J"- rZ ... , She lUcchin cEntcrpries. SEPT. 27. I til 2. TOWN AM COUNTY. Public Speaking". C,.n H. Helm, of the Democratic Electoial Ti ket, tvilfVidress the peoplef Eastern Oregon on political questions at the follow i ...t times and places: ' Pendleton. Wedne-day, October 2d, at 1 Wes't!'i)"l'hursdiiy. October 3d, at I o lot h V' La Grundy Saturday, October .'th, at 1 U TheVl've' Monday. October 7th. at night. Knirn Town, Tuesahi; . October 8th, at 1 "'waktr CUy, Wednesday, October Hth, at 1 o'c''M k p- m. TI Dorado, Thursday, October In, at night, (.'an v on City Sod the Dalles, to be ahiapg- fd The Hon. J. F. Gazlev, tfie Hon. V. D llare, or the Hon. A. P. Meaeham, IranC Electors, can j i?i me m discussion if they desire. SfiorMi in: ru-niiiitTKn. Parties iu ibis city , ami "mother prts of the Suite, are in the habit of fishing with giant powder. They wrap up a quantity of powder in a wad. fix a fuse and throw it in the water : this is very destructive to the finny tribe, as it ins'antly kills all within fifteen or twenty feet around the place where I lit' powder is deposited. This modi of fish ing may be profitable to the parties en gaged in it. btit, we thinx it wilj not be so for future fishermen, as it kills the sinnll fish, that are of no use t any one now. is well as large ones. We hojin the Leg ialaturu will look after this matter. IIoitsK TiiAiNixi;. Mr. P. V. Cas!t(m:in was iu this ci;y on Wednesday last and organized! class in a new and improved mode of training horses entitled the '-eon;- j 1,1 ninu sense system' by which the wildest colts and niot vicious horses can be thor oughly subdued on a practical and im proved basis of control; also a treatise on shoeing. Our special reporter says it is well worth th admittance fee to any one raising or dealing in horses. New Fkkkv. License has been granted to Mr. L. Diller to run a ferry from sev enth s'reet lo the west bunk of the liver, intersecting liie old cunty road. The road is to be greatly improved and the , . . r 1 1 ... : 1 1 l. . . ...... ..... t. : r t" to low iii ne oil ;i i s u e i r u r is s will enable tho-e living across the liver to ! come to town instead of o":ng off lo do their trading. V.'Fvruru For the b.-m fit of those . who have not ihe rtlivilegi! of enjovmg , , ' . r ... ' ' the salubrious Climate of Oregon Ct'y. we will say that we have had weather f'-r the past week that would compare ,,-t.l, ,tv..,t r....i?..u a lit.l.. o.f wi'-h mixed fradiotis. A littb- rain, frost, j sunshine ;tnd (loudv weather mixed in j about the same proportion that a d iiry- j man mixes milk and wafer. rr-JxsTKt -TKt. One of the representa tives from tliis county not being able to ob'aiti a heaving after four or five at- j lemoi-i. was about to cive u:i. when a friend told ban ihe way to be heard was : t cry. 'Mr. Speaker." and jemo ur after- v -i rila 'I'lilc niip '!? M r"-. M 1 A ' V t t 1 i 1 tried, i and .Ohis astonist.ment obtained the re- cognition ol ttie peaK-.-r j .. . ! 1 i k ri'ii.v i n i i . o e notice in me loose It,.?.-.. I City papers ih it the fiicn.ls of Miss Nora Moss, of thi- pi ice. wliu has been spend ing the summer on a visit- t that ci'y. . M 1.1,. I g ive iu-r a lareweu pMiy. auu iaa.1 s;,e FRIDAY, will soon reuun tooa'-. iv e are gold ot p b , .ci n members of t ho House, afraid to it. U'-r m ;iy friends, will be pleased to j di-ia ga- d the law as so clearly ascertain see her back aga:n. ! ed and d'-.-ide.! prefer to posipone a di I ei-ioti. v. i'h a view to ihe ,-eiaio! ial elee- F. S. Dement, our typographical friend, 1 : has the thanks of Ihe d-vils for .favors at the "case" this week. Flank will 1 leave this hurg lor t),mpia m a lev days and we recommend litm lo ine ineicii'S or the typograpdiic.il fraternity. LiOIiT He. Ls It liot about time that . ... . . ... i o ir citv (lads were having the street ! . ; ; I , i , , . u. , ;, ; ! lamp- lighted of mgb..-. We th'.nk it is. ; and hope the c.ncih uii! immediately I take tin- in lifer i.i consideration. CtKCP.s The rem una of ihe Crystal i Paiace Circus passed forough town : Wediiewdac last on their w:iv to the State Fair. This circus, we believe, will be the only ulie on e.xtriUiliwil at the Fair. SiIakks. Prof. Maciom was attacked , . ..:,i. .1.. ,i :n . i ... o,.,,.i,.,- i,.,! o ; wi ll ine coiiis iasi .uniiu-o .ui'. ii. .u iu i dismiad school; but, we are gold lo learn, j -he has co' the best of them aud is able ; to be at his post. Professor Randall, an experienced teacher, at present residing at Oregon City, has signified his intention of opening I he school in Lafayette on the JlOth inst. I. tfinjeUe Courier. . J. D Mcflowan, photographer of Oregon City, is going to leave on the lo'h of j October. Now is the time, before he goes, to get pictures; he has reduced the price of photographs to $i per duzert. Fon Coi.i.kci:.- George Currin, of Eagle Creek, in this county, passed thronorh this c , , r r . ... ! city last Sunday en route Tor CotVaili.-. to ; i ! r ii- - l. f h ' attend, the CorvalLa Agricnlttirai College, i - j v.'.,, i ,t.,,,t, i,,.; inmii. our denizens are losing in - their supply of wintei's wood, which re- j minds us that winter is fast approaching, j ' Win. Whitlock. of this ciiy ln.s accepted j a clerkshio in the boot and shoe -store of j .(',,, . r . ,, , ! "l'l. use Ol X UHl.HU. ' Mr. Julm Fleming the oldest, printer in Oregon, and perhaps on this coast, sup ports Geeeley and Erown. C.MxlD.-Dr. Thessing. of Monticello, called in our absence last week. "When it hoars Grant called fhe -ihird ashington." as es: -Governor Hoppin of Rhode Island dubbed him. the patience of the Missouri i'-pi.'" n-ui gives way. It protests, as follows: --We respectfully sug gest that the crop of Wastiingtons is be- coming a'.toeether too large to be safely 1 General Line wouid no! sup fort Horace I Lirveste.l Tl. r,!,l . ,,d; .", I v., a, ;''!( i ree le y . Tin- old General was in town ! eoubl be conveniently mana-ed; but when i Washington Nos. 2 and 15 are brought for- I ward, it is loo heavy a draught upon the I siock ol -National veneration. ocii or National veneration. "Grunt's election will be a misfortune: i Im'miki. it PI nut n i-.i , n .via..,,,. .. I 1 h , j - 1 . ,-,t . . , - A head or heart, indiffert-ut to human snt t . - ! ieil 'nng. and impotent to govern That - what General Puller wrote of General. ' m a letter .0 W. Jones. Xeenah, j d.ied Dav View Mas, -V 1 1 -T H-t 0 j lNi7, -We want four more years "of m!il- ' f'b'Cent speech of General Put- b-r at Miiiord ' ,s- v . D C ..... .i .'lass. 1 rour more years d.l fickle P,mjamin-of-a man U0.1t a head or heart;' of a man -in. Jbrent to human soffeiin-' ol a icpo-.cct to govern'" ' ! i The Clackamas County Contested Aecuon Case. r rem the Herald. Our iva.lora are a ware that Messr Rin go. Martin and Shinlev ;. . o ,,,,..o (l.'r the li.ns. ,,f llepiesenfa- fives, now occupied l,v Mi s-u 'r:. 7. t.,.-.i I Eaiin and Matlock. The case on the first KSrr T:JT has Mr. La Dow.representati ve Iron, Urn i- till.t coiury. with commendable t-d p.-rsevenau-e. but' hi; herto without swe- cess, endeavored to ge, the consideration ot he cae before the House. The Co-n- mtttee on Lections s coinnoseil nf i' Uopooiicans and Kcra'l. In.K as we have said, h ive ie.i.l h. mn..,. ;., ch irge since the Jitvt day of the session. - ate justilied in saying that the com mittee withhold their" report, actuated bv panian motives, until the contest for United States .Senator shall have been de cided. We say tins because the House acr this unreasonable delav. refused, on Saturday ly a vote of 2ti to i'o, to demand a report from tlie comniitlee and to take !L!ieense for irntnediate consideraiioti . This is a display ,f a 0f m ignanim- i'y and sense of justice po.-s.-sed by the large Uepublican majority of the ILmse. It it were not, iniended that Me-srs. Ringo. Martin and Shipley, who are Democrats! while those who wrong lull v occupy their seats are Republicans, should have no voice ir. the election ol 1". S. Sena'or.lhere could t)e no objection to an immediate heartiig a;sd deteruiinaiion of the case. The evidence in the case is of a document ary character, fully prepared and ready for the examination ol members. There 11....''.. r i . i i ui nrcu. uieieiore, tor ilt lav. so as lo ! give the committee further time ; the eotrmiltoe really, and in fact, have noth- i it g more to do. except, to report, and let j the House decide upon the docu men t are evidence presented We take it that thei'e must be something very convincing in this evidoiire in favor of the cub-stairs, or there woual not be so persistent a deter i m mina.ion on the part of the Republican jn,jority to keep it Inmi being rnde Pub- '"ti. ,i. : i ... - , .. ! l ne truia is ami tne in noritv know it. these D'-moeraMc contestants were legally elected, and they were counted out by the re'preheilsihle and illegal conduct of (lie dishonest judges of election : or by thir connivance a.ud the improper manip ulations and interference of outsiders, who had not even the wit to conceal the dis honest means by which they attempted to stifle the voice of the pei.ple of Ciackanjas county. '1 here is but a single nohit in 'he case as we understand it. The cor tificate o! the judges of the election to the poll sheets o! the i,:r,n ci!v precinct. tui ,!l a seventy-nine vot. s were cast, while ,Uil.v ic.'i'Uiit for seventeen, saving ti:at tor hin- .i iiaior. . vers cot nnn auu tiifiitaii ('U'li vo.es: ami ic votes i '''" Rtiresen;alives were disposed of the i Umevi- ...,. nf ,!, ;,-,,, ,.; ! . ' ' ' . '' , , , , ' ' , j votes appear in ihe poll sl:-'t to have I l,,,n ,ej..(o,.d. but against ome .sixty odd j names appear the wmib. - Lock hands.' j j Ev noi e-"iii!ing tliese si.v od-1 vo'es.the ! I ..,.,,in.,...,. , ..; I mimoi'v carolidales get their ci-i-i dieafes. aud the people at e defrauded We claim ikat these voles ought to have been count cd : that as the case now stands it is sim j ply a question of taw. whoth.T ihe j i'.id not transcend their au'horii v : and the j House mn -I finall v determine the (Mies j lion, arid thai eoosco uen I ! v there is no I rr d.dav toejve the commit t--o mop. TI,., 1 i i i of th .5 ;. : "a! i Disttic! decided i!ie priiudple involved in j this case when he allow. -d the vo'es of .; r:t!!Efi;ul l'D'"l ?!1 f . ii.t CtPlPtV ! Ci 1 ! I 2 railroad liamls in i "tv to b eoueo-d. ,;H which, by ihe . bye. gives j M r. a!:i run oi t mii couniy. v. nan man m see ; ('imiinilt-c on Eieetions. the on'v nch! he i . - .. . has to tds seat i he . loh'O o! the -oil ft h i lie .Judicial District determined the same principle in the same way. when In- decid ed recently in favor of ihe Poinoera ; n. eon' es-air - To;- the t-tlices of C'uuud.-si n rr nnd School si i)c I ! u teuo en '. , I ne ue- iio:l. Nor can the decisions in the cases , , , , , . . rcerrcd to b aHacKed on tin- ground o, ("" o.u-.- -v'S' ' !" :1 ; i no -'Ooj" in the .--ocor. 1 los i ' oi w ;. : . ,i iil i!;e i ourlti fie is a uepuo- lii'-i'i. . . y . , , ,,,.,:., (. ,i,.i ,n , i; . 1 "" cussion ot i he c. ! -:d ion w bet her ( . rant o!s drunk is still confirmed with enercv. The !);i.v, !hy tales! .advocate before the tlllinal. Among the facts it alleges the following may be quote v emit-: i l ihihiis, in lie .Atin-.a ei Siandard of Feb run rv 1. l.-'db said: -New rumors reach us from Washington, comics. bom (Ellereiit and trustworthy sources'. licit (Jen. (.rant lias been u n m 1st a kabi v l'liuk in Ihe sireets of that cUv within a o-w wee t'eiv we.d ' Ex President Johnson said Hrant hr.d i - ,i i'-, :, t( been in hi- ro.on m the v npe llous..'. so ,runk that he couldn't stand straight on his legs." 'i he hiur-i-i-nijcut. January IS Oh sai l he had been -iiidd'ed in the streets." The .'i co. a'.'oii said: (Jen.tJran! is drunk half the time, and has been seen .steadying himself in another's al ius on Pel.usy 1 vauia avenue. All this i'luslrates in a funny manner ihe piopos"bion that even iemperauce men do not think ii is any great harm for a President or a candidate to get drunk. Of the four authorities r-.rcrred to by tin Dayton an ihree are now decidedly in favor of (H-ant. Wendell Phillips, who condemned him for geMing drunk in supports him in ps72. drunkenness and all The Iuln.'iv.te!, which said in lbtIS that . Grant had been fuddled in the stteets." . , . . is i.ow, we (M.re say. ready to maintain that he was never fuddled at all. not even ...... . when he was dismissed Irom ihe aimv lor gt.,5in2 Woise Ihddied than an oHici-r is allowed to got; or the Jnd'poiJ'jul will solt tiutly argue, if he ever was fuddled j: w as a" good 'hlng, for which he ongh to be held in higher esteem by all evang-ii- cal Christians and teiuperanee men. And , , 7 , ,. , . , as for tne , r. ;;.. ,-i. tne exur.ct organ o! Susan 13. Anthony and tin wtunenV rights women, il is enough to say that Su-au is now an ardent par; is in oi Grant, and tlr.it all tin." other women's righters no -a ith her for the same candidate. The Dayton '-'oi ndiilit as well let this subject alone. No doubt it has lo'd the truth, bat u hai oi lb a-? X. i Sua. G KNtiitAi. Lank. The Rose berg I'hihi-uenlf-r. published al General Lane's home, lias the annexed in relation to the old veteran's status in the present canvass : Republicans in this vicinity have lo-en industriously circulating the report that :eek. and in conversation widi '' b-nds d.-chucd his inten'ion of viriiig J ,,il" ,u' nominees of ii,- P.aPimore 7on- M.nnn. ana . it was po-sio.e tor p.itn lo vt it mn. and p it was po-snoe for hi in to j 'lis. would ti.ke tiie stump for lhein. ! bat IVoni the Louisville Convention no; g,Mid Could l)o expecied ii was conceived ! so.eiv in ine HPelest o luiiiit. He he- 1 ::,.v,.- t-,t .' ... . i i "eves u.at the welfare of the country de- mands a chuni;e in the AdmiuN:! atfo.-i of . and as the only pracd j 'I (Hm-U it is U.e : 1)1 '"-Cials to support Greelev. I j, T7rZ " , ! , , : l,, 't1 ls iin i oppt.soinn lino of steamers tdac.-il on b.-- i oppc scion lim- a steaniers t - ced on lo- : .ween San Francisco a,,!, , tl ! lively oppo-hinii wid cause a reduction in I 01 u,,fd " "Tianily meet with ij; s the 0'' ,. :;J;u. U.e price of lain and freight which wiil ! .11 1- ; 110 pubhc obiecttou. j County warrants in Union county are now worth So cents on the dollar wilb :! e prospect of soon being at par. Iltliiou Services. St. Paul (Episcopal) Clmrch th. I7e tm " 1, rector. Services sundav -i-- iti' . .r l!" ,"?rRt!onal Cfurch Seats Free 'vlu-ZfV'V' 1y:V-V-r Evening Sm; l' "-'u, T 1 i k v. 11. (Vi' y" t i ; '" Vas t ur e,. ... ' -l - u' 1 al(u -nday o-eniag".. 5 ,t i uesdav eveuin" - x ucauay tveuing.. T n'.-'or-lr M. E. Church Moruaig Service Evening Sei vii-cv Seats Free, . . 7 o'idock. i Sabbath School at "2 o'chn k p.'ii,.' J. D. LcfCtv, Pator. Oregon City Friees Current, The following are the prices paid for produce, an ! the prices at which other ar cicles are selling, in tliis market : WHEAT-White.V bu.hel.SOc. A L H bushel i-t PorATOES-- bi'.shel. :i7.0. cts ONIONS 1 bushel. Slll(!f.(;;d 00. i'LOl.'li r bbl. S.") oOC-r SU Ui). ELANS hile lb. i;(J cis. DRIED PRi'IT , ,,,.. - " ir;-no UulU i lit ll.p.pb. ;1 ., Ifo-t CIS. 1 eacties. r! ib.. IzO, ICc: J'hims, r in., -0 Cts.: Currants. ib.. UiOv.tl) Cts. 1H 1 i iviL - f.) it,.. 2."(.) M'ClS. i-,titj H iiozen.::u cis. CHICKENS "rj dozen. $2 i,tl;3 00. I SLtiAU Cntsiied.r! lb.. 20 cts.: Island r' . cts. ; .'. u.. 10.. lo cts San Francisco refined. t lb. II cts. TEA Yonnir Hvs.m. Ib.. yl tin : Ja- Viack- - b-75e- COr 1- t.L j ; ib.. z. cis. -"Ujl.-r ct.. r; V'"'" ' VfT-U'cl UJ ' ' E AC" ) N 'i i ! n'i s . t' is , Sides. 1.) cts. lb.: Shoulders. 12 cts. r?1 til. 1'--tteavy (.olden. r'gal!..Sl O'J ; i LARD lie, 1 ." cis. OIL De oi-'s Kerosene. p) call.. 7;. Linseed oil. raw. 'j gull.. SI i. : Linseed oil. boiled. call., SI 2o(V 1 50 WOOL Hi.. '.-3 cts. IiilEF On foot. C-0.-7 cts.'V. lb. I'OL'K On foot. IC'i.t-'ctf. "rt Ui. SHEEP Per head.""s-i ."nf- 00. HIDES (Jreen. $2 oii L; Dry. J Ib.. 15 cts ; Salted. So Kvirjoiic sloeald know thai the panacea which ha- st' od the test of i, early half a ceo- j tmy of trial in the cure ot coughs, colds, I bioaehitis. bonanza, and whooj.-ing coa.j h, j is. Dr.. Wistaij's of Wji.n Cni:iii;y If main- ! luins m liie ni.ie-t Oegi ae lis weil -earned rep- u atiou. Aii si.itVi cis sh'juhl try it. ,7".- " It ou feel oud, Orowsv, oe.m i . at.o!, have fit-queiit headache, niouch testes uaillv. poor .,.,.,,.,1 allll tonj.neeoat-d.vou aiesntiV-nnx fA'm To,,.,d Liver or - Rihousaess." and nothing will cure u so speedily and per rnanentiv a.-, Dr. Pitrc'a Golden Mtdicai i.s- ,-,;verv. " eovery X' t every one can be President, but ail can be.v S:LVE!i TIPPED s mas iei- tiieir ehil iien a:ul da ieby h. . . U ti.e v Si.ol- bii two 1 1 : 1 1 For Sale bv ail Peelers. " " Viiliiittile lli;i's. A re:-ul ir habit o! "bo 1 v i - abs.iutilr es- mtial to rh-si 'al health aud clearness of p.teEe. t. Nor is this 11 . Ik-autvof person . . ... , .... " " . " ' ''"'f .7 T, -.on i -i ,m ,iio,,u iu. o.ost-.u i waste pipes., is m-ces-m y on.:e i-ut-itv ..i i:.e lie.ter, lignl nu spot in the luce, no mark i. .1 ... :... f , f ,1... . . .....;, ' "-, "", "ll '" 1 i'"" "'-' 11 ""i.oui a . cuv t iirnu.'ii u- sewers :s neces-ai v lo me it - se-.ver.-; :s neecs-aiy P. me health of its i;-ab ; t.i u i Ind'ge.-tiou is th- p( hoary co se of n est ! of the di si-iises of the discharging ..'cos, I ain't eon- oi its mo; t common re-i.lis is con- sipa.ioii. Thi-. f' to pi a i lii, 1 is i de b'i o c iPcil'.i-i ous in ii-eo, i. as iiianv uisacreeai.oi I'oiicomitai.ts sucii as aii 10 ph'asan! !.)' eith. 1 ! a sai.o'.v sKm, con t am I mo I nc bioou aiol 1 b 1 . en.oriho ds, headache, loss of memo: v. ; a:!.!; o'joi.iy. llostellei s ,s-o:nac!i otters remove ad th(.s . (,vi,s iy u.n,vj,u, tlli,ir I:iim, ,p..tu cause m the mgesto organ.;, and reguhMii.g ; ii, e a el o.i i I ; e ! lite-1 . .,i-s. i ne eon: n-:i- a, i tii.n , x-oie-rt ie ; in tios celebrated nrenar- I eti'-n is one ot :!s ei.nl men's. it is not merely a stimulant, or ;i tcnie, or an auti ! hiiiioi-s agt-.it or ne: vine, or a bloo I dc- ; r-iircai, r a eathartie. but ad these curative . i..m.,.io a .,,- i a, ;,i i ,. , ' - ",'v" r .'v' ! "il ry.u.y.i iVe. it lends aetiv.ty and vigor i t , tiie ,!ltMt and encrvi-ted st' inach, r-- ! pcv,.s ,h;. a-n.-.a-ntary cmd ot its obsta.c- ; lams, and giv.-s r... to the membrane wiocu ! lines it. ceutiv stiui'dates toe liver, braei-s tne ! ( .' the animal snirit-. t otner icueov nosscsse-; siien a ariei v i of hygienic viriu'es. It is to th se characler- istic viitnes tnat it, (wes its j-rcstige as a j nouscnoei nu ueine. j-.xnei ie :ce mis ntov- ; ed that it is has-adess as ir is ei!ieaci us, and hence it is popnhir h ith the weaker se.v as with the si roi, cer. iios.euei s .-lomacn outers are som in bottles i my, and the t r.o!e-:cai k blown in t.e glass aid engraved on the Libel is the test of genuineness. Reware of c.-u liter- ;.;ls ' " " " " - "' ix-eml -.oltcc. The he d r.ud most efneient i-m-e known for ..! .,,,.1 ;,, ;: ,..; ... ; i .. 1 !,. i. : C'eb'-braied I X L linteis. Try it. Rt a ! ad Vfi Crfem-.-iit in another eoPnmi. janTnri I.. s. KIS55K;:, 2.i anl .'I New Mer chants' Exchange, is our autljoi ized Agent m ban Francisco. . ; To protect the tiuderstaiiding of humanity nnthiu" there is ! !:e leather fastem-d togeth1 erby CAPLK SCREW WIRE. Roots and Shoes m uie in this way never rip, or leak or come ana! t. P:;rc:."fs lessen vonr Shoe bilis two thirds by buying oaiy CARLE SCREW WIRE fastened Root-in: I Shoes. Xeyenin or leak- Ail genuine goods bear the Patent St amp. F.-r theveiy best photographs, go to Rind ley A Ruiois on's (dal'ery wi.hout Si'AIR.- - :T ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, -P.'l-.Motitsromerv Street, San Franci-ico. WIIiLIAM BAVIDSOI-7, fc iX. Ii A 2 fc Jf,r-AUm.i i . . OiU-c, -. PORTLAND, 01 iauiit ,Sli-i--t, OREGON. REAL P.STATE in this (. ITY and EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable I localities. consisting ;t I.Ol.s, HAL!- I IPdU'KS and li LOCKS, IloL'SES STORES ; also a,J i IMi'ROVi;!' FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LAN DS, located in ALL parts of the STATE for SA EE. REAL ESTATE arid other Property purchased for Con e-po-eients, m n.is CI I and thro iirhoiit tne STATES una TERRI- TORIhS. V.Mi ?reaf caie an 1 on the most AI AN i Ai.i.' tbs. li.o.i-s. uo,TS" atid STORES LEASJiD. j o ys; x;-'i,'()ri TKP. and C'LIMS OV j i,i-;scRIP I'iONS 'PROMPTLY COL- j ec'tED." A- d a (ieneral FINANCIAL and 1 i.-vi'- P. i 'S ! ESS transacted. AGENTS of tins OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in ihi-S 1'A I E. wdl re- J ceiye fJ f J .' j aUo,r..nvar.t toe s..m. t j th, e.. . lh- I j F.aLLS CCA?ll3IK.T f.O.l, I . O. ,. ... . 1,01 ,. ,1 I M--et. at Odd Fellow, Had on tl. FEIST AXD THIRD TUESDAY EYENING j - i,,,,,,,., ,, d stand- 01 cai.i 01 'ion. 1 ....... -..j ... 0 1 -m,r are invito fo ait-cd. J. D. cco w a ra, PHOTO Ci 11 A II A 11 T I S T- Is prepared to execute work in the very ' be-t siyk- of the ait, at leusenabU- pr'ct.3 ' Pictures taken at S3 per dozen. ' ' V ;eirs of Off son City tor sal;-. ' 'a,01:iTu' Mm su't, opposite Thos. ml So- - - - o.tz K Mfe,a every Thursday even in? at 7 oVlck, iu Odd Fellow's i "' Hall. Main s eet. i M":-h"s of the Order are iavited t attend 11 ' r ' X- '-' .oTT77 I d? Ci Meet on the eco(iu and F.-nrth t C. JO -.-i. . .'n una ami renrtll j of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows , ! nail, .ueiaoers ol lac i -i ce ai e invited m attend. 3!tiltnoi!ia!i IoIfr Stt. 1, A. i'.jiiiii f 'V Holds its regular c .mrneoiica S'V-noii en i;ii- rtr.ittnn I ,'i ir( ,V, !,ur- g; V-noii en nil- i (inn i , ir( .S ri 'y'f,'U eac!.' uolth, at 7 o'clock f'r. the -ioth of September to the -Joth om j March, inid nVini k fi th of om the "Jotii of i M'trcii to the "2oth t September, lbeth ren in good standing are invited to attend. Pee. 5.1 s, U, Ey order of W. M. j CNC frt'Ct'On i"'r,1';l- Airentr, wanted ! All I pO IU fplU elassc-s of wta-kin- inovle, of i i eulier sex, joiuitr or oil, ma mm.' juonev at v,(llkfol. us iu th,.;r sr.are moments, or all the : time, than a anythim;- el.-c. l'artieulars tree. t AitiU-ess r. tiii-"ju V Co., roriluud, Maine 'ipte:nber 27lh, lS7J:Iy. To cave One Dollar ; 1 y an extra outlay of Five Cents, Parents should buy i SILYEI1 T5PIsi:i) SHOES ! j for their childnn. sep'27m1 7 i c- v-' The standard renn ly for CoitfjU , 'Infiu- i -iT.a, .v.v . rmit , XX ho: -in , r fvir'h Cmvn i I.lv.r Cnn'innint, -',.-,-,','i,'is" nUf-S;,, ,,f th) j L ,;., n.t every affect ion -f the Threat, ; i Luncs end (. iiest. i no i ,a ( onsit,: r-Tiix. j U'Kuir's i'. ilsum r Wild Clicn-r 1 1 d:es not ,irv un a fon-h but loosens ,5 ! tleanses the lur'gs, and i.fhivs iirt.'tion. thus ! ! trnmrii, th: of the complaint. None ' geiiiiiue unless signed I. Pi tts Preiiaredj i hv Situ W v,,.. . ,., i.,. ! iV .-si TU W . I-OWLK S(N-s. r.o-t .a. Soid bv ! ;it-d by ilealcis lienerally. an for Q - FA I'M OF :.:-0 ACRES FOR SALE. J N'eailv all ui.der i;Ood lenee : alioat so aen-s fn e-dtivation. F,,r p.-irticular-i enquire of the undei;:igucd at the l'"-t itlice. J. M. HA COX. Oregon City, Se; f. L'1"', 1-7l'. n.;, a ; i a ice n or?. i-OV'N IX jl . aiw-man i fecno, ine three-year ooi or Otaeos. Atoirat-e-l Annrai-ed ft s'Jo Ma-chi'.ih Is"-1 hi- I ' ". I'. lit 1 1 S .1 I Rccord..d M.iK.h cth. 17:'. j . yp FRAZER, lUcor Jcf. sco-o.,:;7 - ' -- .V" I a T Is" 1.' V i v s3.' r 1 1: 1 ' i:v!i!.'t!Sii:vi.-i'. iii.snMv av isrt t .",. , ,'. , ;" , , ; ,7 ' ! '' at a i.arg;, n, to ;i i;ood parcha-er. Also i i. ova liis in Caiiemah, with good lei ce ;i;in;i; i. A'.-o low.i Jo's in I avi'i- end i f On g.ui (;ty : als i Pto of hunt km.H n as tlie dona tion hii.d c!a m of W m. Stone, noli so itin ast of Oregon Coy, v. ii.h some im-pr.-veiiients, thinly ti-iibered, :c under growth, go'-d. lasting wat. ; 'quire at County Clerks mhe". .1. M. FilAZLR. ): f gon Citv. Mae oih. 1'7:. v0n2S Ir. t!c- Cir nit Vs:t of the S'tate of Creoii for the nun .y of l.'t ack amas. I'll I LA X( 'Y OTP's and PA XI PL. St lit i?i Kqui OTlS, la l- husband, i'iaint;!:. ty to ion- i;. ALfortlXii v-. l cia.-e I'SOX, Pefe.-sdant ; "M.atcagc. To I',. Ab'ou'. liibson. Lc facia ot : U X TtIK XAMII CO1-' Tiil". s TAT V. OF (iKK j.rot, you are h";i-';v o . auiied to anr-er and aii-wer tlie eoniobiiut Id i.a:ii Mm m tne ; ahovc ei.th!,..-! s.ui?, on or befoie the 2S:h dav of - Oeto'.icr next, that Keitur the- tir.-t day of the next 1 term of said Court foilowimr ihe expiration of six I v'1'' ks i.nliiicatiim of tins summons, us oiifcred l.y .1 o. : jo I' jnom t he ,' a -liro of said ( 'ocrt , t his 13'. h i ':: of Semcruhi r, 1S7-J ; an-l if vim fail so to au- 1 swer, for want fu reof, t ! jdair.tifls will aoplv to ; th- Court for t ix-i-el' tie-rein demanded," whic'a i :l dei-it.-e to tor.-ciosu a i.iortKn.w heM by puin-. His iv.imv. in I'.-uoun:, ami lor .,).- j jU! a-"' j.-, ,-i;r i F. i;. Sd OX F., A:toi-i. riainfiff-. T. Il Ir. th - fii-c-ii: ('ear: of the Ct.i-eef ,i-.rj":s, for l.lai-i.as'n.is 1 oumy. AV. W. IlRP'uU.t.y Z. C. Xorfcu ) his -uar.liun. i 1 " A". O. If A I; 1 ! X(i, nc.tiunistra'ri c of ti:e .. .tate of A. :d. Jiaidi: . . tenduats - y, R..bci-t. IC-dpa'tii an'l Jame, ) .Yra.ey. j To A . I '. h:u- a:c.i ibda 1 1 Redj-ath, clefcmhuits i -g x" Tiilrx am i: of Tin; tati-: or i:t;ox, v iu are h-lebv reou.ie i to :o eeur a;;d a-isw r the i.olinihiint ril.-d auanit vmi m liie a! ove -n- t. Tied a. lion witiun ten davs from t he ihe. e oi '. lie I feivic.; "I t ui-i sutiinioii-s np'oii o.i,n s. rv-o wiri; in this eoimrv ; c.v if served in an v o; her coun v ! of this State, tjmii v itliin twi-utv davs from the j .hiteof the sci-vic ot this suiionotis im you; j I ami it sfrv-,1 ty piiOiieaiion, ou aie no;o;e.i ami reoaiicd to .-o api-cii- .1:1 S i.u.-wi-r s.iid coiuplaiui i eTi or :etv.;-e the'i'h M".:-.i.iy ::i ( 'etohs-r, Isr7, tlml i i , ; ' nu the hi s". nay i. ,! the next t ; r:i o: t i;e ce.it ! Cna-i for Clackamas t ne.uty, of O re-on, i i which will t-e lieli alo-r in-exjara: .on -t in- p-- Il'-l i rit-d l y tie- '.:. i r ot said t -nit l--r in- ; y tie- o;,,, - .,; ; lis stnamor.-.: a: bunt sit- wilt ar- OUt'llcatlOtl Ol tats siliuiuo;;-. ; ;i;;.-i n J Oil lull Ml ., O , to iiur-xiei'. the nlamtins win ar-rav to tne :.uvt lor the i-ei-of prayed tor in tin- eoiit; lain, which is m substance as iohows, l. it : i j,:,t .t eevt e.iu jud--l:iei,t a-i l !! ee in a h av lo-' i suit .. ! j;i eompbot.t, a!-o the M.ilFs dee;i to A. i ii.,--,;.,.. ,;,.,.(; fr.aa A. M. U:u-.!iiivr auu wit'..- ",v .""u in- and. J'. . Ifawi-.-. d-ed i;-.,ia Vv". J. Kin-.'iitid wile to !h! (;'. i;y !pa-h. deed Iroia Fooert i;e.ieOli an l w.j- -o .o;m"- j rayej. and tin; (ie-d Ifoin uaipei l . i. iw.vj: itnl 1. I .ii.i-.iey; no o-- i o ..- i i.i i i..... u ( n.n.i t be eaix-ebeo. sot a a te ieei Ie : ; tor ua-i-.-n:. and that i iin' :!t' be- a djnd'o d to be The i 'chrt-1 own cr of s...!.l liin-'l d.-eiii d in sai.l h .1 ee and eon veva i.e.--. a ioilovv s : Not iii y i 1 ion No. 7 .1 -Is, p il ls ot cr i':e otie and two in T. '' S.. ib :i ii.. in 1 la. kairnis ; .em-y. e.-:a:;t-neiii- at a c-iat lo. 10 (.i;llii;s ;:o: ;h. f.-in ' from in- s. W. corner 1 f .-eet ion one. T. - s.. P.. -1 e,'-:. vanning tiuneo v. u 1..)''. t h-ie-e ii''!'.;i ' .2 " eiirI'i"!-, t M-i'.ee siiu! ti S-.(" 4.V, east ill eiiiUils. tiam.i- south I'l.l'O chains to C'ia-kauias nvc-. ticr.ee up -ai l r iver with u-iu'-tti-i-: oi 2 to tie- p! ie.- ' f ;uii:i-', e aura in in r about :-!Ja -e : and ha-.,; her and fun t.c-r relief, as prav-d tor iu said complaint, to-edierwith the . o-;s an. l a i.-bur-ei.e-nt - l'th:s suit: an i ysiu are firtii-r laeihed tnat the li .n. AV. AV. Cpn.n, - m cr-Se-:-- i r , 'i.'i l. on Ti. llTii o.iv i .I ruber, bsTi, made aa nr-'ev dnvetmy the i se.iunio.is 10 oe .-erw. I v oato; .-a' ;-n in th- l ve- i .on Ciiy L.itci'pi'i lor six i-ia.-ccwve weeks. ( A. F. Ft UBFS, ;,r.d HI FLAT A-.KlFi;N-. " A; toriwys fur Plaintiir: j ('' rd, r M. 'IablG COVnn S Oilf CwHn 1 VOF thO FOOt gOOCl j n 8 T . IfiJ! I Gable S BOOTS AMI ilOLS. I 'til ; . : r NEW GOODS, JCST RECEIVED BV d'1' "R S" l rr Rr 5 155" d'1 a sr 7 ?, hp r" T HAVE JEST RECEIVED A NEW JL consisting in part of 2Y-GOOOS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' AXD CIIILDKEXS SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, &ca All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Give nie a call before purcflasing else where, and ceuviiice vourselve.i that 1 CAN aid ILL SELL as cheap as the cheapest. CIIAS. 11. CAU FIELD, CORNER MAIN AND SEVENTH ST KELTS, OREGON CITY. X. POPE, ' i I QviPtV iS' VrftVlV? Grocer & VvQhAin Dealer, Ne xt door south of the Court House, . o i CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, ! BEST FAMILY 6i;0GEglIS.i.i.8 goiiesexs- fcrxishlw goubx, I j COI- FEE TEA SUtEUl, Which I will H it reduced prices. t LOl. R AND M !-.A L of all kinds 1 j PiCKLLS, SO II', SAL T, - ! CAA.J.I FKCiTS aud OYSTERS 4 I . , ..ii l.:.. , . . r .11', io ivoi'is n Fresh Fruiis and Vegetables. PUTTER, CIIELsE and E;(JS. TOR A ("CO and C1CAKS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex chance for goods at the highest market rates. -nods delivered in the city free of c a rge. A fair sin re of patronage solicited. March '2.!, l72:tf LIVE A5I) LET LIVE! ,T,, , i h L b It U t .1 ti i 1 iJ.it K AAl) MM (0. - f WING PURCII -VKI) Th S ! I i ' , "i ' . 10 jfTSH f- iAS '-'.' ;u!" business t'-C ; ... i '. .. t .. . ' "-JV "4 i and the Drays, Horses and Easiness I c'. X. Gni-.KNMAX. are now jik pared to carry on LiVEKV Itt l l-e. AM) IKflYlXt;. will also deliver sh.b woo 1 to all those ; peisons to whom Willis .V Rroutthloa have J engaged and a many more as will engage j slab wood from us, 'so far as we can get a siipeiy. Orders left at the Livery Stable for Woo h Praying or Ha ding, will be attended to with a, !.,, ,.,,.!..., ; .......... , i i.. usm" s t ic Zl. bur C U. k -HuU I ssr J?jl-rit- The Highest Cadi Price paid for Oats delivered at ihe Stable. C. N. ;PKE.MA V. P.esiden', J. Ai. F R A Z E R, Seetvtarv, Of O. C. II. k I). Cc Crego-i City. Aug. i;5, ls72. tf. w g- TI2R FOl.LOWIXO r'TUsiC-iu.MjKS -S'a. .ox t eceoniinc udial as leiiivjlliy I.iRST of their class ; 6-g "Pa" -! Pa" t. . -rry t- s- -', - s- - i - , h'j l.,,1 i?." Soasr i.an!. i r c;:oo!s i u Kii.keiV.New Mct!a'l lor liccl . , - TJ - 'r.n wdl be ready Am' '. i Pen -is :. ;. r!c Tiaia. school. ) , I5,' over ,.)oo,.iaa ioi'ics in use. ( Peters' ISuiiuwes"' Primer j 30 oiraH's (iuit:tr Sciioo! .10 f'cstiv:il Cl.iii'os, Si!i-:i;Lr !.iss,.s 1 M X'e i'l-is t'ltra t.lee Itook. with j . -- JTA i'i-UiO or .n-.-au Ac ji'mt t TfP Si. I n's School for the Voir, . . .1 .111 H i"e' a--" Art of Sin-jinr.'' : da f ? VVi--e!VVioi;nS-:ri.Pel-.i-s-c.., 3 0'.i ji'Jt pp Ktnni.iers Flute f-H-hool 3 no fip !tnir.er-ieu s loon m n.joi.. "VYininierstcdt's Flute s.-i: s- i e -is lOiiu .-'niHii.. J'elers- i-iute M-nooi iJ x'e! -vs' 1'a rlor ( 'oaij'ae.ion. F. .r t ., , y Fiat". Violin, and Fiano. ( '' n T lVtcrs Turlort "ampaijioJi. For JEili i'iote ami l'iaao, j Kjf Any Music will he sent postpaid. on receijit of the marked price. Ad- " (ire -s. ft J .i i. r;;TF.i:s. .inn itr,-,;io-..v " e w Y o i k . "" uu-'llra2 TIE 13 OI,BET AND ?V rvr i 9 O bZm Vi U b I. A M D7Sl C E L E R R A T E D S AV I S S STOMACH BITTERS I TJie I'irst and most healthful Tonic v- introduced in tlie iJiii'.eil states 3 Th.se Hitters have been in the San Fran- '4 eisco Market (Or over I H I !- lcars, and j w notwithst ;n,!in-,' the I t,j ii.anv new eandid;ites m for public favor, the j j sales have const, nllv i ec -.ised. Hi ; ft 'l'.n. rote Agents, ( ;4M nnd 411 Clav St. San Fi auciscc . , . j Mr. Kuikel has selected and arranged ex- vS.lCrSti' G oaiG. j pressly for this vvoik. Jlin kel'n New Meth OTlCE IS llERPBV GIA'F.X THAT 'Y j od will Le mailed, post-paid, on rtceipt of -s virt-te of iin execution i-sued ..air. of tin- : -f'J 00. County Oiurt ot Clackamas county. State of .::- Ad-rri J I. l'FTI'k'S '.... .,.-1 ... r.ni-o the M 1 day of Sej.teTiiber, isrj, ;,nd to uie N y ' i" il'llA- ICaUa, (iiri (.!,..l, -hi ):i vor of Jaeiib AVort i-ian i' :u! r.j-ainst ' ' X. Nt v.e'.l for til-suin of sevent v. -7c.au, dollars. v , , - , , and t-.r tiie i'ur;lier sum of thirty-iour J-ieu, f 51 , 'v"1:tl '' c-'nls !-'r the late.-t number of ;-), doihus costs, and also l'f the eo-t-Sof i.ud j TP"PpT5 Cj T-T?5!T ft T ,,"-TnT'!'!T,IT7 V iij.mthis viir. I.ndonthelHh day "f S. A X'AU iwlii XfiUlii i IxLil Lcr. is7. tor the vv.oit of jk -:s-,n,.l property, lew j and vou wi 1 ('-I at least ? i worth of our Iat np.e: t he p -dovs inu de -eru -d 1 -al pi op-ri y ot said j est and best Vocrd and Instrumental Piano .. .cv. h. to-wit : J.t Nr.. .,, u, l,io -i: No. 4. e- ! Mesj eor.uiu' t. the pbtt l!ier,.,,f. to--i',,r xvilli all ti:e ! "' 7- .'', , , impiov, ne-nts ilicreon. in tie- town of Osw,. m b-T,te!b-r fit'b m' s;;id county and state, to satisfy sail evocation: I """ I w ill scil at puiiih' .tuet ion io the hi:!.e.-t bidder i t a- money m Hand ,..0-!, on Saturday the 12th m vtc: i r, i-., a. t tie v onn aiouse U'x.r. 111 '"-''-'.in it v. ar iu oeiocK, .1. .u.. 02 mm Oar, 1 -J- ui cuiMtniei iu', iiti'iiii.-r wiui ice on jtro , e- j ra-nts thereon, the property ot the said X. Xew- I en, to satwtv said ex -ution. September 11th IS72. IFputy. "b.in T. O. R. FREELAfSD, ' 3 E U T I S T 9 I 1 rTx- I 1 -Xj1X1X2 "M2 DEKEM-S RUILDING, CORN- v c uni auu ii iuiiiuion .is., roriiauo. ' 'ittcu3 Oild- a-Iicisterid. l2Zu. ' AM) WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, - t, r ISriUNG GOODS j- JUST RECEIVED BY I A. LEVY. I HAVE J EST REDE1 VED A COMPLETE and well-assorted stock of I ! w ana examine mysioc. oetore purci.as 1 i:C tiacwiicre Produce Tnkrn in Exrhaisse for Goods. A v Ll A V, Main sti'ttt, Uitou City, SHADES SALOON, G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, Main Street, Oregon City- Ihsf BILLIARD TABLES in OR KG OX Have been introduced, nnd the Proju ietor in- vites the attention of the lovers of this j popular amusement to tln-m Till: BAR IS SUPPLIED W.th all the choicest qualities of Lienor and ('i-ars- s,'"feh, lrs!i and Uoiobon airendj famous Whi.-Uies and Pum h. ALSO, A NO. 1 SHOOTG GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Orego i City, Jan. 1. Is72:tf M E W GOODS AT THE LS.GOL.NBAKEft Y. TTAVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE X.l. ty of choice F A M i L Y GROCERIES. AND PPO VIS IONS. The Pakery will be cot;.-taut!y sapplictl with fresh RREAD.CR U.LEPS, CAKES, PASTIiY. CAN DIE-; AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. i Remember that vfii do not sell euods at I 13 i Remember that vfi; do not sell guods u cost. .iiso, p. ease oeai-in mina tnat it takes i . . .. , 1 '', ' , bu1"- I 1 tne taniiing iraoe we would sov, CASH i b-r you. produce, siiid CASH lor our goodd (Joods delivered to all parts of t e city. r co. il, is. .ii FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT I.-IiAI.KIl IN DRY (JOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES. CROCKERY. NOTIONS, AC. 51 MX STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin Is b uiht. for which 1 j pay lb- hi'hest market price. j If you desire srood toods, at LOW Prices, It , ! . T' ITT - ..- can at i. sraaa.Mi .-s, aii'leXamnie liislresli stock of Spring ( Joods. GIVE ME A CALL AXD CONVINCE YOURSELVES. My Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. I I A: ril It. D71:tf I. SELLING. T 1 Q We would call .J 1. Cj the attention of T achers and Amateurs to K inker's Nkw Mktiiuk foi: tii:-; Ruicn OraiAX and Mi:l(;iii:ox, which we will i-sue about September First. Tliis work is pronounced superior to all oth ers i f its cla-s by Te;iche, s who have exam NEW aIETHOD ii-eil it. It contains a clear and simple course of ias rue'.am whereby unit one may easilv ;tc;uiie the mas'ery of this favorite Instrti- ment, w.lh a tew month s study. It will al- l. rPT7f "17 wavs be a foi yor JL V JL JXlJ ue wofK with tlie Teacher, on account of its clearness and sv- ts clearness and svs re of an amu-emeut temat'.e progression : more of an amu-emeut t'luu. ii xtii'iii for the Punil. and will tirm-i- ,,,, or ii-nnr.t to tne . mateur, on account of tli.- many cle i e Melodies, S uigs, etc., that I KINK -v-IREED OKGAX. P nW7T!r:rr TnTJF R V ?AT.finTJ Fresh Oysters! I LOUKAAIi, - - - Proprietor. . 1 runs, and as manv new ones as n'ay be Corner of Fourtli anil lasn S.rcfis. j ,easi(i to caf t a iie is now prepared, with i ample room, good materials, and the Tery ITtFII OYSTERS SERVED IN ANA' ' cs't of mechanics, to build snow, rccon " ,'7 i, j .si,ed' " Confeciionery of every j struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all kind", ou'-tant v on hand. . , . L . complete any sort of a vehicle from a com- T maniif i-ture all my cwn r ock, wuicu is -o'heiept una-antee that it in freh and pure. i'-.,;i if want of a food cup of cotfee, tea, " . ... trv m,' lino orVi;'c,ite, or anything in mv line. na. r-it-r. Nii-Teactfi i, 0r?"- ' THOMAS CHAKMAN 0 ESI ABLISIlliU - - . - - 1853 ! lvESIKES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS j JL Oregon City, and the Willamette J ValLy.tat- lie is still on hand, aud doiug doiuif j ou.suiess on ine obt motto, that I -A .'.iuiblt Six-Prpt-c- i lictter tlian B. Slow Siiillini;." I have just returned from San Fiauciseo, where I purchased one of the j LARGEST and BUST SELECTED I Stock of Goods' ever before often d iu this citv ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots & Shces, Ciothii, ii Gccds, Hats & Cars, Hosiery of eveiy lescription, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Cik, Sash & Boors. Gueens ware, Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Stoneware, Flatedware, Jewelry of vafious qualities A- styles Clocks &Watches-Ia-dies & Gentlemen's furn i&hing Gccds, Fancy Motions of every descripticn.Patent Med icines, Ecpe, Farming- Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Hattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Or the above list, I can sav my stock is th MOM' COMPLETE ever ohVred in this mar ket, and was sleeted with -i--inI care fot tii marki-t. Aii of which I now cfTer for sa.e at the Lcvest Market Rates. Xo use for the hidies, or any one else, to think of goii i; to Portland to bnv coeds for I am PE'IEP.MINLP TO SELL CHEAP acd not a. low my sell to be HDERSOLI) IX THE STATE CF OREGON. Ail I ask, is a fair chance at d quick pay ments. H. bev ntr, as I do, that nineteen years experience in Oregon Citv enables me to Know the reoirements of the tfade. Come one and all, and see for yourselvea tnat toe old stand of THOMAS CHARM AN cannot be beat in qualify or price. It would be useless for me to tell you all the advan tages i can oiler you in the side of goods, as eve'V store that advertises does that, nnd probably you have heen disappointed. All I wish to say is. come nnd see and examitia for yourselves, for I do not wish to inakeatir mistakes. My ohjvct is to tell all mv old ft lends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell -oo.D cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thankimr aj f,,r tjie lpoerai patronage hei etofoic bestowed. THOS. CIIARMAX, Main street, Oiegoh City: "Lcgal Tenders and Ccunty Script taken at mat Let rates. THOS. CIIARMAX. i, -o,G00 Rs wool wanted bv THOS. CIIARMAX. EEAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE- JACCIi STITZEL, C.C.WAT; JACOB STITZEL&CO., SUCCESS0R.S" TO STITZEEA UPTON., REAL ESTATE A N D C or. Frciit and tVanli ington Sis., 'P O R T L A X 1) . OR KG ON . Q Sjiecial attentir.n given to the sale of farm n g lands and city property. All cones pondence relating to ihe recourcea of Ore gon will he promptly answered- q HEAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any i.uarcss. " J ACOB STITZEL & CO. March i;., 3S7u:tf o B k yes zP E o LEQKDeLCUEY Prco'r- I I.A TE OF TIIE CLIFF 110 USA J M AIN STREET, OKKCO.V CITV, ORE0OS; rpUE UXDERSIGNED HF,- k JL spectfully announces to his V? y fi lends anii.ti.e ti aveling public, ifci'fjy that he hns re-opened the above named Ees'ioirnn t. The proprietor knows how to serve hia csutoiners with Ovstios, Pi's Feet, a good cup ot Co ffe e o r a S Q U A 1 1 K M FA L. LKOX DkLOUEY Oregon Cify, Jan. 27, ls7I:tf a Q A A'OID QUACKS. A vict itn r f tRi ly i n TjL discretion, causing nervous dehility,1 1'rematule decay , Ac, liaviug tried in vain every atlvei used remedy,! aVa simple mar. of self-cine, which he wdl send fice4o his fellow siu'fei ers. Address J. II. RLLYtH j 7s Xasr-an st., Xew Yelk Sept. l:ly 0 :v WAGON Carnage fantsfactory ! The underpinned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Alain and Third afreet, Oregon City. Oregon. Takes this method fo inform his old pt- mon C3rt to a concoro cacr,. try me. Flaeksmitb.irg, Horse or Ox sticking, and eenera jobLiag ur at ly. quickly nnd cheap- r HVlOCUtTlI Of fCsits Zxedtict lrkn 0 0 " O o P 1 J,,C ''"my- i. i