. gWi IW'tf"! rfc" Ktft '&' O Q '' o V 7 O ) 7 O i1" a si rri I - fc---3 . . j nn ita Tr- p TT U O 13 D Si j JJg" O .4, JL I; ?1 o 0 VOL. 6. OREGON CITY, OKEGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1872. NO. 46. O I v?y 1 N l & M H LI 1 UiH v- lk Z)t lUrdihj Enterprise. """"Ti) 6' AM TJ6 PAVER, FOR THE Business Man, the Farmer 'And the FAMILY CHICLE. jSlED EVERY FRIDAY EY A. WOLTNERf EUITOU AND rur.i.isiiKn. Or Ir.XUeslag'Erick JiuiUing o TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION': Single Copy one year, in advance,. 2 LU T ER MS of AD YE R TJS1X G : TriaVientivlvertiaements, induJing all laL.tit-es. su.omhnes.l w.$ 2 50 For e;i:h uW'uueut insertion 1 (( Oie Cohunti, one year .$120 00 . t'.rt 4 '4 n i n ter Ujiiue-e Oard, 1 square one year 12 $g- llenittince.1 to be mode at the rink o Subscribers, ond at the expense of Agents. BOOh' A. XI) JOB PJil.XTI.XG. & The Enterprise office is supplied with bi vitif'ul. abortive'! styles of typo, a:.i u.ou eru M.YCiUXiO I'RKSiOS, whi.jh will enabl.--.ie proprietor to ! J'b Pouting at all tiroes . Seat, (ftick and Cluap ! f V" rt solicited. All H-nin f.r taxation upon a Specie n USIXJ'JSS OA ill) s V II- W ATKINS, M. I) , ! V . I SU llO K. Poiiti.ano. Okkji n. i ; -T'.'A' -OJ.-i Fallows' Temple, comer j Fir-t l lir -trefts iteiduuee curat r f M Ain aii'l Seventli streets. S. Hl.'liLAT. i Hi! EL AT &WABRES2 Attorneys a'c Law, oniv '.ON CITY, o'lEGON. M tr-h is7--:tf ' " r- vn a f-oi a r.i r i For:.'i--rly Sur-t-on to the Hon. II. Co. :j Years Eipir if ce. ... .t-t , t-..v- i 7.1-1 in Sire.t, (ii;;oii (i:y Aiioa-AciA A.i) V SlL'u . t-uii, CITY, OHEu'J.N rriLL 1MI.VCTICE IN' ALL T1IL COURTS if tii St it. r.T-Spi-niil attention cr"vn to cibi'S in the U."s! Land Oilbu- at Oregon City. April .", Is" -::!(' W. F. KIGHFZSLD, ICttiblishfil since ISiit.at the old stand, Vi'i Street, ()n;;o!. C'i.Cy, Orewn. An. A-sortme-nt of V:,e!:fs , Jew elry, and S.-tii Tliomas' weight f V'i iji ),!;(, all of waien are warranted fZf to !e a-' represented. Jflr It-'pairitiu's done on short nuik'C . inJ thankfal for past favors. JOHN FLEMING, deali:k in BOOKS AHD STATIONESY IX M YEIW FtaK-l'ROOF UlilCK, Mtl.V STK5KT, OltEGOX t'lTV, Oil Eli ON". JOHN M. HACON, Importer and Dealer in r?T.-&f CZ2 CI r CSCv. S3 fTATltjXEUYf FFUFU.MlUiY, &e., &c, Oregon CU if, Oregon. At C'ijrr,i,int$- Jt'umt'r' old st,m it, ltit!y oc cupied by S. Aekerman, .Vain street. lo tf R. J- WELCH, JSH.:-i-' rr DENTIST. tTIi:-Ia O ld Fellows' Temple, corner of First and Alder Streets, Portland. T ie patronage of those desiring superior operations is in sjieeial request. N'itrousox ide for the painless extraction of teeth. I tf" Artt:ici.il teeth 'better than the best,' and ti ip ax the che rpet. Will le in Oregon City on Saturdays. Nov. ;;:'.f A. G. YVALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner of Front ami AUtt-r Street, PORTLAND-, OREGON. P. LAN Iv BOOKS RULED and ROUND to uiv desired pattern. MUSIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety ot style known to the trade. orders from the country promptly at tended to. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE- PORTLAND, - - OEEGON. GEO. Ij. CURliY, DCALER IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER ! , .,, ? , , INVESTMENTS. j tlu r.iliioneti window curtain C inniissioiier Selecting Swamp and Ovei- ' thrown over a red brick wall, flowed Lands. j . - Farm L in t-i sold an I purchasers obtained ; TP,. ,..k .r for all ki:, of landed propertv.. j , 1 .V'1 aI V. ilO UOW OCCUpiCS V d i ib'e securities transferred in exchauge j the litte House Will next Novem-fotre-il estate. " j ber be reduced to the rank of left- ij i n-i n,r-)uuea on oroperiy, anu ones examined and determined. Commissions solicited and executed with Sd Mitv an I promptness. OFFICE No. 14 Cirter's Building, corner of Alder and Front streets. Zv. 3. 17?' if CJUANTS CAST1.IM IX Tllll Alii. Tliere is a souix of trouble. Ar.d a tow. sad wail of woe Coiiics. stfiiliiif; o'er -J lit stohbU From Uh forks ia -Tottfi) row."' Ami even Hilary's a;igiii.-h.'.l groans. And accents of dispair, As lie. in maudlin state, bemoans His cables in the air. ' Tbis work? fs all a fleeting' hov,' Ls now their daily sonjr; Tliey vc ruled in clover lit re below. lint won't rule very long. For U!ywesr star tleclineth. And they jjjiid no comho't ther. (lone whefS the woodbine 'iwhielh'' Are their ea.-lles in the air. With anarchy they filled the land. And now the coi.tlictV o'er They matsnfa-jt'.m Ku Klnx bands That they may plunder more. iJ'.it Greeley'l! el all malters right. The Fou;h need not ties?; air. For shonldvr-staps wilt take their (light With castles in tbeair. 'Tis sad to see what ravages A little care will do. A to Chappaqua. for cabbages, Now Uock the guilty crew. Ihit naught but stern integrity They'll timl reposing there No Seneec.i sandstone they'll see, Nor castles in tiyj air. And. oh! how ptniu-nt they'll pem ! iltU "twiii not save their hams; Thi-y're b.e st.-jne oi.i inri l-riddeii stream Not worth so mas.v daius. Salt Ui er's briny tide runs deep, lull 'twill their shallop Leaf. And they may row themselves to sleep Wi;h cast it s in the air. Now. Horace (.Ireeley is the man We (o the world proclaim. To free us from con upturn's b:i!I IiVstore mil' t arnisht'd name. His irit'i-iis !y count ies.s tliousatuls move, I i:h iu u-ai.d.-i moie to spare; May all h'.s dreatis.s ot greatness prove No C.iSiieS ill the air. A el. i'u-v:naii s:iil to :i mnn u- vy'ii) his ibui'lli wiil': "T!ie Jonl J lias iiulci'tl aiiii-Lftl voit.,T ri'!it' ! i tnumnei- soliliino-. reiditul: " t-s. ! j nsc'iit antl wijiiii'jc his no.se, he eon-I i .:.lUvi: ")nl Cumt think the j It t . l l 1 l . . i " I ivti irot tntien aneau or nie, uv as last as he took one, 1 took. :ui- otlier' Smakt Yui 'i n. "31 v son , " said m 'ool mother lt her vouno" hooe- happy New Yttir?" "No, ma'am," rt'spoiKie'l the yonlli, "she isn't li.-i'ppv iiiiicss sin s wli ippnto; some of ns hoys, t'.ml I was alraitl it' 1 j wt?!-.co ner happt nc'S sho,t go lb r me. Dr. Johnson, win n i:t tne i'tillness of vears antl k no w k 1 of, sank "I never take up a newspaper without j deli vii;r lVont it instrnetion ami j amusement." The newspapers in Johnson's time were meager enough compared with those of to-day. Now, a yearly newspaper volume is a perleet eueyclopedia. A "Western publisher lately gave notice that, he intended to spend Lilly dollars for '"a new head"' for his pape; The next day one of his subscribers dropped hint the follow ing note: ''Pont do it bettor keep the money and buv a new head for ! tlte editor." Came Off. A little boy was sent to a store for some eggs; before reaching home he dropped them. In answer to his mother, who asked, uI)id you break any" he replied, "No, I didn't break any, but the shells came oil' from some of them." Follows the PirKseini'TiONr. An Idaho woman was ordered by a physician to ta3e three ounces of brandy a day, and knowing that sixteen drachms make an ounce, has patiently been taking forty eight drinks a day ever since. . " Not Th at."" I'm afraid I'm sitting ir your crinoline, ma'am." "Oh! never mind, sir, it's of no consequence; you can't hurt it." " No, ma'am, it's not that ; but the confounded thing hurts me." A bucolic editor is forced to the conclusion that the young la dies of his village are not alarming ly like Sr. Paid, inasmuch as they pay rather more attention "to things which are behind" than he did The following is extracted from a smart, boy's composition on "Ia bies". The mother's heart gives 4th joy at the baby's 1st 2lh! . The Freeport Jtjir)til says; "Pairs are abundant in this place, and front gates are loaded (ro-wu with them on line evenings." One Missouri editor says of an other that "his ears will do for the awnings to a ten story wholesale hog-packing establishment." A western writer describes a ! Dolly A a I'll on (lei's o nnim nli.il tenant. General Fremont is the highest Freemason in Germany and "Unscr Fritz" the next. A .'.laiity J.etler. Air. Greeley has been represent ed by the opponents of his election as a weak and vaseiflating person, without force of character, or per sistence in any fixed line of policy. How long since lie adopted the principle of clasping hands across t lie bloody chasm,' the language of the letter in which he, rive years ago replied to the New York'Chtb that threatened him with expulsion when he signed the Jefferson Davis bail bond, and which to da'y we re produce below, abundantly proves; and with what consistency and manliness lie has for six years fol lowing maintained the lofty ground then assumed, his present position as the champion of ideas and prin ciples then enunciated, is evidence enough. The following is the let- T3 C"5 ter: Gentlemen: I shall not 'attend your meeting this evening. I have j an engagement out of town, and shall keep it. I do iKt recognize as capable of judging, or even fully apprehending me. You evidently regard me as a weak sentimentalist, misled b- a maudlin philosophy. I arraign you as narrow-minded blockheads, who would like to be useful to a irreat and good cause, but don't know how. Your at tempts to bast a great, enduring party on the hale and wrath neces sarily engendered by a bloody civil war, is as though you should plant a colony on an iceberg which had somehow drifted into a trooieal ocean. I tell you here that out of a life earnestly devoted to the good ot' human kind, your children will select mv going to Richmond and signing that bail bond as the wisest act, .and will fool that it did more for freedom and humanity than all of you worn competent to do, though you lived to the age of Me thuselah. I ask nothing of you, then, but that you proceed to your end by a direct, frank, manly way. Don't sidle oil in a mini resolution of censure, but. move the expulsion which I deserve, if I deserve any reproach whatever. All I care for is that yen make this a square stand up light, and record your judgment by eas arid nays. 1 care not how few vote with me, or how many vote against me; for I know that the hitler will repent it in dust and ashes before three years are passed. Understand, once for .'ill, that I dare you and defy you, and that 1 propose to light it out on the line that I have he! I from the day of Lee's surrender. So long as any man was set-king to over throw our Government, he was my enemy; from the hour in which he laid down his arms, he was my formerly err ing count ry man. So long as any is opposed to the national unity, the Federal authority, or to that assertion of the equal lights of all men which has become practically identified with loyalty and national ity, I shall do my best lo deprive him ot power; but when lie ceases to do thus, 1 demand his restora tion to till the privileges of Ameri can citizenship. I give you fair notice that I shall urge the re-en-frai'.ehisemont of those now pro scribed for rebellion so soon as 1 shall feel confident that this course is consistent with the freedom of the blacks and the unity of the He public, and that I shall demand a recall of all now in exile only for participating in the rebellion, when ever the country shall have been so thoroughly pacified that its pafety will not thereby be endangered. And so, gentlemen, hoping that you will henceforth comprehend me somewhat better than you have done, I remain, yours, JloncE Greeley. Four or live times in our history affairs have become ?o bad in the National Government that public opinion has demanded a change al most irrespective of what was to follow, for the people felt that scarcely any policy could fail to be an improvement on the existing order of things. So it is now. Grant and his surroundings and tendencies, and the agencies through which he aims to keep himself ami his familiars in power, have become intolerable. His sup porters eannot frighten the people from their purpose to turn him out by predictions of "gorgons and chimeras dire" under the rule of Dr. Greoky. They are determined to be rid of the Galena Gift -Taker ami stand their chances tinder the benign sway of the Chappaqua Sage Turn him out ! is the popular crv of the campaign. Heavy Doses. A Pennsylvan ia oaoer states that a tablespoon- 1 ill of quicksilver was lately found in j an old grave in York county, sup- j posed to have been taken by the dead man during life, in the form of blue mass as Inedieine. This is a tough story to believe, but they must have practiced medicine with heavv doses in that neighborhood, some years ago. Uiack IJcpublican I-ioquence. Alabama Cor. of Missouri Republican. Thinking a few lines from the swamps of Arkansas might not be amiss I have concluded to give you a little sketch of times down in the cotton region of Arkansas. Cot tost erops are hardly an average, owing to too much rain and'eool weather in the spring and too much politics and bad whiskey later in the season. Our colored citizens are almost J'un wihl over politics. They have political gatherings day and night. It is worse than folly to think that anv of the negroes will vote lor Greeley. YVe have two black candidates and one white candidate lor the legislature. 'Our black candidates are Grant men, of course. Of the white candidate I know nothing more than that he is a whiskey dealer and a poet, at N o. 1 Coonskin block. Laconia. And I can truly say he is Laconia's greatest poet, and better qualified for a poet than a legislator. I have heard but one speech from our sa ble candidate. The following, which is a verbatim report ot his speech of the character of politics preached .as will as the oratorical lowers of our gorilla statesman: I rise to tell you dat I am a can didate for de legislator. My spo il eu-t, Sam Harrison, savs I ain't til to go to tie legislate!-, dat I is got no sense. Put I is got more sense den he is. T has been specch in for myself now 'bout free weeks, and I has got my sponent , Sam Harrison, 'bout, run off de track. He don't 'mount to ahiil ob beans no way, and he han't no combilica no how, and darlbre I shall use all my eonihilica from dis time forth for Grant. Grant is gis bout as good a elec ted all ready. All the culled men will vote lor Grant, be last one ob tlei.'i. I would like to see tie eulied gemmati dat would vote for old Greeley, dat old rebel Democrat dat wants to put us back into slave ry You nuts vote for Grant, he is our iVen an bibs us all as he lubs hisseli". Y"e are all apple ob his eye when Grant made de lift eon commandment to de eonsiskusion, he said we till should hab lor'y aeft;s of lan and a r.ra'.e. Now I tells you' if we will Meet him we will get dat lan .and ue mule. Dis Libbel Impubliean party am a net b rebels. Dat is de con dat iseatiu up our corn. Old Gree ley want's to make a hamnesty ami make rebels as good as a black man. 1 toll you dor is no white man as good as a black man,eeptin it's Grant and his kinfolks. You hear de white man tuikin 'bout de 'leetial vote. "What ob de 'lectral voto? I don't care if old Greeley gets ail de lectral votes, and 1 spec he will get inos all ob dem. J X; white man votes de lectral vote and all do black men will vote for Grunt, .and daris bout forty-seben fbusand nillion more culled voters dan dar is white voters in do 'Nited Slates. Darfor, yon see Grant will be'iected anyhow. I find I has said all I has got to say. The Know-otiiii! Oatii taken by the Hon. Henry Wilson in 185-!. To the JIUtor f The Sn. Sin : I have received from Gen. Uenningsen a copy of the oath taken by the Hon. Henry YVilson in the fall of 1851 in Boston. Here it is : In the presence of the true ami ever-living God, and on his Sacred Scriptures, His holy word. I do declare that I will truly fulfill all my obligations toward my breth ren of the order of Know-Nothings, and that I will keep sacred all the signs, tokens, pass, and de gree words, grips, emblems, and proceedings, ccc. And I further declare, ami solemnly swear, that I will not knowingly vote for, ap point or elect any person of for eign birth, or a Homan Catholic, to any oHiee in the local or general administration of the American Government. And I further de clare and swear, that I will roe all the means in my power to counter act and destroy the influence of foreigners and Homan Catholics in the administration of the Gov ernment of the United Slates, ami in any and parts thereof, local and and general. To all this a free and voluntary obligation on my part, without teservalion I may ever be able to remain true and steadfast, so litl j me God. According to the Massachusetts formula of that time, the President of the lodge where the oath, was taken said the following in his ad dress to those who took it, pre vious to their doing so. As a member of this patriotic lodge it will become you to disre gard all pesonal interests and pre dilections, isi the service of your country, in order that the corrupt ami evil influence of foreigners may be elfectuaHy combated and destroyed, and here it will be un derstood are included sons of for eigners and Roman Catholic?. Am A licked Heal Instate Speculation Yith the President for a Partner. Fr ru- tl e Chicago Tribune. Some excitement lias sprung up in the Hishop Hill Colony of Swedes in Ilenrv County, 111., over a discovery made by them that certain hinds, which they supposed they owned, on the outskirts of the City of Chicago (eighty acres, more or less), had been conveyed by one of the trustees of said Col ony without their authority to J. Uussel Jones, United States Minis ter to Belgium, for an. inadequate compensation. The colony a short time since, employed a lawyer to make an investigation, but, in con sequence of the destruction of the public records by lire, he made slow progress. Finally, he ascer tained (and this was an accidental discovery) that, some time after the conveyance of the land by Oiof Johnson, the trustee, to Jones which was on the i29th of Decern ber, lSGo Jones conveyed a por tion of it, described below, to Ulysses S. Grant, of "Washington, D. C., for the consideration of -M, on the 20th of May, 1SG9, and was immediately thereafter appointed Minister to Belgium. The descrip tion of the land conveyed by Jones to Grant is as follows: "An undivid ed 1 of the Y. of the N W. of the N F. I of section 15, town range 15, containing '20 acres, more or less; also an undivided h of the YV. f. of the SY. j of the" N K. j of said section 15, containing 20 acres, more or less ; also, and un divided .! of that patt ol the V, , of the W. of the SF. of said section 15, which lies north of the road known as the Parry Point road, containing 11 acres and a fraction ; also, an undivided of the S. 42 acres of the K I of the SW. of said section 15, in the County of Cook and State of Illi nois ; consideration 1.' The deed recites that this propeity had been held in trust by Jones for Grant; but no such trust was shown of record ami it is noted that Mr: Jones reliuouishes dow er, whereas she could 'have no dower in property held in trust by her husband. The Bishop Hill C ilon claim that this property belongs to thent, and they have presented a formal request to Pres ident ( -I rant to convey it back to them, to which no response has vet been returned". -V further investi gation will probably show that this property belongs to the Bishop Hill Colon v, and that a court of equity will so decree. That after Jones bought it he concluded, to let Grant into the speculation, and drew on him for a portion ot tne purenast:- money; tliat lie soni a pari .i i i i . ... ot it a short time beiore he was ap pointed Minister to Belgium, and remitted to Grant .si 1,000 as his share of the purchase 'of this sal", and ma.de him a deed, for the re mainder of the land. If the Bish op Hill Colony are swindled, sve judge that Grant was not know 'ing"to that fact. YVe judge, also, that tin? profits of the speculation had considerable influence on the President's mind when he designa ted Jones as Minister to Belgium, for there has not been a more unfit appointment made since Columbus discov e red A m e ric a. "While the people of the United Stales are making preparations to celebrate cn the 4th of July, 1870, the one hundredth anniversary of American Independence, the Nor wegians all over the world, on the 18t h of July, of the present, year celebrated the one thousandth an niversary of the consolidation of that country. The ceremonies in Norway were, many of them, of an imposing character. Perhaps 'the most noteworthy of these was the unveiling of a monument seventy feet high to the memory of King Harold Fairhair, which took place at Haugesund on the spot where tradition savs King Harold was buried. The story of King Harold is this: In the ninth century Nor way was divided into twenty-four pott v kingdoms. Harold, who rul ed over one of them, asked the hand o f G i t h a , the d ati gl 1 1 or o fan other petty prince. He received for rcp.lv this t when he had con quered all Norway Githa should be his. Not at all daunted by this onerous condition, Harold prompt ly went to work and brought king dom after kingdom under his rirle, completing his undertaking by means of a bloody sea light, which occurred in 872, after which his sovereignty over the whole of Nor way was acknowledged. Harold was an unscrupulous tyrant, and drove mauv horsemen to emigrate - T" to other countries in order to escape his intolerable oppressions; but his name is cherished in Norway be cause he first established the nation al unity. . ThaLwicked Danbury .Acts says: -V dying Bridgeport woman want ed to be buried in a Dolly Yarden. A nice spectacle she would present on the resurrection morning. Ilessember Steel. We k'.arn from the St. Louis limes that a first-class furnace lias been erected at Caromleiet for the purpose of making steel by the Bessemer process. Its proprietors, Garrison, Chouteau fc Hart, experi enced iron masters, expect to manu facture from Missouri ore about six hundred tons per wu-k. St. Louis requires a large amount of steel rails to supply the wear and tear on her lines of transportation and for new lines in progress of construction. The question is now being dis--cussed whether the Nes-Silicon pro cess of making steel is not cheaper in juice and superior in quality to the Bessemer process. In a recent article we gave the statements of several manufactures substantia ting the advantages of the Ameri can over the English process. Thousands of tons of Silicon steel rails have beeii tried under the most unfavorable circumstances, and t heir superiority over those made by the Bessemer process has been conclusively established. They re sisted cold and frost and severo pounding by rapidiy driven trains, without breaking or lamination. Steel can be made by the new proc ess at a cost of one cent per pound. In cutlery of the finest description and tools requiring tem per and hardness, the Silicon steel gave bettor results than could be obtained from any steel heretofore used. The consumption of iron and sleel rails in the United States is increasing so rapidly that we must manufacture them tit home by new and improved processes. The cost of freight must be put in labor to make a better article, for England can-not supply our requirement un less at greatly enehanced prices. In 1870 the consumption of iron and sfeel rails was 53o,5 7l tons; in 1S71 the demand reached G92.01S, and every succeeding year will show an enormous increase. The narrow gauge road in time will oe cupy a portion of the county roads between the towns ami villages. Cheat) iron will ensure cheap con struction and cheap transportation. Missouri, so rich in iron ore, will lie the great centre of production-for the Mississippi valley ami the Pa cific Coast, and the sfeel rails uni ting San Francisco and St. Louis will probalv be made in the furna- cos of the latter. r -C- . c- llhn Out: urn Grant depends for his reelection upon three of the most demorali zing and dangerous kinds of influ ences over employed in a political contest, His chief agencies are a profuse expenditure of money, the unscrupulous exertions ol an army of oiiiceholders, and an organiza tion which to a large extent i. bound together by secret oaths. The money mainly comes from the National Treasury and the enforced contributions of G rant's beneficia ries. The officeholders, found in every hamlet of the country, and wielding an immense power over ! the people, neglect their proper business and attend to polities, be cause they know that their chance for feeding at the public crib four vears longer rests solely in the suc cess of their patron at the "White House. In all the Southern States hundreds of thousands of excitable negroes are bound to promote the reelection of Grant under oaths and imprecations which fetter their own consciences and are at war with re publican institutions, while secret leagues of white voters having the same objects in view widely pre vail in the Northern and "Western States. If there were no other reasons for the overthrow of Grant's Ad ministration, the three above stated would amply justify a change. In their corrupting influences and dangerous tendencies they far ox eel any thing and everything which was ever alleged against Ad ministrations of John Quincy Adam:-., Yan Buret), and Buchanan, which the people, regardless of par ty ties, lose up against and over turned.. " 1 - -C - A thrifty Bostonian recently 'pkaccd' 10,000 insurance on the life of his wife, took home a box of little red Maryland plums, and en joyed a whole evening in seeing his wife eat them. His enterprise" had its reward. Deducting 295 for funeral expenses, he is now 9,702 richer than he was a week ago. when vt 011 see two vouiv ner- sons sealed in the centre of a pew in church, you may make up your mind they are engaged, or going to be; but when one is at the head and the other at the foot of the pew, you can immediately determine that they are married. Wept Bitterly. A woman who was sent to the penitentiary for life, for cutting her baby's throat with a razor, wept bitterly because she wouldn't be able to razor another. Cirant Grape Shot. - O "lie is not fit to govern this coun try," were Stanton's dying words., "lie has no more- soul than a' dog," said Ben Butler less than a year ago. "He e is not controlled by cotlsfi-0 lal law, but by political rings," tution says Trnmbulk "Grant has no more capability than a horse," said fighting J0V Hooker, a month since.- 'J '"His San Domingo business tamps lii in as a first class eonspira-- tor savs liov. 1 aimer. . . "He is a man without sufllcientf knowledge to preside over a cau cus," said Logan in 18G9.- . "No man can hold office linger Grant and maintain los self-re- spect, said r orney a year ago "Th lore are sixteen weightv.rea- sons why Grant should never bo President," wrote Colfax: in 1868i-0 Grant was so blind drunk that he couldn't lie down decently at the battle of Pittsburg Landing.. tohu .1. JjO'jmi. "lie is making moaey out of his position and that's all he cares about," said Senator Carpenter to' a New York correspondent... o Our prospects are good, andb with proper effort T believe we can lve Greeley and Brown the elect- oral vote Tfti.iiLidl. of Illinois.2 Ttjmaiv "The time has come vfhen trio uniform of the State militia slfould o no longer be disgraced bv beii) seen on the back of a Catholic Irishman or an infidel Dutchman.' o ILrfiJ-U IVileSOH.- o The Detroit l'"ree ress says ( if (J rant's expenses are $10,000 a year more than his salary, and iri.; three years he manages to lay bv over half a million of dollars, what's the use of bringing out any more arithmetics ? When Henry Wil9on returned from a tour through Ireland, he said in a lecture that "begging is the national industry of the Irish.' Wilson is now begging for votes; j, but till the industry he can put for ward can never commaud t lie vote of one true Irish Ameri 20.19: If Mr. Greeley is elected as lie? will le lv an overwhefmirio- vnrr . -j 5 - v he will select from all parties such a cabinet, and draw around him- such men as the natioiDwill place- entire and implicit confidence in... Horace Greeley3 will not be presi O dent of a section of the country, 0 the creature of a clique, the autom.- 0 at on of a cabal, lie will be the president of the American people,. one and indivisible. Qarl ZtchufiL- o A Stampede. Wisconsin, is, moving in the rigjVu direction and is claimed for Greeley and Brown by at least 5,000 majority.. The Milwaukee jXeins says the. republic cans are deserting Grant by thous ands in the northwestern counties, while in the lake shore counties the desertions to the Liberal cause take the shape of a downright stampede, (ion. Conrad' Kerz, one of the al ternate delegates to the Philadel phia Convention, has resigned his position on Gov.. Washburn's staff, and declares his oposition to the nepotist and gift-taker. Other prominent republicansofth.it State, Q among whom are Judge Oilman, Mayor Elwell and ex-State Prison Commissioner, Edward Megraw are also out for Greelev.. Jefe Davis' Bonpsme.v. As the papers are publishing) the facf that Horace Greeley signed Jell" Davis' bail bond,, as a campaign document it will not be out of place to call the attention of tho 1'epubLican party to the fact that Gorrifc Smith's name and Henry Ward Beocher's are side by sidt, with that of Horace Greeley. The list of bondsmen Ave re : Henry Ward Beecher, of Xcw York; Horace Greeley, New York; 0 Girrit Smith, New York Aris tides Welch, Philadelphia; Au gustus Schell, New York ; Cor nelius Yanderbilt, New York: W II. Mcfarland, K Barton Ilaxall,, Isaac Davenport, Abraham War wick, Gustavus A. Myres, James Lyons, William II. Lyons, John A. Mcridith, John Minor Botts, Thos. W. Doswell, Jasr Thomas, Jr., of Kichmond; Horace F. Claik and Benjamin Wood, New Yoik. The strange and very fatal dis order knowiT as "Blight's disease' is alarmingly on the increase in thi country. It is only during the last three vears that anv accurate sta- i tistics have beeh filed: respecting t this disease. ! Good Girl. There is a girl in I Minnesota, only eighteen yearsCbf ! age who, by herself and two boys, j nm'a farm of over two hundred I acres. She put five hundred dollars I in a 5t. Paul bank last year. o O 0 o 0 O o 0 O o 3 o I 1UI -n -n a HDnLTi T.TRRAPY. O