-5 O o o 0 0 o 0 VOL. 6. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1872. NO. 45. OR EGON C TY ENTER-PR 8 JLJo f4 It lo hc tUrtliln (enterprise. 3 7 z KMOVHA TIC PAPER, FOB THE Businessman, the Farmer Ad the FAMILY CIRCLE. MSlKD EVERY F11IOAY Dl A. fJOLTHER, EDlTOIi AXI IMllil.ISIiKIt. OFFICE In Dr. Thcssiflg's Brick Building . o TERMS of SURSCRIPTIOX7' " Single Copy one year, ia advance, $2 f0 - TERMS of ADVERTISING : Transient advertisement-, including all leiral notices, - sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50 For subsequentinsertion 1 00 OaeColuatn, one year $120 00 ",,rter ' 40 IS Hiness Card, 1 square one year l sif llemltt'ince to be mode at the rink o Sn'tcriber, and at the expense of Agents. book- and job printing. fisT The Enterprise office is supplied w'th 1),. mtifiil. approved slylert of type, and mod ern MACiH-VK I'iiKSKS, which will enable the Proprietor to do Job Piinting at all times Neat, Q'tick ami Cheap ! t f Work solicited. AH limine trautartion vp)t a Specie bash. BUSINESS CARDS 7 II. W ATKINS, M. D , riUUGKON. RonrbAM). Okkw n. OFFICE 0AA Fellows Temple, corner First tnd lder streets Residence corner of Hun and .Seventh streets. s. Hl'KLAT. t'HAS. K. W.VKKES. HU EL AT &WARREN Attorneys at Law, OKFICK CII.VU.Hxs UUICK, MAIN sTllEKT, OIlEIOX CITY, OiJEGOX. March .', Is7:i:tf F. BARCLAY, M. R, C. S. Formerly Surgeon to the lion. II. IS. Co. 33 Vrart Experience. r ii.vcnciN'u riiYsiciAX and sukgkox, 11111 Strut, OrrRon Clly. JOHNSON & McCOWN ATTOXEYS AND COLXSELORS AT-L1W, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WILL 1MIA.CTICF. IN ALL THE COURTS f thr St ite. !"-?" .-tyec-ia! attention izf.vt-o to cases in the U. S. Land Olrioe at Oregon City. April Is72:tt' W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since lsl9,atthe old stand, M tin Street, Oregon, City, )r"jon. An Assortment of Watches .Jew elry, and Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, allot winch are warranted to be a represented. He pairings, done on short notice, tad thankful for past favors. JOHN FLEMING, BOOKS AND STATIONERr, IX MYERS- FIRE-PROOF BRICK, M 4IV T;tBET. ORKOO.V 0ITV, OKEKON. JOHN M. BACON, Importer and Dealer in Dl STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, in.. Ac, Oregon City, Oregon. At Charm,t$- IVarner' old tand, lately ot C'ipi'4 by S. Ackerma,,, Main afreet. 10 tf DR. J. WELCH, DENTIST. OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, corner of First and Alder streets, Portland. Tiie patronage of tiio e desiring superior operations is in special request. Xitrousox-id- fo the painless extraction of teeth. rfArtitieial teeth "better than the best, and n rks-.tp as the he-tpet. Will be in Oregon Citvon Saturdays. Nov. 3;tf A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. Corner of Front and AltUr Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOHS RULED and BOUND to fcav desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to tXi trade. Qrders from tUe country promptly at tended to. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. PORTLAND. - - OREGON GEO. Ta. CURRY, DEALEE IN REAL ESTATE AND OTHER INVESTMENTS- C n?nisjuo:ier Selecting Swamp and Ovei flowed Lands. Farm L mds sold and purchasers obtained for all kinds of landed property. Valuab'e securities transferred in exchange for real estate. L;tns negotiated on property, and titles examined and determined. C rmnis-ioas solicited and executed with fi I 'Utv an 1 promptness. OFFICE No. U Carter's Building, corner t4erand Front streets. FeK. i s;o;ff v 1 ?JMgJ& DEALER IX Tfl'AT SSOO GRANT SOXG. Air - -Little Broicn Jnq" Me and Judge Dent live all alone In the White House, we call our own. Dent takes the money atid divides with me, And keeps the places for the family. Chokcs Ha. ha, ha. Dent, and rne Treat relations liberally. "Ha. ha. ha. Djnt atid me Represent tlie family. If you want a place, call on Judare Dent. If you can bargain for his consent. Fay your money and take your choice. In this the public have no voice. Cuoius 11a. ha. ha. Dent and me. Are the heads of the royal family. II a, ha. ha. Dent and me Are family men. as you can see. It is the talk of all about this town. That Horace Gieeloy ao'd Gratz IJaown Are about to turn us out. Hear ine now, while I do shout : Cuomrs Oh. oh, oh. Dent and me Are going to .Salt Lake City. Oh, oh, oh. Dent and me Along with the royal family. UiKle Sam and Useless Grant. Am "Ilub'm Tlajf ami Goffer Green."1 CSKI.K.SS. Please give me another four years, Uncle dear. Oh! please give me another four years ? I'll turn over a new leaf and discharge every thief. If you try me another four years. Uncle dear. If you try me another four years. I'XCI.K SAM. I can't do it, Ulysses, you're asking loo much. For your teccrd is very unclean; Rut suppose I'd relent and give my con sent, To retain you another four years. Hiram dear. What would you do in the other four years? I'd reform very much in four years, L'ncle dear. For rny relations are now pretty rich I'd change my arithmetic, and ship Robe son quit k. If you give ii. e another four years. Uncle dear. If you give me another four years. rxci.K SAM. Oh. Hiram! I know you don't mean what you pay I can't give you another four years. I want Honesty that is to say. Horace G.. To preside at the White house the coining four years. At the WLite House the coming four years. - - - . ...... P ! Not Much of a Shower. Charles Sumner was once the idol of the Radicals, says the San Francisco fix nmiiier; and that was not very long ago. Then he was adored as the perfection of statesmanship; the paragon of honesty, sincerity, and universal excellence. Hut what a change has come over the spirit of bis late political associates ? Because he chose U exercise his right or opinion, and give heed to the voice of his soul, he is now considered by the Administration party as a man of mall account, whose loss is not to be estimated as any injury to their cause: in lac it Is rather a gain. Those who once lauded him to the skies, now affect to rate him at a low figure, and assail his once honored name with all manner of malevolent abuse. Because his ideas of principle and conception of the personal unfitness of the present Ex ecutive for the high office he holds have induced him to withdraw his support from the Administration, and unite with the party of Reform, he is held out as a de serter and traitor lo the principles for the supremecy of which he has devoted a life time of brave and earnest effort. N"o one differed more widely from Sumner than we did in the past; yet we never visted upon bim half the contumely that the ad vocates of Grantism now do, because he lias obeyed the dictates of his conscience, and the promptings of patriotism. General Nathaniel P. Banks was another of the clay-made idols of the Radicals; and he, too. in obedience to the monitor ol his conscience, has turned from the er ror of his way, and refused to be dragoon ed into the support of Ca;sar Grant. As a consequence. Banks, like Sumner, suffer the penalty of his courageous assertion of individual liberty of thought and action, by submitting to gross calumny and de preciation of past services in the Radical ranks. Both of these distinguished men. as well as all the rest of the Republicans who abandoned the camp of the White House Dictator.are now siigmatiiJfl as diminutive: tubers, and, we are informed in this con nection, that there is not going to be much of a shower after all which re minds a cotemporary of an ancient story which acquaints us with the fact that in the days of old some over confident indi viduals expressed the same doubting opin ion as to the power and efficiency of an extensive shower that then prevailed to accomplish the destruction, but we believe they all discovered their error when it was too late, und never realized their true peril until they were about to become food for the deluvian fishes. Would it not be well for the Radicals to seriously pon der over this unpleasant history, and not foolishly reject the only ark of safety, that will aftiird them any shelter from the an gry storm that is now swelling around them. Both for Gkkkj.ky. -The fotlowing, in view of the lact that the election came off in West Virginia yesterday. (22d) will be of interest: ' Governor J. J Jacobs, oi West Virginia, the Independent candidate for Governor, and supported by the Grant Republicans is announced as bavins de c'ared that be shall support Greeleyand Brown. The tegular Democratic candi date for Guvernor is for RiwIpv li..K ... - . ' - .'Will f(.a.iunj riij.pviuu me aiiin i resiuen tial ticket takes all political significance ! oat of the coutest and makes it purely a j personal affair." The Real Issue. The issue of to-day is not the re peal of the Missouri compromise, nor the question of slavery in the Territories upon which alone the Republican party was organized in 1850. It is not that which follow ed, when the Leeompton Constitu tion for Kansas divided the Demo cratic party in twain and elected Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency in 1800. It is not the question of secession, nor of war to put down rebellion; nor the abolition of slav ery in the States by military order, or by Constitutional amendment, upon which 3Ir. Lincoln was re elected in 18(54; nor yet is it the question of reconstruction or of the Fourteenth or Fifteenth amend ment; nor the question of netrro suf frage; nor of the establishment by Federal power of universal suffrage as a condition precedent to the States of fhe South having any rights, or any existence even, as States in the Union. It is none of these questions that is now in issue. All these have been issues in the past great issues sufficient in themselves to create and dissolve political parties, because ideas are stronger than men or parties. But they are all past issues. They have been fought out and fought to the end, in the forum or on the field, and they are no more in issue to day than the Mexican war, or the war of the rebellion. We could not reopen them if we would, and they falsely misrepresent our pur poses who sav that we would if we could. This great union, therefore, means no step backward. For ward ! is the word. And first of all, it means to-day for all the other States of the Sout h what it has already done in Missouri. In stead of proseriptivc test-oaths, sus pension of habeas corpus, and mili tary despotism, it means personal freedom for the individual, and re publican government for all. In stead of negro supremacy, upheld by proscription and the bayonet, it means equal rights to all men, white as well as black. Instead of thieving governments organized to plunder subjugated States, it means the domination once more of intelli gence and integrity instead of strife, hate, and robbery. It means, jus tice, liberty, peace, loyalty, and good will; and gentlemen, for our whole country, eat, west, north, and south, it means instead of a war president, trained only in a military school, and whose whole character has been formed in the ideas,arts, habits, and despotism of military life instead of this, it means a peace president, trained in the ideas, arts, blessings, and republican simplicity of peace and universal freedom; of peace not en chained, of liberty not under arrest awaiting trial, sentence, and execu tion by drum-head court-martial, but that liberty and that peace which the Constitution secures by placing the civil law above the sword; by preserving in full vigor the sacred writ of "habeas corpus, and by the right ot trial by jury. It means another thing, and per haps the most important of them all it means to arrest the centrali zation of powers in the Federal government. It means to assert the vital principle of our republican system, in which it lives and moves and has its very being, that Consti tutions are made by the people in their sovereign capacity for the ex press purpose of defining and lim iting the powers of government powers of all governments, State or National. It means that we are determined that Presidents and GovernorSjCongress and State Leg islatures, and every department of the government, shall obey- the Constitution. It means a genuine civil service reform, beginning with the Presidential ollice. It means to put an end forever to certain practices which have, grown up with this Administration, which have driven so many of the ablest Republicans to join this Liberal movement, and which have deeply wounded the hearts of all Republi cans as well as Democrats in this country. Practices which never existed under any other adminis tration, which are but too well known to all the world, and which our national good reputation will be best consulted by not even nam ing. It means also togive strength ami stability to our financial affairs and our national credit by bringing honesty and economy and fidelity to everv position Federal, State, and Municipalwhere public moneys are collected and disbursed. It means, also, the honest payment of all our obligations. It means to give higher tone and greater visor to the administration of our foreign and domestic affairs, so as to "command the respect and the confidence of our own people and of all the civilized world. It means to place in the highest offices of our government men of whom all the world will say, "They are hon est and they are capable." fifrixch or Hon. J. Ji. I)oAi?ii! The Vauderbilt Party at Saratog-a. At Congress Hall, Saratoga, the great Vanderbilt party has two daily sittings at five-handed euchre. The first sitting begins at ten A.M. and endsat half-past twelve o'clock, and the second at eight P. M. and ends at half-past ten. At five o'clock every evening Commodore Vanderbilt fakes a family drive with his wife, and for the rest of the time he sits upon the piazza and strolls at intervals down to the Hamilton Spring. The euchre party consists of the well known Vanderbilt jegency the Commo dore and Messrs. Petit, llarker, Booker and Turnbull all hale men of the masculine sex, who give no quarter ami ask none, and play for a small and uniform stake, just suffi cient to enliven the labor. People who suppose that the wealthiest man in the country who could put up railway securities enough to get the loan of all the banking capital of the State of New York if he wished disports himself extrav agantly for that reason, miht study the simple tastes of Cornelius Vanderbilt. A pair of horses, a house,a table for long whist, a Sara toga piazza and pair of lazy slip pers, and half a dozen masculine men to deal and shuttle and ante-up this is the best that fifty millions can do. "This is the end of life," says the Commodore, "and I am content. " People look from the great op posite piazzaz of Saratoga at this scene daily: Mrs. Vanderbilt, in a red shawl and quiet dress, a slen der lady, accompanied by rwie lady friend and that tall spar of a vete ran pilot, sailor and railway king who has slaughtered imprudent stock operators along a line of 800 miles her husband, climbing daily into their wagon for a dash out to Glen Mitchell, or the lake, or as far as Ballston Spa, and they see the lesson of Vanderbit's success in this little daily excursion: sim plicity of living, exercise, health, a few friends, ami no more, all ap proved bv tiuH' for steadiness, and all male friends, and of the mascu line sev. There is a wondrous health in Vanderbilt of mind or body. Xo self-contemplation, but all the world lies material and extrinsic to him like the ocean to a great fish.. lie dismisses those whom he dislikes without rage, re pels small pursuers and politicians by the sense of impregnability and command which resides in him, and although no mystery to anybody and no marvel of reticence, he has so little love of crowds, show, oraise or endorsement that there has been less written about him in the news papers affording a clue to his char acter than about any man in our era. His income is $4,000,000 a year. lie refuses to receive tele graph despatches about railway details, and is not an active mana ger of the roads being satisfied with his lieutenants, all of whom are far-seeing, comprehensive men. He is seventy-eight years of age frugal in living, with perfect peace of mind, and he says that all the years a man lives after seventy are clear gain upon destiny. The (Jems of Ceylon. Ceylon is the land of gems and is the gem Island of the East. The natives are called Singalese and appear to be a little better c'ass of people than the inhabit ants of either Barneo or Java. The men wear their long black hair tied up in a knot at the back of the head. Their boats are the most singular looking of any 1 have yet seen. They are simply long, narrow canoes with two sticks reaching out from the side. The ends of these sticks are fasten ed to a log which rests in the wa ter parellel with the canoe and and about eigiit feet from it. A more awkward looking craft can not be imagined, but it is perfectly safe. The gems for which Ceylon is most celebrated are the sapphire and ruby, particularly the former. As soon as a ship casts anchor in the harbor of Point de Galle the rem merchants come on board to sell tbeir piccloiio "-tones to the passengers. Good gems may be bought, and bought cheap, but for every genuine stone purchased or exhibited there will be at least ten counterfeit ones. One of Out passengers had been in Ceylon be fore, atid was well informed of the tricks of the gem dealers. He had been extremely anxious to have us appreciate his superior knowledge, and had repeatedly warned us against the dark dealings of the Singalese merchants. On leaving Ceylon notes were compared and purchased treasures exhibited. Many sapphires had been bought, and some very good ones. Our knowing passenger had invested a little as well as others, and on one of his fingers there appeared a gold .ring, in which sparkled a beautiful sapphire which had been made from the bottom of a champaign bottle. The Campaign of I8M). The great speech used as a cam paign document in 1840 was that made by Charles Ogle, of Penn sylvania, concerning an appropria tion pending of -$3,6G5 "for altera tions and repairs of the President's house and furniture, for purchas ing trees, shrubs, and' compost, and for superintendence of the grounds." Only think of the tre mendous sum I But Mt Ogle's speech won many voters to his party, especially in the country districts, where the simple people were horrifiod at such extrava gance. Have those people any pucessors in eur day ? I scarcely think so, for only last evening I heard some one insisting that it was disgraceful that we did not pay our President -$100,000 per an num and build him a palace to live in, and I have before heard many persons belonging to both politi cal parties express the same views. I have some extracts from Mr. Oglers speech before me, which were republished just after the in coming of the present Administra tion in noticing the improvements at the White House, and I copy one because it indicates the great change in public sentiment since such words were deemed scathing in their satire : "Oh! sir," said -Mr. Ogle, "how delightful it must be to a real, gen uine Loco Foeo tt) cat his pate tie fois yrt,4? tltule de.tosse, and sal able a la cola ille from a silver plate with a golden knife and fork ! And how exquisite to sip with a golden spoon his so ape a la reite from a silver tureen S It almost makes my mouth water to talk about it." The plain style in which General Harrison lived was held up in con trast. He, it was asserted, lived in a log cabin, the latch-string of which was always out in token of hospitality, and he refreshed his guests with hard cider while French wines were served in the White House. There was a coon somewhere about General Har rison's establishment thai played a prominent fart in eampaingn speeches, songs, and torchlight processions. The country took up the watchwords of "hard cider," "log cabjn," and" "coon" with tre mendous enthusiasm then, and waged war with tremendous effect against the existing Administra tion. The Women at the Jubilee. Ti e World's Boston Letter. I don't think that ever in my life have I seen such an aggregate of female unloveliness as is exhib ited here. There is a prominence of cheek-bone, a squareness of mouth, a fishiness of eye, and a shapelessness of form maddeningly common among these gentle crea tures. I don't say all are so dia bolically ugly that a man need run i away from them, but I'd rather be drowned than wrecked on an island with some of them. It seems to me that a great number of them have been or are "school ma'ams." They have the positive, authorita tive" way, and weary, faded look common" to that class. Some of them have great powers of expres sion in speech as well as song powers more to be admired for force than grace, profundity rather than piety. For instance, the one I heard yesterday telling a com panion as she pinned up a torn overskirt, that this was "the d d est crowd" she ever was in. I don't think she was a common school teacher, although she might run a Sunday-school class. Doubt less she is on that, and from familiarity with pious words, is careless of the place she puts them in. I low Soon- Wk Foi:;kt. A leaf torn from the tree by a rug ged gale, and borne away to some desert spot to perish. Who miss es it from its fellows. Who is sad that it is gone? Thus it is with human life. There are dear friends, perhaps, who are stricken with grief when a loved one is taken, and for many days thy grave is watered with tears and anguish. But by and by the crystal font is drawn dry, the last drop oozes out, the stern gate of forgetfulness folds back upon the exhausted springs, and time, the blessed healer of sorrow, walks over the sepulchre without waking a single echo in his footsteps. -w- It is singular that the name of God should be spelled in four let ters in almost every known lan guage. It is in Latin, Detts; in Greek, Zeus; Hebrew, Ad on ; Per sian, Syrs; Tartarian, Igad ; Egyp tian, Aumn or Zeut ; East India, Esgi or Zeul ; Japanese, Zain ; Turkish, Addi ; Scandinavian, Odin ; Wallachian, Sene ; Mar gian, Eese ; Sweedish, Oodd ; Irish, Dich; German, Gott ; French, Dteu ; Spanish, Dios, and Peruvian, Llan, The -Mau Of Their Choice. The question is put squarely to the honest Republicans by the New York jStti, whether in their con science they are now in favor of Greeley or of Grant. We have not the faintest doubt that nine out of ten of the honest Republicans will declare in their hearts for Greeley; though worldly interests prevent many from openly expressing their preferences; and repugnance to controversy or personal "discus sion induces many more to restrain their feelings until the dav of elec tion, when quietly they will go to the polls and deposit their ballots for the man of their conscience's choice. How can the intelligent, think ing, honest Republicans be other wise than friends and supporters of the Liberal candidate? If they know anything upon the subject they are aware that the States under carpet-bagdomination have been ruled through the most shame less and stupendous election frauds that ever disgraced any part of the eountiy. The active agents in the work have been the carpet-baggers and the Federal office-holders; the means mainly employed have been the deluded, docile negroes. The former trere the thieving knaves, who ought to have been sent to the penitentiaries ; the latter the honest dupes, who ought to have fallen under better leaders. In pursuance of this nefarious scheme the reconstructed States for the last four years have witnessed falsification of registry lists, ballot- mi 7 box stuffing, double and triple voting, fraudulent counting, and unwarranted certificates of election, especially in regard to members of Legislatures, which, had they been revealed to Tammany in its worst days, would have made it hide its diminished head: We need not tell Republicans who have been thoroughly inform ed upon the condition of Southern politics for the past four years that these things are so. They know they are so, and the honest men among them have deprecated their existence and now go for Greeley that they may bring them to an end, while the rogues who have profited by them now go for Grant that they may be perpetuated. The Dervish Feast Of The Doja. The great feast of the Doga, a dervish affair, has just been celebra ted. The dervishes nre among the most fanatical of Mohammedans, and each year when the annual car- a avan returns from its holy pilgrim age to Mecca, a week is devoted by this sect to religious exercises in accordance with their own pecul iar notions. The dervish village is just below Cairo. Here each night for many days past the faithful have gone through with their indescribable contortions of body which is known as the dervish dance. Each night the dark Egyptian sky has been lit up by the blaze of magnificent fireworks. I have seen New. York City on the night of a Fourth of July, but I did not see fireworks half" so grand as I have seen at this strange orgie. The feast culmina ted last Friday, when the grand head of the order rode in triumph over the prostrate forms of the faithful. Such a sight I never wit nessed before and trust I never may again. Thousands of these iialf mad creatures threw themselves in their frenzy on the ground, all anx ious to show their devotion by being trodden upon by the horse or the men who led him over their bodies. They struggled and fought for the privilege of being stepped upon witn all the fervor of lunatics. Back and forth rode the turbaned priest, mounted on a noble looking horse, whose feet fell with a dull thud on arms, legs, necks, or bodies, just as each was in the way of his footsteps. I fan cied at times that the horse seemed a little ashamed of the performance, but the dervishes were more than satisfied with the whole affair. Each person stepped on at once arose and received the congratula tions of friends. None seemed much hurt, although a few limped as they walked about. Thousands were shoutin- at once, and for wild excitement and indescribable noise this scene far surpassed anything I ever witnessed. Cotton. The Bakcrsfield South ern Californlaa of August 8th says: We were shown on Monday, by Mr. W. G. Allen, some fine coV ton bolls from his field adjoining town. Mr A. speaks in the most sanguine manner of the prospect for a fine crop. So far, notwith standing the difficulties labored un der at first in consequence of diffi culty in procuring seed, the cotton experiment bids fair to be crowned with brilliant success. Mr . Allen, assures us that all the conditions f ,v,.ivih!p. and he is confident of making a handsome demonstra- tior, The Grand Final Triumph. Commenting upon the result of the election held at Memphis on the 1st inst., t he Appeal of August 3d says : "The smoke of the bat tle has cleared away and the rep suit is before us. It will be seen from the returns published else where that the entire Democratic ticket is elected. The canvass has been bitter, angry and excited, and we are glad that it is over. We congratulate our friends on this triumph of the Democratic party over its worst enemies the tri umph of its loyalty and its co hesive power and integrity as a political organization. Wo, hope the bolters have learned aesson they will never forget. They went into the canvass in an overbearing q and threateneng spirit, breathing death and destruction to all who opposed them. Some of them were men who patticipated in the late convention, either as delegates or candidates for nomination. But the people have, by their votes, vindicated the propriety of p:6rty organization, and administered a slinging rebuke to the renegades. -We predict the Radical party will never make another organized fight in this county. One thou- o sand fraudulent negro votes were polled in the county on Tuesday, and if with" this great advantage the Radicals failed to secure vic tory, they will despair of future su'ecesss. No man of common sense longer questions the election of Horace Greeley, and this result will dissolve the Radical party. At the election in November the negroes of Arkansas and Mississ ippi will remain at home to vote; and the Democratic majority in Shelby for Greeley5, a Congressman and members of the I egislature will reach two thousand. But the certainty of victory should not make iis forgetful of our duties. Let us maintain our organization, and work for the grand final tri umph in November, which is to announce that the people 'have clasped hands over the bloody chasm which has too long divided them.'" Itiaiitoii Duncan and Grant. The hand is the haiwl of Blanton Duncan, but the voice is that of the Administration so much, remarks the New York irtbunc, one may truly say of the sideshcVw of the Bourbon Democracy. The whole logic of the case has been from the outset conclusi veas to the com plicity of the Grant Republicans in this ridiculous move. But now we have ample evidence in the circular sent out by Mr. J. M, Edmunds, Secretary of the Grant Central Committee at Washington. Here we have this honest and ingen uous gentleman actively sending out the call for the Bourbon Dem ocratic Convention at Louisville, and begging Grant Republicans to help circulate it through the coun try. Here is the Democracy-hating Grant party doing its best to keep up " the old organization," which they say is so damned with treason and rebellion that a man who ac cepts any of its votes is worse than a traitor. Now, does Mr. Edmunds, backed by the Conklings, Mortons and Chandlers, expect to "save the country" by touting for Mr. 'Blan ton Duncan's Bourbons? or is this only a part of the conspiracy t8 create a diversion which in this city has resulted in an alliance be tween Messrs. Murphy, Tweed, Decoy, Bliss and O'Brien. IJe Your Own KigM Hand Man. People who have been bolstered up all their lives are seldom good' for anything in a crisis. When misfortune comes, they look around for somebody to cling to or lean upon. If the prop is not there down they go. Once down they are as helpless, as a capsized turtle, and they cannot find their feet again without assistance? Such persons no more resemble men who have fought their way to position, mak ing difficulties their, stepping stones ami deriving determination from their defeat, than vines resemble' oaks, or spluttering rush lights the stars of heaven. Efforts per sisted into achievements train a man io self-reliance, and when he" has proven to the world that he can trust himself, the world will trust him. One of the bet lessons a father can give his son is tins; Work- strengthen your moral and mental faculties, as you wttild your muscles by vigorous exercise. Learn to conquer circumstances; von are then independent of fortune. The men of athletic minds, who left their mark on ine years m wmeu thev lived, were all trained iu a rough school. They did not mount to their high position by the help of leverage; they leaped the chasm, grappled with the opposing rocks, avoided avalanches, and when the goal was I'eached, felt that but for the toil that strengthened litem as they strove, it could never haq been obtained, Q O o o o o o o o o o -o o o G O O O o o 7 ; ,r-i-o-r rr n MO-onim T TT5P iPY