Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, September 13, 1872, Image 4

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    cn Pte -ill " ii--"f f "S tp
7 - i i
- ,
1 1LU , ;
The Oregon J(ate Agricultural ocie- !
and its ."Iaiia;euic:ii
Mr. E:.itor: I Lave for a Ion- j
ibr the purpose of inom-y-makm- ;
solely; others, taat it is m some ;
way imoer the control ot the State ; ;
still others, that the property is
ana mat manv make a ooi j
imn- o ii aui, i.cc, c !
allow me space to correct, if l ean,
time been aware ma. a mnjoin 01 . xio.000 in nrenmuns. to say . i,d,;,n(;,. ..:..:i: ! Of Real Estate. Groceries.
tilO mimic (tort.VO reu-0!i thatthOV i ...tli'tic- fi'tbo i"ii')is( t M. f-i r .1 r , disc and Horses,
, 1 . v . , , . ti,- ! !lolill,!o 01 tpuise (h ti.e lan, lli;in w;ls to bo seen from Central! F,wru U.,i i.,,n,l s"
have never taken the trouble to ; .!!ltl itn,,.,,V(,ll!(,nts nnnuallv n.n.lo. t- .t... r. .. t ! 'lcriJ " 'Jay and S
- .1 . 1,.. 1 ' I iaus;is to int.- loot in ine nocKV i A II I,., . .,- . v
, ' . ; , - tl. i Ci,Ul uc l,:i'u KU 111 l,,ojn:01 " I mountains. .Now a beautiful city
of the organization r this bocicfv i 0 1(, ,,,. ,.;,t .miv.,,,,,, o,lnf -., , " . .. .. ... . . . , ; I
and of ffs management, many sun- ! X: ; i ., . ' (I , r moroaa stree s, nea. , y : ut snao- , AT PRIVATE SALE,
oo.i.- it to be a (,,mi H)V lb-ed ! 1 ' , V , ed Wlth ll'eC,?' Wlt1' -"' W:lU1- ! refined Bar and IJundle Iron
1eIdins!KHs,wi1ici1canl)eUou-,1tiint.1.cv (;f ll;0 j, whUe
aud sold, hue those ot otner incur- j iic(,;,:e s are granted fr i.laces ol
porations; that taose who receive j anu.SL.inentj u.iidl tt,111 G vasty
the large sums ol money at the ine..e:,He tho reveime to n,ake
fair are m no way accouiilabk, i u v.-, . ,..M,i. n,.f..K;, fi,in,.
me uion- irnpicssions uneu, u ui0-vV1.,i lo occupv tie ground
which tend to Keep many irom oe-j .vkh lho kl!owKHi-,,c Gr eon
vonvavL? member 01 tne Society or ; Hent ()f ie society or its oi;i-iro-ni
ailm- m its management. I cors . .,Jul j onbt" wlietliei any
The Oregon State Agricultural j one (u ho had character to lose')
Society is an incorporation, made j was evor mateir.illy injured, in mor
such 1'or its own protection so.eiy. ; ;(Ss OJ. otherwise by the licensed
It has no. shares wnscji can ! exliibitions td" the Fair; though if
aHught or sold no ''v;11 lo ! monev-makm- alone was theTaim
.declare or roJHs to cm Me, but ! of Society !,000 coahl be ob
holds itscj.roperty and improves it I t.l5;,L.tl rov o-ambling tables, and
jl.r the benelit ol Ua members u, 0$her (.iances to ilecco the m.blic.
t',.1 .:,',) hi (Ji'rrfijj). !!S O UlCel'S I rf, ,1 i. . -I , i. l"..t . i. . :
V:.i it' i,,int o,.,l I .Vh , . . , . l,L 'Ireacliing as high as a million.
," ,...,,.,.,,,,,.,. ;c nnt f,i voe - - - . inecL m-ie itn a. Jat and line
eci mcmoei is onuuui lo lnMh-o in ch-ir"-ove to the man- s 111
T! V,fM.or rV-ci.-d m-"t i,, 1 1 , " , . Horses, ami handsome equipage as
il.e ohicet,, s, ) c.C(t,.l, in-, 111 I a,Js.n,cnt of the Society all the vice Vf,., ' Vf. 1 7,.,,,, I
.bnnnrv of each voir, make ru eS .. -, 1 . 3 0,1 nia t,n,K'1 51t an -'Ml- ,
-. ,i F: ir and adont a ! ' ! 'l .! . , ( . , j- . . . 1 . ... -.. " the thoroughfare of St. I ouis
i:t .,f rnv.m ni-w rF.ere iire no'
1 ... 1, i ...... - -
other meetings, except during the !
Fair, but at that time the Foard;
.-!.,,- ..,,,! ii.,. ,w.w.t
every evening of the wee!:. The j
1 1 (lf fT ..,---ors h-ive -ilmo-t '
unlimited power, to make such I hall not undertake to deny ; but the luxury ot a morning and even
regulations as they may deem best, these will require time and money, nig rule.
nut -,l,'r i 'iic ! In- rHiat the Society will succeed in
Prurtluns lf ike S-;U. They ! vastly improving its management, Contuast 4i:twi:i: n a C. uistiax
eannot, however, sell or' trausler ; there can be no question; and if knti fman ani a live e.
the Society's property to others, j those woo are rcauyjo luame nr
but it nui.-'t remain for the uses and j seeming neglect, will take the
purposes of the same, to-wit : "To trouble to inquire .he cause, arid
foster every branch of agricultural asMi tlie Society iu the perform
and mechanical industry, tnining in- anee of its labors, we shall have far
terests and the line arts, and to add ! less dissatisfaction at, and a strong
to the hapjiiness of home life." All j ('r interest in, our Annual State
meetings of the Society ami the i
Hoard, are public, and a!i i;roceed
mgs are published, iiicluding r
ceipls and expenditures of tlie year, i
so that those who lesi:e can easily
aseertam tne progress I
.:-oc;et v
is making.
moneys ::i:c::ivi:i) :;v G.'.Ti-:-Ri::-:p-i:;:s.
.Much has been said in regard to
the oooortunit v for gate-keeju rs o
appropriate the funds of the Socio- j
tv at the annual lairs. On this
point, I deem it proper to sav a i
word. All gate-keepers ,VC(qV!J
!.-,; t - ti. . v. ....... '
their ticivet.5 111)1.1 tne . ecu. iui , i
who charges them with the same, !
and on Saturday of Fair week they I
are required to settle their accounts,!
and return the tickets charged, 01
their v
a!ue in money. On each j
,.,,.;,.,,!' tL, i;..;, ,i... qq to me name oi garment aij.aea
calls upon the ticket venders, and j 1 Y n vogue. Mail
receives such amounts of money as I men at the hoteis wear tneni:
they may have from sales of ' the j :U!b thought
day, giving them a receipt for the '"? wejvtrogradu.g .rom the
same; which is i.assed to their cred- nuard ot civilization . nas A mer
it on settlement. All persons or . !rau Ux- -:1;!::,!1
efaeersin the employ of t he Soeiet v ! !!;!() , t; - elanciio.y
who in any way are allowed contr.il i :'K'a- -"? cont-s l;nt :l sU'l'
of tlie funds the same, are subject j to-ward wmte hats and white over
to simil 'r rrl ; ' , coats? is tlie e incimore ialtmati
" The Secretary and Treasurer v(hiMhni but typical of the la
the Society a iv required to gi ve Ui:;" American dres Omnious
bonIs for the faithful oerformance i ;io'-''l-1'J:!.
of their duties and those bonds arc ;
held by the Society, through its! Miss Ida Greeley is a brunette
President, until their accounts are i t!ie elear-eomplexioned
examined and approved by the i 'V has bright, dark eyes, lull,
Foard of Managers and Finance ,va hls, h'alures very like her la
Committee at the" January meeting, ! thers, and an abundance of black
so tlutt fraud is next to impossible I 1,ajr- ls (iultu Petite, looks
if any were desi-ned ; l.csid,cs,those I VT young, and has all the sim
who'sell the tickets are selected j J'heity ol maimers of her ph:!o-Qi-eference,
first of all, to their hon- i !hie relative Hontce. combined
esty and general character. 1 do j with a certain elegance and dignity
not believe that was ever lost that are as charming as indeserib
through the gate keepers, but 1 am :W she betrays excellent taste
firmly convinced that if the monev j ;i! Iki toilet, disi-arding all fash
was in the Treasury which has been 1;ionstiosities. She is d'
taken from the Society by pa.-.-ing Cailiohe, having been educated in
tickets and -badges through tne j l!,t; t'(,,uveut of the Sacred Heart,
enclosures, and in various ways I 1 AH tlie above is told by a lady
could mime defrauding it of its ; eonvspondent of the New York
means, there would be no account 1 15 "'''''', who lias been visiting the
f indebtedness against the organ- :
i.at:on to-day.
Premiums and expenses of the , from Amanda. They were made
Fair, (paid before its close) gener- one in Da! ton, Ga., in September,
ally leave about $-"00 in the hands 180 4, and lived together until Scp
of the Treasurer on Monday follow- tembcr, l-s-70. The' reason thev
ing Fair Week. This sum is in a didn't live together was that,
few days reduced by payment ot Amanda left, taking a i'jv little
bills ami premiums, until v-jOO or Kus.ses with her.
30o onlyremain, and small out-; - ---
stamling accounts and premiums,
generally find the Treasury nearly $
empty before the January meeting, !
so that often there is barl-lv monJy j
, ., , - ,. -
to pay the mileage and per item of;
the members of the Board; but
...i.;;. d,.j ,j tvM.i o. in;! t;..t
forgotten tiiat from oi , oUO to -s ,sm)
is annual! r expended for improve-
ments on the Fair Grounds, an I
;.-, for which leaves the Society, .
at tlie close of each fiscal year, j , A mat a v,ti::A raw Jona
better prepared to meet the dv- j than wha nad been gazmg at a gar-
mauds of the public
WOKiC 1 KUFOlt.M i;i liV ON TRACT.
Many suppose that a few favor- waste! Here is no less than six scare
ites receive all the work to be done j erows iu this little ten-foot patch,
on the fair grounds or Ibr the So-1 and any"! one of Vm would keep
ciety. This otunion, also, is. not the erows from a five-acre lotl"
founded on fact. All work, ofj f
any eonsiderab'e amount,' is A prisoner in tne Tomls wrote
lone by contract, ami let to the ! ou -nli wa' ol cc !! : "tiw
lowest bidder, no; lias favor ever ' Aork city, the spires of ;342 cliureh
been shov.n.to any contractor or ' os worth 41,130,0-)0, point hevt-n-lafiorer
en tk.e improvements; of the ' ward. I am here for stealing a
Society.. The printing, nbo.. i it.t
to tl.c'low b-ki -r. ami ' us V.. .
, - " ' - '"'
for iho last tnree years, every oinee
m the rotate beinu; solicited to cmn-
pe-te lor the work, nihl furnishi
with a list of tin: prnitm-g: requiml.
Allien complaint ! rnriiie oeeause
the Society irive.s licence to circuses,
an !uml5.nu,,s 0f various kinds
crv dollar tlie Society a-rees to pay,
i;,r ..rennums or otherwise, it nnt
vUiJ hs ;atron:ilIl. Wuul(1 cc..l?e
nud t)e 0,Ul;z.uio,r be left at the
.,,.e U) t,,...,, wlo conu. j;,,,
pleasure only, nothing calculated
o C(iVVUUi !:ioras of the people
-. ,,' ' .L- -J
, ,. .,.(,!: I 1 r 1 ill VI w 1 .;
1 l'
. .
.1 hat there are many things m
tlie conduct of the Society and tin-
Fair which might be improved, I
airs. 1-.. ,0. -. aii i:.
Salem, Scot.
1 O i .
! S. I forgo U to say tliat. no
sectarian or party test is required
for members'nip, nor is tlie uisens-
sion oi any sneii questions stitowiMi.
'1 he books are open to r: )' o'.rcv
j. c j. . .
D;:::ss at Sauatoga. A Sarato-
ga letter writer
v,-s: '-The men
V, x,,lsc UK ,so" !'u-
1 iu' vuiv y ""'ur arrayed m
wu 'V'1 tnivc'Iu,-7
- vq-ui coats, the niusl condortau.e
a. ud ugiu-st garment a man can
. , ,
dress evt n worse
. 1 . .1
weara garment wiinout style, ut
;;' V.i! a 'nent limp, snaooy
:Uhl f;,lior1'; :l :in,?,lt l? i!Tvv
'. I tears fr..:n the eves of a fasliionable
ta:,or; a garment which is an insu
:'-us' at i najqui'iua, ami finding
: oiiuiu aoout her.
Teremiah ICuss wants to return
to single blessedness and a divorce
v ov i.i AiTi-:sh to Him. A lit-
lie girl, daughter of a clergyman, j
being left one dav to ''lend door " l
and obeying a summons of the bcll
i e "i i v
ae found a gentletna.n on the stens
vdio wislu-d to Me her father. "Fa- i
riier in I tn 's:mi s.!ir M..t o ;,. i
, , - - . ,
anytnmg aoout yotir sout 1 can at
i tend to you. i kuow tl
plan ot salvation. '
ie wholt
leii in tlie vicinity of New York
in which were several marble stat-
; ,,,,
s, exebtimed, "dust see what a
: loaf of brca-'l for my starving
chi'd "
- i 1 wnere u-ou neo ie ai e coniri e ai-
Denver, Colorado.
Correspondence of the Missouri Republican
A word from this locality may
not be uninteresting to your mini-
erons readers. Ail are surprised
who come for the first time to Den- i
Tf o ,-.. a(M .... !
hi. j. i. i.i .v iv i ii vi itnn.ij tin-;
street railroads, flouring mills, j
... ' , .,' I
woolen mills extensive and web-!
arraiced iarks, beer gardens, a"- I
ricultural fair groundf a line 'ra"e
track enclosed with brick walls
cemented, wholesale mercantile
and grocery establishments, splen
did jewelry and book stores, with
news-depots elegant churches and
creditable educational establish
ments, comfortable hotels, drink
ing saloons and gambling houses, j
with ail the etceteras ed a full j
grown city, excites the curiosity 1
and wonder of the traveler. They
claim for Denver a population of I
13,000 souls. jTany of the pri-J
vate residences built of handsome j
brick are not only comfort able but j
really elegant. Then: is a great !
deal of wealth here. J have heard J
many names mentioned who are ;
set down as beyond a hundred j
thousand dollars, and some few j
1 !
?i .,.,..,., 1 .. 1..:..:
" eoimiiy 101 o.iv.ii-.
fin . . 1 1 t '
1 ne nne natural macauannzeG 1
lo.uts uie sv.cet, uesii an in un :
ory cimaie no less man me grami j
mountain scenery wlucn greets the
eye in tlie distance, all invite to
peeial dispatch from Illinois says: '
Oliver Morton, seated on a chair I
on the rostrum iu the rink, to- '
7 , j 1 . j . 1 c :
nignt, poureu form his via is of
vindictiveness and malcontent in
attempting to reply to Hon.. Thorn- .
as Hendricks' Very able -nd
-v 111 ' 1 ' j ,l 1,1 ...ii j
gentlemanly sieceli oi' a few even- !
ings sir.ee. The contrast between
l !ie
appearance oi' the two notables j
is. indeed, sinking. Dotu m;
' i l i I
the jirune or uie, one hale and i
i . . j- n . j
ruggi'd coiistimtion ; the other,
broken down and debilitated !
fair illustrations of tlie respective '
parties they represent. !
'T keep the best bread," said a
1 . -1 VO 1 1 i I ..I f IT f . t t ! I A .Ij-iinti Tw.r,.-.-. I
. 1 i T 1 - I 1 t ' ' ' : 1 f ' i I Will : ! U I ; i.iiill jnil '-jliilltrllilti U!1! 11' (Ul V-'iliTl 3 ILtl
certain baker to a 1.00 r tldlow who ! :
coill ,ll;;ilu,q of the' iuiei ior (i;a!it v 1
of t he article he had purchased Jf:FWfe. Alii
ui (;;v bl,rolv (lo;it !
-1 ' v 1 .
doubt iu re idled tne customer. . e-.. ..- T .-, .-?,
"Then why do you comjila::!?" ;
isked the baker. ''Because Ii
woula suggest tnat you keep the
bad and sell the best," was the re
oly. Ho went out, and safely
dodged a brtud tin.
i -iv iiu.iii.. , :ut; ;oi:
Following is the platform adopted by j
the I .-mocr i!'ic Coi ve:i! ion at Ualliinore j
on tlie !i.h of July. Is72:
1. We rec "guize tlie eo;i ilirv of men be- j
f.nx- the law,, and hoi 1 Cat it is toe duty of
in.: government, in its dealings w!th the !
people, to tilde out i 4 lal and ex ict j i.-;: !.; ;
I i a'!, f wbii. vt r n tOvhy, race, color or
!(: suasion, icheions or political. j
2. V pledge ourselves to ni.'.i nt-.nn the j voi k in all its I. ranches. Ordeis tilled with
law, the union ..t these sates, fin a nc i pat ion j promptness. Repaint; d m : w ith neatness
;iiid en! ranch isemcnt, and to oppo-e any re ul):j disoaieh. Furniture m ide to order
opennig oi the (piestions set led by the- lA-rV.jiU delivered to an v pa. t ol tow n
iiiirUcah iourteeuth ind Fi; tce.iih ameiicl- free of cha: ge. Call and examine for vmir
ments to ti;e cons: it:i:i..ii. i s. Ivas. ;u.iv!7ir';
,i. k e oetniiii'.i ioe iium-'Uiate a:iu au.-o- i
lute rem iva! of all disa. distil s i;no.-ed on
ivc'imit of the rebellion, which was :in..llv
subdue.', seven years as;, believing that
nni vei sal amnesty will lesuit incomplete
pac.ncaii in in an m-cihiiis oi me e.utntry. I
4. seif-govenirnerit wirli i:ii;iart!.il
siiil'iau" w.H iiiai,.! toe rLihta- of ail eiii.ens
.acdi'';iti"m in ad sciii!ii nt the c.mntry
more see'.ireiv tram any conn ai z 11 power.
The public welfare demands the supremacy
of the civil over the military authority, and
freedom of person under tlie protection of
the .'.-. f ";" vs. We demand for the m
div'ni i-.d the large.-t liberty consistent with
public order, for the state todf-jroveriiinenf,
and tor the nat on t return to I he methods
of peace and the constitutional limitations
i..f po,v(-r.
o. The civil service of the govern '.neut
has b. co:ue a mere i ist ru men', of p i rt s: n
tvrannv and personal ambition an.Iano' ject
of .seh'ish greed. It is a .-caudal and re-
proich upon tree insi it at ions, and breeds s. :
desuora'.b'.atioii ilatigerous to tlie perpetuity
of a re:nblican g rve-t nmeiit. j
d. We therefore regard a thorough refoi m j
or toe civil service as one ot the most yress- j
i'.g iieeesssn-'s of tlie hour; that honesty, j
capacity and fidelity coa-t tn'c lie.: only valid j
claims to public employment; that the o!ii -t-s !
of iz iveromeut cease to be a matt r of ar
b'tr.irv favoritism and pa;ronage, and that i
Public station will become again the pod of j
honor. 'Jo, this end it is i m perit ; v( 1 y re j
quired thai'uo pres'.d.-nt shall be a candidate
lor re-t Ket ion. i
7. We demand a system of federal taxa- i
Hon win d, shall not uimecessari y iuteriere i
witli tlie industry of the pe 'pie, and which j
-ball provide the means nee -sMiry to p iy the ;
expenses of the government, ceoootniitally'
t ie interest on rue p on c ueoi, aim a i:io.,er- :
ate annual i eduction ot the priinapa! thereof; !
hon.st iVnt'Vrr. c .neilabh; dllu-rences of opin '
'"' -lth regard t . fte respective systems of :
Kv'rV u r H ' 1e;';ltit;i,,1,hs !
CU-sioii ot Lie sun; 'ct t ) the peep!.' in their
eoagre-ionai district, m, I thed-cisi , of !
ami n-cotro:.: ug uieie are ei our m.Usi
V1,."-rt'-s "le-reot., wholly free of esc-utiv
.... -- .. . . ..
... iia; jiii-ju, k.'ih. ii,-irv l.-" if l c t :
tiri'mhtir.ed, and we denounce- repudiation iu i
every form and guhse.
!. A speed.' 'return to specie payment is
o.'tnai.Oe.l, al-.K. uy tne ii'goesi eonseiei a
tions of commercial morai.ty and liouest
Lo We remeniber -a ith gratitude the ;
cioism and sacriii'es ol the soldiers and I
snhus of the re I'.iidic, and no a t of oars J
shad eve- detract fro.-, our justly earned
f.mia or tlie full rewards of their aatriot- !
i t. We are opposed to all further grants i
cf lands to ranroads or ikp,-,- corporations. ;
1 lie paul c d- ru.iiu saotnd oe heid saertd to i
actual settlers. .... i
1-. et tuat it is the dnty f ihe
g vert. mer. . in its intercourse wttu torcitin
w o it is wrong.
l:b F r t'oe promotion an 1 success of the !
several prineijd'esi and support of the c iodi- j
dates noiuji.ated l.v-tms Convent on, we in i
t- a. cordially welcome the co-operation
! Rl-' !t,io!!C V'11,- regard to I
i eri. v j p.-itti.Mi am l n.t ton .
nations, to curiva'o toe friendships of peace i -a r w ; 0 i-c?4 cit ! rf
bv treating with nil o fair and tqcal t tms; , AlJTIJFl!st r f '
regarding it alike disimnorable either to de! i IIAVK Bl-KX A PPO KO B 1 II L HON.
r , ; ,,,;!, . -. . i County Court otj laekstinas mum y, Orefron,
tnanri what ..s not llht, or to snoinit to j ,,,lml!lieraViri,f estate of William Dairon.
Comer ol Front and Oakatreets, Portland. .;
; .. i
iturday !
l,"'h'' ,f ies' T' ''"v''c r..un
ti-re.t;, lT-iaus, sheet iron, ik. G. lion
A liirgeassortment of Groceries and Liquors,
A- i- luiiAKObO.v, Auctioneer
retail di:alei:s IN
" 9
1 3S sft. Sf T. TH WJ
I also keep constautly on band
r.vi.iu.-a e a sss, 1 .t 1. i; t. oaa.n llsi, i
I-wii! sell at t!i.? Factory Priced, ta-.d
will take wool in exchange,
-7"I '.rill :iI.-.-o par the highest jiriee.-- for
;llJ ail ki ot- UJU;. C(lll!llrv
produce, i will soil as low as any- i,..m..
Or.-on. tor Gash or equivalent in good
n:"T'' 1 T ' r r ,
jr; (,ive me a call anu s, 1I1 -fv you 1 selves I
J OJlir MA Fits. I
Jan. I?,, ls71 tf
t 'Mr VOi'k' !!Ori''.'r
l" lWhhilWii.li,
- ., .,
t cii t (cues G a ' t ;,;:us, )
ship lauding, Portland. Ore;o n.
II. PvOTKFOS, J. J. v):lkeks,
i r o p R 1 1: T o it s .
Board ;-er Week S."oo
" " with Lodging i.o
Dav 1 oo
':-r'ii& ISO.
, , . '
lor sale, chi:ai' ton cash,
Bui easts, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What
nots, Bef stea Is, 'a hst.mds. Curled
Hair and Pulu M at resses, Fulii Pil
lows, Spring Bed-, V imlow
Sii ad.es, Pictare Fratnes,
Mouid'nejrs,. tc., A;c.
e.'S:) : c i 1 1 attention irivcn to t.
Z ! S P n fj T-r. r try
Jlus EstiUislud
S- Oi lii.l'.l
"a fi - -
JW dJ 22 6. ii SL iia.
r r f
eg- They Wi!l also do TURN ING. oi ey-rv
description to order,
tjT'i-u tt , . . ,
eatlieSS and DiSpatCl . 1
- o
Shop on the River, in Lewis' shop,
opposite Oregon City Mills.
"it Ct'TO'T'-rri vn tvnoiTl.""
A '- Fn ItitLu i.tiiouiLit Or
S A 1)1 S "Ai Y-II A K a)- f'f?"
A V111011 UE OFFERi; aS riu:A1A
' C ili h:- il; tllC Uxre' :it
,-r, r , .
V " '-J r- f .-j-. ,-i ! -r -v r r r -) 1 1
',w,w1 iw.uii.
w.irr irit all mv goods as representee.
....m-m ritr a r.r-n it kt". i."-tf
, , .,, .. . , ,
LTLMi.-.tI ADL CA hi cl FOR SALh A
X? TI jT "O T f
-"- JLl; JLi T 1 Xl X4I JL
iIlEXIiV lllFniJKI.,
IIavi-.tr porehnsed the nhove Brewery wish
p tinf.Vrn, the Dubli'c that he'is now p'repai
e1 t m.UlUraf.tnVf. R Xo , M,ir,Mty ol
f,4(?JFl 1! IC l ,
A s good as can be obtained anywhere in th
stale. Orders soli , itcd and promptly filled
All ,wons owinu- said i.-tite -.vill
pionw.. pay op; and nil petswi' havimr claims
atminst said-estate will preson Therri.-ithjirnper
vou'-hers, to me at ; the ottioe of lliK'lat iV Wa rrwt.
A?S Wlthui
"x Mt"'l"m tht Vllik vAliKV.n.
u,.,e.- rt., j .reb, X"2. T.i'wt
Business Directory of Portland, Oregon.
n:r.LisuEi) by l.s.vmlkl,
General Ad
certitiiifj Agent, y.O Front Street.
ArWrnnn'o TW1 1 t StiTO '
iiOltl liicill b JJUllaJ. QlUiOj j
f.:tj i iri snit. importers aud joo-
bcrs of Fancy Goods, Tovs.Crockerv, Glass- !
ware and Plated V.'are. ' ' ;
w .t s i- - . t iiiii'UJ iia nuu ouw
Vstor House. First st , between Oak and
Fine. Everything ueat. 1J. L. Longfel
low, Projrittor.
Agents tor Mabie. To. Id .t Go.'s celebrated
11 IIIS.
. Ivisoa, Blakeinan, Taylor t- Go's School
Hooks. Ju.--t, jybliiheJ, a all line vf Legal
JJLlil.f f or this Stilts.
I ai iiian, tlie only Ii: oct Importer of ( loth
3in., Ac., cor. Front & Was.lr.ny;tn sts.
X:. Fi'Bnt Su. 5Wanh"
ECK, Vt ILL1A.M A SOX, 12n Frout st.
y importers and dealers in
Gioisi, Xtilles and Hivolvi'is
of every description.
I isluni; Tackle, Fancy- Co ds. Beads, Bird
Cashes, Baskets, t'r. qnet l lames, and
Baby Garriagps.
Agents lot the "California Powder Works;"
alio, for the Wheeler A" Wilson
.Sewing Machine-.''
-eck. .Io!m A., l'2'.t Front street, practical
) Va;c;eoakk.-r A Jeweler. Work done
tor the Trad-. -r-'xrsxs
lToOE?A .N J r.lVV 15 Mi S K T 12 ! I S .
HEMES A IlAL'IIEl 1 EU V ravA street
-B-njrhaui A Beinhait, Fu st t. In t Oak A
j.' V'Jie-. importers of Stoves, Ranges,
Kitchen Uteiifs.
y -u- hanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First A: Taylor
!. sti. Cheapest Furniture House in Port
land. I I)l)17rrC WALTER I5IKJS
I i I O . s l Kron t s t . eet .
("Clarke, Henderson A Cook, si & sp First
street. Dealers in Dry tJoo.'.s, Fancy
tioods, Al-.
1..hn A Ko.-cnf. 1.1, MS F:otit st. Coimni.-,-J
sion Merclta'.ts A Dealers 111 Oregon A
C a i 1 l o r i: i .t V rod ace .
(toiiz'e, B . Manulaeturer A. I'.'iler 1:1
J s-,ol.il. s. Harness, a:.u Saddlery Hard
v. are, i'roi't s'reet.
Vitrrier, W A Co., K:i Front st. Merchant
J Tailors aad Clothiers, Hats Fur.iiahing
) L 1 s'n in til t tV: Oatin.iu, ','2 Fr
RchI Est ite Agents, inoic.M
v loaned.
oiises re.ite I.
"Z Tr"n"nT
-DlirJ 1 All bU U'U
i-luUt -iiec--
' --
CI '. II. Woo '
,Oj aid Co. lid
AKIA(,'0. Kit Front sired. Orders- from
aiy portiou ot t:.e state or lerntones case-
lnUv iii cd bv m.i I or express.
A. ! !
i i .-f, ;, v ',, l"-. . n i r ii-- i -nl
an v portion of t:.e State or Tf r lit ones case
: s: ,-t st iv- t.
1 Employ incsst A.-eney. Wil'.en-M A Ihd
iU loan, ; :.i iTwi.t .-.t. Farai.li all kind- of
verd'nL- A Be.d.e, o Envu tn'ct. (.'oin
j tmssion Merchants and dealers iu Do
m tic Pro lucj.
.isliion I, i very Stable, cor. Fit A Salmon
V sts E. Corbel I, Fr. p. ( i ;cd turn -outs
aiw.ivs on hand.
"S i-hel A R beds. cor. Fiist A V" ash'iejfcr.
i s! Heaters A Manatac. C.-thitrr, Furu-
( i fids.
J . "reeiaud. Dr. Ii. it., Dei. list Oidce. Xo.
2, i.-kuui's id .ck, cor. First it -Va.-di-
I inj;to:i sts.
A ii! ,v Sled. 7S in
V'X ers in Look-, ;
I ustru ments.
d 77 Firs' street. D-al-
St.iti nerv, and Musical
The largest Music House on the Coast.
NlJllAU-U il '..tb. t;tIi!oi 1 er.u.i
G. L.. DtFIMXS, Manager.
SOI-E aCS.V'JV Felt '1 1M5
44 Z'otve"' Ssiwiiig ?.Iucl3sit..
- :;7" A g c n t.s w anted. e. a
j "aekeney A Stente. Grocers and dealers
XJL in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and
.hi. n sts.
Tr-ambu-ger, B., hi", f irst s'reet. importer
and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Goods,
.M illinerv.
titdiCe.D 11., Photogr iphic Artist, s. w.
cor. Fitst and Motri-on sts. Chibl
Jict. spec !tv.
If enrichseu, E. G. & Co., lo'.t F.rst street.
..i. Mattuf.scturci's aiid dealers in Jewelry,
Watches, Ac.
I I iobird, deo. L., hs Front st.. wholes lie
1 dealer in Gioceiies, floors, Wmron Ma
terials, Ac. "
f""otlge. Caief A (to., '.'7 Front st., wh le
l L sale dealeis iu drugs, paints, Oils,
Glass, Are.
TTAn? Sewing Machine, strai-J-.t
Ji .LI-M Vj needle, under feed, "kck
stitch." Competition challenged, el. E.
Tntver, llti Front st.
irgren A Shiudler, Xos. 1 fii" to 172
Fir.-t st. Importers Furniture, Bed
ding, ,vc.
nternation il Hotel, cor. Front and Morri
son sts. M. Rudolph, Prop. Free Buss
attends steamers.
Kohn.J. A Co., hi Front st., wholsa'o and
retail dealer in Fine Clothing, Furnish
ing Goods.
f abon Doroe Restaurant, piivate rooms
T. JL for Families, cor. Ft and Fine streets.
O. 'oos. Pi op.
" J'ariMi. E A Co.. wholesale dealer in
Ai. Wines A Lirjuors, 0. S. X. Co's Block,
and Sao Fran
f eier A Schmeer, lilt rou
,111 Front st., wholesale
vl and retail Confectioner.
f il'cr, John IJ.. :J 1st st. Watchmaker A
JL Jeweler, offers to the public a tine as
sortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
Moellcr A
. in native
, it.... A- Co Front near 1 1 st.. Dealers
e and iotcign H iues, laqtioff
and Cigars.
orthrup. E. J., Hardware. Iron, Steel.
Hubs. Spokes, Hardwood Eu.nber, etc.,
CVvidenfa! Hotel, cor. First and Morrison
sts. Smith & Cook, Proprietors.
arish, Viit i.iis A Cornell, Re.ii Estato
X Agents, PO Fiont street, bet. A bier and
ard & Co., lol Fiont sf.
Tice, ,T. M.. 127 Front str-et, wholsale
V dea'er in Tinware and Stoves.
1iehter. Paul, 105 First n.. importer of
L Berlin wooden Carvings, Parlor Orna
ments. tte.
" ider. O. C., R-"at Fstae A Mony Broker,
I V '.'2 Front street. Portland.
T osenbuurn, I.S.A Co., Tobacconists.ini port
V era cf Fvteign and Pome.-.tle Li.-juor?.
i t s llnnso Prmii -t On First Class Pi'iti-
H caL Thomas uya, Proprietor. t
O dealer in Harness, Saddlery and bad-
dier Hardware.
C J.,5o Front street, dealer in Door
usj & Hlmds, Window & Plate Glass.
.. . -
Q lnsheimer, II., i . irsi si,,
O l'i.nos, Organs, bheet Music, ..luic Iu-
Skidnoi e, S. G.. P2:.i First st. Druggist. A
Apothecary, a large stock of Pcrlunury
k Toilet Articles.
r n ' T T T el.
Son in .v i mi is, ii r i oi. i mio ., v - .
dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils. Window
Glass, Perfumery, Ac.
r now A' Rons. 7:1 First, strict. I'lC'ures,
I... M,.l.!;,.. A Vf.t'.s Draw-
j .1..
ing Inst! is ments.
1 1111TI1, I UI ... JH'ilKOr, po nilill r-i.
.i i. . i) i r.,. t- n. olni
O in Legal lenders, Go-eminent Bonds
and G-bl Dust.
GgzetKnw AuuuvaAa.t.--au' wtji cjt-'-i' a-aaj
rerinr, U. I.., X 107 Front St .
O -Watchmaker A Miinufacturing Jeweler-
iiTappointed Asret.t for the Waitliam, Elgin,
K. Ih.waol A Co., Cha,. E. .lae ot. and the
California Watches; also, for all the proline-
tions and imports of the California Jewelry
Cotv)ianv, San Francisco. Send for circular,
Watches repaired in the verv best manner
and wakuantko to give satisfaction.
riX-rry Bros., Xo. 17 First street, niannfac i of Oregon for Clackamas county, vhieh will lo
X tnn-rs and dealers in Furniture, Bed- i held next after the expiration of' the iKjriod tni- -die"
Carpets, Ac. i M nbt'(i ''' the "I,U'r of said court fi.r tlw pahh.ia- -
zl j turn ot tnis summons; and if you tail .-o to at--
rfhe Clothing e tore. 11 a Front st. Clothing, pear and answer, the plaintiif "will apply toil
1 Furnishing Gotds, Boots and Shuts. i omi t lor the relief prayed for in the complaint,.
' i u ris A I'l-iw-r i v' ''f h is m substance a.s toHows: that the i.n,U
' J 1 ot inatr.moiiy now existing betweeu rhdiiTiff ami
rV II "ll " l id t. 1 ll Kr nt t lO-il.T I u f,':1h 'it je dissolved and that the custody f
I l,.U ' :.H- 4i tV P' . . ' L ' r rai.1 mmor chihiren be decreed to plaimni, uJx
X in ago ns A AgncnUnri.L Inndemcnts. for .,u.rai lx hi. also, costs and di-bur.-. im-no
- ,.,!., and you are i'urlher r.otiiied that thelluii. W. W".
rPyne, E- !)., ti. w. cor. I-irst A OaK sts., . l-j,tt n Judge of said Circuit Court, on the 2nd
JL dealer in Brandies, iues, I-higlish Ale j day of Auirust, 1S72, uiade an order durerthist the
and Porter. . ! sme.mous to be seied by publication in the Ore-
Ite . ...... ..- i.-,. 4-.....: :.. ... .
, . . -
rvler. .5. A., 117 Front St., wholesale deal
J. er in Butter, L'ggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba
con, Ac.
Wiiliiims A Myers, 5 Centra! Block.
Front st., Commission Merchant.- A"
ileal's in Produce.
Thalley A Fecht eiiner, Attorneys A So- !
lieitorsiu Bai.ki uptey. Oiliee in Odd !
Fellows Temple. I
f ,'S trv f n g n f, si
sb '-Jtaf '' L t W Vs
' -..i.e.;
yHmy jeW i
i i v.
ynnF niTnn "poti nnnri
LUUii. iJUi xUxC (jUujJ
4i fi-iir (1 ? ie c rjd
Si fct i-'-ti ii b w
A r1-?.? f; pa P..
W ai V S". tin li ii. w a i- ! 'vl V a
. . i . .. e . i juai.i i ia; ... j,.llC)i.
i'i.' it'i' ti'.'rru'i.'ii t iw i.' i
Stock of j
SS'aJ 3 .V : r ?s?U I , 4
iji ill.tti ti. e, -II -4 iJi vSytlf5j
Clscaper t3&ati Hie CStt'apol.
Wp would say, come an 1 convince v nr
self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock
consists in part of
. , , , . . , 11ABDWAUK,
at.d a great many articles too numerous to
men ion.
n, .... , , T1
A10, Doors, W mdows, Glass and Putty.
J'l X C 1 1 A X G E FOR G 0 ODS.
ALS0, WOOL wanted fL,r which we pay
S. ACKERBIilrl & CO.
Oregon City, April 21, ls71:lf
Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs,
Au cated ,n Portland. Or. go's. Oliice : In ; heart,irrit . I.pity, nr i vc i.siuss, .vtt.n v -.
n.lmes Buibhi.g. 1 irsf sliect (toree do-.rs inary diificulties. d e i a i i n i , t f tH'.Mii-ii-.m
Lad.i A Tilt-m s Bank), where be may i fiinc'tious. trencra! debility vrcir.iOh U cn
be co;i-u;ted daily, and will treat diseases ! eases of the womb, hvete'ila hiei iEt ei c. hll
ol the ab -ve named organs specialties. j other diseases peculiar to f, nrlcs f It f J r v.d
.u operation upon uie r.o and i-.;u per-
ormed in the most sceuiihe and careful
ARTIFICIAL EYES, havirga!l fhebauty
urn mobility ol the natural eye, inserted.
i.eters o v permis-ioii, inr ins professional
standing, to E. C. Lane, M , D., Professor of
Suigery, atolFdviin Ben I ley. 14. D., Profes
sor of Anatomy, University of the Paciiic.
San Francisco; and for his success in the
treatment of cases, to over 1,500 cases ticat
i d bv him, in San Francisco ; also, to Levi
Est S. Esq., Pev. T. L. Eliot, Portland ; Wm.
11- E'llboi, luq., Yancouvc-r, W. T. ; and
many others Oregon and Washington Ter-'ito-v.
To Stock Drovers.
X Mountains, known as the '-Old Emi
grant Bead," is now in spb ndid order for
the accom::,o..hitioii of; be public. The budges
on itiH load nave ad been thoroughly i (--paired,
and st. ck droveis will find it" no trouble
I,. . . ii , , , . , ..-iiir'l Hint lllfll tlMIIII.lllll....."
i e ",v f "I"ut'U,,ns L-v tl",s route- '-re j li. ld .sacred and conf dential. If H- ctfc 1 c
sP1 ' ' ,f FmK V " and, rrass OM !,,'h I fully ami candidly desciihrd, pi rsi r 1. 1 n -,
. f,;d t!ie distance n.unication will be onnccessni v. f s iiMiir-
,V?. i" .-' V ""'' S U'nV' ,lK' """t ;:s ; li,IS for diet. regimen and the gcniml toa
wen ius ibebest roii.-t over the Case Mo o,.
tatns. Stock droves and r migrants will h : d
U to their advantage to travel over this route.
Toles rtasonabh".
JOSEPH YOUNG, Fre-idbut.
Clackamas county, June '2I.-t, D72.
toro to F?ent.
rr'lr- STORE HOUSE FORM ERf.Y oerr.
J. pied by Kafka, on Rock Creek, g miles 1
a ' " ' 'ra al . Pt tor
countiy trading post ; can be bad on verv
n as-mal le teims. This is a de.-irably point
for a man with small capital to go into busi-
Enouire r,f JOHNSON A- McCOWX,
j ulyg'ltf. Oregon City. Oregon.
Savior, LaRoqne & Co.,
trw.Keep constantly on hand foi sale
Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed. Par'ies
purchasing fce'd mast furcisb the fear ks.
I !M-k4-S.- k AirlminSo.-. .
c" f ni Poi s
j jJHl virtue of an order of the Uou. CountV w
laekamas count, maun ut the Amrust term
72, in the matter of the estate of .1. s. Me Yi
on, I will.on Monday, the 7th d.tv of NoCeiai
,72. ut the hour of clvi o'clock at the
the Court
st hi,.
ml. to-
i wit : the K 1-2 of the X W 1-4, W 1-J f the V V
; x k piofSW 1-4 & X Wr 1-4 of S K 1-4 (1ft.
T j ti, 11 1 B. Terms of sale, "-old com
j half cash m hand, the other half payable G months
t al ter sale with note and mor! jaire.
ated Sept.ti, 1872. J. M. .Mc.MMMoX
wiulUiUiMi.uui oi esiaie ol J. S. .UeAliilm n
! . w...5kvn
, i tl.e l ircnit Court ot the State of Ori-on f , ,
'laekamas comity. en' fcT
. -riv I'ini t n -iii. .
I , i wuitu, ujf
VPTTr VXtt ir Tl .. , "
BAlAI.TrElB..lXlI.s, Deiendent. j K,lui!y
! goo, you are hereby notified and r-.ii.irod
appear m the above etntled court and am,,,',
ve'e'e'itluu "in-L o n1, "H1 in 11,8
Sl.rvt..d in Clackamas county, and if served.iii tnv
i t!u.r eoiiuty of this state then within tVe'utv
j days Irom such service, and if served by publiea-
: tion. you are notified and required to appear and
lUC n.v. v. ... .... Lin. V 11. .. 11 V.IIIII IllF Tll. Vint,
t.-. i.iu.tj.,;- i.n r,i.v rueeessive weei.-!.
August oOtii, lh72.
11UF.I.AT fc VV.MiHKX,
Giifiw -VttoMn ys for 1'laintifT.
X' ii PJ
"Will r-p-v everything neeSsd in a faTaHy, from
Fr.a Leav:'e:t to ft Fgatent fabric.
fTlzcii smT- cilicr mac-Sine.
If tlirro is p. F'orcr.pe Fcwirg Jfa
ckino vhh'.u rr.e ii:oa-."i.a i.:i.! 3 of
bin Fr:: uc:. -co 3'"t vo:;kii.g -well aial
H'vir.g ert.t
-iif.it, if I am in-
a'iiiii.t oi ii, i; a',: i ne f.;t(i!(.((i ro
vdiltout expense of ci:y Liud to tao
-.iJ-j xiiiiL, Arent,
O Ec- f.:cr.tjo-.e.y Street.,
Grar.d' llcte! Dulldlr.j, Ssn Franci:co..
tl;c xrasl;. Active Ajtnta xrutncU it
civ r jilriro.
J .-. . 1 . t L - i. - 1 1 ,1 - .
I Uuill: Cm is him! Pai.timd Lis-
j B
j Or0 W. Ocherty's
; ti..:
j I-Jc. 513 Sacramento Street, corner ji
I Lcidcsoni'j (a few doors beiow.
' tlif Wlr.it t iccr (itise.)
i '
I (I'rivate en! ranee on l.eidt .- d i It st t i i t .
j Esiabi isbi d Eprtssl to Albo 1 t l.e .Mil 1 1 F
I Sorted and Scietmlic :!ii!ii:il Aid. in th
1 reattnmt and Cure f;li Finite :ld
Ci.i emc Pi; east s, Cr so id Stcrtci :.r.ii i 11
sal j;;s
j To tiir Aiilielnf.
DIE W. K. DOliEKTY reimi s Lis siirrie
thanl-.s to his inn ornos jntit nts ho ll i r
; pat ro ; age. a::i w o.K! t 1 c 1 1, h ; i i' i tity
j to i'i mind 1 1 em that 1. e ci i 1 l t. f- ti i l m a
! :it bis I t.st it r. I e for tl e em e i f i Ln : ii ibf
j eases of the Lungs. Livir, K-ii;i)(is, !:-
tive and Gonito-L i n at x (htm mi: i.I
j private diseases, viz : Svjd.ilis in i ll i t s hips
i c. . ! s t .1 i. . s.'.n.ii :1 W ... t ..... t. ,.,. 1 i 1 1 M
. 10I-i iJ niliMMuiriicts of si lf-sl toe . (i.r.it-
h.a. Gleet, S rictureP, Mr-cti.nu.li.nl 1 h
i , , . C , i .
! nal huussiops. Sex tin I Dibil'tv, J imoii I
u. ,;J)K.k Lou?t u.n'u tin. M lie
i Eh.uiU r and Kidncvs, tt. . ; iiri 1 i 1 1 s
that his long experience and such thd ) is -
; tice will coiiiii:ue hi iiiMiic bit. a hi mi rf
! pubiic patronage. I'.y the picciici' ii i' t-i V
j yeai.s in Fuiope and the 1'nittd r-" t j-. 1 1 c. 1 i
i-nab'td to ai nlv the nn st ifi'.eiM.t iicMf-
; cessful remedies aeainst disean s ,;) I -i
J He uses no mercu ry . c! r. l : i !-n (-('i t i t ,! l i '
j his patients in a coi re t and l oicu lii v t. ,
ami ba s reterei.ci s of ui que; f i r: bh ( n f i-
ty from me n of known i -ti 1 1 1: I ibtv ct rl
high staniing in Micicty. All) nibs (ft
, s-jhing i bin byletterrr ,t 1, t i if e, w ill i ' -
ccive the best and gentlest tiicimiKt ti d
j impikit sccrtty.
i Xo Vt- m :t Irs.
"VTIn-n a female is in trouble, rr : ff o i 1
wit b disease, a s weak i, ess id the l.nV fid
! 1 i 11 i lis. Ins i 11 i II t 1 1 r lii-.i.l r'tn iic nt lirlt.
loss of ninbr ..,.-.., ' I, i...o'. . . f H r
go r wn'e at once to 1
j doctor, W. K.POHKR'
tie ci b b i id id li r ile
I o.ioui, . i,j'iM.r.ni I , lit I, is .'si ft: 11 1 J i -
st if n t c .1 n.l c i, 1 1, 1 .,, , 1 . ., I i,,,.l!rt
! lU,i di-ease. The Doeior isifliclirc n ote
i cm ..s , l1M n ., v ... , .,.,, ; ., u, su.lf
of California. Let no talse I'tlicrcv jtiurt
you, but apply immediately lid sr.fr ti oh if
from jiaiiifu! siifierinp s a ml pi i n iiturr rtl
All married Indies, wl.os-e ih liciOc l.: !tb c
other circonistaticcs prevent an iiinifcin
tfietr famili's -bfnld w i i I e c r i al i id I K.W".
K. DOIIERTY'S Mr dical Instio to. s t d tl ry
will receive every possible irliiffti d lilp-
The Doctor's oliice. s arc so arratrrd llf' he
can be consulted without fear ot 1 1 s-ti vatii
T CorrtiiinI ii f f .
Pat ier.ts resid me in any pn t oft! r Ftf'e
however rlisrp nt. win nts: v of-sire 1 1 e p:r. "
and iidviceof DK .DOHFR'J Y in their ior
tive cases, an a who think pn pn tcsul u it
wi itten statement of such, in jrifitii "10
hohlinar a oersor :i! intci view, f re l l M r( til '-
lv assured that their con. n nnicrOw r s vill'e
ment of tne case itsel f finchidii ;g tl c iir r-
d;es. will be forwarded witl.i ut dflf.y, 1 i d
in such a manner as to cci ti y no irb art tie
purport ol the letter or puree I so ti er tn iOr-d.
iTe-C nsultation bv Irtter or rtlctue,
FREE. Permanent cure guaiaiitctd 01 ec J.
OR. DOHERTY hns just rtiMi,I:r' rr im
I poi tant pom? htet. cmh- rly rg ins r vtti to t -
l 1(1 in return to Imrotrrierr
Virilitv ; bring a Short TrcHii.'e v Spur -torrioea
or Seminal Wer k ness. Nervr us t a
Physical Pf 1 iiify corf eo,ufrt en 11 i rfrf
tioii, iind other discuses of h c Se x ra I 0 1 ft T s
This iitile work contnin i r for n p f ie n r f Ill
utmost value to ah.wbrther xr s rr:c d cr s-i rf
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j linrl Will ffl i r i. r r. ov ii.Hllin ioii".
i six cents in postage stamps for lettor. poG
1 age. Addi es-f .
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