o O O o o O 0o O O o o o o o o O O o o o o o o I o o o o o G i! 9 o o o o o G o o o o 0 o o o o Sljc lilcckln O-ntcvpvisc. FRIDAY AUGUST 'JO. 1872. Greeley Campaign ong. TcNf. "Bally Round the Flag Boy." Yes, we'll rally round the fljg, boys, rally once ag.iin. Stiouting the battle cry of freedom. We will gather now with jiy to hail the nw campaign Shouting thd battle cry of freedom. Chokus Greeley forever, the man for the age, Down with the despot, up with thesae. While we rally round the liag, boys, rally O once again. Shouting the battle of freedom. Not now with the sword or musket our country bids us go Shouting the battle cry of freedom. But with the milder ballot to strike as sure a blow. Shouting the battle cry of freedom. Caoi'.ts- Greeley forever, ke. The warfare is over, we'll raise our fallen foe, Shouting the battle cry of freedom And hand in hand as brothers to victory we'll go. Shouting the battle cry of freedom. Cuoi:!:.s Greeley forever, tc. All party- feuds are dead, we'll lay them in the grave. Shouting the bait'e cry of freedom. And North and South united, a glorious conclave. Shouting the battle cry of freedom. Ciioi:ii Greeley forever, &c. Republicans and Democrats one party now we see. Shunting the battle cry of freedom. And their united voice is heard from sea to sea. Shouting the battle cry of freedom. CnoKLs Greeley forever, &c. Thei vote for Horace Greeley, boys, the Sae of Chappaqua. Shotting the battle cry of freedom. lie will heal the lingering wounds of a i r;i fratricidal war. Shouting the bat lie cry of freedom. Cnonrs Greeley forever. &C. Grant's. Io;iomv of Grant's reticence is proverbial; but frugal as lie is of his utterances, he seems peculiarly unfortunate in the impression he creates of the truthfulness of his statements con cerning any matter in which his own interest happens to be involv ed. A recent illustration of this we had in the Pleasonton-Schurz correspondence, in which the quou- dam Commissioner of Internal I delicate i Revenue made such a thrust at one of the moral delinquen cies of the Executive, lint the first case that brought General Grant's inaccurate memory prominently before the country was mush more glaring than the attempt to bribe Schurz; and it may not be amiss at this time to call up the facts afresh for the delectation of the campaign orators and organs of the President. General Grant, shortly after the close of the war, sullered himself to be drawn into a dilemma from which he was extricated with extreme discredit. At the time when the Tennre-of-ofuce bill con flict raged and Secretary Stanton w-w nM.ii.lf.,l f'mm Iik ."wwoL.n -o the head of the War Department by President Johnson, Grant was put bv the President in Stanton's place The Senate thieatened to reinstate 31r. S.tanton, and Grant was kent in bv the President with 1 the express understanding that he would cither rctinn the office to the President's posses-ion in order ' a t:lme ouse, or a dead one, fresh to enable the President to appoint ! :ls Jt might be. lien a young rat a successor before final action l,v as put into t lie case it would plant the Senate, or would remain at its ! it unerring fang in some part of head awaiting a decision of the j lllnl or -'y, and then, wait question by judicial proceedings. ; until it died .from the tnorough m In disregard of the understandings oculation of the poison. When and hiV distinct promise to the ! Tnte k':51 il would turn it over, President, Grant vacated the cilice ! t:lko lt !l':1,1 t'H'einost and swallow when Stanton demau.led it, and ovidently drawing nutriment without giving Mr. Johnson notice of his intention to do so. "When Grant attempted to make it appear that he had not made the specified promises to President Johnson, he was confronted by the personal as severations of members of the Cab inet, who testified to having ri,-7 him promise exactly as the Presi dent said he promised. There was no question in any mind, at the close of the correspondence on this subject, that Grant's recollection of what he said had utterly failed him, or that he deliberately and mali ciously economized the truth. Should 1Je Warned Off, One of the trump cards of the Admin istration is its financial policy; yet though Vice-President Colfax" is, under the eircums'anees, a Grant man, and now and then makes a Grant speech, he felt it his duty the other day, at his home in In diana, to condemn ;in the words of wisest censure," the financial policy of lioutwell and Grant. lie declared that he regarded it with alarm, and considered it as the greatest of peril of the nation. Xow, this is unkind in Mr. Col fax. If he cannot swear this Ad ministration through its present difficulties, he should be warned off the stump by the Grant National Committee. This is no time, Mr. Colfax, to take counsel of your conscience; if you do heed that "still, small voice," you cannot re main in Camp Grant. H Squ a n d e u e d. Senator Tr u n: bull stated in his late speech in In dianapolis, that there was "monev cnougii squandered by oiiice-liold-ers under the Federal Government every year to buy a house and farm and give 6U,000 to every man in the State of Ind iana and theie are 400,000 men in that State." Touis grain elevator com pany has given an order for a belt which is to be the largest in the World. Tt is to lie four fWt. in width. :?-o teet lonr. and weighs 2,22.7 pounds How the Rjltiesuakes 31ultiply and Replenish the larlh. From the Nashville A merican. About the 10th of May last Drs. Cardwell and Westmoreland cap tured at Prospect, in the lower edixe of Giles County, near the xVla-1 bama line, a rattlesnake lour teet three inches long and five inches in circumference. When captured it had eight rattles and a button. Since that time it has been confin ed in a glass case; it has not par taken ol one particle of food, though it has been tempted with mice and other small animals on which the reptile is accustomed to feed. The snake manifested no inconvenience from its confinement, nor did it lose any in size or bodily vitality. Its eyes continued to glisten like magnetic steel, and its lancinating fangs to protrude at the appearance of an one near the case. Dr. Cot ton thought all the while it was a male. Though small mice and rats have been con lined in the case with the snake until their own hunger urged them to bite at its scaly hide, the serpent refused to give them notice or to partake of food. On two or three occasions it has taken small quantities of water. On Thursday at one o'clock on going into the back room of the store where the case is kept it was discovered that the snake had given birth to four young snakes, and by three? o'clock she had given birth to three more, making seven in ail. The young snakes made their ap pearance one at a time and in a coil ed or striking position, their eyes listening and their envenomed ton-rues eontmuallv darting out. The vounur ones are each from nine to fifteen inches in length, and in a state of perfect 'development. They aie quick of motion and pos sess no ordinary spinal vitality, as they crawl readily to the top of the ease and move with celerity across and around it from end to end. What is most singular and contrary to all the received notions concerning the reptile, each of these voting snakes has a full but ton on the tail, which clearly refutes i the idea that they have to be SIX months old before the formal ion of the button, lying in her Hie old snake was cage in a lethargic tate, witii some indications, as me doctor thought, of increasing the coiling laniuy. i lie young snakes coil around her, and under and over ; her, and she seems to have for them the maternal affection of instinct. This snake has been in captivity near four mouths, yet during ail that period she has partaken of not a morsel of fo ) 1, and has brooded her seven young. As to exactly how long from inception the pro cess of gestation or incubation has been going on, there is no means of ascertaining, as we can only date from her captivit y. Dr. Cot ton informs us that he once before kept in the same case a large-sized rattlesnake tor three years and nine ! months, audtiiat ho studied closely I its various moods and changes, This snake, he says, did not partake j '' :i Particle of food tor the iirst ; months, and but little water, ! 1 Ie then gaveit mice, rats. &c, put- ! tl,l t-Io same into the case alive, and it commenced devouring them I voj'aciOUSiV. "'oin -,ie lfson its own .augs ha.i infused. It shed its skin twice a : year each spring ami autumn a I new rattle appearing an each shed- giiilt. wnicn explodes me popular notion that but one rattle comes a year. vsterday morning the doc the case and placed it in oo the sun. Prom the effects of the sun three young ones died. Two others became stupefied, but recov ered their vitality on being remov ed to the shade. -&- -- . . - Xine On of Ten. The Leav enworth Cn,niii':i'.'i'il has been in- formed by staunch Iowa gentleman, a epuuiican, and one who i has been traveling over that State during the last six months, that at least nine out of every ten of the Germans would support Gree ley and lirown. The German vote in 1SG3 was about 20,000. The Republican majoritv was less than !0,O00. Taking these figures, Grant is liable to lose Iowa, and in case he does, what State will he carry ? The Portland Anjs says (hat there is not a iown in M sine without its Greeley Cloh. and that !he Liberals and Demo crats join hands with a wiil. The foI'.owhTg per-ons are authorized to act as agents for the Kxtshprise : Geo. P. Lowell & Co., 4o Park Row ,New oi k. Coe. Wet'icrill & Co., COT Chestnut street Philadelphia.. ' Abboti .V Co.. No. 82 & SI Nassau street. New oik. ' Poitland. Oregon Saniud San Francisco Thomas l5oc San Francisco L. P. Fiher neieiiN t'lusiai.i count v.. s ia.. Astoria, Cla-s p o" -fv . Van I);,,,.,, Lafivttfe. Vaniliilt Dallas. Poik countv Co: valiis ' -ounty . .J. ,. Fnriru-on Pave Ilohnrs ;L S. Palrner Ctnvni CUy Dallas, W.ist-o cornty La Grande, Union county.. w . l;. l.as-.Mll .. N. IHLites A. C. "ra i, Pendiet m. Umatilla county. . . s. V. Knox Eugene Lity J . M. Thompson CLACKAMAS COfNTY. Leaver Creek. . Eaijle Creek. . . C. F.P,eatie . .Frank W. Foster. . . .Hem v .McGulhik W. Moreland. J. W. Stra wser. . . . . W H. Vaushan. ! LotrMoiaiii." i Canbv Upper M !alh. Harding's Cutting Z. G. Norton. . v.. .orion. D. Wrigbt. A UCTION ANJJ COMMISSION AUCTIONEER! Corner ol Front and Oakstreets, Portland. AUCTION SALES ' Of Real Estate, Groceries, GeneralHerchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fiy-paus, sheet iron, R. G. Iron also : A large assortmentof'Groceries and Liquors A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer JOSZX UIYERS, OREGON' CITY, OREGON, RETAIL DEALERS IX I)BY GOODS, BOOTS &SSIOI2S, I5AJR1WAiSE, I no keep constantly on hand SALEM CASS I M F It E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which I wiil sell at the Factory Prices, and will t.ike wool in exchange. w. ;iso pay the hiurhest pri.e for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. I will sell as low as any house in Oregon, tor t.asn o us equivalent in goi m ere h i n table produce. G3 Give mo a call and sati fv yourselves JOHN M VERS. J,.n. 13, lsTl tf JL-ST RECEIVED AT niO.VLF.rt IN" DRY GOODS, CLOTH IXG, ROOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, OROCERIE-'-. C R 0 C K ERY, N O TiO N S, & C. MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. PRODUCE of all kin U bonht. tor which I pay the hi-liest nmiket price. if ron desire sood tio.tds, at LOW Friers, ciil at I. SELLING'S, cinl examine his fresh s:ock of Spring Goods. GIVE ME A CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELVES. Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALL PRO FITS. -1 Tiined, For which I wiil pay the price. A mil 1 I. D-TLtf iiigheet market I. SELLING. MILIVJ . it .J.- a MASONIC II ALL BUILD ING. OREGON CITY, - OREGON. TTEEI'S CONSTANTLY ON II AND AND JL lor sale, cii.iAP Foit cash, PAUL0R, BSDHC05L OFFICE, SITTIN GROOM, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, Bureaus, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, What nots, Ii'c stea ls, Wa hst.ituls. Curled Hair and 1'iilu Matresses, 1'uhi Pil lows, Spring Bed-!, Window Sliitlos, Pictare Frames, Mouldings, Ac, Ac. ""Spocial attention given to Fpho'sterv work in all its nranches. Orders tilled with promptness. Repairing clinn with neatness airl dispatch. Furniture nitde to ortier. '-vTGoods delivered to any pait ol town free of ciiaige. Call and examine for your s. lvas. ni iyl7n-',' 3 AiVl SaftGEF? Jits Established FOR J HE MANUFACTORY OF, SASH, BLINDS AND CCOBS AND mouldings of all sizes. ftV They will also do TURNING, of cvrj lec: intiijn to order, With Ueatness and Dispatcl o ALL WORK WA KT? ANTED. Shop on the River, in Lewis' shori. opposite Or(?on City Mills. ICE-CREAM SALOON! l-OIJIS SAAL, - - - Proprietor. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to the the citizens id' Oregon City aud vicinity-, tii.it I h.ave just opeiird au ICE-CREAM A COXFECTIO.VARY ! estat.H-hnier.t in the building formerly occu i 1'ied by L. Oilier, corner of Foarth and I Mit'n streets. ihe Aili? oils. Knnnlain will be in operation to supply tle demands of Hip thirs ty. I niu-iuf.ict!ire all my own stock, conse qaentiy they are rrss and fresit. share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. JuF2ii37tf w f ) J- O.ME-MADE CARPET FOR SALE AT I. S-ELLIXGS WILL 'til v t I iir-lininf t , t Pm.iifiMd tvpiTc, BuSiUCSS DirCftCr, Of Foiilani!, UiCo0l. prELisn kv BY l. SAJi '.'EL , , General Advertising u-igent, Jb ront Xrcct. - - Ackerman's Dollar Store, 5o.yj fir,t sirtct. Importers and Job bers of Fancy Goods, Toys. Crockery, Glass ware and Plated Ware. Vstor House, First at., between Oakand Pine. Everything neat. 13. L. Longfel low, Proprietor. BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PERIODICALS, B .CROPT & MORSE, Agents for Mabie,, Todd & Co.'s celebrated tioltl PtIIS. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co's School Books. J,t Fubtixhed, a fall line of Legal Ulaiikg for this State. Barman, the only direct Importer of Cloth ing, &.c, cor. Front & Washington sts. ckXsTc. barrett; WHOLESALE KOOKSELLEIt & STATIOXEK, LARGEST STOCK IN PORTLAND. No. 79 Front ami No. ."jAV"asH- injjton Sli---t's. 1"SeCk7wILLAM & SON. 120 Front st. 3 Importers and dealers in CJuiis, Ilillcs antl Ilcvolvers of every descript;on. Fishing Tackle, Fancy Gouds. Beads Bird Cages, baskets, Cmqnet ( lames, and Babv Carriages. Agents Toi the vCalif 'i nia Powder Works;" also, for the Wheid.-r .t -Wilson Sewing Machines." 1"ock John A., 12!) Front, street, practical y Waicrnnaker k Jeweler. Work done tor the Trad . ,v,w 1 BOtTii A . iTSo 15 imYint i: ks. HIMES.t BA011ELDF.lt 'IS Front street. righam k Beinhait, F;rst st. bet Oak & XJ p ine. ininorteis ot Moves, Kanges, Kitchen Uten-il-- 1n hanan, W. A., s. w. cor. First k Taylor 3 sts. Cheapest Furniture House in Port land OAKPETS.lS WALTER HKO-t nt sti ect Cllarke, Henderson &. Cook, SI &, S3 First J street. Healers m Dry tioo.ls. Fancy Goo. Is, &e. Cohn i PojeutVld, 14s F:nt st. Commis J sion Merchants & Dealers in O.igon & Californi.i Produce. Congle, J. K . Manufacturer tt De ib-r in Saddles, H.i mess, aud Saddlery Hard Ware, 'J'i Front s'i'i et. f Mirrier, W & Co.. Fl3 F.out st. Merchant Tailors aud Clothier.-., Hats Furnishing Goods. DeLishuiutt k Oattii.in.ti2 Fr-mt sfrei-t. Ileal Estate Agents, money loaned, houses reaty.l. DENT AL G00DS7- 1- iOill -s.rrec. 1 1 U.1 CrlC C. H. I -1. . till I A ili kl' t. Ii'l Fr- nt treet. Orders troin any portion of t':e St:it;'r or Ten itoi.e care fully til e l by in. i.l or express. Iai l, L.iwenst. in k Co. Furntfire and U Carpet deah-rs -Stores trom l.lt to ICS I i i -t st iv t. nt A enev. Wit'.er.dl k U J man, i Front Farai-ii all hi. id o! In- 1. vcrl Hi E ceoe, o Kro'tt. -tieet. Coni- j mis.Mnn Mercnains aim ueaiers in iu- i i i : t i . i;i sti Pcodu:: . w .ishiou Li vet v Stable, cor. Fiit k Salmon sts E. Coi -bet t, i'mp. G .od turn outs alw i vs on hand. fi-diel k i be: is, .-or. l-'ilt Was'i'irrton V st .. D.-alers k Mams! ic. Cot'.iing, Furn i s' i i a ;r t - "i s. X. r i ! i:id. Dr. IL IL, Dentin OHi.-e, No. 1 -2, Dekum's lilock, cor. First k Va,h iimton sts. ill Ste- I. 7" a-d 77 Fh-" stiver. Peal VjX ers in Look -, Stat i nei y, and M uic i! Iiir-trument -. GRAY'S MUSIC STORE-. The largest Muic House on the Coast. STEIN WAY PIN05, BIRUETT ORGANS, (i. Tj. m-'PliX'SH, 3I.ni:s r. SOLE AGENCY foil T1IK ??" A cr e n t, s wanted. ' -5T it ickenev ,V Stemn. Grocers and dealers in all kinds of Seeds, cor. First and Ma n st.-. Hitisbir sm B , 13? I irst s reet. importer and dealer in staple Fancy Dry (Jo. ids, Miliineiy. Htndee.D II. . Photognphic Artist, s. w. cor. First and Moiri-.m sts. Child s Pict. s .ec lty. Hennchsen, L. C & l!;.t F r-t street Manufacturers and dealer.- in Jewelry, Watches, c. XXi'djii d. Ceo. L-. t'S Front st.. wholes lie L i dealer in (Loceiies, roceiies. Doors, Wagon M;i- terials, Ac '"Todge, Calef ,t Co., 07 Front sr., whole sale dealers m drug-:, 1 am:, Oils, (Lass, Ac. TTAAJ P Sewing Machine, straight JL.IA VJ nt edle, under fVed, "l ck stilch." t.'otnpetition challenged. M. E. T raver, ll'J Front st. Hurgren k Shin.ller, NTos. i to 172 First st. Impel ters Furniture, Bed ding, Ac. International HmeLcer. Front and M j ri i son s s. Mlludo!p!i, Prop. Free Puss attends steamers. Kohn.J. A Co.. !'l Froot st., w!iols 'e and ret. 01 dealer in Fine Clothing. Furnish ing Goods. Mai-nn Doiee Ilestaur.iiit, piivate rooms for Fanii! e, cor. l.-t and Pine slri-ets. 0- 'tins Pi op. M-.riin, E k Co., wh"l(."-ale d-al 'r in Wine; & Liquors. ). S. N. Co's Block, and San Fran eio'- k Schmeer, 111 Front St., wholesale a. id retail Confectioners. Mi!!er, lohn P . t3 1st, st. Wat-!. maker k Jeweh r, off'eis to fie 'imblic a tine as sortment, of Watches. Clocks and Jewe'ry. Moeller k Co , Front near r t.. Dealers in native and foreign Wines, Liquors and ("!igars. Vroit';riip. E. J.. Hardware. Iron, St el. L Hubs! Spokes, Hardwood Lurnber, tfv., Portland. O 'idental Hctel.cnr. First and Monison sts. Smi-n A Cook, Propriet rs. Iari-h, Wat ns k Oor- ell, lie il Estate A sen's, !K) Front street, bet. Alder and Washington. IJIIOTOnRAPrnr GOOD :. C. H. Wood I ard & Co., I'd Fiont s'. 1 ice, J. M..1-27 Front, street, wholsale dea'er in Tinware and Stoves. T"iche Paul. 105 Fir't t. ifnnrbrnf V Berlin wooden Carving', Parlor Orna-Ti-nti.,t-c. r ider. G. C . R-al Es'a'p k Vnnev Broker L 02 Frnnt lit. Por'lnd. T osenbauni, I.S.ACo., Tobacconisrs. import V ers of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. T uss House, Front st. On First Class Pdn- Ivc;,. Thomas Ryao, Proprietor. Qherlock, S., '(Tvd 5-irststs., dealer in JIarae-s, Sadilcry and Sal- dier Hardware. Simon, J., 5G Front street, dealer in Doors, tasli & Blinds, Window k Plate Glass. Sinsheimer, tL, 157 First sL, importer of Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Muic In struments. Skidn?ore. 8. G., 123 First st. Druggist .'; Apothecary, a large stock of Perfumery & Toilet Articles. Smith tt Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Perfumery, &c. O now & lloos, 73 First strtet. Pictures. O Frames, Moldings, Artist'; ing Instruments. 's Mat'.s.Draw- Smith, Put.. Broker, fo Front st. D in Irf-gal Tenders, Go' ernment B Dealer Bonds and (.old Dust. UTOVE, . L So 107 Front Str--t. O Watchmaker & Manufacturing Jeweler is anpoinred Agent for tbe Waltham, Elsrin. E. Howard k Co., Chas. 1. Jacot, and the California Watches; also, for all the produc tions and imports of the California Jewelry Cotrpany. San Francisco. Send for circular Watches repaired in the very best manner and wakrasthd to give satisfaction. Ierry Bros.. No. 17S First street, manufac JL Hirers and dealers in Furniture, Bed dine. Carpets, &c. r jhe Clothing store. 113 Front st. Clothing, 1 Furnishing Gocds, Boots and Shoes. Harris & Prater. rputt'e, II II. , 142 A 141 Front st. Dealer J in Wagons A Agricultural Implements. HPy ne. E. D., n. w. cor. First & Oak sts., I dealer in Brandies, Wines, English Ale and Porter. ryler, J. A., 147 Front st., wholesale deal 1 er in Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Ba con, Ac. Williams & Myers, 5 Central Block. Front st.. Commission Merchants k deal's in Produce. Wh alley k Fechheimer, Attorneys A So licitorsia Banki uptc)-. O (lice in Odd Fellows Temple. W3 iOOD EUEWS! LOOK OUT FOE GOOD BARGAINS! S. ACCCEREH AN & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE Un k of PRIG & tUmVAl GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER CIsea;cr tli.sti tlie CJS;eajJOf . We would say, come and convince your self before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists in part of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, CI10TII1NG, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. ALSO, Doors, Windows, Glass and Putty. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ALSO, WOOL wanted, for which we pay the HIGHEST PRICE. S. ACKEREIAN & CO. Oregon City, April 1, lS71:tf Eye, Ear, Throat & Lungs. J0H3J B. FILXINGTOW, BI. D., I ATE OF SAN FPANCLSCO, HAS LO .LJ ca'ed in Portland. Oregon. Ollicf : In II line-' Building. First street three doors from Lad I A Tilt m's Bank), wlu-re be may he con-u:t d daily, and will treat diseases of the ah ve named org ins as specialties. All ojn-ration- upon ihe I've and Eat per rormed in the most scientific and careful manner. A RTI EfCIA L EYES, having all the bounty and mobiliiy of the natural eye, inserted. Refers bv permis-ion, for his profesiona! standing, to L. C. Lane, M. D., Prufe-s r ol S'ngery. and Edwin Bentley, M. I)., Profes sor of A u ttomy. University of the Pacific. San Fi ancico ; and tor his success in the treatment of caes, to oyer 1,"mi cases !eat d by bini, in San Fiancisc ; also, to Levi Est 's. Esq., Lev T. L. Eliot. Portland ; Wm. H. DiUon, E-Q-, Vancouver, W. T. ; and many others Oregon and Wa-hingt"n Ter ,.iiovy. aug2.":mi5 J. M. TIITM PSON', C W. FITCn. TH jm son a. fjtch, Real Estate Agents, EUCSfJ i CITY, OREGON, OFFICE TWO DOORS XORTU OF THE POSTOFFICK. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. LO ANS NEGOTI ATED. AND AB STRACT OF TITLES FURNISHED. -rEHVVEA COMPLETE ABSTRACT V of Title of sill property in Eugene City, and perfect plats of t'ie same, prepared witli great care. We will practice in the dill"-rent C nrt "f the Stat-. Special at tention sriven to the c dlrction of all claims that mav be rd iced in our hand. Legal Tenders bought and sold. Sep tt toro to Rent. THESTORE HOUSE FORM ERLY OCCU pied by Kafk' a.oii Rock Creek. 12 miles from A irora. situated at a fine point for count' -tradincr posr ; can be had on very rpasnnahle terms. Ti-is is a de-irably point for a man with small capital to go in o busi ness. Enquire ..f JOHNSON k McCOWN, julySOtf.j Oregon Oity, Oregon. .... hK ... - THE VE LIVE Ul AND THE IMIABITxliXTS OF THE HUMAN BOIY. WORMS. HfIIE CAUSE OF A GREAT MANY DIS I eases, that have beeu pronounced incur able by the most eminent physicians, for the very reason that they overlooked the caune, wnd'as Dr. Van Den Bergh has made the Entozoa a life long Study, he would inform the sick generally that by close observation and great t xperiments, has come to the con clusion that there are more acute and thrvn ic diseases caused by Worms, Hydatids, An imalculaj, or oilier species of Entozoa. The public generally, or the profession at large, are not aware of the uumCer of Patients who are treated by eminent Physicians, for this, that, or such a complaint, without anj reliet. If the disease had been understood, a few doses of Dr. Vs. Sovereign Wurin Remedy would have immediately cured tbe complaint aud saved a great many lives. INHABITANTS OF THE HU ET.AN BODY! What think you reader, of your body be ing a planet, inhabited by living races, as we inhab t the earth? Whatever may be your thoughts on the subject, it is even so. Your body may be but a home for parasites that crawl over the surface, burrow beneath tlie skin, netlu in its entrails, and riot and propagate their kind in every corner ot its frame. The following is from the San- Francisco Bulletin, of January 2Gih, l-72. (A recent date.; Carl Martins recently died in Cleveland, Ohio, from eating meat infected with the Ova of Tana en Solium. At the Coi oner's Inquest, on Tuesday, (January 2d.) it was shown that three weeks before Clu ii-tmas, Mai tins purchased a cat cuss, of Poi k. Some of the meet was eaten the same day, and some was made into sausage. About ten days later, some of the sausage was eaten, and m a shoit time the wboU family were taken sick. Martins died on Sunday. Decern wr 31st, lsl. Mrs. Martins and her two children are now very sick, and the fomer is not likcl to recover. The verdict was in accordance with the facts. For further par ticulars, see Cleveland, Ohio, papers of aliove date. A Coroner s Inquest brought tins fact to light. Now 1 would ask how many mere such deaths a' inquest would bring to light ? Ponder well, reader, upon this, and this k of the thousands that die every year and no ciu-e can be as-igned tor their death. Now t?ie question that would naturally enter the in i tui of the reader, is what shall I d V The advice of the Dr. would be go to some one that is competent of treating such ci'in p'aints. And who is more competent than the one that has made Worms a specialht3 Tin i as. Yesterday, Dr. .'. W. Van Den Bel gh exh'bited to us a number ot parasites which had hi e i removed from persons af flicted; there were several d llerent species, one of which appears to be entirely unknown to the medical profession. This new taenia is shaped something like an orange sed. but perfectly Hat, or lather like a cucumber seed, with si tail about a quarter i f an inch inlergth. Another was a tape worm b feet in length, consisting of I'.fioo joints. Among medical men theie exists no little difference of opinion relative totbeoiigin of t'iese entozoa. One class of writers be lieve that these parasites, at least many of them, originate in the endowment of annual molecules with vitality from li e parent body, favored by certain states ol the vital forces of that body; the states originating their organization and promoting their growth and propagation. That all descriptions of entozoa are met with far more frequently where animal food is used in greatest abund ance, is an indisputable fact, especially where t!.e food is the llesh of the ''une'ean beasts," v hich the Jews and Mohammedans are lot bidden to partake of. But our inten tion is not to wiite a thesis upon this subject: e only desire to chronicle the fact that Dr J. W. Van Den Bergh has found a med'eine a simple vegetable which grows in s-bund ante in California, which is a dead shot to a en'ozoa, of whatever de-ci iption, gener ally accomplishing its object in fr- m an hour ami a half to six hours. M'-rvit-g Call. Had we the space here, hundreds of testi monials could be produced, testifying to the truih of the assen ions that have here been made, but it would be useless and would only occupy the reader's time. The follow ng are some of the diseases that Worms are often mistaken for. Dyspepsia, Chronic Atl'ections of the Liver and Kidneys, Consumption, White Swelling, Palsy, Spennatoi rheca. Diarrhoea, Inconti nence of Urine, Gravel, Flor Albus, Diabetes, Dropsy, etc. Dr. V. would advise those ladies troubled with any Irregularities of the Uterus to try his new remedies and g't cured. Dr. Van Den Bergh's Infallibie Worm Syr. up for Children. Irice $1. Warranted to expel the worms. Sent everywhere upon receipt ot price. Dr. J. W. Van Den Bergh's, Hair Tonic a sure cure to destroy all animalcuhe of the Hair Follicles, prevents falling out. and pro moting the Growth ol the Hair. Price 1,50; Warranted. liy Consulting and I'ndc rgoinc SIMPLE EXAMINATION, The afflicted cin learn if their disea-e is caused by Wonns or no; at all events. Dr. Van Den Bergh can tell them from what dis ease they are suffering. Consultations ami Examinations FREE OP CHARGE. OFFICE ROOIflS KOS. 33 & 39, OVER THE POST OFFICE- Letters describing the symptoms will be promptly answered, and persons living at a distance" will be saved the expense and trou ble of calling upon the Doctor. Address. DK J. AV. VAN OE?; BEUCH, P O. BOX 12. SALEM, OREGON. Test Imoniitl, PonTLAxn, Peb. 10th, 1S72. Dr. J. W. Van Dkx PERGn Dear Sir: Our child, a little pirl eight years of ape, has had fits and convulsions for the last two years, and we had triad many doctors and "iraiiy remedies without much benefit, in fact our darling was tretting constantly worse until we beard of your worn syrup thrui:h a friend of ours. We though, that perhaps it might do some good to give it a tiial, and you cannot imagine our surprise when over 2o0 worms were expelled with one bottle of ynur valuable worm syrup, and from this time on we certainly shall never be without it so Inner as there is a posibl chance tor it t be had. You are at liberty to publish this if yon chouse, and tnav it do much f ood. Respectfully vourst f. H. OltTd.V, M. J. ORTON. Symptoms of AVorns, Alternate pa'eness nnd Cnshing of the countenance, dull expression of the eves, drowsiness, itching of the nose, a swelled upper lip, tonrne whitely fur.-e and thick ly speckled with red points, fetid breath, and enhirared abdomen, a partial or gen eral swelling or pufiingness of the skin, a startling in the sleep and grindinor of the teeth, a sensation as if s-methin2 was lodg ed in the throat, a gradual wasting nfthe flesh, sickness of the stomach, vomiting, a short and drv couh, appetite sometimes vo rac ous, ht other times feet le. b wels some times cstive, other t'mes loose, great fret fnlnes and in ifabilitv of temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, cohc. fits, convul sions and palsy. If tbe worm syrup is not to be hpd in your town, send orders to the manufacturer it will be sent promptly to aiy address free of express champs. Pirpct orders to Dk. j. w. van dex perch, P. O. Box 172, Salem, Oreer, To StnoLr ri THE ROAD ACROSS THE CaVi Mountains, known as the tu V Es grant lload," is now in splendid n 01' the accommodation of thepublic TH'Sk r fr on the road have all been thoroughly ds( ed, and stock drovers will find it n , l"iir' to cross the Mountains by this route T"ble is plenty of good w ater and K! ass uire sides of the Mountains, nd tbe d' lh across is only 5u miles being the shoi" well as the best road over the Cascade M ' tains. Stock droves and emigrant wilu U" it to their advantage to travel over this 1 L Toles reasonable. 14 ru''. JOSEPH Y0UG, Preside Clackamas county, June 21st, 1872. THIS OJLl18T AND the: bes rr DR. HUFELAND'S .CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH BITTERS o The First and most healthful Tcnif ever introduced in the United States. These Hittcis V,inp s been in the Na ,al,. I ei:co Maiket ft i ov,'r 'I Mini) V. ui.ai4 J notwithstanding the . n any ruw candidal. , e tor public lnvfir, tl,e sale.- have coit n;iT a h'Cienseii. ' ( STAVLtH & EI.-. KEL, Sole Ann Mol) and 411 CluvNi' jjSan Ft sti: cis Co. i'- 'X' II lli 11.--. i .Hi. d Ki 'r "WiTI sew everytMng needed ia a fas'v fiCa lis heaviest to tbe lightest fabric. it ioes jiori: v.'oek, mohi: iiisis or atomic, a?; uirrrrR v. ;nn, Than any other machine. If tilers is r. riorcEos Scvirc; chine vilhin one- thoasnnd miles cf ban Francisco r.nt working ni.d piving enllro Fuli&fnction, if I iiin i: i'ormetl of it, it will le nttox-rd t vithout expense cf any kind to iLa owner. C AHULL EILL, Arreit, 19 f.'cw Mon.tome: y Street, Grand Hotel Dal'dinj, Can Francijco. o Send for Cirrztlars and sarr.pi.- -f the trorl;. A.ctive Agents wanted in ever 7 place. PRIVATE MEDICAL lh Quick Cures ami Jlcdtrat- l:aig(. Or. W. K. Dohert?s Private 3Ieical t Surgical iiu-lilud. No. 519 Sacramento Street, ccrEeroi LeideSOrfti (a few doors beio-v the What Cheer House.) (Private entrance on Leidedoif! stic-t.: Established Kxiiress?ly to A lit i d i l.e .AH .cud Sound and Scientific i t cl ic u I A iii. Hi U c Treatment and Cute ol' all I nMti hm! Chronic Diseases, Cases of Sei-ieo atda'.l Sexual Disorder. To tlie Afllittef. DR. Y. K. D01IERTY retuirs lis M'trctc than!-s to his laineious p.-titKts UiMhr patronage, and wi.uld !a Kt 1 1 i.- i,i i'vti v to remind tl trn that he niitii i u ikiim.I at his Institute for tl e cine i f i hi i ii ( . easts of the Lungs. Piver, Kii'mis, l i;c tive and ('enito-Urii ai Oifi.i, sit: i. I jirivate diser se, viz : Syphilis i u nil it' (' and stages, Sen.iiiii "VYesikre-s &r.d tdl th horrid consequences of st-lf-tl lire . C rut hoea. Gleet, Stricfnies, Neclriniil r.rd I in nal Enn'ssioi's, Sex ua I Dtbil ty. l iiM!-1' the Pack nn1 Loir?, irjflan.nmtu r i ii' Pladder and Kidnes, etc.; sii.d lie lip that his long experience ami suet t -sli;l jn( tice will co:itinue toirsuie bin- a sluti' public patronage. I?y the pi ac lict i-l i nv yeai s in Etuojie and the Unitid ,v't!.tt. I :' enabled to apply the most ifhciint trd M'" cessful r meiiies against diseaM i f u'l P"' Me uses i:0, mercu i y . cl ni f t-s t1 1 1 1 ' ,"(: ' his patiei t- in a coi ref t find lei ( ixh: and has e'erencf-s of ui Cjiieslii rl If iin: ty frmi men o" known resj i ili' "! high stjndingin society. All 1 1 lit s in sulting him oy letiei fi -U 1 1 in, ';'"' reive the bext and gentlest tu-ain m it n i nplkit secrecy. To Ki-itistlcs. Whn a female is in ticvtle. cr f '8! : with d" se-ase, as weakness f t the Imi l!" limbs, p iin in the head, din i s 1 1 1 ' loss of muscular power, pal itjtt on I )--heart, irritabi'ity, nervousness, ! i n f inary difficulties derangtnt nl cf ciipf!;''f fun .ions, general debility .Ti'g'i ii's. ''?' east s of the womb, hy stetia, stei i'it ; other diseases peculiar to ft malcs.fl ' ' ; ,: ero or writs at once to ti e ceh bin't't' M" c doctor, V. K. DOH FRTY, at his Vt( in 1 1 stitute. and consul t him about lt and discos?. The I)oct r is t f f tii f n r'i ni-AO l)i,.n imn nil... .V. It. ft I M( v.ii.n uif ii ail I lllliri Ill?-I.l''' f , t- . . 1 - . ... of Calif rn:a." Let no f'nlse c'elicrty r'tu:' von, but apply immediately ar d save "',!;, from painful snffeungs and pn n Btrtt ffs;' All maf-iad ladies, whose ddionff ''f8'j ;j other ci; enmstances prevent an '"'"'.' their far- ilies should write or call at I ' K. DOI ERT YS Medical Institute, " " will re eive every possible relief trd ?i The 1). ctor's oflices are so arrsnpf d " ' ' can be cousulttd without ft ar of ol Mrvati . To Coi refrpendt n.,i. . . t il P f tCf5 i a i lenis resiujn tr i n '. I however distort wlo mav drs're '1 ff'J1'1, and adviceof DR.DOHERTY in their 'l' tive cases. and .who think proper to sr.t n ,o written statement of such, in I,re,t " r()(l 1. holding a personal interview, frr mrf ! e lv assured that their enrrmunicat" v ' held sacred and confidential. If fh" r; fully and candidly described, P,'PI:!"t1 c munication will be unnecessary, as . tions for diet. regimen and tbepenerait ment of tne case itsel f (inclndinir therr dies), will be forwarded without r' '""', m such a manner as to convty rf 'fia nurrortof tbe letter or parcel se ti rf" S-Cnnsultation by letter or cUci FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed orr-tj . Spcrmatorrlxrfl. DR. DOHERTY has just r,Mt pd Vi' portantpamphlei. embodying los f w" ' etT and experiences in rHstion to InT" ,. irility ; being a Short Treatise m r r4 torrhwa or Seminal -Weflkness, er e ' frf Physical Debility conseqnenl en tfr f!on, rnd ofherdiseases of theSexiisi This little work contains information ,f nt rrost .value to al 1. w h et h er rr a r r 1 f COT f and will be sent FREE by mail on rff f ' .(. six cents in postage gtamps for relvr" l affe. Aoaress. "VT. K. rOHFRTY.M. j, I r 'j julySOlj rD r ruin'-'- . r '. ' L 1 I f,