Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, August 30, 1872, Image 1

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VOL. 6.
NO. 44
arn "'''''"'"""""'""niT mm m i mi i ii itt- r -- ywnya-
fi M m in "O "1Tb 1
Biill i IHjIiFfi
She lUccklij (enterprise.
Susincss Wan, tho Farmer
EDltOll AND rilllLISHEU.
FF1G la Dr. Tlies"ng's liikk Building
Single Copy one year, in advance, $2 50
rri i-niit advertisements, including all
(e Ml ii..tices, V -I - ' 12 liUCS 1 w $ ; o0
For each sub-eTneniHiserUoii 1 J
One Column, one year :'M'W
y i ti ter " 5
B i -iine-- Car.l. I square one ye:ir Ii
Kg- R, inUt tnee to be made at the risk o
Subtcrifors. mid at the expense of Agents.
ear Hie Kuterpri.se office is supplied with
beautiful, anproved styles of type, and mod
ern .MACIIIN'K I'UKStfKS. winch will i enable
fche Proprietor t-. do Job Punting at all nines
.Xeat, Quick and Chrap .'
Tff" Work solicited. . .
All ninetrnnactiin upon a Specie baft.
7 IT. W ATKINS, M. D ,
SURGEON. Portland, Orkgi n.
OP Fir: Od I Fellows' Temple, corner
First. uid Vhler streets Residence corner of
M.iin and .Seventh streets.
Attorneys at Law,
() It K ION CITY,O'.lE00 X .
M irch .-, ls7-':tf
F. BAHGLAY, Rfl. E?. C. S.
Formerly Sia:,'ron to the lion. II. U. Co.
3 Ytuis ExiifiUurt'.
ru vuriciNCi physician and surgeon,
?Iit Strri-t. Orrgon City,
ATmTCi and counselors at-law,
oasaoN city, Oregon.
vn.LincncK in all the courts
of til" -'.fate.
-;;i,'ci il attention given to cacs in the
U. S. L-.riti Oii.e :it Oregon City.
April A, 1ST:.': if
Et ibli-'li'id si nee 1849, at the old stand,
"If on Street, Oregon City, Onqon.
ri Assortment of" Watches , Jew
elry, itritl Sith Thomas' weight
-1 I ' t. . I I ..C... I. : 1. ..... ..........mljjil
L( :it; il U'fl ..rmru.
i:aiiiitgs done on short notice,
in 1 thankful for past favors.
fj"v)ix r. r.Acox,
Iinjiorter and Dealer in
Oregon C'tif, Oregon.
it CUari,i'i ll'itmeFn old t-'tntl, lately oc
cupied by S. Ackertfinn , Main stru t.
lo tf
OFFICE In Odd Fellows' Temple, corner
of First and Abler Streets, Portland.
T le natron.is'; of thoe desiring superior
operatio.is is in special request. Nitrous ox
iiif fi - the painless extraction of teeth.
!T"A tiiicial teeth "better than the best,'
and ?. .7 its the chiapet.
Will he in Oregon City on Saturdays.
-Nov. .";t,f
pioneer Book Bindery-
Corner of Front id Alder Street,
lut desired pattern.
PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety ot
style known to the trade.
Orders from the country promptly at
.tended to.
C mimissioner Selestipg Swamp and Ovei
flowed Lands.
Firm Lind-i sold and purchasers obtained
for all kinds of Ian led propertv.
Val i ib'e securities transferred in exchange
for real estate.
Loins nej;o'iited on nrpperiy, and titles
exarninel and determined.
0 )nnji.ssioas solicited and executed with
fid 'Htv an 1 promptness.
OFFICE No. U C irter's Building, corner
of Abler and Front streets.
Feb. 3. )S70:tf '
.1 -,'
Am 4 Black Eyed Susan:'
All round Long Branch the Dents lay
At eas tbev in their chairs reclined.
When Buster George, he hove on board:
Oh! where shall I my Hiram fina?
Tell me ye faithless lubbers, tell me true.
What is it makes you look so devilish
Hiram was outside in the yard.
Hocked by his valet lo and fro;
Soon us his (ieorge's voice he heard,
lie stopped, and quickly rose to go;
The fresh cigar dropped half smoked Irom
his h;mds.
And quick as thunder by bold George he
0 Hiram. Hiram, lovely cuss.
My love shall ever firm remain;
Lei me brush off that Jersey dust.
And tell me where you lee! your pain;
Change as they may, you Dents, your
George shall be
The Tallapoose that always sticks to thee.
Believe not what those papers say.
They shake with fears and anxious
They'll tell thee, tell thee every day.
That thou ai t sliding far behind:
Yes yes, believe them when they like sin.
For that's the only way they hope to
Is not sweet Boutwell in the Sonih ?
And Wilson, too. speaks there to-night:
Gay Conk., at last, has oped his mouth..
And Murphy's eyta are diamonds
bright ;
Then why dlspair with such a cheerful
views ?
1 wouldn't, blow me now, if I were you
Though Greeley men are getting thick,
Lei not my pretty ltiram fear;
Though Tribunes roar, Suns make thee
Your Busier George will slill be ne;ir:
George helps the 'Times to many a bulls
Lest too much truth should shut my Hi
ram's eye.
The Denlling. rose, each gave the wink
When jolly George t-ok Hiram's arm;
Methinks they went to lake a drink;
They drank; they smoked; George
found it warm ;
His lightening belt no longer could he
stand ;
B'-bye, he cries, and waved his chubby
Tii!: and Now. Q iiie a distinguished
ex public man died in Georgia the other
day, without receiving much newspaper
obituary notice. We refer 'o Geo. W.
Crawford, who had been Governor of
Georgia, and was the first Secretary of
War in the Whig Cabinet of President
Taylor. While holding that office he Wi-
misled into paying an old claim of one
Gulphan, and this act was followed by an
immediate burst of honest indignation,
not merely from Demcrats but from Whigs
also. Dr Greeley in the Tribune taking a
leading part in the movement. I:i fact
they made it so hot for Mr. Crawf.rd that
he had to resign his office and retire to
obscurity, in which be has ever since re
mained, no event in Ii is s bsequent his
tory being known to the public except
his death.
Nowadays as the New York Sin ob
servt s. members of the cabinet boldly
engage ie swindles like the Chorpening
Iran;!, amounting to S ! EI.OlM). and like
the representative frauds of Ilobcson.
amounting to S'MS (KM); and the most in
lluenlial members and organs of their
party sustain them in the act and praise
them as thotig'i public plunder were a
The subserip'i-m to the first mortgage
seven-thirty in gold bonds of the North
ern Pacific Railroad for the month of July .
foot tip $1.0 JO J ) ). a sum which, at this
dull season, mu-t be in st flitlermglo
Messrs. Jay Cooke t Co.. the fiscal agents.
By the reception into the Treasury of this
amount the Board of Mmager.T arc en
abled to carry out their plans steadily
and without interruption, to payr cash for
labor and m I'erials. and to perfect their
schemes for settling the couutv as they
progress wnh industrious and hardy emi
grants. The produce, the piotnptness.
and the energy thu far displayed in the
prosecution of the work, is well calcu
lated lo inspire confidence, and that it has
done so is evidenced by the freedom and
steadiness with which the bonds are being
subscribed for.
IJachkloks, Attention 1 The
attention of bachelors is called lo
the following wail : There are some
sail sights in this world; a city sack
ed and burned a battle-field after
a orreat slaughter a i ondon in the
midst of a plague a ship burning
at sea a family pining in starva
tion a jug of molasses wrecked
upon the pavement. All bad but
true. But to us the saddest sight
is an old bachelor wearing toward
the end pt' iiis journey of life, his
great duties undone. Miserable
creature ! Just look at him; his
shirt buttons off his stockings out
at the toes not a son or a daugh
ter nor a relative to drop a tear,
close his eyes in death, or to leave
his money to nobody, in fact to
care for him shunned by saint
and sinner.
Scrnoirr.s Gkkki.ev. Hon. Emerson
Ltheridge. one of (he most prominent and
influential Radicals in Tennessee, has ad
dressed a letter to the Memphis Avalanche
declining to accept the position of candi
date for Presidential Elector nn Lib
eral ticket, for which he was nominated.
He. however, supports Greeley, as the
representative of prevalent ideas and the
needs of the times.
Estopped. The latest objection urged
by Grant's retainers against Horace Gree
ley is. tbat if elected President, he may
place a "Rebel" in his Cabinet, Thai is
an objection, remarks an exchange, which
they are estopped from urging against
any candidate, for Grant did tb.e same
thing in m iking Arnos T. Afcerman, of
Georgia, his Attorney-General.
Grant's Wretched Failure.
Extract from Mr. Schurz's Speech.
No President, save perhaps
Washington himself, was elected
under more llatteiing auguries,and
there is not one whose perform
ances stand in more glaring con
trast to his opportunities. There
is nothing so apt to dazzle the
eyes of the multitude as military
glory. Even the most discerning
of minds cannot ensilv resist its
harms. We are fond of believing i
that a man who has successfully
commanded an army must be able
to govern a nation, but that uni
versality of talent is but rarely met
with. I venture to say that it is
not in this instance. This is not a
harsh judgment, for Gen. Grant
has failings in common with some
of the greatest captains in history.
I lis career as President warrants
the conclusion that he has never
been able fully to appreciate the
difference between military com
mand and the complex: duties and
responsibilities of civil administra
tion. I doubt whether it has ever
become quite clear to his mind
what the Presidency means in our
system of Government. When
that high office was presented to
him he took it as a sort of natiou
tional reward, an accommodation,
a place in which, after his military
exploits, he miixht make himself
comfortable. His mind seems to
have been but little disturbed by
the great duties and perplexing
problems he was to take in hand. It
may appear somewhat startling at
first siulit that as one of his friends,
Colonel Forney, once informed the
public, he should then have stipu
lated for a second term on the
ground that one would not pay in
point of emolument. This finan
cial view of the case was indeed
quite unusual, but if he did not
look on the Presidency as an ac
commodation he naturally desired
that it should not be a losing busi
ness, and some of his friends who
have readily entered into his spir
it actually use this mercantile ar
gument in favor of his re-election.
His first duty was to form Ids Cab
inet. The exigencies of the times
urgently demanded that he should
pick his constitutional advisers
from the ablest and most enlight
ened statesmen of the nation. lie
asked nobody's advice but made
his selection himself. When the
Cabinet was announced it was the
wonder of the world. The State
Department was first given to a
pesonal friend by way of compli
ment, soon to be exchanged for a
loss responsible and mote comfort
able position. The gentlemen ap
pointed Secretary of the Treasury
was at once discovered to be dis
qualified bv law, and as for the
Xavv, a wealthy burgher of Phil
adelphia, who said of himself that
he d"ul not know what he was ap
pointed for, and had good sense
enough to insist upon being speedily
relieved of this troublesome busi
ness, for which he had neither fitness
nor taste. In the course of time i
some changes were made. Men
who, by their independent spirit
and enlightened sense of duty,
threatened to become troublesome
had to make room for others whose
accession to the Cabinet made
that great council of the Slate
still more wonderful. It is impos
sible to draw from the traditions
of the Government or from the ex
igencies of the times a principle or
theory of a political character up
on which so curious a Cabinet
could have been constructed. ut,
however little in its composition
the great interests of the country
might have been consulted, the
President true to the accommda
tion idea, consulted his own con
venience, ami selected men for the
most important positions of the
Government whom he desired to
please, and who pleased him with
their company. He looked upon
it as his personal affair, which con
cerned nobody else.
A painful but still reluctant ap
prehension was then dawning up
on the minds of some that the con
duct of this great Government had
fallen into the hands of a triiler.
The distribution of offices was now
in order, and the President began
at once to shower the sweets of his
oflicial patronage upon his relatives
ami personal friends. lie had
probably never heard of nepotism,
and was undoubtedly the last man
to feel the indecency of his con
duct. Kegarding the Presidency
as an accommodation to him, and
its appendages as a sort ot person-
al property, ne out not see wny ne
idiould not increase his own com
fort with the offices of the repub
lic. Likewise did it not strike him
as scandalous to reward men who
had given him valuable presents
with high and responsible dignities?
He simply liked to please those
who had pleased him that was all.
He found it unreasonable, therefore,
that in the gratification of that de
sire the opinions of others should
stand in his way. He surely be
lieved tbat the fault-finders were
meddling with things which be
longed to him and were no business
of theirs. Neither did he find it
reasonable that the man to whom
the Presidency had been given as
p. reward should be hampered bv
legal obstructions, and when he
found an old and wise statute stand
ing in the way of the appointment
of his Secretary of the Treasury,
and the Tenure-of-Office act troub
led him in distributing the natron
age, he simply said to Congress,
"Just repeal tiiese laws.'"' That the
repeal ot such laws might lead to
very mischevious consequences
troubled him little. They stood in
his way, and that was enough for
him. Soon after his accession to
power he gave his mind, not to the
great problems, the solution of
which the people so anxiously look
ed for, but to a project of his own
the acquisition of Santo Domin
go. Such a subject as the incor
poration with our political system
of a tropical country with an ut
terly heterogenous people, called
for the most careful and earnest
consideration. It is believed that
the Secretary of State did not favor
the scheme, and the State Depart
ment, whose office it is to conduct
all the diplomatic affairs of the
Government, was unceremoniously
set aside.
The President commenced a per
sonal negotiation with laez, the
ruler of Santo Domingo, which he
intrusted to one of his young
aide-de-camp, whose zeal he had
reason to believe equal to his own.
The extraordinary character of this
proceeding did not trouble him.
He wanted the thing done, and to
do it, an ai le-de camp was better
than a Secretary of State. The
aide-de-camp made a sort of a per
sonal treaty between the poten
tates, in which the President was
pledged to pi opitiate the favor of
Congress for the scheme by the
lobby influence. This disgraceful
engagement would have revolted
the sensibilities of any President
having the dignity of his high of
lice and the honor of the nation at
heart. But P resilient Grant was
so far from disapproving of it that,
instead of marking that aide-decamp
with his displeasure, he con
tinned to employ him in conliden
tial missions for the same object.
Nay, in compliance with the stip
ulations of agreement, he actually
did descend to the role of a lobby
ist. I have seen him in that capa
city myself. How could a Presi
dent loner himself so far? Why,
if no one else wanted Santo Do
mingo, he did; he employed the
means most congenial lo his prac
tical mind.
New York World Correspondent.
Holland, one of the most interest
ing countries in the world, wheth
er to the scholar, engineer, farmer,
or sailor. In this 'and the very
laws of nature seem to be reversed;
tie: sea is higher than the land, the
lowest earth is twenty-fourfeet be
low high-water mark; the keels of
ships lloat above the chimney-tops,
the frogs croaking among the rush
es look down upon the swallows in
the eaves of houses ; rivers Lake
not their beds through beds of"
their own choosing, but through
canals regulated by human art.
Trees dare not grow in the natural
way, but are arranged infixed and
sliaight lines by the rod and plum
met; their branches are not allowed
to spread, but are clipped and cut,
so that they stand as a spade stuck
in the ground with handle down
wards. In the suburbs of this
great City of Amsterdam (as in all
others) the giant arms of wind
mills stretch out as if they were
the ever-watchful sentries at the
outposts. They are never absent
from the landscape; they drain
the land, saw timber, crush rape
seeds for oil, grind snuff, beat
hemp, and thrash grain. The
enormous dykes are generally
planted with willow trees, so that
their interlacing roots may bind
the banks, the base of which is
faced with masonry and protected
by vast lrups of stones. The
canals are the roads and drains,
the walks and ledges, ami although
the landscape is generally void of
picturesque effects it possesses a
quaint interest from the peculiari
ties mentioned, as well as from the
hundreds of fanciful summer-houses
or pavilions generally attached to
the garden of every prosperous
Some of the Kansas Bepubli
cans who have declared for Gree
ley are: Samuel Crawford, Gov
ernor from. 1 to 1871; Charles
Robinson, fir-t Governor of the
State in 1SG1: Marcus. T. Parrott,
Delegate in Congress from 18-5 7 to
lSCl"; Edmund G. Rose, Senator
from 'lSOO to 1871 ; S. A. Manlove,
editor of the Fort Scott Jfonitor;
Colonel George P. Smith, editor of
the llumbolt Sott.hicesi Judge
C. Webb, F. P. Baker, A.
Thomas, Colonel Manlove, and to
quote from the Lawrence Jiepub
li'xm Jonrtvdy "many others."
What Hie Democrats Intend.
From the New- York (L berat) Sun.
Evidences of discontent had be
gun to crop out along the Liberal
Republican ranks at the inactivity
ami seeming apathy of the Demo
crats in many parts of the coun
try. Apparently there was some
ground for this uneasy feeling, but
it had no substantial foundation.
The situation was a complex one,
with no precedents to guide the ac
tion of the Democracy. With a
large patriotism, to which all mere
party considerations were subor
dinated, the Democrats had
promptly and cordially accepted a
candidate who was not theircboice,
and who had been their life-long
antagonist. It was a work of dif
ficulty and delicacy to reconcile
the masses of the party to a course
without precedent in the practice
of the organization.
One of the conditions indispens
able to the success was the hearty
acquiescence of the whole Demo
cratic party in the action of the
Baltimore Convention. Of course
the defeat of Grant and the cor
ruptionists was certain and inevit
able if the Democrats acted to
gether and were reinforced by the
Liberal Republicans. To secure
that co-operation was the first ne
cessity. The Democrats wisely,
as we think, desired the initial
movement in the campaign to be
made by the original supporters of
Dr. Greeley. Besides, it was im
portant to ascertain the effective
strength of this class of politicians.
They have now demonstrated their
power in the contest, and the Dem
ocrats are commencing the work
which bids fair to end in a glori
ous victory. The Democrats of
Illinois, always true and determin
ed, opened the ball, and their ac
tion has now Ik'cu imitated by the
Democracy of Connecticut. With,
a degree of sagacity and liberality
worthy of all praise, they have
met the Liberal Republicans on
terms of equality. The electoral
ticket will be composed of anti
Giant Republicans and Democrats,
three each, thus insuring a major
ity such as has not been seen in a
Presidential election in that State
since Adams beat Crawford nearly
four to one in 1824.
This discreet and catholic move
ment will sound the keynote to
the campaign. We regard it as in
the highest degree important as
indicating with unerring precision
the purpose of th" Democracy to
meet their new allies in a spirit of
fairness and generosity that will
give unmixed satisfaction to the
opponents of Grant, and swell the
majority of Greeley in the Elector
al College to unexpected propor
tions. "JLiberol Reductions to Regular Ia
troiss." The Civil Rights Bill has gone
into force in the District of Colum
bia. It imposes penalties for mak
ing any istinction in serving re
spectable guests on account of
color, and requires a conspicuous
display in public houses ot list? ot
prices. While in some of the res
taurants food and drink have been
served to all colors alike as yet,
others have put up cards with
enormously large prices marked on
them, a heavy discount being made
in the case of white customers, so
as to accommodate them at the
usual rates. At one leading sa
loon on the avenue, prices posted
up are as follows: Whisky, two dol
lars per drink; brandy, five dollars;
gin, two dollars; ale, one dollar; all
mixed drinks five dollars; all bit
ters one dollar. The bill of fare
is as follows: Steak, two dollars;
chops, two dollars; ham and eggs,
three dollars; boiled eggs, fried
eggs, coffee, tea, bread and butter,
one dollar each; fish of all kinds
two dollars; raw tomatoes, ii ft y
cents Down-town places have
printed scales of prices as follows:
Brandy, one dollar per drink; whis
ky Holland gin, hock, sherry, and
Rhine wines, malt liquors, soda and
seltzer waters, and imported files,
fifty cents per drink; mixed drinks,
seventy-five cents; cigars, twenty
live cents to one dollar and fifty
cents each. Champagne and im
ported wines, ten dollars " a lib
eral reduction made to our regular
Ox IBs Travels. Giant is still
on his travels. With an amount
of stolid indifference that is amazing
at such a crisis, remarks the Balti
more (Sozctte, he continues to in
dulge in his Sumner frolic, utterly
regardless of public interests, and
seemingly unconscious of the angry
tide that is fast sweeping him to
destitution. So did Belshaz.ar
treat the solemn warning that met
him in the midst of his guilty revels
A German banker has bought of
the St Paul and Sioux City Rail
road Company 1,000,000 worth
of land, mostly in Minahan county,
Minnesota, 81,000,000 worth o"t
which is intended for a German
Presidential Eloquence.
If General Grant's reticence
were but the indication of pru
dence and discretion, qualities so
commendable in a General or a
President, it would not properly
become the subject of adverse cri
ticism; but when the evidences are
so numerous that instead of being
the cloak of wisdom it is the cover
of imbecelity, it falls justly within
the domain of discussion, as one of
the inherent intellectual deficiencies
that make against his re-election to
the Presidency.
While no one expected him to
be, and he never laid claim to
being a public speaker, still it is
surprising that a man brought be
fore the public so often has never
betrayed the slightest glimmer of
originality, or wit, or humor, in
any oi' the numerous little speeches
he has delivered, and of which the
following are fair specimens:
At the great demonstration to
sustain Andrew Johnson at the
Cooper Institute. June 7. 18G5, he
I thank you for this reception.
If I were in the habit of speaking,
I am so impressed by it that I
would not be able to respond as I
should like to do. You will have
to excuse me.
His speech at tb.e dinner given
to him at the A'stor House, June 5,
180 5, was as follows:
Gentlemen: I know you will
excuse me from attempting to re
ply to your very flatte ring remarks.
At Kalamazoo, Michigan, Au
gust 10, 1805, he said:
I am not going to reply to the
address, gentlemen, I could not do
so if I should try.
After a long and flattering ad
dress from the chief orator at the
L'nion League rooms, New York,
January 7, 1805, Grant said:
Gknti.emex: I bid you good
night. 1 am much obliged to you
for this reception.
Following is his speech at the
Biddle House, Detroit, August 1G.
I bid you good night.
His speech at Toledo, Ohio, Au
gust '20, 1805, shows how natural
it has always been for Grant to
lean on somebody's shoulder:
Gentlemen and Fellow-citizens:
Rev. Mr. Vincent, who has
come out mi the train from Chica
go, has kindly consented to return
my thanks for the hearty welcome
which vou have given nie.
The following is an examnle of
a speech, very much mixed, in
which Grant speaks of a thing
done and not done in the same
breath. It was delivered at Ni
agra Falls:
3Iy modesty compels me to turn
over that written speech to Mr.
Hall, who will deliver it for me
whenever it is writtin.
In this way Grant shifted the
responsibility of his speeches upon
other people, just as he used to
shift the responsibility of a deci
sion in time of battle upon his staff
Recently, on his passage through
Waterton,Xew York, (August 2d),
in company with Senator Coiikling,
he made one of the longest ad
dresses of his life. Mark it:
After an absence f more than
twenty vears I fail to recognize' a
single one of all the faces I now
see before me as familiar to me
then. Your city has altered much
indeed since I last saw it. At that
time I was a lieutenant stationed
at Sackett's Harbor, which place
I expect to see before I return.
What a contrast do these speech
es present to the bold, heart', in
telligent utterances of Greeley, in
stinct with patriotism, knowledge,
and statesmanlike capacity !
Just the Max. While he was
holding the office of Secretary of
the Interior under Grant, Jacob 1).
Cox endeavored to protect the in
terests ef the people and arrest the
numerous swindles which were be
ing attempted in his Department.
Finding that Grant was giving
countenance to some of these swin
dles Air. Cox telegraphed to him:
' I am fighting fraud to the best of
my ability, and must have your sup
port or I will fail." The result of
this appeal was that Air. Cox was
turned out of the Cabinet. Air.
Grant did not want an- man there
that would interfere with the
schemes of his corrupt "rings," and
Cox had no other alternative but
to leave, and his place has been
filled with Delano, who has been
connected with corrupt jobs and a
manager of "rings" ali his life. He
understands addition, division and
silence, and is therefore, as the
'World says, just the man for Grant.
Not so Pious. A little Dan
bury boy doesn't think his aunt is
so pious as she pretends to be when
she puts so much starch in his Sun
day shirt that he can't jump over
a single post on his way to church.
Senator CaTl Schurz says twice
as many Republicans, will vote for
Greeley as was at first thought.
Testimony to be Heeded.
Dewitt C.eLittlejohn, ten times
elected member of Assembly from
Oswego county, N. Y. five times
elected Speaker of the Ilouse by
the Republicans, and a member of
Congress for one term, who also
was nominated by the Republicans
for Lieutenant-Governor in 1ST0,
but declined, made a two hours
spcecli for Greeley and Brown at
Oswego on Thursday night. He
said: Forty millions of people are
about to select a President for this
great countr, a duty that devolves
upon the American people once in
four years. That man is false to
principle who says we must smoth
er our convictions and blindly fol
low part'. I stand here to-night
to announce, myself for Honest 0
Horace Greeley. The party has
become corrupt and should be hur
ried from power. (Applause.) I
stand here no office-seeker; I ask
no office from the American people.
Some of my old political friends
call me a traitor to my party; but
I call it patriotism, when men shake
off the shackles of a corrupt party
organization. You Republicans
who go for Grant through thick and
thin and call me a traitor because I
go for Greeley, where diel your
candidate stand in 1S08? He was
a Democrat, and your committee
had to fly with lightning speed to
get him to accept the nomination
before the Democrats caught him.
What is it to me to be called a Re
publican if all that has made the
name great and good is taken
away ? I prefer to go with the meat
rather than the shell, f care not
what party a man belongs to, if he
is honest he is the noblest work of
God. There are Christian men
here to-night, members of churches.
Would they leave the church
because a democrat belonged to it?
When the war was raging and re
bel bullets fell like bail, and Demo
crats and Republicans stood shoul
der to shoulder in the field, did any
Republican soldier hang his heael
because a Democrat stood at ftis
side? Go home and reflect upon
your course as you-would in every
day life. I am opposed to Grant
because he would centralize the
powers of the Government. I sup
port Greeley because he is "kind
hearted, of generous impulses, has
a massive intellect, but above all,
because I know him to be hones
Grant is in favor of two terms.
He is in health anil vigor, and with
his military education, when his
second term (if he should be elect
ed) expired, he would want a third,
and would have it. Greek1' is a
one-term man, who after serving
would be willing to leave tlie office,
with a fair name for his children.
Caught Ix a Trap. The New
York Jlcrold tells a little story of
Settle, which illustrates the way
the party of Hate conducted their
North Carolina campaign. A
Southerner said to him. in a confi
dential tone: "Judge, I know about
a dozen voters near here who will
go for the opposite side, but they
can be got." "Howo can they be
got ?" quoth the innocent Settle,
thinking, erhaj s, of the $10,0CO
that "got" him. "Well, it will
take nioncv." "How much."
"Not much." "Here," said the
Judge, displaying a mil of green
backs, "here is 00. Is that
enough?" "Plenty," said the
Southerner, and disappeared. Ten
minutes afterwards Settle had the
pleasure of seeing his friend on the
stump, recounting the whole affair.
I lie crowd adjourned to a neigh
boringg roggery.where the Judge's
greenbacks provided whisky for
his opponents.
The Sea-Side Louxtjkk.- Mul
tifarious are the names by which
the Philadelphia candidate is call
ed. By some he is styled, in short
form, Hiram Sympson. The am
brosial Oonkling says his proper
name is Ulysses Sydney. Others
describe him as the Great Renom
lnationist. Others still, with refer
ence to his scholastic attainment,
dub him, with elegant simplicity,
Doctor. But a Western journal
those Western journals are outra
geously irreverent and disrespect
ful sometimes names him, not in
aptly, the Sea-Side Lounger, which
is pretty, and neat, ami classical,
and singularly appropriate1, in the
judgment of another journal, for a
'gentleman bearing the marine
name of Ulysses.
Bli vco's Coxsolatiox-. Hiram
Green, Esq., thinks that the Grant
organ's "good riddance to bad rub
bisri" cry "at the loss of such men as
(Jen. Banks, Chief-Justice Chase'
Horace Greeley, Lyman Trumbull,
Carl Schurz and Charles Sumner,,
is equal to the consolation felt by o
old Tommy Blinco when he lost
both of his feet in a saw-mill.
"Wall," said the old man, groaning o
with pain, it's a good thing they're
gone, for somehow or other it did
take a power of money to keep tho
darned things in shoe leather