Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, September 27, 1872, Image 4

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o o
(l!)c tUccnly (Siitcrpvisc.
FRIDAY. : : SEPTKMBEtt 27. lf72.
i'arcnlal 2'g-oUsin.
There are very lew parents who
O uulerstaul that the ( lenient of per- j
sonal feel mi; should be eliminated .
in the manapjemenL of children.
The parent is a jud'jje, and the
jud-e must be disjassionate, else all
authority is weakened.
Let us see how it works. John
lQeaks a Vase. His mother is very
much irritated at the destruction of
her favorite vase, and punishes him,
not according to his sin, but accord
inir to Jier annoyance. She does
not even stop to inquire whether
or not the vase was broken by one
of those unavoidable accidents
which miijdit have happened to
herself or to the most careful per
son. 0 In tint's punishing her son
she has been guilty of selfish injus
tice and of cruelty. She has weak
ened his respect and his atfeetion
for her, and lias done much to de
stroy her authority. The child
feels that his mother is only a venij
i 1 1 LT her own personal irrievances.
A few days later this same John
is iruilty of an act morally bad. It
may chance that no evil conseque n
ces follow. The mother is olal to
avoid trouble, and she lets it pass
with little or no admonition.
Johnny is tf sharp boy, and puts
two ideas togetlier
very quici-;ly.
not matter that 1 do
says, "if only I don"
bother mamma. Hut I must take
care notPto to;ic!i anything oi' hers,
else I'll catch it." U would be
bird for family government to do
Oi child a greater injury than to
leave just this impression on his
mind. The mother has succeeded
m confounding all mora! distinc
tions in his mind, has weakened ail
authority, and set the example ot
selfishness, cruelty, and justice.
Most parents attach too much
importance to the manner in which
tlieir children spak to them. Sen
sitive as to their own dignitv , thev
take umbrage at the disrespectful
word that set ins to infringe upon it,
and they visit with their sharpest
indignation this evidence of an ill
bred impudence in their child.
They persuade themselves that
they are disinterestedly laboring
for the good of the child. They
forget the large element of a sense
of personal injury that enters into
their feeling. lut tin child does
not fail to notice it, and lie m turn
resents his own wrongs, iu the same
spirit; but he certainly does not tcel
more respect toward the parent
wdio has tailed to exercise a needful
self-control. It were better that a
parent should show less feeling in
regard to an offense against himself
q than it really deserves. His gov
ernment should be above the suspi
cion of personal resentments.
On a steam-engine there is a use
ful mechanical device called "the
governor," which counteracts to a
certain extent the irregularities of
pressure and resistance, by letting
on more steam as the speed decreas
es, and shutting it oil when it in
creases. It would be an excellent
thing i 'parental management could
have some such equalizer, which
prevent its making children the
victims of moods. When a child
comes to understand that hoi
weather, indigestion, or business
annoyances increase the severity
of the discipline under which he
lives, he is apt to lose his respect,
for the discipline. The wise parent
studies always to elimenate the
personal nation fj'om his mana.;e
mont of thec'iild.
For those parents who think
that it is their business to punish a
child's wrong doing as a personal
olfense against themselves, we have
no word. The first thing is to un
derstand that you are not to inflict
chastisement "after your own pleas
ure," but according to the example
of (iod, for the good of the oilender.
f?nr','i (iiel J mi"'
. a. o
ouldii't !i.
Charlton, in Massachusetts, like
every other town, is full ot' remi
niscences of past e cuts. It has its
curious characters, who have now
ne-arly all passed away. A story
is related that about a century ago
a party of F.nglish gentry, on their
O way from ISoston to New Haven,
were compelled to remain there
ovor night, as the only place where
man and beast were accommodate'd.
As many of the luxuries of life,
such as iiico :fnd tea, were almost
unknown to the inhabitants, tmr
travelers carried a supply ot these
things with them. Collet and tea
were given to the landlady that
she might prepare, them for 'break
fast. It was the first time she had
seen these articles, ami of course
knew nothing about their prepara
tion. Not wishing to be consider
ed verdant, she resolve d to try.
When the travelers called for their
tea and eoifee she came and told
tlie int o
"(lentlemen, the yarbs are done,
but tlie beans won t iMii soft.'
It is a fact, that during the ear'y
setilement of the colonies, a sea
captain m.-eje an old lady a present j
of a pemnd ot tea, and to show nor
appreciation, she invited a party
of friends te share it. She ceoked
the whole pound as greens, ami
tlvy all pat took, but sparingly, of
tthe bitter mess, and were siek for
days, hi consequence.
A3 sufferer,"1 at a mountain
house-, says "the flies eon,e down
to breakfast at the sound of the
1110 H asiiiniMott Hi-ir! nf Po, !-.n,l Hi
K" 10 tV.rnelins on the -.'Oth inst. (or their
- - ... i 'oi eiil'l "III I
nuuai larcrei nracnee.
A Imvi:tr Mother's Kiss.
George Brown wanted to go
somewhere, and his mother was
not willing. He tried to argue
the matter. VVicn that would not
do, he spoke roughly, and went off,
slamming the door behind him.
Instead of savincr, "I should rc-
ii i-i . i r
ally Die to) go, but U you cannot I
ni HivL iu ,,75 i 'Ut 11 ) (Ml l .UMlUt i
jive your consent, dear mother, I i
will trv to do mv best to bo content ;
to stay." instead of saving and !
,. ' . , , , . - , - !
h-eling so, he behaved m the way j
in which I liave described, as too i
many boys lo (iconic was four- 1
r " ' - i
teen, and x 1th foil teen Nea.s f V- j
perience ot one ol the best ol motii- j r.n(ll. lil;U) tw m)(,s, ik. Messrs. Batter
ers, one v.'otdd have thought bet- i lio!(i A- Co. an- a No on their way to the
ter of him. But he was a bov. Willamette valley with Too head of the
n'i .. . e t. ... .o J same breed ot troats. which they will of-
II. IL (.illl Oil CAJU'U'j in UY. ?. j
say some people. ;
Stop; liear more. That ni'ht The BdUdh,. professes to have changed
(ieorue found thorns in his pilloW. I from an independent to a Republican pa
Ile cmdd not fiv it any way to go ! I'"-- ( -r imporfect vision has never been
. ,. 'il l : able to discover that it was ever nnvthintj
to sleep on. He turned and tossed : vUv 1han (.,n,. It .llsn says th!lMt wijs0l;n
and he shook anl Jiatted it, but ! pass to 'he management of a joi'it stock
not a wink of sleep for him. Tl;e company; which means that Ben Ilolla
thorns keit t.rickin- They were i is V,v,t ' !v:ir,'n" "V "xT" "f.""'
the attgry words he spoke to his
mother. ".My dear Mother, who
deserves nothing but kindness and
love and obedience from me,'1 lie
said to himself. i;I can never do
enough for her; yet how have I be
haved I, her oldest boy! How
she nursed me through that fever!'"
lie would ask her to forgive him
in the morning. but
uippose some-
hajuten before morn-
ing. He would ak her now
tin ' i
. t
moment. Jeorge crept out of bed, j
ana went soitly to ins motlier s
"(Jeorge," she said, "is that yon?
are you sick?" for mothers you
know, sleep with one eye and ear
open, especially when the; fathers
are away, as George's father was.
"Dear mother, "he said, kneelill"- :
at the belside, "I could not sleep
for thinking of my rude words to
you to-day. Forgive me, mother,
my dear, good precious mother,
and may God help me never to be-
have so) again.
She clasped the penitent boy in
her arms and kissed his warm cheek.
(Jeorge is a big man now, but he
says that kiss was the swt-etest. mo
of his life
His strong,
nature bce-ame
healtiiv, imnetuoee
temperi-d bv
a genth
Unless ot soint.
ottened his roughness sweet-
tiled Ins temper, anl helped him on j
to a true and noble Christian man- i
Boys arc- sometimes ashamed to
L out their best feelings. Oh, it'
only knew what a mss it is to
t hem
no)i. to:
Tut: Tu.wsit oi-- A'i;.xrs. The
transit of the planet Venus across
the sun's disc will occur on Dect-in
ner ISiT. this
lihenomeilOll. I
which is expected te be ot great
lUto-rest not Ollly to astronomy but 1
te t he natural and physical history
oi tiie giooi
e . i ii
t ,
1 I . L .
not recurred since
17o t.
At that early
date France
had observers
in India, California
and San Domingo; Faedand
South America, the Pacilic Ocean,
at 3!ndras and Cambridge; and
i at Vakoutsk, Astrakan and
La von i a
The Uniti-d States, Kus-
sia, Germany and l.ngland have
already apointed observers for the
occasion. The. French Academy
of Sciences, at the
request of the S
Ai llltster ot 1 tlblic Hist ruction 111
i o-a ..1.1 C. :
,04"' '.,iv' " ,,,uv !M '":.!
servation ami an tniiu-oiiriation of i
000,000 francs. The war prevent-!
, .. r, 1 ,1
ed the granting of lhe request, but ;
"SI. JuKs Simon has already submit- !
ted a proposition for an avmropria- !
1 . .ill :
tiou of 100,000 fratlCS, With tlie Ull- j
derstanding that 200 000 more i
iiii i i -, , i
shad be granted m lb, f.
A western editor who recently
attended a female high-school exhi
bition, dil n't like it because lie saw
no indications that the girls pos
sessed any of the essentials neces
sary to the making up of a good
wife. He perceived, he says, at a.
glance that the graduating girls
.are soon te bo married, and de
mands that they be taught the
chemistry of the kitchen, the effect
oi' vinegar on copper, of' boiiiug
water on corned beef, as well as
the philosophy tf home life, how
to get and how to keep servants,
how great happiness may lie got
from a small house and" a little
money. These are questions he
adds, more worthy of thought than
sighings and longings, ami she who
has solved the riddle has the phil
osopher's stone for her" amulet and
has mastered the great problem of
thrifty living, how to extract sun
beams from cucumbers.
T tell my friends of the Cemmittce
ot ways am
tries of the
Means that the indns
and, wliicii are ihiekiti"-
to t Heir door, groaning under the
burden of taxation, complain that
f.'.i juf'ttm; s ,,;'(,;. nation arc
; , . '
is tne iiouest
Air. Dawes, of M:issa,-L;
arraigned tlie (irant A.Tmbi
j i-i ration two years ago
X t w
3ir. Dawes upholds the- seund
ot J ram's financial policv. 'J',,--,-,
Mr. Dawes told tlse truth. ,,;
Mr. Dawes labors under a mistake!
An old
la IV of Low, ' lnsc
ecu at an aunost re-nto-n.-ir;-n nm.
, i
a few days ago. Before her death
she gave minute directions for her
funeral. Among other tilings, she
said she wanted to be ''laid out-1
in her black silk gown, and they
must net take out the back breadth
as they did when iSally Smitli was
laid out. "For"" said the old lady.
deprecating but seriously, "what
a ligger Sailv will cut at the rcsur-
I rectum without any back breauth
tU her guwil!"
The Grant party has abandon?! the fi dd
in Tennessee. Independent candidacy is
the order ol the dav.
On Monday afternoon, the shed at Tay
lor's ranch, eighty miles south of Jackson
ville, on the Crescent City road, was con
sumcd by fire. About S3.()!iD worth o! !
g-aods in transit, belonging to Sieh Bros., j
and While and Martin, of Jacksonville.
one freight wairoti. thirteen head of horses '
, , . i i
and filly sets harne-s. were consumed.
aim mi ta uttiii
The jrsr'g.-.te loss
- is esutn.iteu ai uetween .
r r n- i
Mr. A. autreli. of Corvalhs ha pur- i
cij.lSl.,i a MilII1ber of Ca.hn.ere goats which !
he proposes to put on a firm near Uorval- !
lis. The wool from these goat is the tin- :
ii. ...T.. ,.i l.., Ir, 71 .-....... ..... i
I( u twt.jv. inc.M.s in ,,Mlfr,h ari(1 j
fer for sale at Irorn $12 to $'2'.) per head.
1 1) in lt am ne si no w an is o . ; iei hj nei o ie-ii
it alive by bearing a portion ot toe ex
The lJaitimore Platform.
Following is the platform adoo'ed by
the Democratic Convention at Baltimore
on the !Hh of July. 1872:
1. We rec 'giiize the equality of men be
fore the law and Isold that it is the duty of
the government, in its dealings with the
. l ..... . . . . . i . !..., :.....:..
Pl;ol"e. io int. le out i-ij.ai ana cari jusuce
to all, of whatever nativity, race, color or
persuasion, religion or political.
. 2. We pledge ourselves to maintain the
law, the union of those sUites, emancipation
and enfranchisement, and to oppo-e any re
opening of the questions so-tiled by the
Thirteenth Fourteenth and Fi:t en ,h amend- I
ments to the cons'jtntioti. ;
:i. We demand the imm'sliate and abso- ,
lute removal of all disabilities i:i,oo-ed on 1
u -count of the rebellion, which was tin illy i
suouueu seven years a ;, oenevei uiai ;
iuiivers.il a:nne.-ty will result in complete i
nacith-aiim in a'.l sections of the c timtrv. !
4-. L eal -olf-irovernme it wirh impartial j
suiTrag. w II -n 1'r I the rights of all citizens
more seenrelv t!ian any cential l d power. j
Tlie public we' fare demand the supremacy j
of the civil over the milit.n v ant 'loritv, and ;
rr?c"iom of pe.-so:
I lie '."' CrO-'.--
del- to.
We' demand f-.r the. in- j
trotovtion o
dividual the lare-t liberty consistent witli j
publij order, for the stat S'-lf-L,rovefiinienf, ':
;:u i for the nation t (turn to the met'ieds
of peare and tlie constitutional limitations '
ot power.
.". The civ
s e i
ho of the govern ii en t
has become a mere i astro men t of pot sin
tvra'iny and personal ambition and an o' jeet
of seltish pived. It is a scandal ami rc-
p:-o.ie; upon I ret.- ms; it tn ions, ano oreeus a
denmrali.alion daimeroas to the perpetuity
' a repubhean veinni(?nt.
! We t iei efore regard a tlioronzh refoi in
j of the civil service as one ot the most press-
; iojx necessiu 's ot the hour; t.iat hon.--.tv,
j e lpacity an 1 ii-lel ty co et tu e the only valid
i claims t i publh- employment ; that t he oili -es
! of jr-i v;-ii aien t c--ase t.) be a matt -r r.f ar
j h'tr.'-ry favoritism and p-itrona-ic, and that
! p-.iblic st ition will become I'..iin ilo- p(,,t of
i honor. To this end it is impeftivelv re
i .'paired that no president shall be a candidate
j f..r re-, lection.
j 7. We de-nand a sj-stcm of federal te.xa
i tiou which shall not unnece-sai i; v intori'ere
with t!ie industrv of the pe nle, and which
.-hail provide, the means nee -s.sary to p ty tn
.....i.ii..j ..K ... ................... ........ ..... I '
the interest on the n ihhc deb: . and a m -der-
a e an en a reiue ion ot t oe principa! ttiereot;
a ml roC'-'pmvz u-X that there are l a on r m (1-1
hoiust hut irroc mei PiVde d i !t'.'renees of opin
ion with re 'ir.l t t :e respecfivi. svstems of
protection and tree trade, we remit the 'lis j
cussion of the suhiect t . (he pe od-- iu their I
cori'xres-ional districts, an I t he decision o
i nterfcr;
s. 'l'h
t!i !eie.i, wholly tree of executive i
ce or dictation.
iu')!i credit mu-t h
sa -re l'v
tn (iiitaiu?d. and we d.-nonnce repud.iation i i i
every form and xu'se. i
; A speed v return to spe de payment is
ileniar.de I, alike by tlse h arhest eoa.-i lc: a
tions of commercial moral. ty and hones
envorn reent.
hi We I'l.tn'ii'.r.r -tvi1! (friflln.lp the
hennsm and sacritiees ot the" sold crs and
i sailors of the le.muiie, and no a d of ours
i snail eve
detraet i r o.n
oar justlv earned
s of their patriot-
fame or the full reward
n- 'o are opposed to all fu-h.-r ? rants
of lands to railroads or other corporation.,
Th(. ,,llbl:u d- m.nn should be held sacred to
actual settlers.
l" NVe lat it is the duly of the
sxovern noni', m its intercourse with toreimi
nations, to cuhiva-e the trieieishipsof pea-e
y treating with all on fair and opal e-rm.-s
reerardini it alike dishonorable either t- de-
,Its.a what is not li-ht, or to suhndt to
what, is wronjx.
Ph For the promotion an 1 success of the
several principles and support of the cindi
dates n miinated by th is eon veil ton, we in
vita- a:u' cordially welcoime the co-operation
d' all pitriotic citizens, without regard to
previous political atliiiation.
Ar,::vrs foii tiik extkhpiusk.
The foil iwing persons arc authorized to
act as agents for the Kntkiiphisk :
Geo. P. Imwell A Cc. in Park K ;w, New
Cue. Wetherill A Co.,
Abbott .V Co.. Xo. s"2
New Vork.
Poi thind, Oregon
San Fraiieii'o,
San F:anoisc,
i". 07 Chestnut street, j
o.' si Xas.-an street, i
Ti. Sam uf 1
Thomas !o ce '
L. P. Fisher
St. Helens, C
Iu ai Ida county,. . . . S. A. Miles
Astoria, ( .a's p eount v
. . A. an Do sen
.J. L. Furcusun
. . . Pave llohn -s
L S. Palne-r
. W. ;. I.hmv, 11
....N. ll.tiates
.... A. C. '.'ra:
lafavotte. Vamhill county
Dal! is. Polk eountv
Corvallis '
Canyon City
Pall -s, Wasco cor r.ty
La dnmde, I'limn coanty. .
Pendh t an, ( 'inaii'da c aunt v.
S. V. K no x
Lueiie City
L NL Thompso.i
0. F. licatie.
. . . . Frank W. Foster.
.... 1 1 em v M c(jl mil n.
. Mortlatid.
J. W. Stiawser,
Y 11. Vau-ihan
...'A. C. Norton.
I). Wri-ht.
Ih avc f'reek
Ih.-ie Creek
Lower MohdSa
( ,' i n b y
Upper .Melail.i
I) ai d i n lt's
Catting . ..'
Ordinance PJo. I G2.
PRriNANCK i.ocatim; a rrui.ic r.o.vn con
monvim; at mxtii mi:-:kt at thk k--or ok
mi-; r.i.i vir and Tt-tntiNATiNo; at sevi-:xth
sriiKI-IT AT Tilt; seMMIT.
it oril'r'i ;:(! nd ts!-thli!u-J by ih-' City
Council ,'a.;o; Citu .- '
Skctiox 1. That the City Council of
Oree,,,, city does hereby establish and locate
a puid-c toad cfmiieo-ncino; at ninth street at i
the foot of the biutf on a level with the M ill. j
road t ras k at the inte: ertion of snd street j
beai -in-jr So'ith thirty-one and a hah" iy,)
tlenre.' West, riuinimr thence on the centre j
hue o; location a total !i!anee of seven t
hun.ire,! and eiohty-two feet and terminating j
at Seventh Street on the summit at the head i
ol Stair-way near the Ileservoir, intended, j
and be lahi out and built in accordance
with the survey as male bv JrTiS Ciicx-
ow-i.Tii in Aii-iist 1-7-J. the plat of whn h i
behi now on tile in the Mayor and Record- j
er's odiee. " !
And it be further ordained and estahlishf 1
that the jyrade line of sa d road shall he m
the latii of one to ten feet aed the width i
there- f twenty feet.
l'.tsed the City Comcil Sept. Pjt'i l.7 :
A. No LT.N M, I
-Attest: L. I) i.i.ER. .M
i NOTARY prm re i-VTrnrutrnrr.
' thv.-on C ty.Jan' C:M
Corner o Front and Oak i trect s , Portland.
r , . . ... ".. i3r,il!ni
J 1 iej instate, iroeenes, it "ci
dise and Horses,
,,r , , r. .-,,
i jjvki y n vanesua y u -
A. Ii. Richardson, Auctioned
. ,
English refined Uurand Rundle Iron
English Square and Octagon Cast steel
Horse lioc l.'ilaj l!.uii :ivs:
.Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, It. ( I
largeassortment of t; roceries and Liiuoi
A. B. UiciiAKUsoN, Auctioneer
a i.so :
E)RY l
I al-o keep constantly on hand
"Which I will. sell at the Factory Prices, and
will laKe woot in exenane.
j fJ.T will also jiay the hihe-t price- for
' Tir.tter, K.rirs, and all kinds of mod country
I produce. I will sell as low as any ho-iso
; in Oregon, for ('ash ir 1 1 s e pii valen t in ;i ;d
: nierebantal.de- lirodiio
I 6 (Jive mo
a cail and sati-fv vonrselves
( Dentf-hcs Oaft'oms,)
o. IT Front Street, i.pposMe t!ie Mail steam
ship landinic, Port Ian .1 ,() lee;, n .
I' EOF K I i:t o its.
Hoard per Week
" " " v.
" Par. .
. C, oo
. f o(
OitiiQOlN CiT X ,
l-A-A'S P).M A.N i l, O.N ll.V.NP A.l
( u.:.v r kok cash ,
l.ureans, Lounges, nocking Chairs, What
nots. Hoc' stea ls, Wa hst.uuis. Curled
Hair ami I'ulu Matresses, Pulu Pil
lows. Spring lie,!-, Wimiow
Sl'.adcs, I'ictare Frames,
J'.?:r'Special nUrntic.il .civen to l.'pho'sterv
work in all its branches. Orders tiiied with
jo-omptness. liepairiinr dime with i.eatmss
and d'.soateh. Furndure made to order.
-:''( rood delivered to any pal t ol town
free of ehai ge. Call and examine for vonr
s. Ivas. in i vlTii'J'.'
&m U A'ii'i
& y Ca ii i
i.s- Kstfihi.-r.-i,
tTa- They ulsn da TCRNIXf, of evry
j de-ci iption to order,
With Neatness and Disnatcl
Shop on the River, iu L"wis' shop.
onposde Oreeon City Miiis.
' f 3.3 r.1! t"!) a r?w
4 u i i u urs a'i i-i at 2 ,
alMTArTl !li:U AM) ni?l)RTEH Oi-
KAI)I)J,r.S. S3 fJN!::S,
S A i) 5 I, SvH -i I A s; S- i-
A 7IIiriI IIP OFFFU .a S (11 K A l A S
t i can be had in the State, at
VVhoSesalo orRo'ail-
RWl warrant all my ijimtls as rep:
Oregon City, April'ir, 1ST.'.
c--o ntei
n-J'.'t .
i. si:uii".
E II E W E E- T !
Having t)iircbned the above Brewery wish
es toinfnrm the pnbMeth.it lie i. now prepar
ed to manuf.iftiirp a N'o. 1 oun'itv of
a a a r: n n f f ii ,
K s too,! as can hp obtained anywhere in the
Stale. Or.h-rs solicited and pronintly filled
t ii.vvk r.r.F.N- a rroixTEn r.Y th k irox.
i fount V 'otirt of Clarl;:imn mvTily, OrfL'on.
; Adiniiiist-rafor of the f!t of AVilliam I'aHoo,
1-Cmsc:1. All y.'Min owintr said r-statn will
le:i pav im: anl all -persoTis bavimr claims
nrainst sai l estate will rrosi-nt tlu-m.w i'l rroTc-r
' v-n, : hers, to me at tln otiiee of III" hit - Warren,
I Attoineys-at-law, Oi-p-j-oti f'itv, Ore-ron, within
I six liioa'hT from the thite of Oos r,oire.
S.'v'eii.l er ."oh. IS?;. v ! t
BUshU'SS J)ir?Cl0rV Of rorll lll;!, ri'gOa. !
' i
General Advertising Agent, V3 f ront Street.
Ackerman's Dollar Store, i
t-. Kir,t sm-ft. I m port ers and J ob j
bets of Fancy Goods, Toys. Crockery, Glass j
ware and Plated Ware. j
. i
4 stor House . First st . between Oak and
Fine. Kverything neat. B . L. I.ougfel
low, I'ropiietor.
Agents for Mahie. Todd .. Co.'s celebrated
Tvison, Ttlakeman, Tax lor A Co's School
IJooks. Jt Fib';-!,,!, 'a full line of Feg.it
Jil:inktfor thix State.
I)arman, the only direct Importer of t loth
in, Vc. cor. Front A Washington sts.
Hoivsi:r.i.r.it & stationf.k,
No. 7'J Fi-ont siiitl ". 5JVah
incton Strt-ti.
FCK, WILLIAM A SOX. 12'.t Front st.
y Importers and de.deis in
Cittii.s, Ililles ni Ilevolv-s
of every descnpt'nn.
Fishinnr Tackle, Fancy Coeds. Beads, Mird
Caties, liaskets, Croquet lames, and
1'aby Carriuires.
Ae-onts foT the "California 1'owdcr Works-,"
also, for the -'Wheeler A Wilson
Sew ins Machines."
"T"eck. John A., Front, street, practical
IS Wa-c'ninakcr A Jeweler. Work done
tor tin- Trail-. , -..ai-w-jro'
11 IM FS A RACHKLDKIt Front street
ri-zhain A Reinhatt, Fust st. hot Oak A
y Pine, importers of Stoves, Ranges,
Kitchen Cteir-ils.
- )ni-liiiniiii, W. A., s. w. cor. First A Taylor
15 sts. Cheapest Furniture Ilmtse in I'oi t
land. C I I )T?rFw! Vi' A LTKR IIROS
( A ill J j
eilarke, Henderson A Oook, si A ,-: First
' stieet. Dealer.-, in Dry Oo.) is. Fancy
(ioods, Ac.
tohu A' Rosenf. Id, Ids i-hontst. Com-mis-V7
sion Merchaats A lKaler- in Oregon A
Cal 1I01 nia lh (Kluce.
tongle. J. I , M inuhictiirer A lei'.er in
J S.ohih.s, Harness, and .-hululery i!ard.
ware, Front street.
Cinrrier, W A Co., ' F. out .st. Merchant
Tailors and Clothiers, Hats Fur.iishin
( mods.
I ,Jb ishmutt A O.itman, ;t'2 Fr-nt str..-. t.
I Herd Kst-itt; Agent., money loaned,
houses rented.
i-root street.
AUD AC;. Pll Frei.t street. (Ir.Iers from
,-,nv portion of the State or Ten hones caie
lu'lv lil.e.l bv 10.nl or express.
Ijm l, l.owensti in A Co. Furniture and
J Carpet, dealers Stores from 1.", 1 to D
I- ll .-t stie t.
"5 niplovment A 'cncy. WitherfH A llol
Vj man", so Front st. " Furui.-h all kitids of
T vei 1 . 1 1 lt A Ih-ebe. in Front stieet. (.'cm
Lj mis-iioi Merchants and dealers iu lio-m-s!c
I .lr,hioii Livery Stable, cor. Fiit A Salmon
.1 sts . Cot' belt, 1'r k C-iod turn-outs
a ! wa vs on hand.
Ii-hoi A U.-lK-its, cor. Fust A Wushov-jton
4 st--.. Dealers A Manntae. Cothin-.', i-'nrn-ishiti-
h k!s.
J" reel and. Dr. 11. R ., Dent is-. OtHce, No.
1 Deku u's lUock, eor. First A 'a-h-inti.oi
( iil A Steel. 7-') and 77 First ,-tn et. De.il
J ers m Ro de-, Stati ;:ery, a:;d Musical
1 ii-trumciit -.
The largest Music House on the Coast.
J. I. Url'It.lXt", Jlmiagor.
soi.r. OiKN'i v i on THK
" - :". crents anted. "v. 1
T Tackerirv A Stcnie. O.rocers and dealers
1.1. in all kinds of Seeds, eor. Fit st and
Mam sts.
am mo Efor, 15 , Del First s'reet. importer
and dealer in Staph Fancy Dry Coeds,
II uulee. D IL, PhotOiiMphic Artist , s. w.
1. cor. First and Moiri-on sts. Child s
I'ict. s 1 ec It y.
I f etiriciisen, L. C. A Co., L '.' F rt street
I. Manulacturers and dealers in Jewelry,
Watches, Ac.
T T ihbard, f.eo. L., us Front st.. wholesale
I I. dealer in Oroceiics, Doors, Wa.ion Ma
terials. Ac.
Hod-e. Calef A Co., H7 Front st., whole
sale uo-aleis in drills Paints, Oils,
Oiass, Ac.
f "f " Sewin-i Machine, straight
.V .:J needle, under feed, "n ek
st.teh. oioio-titie.n ena.ieu -;en. ."1 . r..
Tracer, 112 Front st.
I" iiruren A Shin-i'er, N'es. Dei to 172
1L First st. liupeiters Furniture, Red
dun;, Ac.
nteriiatienal I lo'et. c-r. rrontamt .i ori
son s s. M. Rudolph, Crop. Free Ius
attends te;imers.
"(din,.!. A Coo, t0 Front st., who!saie and
retail dealer in 1-me Cletlnnir, I urnish-
w 1 mods.
Z ai-on Doree Restaurant, oivate roms
1. for Families, cor. 1st and pine streets.
1. "otis. I'l Oil.
" "Tii'l'm, K. A Co.. wh de-aic dealer iu
i I. Wine-; A Liquors. O. S. X. Co's Rloek,
and San Fran
Meier A Schmeer, 1 1 1 Front St., wholesale
and 11 tail thoifectioners.
Mil'cr, John R., 1st. st, Watelmiaker A
Jeweler, oilers the public a tine as
sortment of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry.
1 5 oeller A Co, Front near O t.. Dealers
A I in native and forciirn Wines, Liqaors
iind Ciirars.
Vrort .rup. K. J., He.rdware. Iron, Steel,
i Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Lumber, d'C
Oceidt-ntal Hotel, cor. First and Moiison
sts. Smhtl A Cook, ih oprleters.
L)arish, Wati.n.i A Cornell, Heal I'.state
Aden's, VQ Front stieet, bet. Aid- r and
1 ard A Co., lol Fiont s.
1" ice, J. M 1-27 Front street, wholsale
V dea'er in Tinware and Stoves.
1ich?er, Paul. 1(!. First st. . i nporter of
V Rerlin wooden Can inir-, Parlor Orna
ments. Ac.
T idor. C. th, Real Fstate A Money Rrok
11 !'2 Front -freft. Poi'land.
T i-onbaum, !.1VCo..Toi,acconi-ts unpoit
.1 V crn of Foreign and Po nppt'e l.V4it r.
:? -louse, Front t. On First Claw I'riu-
JLj cipal. 1 nomas Ryan. Pronrietor.
? herlock, 8., 01 Fiont anil e2 First sts ,
dealer in Harness, "Saddlery and Sad
dler Hardware.
Simon. J.,rf Front street, dealer in Door
Sash A; lilinds. Window it Plate (ilass.
Sinshcimer, IL, l.7 First, st., importer of
Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Mu.-ic 1 11 -fttruments.
Skidirore, S. (.. 12?. First st. Dinjjsjist A
Apothecary, a lare stock of Pertunierj
A Toih-tArtidjs.
Smith A Davis, 71 Front stieet, wholesale
dealer in Druizs, Paints, Oils, Window
Class, Perfunici v Ae.
Snow A Rons. 7:5 First, strict, PiCures.
Frames, Moldirgs, Artist's Mat'. s. Draw
in fj Di-ti union's.
Smith. Put.. Rroker. Oo Front Ft. Dealer
in f.ejral Tenders, Co-ernment Rends
and Gold Dust.
JJJ Jl. m i;immi.
STiMr., r. i, .no n7 I'Tflni irfn.
Watchmaker A Manufacturtnc; Jeweler
is appointed Airent for the Waltham, Fhjrin.
K. Howard A Co., ('has. T.. .lacot, and the
California Watches; also, for all thef-rodoc-tions
and imports of the California Jewelry
Corrytar.y, San Francisco. Send for circular.
Watches repaired in the very best manner
and wAiiRiXTitn to give satisfaction.
""perry Pros,. Xo. 17s First street, manufic
i. ti.rers and dealers in Furiiitii: e. Red
dim:. Carpets, Ac.
rMhe CloMiinij store. 1 1 .'1 Front st. Clot' ine:,
L Furnishin:; Gok ds, Roots and Shoes.
Han is A Pratr- r.
r-nft e. II IL, 142 A 1-14 I-font st. Dealer
-A in Wagons A Agricultural I mdt-n:( nts.
ryne, L- D-, n. w. cor. 1 11st A Oak sts.,
J. dealer in Urandies, Wines, Ihi-ili.-h Ale
and Porter.
"pylor. J. A., 117 Front st., wholesale d.al
jl er in Ratter, Kjrgs, Clicese, Lard, Ra
coii " Ac.
J illianis A Myors, . Central Rloek.
Front St., Commission Merchants A
de il's in Produce.
Vhaliev A Feciiheimer, Attorneys A So
V lieitorsiu Ranki uptor. Ollice in Odd
Fellows Temtile.
JZ jf W tiy i a
. Las W W si- :
v Ft k f y t
. iiW E. )l. u ifi 3 Ci Q .
JT-WK JUsT rlceivi:d A LARGE
jlJL stvn k ol
Cl'.caper iJs:5s tlie CEieape".
We would say, come and .convince y ur-so-If
befeie purchasing elM-whoi e. Our stock
consists in part of
CilO I'll I NG, II ATS,
am! a -Teat many articles too numerous to
11 ent ion.
AL-O, Do ors, Windows. G!a--s and Putty.
ALSO, WOO!, wanted, for which we pay
s. ACiiiiiiiliU i CO,
'Oregon City, April 21, 1 -s 7 1 : t f
Eye, Ear, Threat & Lungs.
r it.,- ou- , v- t v-r.. ...
j cared in Portia ml. On sion . Cliice: In
H dines' 15uih!irir. F'irst stieet i ; three do, Is
from Laud A. Ti'itun's Rank), whtie he may
be ruiiMtli, l daily, and will treat diseases
i f t he a b ve named o re-1 ns as speeialt'e s.
All operations upon the Eeand Eai p,er
lormed iu the most scieniilic and careful
A RTI F I CIA L EYES, ha v i i-gall t h e boa u t y
ami mobility of the natural eve, insei ted.
Refers by pet m is - ion. for fits protcssii-na!
standi!!'1-, to L. C. Lane, .M , !., Profe-s--r ol
S o-erv, ami Edwin Rentlev, Jl . D., Pr les
sor of A 11,1 tuiny, L'niyer.it v of the Pacilic.
San Francisco; and for his succe-s in the
treatment of cases, to over l,."oo eases Dent
ed by him, in San Francisco; also, to Levi
Est.'s. Fs.p, Rev T. L. Eliot . Port la nd ; Win
il. Dillon, Fq., Vai.convor, W. T. : ami
many others Oregou and Wasliin.it n Ter
tijo'.y. aiii:2:m;
To Stock 0 rovers.
X Mountains, known as the 'Oh! Emi
irant Road." is n-w in splendid order for
the aeeoiou odai ion of; he public. The briiljres
on the road have ail been thrnoncjldv icpa'r
ed.and stock drovers will hnd iTno' t ! ntle
to cross ti e Mountains by this route. Thcte
i-- plenty of jiood water and srrass on both
sides of the Mountains. s nd ti e distance
across is only .50 niik-s b. iioi shortest as
well as the best road over the Casc-.de Momi
tams. Stock droves and nnigriuits will find
it to their advantage to travel over this route.
Toles re a.-enable.
JOSEPH YOUNG, President.
Clackamas county, June 21st, IS72.
Score to Rent.
i pied by Kafka, on Rook Creek , 1 2 miles
fiom Aurora, situatid at a fine point for
ooe.ntiy trading post ; can be had on very
reasonable terms. This is a de-irablv point
for a man with small capital to go in'o btisi-
11 rii.
Empiire if JOHNSON .v. McCOWX,
july-iotf. j Oregon City, Oresron.
Savicr, Lalloque &, Co.,
ruKcep constantly on hand foi sale
Midlines, Kran ami Chicken t-'eerl . PaCirf
pmcha inz feed must furnish the sa'k.
rJoticcof Administrator's
Sa5e of Real Estate.
IS HKltJ-:iiY UIVEX TH at tv
vi. ' --- - ."i. .ti.ust let
1S72, in the matter of the estate ot J. s. jjc J '
mon, 1 wiil,.ai Monday, ihe 7th day of N,',v "i1""
1S72, at the li-our of eleven o'cloek at the ( ou t
House door 111 On-fOJii City, ( laekauias oiaur.
Oregon, sell at publie uiietion, toi he Hi-l,,.st t)' '
!er, all lhe liudit, title and interest said cm t"
aas in the following deseiihtd trat-t.f la,,, ,
wit : the i: 1-2 of the X W 1-4, W 1-2 .f tl ' v o
1-4, X E 1-4 ot S W 1-4 .V- N W 1-4 of fj 1: i4', fJ
;!2, T 5 8, It 1 IS. Terms of sale, ld
half c:i.-n in hand, the other half j,itj Hut. h m,a
... . "
Itjltlilit iui inni uiiu iininii.,-
latt d Seltt.0, 1.S7:
A'.'.niim-tratoi of estate ot J
.M( Ajioetn.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Orepun f , r
Clackamas rouniy. o . u
T 1 T."1 1 "V" L'TT T I'll 1 I T ITsi li..f,.i....i i
Jv i i i a j ' - i.iiiim . I l'.quit V
51 tron, you ait-hereby notified and r . (uiit-l ty
aypear in the aboe en it ltd eonit aMlaiim(t
Die complaint of the ilainti;i, tilt d in tie
atxive enlitled suit, within ti n davs from tl
date of the service of
-us uimi von it
d in e lackanias county, and if ei vid in u v
UUKT I'eiail) OI n.is i-lillt- lllt-ll WlTlllll t-W(lltV
days-trom such wrviee, and if served by imbUc'.
tion, you are notified and required to apj ear'audS
answt-r said complaint on or before the 4th Mon
day of October. 1 -72. that !t-iiiK the l'.rst Oay i.f
the T.ext turn of the ( iicuit t otirt tor the sta:V.
of Oretron tor Clackamas county, hich will ).
la id next afttr the expiiation d"the periiKl pr.---iscrit-t-d
by the order of said court for the pubheu-- r
t ion of tins summons ; and if you fail so to a;..
pt;ir and aner, the idaintiti' will apply to tl...
court for the relief played for in the ct.inj hunt
which is in substance as follows: that the 1 Mnds
ot mat: iineny now exist iiifr betvt en plaiiitill ;uul
defeiident be li-solved and that the custody ot
said minor chilli re n be decnt d to phiint ill. in,,l
for treiier.i relii f, also, costs and disbuisi it,. m ;
and yon are further notir'i d that thcllon. W. '
lt.m, .1 uilre of said (iicuit Court , on the 23d
day of Ae.'-nist, ls,"2, made an order directing tin;
summons to ! s-t-d by publication in the Ore
iron ( 'it v l .nt'-rprise for six successive weeks.
AuKf't 50th, 172.
41nCw Attorney; for 1'laintitf.
rr ix in
- "rrrii -&-
Vs. 4-
"Will sew everytlriiig neo2ed in a f.-tmHy, frcni
lis haaviest to thi l'ghtsst fahric.
Izmir. rtiDs ivcmzz,
rrh.an r.r.7 other machine.
If thcro i: a I'lormc-e Pewir Ma
cLino v.i.Lin 01:0 tliomsniul miles of
San Frniicisco i.ot yvorkiiig -wtll arid
fpvin entire ssdisfnotioxi, if I urn iu-i'or::u-(l
of it, it o nttc-r.tleil to
vi'hout cspeiiso of aixy LiuCl to tLo
13 flew f.lontomory Street,
Grand Hotel Bttiltiin-j, Gan f rancisco.
Sr-utt f r Circulars ez-,ui 8(iinjite
the- ice)-".-, ictive iffrtits ivutiicil -' -fvrif
Ordir.ance ?&o. IOI .
or.r-iNANVr. For. ti;k pi;f.vetiox ok fi ii is.
Be it
( 'e
'iiii-'l and
7 '' Ort-tTi.-n
..'-iVoo the.
ct:on 1. That
r very
chimney or (1 e
I t real I ei
built within the Citv. idiall lone
wnl's at ea-t four inches in ihi. kne-s, and
the bottoms of such lines or chimm-ys ,.,
1 e at least six inches in tlrckness, and li;d(
be constructed of brick or stone of c-te.a
pii-.li'v, find jjooti l'nie norl.ir; I'.ty slmi "
be well seemed, and shall extend at !ea
h or feet iihove the roof of the bni'ilin to
which it lxJor.uTS. measuriitir fi 0111 the jioiiit
where each chimney pas es ti.reeeh such,
roof, and shall extend at least two feet below
j I oe Cel ine; 0! t he first ,-tory ot sneli livulilm
! sons to afford suilicient space for a sto-
to enter such e'dmey without 1 mi;, peer
said lene o r tine i-had be nrott ct ii bv
1 tin c liuder or sale; and in case a ny chiai -
Ill V
lhe ci j I'm 11 or wall ; er where the stm e
or Hue pas-ess through any eil hit.
or Hue shall be built in violation of t!
n epiiren t nts f this ordinance, the owner
or owners i f sm b lnnldin; at t' e time such
chimney shall be built, shall severally
and le-necCuilv
v lin'd before the .Mnvor or
Recorder in the
do' lars. a ml cost
u m of (2ti 00,) twenty
f pr-' so tn Iron
Skc. :
lliat it shall be unlawful for the
(iwiT is Of occnmn.t of ariv buiht-
( wnei
t'si within the C ty. to ailow, to place, or
pennit to have placed, any stove pi, a
th;oiie'o any indovv. side, roof or ceilintr
of .-neb Lnihhno, and all persons usinj; Hr
in stines shall Citn-e to have jdaceil muler
such sti ve a box c n"aihiiif. eaith, earth
and bi ick, zinc or sheet iron. siii'iri-ut t
protect the tutors : and when auy snch st' ve
slidl staid within two feet ot anv wooden
or cloth wail or pai tition, such wall or par
tition shall be prnfi-'ted V sheet metal a-,
will be inli troto-etion asrairist fire from such
stove, and when any st ye pipe is mad -. 'o
pass 1 hi tornh any partition in any l yiui'm.,,
sucii stove pipe shall yir.sf t iirtn.sh and n
sui ronndt 1 by brick or tin e linders, so ns
to be at least three inches f; on;, any wood-
I And anv person violat-n- the pmv.V.m
d'ilr-s section -diall be fined, on con.ictioa.
wen i .
before the Mavt-r or Recorder, in anv -mm.
j not cx eedin-i twenty oh llais and costs, f'-r-I
such (di'ence, im-i an a ditional penalty of llvfr )
i dollars for 1 ach day he ot they 111.13- contimu
I i-uih violation, a tor having been luttifnd by
j the Marshal or Chief Engineer 0 f the Fu"
I De; artmtnt
Si c. ;. That it shall be unlawful for tlicP
. owner or owm r- or eccepant of any building
where liic is kept, to ellow any baj- straw.
I shavings, or other combustible matter to.
i rcinrii in or adjacent to s ;eli buildinc cx
i ccfit carpenter shops and manufacturing
I establishments, and foni such places, s-hav-j
ings o such like combustible materials
; shall be removed a often as deemed neccsary
j I v tlie Maisha or Ch ef Fnuierr of the.
Fire 1'epai tii.i nt ; ami for every violation oh
this i-ect'o'i, such owner or oc( upant shall
be iir. ed upon c(n vit-t ion befoie the Mayer
or Recorder, the sum of five d-lh rs lor
every day he or they shall continue stick -.
violation, after imi i licat Ion from cither the
Mar-hall or Chief Engineer of the F ro- Pe
pai tinent.
Sic. t. That the. Chief Ihig'neer of the.
Fire Depai t.nent or Marshal, er both sli d;,
at all times have a rght to enter any burd
i g wittihi the City, for lhe puife se of dis
covering ami ascertaining any viola'ion of.
this ordinance.
Si:c. .". That when any 11 w orchin no-v-consti
i-cted prif r to this ordinance going
into effect, shai1 be deemed bv the Marshal
or Chief Fng'neer of the Fie PepaitmenS
to be unsafe, 1 e or they shall notify in writ
ing, the owner or oecu"pai;t of lhe building
that the same must be repaiied within felt
.lays, and if the parties alter such notifica
tion, fail to make the lequhel repairs, they
shall be fined in the sum of 11 .e dollars f-r
cacti and every day's continuances of sue It
Stc. i. That it shr.l! be the duty of every
fireman to give, either or both, the Marshal
and Chief Engineer of the Jive Department
notice of every violalion of this oidmance,
which may come to hi knowledge.
. 7. That anv person who may 01
wilifuRy and maliciously make a false
1 of hre, shall on convictiou. thereof, he
in the sum t twenty dollars for eiclt
and every offer.ee.
St-c s1 That ibis ordinanco shall Ihkc.
r-ffet' and be in force from and after the
l-.th dav of September. Is. 2
x-. 4
V. That oitiirance .o. crime n
'An oidinance to secure siove pipes imo
chimnevs against lire,' be, arul the same are
hereby re ealed.
Passed the Cifv Council Sept. 12th, lb7t.
A. N0LT.NER, Mavor,
tte t : L. DILI Eli, "-Jecordtr.