Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188?, August 23, 1872, Image 2

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eljelUcekln (Enterprise.
fo r v it 1 1) E XT,
For Vice President,
Presidential Electors,
Q CJEO. II. IICLM, of Linn County.
X. II. GATES, of Wasco County.
I j. F". li.VXK, of Douglas County.
Democratic State Central Committee.
State Central Committee of Oregon are
requested to be present in person, or by
proxy, at a meeting of sa;d Coinmitte-' to be
held in the (4'ity of Portland on Monday,
September '2nd. 1S7-2, at 10 o"el"ck, a. in., tit
the office of Judge Page. IIv outer of the
Chairman, J. A. CHAPMAN.
Portland, August 10th, 172.
Thr. follow ing are t Vie nan.es of the gentle
men composing the above Committee :
.7. A. Chapman . . .
Benj. Raymond. . ,
.Aaron lose
W. 11. Jacks, ut....
Wm. T ichenor
A. L. Wal d ron . . .
J. C. Avery
G. W. Uray
N. II. Oranor
K- A. liui'e.v
W. A. Mtisgrove. .
A. Van Ditsi-n
Vic. Tievitt
H. C. Paige
A. C. Cra g
J. I). Haines
J. W. ItaHwin
II. N. V. Holmes. .
J. H. Upton
J. J. Walton, jr
W. L. Wh'te
W.c!l. Faueette
Con t ty.
II tiltnomah
Jo.-if pliiue
, Marion
.... Washington
Itying; Hard.
The Republican party is dying
hard. It hud flattered itself into
the belief, that with the stringent
party legislation of Congress in its
favor, ami with its more than a
million of ignorant ami prejudiced
ncjrro votes at its buck, it was so
euro from being ousted by any
effort on the part cf the people
against it, however wide-spread
and universal. But it is awakening
from its delusive day-dream to
find that its feet are on the sand,
and the sand fast crumbling away.
It-is finding that the great popular
movement for an honest adminis
tration of .government is assuming
such gigantic strength and propor
tions as threaten to sweep it from
place and power, despite all of its
infernal party legislation and
ignorant nero voting allies. It
hears the first premonitions of its
doom in every part of the land,
and to avert it, it is using the most
extraordinary exertions. Xo felon
ever struggled harder to overcome
G the constabulary force sent to pro
cure his arrest, than does the Rad
ical party to overcome and beat
back the tide of popular opinion
which threatens to submerge it.
O To do this, it pays seventy-five
thousand dollars of the people's
money for forged documents, which
have the sole tendency to tear
apart the healing wounds of war;
it squanders the public revenue in
pay for part' services; it issues
false statements from the Treasury
Department, calculated to mislead
the people: it appeals to the lowest
1 ' 1 l.
prejudices of an ignorant and ser-
vile normle. l,v tellin- them they
1 1 ' J 0 J
are in d aimer of re-enslavement
unless they vote as dictated ; it in
cites those negroes to riot, arson
and bloodshed; it imports them
from one State to another ami
0 votes them like cattle; it bribes
what white voters in the South it
-1.1 -1 . 1 . !
can. ami t nose mat, cannot, oe
bribed, it arrests upon trumped-up
prosecutions, which they are told
will be abandoned in case thev
vote for Grant. These
but :i
portion of tiie outrages the Radical i
party arc perpetrating in order to '
arrest its impending doom. But it ;
is all in vain. Though struggling!
to the last, like every lusty and :
plethoric criminal by hemp, it will '
soon trive its last kick, and bo bur-
ried forever from s'mht. Though i poured into tne colters ot these ; lature going into caucus and amd
dying hard, it is dying tlioroughly. j large corporations. The people i ing its action. What did the editor
I here are
thirteen Republicans in Oregon
City precinct who voted for Joe.
Wilson last Juno who will vote for
Horace Greeley in November, and i
two who did not vote last spring.
We know these personally, and
are informed of a number of others.
0 All through the county we hear of
Republicans who propose to vote
for the honest Farmer. Clackamas
will give Greeley 100 majority.
G lav to Skic it. Tiie Xew York
.'- Book has hoitted th.e names
of Greeley and Brown, and in the
issue of the 10th inst. commences
its laboijs. in earnest for the people's
fnnillilnti iinn.n. lit-., ttm
Hook has great influence, and we
rejoice that it has come our; on the
side of right.
To Intl to Swindles.
Grant's Administration will go
down to posterity stamped with,
the infamy of a notoriety chiefly
for the swindling which was per
petrated, either by its negligence
or assent. From the very day
Grant took his seat as President of
the United States, there has been
concocted innumerble schemes for
enriching the President, his rela
tives and hangers-on, and the
rings which according to Sumner,
surrounded the President, as plain
Iv as the luminous rings environ
the planet Saturn. There was the
San Domingo job, gotten up by a
ring of which Grant was a partner,
and which, aftr having secured all
the most available sites on "the
island," as Grant termed San Do
mingo, desired its purchase by the
Government of the United States,
really so that they might be made
rich, but ostensibly, as Grant
gravely told the people in one of
his formal messages, that we might
more easily pay off the National
debt by selling yams and banannas.
Then there was the Chorpenning
fraud, connived at by the Depart
mcntSjbut exposed before Cong: ess,
by which another ring intended to
capture a round half million of dol
lars. Next was the Grunt-Leet
General Order Swindle on the
merchants of New York and the
general business of the country, by
which over a million of dollars has
been pocketed by the ring of which
Grant was and is still a silent part
ner. Then there was the Black
Friday Gold ring, by which Fisk,
Gould, Corbin and Grant made
millions of money, but by which
thousands of honest men were
made poor. Time and space would
both fail us if we attempted a full
enumeration of all the swindles
perpetrated under the Grant Ad
ministration, and we therefore puss
all others by for the purpose of!
alluding to one which lias recently j
been unearthed. Last March., Sen- j
ator Morrill, of Vermont, read to J
the Senate a private and "conti-i
dentitd" circular, issued by leading
railroad officials to the several rail
road companies of the United
States, for the purpose of exacting
higher rates for carrying the United j
States mails, from which circular '
we make the following extract:
to eto-c
t the passage
of an
act, increasing the present compensation,
without regard to existing contracts, fifty
per cent. It is thought it will require
thirty-three and one-third per cent, of the
increase for one year, three: and one-third
per cen of which is to be advanced to
meet the contingent expenses, and the
balance to be paid when the act becomes
a law.
Wi'h thh action. and a determination on j
the oari of the chief officers of the railroad j
companies to personally ant in sucn a
1 . . i . i t.
.ersonallv ant in sucn at
..... . i
manner as they may ueem propei nuou!) i
, - T J , ,, ' . ,1,, .
local members. 1 regard the passage ol the
act as a certainty. All communications on
the subject should be stiicilv coniidenlial.
as any publicity in iy cause defeat.
This advance asked for, Senator
Morrill asserted, "would amount to
n:i 000.000. one-third of which these
., , , , . .t
railroads were to guarantee to the
parties engaged in this undertakittg,
. , i-w .. -V ----1
amounimg t ..-1,000,000. ow icl ,,,,,,, lic iM)t shnw th(J s.aint( ieni;li;;a!,K,
us see whether this money raised j diU'crences. When we h ive a new Admiu
bv the railroad cotntianies was well ! is:r;tin at Washington, and the books
spent or not. A bill was passe
durintr the last hours of the last
session of Congress which provides
!' '"' , , , ,
i That t!ie Pos'mi?!er General may enter
! ir)f0 contracts for c irrittg th.e tn-til. with
!. U'lway Companies, witho.it advertising
f.r bids therefor: and the fostmas'er-
General may ailow any Railroad Company
wi'h whom he may contract for carrying
of Mot United States mail, and who furnish
railway postoftice cars for the transporta
tion of the mail, such additional compen
sation beyond that now allowed by law,
as he may think tit, not exceeding, how
ever, fifty per Centura of the s lid rates.
Just the law which the circular
demanded, even to the tier cen
i advanced, lias oecn passed uv
Gongress. 3Iore than this, the j
Postmaster General can let these i
! contracts 'Vltliut advettismg tor j
bids. One million of dollars of the !
.. . !
money ot tnese railroad coporations i
judiciously exjiended with the
President, hs Cabinet and Con
gress, has resulted in the passage
of a law by which millions of dol
lars of the. people's money will be
can see from the above circular and
! , '
i law, how the legislation ot a Kadi- was a member r Uiu he not sell
j cal Congress is dictated. The y , his vote for 8500 to the Republi
! can see from the retu nted mo'l ! (,: when he was elected as a
i 1
! enormous swindles of this Admin-
istration, for what purpose Grant
and his lriends wish to retain now- : Iv A F'- The Radicals are in a terri
. . . 1 : ble strait. 1 hev began the catnpaigti bv
er, and unless they ties ire to be j trying to drive Democrats away lrom a
Stolen completely out of house and i "PJ'ortbf Greeley by publishing the old
; gentleman's hard savings against our par
home, they mut conspire to drive ; ty. and showing b'im up'us a consistent
the whole brood of corrupt swin- ! R 'publican; but they found this only
dlers from oiliee and install therein lro"ht !'',st Uepntdicans to his snp-
. ... , 1( j port. Now thev are endeavoring to prove
honest men. ; Greeley a secessionist, but this' will only
. T.T i i . i ,:,,!v the IVd Rocks to his support.
A Grant Club lias been organ iz- j What will they do next? We suggest
ed at Eugene City.
We notice
that most of the names signed to
the roll embrace the attaehees to '
1 the Surveyor's office, Postmaster !
am tI,cr 1 0loral "tractors,
j Thoc are the kind of men who
' g.tain Grant.
The Outlook in Oregon.
Sixty days ago the Radicals
claimed Oregon to be good for
about one thousand for Grant in
November, which claim Democrats
generally conceded. Now all this
is changed. The Radicals are
mentally reducing the figures of
their hoped-for majority, while
Democrats claim the State as sure
for Greeley. And their claim we
believe to be a good one. The
great masses of the Democratic
party in this state will go for Gree
ley, while their ranks are being
swelled in every section, county
and precinct of the State, by more
or less of Liberal Republicans
There may be a few Democrats in
Oregon who will not vote for
Greeley, but there is not one within
the State lines that will vote for
Grant. And the places of those
not voting will be filled twice over
by Liberal Republicans. Besides
this, all over the State, there ap
pears to be a general uprising of
the laboring classes in favor of
Greeley. We consider Oregon
good for eight hundred majority
for Greelev in November.
The liooks Out of I5a!ancc.
If there is anj p'a;-e where a book-keeper
is wanted, it is in the treasury depart
ment at Washington. It is the custom of
must book keepers for private mercantile
houses to balance the cash accounts to a
cent every day. Jf any discrepancy cx
isls. to hunt over (ill it is found, ami cor
rect tt. lint in Washington, under Re
publican administration, such a little
thing as an ai F htnetica! agreement among
different financial and accounting officers
is not considered at all important. One
would suppose that it would be very easy
to tell to a cent the amount of collections
from internal revenue from September 1.
15G2. to July 1. 1ST I. Hut not one of the
Administration accountants agree in their
statement t f the figures. Just look at the
following :
According to the Secretary
oi' Treasury's Finance lie
port 1 1 7 1 . pages 1 1 and
10, the sum total 'f Io-ei-nal
Keveiiue Collections
w.,s 31 o03.o24.-l IS
Accoidieg to the Commis
sioner of Internal Reve
nue's Report. 1871. pages
27S and -7!). the total
amount was Ijj26.072.882
According to the Filth Aud
itor's Report. Jann rv.
171. page lt;:. and Fi
nance report. IS71 . page
20l and 2U.. the total was l.-tST.rt-iS 102
According to the Regi-'u-r of
the Treasury's Report. the
total is
1 57 1.9.:i. C.r.)
it a:vi
the following di.-
c;cs :
Excess of Com
Secretary. .
r ,,r t:
ntssioiior over
S i;
;oe;etary over
Excess of Commissioner over
Excess of Register over Aud
itor ."
Excess of Secretary over
Kces. of Commission
This shows a loosener.. In the ',
. . .
of accounts that mtJicates at once the great
, ' ,
corruption mat pervades every depart
ment of the public service. The discrep
ancy in statements between I he Fifth Aud
itor and the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue for the year ending June '.', ),
I "'as ;?21
127. And for 1SG5 it
And for loG'J it was
i was JL10. 11111. 520.
j . .
j "ptJaiement
the amount of tie.
I j tire ex'.imined. we shall find a state of
things that will tnake l'weel s transactions
New York appear quite respectable.
Grant's Sa ins.
It may interest the Grant men, who are
so fond of quoting Greeley, to road what
Grant has said. We give specimens be
low :
i-I only voted at one Presidential elec
tion, :tnd then I voted for Buchanan. '-
Grant in 1 tStiil.
There i such universal acquiescence
in the authority of" the general govern
ment throughout the portions of the
Southern States visited by me that the
more presence of a miliary force without
i ivtrard to numbers, is su iclent to m un-
in 1SGG.
I am a Democrtit, and when I am con-
vi:lcc',i ,hat this war' is wage.i to prcse
'- ,he designs of the abolitionists. I
..!...!, v.. !, .,a c,,!,Ii,ir ttfJl I Will
(,ury )uy' -onl on ttte other side, and j
C:,p' '" '"t with that peoide. Grant i j
..T!u incr: of the country cannot b.
maintitiiied without a one term amend
ment to the Constitution."' Grant ii 1SGS.
The Siatcsiiiiot seems to have
some doubts about some of the
Republican members of the Legis-
of that virtuous sheet do when he
, . ,
l - lv
Democrat? Better
I Crandall.
Keep qutei,
' they now try the Darwinian theory
on .i reeley. Ui'idon 1 h'lti'icrat.
Mr. M. G. Upton, one of the oldest and
ablest journalists on this coast, has just j
left the ed'roiship of the San Francisco !
Aita an account of his refusal to support
Grant: and it is supposed that he will be j
at the head of a Liberal journal to be
aided vton, i
Grant's Model Civil Service Keforia
Let the People Read
From the Washington Patriot.
We publish below a partial list of employee.-,
in the pay of the United States
Government, who are now engaged at the
Radical headquarters at the Capitol, in
aranging and directing their campaign
documents, all of whom draw their pay
legufarjy from the diil'erent uepai tmeuts
from which they tire -detailed
The lion. J. M. Edmunds. Postmaster,
Washington. 1). C
--faj Thud. II. Stanton. Paymaster, Uni
ted States Army, detailed as usiiotaat ed
itor of the J) lib. Chronicle.
L. II. Smith. First Comptroller's Office.
Wm. I. .Mack. Adjutant General's Oiliee.
G. Daprev. Secretary of the Treasury's
(J. T. Andrews. Post Office Department.
E. Hodges, Second Auditor s Oltice.
L. Twitchel Indian Otlice.
W. W. RUck. Rand Omce.
W. W. Case, Pension Office.
C. T. Wildstrand. Treasury Office.
Geo. D. Livingston. Treasury Office.
Alonzo Rell. Second Auditor's Office.
L. Jones. Interior.
Samuel Wallace. Treasury OCce.
A. A. Shbler. Pension OSce.
J. E. Sebring. Sixth Auditor's Onice.
John T. Heck. Government Printing
II. Granger. Pension Office.
W. T. Rainbush. Post Office Department.
R F. Cutler. Commissioner ol Customs.
There are about forty male and twenty
female clerks detailed from the ditierent
departments of the Government, whose
nasties we shall publish in a few days,
together with the amount of salary which
e:ieh one drew on - the lat day of July.
1S72. We are also prepaiing a statement
of How the Grunt campaign is being con
ducted here a.t the capital ; v, ho pays for
the folding of documents ; the numherof
envelops used belonging to the people ;
the number of boys employed by John
R. French. Sergejut-at-At ins of the Uni
ted States Senate, and by him paid mon'h
ly with the Government funds; the num
ber of mail bags sent olf each day to the
different States by (Me Radical Republican
or Administration party; the weight
of tl-.a Ir. Hiked matter pa-sed
through the General Post Office by ilh-g vi
franks known to e so by the Po-uinis-ter-Generul
and illegally done by and
with the consent of Postmaster 1M
ni'tnds of the city of Washington. Some
v'fS 1 1( v.'t .-i-". to r tow li ItKit',..!
...... . v. . ... j .-'.v
No Oecreat-e of Taxati.-m.
Hon. Thos. A. Hendricks made
the following statements in a speech
at Indianapolis, recently:
The following u correct .staNum nt of
the -amounts collected from customs cud
under the internal revenue !:iw dui ittg
the last two years ol Johnson's adminis
tration and the !a..; two ye:-.rs of (if. tnt's
admiaistrations. the fractions of a million
being omitted :
For the year enomir Jo le .'). !Sw';' :
From customs sli; t.ou:i 00')
Internal revenue. I'J2.00t;.t!!).)
Amount ?::'pi; .tmO.ooo
For the year ending June oO 1st,!):
From customs S 1 H I (!-.').
Internal lcvcuue 15; 00 0 t! 1
Amount , t?:;:r.Ur0.Oi);) j
For the year ending June oO. 1 ,--7 1 : j
From customs 20(;.000.0ri j
Internal revenue 1 10 UoO 00.) !
Amount S'O !:) 00. ,!..!0
For the year ending June liO. Is72 :
From customs S2i 000 u.'i-'l
Internal revenue LH.u 0. !))()
Amount ?"'; otio.oo.)
You will observe that during these
years the it-'ei ;t;t! revenue lots been reduc
-! from si 02 0,.!).0i. to vR5l.tli.).i00. ami
at lhu S.iiite time th.e revenue tl'oui Ctis'om
his goto' tip from S 1 f. 1 .010 .!..(;) to the
enormous siiiti of - 2 lo.OoO.tjtt.l 'the hist
!i-cal vear e' .fitfwisttn's adminis;: atloti
eovrrd three uouo.'.s of Grant s adrninis
tra'ioit. but dti ring that pei .-1 'h' l'evt line
laws were not changed. During ve-tr
being from June U ). ltiS. to Juuo 5-'.
ISttll the eri'itv tax ctilleere.l was !h-.'f
htinditd aiid ihiity -nine miili: ns ; u l.i t
tluri.ig the fi-c il year which elts d three
weeks nsro. being fro :n June ."'). 1 s7 1 . to
3:111" !'). 1872. the t;txes ColieCteti Were
t lit ee iiuntlt d and forty-six miliions.au
increase of seven mi, lions. Dmim the
two last years of J.ihsoii's adtninj ratitin.
ft tun June :i), lti7. tj June 110. In:.), the
nggreg ite I txes co!let;!ed wete six hun
tiretl and ninety-live million, and dining
the last, two years of (-rant's a l mi n tst ra
tion, from June HO.lsTu, to June ."a, 1S72.
the agsregate was six hundred and ninety
five mil i ions --be "tog preci-eiy the same,
except the fraction in fact, is one hundred
ami eight, t housttnd .five hundred and lilty
four d-d hi" a tttt.'l sevetity-six cents timl
is tii it sum ere iter in Grant's two years
than in Johnson's l.is.t two years. What,
then, becomes of the broad arid bold state
ment of a reduction of taxes two vear ago ?
The Gift Cottage nt I.on Krancli
The Herald publishes a conversation
which took place u day or two since be
tween Mr. A. T. Siewar', our great mer
chant, and one of its reporters. An al
lusion being made." says the reporter.
to Collector Tom Murphy's letter deny
ing that he (Murphy) hud anything to do
with the purchase and presentation to
President Grant of that Long Rraneh
Cottage by the Sea. Mr. Slew. ua rem ai ked
that he had noticed Mr. Murphy's letter
on the subject, ami that it was strange
what agitation and tli ctission such things
gave rise to. 'J'inre icre, e.ljht s0scribers
in. all for (he pnrch-hse of thai pn-pertij for
Gen. Grant, and lie (Mr. Stewart) knew
of one gentleman who was invited to be
come a subscriber to the fund.''
To the same purport is a statement
made by the editor of the Il u t.'oi d 'l 'nns.
"Alexander T. Stewart." says the llm'.t.
ui gentleman w hose word will generally
earrv more weight than that of Mr. Grants
Collector states that a subscription paper
for a fund to buy a Long Rraneh cottage
to be presented" to President Grant was
presented to him for a subcrip'ion of
ts."i O00 to coinple'e the list. On this
paper were the names of Thomas Mur
phy. John Iloey. George W. Cliilds.
Adolph Rorie. n.l three or four more, for
$." OttO each. .Mr. Stewart s.t)s he declined
to sign."'
This corresponds with the facts of the
case as they have alteady been stated in
The San. Tiie money was raised ami de
posited in bank to Gen. Grant's ere. lit.
who thereupon went through the formality
of drawing his check for ihe amouni and
thus paving for the cottage. This hap
pened, as we linden land, long after Grant
hud become President, but before Mr.
Murphy was appointed Collector.
Ixcokukct. The Eugene Guard
publishes a notice of the Louisville
Convention to which the name of
Hon. .las. II. Slater, of this State,
is signed as favoring it. This is a
base forgery. Mr. Slater is for the
regular nominees of the Democracy
and has no sympathy with a set of
bolters, who are in the interest of
Grant ami his success. The Guard
must have known 3Ir. Slater's
position on this question, and jus
tice should have dictated a correc
tion of the matter.
Carr3" the Xews to Hiram.
Senator Fowler of Tennessee has writ
ten a letter in favor of Greeley.
The Winchester. Ohio, Tunes has de
serted Grant, and flies the Greeley flag.
The Decora (Iowa) Pnss. heretofore a
strong Grant paper, lowers his name, and
goes lor Greeley.
The Republicans paper at Waltham.
where Gen. Banks resides, the Sentinel,
follows him over to Greeley.
A new paper called the Liberal RepnbU
enn has appeared at Augusta, Me. The
editor is Col. II. L. Pike.
Five hundred and eighty-six Germans
have formed themselves ino a Greeley
Club at Springfield. III.
ExPrestident Asa Marian of Adrian
College, .Mich., is out for Greelev. and
will take the sluixp for him.
Gen. Dwight of Bridgeport. Conn., an
officer in the late war and an active Re
publican is out for Greelev.
Of ferty-four lawyers in the Rryan block.
Chicago, who voted for Grant in 18(18.
twenty-six are now out for Greeley.
A St. Paul (Minn.) paper has already
published a list of 2 000 of Minnesota Re
publicans who intend to vote for Greelev.
Judge Robert J. Alcorn, nephew of the
Senator from Mississippi. about to take
the stump lor Greeley an. I Rrown.
The Hon. Horatio King. Postmaster
General under President P.nchanan. has
written a letter in firor of Dr. Greeley.
The Rioomingion (111.) 1l p'lbHrn.ii of
Saturday last says .Jnz' David Davis is
at ho. no, and will vote for Horace Greeley.
The True 11fjihlic'in. a Swedi-h paper
in Henry county, I I . is out for Greeley.
iid it cavs the Swedes will rally to his
The Huntington (Pa.) GhJItf, an old Re
publican orgui of the Juniata valley, has
Gtinck the Grant flag and hotsted Gieeley
and Rrown.
Of the sixty-five Republicans in Lake
Mills. Wis., six'y-one ute Greeley men.
Of th- eighty-one Democrats, every one is
Three out of the four Republican rreMii
befs of the lower branch of the Wiscon
sin Leg! -.! it ure from Milwaukee are vvork
ir.g for Greeley and Rrovn.
Gewrge Steven.-?, who was President of
the Otant Tanners.- at Lowell. Mass..
four years ago. is now President of the
Greeley Club in that city.
Another G rant eoiatnitfeetinn bob's. K.
I! S.rnlt, ,,- X o mi.md.if if I !-.
'itr. a memoer ol the
Minnesota Re;
has declared lot
iV.ican State Committee.
The venerable Wyntan Spoon fT of Elk
lioi.n. lor years Republican Lieutenant
Governor 'f Wisconsin, is now on the
eleetoral ticket tor Greeley.
The Hon. Win. T. Scott of Corvdoii. Ind..
irv of the Harrison Co. m y Grant
Repub'ie.to. 'otriUiW tee. resigned his place
and declares tot Greeley and Rrown.
Cob Wm. II. Noble, ti prominent Repub
lican in Bridgeport Conn , and command
er of a reirinteut m onr I ite civil war, has
repudiated G:int.and supports Greeley.
l-'x-Coroner Yan Tassel of Westchester
county. New York. lias seven sons, seven
I "i.s. and seven nejihews. not! thev
a i'i
all ole.l
eu to toe R
r Gl
The Portland Ar,
not a town in Main
Club, and that the
, its
there is
( rreeley
Liberals and Rorno-
Ct als join itat.o.-t y,
Gi'a if Is re i ly
the bloody chu.-ru
Hh a
isp hands across
, ith everv ox-rebel wl
for him. Rut he is di-gtis;
h the .' bought of Greeley doing such
Caldwell, the Grant can-'lidate
br G
ernor, appotn'e
1 all
election inspec
tors in North Carolina. The vote being"
close they are now trying to count their
master in.
A Montana Indian agent accounts for
his dehVe-n.-y by declaring that he fur
nished the Indians 2nVOO0 pounds of fam
ily soap. :j-,)t worth of postage stamps,
and a barrel of ink.
Col. Jess:' F. Warner of Rikota county.
Nebraska, ft gallant sol, Re-, who stumped
the State for Grant in JSfiS. and as an
elector helped to cast its vote for him. is
out for Greeley.
The Hon. Lewis Tillman, ex member of
Congress from the Sheibyviile. (Term.)
district, always a warm friend and admir
er of Gen. Grant, announces Lis intention
to suppoi t Dr. Greeley.
- Jliratti (been, Rsn., wants to know "if
when the Giant organs claim that 'their
party is growing stronger ami becoming
more firm'y united,
of its old leaders are
it is becau-e so many
boliiifj it."
Five ex-Mayors of Pittsburgh, namely:
Sawyer, Lowrio, Weaver, Morrison, and
Drumm. all elected by a Republican con
s; it nency.
and Rncka
are for Greelev for President
lew for Governor.
George Greek, a German Republican,
and the first, man in the town of New
stead. Erie county, that volunteered in
the late war. is mow the President of a
ami Rrown club it
Egbert O. Hand.
that town,
late law part
ner of W. P. Lyon, and present Probate
Judge of Racine county. Wisconsin, joined
tin; Greeley Club at that place, and was
one o
I the speakers at
i tie ijiveiey mass
da vs since.
it Racine a lev
The Hon. James Strain, formerly State
Senator from Warren county, now resid
ing and practicing his profession in Con-
Kansas, has come out
v ami Rrown. Judge
rotigly for
suraiti was
of the earliest and ablest Republicans.
Gov. Stephen G. Harding of Milan, Ind..
one of the pieneets of Republicanism in
the Hosier State, has written a tetter
strongly endorsing the farmer of Ohuppa
qua for lie Presidency. Gov. Harding
was Governor of Utah Territory, and
Chief Justice ot Colorado during the Ad
ministration id Lincoln.
Three members of the Grant New
Hampshire Republican State Central Com
mittee have repudiated Grant- and are
now members of the Greeley Republican
State Committee. Their names tire S. M.
Morse, Tho3. R. Jones, and Stephen Gor
don. The Grant parfy Forms to be going to
pieces in Hennepin county. Minnesota.
Of ihe thirteen Republican Conncilmen of
Minneapolis, nine are for Greeley ; the
five County Commissioners are against
Grant, two of them being Republicans;
four of the five members of the Republi
can City Committee, the Hon. A. N. Mer
rick. Republican City Attorney. and many
members ot the wan commiuees an; iur
Greeley. It is estimated thai Greeley's j
majority in the county will be 1.500.
State Items.
Crops in Yamhill are fuming out well.
Eddy Towle was drowned at Salem last
r rid ay.
Monmouth College will open the first
of September.
At Salem, oats are slow at 5 cents;
wheat is quoted at Go.
- The depot buildings nt St. Joseph', Yam
hill, will be finished this week.
Putter is scarcely to be bad atanv price
in Salem, at times of late.
Yamhill has but one representative in
the Penitentiary.
The Soil ittialists of Oregon are going to
have a college of their own.
The public schools will open next Mon
day at Portland.
The Willamette Bridge Company has
been incorporated at Portland,
bbott, late of the B-thovk Democrat,
is going into the sheep bn-iness.
The Legislature meets two weeks from
next Monday.
The Supreme Court of Oregon meets on
the first Monday in September.
A passenger coach runs twice a day
between Roseburg and the railroad.
About four hundred men are employed
in the Coos county coal mines.
Robert Field was found dead in his cab
in on Myrtle creek on the 15th inst.
The trial of the Canyon C:ty mail
robbers commenced last Monday.
The Linn county Fair commences on
the 2iih t: September and continues 5va
The Liberal Republican claims that Gree
ley will carry Polk county by 150 major
Peter ArehamLanlt war, killed at Rye
val-ev. Raker county, bv the cavit g of a
Mr. James IC'kins has recovered the
horses which were stolen from him by the
Waldron. of tbeatner! fame. has leased
the Opera House for a season, commenc
ing Sept. Uih.
James Mcintosh I.eith. who had his
hand crushed at Ceiilo en the Ilth, died
fro'n his injuries.
The State's Rights Democrat has enter
ed upon its eighth volume. We wish it
abundant success.
The Good Temp'ar ceases to live after
the next is'tie. It has never paid ex
penses. Yamhill girls that can't get a chance fo
cradie e.ny tiiicg spetid the summer d riving
the reaper.
ci' v coo ne
n nave tnta'.iv
t'ecid-'d that Al. Croasmau is Chief
Lug i Ueer.
Cornelius Lodse No. -50. I. O. O. P.. was
iris'iftited last Wednesday by Grand Mas
ter App r.-on.
A new m:ne bis t)e,,n opened on the
s'iii-law. in Lane contity. which is said to
produce coal of an excellent quality.
t Professor ArnM. of Kentueky. who
j has accepted the Presidency of Corvallls
! College, arrived at that (dace on Mondav.
A report is cr.rretit in W ishieg'cn cotin-
' ty tit t tie- railroad company designs put-
ting in a siile track otte mile east of Hills
i bo; o.
a large field cf white winter wheat which
will yieitt an average of io Diisriei lo me
Thirty tons of iron arrived at Cape
Fo i ' wea t her per steamer Shubtick. to be
used in the construction of the new light
I house.
The Willamette Woolen Mills shipped
twenty s;x thousand fTollars
goods o! their manufacture or
wtirtfi of
last Thurs-
An artesian well at Jacksonville
down 112 feet. The drill has struck very
hard rock .
Dr. A. I. Nicklin. of Salem, lias been
appointed physician at tie Klamath In
dian Reservation.
The Kuirene .T:j-ir;vil iys the only col
ored citizen of Lane county is a member
of the Grant and Wi'smi club.
The Courier reports a rrim. can. case at
Amity. Yamhill county. The hiubaud lias
sited for a divorce.
Portland had an $8,000 fire Friday
i morning. The house of a courtezan
! lit idget Gallagher was burned .down.
Col- Jo Teal has a Leicester buck. 15
i ,1 i - n it. . ..... r
, m out
ooi. on nts i oii couniv larm uoni
i which 1 7 put. mis
of wool was sheared
this season.
Multnomah Lngine Company No. I. of
Portland, has acee;ted
invitation to
visir, their brother firemen ol Albany
Wheat buyers at Salem complain that
the wheat brought into market is damn
and green. Millers have been co.npelied
to refuse some parcels.
Indian's don't want to give up Wallowa
valley in Union county, and threaten to
burn white settlers out. No families have
yet gone there.
Robert Ralston was accidentally shot at
Lebanon last, Friday evening. He has a
large circle of relations and friends living
at that place.
Mr. M. Y. Rrown. editor of Stale's Riahls
Democrat, returned home from a lengthy
visit, to Yatpiin i Ray, last week, much
improved in health.
The mm named Minslleld, whom we
mentioned sometime since as ncur dying
from the effects of a drunk, at Salem, has
become insane.
Walter Jackson has sold his shares in
the Salem Woolen Factory to J. lloyt.and
withdraws from the Company and the j
Secretaryship. J
Ruslness is somewhat reviving through j
the valley towns as the farmers come in j
to purchase harvest supplies "and to dis j
pose of iheir summer's products. j
The Riaiinlenler says Jasper Johnson I
was not much in Oregon, but be looms i
large now by contrast with the feebler
minds of the Atlantic side.
A young man named Rlain. aged about
seventeen, living three miles from Oak
land, accidentally shot himself in the head
v-iili a shot gun. His bead was blown
nearly to pieces.
Major Roberts has completed the speci
fications for the improvement of the Up
per Columbia, and has forwarded them to
Washington. The appropriation for the j i
work is $50,000.
Raker City shows greater signs of life
ami activity than any other town in E ist-
era Oregon. It. is ihe center of a large
mining country, which as yet is scarcely
At a meeting of the Teachers' Institute,
held at Eugene last week, a resolution
was passed, asking the Legislature to
create the office ot State Superintendent
of Public schools.
The Nevada Conference met August 15.
! at .'sierravilie, Cal. Rishoo Foster pre
sides. From that Conference he will
come direct to Salem, to hold the Oregon
Conference on the 2'J'h inst.
The following is a telegram from Eu
gene city, under date of the 2 1st inst. :
Last, evening L. I). Miller shot ami killed
M.G.Smith .Miller waived an examina
tion this morning and was committed lo
ihe custody of the Sheriff.
The prairie farmers up the valley report
jrenei ally that the Iruit has been cut off
by the late frosts, which even killed many
of the trees. It is probable that enough
for home supply will be furnished us. but
not much of a surplus. Apples w
apt o bear a fair price all tbc seaso
ill be
John McColiigan, who i.s supposed n
be somewhere in Oregon, is rcnnoA
report himself dead or alive either to it
Jacksonville Postmaster, or to Tkom
Scovell, Loctspert, ew York.
From the Sraiem Mercury : We learn by
a private tetter from a gentleman residing
at Cornelins, that on Saturday Aug. 3r(j
a lady named Mrs. IeLeu was" &un'
struck at Centreville. At last account
she was not expected to recover.
The Eugene City Guard says : ' From
April 7. 1S72. to date, there were fifty -g'x
drunks" before the Recorder, who wei-n
charged in the aggregate, $300 or (heir
SneRing.an Indian convict who escap
from prison at Walia Walla a few wee! g
since, surrendered himself at Salem a f?
days ago. He said he was sick and need
ed some one to take care of him.
Patents were recently issued to the fol
lowing Oregon inventors: Combined Hh -vester
and Thresher J. II. Robbins.Be:!
el. Mop Holder-G. Fleidner. Portland.
Sawing Machine J. Smith. Woodburn.
The Mountaineer says : ' The Third A
nual Fair of the Columbia District Agri
cultural Society will be held at the Sod-''
ty's grounds, three miles west of the
Dalles, commencing on the 17th of Sep
tember and continuing four days.''
In the last number of the Reporter an
pear the valedictory of Mr. Uandlev ami
the salutatory of Mr. Snyder. The-latter
gentleman promises to give his patron a
trood county paper." and we believe Le
wi! 1 do so.
Win. Bragg, who resides a short dis
tance from DiHas has reached the age of
101 years. The old g'uiileman is healthy
;i:,d active and can work yet. He came
to Oregon in 1st 1. and has resided bete
ever since.
The Dufnr brothers of Portland, hav '
recently purchased the splendid stock
farm of Mr. Reez'ey.on Fifteen Mile creek,
Waeo county, and will shortly remove
thither, where they expect to engage ex
tensively in the business of raising cattle.
The price paid Mr. Reezley was $7,000.
The Raj rock Democrtit says : --The most
of the miners at Rye Yullev ha ve. -stopped
wo;k for the season. There are now only
three claims running. The miners in thnt
camp have been, as a general thing, verv
fortunate this season, and' have realized
good pay for their labor."'
Salem is gorng ahead with the project
of building a bridge across the Willam
ette river at that place. The company
has filed articles of incorporation, with a
capita! stock of one hundred thousand
dollar-, and Rufus Mai lory. W. W. Piper
and W. F. Roothby. sis incorporators.
The Jacksonville Times says : "Indian
belonging at. camp Harney have been
raidinjr oil settlers on Crooked river .steal
ing hows and butchering cattle. A par
ty of soldiers followed them from Camp
Harney and alter u jaunt, of fi't en days
overlook them near Camp Warner, 2u0
miles distant. Q
Ren. Hi'irin. of La Grande a short
time sin e lef? town very soil ienly. cl
made a JV line for the raUro td. After
getting we'l n tils way he wrote back
and gave his nsor.s for gofnij. which iti
substance were that, h- bad beer, too fa
miliar with some fair but frail one. there
by forfeiting the society of his voting wife
and the respect of his friends.
At tl
nig of the S'a'e Teacher '.4
In-titote. he-M at FT; t gene City, last week.
! me subj.-ct of ebie.iiion was thoroughly
tpseussed. and various resolutions wen?
p,vsed for the consideration of the rn-ni-
hers of the Legislature at the next session.
They recommended that there be crean d
the oulee of State Superintendent of Pub
lic Schools and resolved in favor of va
rious modifications of the school law. .
Governor Grover received last week a
j Treasury warrant from the Comptroller
j of the Treasury at Washington f r
! 101 b'h being he amount d ie to Decern
j ber 1)1 IS71. of the " percent, fund ae
! or .log on sales- of public lands in Oiegoti.
On July 20.1871. lie alsro received a wa;-
rant for SO iS 7! ffr the same fund.
I making- $l'f.76! 1-fi received in the two
j years. So says the Jttrcery. O
j A large ttutnber of persons in different
parts of the State have been chosen by
the Spiritualists as a committee to tak?
j till necessary seps preparatory to a ioca
; tir.-n and iiisorp-oration of the proposed
Liberal College, ami that they receive all
bids, propositions and donations connect
ed therewith, and report the result of
their labor to the next. C-tove meeting at
Woodburn, cm the I2th of S?o-inibtT,.
Work on ihe rai!ro:d in ;!v.'
Roseburg is progressing
vicinity of
1'utunle'tler says : Contractor Eichar's men.
are pegging away at the deep rock cut
ting, half a mile from Roseburg. about tb
or.ly piece of grading- lo be done to com
plete the road to this place. This, and
the North Umpqu i bridge, are likely t
be finished about the same time. say About
six or seven weeks, and then all will be
ready for iron. The cut is over thirty
feet deep, in the solid rock, and toward
the bottom of the cut looks very black,
flinty and refractor)', but the thundering
blasts that hourly make the welkin ring,
show that L cliar is on it.
From the Jacksonville Sentinel of Satur
day : John D. Meyer, who was clerking in
Rigler A: Pro's store on Little Rutte creek
was drowned in that s-ream on Saturday
last. He left the store at 2 o'clock at.d
went to the creek to take a bathe, arid not
returning, the neighbors went in search
of him. They toond his clothes near
where a large rock projected into the
stream, and his body was found several
hundred feet below. It is suppose; that
he fell and struck his head against a reck,
as there was a heavy bruise on bis fore
head, and drowned before recovering
from the concussion. -Mr. Meyer wis
about ll.S years of age.
A member of the Executive Committee,
of tint Oregon State Agricultural Society
informs the Slalfsnvtn that extensive im
provements are in pi ogress for the corn -i.tg
State l air. Nearly one hundred ad
ditional stalls for cattle have been erect
ed, and workmen are engaged in building
pens for swine, additional stables for the
horses, etc. fn accordance with the or
der of the Roard the track has been
changed, ami the ground surveyed for tie
building of one hundred booths for tie
ust' of retailers during Ihe annual Fairs.
Twelve of these are being finished, which
will add materially to Ihe appearance of
the grounds, and when, next vear. the
plans already
commenced shall have
in place of the dismai-
een Complete. 1
looking shanties, which have hereto!' re
been a disgrace to the Society, we are to
have handsomely finished mid. nice y
painted buildings. Other impnivenien H
are in progress, anil nothing witnin oc
means of the Society will be left under e
lo make the Fair of 1S72 a success. Fr m
information received by the officers, it ii
believed that the exhibition of blood, d
stock will be far in excess of former yea
most, if not all of it, equal to the best in
the Uuiled State".
YiuoiNiA. The election in West
Virginia took place yesterday. We
have no doubt but what the Dem
ocracy were successful, unless the
Radicals had the same opportuni
ties to bring in fraudulent votes as
thev had in Xorth Carolina.
1 ii.Tt'RK. We are indebted to
the Liberal Republican Committee
for a very fine picture of Horace
Greelev. the next President of thu
United State?.