O
i il , . js a.m i. 1 1' j n j:
' u nuu no 1:11 i; onas i nan v .,,.! if .. .-
I o' her county of this state" tlan Vithia t"',''
. , ' . 7 , , , -e.i i,y iml.l;,.u
! tion, a-oi.1 ace ii.tit;eil and if-i-uii.i' to ,; , ,
, aI1.;.v Miitl Cl.lllIlaInt m n'l lfc' ; H
j tll4y of Octol.er, ls.72, that h:, the i:i,t U"U:"
,.. wvt ,.,, ,r i t,. , ... 1 . ..... . - ;v
. .... .... .... ... ... -.'i.ii i.
t an '1.., ; .. o
held next af r toe exfjiation f the 1 :;,',;, '
sejihed l y t!-,e (in!.-rol s-.id ren t for the T-ri : ,1
tioi(.i this suiniiinns; ami 1!" von hiU tl,"' - (
pear fflai ai.swer, the .hu:ititr "will aj v to
court foCthe relief riayed h.r in tin- v.-. -w i.hii'V
V iiiih is in std'r-'i.ai:c(; as f,.,li ws: thai li e hci cs
of rft.it riisioi:y row i xistirt; hctv.ccn plaiuti'.V.:
h-fe,iiajt be dissolved and that the 'us',vv'f
sai l minor children be deero-d to plane ttf ",,i
for general relief, also, costs and d.ishcrsniu' r'-'s"-ami
yon are furthtr nolilii dthat tlu-Ih,n. V. iv
h Jiton, .1 lulse of said ( ircuit ( 'oiirt . en t! t
day ot Aulas', 1S7J. made an ord'-r direct i, eV
suinlnotis to he M i vcS hy ;.ui.M- ;,t:.'Tp in )tl. ij
tjon itv l',,itcifrisc for six suCc ssive. ( Vr
Ausu'st .-JOth.'lSTi.
iiiiCw Attoiueys for i'hin.t;?.
'a !i v..
rjj ir tz
I Mi
P e: P, l .:.'A j- ', 1 ', .,
Will rtp-jr csrjtlugg' ties:3d ir. ?. ft'.rr':- f;.:a
tie heaviest to I!rbti:t f..c:.'
Tumi: zizy:;. av
If il:rU r. r:r--e-, F-h - '.'.0
r!.h;o y.-..L;a o: o tl;o;.-:.i.J lilies tf
Fu:i I'r: ;::-i sc-o i "t vaukii.g y, U iit.d
fivircg en' ire f .-ai.-.fr'ct i if J i;.
loriut'il of ir, it x.i'A lo ; h t C. a to
Y.itheut exneitisci cf elv kii-d io t I.o
Orard I
c:?t u t: l.
S'-tttf f yr C'i rrala.7 s ar.d camgif-s c-f
f.e Tf;-V. Active Aits xrutUcd in
Vi- t v.) EiCi 1(4. i SUi i w !
i OitlUNANCK FOf. Tt'ft flOVEVTO.N fiK Ktrrs.
j ,
Tic it ord.iinol and rthlUlud hj i'.i (':
( '",?-. i f Cr'r-n ( 'it if :
S: ct;o.v 1. That every dtimitfr rr f-
ltcrealter built within the City, s'hi;!! l.a-f
w.t'.'s a' least ioie- incrcs in lhi.kno-s, u:
I t.r hot
s oi such 11---.es or cl. i :;, !,
t i e at least .-ix liic' s ir, thickness, a d -! : -a
bo co: strocte.i of b. iek or M,,,,, of
' en: lev. alio i:''u! ini- mortsr; t i ', .-1 .
be welt seemed, and shall ext'-nd at h;-
f' ur feet abi.ve the rc-of of the hr.i libra t .
j which ii b- lor.gs n,e: snri,,- fomi t!ie j.,i:t
where c::c'i chiineev passes llrae' fm li
i reof. itr..! shall e.N'end at iea.-t two fee' t -.-
; -.he v-Emiro!' Il-.e ftrst sf orv r,f such 1 i;i!.rttj
; si. ;.s to lif'ord st'fhcie'it st are f,,r a .-h u-
j p-pe to enter sin h t-h'inev without r.d. r.L''
t T 1 -. s-.iU in-i... , , t- 0
r line s-hati o. prUi tt: ! v
i a tin cvhituer or sac; ar,!.; m ct-seai.v t ..i.. -
J ing the (i ;! ng ci- wall ; rr wl.i re -l.r- !
! pipe or fine pas-os 1 1 , 1 1 e. h s-nv oi'o
I v.t y r flue shall !. built in vlolati--) ef :
I 1 1 (jiiit ii . r.t s (.f this o dinaiice. the nw:-. r
or ..wi.er- -f' such bciilditiir c.t t e ti !.. sa
i chin. l.iy shiil he !,ii-.;t, si'. ill he s v. r; v
r r.d re-peetfu'ly fined 1-efe-c i':e Mvy. r r
R e i icr in the sero of (.J-o .vg mei,tj
i dollars. al:d costs ct pr sedition.
! Sic. 2. '1 It at it shall be unlawful f..r !' c
! owiter or own rs o - eccupiii.t f ir.v f.-ni.ti-
i it: g within the Cty. to allow, ?n lac-, i r
; prmit to have 'placed, any stove j-.e -
j ihn.ogb any -window, side, reef or c-;;:--c
i ot such l.ir.hiir.g. v.v.n a I ;,--if(it.' i:.-.r:rt:'"
j in sto es shall cint-c to h;.ve 1 !i;c ! ,t or
' su( h sti-ve a lex c n ' a 1 1 i ng, (ait!,, cell
! and b. iek. zir.c or sheet iron, scdicter.t t...
j pri it ct ti .- lam! s ; am! when an m:c!i .: ve
I shall staid within two feet o' ,'M y voiron
! or c'oth wall or pai f ilioii, such wrdi or j
j tltli'ii stall! lc pi otei ted lo slu-tt n:ct;a :n
j will be fn!i prote. ti-n against fire treit.s- 'ti
stove, and when any si re j ij e is ir .-... to
J pass t hi -ouch iirv paititjon in any i-al'cl'
; sueo Move j ipe s'uil! pasi tin org li : nd ie
j sui roi.nded by brick r tin e lumen-, s, rs
to he t bast throe inchc.- fiom any weoJ
! work.
And any person violat'ng the pr.'o isi. i s
! fit ties section ball be fined, mi coiuicta n
hcfoie ti e Mavor or K--cr.r.:er. in any .sin:
, not exrredinz t went v d, -lhe s a r d eost . ' -r
SiK.h oib-nce, and an aedinona! ,-enahv e-fve
dollars lor c,e!i oav he or thev'ma v cot tin
sl!,p VIfl!ilti( ;! trr v,s U ,-n notifi.dly
,I;e jIiUlii!l or Clik-f Kugineer r. f the Fit-
Dear: mei.t O
s;, r. ft. That it shall be i:nhwfu! for tie
1 owi'er or own. rs or occupant of any I itildtrg
! x-L-l.r.,... dr. 1...1.I t, .11,,,,- O,,,- 1 oi- o,..T
this ,(.cVtn, such owner or occimant sl.a.l
be lined upon corvtelton bchac the Msur
or R0eord.-r, the sum of five d- Jh rs r
ov( ,.v d.)V ,,,, or th(v phnU ;on!mee s-a-h
I .;,,:: ,.r, .,.,.;'...,,,, r,.'. .;-!;or t!-p
Mar-hail or Cl.iel Engineer ef tie- F re 1 a
pai fmer.t.
Si c. L That flic Chh f Frg'Rcrr c'
Fire H.-paitnient or .Marshal, -r hoth sit
at ;dl times have a right to enter any 1 in; q
h g within the City, tor tlie purpose -t ia-
eovciii-.g and ascertaining any viola't'-n
this ordinal ce.
Skc. m 1 hnt when nny fine r chitrnr--coitsttccted
pri-.r to this ordinan'-e getfC
into effect. Mia!' he deemed bv the Mtirst:..
or Chief Engineer of tie- Pre pepfeimntt
to be unsafe, 1 e or tlify shall i.e.-ity in ; t- -ing,
lie- owner or occupant of the iuaa.ri'
that the same must be repaii cd witl-i" "J1
days, nnd if the parties a'ter such n, t:i! s
tion, fail to make the icqui red ni iuts. ,i;'
shall he fined in tt:e sum of fh e :e!r -t
eaeint;d every day's centinn ittce of Si-,--
skc. C. That it slis.1! be the f?aty of cr
fireman to o-ive. either or b- th, th.e oa-
1 and Chief Engineer of the rite lepr'm"--;
; "notice of evt rv violation of this mail--1' l-
i .i.:,.i. ...',,,-. 1.; L-
which mav route to his knowle.ire.
"liu.il - -1 1 1 . i , i - ii - , r
..Ur, n"v '
Site. 7." That, nnv person who r.i"x ,
shall willfully and ntalicionslr niak j
fibirm of fire, shall on conviction iherf" .
flined in the sun. of twenty dollars for cKi
and every . fieece. , . ;.e
Skc. s That this ordinar.ee ?"' ';',
cfi'et t. find he in force front ard fo'rr
Itth lsv of September. 1S72.
,-T.c. V. T! at ordit-ance No. -,p!);lr
"An otdirtance to secure stove T''Ve
rhimiu vs against fire," bctnd the ?r-ie ' "
I hprc'.v rei ea'ed
i Fassid the City Council P'-1 '',.;,;
A. N OL ' -
Ate-t; L. DIET I. R, Recorder.