Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, September 27, 1872, Image 2

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03EG0X CITY, OnEh'OX, SEPT. 27, 1-72.
3 w & ilu tea La S
ox xkw yoi::
For Vice President,
oi'- Mif-.sorai.
Presidential Kleclcrs,
;i:c. 11. IIKI.JJ, of Linn Comdy.
CATKS, of Wasco County
K. 6. SIIATTIC Iv, of Mttlti.omah.
Tlie je:i in Gun.
Hon. Jas. IT. Slater, number o
t'otttgress, will address the eili.en-s
oi this countv, at t no Court, nottse,
, . . '
this evennnr. 1 his will he the open-
, , , . (
liBX sun ol the eaoasii-n, ami the Ingn
-' .
reputation ol Mr. Stater as a spe;o-
or, with his knowledge oi public: .
' . .. ' . ,-. ,, '
n'lans, cannot lad to draw a lull,
' , , . , , ,
house. 3ir. S. has ueeu wiiere he;
could see the 'Workings of Grant's
... , ... , 1
adttiiiitstration, atid will Sjieak Irom '
... , ,, ... , i
ohsc-rvation. N e hope all liberal :
niuitled men will turn out and
, . r . .1 i ,
hear him. Let the house be
, , 1
erowocd. 1
An Old 5sioiiecr Cione.
It is with sorrow wo are called
ujion to record the death oi .Mr. K. i
iristow, an old pioneer of this ,
State, who died la.t Thursday, at ;
Lane county, tit the advanced aije
of 8-5 'ears. 31 r. Hristow cattle to
Oregon in 1S15 a:ii si-ttlt-d on the
place where he died. He was in
every sens-.' of the word, a true
nian, beloved bv till who knew
him, and has lived to see grow up ,
around hi:n a larixe latnily of chil- '
O i'lC
1110 i. vvv.i.ii. o ; v. 1 u 1 1 n. 11 i' nr. ti.evi
dren and .-rand-children, who all j tmvanls colonizing Virginia ue
do honor to their father and -rand- j glH.s into Xorth Carolina lor the
father. Among those of his oil- j ',!l,1..,0,e cf caiTyiug the election,
spring who have had their names; uvlVi t is tlint the vt.te of several
enrolled-on the pages of Oregon's j connH.s there, by orders direct
history, we mention Hon. W. W. j i0mt Washington, arc held back,
KrUow, who wtis a delegate in the j ; on"t.r to ;UU1 enough fraudulent
Constitutional Convention of this j votes to overcotne the real Demo
State, and Senator in the Territor- I Crat ic majorif v of the State. Hence
itd Legislature of 1S5S and State j it is thatinoney IVom the Federal
Senator in 10, and is a metnber j Treasury, without stint or limit, is
of that hody the present f-ession ; I snt into Maine, in order to prevent
H. L. Jh istow, (Jrand Master of I loo gr ;it a decrease in tlie Itepub
the 1. O. (). V. of this State last ; j;c:u; vote t)f t,.o att.. Hence it
year, ami former Crand Kepresen-i is ihlli t1i0 aimoucement is openly
tttlive, who has endeared himself nuuie that the Administration has
with his many high oualitics as a. j slK.nt fo;u. m;nIon 0f (I0ll:irs in Ur
true Odd Fellow; and Hon. Ii. H. ! ter to elect I Tart ran ft as Governor
(iiiiry, his grand-c!:ild, was a mem- j of Fennsyl vania in October. Hence
her of the Legislature of 180S, and j it is ih.A i-y tlouSnn( ohu of
is at present Hiivato Secretary to ; tu. se(.n.t service land of the Unit ed
the Governor. Few men have j States Government is sot apart and
been taken from this Stale who i to t,e onler of Iilanton
wdl be more truly mourned than j )uue:iu, in order if possible, to di
3tr. K. LrhUow. Peace be to his : v..)t nvA distract the opposition to
honored remains, and let those of
his kindred follow the noble exam
ple kit them by their respected
Usm-in. The Etiene (iniil coin arixutnenl) to the support of
lias hoisted the names of Greeley j the Grant rin, hopiti.ir thereby,
and Hrown, and promises to -give- thonli their knowledge ot repent
them a heart v MtiM-ot i in the futnre. ! int'.to defettt Greelev in Xew York,
i.t says that as loinjc :is tliere was a ! who did so innch last year towards
hope tor a Democratic nomination, ! defeating them. Such an unscruj)a
it refused to hoist, their names, but j Ions manner cf tiietatinLr elections
is now convinced that the issue is by the Government through its
between Greeley and Grant, and j o facer and tlie fumhs of its Treasury,
thtit no jott riot can hesitate us I has never be-on equalled since the
between these two. This makes j
. 1. .. i , . : : .
i.ie in'iiteo.ioc p;.peis, u;,a ill :
this State, besides having aldel to upon tiie question of his assumimx
our side the Liberal 1 b publimu i i , , - 1 .1 , ,T
, t-. , , r L-U penal powers, thev htiMUifthe
at i)at!as, heretoloie ;i ( .l'tuit oi tii!. ' . .. , .
. n ' ' privilege ot ucwj; unharmed il'vot-
AiTiir. T11 km. We publi-h to- ! in3 for the proposition, and the
day tlie appointments of Hon. Geo. j I'vneo ot betng nn prisoned if
II. Helm, for public speakiu- in ! thvy voted airainst it. The mcas
i'histern Oregon. 3.fr. II. will warm U1('s f Grant are not jnito so arbi
up the " 151111-Pup" brioatle of . trary a- the. measures of Xapoleon,
(i rant's, if they tire not too coward- u:ib' lo1' the reason that they dare
ly to meet Vim on the stump, lie ; ,iot nittde so, and yet when we
extends an invitation to either or j remember that the citizens of Sev
an of them ami ho is able to ; l'r:ll f the Southci n States are tin
handle the three 'p'T''' alone. ; er arrest by Federal oflicials, bv
Ynr. A t i.ko-ko a t it w
ti tauaati:.
a; rest in Washing! ut of the
eerer of Mr. Na'hati D the most startling i ns( tlicy vote for Giant, proseen
r.ews of th day. More than two years j tions will he stopped, we can see
Lave pajsed since the victim of one o i that our Imperial Ulysses is not
the foulest crimes on record was foutuU lnndl K.!m,a tl.c. 1, jn h
v. elteiie.g ui Lis biOod at his residence tti ; . - ..
. i . . , v ; Farnier ol eondtu-tnio- e'ee
t.ne of the taost !o (pientt ai streets e! New . "v l'"s e.ee-
York. A dark my sbry has ever since ' tions- J!lt open and
oveihiing that terrible tragedy. The
b allied gu.ttui itis of the peace had appar
ently given up all hope of finding the au
thor or authors of the murder. The fact
that he (Forrester) has been hid ing ever
since ihe night of the mooler is s , Jar the
saongt-st evidence against htm. I? should
be letlletubet ei! how ever, that he is a fl!"-
i-ive from jitstice for various crimes, burg- ;
111 j innung he number crimes numt-rt us
ruol betnouii enough to cous'gn him to tha
tender merch s of a State prison lor life,
without being recessarilv gitil'v of the
mtinier ,.t Mr. Nathan lie had. lb ere fore,
ihe best ed reasons to keen out of lite wav.
Hunted cown pk? a wiia i.eas. he h is
iivetl a lit of constant dread, wanderiio'
aoout the country to evade cipture.witteli
iias pevn accomplished ai l.,st. Whether
i. Will be potht.. , v.,;,.v- y t.,
hower. jei to b0 "
Uiife c r a pult u s A pp lia nc c s.
Never before in any Presidential
election which ever occurred since
the formation of the United States
Government, lias any party ever
resorted to the appliances which
l the dantites are now using in or-
der to secure success. Proportion
j ate to the desperation of their cause,
is the ilagrant character of their
j efforts to avert tlTeir doom. The
Grant Administration acts as
though the effort of the people to
rid the inselvts of the inenbns of its
rottenness, was an act of treason
against te Government itself, and
it, therefore, uses unscrupulously
the funds, revenues and ofiees of
the Government in a most shamo-
fid manner in order to thwart the
will of the people and perpetuate
itself in power, in opposition and
defiance of such will. The history
of the republican government may
: be searched in vain for parallels to
i llif 1 ! 1 1 J ! I-! 1 :i 1 I lit HH'f!S!M'(' IKl-il 1;V
i. . ,
! tlie ( ii autites, in order to prevent,
; .... V ,
i a free expression oi the people. It
i .... , , i . i
' will be i eniemberet!, that at the
j .
. 1
soual instigation ot Grant, an cilort
- '
was made to lane the bayonet
, . , . , , -
election law, with enlarged powers
lor toe I re-sitU lit, on the civil .;-
. . , '
.rori;ition but, and thus loree its
, ,
! ii'KVMtvi 1 nvntlfrli lo.iwvtY.wc niwl
1 "
that it w;is dcioated only t-'V ttte
. . - -
reso.ute sttitnl oi a few nohlo Ke-
, ,. ,
puoluatiS ot the Lower ilouse,who
boldly condemned, both the atro
j e-iotis measure itself ami the equally
atrocious manner in which it was
,.ol5,ht to be c:ini0l!. If that bill
h,A hvvolnc a laW) Graiit W()ll!(1
ilUVt. jia(i i)is Inderal oilicers and
soldiery at the booths of every
State in the Union. jut as it was
defeated, the Administration is now
forced to exercise its arbitrarv and
unscrupulous power through other
channels and by other means.
Hence it is that the money of the
Flerai Treasury and the oViieers of
tiw. i.,i,,,..,i r:.-,-..,..,,.-.,.i- .......
pOs:tion io
thv Grant Administration. Hence
it is that Federal money has been
nsed to bay nj Doss Tweed and
his rii'- (alwas snscentiule to the
time. f.
O U ! S
, , . . . .
f rcticit people the ri'-'ht to
J tens of thousands, upon trt:metl-
, np enarges, and are told that
slianieless t-P.brts on tlie
part of the
Adtninistrat ion.
v u! onl v serve to
render more earnest the. part of the
opposition thereto on the part of
the iree people of these United
States, and will only serve to hurv
it deeper beneath the white shroud
of freemen's ballots on the hrst
Tnesd.iv of next November.
Of the foiir tickets in Louis-ana. consol
idated now' into two. McK-try (Democrat)
claims fckooa ; Penn. (Liberal) 20.00a.
Total for Greeley. So not). Kelh. rrr
(Grant, white) MM-H: Ptnckback (Graur
edored 1 ". -''id Total !".,;- 'Gtrrt!
7."i '!oO.
From Saleir.
Sa!.km. Sept. 25. 1372 !
Tiie Senatorial contest has fairly com- :
menced. and there aiv many anxious and j
doub'ful conn tenan'ces to be seen on the
sin els. The two h.u.-es balloted yestcr- !
day for Senator, in each house separate. !
with the following it 1 ! : Mitchell. 8;
Corbett, 3 ; J. II. Slater. . : John White-
i'.ker, 3 ; J. YV Nes-ir.itlj. o : the last ttivee '
are I't mocrats and received the entire j
I )i tiioc t ;i! ic vote. In the Hi u.-e I be vote t
stood a.-i ioilows ; Mitchelhi.) ; Coibett, 7; I
Slater!; Whiteaker. 3 ; Xestnitii. 5. This j
fjives Mitchell 33. lack ii three votes of
the li quired majoiity. 1 he.-e ihree Vutes I
I :,r.i t l the cj it.ion he never can get. and
his tale is seah d. To ntedict who will be-
the successful candidiste is impossible, and
it may t;.ke several da3 s belore there will
be such devei(:p!r.en(s as to justify or haz
ard an opinion, and besides, before this
article is read the cpie.stion may be set
tled deiiiiite'y. Both Houses met to-day
jn joint convention and the lesult was:
Mitchell. 32; Coibett. 11; Slater, 11;
Whiteaker 4 ; Xe.-mith. 4 ; 1'iim. ,s : Gates
1. There being no choice, the joint con
vention adjourned until to-morrow at 12.
The most, important mea.-ure thus far j
brought before the House i? the Portland. !
I.'alles and Salt Li.ke k;ii!i
' 1
h:s I cannot fpeak in better terms and
niore comprehensive than tt) give a por
tion of the report of the Committee which
has had the bill under consideration :
It is I'M nosed bv lh bill, to aniuopii-
a'e the unap; roprta '.ed live per cent, and j
swamp I. u:d liiiiils in aid of the construct-
ion of this 1
u it hin t he J
au. or so mucn 01 11 as
ale. The tive per iciil
lie.-, j.
olei !
tor she present amounts 10 but Utile, and
the swamp lands upon the most reliable
infoi rnation. mav not amijunt So more man
about 7.")!l UUK acres. Oof Can they togeth
er be made available at pstselit for any
considerable sum on a short loan, but
when aggregated ami extended over a pe
riod ot twenty yea is, Li connection with
the mortgage b:;nds of the company on
the road, roadway and appurieiiances
ii.eiiisi-1 ves a securhy cju.-il to oiieii.tlt
of he cost of construction, ioj;e;h r with
such ioc-al aid as m iy be rea.-onabiy e.
pecttd. prt.-ents ihe (po stioti of Ihe ways
and means in a very favorable light, as
suring us (d the entire feasibi'iiy of the
1 1:
bill s e believe is in tl:
-t possi-
ble shape to gliaid the interests (;!
S aie. The aid is gr.iiited upon the
( X-
pros- coinli'ion that tiie woi
liali be
coiinneitced witi.iti .-ix months, ami coin-
i" I-''
: tave ea: s. .Mi utoiertt
ntitii the work is done iu .1 sub
stantia! ami worutiianUiie uianrer. And
fail po ver if legishnioii is reserved to
the .-state in oi'ih r thai any omission. 01
deleeis, extoi tiotts or abuse of power. nr. v
ic.idily pr-ovide-1 !or by i-.ppri.pri
1 O ' !;C iM'ol.
r Or;
gon t;;e
tv oi tl
the LO
neas 11 res
;t 1 net to 11
its', Ifie
for coiii-
1 1
rop.ised bv lt:
itopoi tattee. 111 lisat. h
of ihe portage links t
ijohiniida ia cr wiii !o
peri; ion. red u c ing 1 i;e
lion fitly per cent. up.,
rates breaking she won
river, now held by a
tion. -a I o-e aims and
traliJeg ot our ei tin
.-list o!
tl the p
O ' I oi v ol
esenl higli
tin t glfal
, e ; : 1 1 1 C i.
S are t!
e ecu
jo ie:t
ci a
Puget Se nut!
not oitly thi'o
ihe l aitl oads.
1 hese benefi
ighotit oi;- o'A n
it poll th.' i i'. e.
1 e 1 o r i
s and
ways nut ittronm.-ui ine 1 .icot.r .Nurct- j
sv.-st, w herever meji travel, or comttien e j
fi jivs. unit io none more than to tie- m.!:-- '
es of the peopb- wid there benefits apply, j
For alter all. it is the producers and e-ti-suno'rs
who most tee! die burdens of iogii :
freights and cos- ly 1 1 ate -port tt' i-:". ; ami to ;
the people oi iiistel'il Ji egotl . tt'e.shieg' el! ,
itl ti I'laho.are the.-e views especially ap
plicahde. Wliile the pi ovisiof.s oi the bill '
for ojiening the navigation of the Co'.nm-
bia liver woitld. as your committee be- :
lieve. go far towards cetnpensaiii'.g the j
State lor the aid proposed, there are other
I revision.- equally important and veal to j
the agi icot'o o r.tl .a r; .1 commercial prosper- j
I I v of tlie State, 'i'he lrunk line from ike
( 'o', 11 m i. ta t it ro o Grand. Roude
to P-tdo-rCiiy wiih its blanch tt
V al:ev ,
e, a i la
v ill la a 1 ley. ts to oe comp.f-tetl wtoittt
three y ears. And here your committee
would remark, that within the scope o
one hundred miles, embracing this trunk
line and branch, there exis's a contest of
no 01 dio-irv magnitude. On ike one side
of which is the North IV.c'die with its al
lies, tecki. g by a line to be thtown acro-s
ihe Cascade Mountains from the vicinity
of Wahulu to Paget Sound, and tin e.uxii
ii try line lit-ni Waiiula liirough Walla
Walla to I rami Ronde Vailey. to divert
lite iitideot Ltstern Oregon. Washington
and hlalio to their great, terminal city on
Paget Sound ; on he other side is Oregon
and her commercial metropolis arid rail
road center set king to secure her present
aed regain
visions of !
tier It:;
ic bill
t tlaue W iliCi) t!:e pro
ne intended to. ami un
uoiiOieuiy w in :tccoti!p:;sii. 1 lie t.aium
bi.i liver open, ihe Trunklint! reacioog be
yon 1 the I'.'i'.e Mootitaitis.'.viil by the pow
.!' o! tit tract ion t ecu re the trade o! F.s'cr:)
. t.
( h -ea-oti loot frl-dio w I, ih- t he short lo-aiwh
; i .
wid attract the trade
that great, v a! lev , iu
and commerce id"
i'l the se.i a ui adittrr
There are stili oih.j- i 11 : r t a ti t to"! van
'ages to he secured by the provisions of
tilts bill. The extension of these short
lines of road will open up the country to
settlement, increase its population, and
develop its vast and v.iried resources, re
lied!! g the benefits alike upon every sec
tion of the State.
We must ma forget that these lines are
secions oi ike through line from Port
land to Salt Lake, by the shortest route.
Connecting wi.h the great converging lines
of com mere..! flowing w
Atlantic side that ihe
I ward upon the i
al'0 imtJOli.tnt
ate tiers m tie true hue of Astatic trade.
which it well anil timely directed ihroiiL'h
our Commercial metropolis, wiil assure to
ns the supri maey of the Pacific North
west. A:;d hist, though no! lerst of the ad van- !
tages to b
tioti of (lit
seen o il by the proposed ac-
siature. is the powerful in-
t.e.eiice suicti action will ran
1 1
have upon our fitetels in utsd'eg. and tf
ou degress ie granting, tul ia the con- J
struction of tue throughnt.e. j
I here is another, ami a potent reason ;
wiiy this h'di shou'
is. ihat ii is tfte w i
w idol y sin 1 more
S be
tome a law
n tote
nit" people
is than
r.ew tob
upon ativ
put up bo
on ih.e I..e;
tii.d hones
and has a
otiiel s
ject. It is
i'po.se.s aiul ."pfung un-
it has b
ecu OpetliV
y canviisiee.
lae 10-00 ie
amen" in the hee.f. of
lover ot the p-rc'speitiy ot ihe Slate.
The contest fro-:i our county is delayed
as m::ch a possible by the? Committee on
Flections, and I am unable n say when
the matter will come up. The eitting
membeis have Cary Johnson as their at
torney, and as he wai the principal Work
er in the dirty and dishonorable rejection
of ihe votes claimed by the contestants,
it is fair lo presutne thai he will resort to
all kinds
of rascality to cover up his fnot-
Ilf is a pink of political dishon-
es'y I
The Clackamas county con'est ii pro
gressing very slowly. The committee
commenced taking evidence on Wendes
It'y, Hiid up to this time three witjessc
on tin; part of the contestants have been
exatuiuej. The silting numbers have a
'.i.-t of over twenty witnesses ordered.
This is. done to delay the matter us much
as possible, as most ot Uiem Know no
more about the. mam r man uoes las: i
year's importation of Chinr.meii. They
know that the only way to keep their j
I seats is to kee? the matter before the
; Committee.
i The Senatorial contest is still a matter
j of doubt. The result of the ballot ting 1o-
day (Thursday) was as follows: Mitchell,
I 33 ; Corbet t. 10 ; Slater. 8 : I'l'm. 7 ; Cra
! nor. (i ; MeAi'thur. 7 ; 'I he Joint Conven-
i tion adit. urn, d until 2 o'clock l Lis after-
i J
i noon.
I La'est by Telegraph Sept 2C. Joint
Convention, one ballot: Mitchell, 31;
Corbeit. 11 ; Slater, 12 : Cranor. 5; Mc-
Arthur, 3 ; Ir;ci, Adjonnied until to
morrow. Political News.
Gerrit Smidi has seven relatives who
are voters. They aie all fur Greeley. j
Another New York Grant elector of BSCS i
has repudiated him Mr. Edwin A. Stud- j
well, of Brooklyn. j
Of 110 Republican votes ia Portage I
City, Wis.. 107 of them are Greeleyites. '
There are'some Liberals there. j
Mr Seward "declines to say a good j
word for Grant." So moans the Auburn j
A-li-e,iis?r, (Administration). j
The Cincinnati Eijurer claims 20.000
Liberal majority in Ohio in October. It j
is an estimate as good as the rest. I
j :,. .
The full strength of she Republican feel- :
j n,, n New York in favor of Mr. Greeley
. isj,lst b,.glnnJng to appear,
J 0 3
The Ririghampt on -D'ntocial professes to
have further information that Lisbon simp-
I son. ttte 000;. t .Methodist prelate, has re
I pudia'ed Gratit.
I Fifteen Grant men made themselves a
i club of four hundred, in a Wisconsin
j town, lately. Wi;ere. oh! where, are tile
ottiei three hunoted asid eighty live.
A letter fi(,m Piltsbu-rg gives a list of
between 00 and 70J names of the old
! ! n'p'.i It .leans ol Al eglutney eoun'y who
Iki e come out tor G tee ley and llro.vn.
j The !ai'.!7" tax s. ii is now proved, hare
j been reduced irom $1 i.OuU.ltOO to $211.
I OMO.OU;). Do tie- tax.payeis Want lour
j vee.is wore of this red.', tiots ".'
j I'ourte:T. thousand out. of ninety five
i thousand Republican voters of Xoi'ih
! Cooiioa know how to read. It is a pi: v ;
loU, tiott is ihe whole number.
Of tie five newspapers printed at Tren
ton. (X. J..) four are for Greeley and one
forGtatit. Two ot the Greeley papers
are published by Liberal Republicans-.
The only Grant 111 in running duiing
th' recent idee ion in West Virginia was
J. Prisbe:; Walker, who was defeated for
Con ji ess by 15 0t)0 m -jor'ny. What chance
for G; ant in Nowwbi i?
T'ne esup'oyees iu Frank .MeiClioy's
priutitig-hf.tise, ' 101 William sioet. have
voted for President. Result: Greelev. 2S;
pup candidate
.Ce iu lili'alU.
1. Convev the
Kenlneky !', :'
1 i I i'u o ; ed i ; 11;'
,t play
was too weak I eai crmv
Uiii.'iS ot govei'iittieni ttdve
out so en eo I -i-el
iei;;s each
wees; man;
I ells li bull pup
W ott 1: -
Our first doty is to kill Radicalism in
every State lluouahout the country. Our
next duty wilt be to b uy it decenily
The funeral cerem oii.-s will lie conducted
with all the solemnity needed.
The IJo.ston lltv il-l ia mark- that dhete
are really but two parties in the present
crisis ot the country, 'hose wMo wih to
.-hake hand.-, across the bloody eh i.-m and
those who are detcrm . m-d to continue
-ver i.
t'.ioir n.s's
o olteti to
at. each other."
,iv this.
It i-
There was a man in Washington,
And he was wondrous wise.
He used his oflice as a bat'.
For gilts of every size;
And w lit :i his term near close, 1 he strove.
With all his might and main.
To take another lour years" chance,
Or getting gills again.
It will do no lurtn to remember that
Wendell Phillips, who is just now doing
what in him lies to defeat Horace (droo
iey. did his best to beat Lincoln in ISilO
and to beat Grant in lstis. Roth Lincoln
and Grant weie elected in spite of Phil
bps, and there is every prospect, that his
opposition 10 Greeley will have a similar
re.-uli. i'-.'-'t ui-j;
Gen. Gai field said in a rec'tif speech
that "Gen. Grant has taken hold of the
finance of the count rv." "True,'' savs
the Louisville Courier .Tmiriit
and the
recent I v-oiscoverou oeueit ot reven
: I
lions io the Tieasury would seem lo in
dicate that he has no! only taken him.--''.r(
lot! lias suffered a uu tuber Td' other tloub'.e
fisled fellows to do the same.''
The split of the Grant pai iy in South
Caro'.iii!, says tlie X Y. ,t!, has K-ft the
President i:i rather an embarrassing posi
tion. The reputation of the Moses wing,
comprising the most prominent of the
plunderers who have prayed upon the
Stale Treasury tluring ihe past few years, j
is sn l.v.-..-...! inn-1 .i:.i.,i-r.r,r t ...... t i
would ti l;d 01 b'eti ly be triad to escape the
discredit of afihli t'lon w iih il if he could
do so and retain the electoral vote of the j
State. But the rascals
control th
Vote. the have hitherto had ihe iMo'evi a-
ti,(ir counoMi-ince and sunttort of the Presi
dent, ami if h-shoo hi ittub rtake to repu
diate t hetn at this Mine limy would have a
speedy re
ees it is e i-. e-i oat. Horn WashiioOoti tliat.
president Gratit has "no choice "bet ween
ja. ,wo State ticket,!, but esteems them
1.-..I, t.i.o.'e T!a .-;n to. .-.liv :imiv ti...
plundering party who are :n pmvrr tiiere. '
but he may be able lo compromise mat j
it i s by e.Meiidiiiir secret aid to the corrup- i
lie. lists without op.eiily apt-earitig lo lavor ;
theaj. What complicates the situation is 1
tiie fact that
Moses, t in
; didate lor Governor, who lots acquired
I a national reputation for rascality, repre- i
j seuhs Sout li Carolina on the Grant National j
j Executive Committee, where his name is i
eun-i ir harmonious cmpanioiilnp wuli :
t ;-. 1
iho; e of Powell Clayton of Ark ansa?, and j
Addition, Division and Silence Kemble of !
Pencsyl'iania. Th.ere can be iitile doubt
which faction Gratit le.diy desires to see
The struggle lo beat Giant and check
the tremendous corritilion that now has
control of tlie Government is a s'ruggle of
the people against money. Ntrer before
! w is such a mighty sum of in ney employ- j
i ed to corrupt the people ami prevent au
j honest ebction. Is there virtue enough
I in t'ne country to resist th s great power j
. antl secure reform 111 spne ot nr 1 Hal is i
i a ones on whieli can be a:h-were4 after i
l t'C.l'.'ti
r te.
it I V.
lifislative Proceedings-.
Iu the Senate. W. L. White, of Clack-
gm.ii ....... . . . i T-. ii: .. r-i .
"l,'.t-. ar itpj)Ui;iieu J.irouilig C lei K j
W.A. Iiolbrook i;:..grcsIng Clerk. anj
' , T , .
v. iiaiuw i h i u Hie J.uoieiarv eulu-
inna Clerk of the J-ndiciary Com
mi! tee
Howir.g bill's were introduced: A
bill relating to elections; a bill providing !
lor a wagon road from Jackson to Grant j
and Baker eouutir.-: a bill to appropriate
lU.UiK) 'or the construction of a wagon j
road in Grant and Ihsker counties; a bill !
I relating to assessors and io amend the act
l'rlatii'g to the rights of married women,
i Blown ot Baker, inln.dnee.l a bill for the
I relief of Bciker countv.
i Mr. Baldwin introduced a Joint Resolu-
I tion to provide fur amendments to the
I Hti' C, nstitution. It provides a salarv
! f ,. r- - . ..." "
- nor 01 i.ouu; rsecre;aiy 01
j State. s,-j.ooo; Chici Justice of Supreme
j Court. 3 COO; As-otia!e Judges, $3.01)0;
j members of the Legislature So per day :
J t xtra sessions not to exceed 3J days; reg
j ular sessions not to exceed 0,) days; lim
j ii the State debt to $250 000.
j A motion to aumit Mr. M usher to his
I seat was tabled.
j In the IIou.se. a joint resolution reliev-
; iiig Jiulgi. McArthur from holding Court
;n eoaiu county tli.s tall was passed.
A petition tor the incorporation of La
fayette was presentt d.
Resolutions in memory of Hon. J. Ra-
der. of Jackson were read and ordered
J spread on the journals.
! The follow ic bills were introduced:
j A bill to legulale the holding of Courts;
I to regulate trials lor divorce; to rapeal
certain sections of the Code; to provide
j for bounties on scalps of wild an i 111 ah-;
1 to provide for mechanics liens; to amend
I the act regulating tines; and to amend tlie
j act regulating civil and criminal proceed
t ores iu Justice Courts: to incorporate the
j low u of Ro.-t-bu 1 g.
I A commit lee was appointed to examine I
! the books and accounts of ihe I'eniten- !
liarv Comiiiis.-iioners. A Committee was I
pooin'ed Io in ves: lira !e I he co plain is j
iu reguru to me
.V memorial a
tug boat at Astoria.
King aid from Congress
the improvement of ihe Tualatin river
s reh-ned to the Committee on Inter
on gave notice of a bill to e tr
IjM!:c-;! I v ! iCatt
The House ;
ine .grte u : mi 1 ai oo.ii uc
.need to meet at 1') a. m.
and 1A p m.
On tl i.r day in the Senate, the follow
ing bills were introduced; A. bill to
amend seciioti .S. chapter $ of ihe general
laws of Oregon.
A joint committee to visit 'he Locks at
is j.hice was appointe
d. Messrs.
and M ers said cewrnhu-e on tin- r;srt of
! the Senate. Powers. Cooper and Wai- i
1 droti from t!ie House. i
j A bill was i'l'iodiieed jiroviding for the i
j organtz ttion. I . eat ion and eive:iou of the j
Ajtrieultural t'oili ge. Also a bill provid-
1 it-g tor iiie e.ecttuu ot a Sotie 1 r.iieer
! in November. "
Iti the House the bill to
for iiens tor mechanics and
pro v toe
o: hers.
was read a second iim -an i re.erri 1 10
Commit lee oil J ud ii.-i il'V" . The old law
;ec;!i.-; to n ive b.'en f;-r.ef.eial to onitsai j
coti tract oi s only, while sub Co i' 1 1 a c i of -. I
l.ibo.ejs and others, were unprovided for. J
The M;i itrrodaced by Mr. t'aples j.ro- ;
vides lor lie. see-: t i l! n of ihe t'ia. ;us of j
ori-itnal a;:d sob contractors. 1 urtdsl.ei of j
1 i i ;
1, .hotels, miners, artisans. ;
id aii persons interestt d in
connected wid; i.
an v
The bill introd . ed by Cranor.
le.te the mauner o! heating ;t:id d
of .tpplieatioiis for dissolution
m in h.L'e cote r. .e?. was te.ol the
) t cgu-
of Ihe
1 h
nu l'i iCt i'e-.i
! ry .
e tti m i ' lee
1 ii ! 1 00 uce
v .Mr. iii.io ,
for boa u ! les oil Cef
x t ca me up for a s.-r
an' imrtz-'s Con ti' C
an: vniif onl
oad reading,
onis. under
of each pan
el! bear. S,;
ce.un ; ; !o;.s. to
1 v
cug-.r. So; for 1
eacti w-oi. lor eactt wiei eat or
no;!;'. i ; for each gi-ouod sqnirtel.
nts: iirovided. however, that itie
O01t.it y oul'i-s ot 'he SeVei'.tl couiiiies
sioil! h.tve the power to regulate the
bounties ot. Wolves, i.s ihey deem best, in
11 v so in io
to l-.'e.
.1 -e
). in'
-s than SI.
.;; also, not inott
than P or U s
rro 1 ad or d:g;;er
t than . cen'.s on each
! ,-uuirrel.
Gn n
ton 01
Mr. Darin
the House
adopted a l'esdotloii hi favor of the up
pointmeut of a Joint Committee of three
ii'om the House and two from the Senate,
to take into consideiation that part of
fhe Governor's message iu reference to
emigra! ion.
In the Senate on Sa'urd tv. Patterson,
from 1 he J ui.tt Commit tee on Pu D'.ic Build
ings, reported the employment of II. L.
He Plains as clerk.
, , ir , r .
, r ' ".,. - ,V-
that the Jo.ot t. tunmittee oe. I'.tb.ic Build-
be inst ructed to ex imin
O lOiiS
and papers of ihe Superintendent of the
peni.enliary. Resolution adopted.
Cornelius gave notice of tiie introduc
tion of ti bill to de-ignite Forest, Grove
University as the S' ate University.
In the House, oil Saturday. S. J. ii. dp
reeling ihe Commit tee on Public Build
ings to examine the baeks and accounts
.,! .j..;.,. u! ;he Stale penitea- '
li.ii'V was CoaOiilleu in I
Mr. hi Dow .:P'ti-d a resolution direct- '
ing the Committee on Flections to report I
to ihe House ail papers and evidence!
pertaining to the Coiekutnus countv con- j
tested seats, ami that said Committee be I
ttischargeii. ha Dow thought as .he evi- j
deuce iu this ense was eutuelv document.
ary. and that the investigation might be j
m tde the more speedily, he moved Ihe j
previous tpiestioi!. I
Hirsch moved a call of the House. The i
motion prevailed. Messrs. Johnson and j
Matlock reported absent. '
Cranor moved 'o dispense with the
itrther ea'.l ot the House. The ayes and j
noes being caiieu lor tiie vote stood ayes
20. noes 7.
The Sergeant at-Arms was dispatched
to arrest Johnson. The House then dis
pensed wi'h ihe further call of ihe House,
and the ayes ant noes w re called for on
'.he previous question, and the vole was
ayes 2j). noes 2(1.
Before the resolution of La Dow could
be taken up. Coi.gle moved to adjoin 11.
After the ayes ami noes were called for
some discussion occurred and tin House
refused jo adjourn by a vote of II to lid.
Biles moved to lay the resolution on the
table, and the ayes and noes were called
for. The resoiudoii was tabled by a vote
of 2d to 20.
La Dow offered a bill for ihe relief of
I'matilta county. Bead and ordered point
d. Tiie bill provides lor the remtuaice
(lr nail doe the State and iinnroni lale.-
33 u,lt) ,0 lue benefit of the county school
Codler introduced a bill to incorporate
j the town of Forest Grove.
Mariki offered a resolution requiring
j Shipley. Binjfo and Martin, contestants
j for the Clackani ts eoun'y seats, to pre
: seal to ihe House a petition setting forth !
t ttte ifi-uunas on w uleo iLev Claim the
I seats.' Adopted.
I Andrews ottered a bill authorizino- it.,.
j5,.i;t, lo p.an certain jtarties for teti years
;tt ;t-n jier cent.. SlU i)t);). fr pni()
(,p l.uiitliug an Academy ut LaGrande
Passed to a second reading.
I,aIow offered J.
Judiciarv Committee to renort iv
i.-.i ui;. in-j Itie
'".'P.'1 wneiner in ,
1 th-ir oiotito;: ;ov
legi-.iiti . i c oti. :J !
made to regulate the tariiF cliarged on
1 1 -i n t n.l n n.-i'iiff.'N liv rorn.ii'ii: ions
i mnv HiivfaAtifisr tjeCo!umbia river, and
I ;r 1 1... i c.,i.l !..-;..!
1 iiiiiiiiii-v ujmiuo sMtn . .-..,tt..n
j conssminonal. tdat a be airedea 10 i
I port a bill for that purpose.
i.. o m - t ...
in me oeiiaie on .iiouuay . nonet; n .19
given ol a bill to prevent traud-s in elec-
1 to dispose of (tie tide lands in Ore
gon; to ane-mi the. law rebttincr. to tlie
appropri-ttion of tends to cns'ruet the
canal and bck at. the Willamette Falls;
a bill to locate the State University at
Kugenc; S. li. Xo. 18. pro iding for the
payment, of cl.oiU per annuni for the
traveiimr and meiJeutal exneuses of
j pieme Judges, was taken up -uid on mo-
j '''' of Baldwin the rules were suspended
! a"" l,u ,ViUl "'' 1 hl' fl,us"
lc 11 ie;i:g "MiaU the bnl pass; tlie vote
-tood: aves. 1.3: noes, li: so the bill nass-
! ed.
: ni'-"sage from the House announced
! concunvnee in S. J. U. No. 17. to appoint
a tint com.niMee on j. en;tent 1 u y ati.nrs;
; al.-o tlntt
lie House liaJ acceeded to the
the Senate To appoint a joint
1'eqilest of
committee on Coulerience 0:1 ihe mailer
ot ajporiioiime:it.
A mess.ig.' was received from the Gov
ernor, announcing that he had signed II.
15. No 1), to relieve Judge McArthur
Irom, holding Court iu Grant county for
Li the House the bill amending the
duties of State Treasurer; the bill amend
"tag laws concerning the election of cer
tain county ollicers and the bill to protect
out o! door worship were introduced and
passed a first readnisr.
La Dow introdujed a bill authorizing
the loan of t?lu,om) for building of two
academies in Urn atill i county.
Li the Sona'e. on Tuesday. Mr. Strahan
introduced S. 15. No. 'J.1 . authorizing the
Supreme Court to appoint one or tnota-
I tail iff . The rules were suspended and j
the bill read a second and third time and
finally passed the Senate. The vote
standing "20 to 2.
S. 15. No. 10. providing for the construc
tional a Wiigon road through Jackson
Grant and Daker counties. Read the third
time and on final pa-s ige wetit through .
S. 15. No. h defining Ihe boundaries of
Grant county, was. on motion, considered
engrossed, read third lime and put upon
its final passage. Went through with a
unanimous vote.
S. 15. No. 7, regulating enclosures, was
! disposed
in the mine manner and
unanimous vote.
In the Iloutte the following bils were
passed: Langell's. II. 15. No. 5. amending
ihe c'n.rier of Jacksonville, came before
the House for the thud time, and on 1110
iion the bill passed the House by a
imous vote.
Cooper's II. 15- No. L". amendtrg the
act for the establishment and regulation
of ferries, was read a third lime and pass
ed the House by the following vote:
Ayes. JI; noes, i; Dar.-.t voting iu the
House bill No. 22. an act to protect
foreiuti cos pot ations was 1 cad third time
and passed
Pushev s bill to incorporate Roseleirg
pas-ed a third reading, came up for final
ac, 10:1,
1 bv a unauimou-
r s
biil to incorporats? Forest
; Grov.
I si i nil!
I vote.
c .ioe before the House for disj
ami was
icd bv a umit.iiiiou.-
Cooper oifered a loll to aid in the con-
struct'.on d a btufge across itie ..oil.)
Umpipna where the some road crosses the
s nne. anil appropriating i. 10.000 therefor;
which passed ii second reading.
Fore, iu introduced a biii appropriating
SI1.!. Ot)'! for the eons f ruction ol a toad
!r mi Tithimook Pay to I he ( datsoj) Plains;
1 passed a
s e o i ! 1
t rs it
hottr havif' itrrived c-n mo'ion !
"iinpson ihe Iloij-e pnnteeded to the elec-
ion (!' a L . . Senator.
Pattoii nominate.! A. II. ?di'eheil.
Allen nomimiiod If. W. CrV.-it.
(Ins.. io nouiiuaie.i J. H. Slater.
Crooks nominated John Whlteakc
Whi e tt
The lo
d .1. W. N
-me tt.
Was c.iihd ami ihe Vote sfoo
as follows:
For Mitchell Piles. Latin. Bos hey.
Craw foul. Corwiu. Cooper (mgle. Ca-pb-s.
Hirst. Powniug. Lngle (iingies.
Harrison liirsch. Johnson. Luigell. .Mat
lock. .Mati.n. PoAers. Ration. S.ntpso:;.
Thornb-ary. Wad.er Washburn. Mr. Speak-
I'or Co; -ben Allin. Pur!) ink. Collier.
Riley. Riddle. ttt,rt ; . West 7.
For Slater Andrews. !;'.akdy. Cr.mor.
Curran. La How, to. .-win. Slit lion. Ste
1 lit-ti-iii!. Wi i'-ho-D.
v. in leaker
lou-hby :,.
For Nesttiith Clow, Grant. IloJgkir.s.
Witldoii. While a.
()n Wednesday, in the Senate. Hanna
d Fnio!!. presented a petition from the
citizens, praying lor a change of the
county seat of Cr.ion eoun'y from La
Grande to Fnlon.
In the House. Mr. La Dow offered a
petition asking aid for the construction of
a free wagon road across tiie Plue Monti
tains and had the same referred to a se
lect. Ci mmiitee.
Mr Simpson offered a petitiert relative
10 ,1 .e. 100.1 oMiiri iiiiij: .1 teiupei aiice
i l.lW; which was laid on the table for the
: .,-,,.,,, t
Mr Button introduced II. B. No. 40 au
thorizing the Secretary of State to sell
certain copies of the lode at Sb' per
A Modoc Indian at Langeil Valley
blew into the muzzle ol his gun last Sat
urday to pee if it was loaded. Could
poor Lo communicate w'uh his friend:
pll'ii WOSlic
'enllv whis-
it was."
The Fio.-eburg depot building is now in
course of construction in one of Mr.
Aaron Pose's field's
near ihe noilhoin
end of t he ci' v
ie j nibiiirciiu rec om
mends the married ni -n of the citv to
make a little exertion towards retaining
station these after the road passes on
The Buseborg hoodlums, having con
cluded to follow in the w.ike of the Jack-
vamvipe hoodlums. Inve telegraphed tti
place for giant powder lo go a fishing
v, on. ii- t.i.fi.i lo u-ar siy next weeii s
Posebutg p ipa-rs of several of these
if en is having laken their def.itture for
Heaven or stiine other place.
Tiie O. S. N. Co. have conitaeiit'eil lay
ing ihe keel, at their ship yard in the
Dalles for a. new- steamboat of about of
three hundred tons c-ipaciiv. She will
be bttiit after the style o! the" Emma Ilav
ward, 03 ihe lower river. ?.p. Holland,
Ihe supeiiutemlent of the work, will soon'
commence building a new wharf boat bu
ttle Dalles. This will give emplovmout
lor ome thirty or forty ship carpenters
and laborers.
... ; i. c... . 1. .
.vi-Kitit; lai.iij.-V u notice that Gov
Grover in his Message to the Oregon Leg
islature, recommends that the Meacham
road over ihe Blue Mountains be purchas
ed by the Slate, and made free, on condi
tion lh.it the neighboring coitnti.-s keep it
m repair. We deem the suggestion wise,
and hope that the members for the His'
tern Connies will endeivorto hive it car-
r'unl out
i In? Deon e if" W ill . w .tt..
n a Key are ititetested in having a free
road across the Mouni tiiis. and we learn
that the Meacham road, which is the o:i!
ro id traveled j:, winter time, can be h id
on very lavorabie term-t. The proposi
tion to buy this ro id w is discussed pre
vious to the meetiiic ui Ihe l..oi.fiiniv
ami we nr.. r, ... ..
wah Governor G rovers annroval IF.
Tr. Ststvi. ;
Telegraphic Ne-S.
A TKK I MW.N. Ik IS , --ept. I') TL . .
! ck... i -'le:i.
; nit.iu .i; iitii nil 'i. u u:iy Wits t'li1
I . I UtL
it l :i ........ .
popular garnering ever asemiiied jn i.
State. The only personal aliu.-ion
in Mr. Sehtuz's speech wa to a St 1 '-
paper "which but a few d ays ao s'e'l'f
oiiL'ht io make my next speech at War,.
to.ii, where I lei t behind lm. elesiili!1,.
tiom"s an 1 the m ih-dic-'ions ol r.ihi
I amities: but 1 see no such iadicui
da v.
I'l rri'.t i;o!i
,r. ID. G
nviev n-
this c'hv this evening and was eser.vo. 1
;i huge lorchiiirht proces.-iofT1 'rom t u.
pot to the St. Charles Hotel, where ii,. ,p,"
iivere.l an address from the balcony. ; ".
he. "There is a time lor war and a tj. '.
for peace. Pittsburgh recently wiin,.','.'
a rehearsal for the pomp and pageantry
and blazonry of civil war. Very tr,
numbeis o! men were collected at a vu-j
expense, with ihe purpose oT remind!;, .
ns t the bitterness, halted ami tieir- '
ultations of civil war for the advant-,.' "
of a potuieu! party. The greater fu.rii.j-,
of ihe journals of I'ittsbnigh. as wv'J a,
the orators on that occasion, h.tve'hi.
tryi:';g iheir best to make our people h )
each other, for political advantage.
we never to be done talking about n-b.-U
and traitors? V'e demanded of our adwr.
sartes iu a great war that they sutreiKl,.
their ai nis and go home. They sut retn!,.
ed them. We demanded enfranchiseim.ia
of the blacks. We dem inded that th,.
emancipation of the slaves should riot h..
paid for; that the rebel debt should nev.T
be paid by ihe Government or bv tu
States. They assented to that. So far M ,
I ran see, every demand made on the par.
of the loyal Stales has been Complied with
by those lately in rebellion. '
A l'niladeiphia letter say s Gov. Curtin's
acceptance of the nomination bv ihe D.-m,.
oerats and Liberals as candidate for deh-- V
gate at large to the Constitutional Conveii
tion is in the hands of the Liberal leu.U'r;
and wid soon be published.
CivcixxA ri. Sept. 21 Greeley visit,.,!
the Chamber of Commerce to day mid
made quite a lengthy speech to the mem
bers, giving his views in rather a discnr
sive way upon financial and commercial
questions, and criiic:;:irig the policy of the
Secretary of the Treasury in keeping sa
large a coin balance in ihe treasury. Ii?
left for Covington, eu route to Louisville.
IJ.vin.MoKK. Sept. 20. In the Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows, this morning, tlie
decisions of the Grand Sire during reccs.
were taketi up. The action of the Grant
Lodge ollieers during rcces-. in granting
wai rants for the tns itu ion of snbordiru'e
Lodges in Germany, w is continued. T.',
1 report ot the Committee on Appeal t
ei 1 r 1 o 1 . i-.-il f 1 1 1 1 1 1 . -it .....1 ...o.(.t...l
t large amount of neglected business w,,.
transace.!. It was decided tuat u wmiH
be iieeesstry lor otily the elective officers
of ihe subordinate Lodges to receive the
Rebekah Degret? before installation, h
was de:ermio-d as expedient Io c-fiaog.-the
ti rms d suboi dinati-s f rom six
twelve months. It was resolved as ia,
pedient to allow a subordinate Lod ' r.i
enr.ct a local law providing for the" pay
ment of a specified sum as dues and p..
lteve a member from fur 1 her obligaitoi.-t
during his m--mboi ship.
Washington. Sept. It apfn-ars from
eorrestouojenee just published that Am-.-r-I
ican ?!iniier Washborne on AM-"i-t 'i i
i communicated to the French Minis'..!-,. r
. Fou ign Aifaiis aa exjtressioti of a .lesit-
1 on the oatt of our Governme it tti at I
)!! aS WOlt:.,
etiii 10 the persecution (
f the Is :
San FiiANrtse .. Sept. 2.". Dr. Shu-!
thinks from the v v iden.-e ubtn i i 'ed to
that Mis Fair Wcs sane at the litne
killed Ciltteudca.
Ol v.-;.- . vt, S .;.f O-, V....O.
J Ohio Lun oio Assv'nm af New httr. Dili..
1 is now burning. Two lire ergtn-s inv-
j 1st irotie from here. Further iiuriicul.tr
J Will Soon te LriVen.
j Vohk. S -pv 2" -Fartv-'iM is t
j rented Io have said y esiefdaV lint it
1- p. no oii'-u :rom, tj.,. ;i;i;s(rs nr;so;t
! wil
) is :
real murderer nf
i Nathan.
I Lonoov, Sept. 2.). The opinion of FH-f
Justice Cochburn. dis 1 greying- wi !t ti...
dcc:s:ou tit bN colleagues e. the ieta-v 1
I Trib-ioal. is published. It iimtees a n-et;--
! phlet of 2o paues.
Bi-atux. Sept. 2.V The authorities Inve
j stoppetl the I raosmi--io;1 a telegajdr-.'
; cipher dispa'ch ol 50"i words siopae.! N.ip-i-
j leotl.
I King Joherfz. of Abysini i. has foii! a
I tuessencer with letets to t he juei n ask
ling the in'ei ven'ion of Fn : land i-p.k'-t
; Lgy pt. Tiie s one me-nger h as ; letter
j for franc . Russia an 1 Germ.inv.
! I'Atiis Sept. 24 -;'; :r Silts Pej.-lll-il
died O!)
Iioni ihi:
the railway train while going
ei'v to Ti!!'ebur Austria.
Charles Sunnier arrived la-t ntgltt.
F sit'.ttxitr.iN. Me.. Sept. 21 A fire dr
morning burned nine buildings tit I'hil
!ips Dower village. L'i-. Slid.UiHl.
Waskmno rox. Sept.. 211. The PresiuVat
has appoitiied as Gommissioners to exinn
ine the Nor; hern Pacific Uaitroad. L- H-
Iviiitfman of Wasliititrton. Thorn a.' Fieh-r-
j wood of L ttivette. Indiana, and A. C
Sands of Cincinnatti.
I.vni.vx.vrofjs. Sept. -Ik Greeley prrivr-L
here at ltd ! p. m.. ami was received tiy u
large crowd at tin- depot, and escorted t
the hotel by a. reception csunmittee v.fa
came with him from Louisville, where
Ihey went to meet him.
State TVews.
Baker City wants a city organization a
it is growing very fast.
The flux is said to be making sad loocc
among the child! en ol Douglas county.
! The merchants throughout Varn hill
,' county are com- kitr.ing of duirib.es and
a scarcity or com.
The citizens of Lafayeffe are ngitatirg
tie subject ol opening an air-line roaa
nom that place to St. Josenl
j Tiie Lafayette House is being overlnud-
ed ami renovated in such a manner a !i
make it ouof the Lesl houses iu ihe in
terior. Out! .1. M. Shelton who was arrested at
Baker City on the charge of cattle ?tfHe
ing gave "the officers leg bail the ot-
day. He has not been heard from sitK':-.
I he transactions in real estate in Ko---burg
and Douglas county generally have
been quite large of late, consequent P:r"
the coinpletion of the railroad lo tli-t
point. q
The Pbihulenhr has been inf. lined hy
b-tter that it is the intention of sone-twi-niy
families to leave Pennsylvania,
shortly w ith a view of permanently I-1?-11"
ing Douglas county.
The down fotin on Monday sat h ',"!'1
of Mr A. Hackletnnn near Albany on fu'
About hail" of Hackb man's prove ws
tjornetl over before ihe tire was t-xtin-gtli.shed.
J. E. Johnson was robbed ofSl-W."1
Ivi-er's Hotel. Corvallis. When 1 "
lired he placed his pants containing
money under his pillow. W hen he a"
the money was gone. No cine to the then-
I r a ,..-..T!. mt excitin?
iao l oifc iiuu.u r..- i w
public question now is, -Did Greeley burn
Chicago " and what makes the case wor?
for Greeley, a document ia offered for
sale to the Government, which pnve
conclusively that Mr. Greeley is the "
thor of the burning of Chicago last Octo
ber; he having bought from, an afteiit ot
t ne
ie L Duteiferate tjOvt'riiiiiHit umu'c
ar Ihe identical cow thai kkked Ji'-
0"L-arys lamp over, upon the reprcsfii -
a'"l" '. u" !n r Uia
of the owner that 11 had been i'-'"
ed for the special porpoic.