Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, October 04, 1872, Image 2

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o O
cekiy Enterprise.
- !
.... ;
nninv f.-ny npp."!( nf-n In ) i
. -- , :
:''St:? v'';
JTt. ba kr-C tT4 u Imm L:
For Vice President,
- - - Oi'' .V'.SSIU'UI.
Presidential Kitetors,
O f-.EO. It. IIKI.2y, ,f Linn County.
N. I. CJATKS, of Wasco County."
K. I. SIIATTV lv, of ilultnomah.
Two Vi'its to Pi? (."bur;'-.
... . , r t-i , . j
IMtsburir, in I'eimsylvania, has
' , , ' , , - ,
jcently been the place, at which;
. . , , . . . -
yt, distinguished visits have been
The list visit was made
, , , , ,i . i
v t ne lestrai!eii aim oe oumiu u ,
j -11
upstarts of the Federal Army, who, j
-Vcceivinp; bir pay and having notli- j
ing else to do, took a pleasure trip j
to Pittsburg, dressed up in their
gayest toggery, there to meet and
and tell the hardworking and tax- !
paying voters oi' this country how
, ,,,, i
thevcouLTiit to vote. i ms meetim! !
liad been announced for months, i '
-r, ....;; .f...,4:. iTl .!
interest Cf'wl.ich'it was convened,
aided it in every conceivable way. j
-r , ili v . !
It assembled accordiiiLr to pro- !
gramme, ; and these w 'ell-fed and
well-clad eleemosynary nincom
poops, declared that, the American i
1 1 11 . .
Ill-O'l S Kill !1 17' Mill il:l!lt I I ) llOU' -
1 - . in i .i i ; . i
c i , umii 'i kh np uiiiii'ii iiks i., i
-,. , . . . ' j
With the tauu oi ohiciai corruption S
. i r.ii I
ami irani)arent im:ecuuy. x wis
.n -
O one of the ;its to Pittsb'.ir
The week following this ostenta- j
tious visit, then another vbit was
o maul' to it ov another party, with
out title or ostentation, started to
pay a vt.-it to Pittsburg. Tie trav
eled, at his own expense and paid
his own bills. Unlike the shoulder-
strapped snobs, he would notswel-';
ter in midsummer by reason of
wearing heavy clothing simply for
show. Willi a linen duster -on
his back and a carpet-bag in his
haftd, filled with fresh linen, he
o w ent to Pittsburg, like a plain sen
sible man, for a plain sensible pur
pose, lie also had L;s say at Pitts
burg. Iut inlead of aiding to
keep alive past uumiositics, he f;
vorctu their burial and the striking
hands of
Instead of sustain-
ou'.cau corruption ami roticn-
he favored the cleansing of
the Aim-ran stables at Vashimrton.
spake not like a tool, but like a
treeman. And the voicv; ut thw
i,.l tli. ..I' il,!.
-'lv- "oo vi
plain honest old man will be heard
and heede-1 by the toiling and over-
...... i "l i: r v ... e..
inxeu innnous ut .vmeue.ins nee-
men, biraoove tne parrol clamor
of the well-fed hirelings of the Fed-
...... i l ,. p....
CI UI -Vu ill 111 iSLI .TtlOIl. 0 Lit is
ability and meritorious worth were
concerned, plain Horace Greeley,
'I .
at Pittsburg, made a bigger con- ! n0 didn't i;;u that paper to sav
vention than did the hundreds ofth:lt the "Clerks" of election had
enipt v-he;ided military unstarts.
l".Jt:sr. An article appeared in
the Jtr-'f of hist Friday which
was evidently written with the in-
tent ton of bent' filing Salem at the
ex)ense y Dr. Hawthorne. In
that article the name of Dr. Lorvea
i:- connected with the first -named.
LTcntleman as contractor for keen -
ing the insane, when it is well
known that he has no connection
with the institution, and that Dr.
Hawthorne is the sole contractor,
The article referred to is evidently
intended as a bid for an appropria-
tionfoi-an Insane Asylum buildim'
at inlefii. s e shouhl think that
tiiebill now before the Legislature
ioi an appiopnuuon t.i f.suo,t)0U
tor a capitol would be as much as
the modest people of Marion conn-
ty ought to ask at this session and
not wish the State to go in debt to
sutn an extent tnat will bankrupt j by this presumptions usurper being
her. The people are paying high j sent home ami ousted oat of the
enough taxes now. seat to which he has no right to.
t-ujijjjsi I The outrage perpetrated by his
Ai illustrating the i-di ibip'y of the ! abetters and iutl'iruers will lie re
uS'S. w i hi rebuke.1 with such condemnation
'u.i..i,t ,i i.o A 01,. I i, oecoial-lg forGree-
b-y. we m ty me-.uion a recen one in ' at our next election ns to make him
r&Vl-. un.l,,-r,;u,l ,ha, ,!K.y i ,:,,.
out lor Greeley. Th'n wou'id have done est wl.en they deieated h'un last
pr- ! -J?! .. th u rp June, and when he ami the rest of
P"7"'-1 "l been de ad for someihitig hrce
a yrar. Oreqi S'n'e.v-i.Tm. the members irom tais county m.is-
-Not so last, neighbor ; the "old- represented at least nine-tenths of
est printer"' is not going to shake her people by voting for J. 11
oil" this mortal coil until he puts in
a -yole for Horace (Ireeley. Mr.
Fmming is very feeble, but is able
- nsist a brother 4iirint" to the
Lt,',b'. t' it; , ,. ,
u voice m me iit Ot Uie
-.n,...4 j.voie. Air. S.ttcS)Jiti
I'All diAttl.l 1 t . .
.. .-.mtou not tiouot tne veracity
ot tlie litra- s'miolv because v
1 . "
iiav none yourseli.
-ou. 5. II. Mitchell's i:icctio!
Hon. J. II. Mitchell, of Portland,
... 1 T" C w i t. '
cleeteu u. I. Senator last. tat- ,
" '' receiving 41 votes, all but !
two lu-jmhlicans votint; for hitn. i
The nameof II. V. C'orbett was 1
withdrawn. What the cause of
, i ; -i , - -s
, ,
awaiVj uui we Know !t came entire- '
blends, and
re.'nainea m ;
the field one day more, Mr. Mitch- ;
ell could not have been the Senator.
As between the two. men.
no choice, only that Mr. Corbett is
free from the influences of cliques
auu monopolies who are seeKtnijto
employee of this corporation, .u r.
Mitchell, with his present surrouud-
' HILTS, Will LT)
to Vahiuo;ton, ut
Semuor of the people of Oregon,
, . v"
but as the especial ' champion of-i
, 1 .
2 lioiluuitv, who secured lossiat
! for him. Thu mutters stand now. '
uiil i.- him ir 1 1 1 .n. .'l i . .u i li. i i vi i m.ii
be ahle to free hunsed (d his sur-
. -
rouiiuiUL;s, aim act as u.e repiesen-
lative of the people of Oregon and '
labor to aiivance the interests oi
! our Stale
ili; is quite a youiiLT,
man aoout .b3 years of age and
lias ever since his residence in our
.C on.!
sustained a high reputation '
the bar. "While we preferred
.ir. Corbett on these grounds, we ;
rbett on these
IW1 :xihid lhat Yir- ;
m'lliC :l u:l1 ril',,J5lor' l liC i
wotiv lor toe people ami noi lor ins
11 i
i distinguished
men w e
; fear t he iniluences surrounding him
will not admit. We
do not desire
'tO Oil
r J '
cts, aiel shall pa-
ticntly wait his com
t rusiiiiLT
that he may fully meet the
saturnine expectat ions of those
w : ! o
! elected him. The conlciit between
him and Mr. Corbett was bitter,
and has done much to disorganize
the ilepubiiean party. We know
the hostility of the Mitchell men
against Mr. Corbetl's friends is
most bitter,
i ii'esum
eling is mutual.
mie aime can
c!!eet Lhl
vest ut w
Uttoii ti
ot our
i uree wccks ago, li
bett was the choice of four-fifths of
the Kadical party, and we believe
he still is, and the pcojyhi are mis
re; iresented bv 3Ir. !Mitchelb the
al Ci)i'por.i-
.t:c;' ion
iiemesemauv. e v.i:iwioki, irom
this county, has been heard from,
lie rose in his seat in the House
j hxst i,',.jday on a uestion of
ri v-
e uai seen sotm
lllll'' ill
! tlC ( ), uttn. which did not suit
i . ti . " i
i,;m it.. t-..'.d , !!,;, ;., il.
hini. lie litiil seen tliiuirs m the
j KNTEtirm.K and other Democratic
j ;iers which he didn't like; but
i 1
t cX,)OCtcd uothuv- Better irom then
i jie co:;iairt stand it thom-h fr
j , lC Orej
paper winch
1 , , ...... , .
lw.en the nr.f'tl! id, ot ici-i onlhori-
j "ctn uie oi i,.tu itiiti oinci.u .eitiioi i
i p.y- 0f jj,e I-J(i):ilHcan party for the
1 ,'yx twelve Wars Wlrlt a ifPv "'
' p. i l vv c i v uai.-1. iiol a I"'j
thrown out over sixty legal voles i
1 w .1
ill this county to elect and retain j
three Mitchell men in their seats
in the Ijcgisdature, but that the
O lO I
-es," as
te s.ud, ktot election
' had thrown out that number of il-
X o w
the truth of
the matter is, that our able liepre-
sentative is as badly "m error as the
! Owtoitian. and we demand the
; privilege question tor that paper,
I The Judges of election were tlm
; parties who did reject the votes,
j but they were legal votes, and I
1 were rejected for the sole object of
; giving the Kepresentalivc a (ter-
' tincate so that he could enmmV
' " 1 j
vvii !i the terms of contract which
' Hadici! nvin-freix of this coiintv
; m.iii.iei s ui mist cotttiiy
; had entered into before he was j
; sent to Salem on an illegal and j
fraudulent certificate. The people
. of this county demand tin question j
of privilege, ami they will have it
litMoms. Humors are mimet
; as to the cause wlndi v,.sl,n,i ;,.
, , . . TT ""v V1
; tlie election OI lion. J. H. y.U....
cii, wlitcii are not altoxother ered
! .1 ....
ei creuit
j able to tne jiartj- oi hio-, morals.
We shall TU obablv of the aiTair
j publishcl at some future time.
take irom our peoole certain o-reat j themseives the slaves to this capt
tmil valnable landed interests, while ; talist, and have fastened on their
Mr. Mitchell is ihe attorney a.nd nechs his collar under the delusion
A Humiliating; Confession.
The action ol Mr. Ilolladay and
t i i . - , -i
his aticular Inemis m having had
to play the comedy of " Ilollaclay
has fallen out with Mitchell" in
order to strengthen the chances
and secure his election to the Sen-
. . i ! 4- r
. , . -m tt ii i
mom 021 u:e pari 01 jit. Jioiiauay
plain iact tiiar even now, in wre-
1" j . S
pni, a p.olitician is stronger with
his etftuity than with his friendship.
And if this is the i ase now, it will
become more and more so every (
year. The politicians, who for j
success have made !
that by so doinx they could be fed
o7 Uliit'in at the public; crib, are
now lindinir; out that he has neither
the fee simple to the offices or the
i iconic of Oregon. Like another
1 . . -. . ,
uislincrui.viH l individual, who, eiLrli-
, , - ,
tern l.i!idri1 -i nrs :n ivMi-i
, . a ,
on iiic CiOiiiLT oi .i ceiiiiiu an i)i
ho ma ire. all the kingdoms of the
Mr. Ilolliday has been
lnakinp; promises to his adherents,
ill of which cannot be fulfilled.
Mr. Ilolladay has no better title to
Oregon than the devil had to the
jlobe, and we are ilad 10 learn
from his own action during the past
two weeks in playing "mad " with
Mitchell, that he has ascertained a
I't already known to the people,
Herctoibre Mr. Ilolladay has been
1 to parties- and aspirants,
' virtue cd' his' own iialuence,
plt soklv by virtue of his
tVit Voui thi time henceforth, that
party in Oregon which even allows
tillS individual. '
will chain to themselves a fatal
dead-weight. Prom this time out,
Mr. Ilolhaday's real enmity w ill be
a trump card in the hand of Ore
gon politicians. Such is the end
of human great ness.
!VIiuority Kcport of the Committee on
kocciioiis in the Matter of Clacka
mas County Contest.
The following is the minority re
port f:om the Committee on Injec
tions in the matter of the Clacka
mas county contest. Having been
present during the examination of
ue witnesses am
actress to 1 ne tacts m toe ease, v,.
cannot see any unprejudiced and
l m pa
iurti.il committee cotil-.l Lave
come lo auv ethei' couchtsion than
t lie mmot'ny
- l
Da v e. i ne report is
as M.mws:
Tiie minority of tlie Committee on nice
t io;i-s. to whom was referred the matter cf
the contest lor se-.'s it. '.ho House from
Clacktumts couniy. beg leave to i-ubmit ;
the loi!oviii.- r pi.ri : j
We find from the eetlilied conv of the j
poll-books I. inn City recit.ct. itm' oth
er evi'.lef.ce presented to us. lhat. at :ht
1 t-e;o'ral election i.eid on the third il.iv of
! "i lsT at -....eiiiet
j cast and roe. ived .".7 votes lor the con tes-.
' "'" i,l:';t v ...r me sum-g memijers.
bat t wo in ee -Ja-.g--.- o! ;.i:.'cti-i:t, ai s.ud
p.recit.Ct. t'Ciiig atboratiiv and agaitis!
the pto'est made in wri;i:i by one of said
.!ui!;i-es. rijecled -Is votes cast, for con
testants, ami only nine votes in iheir ab
stract return m uie on the bea k oi. poll
books ; that the canvassers of .the Voles
i i
id cot'i'dy of Clackamas, only counted
nine votes on contestants as l:avn.r bei n
- . i . , , . . .
j jrIVen to Uiem at said Limi city precinct.
1 'V,,I': hi fact, and in truth, they received
' e" VT' , Y-T ll,.,"",',rhy. c;,,.,i,!(l'M n'1
I that the pool book el sa td Li n u cf y o re
' (;i,ic; is '"!"' '!'-.' its b'ce with 'the
H ti
words-Dleg.il except as m Congressman
bv rea.son ol wot King on Locks. - written
at the right hand and margin of ihe same.
1 lie evioenc.e Oeiore us snows the same to
h ive b
u w ri ! ten b v
C Johnson, nfler
t'iosc i ili" ;.o,s.
We find from the ev-
idonce that till the ! - persons v hose votes
were thus at btirat i!y n j-cted. had resided
in said county td Clackamas lor more than
three months pilot- to said election, and
mativ ot them had been residents of said
j couniy for more than one year.
1 our minority committee further ntnl
from ihe evidence presented to them, that
" persons voted ai Oregon cay piecinct.
and their votes v. ere regularly returned
and certilh-d to. on a tegular poll book.
wi.c.eoi twelve votes vv ere cad
tor cou-
ti'stauts. and three vtes were cast for the
coli'e.-'ees. The evid'-nee shows, that af
ter the return of sai 1 poll-bo k to ihe of
fice ot the County Clerk of said county.
f r Kr::v r i!ie ('..otitv Cii.rlr v.-r.o.i
I'he face of the same -Record of rejected
! vo-es.;' lei.-cted oa lh plea of woiking
on lsuniie w oi ks.
'ihe evidence shows that the twelve
"''"""r" vote.l for contestants, had
; i.,.i5 res.tltng in said cointyalong time
prior to s ud elect ion ; that they were in
ihe employ of Jordan & Co.. in said coun
ty, ami disi barged in November. 1S71.
and were Iheicaher cmnlnyed bv Capt.
Is ; ;c V. Smith. Superintcnd-.ml of ihe
Locks, and continued to vvoik on Locks
uu 1 1 1 day of elect ion.
There are claims set up of illegal voles
having been eas; ui ti.fieren!. precincts
thi-ioigiitMU the comey. but the numbers
are so tew. and she evidence so uncertain,
'hat yoiii-mi.ioi ity committet would rec
otu.nen.i that iheir con-duerai ion be waiv
ed, as passing i u the legal votes east at
Lmn city and Oregon ciiy precinc;.s will,
itl on opinion, deiei tnnie'ihis case.
Yoor li.iuoiity coinm.itee would pre
senl lacs and Coilcia -ioas ;s lotiovvs :
The cont.'sianis received the following
v otes as leiurucd on the abstract of voles,
to wit
L. T. Barin G7;. J. II. Martin.. .0C2-
J. D. Craw ford.. .(.71. Joseph Uingo. . (i0
N.N. Mat! jck.. .077. A. R. Shipley, . GoO
Co: reel this return by adding to ihe coo
les'ants -lb votes lor each of ihe ul.improp
ei ly rejected from Linn ci'y pr ciuct. and
I'l votes improperly rejected from Oregon
chv pteftnet. also ail I to the votes of l tie
; precinct, fotir votes (rem Linn city pre
i ut hliv' ,h'J '"""Z lt-;l11
our cmcln-ion m this case, to wu :
, lf v ,r b, 77' L T Darin r.sr.
- - - -
i i. i:...,.. T -o V X !..tlL- s
N. rs. Matlock.. .;s4
- ; " ,' , .:. i tw r , .-'!
. .G78
Your miooiitv coirmioee therefore -on-
t elude -anti recomno iol lh t the COtiiestatUs
! be ce.uin eu io men si a,s ia tills House
i as r.iciiibcla thclCvi.
Letter from Salem.
Salkm. Oct. 2. 1872.
The S'aeFair is in f.i M operation. Noth
ing is heard on the streets but '-all aboard
for the Fiiir Grounds.'' I hav visited
the grounds and find that the agricultural
and slock interests -are !! represented
this season, belter than they have been
fur years past The floral and fruit de
partim - nts are a!o well rt-prtened. UUi-
er industries up to this time, sire not as
largely exhibited as they have been here
tofore, but I presume to day will make
qui le an addition to domestic articles. The
stock on exhibition by Mr. S. G. Heed, is
superior to any heretofore on the grounds.
and is the center of attraction to all vis-
itors i s)a ,!ot attens-pt to give a do
tailed report in this letter, preferring to
It,ave thp matt.T m order to uo jn.-iice.
until next week. The attendance so far
has not been as large as formerly, but the
crowd is continually increasing, and to
day it is much larger than the two pre
ceding. The Legislature is working away on
various bills, and if one half the work is
completed which has been thus tar intro
duced, I .'-hall be much lnisiukeii.
Among the most important measures
thus far introduced, is a bill lor the State
to lease ihe Locks at our city. 1 have not
seen a copy of the bill yet. but from what
I have learned, it seems to me to be a just,
and meritorious measure ; one calculated
to protect the people from any future dan
ger ol being ji laced in d;e hands of a one
man power. If 1 can get a copy of the
bill it shall appear in this issue of the Kx-
Our contest is to be reported to the
House thi alteinoon. ami before this let
ter is rea 1. will be decided either lot or
against us. The minority of the Commit
tee have made up a full and Honest report
of their findings, while the Radical bigots
who were on the Committee have done
violence to theii names us honest and fair
minded men by submitting a report in
favor of the sitting nn'mbeis. If I am
correct iy informed. ,ir. .u.irna. ine vnair-
man of the Committee, niilds ins Seat, in ,
the iloiiro bv virtue ol raihool votes. anil
thai lie whs very indignant because the
Demiieradc Judges of election would not
allow railroad hands to vote who had not
been in the county three months lie is
at) unscrupulous pariiztn. and i did not,
expect any thing better of him. The sit-
ling members had about 21 witnesses sum-
Itemed 111 ttielf behalf: of these ihi-y ex-
Kiuiui l;ier. 'Ihe ther 17 will get their
mileage ;iiio inr (iit.ni. a tie oi n i i n to about
S-OO. 1 h'-y v ere evideui ly su t
older lo uive the r parti. o:s ih
itnoned in
s neich ol
toe Jieople s money, as they Knew uoiiiil g
lei tUvo lo the merits of the ease. The
pt-'Oile will be sick of this Radical bodv
. I . ,1 ,. r.. I . '
hciore they eel away froai here. A" to
the metes of our case. 1 refer I he reader j
, ,i -,, , , , , , ,, I
to tie' minority report published in this
issue t Is ii ami (mt-.i- ..w lie one
V hich
air minded man
! could come to Ironr 'he evidence pio
i.Llf-ed. lc! It would not MMpti-.' me it
we arc refused our just dues in this mat
ter. In the S''j!f:hriii of last Sunday appear
ed a very bitter aiiic le tgainsl Senator
Coi beti. re'a'ive to his Senatorial contest
.tguin-t Mitchell. I understand that the
ed! 'or oi ' lhat paper has beet) .-hut up"
by ot dei of his employ er. Mitchell. Mitch
ell can't allord to charge Mr. C'orbett with
IV . ml. wlien tie- fact is so well establi-le'd
hat. he himself had used nil liflhS to se
Citre the rc.-ait attained. 1 am not much
in the secret of the mailer. but am inform
ed ih'.t a certain por-on who was dear
mined to leave ,M ; lieU'.- strong' It on
Sa t u '.day . received aple'ty good consid
eration 1 :r his action. Bo Unit as ii ma v,
j I am not going to take any Mock in a fain
I '' ;na riel in which I have no iiiterest
i iie P't liiocra's Inrotiijoout the St. ate
weu'd have ptt'terred Mr. Coibett to Mr.
Mitchell, mo lor Mr. Coi bell's sake, but
tor tt'.e "lliiil d" Olif State Mr I'.l-nun .t '
! B iker, acted the part of a patriot v h.eti
he placed Mr. Cs name in nomination at-
! o r it had been vvi'hdrawn by his fi iemls. !
: and the Democrats in tint!) houses would ;
nave O.-ett susiaiileo oy tlieir Constituents
had they all voted lor him. ami I believe
they uouid have done so had Corbeti's
friends stuck to him lor one ballot on Sat.
unlay. While we regret, that Some Dem
ocrats could not see the justice of their
voting lor Mr. Coibett. we think it would
have been kw better had they voted for
him lti lime to defeat
In i tug can
il ate.
But ii is now loo late to mourn over a
matter uhnb cannot be remedied.
Govei nor G rover to dav pardoned Chas.
Starr out of the penitentiary. He had
but two monihs more to serve, and the
peti'ion for his pardon was signed bv the
entire delegation Irom Douglas and Lane
Counties and the Judge and Prosecuting
Attorney, besides a long petition from the
citizens of Douglas. We hope the young
man has learned a good lesson.
legislative 5'roc codings.
In the Senate, on Thursday. Mr. Paller
soti. from the Committ ee on Claims, report
ed back S. B. No. 1. for the relief of Ba
ker county, ar.d tecommef ded its passage.
The bill was read a third lime ami passed.
Bristow inttodticed S. B. No. '.VI author
izing the Governor to appoint (Jen. L. L.
App'egate. Commissioner of Immigration.
Read a fust, liaie and ordered printed.
It prov'nh-s that the Commissioner shall
provide himself with maps, charts, ami all
other means necessary to a true represen
alion of Oregon, i's resources and advan
tages, climate, soil, productions ami insti
tutions. to Ihe people of tlie different States
of the Ptiioti. as also in Europe, in order
to counteract misrepresentations and en
courage immigration to our Suite. His
salary is not trained in the bill.
S. B. No. 11, to amend section 9. chap
ler o3, til le 2. of General Laws, relat ing
lo assessment!". Read a third time and
passed ayes It macs 7.
S B. No. l.". relating to rights of mar
ried women, exempt ing individual prop
erly of in t fried women from ihe debts
and liabilities of her husband. Read a
third time and passed ayes 20. noes 2.
S. No. 22, providing for the record
ing of patents, was read a third lime and
S. B. No. 21. to nineml the law regnhit-
.... i t .
ing civil ami criminal procedures in just
Courts. Read a third lime and pas-
On motion of Strahan. Ihe committee
jr. ceeded to consitler S. B. No. !'. it'la'
h r to elections ar.d tilling vacancies in
office This bill provides, lor ho'dmg all
j elections in this State by ballot, ms eati oi
I e'eo roe." as hereiobo'e. This toil was
considered and amended, anil Uie comrn.t ;
tee arose and leporu-u o.e .mm o nth. io
letl lite Dill triCK lo i
tl.e Senate win. an.endmeu.s ana w it h
recommendation that .he bill be le-
leired to the Comrntttee on Kiecilons.
In ihe Hotise. ii. B. pr..viii;ig for the
cons-riHMiou of Sta e CapUol Building,
being the order of ihe hour, came up lor
disposition, which appropriates SlUd.D'd )
lor that purpose. (Li the ti.ral passage ot
the bid the vole stood hs follows ; ayes
43 ; noes. Messrs. Blakelv, Ctatior Crooks.
- beltou Waldon. and Wii!uughbyG,
" , , . JI:"'
' s.-eu.oe, on rruiay. laiierson.
1 ' Cnniinittee on Claims, reporied
i -' - o. ilia lunik! lor uie le lei
Coos count v . with a recommendation
lhat it p-.tss.
On motion of Webster, the bill was con
sidered engrossed, read a third lime ami
fc. B. No. -JC. for the relief of Bkt-r
county. remitting S3" ICS of State taxes
duo Lorn that county, read a third time,
and. after an explanation on the part of
Senator Brown of U tker. as tin necessity
and justice ot the passage of th'u act, the
bill went over under the rule.
The special order of the hour being the
consideration of S. B. No. 13. providing
for the appropriation of $10,000 of the
swamp land fund for the construction of
a road through Grant and Baker counties,
the bill was taken up and passed ayes,
1( : noes. G.
S. B. No. lti. for the relief of Baker
county, was again taken up, and passed
by a unanimous vote.
II. B. No. 1!). to incorporate the cttv of
Rosebnrg read a third lime and passed.
In the House. Cap lets, on the part of the
Judiciary Committee, reported back 11.
11. r-o. o. relative to the roitl md 1 once,
recommending, unanimously, the passage
Simpson moved to consider the bill en
grossed and read a third time. Carried.
The bill provides that the police force
should be appointed by a Board of Police
Commissioners, and further provides that
said Board shall be appointed by the May
or, one being appointed annually to hold
office for a term of three ye;irs.
Kngie o tie red a resolution inviting Mrs.
A. J. Dnnniway to a seat within the bar
and directing the Serge;; nt at arms to fur
nish her with a desk. Carried without a
dissenting vote.
(iingles otic red a resolution directing
the Committee on i'ubiic Lands to exam
ine tin books and accounts of the did'er
ent land departments and also the ac
counts of the Board of Commissioners: on
School Houses. Adopted.
Bui bank rose to say that the lltrnhl
had charged Republican members with j
acting with intention of smuggling pro- j
ceedittgs connected with the Clackamas
county contested se-.its. lie would deny
any such imputation.
Martin said that the Committee on
Lledions had. since the Clackamas coun
ty contest came into its hands, sat as a
committee two or three times a day.
Grant's II. B. No. 41. appropriating
thousand dollars for the construction of a
road on the s.ou'h bank of the Columbia
from Multnomah county to the Dalles. was
lead a second time and referred to the
Committee on Roads and Highways.
II. B. No. -12. amending the General
Laws bv striking out tin; wool "male" in
certain sections and empowering jnilges
of elec'ioti to receive Ihe votes of ail cit-
t.ens without regard to sex. Referred lo
a select conunit'ec of three Cot win. 1'at-
; ;on and ff inor.
! Mr. Congie introduced n bill to provide
the eey ol Portland with water.
ilaitison introduced a bill appropriat
ing all i'u no's ai isitig !rom tlie sale oi the
swamp and ovei flowed and tide lands to
the Irreducible School Lund.
Capies then introduced a bill providing
for the appointment, of a State Geologist.
Pa ed to a third reading.
Capies' bill providing for t!n foiination
cle.-iastical coi porat tons, holding
i ci.uici) nrotier.y. etc.. r mi a si coni utile
r ;td a si coisd linn
i ) .... i ,. I i . . ti... r .... .... . 1. 1 . . .I.
t'l' o e 1 1 i a i j i ij v , u.mi'.w, -.i u. i-wl
a' ;'"', . ,. , ,
Cap . s bid amend rg the c!;arer ut
' ., , 7 ,. . .
' is .
i : i i i i i t 1 ' in '. i nn u -
ine coueoiiiee cous.aiio ui me .nuiuiu-
I Uiaii deiee itnoi.
I Pulton's bill allium i.:r:r the Secretary
. . . - - v ..... v. . -
of Sta'e lo sell ihe t maiiimg copies in land Means be insti neted to report on i irottl coin, which won shad be paid in Wie
the Getuf il (.hole alter Oc.obcr 1st. 1S72. ', arne.uut oi S'ate indebtedness and amount I annual payuients by me sai i Wi.hintette
at 8li tirf ciii'V. of appiofiriatiot.s asked for liu construe- I PaUs Canal and Lock Company to each ut
Capies ne.v ed to s-.;.-o !id the rules, cm-
shier the btil to grossed, and put upon its
final p-s-ge.
Two.-tl.sids voting tip- the House pro-
ceeded to b gis;;-.:e thi ieofi.
The question being -Shall Ihe bill pas-T'
the vote s'omi ayes 17, t.ocs none; and
the bill pass -d
i S. B. No. Is. providing SI .rin) per sri-
i no m fo Justice oi the Supreme Court for
j I raveling expenses, read a second time
j ami referred to ihe Judiciary Committee.
t S B. No. !'. to-o idi:-,!' for the pavmeiit
of tntie.ipe oi
a! ief
a secoi, o
the rules.
u i der
sits jiCIlslOIl
read a third time and pttt on its ilu.il pas
On th.e fitial passage of the bill Ihe Vote
stood -l." to 1 Coi w in vuiiiii: in the ncga
-Lot sv ui vouug in the lo
i iive.
i H. B. N. 1:5
exemptfing all real ami
i peis. ti, at pi operty in the State, belotigmg
to i ue l ti reu r aits, r.n fiiiraic lowns.eic.
and property of ch -inhibit ami scic.itiiic
ittstiiutiens from taxation, on third lead
ing was referred to the Committee of the
pat ton's bill authorizing Ihe transfer of
moneys from the Sohliets' Boun-y fund
to the State Intnl. having been referred
to the Committee ol the V hole.
Patlnn moved !o reconsider, which mo-
lion picvaiiid. anil ihe Dili was read a
thiid lune.
(!n liita! passage the vote stood : aves.
43. noes ilh.kel v. Cianor, Crooks. Wal-
d in 1.
Bat in introduced a bill amending the
act incorpoi'atii'g Oregon ('ity.
('rat. or introduced a bill appropriating
towatds building an
('rtiwford rose to ;i question of irivilege,
and denied as lalse the statement appear
ing in the Vrtijoni'in concerning the Clack
am is county contested sea's, and censur
ing the E.vi ;:i:i'i:t.si; for comments on the
same. .
Strahan inlrodtieed S. J. R. No. 77, to
vvii :
Viiikkkas By report of Ihe Committee
' on Pritcing. made at the last session of
the Legislative Assembly it. is recited thai
said committee had made careful inquiries
ami that after the examination of tlie jour
nals and incidental printing for the List
three sessions, s aid committee was con
vinced that cros frauds had been prac
ticed against the Slate in the matter of
printing by means of constructive charges,
and recommending the appointment of an
expert to measure and compute said
printing taitr.ln'.ly ami prevent construct-
lve eiiiirges being made ; ami
YVpkkiiak. By joint resolution, passed
at the present session of the Legislative,
Assembly it is recited that upon that rec
ommendation an expert was appointed
by ttie Secretary ofSla'e. and it has been
publicly charged lhat. tin said expert whs
hi complicity with the State Printer, and
thereby the gross frauds therein alluded
lo compounded, and that the before men
tioned State Printer has fled the State and
his partner in business has been ap
pointed his succe. sor by the Governor;
Wiikkk.vs. I' is proper that the grave
charges thus splemnlv ami deiibera'ely
! made should b thoroughly in vesp.o-.iied
I .i i n 5
therefore, be it
'.WcTiby the Senale. the House con
run ing. That il,e Joint Committee on
Printing of the two Houses have been
ami they are hereby authorized and in
structed to examine the said several
charges ar.d report ihe facts to the two
Douses; and also lo examine ami report
wheiher or not ihe public prii-iitig done
or U.e .-state siiw Ike.-' i i .
, ami per!orine, accordi. or 1 1, I ,. .l,,.o.
ii.iT, m-eii none
i er or not, he charges made theitdor ve re
) g'a.er than alh.w.'d bv 1 ' vv
1 Second "I'le, t ..; l '...'
I bill re.lcin,r ,i """ report a
i bv 1 J , i t allowed
j per cent . VUU'1' tWel" fivt
Third Th c,t,i :..
O s,.,1(l , ponri
r a Z TVr riVn- a,,mi"-
' l,s- ''fd. should the rniiiin it,;,,
.s-nn e o i mi ii i 1 1 1 1 tiiro i , t.
.n mi, .t necessary, employ a clerk.
Dolp , movetl lostrike'out. the pream
;;;Mo the rcoltuion. Carriedbyayes ll.
1G :jlUn WaS adoptcd-ayes
III lite I ln.,t TI T,
ihe Gener.i r . ''K "mending
year , , i b-v d' "'ng Ihe fiscal
was r U-S Um b".i.lg Atl'MH, 1st
-sr,,idalhtrd,im, and passcef uuan!:
Th.. tr
"" uiformea lr
that the Senate had adopted J. K. employ- j
. . 1 .1. I. n . i
ing an expert io measure aim nen-mmo
the work of the State Printer, and amend
ed the same by striking out the word "fur
ther" in the clause reading "to prevent
further peculation '
" Langell introduced a bill relative to
Collier introduced a bill relative to the
construction of a road from Yamhill coun
ty to Tillamook bay.
' Pafon in-roduced a bill to remedy the
. - .v. i f ;
evil efiects resulting from the sale of n-
toxicating l.quors. The rules we.e sob-
-.ended to allow the bill to be read by
title, and the bill was ordered printed.
The Committee on Judiciary reported
back the bill to repeal the litigant law
id recommend the passage thereof, after i
rising out the word -grossly"' in the
nuse muling - laws in regard to adver-
u n
e!-,i 11
tisetnents are qrnsshj unjust." 1 ne amend
ment was adopted and the bill ordered
en-Mossed. Monday was fixed as the day
J j
- - (-i -
for us passage
The, commit lee reported back me bni
amend the General Laws relative to '
application for the dissolution of marriage
contract. recommending tin passage there- j
ried. and the bill passed as follows: ayes
J : noes. 2.
Wiiloughbv introduced a bill to render
inoperative the word male" in the Con
stitiition, ami authorizing the suffrage of
j o i x r co x v i: N r t ) x" .
The Convention was called to order by
President Fay. On calling the roll. YVal
dori. of Josephine was reported absent,
hut appeared in time to answer to his
n-i me.
'1 he Convention then proceeded to the
election of United States Senator.
Bris'ovv desired o read a lei ter from
Cotbett r.ouesting Bristow to Wiihuraw
l .
his (Corbet i "s) name.
Brown of Baker again placed Corbet t's
name in nomination. Applause He
wished to name a candidate who was op
posed to oppressive monopoly. Cheers
ami cries of -Order."
Por Mitchell Bri.-iow. Brown of Marion.
Cornel in. Cow les.l ol r, h.IIati nnh. Moores.
Powell, Wa'son. Websier. Biles. Barin.
Bnshey. Bnrbaiik. Collier, Crawtord. (,or
win. Cooper. Congie. Capies. Darst. Down
ing. Lilies. (Jinglt s. Ilairison. Hirsch.
Johnson. Lmigell. .Matlock. Martin. Pow
ers. Patton. Ri'ey. Riddle. Stott, Simpson.
Thoinbiirv. West, Walker, Washburn. Mr.
Por Corbett Brown of Baker. Craw
tord ol Lion. Lowed vn. ;vers. i alters n.
Strahan. Curran. Grant. Ho.lgkins. Sicph-
a, u-i ;. . r. :!,. i-t
en-'m. White rignt 1.
,- ,, - , , ii o -r,
l or rnm-Ual-tvun. Ilonlt. Monroe.
To'en, Andrews. Cram.r, dow. La Low.
Mason. Onstein. Shellon. V.aldron. il-
loiurhbv. Mr. President It.
j Blank Crystal, Allen. Blak
j Br- (,U
;e riesn
lent then announced that Hon.
t ii m : . ,.i . i . i : . ; . i . i ,-
I ,1. II. , . Ill 1 I. IV i; H'O '-i lilt- nut "I
f - t. ,. . ,,.,,.,, i-,.;,,.,,
I uv of at! ihe v iocs ca-t.u as e.ec.ed .ineil
. Sm-es Senator or s;v ears. cotmneucing
, , . v.i w r
u o fen i v. ,
,..i..ii.i.. a
The Convention then adjourned .soi die.
i In the .-ena'e. on M inlay. .Vr. l ay
: . . t 1 M '.i I i t U eomreiiie on Was
j lion oi public buildings, internal improve- !
men's, etc.. ot ibii present se.-sioii. !
Adopted. J
p.rU'nvv introduced S. B. No. 3!. to en
i courage i m tn i irra '. ton by (psitibutton oi
j documents and other information in leg ird j
j p Ihe res r-nces and pr('-lnciion.-5 .' Ore- j
! "o- The bill was readui.i'st time and
I ordered printed.
j S J. R. No. f. proposing amendments
; o. the Constitution of ihe State ol Oregon,
I being the special order oi the hour, Bald
win moved its adoption.
Rtisiow moved to strike oat articles 4
ar. d .
was o
d t o the permanen t.
location u! pnnlie Imthin gs at lltecapnal
Mid also lo increasin;.
UiC tiaO ic ieS O!
, - I . 1
he State.
Do'.ph litovcd to amend. He asked for
a division oi ihe vote on two articles.
Mvets moved the reference of the reso-
. 1 ttitui to coin :au tee ol lite v.ho.'J ie
i can leu.
of The bill which provides mat t!ie tes- ! me ni.oncuf omv mc muui teaseslwll
timonv in such cases now" taken by Got.rt e made at any t .n,e after the s,id Ca.ml and
'on.i o-ioners.be taken in open court. Lo-ks shall be folly cou.pl.ted in aC,-,,nb
! '. . .;. .,n fini.1 L w ,s "l4h .,he repu,ements of the Act of th
, I Oiiou i )' i -- - i .,. ..in c iiscnin v il lr-frjiri
A message from the Governor announc- At d whenever said Co letter shad fail t-
ed that. I here had been received at the i render hi monthly acc-mnt of said toll and
Executive Cflice of the .VJ'l otitiacie grant. ! pay over to sad Stite Treasurer the full
lis! No. ;j. embraeiiig -12.nl '2 (7 lit.) rtcres j am emit thereof within live days from the
in township sonTh. raie S east. tmui. : begim.iug of each md every uioalb alter en
. I.-. ...i . ...i e l !...,- i.;.. i terin u'tt.n the diiti s of his ofll ''Ji s;oa
to .t.t soit'u. i.iioe . east. ,t..ti i . . ti . 1 1 1
1 '
,... soil ai. range
ocattd in fviatn-
ath Lake
B.s.n. approved by tl.e S-creta-
Interior. Sept. 11. Is. 2. making
ry of tin
; ihe full amount of sai l sr.inl now com-
j pletely vesled in the Shite, cxc-'pl some
j 7(H) teres snsp-mdcJ on account of ol.i
i nre-emiiiion tilings which h ive been
i ill) ttidoned. and will, within
short peri-
od. be anoroved to the
late under thi.i
In Ihe House Mr. Capies lieu law was
leportod to the House.
Section 1 made any person laboring in.
building, or construction, agent of the
owner thereof.
Section 2 subjected any land. etc.. in
which said b.idd.ng or cotislrudion was
made, to the act.
Section 3 made liens created by the act
preferable to liens or nio'gages attached
subsequent to the construction ol said
Section -i makes the owner of the land
on which the com U nction is commenced
responsible for the same, unless notice is
given lo tin' contrary.
Sec-ions o ami G provides the necessity
recu lis.
Section I1) defines the way of conduct
ing 'he suit and rendering execution1. "
Section 11 entitles a contractor to re
covery upon lien, af'er deducting all
claims lor vvark
.md m tterials of other
t parties.
Section 15 provides for a lien for the
way laooret no soau matve. repair
i t t. . . t. it . . t : i
construction personal property at
request of Uie owner.
Alter a long discus-ion upon section 3
between Capies -and M illory. Ihe bill was
again referred to ihe Judiciary Committee.
Mallory being a member of that committet.
The clause "and all liens created by
this act upon any buildings shall be pre
ferred to all prior liens mortgages and
incumbrance 5 upon land on which said
building or improvement shall have been
situated.'' was the bone of contention.
Capies favoring the secliou as it. sdood
and Mallory opposing on grounds of con-sfPuiiotu-iiiy.
The bill lo provide for a Slate agricul
tural college, came up lor disposition and
was carried by a vu'e of 3o to 7.
In ihe Senate, od Tuesday. Mr. Crystal
introduced a bill designating jhe Christian
College a'. Monmouth as ihe State L'tuvci
sity. Mr. Brown of Imkcr. introduced a bill
to provide lor the organization ami loca
tion of an Educational Institute for the
Deaf Muses of Oregon.
Mr. Bristow gave notice of the infro
due. ion of a bi.l to create a Board t
EqiitiP ition.
In the House, the following bills were
introduced : To provide) for a boanl of
commissioners to erect an Insane Asylum:
;i oill I o 1 1 1 COf pOlM! e I he CIV
a hil1 "n-.!l f. Act regul
i . .. i.oi ,
t bill lo .incorporate tlie cPy of Junction
iting end as
a bill providing for
oi. le iv.
- ,.
Mr. Mmpson introduced IL B. X, 77,
relating to th securing by lease or o'her
wise, uie canal and Locks of ihe Wiilam
cue river at Oregon city by the State of
Oregon. On motion the bill was road Ihe
first lune by title and 200 conies ordered
1 1
which io contest election of members of ' ' ? ,l lM 1 ' & , ......nr in i:d
the Legi,bm.o; a bill regulaling (he j ct' Vr a"' Litivrlrt"
Slat,- Penitentiary ; and a peliuon and ! $ f ue t "n thef -bill
relating ,o ihe Oregon Children's Aid i .P, l s 3 e..lovr
A Hill to Lease the L.ocks.
The following bill to authorize tho Stat,
of Oregon to acquire possesion of the Ca- al
and L .cks at WilhumneUe Falls, was intro
duced in the House by Mr. Simpson Lit
1 ufsdav.
Section- 1. That alJoard of Commission
cr. consisting of three persons, to bestyUd
The Board of Canal Ccmmiwiun... ' c ,
State of On-go-i, shall be elected by
: Joint Convention of the Lec s atire A 1,
. ? W
L,,,,,,., - shau ,,oM their (!ifnrl
yean?, and until their successors shall b
elected in the same manner as herein pro
vided fortbelir t ilecti-n of Commissioner
lii.'nrp plitet'itor lioci'i tf.o rtfs-li.t-.. ..
eflieial duties, said Commissioners sli d! take
and snb-cribe an oath faithfully to) perform
their duties as Snch C.uimis-ioners.
.r.v. . . in.-n.-uy given to
saiil Board of Canal Commissioners an,i
it. i i... : i . ' .' ' 11
iiihv are m-ieoy leijuoeu 10 enter into un
e.L'reemeat and make a contract with th
i'i!!:mii'ltp Ksilln C':lli;il nn.l !..!. r. '
paiiy, whereby the said ('ompar.y shall lease
to tlie State of Oregon for the period of t.n
years, the Canal and Locks now h proce
of emvt ruction at and on the West sid- of
Pl roved
October 21. ISTo, eutitl d "An Act t appro
priate fmds tor the cottstrncthm of a Steam
boat Canal at the Wi lan.ett.! Falls." tid
lie' amount of rent to be paid to the said
Willamette Palis Canal and Lock Company .
for ti e lee of said Canal and Locks shall v
niit exceed fifty thousand dollars for each
vear miring the said pei'iod of ten Jear,
which said sum, less the amounts hm-iti-a'tc'r
yn-orided to be pa'd out of same into
the Common S. hnol Fund, shall be aiid.ted
and allowed by the Secittary of State, hd
a warrant therefor shall be drawn hj atd
Secreta-y of Stat upon the State Treaurrj--in
equ- 1 ar d sen i-amiual installoa nts. ciinu
mei.c nrj on the tirst day of. July, 15-73, if
the sa;d Canal and Locks sn.itf tiiea be com-
pteiea as requmu ui i. -wi me said
I . i:is, .i ......1 ,1 , .1 1 .. .... I.,.
MUM III 11. J lllOtl.-.tllvJ MUll'll n uc J'fllU n-
nual'v on account of ?aid lease, is hetebr
speci'icall v a pi"pt iated therefor out (if
any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise
appropriated. And the said State Treasurer'
is hereby authorized and d reeteil to pay
said warrant-; upon pre.-entutioti, in the a:n
manner as other wat rants upon the denend
Fund are paid.
Sec 3 Said Hoard of Canal Commission
ers, a'ter receiving the possession of tin
said Canal and Lin ks under the said le..se.
shall have the management and control of the
same, thev shall have power and aulhou'r
to fix the rat.- of to Is to be p dd to the State
of Oregon, tor pacing steamboats, il-tlh ats.
Parses Mtid o'her water rrait througti ti.o
Canal anl Ivcks, I'rovuiel, That in iio-'ci-the
ra'e of toll shall be li rher t':an tif'v
cents per Ion for I reigb', an d tea c"tlt. fur
each passer. g.-r going through sul Cninal
i and L-cks. lliev shall have authoutr t-i
, r, . , ,, , ,- ,
1 eni'oev a CoMe'-t-.r who snatL. co lect aad
; rce;,.r-(! ihi; ti),ls ,,1iu, Tr. .,d
jia0P,r,.r thr at-h said Canal, to exacts
j i,mi .,,,,! said CoileeTor vi-h tw er uux
i Miteties, comlitioned tor the faithful jrr
V, and i iormance cf his duiies jss said t nl ector,
bere.nafti-r provided. am Couiu.si'aiT
i -hall ha ve ant ,!. i: y to e.n.-ioy ftittimv per
sons, no e ceeo : o " I n ee in n iiiaoel . ') al-
' ------
; teed to t lie -ass ., of stei;nibou: s id o!e-r
. cailt tiiriii;"h said (land an I L i -k-t
I ' , . 1 u"o" ' , y-
an,j to prescribe rub s and re-u..itj..ii-. tor
. .
it... ftiir: Oii l ,'i'i". it'll, n i.f tei-il' (tlt.!r-
Alu 8:tid Commis-i e.er shall b- ent:.. d u
receive dor iheir oiiici d se.vi et, the su:n
i ,, it,- i. ,,..ii.. t ..,n.,r ..n ,i.r -a-i? tn
saal l.tiinniissiojK-'rs.
Si C. 4. It shall be the duty of said Col
lector to di man.!, coded ana receive all to'ls
for fietsihf. and p-'ssengers passing throu'i
said Canal and Lock-; to keep a eoaijih'te
and perb-et acennnl o! the same and to maki
a 11,1111 hie stiUiiie-r thereof to said Com
ni-sa-ti'i s an! aLo to lli- Ticasurcr of
State, si ad t ' pay over f.'ie full -in""-" '
of monthly to s.,i i Tretutvr of State. S.iai
monthly a -count shall show the luitiicer,
name and chara t'.-r of a'l steambo its a id
other vv.iti r craft which sh.dl pass t jron.'h
said Canal and Locks and the direction in
v. b.cb tie; s ine were passing, ami als ) tlm
date of the passing of each steamboat or
other water ciat;, a ,d the amo ant of frt-iel-t
a d number of passengers in eieh. And
-I..'. I 11 - . 1 . I.. ... 1
! saia e.ont cior snao ve ami ex.c ne
j to the State of Oregon; before enteiing ui..n
; his oii'.c ai duties, in til" penal suti oi ten
. . i i ii... .- t . . : I . , 1. . . ; t .
, iaous:iii'i o aiais, niiniiiiiiiii.' i un ie-
ful ci foi inanee of fis dc.ties as larcei
berore prcsc ibed ; said bond shall be sub
ject to t!.e ap;roval of the State Treasurer,
ami shall be bv hen ortst rved ill his ethce.
, , , , , . - , j 1 i ..,
ti.Mi.l .1 ., 1 .., ...... ,.rt.it..,l tll-.ri S;llli t.-IIll-
j , . ' ; ... ;:,,,.,-, r'v4 a'..l C..1-
a.j ;iT:o;nt anot:,;.r suitable person
1 ... .w . ;. ,,, ...n (,:);1,t,- m :,ll resncfU
i odvi 'ci in this ct to till said otlicu of
j Collector of t -lls. Saul C-llectoi shall r.-
ceive as salary for his tdliciul s--i vices the
sum of twelve hu tdrt d d-diar per annum
d c in. And said persons onudoyedti
is-isi in liassintr saui uo.us auu an-i-i
'3 , . . ,1 . ..rf 't
i shall eaca be entit ed to six hundred dollars
I per all ium, gold coin, to be paid a!.) by
said Canal and Lock Company. Ihe sal
aries of sahl Collector and sai l employe's
to be paid in equal monthly lnsta'lmeuts.
St.o. o. Ml t .Ha collected and paid iuVo
the State Treasury, as aforesaid, shall h
paid into Use General Fund, until the atre
exceeetts the sai 1 sum of fifty thousand. dol
lars per a. nnai; and thereafter all the
n' said tolls, over and above the said lib Q
thousand dollars per annum, shall he traiia
fei red and be paid over by said Stale Tie
urer into Pie C-muvn School Fund, there ta
be added to the amount of interest colIeclcJ
for the current supuo.t of sc hools, and te he
distributed therewith omually.
Skc 5. That the several iiniesof rtinlitinS C
the semi-annual allowances far rent as liei
mbefore prov tied, to b" paid as the same be
comes due to the said Willamette Ful.s.l'anal
and Lock Company, the S--ciattry nf State
shad deduct ten i-rcent'liii from the anion it
of such rent and draw lis w.urant upon ill
Treasurer tor the balance thereof in favor of
said Comnany, in full satisfaction of said rent, Q
"trt.l li wtiilll .l,--,f 1 i VI-.1 IT:ltl t for the sxi'l
'j ten per ct'iinim 1 s.iid vent in favor Of the
j Board ol School Land ( oaimissioners. m ue
ami ' added by the accruing interest on the irrcd -,
! cible Common School Fund, t he stutmaihr
lI" i a: i ;,. . ,. . .. ......a '..t cinti-
i n ' i'li iv i o i rerun? mipriKi i i i c niei -
ui-uintrni itici en tin lui feuvsui'ii"'-
iiimi schools.
Si-;g. 7. During the c mtinnance ofC:'
lease the said Willamette Falls, Carol anJ
Lock Company sliall he entitled to the ex
clusive use of the water takea froT. the ai l
(hinal for motive power to propel null'1'
machtm ry, and shall have the right to tk
the same by suitable conveyances JYtm te
Canal for motive or hydraulic parpasr. llU'
not in any way s i as to hinder or deiny tee
jtassage of steamboats ir other water crno
through the said Canal and Locks.
Slc. s. At the expiraton of said lease ft
j tuia ,. . 'i me .i t i t. - 'ii
right am) privilege to purchase the sai l 1
and Locks by paving to ihe Willamette lh,
Canal hiid Lock 'Company thtOa. dual vaaie
th- reef, as provideii in the Act of the Lei.''""
lati-. e Assembly of Oregon . approved Ue'0'
ber 21, l7o. but deducting theit ironi tt.esum Q
off wo bui.drtd thousand dollars, eold cum.
heretofore advanced bv said State to
Canal ami Lock Company to assi.-t in
cons ructicn of said works the sai'l
two hundred thous.it. d dollars to be punt 'I'"
lothe Irreducible School Fun.l of the SU'
o o... ;.. ......i,st,1tPflI Orip',B
hl.ivli (U-rlinf fii still rh:ise the Said CaH' n .
f I f'ock,s "t'be.r actual value, less t
- j - -
l ii in ioi t'ii i niiitVi mi iiiunii n.
at the the exniiation of said lease, u,c'.'
shad be i stored to said Willamette r-'
(.-anal and Lo- k Company in as JooJ 10 P
. L . a jltlM
tion as when received, ordinary wear
; J tear excepted
- ! Skc. !.' In ease the Legi-lative
- j fM-. a. iti case iiic iAf'-, - ii',bi-
j shall fail to elect said Jh.aid of C;nai ' c
n I . : ;aa ; s,.rt on 1 of ' .
a . i .
! oiieciea lo Uliptinit net
! Commissioners to till such vacancies
- I stoned by any of the causes afireaia
- I
Speaker Mallory. of the House,
to b
far recovered from his late ibutss a
atlo to resume his duties.
' f
" ' - Vs