Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, September 13, 1872, Image 2

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riTV. OBEGOX, SEPT. 11, 1-12. j
I''or Vice President,
ok Mtssorni.
Presi Jcntial doctors,
gf;KO. It. IIKI.M, of Linn County.
N. II. CbYTKS, of Wasco County.
E. D. SHATTK IC, of Multnomah.
The Heal Issue.
. , i 4l i ; , i
l liere has been recently brought .
to public notice a reminiscence not
ciit all pleasing to the Grantitcs, who
have been arrogating to themselves
tlw f-redit. such as it is. oi bem
the constant and consistent iocs oi
slaverv. In the early spring o
ior-1 ,.,.,,i,iiai.il r !ii ( lid men t to
' J. , i i !
bo r-?ict nut ion was introduced i
Hl. V V
into the Ilotise oi' Representatives,
proviling that after its ratineation
" no amendment shall be made to
the Const ilutiqai which will author
ize or give to Congress the power j
to abolish or interfere with any j
State,with the domestic institutions j
thereof, includ inr that of persons i
i i i 4. ii i ,i l . :
lw i to i im'nr sorvtcf' hv t he u s i
of said State." Tn eil'ect
posed, as will be seen.
, it pro
to rivot
forever the chains upon the slaves,
In the House, this proposed amend
ment was voted for by Schuyler
Colfax, John A. Logan, Mcpherson
of Pennsylvania, 3Iorri!l of Ver
mont, Sickles, and Maynard ; and
in the Senate by Anthony of Rhode
Island, and Harlan of Iowa All
. -"..-.., , .... o, !
these men support Grant now. On
the other hand, it was opposed, in
the House, by Ashley of Ohio,
Frank Blair, Farnsworth of Illinois,
Fenton and Sedgwick, Xew York,
Tappan of Xew Hampsire, and
Hickman and Grow of Pennsylvan
ia; and in the Senate, by Doolittle,
vr,. .i T..ml,ll " All illSn
r,M - i
-men are lor urceiev now. iuis;
. - -, , -i ..
reminiscence actus icneweu e i- .
deuce to the curious political com
binations, already so marked of the
iresent political canvass
Hepublieans have nomimtted for !
President an- old Democrat, while
the Democrats have nominated an j
.old Republican
The two old par-
ties, so tar as political proclivities i
' 1 , , ;
are concerned , apricar to be orouen
, ,
ui), and men wno out one vear ago
' ,
were opposed to each other, are
x.1 . , ;
now actmr m concert. hat then
is it that divides the parties to-day, j
.1 ...t,f .-,-n tlwi i'irn:'' rFlw nil. ; I
11 11.IL .11 v: lliv ir. viv.- . .i '
swer is plain and conclusive. It is
a light, to break up the corrupt
lings which are running the Gov
ernment. This is the true answer,
and it furnishes the reason why
Schurz, Trumbull, Fenton. and ,
The I.csrisJature.
The Legislature met last Monday. The
House was organized on the same day by
tht election of the following permatient
officers: Speaker, K. Ma'.lory. of Marion;
Cuef Clerk. S. A. Clarke, of Marion;
Assistant Cleik. Sum. Simpson, of Marion;
Engrossing Clerk. J. VV". D j.lge; Karo'.iing ',
Cierk, B. ii, Ro.uh; Sergeant-at- Anus. E
C. Hadaway; Door Keeper. Mr. Wagner.
Li the Senate, Hon. J. D. Fay. of Jack
f on county, was elected tin Uiiaie.ur-ly
President. Mr. F. is an excellent presiding
oflieer. and the business of that body will
be di.-iatched wilii promptness by him.
On Chief Clerk the Senate has come to a
stand, not having been able to elect, the
vote standing 11 and 11. Mr. S. C. Simp
son being the Democratic candidate, and
Mr. S. C. Adams the kepubuean.
Senate having thus far failed to organitiize.
the House could transact no bjsiness. We
shall keep our readers posted m regard to :
theroeeedimrs at the Capital, as ,ve have '.
made arragenu-nts for regular correspond- !
irrt,,i,..r.. !
l UV.I H s. v. .
Jiiko-e Onstien of Baker, received the j
Democratic votes for Speaker iu the Low- !
Hause; and Col. W. L. While of this
7-nnntv tr- Chief Clerk. '
We thought that the negro question was
dead when the Constitution of the Uni-
ted States pyovided for their equality
. . , . . ,"
before tUe law a:
Southern StaVs
citiieus, and when the
endorsed the
The Radicals
ecpi alizing amendments
will not leave well enough alone.
are now for enslaving the white man. D
our Government to be for enslaving the
white man. Is our Government to be for
ever a see saw on the black question
niA'-un -hii loA-ii-' wht. tin ',i .--
oiaci-w up. iii.e wiine up. i.u
down? The Radical policy begins and
ends in that.
The Detroit Free Dress asks the perti
other Kcnublieans, m liose records j "M-n '1 lu,";u- j The power given by the Con$tiiutLii u,
are untainted -o lb" Creelev and ! 0lh ll tl,Cr 1,;lS l'00? i l-'y imports was Mpy for the purpose
au. 'il huntu o .o ' j count ot a large amount ot S"1!' of deriving a revenue therefrom, and can
why 1 weed, ( onnedy, len. Iutler ' o-unhoats, naval stores war mate- , , , , , , - . , ,
- - -i . , I-1 n.'" ' ' , 1 not be distorted anu enlarged bv any sue
Cameron, (-handler, ami others a ria , and quartermaster ami com-! e -
, . . ' 1 i-ii i cess'ul sophism so as to justify tariff laws
their ilk, Irrespective ot past party Ui -sarv stores, which the Govern- j . , ,
' ' ,- , , ' framed not so much for the purpose of
fealty, support Grant. nient had when Grant came into i ... , '
- ' 1 ! . deriving revenue therefrom as for the
nont miwtiAit if fo.. r t . tii- 1! . ,f relel - " ' v ' . v " ' 1' ' l" 1 " " ' ! 'se 1 1 1 tl t . . .
V-1'' " ,K f - 1 1 ; the whole body oolitic isecmMded 9 Has laKen some ol le individuals j Aj jj
archives are worth i.a.0G0. what is the ... - . U1 1 uI'i(-1L i ....... . i. i
. ,i;f n . . , r TT . , raiul that tlie w ho e nat on has bo """ 1 " LU'1111 u MirPnH'-1 rr C,
wrth f. four cart-loads of Limn area . ....., ... "' l,t i Thev don't know what to malce of it. We ,m V.'
ive wbfch Iladeau took from the War Ie- . -'-".'- "- aovivvi :tut supporters , : . . . , . , lo all
e ...1.1 i.i' ' i! in t the:- ntil vvnt i hfilfiir e ; r. t.i
vartnuut. . oi i. o.m.ci ;tm I itrvrs. i .. . - - -- --- - - - i tl,w.c.
Treasury Ircebooty.
T!, Vntm,-I IV.mnm-i';,. Vv,..!
utive Committee at aiimirtoii ;
jlUVe recently issued a length v d
fK statistics taken fn
doc- !
j u It i . . ' - ..... ....... v. . . . .. . j
! the official reports of the Treasury I
! and the official monthly statements.!
j r!,. c . 4 j
liinmir tn rT : '-I I isl if1-; Tl .'on irum i
led to iu litis document, ami from
those reports it furnishes proof of
the following facts: 1st. That on j uhlates lor the Legislature their certiti
the 30th of Juno. 1809. there were I 'l!,'s' 1,1 Mllwa.ikie f"iiict tl
' . ,, ., !
; oineiailv issued irom toe 1 rerisurv I
j -
i Department four different state- j
i inents as to the amount of the pub- J
! lie debt at that date, some of which i
1 difler iVom others to the amount of!
I one hundred and lifty-six millions
of dollars.
j 2d. That the amount of the re
j duction of the p-.iblic debt for the
: last three years, depending, of
! course, upon the real amount of the
debt on June 30th, 1600, mav be
' -
eitner three hunurcu ana mtv nm-
lions, or only one hundred and
ninety-four millions of dollars for
that period of time.
3d. That in the last three years
r!f Johnson's administration, the
reduced bv the amount
of three Inindreii and ninet v-ibur
minion oi dollars, wuiie m the tnree
years of Grant's administration it
has been reduced by the amount oi
one hundred and ninety-four mil
lion of dollars, or some other uncer
tain aiuomtt,
4th. Tli at if the statement made
bv the Treasurer in the Finance
I'onort oi the amount of the debt
on July 1st, 1809, is correct, and
if, al so, Bout well's statement of the
reduction of the debt since that
ptiiod is correct, then the Govern
ment is paying interest on one hun
dred and iil'iv millions it does not
Takinix the statement of
inteicst ;aid as correct, and it ex
ceeds the amount required by the
amount ot interest reqiurea on the
outstanding bonds, as reported, by
nearly three million of dollars: if
th.is amount has really been paid, '
then there is about fifty million of
bonds not reported: if it has r.ot
been paid, that amount has been
K-zzled and
cnar'red to interest
but. 1 iat the statement oi me
amount or the public debt lor the
j last ten years has been enangeu hi
the Finance Report of each year at
pleasure; the report of 1 87 1 chang
ing the amount for each year from
what was stated in the report of
IS 70.
7th. That from the Finance Re-
! nort of 1 S 7 1 , it is demonstrated
1 ,
that in nalaucmg tne accounts, ovi
three millions ot motiov was bmu
. . " ...
missinef, and an item was iabrica
, . . , , . ,
fit in oriler to balance ti:e hook
8th. That the net ordinary ex-
! lion
iscs ot three years ot Govern
ment under Grant (excluding ail
payments of principal and interest
on the public debt, and including
only the net ordinary expenses.)
exceeded three years of Democratic
Lrovernmeut untler J5uch;inau hy
over two
ower ana now lias not.
HHh. That there has been re
ceived from customs during
the last three years over
two hundred and twenty million of
dollars in gold more than the gold
disbursements, the premium on
which, amounting to about fbriy
million of dollars, lias not been ae-
counted for.
11th. That the excess of annual
, ?: i .. - i . !
. . I .
j newer ana now nas not.
e. : ici o 1 1 i u i e.-s moiei vti.iiil I'.VITOP ;
those under .Johnson by over one J;ut lU 'V""" uf revenue and protec-
hundred and seven million of dol- ! Uvt iar,: is 1101 noW an Us,,tt 111 ,he
;ir j Presidential canvass, it having been re
12th. That Bout well has paid as I !Wrotl to Congres&ional Districts, where it
premiums on bonds, not due and t ''S'ti'"' belongs. But there has late
ayable when purchased, over ly S'uW Uns country one other
thiVty-three million of dollars. ' great resti iction upon commerce, which
1:1th. That Joutwell has called u 51 5ivti s,u" in tLe lndi"g canvass. We
m over forty-one million of three !
Por f'-''it. certtlicates, and tutuied a
JK'W 1an oJ'lvo hundred million of!
HX e 1"J1 c-'nt-, creating a loss er
live iter Cent., creatine a loss nne
;lun,,t11 111 niterest of over eiht
""H'-lred and ninety thousand do!- j
hirs. I
,14t1'- tie average amount
ot P,ul an'1 currency bonded in j
aieuxuy ioi uie last tntve ;
- v ' ) " "-'voi. w.n- uiuoncu aild j
j thirty millions oi dollars ; an an-
! nual loss of interest of over seven
: raid a half million dollars,
' The above statements are proven
1... J.' .1 1 1
t'y ngittvi oi en: ouiciui ieeorus
(i,,.,. , . ... ,.o; .. -i
and thev cannot le evadetl.
sa ve.
or oistiroveii.
ie v cxb.ilut
an extent ot othcuu corruption and
rottenness at Washinston, before
.,.!.;,.!, ti. rP-,....i i
;V1,V" V ""V1 1,auus OI -C-w j
.1 u1 k Mime oniy us a l'Usii ie'i!t
before a meridian sun. To snnnoso
. -.1 1 ., . 1
t li at w 1 1 h such mean t et 1 1 ie i iroo f '
, . . ,. r' w,ls ;
: oi downriglit Pte.iun on the liart '
nt tlie present Aiinur.tstration, it !
will be retained in
power by the
A Jocal Matter for 12i e Legislature.
There are before (be Lower House of
. . , .. 5 , .
tires from t h w eoutitv. The content in
this county was fairly won by tbe Demo-
r'i! l.nt 1.,- ricn. ih- ..t,h 1,., r
. l t , u n i. ii i (i. T nil... LlLi
tlie Kalicul Judges of Election, a most
defaced ra,ltI lu-rpt-trait-a upon
the people of 111 county. The Radicals
and the;
thins: w'
did not it-fuse to resort to any
lich would give the Radical can-
Mill No. 4. which was removed on the 1-t
r i .. , i -rh , .
of March prior to the election. 1 he men
(eighteen in number) left the State and
went over to Washington Territory and
worked on the N. P. II. II. A week or so
Pri'jr t0 tLt? election. eYe all
brought uaeK to vote, under pay oi the
Kadieul m uii'geis, :tnd they did vote.
These eighteen votes should be thrown
out. ;u:d not counted. In Oregon City
precinct hneen votes were placed on the
rejected list, of which twelve were Demo
cratic, on the giound that these men were
working on the canal. Thee men have
resided in the county for over a year,
have their families here, and are legal
voters. They should be counted for the
Democratic contestants. In Linn city
precinct, there were eat 7S votes, all re
ceived by the Judges and no legel objec
tions made to the men voting. When
these peijnred Judges of election made
out their reinrns, they refused to count
but seventeen votes. We are informed
by parlies who knew, that most of the
names on the poll book are those of per
sons who had rc.iidcd in the coiin'v for
over a year ; many o! them had Leon here
seveud years and employed on other
w.u ks prior '.o conimencinj: work en the
Lc cks ; yet nil were rej'-cfed by the iile
;al and aibitrary act of these Radical
Judge of election. Out of the number
rejected, there are 15 Democrats and nine
Republicans, givinir the Democrats oG
majority, making in a!! as
i!jo v
e shown.
1 5 more Dotn icratic votes, and 18 Rad
ical votes iiieirallv cast at Milwaukie: be
ing a difference of CD votes in favor of the
contestants. In O.swegn precinct, some
twelve legnl voters were refused the right
to vote These we need not count, and
we have a majority independent of them,
on the poll bonks of from ',)') to fu votes
for the Democratic candidates. Most of
the Democratic county ticket were elect
ed independent of the above votes, but
those who were to be defrauded out of
their just earned victory, appealed to the
Court to give them j i-riee. and the con
test was heard befor.' Judge Upton, a
R-'Oublican Jiulue, for the oflice of Coun-
ty Commissioner and
tendetit. lh-' la; !.! of
- (
o'.'l Sjiperin-
w:;:c i w
Hi' (
eated tiv ti
by I!) votes.
noil books of
rfhe Judge admilsed the
this and Linn city nrecincts
as evidence. and upon them alone he gave
judgment in (aver of the Democratic con
testants. Two of our Representatives are
claini'-d to be defeated bv the dishonesty
ol the ii.iilu
il Judges o
election, by ten
by seventeen.
votes, while the other
Judge Upton giving us j
;!gment when 1!)
votes weie at is.-tie. and the Milwaukie
vote not brought, into question, how can
whi'ii a less vote
Democratic nvr.ib'.-
in (pies; ion .
have all the
X iueiice
which, is necessary to esbib ish
heir rii
cision of Judge Upton, two Justices of
the Peace were summoned by tin- Countj
Clerk, and they, in conjunction with the
!:. counted -ihe vote on 'lie in the of
lice of the Cierk. and after this count, cer-
iilioatcs setting lorth the.e facts, that the i " ' '
Democratic candidates have a majority of ! euce in wntatg, and we have no doubt
all the vosi-s ea.-i. as appears irom the J will fully sustain the reputation the Ore
poll books. We cannot see by what rea j gonial! has oVained.
-on of justice our mem bets can be kepi !
out. ami we know that if justice is done to
Ldackamas county. Ihev will tie admitted
the cart y part ol uie session.
purpose ol protecting some particular in
terest. There is no where in the Consli
tution any grant of power lo Congress,
enabling it to pass what are termed pro
tective t i ri IF laws. Such laws are uncon
stitutional and unjust. Whenever Con
gross devises tariff laws for other purposes
than s'mply deriving a revenue lor the
support of She Government, it is laying
burdens and restrictions upon commerce,
which are both hurtful and ui
Under the Grant Ad-
ul""!?U:l,,,- 'doug:i i,a connivance,
with iu '"l,Pl't- i1k' commerce of the
country leas been hampered and obstrnet-
ed by tbe General Order Business." of
which Leet and Stocking, and similar
vjovtrnm.uit pets, in every port, which
bus been very aptly term-d Leetage. By
this system ol Leetuge, commerce is crip
pied and immense sums oi money ate
rung irom uie people, w uicu go u.iecny
into the pockets of these Government
pets. The Grant Administration endorses
and upholds this system, while the great
arnty of the Liberal e po.-itiou, though,
perhaps, differing in regard to revenue
and protective systems of tarills. are unit
edly opposed to the robbery of Leetage
Like the Moorish ban. lit. i which planted
cannon ut the Straits of Gibraltar and de-
niauded tribute of every passing vessel.
these Government bandits the Leets and
t5vUC!ili: OJ !U IfOU!. .l.U.lljW.linn.ill
, . . , . . ,
plant themselves at everv p-ort of customs
and collect their unlawful tribu'e from
of the. Grant AdmirJs'.ration-
the cutumerce that pas ihrongh.
Im: Cu vxiiX. The change in the Ore- .
, , .... !
inue, as u none o;
Cl"-! V-StY ' i-vJiu.C.
our. nsrnt. v.-.
At his Tricks Again.
D- P. Thompson, the leader of the Ilad
ical Brig-vie in this county has been try
ing very hard to get up a contest between
Senator Myers and Mr. Cochran, but his
Radical friends in the Senate don't appear
to believe his terrible stories about illegal
votes. i-c. cast for Mr. Myers. The cheek
of Dave Thompson is good; he worked,
almost day and night to secure Mr. Myers
defeat before the election, lie hired men
to leave Hie county: tried to buy votes
against him. nnd finally got a set of
Judges to bring in false returns, and yet
he f.,und that he was unable to defeat
hi:n. He got a locomotive to start np
from Portland with twenty men on it,
with instructions to vole the cattle
every precinct, and. be it said to the cred
it of the Jujges. they failed in getting in
but about four of these votes. After all
this work, and Mr. Myers getting a clear
maicriiv as counted bv the Radicals
themselves of seven, and if fairness and
i j j j
; honesty li;iu prevailed, bv about seventy
we should think Dave would give up his
efforts against a man who could to day
beat him before the people of Clackamas
county two to his one votes for any oflice
in the gift of the people. Dave is a good
fellow, but in poliucs tie has no limit to
trickery. Besides, he has an eye out for
Dave all the time, and generally makes
ii pay, or he don t take any stock in it.
His statements in regard to -illegal voting
by his opponents should be taken with
great allowance, but If he can get an
illegal vote he never lets it slide. That's
QcEnn. The Salem fKnttt)iion
publishes what claims to be the
proceedings of the Legislature. In
these proceedings we find a batch
of editorial comments, which are
certainly out of place. The action
of the Legislature so far is not sat
isfactory to the MitchclI-YViHiams-llolladay,
or Anything to beat
Corbetl, organ. Wonder whether
the editor of that paper remembers
how unsatisfactory his course was
in the Legislature in 18G0, when
lie sold out for a small considera
tion ?
Winn Si'KAK.
learn from
reliable authority, that Gen. Joseph
Lane will shortly take the stump
and make a few speeches in behalf
of Greeley and Drown. The oh!
hero will be hailed by enthusiastic
audiences wherever he may speak,
and the hosts who tormei ly follow
ed under his lead will rejoice to
see him once more in the field
making a tight against con upturn,
dishonesty and centralization. We
i . " i i i . . i ...
nope ne may oe aoie to speaK at
this place.
Chwcku Hands. The Daily and Week
ly Oi'egouhin has been pin chafed by the
I Orego'iian "ublisliing Company, and Mr.
II. V. Scott has retired from the edi'.oiial
management of the paper. Mr. Scott has
proved himself to be one of trie best ed
itors in our Slate or on this const, and
'he cause which has heretofore had his
set vices will sadly mis.i him. V hi'e we
have earnestly diiiered from Mr. S. we
I cannot but acknowledge that he has al
ways been an open and frank" o ponenl.
j Mr. W. Lair Hill succeeds in the editorial
i management of the paper. .Mr. Hiil is a
Its Surroin i:s. The Radical or
gans for sometime past have been
busily engaged in lauding the
Louisville ' Convention, and since
the failure they have
smeared the candidates with lau
dations. As no one else advocates
their claims, we cannot see how
these Radical organs can be con
sistent unless they support the
candidates of the Rlanton Duncan
Grant Convention. Come, gentle
men, if it is your ticket , support it.
What Skxatoii Titrr.M.xv Thinks A
writer in the N. Y. JFoWJ had an interview
recently with Senator Thurmiu. why has
been in New York. Mr. Thurm ui express
ed his views on the political outlook at
length, and gave good and sufficient rea
sons why he thought that Mr. Greeley s
election was certain. He expressed the
belief that Greeley and Brown would have
20J electoral votes wiilioul the electoral
vote ol Ohio, which, however, he thought
would go for Gieelev. As regards the so
called straight out Democratic movemeut,
h" did not think it would amount to any
thing. Will Can vass. We learn that
Hon. Geo. R. Helm will shortly
start East of the mountains for the
purpose of making a thorough can
vass of that section. 3lr. Helm is
one of the best speakers in out
State, and we ask our friends in
section to turn out and hear him.
He will make it warm for the
Maink. The election returns from tlie
State of Maine indicate that the Radicals
have carried the State by about L),0;);),on
a very full vote. Four years ago. Grant
carried the Stute by 27.000. The Admin
istration did its utmost to carry Maine.
ana keep up a majority, but in spite of
all its charts, the reduction is tweive
thousand. It will probably be much less
in November, when Greeley will sweep
the State.
The Matesutan ititimates that
lion. eu. Ilayden did not intend
to support Greeley. We hope he
m-iv- Inv this drdnsion to his bosom.
j j
will, however not onlv vote
reeley and Urown, but will
in bis power to secure their
. t
CJ rant's Beef-Caters in Mississippi.
From the New York World.
In the First and Third districts of Mis
sissippi (here was collected in 1S7U-71
In-ill the four ta.vible articles tor internal
revenue the following amount :
lurst District.
From spirits
From tobacco
From fermented liquors
From banks
13.M. 1)1
4. ;:." or
:-)!! 15
1.71S 4J!J
Total collected S20.G18 :i7
Amount npprnpi iaied in 1872-
73 for collecting the above. . 8FS.O00 00
Third JJlstrict.
From spirits
From tobacco
From fermented liquors....
lo s;:; ;o
4,85(3 M
j From banks. . . .
Si;;,:'J5 25
Amount appropriated in 1871-
11 for collecting the above.. Sit) 000 00
For the convenience of the sovereign
people who pay for the Administration
Beef-eaters the following table will be
found serviceable :
Tn'il for Perccnt'iijefor
J'f'st. eo.rciVi,', codectinif. coUerli ,,g.
First. . $20. (!1S :17 $18 tH)t' Neariv 7i
Third. l(i.:505 15 10 000 Fme. overllC
Total collected $;',(;. '.123 h'2
Total cost for collecting $37,000 OJ
Deficiency paid by the Treasu
ry to tli Beefeaters iu the
above two districts 70 38
gkats h::i:f i:ati::is in uramoiA.
On the four items now subject to inter
nal taxation there was collected in 1871
in the First District of Georgia the follow
ing amount :
From f pirits . . .
From lobaceo . .
From fei men ted
From banks
..$l!).t!3l) C,,
. 0,570 8(1
. 12.710 3U
.$11.92!) 87
liquors .
Amount appropriated in 1872-73 to col
lect the ahove. $2 1. 000 which is a frac
tion over 57 per cent, for general collec
tion. Of the above $11 92!) 87 taxes
proisnd out of the people in the First Dis
ttict of (iei;gia. the (.rant carpet bug
Beef-eaters deducted $21,000. and left fur
the Treasury 519.929 87.
gkaxt s k;-:kk-k.ytk!?s in Non ru cakomna.
The receipts from the four articles s.ill
remaining to be taxed of internal levenue
in the Seventh District of North Carolina
iu 18(1 were as follows:
From spirits
From tobacco
. . $ Di. (17 1
. . . 2,080
Fro fermented
From banks ....
Tot a 1 col lee ion . .
SIS. 751
Amount aniirojriaieii iu j-(-(.j
.'Ct lii
the above was i'lii.U -.)!). w
is a fraction over S" per cent on t!te col
lection. Or. in other words, the Treasury
receives Jiol 55. and (Grant's beef-eaters
receive trlii.OUO.
In iheTiiiid District .f Alabama there
was collected in lv71 from
cles iin which inu-ruai taxes
follows :
lour arti
are 1 e v l e
i i ( i ei
From tob.ice
.')'' Ill
j From fermented
i From banks
1 tquors
1 5
Atr.ount apprnpria'ed iu lS72-o lo col
lect the above. ."? lti.OOO : which is a frac
tion over 71 percent, tor collection. Or.
in ot her vv Ol d
oi t he S2"2 Ml'.O 70 collect-
eL the T;o. usury of ti:e sovi
receives rs(i.;J,;jj 70, and CJr;
ers s; (j.ouo.
.til's Beef cat-
(I't.vxr .s n
For the four items left in the statute
fiom which internal revenue taxes ate
c-olleciel, the amounts as ejveu below
.-how the sums collected in ls71.and the
cost ol oileeting them appropriated in
lcs7:-:i. for lite State ol Texas :
Ani'iiiu' en,'-
K7 District
From spirits
From tobacco
From fermented liquors.
From batiks
itcica iu ift j.
i i , . - ,
. . . i :i,'o"J :;i
( .) 1,0
.M t s
Amount appropriated in 172-
o to collect ihe above
. . sin nt)o oo
l;o'('i fo
! c't : in 1 87 1
. . ;? 17.-1!) l c'.)
. . . 7.s b) 7.3
. . . L'.!i 7 Oo
&-coid District,
From sjiirits
From tobacco . . .
Ii'miii f'.l-. il I'll ! I'll
! :.-,-.,, -
Amount appropriated in 1S7J--
'.' for collecting
tbove. . $21.00!) 00
For convenience we give the above in
a condensed table :
TuLxl i't re aiirojri- J'rrc.d rije
law co'bctrd ab d for fir col-
iJist. in 1S71. coZi.c im irclin.j.
First S:-)S.J:57 J7 $21 (Kb) Nearly 54
Second.. 2cS.:;2!t 21.000 Over 7-1
Totals. . . $;.2;G 1'o S12.00I)
The division ol spoils stands thus :
Out of Sli7. 2(1(1 0(1 collected the
U. S. Government gets :?2".2f6 OH
Grant's Beef-eaters get S-J2.U0U 00
A Grant Speech by one of Clayton's
Vriends in I.aconia, Art.
From the St. Louis Republican.
Grant is gis bout as good as lected all
ready. AH Ihe culled men will vote tor
irant, de las one of deui. I would like
to see the culled gemman dul would vote
for old Greeley, da! old rebel Democrat
dat wants to put us all back iu slavery.
You mus vote for Grant, lie is our hen
and tubs us as he bibs liis-elf. We are all
apple ob his eye ; when Grant, made the
lilteen commandment io de coiisi.-kusion.
he said we all should hab forty acres ob
Ian an a mule. Now I tells you, if we
will "lect him wc will get dat bin and de
Dis Libbel Impublican party am a ne.st
ob rebels. Dis is de coon dat is eatin up ! (ril!U.,ls :-j if I). -.ilo, a nd ml 1 id a -ibou t ! Kuinr u 'i". instead of which they
your com. Out Greeley wants to make a , j-., .... C;un,KJ(1 Uvo -uii," ,,.lt took Uie road lor Eastern Oregon. The
Inmnesty and nuke rebels as g'H.d as j,,. J.vervbody that can get away ' Shtr5,r wts slartetl in pr.rsuit. and suc
a black man. cep'itig its Grant and M'rom the courttv are Iraviier " j ce. ded in oveihauiing the chaps, who,
kinfolks. Yon hear de while maii talk in j Xl,. Youic. S. ptember 10 This eve a- I ui,h ,,K hoies and bnirgy were returned
.. .ecaa.o.e. - - j mg a member of Ihe committee appointed I 10
no vote i I don t care . old Gn-e. y j u, Loil;..vili,. tendered O'Con,.,- !,is nomi- ! The following is Ihe verdict of the Cor-
a.l de Iectral vo.es. f: ' ' nadon ar d assembled wiib other gentle- j oner s Jury in the case of a deaf mute
got mos a,t ob den. - v! , H u v , , at 1(, An,ri,w Jlck.on (;!ub. " M,m. ! rec. n.lv killed at Albany: "We the jury
iue nctra! vote,,, , b Uc. . I bers o ih- cornmittee gave it to be un- ! empauneled to inquire "into the cause of
'I'? 'riV'. n ' 'I:1; ' ,.,U 1 repiv may be ! the death of Harrison Daniels, do find
oout. ue iectral vote. vi mu oo ue ien- j
dar is white votes in tlie 'Nited States.
D.irfor. you see. Grant will be "lected any
how. 1 tiiol I has said all 1 has got to say.
Thk Lorisvu-i.E C.ixvkxtiox. The Con- !
vention which met at. Lo..i.-v ille on Tnes- I
day last nominated for Piesident Cha. i
O'Conor. and for Vice President John Q. 1
vanced too f.r to mike the election of a !
straight out Democrat, nominated at this
VII lOi,',lV'lll M1U ' I'M! H'li i - - "
Adams. ihe tormer was nominated not- ,0ri Duncan hadn't pushed himself so con- i relation : -Sunday. August 11th.
witbstandins he had written a letter an- ,.:..,,,. . ,,.( n, T, . , , ., , Mr. and Mrs. Stephens.w bo reside on Keti
uouncing tin... he would not accept, i i ". . -! , T!V; lr Mlb1 ,fi;,t tnckv Slf,sb. Coo eoun.y. were visiting
Candidly speak. r,g. we think the men who! . J" 1 , mHi 'lf ounU to ; - rhon ,ht.ir house caught fire
met at Louisville, although their intentions ; , ,lont .'' st'm'" ,,lje nre of Grant in i an,, hlirtd up. Three children were in
were good, saw that the campaign had ad ! 11,0 uu ot lht' lil"lil'.v crew. j ,i, !inilS), ... fhe time ami were consumed
time, probable. or even possible, and made ! President was taken frcm the State of j and rushed into the houseto save hifl chil
the nomination they did with the belie! j New York, and the Yice President from ! dren but too late. He was badly bum-
............. 'im u;t uie uenei
that O'Conor's non-acceptance would end
t?i. t ii i n rr n fi d - 3 . T . a 1 1 ! t
1 wii,ie. uj u'juui sir win. r.tn0n
Telegraphic Xcws. Siate ctvs Items.
Lot isvu.i.K, Sept. 5. - The Convention
was not called to order until 10:30 a. m
Ii was understood at the hour of meeting
that there would be no official pt oceed
ings in the Convention until O Conor was
definitely and finally heard from. Cur
rent talk is thai Adams will be nominatee
for President, if O'Conor adheres to his
declination. In that case there are va
rious names mentioned in connection with
the Vice Pr ideney.
On the opening of the Convention.
Kelly, of Louisiana, read a communica
tion "in behalf of his delegation, justifying
their withdrawal from the Convention on
the grounds of the hopelessness of the
cause of Democratic principles, inconse
quence of the decided declination of
O'Conor and the confused co id it ion of
affairs. Coodiitt offered a resolution to
! 'he effect I but it was the duty of the Con-
! vention not to make another nomination.
' but to appeal to the country to give the
nominees I he same support a. n iney :c-
j cepted. lie supported his resumiion m a
speech. Col. Duncan, at tins poim. le-
ceived the following dispatch tlated this
moraing. from John Quincy Adams;
will gladly seive as Vice President with
O'Conor. but will accept nothing else.
O'Conor must posi'ively stand. :? ,Moreau.
of lrdiana. moved to lay Coodiitt s reso
lution on the table. Lost. Coodlitt's
resolution was then adopted Wy 5-1 to 30.
It. is as follows: H':soU'd, That it is the
S! ne of this Convention, as Charles
O'Conor, of New York, has cheerfully
and heartily approved of the object and
purposes of this Convention, and having
been unanimously nominated for Presi
dent itnd John Quinoy Adams, of Massa
ehuselts, for Vice President, the delegates
of the Democratic party Mill give them
in any event their undivided support.
Bayard, from the Committee on Reso
lutions submitted a supplementary report
embodying f reso'ntion opposing su bsi
dies of public lainls and favoring a judi
cious tariii" fr : -venue only, and oppos
ing class legislation under the plea of pro- .;
lection. Adopted. A vote of thanks was J
given to President Lyons and theConven-
lion adjourned .sou.- d-e. Alter adjourn
ment the delegates to the Convention re
solved themselves into a mass meeting,
and speeches were made by Biick Poui
eioy and others.
liviiAcrsK. :Sept. - 5. The Democratic
and Liberal State Conventions this even
ing after sever til meetings ot the Confer
ence Committees finally agreed upon a
divi-ion of the Slate Ticket, the Liberals
being given the Lieutenant Governor and
.State Prison Inspector, the Democrats
taking the rest, including Congressman
for the State nt Large. Th-1 Democratic
Convention nominated San ford L Church
I for Ciovernor on the fust ballot, but th
debates learning he would not accept, a
second ballot was b ken and Kernan i e-
ceived a niajori'y. and the nomination
was made unanimous. U. S. Cox was
ii'.snina'ed lor Congiess f.'r the Sta'e at
large, and John T. Hubbard lor Canal
Commissioner. The Liberal Convention
rati!i"d the nomination
of Kernan. Cox
and Hubbard by acclanre.iou. a"d nomi
nated Chauncey M. Depew Im- Lieu en int
(jo vernier and iu. C Books. Prison In
spec tor.
The UoW.Z. Jlo-fdd and Tribune think
tht! ticket nominated at Syracuse very
WA-niMlToX. S
manager ot the 'di
iiewsuaoer. h.is
challenged A'eX. R. Sheptuud, Presidetit
of the Board of I'ublio Works to a duel.
til S:can;.-bip Company
entertain strong oouljts as to the auttit n
ticit v oi the dii-patch frtn the agents at
Vokahaina announcing the loss ol the
steamship Americi hi-t week".
Ni;w "'o!:k. ept. 10. Several deb-gates
from the Louisville ( '.uiveir ion arrived iu
the city yesterday and today, wi h a
view of wr.i l'e' on Charles OVon-r
I'elaMve to t
'sV 1
e tiouiinat on. but
no to noon no interview had '.iken p!ac
i A re orter w h w.u t-d on ()'(li!iu
I iiifoinied by l.itn that he knew nothing
i of any such deputation
1 ill
Ulii'erent on the subject.
! Ciiic.vtjo, Sept. 10. Th.-- following rail
! was published ihis mortiitiir
pubiisiied ihts mortiitiir. signed bv
seventy of the most prominent ciiizeiis,
including Henry Givenbanni. the well
known banker. Horace Vv'hi e of t tie
Tribune, and Andtew Si, rum. ed it or of t he
J,,,r, )ci!: "The sad occurrences of cold
blooded mutder in our midst cannot be
iiowed to pass unnoticed bv our
citizens generally, with a ib;e rotrurd to
the sately of society. Tin; people of
i ('i.i'r-ir.i niiKt ,1,. in mil l',.it th 1 1, 1 1 v. I .. rn j
j ji;,;; j j. hangeil. To this end we in . ite
all citizens to meet in mass meeting, on
! Market.
reel, corner ot
.viailison, on
Thursday evening. Seiiteu
1 !
i Ii. at 8
j o'clock. Abie speakers will address the
The tin provoked nnir.ler of Ca'lalian.
on tfunday night, ami the f.ic; that the-re
are now. six inir'derers in Ihe county
jail, has aroused the ciiizens to ;i determ
inatio'i that the laws seal! be executed.
-r at least murder shall not nourish here
as it has for the jut- lew i: onths.
The War Department has received a
luth. Seii
Tidaii. da'ed Du-
'lh. s.i', ing Col Ban'or after
reaching ihe mountains of the Yellow
stone valley was obliged to come back on
account of surveying engineers deciding
to go no further lor feai of the Indians.
Therefore the expedition is a failure.
Wash i.vdiiiN. September 10. The "res
ident has isuod a procla mat to l abolish
ing all duties on imports irom Jaj an in
Japanese vessels as long as Japan pre
serves a similar rule in relation to exports
to I bn t country Irom the United States.
Nr.w Yi i:k. Sept. 10. Fore.-t the alleg
ed munlerei of Nathan will be brought
before . Indue Dowling to-moTovv morn
ing. If he is not discharged it is the j
intention of his counsel to make appii- i
cation for a writ of habeas corpus, to
I he Su pi erne Court.
Chicago. Sept. 10.
tor the mui'.ier oi a po icemun u Aieara :
ended this afternoon. The jury after an
absence of htteen minutes returned a
verdict of murder in t he fi; s! degree. A
motion was entered for a new trial but
the gemu-al opinion is that it will not l,e
uranted Ihe Mates attorney will call
,UV 7!,,,,,,KV',
utNti n-a.,. Mass ) Sep. 10 -Dame
Gtbson j o ih A.Kuns win, mardered
his wne last sjmiig has been sentenced
to be banged.
Litti.k Roes. Ark.. September 10. Par-
ties from Pope county report that Gen.
I'o!. am is still at. I?1w..Uvi't.. -?u.
: m,.,li- ,.i n. ;
looked b.r. O Connor, they said, did not. !
lebise the nemi'ialion. but counseled !
model. iti in. He expres.-ed a hearty )
.sympathy with the Loui-vilb- Convention. !
T, , T , . ... : !
, Loutsvt.le J-lhrsoatu Democrat, a j
PI"'i head organ, thinks the straight-out I
movement would have flourished if Blan-
Tn loru it .. i. ..
1 VOO I Li IT 1 r I ' I il 1 (' III! lil'i 7 ("
Missouri. Tbe nominees this year come I
from the same States, and were t oth sup-j
porters t f Grant in ISOS. 1
Portland is soon to have street caw
Nine compositors are emn!oVeJ i
State Printer's efliee. Salem. lhf
The (J runt Club, at Corvallis i ,.,
led by its friends to be a failure
Corvallis has a school
niann now teacb.
og who is over sixty years oh
A Corvallis paper says tlmt wheat
comiiur in quite freely. ",. ..!, . 1
...o ill r..
are re
R- R- Thompson, of Portland his. r
ntly purchased large tracts of !,!''
The Portland police force lna,1(.
hundred and sixty-three arres-a i
month. ' "
Several families are campino- out
Resebnrg for lack ef houses or lumher !!
build them. 10
The citizens of Lafayette will petisi()n
the Legislature for an act to incorpora',.
their town. ' "
Ibiitei field Co.. of Calirnrnirt..arp on
the way to the State Fair with a hand of
Angora goats.
The Oregon Presbytery for Oregon and
Washington 1 erritory convened in Tor -land
last week.
The track of the Weit Side Railroad i
laid to the town of Gaston, eight miles
south ol Cornelius.
The barley crop in Benton county lfU
not ripened evenly and the grain ejru h
stored to keep well.
James Dinwiddie. of Lane count r
threshed 1.000 bushels of wheat from i
field ol 100 acres.
The Sl'iUziniin says 15 guests were p--c-vided
for at the opening of the Cheuit-k-eta
Hotel yesterday.
A Lodge of I O. O F.. to be known as
Union Lodge No. 3D, was inslitiited ut
Union a few days since.
John Martin of Cove. Union county bus
five acres of wheat which will yield at
least 70 busliehs to the acre.
Rev. J. E. Parrott. a minister of the M..
II Church. South, of Yamhill county, died
last week, aged 18 years.
The taxable property jn Benton coun
ty amounts to 1.500.000. The tax levied
for ail purposes is fitteen mills.
The Benton county Democrat says Cob
C ites will open the campaign in Eastern
Oregon ui the 15:h o! this monfh.
Tie net total amount of taxable prop
erty in Lane county, as returned by the
Assessor for the year 1S72. is $2.fi37.5bS-.
The railroad track in Lane county, w;,.
Valued by the Assessor at (.0d0 per
mi'.i'. bit the County Court reduced it to
s.5 000.
'-n.nronsKy. a genneman oi Jackson
; Coun'y. has uiscovere.l a vein or coal ,;U
ls fou1' Wwi lljick 1,1 ,he bottom of u
j wt'"-
j The tax in Marion county this year ii.
i it seems to u ;. a little steep. According
; to the Id'iSiivtn, it is twenty-five mills on
I lie ooilar.
An attempt w is m ule last Tuesday to
burn the Sr. Charles IJ,
at Albany.
was discoveicd in time to save the
J. A. Hurlburf. railroad snrvevor. j
now engay-ed. in exjdoring the Si-kiveu
range, endeavoring to find the be-t route
t r the railroad.
The County Court of Lane county hf-s
levied a tax of n;il!s oti a dollar of the
taxable property in Lane county, for tint
cu n ent fiscal v ear. ,
There are one hundred Republican ia
Linn county, who have become disgust,-, 1
wi-ii Grant, and have announced that tln-y
will support Greelev-.
Russell's trail from Cons- City to Em
pire, has been completed. This quite ma
terially shortens the distance between
Rosebnrg and Empire.
The assessed nronertv in Vaiohit!
lv. tor the present vear is SI. -152
pons eiuiected LV lite .AsSrs-
j sor. 1,m); delinquent 7,"0.
"-.....t ... r ..!!. ...ii -, , ..
r. r. v. Uailuee. w ho bad Jus leg
ma-hei in ;i threshing machine arid after
ward amputated died at his home in Lame
county, on the 3d inst.. of hi injuries.
Mr. U. Turner, for several years con
nected with the Oi)jo)titiii composition
loom, has just been elected Business Man
ager of the Pufjlc (.hrist'nin Adn,cdt.
The County Commissioners of Marion
have levied the following tax : Slate, five
mills ; military, hall" a mill ; school, two
mills : county, seventeen and one-half
in Iks.
A corporation called the Albany and
Santiatn Water Dit;h Company, with a
capi-a! stock of $."0,000 all of which I an
been subscribed. h;s been organized at
The medical society of the Thiol Jiuli
dicial District held a meeting at Albany
on the 2d and 3d inst. Mrs. Dr. Mary
Sawteiie was admitted as a n. ember after
a wai m debate.
On Thursday tiigfit Win. Lervvell, f
Salem, was thrown from his wagon near
Brook s Station nnd instantly killed. At
the time of the accident, it is said, he wu
intoxicated and unable to manage the
The Jacksonville Times says hardly a
day passes without one or more emigrant
wagons passing through town, bound tor
the Willamette' Rogue river or Umpquii
valleys, and.it appears as though Oregon
is filling up with astonishing rapidity.
Corvallis has become disgust d with
"Big Six." They say tint the machine is
too heavy, and thatVnere are not men
enough in Benton county to work it. In
view of this a new company has been or
ganized and a smaller engine will be pur
chased. The warehouse to be erected on the
j Tualatin river, south of Iliilsboro. is he
The fli.il of Raflorfv s ing pushed ranidlv forward nml will pooh
lie completed. A pennon is in ctrti'w-
tion u bridge the river at that point. A
handsome subscription has already beeiu
Mrs Files and Miss Walson were drown,
t.d f Kitchen Slough. Coos county, br
the upsetting of a boat cm the 28th ulL
The boat wus in charge of a bov ab-.iU 15
vears old who succeded in saving the
iives o! three or four other, who were i a
:it the time
I'ast Sunday, a couple of young men
cured a double team from an Albany
bvery stable, representinir that thev were
to Albany.
'hat he came to his death on the evening
"f Sept. 7th 1872. by being run over by
the cars on (he Oregon and California
R.tilroad. in the ciiv of Albany. Limi
county. Oregon, and we further find that
it resulted from the reckless manner of
driving the engine through the streets. '
The VlnimJmlr has the following ferri-
i . .. II. C. I.-U
y tint Jim- .u r. on-iiiriin onw iuc-miwi".
t 1 I
or i!K i iiiiiii'' mwii.t. ntva ii Lilt? piuiiiiu
.1 L T h,,.,,.. . V. J,frS
'd about the face and hands. A few of
the charred bones of the children were
fctind in the debris."'