- X 0 " " - - - - - -- - - - " ""' - 111 1 - - G O jjc il):cWn Oniicrpris. : SEPT. 13. 1S72 FRIDAY, TOWN' AND tor XXV. CoVNTyCoukt ri:ocKKDixGs. I ne ioi lowing are tie proceedings of the County Courier September 'cnn: In the mailer of then-port of J. Rar ..... r Kaufman and J. A. Fields view- Is to locate a road from Oswego to Anro rV it appearing that ceriain'pani.-s claim ing damages by reason of said road run- in(r damages uy inrr over their premises it was oidered iliat the report lav over until nextterm of Court., and I.. D. C. Latourette.Ad Cason. and James Eaton were appointed to as sess damages. TheCoiintv map made by C. h. lalbot was accepted and (lie Mim of 2UU order ed paid tor tliesam. Chas. Hup.iun was granted license to Fell liquor in less quantities than a quart in Linn city precinct. In the matter of the repor'; of C. Mis ener. R. VV. Worsham and 11. 15. May. viewers to locate a road, known as the .Stewart road : report accepted and the road opened according to report. C. C. Garrett whs allowed $(104 for as jessing the county. The Sheriff was required to file an ad ditional bond of SliLUtIO as tax collector. Tbe application ol Hen Ilolladay. Jr. fir a change of the county road in the up per ei d of town was granted. Rills to the amount of $11,75 were al lowed. 9 Civil. Docket. -J. R- Ralston vs. Moses J. Spicer; judgment by default for amount due with accruing interest A. F. Hedges vs. Kd win Hates and Nel foii Willard ; judgment y default lor amount due with inict-sts and cos's. Jacob Woriman vs. X. Xewell : judg ment by default for amount due with in terest and costs. Pkoisatk Hi'siXKSS. Tn the matter o the estate o! Nathaniel Robins ; final settle jnent approved.. In the matter of the ("Iiiardianshin of S. S. Johnson ; ordered that S. IJ. Johnson and his sureties be released from further responsibility. n the matter of-ihe estate of Jesse V. Room, deceased . citation ordered is-ued to the heirs to show cause why the real estate should not be sold. In the ma'ter of the estate of William I.il!on ; J. K. I'ark'-r appointed adminis trator ; bond of SP't) filed. Estate of Mary Hanson ; further time given to file inventory. In the miner of the guardianship of 1:11 it'. K. and Frances Phillips ; inven tory filed and approved. DlM NKKN I N I ) I . W . ft China work house drew a knife on the arrested and rut in An Indian went into last Saturday, and cel. iail. lit was where ftiio'iier t (diiniman was. when he commenced an as sault on him.and nearl ui ide a good 'hiuam-iii ol hint befor. assistance arrived. i:i irons to prevent mischief. The Indian wa him from doina placed farther Goon Xkws. Vv'e call t tion to the advertisement Caulield. in to day's paper. special atten of ('has. H. Char ev .-as j'lsf received a fine new stock of gc-ods. which he sells as cheap as can be had in town. Portland or anv other plaee. When a man advertises liber.'i'ly. yon can al ways get good bargains from him. (jive him a call. Nkw Pr.K.voiKK. We learn that the M. V. Chore! at this place has called Rev Mr. J. D. Locey to act as their pastor for iht enduing vear. which call he has nc eepted. Mr. Locev is a man ol fine abili ties and what he may lack in experience i-i his new calling, he will make up by elr-e application. P.K.Ni:nr. A number of our citizens united and gave Mr. J. M. Bacon a benefit I it evening, in order to aid him to m ike tip the loss which lie recently sustained tiy being robb-'d. We are p'ea-ed to '.t'e that our eiiizens showed a very cum-Tii-ndab!e degree of liberality and ti e affair proved a success. Rktuixmi. During the past week Ma "jor Cloirmaii and Mr. Aekermun returned from San Francisco, where they have been purchasing their fall and winter s'ock. We- ate informed that boh have purchas ed flue stock, which will arrive in a few d ivs are! be ready for their customers. CoNCKRr Tiie children of the Congre gational Sabbath School will give n con cert next Tuesday evening at the Congre gational Church for the benefit of tiie Scho4d. The exercises will chiefly con sist of singing temperance songs ;i:id re citing temperance pieces. IIkaw r.u.t.. As Councilman Moss was going down the hall steps leading out of this office, last 'Saturday evening, he missed the first step and fell the whole distance down, receiving some but none of a serious character. bruises C.u.t.Ki) Senator Kelly ha? been in town during the past week, and gave us a call. We regret to state that his health is not very good. but. hope he may soon enjoy his former good health. Passkd Fr. Willamette Engine Co. No. 1. of Portland, passed up on the morning I train yesterday for Albany, to pay a ! friendly visit to their brother firemen al j 'hat place. Thev will return this even-i "K- " ! Stock. Mr. I. Selling has just received j a new stock of fall and winter goods, j "men ue oners to tin customers at mi usual low prices. (Jive him a call. SKntotsi.Y Ii.t.. The many friends of Judge W. T. Matlock will regret to learn that he is dangerously ill. and that there i j' i out little hope of his recovery. QfAKTK.ui.Y Mkktixi;. The Quarterly Meeting of the M. E. Church will be held to morrow, continuing over Sundav. Reti liNK.n. Mr. N. W. Randall return. -d home from his visit East yesterday. He looks fine and heartv. .iisa . i ersons desiring new music t, ...... ii desiring procure Peter's Mori tbltr nt T.U.r. s Mon 1 1 f e-nitr ung s book store at publisher's price. Koi; Sack. We have a supply of deeds inortffages and other legal blanks on "and and for sale The Riidicals in their eujdiuistic m o tiuuits, hiive charactarized Mr. Greeley's endorsement by the I'.altimore Cunven u"n. and Senator guuiner's endorsement f Mr. Greeley, a a "surrender to the "lemy, and abandonment of principles." , h:lt we ask, then, aain, will they c ill "'nei-iil Iiix--S nomination bv the Kepub ''caiis of New- York? Ounno: the last year of Johnson's Ad "inistr.ition the total expenditures of the government were SoS4.777.yy6 1 1. The xt three years under Grant the total penditures averaged $fi!2.37 1.323 17 year showing that the expense of the -'"ernment under Grant is. $ I07..5?U.3.3 - eic.i year more than under Johusoj. ; Reasons l,r Voting' l-'or Creeled. From the Pittsburg Post. 1. Because we want a chang. of aTmin istratioii and we see no other way to get it. 2. Because he received Ute unanimous nomination of the regular, well qualified moc-raiie, pai ty. tifcause as vrtani .ssei!.'. coldblooded man, with . - .... -iii .-iiL ii it neat i. o. B-cause Greeley has pledged hitns?lf to a course ol action in harmony wi;h the principles of the Democratic pt vty. aiid in no other way than by his election can the people now hope to m-c them once more in the ascendant. h. Because Grant, and the parly who sustain him or whom he handles it makes little difference which, have show n. unmis takably, that thev do not intend to allow our Southern bieiherti to be tree men. or the Southern SiiUes to hive anv real sov ereignty or any rights such as states should possess. - because ( Jrant. and his men. forming the Grant Government, have exhibited be- 1 . !. . l iui e me wnoie vnr d the meanest spirit real Government, the American neo- ever shown by a They cannot disgrace pie. out t!K.y have disgraced! hemsi- ves. atoi lowered our people's y ver nn Lmt in the efct.iiii iti.jti of lair men among all na tions. S. Because Grant, and his tooK as un scrupulous as himself, have si-nt hordes of Radical thieves into the homes of out .Southern brothers and robbed them of their pittance lelt by the w: aid involv- I'd them in vast debts. i:i the must bar e- laced and u ragemis in a )i o i-r. V. Because fir int. and his men. have no respect I'.m the people. Xorih orSou'h: cuing only for what they can vmki ofi' them ; whereas Greeley is himself one ot t h" orKing lien, and alive ti their feel ings and boih kind and considerate' Id Because the best, nvn among the Radical leaders, who kn.no Grant, have pronounced him unfit to b, the ruler of a I fee people. 11. Bee iiise he makes si-! and his own personal gici-d and cpi;ilificaiion primary, and the all' airs oj the Government a mere plaything, ami entirely second iry. 12. Bi-cai.se lt' appoints men to public offices who are unfit and dishonest, know-i:u.- tlieni to li - so: and retaim tliem to the peri, us injory ot 'the people's (iiickets. li!. Becai:-e G rant "s polities"' have been simply ridiculous. He came into the oHice wi'h the public declaration that "no podey." whereas his whole he had action. from heginniuir to end has been but a suc cession of ill liil p..iic'h S. II. Bee i use his S in Dotningo police is , i . plug; and in case of his 1 1 -eiec'Ioti i w lit Iu ',' as tlo- ut an hiti thro:i I !V his lis as sure! v w jeki-d sch i lines, and it is 111. ire than a a me to ii i )1. ana iuo. dangerous tirani loo io. Because (iree'iey nominated as he s b,-e n. and sunnorsed as he will be. i. : by I he well disposed men, of the United ' Stales. "will isatiii-.tliy rally around him the : be.-.; men. and secure an honest administra ; tion of the (j over;; in":: t. i :i. Because we can stand all honest ud- : ministrarion ol the ( ! o vein men t . ! 17- B'-c iuse. although (jreeley as an ed- i'or lias ' h rough a long poli: ical life oppos ed m my ol the prii cipies ol the D'-mocrat- ; ie party, our iiom;ia:iug (.'(uiveutinti has ; satisfied i seit that he is now ready to har i moil ..- with them upon she great measures v'nal to our country's prosperity, and il.e i existence tree Govei ntiient. j IS. Because we have ever since the war ' coKl'Miined the policy ina a go ra t . d bv the I dominant Radical p irty as iniiuical to the 1 tine in lei est s oj t ii Sou t h.eru States, whilst (iraut not only siippof s ifl.-ut aggravates ! it by his mili-ui'y lu.intiv ever tluem. I 11'- le-cause Greeley condemns this ty- r. uiiiic.il aed wicked ciiius.-, and stale's icady to (iiscird it ironi our (jo'eru ; iiieut as a disgrace to modern civilization. 'JO. Becau.-e there is nothing whatever, no policy and no act of our Government : more important, more fraught with high eoliseipieaces in t he homed iate and dis?ali t I lu'ure ttiaii tl.erea! i ratei a . i ' i.ui oi tin- North and the , I'l. Because out sucu Iraierniz ttioti nn.de his tueii is an impos the i i.le oi Grunt an:! h sibiuty : w hiie under tut or tiie principles k will act toil ol 1 ,'omo be a cei t duty. speedily realized. 2'1. Because Greeley is Utiwiiing to learn, while Grant, is notoriously, as weii as childishly, stubborn ami mulish. -h!: '-'.'. Because. if these or any of these reasons an- to b our political etie 1 egiii ded as praise of v. we ciiti afford to let it. stand, when brought to the square choice between Greeley and Grunt, Look on thir picture, and on this."-' I 21. Because our course as a Democratic 1 organ has been and is consistent. We fa- I voied the nomination ol a straight ticket. J believing that it could be carried. We ;eneve so silo: out our party Has marked u: its plan, and we intend to s'and by he Democracy, and by Greeley and Jrow n. The Cost of Presidents. From the N. Y. World. The Total expenditures for keeping t ie executive m msion in repair aim lurniiiire, lighting the capital and executive man sion, ami finding the latter in fuel, and other outlays necessary in 1M7-S. during the Presidency of Andrew Johuson. were SSii.Ttl t 01. ami here is the estimated do tailed amount that Mr. Bouiwell asked Congress to grant him for 1&72-3. and which of course was appropriated, that Mr. Grant might be comlortab'.e: KXKCfTIVK MANSION- AM (Itiot'NPS. For repairs to mansion i For luel Furnishing same Repairs and care of green house, including new flower stands ami pipes Constructing o K feet drainage. .. Lighting .execu'.ixe mansion and capito! Lighting grounds around execu tive m msion Righting Lincoln square It). 000 3.000 id, ooo 10.0!)') 3.000 4 5.000 1.000 3 no j l.ono : 1,000 I i 13,000 ; hiing Lafayette suuaiv Lighting Franklin square Pay lor lamplighters, g is fitting and pli.jnbing Continuing wmk on Executive avenue including coping, curb ing, fencing and n a adeii.izing. Care and improvement of Reser vation Xo. 2. Lafayette square, including grading ic Annu il repair oi fences around 1 he square Manure, and hauling for the same, oil public grounds 4 O.OhlO 2Sr000 2.000 3.000 Toi-.i S17C30:) In Rsdo Mr. Howell Cold) Secretary of the Treasury, re tore tor lighting turns the total e.xpondi execuiive minsion and capml. Co i fuel for the president's house, refurnishing, and keening the grounds. Ac. at .")u.7."iy (JS. It therefore appears that Mr. Johnson's living cost H.s only th'ty-thiee percent. more than Mr. Enrhunan's and it we con sider that Is., 7 s was a vear when "-old averaged lid. the increase is not much against Mr. Johnson, flut n,;r j,iVsert president, gold at only 115. increases the expenditure over that of his predecessor fully IP ) per cent., and over thit ..f n., cl i,i ii-an o-'o per cent. Iu all W: lys Mr. Grant "comes high. The Ruhimore G-izeUe calls the attenf ion of i he Democratic State Executive Com mittee of rennsyivania to the coloniz i lion of the border counties of th:it State by negroes from Virginia. I - ,n l.aiticals cannot jusilv i tor Grant or refuse t, l , - ''as some and fee! j eertaiu to be idccted ot f,.r rt - ' for thesufierintrs of his felh.w ,., !, ..r-., r V ".t tul Lls I Mix.ve.sota. Mr. ! Ignatius Donnelly, ex-member m i irrpss fmm !inn,e.,., t. ... - n """'"u"li I ilea as lOISOWS Of j th" situation there : I sincerely believe ih.it tho vote of Minnesota will r . be cast for Gree- ley anil Rrown. I nuny localities we hive alt end v from -mi to f.i) jer cent of man uy the name of Vm. Conwell a native ol Bngland. died in Wasco count v sotne time azo who. when aiive. lived so meanly that lie hardly kept Ids bodv and soul together. It is uppo-d by some' that he starved him-eir to death or the next thins to it. at least he was so reduc ed from the want of proper food that when . i uise;.se attacked Him 1 ie was taken off a - most Tmniodhite! v Since his death his es-aU has been settled rtn mh,1 ih 1j ., . ..,.MiLe m .3t.il zL in co.n remaining in the hands of the administrator that will evidently go to the State, as he died with out leaving any known hei:s. K . ..... .?.- 11- Tw::i:di.j:k m Axi T. Wkkoi.kdkk. The old T oom in v Ring of this city, says the New " ork World hail its origin in a com bination o! Republicans and Democrats. 1 hiulow Weed was the organizer on the Republican side and Widiani M. Tweed on the Democratic. To-day Thurlow Weed is operating for Grant at the Utica t'onvention, and Tweed is about to con tribute out of his obmderiio's half a mil- j lion to help elect Gnnt. Thus it is that i r.. , .... . i. oeedati'i 1 weed are again cheek bv jowl. West field, .Mass.. has started a Greeley and Brown Club with one hundred mem bers, embracing many of the most promi nent Republicans iu the town, one o! whom for a numb -r of years has beet) Chairman of their Town Committee.. Gar ry the news to IBram and Henrv. Card of Thanks. i 1 sire to return mv siia-.-re th inks to my it How workni.-n for their m nenais ii.t to pay the exoei.ses of a suit whioh h-:m iT'i-i'iit- jv ileci.led against me. It is especially grat 1 ifvlng to me as It comes unexpected and tin- aske i, and is the g-i erons gift of those whose hea'-ts are a'ways right ; and who will uphold their comrades wle n unjustly prosecuted. Most ot these parties were present atihe trial, and white the verd.et of the jury was against me. their j ndgmelit is thus shown in ni.V behalf. Thank ng ou lor this cxhibit.on ot yourt tecui, I i-einaiu yours, tiKoiii;:: Ci.aiik. To pr atect tl; uridcrstandiag of huni.tnity nothing there is I !e h.'atlie:- fastened toge h er by CA li LE S(.'REW WIRE. Boots and S'.ioes m.ide in this way never rip, or leak or come ami: t. lli r;' u,'i, N. Y., Dec. 1;, 1 s7o. Da. R. V. Pikkce : For the pa t six tnonihsl have used your Goloen MeH al Discovery iu n y joactiee, and iu th if, true- I have test- d its merits iu severe C 'Ugh-, both acute and chronic, in ctirouio j isea-e.s Ol tiie tin oar, severe cases ot bronchitis. i general derangement of the system . consti ! pateii condition ot the bowels, aad wherever ! a tho ouh AHetaiative or bloed ji riiler lias oee a oiuieaceu. j n an eases 1 iiave t uiiid it to act gently, yet. thoroughly and i tiect u.il ly in removing the v.ui ius d.sea-ed n.ndlt.ous, aad bringing a'o uit a healthy ac tion thro iciiiiut the system. Vi-urs tra tcrn.illy, 1L L. HALL. M. D. This medicine is sold by all respectable druggists in all rmrts of America. VsIiial)1e Iii !!. A regul ir habit of body is absolutely es sential to physical health and clearness of ii. telle, t. Nor is this II. Beauty of person cannot co-exist with an ir. natural condition of the bowels. A fr. e passage of the refuse matter of thess'em through these natural waste pipes, is n bedy as i ;e fre are to the puritvof the tuissitge of l ho la! ot a city throng:! it; scwu s is neces-arv t a the health of its l iabiiants. Iuil gesti-.n is the primary ciusc of most of the diseases of the discharging organs, ati a one of its urost common le-'d's is con s ipa'ion. This e.-mplaitit, besides b'-ing da, .ge, cuts in it-elf, has many disagreeable concomitants such as an n -pleasant l.eeath, a sallow skin, con S ami nat i n g blood and bib-, hemorrhods. he,;diche, loss of memory, ami general d;bi!iiy. liosuttei 's Sioni ic!i IJ'tters remove all these evils by it-moving their immediate cause hi the digostive organs, and regulating the aet-oa of the inte tines. The coaibiea liou of p-op-.-r:ies in this celebrated prepar ation is one of its chief merits. It is not j merely a stimulant or a tome, or an auti i l.iilhous agent, or tiervin-, or a blood de- pureiit, or a '-atiiartic, but all these curative j elements judiciously blended in one power- j ful rest-u-a ive. It lends activity and vigor i to the inert and cuervati-d st.unach, re lieves tie- ailiuiehtary rami! of us obsti na tions, and gives tout- to the membrane which lines it. gt-utlv- stimulates the iiver. br;u't-s the rerves, ami cheers the animal spirits. No other remedy possesses such a variety of hygienic virsues. 1 1 is to t hese. cluoaeter istie virtues that it owes its prestige as a household nied cine- Experie ee has prov ed that it is harmless as it is effieari ous, and hence it is popular with the weaker sex as with the stronger. Ilostettei's .stomach Litters are sold in bottles only, and the trade-mark blown in t ie g'ass and engraved on the label is the test of genuiacuess. Beware of counter feits. We clip the following from the Troy X. V.) Whig: 'Some three months since Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Hud'i'o.N. Y . commenced adver tising in the U'hi'j, an article called 'I)r Sage's Catarrh Remedy. We belu vid at that time it was one of the many catch -penny ariiOig nieiits to swindle the peoale oaf of their money, but dining llie past few weeks have bee me convinced to the contrary. We know of several prominent citizens who have s-.'e red from that loathsome disease "Catatih," and they proeounce I !r. S ige's Remedy no humbug, and in several instances have be n entirely care I. We desire ti give Dr. Pierce the ben- lit of the same. J. D. KcCO W A v2, i3 n o r o ti 11 A 1' II a rt is r Is prepared to execute work in the very be-t s vie of the uit, at reas- nable (oiees. J'ictures taken at - per uo.en. Vieirs of Oregon City tor safe-. Rooms On Main street, opposite The?. Charman's store. uugG' unl From Maine to California millions of chil dren are wearing SILVER TiPl'EO Shoes Why not, theyaie the cheapest and never wear t! rouh at the toe. Try tiiem. l or Sale by a I Shoe I) akos. jccinl Notice. The best it ml most efficient cure known for dvspepsia and iud i uest lot: , is lr. Henlev's Celebrated I X L lbtteis- Try it. R ad ad vei tisetueiit in another col imu. junTniU Oregon L.oIi?e No 3, I. o. or O. K. ,v Meets every Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's $khz& n all, Main s ect. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order . -'v' I'arc ts less; n voiir Sice bills two thirds bv buying o.ilv CARLE SCREW WlbE fastened Hoots an 1 Shoes. Never I iu or leak. A;l genuine goods bear the Rate tit Stamp. Ilebeeeji Degree Lolj;e o. '4, O. O. F. a jj Meet on the Second and Fourth v TUESDAY EVEXTXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hail. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. EM'A3IPM1J.T NO. i, I . O. F. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENING of each ni-inth. ratnarohs in go3d stand ing are invited tn attend. Tilt: Stampkdk ix J " i". ' i i "in iui ur: .i.uvH I im njtir.n I JMult iiomalt Ioli;c Xo, 1, A. F.aiid a A. M.HohU its regular enmmnnica ! 5 V' tions on the FtrH and Third Sittur I ?. ,r.,i, in tnh mnnth at 7 ,.'l..i- c ' v X the 20th of September to the 2oth of ' -'arcn' ana '5 o ciu ironi the 2oth of ' March to tuc 2nh ot September. Dreth ren in good standing are'mvited to attend. Dtc. li.i o, by order of W. M. Fur the very l."t photographs, go to lh ad ley k Riilofs-m's Gallery without S.TA1R. lir ASCEND IX THE ELEVATOR, .Monticmnerv Street, San Francisco. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER. tUlive, 'Su. l'Vojit ttret-t, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE in this ( IT V and LAST I OKILA-ND, in ttie most desiral localities, consi-tmg of LOTS !I i r , t 15bOt'K.S and UbUL-lv-S, IIOL'SES uud STOltES : also IMPROVEO FARMS, and valuable uncultivated LANDS, located in ALL parts of tiie STATE for SALE. REAL ESTATE and other Property purchased for Con esoomb-nts, in this CITV and throughout the STATES and TERRI TORIES, with great care and on the most A D V A N T A ( ; J : O C S T E 1 1 MS. HOUSED and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COL LECTED. And a General FINANCIAL and AGENCY" BUSINESS transacted. AGFNTS of this OFFICE in all the CITIES and TOWNS in the S1ATE, will re ceive descriptions ol FARM PROPERTY anu;frvard the same to the above address. Feb. 3, isT 1 FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT IiEALCIi IS DRV GOODS, CLOTHIN(2, BOOTS AND SHOES, H A R D W A R E, G R 0 CE 11 1 ES , CROCK ER V, NOTIONS, &.C. Mi IN STREET, Oil EG ON CITY. PROI')CCE of all kin 1 bought, for which I pay tbe highest market price. If you desire good Goods, at LOW Prices, cill at I. SELLING'S-, and examine his fresh Slock id GIVE Si 'Ti ti ui Goods. M E A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SM A LL P1IOF1TS. I. SELLING. Auril 14. 171:tf bummons. Tn tho Circuit Court of the Suite of Oregon, for 'lacLamas l nn I y. AV. AV. llAUI'MO.l.v Z. C. Norton ) , . .... lasguaniih,.. ' J I lamtitl. vs. V. O. IIAKDIXC. adrai-ais'.ratrix ot the ( stale oi A. M. Jlardine. i .lec ased, W. D. Kiir.'.H.'. Jlaw- Defeml lev. Ho! .eft i.'e lpatii a:i-I J;ii:ej.- j M'. Ti.k . To V.". 1. ICiug and Robert Re-1; h. defen-iatits a'o. ve named. IX TJIK XAME'or THi: STATU OKFo" X, yo a are li,-i e!.y reitir-id to apjiear and answer the e-Uiinlaitit tiled a,; iiiis; you iu the above en titled action within ten days from the elate of t lie serviee of tins siiumioiis upon you, it' s;tv..-.1 with in tins county : or if served iu any o'le r county or t !i is St ate. t hen within t v, en i y da y.5 i'r.aii tiie date of the service ot tiiis r,a;u!iio;is upon yon; and it si'ivd hy publieat i.tu, you alv not died and r.-'june.i to so appear and answer said complaint on oi b. :',).. -tiie tih Moti. lay m October, Isli, that hiuii- the lirst day ot the next term of t lie Circuit C-ert J..r 'laekanias County. Suite of Oregon, which w ill be held ai'ier the c.cpir.ii ion of the pe noi jiresei-ibed by the order ol said Court for t be publication of this summons; an I if you fail so t.o answer, the plaint Hi's, will apply to" I he Com t for the rebef prayed tor in the complaint, which is iii substiua-e as follows, to-wit : liiat. a certain jtuUiii.-nt and d.--tvc in a foi-.-'.-io-iisf suit de scrii.ci iu complaint, al-o tf.e Sherill 's d-;-ed to A. M. liar.linLT, deed from A. M. Hauling and wife to W. 1). Iving and 1. C. Haw ley, deed from W. 1. Kimr and wife 1o liobert Jtcl'palh, ib-ed iiom i:.)b(.-rt lbv.lpath and wif.i to .lames M. 'l'raeev, ami t he dee 1 ii om VV. V.'. llarj.ev to W. I . Kiiig au'l 15. ( '. Itawlcy ; all describe 1 in the cnniplaint le eaneelied. set aside iin.l held lor na'cde. and that plain; id be adjudged to be the l igiitiul own er of said land described in said deeree and con veyances, as follows; Notification No. 7, l is, purls of seetioas one and two iu T. 3 S., K. 3 ih, in ( 'lackamas count y, coiuuieaeing at a point llj. tO cli lius r.orrh, and' a.ju east, from the S. W. corner of se -tioa on,-, T. 3 S., It. 3 east, rumiin:r tliee.ee west s.j.aii, theu.-e north ,1s. J. chains, t hem e south S." 4V, east 1)1 chains, tluaice south lu.no chains to Clackamas river, them e up -aid river with its me andenngs to tiie place of b.;ining, e.mtaining iiieut -iJi) acres; and for other and further relief, as prayed for iu said complaint, to-rel her w ith the costs ami disbursements of this suit ; and vim are further notilic-d that the lion. V. V. Vpton. .Iudre id suid j "iieuit Court, on the 11th day of September, lr2, made an order direct ing "t lie siiinmoris to be served by publication in the Ore gon City Enterprise for six successive weeks. A. F. I'oitltMS. and HULL AT .V W.VItREX, Attorneys fIjr I'laia'tiff. Oregon City, Septetnbi r 13, ls;2. nKiwfi Sheriff's Sale. TtTOTICK IS litlKKlVi OIVKX Til AT BY --" virtue vt an execution issue! out of the i ounty t oui t ot t laefcaiuas eo.intv tate of Ore- pin, oil tie.' itemher. IS72. and to me uuvete.l, in favor of .Jacob Wort man and auainst N. Neweil for the sum of seventy, 70. till, dollars, and for the further sum 0f thirty-four JD-luu, s j 2"-li, dollars costs, and also tor the costs of 'and upon this writ, 1 did on the 11th day of Septem ber, lor tiie want of persan.il property", levy u pou the foilow iiiLr ilesei ibed ie.il oroi .en v of said N. Newell, to-wit : Lot No. 5, in block So. 4, ac. iMiviiii; to the plat th-reof, to-i;rlier with all tiie iiitjiroveineiits thereon, in the town of Osweoro, in said county and State, to satisfy. said execution; I will sell at public auction to the hirh.:-d bidder f.r money in hand paid, on Saturday the 12t)i day of October, lSTi2, at the Court House d.Kir, in Cu-emm City, at in o'clock. A. M., ot said dav, tie - above deserilx-1 lot, toi-elher with the i mj.ro ve in, -nts then -on, the properly ol the said N. New ell, to satisfy said execution. .September 11th. Is7. a. f. ji;:r.Es. sheritr. Ry C. 1'. Td'.ATli:. Deputy. sepl3ni'.iwl Tho only rllabSe covering for the Foot goocJ able Screw Wire BOOTS AM) SHOES. sep 1 3 ii') ml DENTIST, )OM 2 1M;TvUM'S BUILPLVC, CORNi- It e er First and Washington Sts., Port bind. Outruns Oxide administered. ' ' ii2:itf. CONFECTIONERY SALOON ! Fresh Oysters ! I I.OUm SAAL, - - - Proprietor. Corner of Fourth and Main Slrc-ls. 1,-MiESH OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY . style desired. Confectionery of every kind constantly on hand. I manufacture all rny own s ock, which sufficient guarantee that it is fresh and pure, f Call if want of a good cup ot collet-, tea, i or cl.ocolatfc. or auytbiiii: iu wy lice. ; Oregon City. Stptemhcr , lr...tt i I NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY CM Allies Iff. CAUFI15I I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW consisting in pari of - D Y-GO FANCY LADIES' AXD CIIILDREXS' Groceries, X 1 1 U JfUJll L Will 2C 1 III lilt lJJ L JL ifc .X where, and convince vourselves that 1 CAN and WILL SELL as cheap ns the cheapest CI1AIS. II. CAUFIELI), CORXEK MAIA AND SEVENTH STREETS, OREC-ON CITY. X. POPE, Grocer & Provision Dealer, Next door south of the Court House, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, DEALER IN EST FAMILY GROCERIES, us COFFEE, TEA , SUGAR, FLOUR AND M HAL of all kinds, TICKLES, SOl, SALT, CANNED FRUITS and OYSTERS, A lso, all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. BUTTER. CHEESE and EGGS. TOBACCO and CIGARS, GLASSWARE, Etc., Etc. All kinds of country Produce taken in ex chnnjre for on1s at the highest mm ket rates. Z:i?"Gnods delivered i:i the city free of o' lire. A fair slicre of patronage solicited. March 21!, Is72:tf LIVE AM) LET LIVE! THE 0REGC CITV HACK AD DRAY CO. T T' 1 Vl PURCHASE!) The Jk-Ju livery iock ami linsmess iAir oi Mess.s. Willis & Rkoiohion, 4k and the Dn.ys, Horses and Rn-iness id" C. N. Gki:i:nm., arc now pi t pared to carry on L1YEKY lit'SlNKSi, fi:izd sn:;bK, AS Li 13Ii.VYI.Vti. We will also deliver slnb wood to all these persons to whom Willis A- Proiihtoii h ive engaged and as many mote as will enae slab wood from ns, so far as we can get a supply. Oideis lcrt at the Livery Stable for Wool, Rr.iyinir or Hauling, will be attendi-i) to with disjMteii. Pat'onaue in on r several branclies ot business soiic ted. Uur l liaigi-s o'uib ! .Mdiitrali; SirTlm Highest Cash Price paid for Oat-, delivered ;it tiie Stable. C. X. ;REEXMA V. P.-esilenS J. M. F R A Z E R, Secretary, Of 0. C. II. A D. Cc, : CregOil C t ty-. A up:. 215, ls.72. tii' THE FOIXOWIXG MUisIC-ROOKS -EL are reecomineiiUfd as beiny the REST 5 of tlieir class : Sl o l'riee. S7 Tne s'ong Echo, for .Schools Kinkel'-i New Method for Keed ( ( ii ij-an will be remiv Autr. 25. i ..SO 7j ill ti.J 25 ? 5 IVti-rs' Ei-li-i-tic l'iano S'etiool, I .-, 0. over oiiii,niiij eojiii'.s in use, ) " Peters' liurrowes' Piiiner 50 t OI rail's (.Oiitar School 1 ill -9 Festival Chillies, .Sinking classes 1 00 Nc Plus Ultra (ilee P-ook. wi!h I Piano or Oman Ae'n'mt i 1 jo T5. TjUiliIen's School for the Voice.. 3 50 Peters' Art of Siirj-int-' 3 On AX ielitl's Violin Scli"l. Peter's e.b, 3 00 IS. V JBiL K miiiin'i's i'luio Si'hool. 3 DO Vv'iinnicr.-te.H's Viobu School. AV iiniiH.-rsf edt's Flute SeLihil. Peters' Violin School 5 P. Flute School 75 Peters' I'iirlorl 'oiiijianion. For t Fiute, Violin, aii.1 Piano. i Peters' Parlor 'aiupaiiiuii. For ( Flute and l'iano, 3 00 2 00 II. Any Music will he peTit postpai't, on receipt of the marke 1 price. Ad dress, J. L. PETEP.S, 5i)'J I'.roailwav, New York UUlUll2 TII1: OLDEST AND T XX 33 T 1 rJT D R. HUFELAN D'S CELER RATED s i: s s STOMACH BITTERS Tli? I'irst and most healthful Tonic cvv'" introduced in t lie United States. H These Ritters have P been in tbe San Fran- cisco Mai ket for over S ' t- ii l y yt-ai s.an j g uotwithst inditi'j the lj many new caiuiiaar.es h for public favor, the sale- have const. ntlv creased. MT.VVIiOJt & HEX- ij H i:f.s s H 4 and 4 411 ClavSt.'. y San Francisco. 2'l-l v. Ordinance ?2o. I CO. Be it ot'uiii'j'l and exf'ililijihed by the City Council if Oregon City: That a ferry U hereby established under and by viitue 'if the provisions of the 4th section of an act eniitled "An act to create a School Di-trict in Oregon City, passed Jan. 3 i lsr,4, as follows : said terry shall be across lie Willamette River bet ween Seventh street in Orejon City and the opposite shore o:i the land claim of the late Hugh Hums. Sec. 2. The Mayor, in conjunction with the committee on Streets and Public Pr..n- eitv, are hereby authorized to lease ihe snid f-rry for the term of one year to some responsible person who will pay the highest price therefor. The procerds arising from the said lease shall be paid into the citv treasury to be applied to tbe support of the Common Schools in Or-gou City in accord ance with the terms of Ihe act above men tioned. Passed the Common council, Sept. 2, lb72. Approved Sept 2, F72. A. Noltneb, Mayor. In accordance with the above Ordinance, bids wiil be received at the Recorder's office for the purposes mentioned, until Saturday, September 14, 187:1. L.. F. K1SHEK, 2') and 1 New Mer chants' Lichanz, i8 cur authciired Azcnt in Sac Franciscj. AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, ' 0-OOX, 3 Oil ii ion , SHOES", Crockery, &c, &c. X ijn, Give me a call before purchasinc else SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY V. LEYY. I HAVE JUST REDEIVEI) A COMPLETE and well-assorted stock of CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING, A.D CEXTIESEX'S' FfP.XISUI.VG GOODS, Which I will .-ell at reduced prices. Call and examine rn' stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Produce Taken in rxclianw fur Goods. A. IiKYY, ?Iain street, Oregon City. FOR rpiIE UNDEMSiGXEl) DESIRES TO SELL J his property in Oregon City will sell at a bargain, to a pood pon-ha-cr. Also -1 town lots in Canemah, with good fence around. A'cH) a town lots in lower end of Orpjron Uity ; also lo of lami known as the dona tion la id claim of Wm. Stone, 6 miles southeast of Oregon City, ith some im provements, thinly timbered, nc under growth, go -d lasting water "liitiuire at County Clerks nfiiee. J. M. FRAZER. Oregon City, May !lh. Is?--'. v.'.n2s SHADESSALOON, C. A. HAAS,. Proprietor, Ilain Street, Grfgon City. Best BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention i f the lovers of this popular amusement, to them THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Lhpiors anj Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Eourboii alreadj .'unions 'Ahiskies and Punch. ALSO, a no. I SHOOTSPJQ GALLERY Is connected with the Saloon. Oregn City, dan. 1, lS72:tf 3 ' TIIK L I H 0 0 L HB k K E R Y. W1LLSAEVSS Cl HARDEC, T f AVE JUST OPENED A FULL VARIE JJ ty of choice FAMILY GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS. The Bakery will be constantly supplied with fresh DREAD, CR VCKERS. CAKES. PASTUY, CANDIES AND NUTS. All of which will be sold at living rates. Remember that we do not sell goods at cost. Also, please bear in mind that it takes money to do business. To tiie farming trade we would sny, CASH for you. produce, and CASH for our coods. Ooods delivered to all parts ot le city. Feb. 10, ls72itf SI.OOO iX THHER .MONTHS. I "( LTS CAN MAKE THE A ROVE jt amount by selling the Greatest Rook of tiie Age, i lie STRUGGLE OF '72. The issues and candidates ot the present political campaign, Jifovy and I'lutjot mx, Review of (J rant's Administration.- The Rec ord of Horace Okeklky, by Everett Chatn beihiin, formerly of the Chicago Tribune. The illustrations are drawn exprtsslv for the work by Stephens. Entirely original. The tin est, both humorous and" grave. If 3-011 want to make money send One Doli.au for outfit, and secure territory at once. Terms Ac, furnished on application. Address A 1,1 UA-VtUOFi' & CO., i( ,1 Francisfo.Cal. 'i w7 KINKEL'S the attention of Teachers and Amateurs to Kixkkis Xew Mkthod fohtiie Rkfo Ok;; an ano Mklodi on, which we will issue about September First.' This wmk is pronounced superior to all oth ers of its cla-s by Teachers who have exam- NEW METHOD iced it. It centains a clear and simple course of instruction whereby any one may easily acquire tbe mastery of this favoi ife'liistru ment, with a few month's study. It will al- F()l? THF w 3 beaf,,vor W 11 A 1 i 1 J Ue work with the leacher, on account of its clearness and svs temanc progression ; more of an amusement j than a study for the Pupil, and will prove a j " "with to the Amateur, on account of tin a n v -K M..lrl:.. . . ... I -'-''J'" tic, that j '" 'V1'1 ni,s selected ami arranged ex pressly for tins work. Hin kel's New Meth nd will be mailed, post-paid, on receipt of Address, J. L N. V. PETERS, .100 Rroadwav. Send Go cents for the latest number of PETERS' KUSICAL MONTHLY and you wiil fret at least Si worth of our l it est and best Vocal and Instrumental Piano Music. September tjth, 1872. m.2 Strayed. A WUT THE MIDDLE OF JUL", ON IX. the C!ackamas, a light-lay mule, with white saddle marks on each side of the back; with a Spanish brand 011 left-liip. Any pers n giving information which will lead to the recovery of the mule will be suit ably rewarded by leaving said information at this office. Oreg- p. City, Aug. 3A, S72. w3 Dy payipgice ceuts extra fur a pair of Shoes with Sliver Tips, you add y "tr- to their wearing va!u. . " e .neioaies, otigs, etc., that 1 vq HEED ORGAN.!;: I 6 THOMAS OHARMAN o G . - 1S53 12S1 AllLISHlID DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Oregon City, ami the Willanmtte Valley, that tie is xtill on hand, and doing business or the old motto, that -A Mnible Sll-Peare is lirttcr than Slow Shilling." I have just returned from Slau Francisco, where 1 purchased one of the LAH(;EST and IJIIST SEJLrcCTKI Stock of Coeds ever before offer d in this city ; and consists in part, as follows : Boots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Gocds, Hats & Ca5, Hosiery of eveiy Description, Hardware, Gro ceries, Paints & Oils, Crockery, Glassware. Chinaware, Stoneware, Platedware, J c welry of various qualities styles, Clocks &Watches.La dies & Gentlemen's Furn ishing Gocds, Fancy Notions of every description,PateHt Med icines, Hope, Farming Implements of all kinds, Carpets. Mattings, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, &c. Of the above list, T can sav mv stock is th MOST COMI'EETE ever oftVfed" in this mar ket, and was sleeted with rst ctaUarefur ttiis niaiktt. ,,i wind, I now ,fjcr for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. 6 Xo use for the ladies, or anv Oone else, to 0 think of going to Portland to'buv eoods for I am DE I Llt.MIXED TO SELL CHEAP and l ot allow myself to be O I'SDEKSOLD I THE STATE OF OREGON, o AH I ask, is n fair chance ai;d quick pay ments. Reliev ng, as I do, thfct niiietci'ii years' experience iu Oregon City enables me to Know the reqiremeiits of the trade. Come one and all, and sec for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CHARltf AN cannot be beat in quality or price. It vvcu'd be useless for me to tell you liTI the advan- tages I can oiler you in the sale of goods, as every store ihat advertises dors "that, and probably you have been disappointed. All I wish to say is, come and see and examine !or yourselves, for I do not wish to make anv mistakes. My object is to tell all mv old fr lends now that I am still alive, and desir ous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or on such terms as agreed upon. Thanking all for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. THOS. CHARM A X, Ma:u street, Oregon Cilr. JF"Legal Tenders and County Script taken at maiktt rates. TIIOS. CH ARMAS. ZlsT' 0,000 I,s wool wanted bv - THOS. CHARSIAX, REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. JACOB STIT2KL, C.C.WAT. JACOB STITZEL & CO., ftH.LiMJlfi TO STITZEL & UI'TOX., REAL ESTATE AND M O K E Y BB O K EK S Cor. Front and Washington StK., PORTLAND. OREO QX . Ppccial attention given to tbe sale ol farm ing lands and city property. All corres pondence relating to the lecources of Ort (ron will be promptly answered- E.EAL ESTATE JOURNAL Published monthly. Sent free of charge to any address. " JACOB STITZEL & CO. March 15, 1 872:tf r ISTAURANT. LEOFJDeLCUEY Proor- i LA TE OF TEE CLIFF HOUSE MAI.V STItEtT, ORKGOX CITY, OK EG OK. PHE UNDERSIGNED R E- A- spect fully announces to his fi lends and the ti ave!in public tii-.it 1.0 i,.. . 1 ,r r vs .....v ns j e-ojieueu rue aoove named JCestaurant. The proprietor knows how to serv hi csuiorners wjtti Ovstei Jysters, Pig's Feet, a good a SQUARE MEAL. cup ot Coffee or LEO v lu-i nnrv Orcgon Cify, Jan. 27, 1871 :tf 4 VOID OUACKf? -A victim of earlvin' iscretion, causinir nervous debiliiv. j premature decay, Ac, having tried in vain "u) -mveriiseo remedy, bas a simple mean of silf-cure, which he wII send free to hin fellow sutlerers. Address J. II. REEVES, S Nrfssau st., New York oept. l:ly O TEW WAGON Carriage fiflanufactory I The undersigned, IiaTing increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as nianr new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing. llorae or Ox shoeing, and eeneral obbi-g peatlv. onirklr aud cbear lydcae. DAVID PMITH. o 9 O o 0 0 G O O 0 O & r 1 n n ikTr'TDfMPT' T.TRRARY.