o o G o G o o o o o o O O 3 I jljTiUccklij Enterprise. : OCTOBER 4. 1872.! toU V AXD COUXTY. , TO" - i "V.-ii'i v Lw The following bill was . u ,,edin tie Lower House bj Repre faiivf ISarin Last Saturday. We hope t"l'i bill n:ay become a law. and if our 'i-izens do r-f' 1,';ih'e to buUa tLw l)l i'Jp jty can vote it down when the matter is submitted: ti .it i-ilele 1 r.f art Art -An Act to incorporate Oregon fu'v." pa 1 January 17. 1W9 be ano-nd- ,!., the addition o a Section, to be ' !"',;','r;d The city Council shall have u nnitxii-ized so to do ly a major- i Sl-iTIoN 1- 1 !!.. f ,n the electors ol said city at any j - .; held for the purpose under the Ij-rtijn of "he Council, to levy a ?u-cial !.'r- in addition to the authorized tax. to j be collrcted by virtue of thin Ac not i reeling cue halt ol one per -'" ! ..r annum, for the purpose ot construct- I Lrawire suspension bridge across the j opp-irj bank; but public notice of such ! ei.-etr..n. th" -bj-ct thereof and the j ,.,Hr.t required to build s;ud bridge, j shall be given, uy putication in a wevklv newfifier j.iiOnsiieo at uregon Citv t"i '')' I't''i'ty copies of said notice in cix (C) of the most public places in Oregon City for at least, three weeks sttc-c-fsivelv before the time of such election; J'rovld"l. that Paid tax shall not exceed In the aggregate the turn of thirty thou gttJ dollar?. Iisds't liiTK. Three Frofs. residing ia tbis vicinity, who having nothing else t- do on Saturday last, undertook to dis phiv their taleii's in the fishir.g lusinesH; p., at one o'cloek. alter, catching a sup ply ol ca'et pillars and a few oilier inno cent insee s. fi-hing tackle in hand, they started f"r lbe racing Ci luk ua i; after waikiits something less than five miles they brought up ut a place w here they mp'jiused their "learned'' talents would secure them an abundance ol the tinny tribe; bai'iii Ue-ir Ion ks thev cotnmenc- I'tl (1 ! ai;i;i:ji Mii-am nu 1 1 1 -1 1 ,-op i po-ed treasure; but after two or three j h-mrs o! truidess wai'.in; their patience j "avc wav. as ;. either of th.em irot a "bite." ' . i it.. '. - r ,!"-ir U' town, j d""hiles thinking, that li-hutg was not .i-.i- .-'o- .1.: ! Iietr ioi ae. s ill pa i !i :x.e who M!e : j, limit tribe a' having escaped the ci-.t ches ! of iLe ieiirtted ien i !i -men . iinu also with i !'ie 1'ri'is. lor ha stieli bad luck, again gi-nth-ti.en. ... i 1 I V Ai.vost ax It km East Monday after I 'v ' : :r i ,i) im'Ui as a Mr. ditto c we believe, was' i ,i iti , , , ! -oining down the b'.nif grade w ith a load i o! ininoer a'tacneu hi two yotie oi came, i tiie brake pave way and t'u ii'i'ti beT in to run off with the wagon and driver and nil: but they suddenly ran off the road f-tiikl'iij the tonsrue against a stump and hanging the cattle on the lower side I d' the grade, bv the bows when the di iv or procured an ax and chapped the cattle hio-e before thev choked the wagon: no seiioii.-". dani'i'je was do;ir. how. -ver. and we were deprived of a first class item. We think persons had better lock their wag.-ois be'ure at t-m p'imr to descend ihe b!n!f. a? this is the second lime in our re''.i!l"c'.ion thwi a waoii has run away v I'h a team oti tha roa I. Ctifcr.H AnuKsTKP --Vv'ih-on's Circtis tiassed il'.rough town, a part on the cars .,..1 il... r..t o.nd l.,sl M. .!. v fi .,. for the State Fair; but ; or,r lawyers ' tiad e. small claim (about $4,000) ufalnst them which they wanted adjusted they j caused their arrest and deten'i n liere mi- ; til ' "ednesdav; when Deputy Sherdf ! Beatie allowed thein to proceed to Salem ; in h:.- company. In making the arrest. me of their teamster1 drew ji pisto! on . the Deputy Sheriff, fo'- which he was re- j quired to lopo-it $-'i0 us bail bir his ' jqiearanre fit ilie ensui;i''- October term ' Circuit Ciinrh This thing of resisting ; Cnicers is bad business. ! Ma. Si.A rri; s Spkiu'II.-- lion. Jas. IL ' Slater addree.l a lar-e audience a! the ' Coifi-t ilmis-e last 1'rhl ly even in sr. We ; w.-re not or-sent to lomr him but learn ! tii it he m ob- a nvst exeeuent speech. riving ample reasons wh' Democrats ; FRIDAY and all p-rri.s and lovers of their coon- j printer Uiulorstntuls the law rohl tt'V should snppott Gree'ev in th'-' elee- . . tion. Th" speech was received wbli ap- j tlVt' t() public Work, and Wt' IiilVc V mse ;,nd szreat enthusiasm prevailed. . h..r.l".r T 1- si 1 'd- li-ia t, ..I.. .11 wfc Inirn that his speeches have had good effect, i -f ., . . . , .iir. ironoes to m ite n iiioriinjll can- j i i.iso-in oit''iil iifiiiir lie leonon to Washington. -......( 1 I .. ... o i- .... 1 ...... . .. ' I'asskp Down. Hon. J. II. Mi?eh.-d', the new iv elected Sen.itor. passed down i to Portland on the train last Sunday. A few adnitre,-, wre at the depot when the; v rs arrived, and r, taint three cheers was ; given in honor .d Hits distinguished arrtv- , al. lie might have selected snm- other .one oes.,-es siinii.ty to iiiaKe pouticai harr'-mgues. It was bad histe to sav the least. r.!:iT,;K MATTKit.-Woiild it not be well I i fr the County Commissioners, at their j neXt session, to make arrangements j towrd building a lrldse peross tt-e iHckamas? It i badlv needed. ' A?srt the bridge ncros the Molallu should be j built without delay Thev are both need- ed and we noj-i Hie Commissioners will ! take the matter under consideration. j MisoMr.-On last Saturday evening ! was affected in Myers Hall. We learn thSt they have their odes. grip. sign, sad passwords the same as Ibtb- white ! brutiier. Not being of that race or per suvonn we could nof test or sop the '"P'T- f .nuance." but can cite our Constable for the tni'hfulness of our statement. I'li'.cii vskd A Safk. A large safe, wishing throe thousand five hundred h'Tir.ds. of Tiltnn .t McFarland's im- I'roved patent, with double acUtitr locks ;'Hd coin vault attached, was purchased PI I', int.... 1 I . 1- 1 .. t.. 1' I to. ! (',,,.,,. t, r , , ' a,er. I re asurer of C lackama county : fjf the use of his office in this city j j -Mean. Last Tuesday noon, after Mr. j lb Pope had been fortunate enough to j obtain a box of eggs, he left them sitting ! ft the side walk in front of his store, j when a couple of cows came along, and j WZ them lor something to eat. devour- I p'l a Inrge quantity of them before they i ere detected. J ll.M,.M,,j. Tbos. Cti irman was the j Her of t flag presented to the Repnb- ! bean tt ... n . i - -.. i .i ! l'Lil...de!phi:i Convention in honor of their victory hist June. M j. Charman present- Hie n.,g n. Chad. Parish Chairman of j ' cuiniiiittee. i . ! y,. . TT I pHs'i..vi.. Hon. Jas. II. Slater, Con- i pfessm-.in. and Hon. J fl WiNon the man j li''t will be u--r .i .. j'f last week. Mr. S. was looking after ''If 111 eresta ..r r- i .-. , - ' i IO 11 lilt- IJLtfl ill L Mr w i -leeiey anu Lrown. and p.., , """"""V was coilDtlUg "lull r..-,.i,r..M. .Hr. A Levy is not a candidate for Prertdent. but he is on hand " a"l Winter pooK 1" claims to have the largest , , V " , " 1 U! !,m m this mar- him a call at th.. ..t.i ,...i ! Main Street. 1' emc Dot. linn. Ju?. K Kelly has our thanks for public docs. It takes S imee iarp: volumes to relate the rascali ties nf Grant and Tom Murphy Leet and toektng. and other lesser partners in the .New lork Custom Hi. use frauds. . t 1 Nkw Couos.Thos. Ch.trman. Chas. Caufle'd, S. Ackerman and John Mvers ,iave ,)et.n receiving new .roods ihe'last r ... , i , , R'1 J Winter goods on T n ,r..r,.. . I " " 1 "U"J"""' '"Oiograplier. Oregon City, is gorig to leuve on the lodi t October- Now is the time before h, fj to t pictur. ho price of pio.u.graphs to $15 Per d.'eo ' 1 Itj,AU- Social Danck. Ther.. vci !. ! f- m l''h ' I 1 "''? e coadially invited 'l,tt" nd participate. j T Left kou tiik Last. Al. White, son of ! C(d. W. L. White, of this city, left on the steamer w hich sailed from Poi (laud las-t Friday, for Arkansas to visit relatives, w here he expects to remain for sometime. Rktlhnkh. We were glad to notice the happy and smilimr face of Miss Nora .Moss on our streets last Sunday. She returned "awrd iv)m l0!lg l;U"e li4St ! "a "ta- j .ii a k if t .!). ."V i tne residence or the , ., . . , ! biude s mother, in Oregon City. bept. 2.1. ibtz. oy lkev. Geo. U . Izer. Mr. John W. I Meldrum and Miss Georgie Pope all of this city. Pkikk'.s Mcsscal MoNTin.v. The Octo- ! ber ntimtier d' this most excellent publi- i cation mny be found at Mr. Fleming's j book store. It is a splendid number. j MfSic. The Oreson City Fra-s Band ' .itseour - ed mns!(; for tne speaking at the ; C)Urt House last Eiidav evening Th; ' - ': . - llatid is second to none in the State. v-eiiemoi. .oiu;e; i , ., , ! hy Kev. 1.. (rerry. Mr. Edward . Eiliot 1 I a ml Mis Marn iret S;rick1T. al' of .hh- :(l 1 I t u ' S I'illllllV I '.'Tim to ah. Cltckimis county. Oregon. ' I , , ' . ",, ., . I n:.l lieai ; vlp.itation, in many eaes a drv. Is lowx.-Senator .uyet s paid a 11 mg te.in- eoth. with sore threat; niiK-eadv . , , . , ..,:? t- , , , , - visit home last Sunday, lieprosentui ive ! appetite, a raism y ot .ooil, and a chouing Barin :ilso came down last Sutuiday and remained till Mond iv. Rr.!.!i;rots. Kev . G Chatidhu' will preach in the Bapitst church next Sunday ni Tiling at tue usual hour tor mormjig ; cervices. Pemmiks. This article can be had at ti e Einco'n Bakery. bge:!ier with any thing else in the produce line. n i . I I litsoNKiis. 1 here are two prisoners con- ! ) Hoe. in the c-onf'v j ill fr larceny and i one for assau't and batte-v. - Cot xcii.. Regular mo.n'hly meetit-.g of j ttie t ootlcl! Will 0' Id next ond : evening. - - - da Ni v Cm i; r. -The October lerm of the County Court convenes next Monday Goop.S Mr. I Selling has just received j,5s faii .m- wi,iter stock of good. . ' Hon. Jas. K. Kd!v. was in town last ! Tues.'av and Weduesdav. N::w Sen: Tr-ink.- to Mr. M. il. Jack ?;m for new su'i. Kxi'KRT. I'. 1". Hirks, KsiJ.Jias tifoii apDoilitdl Kxpcrt to ttie.'isure t,(. nriiifiiK-- iloiie lv tin- St:it 5 Wlifl. -Mf. 1J. is a ji! aeuc.ii , T " . .. - r .. Tl . .. . . t . ..1 no ,itllt if the irross e)i:tr-res which ll.ive been llltule by tilt .... .. I .-. . 1 I . ,v fen,. -ii ho evunsei ' 1 1V Iiitn. Frotll what We kllOW of ! the matter, these changes liave been made more on account of a jierson- al elin-against the State Printet than With .'V View of justlC". I f ! lhore lins ,(,tn a wrol)o; committed, , ..... 11-1 we '101C 11 wnl be checked. Iou;ht. We learn that tlie high-toned Brigadier (xeneral O. F. Jj-'" wiio lias been so nicely atms-eil by the Kadical press of Oregon, J,as lK.en l,OUght over by Radicals ,, . . t . -o i r Wit h tilt' ofilCC ot i)e)UtV C loik of Multnomah countv. Tliey iail .. , , ,. , rrl 1 11 1 1 P1 1(e 1 0r" the little mail. 1 liC Radicals doiTt eat crow when they can ?ct 11 '"gaile Democrat. Not Xkw Irksiuknt. Five months 1 fOUl tO-da' JiOIt. lioraCO (tlVC'leV will be inauguratetl Piesidetit of these United States. Then will a new era dawn upon this now disgraced republic. The reign of "peace and good will to man" is near at hand. Let its once more , i t t . . 1k- 1'lllo1 stateman. Mr. i kins. President ol the Slate Ag- rionltnral Society, inform the editor of the 3L:rcwy that from present appearances (he exhibition of blooded stock will be greater this year fhan ever before. Public Speaking, ' T, T, . 77 .. ... t . G'-'- R- I,Hm' ,!ie ,)?mofratlc L!to!at f'ket, will address the people ot Eastern Oregon on political questions at the folio w- j ii:g tinies and places: Pendleton. Wednesday. 0 tobcr 2d, at 1 o'c'ock p. m. Weston, 'ibursdav, October Sd, at 1 o'clock La Grande Saturday, October 7th, at 1 i o'clock p. m. I be t e.lomiay October .tn. at night. ; ii" " ' , 5U4; , i,.ui:i mi, oi. x ; o'clock p. tn. I jaKer tiiv, i cuiifsuaj, tci -uer fiu, ai. i o'clock n. m. j E! Dorado, Thursday, October in, at n'gbt. Canyon City and the Dalles, to be arraiig- ed. The Hon? J. F. Gaz'ey, the Hon. W. D. Hare, or the Hon. A. I!. Meaeham, Grant Electors, can j da me iu discussion if they j clfsirc. i '-J-rry; iTi';,.i jiTjiWi Telegraphic News. Rouk Sept . 28 .-The nogofUnon be tween the Holy bee and .he Government o. Russia, are progressing ia a fuiisfa-Horv iii'iuiicr. Havana Sept. 28-KingS.0n advices sax the steamship irgjnK, ,(.fl Vut.rttt C:,ste!lo m ihe oh instant wnh five hundred cool nes on their way to their homes ia China with $,0 000 of their earning -yAM..n ..-epi. jq.-Uem-ral Espanel has roMuned Lis heat in the Senate. It is reported that the Government has 1 . C- - . .. . a ,u mi o ni it to other European 1 powers the questions of the instiee of its ! claims uL'tnnst the United States for dim- i ages by Cuban filibustering expeditions. I I aims. Sept. :',t) -The Republicans of Al-ters have nominated VL-.or Hugo for i Hie Aseinblv , Lo.vih.n-. Oct. l.-Lord Tlidersd de. in a ! 1MI..!- f.inrt.M . .1 ... ; '".cnritiiiet o! tu t.ov- eminent representatives af. the (h-nprn : arotiiaiion, i, y which h. k:.v th,. in!,-.vic ! of the COUntrv. Were .nM-:"l! -1 I,', it. ..- ! of the Cabinet. - Intornoltiun frrrn Eiirore represents , the Embassy t,, .. .1. . ! . ,1 in-.; v imi ill U csieril I'oWei-s ...c T i . without funds or nmi " rendered thAr al nine oloek. The Court me, nd the jurv was calie.l in. Upon being ,-ked if the v had 'ii 'oe a rerdic'.the foremtui answered that tbey had. It was then handed to the rVrk ! nod amid the stillness of the ;-ive the Ver diet of not g-ii!ty was read. The verdict j was received wbh astonishment, but no j signs of approbation or dissent weie man- ! i.'esteil. i There was a sli rht earthquake shock .elt tn San I-rancisen yesterday in irring. : Dki uoir. Mieh . Dee. The marine i i Till lllll- IJMIHI. .aiUIUlV UlUl I e Erie. ' Many 14 Z Ci and tnany vessels are n.pored ashore. Names v. v - ,-,.. -N'- loitk. Oct. L A c.tiir.L'ton dts- p;1,eb says that private advices from Jap on u-port a crisis in public afT-tirs. and indicate tite ascendency of the Japanese f nartv ovit it;,. t;w(nn..r . r .1 il.,. f..i- ', the present ofthj spread of civilization in the I'mpire. Willi t'lirn v Hnlnit-i TY,n no..r..-- ,S Dr. Wistar is embalmed in 'the hearts of thousands whom hi IJal am ok WimiCmek- uy h is cured of coughs, c 'Id-, consumption, ' r some other form of pulmonary disease. r I V ' IVl . 'K' I I 1 ll 'liUMIVl. ,rn was b?t):.!;t uf,, public nnd vet he "etmiiid tor it is eons'aiit! v ltici ea-in r. - Sjin pt o u; s of Mvntumylaiiil sun nf S .me ;f tin- iiists lrod ut t-tl ly it. , . A sat ow or veilow color of kui. or vellow i.,h br..-n soots o, the laeo and other naits " ''; hopv ; .uh'r.ess mul prowNiness v.iih i!ie;e.t lie.u.aehe : u.zzine.v.. bitter or bad . . ' t t te ia momh. d-vni s- d ' treat and inter- s'Misatn.n in throat : di-tre-s. heaviness, or bloated or tail f -ci in it ab'Uit stomach a. id sides, pain in sides, back or b'-east, an.! about sh. adders ; colic pain and sore;. ess throu.di bowels, with heal; constipation, al terealing'Xvith iVeipK.-iit attacki of iliarrlnea; piles, ilatulenee, le'iv us a ess, coldricss of extivmitu i u-h d bioftd to head. wit.Si ii umbness of It rnb:;, ip'-ciaily at iiiLrh:; cold dolls alternating widi not holies, kidney and ut inaiy uitlicnl ties; t'( n-aie weakness and i rreixuia ri t es . wifi du. Ii. ess, low spirits, imsocia'aility and 'loomy ! 1 1 bo ;i;i,.-s. Only a few of the ah ive .-vmidoms a e i.l.elv to lie iocs': nt in a"v case fit or.e lice. Ail who use Dr. ." .'. ,!. i .!:... i n; c .. i v i i v N- ' o ' l p I! i v i . . . I I ' 1 v. ' t V t. I i I I I I eon: phu ti t and i i s com id ic it ion.- a r-' i 's dr.OM'.s. .--lii.'u lo- a! I dru. 'gist? Whole. load in ' CVCrV- I OOt i Have Fui..sf i! AtViiy. This is .tt lea t tine, of h obi method of i I eat ; n . ilg ab ised and tlltich abued j hum :u body. I is no longer cmwonered wisa body. I is t.o longer corrstpere.l w to put a patient to the torture in o der to i C'l'T lit III ea ein which paiu isalrt-a.ly uiuK-rnoao.g the tuerifhvs vf bi.s system. True sc. e nee langcs itself on the s-ido of na tue, .and en leavers to assist her in her j liirht r.ir-ir,st dis -rt -e. This is the irt.vi.,co he piovi.,cj ) ol i!'j:ttit:r's St '-.nacli Ibt'eis, the most ap- , pr-'Ved ton'c cvt-r a .'.vi-rti-.e f in tl is co'.i'dry. ; It may be rt eommetulcd as a fail medicine, j par excell.-uce; for it is in the fall that bil- oosiioss, dvspep ia am nod in in fevers are espeei.i'lv prevalent. The frame, ex- h.uis'o.i tiv the hea's of sain nu r, is relaxed .. .1 1 ... 1 .!..". t . ..1 1 - : ... 4.1.-. I t.i 1 i ! 1 11 1 iL" ' 1 1 . , lii o m:i i , Hi- I , .... ; , ,' ' , ,. . sav .1 hi-fi'-; art iiei-il ass. stan .-e. Aimrtl if that a.-Sistanee in oec.l spinal doses ol llos- . . - t. tor's Siom ,cli Bitt.-is, and the evt.s referr- ed t s may k- eseapod. I nrop.h oat t : e inv . .1 1 . a -,i est. iujd on ihe steauiinir aliuvuu of the Sout-.e n rivo. all the vanebes of per o-ii c .1 fever are prob ibly life to day. Had a eonr.-e d Hostoter's Bitteis been eonirnet'.ci d by the sull'erers a umoth -ago, i. f., before the r.n n.-ai in v season set in. s vi p - 1 tils 01 .. ... tiiem would 111 ;il plena liititv l.o 111 th.-ir usual heatlb at tbe tn-eseut tim-v Sinineh ........ . . , for want of foncastc. So much for not keenintr in tip house, and usimr dailv. the best saiegu iid against epidemic and endemrj levers, As liocks of im poster and imitators are trying to follow in the wake of the great ibc article you b Vi.eiiean lemedv, thcrelore r.e sure that mv is genuine and ver in y the proper trade- p.arks. T e true article an only be obtai.icd in bottles, beware of the spurious bitters gold bv tin gallon or in keg. Oregon Lodge No. 3, I . C). of O. F".-- Mtets every Thursday even iV$t& iug at, 7 oViock, in Odd I ellow s " 1 1 ;l 1 1 , M i in 8 e d. Mem hers of the Order arc invited to attend By order . V. i. iCclii-cra Drgrcr ljOtj;e No, , ). O. F. (O Sleet on the Second and Fourth TLJESDA Y EVEXIXGS. of e.;ch month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree ate iiivded to attend. Miil t iioin : l I.jdg- n, 1, A. I'.Hii-t A A. 31. Holds its regular cmnmnnic a Vtious on the First and "ih-,! S.ttur f f in each month, at 7 o'clock from ihe -h'th of September to the ii'dli of March, and 7A o'clock from the 'Joth of March to the 2otb ot Sepdember. Rseth ten pi good standing aiv invited to attend. Dec. s7o, By order of W. Si. Ni t everv one can be President, but all can buy SiLVEIi TIPPED sh-H s for their chihli c'n and thereby Ksmii the. r Sl oe Lils two tiiirds. For Sale bv all De .iers. To protect the understanding of humanity pothitor there is 1 he leather fastened Inge h er by CABLE SCREW WIRE. Roots and Shoe.-, made in this way never rip. or leak or come npait. Parc.ts le.-S'-n vonr Sle bills iwo thirds by bie.ing only CABLE SCREW W1BK fastened Boot-and Shoes. Neveniu or leak All .genuine goods bear the Patent Stamp. For the very best photographs, go to Brad ley & R-nlofs-m's Gal'ery wi hout STAIIL---ZZf ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 42v Montgomery Street. San Franciaco. FALLS Rf.VMP31ET :0.4, I 4 . . K. Sleets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each in-nth. Patrurchs in gtd staud- 5n2 ;ie inv:ted to a. tend. Ke't S is" tf ' mm -, iif J. D. McCO VVAH, I n O T O Ci It A f II AKTIST Is prepared to execute work in the very be-t s'yle oi the ait, at reasonable prices. Photographs taken at 10 per dozen. Vieirs of Oregon City tor sale. Kooms On Slain street, opposite Tbos charmau s s.pjre. aug-?uii I.. l KISIlETi, 2) and 21 New- Mer- chants Kxchange, is our authorized A'ent in iSan Francisco. List ov Letters TO EM A I M.N G IX THE 1'OST-OFFICE AT Oregon City, October 1, 172 Anderson Sam. Kohn Mary Lurns band liurns Unah Martin Owen Mav'ee Edward (2) Martyn Li bey Mrs'. U iwen Wn:. D Howe M iel ael (2) MeD-uald T Ilan.en Mr. liev. Newel! N. Cfarlveu O. A. ienn.rey Cris, Eaton Tu.n. F. ,..r'--v .V'03' Fmter liermaa lT V0 U - . l'atterson M.-uy li nebv I-Iolit. Kod -ets L. ii. l-aiiiun Mnthew (2) Sh nnon Owen (2) Sherod Ti ns. J. Starr 1!. F. G.dlick Jennie Miss St.iirlish An -r t!,,,,,, .i . m Yi.ilor W v Hm v .T,,hn f'nvlor Mart .ludson V P Thompson A. A. As Ii;i-:s (2) Wuik-n K. y. Kelly .lame ,el! V'in' K! 1 Jonn Woiiibr-h Catharine If ealicd lor, sav advertised. J. M. UACOX, P. M. FALL & WINTER & o o x : JU.-.T RECEIVED BY jS. LEVY. T HAVE .1CST UEDElVED A COMPLETE X aud wtdl-assort, d stock of wv tn s ' A.i) GITLEjIKN'i' FIXuSHlNG GOODS, "Which I will tell at redaccd prices. t-u" !,n'J f,xm"re my stork before purchas- U'iC cUeWSierc. Produce Tak?n in Eidiange Tor Goods. A. I.1SVY, s o save ne Dollar by an extra outlay of Five cents. Parents should buv 4STT ?719T1 R- r-. 3i- I T " tor ti.eir en dim n scpTni 1 i mm mzf& mm x T!ie -t.ni.hod remed v for CotigU, lnll-i- ", ''. I I ''ill. ! .o.;r.v, :. Hi evi v.. tioa of tl.. Thioat. Luno-s ami ('im-t i ucle,. i ag Consom pti on. " is:ui's ii.tl-otm oi' Wild t'licrry Oa.(- n .' i'rv no fi o:i-fi lint Oiosens ir elen....s the l,n -.i..-! i.lh.v in- t .tion tbii -i."f(g w.v,' of the comphiir.t. None irned 1. Kt'TTS. l'rrpircd bv Sktu V'. !Yiyi.k Sores. i'.o-to- Sold liv Rkiungton. lb stktti i: A Co., San Fiancisco, : aed by dealers 'en-rai I v. fc-'ami for Saie. I A r ARM :F ;f'0 ACRES FOR SALE. I Neailv all under uo-d lence ; about so aeivs in c 'i It 1 vat ton. tor particulars enquire of the undersigned ai ike i'o-t niliee. J. M. BACON". Oregon City, Se; t. ., 172. nlibv:; i akep. Up. rpAKI-X I F BY SAMCEL RbOW.V IN X Canemah PrecHit. one three-vear old 1 (- 1 1 . 1 , . , r , 1 heifer, bL'ht led, spot 111 the face, no maiks i , 1 .. , . r brand A lituai-erl i:t s'n Vnreh Ctli I sT" l.v ! 11 ., pi-pv-Tl P : r- , , , ... . - , ' i l.fcort.ed .uaicli (th, s, . .. t'..,rT,-T. i 1 J hU' IuCOnUT- j '2.' j I X"t Cj'X'X S I I i 11 l- O.'.l '"IMIE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO SELL 1US properly in Ore" W City Wl.i Sell j at a hargaui, to a tood purcha-er. i A.so4iown tots in auemat;, wita good Ai.-o t town lo's in lower end of Oregon City; als.. bio of land kn in n as the dona tion hod c.!a ni of Wm. Stone, S miles southeast of Oregon City, wi.li some im provements, thinlv timbered, no under' j U'w";;1- P' (1 lasting water -i?"li. quire at Comity Clerks niliee. J. M. FliAZER. O'-etrmi f'Ov i :i v- itlii 1 S7 vin.'-; VOlii- urr.imons. In the Cirer.it Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas Count v. W V. IIAPPEU.by Z. C. Norton rlaiutW. his guar. ban. ) -. V. O. lIABIUNi;, administratis oi" the e.-tato of A. M. H.o-.'.in- ) ih.oease 1, W. Ii. Kin:.',P.. '. Jiaw- J. Defendants l.-v, ltobevt ilohpaiii and James) M". Uh 'i'o W. I. King and Robt rt Pt-'.; -nth, defendants above named. ! MN TUP NAMF. OF THE STATE ORF.OON, ! you .are heiePy r i'.ii.-d to ai jw ar and answer I the compiaifit tiled .g.nii-,t you m the above ea- titled aerioa within ten day;, from the dare of thu .. ... -o... . A' i '., ; . ., . ,i . . o ........ von. it' nl.'1-v-. -1 -v-i ; l. , i n.ts ,-o..'nVv: or if served in any other county ,d this State, th,,, wi.hiu t weny Jays rVoni t he ei'difs-rved bv puh'.n -.t i ion, voa are fiotilh-tl and reouiiod to so appear and Hie-wtr said complaint ou or before the 4-h Monaav m Oelub, r, is, 2, that i t i.e- the lirsr day ot the ii.'fvt tena ot the ( nemt -..,,,-r t"- lai kamas Coutliv, Staie of Oregon, ,o,',. ,,r to.. s,.nifM ot tills summons u u t. v" . which will lie bold ait or the expiration of the - j nivl prescribed Pv tne orucr oi s.i;.. v in--pubheat ion of this summons; and it you lad so to answer, the ph. mi ir'.s will am iy to the ( ourt for the relief praved tor in tne eomplaiiit, which is in tjbstiiici- as follows, to-wit : '1 .hat a certain ;.i and decree in a fueetov.ire suit ue Wned in eompla.i.t, also tiie Shoiitt 's tlt-d to A. ir .,.,;o... o i trom A. M. if tl uiiir and wite p. W 1. iTi'mr a'nd P. C. Hawky, dci-d iVom W. ; j i Kimr and wile to Kohcrt Kvujia'.n. deed tnuu i i. i, .,.,.1 ,,.... t,. .I:M,,e M. Ti-ai-ev. i ami t he di-d 'from' W. "W. llarr-r to W. 1). King and P. C. Hawi.-y ; all de.-eiit-d in the complaint be cancelled, set ascie and bold t'-n iinysi'ht, and lie' piaintitfbe a-liud-ed to l tie1 r.t.iii.u oun or of sa:d land described in said uecr.-e a ud c-.m-vevanoes. as follows: Notification No. 7.14S, jnirfs oi'seen..n one and two in T. 3 S., K. 3 P., in t'ho-kamas eoantv. comiie-ncii! r at a point Hi.40 ehidus north, ami S.'i'least, from the S. . cornor of sec-ion ore-, T. 3 S.. It. 3 east, running theii.t west Si. .;.', tin li": liort.il :"5.'.j (hams, th.-riee OUth Sti1' PV, east 91 chains, them-A s,,n;;u 10.00 chains to Clackamas river, thej.ee up stud river with its meanderiuxs to the place of b.-'gimnir, eoatamtna-io-P 3 'a acres; and l'.r other and iia tticr relief, as ta-aved lor in said complaint, totlier with the costs and disbursements ot this suit ; and von are forfler netirl that the Hon. W. W. I pton. Ju'.i-'e ot said Circuit Court, on the 11th Cay ot Sep;ember, is: -2, made an order ..ivo..iy in-, I -".r. ' -,'.---5,' - .i.. . , rg. summons to be served i.ypuuo...:u "y- --- , t j,e above descrilx-d lot, together with thetriprove :ron Citv Lat'-iiai-c for six pc-. cssi a v.ccas. r,,.,lts t,ereon. the pnipevty of the sai 1 N. New- r . ieiai.-. ...... lib FLAT Ar WALPFN, A'i ornevs for l'laintiff. Oregon City, September 13. 1ST2. nWi The only reliable covering fcr the Fool good able Screw BOOTS ASD SHOES. hepl3n45rul Wire E V JUST RECEIVED UY I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, consisting in part of ' DRY-GOODS, Illinois , LADIES' AND ClIILDEEXS' SHOES, Groceries, Orockery, &c8? &c. All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Give me a call before purchasing else where, and convince Yourselves that 1 CaX a:.d WILL SELL as cheap as the cheapest. CIIAS. II. OA II FIELD, C0I1NER MA EN AND SEVENTH STREETS. OREGON CITY. ir- E"n fil'dflftH X5s.rtvSw?f ?Uslft! iieii nuur suiau ui nc uuo uuuse, Slwin Si-., Orrgnu Ci4, Orrgon, X . , . . . . -. . r . 1 -I . TI IE LER1N OB-TT" f ItfCi tf ftfRnrirft Lo I fAifiiLi u!t bbuliiiiOj CO I FEE. TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR AND MKALof alt kinds, PICKLES, SO l SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, ANo all kinds of ' Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER, CHEESE and EGGS. TOHACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc , A 11 L n,lj ,.r nt,x, t,-,l,,n .1-.... ... . ntuvt ' . T , (..i.- k.lllt-ll I.I t. change for roods at the highest mm ket rates. '-r?"Goous deliveted in the city tree of C a rue. A fair fhi.ru of pattoau c t-oliciied. March T.i, ls72:tf . " xn I FT I ,ET LIVE! A . . JLS TIIE 0I1ECQ ( ITV II ICR AND DHAY CC. ! i TTAVING PURCHASED The XX Liveiy Stock and Busineas iit- oi Mess-s. Willis & Uitoci.iiTO.Y, .0V find the Drays, llorss and Business of C. N. (iiiKEXMAS, are now pn pared to cany on LIVEUV lil SSMOSi, VhZiZJJ STABW5. AXU IJIIAYI.VC:. We will also deliver slab wood to ail those persons to whom Willis A Iironiibton have en.Taued and as many more as wili -litrasre slab wood bum us, so far as e can get a supply. Orders left at the Livery Stable for Wood, Drayiitii or liaolin-r, w;II ie attendeil to with I dispatch. Pat' omeje in our several branches j of business solic ted. Our CUaig-n .nlt ijv nioiifi ait- j 1?-The Hirt,t fhil. IVie. id for ):its I delivered at the Stable. ! V. X. G KEEN MAN", TVesiden J. M. FliAZER, Secretary Oi'O. G. H. i 1. Co. Cregon City, Aug. 1 s72. tf. T1IF. I'OLLOAVIN't J ilUSIC-IJOOKS ; nrc recoo ouiie.t ndel as l ei the l-K-iT & Ji 4. of their rlass : Vrlco. The s'on-r l'cti-i, for Srliools ill 75 ! 2 '- Kinkel's New .Mi-thcd for Ker-,1 ( - . JT i On-a:; vdll bo rnadv A';ir. :?., i - i IVtH' Keleetic Piano Se.bo.,1, , , ' TS- o-,:r Stlil.OtiO et.pie-. iti u-:e, i j x t (ts1 Duiniwi-;' I'rinu r 50 Vv'orrall's t-h.itar Si 1 .ia 5 Festival 'hila'.-sSiii:nig- elates 1 0 No Pins CKra (ih-i-Book, with i ... If Piano or Or-an Ae'p'mt ) pt l.ndden's Sch ioi for the Voiee.. 3 50 i aft 1'ftiTs" Art i-f iti!fjiis- ') CO -ftp j Wichtls VioiSch-1 Peter's ed., 3 M Mj j K nininer s 1 late School 3 i)0 "F 71 1 i-'-i- Wiiiimtr.U'dfs Violin Seh.Hil... V.i JJ ilium TaTCit s i inie rcoooi ..l r-;-. &2 Peters' Vioim Sehool '7.1 IL? l'efi is' Flute Si-liool 75 Peters' I'arlor ( 'inn , lanion. For ( , Flute. ':o!in, ami Piano, ' 11 r,Fd 'liZTm'JU-F"rl 200 O O IS. Any Muie will be sent po-tpaid, on reeeint of the marked price. Ad- Ire; A J. L. rilTLIhS, 5tH) Broadway, Mi-w Vork. "7T miiflGs.i2 75 AND r II 1 BET R. H O F E L A M D'S C E L E D R A T E D CJL V 7" "T CI TOMACH BITTERS s tij KiMt.amt most healthful Tonic i iu the Snited States, - - . ---v-- - - 3 These Hitters have U been in the San Fran id cisco Maiket for over fi rl wmty Vi-ars,and g notwithst mding the ii nianv new candidat'-s f for public favor, the "'e li sales have const nt,.v ! r-1 :rcrensed ill ...1 ! -TIVI UK tt KKiV - ' Il KEI Side Agents, ! ': Jo'i'andl 1 Chry St ' ' S -m Fiar.cisco.'iiit-I v. i " . : 1 Sheriff's SaSo. I . ;- P 1'OTH'E IS II Ell Ell V GIVEN THAT P,Y 'snd -"cents for tlelated number of virtue of an exeeu-ion issued out of the ppfp-RCj T'TTTTf! ', T. P-TOlMTHT V County ( ourt of Clackamas county. Staie of Ore- . U A U A.1U tfililj A8iUA" Atllj pm, o"i tiie 3d day of Septeni'er, 172, and to me ami you wi 1 get at least $1 worth of our lat (lireeted, in favor "ot Jacob Wort man an.l against ! ekt a,uj i,esl Voc.d and iastrumeutal Piano N. Newell for the sum of seventy. ;o.i"i, dollar", I yiUH . and for the further sum of thirty-tbur JU-prf), sv.4 j ' . . . -. 20-100. dollars cos's, and ai-Mi for tne costs of and Septemb?l titli, 15,2. m2 nnon this writ. I did on the 11th day of !?.-iiem- b'-r, 1S72. tor the want of ijrsoiial proper v, le vy i . j mx.n the follow d.g dcs-nbed real property of sa -d C li Til lYi O Fl S . I frr Rflnilf'rrv T N. Newell, to-wit: Ix,t No. o, , bk-k No. 4.c- TjJ he f..rcuit (. rjrt ,(f ,1)fJ sute of c for CamagO Vl H U taC C fy I c..rb:.u to the ji it tle reot, together witn ad tlcj j he i-ou-U- of C'ack ir is ! ' l!!'--'md sprte' to lanS XZ7it ! rJIILANcV OTIS and DANIEL. SnitinEaU. j The undersigned, h.ving inerrased the di l'wiil sidi "t- tnib'le auction to tie hisrhest bidder I OTIS, her husband, PiumUif. I ty to torts- meusions of his pi emises, at the old stand for money in hand paid, on Satm day the 12th day of October, V2. ot the Court House door. in Oton Citv, at 1 o'clock. A. M., of said day ell, to s.'i'isfy said execution. fevpteiuher lltn, 1S72. A. F. IT EDGES, Sberdb Pv C. F. PEAT IE, Deputy. H;pl3u4'5w4 rSi r- m e?CT 12? CT 1 A ftm Wii VL a i" ! ii&Iaateifcatf-allUfeJyi KOOM 2 DEKUM'S BUILDING. C0RN er First and Washington Sts., Portlaud. Nnrcus Ox'de administ-ered. n?8tf. GOODS, I CN jT Ft'r Afrcnts wanted ! All j U&O L0 KpaU classes of working jx-ople, of j work for us in their spare moments, or all the tiifip. than at anything; eKe. 1 artieiilars tree. I Address (r. Ktinson 6c Co., Portland, Maine. i September 27tli. l72:ly. w ww w . W Fresh Oysters ! ! i ; LOUIS SAAL, - - - Proprietor. itorntr of FouriU anil Main Siees. ; j T?RESH OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY V stylo desired. Confeetiouerr of everV k'"d con-tuntv on hand. I manufacture all my own s ock , which is ! ui'licient guarantee that it is fresh and pure. i ('a!i if' WlUit ' il ooJ C"P of ''- or choeolalr, or anvthinjr in niv line. Oregon City, September 0, l-b7-:tf SHADES SALOON, G A. HAAS, Proprietor, 7 17 Kain Street, Oregon City- j Bent- IjlLLJAHI) TABLES in OR KG OX : Have been introduced , and the Proprietor in- j vites the attention d the hwers of this jnijiular amusement to them Till: BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Cigars. Scoter.. Irish and Boutbou alreadi f'aiu Vks and Punch. ALSO, a :o. 1 - SHOOTEKG GALLERY Is coimeoted w ith the Saloon. Orejw . City, .Tan. 1, ls7'2:tf mEW OOODS AT TIIK MNGGLHJSAKERir. WsLLi AEVIG & HARDING, AVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE t v of choi-'c , , c , , , , rir i" J- i V I i L. Y C3r4.OCc.RltS AND PROVISION'S. T' e. Rakery will be constantly .supplied with fre.-b BREAD, (11 CKEi:s, CAKES. PASTRY. C A N D I E s A N D N U TS. Al! of which will be sold at livis'i rates. s. s at J-.emen.ber that we do not sill irood co.-t Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To the fauning trad we would say, CASH for you. produce, and CASH tor our goods. Goods delivered to all pal ts of t e city. Feb. l'i,d s7-j:tf 5 ! RUto tyiMTEO nfifsH S sA L L t ii U f ItS I JUST RECEIVED AT tj " VI.ER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, II A RD WARE, G R0CERIES, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, AC. M A 1 N STREET, i) R EG ON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is bought, for which I pa- the highest mai ket price. If you ih-sire good Good, at LOW Prtcr s. call at I. SELLING'S, and examine his fresh slock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. SIv Motto is. QUICK S A EES AND S SI A LL ! tl l pVITS I. SELLING. Aoril 14, ls71:lf JtV Ll IV 111- O the attention of Ttachers and Amateurs t'i K ink el's New Mktiiod f (dtrnK Rkkp OeuaXaxh SIklopt.on, j w hich we will issue about September First. i This work is pronounced superior to all oth- I ers of its ela-s by Teachers who have exam- EW METHOD Mt'C'd it. It. contains a clear and simple c urse lot instruction wherebv one mav easily !Cquiie the mastery of this favorite Instru- 'l'l" month's study It wil nb j L- U 1 V JL A L JU ite work with the u - -K m m t H 3 9 E W V4 H it d V Jr- Teacher, on account of its clearness and sys teioatic progression ; more of an amu-einent than a utti'itj for the Pupil, and will prove a tiinfi i ivt'il'U to the Amateur, on account of the many choice Melodies, Songs, etc., that I T 'T T "I X S 3 ' 4 IX liilil JL? V ) 11 IX A i . i - 'i'" - Ruikel h.'.s seb-cted and arranged i-x- . I'ssly for this Woik. Hinkei's New Meth j w"' u'ad-'d, post-paid, on icccipt of : Address, J. L. PETERS, .'Ot1 Broadway, t N. V. t i.-adt. it iiV , -v r,..r ....., J r.. ! To K. Aliord (iibson.lieftndant "PN llli: NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE- j Ton, you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint filed atair..-t yu in the alsve entitled suit, on or before the "-IS: h day of Oet.oT next, that hcir.fr the first day ot the next termor said Court followinij the expiration of six weeks publication of this summons, as ordered by Judge Upton, the Juige of said Court, this lsth day ot September, 1ST 2 ; and if you fail so to an sww, for want theix-of, the plaintitts will app pply to the Court for the relief therein demanded, which is for a decree to toreelose a raoi tgaye held by 3!amtins against defendant, and f'ur costs and disbursements of this suit. TILM-ON FORD, E. ii. STONE, I Attorneys for PlaintiiTs. i S-crt-:n:lr C?th, 1S72. jj-17w THOMAS CHARMAKb G c5950 KSTABUSHED o DESIRES TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS of Oregon City, and the Willamette Valley, that l.e is still on hand, and doing business on the old motto, that A Xiutlile Six-Pence is Wetttr tlioa a. Slow SJiiliing." I have just returned from San Franguco, where I purchased ore of the LARGEST and UEST SKJLKCTED Stock of Goods ever before o fie red in His cily; and consist in part, us follows : Boots & Shoes, Clothirg, Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, Hosiery of every Description, Hardware, Gro- eerie s, Paints & Sash &Boors.Qwueens wafe, Crockery, 0 Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, o Jewelry of yanens qualities t styles, Clocks &Watches.La clies & Gentleraen's Furn ishing; Goods, Fancy Jfotioas0 of every description.Patent Med- o icines, Rope, Farming- Implement! of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, . o uu ciotn, wail Paper, &c o v. iisi, 1 can sav ray stock is th MOST COMPLETE ever oUr red in this mar-, ket, and was s'ected with rapt-rial car Tor tUi market. .Ml 0f which I now idler fr sale at the Lowest farket Rates. io use for tbe ladies, or auv one else, to think of goir g to Portland tobuv pood for I am PEi EICMJNEli TO SELL CHEAP and i:ot a. low mystlf to be INBEIiSOLD Ia TIIE STATE OF OREGCX All I ask, is a fair fiance ard quii k pay ments. Believng, as 1 do, that nineteen years experience in Oregon City enable me to Know iiie retirements of the trade. Con e one and all, aud see for vmirselvaa that the tdd stand of THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It wnn'd be use'ess for me to tell voiq.11 the advan tages I can olL-r you in the sale of good-?, as eveiy stoie that advertises does ihat, and probably you have I. ecu disappointed. All I wish to say is. come and see and examine :or yoiiist Ives, for I do not wish to make anv mistakes. Sly object iS to t 11 all mv old Ii lends now ihat I am still alive, and desir ous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. f f 11., . r TIICS. ClIARMAN", ilain street, Oregon City. iTLrgal Tenders and County Script i taken at maiket rates. TIIOS. CIIARMAX. .dis r 0,000 lbs wool wanted by ThOS. ClIARMAN. SEAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE-0 JACCB STITZtL, c. c. -WAY. JACOB STITZEL&C0., SUCCESS0R.S TO STITZEL &. UPTON., IL EST AND o o Cor. Front nnd Wasliington S., P O R T L A X D , 0 R Vj ON Special attention given to the sale of farm nig iamls and city property. All corres pondence relating to the recources of Or gou will be promptly answered- T) EAL ESTATE JOURNAL. Al Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. JACOB STITZEL CO. March 15, ls7L';tf BAIiNUM RESTAURANT. LEOfiDeLOUEY Proo'r LATE OF THE CLIFF HOUSE MAIN STI!EET,ORF.GOXCITV,ORKOO.V. rpiIE UN DERSIGN EI) R E JL sjicfuilv announces to his fnends and the ti avelinir nublie that he has re-opened the above named Krstaurant. The proprietor knows how to serve bia csutf mers with Ovstets, Pig'., Feet, a good cup ot Coffee or u SQUARE MEAL. LEON DkLOCEV City, Jan. 27, lb71:tf A YOID QUACKS. A XJL discretion, causing premature decay. Ac, hav every advet Used remedv I VOID QUACKS. A victim f f eatlr in- inrvous debility, ing tried ia Tain , I as a sinitda mn ot self cure, which be w'll fend liei-to I.ia tellow snflerers. Address J.1I. RLLVEF. 78 Nassau st., New York Sept. l:ly 1VEW WAGON AND Corner of Slain and Third streets. Oregon City . . . . Oregon. sw Takes this method to inform his ld pat rons, and as Tiiany new ones aaSrT be pleaseijjto Call, that he is now prepared, with O ample room, erood materials, and the Tery best of mechanics!, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Ilorfe or Ox shoeinjr, and general jobbing uentlv, nuieklv nd cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Eitelfcier KerVet o o o o O o o o o o G O o o O o O G O o o O o o O n nTTDrpiTCV AP T5 A 1 n T rxTrn T TDD A DV