Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, September 20, 1872, Image 4

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BE he lUcchh) htcnm.oc. ;
wiJJ, - ,
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1 '- 1
riliDAV. : : PTKMJMCil
' , f,,. . i
lina Election, j
The following private letter writ- i
O lento the Aec York Worhl hy
Senator Clin.nin.iu, of North Caro-
lina, t() a friend in this city, lias
been handed to us for publication.
It cfres a very clear and interest
ing picture of the recent election
in North Carolina by the master
hand of an experience and ke-?j-sihted
politician perfectly familiar
with his subject:
As'ir.vn.T.K, Ana:. 18, 1872.
Mv Dkau JSii:: I regret that I
did not meet, you naiti before I
left Baltimore. You have seen
the result of our election, ns stated
in the papery Caldwell owes his
success to many thousand fraudu
lent votes. The Administration
of ( J rant has an army of officers
extending over the whole state.
They nominally are revenue oPicers
and deputy marshals, but theii
chief bu-iuess hs In'en to manage
the election. There are numbers
of them in counties where there is
not a single distillery, a single acre
of tobacco, and in which not a sin
gle Ku-Klux is even su;.ee!ed to
have been. Some of them told me
that their compensation wa:-iv5 per
day an 1 their expenses. Tn.-y
seem ixeneraHy to liave been liber
ally supplied wih money. 1 think
Hi '- were also rtajni
!o maxe
regular reports of their operation--,
anil the prospects, Szr. In the
lare-e neirro counties their eilbrt
" . i i : .. i i : i !
(-eel i to i i a e f.neii in-en tine" n .
, . - ,. , .
to t!u importation of voters and to
, 1 - ' i ' -. t
the proeurin" of double vflini'' lv
.k.. ! - mm.;..
l 1 1 e i h ' i 1 . ' i l . t ' i i . i ' ' ' i
ou'd be carried en more extensive
Ojy t'l.an the first. Many negroes
liave two names; they rami)!'.' about,
and could easily be induced to reg
ister in two or more townships,
either by the same or by diiu.i'( ait
names, an I could tlius readily vote
in one town.-hip in the mo rum. 4
and another in t he eveuiiiir. The
unusually lariro .apparent vote in
certain comities v as accused in
this manner.
Jn this coun'y (Baneo'nbe) there
v. as an active canvass on both - ides,
and vet the whole vote was .-)-; U less
than t he voting y- pulation as show n
by the cenus, while the heavy
1H'L''. county of Halifax shows sU
votes in ox-ess ol it s vcti
hat ion
A like re-ult o -cma c-d in
many of the other lure uey;i'o
counties. Whi'.e in most counties
of the Slata the deficiency of votes
is more tnan I.j per eta it. and m
several of them maily one-third
below the whole voting jopuh;tion,
we have the extraordinary specta
cle presented in some counties
wlisre the ne.no population is nu
merous of an excess of votes over
voters. This was time ted bv im-
jiortathiU of voters to some extent,
liit especially by repeating: votes.
This last, J repeat, is not difienb
to accomplish, from the fact that
mauv negroes have im fix-d lace
of resilience, have in!re than one j
name, and are not easily ideniiiied. ;
ami are iemorant and careless about
the risk oi ' beimjc detected. Many
of them, for a dollar or two, can
be manipulated as those havme;
them in charge may ehoos.
In the counties where the white
population predominates the officers
chiefly operated by aeuvehej; to re
leaS' those iruilty of violatinyr tlie
reviaine laws aiel uuvine: permission
to others to distii! fruit and li'rain,
S:r.y on condition of voting the
Pepuldican ticket. Carrow, the
Marshal, also admitted, in a pub
lished letter, that they had about
",000 whites under arrest as Ku
Klux prisoners, and many of these
men assert that they have been .as
sured that they will be released if
they ote the Padical ticket. In
Pntherford county there are said
to be 500 under arrest , and when
there I was shown receipts of .Mr.
Justice, ihe Assistant Pist riet-At-tornev,
for money paid him by
some of' these parties who have um
as yet been tried, and who a--su: -ed
me that they had promises lrom
him to be d ischariX"d without trial.
This nfh'.i ill-named Justice, is the
dector for this district; and o:i the
dav when he u a appointci as Mich
by his parly, I heard him declare
in :l public', speech upon retmnimr
his thanks, that they (meaning him
self and his associates) had already
run outofth.is Co;v;ressio;i;d Dis
trict 1,000 voters charged with
bein; Ku-Klux, t hat they intefebd
to imrison TOO more, and would
scare awav a trreat iiunv more.
And his boast that they wto.ld
thus carry th.e election was greatly
njiphiuded by the convent ion which
nominated him, composed as it as
almost cxclusi'?ly of Federal offi
cers. Many men have In. en arrest
ed in this section merely because
thev had in the year 1S0 been
members of a Sysmmr and Klair
In some counties, I am informed
tliat there are m each at least a
lmnd.vd smuH distilleries, the
owners of which, by pavmiz staiol
.urns to tlieofjicers, are permitted
lo vra or. without prosecution it
they vote the Kadical ticket.-
In addition to thee pertonuan-
ces, m a number of counties they
procured men to r;iU as indepelld-
cut Candidate for the po-itions f
tsheriil or member oi the .Legisla-
litre, :uia iinis nv in:; -'an-lil:ites
of their own, iii:v e many
votes for tlieir State tiekel by swap
"7 . 1 1. i
nna; with the iric-ivls of the co:it
Ily tliose several operation t hey
itave )iolal!. v olt anie.l s.ooo or
J votes (lUO-tlv llle 'a!) above
s.t ,,m.,i,' -p.,:', r , i t ,i
s,lct!U.v l.vli. yw.l by J)C
xtieir str
u" .StaUs Government, i1
.-ietii m concert under orders,
tlicy w ere able to e fleet these lar-v
I'art "' the State tliev ;.!
I!,,t e.k-ct so inucli, as early m the
contest I assailed tiiem constant Iv.
"d they became so odious that
ir (-ilbrts u-ere materially -rip- ,
il. Tin-,-success in most places I
, - , 1
nHMlt)uave, epenUed,nareat
s e upon their esenpm ob-
ation and denunciation while .
I !
they were operating:.
When it. is remembered that in
no one ot our most exciting elec
tions has there ever been a vote
cast coming w ithin 15 iter cent, of
the entire vote, yon will readily see !
that immense frauds must have I
been practised in many oftheseji respect your conduct ; but before
counties. Besides this there was j I consent I must know that your
intimidation of voters. The poor j family supports your suit, for a re
men arrested, though innocent, j buff in that quarter we could not
knew that they would be ruined ) brook." A few weeks afterward
pecuniarily by beinjjf carried hun- j arrives in Para Admiral P ,the
dreds of miles to Pah ih, and youmr man's father, and and on
either bein incarcerated or com- j ids behalf demands the hand of
pclled to bear their expenses and ! Miss 31 in marriage. The
to employ counsel to escape convic- proposals were accepted, and it was
tion. Hence many voted the Had.- I beLTed that the marriage miu,ht
ieal ticket or kept away from t he j be celebrated in Paris by MonseiLrn
polls. To this cause in part is to j cur Popofi', the Greek Archbishop
be attribu'ed 1 he fact that in Pnlh- i of London. Away to Par's travel
crforl, Cle eland, Yadkin, Are., ed mamma aud mademoiselle:
nearly forty percent, failed to vote.
We shall, I feel confident, carry
the state easily for Greeley in No-
,...t.,;,.;.'r .r,... i.,-. .-I...M I
i ,,. ; I
nae many accessions to our ranks j
fVotn fnnn.r 1 ... ... 1J .... c ,,L
' iV UOMt tlll.-t 11 lM Jill, I
witli us on the Presidential issue;
secondlv, our whole cffoit will be
coneentVated on a sine election;
! n 1 1 1 1 . ; i-y 1 1 1 1. to,.t;..t ,,r ,,. .... ,
""""i, in. invin.-. ,'iu m ,-
,,,,.- , il l
poneuts are now genera! I v under- !
It ,t .... i 4 1 :,. W , i
stood, and the.r liorts will more
be -ba.-.o-..! !
' -..... v .
1 ,;,.. i , )i . ,
1 t.uis buriK'diy write to you as
,.ii',; ,,i i ,
old friend, to advise you as to
, . i;.: ,. -
c condition ol thin -4s m our
, 0
erv sincerely vours, :e.,
T. L. Ci.in(;man".
i o . .s ew a 11; :;.
ml the Trac
l'very .I.itM'rd U.-nnblioun. nccoruhiEC j
to the ovaus of the ( );M 1 1 M-'i -, I' iro.- ;
- - , V'' ,':' 1 "
is tn Homo way a person ol b id character
w;..,it. a.. fior,. i,.,,.,, she (. r w'z i i i '
ma!UT,'i..rM.Mcniu,!io-i..n. ami 'wh'.Ws.,p-
p,it .d .Mi. (, :. :- v.elbeo! no service,
h ; ; : t t a o; oor, ;a,o Hie Jie-
P'lhdic.i:! p inv in (he p is' nois; have h el
ia i's chict pi.e-'-s '. "V-.wx-:
r pc:i Kf !' "i tie1 Jiuii-e oi K1 ! i"c;,a ' a-
(. . vvwaia, , , i '. . 4
O A . . ilM Congress. G.u-i-'ia A.
ir. w. ot i,.m.syh nia.'
" j(:iKer n! h:e liu-i-t ot K 1 ! re n a-
M-e ;!;!' '.
tli-1 il ;or of Ki-p-r-scnta- i
lives. AXXiViii Co
aiol (.'!i arm i n
t! ;-:ecl 1' l,,,t.!l,l;! 1
rh.iinivtii (d ' ih. F,::Vei Iti"'.:i'.ior.s !
I o:;U
I I i ' U : V
eh i:-c
'-. i !ii'ed Males sVtciie. lor i
eu. Ch ales Siuitncr. oi M j
Cicm man of tl:. Jn hci.a v. Unias
Suces S. :..:!. lor tainy ve.u . L man
Trnmbuil. o' Itliaois. J himself into the Nellie, bebevmir
C:) uonan oi CmmiUei on. Ci.im. i him-clf unfit, for marnajce, the vie
. ,,. :. . , : i um oi a mere l.ahueinat ion tor
i i 1 . ii.iii. ,i !Ci: 11; i o.
CioFnimin 'oflVs. uHioe CommufM.. !
oosc e: loeo'.'.-eiac.i'.cr.-. Gen. Joan F. 1
i' HTI-V. o: hi. Oi lOiliulS.
" iOiiiu'.s. I
aOmenia,. on Maiiic
.i es s,,, , .... ox Gov. m.
l"t, 1 ' i.i !. i
For-aifii LdaMon O.nn- I
:-..o :-. L'ui'ed
S i o ;: ' ". "! II
M.-mher c
L i;
'V' ''
ii !,. t'iii'ed Slates S.-c.ee. and sua;
Ihc mo-L sMi-ces-t'ii I :unl V.ii- :
ieii ora:oi's and i-d't'oi-s of" ilio 'ei'iibri- i
c;ai parly. .ia.-L-ei!. Lai. cleux i
Ciiaiiviian Fiil.i'.ic L ei N itinniirilw, ;
1' , ,f ! A- V V "t I I .
XXX! Xd. Cotlirresses. ti,,.,-- W. .Ldi,-,, j
ol imcana lailo'r o! Hie 1 l : ; ,o . s ' 1 a , t oai. ;
"riiOr. u and sec oeiir An,! ;,-i,i-'s
in law ol" Joshua !.'.. (Fi.ldl s. and one ol
( .'ainna.'roV dm judiciarv r.-m mi' ice.
ti'-i;,'i,, Oi'pO'seiCa I'.'is. .. i n ami
V V vy i ;, ..,,,1
XXXVlL'h Con; c-c-. Joiei H.cton.in, o
l ,'!ii;-VH'::;:l.l.
(Joveriicr t Foinols. an 1 fornmr C"tn
acuider l Ihe Fonru'-catli Army Corps.
icu J..!m y,. Fanner.
Chitd' Justice of the sapreme Co'iri ol
il.c L'niied .Slates, former (L.veimir oi
f ' ' 1 1 1 : . Seoitor. and Secretary of I hi
Treasury, S.dm'e. P. Cha. sc.
Associate J ustice of l!a S'lprcme
Creu t. one of the emmim s of ihe Repub
I i crap party ''' lite West. David Davis, ol
Finillvof !b. rive Free Soil Senator-
w ho helped onr m:?.- die E-piCiic oi p ir- ;
tv. one or (I ee. .me is lakhm- no p .it ;
in Cm. c.mtes!. and t!;e other three are tor
(ireeley; of the I ?e ! Ol ' . 1 ! e ! -1 idec'm'S if) ;
du State of Xyv Vol k in 1 St'.N over on. i
h -.1
'.ad are aire i, v declared br ( tee'oM ; of
ihe four survive:;,- member- of Abraham ,
la te. Id's C,c :ce:. ih;-;.t. ardmcly s!i..juri j
die Lde rii caioa'. Tiie p.-op'e are asked
to !: li-'Ve all ihes. ne-u ir.iiu.rs to 11 !
m.b'a- e,i-:n of whieh they I,.,y,. been
p otun-is. and to tne uonun, u in p irtv
1 i' h tliev i.eei t-d and 'b-d. Tln-y are
olO'd IO :i0C p' i is'eud .if these trailer-,
as ! ho en! v true nee, n.,y- and t!je riurb -
t'li Republ n-atl b-aii-'I's. IJoscne ,.l
Sim.m Ctaim. 'm. O. P. .M-.rto(i. Z Ci u iah
.,. ... 1 i . r ... i t ,
1 '.ao'io-r. ami .NIt.l!!e-V J 1 . V ar cil o' 1'.
A as;; i.:; rox vs. (in a NT. Vir-
.Vila in j i o-i vote.i Vieneral as - ;
imrton, for his "real services in the '
Kevo!uuonaiyvar y00,ooo, v.d.ich
;im;t in 17S3 voted (General Wa
Le rciiised lo receive, except that
it miLi'.it oe t raiisiini te, 1 to mstitu-
tmnsoi K-arnm- winch he named
ami then he would act MS Trihtcr,
. co! em u r.--, r v s:i t , it ( I,-.,,..
. i. ii i . ' . .". , j
..i.m. .... ..,-.t i. !.cii ii.ui, Keeps i
if l . 4 1- , , . i , . 1 I . . ..... !. 1 . . !
, i. i ... i i - i . . v . i v s. . I -i I M ai'i)il'i I
w .ni.i hi. iiiu-oi.r pout. ciaus with i
.1 . 1 . - . e
lolh ham's oi:t st retched ibr more
The Patterson (X. J.) IWs tells
a i.fnny story ..fa ch r-vmau on
! exchange. o li,nn,l -i ,.- ;.. ,a.
pa, lo tilo ltn,c.t l!l;U p.()t!.r '
j ,vti;u,it.a the .ravers ..I t!,,, ohmvh
ti:ll loss of his wife m',.,jit p,,
blessed to him, etc. tIio pivtiehe;- ;
praved most fervent ! v. To ld i
mti.-u-.ement ami mortification Ja. i
n,J11(l lhnt t!u. 1!!u. ,,5n in ;
n;,l,,:l :l year, while the hem.,,-,..! ;
ir.litleilFin was on th's Sabb-ith v'l
j wUh ;l n,w upe hj the .
j, ration. .
j :,;
I K r;,nt .w'"'"1 c',l- ."" JUl 'U o;rc ;
i ir-tales pi November, viz : --outli barolma ;
Hod Miss'sdpjd."
. a o , i 1 " ! I'f'fl'.vnt t!;,. i s.f;1,, Orders solicited -ml re, ol!v fillprl
... . . ' i ir -V C!-i!:,en-. ei its in'crcinr-o with fe-ej hi :
1 be v as!an;r'on t'orr-spen b-nt of the ! nations, to .-u! ir.ve th- -"rie nsh.oof p-.f-e ' . . '" . " ' , . .
R-ision 7 -iv? : ' As Scii i-or C.im -i - i hv tre.tin wi:i, ;dl ,m fair red , q a! t'-ms- ' A O tTS i H tStmtOT VvQxiCd.
. , " ,. ' ' ,, , ", ""' I re-ardinj it. alike dislo.ooi able clber t t de! T If AVK I'.KF.N A FT'OT VTr.P.P. Y TU F HON.
I'S- I is .:e.ll!J,I in . .ii as a e.. sn.irp lea ,1 what is tu.t ii-bt .. ..... ... i " t "rvirOv t nf - ,'",'v. (lr,p.,
Mid wiso paMtieiau. i! ni i v ie w.-b to re 1 what is w-romr. ' ' A-Irnintstra'or of the esam of Ayiuinnt HaPo".
' I IS r,.r .vnr.e,.;,,,, .,) cr,. r ; deeeiscb All person- nwur.' sa-d I'-MV ivill
peat tint he rem trked to a s.m'fmrn So.i- i ., , J, !;L ; " ' ' '' lr ' i p!.".- piv up: and -,n i-r-,-- Pari ebe,,.
or 1 few ii .V- iio th l ill his b di-d' Ll . .s.,.. v., ...... ..,,,,., ire Cllllli- j ;i'M,n-t sil lf-Cr- -sill r.-"sf-n 'hoiu i-l,
or a l ...is ,., ii.-- i. ,t. i dates n militated l.v t it r.invnni'A, :. i . . e m..,i.. .-.
?.Idi-i-vu',' A Corpse.
Const .;niino:'c Correspondence X. Y. Herald.
Xow for a story which is not
warranted to interest any one hut
the ladies, and them only because
, Y 1 T"' nt"!
lache ot the Jtlsian embassy, was)
i t 1 I run i ', .n . . t 1
lo, SlH'' m:U',' vvi1til:l''
a'Ul tU1VOl1lt Uit,"r tilC -T of ;
the orthodox. Count, P was!
U(. ,
1ri JJmm of M j
- , , , , . ' '
hand like a true knioht, before he
O its object, he went discreetly I lingh.sh Square and Octagon Cast steel
old mamma all about it, and -iskYse
lermission lo prefer his suit. lie- ' also:
plies mamma. "Monsieur le Comte,
von are of higher rank than we:
the day was fixed. On the even
ing before the day appointed for
1 lu marriaire, C'ount J-
trairic accents, thus addresses mai-
fHlOlSelle: butlU 111 a 1 1W 1U - m 0 X Oil
ft m Ml
' V (ilhk' f,ta
l:,)M " X' rP-. 1
ned w.th a paralysis at any hc.ur;
and you may find yourself the
,. i .! l
nurse of a cnpnle the remainder oi
. . ' ',, - (,
your existence. ie it so Count,
, , , , , ,
i pledged myseif to you, and
1 ,
a;eei m.i we t ne cone ueiu-.-s. ,
; , , , i ' !
i accept them, and am prepared to i
1 ,. ... ,, t . . i
; fu id l . Intense toy aim rati- i
i. , 4, , ,r t
i time on the part of t ie Count;!
i tableaux and an- irvow idunTai.
! Put to-morrow came, and the bri- !
7,1 1 , ,, . i . ,' 1 ,. 1 ,1 !
j'ial drc was donned, and the
! ,,,mn'5:!-t' ,:,,'l' -'i'lbled, but, the j
I count was not ; and the lav ass- ;
en and ne old not come; and ;
the police searched fbr him and'
i 1 - . . i - i 1
toun.l him not; and to this duv :
... ' , , !
(these events occurred three weeks ;
mr in Paris) he is not to be dis- j
covered. mul 1
lias sped back to Levant, and
i . , . t i 1 i '
! arrneu on j ue.-dav at a dreek:
f, . v r , . .
jvouvc - nt in tile Isaihd of l urns, ;
where she declare she will hide :
.rrows from the WOll I. I
a wa v her s
iLvl !"5,('1 ''.-Is leit !! i UiOs, l!i t lie ,
n(K' of dissuading lie! from tilts
siiicidical course, and all j arais on
ti,... stretch of anxiety to learn the
, i result of her mission. It is believ
ed that Count I 1ms thrown
which no loundat ion existed. The :
cvcuit has created an immense sens-
at ion, for both the Count and t he !
V(m j;tijv W(1,. hi.ilv esteemed !
:n cirt.jt.s ju u.li(.h llfv ni(,V(,U I
-' !
The B;t:tiaiore 1? i fi rm.
FoPov.-if." is the nhciirm ndcnU'd bv ;
!!: Democral m. (Nom o-eioa t Rahimor..
, , , T .
' .I'll l !. i .o
V.' roc rfdzo tie- equality of men be-
I ,!'-.' In:' iuw msfl liol 1 t :.at 1 1 l t be (l;i ty (d
i the government, in its dealiii-s w t!i the j
i ...... i . - . . . i . . , . . . . . - ,
lie. I I'ti :t in -, i .t.... t
i v ' ;l' !- u :'uK: Vvr 't'i;y, race, color or I
i e .-uasio !, r Imioit or noliiical. I
j 2. We ph
oar.sflves to maintain t!i
law, hie !CHm of these s ates, emancipation j
and eiiiraneScscim.'nt, and to o;o;.o e any re !
- "- M'"-..,.,., k. .uu o u.e
open ir. l: of the q nest ions set led by the
Thirteen! h Fourteenth mil Fit' en:h amend- j
ments to the eons itiilii.o.
.'J. We .b-m.uui the iinm 'diate atid abs
i lote r -iiLiVai of all disa d.ittcs i .:po-ei! on
a-coiii.t, !M Hie rebellion, wa.ch w.is lindlv
sn'odiied seven years au'o, bi:!ierio; that
univei.H.-i! a m.e-ty w.'l icsiilt in complete
pac ii aii u in a'l i ction- of the c mi. try.
A. L cal .-elf ovcrnnie tf wj:h i neartia)
u lira v li eu.i.,1 u.e n iiits ot all citizens i
"-' se-arely I .an any ccntial z d power. j
l!it I'""11'- iaiv .ifiatt.,! tne suprema.-y
l'ml (,v,r tlu" itil' V authority. an.l j
ii'. eo .'n o, ii-'.-.-ua ui.uer I m- protc -oon or
ilii.1 "'; cnrn'i. We demand f,r the m- J
divida. .1 the. .arfc-t bbei'te i-on-i te .t wili. '
onl!i.- order f,,r'tm n.... ',,,'f. r,,v..i-... t I
an i f..r trie n.,t on t . return to the metSods !
o!' peace and the constitutional limitations
of p wr. I
The c:v'l service of t':c govfrirncnt
" ls 0 il mere i .-trumem, d p.rt.sin ;
tv.aunv and p'-rso ml ambition aud an o i e t.
of scai.-h st-ce-l. It is a sea if.l and re-!
pro.eh u)iii free institutions, ;l!M breed- a '
demor.iiiz itiou daiiii-ro is to tiie perpe.u'ty ,
os a rcmbii'-au a ve nnient
'. e tlie el ore re-'ard a tborou zi re:'o!m
of the civil service as one ot themos
l prcs-- i
i ne.-es-iii s ot tlie hour : that honesty, i
c ipacity are! !i lei ty co i-t tu the only v did ,
clai us t i public eaipioymosit; that. U:e dli -cs i
of jr iveru.neiit eeas to l.e a uiott r of ar J
Kir,,-,- 1 ,1-,.,-,,:.,. ...,,l .......... .. 11...
' 1 . 1 j .... 'i i. it, . , , . i.'ii'i.., .iiii t,i:iL j
public .station wbl he. o ue a.Min ihe po-t of
!l',n "' T" on l is imper .itv.lv ro
.tclZ1'"1 b' a c'u, ll'u c
We d
e nam! :
I a system of fed-ral taxa- ;
tion w'lieii shall not u inecc sali v i-!ter!'c:v ;
with hie in.'msti-y ot liio re ip'e, and wiiieh
-lndl p-ovid,- t:,e mea-.s m-c s!irv to ,,.v ii;, 1
hx;h-iis.'s ot ihe ;;ovefiiuienl. i con , ;,i ;'c;,! I y !
i 'at- inter, st on t ic p ibl c de'e . ami a m odor
ire ancu il te lecion ef ttic prineipa! thereof;
-lm! le.-.-nz e.- that toe... av I i ....r in d-t
! .f 1..., 1, I . 1 .' .. ,! .V - . 1
'. ''.ii,.... . , . . -. n ..: , e i e;e.s . , t u . f :i
um w-ui re. ud t . t a- r.v:c::ti-.-e systems of
i-i-'teeii ei and free t ade, we feadt t'lcdis
cushion of the subject t . the pe ! in their :
eon i es-i.,:ial ilistiicts, an I the d cisi-m of I
cn-ess tb..-eon. wholly free id executive !
mmru-ro ceo, ,i,ctat,on. j
rniiiitain-d. ami we denounee repudiation i
every torm am! jricse j
!. A sj...',h- return to spe-de pavment is ;
ibeiiatdei. ahke bv the it 'irb-st con-i !,.i i- j
t ons of co.nmereial moral. tv and hones, i
"iT''"-.'-. ,-itb 'n the!
heroism and SMr; it-s ,u ,h0 sold Vv ;!n, 1
, .o ovdie. and no a t n Hr, j
Z Zr; !
' !
; J,1 are --prscl to all fm-.ber -reus !
The'ubic ' rmlnoaU tee Saerldt,, I
a.tn..i sealers. ... i
vitc am' c.rdi-i'iy welcome the co-operat im, i
of all p it riot ic citizens, witboit r-r-.rd t . 1
vrvrj-iis pobt;-a! sliiUiUica i
T:-- ; - J
A. IS. Iic2ass.s'd.ii2S,
Corner o! Front and Oak itrcetj, .Portland, j
Oi Ileal Estate. Groceries.OeneralMercban
di.-e and llorses,
E Wednesday and Saturday !
A. 13. Ktcn.nnsoN, Auctioned
I nnglisdi refined l'ar and linndle Iron
A large assortment of (Jroceries and Liquors
A. L5. JIiciiAUDbON, Aiictiosicer
I alo
keep constantly on Land
sall.u u ass j m j- k !.?, i-lannlls.
Wh5c,, Iv,;!,sc.n , r,ctrv Pricos.and
will uke wool in exchan-e.
r?TI will also pay the ldjhost pri-e- f-r
1'uttcr. Eirirs, and a'l ki:id of cod cusiitrv
,,.,, t .. , n ,,s .,v ,.
I'ro-i.icu. J .ml vi a i.) a ativ no. is,
in Orc-n. for ras'i r us equivalent in t;o .d
.1 UliX .M VERS.
fan. 13, i-::.tf
, m - a-'t'- to-'i"'i
IV rAv ) Oilk JIOIlL,
! '
(Deutfohes (Jaft!.aus,1
Xo. 17 Fr-.nt street, oj.posm-t!e .Mail stt-an-
-shipla idin-, Portland, orete n.
II. U 0 iiJ. 0.1, J. v. ? : X.-n
F R 0 V R I E T O R S .
Board ; er Week ? ." '0
" " " with Lo..i''ii! j; ti on
!av 1 "U
ren-rrr r'TV ... prrn-T
JS sale, cil .Al' 1'OK CAsii.
nt?T?TPV c-T,"T,TTflTrrT.T
t, f?r
;.;e:.,Hi ,,(,u!15 K.ickin- Chairs, What-
lios. 1 ! e f stea !s. Withstands. Curled
it.,;,. e i , !.,, e,,!,, pe
1 ' "
L)ws, S;o nr Red-, V ir.dow
Shaih.-s. Picture Frames,
Mouldings, Ac, Ac.
-."Spi cia! atl. i.ti m jrtver. lo tpho'st' r
wo: k in ail it- i, ranches. Onleis tilled with
: f : t ir dmo- ith neatm
an t disoa.tch. Funoture m ;d . to or,icr.
: ..e ,jL.IVl., cd to auv i.a.tol town
free of cha; ge. Call and exaiiain for your-
m . v 1 7 n J'.'
Jits Est-j.b'izfi'
i 'i-'i
2- Tliy wiM also d- TUIiXI.XG, ot w T.v
description to order,
With Neatness and Bispatel
Abb WO.Ik W A K ! A A 1 I: IK
Shop on the Kiver. in L-wis shop,
onooste Oregon ( 'it y Mills.
. .
S A I.) I ) JL, VAX 1"-HAH H- .O .,
-rY-rTir,,,. r, T- (jr;rp;;c; CHEAP A?
. : L 1 ' 1 1 II. '
V V cm bv bad in the State, at
Wholesale orc aii,
w.irveit ali my trends its rcpre-en'ei
Or.pon (iitv, April 17, 1S7-.
tli I't'.
jpj - - - - SKM,l(i$.
T T? W T7 T V ?
I i-V ill Vj XV .1 I
v111 I1U W-I'
n..;,, i....,iiuM.m,..nors!,
toinfr7rm't!ie nubtb-tdi be is nw p'repar
" VFn
-Wwd nswi ho ,hmim-a jr.ywhrre in t;.c
A'tornv-i'.bw. nn-m-i rmv. (yrnn, with
' nioaths from the date of this mi'iiv.
J ) Tf X K. I ' T K I" T; .
Cusiai'ss Directory of rorthatl, Oregon.
j G nera! Adcerlitiiij Agent, 'Jo trout Street.
A oVpVTnnn'Q TiallnV StOPP
Xt. i'. rir t .uict. Iriiimrters and Job
b,-.s of l-mcv Tov Crockery, CIlu.ss '
ware and l!!au-d Ware. " ' " .j
Vstoi House. Firt st , lielween Oak and
Pine. Ever) tiling Ueat. IL L. Lo ;gt'cl
lovv, l'ropi ietor.
BOOKS, S T A T 1 C IIYTniTi E II 1 0 I C A L S,
Agents for M.iLie. Todd A Co.' celebrated
ilil I'cjis.
Ivison, Hlaktunan, Talor A Go's School
Rooks. J'it I'a'.tlih-.da full line of I-'o"1
l;htitf. -f fur this i.tute.
1arnv.!n,t!e onlvdi ect Importer oft lotli
i ii.il, Ac, Cor. Fr.-nt A Wash njjTon sis.
c has." c7 Tar r e ttT
V H O L F. S A L E
LA UGl.t r STUCK jy POiriLAXD.
No. 5 9 Front anil 5VViH
I llton Min t".
BECK, W II. LI AM A SON. 12j Front st.
Importers and dealers in
Cmis, IliHes unl Ittvolvei
of every descnpt'nn.
Fislnroi Tackle, Fancy (io.uls. Reads. Rird
Cayes, Baskets, Or, quel iiinii1?, and
Riby Carriaires.
Ajie'ds for the "CaliC'-rnia Powder Works;"
also, l'or the -'Wheel 'r A Wilson
Sewinu Machine-."
1"'?ck. John A., Vl'.i Front street, practical
W'.cciimakcr A Jeweler. Work done
tor lie- Tcid . ii.,.m,Mr,
HSME.SA l!A(Uli:i l)Kli Front street
"richam A Eeinhait, Fir.-t st. I.ct Oak A
13 Fine, ineioricis of Stoves, Ranges,
Kiicl,en t'tcn-il-.
1 -511 hanan, W. A , s. w. cor. Firs; A Taylor
J ) ;-ts. L'htsV'est FurnUuie lluuse in Foit
la, ol.
J1 111 1 I st. Front sheet.
CMarke. Iiendersoi; A Cook, si A :i First
j street. Dealers in Dry Ooo.ls. Fancy
(j'io,!s, Ac.
CU,hu A Ro.-cnf- id, IIS F:ont st. (.'ominis-
si, hi Me iv 1 1 a ,ts A Dvuleio in Oogon A
(J.iiilorni.i Fiouiicc.
f M.y. .?. !i , M.aaU'.icun cr A Deder i:i
V ; s'.dlhs, Il ir., os, and .Saddlery Hard
vo. re, V'i Front 0"; Ct.
::rrier, W A Co.. I i F.out t. Me,fli;ii,l
J 'f a.ioi and I'a.ih.ers, il its Fur.ii.iiint
( ,,i ,ds.
V-L .s'loiuit A Oionm, 'Si I'r.nt ov t.
I U ;,I E.-a.ite Agent-, money loaned,
houses ie-ite.1.
i an., Ie...
DiaicroTsfs, -;,;!:
.!i,i i('o. In. Fi- nt strtit. oi.ieis Ir
nt.v portion of t e S: U' Tci i ii .r.e- ca; c
lulU Ii ', e l I. v m. i or . : pr. .
pin I, howensi- in .t Co. Fu :m i ' ' i e an!
X-i t'arm-t eeab-rs -Saircs from I - 1 to 1
I- l. . t st I e t.
'-Viipmy:mmt A eucy. AVit.er.il A liol
mac, so f ront st. F.nno-ii all ki.al- o!
vcrd ie' A Iteebe, lo Frooi du-. t. Com
1 ititssi.-.n Mmcii.m's ami denies in Ho
m, -tie P. oduc -.
f hi,i!i Ltvt-iy Stabie, eor. Fust A salmon
X sis E. '.o l.eil, i r p. G oil tu: n -oats
uov.ivs on hand.
Iidiel A It belts, .-or Fust A Wash e-oon
1 st ... Dealers A Munutac. Cothimi-, I'uru
is due- Honk
reel and. Dr. 15. IL, Pedi.-t Olline, No.
lb De'-tu u's li! .civ, cor. First .y Va.-h-
u,t.in sts.
ill A S:..-.-L 7-'. ami 77 First. sr. et. Deal
ei s m ilo ,k , St.iii .:ei y, and M ii -sea!
The i.ir.e-1 Mus-e Ibms on the Coast.
ii. I. Dtl'It A:"S, .II.i nngcr.
soi.r. a:en.;y k.u the
"Siinvc" Sewing 31;icsine.
"Jf-T-"Asrents wanted. Ci
jf ackeiiev .V' Sterne, lirocers and deab-rs
X in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and
.Sia.u sis.
T -f imbu irer, 1! . Fb'l I- i.'-t s reef, jiiiporter
.11. and dealer in Staple raticy Dry Uoods,
.M lionerv.
t-nlee.T) IL, 1'holoef .pbic Artist, s. w.
car. First and Mooi-on sts. Child s
l"iet. seec lty.
Hci.r.cliscll, L. C. A Co., loo p ,-,t ritreel
Ma'iu'aeturers and dealer.- in Jewel ty,
an. lies, A c
Hil.bird, Ceo. L.. '.'s font st.. wholes ile
dealer in Croccoics, Doors, Waon Ma
in-. a is, Ac.
oiRm. Cab-f A Co., .i7 Fo nt, st., wh de
side de.deis in iloii;-, Fain;.., Oils,
O ass, Ac.
7 U 3 1 Sewin-r Machine, strai ..b
1 Jili medle, under bed, "b cl
drai lit
Stitch. Com jii.-i 1 1 ion cba.icnircJ. M. E.
T raver, 1 1 - Front st.
fii.rrren A Sliindler, 1 K to 172
i. First st. Lisp uters Furniture, Red
line;, Ac.
international lln:d. cr. Front and Mori
i s hi s s. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free ibi.-s
attends steamers.
T ohn.J. A Co., tO Front St., wholsale ami
.tV. ret .il dealer in Fine Clothing. Furnish
ing Cods.
f abon Do ee Restaur . nt, .iivate rooms
J.T i for Famine-, cor. 1 -t ami Fine s li cts.
C. "oos P. op.
" r.-.iiiii, E A Co , vh de-aie dealer in
J. I. Wine- A Li'juors. O. S. N. Cobs Bloi k,
and San Fran
T eier A Schmeer, I I 1 Front sT.
i3 I a. id retail Confectioners.
F ii'e'-, lolm 15 , !'.') 1st st. Wat. !. maker A
i1 X Jewe'.'-r, oll'eos to t ie public a tine as
s itment of Watches. Clocks and Jewc-ry.
1. f'neller A Co, Front nearCst.. D-aieis
in i,ativ
re and lorcin Wines, Litptms
and Cijtmis.
ATdit rap lb J., Hardware. Iron, St el.
it llubsj. Spokes, Hardwood Lunber, f-e..
Poi tland.
tj : -ideiita! Hotel eor. First and .Ioo ison
st-. Sioiti. A Cook, Pioinict ,rs.
1aiis,, Wat- ns A C-r-ell. Re .1 Estate
Aaeies, :;t) front street, bet. All. r and
HOT iCIiAPIIiC GOODS, c. H.w-00(I.
-1 aid A Co.. 1"1 F.ont 3 .
T?'7" J M1-7 Fronf s'-"r'L wholsale
.1 . dci er in Tinware and Stores.
T icbter. Paul, in., firut st. i rpo
It Pcrim woo.boi Carvinjr-, Parlor
pot t?r of
m iit.. Ac.
I ider. fi. C. R al Es-.-eo A Money Rroker,
1 '.'"J I roof -tr r-t. for-bind.
1 " se n b a u n, , I. sTA(Jo..'fo .accoinsi-.tmpoi t
V. r of Foroin and Do ist'e T.:ou
1uss House. Front st. Uu First Catss P. in-
i eipai. Thomas Evan, Proprietor,
C" herlock, S.. 61 Fiont and '5:2 first st.s,
O denier in Harness, Saddlery aud Sud-
duT Ilaidivarc.
1 Emm. J.,Co Front street, dealer jn Door;
Qi'-shenner, II., 157 Fust st., importer of
O I'i.nos, Urjjans, Shet Aluilt, ..lu-ic In-
r. iwiiv A- l!ij 7:1 l.'i -.( str.et I'lC-Uff-s.
1 ,,111,, .-iiiniiiij;-, .11.0. o
imr Instiumen's.
Q mitb. Ibit... F.rokcr. Front st. Duoer
P in r ejr'il Tenders, Go crnmeut Uotuls
and Cobl I)f.
w. -'j-r-m, xa . f. mu- rx-xw. w. - isurw
Ii '.-., 1.. m:.
Cj,TfyW V.. X... X 17 Fvnnl Stifil
Walcl.nn.ker A Mnnnf ..rtnr'nu Jeweler
is uminitm d Acent tor the W.-ltiiam, K'lrin.
E. Howard A Co., Cb-. E. Jacot. and the
Californi i Watches; nl-o, f.- all the rr-d"C-
Imuis ami ant oits of the California Jewelry
Con pnnv. San Francisco. Send Cor circular
Watches repaired in the verv l,ist tnatini
and WAi.-tt axtkd to give sitistaction
rfcrry Eros.. No. 1 . Q r irst street, manufr
X tnreis and dealers in Furuitnie. 15c
dimjr. Carefts, Ac.
rphe Clotbitiir store in Front st. Cb.tiane-,
1 Furnis'.int' Cot ds, Hoots and Shoes.
Harris A Fi .ir r.
rfuU'i'. If IE, 1-12 A 144 Fr, nt st. Dealer
I in Wagons A Agricultural 1 m plena nts.
rvne, E. D., m w. cr, First A Oak sts.,
I,. - i i- i- i- i i I
JL dea eriu brandies, ims, Lie.ea.sh a e
, ., ' ' -
id Fot ttr
r", ler. J. A., 147 Front st., wholesale d- al
I er in Hatter, E-rijs, Cl.ee-e, Lard, la
con, Ac.
T'llliaiiis A Myers, ft Central Flock.
I ron! st.. Commission Merchants A
deal's in Produce.
V7 bailey A Fechl eimer, At orn. ys A So-
t lieit.iisi i ILn.k i u.itcy . Ollice in Odd
Fellows Temple
x. jt-ss e 5 pr e n
Hs.'-VLu r-.c--.. --
:;iyfe' J.-' C-.
t nr. T7 OTrm -nnn nnnr.
JjUuia. uui run vjuuu;
"x C- ri r f fcw '"s to. " ,., E-' -""i r-x
II 'Vto'l.
Cheaper iSiats tlie Clieatx-t.
Wo wonbl st-.v. eomc an 1 convince vur-
. If befoe pu ebasineiscwbcie. Our stock
consists in j ail of
lbbiTS AN D SHOE--.
and a Srt at main articles too numerous to I
mention. " I
ALso. Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty, j
ncn ---iif , j r i i
AI.SU, ttllOL wimtt'd for winch we pay
( '
the LlGIIhoT P1UCK.
Oregon City, Airil 'Jl, 1 --T I : t J"
Eye, Ear, Threat & LmicTS.
Mi-umems. as m the toiiovoo- uesenk,! tw ? 1
Okid,roo-e-S.(L. First st. " DTut A i', "
O Apithec.ry. a large stock of Perlumcry ; :52 T 5 Sf J; l v , "f .L 1-tt.jt:'
A' T'db-t A I ti. h s. bait ca-.ii in iiioj.i, theoa.erii-ei- T'" K o:.
u7irirTiruv t. wh.den'e "T'l. i;,,,,,vt'-511,11 i'ya,,','iiii1-
b dealer in Dru.s, Faints, Oils. Window JYy,
Glass. Perfumery. A ..... .. d: ' -Jl''.etu!, .
; - . r , 2; 1 ""'v. t
J ATE OF SAN FILNCIC0 H S I O- i I'''1" ln tilf' '"'''. bn i (f '
Ij ca'cd in Portland. Co eon.' Oiiice -' I ! Ut ' . m n -eid .1 owcr, i :t! ift.ttn " '
ii ime-' lbiiblm-r. First street . t lit,,- doers I beat 1 . 1 r, , t . Pi 1 ty , m 1 v n.-i ess, !j""";
from Fold A TiltotCs Rmkl. where he mav I !.''iU-v ,;illic,il,l,s eiPLMt.. nt '.' . .
be cm-ullid daily, and wUl treat disea-cs I Linctioms. irei ei al ucl.ib"?. v sinM -.
of the ab -ve named org 1 ns as spemaltas i s the-,yo,b. In stei la, Meu.in ' '
All op. ration- up. n .he Eve and Eat per- ' "liCr '''senses f-eculiai 1,! '''' , '
lormcd in tiie most scentihe and c uelul I - rr " ' ''e i( ' ' u, ' c' U, 1 ' l' .
o.auner. ---itn.i j lncun w R- ,,,,,,, l.'j Y.nt Jo-.M. ( i-;l j-
ARTlFICIALEYES.haviremi:! the beauty i s! itute. and cons. 1 1 himaliut l.r ud'"
and mobilily of the natural v.-, inset ted. ! diseas... '1 be D a t. r is it eiti j. 4 '
K-ieis iv ihm'miis-iiiii f.,r l.i ..1.0.-. ;
11. J)l!b .11, lb.,., Yai ccnvei. V. T.': and'
ma iy ot!u i s Oregon and V. a-bm.m. 11 Tc,--
11 o v.
iiiii L.,:nii
To Stock L rovers.
JL .dottotious, kl.OWI. ns the ' Old El.li-
is m w R st . la id 1. ... for
theacconmo.b.tio of bepoblie. Tl ebmLes
on the road have a I bee th ... nafy tcpa r-
ed.and s,, ck drovets will b,,., im'lo ,ble
Toss t! e .b uidains by ,!lis ,,,.. Tll,.,e
'.jk"'v "f y 1 v.ator and irn.ss on hmb
s.ics of the Mm.i.tHifs. rod the dUtaner
across is-'.nlv ao niib-s l inr the si, ..test ,v
wed as behest ,,d .-v , , !ie Case ; de Moon-
'"".s Sto k ,!o.v. s tmd , ttdr:',,4- will lb d
I oles rea.-oebb-
., , JO-EIII YDI'Nfi, Ibe-ident.
Ciackama. county. J,,,.,. -Ji-t, 172.
Storo to r?3nt.
I pi -d by K,FK.,oi! Hook Crook. 1 ? miles
tto o A .rota sititat, .1 at a line point f.
i o ml -y tOL.bmr pos ; can be h id 01 vrv
i eas .cable terms. T is is a de irabi.V poin't
for a man with small capital to pro in o bust-
En -pure f J Oil XSO A Mcfo WN,
j il.vJ'tf.j Orego C:ty. Oregon.
mim:rial .mills.
Savier, LaHoqne Tc Co.,
orfgo.x cFrv
pKeep constantly on hand fot sate
Midlings, Hran and Chicken Toed. Pro'i.-,.
stamihiir, to E. C. Lane. M. D Jl'rof-s -r oi ! Calif-rnia. Ed no tube r boro I " 1
Smscctv, an 1 Edwin Heotlcv 1 D Pr.-fes ! eti, but ai ply iicnied iately io d si ve o"
set-of An.tomy, Civcrsity ' of the' Paciric I U'''u P"'f"! suflbi i-c f-and pronu.tnn ..
San Fiaridsco; ami lor l,ls succe-s in the! Al! married holies, u 1 ..se ceiicnte 1
U eat men t of cu-cs, to over I .-,.. ctsc tic.'- I Lr mrcu instances pro.i:l mi im 1 '
..1 by him, in San F. a ncisco '; also." to Levi i t''e;r faniilies ben-d wt itc ot ci !i id J - '
r-t- I- If...- T f l-o... .'....' 1 K .11(111 llil Y'S V. die::! Il-StiU ! , : ' 4-
w.. ,.-. . 1 . li. Ol UM I HI O i till Vi.li I
i M.i.:- a
i r Ot!CG OT Atl m ! tl iStrat-l,'
! Rn E: i r- . Wlwf i
virtue, oi tui order i" itf. ii.,,, 4lUT tv
oi'CUvkumas county, made Vy (v
1 T .. ... .
" i ta- State of C-r r
. lacka.mas county. ;?!, t.t
MAItY I'lllLIdps j-i, T c
Vs. ' "l"',.t, .. ?
LAFAYETTE rjlILLII'S. i.,.f. ., , . i
ON THE KAJIK or Til F sr '"'iui
! L',,11, vol! !IKO:,Il.v JaCiiie,!
U i.ear in the above en itl.-.l r....rt .C'V '
h-j oi!"i!.iin! of il.e i,l.u:,iil fi a '!'cV'r
dove em. tied sr.it. Mitiiii, ten .i'.vs f ' V:
iareot the service of this snnm.oe.s n T 5L:
-ciVL-a in Uaeiomias county, an,! it .,.,,.VI ',u.i:
s;-'-;v,? ',f
ow.er county ui this State then ."'
I ar ,r'il" rvice, and if s.iVf1u v , ,
r tion. yon arc- notiti.-d and i. tuir.il to lo-.V ' "
answ..-r sai.t .iiiiihunt on 01 .;-.... .i..1';..' :d
i (,;:
I J''1 U,Ur, 1ST-, that beiatr t!,e ftr, .C1"'
! the m-vc t.-nu of the t'is.-tut t .,mt lor U,: gt
i l-ld next afar the cxj.natio:, of " tl,e o r- e' !:'
seobea by ihe order ,f, aid eoart f, r tVu P"'
-.sonouoii.s; aim it you fail , ,
t-ar and iOi.-v.er, t;.e .!aintilf will :iit.1v i.
eomt Tor tli- va.-f I,i.,y-1 tor m tl.e-,,,', i-,,.1.'
V.-b'.eh is m si.-b..tai;ce as follows: that tl . U ''
oi uiati .jiiony now exist iri lvtw. en piai-ci,!'"
defend-, nt l e .ii-soh t.'. and llett tlie . u-lu' V"L '
sai l minor ehildien be deen-ed to i.li-ii-i V "'
I I.11"; yo11 ,"r, '' xt iill that th. iim,. wy I
I pton. .! m.'e t said I limit Court ,,n :i, ..-A I
! a,. ,, , iK- - ' . 0,1 ''' t
e.aj in Ali'-'ii.-'., IS, j jteti.c an oroer . hnrt'i. t: 1
i: f..i:-l.,i .Vl.o. iliso. l.-i.i aint Oi-i.ur-fj
m. -unions io l.e -eivol by put 'beat ioi: in tK.'ik
con City Elite ju ise f.,.- -ix suece-.sne v.T.-k- ' "
Amcuat 3u:h, !;..
4lnCw Attoineyn lor riamtls.
jl- j x it;
't' r.
W5 Ifs
T7::i se-r CTerylli:?K'ii833c-d in p. f.tr
O ,
s -
. " - i . V -..v,
Tf t!:rro i i r. I ".o: f7-.ro Fr
c'..a:e . Ian c: c tL.m iu.J. i; ., s , f
Cm I'::-.:.ci cc J --t .-:.:.:.rr Vl ,l !;:.
-:v!r..'cr.-::. r.-.b.-fr-ta;..n, it I a :
ia-raol c-f ii, it Me t u-.C. -.A ;.
v.-lda at c--.ez.r-o c: c:.v laad io .:.a
r- p
i .
C:-d lioi;.; CuiiJ'
,'i--n(f f-.r Circular and ear.ip-'s tf
Vic ',,.!;. Acilcc Atntjuunn:ii U
k . '. V u t I, situ.'.ti-.u t Li.
j . - ....
P X I Vi" ' ! t C' I " f- f' " t 'f
T! 1 - ' .. r . .
Pi-;'Sit ?i.-ii al t Mo;-,ii;i! Ii.ttiii,!,,
10.519 Sncrgirxr.to Street, rcircroi
Ltidt SGrlf, C- lew doors Viciotv
the Wli i; Cheet House.)
j (Privs.ic 1 1: 1 1 : i n Le .li -(:f i f .sftji.
i Ii.-1 a I I i : bt (I Ii v , i i v . 1 t . . o! 1 ( tFi
j So:. mi and Seiei I'ila- 1 db :! Aic. .i !
Tr.atmijil at.d Ciite .t all I i:u.:c e
! Cii r.o. ic fi-OMf, Casct td Sect ei . .lo
j Sexual D.;eii,i i s.
Tr. 1 1 A in:ct-ri.
! jjjj. y. - DoIiEI.'l i rcti.i
i f i,; m; (fie
ih.iiiUs to Li- i tit, ci -t:s j .-. liti.ts t! i r
pa 1 1 on ii c e . a i: d u : ! d ! a 1 this . j-j t iM.iry
to 1 1 mind 1 1 cii: thai he continues t, n I t
at bis I !, st it nt e t i 1 1 e tuic ol tlimii t.
eas'Ss ol th. Limns. Li t r, K : s, l-:.'-tivcQ:Oid
(. i M t o-1 t ;i n Ciiiis. j I i. . .
i .0 v f i i - m s.. . It Si ?. I i ! ' s i n - 1 T t - t.J r B
1 ,
-!n'! s,;!?f, Semii.i.l v calo.e s r-rn
1,'-"i eenst iicio es ol s. ii al no . ( i :
lu-ui. (ilect, Mnctiiii'S, 1 1 1 1 1 o, i : i c l i', ';
Fmissions. Sexual lUbibty, J'i.-:-,!
the Ib.ek on! Loo .-, i i ll n u i ll. i. 1
C$ e'm i! lU . mi U'uJu"
1 i -. ia 1 1 ' t -i , i . 1 i i . t i . . it -it. 1 i . i - ; ! , '
public pat r.o aj-e. p the l ;m tin i f r
vt'.i s in Euiojie ai d ti t 1'iiihi! Mstts, If t
ei.ab i c: to a ;.p y I I e lot si ( il.Ca it i I
; , , ' ' . , , .
1 cess! ul remcu ics a ca ! est u is. a m .-o1 1, o ! ' "
j He um s no mercury . c! ai i e-n.i .b i i.n-.nu
j bis pat ic nt- j u a c ot i c. t mi lui o iiLu v
I and has reScrenei s oi iii.oue.oiio:; 1 h ni,t!
ty from no-n ol known i cs ect;
hi eli star.dir.u in c cty. Ali J s Hi. -. '
suiting him bylcttti.r -t l.ei v i.- , v i.l ";
ciive the best j-nd gel tktt liu iL o 1 c
in pi ic it mci i cy.
T. i'oiiiilff.
When a fctm.lc ism 1 1 cubic, cr 1 fi -ui
with disci.se. ?.s wcaktiss i l ti c !! (!
: euros unit, any i.ttifi i.n. s.cii.e o -
will receive every po si! ie 010 . ...yxc
The Doct.o's oliic- s ate .. arin f" ' '
can be cousi.lliu vi:! ci:t fcuro! i1mik!:i!'
... 1: 1 . ,( 1 a .
To r(!110Hlllthl-t'
I r , I , C en t '
- I PaOeMs rcsi-.To-ir ir a r.v 1 1 'I 11 "''..,
now. vet . list.- I't. wl msv ro n ti icj
i-T.T-k t . - 1 ' 1- ' .T"i- ... I t '
"" .,. . , ....... ;, t
I ,VV cases-and who Hi 'n k pre- l (j
, "t", state., c.t of stch. . n I '"', p
hh. s n tr a p r-o a I 1 t m v " ' J J j
v a-snicd ha. t h.-ir cm. m . n H d . ; u
''-.V1 T" " e r0",' V olo-c.a. -rdio
i 'ly and e,,ml..by desci ibod, per. 1
I 5T " 5'" . ' ; ' :I .' . . I I
tno.s b,r diet . . tf.,...-r mul
! " "f " '' ,,s' f," A v. .r"
i 4:"s'- jv.l! 1 e forwmd, d w 0 t r ( ;J f
j ' such a ms nm r as to em ' " ' ,,.
j 'o" ' 'iVT, te o' ir.ri".
vppT- i'5" T " ..V. n id c. . i J J-
1 Ii EL. Ft 1 ma hi nf tun i.ai a 1. u 1 4l 1
'.'jirrninlori lie".
DR. DO HEFTY has ju-t j i ' li' f , '
ortant I cmi bbd. cn b dvii J l"S ' " ''' .r
. . ...i..,;.- Tnrotof' r
' 1',l i , ( - , I HI .V I'1 . ,f n g-
I Virilitv I c It .' a SI" t Tie.it'' ' 1 "
! tot rluea'oe Sen jnal Wo: kness. Ncrvfe -
physical D 1 iiitv v rpmrcO en tl i ' g
io... .-rid otlier- iliwf c.t thcSf xih'i ''
This little work co. tmn- it,fnr if
' otmost value t a!', wl i i c r mfri i4 r'! ' f
ami win no sent r I r l- i v truii Lrfl-
si c cents in postage sto it ps for I l ' 1 1 1 '
nge. Addicts,
.T-.T-,., . M .... fl 1. i't
w. k. pen n;n. y- -,
jul vO.'dy
Sfln Foircisre
A. MO LTfJ U P r
. ,.,.T,vi.iof'b !
13" V -V n"T-'r ul e-,Ut,- of f
"" 1 " iiIaii Monday. th 7ti v
!S7J, at the i.o;.i ,, vM. v. n U'H,- 1- ,tv's'--
Uoum- door ui Ui.-cu c,,v, t!-,! V..,
ucr.uiltl.,- ri.-Lt,t!tl,. and iur"T-
jmi-.hi-tnj ffe ; must fci ibsh tr;-1 -H-'kis.
0 rf r t' C- t v , Ja i' ".