G? - - 'i U l j kJ XJViJ 1 1, Ul I I JJJ 1 1 IJJlil JfiikJlJJe 0 0 VOL. 0. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRID SEPTEMBER 20, 1872. o fflje U):ckln Enterprise. A DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOR THE Business fslan, the Farmer And the FA Mil .V LI HC I.E. HSCED EVERY FHIDAY EY A. FJOLTTiER, EDITOR AND I'UHI.ISIIER. OFFICE lu Dr.Thos:ng'sBiitk RullJing TERMS' of SUIJS' 1UPTIOX: Single Copy one year, in advance, $2 SO ''.Eft MS of A D YE It TISLXG : Tmmlmt advrti-env-jnts, incluump all lcsj.il ttLi:-! , y i-"1 ' 1-Ones, 1 w.$ 2 ,r.O y0 r tfji;h .subsequent in-ie i tioti 1 (( Oje ej.du nil, one year $12u :j Uilf " yurtn " " 40 Bi-iiue-is Card, 1 sipiare one year 12 gjf 'le.nitt ttire to be mud e at the risk u Subtcrijer , and at the expense of Agents. BOOK ASD JOB rnixriXG. tr l'h Katorprise office is Mijiplied with j beAJtifii!. a:ipr.-vi?'. tybs t' lype. at d i 1- j eru Nl.VCiII.Vl-: lMtMS:sS-X whb-h wid enable ihc Proprietor t in .1 d l'i ititiiig at all Hints k Xa, Quick a,J Chrap -e ,..,.,,,..) A'-! it i lintis tr iction upon a c:e 6 . U US IX ESS CA 11 1) s w. J II. W ATKINS. M. D , i SUSIGMON'. ro:tTi..wi. Okkiu n. . . .. i, r ... i ! it t , I it if t i litiii.v.s i. e ill in c . euiie-i i ,. . i .-. i e. Kir-t .in.! Vldr -t.-eHsU.,-uk-..c'f coraci ..f i u iit c lear ,l;e nme.HV tablet, so or,- ' va.ue oi the property being c 1 0. M nil 4"e! Sevent'.i .-tn-tts. j be-:oi, i, d a i d d : in . J 000,0! and its possession by tile ' And wi !i fb..u;dci pte.sed tc shoulder, j Government b-ing essential tt the a. huel.it. cii vs k. waurex. n 3 1 1 iJ i - B iJhf V W t Vi ii ti. k. u I 1 Attorneys at ,4. P Afr ica -ca vkm vs'ss r-itiCK, m ain stkklt, Oil;-: ION CITY, O.tlHiO.V. M rch 1 tf i"jrae.-iiy Sar-'oon ty On; Hon. II. C Co. 5 33 Year I',j)crtf site. rii.YcritJtx-J PiiYtuctAX anij svuur.oy, ; ril ili Stro.-f, Oi-i'sou ri'y. ATr3?vNEY:i AND COl'XSELORS T-I.Au, 023-30N CITY, OIIEGGN. Wll.h I'll VC TIC1-: IN ALL THE COL LIS . f" t.o S if. 'f -. je''i 1 -ittentlon j'vi'n to i-a-cs in the U. S. bai.l O.iia- al Ortgna City. A jiril 1 "-J: tf W. F. KTGHFIF.LD, Kit 1l,Ii-!u; i s:n -e Is lit, at thr i.'d -taiid, .! tin Street, OrrgoH City, Oregon. Jf. An A t iriaiiMit. oi ale-l.ts , .. e w" ciry. and Setli Tlnnims" u t omtit a ', a!i of whi'h a re wart ante d V'-iV .r l !e a- re;iri'seiit(-d. avetn oers ii mi snori none1, ml tli.iakt'iil lor past lavoi s. J O SH iM FLEMING, BD0K3 AND STiTlONEeY5 IN MYKR.S' FIIiK-rKOOF KKICK. a MUX TilSKT,Ot!i-:fifX CITT. OHF.I.ON. JOHN JL PACON, I ir. iorter and I.)a!c; in ' -.T-f-t 13 e cr i2 rr. o ST ATI OX MR V, ri-HM-'l'M VAIY . Ac. Ac, Oregon C'ti, Or co on. At C',,irf.it:$- lV,irui' ol,! x(u,(l, !at-Uj o, eupit I bj S. Ackrri.Hitn, Main imt. I .' tf DR. J. WELCH, OFrie-: -la 0.1J FrJI.ws' Tpinple, corner of First and Alder Strci t-, I'ortland. T ie ti it.'on i. oi' i!io,e b'.-ir-iii superior tiiriMtiu .s is in -pecal i-fipi.;-t. N it tons ox-id.- to t in; ,..ii iless oxt i act iua nf teeth. A-ti ici.ii teolli "bett.-r t han t he bc-st ,' n.l i.-i-i.-;ii,n the c'te iye.it. V lil n-a ui Oregon Cite on Saturdays. Nov. : f A. G. AV A FLING'S Pioneer Cock DSndery. turner of front ntiil Aiilir Siren, V OUT LAND, OULfJON. BLANK HOOKS RCLLT.) and ROLXDt.. snv doMred p-.iittrn MUSIC 15 )0!vS, MAGAZINES Fys. Pe'i.") i.-, . , ' -i'-"' ... ...i.i,.ni;., nmiet oi every variety ot ! soie kihi'.vii t.i ttie trade. O-l-rs b-.iai the coantrv oromotlv at - dee'd those' U ho alwavs fee l thehl t.n led to. " ! , i . I se I v t s e 'final to eve ry emergency, REAL ESTATE EXGHAN DZALERIN b'KAL ESTATE VNDOT'tct. 1:111,1 :1('te'd upon, that each is to bo ...... . . . . . - -,'i.....i . . , , , ... b'KAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS -cry energy, and Un Cli ' " r amr-imglv.-; for l,i,n is for,i;;,,iti-trl-s--li ; abilities that will ever follow the i U'"'r '' Z.? .iV-i.teion m-oPertv nd t t!c. J o csv r v i , , and faithful di,cha j desire tor their conniiu.tee.uoitei- i-xnrnincd ami det-rmined " 1 ,! ,!nn- 1 lettia t letll. fijiull TX ,icittf-- :in'- executed with ! B J -'itv tn 1 n'-mn;ifie- OFFICE-X.1. 'UCrter'sBaildine, corner ! A '-tleral tffice-iiolder, and ed rriuiH Fr,,nt streets. " i itor of a immgrei organ, is Secre- I-OH 1 1 Oil AC I'. All;" IVruriinj af the Green. Oh. I met with Uncle Sanniei. an. I lie took He Iv On hand, i i i - t . . . . . Aitu tit' t? it'i. w lijt s vnnr opinion now and how do vim sum -1 V tleei.le between two compe'tiii"- ays I. (Oeeley i.s my cundniute.for J am candidates, hut betwe en two difter sick of ivirs, . . , - .... And Giant, and his rela-ioiw. Lis bail ' Ul:1 irreconcilable systems or pups and c;g us." administering tin- Gove nmieiit. : Those who vote l'or Gen. Grant How's the South lipnn this qnestion ?"' ; tK.lvbv ;1)!,,(lV, ,js system says 1. ncle SMiniu-1 iht-ii. i , , , 1 ' , " -t i -Fur Cli-.eL.y. . v.ry one oi then, fur ihev "'"I 'ake t hen!e! ves responsible iciiirtiih.T uf.t it Us continuance, whiL' those who This cruel war was oVt-r' he ruised his vol e for 1 1 oi ace G i '!e V w i 1 ! t here . nta.dyh.utd 1 . v (! cc!a re t i :ei r opt ,oi 1 ion t o t !t is ' thiidrm of Untune -eat huid. ' stein and their piv.crt'i.ce oi ! administi-atio!i totally ojiposile to 'Let Hie past ihcn he lot r,, un; Jurgivt". ; those of Grant. , huvs. and i-.t-.M ' j T() Vl)U, Vur (;r.VAt ire to An thr tnit.S siattlv broken mav bo : . - , , . i .. ., . uniii'd ei " j vote m lavor ot the 1oiiowjn'; He hated all the sclu'tneis of ihe recon- : charaet eristic features ot his sys- sn ueiioti plan. ; tela : For Hurao.- is a enetetis Joe, and spaivd j . ApitointnientS to Oilice in re- Ihe bcau-n in.. n. turn lov presents. -IT.w are the IiiJi on this q-n-Mkm -what H. A jiooint HK'llt to olilce oi' names me mi i he roii V I relat ions oi t!ie President or of For Greeley evety man ui ilo'in-Jl-r ; sonu nu.inlK.1. is f;Milv, with- (jiee'v heatl alal muiI. i , ., - p,,,., v-e:Kl,t i"s n..i b.ooen by that brave ui-ti tr.-n,.,,,, n-re " And lLey suear .hat Harare Ctveley is , ,, ,.; , , . ; lU 'l"'iU- - a,. a ) ..i..,,. t ... "........,,. i. ... ' In zn lur (oa:i! -No! (o-ai.r ititiy t-i.sini ihe Citrpet bag ' ll;e 1 ninli .- o!e he can f. '1 he Teinm.s aie u nanitnons .aiul in a mass w ii: n i ,i r : To tie i el!.- in next November, to cast a ; Gu eiey v..:e.' i , , "."ii. Sain. II, ! bera -i.earled a re he.c.t i :in.l si. ill Willi Ii;-ii. v.i -. e uhii.:ii i ii. m. aau S'.sear I . .i . .... i . i ? : t,, v. .. ,. i ... , -1 1 , -. i In i li.i-er U ) I;. re i .ieei. y in Use J i i ' ti ' :a ' i ! :. AXOTHMH n;i7. CHANT SOSi.. 1 All: 'J'lil 'nil- l"::.yd Vl'i.-lj. Tel! n:e po!i "elans j aat at C'cN'i ti nut- ; n w. Cdi ! is in term o! nl'.ti e Se quick :y In be ii'el '? Will i n one pbao! my case. And .-et t.l.s l.e-.d a! re.-t. Ai d ei-se ll:.s iichinr Vd;l Til at h et 1: in tn bl e.is: ? j The r.ab nnore I'ui.vi'iiiiuii whispered low. j i .V nd ri-ihed lor pil y .as ii aiiswi reel "No." i i Tell me friend.-- rebdiiin-. W ha t are i i.o.-e men about. Who fall; i 1 Iii la. ee (Jr-e'.ev. And i!;ii.!c :o put tre nut V (h ! t-; there ii'i: s. .me-e S i me, Si'liii' d is i l iel 1 a r :t v . V. 1 ire men u 1 1 1 iii-n niv i.r-.use', . l d e'e fi.i n.e in day '.' The enp'e. as in ore- perpetual flaw. s't i-i d let a moment and then an.-wered . . - - Ci; ! t-.-;1 me si oret nent t. And cannon.- whisper h.-.v. Ale these iiie liuiis I a lean'' Slave I Ii.ti.; h' e'.-e lo sin.W '.' 01. ' hi j on now to find A tn tn to (ill mv p: ace. Thai : i i lead a higher li'e. A mi ran a mdole t aae '.' lieat t and cim-eience e hi-per,d freel. v. : Va i:d if" ir '.eins i.r.d lum iirtreij yes. in J i eele V. Moral i'oKcr. The jiower of choosing the right iiiul resisting the evil, of carrying out great worthy purposes ami ful filling our obligations, is given in exact proportion to the degree1 in which we exercise it. Character is ed slow but steady growth, and the- smallest child and the humblest ami weakest individual may attain to bights that now seem inaccessi ble, by tiie tonstant and patient e-x rcise oi' l'ust as much metal e .. . ,i : p o i 1 , . s i i o 1 1 1 oiiiv in v ii.iv i i a i . possess. The' faithful discharge o' daily duty, the simple' integrity of purpose ami purity of life that all can attain with i tfoi t and none can leach without, coniiihtite sile-ntly but surely te the building up d a mora! character that knows no lim its to its powers, no bounds to its heroism. There are those who shrink from making a beginning in re ligious lite because they conceive that they lack the1 ability to pur sue it. The v would like to have strength, but refuse the nlv me aiis ,. i - - . t .i - ii est oui.-iinmg n. in inis, a in an , , 1 I i i. iinu'i.i' k en - i':illli'i 1 1 V I .. ...:'... ii aeaiou, ne1 w net aeoeas uic m.i-.v i because he cannot swim, must for ever forfeii that abiiil-. and it is no less certain that he w ho shrinks ft cm e ntering upon a re ligious lile1 because of his deiiciene-ies, will fail ef attaining any higher point of exeellehce than that at which he haltingly remains. If this life . . . ...i. .1. . i.. . i... isfiiii iii' :i ir iiiTiris ii.fi:ii i i . i .. i . e i : i. : e , , - , , . . . en mis io ncai. iiiii ei t h i ii we , , , - , t trust a!one to lnesent e.ur inherent I .1 .. - T f ; strength we mav as well sink. In- wlio have exaggerated ideas of Ul.elr .wn j-owei-;, are e.iten ually tllC weakest m action. Put while the vainest need neve-r boast, t he humblest need lie'VeT desjn.ml, it this gre at principle be 1 eceignizet! , 1 State's to sustain .-pdinsii .lespot- e-outiuual progress. u e haci. . , , . ' ... , l i iii inse i i i c i e i.e. s . ; , 1 i 1 i s out 1 inn , . . , . . t . , .: 1 . , . , : tary of t?iv i ran! Cnb 5: CorenUR 1 d-ant and his -Syalcni. In 1.1 io approaching Presidential flection tin? citizens of the United Stale are calL-il niton nut only to UUt .r('oa,'l U' li,t'r 'i'canons Oi merits. HI. The sale of appointments . , 11 . to oillee, as in the ease ot W d ham D. Farraml. ap'tointed Cmisn! at iCallao l)V J " les! t iel ! t VJl'ailt lor $-J.."00 naid to Jtidu'e Lewis Dent, and --sl,oito paid to Gen. F. T Dent, the President's brothers in law. IV. The surrender of the Sosco! Panch military reservation to the -, .- . - , ,, .... tI. ; ijaiiii. oi v iSiiiii 1 1 1 . i io -,-,--1-, i nc ... t. -i t j t . i- . i s.-iici oi re isuui'i - a . i .no. V. Tiie payment of forged bount claitns nut of toe Treasure ()f the United Slates, such j . n y - I meui having been made knowingly 'and tleliberai ely by Iayinaster j Genera! Price, am! Gen. Gi-aut having supported Price in the j payment ol stieii torged claim--, and j restored him to ollb-e after Presi dent .lohu-ou had dismissed him ; for his connection with these tor- io--rs -r ti . ... ,. f . "! . 1 he pa nieiit to !i ai.iia.e-nt 1 ' I army contractors of large sums ot tnoue-v, half a million or the'iv- abotits, withheld from t !i(sm by i See-re tary Edwin IM. Stanton, by r-ason oi' their iiauds, detee-ted ami prove-d at AU-xundriu. a. Yll. A dellcie ue-y of C1,50;.),.00 in the stamp aceemut of the Inter nal lb venue' ibire-au, the money having been received lor stamps ! furnished, but never paid over or j accounteel for to the Treasury, j A" lil. The Cliorpeniug fiautl, by which Post master-Geni'ra! Cis- we-11, with the direct support and I co-operation of Gen. Giant arrang- "'i to pay -s --id.OOO out ot the Treasury when the (joxarnmeut owe-d Cliorpi -niiing nothing, Cn-s- ell's luyy part her being the attor-ne-v of Chorpcnuiug in the c.'ec. IX. The various frauds of George' ?d. Pohe-on, See-re', ary of the Navy, of which o.;iS,71'J 58 have been proved upftn him, t lie-se frauds being merely indicators of others not yet de te ctel. X. The-San Domingo job, with its usurpation of the war pov, e r of Congress, it s ine xcusable at t :u k upon the' Pepublic of llayti, ami its lawless- appropriation et tin public money in payment for the' . t . i" t o 1 .. ,.i' uuau; no: ;e.'i.i lease oi iue j:.m ot ' ':1,n;'" A" 1 Ti,.. 0-.i:i.1 in ii... N co- York Custom House1 and the Gen eral order extortions pr.tet iee:d by Lect, Grant's adjutant, levying vast sums, of money upon the eom Uicl ce of N ew York. XII. The outrages of P roth er-m-law Cusev d' New Orleans in breaking up a Pe'publie-ai: Conven tion by armed torce, and in at tempting to break up the- State Legislature' of Louisiana by the clandestine use of t he power of t he t i i i ' . ... .. 1 1 r .. .t i'euerai vto e: uine'iii , an nn ine - , . IlUipose in j a '.aa ui i n - ti.e i i-i iie I : ' lion ot (Pant XIII. The oppression and rob bery of the Southern Sta'esby the carpet-bag government, adding ?2.v0,000,000 to thrtr debt, and by the laws tor the suppression of the e-'aen-.s r,rp' for military interfer ence' at elections. XIA. Prostituting the influ ence and power of the ITiiicd - . I ism ui v. u ' n t alio i o p i ese i e s . a e r v , . , i a, .. I and the slave trade the re. j . :,r ti, t ,,b,.,l j V . 111. ... . i. v. ....... 1 . ... .. , (1 ... , f- T.i, , sj a i e ' s a. nn e 1 1 1 " i ' "i . j-ope. as in saeriBemg American citizens in (i'ubu to Spanish malig nity and violence1, in se tiling the Alabama question in the interest of Knglaud, and in at tempt ing ti) i i . . : .. . t ! , , . t .. , . 1 Compel m;ssi;l hi pay Li.e c-noi- diing Perkins claim. Such are some of the more e-m- niciiitiis and nera! fcaiurcs d Grant has about 6150,000,000 left in the L". S. Treasury to use as an 1 leCf bnp rb'g fund '1'- i'l. AX AiHMLIIXG Oi.'TLGOK. Tlic Kuin lluil ill i ollo-.v Gitilcj'i ITavimx failed to prevent the nomination of Greeley at the Bali- imore Convention, the supporters of Grant are trying to friiiten the people ly prophecies thnt his 1 ri- umpii will le Jollowed hy the ruin of the country. Tiie Hon. Thomas Murphy thinks Greeley's election will ruin the country lccau.-c it will dt predate the value of A aire l im k i t v a nd . - break up "the market tor last horses at. L )iiir 1j; am is i The V-uriist one brokers in Wall street, w ho daily sell thousands oi" of which Gov. K. ). Moruati is dollars of shiM without havinir n chairman, is ama.ed that, every solilary cent in their pockets, are j body does not concur with hiru in sure that Greeley s election will ruin the country' because it will throw the national finances into! dire disorder; and Secretary Iout- well retailed the same story in North Carolina, and tried to create a uioiiey panic among tne negroes i O C- tiow II tlielV. T. . . , ., , Jxiuci-olt jy.tvis, tne onbc-ta.Cer, has u) doubt that G rce!ev".- i lee! ion w.U rum the country because through some overhauling in Con gress, it may diminish the percent age oi the American claims. Tiie venerable Caleb Cir-hm"- is uerveoii -y afraid that G i eele's j flection will rum the country bee rain of the country if the hono-t-caiise he may appoint a Secretary hearted, eh -ar-hi ad'ed, farmer-sage of Stale who can unite his own dis- j patciH's, and so cut Caieb oil ironi jtocketing fat fees for doing these odd jobs in a very learned and 1 1 1 men :ea- t ;e. Pi-oilier iii-law Louis iK-ui is i er- tain that. Grt eh v's Gee! fi ion win not i i i only ui . 1 ' ... ..I fc I I . v. iw..i.t.l. ...ilv .ll.w Ol.- :i,n :i,S .i , ,.f v....!;-, ! I...,..- 1 t I " t s. . J .. i VII i 1 1 tj an v tmug ; Ironi ids inte-rest in the swindling i i eikitts cianu against Ku.-:a. as n ' is not lively tnat honest lie'race Will ii'in! ai iv e-i mi m iiinea i ions to the C.a r asking the; se-l I lenient of t!;.-it claim as- a persona! fax or. Peside-s he would no longer be able to scil consulsliips at. '-,-)'' i-ach, ami lit c i ruin would hill upon the-eiee-upa t ion of nfii ec pedd i ing, w Inch has become a protiiaMe indusiiw limier Mr:uit .Aouiim.-li ati-m. poi.'e-ou thinks (.ire-edev s e-iee'- tioii ii! rum the country because . 1 ! 1 1 . I he w.ii ne no niage. anouee: to pay 1 0:i,oho at n time to e-.mt ractoi , ;!io not only understood audition, io vision a in 1 s: leue-e1. but k no w ho w j . . . ' to give timely iilths to the .5cci tary's friends. Paez is coniident. that Greelev cee'tiou . v. hi r..in this country I i :....!. i ... "V"'"v , ' " 1 "' -" ! rn ' n ' o seheiii' a m I was! i t In re.-; - v ! job out ot evisience ihroiigh tin.1 failure of the Fhite d Slates ti.-e t te keep Pae-Z in power. Gen. Pan- i eoel; tuues pre! t y much the- same' t vie-w en t he s;i uai ion. Ceil i! bn ! I ;itbo- is i.it-O'i th-.f i (.Iree'ley's election will ruin the country because the new President will surround himelf with dishou e'st advisers, and more especially iiccanse he- will recall tieuu Kg vpi, provided he venture's to renin t hither, his nephe'W, (ico. II. Puth r, that shining (nnanieiit of the con sular service1. Gem. Dent, brother-in-law of the President, is perfectly sure that Greeley's election will rain t he country became he will then no loge r lie chief doorkee-per of tiie "White House, the- lucrative keep ings ami stealings where of are e:ou gemeuin! to the lofty nature of this high fiiiict iom-i rv. Pro? her-iii-la w Casey is pained to believe thai Give-ley's election will ruin the country because he fee-Is s: iv that the Chappatjua Farmer will not have- to search fang lor a reason for turning him out of the Co!Let Ol'silitl Oi S e W Oi k'.-lle a position in w hich he is now kept in deiiance of the protest ot nearly all the honest men etf Louisiana. Pi nt hcr-iu-!a w Crammer pro claims from over the1 sea that Greeley's ele-ction will ruin his dearly b; lo e-d count ry,; ami compel him to back no it is t ; un k ami ret urn to his native land, and no hmge-r el raw tatiems for disgracing Ameri can dinloiuucv, about winch he knows as much as much as any other ;iss w he) feeels at his nuister's crib. The patriarch himself, good, edd Je-sse1, ii'fts tip his aged voice and we e'ps ut the run. whie h will come ujion this counl ry it Greeley is elee-teel, lor he- knows that the Cov ington Post office will suddenly slip from his grasp, ami the1 price ot gauge ishij'S fen ri ally tleelihe m the Cincinnut 1 mark t. Colonel Leet is agitated in view ot' the ge-ne rai rum v, hich will pre vail tlnoughotit the country on lhe election of Gree ley because he fet P eiuite conti'iv'iit v erv soon there a fie r theief wii! come ;t specific order i valiii', must b-e b'Used upon je.rsen Irom AA'ashiiigttui leijuiring him j a! vitiue, not u-ee ; a ml it steins to to give up tiie general onicr bmi- j me- that the mil'euiuni will not be ness in New euk. iar olf whe n each imliviibta! shall The umty of deputy marshals, 1 sujK'i'visors en election, and other tipstaves of the Administi at ion, see naught but ruin to the country in the election ot Greeley became their power tr change exhnrbi'.in? fees, lor itnp! ixmnieiit without warrant and knoekin on the head without provocation niui-G runt voters in the South under color of ' Ivukiux and enforcement laws will I soon come to an end. j The carpetd). t hievos who have I stolen from the South a"out two hundred millions of dollars, ami ! pluntd the rt-const rnctetl States I into bankruptcy, think Greeley's j elect ion will ruin the country bo- 'cause their power to plunder an j oppressed people will t hen cease, :md the laud thev have scathed i . j know them no more. 3ir. V. II. Kembl, a riiembe ! of the Grant National Committee ; opinion tnat it wou-.i ruin tie j country to elect a President who would lei! disgraced by rcciiviitLT j the support of a man who could j write t he follow ing letter: T;a: escnv I ) i;r.v ir r ; r.x or I'unnsvi.vaxia ) ' 111,. 1 ; uK ...'a i 1 s. My 1)kk iM: .v : M'.uw Mil' I O 1 V. ' l'i I i ie i" mu my '.ii-i; -n il Illelel M ; (;,.,,,,. () Hvans. lie l.iis a clem ,,! .-,.,.. ! necMii nde that he wi-hes on to lie!,; h . ' i . i ii i 1 1 : i 1 1 , i i i l: i i ;: - i . i i uiiii..; i ,. 1 1 . lie I! lid1 -i'S" a Hi l.S mhL tf.'i . il'i c: sh ui and ,s; !''?. ui. I t . 11 iv re;:!.:-:. I. ..,.: X..:.:. To Tin an Co; l'i: y. I ai . j Pat tins will do for n "sample of t he men who are predicting the of Chnppuqua i.s fleeted to the t .. : i i i e.-ii i ea.e y . Co'orcJ Ku-iviiiK Ha Ch:ci I " e . a ; t ii.- .. e,; i aaei 0 -: e. j ino-i '. iao ui a t i i i i , i-a.- i . ; . i . . - t i - . . 'C . 1 l i a o o s ( l.l.ll'l.vlll. i I'-..) s- a j colore.l 1 I ,.,.1, .,.-,,, I 1 I . : Hi-li ! ' ''' - ei'i y a re si. lent ol v, ; uci n ; i. was wane l ut-on nv a u' , i i I O , I ! ten oi nis own cuior -it o cioe; yesU-roay m- time a:. or. ler- i en ! ; o i remain in t he es t y at t ' - r nine ei'e-hick . Al., on in i'b ed' his ill'. Ti.ose whom he cou-uited a fte-i w.-ir.'.s prude-ntly adviseil him to act upon the warning, v. hich he .'1 '.' -e i of Ke-Ili h.e! o i o the sovere-l gu Slate OV W'r cc i U F, !. -ii V. Gro:-:-' statenu-nt is printed k where. Jr. Gross has been driven out. t,t the citv because he dared to exercise a right common to all me n hl this t.onni , v, ,,. (,f tree in tins count! v the right ( .h IJ.. is LibeTal Pepublican, .., a ;i,y-()rate of tiie eh-c- , e ...... c- , ! . i i 'i - - , t i i o u o i vt i ee -1 o n 1 1 l J : n u 1 1. I 1 . a t s e.db'Uce. the ! lioposii ion, as as. be e".i niiiiie-to understand it, he' : is that anvcoioieMi man u no chain !... i i b! i ;t- i'.l I CU '1 -e of pl'oposi jo vote ior it- candidnles eicM-rve-s . .... . i i , o i . i.;o. .i :i ...,,..! 'II..IIII, .lli'l ..III .'I J v I i H l l II ...... ...- can be ml on him. o m e 1 1 m e- ! sim-e' a vo'.ing man o: co.or, one o: (the most intelligent ,;nd cti 1 ! I vat e el j ot he chi-s, called a t t h c o i ii ee a m lateo 1 hat he womd like to i; e t!:e - ! i iherai i e pa in lean lieKet, out lit T ! "I . 1.. he should not elo so, became it would' be at (he pell! en' his life. t!,. 1 ,, ,-... 1,; ..,e,i i III I l.-ni il'.MI l M oi." r i i pe-ople that thev tvoulil violently ut out oi'lhe wav anv ot their coi eir who be trayed w hat they e-ohsid- tr to be their rights by voting tor j ,.,, j,v ;iMy possib-ility break it ;,,H' t' President 1 It titly illus (dve iey and pYown. " The slate- j (!o'wn. "Tiie" pee.V.Ie ate ,r( n"n,r i t rates the !itFu-f nee betwe-en sedi ment seemed so incredible that vve i jekoraml sicker U i hat lit tlewhif;U U'veri:me nt by intelligent and endeavored t o reassure the extent of the danger. The con- j U()ul ji;ivc H.,U u ;i condition oi'i l,ro cnsuiiar gevernment beirn of due t oflhe e-olored Ku-Klux hist ! ,,,;,,, tobi a.t him with a stiaht ce-ntrahsm ami executed by pobti uighl, however, showed iliat he j k'j : oc-im t . Pitt a maiori; y eV our "'! adve-nture-rs or outcasts. Qlen. had a clean r ap-pivheiismn of t he v , )lttU.AllX diifrent iv , and have ls l,K? testimony, taken liom olh- 1 han ourselves Now, it is well for the colored pi ople of tins audi all other commu nities lo Uiideis'aml that this must 1 H' Slop lee I. !IV tempt In sun I'" ; i.l'oej tfoli T f 'i ( : j ! 1 I 1 I'on 1 n . ! 1 I : . ' I !" " v v i 1 s .... .. . .in ..1 1 action among t la;:'. Cd ves !s nn j ei.croaenment upem right e;m- nam to all, w ,1 1 i e or olack, and will j net '.on anion''1' l a -l beltsisted. Pt! le-re are w lute men who eiicoiirn ge 1 .hem in this e-onrsc 01 e . u-tion, thev -are- of the class of scouunn is w no, ivemy-wve years i .;go, womu nave v 01 u ni ecn I to mob an abolitionist or stone a pub lic speaker for if I v n at : ng nni ve-rsa! freedom. They are' bad adviser-.? ami should be shunne-d. AA ibows. An e xchange baiter, the editor ed' w hich no eioiibt, late nt up' with a iu'iii c , gi ies on a , 1 1 1 u s ; i or i : ie ot ! - e-r hn ii oi a com . i "For the other half ing mulch there is nothiii"- like an in.e-n-iM m w id 1 1 w. The-re is p.s hiiicli tiilit I'l iirc betw e en courting a damsel and u widow, us there is 1 1 1 lie re l ice1 between ciphering in ad dition ami ihe double rtde e f t h ice'. Courting a girl is like eating fruit ail very nice as far as it ex.tei.-P. hut doing the- amiable to a bite - e- ei 1 1 ici ea v ei 1 o'-.e- in oiae I ! 1 - ! 1 , "I " 1 ' j'" m'p'mv '"lvlv '' S- ''' ,4'' we lebe.o, give lis comes unoer rich, pnn n-nt, svr; icious e-otiniii it iive vvhldc o b'e of 'anv permanent Pe-form. t set about reforming himself, rather than socied y and contbrmiu"- 1 ble to the great law of loving God aial his lellow-men. Then the world wii! be - para-IirK1. Andy Johi!-ois on Cirant. Nashvido Aug. 14, Ccr. Cincinnati Coamt-toial. 0,1 xh" X'i'tKlent with CllljlliasK; "There iroesold And vl"' ' "a '-miity that our country might And there he was sure cnon-h ! 1Vt',Vt"1' to be Mire, but h walking a!on- the corridor of UtJ ! :VU 1 -K nluU- n"; i Maxwell House, Nashville, with a j S tw en"'''y .su1 a load. That so .1.;,, ,.,di.,e ;., ,..,. b.,,.,i i ,n.J!(':il : '-'ion has such a small . i i i v v w i . it .' a , v- iiaiiu 1 1 1 1 i I till.: Constitution in the other, I was abouttt. sav. At all events he had the collar, and if he did not have the constitution .dually in his j hainl, he certainly carried it in tin I 1 IJIIIl V I .11 I II M It 111 lilt .. . . . i , , . Iisl'Ii crown oi ins oiac-k niuir nut. t i i i ii' doluison wears a blat-iC iliiLr, but I , i; not :i Greeh v. . Greeley would ; , , - , s become him, especi.-ibv now us he ; , til, , " , I . i ' has concluded to eat crow. out. he - , .ii i i - ' sticks to the (iressv bea ver. Joim - ! soti is a dressy man, and always looks as neat, as a wax doll. Ills clothes are faultless in tit. and tex- j 1 u,'t :U!iJ' om jus oiUwun! make- ui alone one lnigiit pioge him It be a fist class-tailor, jnt what h is. Adi tuat and not lung more, but that and a good, th ai more1. T I X 'O'.Il'.'-. IMIIOi. I i . i w im . ' ( I i 1 1 T , .' ' , , .i i when ne e-ame down ir.iin iu I re s- , i ,, ,. l.'.encv. lie has tne same snioot n ! tare: the saint; smali, nuit-k, i!ar! . , i itt . u.in. :.iiiit-:;ViVvi. 7 his hair hascnuugcel out verv, very ,- , u , - in tie. lie carries nis age wi. 1. r... , -ii i i ' o i he biid.d chamber, 3i a x web yy , , , iiot.se, is aiwavs put at tne ex - y.- , . - i , , i n stuent s disposal when he com- s cii v. 't"aitli!g an omntrti , , r : , inly when lee w;ts alone 1 dropped , ir - in to see mm. iie was paeiug up , , . , - , , and iown oar tne sent, rich carpet r,v .- . ' , with ins. nut on. i ne mormug na te-rs v er-e open at his feet, and a dte'.ier ;f ie;v;ate-r nolhiug P- to, on Hie il. A ttei" t.ie eXf'i.'inge ol til-' u.-n?d ; ".'narv d,- rvaiious w fell into; i j ; '!'!' i e -. t:i!:-i:t be ! to a d 1 1 1 ,u' tie)'; the ke-eiu-s? interest in the jU'esent co;np;ieatel 'residential con i ( i . lle is ior a , v !...-! v beat Grant, but wo t lit n. iii ier bod y I han in-, ier a Creedey. Put n a....... . . i - : i i . . - i ; . . l e t ne win cuccriuiiv ouci-l oewn to crow, iiot that he loves crow in the abstract, but he is willing to e-at any nuuntilv to ge-t ri"! of (.iraut. .1 - s I nsned him if he tiumgnt Cree iov would be lected. t.' , t ; '. I ,..;u i , i; - a- i to. n.. he .M.i, iie lep.au. e com In m-s the1 eh-meu t s ei i oj ; posi ; ion to the pti'seut Worthless and cor- r-'pt Admiuist ; a! ion. and I think will le able to win. Put the con I est promises to be close, and will e- 1 1 a!u! y be bitte':-."' 'Wouldn't you liavo prefer eel a st raigh' -out Peiuoerai ?' "i -eitamiv slmmd. 1 never natt much faith in the--e nevv d.-part mvs. j u-oisf political seotmdn iism known i tliought the Vajaudinfjiam iu- j,, the'woi Id for 100 years, jrotect pari ue an evil. - s!;ou!d have I ,.i by the1 Government at AA'ash laken none e.f the1 so-e-aiied depart- j ing?m, dom- for the South ! Ye? uies, buistood linn ami unbroken I , ,.. he ighte-iieel -audacity of this in opposition to the Admiuist ra- j Aelministrtaion drives "lliem to lion. Grant u ouhl have continued 1 ji!Vt( nd lhat it is a very model of to become nior.' and more e-oi rupt j pi opric! y i u good and heme st ways, .-.ml tiiii o oil! able, and by N ovembe-r I :; Md its 'me1 ri'tuiblie-uii n-0vernmeiit! w e counl have 'be aten lum with a man like Hancock or Hem ricks. That is w hat I t i.-lie ve ami oeneve now; cewiscquentiv I was loath to ! ; "i '"7"'' " 'cuu, .,, u, into any ,0" these deoart ures. I ! t!'al -'l-- 'M40'1 l,,cm l K thomdit tiie A.lminist.-ation would i b-v t!K'. carpet-baggers, under tne 1 ,.,!, iis,.lF .iicvn ns vom. ,o.!l",,)1,'(-llil1 tavor ot Congress j Ml. ivbi dim il r MM 1 ibii nail' WillbM , i'i'" i'MC-mi onvihv. am! bv i-dl ihev : im- 'ii a line1 ed polu-y which 1 did .. not niiie-li believe in, although it .....i- ivi.it- .... . 1 . ... . , t 'IO, i.... ....i ..ii a. 1 1 , 1 -. 1 e . , - . !;n 1 is, there are too many m our party who are after the '"ile'sh pots . 1 ol n 1 hey !;ave been it'll! (M;t :, !()ULr time, :in.l xvant t. -ei ;i, .,, ,i:! to c.(. wii;lt ,s in t,K7m (iul,v H-iieve in 1 his. Ve sho.dd ne ver se 11 emr principle for patron- age. 1 he lam -rat Pcpublie-aus are -l i-!-:-: H lin ihni't 1 h i i , I- li,,... l...... , v . t . - ....... l.l.l.lvtlll il.iv p.., a f.1iri,IiOV,.i!r mnonglhe ile-sh- tots, and many of them are- 10 ing into the snovement as much from the.t as patriotic motive's. There are' a geod many features about the whole th ng that I dtm't like, nor eo I like Give-ley in the .ab stract, but the vary safety of the country de-mamls t'le de le at of that little Grant, and I sh vote for Mr. Green-v. Aith i so mue-h at stake, ?. e , the' defeat of that Grand, 1 can't stand mt ami ! deiive gieat consolation from com be passive simply bte-ause I do not j mut-nat ions whie-h come to her like the thing the way was bnmght abnmt. Our party indorsed Gree- ley, ail t,ie elements of opposition wiil rady mourn! him. and J trust and i'1-ay tiiat Grant may "be defeat- i (-ei, ami t hat vviu o orv enough. 1 A hen l here is a project that t haTj c'u'nl may1 be brought I j a'bo'.tt it ain't worth while to stand j v . j ,, , u.,s ; So I shall simn'ort and vote or I 'll.?'ri'l'1,.v- You on t crow, then? "V... bn-'ddn-' 'T shall enf ; ' , - Vl e,.it b.O f'o- 1 crow, not because 1 love it, ''U., 1 , the good that may in- obtained, j r !,.,-.. ,.,.,..- .md I think eat-1 I love1 mv country, ami t . . 1 ing crow, as thev say, at tins j.iuc- ! tun will help it. ' ,u )Vt-n- ; , , , , - electedr" I said, in con.-b.ooj ; rc-elec rn -f f.f - -LI JUI'-M-'.-L.HLig-UJF JIM i "It would be a calnmitv." repli- p - t r . ! ,!,lV.! V.tr US " h' ! ln::;:ll:n- t0. t,u; la!?t - In other countries they must think wo : are hard up tor material. Who I is Grant? What is he? Is hea man i .-. r , i ot oraius or n C:is.J Does lie Utinir - ,. , ' . :in VLiiiiiL oi i no irmcip es ot "ov- 'Ft, 1 , . ernmeiit, oi dot's lie care anytime? TT - ' , , , . ln He is a passable, horse rxckx-v, but 1 T - ' , a disgrace as a I resident. And .. , , vet we olten hear stump speakers, - , . ,, , 1 ' ' j o'nee holilid'S, and s;o on compare Gi-;:nt to WashinQ-tonbTh.'U is about the most absurd thinic I ever d of. It reminds me of an in- Q j (;'.nt jn'l:i,'s'liVe." pato h.vJ a class to whom lie used to teach as tronomy and other branches of i t .t taujiil llu iii that a man was noth- : in r more than a bird wit h the teath- , , , , ... , v. i e-is plucked eir. .Diegenes was 1 , - ! atso ti teacner a a i ;i ve'ry sarcastic ' man. Wishing t o bring Plato'.s . . -i i ei;.4Cj into i ! t ' n ti "! J 1 1 i ) t a i i c-ont rary to his own, he got a geose, , - ,, . . ' ' : re.ii(K"d all t he teat hers on, and )Ue, j 1 ... . . . i tii"n it t in- nisei lption, i ills is J ia- i . , , . , .' , , i to j, owl think it -would be equally , ' o ritliculoiis to cull Grant a second ; ashington, ior he has no moro ' , , - '. . ' o. ; lie i'('(i!iiM(o inalincations tor a 1 1 . , a-hiu"iou than Grant has tor a . i man. Kbbi-T; of the .South. O S; e ..V i f M. ( '. K-r.r, of Indiana. Look at the reeeirel of civil rob bery, crpudled t;iilv in magnitude' ! by the devastations of war, but if pos.-ibk' woie than the latter, be eau---e it will endure to elesturb the hearts, and tax the toil, and retaujl the' progress oi tne peopie ot those j spate's for m: . . . . . mv lives. Pet me read the brief but infamous reeoiel ot their elcht. i:ire n-.'rr. At y:rser,'. Ab.buma . S7.!)b".oni) Sa2.7Cl.tH7 l Ai i.- le t.lTD ! M'.rid i SJ s 1 i; f 7 ! (ieniia ... ... 2 t 0.7e!) L,,i;,.;,r;;, llinii.OdO j "d -s-i.-.-i , - oi None. Xni.li C-.i .dtmt . 12 (ts;). -." ft.:i9S nua la.7'J7 fS"; 42 5 '.HI ai)( 40 021 7l!4 1 0:7.-i:il ai.8s7.4;4 22.4S0 610 L!'3o una -i ei h C ai'o . 1 :; a . iib I'.i'S 1 ex is 2.!MK1.U!U Vit- 3;; 2 -is. mi 47 'oo.fi;t o To:.,! J7J.41o.tOD 2yi.G2.01 The- h-jracy of cn rpct-bagger y to tliose unhaphv States is 215,210,- ! 125 ! So much has the vilest ami LOOK AT 'lint ANNUAL HUltbl-V. imposed uion the pe-onle of those v.-. .. . . ... 1 . .. . I . ... . . 1 , ; .. i ii.'n .. 1 - SiotH-st men and that system of ''"' 1 i itsources : LOCAL TA X LS. 1 sm. 1870. $2.'J82.:iS2 2 Hlltl el'O -tWtl.Kifi 2.i?7.027 7.0o0 722 tiQllii (LjJ2 2.:te2nt 2 7(i7.(i75 1 .129 677 .. - .u.in;.i;i i. . . i vr'n.iw'is v :d.i7l LV.i 121 7h'7 f-S6 J.id;o.7:;o 1.7-LHOa 1 nt-f 7;P2 1.2s..:G f lnrlda J e o ! '' i I . . . ! I xV V"' odin-c s.mth Cu.niina.. b. I lv-"-T' T.dal. $11,217.3:;:) e2G.020.2x5 ASsKSS !: r V X 1 .CATION. A'.iti.tmi. . . Aika -sas . . ton id l ... . ( h n; ;ri i. . . f.o-n-ian . , . . . , . I" - J ' J .' I . X. ' "arniai'i S. Oai-ohTi'-i Texas ? I M 1 : ST fi-'rv e 1 35 . "s2 .5t." lf.t 211.:;:') 9d:;.;;3 CS 'J2t)..'.85 "J2.-isO.S4: cis.2:;2.:;?-7 227 :;i'i.5l') l:',-).7N7.2e.5 23d.:7i.K!i( fo:. 472 til 2 177.27S :;,si id-' id)7.y2 i:;oH7s.ii22 4 '-:).:: 1 D.i 2.' is:;.!!3.:-;:7 2';7.7:2.:;r MD.732.ij2y To-al q .".2t 1.241 403 S1.40l.4s7,4G3 ! Mrs. Abraham Lincoln is said te ; thron.h spiritual medium&from her I deparTc friends. Kecently she. j ,.ll!m. jnto Milwaukee from au- kesha, where she if s.-ending the Summer, and was met at the depot I,.,, well-known spiritualist, whe cs.-..: ted her to the sanctum ot a distinguished medium, where nn in ior view took place. Scarcely , -j sJie Minted herself when the 1 medium informed her the t-pints I ot'Tad. and her husband were pres- nt. ami with them she conversed tor V.onv time, after whied. she im- ine.liatelv left the city, making t "30 '- . .- o seance her only business. .. T" .-11. O ct ....1 .,,ot;-f " sedd a Ion-. ..j or.01 fl')r the H.lu.fit f ..neritv." "Yes." said one of his hearers, "and it yon keej. on much . v'rv,:(: ;o e t- ( o